Project Objectives

Thesis Outline
-Chapter 1: Introduction
The objective of this summer’s project was to create a version of the Sunset
Books application that could be run on both z-series and p-series servers. Sunset Books
is a test web application that was designed in order to test IBM’s servers. It is designed
after a typical online bookstore, such as There are a few benefits to being
able to run Sunset Books on both types of servers. First, by using a single application,
there will be the ability to switch between machines while the program is still running.
This is important because in order to simulate a real client’s use of a server, the
application should be able to run continuously, ideally never shutting down. Being able
to run tests continuously allows for the test results to show more accurately how the
server would handle a real client’s stresses on the system. In addition, tests performed to
test each server will be comparable to each other. Rather than having two similar
applications running on different servers and trying to compare the results, this allows for
the exact application to be run on both, and that way any differences in results can be
narrowed down to differences in the servers. In order to do this, the original application
needed to be thoroughly tested, the main result that we looked for was the number of
transactions that could be performed in a given amount of time. After testing, we began
to design a façade that would allow for the application to switch which server it is using
without changing the rest of the application. The façade allows for the same application
to use different back ends, because the interface for both is the same. The rest of the
program’s implementation is hidden from the back end. In addition, the class
RunOptions needed to be updated so that these changes could be made dynamically. The
run time options can be changed from various locations as the program is running, and in
this way different machines could be selected at any point in time.
Chapter 2: Background material
 Overview of the system
 Overview of Website/Application design
 Façade
 RunOptions
 MDBs
 More literature….
Chapter 3: Research methodology—experiments, data collection, quantitative factors,
qualitative factors.
 Tools Used
 Testing methods:
-Definition of transaction?
-Different types of tests run
-How we used jibe scripts
-Writing parsers to read in author lists and create variable tables
-What did the results mean?
-How did they compare to p-series results/what was required?
Research of MDBs/Facades
Design Process
-Requirements for dynamic updates
-How does RunOptions fit into the application
-What in RunOptions needed to be changed
-Possible designs of runOptions and the façade
-Finding advantages/disadvantages to each option
-Choosing which design worked with both our requirements and pseries requirements
-Interaction of RunOptions and the facade
Chapter 4: Research results
 Final design choice of RunOptions and Façade
 Why did we choose these models, advantages/disadvantages of each
 Ability to run Sunset Books on both machines
 What does this mean for the application
Chapter 5: Discussion of results
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Summary of results and what was achieved, what I learned in the process,
what could possibly be done in the future….continued testing, further design (include
Project Objectives
-Deploy a version of sunset books that runs on both z-series and p-series
-Perform tests on current application to compare to p-series application
-Design, implement, and test RunOptions and façade
Tools Used
-WebSphere Studio Application Developer
-WebSphere Workload Simulator
-JIBE Scripts
Overview of Website
-Screen Shots
-Possible paths of a user (relate to virtual clients and randomness)
Testing Process
-Author Lists
-HTML variable tables
-Comparisons to p-series
-# requirements
-Show chart, give examples
-Front ends/Back ends, how it works with the façade
-New application as a replaceable model
-Different designs, advantages/disadvantages of each
-Final choice of best design and why
MDBs, EJBs, Http
-how is it used now
-How could they be included in the future
-What was required
-Various Designs, advantages/disadvantages of each
-Final Choice & why, (what we thought would work best and what p-series
thought worked best)
-Being able to update and switch models, how this ties into the façade
-Display page
-Various places to update RunOptions (Webpage, flat file, config file, mdbs)
Overview of Z1
Application Flow
RunOptions Designs
Façade Designs
Screen Shots:
Home, Search, Results, Details, Cart, Buy…?
RunOptions, Old view, new view
Tracing shots