SNIPER Bulletin Searchable Networked Intellectual Property Electronic Resource May 2015 Note: Due to copyright requirements, IP Australia Library is unable to directly supply copies of these articles to readers outside IP Australia. Please contact your local library to obtain copies of these articles by interlibrary loan. IP Australia (this Agency) encourages the dissemination and exchange of information provided in this publication. The Commonwealth owns the copyright in all material produced by this Agency. All material presented in this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia, with the exception of: ∙ the Commonwealth Coat of Arms ∙ this Agency’s logo, and ∙ content supplied by third parties. The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website, as is the full legal code for the CC BY 3.0 AU license. Attribution Material obtained from this publication is to be attributed to this Agency as: © Commonwealth of Australia 2013. Third party copyright Wherever a third party holds copyright in material presented in this publication, the copyright remains with that party. Their permission may be required to use the material. This Agency has made all reasonable efforts to: ∙ clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party, and ∙ ensure that the copyright owner has consented to this material being presented in this publication. Contact us Enquiries about this publication can be sent to: IP Australia Library Email: Phone: (02) 6283 2301 ISSN: 2202-753X SNIPER No.: 2015/00141 Author: Jones, Simon Title: 3D printing across borders Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 26-28. Summary: Implications for intellectual property from 3D printing -- impact of 3D printing on traditional businesses -- protecting designs from infringement -- CJEU recently ruled that artistic designs could be protected against infringement -- unauthorised 3D printing will infringe literary copyright on product design files -- home copying exception did not anticipate the introduction of 3D printing -- sharing designs over the internet -- P2P copying -- comparison of Chinese and European IP rights -- exploiting the new technology to generate new revenue streams. Subject: Three dimensional printing Subject: Copyright infringement SNIPER No.: 2015/00140 Author: Hornick, John F. Title: 3D printing 'away from control' Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 26-28. Summary: Scale of 3D printing will have an effect on IP -- loss of IP income -- 3D printing may result in widespread copying -- opposition to IP rights -- use of internet and crowd sourcing to challenge 3D printing patent applications -- IP system will continue to work effectively for traditional manufacturing methods -- printing replacement parts -- 3D printed health care products -- IP rights owners will have some control if a 3D printed product is sold -- inadequate law to deal with 3D printing -- digital rights management -- transition to non-IP-rights-based businesses. Subject: Three dimensional printing Subject: Intellectual property rights SNIPER No.: 2015/00081 Author: World Intellectual Property Organization. Economics and Statistics Division Title: 2013 Hague yearly review: international registrations of industrial designs [electronic resource] Source: Hague Yearly Review. 2013. General Note: Fourth report in a series. Summary: Hague system -- international industrial design applications 2012 -- use of the Hague system -- international applications and registrations -- international registrations by country of origin -- multinational registrations -- registrations by class -- registration renewals -- administrative procedures -- developments in membership -- legal framework -- membership by country -statistical tables. Subject: Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs (1999 July 2)--statistics Subject: International industrial design applications--statistics SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 1 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00082 Author: World Intellectual Property Organization. Economics and Statistics Division Title: 2014 Madrid yearly review: international registrations of marks [electronic resource] Source: Madrid Yearly Review. 2014 General Note: WIPO Publication No. 940E/14 General Note: Ninth report in a series. Summary: Madrid System use -- international trade mark applications, 2013 key figures -international registrations -- international registrations by origin -- geographic coverage of Madrid international registrations -- coverage of goods and services -- refusals -- renewals -- international registrations in force -- administration, revenue and fees -- fee distribution among members -developments in the Madrid System -- Madrid members -- summary of the Madrid system. Subject: Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (1891 April 14). Protocols, etc., 1989 June 27--statistics Subject: International trade mark applications--statistics SNIPER No.: 2015/00295 Author: Chan, Johnny Author: Zhang, Lily Author: Lee, Jeffrey Author: Glass, Gregory Title: The 2015 Asia IP copyright survey: a guide to Asia's copyright laws Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 7-27. Summary: Copyright laws in Asia -- summary of current practice and changes -- recommended firms -- Greater China: China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan -- North Asia: Japan, South Korea -Southeast Asia; Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam -- South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka -- Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea. Subject: Copyright--law and legislation--Asia Subject: Intellectual property industry--Asia SNIPER No.: 2015/00084 Author: Hiltz, Ralph H. Author: Köklü, Kaya Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: Access and use: open vs. proprietary worlds [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-07, 29 April 2013. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 2 of 63 Summary: Obtaining a balance between open and proprietary worlds -- framing laws to achieve that balance -- Creative Commons licenses -- allowing copyrighted work to be used by others -current IP system does not impede open models -- open source software -- incentives for open access publications for scientific research results -- user-generated content on freely accessible online platforms -- contrast between Google and Wikipedia -- open innovation within the patent system -- legal safeguards to prevent over exclusive rights. Subject: Computer-related inventions Subject: Intellectual property--social aspects Subject: Intellectual property licensing SNIPER No.: 2014/02136 Author: Pusceddu, Piergiuseppe Title: Access to medicines and TRIPS: compliance in India and Brazil Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 790-801. Summary: Access to health care in developing countries -- removing barriers to access medicines -- impact of TRIPS on access to health -- perception that IPR regime for pharmaceuticals was unjust -- India implemented TRIPS in three stages -- compulsory licenses -- generic pharmaceuticals -- patent opposition -- Bolar exception -- parallel imports -- national system to secure access to health in Brazil -- economic pressures of TRIPS on developing countries -ensuring TRIPS compliance -- no national exhaustion scheme in Brazil -- pre and post grant opposition to patents -- Novartis v Union of India involving evergreening -- Cristália Produtos Quimicos Farmacêuticos LTDA v INPI judgment on pipeline patents. Subject: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (1994 April 15) Subject: Pharmaceuticals--law and legislation--India Subject: Pharmaceuticals--law and legislation--Brazil Subject: Compulsory licensing--pharmaceutical industry SNIPER No.: 2015/00323 Author: Buhyoff, Gregory F. Title: Action plan for Asia Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 38. Summary: Protection of IP rights in China and Vietnam -- use of non disclosure agreements for trade secrets -- protecting against infringement when outsourcing products -- identifying the scope of infringements -- operating within the law when trading in other countries. Subject: Intellectual property rights--China Subject: Intellectual property rights--Vietnam SNIPER No.: 2014/02207 Author: Davis, Theodore H. Author: Brenner, Lauren Title: Allegations of fraudulent procurement and maintenance of federal registrations since in re Bose Corp. Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 933-1000. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 3 of 63 Summary: Finding in Bose based on filing a declaration of continued use -- Medinol standard -negligence opposed to fraud -- courts applied a variety of different tests for fraud after Bose finding -- application oath -- examples of successful and failed fraudulent procurement claims -failure to disclose other users of same or similar marks -- bona fide intent to use -- allegations of fraud in cancellations actions -- inaccuracies in dates of first use -- submission of inaccurate or misleading specimens -- fraudulent claims of distinctiveness -- disclosure of historical significance. Subject: Trade mark registrability--United States Subject: Fraud--United States SNIPER No.: 2014/00713 Author: Scassa, Teresa Title: Antisocial trademarks Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 103 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1172-1213. Summary: Public order and morality considerations when excluding a trade mark from registration -- Ordre public principle -- three categories of antisocial trade marks -- antisocial marks under TRIPS -- provisions only relate to registration of trade marks not a ban on the use of the mark -comparison of case law in Canada, USA and UK -- post-registration challenges -- freedom of expression -- adoption of a mark used in relation to antisocial goods and services -- plain packaging of tobacco products -- trade marks associated with harmful goods -- antisocial brand messages -- registrations for club logos -- criminal organisations benefitting from registered trade marks. Subject: Trade mark registrability Subject: Public interest SNIPER No.: 2014/01656 Author: Li, Yue Title: Application of Article 33 of China's Patent Law Source: China Intellectual Property: comprehensive IP report on China. Vol. 60 No. 3-4, MarchApril 2014, pp. 60-67. Summary: Amendments to patent application documents -- examination standards -- lack of flexibility for examiners -- patent amendments not to exceed the scope of written description or claims under first filing -- case studies -- request for invalidation -- agricultural chemical industry -re-examination applications -- standard of ordinary persons skilled in the art -- first to file principle -Markush claims. Subject: Patent amendment--China Subject: Patent applications--China Subject: Patent validity--China SNIPER No.: 2013/02877 Author: De Beer, Jeremy, 1975Title: Applying best practice principles to international intellectual property lawmaking Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 884-901. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 4 of 63 Summary: International intellectual property treaties -- international lawmaking -- Max Planck Principles for Intellectual Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements -- changing nature of international IP lawmaking -- applying the Principles -- Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) -- Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) -- Pan-African Intellectual Property Organization (PAIPO) -- Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (VIP Treaty). Subject: International intellectual property law Subject: Intellectual property--treaties SNIPER No.: 2015/00092 Author: Stoll, Thimo Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: Are you still in?: the impact of licensing requirements on the composition of standards setting organizations [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-18, 8 December 2014. Summary: ICT Specification of licensing requirements is used to reduce the incentive to use patents for strategic purposes -- European Commission fostering open standards -- standardessential patents must be licensed on a royalty-free basis -- royalty-free (RF) licenses as a substitute for fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) option -- incentives to join a standards setting organisation -- OASIS and W3C --interoperability standards in ICT -- tension between patents and standards -- analysis of the active and influential SSOs in ICT -- effect of opportunistic behaviour by owners of standard-essential patents on standards implementation. Subject: Standards (Technical)--Europe Subject: Patents--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00333 Author: McMaster, Wayne Author: Kelp, Jonathan Author: Evetts, Megan Title: AstraZeneca cholesterol patents held invalid Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 66-68. Summary: AstraZeneca AB v Apotex Pty Ltd -- Full Federal Court ruled patents for Rosuvastatin invalid -- judgment considered novelty, inventive step, entitlement, fair basis, priority date and indirect infringement -- AstraZeneca to apply for special leave to appeal in respect of the low dose patent -- sale of generic pharmaceuticals -- test for inventive step depends on filing date of application -- prior art document can anticipate an invention -- method of treatment claims. Subject: Patent validity--case law--Australia Subject: Inventive step--case law--Australia Subject: Pharmaceuticals--case law--Australia SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 5 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/00717 Author: Mitchell, Glenn, 1962Title: "Aura" as quality: a sumptuary law for our times? Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 103 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1273-1277. Summary: Harm caused by sale of inferior quality trade marked goods -- Copad v. Christian Dior Couture SA decision expanded notion of the quality of merchandise -- goods manufactured by authorised licensee sold directly to a discount retailer -- "aura of luxury" -- brand positioning -Copad decision restricts who can buy and wear or display goods. Subject: Brand management--Europe Subject: Trade mark licensing--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00151 Author: Erciyas, Selin Sinem Yal?ncakl? Author: Korkmaz, Aysel Title: Barrier in Turkey Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 60-61. Summary: New draft patent law to promote economic growth and harmonise national with international patent law -- pharmaceutical industry opposition to first draft -- lack of clear provision for second medical use claims -- patentability of biotechnological inventions -- divisional patent applications -- restriction of patent infringement claims -- patent examination process changed -- IP rights should be ruled by a law not a Decree law. Subject: Patents--law and legislation--Turkey Subject: Harmonisation of laws--Turkey SNIPER No.: 2015/00296 Author: Zhang, Lily Author: Chan, Johnny Author: Lee, Jeffrey Title: BIP Asia highlights importance of IP Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 29-34. General Note: Interviews conducted at the Business of IP Asia Forum held in Hong Kong from 4-5 December 2014 Summary: Role of IP in global value chains -- changes in international trade from things to services and ideas -- role of innovation in the Chinese economy -- increase in litigation -increasing IP awareness in China -- advances in wearable technology -- increase in university owned patents in Japan and China -- collaboration between universities and corporations for technological innovation -- combining fashion and technology. Subject: Taubman, Antony--interviews Subject: Shen, Nan--interviews Subject: Tsin, Alan--interviews SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 6 of 63 Subject: Mitomo, Toshimoto--interviews Subject: Li, Li--interviews Subject: Value of intellectual property--Asia Subject: Business collaboration--Asia SNIPER No.: 2014/02138 Author: Meale, Darren Author: Kendziur, Daniel F. (Daniel Ferdinand) Title: Boring booze bottle shape trade mark rejected by the General Court: even though it bore a registered word mark Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 807-809. Summary: Franz Eilhelm Langguth Erben v OHIM -- registering a bottle shape as a Community trade mark -- requirement for a distinctive shape -- application for a bottle shape with a separate trade mark added. Subject: Shape marks--case law--Europe Subject: Trade dress--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00383 Author: Nappey, Alexandre Title: Brand strategies in the new gTLD era Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 28-29. Summary: Survey of domain name portfolios and their structure -- most companies unaware of risks related to TLDs -- monitoring to detect online infringement -- preference for amicable transfer of TLD's registered fraudulently -- second round of TLDs applications due in 2018 -- increased use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for domain disputes. Subject: Domain name registration Subject: Brand management SNIPER No.: 2014/02180 Author: Michels, James Title: Branded hashtags: the next big thing? Source: WIPO Magazine. No. 5, October 2014, p. 33. Summary: Promotion through branded hashtags -- trade mark applications using the hashtag -use in branding strategies. Subject: Brand management Subject: Multimedia works SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 7 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/02209 Author: Bereskin, Daniel R. Title: Canada's ill-conceived new "trademark" law: a venture into constitutional quicksand Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 1112-1131. Summary: Bill introduced to abolish trade mark use as a condition of registration -- increase in cost and uncertainty in obtaining trade mark registrations -- Canadian trade mark legislation and amendments from 1868 -- interconnection between trade marks and goodwill -- consumer confusion -- proposal to allow registration of a mark on basis of actual or proposed use in Canada - community trade marks -- Canada Standard case -- benefits for NPEs -- hypothetical examples of impact new legislation will have on national matters -- suggested changes to the proposed new legislation. Subject: Trade marks--law and legislation--Canada Subject: Trade mark registrability--law and legislation--Canada Subject: Trade mark use--law and legislation--Canada SNIPER No.: 2015/00329 Author: Rose, David Author: Davies, Sophie Title: Catwalk confusion Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 50-52. Summary: Scope of trade mark specification in the fashion industry -- clarity of specifications -guidelines for drafting specification for fashion brands -- CJEU decision in IP Translator case -similarity of marks -- relationship between clothing and accessories, and perfume. Subject: Confusing similarity--fashion and design industry--Europe Subject: Trade mark use--fashion and design industry--Europe Subject: Fashion and design industry--case law--Europe Subject: Trade mark registrability--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00135 Author: Wucherer, Hillary J. Author: Stutz, Heather S. Title: Changes to trademarks in an obsolete technology Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 16-17. Summary: USPTO considering proposal to allow amendments of obsolete technology where the underlying content has not changed -- LPs, floppy discs examples of acceptable amendments -amendments not allowed if goods are still used in their original manner -- conflict between two existing registrations -- concerns remain over the new proposal. Subject: Innovation (Technological)--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 8 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00142 Author: Sim, Andrew Title: China embraces the technology Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 32-33. Summary: Increase use of 3D printing technology in China -- patents to the 3D technology due to expire soon -- 3D printing poses new challenges for IP law -- sharing digital design files online -uncertainty over how the courts will handle cases involving 3D printing -- recent cases have resulted in differing judgments -- copyright -- fair use defence -- protection under invention or design patents -- 3D trade mark registration. Subject: Three dimensional printing--China Subject: Intellectual property rights SNIPER No.: 2014/02139 Author: Davidson, Justin Title: China: new rules on well-known trade marks become effective Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp.809-810. Summary: Simpler definition of "well-known trade mark" -- use of "well-known trade mark" prohibited on goods -- passive protection for well-known marks -- clarification of responsibilities of PRC authorities -- evidence of use or registration -- anti-corruption provisions. Subject: Famous trade marks--China SNIPER No.: 2014/01280 Author: Liu, Binqiang Title: China Utility Model Patent: trash or treasure: a data-based analysis Source: IDEA: the Intellectual Property Law Review. Vol. 54 No. 2, 2014, pp. 225-254. Summary: Value of the Chinese Utility Model Patent (CUMP) -- PCT international stage citations -foreign examiner citations -- foreign application citations – sharp growth in foreign examiner citations since 2007 -- patent litigation trends -- Chint v. Schneider high damages award -- Yibin Grace Group enforcing patent rights case -- Izumi infringement case -- financial role of patents -patent licensing -- patent pledging. Subject: Minor patents--China SNIPER No.: 2014/02181 Author: Zhang, Mao Title: China's new trademark law Source: WIPO Magazine. No. 5, October 2014, pp. 34-36. Summary: Amendments to trade mark law to bring it in line with international standards -streamlining trademark registration procedure -- strengthen protection of trade marks -- role of IP in socioeconomic development -- encouraging innovation -- effective brand management. Subject: Trade marks--law and legislation--China SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 9 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/02141 Author: Mirza, José Tizón Title: CJEU expands trade mark law to include the design of a store layout: Apple Inc v Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (German Patent and Trade Mark Office) Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 813-817. Summary: CJEU ruled that the design of a store had the potential to be trade marked -- design registered in US in 2010 -- use of Madrid Protocol -- DPMA rejected application -- definition of a trade mark -- unique qualities of Apple stores -- Apple business model copied in China -- protection granted for a store layout in France -- clarification of the law from the CJEU. Subject: Trade dress--Europe Subject: Shape marks--Europe Subject: Trade mark registrability--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00132 Author: Robinson, Alexander Title: CJEU involvement with the UPC Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, p. 12. Summary: Uncertainty regarding CJEU involvement in the UP and UPC -- CJEU involvement in patent litigation -- concerns that the system would be unworkable -- IP Translator case -supplementary protection certificates -- biotechnology patent cases -- lack of clarity in CJEU decisions -- UK government position. Subject: Patents--law and legislation--Europe SNIPER No.: 2014/02142 Author: Sobol, Agata Title: Claims limitation in Italy: Alban Giacomo SpA v Bonaiti Serrature SpA and Giovanni Aschieri Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 817-820. Summary: Litigation over a magnetic movement lock -- application of new Article 79.3 of the Italian Code of Intellectual Property (CIP) -- claims limitation during a court case. Subject: Patent litigation--Italy SNIPER No.: 2015/00331 Author: Mammen, Christian E. Title: The coming lame duck status of Form 18 for patent infringement suits Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 59-60. Summary: Increase in licensing demand letters from patent trolls -- legislative reform stalled in US Senate -- abolition of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in December 2015 -- complaints must contain some factual allegation to move beyond pleading stage -- Bell Atlantic v Twombly and Ashcroft v Iqbal -- minimal pleading requirements in Form 18. Subject: Patent litigation--United States Subject: Non-practicing entities--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 10 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00376 Author: Steenberg, Charles T. Title: Commil v Cisco Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 13-14. Summary: Issue of whether a belief that a patent is invalid constitutes a defence to inducement -good-faith defence -- inducement requires more than encouraging a third party to act in a way that constitutes infringement -- DSU Medical Corp v JMS Co, jury decision required evidence of culpable conduct -- admissible evidence -- Solicitor General's view that a defendant's belief that a patent is invalid is not a defence if there is a charge of inducing infringement -- SCOTUS decision awaited. Subject: Patent validity--United States Subject: Patent infringement--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00138 Author: Alexander, Charles Title: Competition policy and intellectual property Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, p. 22. Summary: Australia's draft competition policy review identified 8 priority areas -- digital revolution - current patent system can impede competition -- balance between protecting rights and promoting competition -- recommended independent review by an independent body -recommendation that s. 51(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act be repealed -- removal of parallel import restrictions -- best interests of Australia should be considered when negotiating free trade agreements -- suggested that extension of copyright protection to 70 years under the USFTA had anti-competitive effect. Subject: Competition policy--reviews--Australia Subject: Intellectual property systems--Australia SNIPER No.: 2015/00134 Author: Carver, Tom Title: Comptroller of Patents gains new powers Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, p. 15. Summary: Extension of Patent Opinions Service by the UKIPO -- non-binding opinions -- if patent deemed invalid because of lack of novelty or inventive step, Comptroller can now initiate process to revoke it -- stay of proceedings in infringement actions -- interaction with European Patent Office. Subject: Patent systems--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00201 Author: Dent, Chris Title: Confusion in a legal regime built on deception: the case of trade marks SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 11 of 63 Source: Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property. Vol. 5 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 2-27. Summary: Use of the term 'confusion' in refusal of registration and infringement cases -- adoption of confusion into trade mark jurisprudence -- use of the term 'deception' in passing off decisions -confusion between the two terms -- trade mark practices in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries -- utilitarian concept of an individual -- introduction of a registration system for trade marks. Subject: Confusing similarity--history--Australia Subject: Trade marks--case law--Australia Subject: Passing-off--Australia SNIPER No.: 2015/00262 Author: Duescher, Matthew Title: Controlling the patent trolls: a proposed approach for curbing abusive Section 337 claims in the ITC Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 4, 2014, pp. 614-634. Summary: International Trade Commission (ITC) an alternative to infringement litigation over imported products -- ITC initially intended to protect universities and SMEs -- ITC now increasingly used by non-practicing entities for abusive litigation -- patent licensing -- differences between litigation in the ITC and Federal Court -- ITC cannot award monetary damages -- standards to obtain injunctive relief -- a number of approaches considered to deal with patent trolls -- fasttracking pilot program -- eBay v. MercExchange standard -- establishing domestic industry -negative side to proposed approaches -- Federal Circuit approach in Motiva v. ITC. Subject: Non-practicing entities--United States Subject: Infringement remedies--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00311 Author: Harris, Paul Title: Copyright laws and the digital world: in sync or badly dubbed? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 13-14. Summary: Make-up artist Michelle Phan sued for use of copyright music in YouTube video -streaming of films and music -- consideration of "fair use" in copyright infringement cases with emerging technologies -- applying copyright laws not designed for the new technologies -requirement to apply for a license to use copyrighted music on YouTube -- SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd software infringement case -- gaining financial benefit from copyright infringement. Subject: Copyright infringement--culture and entertainment industry Subject: Neighbouring rights--culture and entertainment industry Subject: Innovation (Technological) SNIPER No.: 2014/01171 Author: Gholz, Charles L. Title: A critique of recent opinions in patent interferences SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 12 of 63 Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 1, 2014, pp. 92-111. Summary: Discussion of US cases involving interference -- Dawson v Dawson et al appeal over inventorship -- Amkor Technology Inc. v. International Trade Commission -- inventions of foreign origin -- conception of a DNA segment in Sanofi-Aventis v. Pfizer Inc -- peer review of academic papers by competitors in Rubin v. General Hospital Corp. -- In re Hubbell double patenting case -multiple patents containing similar scope in TactIP, LLC v. Janssen Biotech, Inc. -- use of statements in a copied specification -- submission of live evidence. Subject: Patent ownership--case law--United States Subject: Patents--case law--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00385 Author: Goodchild, Joanne Title: Cyberswatting: eradicating domain name pests Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 32-34. Summary: Leading case in domain name squatting was British Telecommunication plc v One in a Million Ltd -- need for a quick and inexpensive dispute resolution procedure resulted in the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy -- three legal principles of confusing similarity, legitimate interests and registration in bad faith used to determine domain name ownership. Subject: Domain name dispute resolution--United Kingdom Subject: Cybersquatting--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00398 Author: McMahon, Freddie Title: Dawn of the data Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 74-75. Summary: Using big data and analytics to automate IP processes -- using analytics to deliver business benefits -- uncovering patent anomolies -- few companies realise the worth of their IP -using data to identify if an idea is new and worth protecting -- identifying global infringement threats -- trend towards automatic IP management systems. Subject: Intellectual Property management Subject: Data mining SNIPER No.: 2015/00093 Author: Lamping, Matthias, 1983Author: Hilty, Reto M, 1958Author: Burk, Dan L. Author: Correa, Carlos María Author: Drahos, Peter, 1955Author: Gopalakrishnan, N. S., Dr SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 13 of 63 Author: Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning, 1974Author: Kur, Annette Author: Overwalle, Geertrui van Author: Reichman, J. H. (Jerome H.), 1936Author: Ullrich, Hanns Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: Declaration on patent protection: regulatory sovereignty under TRIPS [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-19, 24 September 2014. General Note: Also published in IIC: International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 2014, Vol. 45 No. 6, pp. 679-698. Summary: Patents as strategic assets -- protection of public interest when approving patents -patents should encourage innovation -- clarification of regulatory options for members of TRIPS -regulatory freedom -- balancing national and international needs -- scope of patent protection under Article 29 of TRIPS -- Article 27 covers patent exhaustion -- three step test for exceptions to patentability under TRIPS -- use of compulsory licensing as a regulatory instrument -- limiting protection to ensure public good -- enforcement measures should consider all interests at stake -patent rights should not violate freedom of transit -- patent infringement should be subject to civil, not criminal law -- final declaration summarising principles of TRIPS in relation to states being able to determine the goals of their own patent systems. Subject: Patent systems Subject: International law SNIPER No.: 2015/00320 Author: Chan, George Title: Defeating the squatters with prior rights Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 31-33. Summary: Settlement of Tesla case after mediation -- application in bad faith by Zhan Baosheng - asserting prior rights -- courts recognise five types of prior rights, trade names, personality rights, copyright, design patents and merchandising rights -- likelihood of consumer confusion -personality rights protected under civil and tort law -- substantial similarity test in copyright cases -overlap between trade marks and design patents -- TRAB v Danqiao Ltd case over merchandising rights -- use of prior rights defence. Subject: Piracy--China Subject: Trade mark entitlement--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00078 Author: Frey, Carl Benedikt Author: Ansar, Atif Author: Wunsch-Vincent, Sacha Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 14 of 63 Title: Defining and measuring the "market for brands": are emerging economies catching up? [electronic resource] Source: WIPO Economic Research Working Paper. No. 21, September 2014. Summary: Role of brands in the economy -- licensing and buying of global brands -- business franchising -- managing brands as a company asset -- investment required to build a strong brand - leveraging of established brands -- deciding on value of brands -- possible dilution of brand due to licensing -- using brand acquisition to reduce costs -- pros and cons of market for brands -- brand reputation -- privacy surrounding brand licensing transactions -- worldwide trends in trade mark licensing -- trade mark usually part of a merger or acquisition -- little available data on licensing. Subject: Brand management Subject: Trade mark licensing SNIPER No.: 2015/00384 Author: McIlraith, Gary Title: Developing a defensive domain name strategy Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 30-31. Summary: NetName survey -- majority of large companies have already invested in the new TLDs -- exploitation of domain names by cybercriminals -- protection of brand names and trade marks -business benefits of adopting a .BRAND domain name include reducing risk of cybersquatting -introduction of Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) allows business to tailor online global presence -- preventative registration of suffixes that a brand does not wish to be associated with. Subject: Domain name registration Subject: Brand management SNIPER No.: 2015/00374 Author: Price, Richard Title: A difficult, but necessary journey Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 8-10. Summary: New patent system to be quick and cost-effective -- System favourable to claimants -increase in amount of documents to prepare for cases -- exchange of pleadings and evidence to be completed in five months -- interim conferences -- applications for opt-outs -- use of an official EU language -- discretion of the court when issuing injunctions -- procedural appeals -interlocutory review -- administration of the new courts -- Spanish challenge to constitutionality of the new court. Subject: Patent litigation--Europe Subject: Legal procedure--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00377 Author: Grégoire, Jean-Charles Title: Door opened for medical use claims in Canada Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, p. 15. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 15 of 63 Summary: CIPO position that methods of medical treatment are unpatentable -- CIPO examination guidelines -- AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd v Canada (AG) appeal against a refusal to grant a patent on fixed dosage and schedule -- interpretation of case law -- Federal Court held that fixed dosage and schedule do not automatically constitute unpatentable subject matter -- medical use claims. Subject: Medical procedures and devices--patentability--Canada Subject: Patentability--case law--Canada SNIPER No.: 2015/00312 Author: Rajendra, Arty Author: Welch, Joanne Title: Double trouble Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 15-16. Summary: UK only grants a single patent for each invention under section 18(5) of the Patent Act -- European patents take precedence over UK patents for the same invention -- double patenting not in the public interest -- post-grant amendment at discretion of comptroller or court -- EPO does not allow double patenting for application with the same filing date and applicant -- patent thickets - EPO changed divisional rules in an attempt to limit the quantity and effect of divisionals. Subject: Patent applications--United Kingdom Subject: Patent applications--Europe Subject: Divisional applications (Patents)--Europe Subject: Divisional applications (Patents)--United Kingdom Subject: Patentability SNIPER No.: 2014/02179 Author: Kelly, Patricia Title: Dream shield: communicating IP to indigenous businesses Source: WIPO Magazine. No. 5, October 2014, pp. 29-32. Summary: Development of materials to ensure indigenous Australians can protect their intellectual property -- Nanga Mai Arung - Dream Shield -- future inclusion of copyright and moral rights information -- case study featuring Warlukurlangu artists -- generating income by licensing agreements with manufacturers -- Indigenous IP master-classes to help artists protect their works. Subject: Traditional cultural expressions--Australia Subject: Intellectual property rights--Culture and entertainment industry Subject: Moral rights SNIPER No.: 2015/00076 Author: Foray, Dominique Author: Raffo, Julio SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 16 of 63 Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization Title: The emergence of an education tool industry: opportunities and challenges for innovation in education [electronic resource] Source: WIPO Economic Research Working Paper. No. 19, September 2014. Summary: Emergence of an educational tool industry -- problem solving -- lack of incentives to improve educational practices -- analysis of the patent data to measure innovation -- increase use of information and communication technologies -- use of licensing agreements. Subject: Innovation (technological)--Education and training industry--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00090 Author: Husovec, Martin Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: The end of (meta) search engines in Europe? [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-15, 8 July 2014. Summary: Consequences of the CJEU landmark decision in Innoweb C-202/12 -- meta search engines likely to infringe the database right of indexed websites if they constitute a protectable subject matter -- evolution of meta search engines -- search engine business models -- revenue raising -- European sui generis right -- investment in non-original subject matter -- recognising the distinction between obtaining and creating data -- scope of database rights -- data-scraping -details of lawsuits filed by Ryanair against meta search engines in numerous countries since 2001 -- right-to-consult a database -- limitations of Innoweb decision. Subject: Database rights--Europe Subject: Copyright--Europe SNIPER No.: 2013/02885 Author: Choi, Yo Sop Author: Youn, Sang Youn Title: The enforcement of merger control in China: a critical analysis of current decisions by MOFCOM Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 948-972. Summary: Introduction of a competition law in China -- historical development of competition policy -- prevention of monopolies -- establishment of agencies to enforce new law -- substantive test for merger appraisal -- trend towards structural remedies to prevent monopolies -- analysis of merger cases -- Coca-Cola/Huiyuan merger prohibited -- Google/Motorola merger allowed -- aim of competition policy is to decide whether a merger is suitable for the socialist market economy -protectionism -- conflict between competition law enforcement and industrial policy. Subject: Competition (Economics)--China Subject: Competition law--China Subject: Mergers and takeovers--law and legislation--China SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 17 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00322 Author: Daubin, Béatrice Title: EU outlines vision to fight fakes Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 37. Summary: EU action plan to prevent commercial infringement of IP rights -- prevention of revenue flow to counterfeiters -- online counterfeiting -- EU likely to legislate against third countries. Subject: Electronic commerce--Europe Subject: Counterfeiting--Europe Subject: Intellectual property infringement--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00094 Author: Drexl, Josef Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: The European Unitary Patent System: on the 'unconstitutional' misuse of conflict-of-law rules [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 15-01, 1 January 2015. Summary: Spain has challenged the conformity of the Unitary Patent Protection regulation with primary EU law in the CJEU -- claim that the UPP regulation cannot implement unitary patent protection under Article 5(3) -- opinion by the Advocate General, delivered in November 2014 that member states are obligated to adhere to the UPC agreement -- paper questions the Advocate General's rationale -- suggestion that the UPP contravenes the principle of democracy, circumvents fundamental rights of citizens and denies necessary judicial protection based on rule of law -- development of UPP has a long history -- conflict of law rule included in UPP regulation to limit the jurisdiction of CJEU on patent law -- claims that the UPC favours patent holders over users and the general public -- political decision to remove the CJEU as the court of last instance in patent protection cases. Subject: Conflict of laws--Europe Subject: Patent owners' rights--Europe Subject: Legal jurisdiction--Europe SNIPER No.: 2014/02210 Author: Swann, Jerre B. Title: The evolution of trademark economics: from the Harvard school to WIPO 2013: as sheparded by Inta and the Trademark Reporter Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 1132-1140. Summary: Eighty-year trade mark economics debate between the Harvard and Chicago schools -trade mark monopolies -- unlimited competition -- use of advertising as brand protection -- WIPO report on brand reputation and image. Subject: Trade marks--economics--United States Subject: Competition (Economics)--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 18 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00205 Author: Malaquias, Pedro Title: Exhaustion without exasperation: intellectual property, parallel imports and border measures Source: Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property. Vol. 5 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 87-94. Summary: Overview of conference papers -- Football Association Premier League v QC Leisure and Karen Murphy v Media Protection Services -- economic aspects of licensing -- implications of Usedsoft v Oracle on software distribution -- parallel importation of pharmaceuticals -- international exhaustion rule -- implied license doctrine -- trade mark exhaustion law -- permissible repair doctrine -- in rem actions -- border regulation obligations under TRIPS. Subject: Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law: Spring Conference (2014: Cambridge, United Kingdom) Subject: Parallel importing--Europe Subject: Trade mark licensing--Europe Subject: Trade mark owners' rights--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00315 Author: Parker, Scott Author: Johnson, Gillian Title: Experimental use exemptions Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 21-23. Summary: Amendments to UK Patents Act to align it with other EU countries -- statutory exemptions to undertaking clinical trials -- Monsanto v Stauffer interlocutory decision -- definition of 'experimental purposes' -- experiments must have a direct connection to the subject matter of the invention -- narrow interpretation of Bolar exemption -- impact of the new amendments -interpretation of the guidelines -- third-party manufacturing of pharmaceuticals -- running clinical trials during transition period between national laws and the inception of the UPC. Subject: Research and development--law and legislation--United Kingdom Subject: Experimental use (Patents)--United Kingdom Subject: Patent infringement--pharmaceutical Industry SNIPER No.: 2015/00318 Author: Chatterton, Edward Author: Jebbitt, Ian Title: Falling foul of China's trademark system Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 27-28. Summary: Problem of piracy due to first-to-file system -- question of filing a national application or an international one in China -- international registration of a trade mark does not necessarily provide protection in China -- undertaking pre-clearance searches -- Chinese classification system also contains sub-classes -- examination of non-standard items. Subject: Piracy--China Subject: Trade mark applications--China SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 19 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00324 Author: McIlraith, Gary Title: The fight against luxury counterfeits Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 39-40. Summary: LVMH Moët Hennessy vs eBay -- sale of counterfeit goods via the Internet -- adverse economic effects of black market retailers -- rise in worldwide trade in counterfeit goods -- damage to genuine brands -- effective brand protection strategies -- strategies for brand protection. Subject: Luxury goods Subject: Counterfeiting SNIPER No.: 2015/00308 Author: Riaz, Henna Title: Fines for vines? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 10. Summary: UK Premier League crackdown on illegal videoing and posting of matches -unauthorised use of copyright material -- protection of contracts with TV stations -- damage to revenue streams caused by illegal downloads -- policing illegal activity difficult due to large number of posts -- monitoring use of social media -- action only likely to be taken against the serial offenders. Subject: F.A. Premier League Subject: Major sporting events--United Kingdom Subject: User-generated content--tourism and recreation industry--United Kingdom Subject: Copyright infringement--tourism and recreation industry--United Kingdom Subject: Internet--tourism and recreation industry--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2013/02883 Author: Roffe, Pedro Title: Free Trade Agreements and the Americas Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 932-942. Summary: MPI declaration on provisions for IP in bilateral and regional trade agreements -equality of intellectual property rules for all parties to an agreement -- difficulty for Latin American countries to comply with all obligations in agreements -- lack of transparency in negotiations -case study highlighting problems with the US-Peru FTA. Subject: International intellectual property law Subject: International trade--treaties SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 20 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/02182 Author: Al Sultani, Saba Author: Deans, Rob Title: GCC trade mark law coming soon Source: WIPO Magazine. No. 5, October 2014, pp. 37-40. Summary: Draft law covering the six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council -- single set of provisions, not a single registration system across all states -- GCC Trade Cooperation Committee has the power to interpret the law -- non-traditional marks -- multi-class filings -- examination and opposition -- well-known marks -- exclusivity -- trade mark infringement -- seizure of infringing goods. Subject: Trade mark systems--Middle East Subject: Trade marks--law and legislation--Middle East SNIPER No.: 2015/00116 Author: Maskus, Keith E. (Keith Eugene) Author: Saggi, Kamal Added author: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Added author: World Economic Forum Added author: E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation Title: Global innovation networks and their implications for the multilateral trading system [electronic resource] Source: E15 Initiative Think Piece. December 2013. General Note: "The E15 Initiative - strengthening the global trade system". Summary: Establishment of research and development facilities within multinational enterprises -policies for technology transfer from research institutions to private enterprise -- rise in investment in research facilities -- patent applications with inventors from one country and applicants from another -- developing countries -- World Trade Organisation regulations -- research under GATS agreements -- research grants -- technology transfer to developing countries. Subject: Technology transfer Subject: Innovation (Technological) Subject: International trade SNIPER No.: 2015/00258 Author: Wu, Katrina Title: The Google Art Project: an analysis from a legal and social perspective on copyright implications Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 4, 2014, pp. 514-535. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 21 of 63 Summary: Four major stakeholders in the Google Art Project, the artist/creator, museum/institution, general public and Google -- licensing and copyright issues with curating artwork online -- Google negotiates contracts with museums, not the Artists Rights Society (ARS) - artists represented by the ARS are not included in the Google Art Project -- costs and benefits of participating in the Art Project -- increase public access to art works -- onus of copyright clearance is placed on museums -- digital reproduction of high quality images -- fair use defence -- Google pursuing a defensive legal strategy with the Art Project --modern and contemporary art missing from project because of length of copyright protection. Subject: Copyright--culture and entertainment industry Subject: Carriage service providers--liability SNIPER No.: 2015/00317 Author: Lee, Davina Title: Great expectations: the amended Trademark Law in China Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 26. Summary: Opportunity to file applications electronically -- multiple class applications -- speed of examinations -- trade mark opposition -- amending description of goods. Subject: Trade mark examination--China Subject: Trade mark systems--China SNIPER No.: 2014/02211 Author: Jay, E. Deborah Title: He who steals my good name: likelihood-of-confusion surveys in TTAB proceedings Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 1141-1182. Summary: Likelihood of confusion precedent set In re E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. -- 13 points known as the DuPont factors -- use of consumer surveys to prove or rebut consumer confusion -expert testimony -- established survey formats in Union Carbide v. Ever-Ready and SquirtCo v. Seven-Up -- use of open and closed ended survey questions -- use of test and control stimuli -ability of surveys to measure likelihood of confusion -- examples of cases using consumer surveys -- evaluating competing surveys. Subject: Confusing similarity--case law--United States Subject: Expert witnesses--United States Subject: Market research--United States Subject: Evidence--case law--United States SNIPER No.: 2013/02878 Author: Correa, Carlos María Title: High costs, negligible benefits from intellectual property provisions in FTAs Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 902-905. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 22 of 63 Summary: Use of trade agreements to protect intellectual property rights -- minimal success in gaining higher protections in agreements with developed countries -- take-or-leave it approach towards developing countries seeking market access -- significant problems with TRIPS-plus for developing economies -- access to medicines -- Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) need to take account of human rights -- Max Planck Principles for Intellectual Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements. Subject: Human rights Subject: Intellectual property--treaties Subject: International trade--treaties Subject: Pharmaceuticals--treaties SNIPER No.: 2015/00319 Author: Conway, Michael Title: Highly charged Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 29-30. Summary: Settlement of Tesla Motors case against Zhan Baosheng -- trade mark squatting prevalent in China - first-to-file system -- strict examination of applications -- profits from trade mark squatting -- difference between registration by a party with a contractual connection to the brand and those bad faith registrations by unconnected third parties -- registration in good faith -- new laws to address issue of filing in bad faith. Subject: Brand management--China Subject: Trade mark entitlement--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00387 Author: Stembridge, Bob Title: How China claimed the global patent throne Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 38-40. Summary: China top of the world list of patent filers -- economy changing from a manufacturing to an innovation base -- using IP as part of a business strategy -- questions raised over the quality of Chinese patents -- increase in filings for utility model patents. Subject: Patent filing--statistics--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00397 Author: Ranck, Jeffrey L. Title: How outsourcing made Microsoft a patent powerhouse Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 72-73. Summary: Microsoft reengineered it's IP department to concentrate on achieving business goals and outsourced the protection side to other legal companies -- in-house drafting and prosecution service --paralegal and filing services provided to external lawyers -- identifying a value chain for outsourced vendors -- decision to outsource paralegal and administrative; technical and legal services -- developing best practice. Subject: Patent attorneys--information technology industry--United States Subject: Outsourcing--information technology industry--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 23 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/00714 Author: Barnett, Griffin M. Title: ICANN morality standards and the new gTLDs: a comparative analysis of morality in international trademark law in the Internet age Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 103 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1214-1239. Summary: Limited public interest objection to a gTLD application -- specific grounds for an objection -- grounds for objection and refusal under the Paris Convention and TRIPS -examination of national laws relating to the public interest and morality -- guidance provided by ICANN on limited public interest objection -- offensive terms cannot be registered as a gTLD -standards for gTLDs. Subject: Domain name registration Subject: Internet Subject: Ethics SNIPER No.: 2014/01652 Author: Xu, Fei Title: Identification of embedded advertising in TV programs and determination of false advertising and unfair competition Source: China Intellectual Property: comprehensive IP report on China. Vol. 60 No. 3-4, MarchApril 2014, pp. 42-46. Summary: Beijing Kela Diamond Network Technology Co. Ltd vs China Syndication Entertainment Co. Ltd, and Shanghai Zhuomei Jewelry Co. Ltd. -- use of Kela's product to advertise Zhuomei brand -- lack of Chinese case law on embedded advertising -- determining whether product placement in a TV show constitutes embedded advertising -- proof of a collaborative agreement between a business and a producer -- consumers must be able to discern an advertisement. Subject: Product placement--case law--China Subject: Television broadcasts--China Subject: Passing-off--China SNIPER No.: 2014/01281 Author: Dagne, Teshager W. Title: The identity of geographical indications and their relation to traditional knowledge in intellectual property law Source: IDEA: the Intellectual Property Law Review. Vol. 54 No. 2, 2014, pp. 255-284. Summary: Geographical indications (GIs) included in TRIPS -- protection of GIs in trade agreements -- distinguishing GIs from trade marks -- place-based nature of GIs -- establishing collective rights over traditional knowledge -- ownership of GIs not the same as owning a trade mark -- GIs recognised as public property -- advantages of a having a GI rather than a trade mark. Subject: Geographical indicators Subject: Traditional knowledge SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 24 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00086 Author: Geiger, Christophe Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: Implementing intellectual property provisions in human rights instruments: towards a new social contract for the protection of intangibles [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-10, 25 June 2014. General Note: Also published in: Geiger, C. (ed.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, 2014 Summary: Majority of human rights instruments lack a clear IP clause -- paper based on empirical study of 200 national constitutions and European treaties on human rights -- success of open source movement -- multiplication of IP rights -- public perception and acceptance of IP rights -many domestic constitutions do not mention IP rights -- balanced IP protection contained under UDHR and ICESCR -- safeguarding creators' rights -- judicial interpretation of IP clauses -fundamental rights and public interest limits of IP protection -- TRIPS -- proposals for future IP clauses including changes to Article 17 or IP protection under the Freedom of Arts and Sciences or under the Freedom of Expression and Information of the EU Charter. Subject: Human rights--law and legislation Subject: Intellectual property--social aspects SNIPER No.: 2014/01653 Author: Ling, Zongliang Title: In pursuit of rationalized balance between registration and use in trademark enforcement: analysis on trademark infringement dispute of Lacoste Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Europe Crocodile Stationery Co., Ltd. and Shanghai HengFuLi Trading Co., Ltd. Source: China Intellectual Property: comprehensive IP report on China. Vol. 60 No. 3-4, MarchApril 2014, pp. 47-51. Summary: Protection of an unused registered trade mark -- dispute over use of a crocodile design -- case dismissed at first instance trial -- Lacoste appeal to Shangai Higher People's Court dismissed -- use of crocodile logo on stationery in a different class to Lacoste trade mark. Subject: Trade mark infringement--case law--China Subject: Confusing similarity--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00204 Author: Zappalaglio, Andrea Title: International exhaustion of trade marks and parallel imports in the US and the EU: how to achieve symmetry? Source: Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property. Vol. 5 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 68-86. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 25 of 63 Summary: Using the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to manage parallel imports -- exhaustion case law in USA and Europe -- EU has narrower approach to parallel imports than US -- US adopted territorial exhaustion in 1923 -- material quality differences rule -Community-wide exhaustion rule in Europe bans all parallel imports from outside the EU -strengths and weaknesses of EU and US approaches to PI -- suggested reforms to EU law to open the market to PI -- advantages of international exhaustion -- common control doctrine -- Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons Inc case relating to first sale doctrine -- new case law in the EU has proved unsatisfactory -- Zino Davidoff and Levi Strauss v Tesco Stores Ltd on requirement of consent -introducing a sui generis model of exhaustion limited to US/EU parallel trade. Subject: Parallel importing--United States Subject: Parallel importing--Europe Subject: Trade mark exhaustion--Europe Subject: Trade mark exhaustion--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00077 Author: Kashcheeva, Mila Author: Wunsch-Vincent, Sacha Author: Zhou, Hao Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization Title: International patenting strategies of Chinese residents: an analysis of foreign-oriented patent families [electronic resource] Source: WIPO Economic Research Working Paper. No. 20, September 2014. Summary: Paper presents findings of a WIPO study into Chinese international patenting strategies 1970-2012 -- large volume of utility model filings -- government subsidies and the introduction of pro-patent legislation led to increase in patent applications in China -- raised awareness of strategic value of patents -- international filings increased since 2000 -- most foreign patent families related to inventions -- comparison to Germany, Japan and USA -- digital communication growth -comparison of international filings between Huawei and ZTE -- patent filing strategies -- USPTO main target for Chinese international filings -- use of Patent Co-operation Treaty. Subject: International Patent Applications--China Subject: Innovation (Technological)--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00111 Author: Seuba Hernández, Xavier Added author: ICTSD Programme on Innovation, Technology and Intellectual Property Added author: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Title: International regulation of pharmaceuticals: codification by means of legal transplantation [electronic resource] Source: Information Note (International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development). July 2014. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 26 of 63 Summary: Interaction between different branches of international and national laws regulating the life of pharmaceuticals -- harmonisation of rules and regulations for medicines -- intellectual property rights in free trade agreements -- some countries are promoting the adoption of increasingly demanding pharmaceutical standards -- developing countries adopting the standards and regulations of developed countries -- high level of intellectual property protection in regulatory transfer -- dispute settlement mechanisms in trade agreements -- monitoring IP and technical standards for medicines in other countries under trade agreements -- protection for geographical indicators -- promotion of innovation and competition. Subject: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (1994 April 15) Subject: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Subject: International trade--pharmaceutical industry Subject: Harmonisation of laws Subject: International intellectual property law SNIPER No.: 2015/00203 Author: Wahyuningtyas, Sih Yuliana Title: Interoperability for data portability between social networking sites (SNS): the interplay between EC software copyright and competition law Source: Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property. Vol. 5 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 46-67. Summary: European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced the right to data portability -- transmission of data from one platform to another -- creation of a common standard -role of competition law in promoting innovation -- entitlement to rights to data portability -- CJEU interpretation of the scope of protection in SAS Institute Inc. v World Programming Ltd. -protection for application program interfaces (APIs) -- mandatory disclosure under competition law --two forms of reverse engineering to study functionality -- increasing consumer choice. Subject: Computer-related inventions Subject: Competition law Subject: Standards (technical) SNIPER No.: 2015/00089 Author: Cremers, Katrin Author: Gaessler, Fabian Author: Harhoff, Dietmar Author: Helmers, Christian Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: Invalid but infringed?: an analysis of Germany's bifurcated patent litigation system [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-14, 13 September 2014. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 27 of 63 Summary: Patent validity and infringement are independently decided by different courts -expense of challenging validity -- legal framework with the bifurcated patent litigation system -stays of proceedings -- effect of divergent decisions on infringement and validity -- argument that bifurcation acts as a filter to deter challenges that have a low probability of success -- analysis of data on infringement actions from regional courts and invalidity from federal courts from 2000 to 2008 -- frequency of invalid but infringed cases -- results indicated that the bifurcated system favours the patent holder. Subject: Patent validity--Germany Subject: Patent infringement--Germany SNIPER No.: 2015/00136 Author: Powell, Nikki Title: The IP Act 2014 and other changes to IP law explained Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 18-19. Summary: Key changes make to UK patent, design and copyright law in the UK -- home copying legalised -- limited amounts of copyright material can now be used for parody, caricature or pastiche -- no formal definition of "fair dealing" -- blatant copying of a registered design now a criminal offence -- designer now owns the design not the commissioner of the design -introduction of "good faith" infringement defence -- definition of unregistered design right -introduction of UPC -- either website address or patent number to appear on patented products -expansion of UKIPO Patent Opinions Service -- harmonisation of IP rights. Subject: Law--reform--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00388 Author: Duke, Tom Title: IP and SMEs in China Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, p. 41. Summary: Bilateral trade between China and the UK continues to increase -- importance of securing the relevant IP protection in China -- using Patent Attorneys to take advantage of market opportunities -- cooperation programs between the UK and China to assist SMEs entering the Chinese market -- increased use of the EU IPR SME Helpdesk via email and phone hotlines. Subject: International Trade Subject: International Trade mark applications SNIPER No.: 2015/00143 Author: Gatto, James G. Title: IP protection for games Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 36-37. Summary: Many options available under IP law to protect games -- common misconceptions have resulted in lack of IP protection for games developers -- software applications and technology platforms are patentable -- content, source code and other creative aspects are copyrightable -name and brand elements can be protected by a trade mark -- perception about length of time to obtain a patent -- patent invalidation -- cost of obtaining a patent -- patent litigation -- perception that improvements on existing inventions are not patentable -- copyright can deter game cloning -obtaining advice from an IP attorney. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 28 of 63 Subject: Multimedia works--patentability Subject: Electronic copyright Subject: Trade mark registrability--information technology industry SNIPER No.: 2015/00150 Author: Paranavitane, Varuni Title: Is DNA patentable?: a tale of three continents Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 56-57. Summary: Contrast between Federal Court of Australia and US Supreme Court decisions in D'Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc -- Mayo v Prometheus -- artificially created DNA sequences are patentable because they do not occur naturally -- USPTO guidelines on patent eligibility following Myriad and Mayo -- theoretically naturally occurring DNA sequences are patentable in Europe and UK providing they satisfy other patentability conditions. Subject: Gene patents--United States Subject: Gene patents--United Kingdom Subject: Gene patents--Europe Subject: Gene patents--Australia SNIPER No.: 2015/00131 Author: Korenberg, Alexander Author: Venner, Julia Title: Is the UPC all hot air? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, p. 11. Summary: Doubts over effectiveness of UPC -- mandatory jurisdiction over unitary and standard patents -- Spain challenging legality of UP before the CJEU -- ratification by 13 countries required before agreement can come into force -- ease of access to patent system -- cost savings -bifurcation proceedings. Subject: Patent systems--Europe SNIPER No.: 2014/01655 Author: Duan, Xiaomei Title: Joint ownership of trademarks and judicial practice: an analysis with comment on "BEIRENTSK and Image" case Source: China Intellectual Property: comprehensive IP report on China. Vol. 60 No. 3-4, MarchApril 2014, pp. 56-59. Summary: Refusal of a joint application by BEIREN Group and Fuzhou Huangjing Printing Machinery Co for registration of BEIREN-TSK trade mark -- registration of a combination trade mark -- TRAB reviewed the case -- during period of agreement between the two companies the joint trade mark would be used. Subject: Trade mark ownership--case law--China Subject: Business collaboration--China SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 29 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/01279 Author: Landau, Michael, 1953Title: Joint works under United States copyright law: judicial legislation through statutory misinterpretation Source: IDEA: the Intellectual Property Law Review. Vol. 54 No. 2, 2014, pp. 157-224. Summary: Concept of ownership of a work -- interpretation of statutes under the Copyright Act -joint works doctrine -- history of joint works cases -- joint works under section 101 of the 1976 Copyright Act -- "12th Street Rag" doctrine -- "independently copyrightable" requirement -Childress v. Taylor case standards -- independent contributions must be copyrightable -- overview of cases relating to joint works -- modern interpretation of the statute -- definition of "intent" to be joint owners -- collaborators' rights. Subject: Copyright--case law--United States Subject: Business collaboration--culture and entertainment industry--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00381 Author: Gisbey, Ben Author: Thompson, Dorothea Title: Judicial review of UK private copying exception Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 24-25. General Note: See also 2015/00146 "Musical Chairs" Summary: Introduction of exception for private copying in UK -- copying onto different media for individual and immediate family use now allowed -- judicial review sought by the Musicians' Union and others claiming exception contravened Article 5(2)(b) of the EU Directive -- compensation scheme not included in UK exception -- UK government claim that compensation factored in at point of sale -- difference between UK exception and those of other EU member states relates to levy systems -- questions raised over compliance with European law. Subject: Fair use (Copyright)--United Kingdom Subject: Copyright levies--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2014/01170 Author: Biggins, Brice Lauer Title: Keep it American: preventing foreign acquisition of federally funded intellectual property Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 1, 2014, pp. 76-91. Summary: National security issues when IP rights are sold to foreign entities -- amending the Bayh-Dole Act to prohibit sale of federally funded IP to foreign investors -- Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS) -- protection of critical infrastructure -- applying secrecy orders to patent applications -- regulating federally-funded inventions under Bayh-Dole Act -Invention Secrecy Act -- exercising march-in rights. Subject: Secret patents--United States Subject: Patent ownership--United States Subject: Patent assignment--United States Subject: Technology transfer--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 30 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/01667 Author: Nie, Kevin Author: Chen, Jessie Title: Landmark IP cases of China in 2013 Source: China Intellectual Property: comprehensive IP report on China. Vol. 61 No. 5-6, May-June 2014, pp. 26-55. General Note: Specific details of over 200 landmark IP cases in China during 2013 can be accessed through the China IP website, microblog, and WeChat Summary: 26 examples of IP case law in 2013 -- preliminary injunctions -- determining irreparable harm -- patent infringement -- protection of innovation -- protection of well-known trade marks -generic names of trade marks -- functionality of the three dimensional trade mark -- trade mark similarity -- trade mark refusal -- unfair competition -- unauthorised use of another's business name -- consumer confusion -- embedding another's mark in product information in e-commerce -- use of unregistered abbreviated titles -- court jurisdiction over contract disputes -- determining compensation for infringement -- parallel imports -- false or misleading advertising -- real time network broadcasting -- copyright infringement -- reproduction of literary works -- infringement by a webpage snapshot providing service -- personality rights -- protection of architectural designs -determination of damages by the courts -- liability of software and network service providers -group buying websites -- use of photographs without permission -- behavioural protection orders -disclosure of trade secrets -- role of customs in protecting IP. Subject: Intellectual property--case law--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00145 Author: Dalton, Peter Title: Levelling up Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 41-42. Summary: Changes in the response to video gaming piracy -- cost to game publishers in lost revenue -- difficult to enforce IP rights against pirates with the advent of file sharing -- hardware measures to prevent users running pirated games on their machines -- publishers use Digital Rights Management software to prevent illegal copying -- publishers seeking to use incentivisation rather than prevention in future -- providing service delivery around games including updates post launch -- alternative business models including freemium, providing the base game for free but charging for content and bonuses. Subject: Multimedia works--management--United Kingdom Subject: Piracy SNIPER No.: 2014/00711 Author: Maeyaert, Paul Author: Muyldermans, Jeroen Title: Likelihood of confusion in trademark law: a practical guide based on the case law in community trade mark oppositions from 2002 to 2012 Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 103 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1032-1115. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 31 of 63 Summary: Uniform Community Trade Mark system in the EU -- jurisprudence defining "likelihood of confusion" -- overview of general guidelines -- registering a CTM -- established case law on likelihood of confusion -- likelihood of association defines the scope of likelihood of confusion -perception of a trade mark by an average consumer -- use of sub-brands by the clothing industry -defining 'relevant public' -- Nice Agreement -- assessing similarity -- establishing connection between goods -- deciding similarity between trade marks -- examples of European case law on confusing similarity -- assessment of phonetic similarities of marks -- landmark Thomson Life case -- complex marks. Subject: Confusing similarity--case law--Europe Subject: Trade mark infringement--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00088 Author: Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning, 1974Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: Litigating intellectual property rights in investor-state arbitration: from plain packaging to patent revocation [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-13, 8 July 2014. General Note: Also published as Fourth Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) Working Paper No. 2014-21. Summary: International Investment Agreements (IIAs) cover IP as a form of protected investment -- most favoured nation (MFN) principle -- explanation of cases that raise questions on overlapping jurisdictions -- Philip Morris Asia vs. Australia case over plain packaging of tobacco products -case brought under the Australia-Hong Kong Bilateral Investment Treaty, Art. 10 -- TRIPS compliance -- tobacco exporting countries initiated WTO dispute settlement proceedings against Australia -- Eli Lily vs Canada case under Ch. 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement -invalidation of patents -- promise doctrine -- utility requirement -- Canada's defence not yet publically available -- Eli Lily allege breaches of international IP law -- AHS vs Niger case over termination of an airport services concession -- arbitration proceedings before the ICSID -- decision of expropriation against Niger and damages awarded -- infringement of IP rights -- IIA tools used to litigate international IP rules in investor-state arbitration -- fair and equitable treatment notion -protection of legitimate expectations -- rights to regulate -- investor expectations -- obligations under international treaties -- use of umbrella clauses -- burden of proof under safeguard clauses Subject: International law--case studies Subject: Intellectual property--treaties Subject: International trade--treaties Subject: Intellectual property litigation SNIPER No.: 2014/02178 Title: Making international IP law: an interview with Francis Gurry Source: WIPO Magazine. No. 5, October 2014, pp. 2-6. Summary: Focus on innovation and IP -- difficulties in obtaining international agreements -ratification of Beijing and Marrakesh treaties -- broadcasting rights -- establishing a global digital content marketplace -- negotiations to achieve a Design Law treaty -- protection of traditional knowledge -- geographical indicators -- securing international protection for IP -- international cooperation. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 32 of 63 Subject: Gurry, Francis--interviews Subject: Intellectual property systems Subject: Intellectual property--trends SNIPER No.: 2014/02133 Author: Ventose, Eddy D. (Eddy David), 1976Author: Harris, Terry Title: Managing the "risky" business of patenting in the United States Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 762-777. Summary: Patent eligibility of medical diagnostic methods -- patenting inventions relating to risk -inclusion of business methods in an application -- inconsistent application of the law -- CLS Bank International v Alice Corp Pty Ltd decision on computerised trading platforms -- increase in number of business risk patents issued since 2006 -- patent-eligible subject matter under US law -development of precedent for patent-eligibility -- Bilski v Kappos -- test for determining patentability -- patentability of abstract ideas -- machine or transformation test -- patentability of algorithms -inconsistency in court decisions. Subject: Computer-related inventions--United States Subject: Business methods--case law--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00326 Author: Dowle, Chad Author: Cothill, Shaun Title: Mapping out brand development strategies Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 43-44. Summary: Intellectual property law underdeveloped in Middle Eastern countries -- high cost of trade mark registration in the Middle East -- registering trade marks in Arabic -- translating word marks -- intellectual property laws are subject to Sharia and Islamic law and cultural restrictions -some Middle Eastern countries signatories to the Paris Convention -- care when using advertising and promotional materials to prevent devaluation of brand. Subject: Intellectual property rights--Middle East Subject: Brand management--Middle East SNIPER No.: 2013/02879 Author: Dreyfuss, Rochelle Cooper, 1947Title: The Max Planck principles as an aspect of global administrative law Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 906-912. Summary: Transnational regulation using treaties and conventions -- dispute settlement -legitimacy of administrative action -- impact of global administrative law on IP -- establishing procedural norms -- international negotiations -- access to medications for developing countries -transparency in IP negotiations between countries. Subject: International intellectual property law Subject: International trade--treaties SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 33 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00334 Author: Durden, Jayne Author: Mustafa, S. Farhan Title: Maximising IP value through budget forecasting Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 76-77. Summary: Determining cost-benefit value of IP assets -- understanding business strategy and how each product fits in -- protecting IP -- accuracy of information -- IP cost strategy -- efficiency assessments -- integrating cost forecasting with IP management systems. Subject: Intellectual property management SNIPER No.: 2015/00117 Author: Benavente, Daniela Added author: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Added author: World Economic Forum Added author: E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation Title: Measurement of trade and innovation: issues and challenges [electronic resource] Source: E15 Initiative Think Piece. July 2014. General Note: "The E15 Initiative - strengthening the global trade system". Summary: Need to update multilateral trading system in the internet era -- trade related aspects of innovation -- measuring innovation -- tariffs and trade liberalisation -- voluntary and mandatory implementation of standards -- causal relationship between IP rights and innovation -- collection of data from copyright related industries -- statistical data -- data dissemination. Subject: World Trade Organization Subject: International trade--statistics Subject: Innovation (Technological) Subject: Intellectual property rights SNIPER No.: 2015/00298 Author: Carson, Nigel Author: Tam, Nelvin Title: Metadata: the hidden evidence Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 37-38. Summary: No set definition of metadata -- use in forensic investigations such as the ICAC investigation into Barry O'Farrell and Nicholas Di Girolamo -- examples of the metadata evidence trail -- metadata information useful in litigation cases. Subject: Data forensics Subject: Intellectual property rights SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 34 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/02137 Author: Bindal, Saurabh Title: The missing spear Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 802-806. Summary: Determining the appropriate jurisdiction when a dispute is covered under more than one piece of legislation -- Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 -- protection of IP under TRIPS -- money laundering in IP cases -- Supreme Court ruled that later Money Laundering Act should override earlier statutes. Subject: Intellectual property law--India Subject: Criminal law--India Subject: Conflict of laws--India SNIPER No.: 2015/00310 Author: Assim, Gary Author: Kelly, Michael Title: Monkeying around with selfies Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 12. Summary: Claim of copyright by photographer David Slater over a selfie taken by a macaque monkey -- Wikimedia claimed that the photo was taken by a non-human so it could not be protected by copyright -- US and UK law both state that the owner of a photographic image is the person who created it -- recent amendment to US copyright regulations that exclude works produced by nature, animals or plants -- question of creative input by the photographer in setting up the conditions for the monkey to take the photo. Subject: Copyright owners' rights Subject: Artistic works--United States Subject: Artistic works--United Kingdom Subject: Moral rights SNIPER No.: 2014/01282 Author: Mejías, Alejandro Title: The multifactor test for trademark infringement from a European perspective: a path to reform Source: IDEA: the Intellectual Property Law Review. Vol. 54 No. 2, 2014, pp. 285-349. Summary: Comparison between US and European tests for trade mark infringement -harmonisation of European trade mark law -- single registration to obtain a European-wide trade mark -- role of precedent -- likelihood of confusion in Sabel v. Puma -- uniform application of EU law without referencing national law -- three levels of trade mark protection in US under common, state and federal law -- impact of the Lanham Act -- thirteen multifactor tests in US to determine likelihood of confusion -- CJEU definition of average consumer -- assessing similarity of trade marks -- word-picture rule of equivalence -- proximity of goods -- Nice classification. Subject: Confusing similarity--Europe Subject: Confusing similarity--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 35 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00146 Author: Gisbey, Ben Author: Thompson, Dorothea Title: Musical chairs Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, p. 43. General Note: See also 2015/00146 "Judicial review of UK private copying exception" Summary: Introduction of an exception for private copying in the UK -- regulating consumer copying in the music industry -- Hargreaves Review -- copying onto different media for individual and immediate family use now allowed -- streaming, creating a mixtape and allowing others to access a personal cloud remain illegal -- circumvention of technological protection measures illegal. Subject: Fair use (Copyright)--United Kingdom Subject: Copyright levies--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00301 Author: Misra, Tanvi Author: Anand, Dhruv Title: 'Musical scales' in Indian Copyright Law: introducing the right to receive royalty (the R3 right) of the 'performer owner' in a song Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, p. 43. Summary: Performers rights were reinforced when amendments were made to the Indian Copyright Act in 2012 -- a performers' society established for each class of performer -- royalties to be shared equally between performer and other owners of the copyright -- Indian Singers' Rights Association (ISRA) first to be registered after the amendments -- protection against exploitation of a singers' performance -- singers have a right to receive a royalty payment for their performance of a song -- rights if a song is incorporated into a film -- infringement remedies -- unauthorised reproduction of the performance. Subject: Neighbouring rights--India Subject: Copyright licensing--culture and entertainment industry--India Subject: Copyright licensing societies--India SNIPER No.: 2015/00152 Author: Vachanavuttivong, Darani Author: Thean-ngarm, Yuwadee Title: Myanmar: an emerging IP regime begins to take shape Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 62-63. Summary: Outdated IP regime currently in existence in Myanmar -- problems with enforcing IP rights -- Myanmar does not have an examination or trade mark search process -- reliance on current Registration Act -- trade mark use is used to determine ownership of marks -- new draft IP laws are under consideration -- 10th draft of the trade mark bill has been publicised, but the patent, industrial design and copyright drafts have not -- confusingly similar marks -- protection for marks is 10 years from date of application filing -- exclusive rights for mark owners -- use in good faith -cancellation for non-use for three consecutive years. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 36 of 63 Subject: Intellectual property systems--Myanmar Subject: Trade marks--law and legislation--Myanmar SNIPER No.: 2014/01168 Author: Getsinger, Andrew D. Title: A new approach to combating the piracy of intellectual property: develop the rule of law and increase the supply of legitimate goods Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 1, 2014, pp. 30-55. Summary: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) -- cost of copyright infringement -software piracy rates vary between countries -- piracy rates continue to climb despite international agreements -- higher the cost of a product, more likely it is to be pirated -- developing countries have weaker enforcement regimes -- impact of rule of law on piracy -- piracy higher where legal goods are in short supply and are expensive to purchase -- regional coding for DVDs -- action by IP rights owners -- international cooperation to enforce anti-piracy measures -- cost of enforcement proceedings -- using the IMF and World Bank loans to secure compliance with IP enforcement regimes. Subject: Copyright enforcement--treaties Subject: Copyright infringement SNIPER No.: 2015/00392 Author: Freund, Bill Title: New approaches to piracy protection Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, p. 49. Summary: Limiting online piracy by focusing attention on the top few pages of search engine results -- use of appropriate metrics -- futility of trying to eliminate all infringing links. Subject: Piracy--culture and entertainment industry Subject: Internet Subject: Carriage service providers SNIPER No.: 2015/00153 Author: Young, Joycia Author: Parker, Jon Title: New trademark law for the GCC Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 64-65. Summary: Ambiguity of law within the Gulf Co-Operation Council (GCC) countries relating to mandatory recordal -- resolution of some legal issues when new GCC Trademark Law signed into law by the six member states -- benefits of recording licences or RUAs -- does not include a single GCC-wide filing -- comparison of current and future licensing laws -- currently licenses can only be recorded against registered trade marks -- proof of authority to use. Subject: Trade mark licensing--Middle East Subject: Trade marks--law and legislation--Middle East SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 37 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00309 Author: Daboul, Sharon Title: Nissan races to 'Infiniti' with Eau Rouge trademark applications Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 11. Summary: Trade mark application for 'Eau Rouge' under automobiles approved in Japan and currently being examined in the US -- Eau Rouge is also a famous corner on the Spa F1 Belgian Grand Prix circuit -- 'L'Eau Rouge' registered as a community mark by le Circuit de Spa Francorchamps in the EU -- Spa filed the application to register 'L'Eau Rouge' under vehicles one week after Nissan sought the trade mark rights in Japan. Subject: Trade mark registrability--manufacturing and processing industry Subject: Trade mark infringement--manufacturing and processing industry--Europe SNIPER No.: 2013/02882 Author: Hestermeyer, Holger P. Title: The notion of "trade-related" aspects of intellectual property rights: from world trade to EU law: and back again Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 925-931. Summary: Inclusion of IP rights under the 1994 WTO Agreement -- TRIPS -- difficulty amending IP standards in international agreements. Subject: International intellectual property law Subject: International trade--treaties SNIPER No.: 2015/00149 Author: Morgan, Gareth Title: On second thoughts... (part one) Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 51-52. General Note: First article in a series of two. See also: 2015-00181. Summary: Second use medical patents -- generic pharmaceuticals -- AIPPI resolution -- indirect infringement -- disadvantages of new resolution -- effects on patient health -- patient monopolies -generic substitution policies. Subject: Swiss-type claims--pharmaceutical industry Subject: Swiss-type claims--law and legislation Subject: Patent owners' rights SNIPER No.: 2015/00321 Author: McCarthy, Kelly P. Title: Online wild west for fakes can be regulated Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 36. Summary: Difficulty of spotting counterfeits when shopping online -- use of online monitoring programmes -- procedures for brand owners to request removal of counterfeits -- using trade marks on social media. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 38 of 63 Subject: Electronic commerce Subject: Counterfeiting Subject: Trade marks--social aspects SNIPER No.: 2015/00155 Author: Graham, Richard Title: Out of time Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 68-70. Summary: Landmark case of Cartier International AG and others vs BSKyB Limited and others -first time a brand owner had required an ISP to prevent websites offering counterfeit goods for sale in the UK -- test case against ISPs -- challenge of enforcing rights online -- identification of the primary infringer -- legal context of the case -- determination that the court had the jurisdiction to make the trade mark infringement order -- four threshold conditions to be satisfied before order could be granted -- restricted freedom of expression concerns -- ISP role in prevention of infringement. Subject: Trade mark infringement--case law--United Kingdom Subject: Carriage service providers--case law--United Kingdom Subject: Counterfeiting--fashion and design industry--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00389 Author: Adcock, Alan Author: Siraprapha Rungpry Title: Patent battle Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 42-44. Summary: Establishing a sound litigation strategy to prove pharmaceutical infringement in Thailand -- patent reviews -- using a cease and desist letter -- negotiating out-of-court settlements ensuring effective protection and remedies -- specialised Thai court for IP cases -- patent infringement actions can be either criminal or civil -- options for injunctions and Anton Piller orders - raising an infringement defence. Subject: Patent infringement--Thailand SNIPER No.: 2015/00302 Author: Lee, Victor S. C. Author: Chen, Crystal J. Title: Patent invalidated after confirming patent infringement not to overrule final judgment: IP Court Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, p. 44. Summary: Bifurcation system in Taiwan -- separation of civil and administrative cases -- since the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act, 2008 patent invalidity can be raised as a defence in civil proceedings -- request for a retrial if invalidation follows an infringement decision. Subject: Patent validity--Taiwan SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 39 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00257 Author: Lane, Eric L. Title: Patent PR Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 4, 2014, pp. 486-513. Summary: Analysis of patent focused press releases by patent holders -- search methodology -exclusions from the data set -- development of a coding system for the material -- results of content analysis -- patent documentation as a signal to publicise information about the patent owner -subject matter preferences -- patent activity. Subject: Patent publication--United States Subject: Patents--research SNIPER No.: 2015/00394 Author: Vinti, Baldassare Author: Werb, Daniel Title: Patent reform: back on the table but late to the party? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 52-53. Summary: Bill to curb abusive patent litigation may be introduced to the US House of Representatives again in 2015 -- recent Supreme Court decisions such as Alice, Occtane fitness and Highmark have addressed some of the concerns the Bill is intended to address -- PTAB review procedure has led to invalidation of a number of cases involving abusive litigation -- need to file more detailed pleadings following abolishing of Form 18 pleading sheet -- concern that Congressional interference may weaken patent rights -- awarding of attorney fees -- inter partes examination. Subject: Patent litigation--law and legislation--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00148 Author: Stacy, Wayne O. Author: Pivovar, Adam M. Title: The Patent Trial and Appeal Board after two years: future challenges Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 49-51. Summary: PTAB created to resolve patent validity disputes at the USPTO -- PTAB widely used since its creation -- reviews normally completed within 18 months -- reviews under PTAB cheaper, faster and with a lower burden of proof -- petitioners success rate at approximately 89% -obviousness challenges -- PTAB an alternative to litigation in district courts -- stay of proceedings - mandatory estoppel from a PTAB proceeding -- need to redefine PTAB policy relating to concurrent USPTO proceedings. Subject: Patent validity--United States Subject: Patent examination--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 40 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/00716 Author: Platt, Neal R. Title: Persistent infirmities in trademark priority: toward a cure Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 103 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1268-1272. Summary: Proposal for legislation to include passage of time -- contains hypothetical situation showing problem with a renewal application -- use of a curative or a limitations period -- correction of errors in applications -- naked licenses. Subject: Trade mark priority--case studies--United States Subject: Trade mark owners' rights--case studies--United States Subject: Trade mark validity--case studies--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00316 Author: Davidoff, Galina Title: Picture perfect Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, p. 24. Summary: Use of courtroom graphics in patent cases -- importance to the case -- organisational principles when using graphics in a trial -- providing clarity for jurors -- creating key visuals -- team involvement. Subject: Artistic works Subject: Expert witnesses SNIPER No.: 2015/00332 Author: Adamo, Kenneth R. Author: Higer, David W. Author: Goryunov, Eugene Author: Hubbard, Ryan M. Title: The price of a stay: prior art estoppel Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 61-64. Summary: Stay of litigation under inter partes review (IPR)-- lower burden of proof in invalidity claims under IPR -- factors considered by US district courts in deciding stay motions -- recent trend in the US for courts to impose limited estoppel -- non-IPR petitioners. Subject: Intellectual property litigation--United States SNIPER No.: 2013/02881 Author: Gopalakrishnan, N. S., Dr Title: Principles for intellectual property provisions in bilateral and regional agreements: reflections on the ongoing negotiations of an EU-India FTA Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 920-924. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 41 of 63 Summary: Increased importance of IP regulations in FTAs after TRIPS -- transparency of negotiations -- impact of TRIPS-plus provisions on innovation and development in India -- access to generic medicines -- protection of traditional knowledge -- public interest -- promotion of domestic economic welfare. Subject: International intellectual property law Subject: International trade--treaties--India Subject: International trade--treaties--Europe SNIPER No.: 2014/02134 Author: Baines, Rebecca Title: Prior art before patent: the only way to instruct expert witnesses in patent cases? Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 778-784. Summary: Conflicting decisions in UK Patent Court cases involving expert witness evidence -uncertainty following the Starsight v Virgin (Rovi) decision about the notional skilled person -- fair and objective expert opinion -- hindsight analysis -- commentary on evaluation of expert opinion in cases of patent infringement -- applicability of prior art before patent approach. Subject: Inventive step--case law--United Kingdom Subject: Expert witnesses--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00330 Author: Sloss, Robert H. Author: Mehta, Miku H. Title: Privileged position Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 53-55. Summary: Attorney-client privilege varies across different jurisdictions -- communications between a client and a Japanese bengoshi (lawyers) or benrishi (trade mark attorneys) -- defining attorneyclient privilege under US law -- US application of attorney-client privilege to patent agents -significance of applying US or Japanese law to a privilege issue. Subject: Legal privilege--United States Subject: Legal privilege--Japan SNIPER No.: 2014/01167 Author: Gonsalves, Gregory J. Author: Grubbs, Kathy Title: The PTAB's interpretation of the real party in interest and privy provision in the AIA: a look at the PTAB's rulings for several fact scenarios Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 1, 2014, pp. 22-29. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 42 of 63 Summary: Inter Partes Review (IPR) -- estoppel -- time limits for filing -- Congressional aim to prevent serial challenges to patent validity -- current system a cost burden on patent owners -Taylor v. Sturgell decision on real-party-in-interest -- PTAB Trial Practice Guide defines qualifying relationships -- examples of IPR proceedings and rulings -- party that controls, directs and funds an IPR is a real party in interest. Subject: Patent validity--United States Subject: Intellectual property litigation--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00335 Author: MacLean, Ian Title: Quality (and value) v quantity Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 76-77. Summary: Realising value of patent portfolios -- balance between quality and quantity -- valuing high-quality patents -- organising market protection for patent portfolios -- using software to review patent portfolios -- balance between risk and reward -- monitoring the competition. Subject: Patent owners' rights Subject: Value of intellectual property SNIPER No.: 2015/00256 Author: Brody, Tom Title: Rebutting obviousness rejections by disclosing impermissible hindsight Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 4, 2014, pp. 427-485. Summary: Ten categories of admissible hindsight -- referencing prior art -- Graham v. John Deere case noted that hindsight should not be used in imposing obviousness rejections -- in re Winslow provided a test for determining whether impermissible hindsight had been used to determine an obviousness rejection -- case law relevant to categories of impermissible hindsight -- examples of Patent Trial Appeal Board cases -- primary and secondary references -- "teaching away" -redundant advantage -- disparate references -- optimising. Subject: Patent examination--United States Subject: Inventive step--case law--United States Subject: Patent validity--case law--United States SNIPER No.: 2014/02135 Author: Long, Séamus David Title: Regulation 5129/2013: the protection it offers intellectual property right holders Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp. 785-789. Summary: New customs regulations to prevent pirated and counterfeit products entering the EU -extension of IP protection to a wider range of goods -- destruction of small consignments from internet sales -- reimbursement of costs -- seizure of goods in transit -- harmonisation of enforcement procedures. Subject: Infringement remedies--Europe Subject: Counterfeiting--law and legislation--Europe SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 43 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2013/02884 Author: Seuba Hernández, Xavier Title: The relevance of the principles for intellectual property provisions in bilateral and regional agreements vis-à-vis European Preferential Trade agreements Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 943-947. Summary: Concerns over provisions for intellectual property in preferential trade agreements (PTAs) -- social and human rights within IP provisions -- lack of attention given to local needs -transplantation of IP legal regime into agreements -- negotiating in good faith Subject: International intellectual property law Subject: International trade--treaties SNIPER No.: 2015/00137 Author: Adediran, Peter Title: Repeal of section 52: an innovation block? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 20-21. Summary: Proposed repeal of section 52 of the UK Patents Act -- mass production of a copyright work by the holder will be covered from the life of the creator plus 70 years -- consultation on timing, implementation and transition period -- wide range of designers affected by the repeal -overview of arguments for and against shorter transition periods. Subject: Copyright terms--United Kingdom Subject: Copyright owners' rights--United Kingdom Subject: Visual arts and crafts--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00133 Author: Thompson, Sandra P. Title: Researching green technology patents Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 13.14. Summary: Using published patent applications and issued patents as an indicator of innovation in green technology sector -- reviewing patents that have been renewed and those that have expired in a particular sector -- USPTO procedures -- patent infringement -- published patent applications can indicate leading areas of research -- biofuels sector -- Clean Energy Patent Growth Index. Subject: Environmental issues in intellectual property--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00328 Author: Oker-Blom, Max, 1948Author: Díaz Alaminos, Bárbara Title: The right to use a trademark SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 44 of 63 Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 47-49. Summary: Implications of trade marks as exclusionary right -- three approaches to the nature of a trade mark right -- natural rights approach -- utilitarian approach -- positivist approach -- purpose of trade marks -- intent to use a trade mark -- transfer of trade mark rights -- national jurisdictions within the EU have different laws covering trade mark rights -- right to use a trade mark under TRIPS -- trade marks and plain packaging of tobacco products. Subject: Trade mark owners' rights--Europe Subject: Trade dress--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00325 Author: Bloom, David Title: Security blanket Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 41-42 Summary: Costs to SMEs in IP litigation cases -- increase in value of IP in the UK -- reduction in number of funding options available to rights holders to enforce their IP rights -- IP lawyer fees -conditional fee agreements -- damages based agreements -- third party funding -- before the event insurance for IP disputes. Subject: Intellectual property litigation--United Kingdom Subject: Intellectual property rights--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00378 Author: Mukaddam, Farah Title: Shape of child's chair not registrable as a trademark Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 16-17 Summary: CJEU ruling on the interpretation of Article 3(1)(e)(i) and (iii) of the Trade Marks Directive for refusal or invalidity of shape marks -- absolute grounds are mutually exclusive -registration of a Benelux trade mark for the Tripp Trapp child's chair -- Hauck GmbH & Co. KG v Stokke A/S, Stokke Nederland BV -- case referred to CJEU by Supreme Court of the Netherlands - assessing essential characteristics -- a mark cannot be registered if the shape results from the nature of the goods themselves -- shape is necessary to obtain a technical result -- shape gives substantial value to the goods. Subject: Shape marks Subject: Industrial design registrability--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00259 Author: Ghosh, Shubha Title: Short-circuiting contract law: the federal circuit's contract law jurisprudence and IP federalism Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 4, 2014, pp. 536-566. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 45 of 63 Summary: Stanford University v. Roche -- faulty contract law led to loss of a potential multimillion dollar patent by Stanford -- inconsistencies between federal and state laws -- simultaneous patent assignments -- Stanford case first to be heard under the Bayh-Dole Act -- patent law under state contract law jurisdiction -- legal rules of priority in security interests -- on sale bar under the 1953 Patent Act -- conflict between exhaustion doctrine and conditional sale doctrine -- differentiating between and sale and a license -- settlement agreements -- relationship between patent and antitrust laws -- FTC v. Actavis -- use of the Erie doctrine -- contract jurisprudence -- uniformity in patent law decisions -- need for a predictable body of law to govern patents -- intellectual property preemption -- reform of Federal Circuit approach to contract law needed. Subject: Intellectual property law--United States Subject: Legal jurisdiction--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00114 Author: Burri, Mira Added author: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Added author: World Economic Forum Added author: E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation Title: Should there be new multilateral rules for digital trade? [electronic resource] Source: E15 Initiative Think Piece. December 2013. General Note: "The E15 Initiative - strengthening the global trade system". Summary: Regulatory response to innovation in digital technology -- Information Technology Agreement (ITA) -- access to telecommunication markets -- globalisation of digital technologies -dispute settlements under WTO law all included an Internet-related element -- questions over the ability of WTO governance to address the new digital technologies -- e-commerce programme developed by WTO inadequate -- duty-free moratorium on electronic transmissions -- calls for WTO reform -- including digital trade in the Trade in Services Agreement -- increasing the level of certainty for businesses involved in digital trade. Subject: World Trade Organization Subject: Electronic commerce Subject: International trade Subject: International law SNIPER No.: 2015/00313 Author: Sandonato, Michael P. Author: Bayne, Laura A. Title: Smartphone stalemate: what was the point of Apple v Samsung? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 17-18. Summary: Apple and Samsung agreement to drop all non-US patent litigation -- litigation has failed to protect market share -- summary of litigation worldwide between the two companies -dispute between Apple and Samsung now limited to two US cases -- resolution likely to be financial, not product bans -- market share statistics show that Samsung has the larger market share. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 46 of 63 Subject: Patent infringement--case law Subject: Patent litigation Subject: Mobile computing SNIPER No.: 2015/00379 Author: Minns, Abby Title: Solving the Rubik's Cube challenge Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 18-20 Summary: Long running dispute between Seven Towns and Simba Toys over validity of shape mark for the Rubik's Cube -- CJEU upheld decision of Second Board of Appeal and dismissed Simba's application for invalidity on every ground -- finding that the essential characteristics of the mark did not perform a technical function -- inherent difficulty in registering a shape mark. Subject: Shape marks--case law--Europe Subject: Trade mark registrability--Europe SNIPER No.: 2014/01654 Author: Tan, Emily Title: Specialist whilst generalist: interview with Mr. C. K. Kwong, President of APAA Source: China Intellectual Property: comprehensive IP report on China. Vol. 60 No. 3-4, MarchApril 2014, pp. 52-55. Summary: Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) earliest non-government organisation on patents -- different types of patents in Hong Kong and China -- requirements for patent agents. Subject: Kwong, C. K.--interviews Subject: Patent attorneys--China Subject: Patent systems--China Subject: Patent systems--Hong Kong SNIPER No.: 2015/00115 Author: Karachalios, Konstantinos Author: McCabe, Karen Added author: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Added author: World Economic Forum Added author: E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation Title: Standards, innovation, and their role in the context of the World Trade Organization [electronic resource] Source: E15 Initiative Think Piece. December 2013. General Note: "The E15 Initiative - strengthening the global trade system". SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 47 of 63 Summary: Impact of nation-centric standards within WTO on innovation -- Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement established pre-digital era -- development of open standards and technology platforms -- removal of barriers to innovation -- technological innovation needs global open standards to address important issues as security and privacy -- promotion of international harmonisation of technical regulations. Subject: World Trade Organization Subject: Trade regulation Subject: Innovation (Technological) Subject: International trade SNIPER No.: 2014/01657 Author: Han, Weiwei Title: Stepping up of the green technologies in China: from the view of intellectual property Source: China Intellectual Property: comprehensive IP report on China. Vol. 60 No. 3-4, MarchApril 2014, pp. 68-71. Summary: Priority patent examination for green technologies -- definition of important patent applications -- commercialisation of green patents. Subject: Environmental issues in intellectual property--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00391 Author: Kramer, Anessa Owen Title: Tackling tacking Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 47-48. Summary: Oral arguments in Hana Financial Inc v Hana Bank -- rarely used argument of trade mark tacking -- case rested on proving priority use -- numerous rulings and appeals in the case -questions over whether case should have gone to the US Supreme Court -- is trade mark tacking a legal issue or a question of fact -- decision by SCOTUS upholding Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals finding that trade mark tacking is a question of fact -- decision likely to affect circuit courts treating likelihood of confusion as a matter of law. Subject: Trade mark priority--case law--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00380 Author: Vichayanonda, Anjie Title: Taste tactics Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 21-23. Summary: Taste trade marks have not yet been approved by the USPTO -- registration of a taste mark falls under the Lanham Act -- no indication in either the Lanham or Trademark Acts to allow or disallow registration -- registration refused because the mark was either functional or did not act as a source identifier -- use of the four Morton-Norwich factors to determine whether mark is functional -- taste seen as a characteristic rather than an identifier -- two taste marks for pharmaceuticals have been refused by the TTAB based on taste being an inherent characteristic -applications to register flavour marks for beverages also rejected on the grounds of functionality and distinctiveness -- difficulty of enforcing a taste mark -- registration for scent marks has been approved -- Morrocanoil Inc scent mark had acquired distinctiveness -- substantial evidence required to prove acquired distinctiveness -- law relating to taste marks undeveloped in the US. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 48 of 63 Subject: Taste marks--registrability--United States Subject: Trade mark distinctiveness--United States SNIPER No.: 2014/00712 Author: Jay, E. Deborah Title: Ten truths of false advertising surveys Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 103 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1116-1171. Summary: Claims for false advertising fall under the Lanham Act -- consumer reaction to alleged false advertising must be determined -- requirement for consumer perception surveys -- survey target audience usually potential purchasers -- measurement of consumer perception -- use of filter options in consumer surveys -- inclusion of open and closed-ended questions -- survey questions should be relevant to the case -- including control questions or control groups -- test stimulus -disputes over multi-page websites with links to other sites -- data collection methods -- uniform administration of surveys -- interpretation of survey results -- conforming with accepted survey standards. Subject: Marketing--United States Subject: Evidence--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00147 Author: Yost, Eleanor M. Author: Ahuja, Sumedha Author: Sanders, Charles H. Title: Three lessons learned from two years at the US PTAB Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 44-48. Summary: A panel reviews the post-grant review petition to determine whether it should be granted -- PTAB proceedings often run in parallel with litigation in a district court -- impact on trial schedule from the large number of filings -- motion to amend patents -- non-obviousness -statistics on granting of stay proceedings. Subject: Patent litigation--United States Subject: Patent validity--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00202 Author: Rendas, Tito Title: Time-shifted morality: a critique of the legal discourse on online copyright infringement Source: Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property. Vol. 5 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 28-45. Summary: Dominant rhetoric against sharing of copyrighted content on the Internet lacks moral bite -- relationship between law and morality -- litigation against file sharers have been ineffective -illegal downloading not seen as morally wrong -- use of the theft metaphor when referring to illegal downloads in the judicial arena -- possible changes to the legal discourse to influence public perception of illegal downloads -- influencing behaviour. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 49 of 63 Subject: Copyright infringement--culture and entertainment industry Subject: Electronic copyright--culture and entertainment industry Subject: Piracy--culture and entertainment industry Subject: Public interest--culture and entertainment industry SNIPER No.: 2014/01166 Author: Jackiw, Suzanne Title: Title defense: creating consistency in video game title trademark law Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 1, 2014, pp. 1-21. Summary: Cost of developing video games -- single-issue video game titles eligible for trade marks -- protection of title following release -- case law follows TMEP guidelines -- video games handled differently to other creative works -- Midway case of 1983 -- importance of title in the video game industry -- alternative approach to trade marks for video games. Subject: Multimedia works--United States Subject: Trade mark owners' rights--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00156 Author: Minns, Abby Title: To imitate or innovate?: the interplay of fashion and IP Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 82-83. Summary: Creating a trend by copying another design -- copyright and trade marks the most used IP protection in the fashion industry -- online naming and shaming of copycat retailers has been successful -- acquired distinctiveness of the Louboutin red sole -- limited scope of protection for sign marks -- difficulty in establishing passing-off. Subject: Trade mark infringement--fashion and design industry Subject: Passing-off--fashion and design industry Subject: Brand management--fashion and design industry SNIPER No.: 2015/00091 Author: Kur, Annette Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: Too common, too splendid, or 'just right'?: trade mark protection for product shapes and the light of CJEU case law [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-17, 3 December 2014. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 50 of 63 Summary: Reconciling shapes as marks with IP law -- close connection between the mark and the goods it designates -- protecting shape marks under European law -- defining distinctiveness and descriptive character in Joined Cases Linde, Winward and Rado -- OHIM rejection of distinctiveness of shape marks following Linde, Winward and Rado -- same principles apply to packaging as for product shapes under CJEU jurisprudence -- legal rationale behind permanent exclusion from protection -- preventing monopolies on technical solutions or functional characteristics of a product -- Trip Trapp chair case -- distinction between indistinctive shapes and those that fall under the exclusion clause -- Hauck v. Stokke decision -- CJEU decision on technically necessary shapes such as the Philishave razor and Lego building blocks. Subject: Shape marks--Europe Subject: Trade mark distinctiveness--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00154 Author: Goodchild, Joanne Title: Toxic brands: is there a cure? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 66-67. Summary: Failure of a brand due to the reduction in quality of the product or association with a third party -- example of businesses with the name 'Isis' now associated with terrorism -- public perception of the name and its connotations -- decision to re-brand depends on the commercial effect -- a loyal customer is unlikely to be swayed by the perceived association -- consideration of the goodwill built by the brand name -- legal issues involved in re-branding. Subject: Trade mark dilution--United Kingdom Subject: Brand management--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00327 Author: Prewitt, Matthew F. Title: Trade secrets in the era of cyber breach Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 45-46. Summary: Bills before Congress to create a federal civil cause of action for trade secret misappropriation -- business vulnerability to cyber attack and theft of electronic data -- noncompetition agreements -- state courts hear employment disputes. Subject: Inevitable disclosure (Trade secrets)--United States Subject: Trade secrets--law and legislation--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00119 Author: Lippoldt, Douglas Author: Schultz, Mark F. Added author: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Added author: World Economic Forum Added author: E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 51 of 63 Title: Trade secrets, innovation and the WTO [electronic resource] Source: E15 Initiative Think Piece. August 2014. General Note: "The E15 Initiative - strengthening the global trade system". Summary: Harmonising trade secret protection in WTO multilateral agreements -- intangible assets -- Article 39.2 of TRIPS defines characteristics of a trade secret -- cost of trade secret theft - trade secret protection especially important to SMEs -- trade secrets protection index -- trade secret abuse -- preliminary injunctions -- protecting trade secrets during litigation -- reform needed for trade secret protection. Subject: Trade secrets Subject: International trade Subject: Inevitable disclosure (Trade secrets) SNIPER No.: 2015/00393 Author: Daboul, Sharon Title: Trademark crash: Volvo v OHIM Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 50-51. Summary: EU General Court upheld OHIM decision regarding opposition to registering the mark 'LOVAL' by Volvo -- opposition initially rejected on grounds of dissimilarity -- appeal considered similarity, reputation of the earlier mark and distinctive character -- decision based on grammatical rules and likelihood of consumer confusion -- not possible to carry out conceptual comparison as neither sign had any meaning -- use of a visual dictionary theory by Volvo. Subject: Confusing similarity--Transport and storage industry--Europe Subject: Trade mark distinctiveness--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00139 Author: Hjorth, Beverly E. Title: Trademark genericide: lessons as close as your driveway Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 23-24. Summary: Importance of building a strong brand to protect against infringement -- filing a declaration under section 15 to obtain incontestable status -- case of PODS Enterprises vs. U-Haul over trade mark registrations -- trade mark infringement litigation where competitor tries to prove a trade mark has become generic -- use of consumer surveys -- PODS management of its brand -correct use of a trade mark. Subject: Brand management--United States Subject: Trade mark infringement--case law--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 52 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/02208 Author: Burshtein, Sheldon Title: Trademark licensing in Canada: the control regime turns 21 Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 1001-1111. Summary: Concept of distinctiveness -- restrictions on assignment -- assigning goodwill under common law -- comparison with laws of other countries -- historical overview of Canadian trade mark law -- registered user system -- scope of legislation -- non-use and opposition proceedings -requirements for licensing -- use of a trade mark by an agency -- consignment arrangements -- use of sub-contractors -- toll manufacturers (co-packers) -- distribution of goods -- case studies -distribution of services – consent to use agreements -- phase out agreements between owners and infringers -- double trade marking -- licenses assigned by licensees -- registration applications -maintaining the quality and character of a mark -- licensor monitoring to ensure quality – exception under s. 51 for pharmaceutical preparation -- using a licensing agent -- sublicensing arrangements -- unregistered trade marks -- licensing of trade dress -- use of a trade mark within a trade name by a licensee -- ss. 50(1) for domain names -- licensing of certification marks -- official marks -- public notice of licensed use -- use under license outside Canada -- licensing disputes -- estoppel -- nonuse proceedings -- opposition proceedings -- competition law -- insolvency. Subject: Trade mark licensing--Canada Subject: Trade mark systems--Canada SNIPER No.: 2015/00260 Author: Stronach, Roger Title: Trademarking social change: an ironic commodification Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 4, 2014, pp. 567-599. Summary: Increase in applications to trade mark slogans -- trade marking social movements -should social change be trade marked -- value of association with a social agenda -- growth of non-profit organisations and activism -- business involvement in social causes -- online activism -some forms of social change have become a commodity -- balance between trade mark protection and freedom of expression -- value of trade marks -- transforming social initiatives into commodities -- cases of corporations attaching their trade mark to a social cause -- common law right of publicity in the late Rosa Parks v. LaFace Records case -- trade mark designations -- trade marking an identity -- gaining meaningful support in the internet age -- proving sufficient commercial use of a non profit trade mark. Subject: User-generated content--United States Subject: Trade marks--social aspects--United States Subject: Social change Subject: Internet SNIPER No.: 2015/00079 Author: Fink, Carsten Author: Helmers, Christian Author: Ponce, Carlos Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization Title: Trademarks squatters: evidence from Chile [electronic resource] Source: WIPO Economic Research Working Paper. No. 22, September 2014. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 53 of 63 Summary: Using trade marks to impede market entry -- trade mark squatting for monetary gain -registering a trade mark in classes not covered by an existing mark -- squatters pursuing infringement actions against imports of products relying on brand name -- free-riding on brand reputation -- brand dilution and loss of sales -- first-to-file systems -- speculative registration of trade marks -- impact on brand owners -- valuable foreign brands often targeted -- suggested algorithmic methodology to identify trade mark squatters in any trade mark register -- application procedure in Chile -- protection of well-known brands under the Paris Convention and TRIPS -enforcing trade mark law in Chile -- most squatter filings concentrated on clothing and accessories related marks -- preemptive filings -- time lag in opposition procedures. Subject: Non-practicing entities--Chile Subject: Trade mark owners' rights--Chile SNIPER No.: 2013/02880 Author: Frankel, Susy Title: Trade-offs and transparency Source: IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Vol. 44 No. 8, December 2013, pp. 913-919. Summary: Trading intellectual property for other benefits in trade negotiations -- TRIPS-plus agreements -- free trade agreements -- power imbalance in bilateral agreements -- comparison of international trade agreements -- Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Subject: International intellectual property law Subject: International trade--treaties SNIPER No.: 2014/01169 Author: Swamidass, Jayanth S. Author: Swamidass, Paul M. Title: The trajectory of China's trademark systems leading up to the new trademark law taking effect in May 2014 Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 1, 2014, pp. 56-75. Summary: Evolution of trade mark law in China -- importance of brand identity in China -- high incidence of trade mark infringement -- comparative infancy of the modern Chinese trade mark system -- economic growth leading to improved trade mark enforcement -- improvement in compliance with international treaties -- first-to-file registrations -- foreign applicants must meet certain requirements such as a Chinese transliteration of the company name -- customs seizure of counterfeit goods -- improving qualifications for trade mark judges -- problem of bad faith registrations -- registering non-traditional marks. Subject: Intellectual property systems--China Subject: Trade mark enforcement--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00118 Author: Mercurio, Bryan SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 54 of 63 Added author: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Added author: World Economic Forum Added author: E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation Title: TRIPs, patents, and innovation: a necessary reappraisal? [electronic resource] Source: E15 Initiative Think Piece. July 2014. General Note: "The E15 Initiative - strengthening the global trade system". Summary: Assumption that patents promote innovation now being questioned -- TRIPS agreement provides uniform approach to patents and patent protection -- differentiating between innovation and invention -- patent thickets -- weighing social costs against social benefits of patents -- harmonising patent protection -- length of patent protection -- scope of patentability has expanded -- question of software patentability -- patent trolls -- encouraging innovation and protecting investments in the pharmaceutical industry -- recommendations to improve innovation and competition. Subject: Patent owners' rights Subject: International trade Subject: Innovation (Technological) SNIPER No.: 2015/00390 Author: Williams, Thomas M. Title: TTAB's 'likelihood of confusion' rulings Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 45-46. Summary: B&B Hardware Inc v Hargis Industries Inc will impact on infringement cases involving 'likelihood of confusion' -- role of the TTAB in adjudicating disputes -- board applying the DuPont factors test when determining whether confusion is likely. Court decision due in mid 2015. Subject: Legal jurisdiction--United States Subject: Trade mark infringement--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00297 Author: Zhang, Lily Title: TV, taken down Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 35-36. Summary: Chinese website for pirated videos, and one for subtitles, have been taken down -- availability of subtitles led to growth in the audience for pirated movies and TV shows -- new regulations issued by China's TV watchdog SARFT mean that all foreign shows must have a permit and be reviewed by the watchdog before being made available online -- improved copyright protection in China. Subject: Copyright infringement--China Subject: Internet--China Subject: Cinematographic works--China Subject: Television broadcasts--China SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 55 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00382 Author: Watson, Robert Author: Graham, Emma Title: Undressing the design copy issue: tribal wars: a review of John Kaldor Fabricmaker v Lee Ann Fashions Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, p.26. Summary: Difficulty of enforcing unregistered IP rights -- design must have been copied for infringement to take place -- case rested upon two issues, whether a substantial part of the design had been copied and whether other infringement requirements were met -- claim of copying and infringement was dismissed -- eight step framework for copyright infringement following Designers Guild Ltd v Russel Williams (Textiles) Ltd case. Subject: Industrial designs--case law--United Kingdom Subject: Copyright infringement--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00375 Author: Korenberg, Alexander Author: Venner, Julia Title: The unitary patent and the Unified Patent Court: an update Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 11-12. Summary: Final decision on Spanish challenge to constitutionality of the new court expected in 2015 -- UPC ratified by half the necessary 13 countries -- locations of the courts -- qualifications and experience of judges -- draft rules of procedure -- opt out clause -- designated language -bifurcation of infringement and validity proceedings -- payment of damages -- annual renewal fees -- Malta's participation. Subject: Patent litigation--Europe Subject: Legal procedure--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00396 Author: Larsen, Charles Author: Kelly, Edward J. Author: Carroll, Christopher P. Author: Ling, Vincent Title: UPC recap: have you been paying attention? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 55-56. Summary: Expected that the UPC will come into effect in 2016 -- current national level of enforcement will be replaced with the UPC resulting in fewer costs -- Italian and Spanish challenge to legality of the agreement and regulations -- competency of the CJEU to use enhanced cooperation legislative procedure -- establishment of a Preparatory Committee to implement the UPC -- draft Rules of Procedure include an accelerated timeline for infringement decisions -administrative and IT procedures on-going -- initial list of approved judicial candidates released. Subject: Patent systems--Europe Subject: Patent litigation--Europe SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 56 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2015/00386 Author: Low, Eugene I. Title: Updates from China: latest regulations on the protection of privacy Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, pp. 36-37. Summary: Draft Chinese law on data privacy not yet implemented -- PRC Supreme Court Judicial Interpretation on infringement of civil rights -- ISPs and the duty of disclosure -- specific examples of personal data disclosure subject to court jurisdiction -- statutory damages -- Draft SMS rules published in 2014 -- restriction on sending commercial SMS messages. Subject: Privacy--law and legislation--China Subject: Mobile computing--China SNIPER No.: 2015/00080 Author: Barcelos, Vivian Author: Jorge, Marina Filgueiras Author: Le Feuvre, Bruno Author: Lopes, Felipe Author: Carvalho, Sergio M. Paulino de Author: Pinheiro, Vera Author: Raffo, Julio Author: Ribeiro, Leonardo Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization Title: The use of intellectual property in Brazil [electronic resource] Source: WIPO Economic Research Working Paper. No. 23, December 2014. Summary: Effect of IP in developing countries -- tailoring IP systems to national capacity and needs -- plan of action for science and technology programs -- adoption of international trade agreements -- Greater Brazil Plan (PBM) -- structure of IP regulation -- inventions and utility models protected as patents -- lack of substantive examination for industrial designs -- registration of technology transfer contracts by National Institute of Industrial Property -- specific legislation covers software -- IP trends in Brazil -- breakdown of application by type and class -- growth in industrial design applications -- increasing demand for trade mark protection -- breakdown of geographical indication applications. Subject: Intellectual property systems--Brazil Subject: Intellectual property law--Brazil SNIPER No.: 2014/02140 Author: Teare, Isabel Title: Virgin escapes Rovi's clutches again in the latest cable television patent dispute: lessons in choosing (and preparing) an expert witness: Rovi Solutions Corp v Virgin Media Ltd Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 12, 2014, pp.810-813. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 57 of 63 Summary: Dispute over a relocate feature in cable television technology -- -- judge found for Virgin -- choice of expert witnesses -- assessing inventive step in Rovi patent -- interpretation of prior art - analysis of prior art documentation -- claims of hindsight -- Rovi to appeal decision. Subject: Expert witnesses--United Kingdom SNIPER No.: 2015/00144 Author: Kelly, Don V. Title: Virtual reality, virtual laws Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. November 2014, pp. 38-39. Summary: Game imagery and the code to display it are copyrightable -- appropriation of code developed in former employment -- fair use of another's images -- creation of avatars -- protection of game names and brands with trade marks -- trade mark dilution -- virtual reality games protectable by patent -- infringement of celebrity rights -- indirect infringement. Subject: Computer-related inventions--patentability--United States Subject: Trade mark infringement--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00085 Author: Jaeger, Thomas, LL. M. Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht Title: What's in the unitary patent package [electronic resource] Source: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper. No. 14-08, 9 May 2014. General Note: Prepared for the Regional and EU Intellectual Property Challenges Conference, held on 6 June 2014 at Burch University, Sarajevo and published with the Conference papers Summary: Plans for a unitary patent system stalled for many years -- establishing regimes for a UPS -- EPO established a partial patent harmonisation from 1977 -- four areas for full patent protection are grant, scope, property, enforcement -- cross border enforcement of patent rights -creation of working group for a European Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA) -- draft agreement on a unified European and Community Patent Court (ECPC) -- sui generis models -- unitary patent created under Reg. 1257/2012 and adopted -- threat of territorial fragmentation -- mistrust between courts -- high quality patent jurisprudence -- accessibility of the court -- problems with enhanced cooperation -- absence of property rules -- concerns over functionality -- truncated scope of the Regulation -- suggestions to improve the EPC. Subject: Patent systems--Europe Subject: Patents--law and legislation--Europe SNIPER No.: 2015/00395 Author: Engelman, Mark Title: What's wrong with UK innovation? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2015, p. 54. SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 58 of 63 Summary: Failure to turn innovation into product due to lack of research grants in the UK -- cost of patent protection -- introduction of Unitary Patent Scheme -- UK Supreme Court decision in principle to permit claims of foreign IP infringement to be heard in English Courts -- possibility of a future single worldwide infringement court -- difficulties of IP protection from counterfeiters -- China does not have an adequate IP protection system. Subject: Innovation (Technological)--United Kingdom Subject: Patent systems--Europe Subject: Patent infringement--United Kingdom Subject: Patent enforcement SNIPER No.: 2015/00300 Author: Mirandah, Gladys Title: When times are not fortunate in Singapore Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, p. 42. Summary: Time Inc v. Li San Zhong -- IPOS Registrar dismissed case for invalidation of a trade mark -- found that the marks in question were not visually or aurally similar -- failure to establish likelihood of confusion -- failure to supply evidence in support of claim -- appeal has not been filed. Subject: Trade mark validity--case law--Singapore Subject: Confusing similarity--case law--Singapore SNIPER No.: 2014/02195 Author: Gervais, Daniel J., 1963Author: Latsko, Julie M. Title: Who cares about the 85 percent?: reconsidering survey evidence of online confusion in trademark cases Source: Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Vol. 96 No. 3, 2014, pp. 265-297. Summary: Federal appellate circuits' use of the 15% Rule in infringement cases presents a reductionist view of consumer interests -- each circuit has a slightly different multi-factor test to decide likelihood of confusion -- Kraft Foods Group Brankds LLC v Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc highlights shortcomings of survey evidence -- question of whether protecting goodwill and preventing confusion are separable objects -- initial interest confusion in connection with online trade mark usage -- most courts evaluate online 'initial interest' confusion by referring to the traditional analysis -- consumer surveys highly regarded by the courts -- argument that if only 15% of consumer are confused then the other 85% may lose something useful if an injunction is issued -- shortcomings of the "Eveready", "Squirt" and Exxon" admissible survey formats -cybersquatting -- metatags -- keyword advertising -- courts are gradually recognising the increased skill level of the average online consumer -- Establishment Clause scenario -- content prohibition and consumer rights -- protecting the rights of small business on the internet -- impact on innovation in the online marketplace -- judicial familiarity with the Internet -- using verbatim responses in infringement cases. Subject: Trade mark infringement--United States Subject: Market research--United States Subject: Consumer protection--United States SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 59 of 63 SNIPER No.: 2014/00715 Author: Chestek, Pamela S. Title: Who owns the open source project name? Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 103 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1240-1266. Summary: Free and open source software (FOSS) project is a unique business model -- difficulty in granting rights as contributions are made by more than one person -- trade mark law developed around the concept of a centralised process for creation of a product and ownership by one entity - different judicial approaches to deciding legitimate owner of a trade mark -- naked licenses -quality control -- bilateral licenses -- initial source of the software. Subject: Trade mark licensing--information technology industry--United States Subject: Trade mark ownership--information technology industry--United States Subject: Trade mark registrability--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00314 Author: King, Robert A. Title: With the US Innovation Act stalled, will courts rein in NPEs? Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. October 2014, pp. 19-20. Summary: High cost of defending against patent trolls in the US -- US legislative response to patent trolls -- impact of decision in the Alice case -- vagueness of guidelines following Alice decision -- some applications reviewed following Alice decision -- clear definition of 'abstract idea' needed -- US states have taken action to protect businesses from patent trolls. Subject: Non-practicing entities--United States Subject: Patents--law and legislation--United States SNIPER No.: 2015/00299 Author: Baro, Subhasmita Title: Words matter when drafting patent specifications Source: Asia IP: Protecting your Intellectual Assets. Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 39-41. Summary: Poorly drafted patent specifications can result in rejection or be subject to litigation -definition of critical terms at issue in Chef America v. Lamb-Weston case over the term "heating" in the specification -- indefiniteness of claim in Datamize v. Plumtree Software over use of term "aesthetically pleasing" -- clarity in the preamble and disclosure -- benefit of providing multiple versions of the invention in the description. Subject: Patent specifications SNIPER Bulletin – May 2015 Page 60 of 63 © Commonwealth of Australia 2013 Published by: IP Australia Discovery House, 47 Bowes Street, Phillip, ACT 2606 1300 65 10 10