Healthy People Lincoln County (HPLC)

Healthy People Healthy Oneida County (HPHOC)
Annual Report 2007
Creating a healthier Oneida County through community partnerships
Haven’t heard of HPHOC?
Healthy People Healthy Oneida
County (HPHOC), spearheaded by
Oneida County Health Department,
is a group of community partners
dedicated to improving the health of
residents and visitors in Oneida
County. In 2006, HPHOC
identified and created a five year
county health improvement plan
focusing on four identified health
Healthy People Healthy Oneida County
Accomplishments 2007
Below are a few 2007 highlights achieved through
community partnerships in creating a healthier Oneida
Access to Health Care
 Launched a media campaign for mental health
awareness month with five articles printed in local papers.
 Surveyed stakeholders and potential users of the Family Resource
Connection Database that connects consumers and professions to mental
health services that are provided in the northern region. See it at ---go to Northwoods Resource
1. Access to Care (Primary,
 Developed Northwoods Dental Project that includes school based dental
Dental, & Mental Health)
sealant and varnish program for school aged children.
2. Alcohol & Other Substance
Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Use & Addiction
Abuse Use & Addiction
 Oneida County Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse (AODA) Coalition kicked
3. Physical Activity/Nutrition
off the year by partnering with Oneida County Area Public School
4. Tobacco Use & Exposure
Districts with the campaign “Parents Who Host Lose The Most.”
 Partnered with Oneida County Landfill for First Annual Medication
Strategies were developed to
Collection Day to properly dispose of medication and help to eliminate
address each health priority in
the access of unneeded prescription drugs.
Oneida County. Interested
 Received a $500.00 grant to host a Link ‘N Learn community discussion
community members came forward
that was led by youth. Discussion focused on real drug problems and
and committees were formed to
address the identified priorities.
Physical Activity and Healthy Nutrition
 Partnered with Marshfield Clinic to offer the 4th Grade Health & Fitness
To view the entire Healthy People
Challenge to students at Central School.
Healthy Oneida County Community
 Developed a brochure and website that highlights free and low cost
Health Improvement Plan for 2007physical activity opportunities in Oneida County. Watch for distribution
2011 visit or
of the guide in early 2008.
you can request a copy by calling
Offered a kids fitness course and healthy snack for Veggin Out, Nutty to
Laura at Oneida County Health
Run at Nicolet College.
Department at 369-6115 or email
Use and Exposure
the Health Department at
 Promoted the 2006 Surgeon General Report by distributing over 5,000
tobacco-free restaurant/entertainment guides to the community that
address the health hazards of second hand smoke.
 Created local FACT media campaign to compliment state tobacco
prevention and control efforts.
 Lake Tomahawk and Minocqua townships strengthened their tobaccofree policies.
 Worked with businesses to implement tobacco free policies and
promoted their success.
Let’s Make it Happen!
We can make a healthier Oneida
County, but only with YOUR
We invite you to actively support
Healthy People Healthy Oneida
County’s Community Health
Improvement Plan. The following are
ways to get involved:
 Volunteer to participate in HPHOC,
by assisting with an event or being a
member of an area coalition.
 Partner with your family, worksite
or a community organization that you
are part of to promote access to care,
responsible use of alcohol, physical
activity/good nutrition and reduced
tobacco use and exposure.
For more information contact:
Laura Mays
Oneida County Health Department
(715) 369-6115
Who made it Happen in 07
Thank you to our community
partners who helped us to create a
Healthier Oneida County.
Business Improvement District
Campfire USA
City of Rhinelander Police Department
Concerned Citizens
GFWC-Rhinelander Woman’s Club
Howard Young Foundation
Howard Young Health Care
Human Service Center
Koller Behavioral Health
Lakeland Area Breakfast Rotary Club
Lakeland School District
Marshfield Clinic-Lakeland Center
Ministry Medical Group-Sacred Heart
Minocqua Chamber of Commerce
Nicolet Area Technical College
Oneida County Board of Health
Oneida County Department on Aging
Oneida County Health Department
Oneida County Landfill
Oneida County Media Outlets
Rhinelander Area Public Schools
Rhinelander Chamber of Commerce
Rhinelander Rotary Club
Oneida County Dept. of Social Services
St. Mary’s Hospital
Three Lakes Area Public Schools
Three Lakes Information Bureau
University of Wisconsin-Extension
YMCA of the Northwoods
We apologize for anyone we advertently
omitted. We value all of our partners.
What are you doing to make a Healthier Oneida County?
If you can check all of the items below, great! If not, try to
implement one or two in 2008.
 Do you talk to your children or grandchildren about the dangers of
alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs?
 Do you keep roads safer by never drinking and driving?
 Do you choose healthy choices in vending machines and restaurants?
 As an adult, do you strive to get 30 minutes of physical activity most
days? (children 60 minutes a day.)
 Do you only frequent smoke-free public places?
 Are you supportive and encouraging to friends and family addicted to
alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs?
 Have you contacted your elected officials regarding one or more of the
four priority areas?
 Have you made a pledge not to allow underage consumption of alcohol in
your home?
 Are you aware of BadgerCare+ ? Getting access to health insurance is
easy. To apply, visit or call 1-800-362-3002.
What’s Happening for 2008?
Access to Health Care
 Develop a mental health anti-stigma public awareness campaign.
 Coordinate an initial mental health discussion forum to learn about
other mental health initiative history, goals for 2008 and how to support
each other.
Alcohol and Other Substance Use & Addiction
 The Oneida County Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse (AODA) Coalition
received a $500 grant to host a town supper on March 27th in Three
Lakes to address underage alcohol consumption. Community
members are encouraged to attend. RSVP at 369-6142.
Physical Activity and Healthy Nutrition
 Provide an incentive program for all 4th grade students to engage in
daily physical activity and to eat more fruits and vegetables.
 Promote Common Messaging that promotes daily physical activity,
healthy food choices, and portion sizes.
 Inventory businesses/worksites current practices to promote physical
activity and healthy food choices.
Tobacco Use & Exposure
 Educate students and community by partnering with Sugar Camp
Elementary School Sixth Grade Students to host a family and
community town supper on Monday, February 11th from 5:00 p.m. –
7:15 p.m. Community members are encouraged to attend. Call 2721105 to RSVP.
 Coordinate an aggressive media/public outreach campaign with
consistent key messages that compliment state efforts.
 Provide resources to workplaces, schools, and providers regarding
Quit Line, First Breath, and other evidence based treatment services.