ORIENTVILLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BONGABON RETIREMENT VILLAGE AND BUSINESS RESORT INTRODUCTION Protection of the environment can also be ensured along the line of planned community development. Areas covered by the Industrial Forestry Management Agreement (IFMA), aside from being maintained for forestry conservation and productive industrial forestry endeavor, can be also used for planned community development purposes. The development strategy is to explore the natural beauty of a forested area and establish villages that can be used for retirement living and tourism purposes. The project presents an alternative use for a portion of the IFMA No. 307-12312019 in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. Its location along the foot of the central part of the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in Nueva Ecija, and its natural beauty for a planned community, offers better alternative for a retirement village. The location of the forest resource conservation project that has been maintained for more than 10 years by the Orientville Development Corporation is strategic. This proposal therefore will explore the feasibility of establishing a retirement village as a planned community for housing, sports and recreation, health care service delivery, and business gathering purposes. The proposal nevertheless will adhere to the government laws and regulations appertaining to the management of industrial forestry areas. PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The goal of the project is to develop a planned community as a retirement village with all the social and physical amenities for international retirement living. Specifically, the objectives of the project are: 1. To identify about 150 hectares of the AFMA No. 307-12312019 under the stewardship of the Orientville Development Corporation to be alienable and disposable and for conversion into a planned community, 2. To prepare the physical development plan for the retirement village identifying settlement area, areas for sports and leisure purposes, and areas for forestry resource conservation, 3. To prepare a detailed plan of operations for the operation of the retirement village, 4. To prepare the project financing alternatives for the establishment and operations of the retirement village, 5. To prepare a marketing plan for the retirement village. THE PROJECT AREA Location The Industrial Forestry Management Agreement (IFMA) area is located in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija, about 20 kilometers from the provincial capital of Palayan City, 40 kilometers from the commercial capital of Cabanatuan City, and about 160 kilometers from Manila. The site lies approximately between 15037’24” to 1210 15”14” longitude. It is located 2.3 kilometers southeast of Barangay Calaanan and Digmala; 1.2 kilometers southwest of Barangay Labi and 1.9 kilometers east of Barangay Olivete all in the municipality Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. History of the Area The IFMA area used to be part of the logging concession held by a defunct company named Digmala Lumber Co., and therefore lies on a logged-over area. The roads that exist and crisscross the area are actually abandoned logging roads which needs improvement. Topography The topography of the IFMA area is steep to moderately rolling. The highest peak is 960 meters above sea level (MSAL) while the lowest is 300 MSAL. The site is bounded on the north by the mountainous portion of the “Central Knot” of Caraballo Sur Mountains while the mountainous eastern and south eastern portions are part of the Sierra Madre Rabge wuitg uits oeaj if 1,812 MSAL. Vegetation and Forest Cover The IFMA area is mostly degraded residual forest (64%) with spots of open lands or brush lands (17%). Although t he terrain is generally rugged, the greater portion (68%) of the degraded residual forest (DRF) area lie on slopes below 50% . There is a portion of natural forest which is not so degraded and this has been site aside for protection. The purpose of this special treatment is to preserve as much as possible the original Dipterocarp forest type. Development activities for this area shall be limited to rattan plantation and wildlife sanctuary. PROJECT STRATEGIES Advocating for Environmental Conservation Along With Retirement Living The IFMA Project will be maintained by adhering to the forest management agreement between the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Orienville Development Corporation. The secondary growth forest will be protected and open brushland will be planted to recommended agroforestry species. The existing road system will be further improved and maintained. Other commercial trees and plant species will be introduced in the area for research and germplasm maintenance purposes. Similarly, animal for production and gaming purposes will be also introduced in the project. A freshwater pond for fish aquaculture and gaming purposes will be also established. In attaining the said strategic courses of action, a product that support a balanced environmental conservation for peaceful and happy living of local and international clients will be established. Integrated Package of Services The retirement village will offer an integrated package of services, which include retirement living, hotel and convention services, health care services, leisure and recreation, training services particularly English language training and caregiver training facilities. Part of the residual forest will be developed as wildlife sanctuary and can be used for gaming purposes. International and Domestic Marketing The services of the retirement village will be offered to both international and domestic clients. These will include long term retirees who will occupy the retirement village, international tourist for short term travel, organizations for convention and leisure, and other guest who will come to avail of the wide array of services. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Principal Services a) Retirement Village The retirement village will be established as cluster o houses or terraced houses. Their architecture will suit to a village surrounded by forest cover that will overlook the lower parts of the town of Bongabon. b) Hotel and Convention Center The hotel and convention center will serve200 guest for lodging and 500 guests for convention. The hotel and convention services of will be also offer regular activities such as trade fairs, job fairs, and investment fairs. Through these services, the use of the facilities will be optimized. c) Training and Health Center The training and health center will include a Language Training Center for Korean and Chinese visitors, caregiver center for local workers who want to pursue a career in caregiving abroad, and a clinic that can be used for medical tourism purposes.. d) Golf Course The village will also establish and maintain a golf course both for residents of the village, guests, and regular members. e) Water Sports A man-made lake will be established for water sports such as game fishing, rowing, and swimming. The facilities will be also used for the popular endurance sports. Support Services a) Road The existing road will be further improved. Other roads will be put up for the interconnection of the all the facilities to be established. b) Transportation A regular transportation service will be maintained using air-conditioned coaches to serve the guests. It will be regularly transporting guest going in and out of the area with Cabanatuan City as the waiting area. This will be operated as a service to be wholly and partly subsidized by the project. c) Communications The village will establish its own local cable television facility. In the future, it will offer to residents and guests the three-in-one services of cable television, telephone, and internet services. d) Water The project will establish its own water system that will provide the requirement of the facilities, including the water sports facilities. e) Security and Safety The project will be put under strict security. It will commission a security agency to maintain peace and safety in the area. It will also install the necessary electronic security device. Environmental Conservation Plan a) Livestock sanctuary The dipterocarp forest that is being protected under will be transformed into a livestock sanctuary with both native and introduced wildlife. The sanctuary will be used for research and leisure purposes. b) Reforestation and forest resource conservation The reforestation plan as prepared in the IFMA will be followed. INDICATIVE PROJECT COST Particular 1. Organizational and planning cost a. Feasibility studies b. Land survey c. Business permits and licenses 3. Physical Development a. Facilities Hotel Assumption To be contracted out 100 hectares, 500 $US per hectare Municipal permit, DENR permit, etc. 200 room hotel, 4,000 square meters multi-storey building with reception halls, 20 square meters of building space per room Cost (US$) 30,000 50,000 6,000 1,600,000 Training Center Retirement Home Golf Course Water Sports Wildlife Sanctuary b. Support Infrastructure Roads Water system Standby automatic generator c. Support facilities Transportation Communications 4. Operating Cost Totol Project Development and Initial Operating Cost Funding Negotiation a. Loan facilitation b. Insurance for collateral TOTAL PROJECT COST 125 rooms dormitory and training center, 1,500 square meters (500 bed capacity), 4 persons per room, 5 square meters per bed 2 bedroom, 70 square meters, 28,000 $US per unit, 200 units 60 hectares 5 hectares 50 hectares 600,000 5,600,000 1,000,000 500,000 250,000 10 kilometers, 50,000 $US per kilometer 100,000 galloons tank with pump To supply the power need of the village in case of power interruption 500,000 2 coach service, 100,000 $US per unit Community cable television, telephone, and internet 1,000,000 $US per year for 2 years for marketing and promotions, security and safety, facilities maintenance, and other administrative and operating activities 200,000 500,000 40,000 40,000 2,000,000 12,916,000 1.5 percent of the project cost 2.5 percent of the loan 193,740 322,900 13,432,640 The above indicative project cost of more than 13 million $US is attractive for financing. the financial viability vis-à-vis the project cost can be measured by carrying out a more detailed feasibility studies. CONCLUSION The magnitude of the project, on top of the present trend in retirement village development and ecological tourism will make the project attractive for international funding.