1 Sermon notes for August 17, 2003 The Emotions of Jesus Series The Pity Of Jesus John 20:10-19 The Call to Worship had just been pronounced starting Easter Sunday morning service in an East Texas church. The choir started its processional, singing “Up from the Grave He Arose” as they marched in perfect step down the center aisle to the front of the church. The last lady was wearing shoes with very slender heels. Without a thought for her fancy heels, she marched toward the grating that covered the hot air register in the middle of the aisle. Suddenly the heel of one shoe sank into the hole in the register grate. In a flash she realized her predicament. Not wishing to hold up the whole processional, without missing a step, she slipped her foot out of her shoe and continued marching down the aisle. There wasn’t a hitch. The processional moved with clock-like precision. The first man after her spotted the situation and without losing a step, reached down and pulled up her shoe, but the entire grate came with it! Surprised, but still singing, the man kept on going down the aisle, holding in his hand the grate with the shoe attached. Everything still moved like clockwork. Still in tune and still in step, the next man in line stepped into the open register and disappeared from sight. The service took on a special meaning that Sunday, for just as the choir ended with “Allelujah! Christ arose!” a voice was heard under the church shouting . . . “I hope all of you are out of the way ‘cause I’m coming out now!” The little girl closest to the aisle shouted, “Come on, Jesus! We’ll stay out of the way.” Introduction A. The WORLD’S VIEW Of God. 1. It is always interesting to ask a person “on the street” what they think of God. a. untouchable b. unknowable c. wrathful d. powerful 2. Very few non-believers see God as personal and knowable. a. you almost get the idea that most non-believers have a view of God as the “Wizard of Oz” 1. unapproachable 2. angry 3. demanding b. therefore, God is not only “far off,” He is unknowable – so why bother? B. The BIBLE’S VIEW Of God. 1. The best way to truly understand the “personality” or “nature” of God, is to simply look at Jesus. a. John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” b. John 1:14 – “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” c. John 14:9b – “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” 2. So . . . if you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus. 2 3. Today we are going to see a side of Jesus that was full of pity and compassion for those who loved Him. a. we will look today at a woman, a woman who had been touched by the mercy and love of Jesus, Mary Magdalene b. who became a “living illustration” of one who first hand experienced the pity of God I. The DEPRESSION Of Mary Magdalene. A. The STORY Of Mary Magdalene. 1. Her deliverance by Jesus. a. Mary was called Magdalene because she lived in Magdala, a Galilean trading city b. Jesus had delivered her from seven demons in Luke 8:1-3 - After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Cuba, the manager of Herod's household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means. 2. Her devotion to Jesus. a. Luke 8:3 says, “these women were helping to support them out of their own means. Mary and the other women were totally devoted to Jesus and His disciples b. their life’s work was to physically care for Jesus and His ministry c. out of her love for Jesus, she served - Jesus was thinking of Mary when He said in Luke 7:47 – “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven--for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little." d. we will see Mary’s evidential love for Jesus: 1. she traveled with Him and cared for His needs 2. she will be with Jesus through His trial, beatings, and crucifixion 3. she will help to anoint the body of Jesus after His death 4. she will return to the tomb on Sunday to further anoint His body 5. of all of those who traveled with Jesus, she was certainly one, if not the most faithful in her love for Him B. The STRUGGLE Of Mary Magdalene. 1. The sequence of events after Jesus’ death: a. about 5:00 a.m., Mary Magdalene, along with Mary the mother of James and Salome set out for the tomb. Mary Magdalene hurried on ahead of the others, found the tomb open and ran to tell Peter and John. b. about 5:30 a.m., the other women arrive. By this time the sun was up. (Mark 16:2). They saw an angel who sent a message to the disciples. (Matt. 28:5; Mark 16:5) c. about 6:00 a.m. another group arrived at the tomb. They saw what appeared to be “two young men” who gave them words of comfort and instructions. (Luke 24:4) 3 d. about 6:30 a.m. Peter and John came to the tomb. Mary Magdalene followed them. After seeing the empty tomb, Peter and John return home. Mary Magdalene did not go home, but remained at the tomb. 2. Her struggle with the events after Jesus’ death. a. she is confused 1. everything is happening so fast that Mary can’t process the information. a. the LAST thing that Mary thought was that Jesus’ body would NOT be there – after all, she was going to anoint His body! b. she not only doesn’t know where the body is c. she fears that someone has STOLEN the body of Jesus! 1. maybe the Romans stole the body to further make sport of a man who purported to be a king 2. maybe the Jews stole the body because Jesus predicted that He would come back from the dead 2. she is totally “at a loss” b. she is crying 1. the Greek word that describes her crying is the word klaio a. it means to bawl; to pour forth tears b. it is the same word used of those who cried at the tomb of Lazarus c. some even call it a “traditional eastern death wail” d. if you look at the recent pictures of Iraqi women crying at the death of their husbands or sons, you get a good idea of this type of crying 2. her crying is a type which no one can console; she is hopeless c. she is curious 1. but despite her tears, she is curious as to what had happened in the tomb 2. PLEASE REMEMBER, SHE HAS NO CONCEPT THAT JESUS WOULD HAVE RESURRECTED 3. she simply stoops over in her tears, to attempt to gain some kind of information to help her understand what could have happened II. The DIFFICULTY Of Mary. A. The SIGHT Of The Angels. 1. As Mary looked into the tomb, she saw two men dressed in white. 2. Mary does not know who they are – after all, she has never seen an angel. 3. AT THIS POINT, ALL THAT MARY CARES ABOUT IS THE LOCATION OF JESUS’ BODY. 4. She simply wants SOMEONE to tell her WHAT IS GOING ON! B. The STANDING Of The Angels. 1. PLEASE NOTICE that verse 12 says of these angels: “One (stood) at the head and the other at the foot.” 2. Mary had no idea what has “just” happened and the significance of these two angels and their position in the tomb. 4 a. Exodus 25:17-22 - "Make an atonement cover of pure gold--two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide. And make two cherubim out of hammered gold at the ends of the cover. Make one cherub on one end and the second cherub on the other; make the cherubim of one piece with the cover, at the two ends. The cherubim are to have their wings spread upward, overshadowing the cover with them. The cherubim are to face each other, looking toward the cover. Place the cover on top of the ark and put in the ark the Testimony, which I will give you. There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the Testimony, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites.” b. Each year in the Tabernacle, on the Day of Atonement, blood was to be placed on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant between the two cherubim. c. I agree with A.W. Pink who says these two angels, seen in the tomb by Mary Magdalene, one at the head and the other at the foot, represented the cherubim. These angels faced each other one where Jesus’ blood had been shed. 1. The MAIN TASK of the cherubim in heaven is to worship and praise Jesus FOREVER. 2. ALREADY, they are fulfilling their God-ordained responsibility. C. The STATEMENT Of The Angels. 1. The angel’s question to Mary – “Why are you crying?” a. From their perspective, they don’t understand why Mary is crying. 1. after all, they are angels and don’t understand tears at all. a. they have never been humans and don’t understand inner pain b. in essence, they wonder what would cause tears, because they are from a place that knows no tears (Rev. 7:17) 2. as far as they are concerned, this should, instead, be a time for great joy! a. the Jesus that they are called to worship, has just died for the sins of mankind on a cross b. and now HAS RESURRECTED! WHAT GOOD NEWS! 3. THEY ARE QUITE CONFUSED BY TEARS OF SADNESS. IF ANYTHING, THERE SHOULD BE TEARS OF JOY! b. from their perspective, it was not actually a question by the angels but a mild rebuke 1. several commentators said, there were “wasted tears” a. Mary “thought” that Jesus was dead, when in fact He was more “alive” than ever. b. her tears were based on a “false assumption” c. A.W. Pink “How often we mourn over the absence of things which in reality are within our grasp, and even at our right hand! Two-thirds of the things we 5 fear in life never happen at all, and two-thirds of the tears we shed are thrown away, and shed in vain. Let us pray for more faith and patience, and allow more time for the development of God’s purposes: let us believe that things are often working together for our peace and joy, which seem at one time to contain nothing but bitterness and sorrow. 2. let us see however, that this was Mary’s condition, and to HER WAY OF THINKING, THIS WAS A GREAT TRAGEDY. 2. Mary Magdalene’s answer to the angels. a. her confusion about the resurrection 1. be reminded that it NEVER OCCURRED TO HER THAT JESUS WOULD HAVE RESURRECTED! FROM THE DEAD! 2. she was simply fulfilling the duty she had offered to Jesus for the last three years 3. because EVEN AFTER HIS DEATH, SHE WAS COMMITTED TO HIM! b. her care after the resurrection 1. it was TOTALLY OBVIOUS HOW MUCH MARY LOVED THE “LIVING” JESUS a. she was saved by Jesus from a life of pain, destruction and loss b. she dedicated her life to serving Him c. she followed Jesus to His trial, beatings and crucifixion 2. it was TOTALLY OBVIOUS HOW MUCH MARY LOVED THE “DEAD” JESUS a. she was there at His burial b. and now she was “again” there to finally and properly prepare His body for burial 3. it was TOTALLY OBVIOUS HOW MUCH MARY LOVED THE “STOLEN” JESUS a. she was “beside herself” in grief b. her absolute and total love for Jesus overtook her brain 1. when Mary walked to the tomb a. how was she going to get past the Roman guards to anoint His body? b. how was she going to roll away the stone? 2. and later she would say to Jesus: “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him and I will get Him.” a. do you see that Mary says – TELL ME WHERE HE IS AND I WILL GO GET HIM? 1. was she going to go carry Jesus’ body back to the tomb? 6 2. D.G. Barnhouse said this: “She was a 120 pound woman who had been drawn in her soul for 3 days and who had already made the trip between Jerusalem and the tomb 3 times. She was offering to carry the inert body of a man who weighed perhaps 160 pounds. She couldn’t have done it, but she would have split her heart trying.” b. Mary, HERSELF, was willing to do ANYTHING FOR JESUS – DEAD OR ALIVE! III. The DISCOVERY Of Mary. A. The CONFRONTATION Of Jesus. 1. Jesus suddenly appears to Mary. a. Mary is so distraught that she doesn’t recognize Jesus 1. she thought He was the caretaker of the garden; a gardener 2. she is perhaps unable to see clearly through her tears b. and obviously, she is not looking for a risen Jesus 2. Jesus suddenly questions Mary. a. question number one – the pain of Jesus - “Why are you crying?” 1. unlike the angels, Jesus knew FIRSTHAND the pain that caused tears 2. unlike the angels, Jesus asked a question of pity, compassion and grief BECAUSE MARY WAS BROKEN b. question number two – the purpose of Jesus – “Who are you looking for?” 1. at this point, Jesus wanted to say, “Mary, WHO are you looking for?” Mary, AREN’T YOU LOOKING FOR ME? a. “Mary, I told you that I was the one.” b. “Mary, I told you that I would come back from the dead.” c. MARY, YOU UNDERESTIMATED ME! 1. I DIDN’T LIE TO YOU! 2. I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH! 3. IT’S ME! I AM HERE! I AM HE!!! 2. but . . . instead of SCREAMING AT MARY, LOOK WHAT JESUS DID. B. The COMFORT Of Jesus. 1. The personal attention of Jesus. a. all that Jesus says to her is “Mary” 1. Jesus spoke to her in her native Aramaic 2. many believe that Jesus used a name of endearment that He used when He talked personally to Mary a. Miriam b. our name for Beth: “Bethey” b. this certainly makes sense with what Jesus said in John 10:3b – “He calls His sheep by name and leads them out.” 7 c. Mary knows IMMEDIATELY that it is Jesus d. John Milne – “One word which made her world and transformed her life forever after, and the word was her own name!” 2. The personal affection of Mary. a. she IMMEDIATELY turns around! 1. it is by reflex 2. she knew EXACTLY who it was 3. THERE WAS AN INSTANT, PERSONAL REACTION b. she cries out “Rabboni” 1. not only does she cry out - Teacher, Master 2. but actually: a. my Lord! b. my Master! c. my Savior! d. my own dear teacher! 3. The physical attachment of Mary. a. so overwhelmed, so overjoyed, so enamored was Mary that she physically grabbed Jesus 1. perhaps out of sheer relief 2. perhaps out of sheer joy 3. perhaps out of sheer love 4. perhaps out of sheer “fear” a. fear that she would not “let Him go” b. fear that He would ever leave her again c. fear that caused her to want Him for herself b. she grabbed Jesus instinctively C. The CAUTION Of Jesus. 1. A new reality is introduced. a. Jesus lets Mary know very quickly that she could not “hold onto” or “secure” Him b. For Jesus said in verse 17a – “I have not yet returned to my Father.” 1. Mary, you want to hold onto me physically, but I must go, because our relationship is now “beyond the physical” 2. “For as I was with you “physically,” I could not be with everyone “physically.” When I return, I will be able to be with EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY YOU MARY, SPIRITUALLY ALL OF THE TIME!” 3. “And, unless I go, that won’t happen.” 4. “Mary, you think that you know me now ‘physically.’ You will know me infinitely better ‘spiritually.’” 2. A new relationship is introduced. a. “Mary, we will have a different relationship 1. until now, I have called you servants, friends and children 2. then, I will call you brothers 8 b. we will be IN THE SAME FAMILY! 1. MY Abba Father will be YOUR Abba Father 2. and this ALMIGHTY, POWERFUL, OMNIPOTENT GOD WILL BE YOUR ALMIGHTY POWERFUL OMNIPOTENT GOD 3. because . . . I leave you Conclusion: 1. Why did Jesus show such pity and love to Mary Magdalene at the tomb? a. Mary was a woman. 1. In Jewish society, women were inferior people, especially spiritually. 2. One Rabbi taught, “If a man gives his daughter a knowledge of the law, it is as though he taught her lechery. (Ellezer) b. Mary was an insignificant woman 1. All that we know of Mary Magdalene was that she had been possessed by seven demons that Jesus sent from her. As a result of this, Mary served Jesus as He ministered on this earth. 2. She had nothing to give, nothing to offer, nothing to warrant His forgiveness. c. Mary was an insignificant, loving woman. 1. She knew nothing about theology, the Law or righteousness. 2. All that she knew was that she loved Jesus Christ. a. she did not love the “doctrine of Jesus,” the Bible that taught of Jesus, or the Temple that represented Jesus b. Mary simply loved Jesus – 1. and to such a one, Jesus dedicated His life and love 2. look at His beatitudes: a. Matt. 5:3 - "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” b. Matt. 5:4 – “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” c. Matt.5:5 – “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” 2. We must see Mary Magdalene as a real model of the object of Jesus’ pity and love. a. While there is nothing wrong with doctrine and study - while these things are a true blessing in the believer’s life b. Mary totally loved Jesus. 1. It’s not that she didn’t love the truths that He taught 2. or that she didn’t love the work that He did, 3. Mary simply loved Jesus a. the danger of loving doctrine and beliefs and not Jesus Himself b. Sears example: good, better, best c. Why was Mary Magdalene’s love for Jesus such a wonderful model? 1. Biblical support for Mary Magdalene’s love a. John 14:6 - Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” b. Matt. 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 9 c. John 6:35 - Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” d. John 15:5 - "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” 2. Evidential support of Mary Magdalene’s love a. John the disciple looked into the empty tomb and believed. He then ran back to tell the others. b. Mary, instead stayed behind because she wanted to “be with Jesus.” 1. James M. Boice – “What keeps Mary there? Not curiosity, certainly. Not faith. Not hope in a miracle. Mary is there only because she loves Jesus and consequently will not leave until the end.” 2. A.W. Pink – “The men were quicker to grasp, intellectually, the meaning of the empty tomb, but Mary was the more devoted, and this Christ rewarded. Mary exemplifies the case of those whose hearts seek Christ, but whose minds are ill-informed. It is the heart God ever looks at. We may know much truth intellectually, but unless the heart is absorbed with Christ, He will not reveal Himself to such as one in the intimacies of love and communion.” 3. How do you express your love for Jesus? a. John 5:39-40 – “you diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” b. My parents’ WWII letters c. William Barclay – “Christianity does not mean knowing about Jesus; it means knowing Jesus.” d. When we talk “about” Jesus not “to” Jesus – In the early 1920’s in Communist Russia, the great communist Nikolai Bukharin was sent from Moscow to Kiev to address an anti-God rally. For an hour he abused and ridiculed the Christian faith until it seemed as it were hopeless for anyone to believe in Christianity. Then questions were invited. An Orthodox church priest rose and asked to speak. He walked up behind the podium, faced the people, and gave the Easter greeting, “He is risen!” Instantly the assembly of thousands rose to its feet and shouted back loud and clear, “He is risen indeed!”