Fall 2013 - GateWay Community College

GateWay Community College
EEG210 Applied Neurophysiology
Course Syllabus
Fall 2013
Professor: James Crimando, Ph.D.
Lecture Section: #17516 Meets in Room CH1119, Wed 5:30pm-8:00pm
Prof. Office Hours: M-R 12:30pm-1:30pm, IE 3108 or by appointment
Prof. Phone: (602) 286-8699
Prof. Email: crimando@gatewaycc.edu
WebSite URL: http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/home_pages/crimando
Required Text for Lecture: Neuroscience: Exploring The Brain; Bear, Conners & Paradiso, 3rd Ed.
Course Description: Introduction to central nervous system. Emphasis on conduction pathways, anatomy, and
blood supply. Survey of neurotransmitters, pharmacology and current research.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Electroneurodiagnostics Program.
Course Competencies: EEG210 Applied Neurophysiology -
1. Diagram and describe major cortical gross anatomy and function.
2. Diagram and describe major diencephalic anatomy and function.
3. Diagram and describe major brainstem anatomy and function.
4. Diagram and describe major cerebellar anatomy and function.
5. Diagram and describe major spinal cord anatomy and function.
6. Describe the gross anatomy and function of the limbic system.
7. Describe the anatomy and function of the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid.
8. Describe the pattern of cerebrovascular blood flow.
9. Describe the embryology of the central nervous system.
10. Identify functional areas of the cerebral cortex using conventional systems.
11. Describe common dysfunctions resulting from damage to selected cortical areas.
12. Describe and explain the anatomy and function of neuroglia.
13. Describe and explain neuronal structure and impulse conduction.
14. Describe the concept of the chemical synapse.
15. List and describe the function and mechanism of action of recognized neurotransmitters.
16. Compare selected neuroactive drugs in their mechanisms of actions and theories of effect.
17. Describe selected neurologic disorders.
The policies described by this syllabus represent the instructor’s contract with the students.
Any portion of this syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion with notice given.
Mechanics of The Course:
Attendance: Regular attendance in lecture is mandatory*. If a student is accumulates absences in excess of
two full class periods, that student may be withdrawn. The single best thing you can do to succeed in class is to
attend class every day. Please email or call me if you miss class – keep in touch!! If you stop showing up to
class and do not notify the instructor of your absences, you may be withdrawn by the instructor without
notice or you may receive a final grade of “F” or “Y” at the instructor’s discretion. For withdrawal
procedures, see the College Catalogue: http://www.gatewaycc.edu/Catalog/GateWayCatalog.pdf#47
Grading Policy: The final grade for this course will be a combination of all scores as follows:
 Lecture Exams: There will be three regular exams given in lecture. The dates are listed in the schedule.
There are NO EARLY, LATE OR MAKEUP LECTURE EXAMS*. All Lecture Exams count toward your
grade. Lecture Exams are worth 100pts each.
 Final Exam: The Final Exam is comprehensive covering all course material. The Final Exam date is listed
in the schedule. There is NO EARLY, LATE OR MAKEUP FINAL EXAM*. Final Exam is worth 100pts.
 Lecture Quizzes/Activities: Weekly quizzes and/or graded activities covering recent class material or
readings will be given in class (see schedule) to ensure that you are keeping up with material. There are NO
EARLY, LATE OR MAKE-UP LECTURE QUIZZES GIVEN*. Only nine of the ten scheduled lecture
quizzes will count toward your grade – your lowest quiz score will be dropped and not counted towards
your grade. Lecture quizzes or activities are given at any time during the class. If you are not present in class
for the quiz when it is given, you will not be allowed to take that quiz at any other time (be on time).
Lecture Quizzes/Activities are worth 20pts each.
 Lec Participation: Your effort and participation in class can earn you up to 20pts. Show up on time, be
prepared for class, participate in activities, follow the policies in the syllabus and be focused on class work.
* There are VERY RARE exceptions made on a case-by-case basis (e.g. religious observances, death in immediate
family, official absences, etc.) with documentation.
Course Grade: The grading scale for this course is as follows:
Grade Scale:
Under 360pts
A (90%)
B (80%)
C (70%)
D (60%)
F (<60%)
NOTE: All left-over student assignments/materials not claimed by the end of the semester will be promptly
Academic Dishonesty/Disruptions: Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated.
This includes
cheating or copying answers on tests, quizzes or “individual” assignments or allowing others to cheat or copy
your work. Communicating the questions, answers or content of tests or quizzes from one course section to
another before all students have completed it is considered “cheating”. Use or handling of a cellphone during a
test or quiz is considered “cheating”. Taking or copying the content or answers of any test or quiz without
authorization is considered “cheating”. Any student who is caught cheating will receive a zero for that score.
The incident will be referred to the VP of Student Affairs. Cheating may result in a removal from the course
with a failing grade. Disruptive behavior in class will not be tolerated. Students who are disruptive or create a
negative or dangerous learning environment for others will receive one verbal warning from the instructor. If
the negative behavior continues, Security may be called to remove the disruptive student and the student will be
referred to VP of Student Affairs and may lead to withdrawal from the course.
Use of Human and Animal Material in Lab: This course focuses on anatomy of the human nervous system.
To provide students with a well-rounded education regarding the structures of the brain and spinal cord we will,
at the end of the course, use some human materials including cadavers, human and sheep brain specimens.
Though the use of these specimens is beneficial in the learning process, it is understandable that some students
may not want to handle human organs for religious or other personal reasons. Students who object are not
required to handle such materials, but are still required to understand the material being presented and use
alternate materials (models, video, etc.) instead.
Cadaver Protocol:
As an optional part of the course, an opportunity to view a cadaver for brain or spinal cord will be available.
Show respect for the people who donated their bodies for education. There should be no joking about the
cadavers, no nicknames in class or outside of class. Showing disrespect for the cadavers can result in your
withdrawal from the course. Show respect to your fellow students also. It is not easy for everyone to work with
cadavers, so do not tease or joke about other's hesitations.
Technology: I maintain a website (http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/home_pages/crimando) for all my courses and
strongly recommend that to get various resources and use the lab tutorials on the brain. Students are welcome
to record lectures for their own use – however they are not to be distributed to others in any format. Please
TURN OFF your cell phones or pagers in class - they are a distraction to other students and myself. CELL
PHONES MUST BE PUT AWAY DURING TESTS & QUIZZES. Cell phone handling or use during a test
or quiz will be result in a zero for that test or quiz - this is your only warning in writing.
Identification: You are required to write your 8-digit Student ID number on your lecture exams. If you do not
properly identify yourself on your exams, which includes your name, your ID number and the Test Form on
your exams and scantrons, you will not receive credit for taking the exam. If you don’t know your 8-digit
Student ID number (it should start with 3…), find it BEFORE your first exam. I will not supply you with
identification that you should already have for yourself.
No unregistered persons are allowed in class - lecture or lab. This includes children of students.
Disability Resources: Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, are eligible to receive
reasonable accommodations and should contact the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services (602) 286-8888.
Library: The library is located in the IE Building 1st Floor, and has computers for student use including
Internet access and printers. It also has an online database of journals as well as a librarian available round the
clock 24/7 to answer student questions. http://library.gatewaycc.edu/
Learning Center: Located in the IE Building 2nd floor, the Learning Center provides free academic support
services and free tutoring for students. They have excellent resources and staff to help students learn time
management and proper study skills. http://students.gatewaycc.edu/Resources/LearningCenter/default.htm
Counseling Services: If you’re having personal problems or crisis or just need help coping, GateWay
Community College offers has an excellent staff at Counseling Services. Call to schedule an appointment for
help with family or personal problems or just stop by their location in the IE Building, 1st Floor. It’s FREE for
registered students. Call (602) 286-8900 or go to http://students.gatewaycc.edu/Resources/Counseling/Default.htm. There
is also a Career and Educational Planning Center there to help guide you as you plan your educational and
career goals
Veterans Services: The Veterans Services Office provides information for students wishing to use their GI
Bill benefits. The Office assists students by facilitating the application for educational assistance, providing
students with tuition and book deferments as well as answering general questions about college enrollment and
benefits available. Please contact GateWay Veterans Office for additional information at (602) 286-8061.
Expectations: What are the expectations of a student taking this class?
Understand that this is a second-year college-level applied neuroscience course. It is expected that you have
passed the prerequisite biology courses and that you are familiar with the basics of biology, the cell, the
chemistry of the cell, basic anatomy and physiology. Those are the formal expectations; however I have my
own simple expectations as well:
1. Students are expected to be on time for class.
2. Students should prepare for class by reviewing previous notes and reading the day's material ahead of time.
3. Students should be alert in class and ask questions if they do not understand material being discussed. If a
class is missed, it is the student's responsibility to obtain the material for that day as soon as possible.
4. Students should use the textbook as a reference and be able to read and comprehend the text.
5. Students should know what class topics or activities are coming up based on the schedule.
6. Students should use class time wisely; class time is for reviewing and discussing selected topics relevant to
this class.
What should the students expect from the professor of this class?
1. As the instructor of this class, it is my primary responsibility to organize and present course material and
evaluate student performance.
2. I will present detailed explanations and discussions of the topics listed in the official District Course
3. I will discuss underlying theories and relationships and help put basic course material into perspective.
4. I will present material in an organized manner according to the schedule included in this syllabus.
5. I am available for general guidance, review of class material and grades outside of class during office hours
or by appointment.
6. I will advise students and help with study skills & test preparation on a one-on-one basis if needed.
It is the student’s responsibility to understand the information in this syllabus. The instructor will answer
any questions regarding this syllabus.Any portion of this syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s
discretion. Students will be notified of changes if they occur.
Students are responsible for knowing their rights and responsibilities stated in the College Catalogue and
Student Handbook.
Final Thoughts: Hopefully you enjoy school and you've arranged your activities around it. This is more
difficult if you're working full-time. Stress, relationships, illness, jobs and other crises may be unavoidable and
shake you out of your "learning-centered" frame of mind. A clear, calm and focused mind should be your
"game-face" for school.
Practice stress-reduction. Keep a sense of humor. Go for a quiet walk. Read Robert Frost.
Make your College experience an opportunity to improve your mind, body and spirit.
Learn how to juggle.
EEG 210 Tentative Lecture Schedule –
(subject to change as needed)
Lecture/Text Topic
Class Work
Introduction & Overview
Neurons & Neuroglia
Quiz 1
Graded & Action Potentials
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Embryology; Meninges; CSF; Vascular
Quiz 4
Exam 1
Spinal Cord
Brainstem & Diencephalon
Quiz 5
Cerebellum, Basal Nuclei
Quiz 6
Exam 2
Limbic System
Limbic System & Cerebrum
Quiz 7
Quiz 8
Cerebrum & Sheep Brain Dissection
Quiz 9
Exam 3 & In-Class Review Activity
Activity-Quiz 10
Final Exam