RUSHDEN TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY 19TH APRIL 2011 AT RUSHDEN HALL, RUSHDEN, COMMENCING AT 7.30PM Present: Councillor: P Humphrey, Chairman Councillors: Mrs B Jenney D Jenney Mrs M Hollomon Mrs K Rawlins Mrs C Childs, Town Mayor (ex-officio) R Lewis 410/11 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST All Members declared a personal interest in application number EN/11/00493/FUL, as the proposed development is adjacent to the Town Council premises. Councillor D Jenney declared a personal interest in Appeal, application numbers EN/10/00970/FUL and EN/10/00971/LBC, being known to the Agent. Councillor Mrs B Jenney declared a personal interest in Appeal, application numbers EN/10/00970/FUL and EN/10/00971/LBC, being known to the Agent. Councillor P Humphrey declared a prejudicial interest in Appeal, application numbers EN/10/00970/FUL and EN/10/00971/LBC, as he lives in close proximity to the proposed development. 411/11 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors T Helsdown, B Lewis, D Stevens, C Wright and Mrs S Peacock (ex-officio). 412/11 MINUTES RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Consultative Committee held on 29th March 2011 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 413/11 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RESOLVED That the following comments be submitted to East Northamptonshire Council: Application Number EN/11/00404/FUL Description Applicant Comment Proposal to install a new shop front at 40 High Street, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0PJ Mr Samantha Prees Greggs Plc EN/11/00419/FUL Formation of new public doorways and alterations to windows at 216 Mr & Mrs James Harris Objection: Any shop front improvements should follow guidelines in East Northamptonshire Council’s Shop Front Design document. Objection: Members felt the proposed shop entrance should be more 137 Wellingborough Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 9SX EN/11/00420/ADV EN/11/00493/FUL EN/11/00501/FUL EN/11/00536/FUL Installation of new fascia and hanging sign (illuminated) at 40 High Street, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0PJ Proposed new build bungalow at 30 St Mary’s Avenue, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 9EP Single storey rear extension at 164 Avenue Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0SW White PVCu conservatory on brick walls to rear at 179 Avenue Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0SN Mr Samantha Prees Greggs Plc Mr Colin Liptrot Mr & Mrs Ian Beaver Mr Graham Clark in keeping with the rest of the building. Members felt the guidelines in the East Northamptonshire Council’s Shop Front Design document should be adhered to. Objection: Any shop front improvements (including signage) should follow the guidelines in East Northamptonshire Council’s Shop Front Design document. Objection: Members felt the access to the site was inappropriate and it would be difficult for refuse collection and other services. No objection. No objection. 414/11 PLANNING DECISIONS Members were advised of the Inspector’s decision on the following planning appeals: Planning permission refused EN/10/02130/FUL – Erection of one detached dwelling at open space adjacent to 5 Walmer Close, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0TE [RTC comments: NO OBJECTION – however, we would point out the comments made by Mr Tansley regarding access to the site] Planning permission granted EN/11/00202/TPO – Various trees to be removed of poor condition at Rushden Hospital, Wymington Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 9JS [RTC comments: OBJECT – members felt there was insufficient detail regarding the reason for removing some trees. Also they felt some of the reasons for removing trees were not valid and remedial works could be undertaken rather than felling the trees] RESOLVED That the information be noted. 415/11 APPEALS Councillor P Humphrey, having declared a prejudicial interest in the Appeal, application numbers EN/10/00970/FUL and EN/10/00971/LBC, left the room during discussion of this item and took no part in the discussions of voting thereon. 138 Members had been previously circulated with details of the following planning appeal: EN/10/00970/FUL and EN/10/00971/LBC – Residential development including change of use and new build to create 19 units at Avenue Agricultural, Park Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0RW [RTC comments: OBJECT – Members felt this scheme constitutes over development and internal development appears to be very dense in smaller units. Parking would pose serious issues as there is insufficient parking for the number of units. Members would comment that this development would require section 106 monies for surrounding infrastructure/facilities] RESOLVED Members objected to the proposal. Members considered the proposed development would constitute over development. They felt less sub-division of the building would result in a quality development. The proposed development consists of a large number of small flats and Rushden already has and overabundance of this type of property, of which a lot remain empty. If the proposed number of units on site remains the same, this would cause serious parking issues in the surrounding area as there is insufficient parking allocated within the proposed scheme. The proposed number of units would require a contribution towards social and community infrastructure, in particular open space, transport and education. Chairman 139