RESEARCH NEWS IN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION IN JUNE 2008 RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENT Congratulations to Dr Lexi Grudoff and Dr Frances Langdon. Both Lexie and Frances have been advised by the University of Waikato that they have met the requirements for their PhDs. A great result. Well done both of you. Congratulations also to Dr Gavin Brown who has received one of five University –wide Early Career Research Excellence awards. This award ($30,000) is contestable across the University and Gavin will use it to further his research programme. Congratulations also to our Dean, Dr John Langley, who has been appointed to the position of CEO at MultiServe Education Trust. We wish you all the best at MultiServe John and want to thank you for all the support and encouragement provided to the Research aspects of the Faculty over the last three years. Read about this at WORKSHOP TO EXPLORE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FACULTY E-JOURNAL Meeting: Thursday, 12 June 2008 Room: A108 Time: 12.15pm to 1.15pm In July 2007 the Faculty Research Committee established a working group to review the Faculty publications. The working group recommended that the Faculty should consider establishing a scholarly on-line research journal that highlighted our strengths. The Research Committee has decided to explore the establishment of such a journal and this workshop provides an opportunity for consultation with the Faculty about the type of journal that might be appropriate and how it might be established and operate. The workshop discussion will focus on: Academic scope of the journal Organisation Number of issues per year Title SECTOR REFERENCE GROUP Over the next 12 months to 2 years, the PBRF Sector reference group, chaired by Prof. John Hattie, will release a number of consultation documents. The process and timeline are contained in the first of these documents and can be found at the website address below. The Faculty’s Research Committee will seek further feedback but academic staff is invited to participate in the consultation process themselves as well. The link for the PBRF consultation document: SMALL SCALE RESEARCH FUND CLOSING DATE Applications for the June round of the above fund close at 12 noon on the 27th June 2008. Applications should reach Gina Beston, Research Administrator in the Faculty of Education. Please read the guidelines and use the appropriate application forms from the Faculty’s Research Website EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY FORUM HOSTED BY TEACHING, LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT, TE KURA WHAKAWHANAKE Speaking of Quality: An Educational Psychology Forum 1st Educational Psychology Forum, Auckland, New Zealand 11-12 September 2008 Dear Colleagues The University of Auckland is pleased to announce the convening of its first ever educational psychology forum in September 2008. The forum has been called to discuss the state and future of educational psychology research in New Zealand. Professor John Sweller, University of New South Wales, will launch the conference with his address: Educational Psychology Research: Contributions to instructional procedures and the case of cognitive load theory. Topics from other presenters will include educational psychology research methods; child development; teaching and learning; educational psychology and the curriculum: reading, writing, mathematics, social studies; assessment and evaluation; applied behaviour analysis in education; motivation and cognition; individual differences; special education; the family and education; societal and cultural perspectives. Leading New Zealand academics, specialists in educational and developmental psychology, will present and discuss papers specially written for the forum. Confirmed contributors include Professors Russell Bishop, John Hattie, Stuart McNaughton, Dennis Moore, Tom Nicholson, Helen Timperley, Bill Tunmer, and Associate Professor Judy Parr. Registration has been kept low to encourage your participation. Early registration (before 20 June 2008) is $100; late registration (between 21 June and 31 August) is $150. Cheques for registration should be made out to: the University of Auckland. Please include your name, institution and email with your registration. You will receive an acknowledgement email once you register and will then receive email updates. All attendees will receive a copy of all full papers before the forum so that you will be able to contribute to each paper discussion you choose to attend. Registration will also cover morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days of the forum. There will be a forum dinner on 11 September, more details later. We hope to see you at the 1st Educational Psychology Forum and are confident that you will have an enjoyable and stimulating experience. If you have any queries about the forum please contact Christine Rubie-Davies, the Forum Organiser. Her email is: School of Teaching Learning and Development Faculty of Education University of Auckland Epsom Campus UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND WINTER LECTURES A series of six weekly lectures in the Maidment Theatre Tuesdays 1.00pm to 2.00pm 22 July – 26 August inclusive Everyone welcome! Please come along and hear these stimulating speakers address topics of relevance to all of us working in academia. Challenges for research in modern academia A series of six weekly lectures in the Maidment Theatre Tuesdays 1.00pm to 2.00pm 22 July - 26 August inclusive 22 July Lecture 1 The meaning of and constraints on academic freedom in modern academia Bryan Gould, former Vice-Chancellor, University of Waikato 29 July Lecture 2 The implications for academic researchers of the changing funding environment Professor Cris Shore, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Auckland 5 August Lecture 3 Exploring the relationship between ethics and research in the current environment Dr Tim Dare, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Auckland 12 August Lecture 4 Opportunities and challenges of international research collaboration Professor Peter Hunter, Director, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland 19 August Lecture 5 Challenges facing graduate researchers An Hertogen, PhD student and postgraduate student representative on the Board of Graduate Studies, University of Auckland Bridget Kool, PhD student, School of Population Health 26 August Lecture 6 Cross Cultural research dynamics Dr Tracey McIntosh, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Co-director, Nga Pae o te Maramatanga RESEARCH FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Resources at your fingertips ResearchResearch – UoA has subscribed to ResearchResearch. Access is possible from any Internetconnected UoA computer. By setting up a personal account, users can obtain emailed funding alerts. COS Funding opportunities database – A comprehensive source of funding available from any Internetconnected UoA computer. If you wish to receive email updates for COS funding please subscribe to the mailing list http:// European Science and Technology website provides information on funding for collaboration opportunities and associated funding. 2 May UoA Research Committee: Apply for Cross Faculty Research Initiatives Fund and Early Career Research Excellence Awards. Refer: Royal Society of New Zealand: ISAT Conference Funding – Applications will be treated on an ad hoc basis and will be subject to assessment and evaluation and dependent on the availability of funding. http://www/ Other Research funding dates: ETHICS APPLICATIONS CLOSING DATES IN 2008 Closing dates for Faculty of Education-Epsom For meeting of the Ethics Committee in Wednesday – 4 June 2008 July Wednesday – 9 July 2008 August Wednesday – 6 August 2008 September Wednesday – 3 September 2008 October Wednesday – 8 October 2008 November Wednesday – 29 October 2008 December All applications must be handed to the Faculty Research Unit office in A107 to Gina Beston by the end of business on the closing date. Researchers are advised that the Agenda closing dates will be respected. Any applications received after the closing date will automatically be included in the Agenda for the following month. FORTHCOMING RESEARCH SEMINARS Date Venue / Time Seminar Presenter/s 12 June - Thursday A108 12.15 – 1.15pm Bev France 17 June – Tuesday J2 4.15 – 5.15pm 24 June - Tuesday J3 4.15 – 5.15pm Title JUNE Workshop to explore the establishment of a Faculty e-journal Emmanuel Manalo Students’ use of (CAD) diagrams in mathematics problem solving Ben Dyson/Alan Ovens TBA JULY 1 July - Tuesday 22 July – Tuesday J2 4.15 – 5.15pm J2 4.15 – 5.15pm Judy Parr TBA Elsa Kassardjian Research Office - Funding opportunities databases (COS and Research) FRDF Workshop – How to write a good application for the FDRF round in August Research Developer 24 July - Thursday J2 12.15 – 1.15pm David Geraghty Applications & Reporting Advisor Date 29 July - Tuesday Venue / Time J3 4.15 – 5.15pm Seminar Presenter/s Prof. Patricia Alexander, University of Maryland (Educational Psychology) Title TBA 5 August - Tuesday J2 4.15 – 5.15pm 7 August - Thursday J2 Professor Keith Barton, TBA Fullbright Senior Specialist David Geraghty FRDF Workshop – Applications & questions from Reporting Advisor applicants relating to their proposals for the FRDF round AUGUST 12.15 – 1.15pm 12 August - Tuesday J2 4.15 – 5.15pm 19 August – Tuesday J2 4.15 – 5.15pm J3 4.15 – 5.15pm 26 August - Tuesday Mr Stephen Rosenbaum, University of California, Berkeley Louise Keown TBA Helen Hedges TBA Lois Harris TBA TBA SEPTEMBER 2 September - Tuesday 9 September - Tuesday J2 4.15 – 5.15pm J2 4.15 – 5.15pm 16 September - Tuesday J2 4.15 – 5.15pm 23 September - Tuesday J3 4.15 – 5.15pm Is anybody interested in presenting a seminar this week? Is anybody interested in presenting a seminar this week? Cathy Gunn Sustainability Factors in e-Learning Initiatives I-MANAGER’S JOURNAL ON SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Published by i-manager Publications CALL FOR PAPERS (JUNE – AUGUST 2008) INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION IN K-12 EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONAL THEORY / INSTRUCTIONAL SCAFFOLDING / INTEGRATIVE LEARNING/ INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN EDUCATION/INTERDISCIPLINARY TEACHING TECHNOLOGY/ METHODS AND MATERIALS MULTIMEDIA CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT INVITING EDITOR Ms. Shyni Associate Editor i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology e-mail : TEACHER RESEARCH Attention Teacher Researchers: Call for Proposals to share your teacher research at the 2009 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, April 13-17, 2009. We invite you to submit a proposal to share your research at AERA 2009 through the Teacher as Researcher SIG. It is our hope that a broad range of work will be represented, showing the diversity of perspective, geography, and method existing in teacher research today. Please visit the AERA website at To learn more about the conference, and see attached for the list of review criteria and how to submit a proposal to the Teacher as Researcher SIG. Proposals may be submitted between June 1 and August 1, 2008 We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope to see you in San Diego! Questions about the proposal process? Contact the TAR SIG Program Co-Chairs: Ryan Flessner at or Sara Parrell at FORTHCOMING ANTSEL SCHOOL LEADERSHIP VIDEO ONLINE CONFERENCE (ANTSEL – Assoc of Northern Territory School Educational Leaders) ‘Leading Successful Schools: Sharing the wisdom’ ANTSEL Video Online conference 18-31 August 2008 ANTSEL is pleased to invite international education colleagues to ‘virtually attend’ (and maybe contribute to) what is probably the first video online conference to be held for school leaders. The conference will feature customised videos that feature a range of selected Northern Territory principals and key education policy-makers, who have been filmed, on location in the NT. The conference will also feature Supporting Papers or audio files contributed by a range of educators from the NT, elsewhere in Australia, and from around the world. We still need a lot more Supporting Papers and invite you to consider this invitation to address one of the seven focus questions (below). You are invited to email material by Monday 14 July 2008 to the Conference Manager, Ms Debra Brydon, at: <> Focus questions Monday 18 August: ‘What is a successful school?’ Tuesday 19 August: ‘What are the qualities of a successful school leader?’ Wednesday 20 August: ‘What are the special challenges of leading a successful school in the NT?’ Thursday 21 August: ‘How can education systems better support school leaders?’ Friday 22 August: ‘How can school leaders help each other to grow professionally?’ Saturday 23 August: ‘In your own experience, what makes school leadership so satisfying and enjoyable? What have been the highlights of your career as a school leader?’ Sunday 24 August: ‘How can school leaders encourage others to consider the leadership challenge?’ Register to participate at no cost at the following website: <> FORTHCOMING UOA / EXTERNAL CONFERENCES High Performance Research Symposium High Performance Research Symposium 4 Aug 08 pdf.pdf International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement This conference will be in Vancouver, Canada in January 2009 Closing date for paper submissions is 1 August Below is the web address CALL FOR ARTICLES FOR A PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL, PUBLISHED IN USA Dear colleagues The 2010 International Focus issue of Childhood Education is looking for articles on “Father/Male Involvement in Care and Education of Children (ages 0-14).” The deadline to submit the article is July 31, 2009. Childhood Education is a peer-reviewed journal (with an acceptance rate of 15%) published by the Association for Childhood Education International, ACEI, USA. The call for proposal is provided in this email (also as an attachment). Sincerely, Co-editors: Jyotsna Pattnaik (California State University, Long Beach, USA) Rajalakshmi Sriram (M.S. University of Baroda, India) Call for articles. Father or male involvement.doc NEW PUBLICATIONS Books Rubie-Davies, C. M. (2008). Expecting success: Teacher beliefs and practices that enhance student outcomes. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag. Book chapters Lai, M.K., & McNaughton, S. (2008). Raising student achievement in poor, urban communities through evidence-based conversations, In L.Earl & H.Timperley (Ed.), Professional Learning Conversations: Challenges in Using Evidence (pp.13-27). Netherlands, Kluwer/Springer Academic Publishers. Sansom, A. (2008). My body, my life, and dance. In S. Shapiro (Ed.), Dance in a world of change: Reflections on globalization and cultural difference (pp.207-226) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Sansom, A. (2008). The interrelationship between dance and the young child. In P. Smith (Ed.), The arts in education: Critical perspectives from teacher educators (pp. 25-39). Auckland: Faculty of Education, The University of Auckland. Smith, J. (2008). How culturally inclusive is visual arts education in New Zealand secondary schools? In P. Smith (Ed.), The arts in education: Critical perspectives from teacher educators (pp. 57-74). Auckland: Faculty of Education, The University of Auckland. Thwaites, T. (2008). Designing literacy education as modes of meaning in globalised and situated contexts: Towards a restoration of self through embodied knowing. In Smith, P. (Ed.), The Arts in education: Critical perspectives from teacher educators [Monograph] (pp. 75-96). Auckland: Faculty of Education, The University of Auckland. Journal Articles Harris, L. R. (2008). A phenomenographic investigation of teacher conceptions of engagement in learning. Australian Educational Researcher, 35(1), 57-79. Hanna, S. (2007). Not so strange! An application of attachment theory and feminist psychology to social work supervision. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review 19(3), 12-22. Mawson, B. (2008). "Pretend I'm dead, eh": The place of death in socio-dramatic play. New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education, 11, 51-64. Rains, E. (2007). Interdisciplinary supervision development in a community health service. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review, 19(3), 58-65. Thesing, A.J. (2008) Parent education and support through early childhood centre networks. New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education, 11, 65-76. Webster, M., & Tofi, H. (2007). Postgraduate social work management education in Aotearoa New Zealand: A unique framework for the study of management. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review, 19(3), 4857. Conference Presentations Amituanai-Toloa, M., McNaughton, S., MacDonald, S., & Lai, M.K. (March, 2007). Biliteracy and language development in Samoan bilingual classrooms. American Education Research Association, New York. Lai, M.K., Timperley, H.S., & McNaughton, S. (January, 2008). Sustaining improved outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse students. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Auckland. Lai, M.K., & McNaughton, S. (January, 2008). Raising student achievement in poor communities through evidence-based conversations. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Auckland. Lai, M.K., McNaughton, S., Amituanai-Toloa, M. (January, 2008). Replicating schooling improvement across contexts. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Auckland. McNaughton, S., Lai, M.K., & Amituanai-Toloa, M. (July, 2007). Two schooling improvement projects - drawing implications for the NZ Literacy Strategy. Literacy Symposium, New Zealand. McNaughton, S., Amituanai-Toloa, M., Lai, M.K., MacDonald, S. And Farry, S. (September, 2007). Plotting effective instruction: Context-specific relationships between instruction and gains in reading comprehension. Educational Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Budapest, Hungary. Parr, J.M., Mcnaughton, S., Amituanai-Toloa, M., Macdonald, S. And Farry, S. (April, 2007). Making connections: The nature and occurrence of links in literacy teaching and learning. American Educational Research Association, Chicago. Townsend, M.A.R., & Lai, M.K. (September, 2007). Balancing social and academic goals at high school. Educational Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Budapest.