School MIT program MFIN reason/特色 课程设置满意(估值+会计) 学校好 选修课多,可自行调配 requirement 常规+plans Location Cambridge, MA year 1year+ Goerge Washton MSF 时间比较长 可以有时间实习 常规 Washington,DC 2 year Boston, MA 1year Chicago, IL 11 semester courses BC IIT MSF MSF Tulane MFIN Brandeis U MSF Clark MSF Florida RIT MSF 可以长时间使用计算机,学习 bloomberg 课程设计多数满意,但是无自由 选修 和这学校老师联系过 比较放心 常规(无 PS) 地理位置很好 要求 Essay 学校排名比较好 职业经历 课程整改过,选修参半,设置不 错 注重数理计算 机专业 时间长,有机会实习 analyst 与自己 career goal 一致 各方面比较综合的学校 城市还可以 英语写作 比较少 New Orleans, LA 1year 职业导向 要求工作经验 常规(无 PS) Boston, MA 1year 常规+essay Worchester, MA 1year 课程设置很清楚 比较实用 总体和 BC 的项目很像 职业导向 课程设置比较清楚 选择性不多 学校排名比较好 有实习机会 课程设置比较紧凑 全 课程比较合适 听到不太多 还要打听 Depaul 常规 GMAT/TOEFL PS recommendation letter essay—— statement of purpose 常规+essay 有点混乱 大致还是常规 GMAT 1year Chicago, IL 选校标准: 1 MFE 数学方向不太选 未来职业不太有用 要考 GRE 要读数学 2 尽量选好的学校 (排名靠前)企业比较看重 但是比较少 因为大多偏金融工程 3 偏爱时间较长的项目 一年对我来说在美国太短 不能充分融入那里 读完书以后 这两年美国工作太难找 虽然准备回国发展 4 偏爱有实习时间 时间长的项目 其他还要继续调研 5 比较关注课程内容是否合适 这个会和自己的 career path 联系起来 PS: 地点其实很想去 NY 但是那里学校项目都不太合适 地方方面还要再调研 没有联系学生是因为时间比较紧张拉 另外是应该宁愿出钱去拿好学校的 admitted 最无奈好学校的项目都太偏数 学 而 MBA 工作经历又要求太高 而且偏管理 金融我目前的感觉是会计加管理 再加核心:资本市场作用分析 估值模型计 算 1 MIT Required Fundamental Subjects: Title Course # Finance Theory I (9) 15.401 Finance Theory II (9) 15.402 Corporate Financial Accounting (12) 15.501 Required Advanced Subject: Title Course # Analytics of Financial Engineering (9) 15.450 2 Goerge Washton 271 Financial Modeling and Econometrics 272 Global Financial Markets 273 Advanced Accounting Applications for Finance 274 Corporate Financial Management and Modeling 275 Investment Analysis and Global Portfolio Management 276 Financial Engineering and Derivative Securities 277 Comparative Financial Market Regulation and Development 278 Financial Theory and Research 279 Real Estate Finance and Fixed Income Security Valuation 280 Financial Institution Management and Modeling 281 Cases in Financial Management and Investment Banking 282 Directed Research in Finance 3 Boston College CORE CURRICULUM Corporate Finance Investments Financial Econometrics Management of Financial Institutions Fixed Income Analysis or Portfolio Theory Derivatives and Risk Management Theory of Corporate Finance Financial Policy 4 IIT MSF 501 Mathematics with Financial Applications • MSF 502 Statistical Methods with Financial Applications • MSF 503 Financial Modeling • MSF 504 Valuation and Portfolio Management • MSF 505 Futures, Options and OTC Derivatives • MSF 506 Financial Statement Analysis The goal of the MS Finance faculty is to provide each student with the skills and knowledge required to work as a quantitative analyst in the financial services industry. 5 Brandeis U Fall Econ 201a - Global Economic Environment Fin 201a - Financial Theory Fin 212a - Accounting and Financial Analysis Econ 210f* - Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis Choose Module Elective from list below** Spring Fin 202a - Corporate Finance Econ 217f* - Financial Modeling Choose 2 ½ elective courses from list below** Summer Choose 2 electives from the list below** 6 Clark Core Courses Advanced Derivatives Case Studies in Corporate Finance Case Studies in Derivatives Computational Finance Financial Econometrics Fixed Income Securities Investment Analysis: Stocks, Bonds, and Derivatives Investment Strategies Elective Courses Choose two electives in accounting, economics, or finance. 7 Depaul Competencies include: One year of Mathematics (Calculus and Statistics). Each candidate must be competent in the following disciplines: Financial Accounting (ACC 500), Applied Quantitative Analysis (GSB 420), Principles of Microeconomics (ECO 105) and Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO 106). ECONOMICS FOR DECISION MAKING (ECO 555) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (FIN 555) INVESTMENT ANALYSIS (FIN 523) FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS (FIN 524) SPECIAL TOPICS IN CORPORATE FINANCE (FIN 553) DERIVATIVES AND RISK MANAGEMENT QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN FINANCE (FIN 562) (FIN 617) 8 Florida Bonds: Fixed Income Security Valuations, Interest Rate Risk Management, Secondary Mortgage Markets and Securities Valuation / Corporate Finance: Measuring and Managing Value, Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Decision Making and Study in Valuation Real Estate: Introduction to Real Estate, Investment Property Analysis, Secondary Mortgage Markets and Securities, Real Estate Securities and Portfolios International Finance: International Finance, Financial Management of Multinational Corporations, Emerging Markets Finance Part I, Emerging Markets Finance Part II 9 Rochester Institute of Technology 0101-703 Accounting For Decision Makers 0104-721 Financial Analysis For Managers 0106-782 Statistical Analysis For Decision Making 0104-722 Financial Management II 0104-725 Securities And Investment Analysis 0104-760 Finance In A Global Environment 0104-740 Options And Futures 0104-742 Financial Modeling & Analysis 0104-744 Innovation In Financial Markets & Securities 0103-705* Economics For Managers 2 Breadth electives 10 Northeastern Required courses Financial Theory and Policy Analysis of Financial Institutions and Markets Investment Analysis International Financial Markets Finance Seminar Financial Strategy Electives Three Finance Electives One General Business Elective LOYOLA Loyola’s Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program builds upon prior degrees in business, accounting, economics, engineering, liberal arts and sciences. Our students often acquire the MSF as they prepare for many of the professional certifications required today, such as the Chartered Financial Analyst or Certified Financial Planner examinations. Taught by a highly-regarded full-time faculty and professionals from the public and private sectors, Loyola’s Master of Science in Finance emphasizes applied knowledge through the utilization of modeling, and the study of global and regulatory dimensions of the finance profession. Corporate responsibility, ethics, and regard for the individual are value added components to Loyola’s rich learning environment, delivered in the spirit of quality Jesuit education. Coursework is available in Derivatives and Risk Management, Investments and Portfolio Analysis and Management, Corporate Finance, Securities, Financial Institutions and International Finance. The courses combine to deliver a rigorous program of study and a relevant body of knowledge for finance professionals. The Master of Science in Finance is fully accredited by AACSB-International. The MSF degree serves as a cornerstone program of Loyola's Sellinger School—the premier provider of leadership education in the Baltimore-Washington region. Financial expertise, in depth knowledge, and practical, hands-on training have become crucial for the success of companies and for the career of working professionals. Loyola's part-time MSF program meets this demand with a 10-course, 30 credit hour, MSF program delivered in a weekday evening format, at graduate campuses in Timonium and Columbia