Outreach Our Schools Science Lab attracts hundreds of school

 Our Schools Science Lab attracts hundreds of school students a year to Sussex with its
Gifted & Talented (Key Stage 3) and A-Level enrichment programmes, featuring short
accessible talks from Harris, Falk, Peeters, Hardiman, pdrf Wilson and students
Fernandes and Auty.
 Hardiman coordinates the Department’s Outreach activities
 Harris and Hardiman have participated in a University initiative to foster links with, and to
give specialist training to, regional schoolteachers.
 Falk appeared on Radio 4’s “Today” programme to announce MINOS results. We also
wrote a press release that was picked up by various newspapers.
 Local MP Charles Hendry has visited, toured our labs and discussed our research with us
 Harris, Peeters and Fernandes have given talks in local schools.
 We host events for the South-Central branch of the IoP, for whom Harris and Peeters
have given public talks.
 We used a Sussex-funded student (and a small amount of rolling-grant money) to build a
cloud chamber for open days, and to make easy-assembly cloud-chamber kits that our
students can take around to schools for pupils to use.
 Falk, Harris and Peeters gave seminars in the cross-campus course From Quarks to the
Cosmos, bringing the excitement of physics to Arts students at Sussex.
 Fernandes participates in “Stemnet”, which brings talks and various interactive science
activities to schools. He has actively encouraged undergraduates to participate with him.
 Harris has recently completed a Royal Society Communications Workshop.
 We host the public web pages for the neutron EDM collaboration. We have also updated
our own group’s web pages for easier public consumption.
 The Department hosts the Creative Science Centre and has close links to the Vega
Science Trust.
For the future, we plan to expand our outreach activities significantly:
 The Department is shortly to appoint a part-time SEPnet-funded Outreach Officer. SEPnet
outreach aims to reach in particular an audience of pre-GCSE children.
 Our upcoming involvement in ATLAS will provide a superb opportunity for us to bring more
conventional (i.e. collider) particle physics to the wider public.
 Plans are underway for us to provide training in particle physics to local schoolteachers.
 Activities such as Schools Lab, Quarks to Cosmos, talks in schools and so on will continue