LUTHERAN WOMEN’S MISSIONARY LEAGUE—MISSOURI DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES Best Western Capitol Inn, Jefferson City, Missouri February 24-25, 2012 Call to order: President Karen Drury called the meeting of the Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Board of Directors to order at the Best Western Capitol Inn, Jefferson City, Missouri, on Friday, February 24, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. Recording Secretary Kathy Merritt was present to record the minutes of the meeting. Opening Prayer/Bible Study: Rev. David Moore Appointments: Minutes review – Mary Smith, Donna Boenisch Prayer before Lunch: Mary Myers Prayer after lunch: Flori Scheuermann Closing prayer: Rev. Alan Wollenburg Crisis Management: Karen Drury, Alice Troyke, Donna Boenisch, Rev. Alan Wollenburg Roll Call: The members responded to a roll call by the Secretary. Linda Gassau, Tali Beaudean, and Elaine Froeschle were excused from the meeting. Minutes: The minutes were approved as printed. Communications: The Secretary read two thank you notes from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for the gift of $3,159.63 for specified students; two notes from seminarian James T. Cox and one from seminarian Jonathan Hemler who received Church Worker Study Grants. REPORT OF OFFICERS: Recording Secretary – Kathy Merritt presented her written report. She emphasized the importance for zone presidents to get delegate information to her by April 1, 2012. Treasurer – Jane Peters presented her written report. Assets (February 23, 2012) Disbursements (September 8, 2011 - February 23, 2012) Receipts (September 8, 2011 - February 23, 2012) $154,503.33 101,697.04 80,065.30 Financial Secretary – Elaine Froeschle’s report was distributed. Vice President of Christian Life – Christie Steffens presented her written report. Christie led the BOD in singing “Christ Be My Leader. She recommended “Your Strong Suit” which is a new LWML DVD enhanced Bible study. Mustard Seeds are available in large print. She included six other resources with her report and encouraged the use of the LWML website to find resources as well. Christie closed by leading the BOD in singing “Jesus Christ” to the tune of “Edelweiss.” Vice President of Communication – Alice Troyke presented her written report. She provided a Quarterly Change/Order/Remittance Form for use in each society. She pleaded for better communication about the use of the form so monies can be identified on the receiving end, and reach the correct person. Each society should provide Alice the name of the society, the name of the church, a mailing address and the number of Quarterlies requested, so she has that on file by April 1. Editor – Teresa Backs presented her written report. Teresa said the district newsletter will be presented on-line in January, May, July and November. She asked for suggestions for a name for the letter. Karen asked that suggestions for a newsletter name be written and given to Kathy before lunch break on Saturday. One will be selected then. Teresa will email the newsletter to zone presidents and they will distribute it to society presidents. She asked for pictures and articles to include in the letter and the Voice, and that all correspondence with her should include the letters LWML in the subject line. Teresa assigned articles for the Voice to the officers through August 15. Webmaster – Tali Beaudean’s written report was distributed. Karen explained the problems that affected the website. Tali asked for pictures of LWML activities for page slideshows and convention photo galleries. Forms for 1 BOD meetings and convention registration are on the website. The district will have to pay for the domain by August 15. Sally Aschinger made a motion that it be renewed on a yearly basis. The motion passed. Gospel Outreach – Sally Handrick presented her written report. Sally reported that all our district grants except the WHO (Women Helping Others) Grant have been paid. $270,214.02 has been received in mites and $65,000 is still needed to reach our total district mission goal. Sally asked the BOD to pray for the grant recipients, who have expressed gratitude for the money they have received. She is thankful for the wonderful job she has. She gave each member a chart with the LWML mission grant status that also shows all the parts of the Mission Goal. Church Worker Study Grants – Diane Knutson presented her written report. Diane provided an application for the study grants with requirements and procedures for submitting the application. April 30 is the deadline for applications. At this point Diane has received two applications. The most a recipient will receive is $1000. Vice President of Human Care – Joan Schlichter presented her written report. Joan thanked the BOD for the generous ingathering which included over $160 and many items for Coyote Hill. Joan assigned an ingathering for Christ Community Lutheran School in Kawete, Uganda for the September BOD meeting. She asked the BOD to sew dresses (any pattern sizes 12-16 with longer skirts), school bags, and reusable sanitary kits for the girls at the school. Joan gave each zone president a sample of a school bag and sanitary kit along with directions. Joan included an application form for a mission trip grant from the WHO Grant Committee with pictures of the first two WHO grant recipients, and a sign-up sheet for helpers for the ingathering at the convention. She shared information about the Stamps for Missions ongoing work. Vice President of Servant Resources – Liz Schroeder presented her written report and the 2011 Statistical Report. Liz recommended these changes: New Society: Redeemer LWML, Kennett, Jackson Bootheel Zone with 6 members. Disbandment of three societies: Trinity Ladies Senior Aid, Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau Zone,10 members; Women’s Guild of Reformation, Affton, St. Louis South Zone, 18 members; Trinity Ladies Guild, Center, Northeast Zone, 3 members. Five new individual members: Carol Abbott, Laverne Downs and Pat Stelzer from Reformation, Affton, St. Louis South Zone; Becky Heuer and Irene Siemers from Trinity, Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau Zone. Ten individual members from the Northeast Zone have asked to be part of a society. Four societies have changed names: St. Charles Zone, Zion, Harvester - Mary Martha Society; St. Paul, New Melle – Ladies Aid Society; Trinity, Orchard Farm - W.I.N.G.S. (Women in God’s Service); Jefferson City Zone, St. John, Schubert – Ladies Aid; in Rolla Zone, Immanuel, Rolla – Dorcas Afternoon Society. Membership totals as of February 25, 2012: 236 Units 265 Societies 5,286 Members + 21 Individual Members = 5307 Members The BOD approved Liz’s recommendations. Liz said she cannot remove a society who has disbanded unless she receives a letter from the circuit counselor or other clergy stating that they have disbanded. She asked the zone presidents to write the letter and have the pastor sign it. Liz reported that even though membership has decreased, mite offerings and society contributions have increased. She also reported two new committee members, Teresa Kotila and Janet Manisian. Mary Myer shared the thanks she received from the Agape House which was a recipient of a BOD ingathering. At 8:35 p.m. Karen dismissed the meeting until morning. Pastor Moore closed with prayer. The Board of Directors meeting resumed at 8:30 a.m. February 25 with a Bible Study by Pastor Moore. He led us in a comparison of Abraham’s test with Isaac to the events of Good Friday. Lent concludes with Easter joy! Leader Development/YWR – Sally Aschinger presented her written report. She shared a Cancer Society brochure and asked the ladies to pray for one another. Sally said the YWRs should be at the convention by 1:30 Friday for the banner processional practice. Their YWR application does not register them for convention. They also must send in a registration form. Sally included copies of both forms with her report. Zone presidents should submit the names of zone and society YWRs to Sally by April 15. The zone presidents should help the YWRs with their convention preparations. 2 Structure – Janet Ryan presented her written report. Janet does not have bylaws for 100 societies. Zone structure committees should help societies revise their bylaws. Janet’s committee will help the zones with their revisions. She offered Steps to Revision of bylaws for zones and for societies, and a cover sheet to accompany revised society bylaws when they are finished and sent to her. Janet presented Proposed Revisions to the Missouri District LWML Bylaws 2012 that include changes to reflect the national LWML bylaws changes. Changes that would occur as a result of these bylaws being adopted were discussed. Karen explained as questions arose. The person who would be elected as VP of Human Care would become VP of Special focus Ministries. A YWR committee would be under the new VP of Special Focus Ministries. The activities of the current Human Care Committee would be moved to an appointed committee called Mission Servants Committee under the VP of Gospel Outreach. VP of Servant Resources name would change to VP of Organizational Resources. Leader Development/ Young Women committee would drop the young women and concentrate on all women and would stay under VP of Organizational Resources where it has been. Karen suggested that zones continue with their committees as they are without changing names for a while. President – Karen Drury presented her written report and these items from the LWML BOD meeting: Karen recommended the new DVD Bible Study authored by Donna Pyle produced by the LWML. The LWML Handbook and Bylaws will be updated and available on the LWML website. Karen said that zone presidents should download a copy of the LWML bylaws for their president’s file. “Quenched! By the Water” is the theme of the 2013 LWML Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. Proclaimers will be Rev. Dien Taylor and Rev. Victor Belton. Keynote speaker will be Dr. LuJuana Butts and Bible studies will be led by Donna Pyle. Missouri District LWML may have busses. Parking will be $20-28 per day. LWML President Kay Kreklau shared her vision for the LWML: 1. Learn from and live for Jesus 2. Take joy in being His hands, voice and feet 3. Focus on missions, not meetings “A Cup with Kay” President Kay enjoys a cup of tea while praying and reading scripture and is inviting you to pray with her for 9 minutes at 9 a.m. Saturday morning since she has a full time job. LWML mission grant proposals must be sent to the Missouri District LWML by August 15, 2012. There will be an Assembly of Leaders meeting “Inspiration 2012 PING” for those who own I-phones, October 19-21 in St. Louis. Webex makes it possible to have meetings electronically without travel. Gretchen Jameson started her own on-line business “Pure PR Strategy” with ways to tap into LWML ladies’ interest. Joyful Response – Is an LCEF program for members to give mites automatically from a checking amount. Karen dismissed the BOD for a 10 minute break at 10:15. Counselors – Pastors Wollenburg and Moore reported their continued work with the convention committee and reiterated their commitment to serve the ladies of the LWML. Parliamentarian – Audrey Jagels presented her written report. She clarified the terms “simple majority” and “two-thirds majority.” She gave a quiz mostly about voting, teaching the BOD the proper procedure. Administrative Assistant – Pat Petzoldt presented her written report. She noted the “snow as usual” this a.m. Pat asked the appointed and elected officers to return their housing forms for the convention to her today. The district will pay for one half of a room per officer and any roommates will give Elaine Froeschle reimbursement at the convention for the other half of the room. A zone president staying Thursday night, June 7, may ask for reimbursement for half the cost, submitting a voucher to Jane at convention. Her zone should pay for the remainder of her stay. Pat asked to know which presidents terms are finished at this convention. Archivist/Historian – Joyce Bischoff presented her written report. Joyce gave instructions about what a zone historian should keep, and not keep and what to send to the district historian. Zone presidents should keep minutes, agendas and committee reports for four years and pass on to the next president. Committee Reports: 3 Short Term Mission Report: Joan provided an application form to request a grant from the WHO Grant Committee. She pointed out the pictures of the activities of the two grant recipients so far. Unfinished Business: 2012 District Convention: June 8 – 10, St. Charles, MO, “Go Fish!” Karen reminded the BOD that the convention June 2012 will be in St. Charles at the Embassy Suites & Convention Center, which are connected so we don’t have to go outside, and easily accessible from the highway with easy parking. It is hosted by St. Louis North, South and West Zones. Mission Speaker: Christie announced that Cindy Rodewold, who serves in South Africa with her husband Mike and sons, will be the speaker. An updated speakers list will be available at the convention. Ingathering: Joan defined the ingathering items: First Aid Kit should be the larger one, Johnson and Johnson # 8123 (about $10 at Wal-Mart) for Christian Friends of New Americans; monetary donation for bilingual Bibles for International Student Ministry – checks should be made out to Missouri District LWML; gift cards from Target, Schnucks, Wal-Mart, Lowes and Home Depot for Lydia House (shelter for abused women and children) must have the value of the card written on the card. Joan provided a sign-up sheet for helpers needed for the ingathering at convention. Display tables: Alice has reserved display tables for zone presidents. She distributed a list of exhibitors/vendors and district officers who will have displays at the convention. BOD Luncheon: Sally Aschinger and her committee are planning the luncheon. Zone presidents should email her the new zone presidents with addresses. Zone presidents should make hotel reservations and help YWRs with registration, taking the meal plan and Friday buffet. Sally has YWRs’ time planned with evening prayers, projects, fun activities and more, beginning with banner practice at 1:30 on Friday. They will sit with the zone presidents and delegates during the convention. Sally requested good ideas that have worked in societies and zones for boosting interest in LWML. Prayer before lunch: Mary Myers. The BOD recessed at 12:07 p.m. for lunch after prayer. Prayer after lunch: Flori Scheuermann. The meeting resumed at 1:15 p.m. with prayer. 2012 District Convention: June 8 – 10, St. Charles, MO, “Go Fish!” (continued) Karen announced that $197.95 was collected by the BOD in mites. $2.05 was added to make an even $200. Mission Grant Proposals: Sally Handrick read the list of 25 grant proposals her committee recommended to be on the convention ballot. The recommendation was adopted. Mission Goal for 2012-2014: Sally recommended a Proposed Mission Goal of $360,000, an increase of $25,000, mostly in the Mission Education Fund for study grants. The recommendation was adopted. Delegates: Kathy reminded the zone presidents that the delegate lists should be sent to her by April 1. Nominating Committee: Donna Boenisch, chairman, presented the slate of officers for the ballot as follows: VP Christian Life: Carolyn Scott, Ruth Oexman VP Human Care: Jackie Albers, Donna Boenisch Recording Secretary: Myra Weber, Linda Verman Treasurer: Karen Weber, Diane Knutson Counselor: Rev. Gary Griffin, Rev. Ken Gerike The slate of officers was adopted. Convention Information: Judy Hibbard, co-chair spoke for the committee. Judy provided a copy of the registration form for each member with an instruction sheet, and handouts about photos and first newsletter items. A Friday evening dinner buffet will be offered for $18. Mission Walk/Swim will be 6-7 a.m. Saturday. The convention CD, $15, will have a release so that pictures can be retrieved from it. Zone presidents should notify Judy by May 1 if they want a zone picture. They will be on the CD only. The banner room #101 will be open from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday and early Friday morning. Mission Fair room will open at 8 a.m. on Friday and items should be priced. If left over they should be picked up by 6 p.m. on Saturday. Ingathering room will be open Friday 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday only will have video coverage with use of the big screens, a saving of $7,400. 4 Karen gave a brief review of the schedule for zone presidents on Friday, June 8, 2012: Board Meeting - 9:30 a.m. Candidates and new zone presidents will join BOD for luncheon - 11:30 a.m. Banner practice - 1:30 p.m. Delegate orientation - 3 p.m. Buffet from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Singing for service - 6:30 p.m. Opening service - 7 p.m. She noted that at convention only elected officers have voting privileges, not appointed officers, in answer to a question. New Business: LWML Convention in Pittsburgh, PA, June 27-30, 2013. Nominations are being received for VP Christian Life, VP Communication, VP Gospel Outreach, Recording Secretary and Nominating Committee. Host for the 2016 district convention. The Secretary read two recommendations from the EC. The Executive Committee of the Missouri District LWML recommends: That we have a special appointed personnel who will be the District Convention Site Coordinator. She will have no term limits, will not be a member of the Board of Directors and will report to the District LWML President. That we have one or more designated convention sites beginning in 2018. Zone groups will serve as hosts as designated by the Executive Committee. The BOD discussed this issue in light of the difficulties of transportation and space at Cape Girardeau, and ease of dealing with the same site for convention each biennium. At this time St. Charles, Kansas City, Springfield and Columbia are the cities that can accommodate the convention easily. The recommendations were adopted. Spring rally schedule. Karen announced the schedule of officers’ visits to zone spring rallies. Teresa read the names suggested for the newsletter. Karen said it will be decided by electronic vote. Next meeting: Pre-Convention Executive Committee Meeting at 3 p.m. Thursday, June 7, 2012, followed by dinner at 6 p.m. Pre-Convention Board of Directors Meeting at 9:30 a.m. Friday, June 8, 2012. Luncheon follows at 11:30 a.m. Fall EC meeting - September 14, 2012, at Best Western Capitol Inn, Jefferson City. Fall BOD meeting - September 14-15, 2012, at Best Western Capitol Inn, Jefferson City. Dates to Remember: 2012 Missouri District Convention - June 8-10, 2012 at 7 p.m. – opening service LWML Convention Pittsburgh, PA…………………………………………………… June 27-30, 2013 Missouri District LWML Convention, Kansas City………………………………….. June 19-24, 2014 Closing Prayer – Pastor Wollenburg The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Kathy Merritt Recording Secretary, Kathy Merritt 5