1/0//7 התשס"ז/'ז רשומות ISRAEL STATE RECORDS כ"ז באייר התשס"ז May 15, 2007 יומן הפטנטים והמדגמים PATENTS AND DESIGNS JOURNAL PATENTS Applications filed Applications accepted Patents granted Patents renewed Patents not in force Patents renewed for 20 years Patents expired Notices Changes in particulars entered in register Corrigenda Country codes Indices of applications accepted DESIGNS Designs registered Designs renewed Designs void עמוד Page 4 791 404 404 401 404 409 470 פטנטים 479 420 i בקשות שהוגשו בקשות שקובלו פטנטים שניתנו פטנטים שחודשו פטנטים שתוקפם פקעו פטנטים שחודשו לעשרים שנה פטנטים שפג תוקפם הודעות שינויים בפרטים רשומים בפנקס תיקוני טעויות קודים למדינות מפתחות לבקשות שקובלו 422 434 434 מדגמים מדגמים שנרשמו מדגמים שחודשו מדגמים שבוטלו 474 ידיעות כלליות : וכו' בענייני פטנטים ומדגמים יש לשלוח אל, מסמכים,מכתבים ירושלים,4 רח' הסדנא,רשם הפטנטים והמדגמים ירושלים והיא פתוחה לציבור בימי חול, תלפיות,4 לשכת הפטנטים נמצאת ברח' הסדנא .10::/ - ו0::/ שאינם ערבי שבת או מועד בין השעות שקלים בעד כל0../ לשכת הפטנטים מספקת תצלומים של פירוטים ושרטוטים במחיר של .עמוד או חלק ממנו 'אגרות ללשכת הפטנטים מתקבלות אך ורק על ידי תשלום לחשבון הלשכה בבנק הדואר מס יש להציג קבלת בנק הדואר ללשכה יחד עם הבקשה לפעולה שעבורה האגרה. /-0414.-0 .שולמה GENERAL INFORMATION Letters, documents, etc. concerning Patents and Designs should be addressed to: The Commissioner of Patents and Designs, 4 Hasadnah St., Jerusalem The Patent Office is located at 4 Hasadnah St., Talpiot, Jerusalem and is open to the public on weekdays, except on Fridays or on the eves of holydays, from 08:30 to 12:30 hrs. The Patent Office supplies photocopies of specifications and drawings at the rate of NIS 2.50 per page or part thereof. Fees to the Patent Office can be accepted only by payment to the Postal Bank Account of the Office, No. 0-24145-2. The receipt of the Postal Bank must be presented to the office together with the application for the action for which the fee has been paid. Copyright by the State of Israel. No Extracts may be published except with the permission of the Patent Office. זכות היוצרים בתקצירים אלה שמורה אין להעתיק מת,למדינת ישראל קצירים .אלה אלא ברשות לשכת הפטנטים Price per single issue (incl. VAT) : NIS 99. .₪ 69 ).מ.ע. לכל חוברת בודדת (כולל מ:מחיר Annual subscription (incl. VAT): NIS 75742. Available at the Distribution Service of Government Publications, 29 B-Street, Hakirya, Tel-Aviv. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז .₪ 1,1.0 ).מ.ע.דמי חתימה לשנה (כולל מ :אפשר להשיג אצל ' רחוב ב,שרות ההפצה של פרסומי הממשלה .אביב- תל, הקריה,06 'מס 2 NOTICE UNDER SECTION 16 OF THE PATENTS LAW, 5727-1967 In the following there are listed new Applications complying with the Provisions of rule 32(a) of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 Particulars of the applications are given in the following order: Number and date of application And the first four symbols of the International Classification Title of invention (as proposed by applicant) Applicant Priority right: Convention country – Number and date of Foreign application 3 לחוק הפטנטים19 הודעה לפי סעיף 1697 - תשכ"ז להלן רשימת בקשות חדשות הממלאות אחר הדרישות שנקבעו ,(א) לתקנות הפטנטים:0 בתקנה :1690–תשכ"ח פרטי הבקשות מובאים לפי :סדר זה מספר הבקשה – ותאריך הגשתה וארבעה הסמנים הראשונים של הסיווג הבינלאומי שם האמצאה (כפי שהוצע ע"י )המבקש המבקש – מדינת האיגוד:דין קדימה תאריך ומספר בקשת החוץ International Application Number מספר בקשה בינלאומית International Publication Number מס' פרסום בינלאומי May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2022121661 172638 PILOT BACK-UP SYSTEM AND METHOD MENAHEM HAR-EVEN 6026221660 מערכת ושיטה לגיבוי טייס מנחם הר אבן 173026 174520 174521 174609 SEISMIC ISOLATION DEVICE FOR BUILDING STRUCTURE VLADIMIR BRIMAN /626/21660 PROTECTING CHILDREN AND PASSENGERS WITH RESPECT TO A VEHICLE ASHER S. SABAN May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז F41A טוען מחסניות אלי פישביין MAGAZINE LOADER ELI FISCHBEIN 1026/21660 H04B התקן ומערכת לאפנון אותות,שיטה תקשורת אלביט מערכות בע"מ DUAL PHYSICAL LAYER FOR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. 1/26/21660 E04H חיש גדר יואב קדוש QUICK HEDGEROW JOAV KADOSH 1/26/21660 B64D E04H מתקן של בידוד סיסמי למבני בניה ולדימיר ברימן 174634 B60R הגנה של ילדים ונוסעים ביחס לכלי רכב סבן.אשר ש 4 /626/21660 174669 METHOD FOR REGULATING OSNR IN A FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION LINE USING RAMAN AMPLIFICATION ECI TELECOM LTD /226/21660 H04B בקו תקשורת בעלOSNR שיטה לוויסות סיב אופטי תוך שימוש בהגבר מסוג RAMAN 174706 CERTIFICATE IMPLEMENTATION SYSTEM NDS LIMITED 6126/21660 174709 174710 A SYSTEM AND A METHOD FOR RELIABLE SYMMETRIC DATA SYNCHRONIZATION EMOZE LTD 6126/21660 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OPTICAL SENSING OF SURFACE MOTIONS ABRAHAM AHARONI 5 H04L מערכת ליישום של אישור METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR USE IN A VIDEOCONFERENCE SESSION ERAN DARIEL 6126/21660 טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי H04N התקן ומערכת לשימוש בשיחת,שיטה ועידה מסוג וידיאו ערן דריאל H04L שיטה ומערכת לתיאום בו–זמני אמין של מידע אמוז בע"מ 174713 G01N מערכת ושיטה לחישה אופטית של תנועות משטח אברהם אהרוני May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6126/21660 174717 METHOD OF INDICATING THE PRESENCE OF A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE AND STICKER THEREFOR RAANAN NOVIK 6126/21660 שיטה לציון נוכחות חומר מסוכן ומדבקה עבורה רענן נוביק 174723 RESTRICTING UNSUPERVISED ACTIVITY OF UNMANNED VESSELS RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. 6/26/21660 PROPULSION KIT RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. 6/26/21660 KEY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NDS LIMITED May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז B63B הגבלת פעולה התקפית של כלי שיט בלתי מאויש רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ-רפאל 174731 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING DATA TRANSMISSION OVER AN AIRLINK GAMESTREAM LTD. 6/26/21660 B65C H04B שיטה ומערכת ליעול העברת מידע דרך קישור אוויר גיימסטרים בע"מ 174733 F42B ערכת דחיפה רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ-רפאל 174755 H04L מערכת לניהול מפתחות 6 6/26/21660 174779 OPTICAL REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM ELIYAHU DARDARI 6/26/21660 מערכת שלט רחוק אופטית אליהו דרדרי 174780 174881 174882 174883 MORPHING FLIGHT SURFACES ZAMIR TRIBELSKY 7 B65C כלי טיס מופעל מבחוץ באמצעות מדחף כפול מונגד סיבוב זמיר טריבלסקי CONTRAPUNTALLY INTEROPERATED AIR VEHICLE ZAMIR TRIBELSKY 2626/21660 B64C עילוי אווירי מערבולתי זמיר טריבלסקי AIR VORTICES PROPELLING ZAMIR TRIBELSKY 2626/21660 B64C מטריצת טיסה נתמכת זמיר טריבלסקי FLIGHT SUSTAINING MATRIX ZAMIR TRIBELSKY 2626/21660 G08B מערכת השגחה לכלי נשק דוד כהן WEAPON MONITORING SYSTEM DAVID COHEN 2626/21660 G08C 174884 B64C עיצוב משטחי טיסה זמיר טריבלסקי May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2626/21660 174885 זנב מנתב זמיר טריבלסקי STEERING TAIL ZAMIR TRIBELSKY 2626/21660 174886 174887 174888 SECURITY FENCE CONSTRUCTION EL-FAR ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS 2000 LTD. 1/26/21660 174921 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז G08B מבנה גדר בטחון בע"מ0/// פר אלקטרוניקה מערכות-אל 175121 H04Q רשת קוגניטיבית ציון חדד COGNITIVE NETWORK ZION HADAD 1/26/21660 F41H מערכת שיבוש מבוזרת אלתא מערכות בע"מ DISTRIBUTED JAMMER SYSTEM OPTIGO SYSTEMS LTD 2226/21660 B64C מערך כנף דינמי זמיר טריבלסקי DYNAMIC WING ARRAY ZAMIR TRIBELSKY 2626/21660 B23P מחולל משטח אוויר זמיר טריבלסקי AIRFOIL GENERATOR ZAMIR TRIBELSKY 2626/21660 B64C 175144 H04L 8 רשת נתונים אלחוטית אלביט מערכות בע"מ WIRELESS DATA NETWORK ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. 1126/21660 175162 THE METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE VERTICAL ON MOVING OBJECTS AND THE DEVICE FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION NAUMOV, MICHAEL 1026/21660 A METHOD OF COMPACTING OPTICAL SYSTEMS COMPRISING MULTIPLE OPTICAL CHANNELS INTO CONFINED SPACES RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. /626/21660 DEPLOYMENT CONTROL SYSTEM 9 נאומוב מיכאל F41C אקדח רוס"ר סילבר שדו מערכות בטחוניות מתקדמות בע"מ 175276 ON-GIMBALS CRYOGENIC COOLING SYSTEM RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. 1/26/21660 השיטה לקביעת האנך על עצמים ניידים ומכשיר להוצאה לפועל של השיטה 175232 ASSAULT PISTOL RIFLE SILVER SHADOW ADVANCED SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD. 1/26/21660 G01C F25B מערכת קירור קריאוגנית המותקנת על גימבלים רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ-רפאל 175277 G02B שיטה לדחיסת מערכות אופטיות המכילות ערוצים אופטיים מרובים למרחבים מוגבלים רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ-רפאל 175329 F41A מערכת לבקרה על פריסת כוחות May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז דוד כהן DAVID COHEN 6026121660 175526 A METHOD FOR MEASURING STRUCTURE PARAMETERS USING SPECTRAL IMAGING SYSTEMS NOVA MEASURING INSTRUMENTS LTD. 2026121660 שיטת מדידה של פרמטרי מבנה תוך שימוש במערכת הדמיה ספקטראלית נובה מכשירי מדידה בע"מ 175682 176055 176274 WEB CONTENT DISTRIBUTION TO PERSONAL CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES CELLTICK TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 2/26021660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז G06F הפצת תוכן וובי למכשירים סלולריים אישיים סלטיק טכנולוגיות בע"מ 176275 CELLULAR EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SERVICE CELLTICK TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 2126/21660 G02B סורק אופטי לינארי מרק שכטרמן LINEAR OPTICAL SCANNER MARK SHECHTERMAN 2/26021660 F41A מערכת לבקרה על פריסת כוחות דוד כהן DEPLOYMENT CONTROL SYSTEM DAVID COHEN /226121660 H01L H04M שרות סלולרי להודעות חירום סלטיק טכנולוגיות בע"מ 176811 A61K 10 METHODS AND KITS FOR DIAGNOSING AND TREATING MENTAL RETARDATION RAMOT AT TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY LTD. US 60/698039 12/07/2005 2026/21660 שיטות וערכות לאבחון וטיפול בפיגור שכלי 176867 A . ALLWEIL ARCH 176906 177237 FILM COMPOSITIONS WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC. US 10/792066 03/03/2004 771037023 0110712004 US PCT/IB/2005/000449 WO/2005/092271 1226121661 11 B32B גילוי דטרמיניסטי של אותות במערך של גלאים דורון קויאט DETERMINISTIC DETECTION OF SIGNALS IN A DETECTOR ARRAY DORON KWIAT 1226121661 H01R מיתקן הארקה מיבני עבור מיכשור אלקטרוני – דיגיטלי להשגת רזולוציה גבוהה מאוד אדריכל אברהם אלואיל STRUCTURAL GROUNDING PLANT FOR DIGITAL ELECTRONICS TO ATTAIN VERY HIGH RESOLUTION 2/26/21660 רמות ליד אוניברסיטת תל אביב בע"מ 177266 A61K הרכבי משטחים A61K May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז FILM PRODUCTS HAVING CONTROLLED DISINTEGRATION PROPERTIES WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC US 10/792362 03/03/2004 771030449 0110712004 US PCT/IB/2005/000451 WO/2005/092272 6/26/21660 תוצרי פילם בעלי תכונות התפוררות מבוקרות 177347 DESIMFEATION WATER WITH LOIZER SARAH MOGRABI 6/26/21661 חיטוי מים על ידי לייזר שרה מוגרבי 177399 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR CONTROLLING THE PITCH OF A PROPELLER THE INSITU GROUP, INC. US 60/549684 03/03/2004 771017490 0210312004 US PCT/US/2005/007035 WO/2005/084373 2026/21660 MINIATURE MISSILE RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. 6/26/21661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C02F B64D שיטות והתקנים לבקרת הפסיעה של מדחף 177527 F42B טילון רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ-רפאל 177720 B65C 12 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR APPLYING VARIABLE CODED LABELS TO ITEMS OF PRODUCE SINCLAIR SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, LLC US 60/549778 03/03/2004 PCT/US/2005/007167 WO/2005/084383 6/26021660 177930 177995 MECHANISM FOR OPENING AND CLOSING A VEHICLE DOOR ALEX ORIGINAL LTD 2/26021660 אלכס אוריגינל בע"מ 178060 13 B60G מתלה רכב אנכי ללא מוביל יחזקאל דודוביץ 178139 MODULAR ATTACHMENT ASSEMBLY FOR VEHICLE ANTITHEFT DEVICE RAV BARIACH SECURITY PRODUCTS LTD. 2/26021660 B62D מנגנון לפתיחת ולסגירת דלת של רכב VERTICAL NON- GUIDED VEHICLE SUSPENSION JECHESKEL DAVIDOVITCH 2/26021660 B65F פח סל פירמט וינדיש BASKET GARBAGE FRIMET VINDISH 2226021660 שיטה ומתקן להנפקת תוויות מקודדות משתנות עבור פריטים לייצור B60R מכלול חיבור מודולרי להתקן נגד גניבת רכב רב בריח מוצרי בטחון בע"מ 178170 B65D May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז תחתוניות,מנפק קומפקטי לתחבושות וחיתולים לינה קרקוז A COMPACT SANITARY NAPKIN, PEDS AND DIAPER DISPENSER VITALY KARAKUZ 1626021660 178225 מכלול משטח מודולרי MODULAR PALLET ASSEMBLY POLYMER LOGISTICS BV 1226021660 178234 וורטקס טכנולוגיות אקולוגיות בע"מ 178270 178293 CYCLONE SEPARATOR WITH DRY FOG NOZZLES MORDECHAY EYAL 1026021660 THERMAL BATTERY WITH LONG LIFE TIME AND LONG SHELF LIFE RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. 1/26021660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז B60R רהיט לרכב רפאל דורסט CAR FURNITURE RAPHAEL DURST 1026021660 B01D מפריד מערבולת ציקלון VORTEX CYCLONE SEPARATOR VORTEX ECOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 1126021660 B65D B01D מפריד ציקלוני עם מערפלי מים יבשים מרדכי איל 178314 H01M סוללה תרמית בעלת זמן חיים וחיי מדף ארוכים רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ-רפאל 178370 B65D 14 FOLDING CONTAINER WITH ELASTICALLY SUSPENDED BASE POLYMER LOGISTICS BV 6/26/21661 מיכל מתקפל עם בסיס תלוי באופן גמיש 178431 LIFT AUGMENTATION SYSTEM JOHN R. LEE US 60/559970 07/04/2004 901449917 0110412004 US 901449912 0110412004 US 901490992 7210412004 US 901414024 2410412004 US 901979404 0117012004 US PCT/US/2005/011541 WO/2005/099380 6122621660 178454 REFILLABLE DEVICE AND A FILLING ARRANGEMENT THEREFOR ADORAM LESHEM 6122621660 178455 REFILLABLE CONTAINER AND A FILLING ARRANGEMENT THEREFOR ADORAM LESHEM 6122621660 178466 PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, ESPECIALLY AN ESCALATOR OR MOVING WALK INVENTIO AG EP 05109858.0 21/10/2005 2122621660 15 178577 B64D מערכת לתוספת תנופה B65D מתקן למילוי חוזר והתקן למילויו אדורם לשם B65D מיכל למילוי חוזר והתקן למילויו אדורם לשם B65G מערכת הסעה לנוסעים במיוחד מדרגות נעות או מסוע B62B May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז נושא רשימת קניות תמנון הופ בע"מ SHOPPING LIST SUPPORT TAMNUN HOP LTD. 2/26/21661 178592 B64D כלי תעופה בעל כנף מסתובבת ROTARY WING VEHICLE PAUL E. ARLTON US 60/562081 14/04/2004 PCT/US/2005/012560 WO/2005/099415 1026/21661 178598 C07C SKIN-PROTECTING ALKALINITYCONTROLLING COMPOSITION AND THE USE THEREOF CP KELCO APS PA DK 26/04/2004 200400649 PCT/DK/2005/000285 WO/2005/102262 2/22621660 הרכב הגנה על העור ולבקרה על ושימוש בו,בסיסיותו 178699 B62K VEHICLE SPEED CONTROL ASSEMBLY GAVRIEL OR-GIL 1126/21661 מכלול שליטה במהירות כלי רכב גבריאל אורגיל 178728 DPI FORMULATION CONTAINING SULFOALKYL ETHER CYCLODEXTRIN CYDEX, INC. US 60/564892 23/04/2004 PCT/US/2005/014010 WO/2005/104712 2022621660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C08B המכילה סולפואלקילDPI פורמולציית אתר ציקלודקסטרין 178729 C07D 16 A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ANGIOTENSIN II ANTAGONISTIC COMPOUNDS DIPHARMA S.P.A. IT MI2005A001989 20/10/2005 2026/21661 תהליך להכנת תרכובות אנטיגוניסטיות II לאנגיאוטנסין 178732 ?-AMINOAMIDE DERIVATIVES USEFUL IN THE TREATMENT OF RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME AND ADDICTIVE DISORDERS NEWRON PHARMACEUTICALS S.P.A. EP 04009532.5 22/04/2004 PCT/EP/2005/004166 WO/2005/102300 1126/21661 1122621660 תולדות אלפא–אמינואמיד המשמשות לטיפול בתסמונת רגליים חסרות מנוחה ואי סדרים ממכרים 178750 ANTIFUNGAL DRUG DELIVERY MARCEL NIMNI US 10/832933 27/04/2004 PCT/US/2005/014246 WO/2005/105072 17 C07C תכשירים למתן תרופות אנטי–פטרייתיות 178778 TOBACCO HOLDER FOR A HOOKAH ROEE SHAY ZION 1126/21661 C07C 178779 A24D מחזיק טבק עבור נרגילה רועי שי ציון C07H May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING AN ANTHRACYCLINE AGENT AND A CYTIDINE ANALOG IN A LIPOSOMAL CARRIER CELATOR PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 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May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז צורה של מנה מוצקה של הפרין רטוב הרכב המכיל זפת לטיפול במחלות עור VOLATILE BLOWING CONTROL SYSTEM BEN-DAVID JACOB 1026/21661 C08B C07D ] ושיטות:. 0. /[ תרכובות הטרוציקליות לשימוש בהן 20 US 60/567336 901440434 US 901497790 US 901921492 US 901944732 US 901949344 US PCT/US/2005/014846 WO/2006/028525 1022621660 30/04/2004 7410912004 2910112004 7217712004 7310712004 0410312004 178927 בורג חליץ דני הולנדר EXTRICABLE FASTENER DANI HOLANDER /622621660 178932 CONCENTRATE LIQUID AND SYRUP INSTALLATION YESHAYA GERAFI /622621660 21 ישעיה ג'רפי A01M מכשיר ושיטה למניעת טפילות בתוך נפח מוגדר אבי קליימן 178984 USE OF PPAR AGONISTS TO TREAT RUMINANTS PFIZER PRODUCTS INC. 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US 60/572475 20/05/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000518 WO/2005/113013 1026121661 ושיטות לשימוש בהםNDV תכשירים של לטיפול בסרטן .פ.תרוויר מנג'מנט ל 179421 179422 RECOMBINANT VACCINES AGAINST INFECTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE VIRUS RAHAN MERISTEM 1126121661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A01H IBDV חיסון רקומביננטי נגד רחן מריסטם 179423 DEVICE, SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IN VIVO ANALYSIS C12P שיטות להערכת רצפים של ריבונוקליאוטידים אנימה סל מטרולוג'י METHODS FOR EVALUATING RIBONUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCES ANIMA CELL METROLOGY US 60/574210 26/05/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000540 WO/2005/116252 1622221660 A61K A61K מערכת ושיטה לאנליזה תוך גופית,מכשיר 32 GIVEN IMAGING LTD. US 60/572777 PCT/IL/2005/000525 WO/2005/113021 גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ 21/05/2004 2/26121661 179424 SUBSTITUTED OXAZOLE BENZOISOTHIAZOLE DIOXIDE DERIVATIVES, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THEIR USE SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH DE 102004026532.1 29/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005321 WO/2005/116003 1/26121661 נגזרות אוקסזול–בנזואיזותיאזול תהליך לייצורן,דיאוקסיד מותמרים ושימוש שלהן 179425 179426 179427 ANTIBODIES AS T CELL RECEPTOR MIMICS, METHODS OF PRODUCTION AND USES THEREOF 33 C08B ייצור של אתילצלולוז בעל משקל מולקולרי נמוך PRODUCTION OF LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT ETHYLCELLULOSE DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. US 60/574599 26/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/007396 WO/2005/118649 1/26121661 G01S מערכת קוהרנטית למיקום גיאוגרפי COHERENT GEOLOCATION SYSTEM BAE SYSTEMS INFORMATION AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS INTEGRATION INC. US 10/853693 25/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018049 WO/2006/073473 6/26/21661 C07D C12N שיטות,נוגדנים כחקיינים לקולטי טי–תאים ושימושיהם,לייצורם May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז VAUGHAN P. WITTMAN US 60/574857 901940020 US 901949334 US 901913299 US PCT/US/2005/018789 WO/2005/116072 2026121661 27/05/2004 2417212004 2410712004 2010412004 179428 STENT WITH CONTOURED BRIDGING ELEMENTS CONOR MEDSYSTEMS, INC. US 60/573085 21/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/017068 WO/2005/115277 1/26121661 1/26121661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז סטנט עם מרכיבי גישור מעוצבים 179429 IMMEDIATE RELEASE PHARMACEUTICAL TABLETS WITH HEIGHT GREATER THAN WIDTH ACCU-BREAK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 60/573042 21/05/2004 901413734 2710412004 US PCT/US/2005/018633 WO/2005/112897 A61F A61K תכשיר לשחרור מידי בצורת טבליות אשר גובהן גדול מרוחבן 179430 A61K 34 PHARMACEUTICAL TABLETS HAVING A SEPARATION MARK POSITIONED ON THE SIDE OF SAID TABLETS ACCU-BREAK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 60/573042 21/05/2004 901413734 2710412004 US PCT/US/2005/018638 WO/2005/112870 1/26121661 תכשיר בטבליות עם סימן הפרדה בצדי הטבליות 179431 PHARMACEUTICAL TABLETS HAVING A RELATIVELY INACTIVE SEGMENT ACCU-BREAK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 60/573042 21/05/2004 901413734 2710412004 US PCT/US/2005/018639 WO/2005/112898 1/26121661 1/26121661 35 תכשיר בטבליות עם מקטע לא פעיל באופן יחסי 179432 PHARMACEUTICAL TABLETS COMPRISING TWO OR MORE UNITARY SEGMENTS ACCU-BREAK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 60/573042 21/05/2004 901413734 2710412004 US PCT/US/2005/018631 WO/2005/112900 A61K A61K תכשיר בטבליות הכוללות שני מקטעים או יותר המשמשים כיחידות נפרדות 179433 A61K May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז SCORED PHARMACEUTICAL TABLETS COMPRISING A PLURALITY OF SEGMENTS ACCU-BREAK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 60/573042 21/05/2004 901413734 2710412004 US PCT/US/2005/018632 WO/2006/038916 2026121661 179434 INGESTIBLE DEVICE PLATFORM FOR THE COLON SPECTRUM DYNAMICS LLC US 60/572466 20/05/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000517 WO/2005/112895 1222221660 תכשיר בטבליות מחורצות הכוללות מקטעים מרובים עבור בדיקות המעי,גלולה מכנית לבליעה הגס 179436 TANK FOR SIMULTANEOUS STORAGE OF BOTH PRESSURED GAS AND LIQUID FUEL RADEL LLC 6126021661 179437 PROPANE-1,3-DIONE DERIVATIVE OR ITS SALT ASTELLAS PHARMA INC. 2004JP 04/06/2004 166486 2004-099474 3010312004 JP PCT/JP/2005/010184 WO/2005/118556 6/26021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61K 179438 B65B המיכל המשולב לאייחסון גז ודלק נוזלי רדאל ללס C07D – פרופאן דיאון או מלח שלו: ,1 תולדות C07C 36 LEVODOPA PRODRUGS, AND COMPOSITIONS AND USES THEREOF XENOPORT, INC. US 60/577087 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019492 WO/2005/121069 6226021661 179439 NETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING THE STATUS OF USER EQUIPMENT IN A WIRELESS LOCAL NETWORK INTERWORKING WITH 3GPP SYSTEMS INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/576753 02/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019238 WO/2005/122476 1126121661 179440 REPORTING TERMINAL CAPABILITIES FOR SUPPORTING SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/576700 02/06/2004 771772403 2210412004 US PCT/US/2005/018386 WO/2005/122604 1026121661 37 179441 מטרימי תרופות של לבודופה ותכשירים והשימוש בהם H04Q שיטה ומערכת למתן המעמד של ציוד משתמש במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית GPP3 מקומית משותפת עם מערכות H04Q דיווח על יכולות מסוף עבור תמיכה בשירות הודעות קצרות C12Q May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז פרולילHIF בדיקת פעילות של הידרוקסילאז HIF PROLYL HYDROXYLASE ACTIVITY ASSAY FIBROGEN, INC. US 60/575324 28/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018577 WO/2005/118836 1626121661 179442 C12N CARTILAGE AND BONE REPAIR COMPOSITION UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA ES P200401227 21/05/2004 PCT/ES/2005/000287 WO/2005/112542 6/26021661 תכשיר לתיקון סחוס ועצמות 179443 תולדות ליפופיליות מונואמידים שעברו קילציה LIPOPHILIC DERIVATIVES OF CHELATE MONOAMIDES KEREOS, INC. US 60/578474 09/06/2004 901904740 2110412004 US PCT/US/2005/019966 WO/2005/122891 6026021661 179444 4-PHENYL-PYRIMIDINE-2CARBONITRILE DERIVATIVES N.V. ORGANON EP 04253491.7 11/06/2004 0470994943 2317212004 EP PCT/EP/2005/006266 WO/2005/121106 2226021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61B C07D –קרבוניטריל0––פניל–פירימידין4 תולדות 179445 C07D 38 1-METHYL-3-TRIFLUOROMETHYLPYRAZOLE-4-CARBOXYLIC ACID (ORTHO-PHENYL)-ANILIDES AND USE THEREOF AS FUNGICIDE BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004029468.2 18/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006278 WO/2005/123689 2/26021661 ––טריפלואורומתיל–פריאוזול:––מתיל1 –)–חומצה קרבוקסילית (אורתו–פניל4 אנילידים ושימוש בהם כקוטלי פטריות 179446 2,4,5,6-SUBSTITUTED PYRIMIDINES, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF FOR COMBATING PARASITIC FUNGI BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004030927.2 25/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006598 WO/2006/000358 2126021661 2026021661 39 ,– פירימידינים מותמרים9 , . , 4 ,0 שיטה לייצורם ושימוש בהם למלחמה בפטריות טפילות 179447 METHODS OF USING APO2L RECEPTOR AGONISTS AND NK CELL ACTIVATORS GENENTECH, INC. US 60/581129 18/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021117 WO/2006/009731 C07D C12N שיטות לשימוש באגוניסטים של קולטן NK ומשפעלים שלך תאיAPO2L 179448 C07D May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1-METHYL-3-DIFLUOROMETHYLPYRAZOL-4-CARBONIC ACID-(ORTHOPHENYL)-ANILIDES, AND USE THEREOF AS A FUNGICIDE –4––דיפלואורומתיל–פיראזול:––מתיל1 –חומצה קרבונית והשימוש בהם,(אורתו–פניל)–אנילידים כקוטלי פטריות BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004029469.0 18/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006479 WO/2005/123690 2/26021661 179449 6-(2-FLUOROPHENYL)TRIAZOLOPYRIMIDINES, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF, USE THEREOF FOR CONTROLLING HARMFUL FUNGI, AND AGENTS CONTAINING THE SAME BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004030166.2 22/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006342 WO/2005/123739 1/26121661 –)–פלואורופניל0(–9 שיטה לייצורם,טריאזולופירימידינים ושימוש בהם לשליטה בפטריות מזיקות וגורמים המכילים אותם 179450 RELEASABLE COUPLING AND INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412050.7 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002105 WO/2005/115506 2/26121661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D A61M התקן הזרקה ומצמד הניתן לשחרור 179451 B01D 40 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS WITH INTEGRATED MULTICOLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY BAYER TECHNOLOGY SERVICES GMBH DE 102004025000.6 21/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005313 WO/2005/113101 1026121661 שיטה לייצור מוצרים כימיים ורוקחים בשילוב כרומטוגרפיה רבת קולונות 179454 COATED TABLET FORMULATION AND METHOD BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/575319 28/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018692 WO/2005/117841 2126121661 1626121661 פורמולציה של טבליה מצופה ושיטה 179455 BICYCLIC HETEROCYCLES AS HIV INTEGRASE INHIBITORS BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/575513 28/05/2004 901903317 2010412004 US 771729497 7710412004 US PCT/US/2005/016473 WO/2005/118593 41 C07D תרכובות ביציקליות הטרוציקליות כמעכבי אינטגרזHIV 179456 DOSAGE FORM FOR DELIVERY OF MULTIPLE DRUG FORMS ALZA CORPORATION US 60/573312 21/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/017678 WO/2005/112896 1026121661 A61K 179457 A61K צורת מינון למתן צורות תרופה מרובות A23K May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ANIMAL FEED COMPOSITIONS WITH EHHANCED HISTIDINE CONTENT CARGILL INC. US 60/575628 28/05/2004 901411393 0410912004 US PCT/US/2005/018625 WO/2006/001968 6126021661 179458 SUBSTITUTED ARYL AND HETEROARYL DERIVATIVES AS MODULATORS OF METABOLISM AND THE PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT OF DISORDERS RELATED THERETO ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/577354 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019318 WO/2005/121121 1026121661 179459 SYSTEM FOR DYNAMIC ARBITRATION OF A SHARED RESOURCE ON A DEVICE QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 10/854984 26/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018673 WO/2005/119446 1026121661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179460 תרכובות מספוא לחיות עם תכולת היסטידין מוגברת C07D תולדות של ניגזרות אריל והטרואריל כמווסתי מטבוליזם ומניעה וטיפול בהפרעות הקשורות בו G06F מערכת לתיווך דינמי של משאבים משותפים בהתקן G11C 42 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING SEAMLESS SELFREFRESH FOR DIRECTED BANK REFRESH IN VOLATILE MEMORIES QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/575335 27/05/2004 701942211 0417712004 US PCT/US/2005/018917 WO/2005/119692 2026021661 179461 METHOD FOR PREPARING 5-[4-(2HYDROXY-PROPYL)-3,5-DIOXO-4,5,DIHYDRO-3H] 2,4-[TRIAZIN-2-YL]BENZAMIDE DERIVATIVES BY DEPROTECTING THE HYDROXYLPROTECTED PRECURSERS PFIZER PRODUCTS INC. US 60/583851 29/06/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002036 WO/2006/003500 6226/21661 שיטה ומערכת למתן ריענון עצמי שקוף עבור רענון זיכרון ייזום בזיכרונות נדיפים –0(–4[ – . שיטה להכנת נגזרות של –4 ,.––דיאוקסו: ,.–)הידרוקסי–פרופיל –] איל0–]–[טריאזיןH3 2], 1–דיהידרו בנזאמיד על ידי הסרת הגנה מפרקורסורים מוגני הידרוקסיל 179462 USE OF THE RECEPTOR GPR86 PARADIGM THERAPEUTICS LIMITED GB 0414798.9 01/07/2004 901449473 0910112004 US 047024344 7910412004 GB 901943417 2010412004 US PCT/GB/2005/002601 WO/2006/003422 /226121661 43 C07D 179463 G01N GPR86 שימוש ברצפטור A01N May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז בפוריותIL – 17 IL-17 IN FERTILITY APPLIED RESEARCH SYSTEMS ARS HOLDING N.V. US 60/575326 28/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018952 WO/2005/117979 6/26121661 179464 PIPING BAG, BLANK FOR MANUFACTURING A PIPING BAG AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A PIPING BAG KEE PLASTICS AB SE 0401356-1 26/05/2004 901414232 2910412004 US PCT/SE/2005/000148 WO/2005/115162 1/26121661 , חלל המשמש לייצור השקית,שקית זילוף ושיטה לייצורה 179465 CAPNOGRAPHY APPARATUS ORIDION MEDICAL LTD. US 60/575174 27/05/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000547 WO/2005/115087 2/26/21661 179466 A METHOD OF ENCRYPTING AND TRANSFERRING DATA BETWEEN A SENDER AND A RECEIVER USING A NETWORK GCRYPT LIMITED GB 0411560.6 24/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/001479 WO/2005/117331 1626121661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A23G 179467 A61B מכשיר לקפנוגרפיה אורידיון מדיקל בע"מ H04L שיטה להצפנת והעברת מידע בין שולח ומקבל המשתמשים ברשת C07C 44 TETRACYCLINE DERIVATIVES AND ANALOGS AND PROCESSES FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE US 60/573623 21/05/2004 901990941 7710312004 US PCT/US/2005/017831 WO/2005/112945 1222221660 179468 METHOD OF ASSEMBLING AN INVIVO IMAGING DEVICE GIVEN IMAGING LTD. US 60/738972 23/11/2005 1222221660 179471 GEMSTONE CONSTRUCTION PARTICULARLY USEFUL FOR DIAMONDS JACKOB TSROR 1/26121661 45 A61B שיטה להרכבת התקן הדמיה תוך–גופי גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ B24B בניית אבני חן–שימושי במיוחד ליהלומים יעקב צרור 179472 METHODS AND KITS FOR DIAGNOSING AND/OR ASSESSING SEVERITY AND TREATING GAUCHER DISEASE RAMOT AT TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY LTD. US 60/573335 24/05/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000530 WO/2005/115429 1/26121661 תולדות ואנאלוגים של טטראציקלין ותהליכים להכנתם 179474 A23L שיטות וערכות לאבחון וטיפול במחלת גושה רמות ליד אוניברסיטת תל אביב בע"מ A23L May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז FUNCTIONAL FOODS COMPRISING FLAVONOIDS AND TOCOTRIENOLS AND METHODS THEREOF KGK SYNERGIZE INC. US 60/574655 26/05/2004 PCT/IB/2005/001424 WO/2005/115377 6026021661 179475 MULTI-JET WATER METER WITH FLOW COMPENSATING BASKET ARAD LTD. US 60/578602 10/06/2004 901929417 7917712004 US 771749909 0110912004 US PCT/IL/2005/000619 WO/2005/121714 6026021661 דברי מאכל המכילים פלבונואידים וטוקוטריאנולים ושיטות להכנתם מד מים רב–סילוני עם סל בעל פיצוי–זרם 179476 ANTIBODIES AGAINST HUMAN INTERLEUKIN-13 AND USES THEREFOR WYETH US 60/578473 09/06/2004 901414139 0910912004 US 901447314 2210912004 US PCT/US/2005/020160 WO/2005/123126 /226/21660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז G01F 179477 ארד בע"מ A61K אנושי1:–נוגדנים נגד אינטרלוקין ושימושים בהם H04Q 46 שיטה ומערכת לקישור שכבה בסיוע טכניקת הנדאופ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LINK LAYER ASSISTED HANDOFF MOTOROLA, INC. US 60/676064 29/04/2005 771343179 7310212009 US PCT/US/2006/012409 WO/2006/118732 1122221660 179478 TUBULAR RADIATION ABSORBING DEVICE FOR A SOLAR POWER PLANT WITH IMPROVED EFFICIENCY SCHOTT AG DE 102005057276.6 25/11/2005 6/2602166/ 179479 ENZYMATIC TREATMENT OF RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA AND RELEVANT PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION THEREFOR IN FORM OF A KIT ROBERTO GIORDANI F24J התקן צינורי סופג קרינה עבור מפעל כח סולרי עם יעילות משופרת A61K טיפול אנזימטי של רטיניטיס פיגמנטוזה ותכשירי רוקחות רלבנטים בצורת קיט PCT/IT/2004/000331 WO/2005/120544 6026021661 INHALER USING PODS MEDERIO AG SE 0401612-7 PCT/SE/2005/000875 WO/2005/123002 179480 משאף המשתמש בתרמילים 18/06/2004 1/26121661 MINIMIZING POWDER RETENTION ON SURFACES MEDERIO AG 47 A61J 179481 A61J הקטנת אחיזת אבקה על גבי משטחים May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז SE 0401612-7 PCT/SE/2005/000795 WO/2005/123004 2/26121661 18/06/2004 179482 A CHECK VALVE WITH A SPIRAL COIL SEAL HUSKY INJECTION MOLDING SYSTEMS LTD. US 10/876584 28/06/2004 PCT/CA/2005/000743 WO/2006/000077 1226/21661 שסתום בדיקה עם אטום סליל ספיראלי 179483 179484 NEW 4-BENZYLIDENE-PIPERIDIN DERIVATIVES RICHTER GEDEON VEGYESZETI GYAR RT. HU P0401522 29/07/2004 PCT/HU/2005/000077 WO/2006/010964 1226/21661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D –בנזילאידן–פיפרידין4 תולדות חדשות של 179485 INDOLE-2 CARBOXAMIDINE DERIVATIVES AS NMDA RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS C07D תולדות אמיד חדשות של הטרוציקליים חומצה קרבוקסילית NEW HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLIC ACID AMIDE DERIVATIVES RICHTER GEDEON VEGYESZETI GYAR RT. HU P0401527 29/07/2004 PCT/HU/2005/000082 WO/2006/010969 1226/21661 B22D C07D –קרבוקסאמיד0 תולדות אינדול NMDA כאנטגוניסטים של קולטן 48 RICHTER GEDEON VEGYESZETI GYAR RT. HU P0401523 29/07/2004 PCT/HU/2005/000078 WO/2006/010965 1226/21661 179486 NEW BENZOYL UREA DERIVATIVES RICHTER GEDEON VEGYESZETI GYAR RT. HU P0401524 29/07/2004 PCT/HU/2005/000079 WO/2006/010966 1226/21661 179487 KYNURENIC ACID AMIDE DERIVATIVES AS NR2B RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS RICHTER GEDEON VEGYESZETI GYAR RT. HU P041525 29/07/2004 PCT/HU/2005/000080 WO/2006/010967 1/26121661 DRY POWDER INHALER MEDERIO AG SE 0401453-6 PCT/SE/2005/000779 WO/2005/120615 6/26021661 179488 תולדות חדשות של בנזואיל אוריאה C07D תולדות אמיד של חומצה קינורינית NR2B כאנטגוניסטים של קולטן A61M משאף לאבקה יבשה 07/06/2004 179489 SECURING DOSE QUALITY OF INHALABLE DRUG MEDERIO AG SE 0401453-6 07/06/2004 0407972-1 7410912004 SE 49 C07D A61M איכות מינון בטוח של תרופה הניתנת לשאיפה May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז PCT/SE/2005/000843 WO/2005/120616 6126021661 179490 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CREATING GRAPHICS ON GLASS SURFACES VISUAL ICE, INC. US 60/577141 04/06/2004 771037474 0910712004 US PCT/US/2005/019716 WO/2005/118161 1/22222000 מערכת ושיטה ליצירת גרפיקה על זכוכית 179491 PRESSURISED METERED DOSE INHALERS CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.P.A. IT MI98A002559 25/11/1998 IT MI99A001712 3010117999 PCT/EP/1999/009002 WO/2000/030608 1/26121661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61K משאפים בעלי מנה קצובה בלחץ 179494 COMPOUNDS FOR USE AS A MEDICAMENT WHICH INHIBIT PROCESSING OF THE VIRAL Gag p25 PROTEIN (CA-SP1) TO P24(CA) AND USE THEREOF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS REPRESENTED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES US 10/851637 24/05/2004 901943997 7110212004 US PCT/US/2005/018331 WO/2005/113059 B05D A61M תרכובות לשימוש כתרופה אשר מעקבות עיבוד של חלבון ) P (CA04 ) לp Gag ( CA–SP10. הוירלי ושימושן 50 6/26121661 179495 METHOD AND INSTALLATION FOR EXTRACTING CONSTITUENTS FROM SUGAR BEETS SUDZUCKER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004028782.1 16/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/004769 WO/2005/123967 1/26121661 שיטה ומערכת למצוי מרכיבים מסלק סוכר 179496 TRIAZOLE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME METABOLEX, INC. US 60/574426 25/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018318 WO/2005/115383 1026121661 1126/21661 51 C07D תולדות טריאזול ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן 179498 ORALLY-ADMINISTRABLE COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING STABLE AMORPHOUS CALCIUM CARBONATE BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY US 60/574208 26/05/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000545 WO/2005/115414 A23N A61K הרכבים הניתנים דרך הפה הכוללים סידן פחמתי אמורפי יציב 179499 הרשות,גוריון בנגב-אוניברסיטת בן למחקר ופיתוח A01N May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז MIXTURES OF ANTHRANILAMIDE INVERTEBRATE PEST CONTROL AGENTS E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY US 60/591239 26/07/2004 901990001 7310912004 US PCT/US/2005/026116 WO/2006/068669 1026121661 179500 USER INTERFACE ACTION PROCESSING USING A FRESHNESS STATUS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 10/854977 26/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018674 WO/2005/119414 1/26121661 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATED SEARCH BY DISTRIBUTED ELEMENTS May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז G06F עיבוד פעולת ממשק של משתמש על ידי רעננות סטטוס 179501 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING INDEPENDENT BANK REFRESH FOR VOLATILE MEMORIES QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/575333 27/05/2004 701942997 0417712004 US PCT/US/2005/018580 WO/2005/119690 2126/21661 חומרים להדברת מזיקים חסרי חוליות שהם תערובות של אנתרנילאמידים G11C שיטה ומערכת לאספקת רענון שקע זיכרון בלתי יציב בצורה עצמאית/משתנה 179502 G05D שיטה ומערכת לחיפוש ממוכן על ידי יסודות מבוזרים 52 RAYTHEON COMPANY US 10/892747 PCT/US/2005/025332 WO/2006/020154 2/26021661 15/07/2004 179503 ABLATION APPARATUS AND SYSTEM TO LIMIT NERVE CONDUCTION JNJ TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS, L.L.C. US 10/870202 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021023 WO/2006/009705 1026/21661 מתקן הסרה ומערכת להגביל מוליכות של עצב 179504 179505 179506 STENT HAVING STRUTS WITH REVERSE DIRECTION CURVATURE MEDINOL LTD. 53 C07D –:––פאניל1––אוקסו0 תהליך עבור ייצור אוקסאביסיקלו ] הקסאן: .1 . /[ PROCESS FOR PRODUCING 2-OXO-1PHENYL-3OXABICYCLO[3.1.0]HEXANE SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED. 2004JP 16/06/2004 178957 PCT/JP/2005/011221 WO/2005/123709 6/26021661 C07D קארבוקסימילים אינדוליזינים DIAZA – וAZA ונגזרותיהם INDOLIZINE CARBOXIMIDES AND THEIR AZA AND DIAZA DERIVATIVES SCHWARZ PHARMA AG DE 102004037445.7 02/08/2004 04070424747 0210412004 EP PCT/EP/2005/008240 WO/2006/015737 2/26021661 A61B A61F סטנט בעל יתדות עם עקמומיות מהופכת מדינול בע"מ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז US 10/864685 PCT/IB/2005/001569 WO/2005/120394 08/06/2004 1026121661 179508 על ידי0 פירימידינים מותמרים בעמדה 4 הטרואריל המכיל הטרואטום בעמדה לשימוש בטיפול בהפרעת התרבות של תאים 2-SUBSTITUTED-4- HETEROARYLPYRIMIDINES USEFUL FOR THE TREATMENT OF PROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS CYCLACEL LIMITED GB 0411791.7 PCT/GB/2005/002134 WO/2005/116025 26/05/2004 1126121661 179509 METHOD FOR SELECTING OR OBTAINING PLANTS WHICH ARE RESISTANT TO PVMV GENOPLANTE-VALOR FR 0405616 25/05/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001296 WO/2005/118850 1222121661 6/26021661 METHODS OF USING IL-1 ANTAGONISTS TO TREAT AUTOINFLAMMATORY DISEASE C12Q שיטה לבחירה או להשגה של צמחים PVMV –עמידים ל 179510 DENDRITIC POLYMERS WITH ENHANCED AMPLIFICATION AND INTERIOR FUNCTIONALITY DENDRITIC NANOTECHNOLOGIES, INC US PCT/US2005/138643 20/04/2005 PCT/US/2005/047635 WO/2006/115547 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D 179512 A61K פולימרים דנדריטיים עם הגברה משופרת ופונקצינליות פנימית A61K IL– 1 שיטות לשימוש באנטגוניסטים של לטיפול במחלות דלקתיות עצמיות 54 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/577023 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019674 WO/2005/117945 1026/21661 179513 METHODS OF TREATING TYPE I DIABETES BY BLOCKING VEGF MEDIATED ACTIVITY REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/592628 30/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/027180 WO/2006/015297 2/26021661 1 שיטות לטיפול בסכרת מטיפוס באמצעות חסימת פעילות מתווכת על ידי VEGF 179514 METHOD OF ADMINISTERING AND USING VEGF INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF MALIGNANT PLEURAL EFFUSION REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/580893 18/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021391 WO/2006/009809 2626021661 METHOD OF ADMINISTERING AND USING VEGF INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HUMAN CANCER 55 C07K 179515 C07K VEGF שיטה למתן ושימוש במעכבי לטיפול בתפליט צדר ממאיר A61K VEGF שיטה למתן ושימוש במעכבי לטיפול בסרטן בבני אדם May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/578499 10/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020762 WO/2005/123104 1/22221660 179516 TYMPANIC THERMOMETER PROBE COVER WITH FILM SUPPORT MECHANISM SHERWOOD SERVICES AG US 11/286620 23/11/2005 1/22221660 כיסוי לבוחן מדחם תפי עם מנגנון תמיכה פילמי 179517 SINGLE LUMEN ADAPTER FOR AUTOMATIC VALVE SHERWOOD SERVICES AG US 11/286094 23/11/2005 1/26121661 179518 179519 AMIDO COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE AS PHARMACEUTICALS INCYTE CORPORATION US 60/582556 24/06/2004 901939719 2217212004 US May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז F16K מתאם לחלל בודד עבור שסתום אוטומטי MERCAPTOIMIDAZOLES AS CCR2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V. EP PCT/EP2004/50933 26/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/052369 WO/2005/118578 1/26021661 A61B C07D מרקפטואימידאזולים כאנטאגוניסטים CCR2 לקולטן C07D תרכובות אמידו ושימושן כתכשיר של רוקחות 56 PCT/US/2005/022411 WO/2006/002349 1/26021661 179520 N - SUBSTITUTED PIPERIDINES AND THEIR USE AS PHARMACEUTICALS INCYTE CORPORATION US 60/582557 24/06/2004 901974410 3010912004 US 901949440 0210912004 US PCT/US/2005/022307 WO/2006/012226 1/22221660 – פיפרידינס מומרים ושימושם כתכשירN של רוקחות 179522 PTICAL SCANNING SYSTEM BASED ON ROTATING POLYGON AND CYLINDERIC LENSES ZVI NEZER 1/22221660 C07D G02B מערכת סריקה אופטית בעלת פוליגון סובב ומערכת עדשות גליליות צבי נזר 179523 A62B תיק הצלה צחי טופלברג RESCUE BAG TZACHI TOPELBERG 1/26121661 179524 PYRIDIN- 4 - YL - ETHYNYL IMIDAZOLES AND PYRAZOLES AS MGLU5 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP PCT/EP2004/05881 01/06/2004 0402727949 0110912004 EP PCT/EP/2005/005559 WO/2005/118568 57 C07D –יל – אתיניל – אימידזולים4 – פירידיו ופירזולים כאנטגוניסטים של קולטן MGLU5 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1/26121661 179527 VARIABLE FOCAL LENGTH LENS STEREO DISPLAY. INC. US 10/855287 27/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018527 WO/2005/119331 6/2602166/ 179529 3 -? - D - RIBOFURANOSYLTHIAZOLO [4-5-d] PYRIMIDINE NUCLEOSIDES AND USES THEREOF G02B עדשות עם מרחק מיקוד משתנה C07H – D – ? –: נוקלאוסידים של ] פירימידיןd – 5, 4[ ריבופורנוזילתיאזולו ושימושם ANADYS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. PCT/US/2004/018011 WO/2005/121162 1126121661 179530 NOVEL COMPOUNDS, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SAME AND METHODS OF USE FOR SAME THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY US 60/574639 26/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018443 WO/2005/117590 /626121661 179531 A REUSABLE MINIATURE CAMERA HEAD MEDIGUS LTD. IL 162251 31/05/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000555 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D תכשירי רוקחות,תרכובות חדשות ושיטות לשימושן,המכילים אותן A61B ראש מצלמה מיניאטורי הניתן לשימוש חוזר מדיגוס בע"מ 58 WO/2005/115221 6/26021661 179532 QUINAZOLINE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS VANILLOID ANTAGONISTS NOVARTIS AG GB 0412769.2 08/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006253 WO/2005/120510 1/26121661 179533 TREATMENT WITH CISPLATIN AND AN EGFR-INHIBITOR F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 60/576790 03/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005737 WO/2005/117916 6226021661 179534 HETEROCYCLIC ANTIVIRAL COMPOUNDS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 60/578759 09/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005895 WO/2005/121145 6026021661 179536 METHODS OF REDUCING NEMATODE DAMAGE SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG EP 04013338.1 07/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006057 WO/2005/120232 59 C07D נגזרות של קוינאזולין השימושיות כאנטגוניסטים של ונילואיד A61K EGFR –טיפול עם ציספלטין ומעכב C07D תרכובות אנטי –ויראליות הטרוציקליות A01N שיטה להפחתת נזק מנמטודים May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/26021661 179537 SUGAR COATINGS AND METHODS THEREFOR WYETH US 60/577668 07/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019972 WO/2005/120466 1/26121661 179538 SYNTHESIS OF AMINO-ALKOXYHEPTANOIC ALKYL ESTER F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 04102458.9 02/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005736 WO/2005/118525 1/22221660 179539 179541 ARRAY OF MICROMIRROR ARRAY LENSES STEREO DISPLAY. INC. US 10/857714 28/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018529 WO/2005/119332 6126021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ציפויי סוכר ושיטות לשימושם C07C – סינטזה של אסטר של אלקיל אמינו אלקוקסי – הפטנואי A61C מתקן דנטלי לשטיפה נובה בע"מ-רידנט DENTAL IRRIGATOR REDENT-NOVA LTD. 1/26121661 A61K 179542 G03B מערך של מיקרו–מראות למערך עדשות A61M 60 INFUSION BAG WITH INTEGRATED RINSING SYSTEM LABORATOIRE AGUETTANT FR 0405919 02/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/050414 WO/2006/018555 1026121661 שקית עירוי עם מערכת שטיפה משולבת 179545 VIRAL AND VIRAL ASSOCIATED MIRNAS AND USES THEREOF ROSETTA GENOMICS LTD. US 10/709739 26/05/2004 901422440 0317012004 US 901422447 0317012004 US 901422449 0417012004 US 901994094 2410312004 US PCT/IB/2005/002352 WO/2005/116250 1226021661 179546 USES OF GPR100 RECEPTOR IN DIABETES AND OBESITY REGULATION PARADIGM THERAPEUTICS LIMITED GB 0413872.3 21/06/2004 901449974 0910112004 US 042332149 2017012004 GB 901920444 2717012004 US PCT/GB/2005/002434 WO/2005/124361 1126/22000 OPTICAL INSPECTION SYSTEM ORBOTECH LTD. 61 179547 C12Q וכאלה, ויראליותMIRNA מולקולות ושימושיהם,הקשורות לוירוסים רוזטה ג'נומיקס בע"מ G01N בוויסותGPR100 שימושים ברצפטור סכרת ושמנות G01N מערכת בדיקה אופטית אורבוטק בע"מ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/26021661 179548 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DYNAMICALLY ADJUSTING DATA TRANSMISSION PARAMETERS AND CONTROLLING H-ARQ PROCESSES INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/578728 10/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019651 WO/2005/125109 1/26121661 שיטה ומכשיר לכיוונון דינאמי של פרמטרים של שידור נתונים ושליטה H–ARQ בתהליכי 179549 179550 179551 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61M התקן הזרקה INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412053.1 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002108 WO/2005/115507 /226121661 A61M התקן הזרקה INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412055.6 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002126 WO/2005/115510 1/26121661 A61M התקן הזרקה INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412061.4 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002137 WO/2005/115513 1/26121661 H04B 179552 C10B 62 PLANT AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING COMBUSTIBLE SUBSTANCES BY DEPOLYMERIZATION OF GUM PRODUCTS ROMANA MACERI CENTRO ITALIA S.R.I. IT FI2004A000127 09/06/2004 PCT/IT/2005/000309 WO/2005/121278 1626121661 מפעל ושיטה לייצור חומרים הניתנים לבעירה באמצעות דה–פולימריזציה של מוצרי גומי 179553 להבים צבעוניים לסכיני גילוח COLORED RAZOR BLADES THE GILLETTE COMPANY US 10/860928 03/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/017718 WO/2005/120783 1/26121661 179554 TABLE USED TO RECEIVE A WORKPIECE AND METHOD FOR TREATING A WORKPIECE ON SAID TYPE OF TABLE OC OERLIKON BALZERS AG CH 935/04 03/06/2004 PCT/CH/2005/000300 WO/2005/118440 1/26121661 63 B65G שולחן לקבלת אביזר לעיבוד ושיטה לעיבוד האביזר על שולחן שכזה 179555 INDENTIFICATION OF ERGOTHIONEINE TRANSPORTER AND THERAPEUTIC USES THEREOF UNIVERSITAT ZU KOLN EP 04012250.9 24/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005613 WO/2005/116657 B26B G01N זיהוי של ארגותיאוניין מוביל ושימושים רפואיים שלו May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2/26121661 179556 DEVICE FOR FEEDING PROPELLING CHARGES TO A HEAVY WEAPON KRAUSS-MAFFEI WEGMANN GMBH & CO. KG DE 102004025742.6 26/05/2004 PCT/DE/2005/000888 WO/2005/116564 6/26021661 179557 METHOD OF TREATING GRANULOMA ANNULARE OR SARCOID GENENTECH, INC. US 60/578768 09/06/2004 901419099 7010912004 US PCT/US/2005/020342 WO/2005/123777 1/26121661 179559 THERAMUTEIN MODULATORS HOUSEY, GERARD, M US 60/573962 23/05/2004 901930434 2217712004 US 901933073 0317212004 US PCT/US/2005/018412 WO/2005/115992 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז F41A התקן להזנת מטען חומר הודף לכלי נשק כבד C07K שיטה לטיפול בגרגירומת טבעתית או סרקואידית C07D מאפננים של תרמאוטין 64 2/26021661 179560 NOVEL OXABISPIDINE COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401539-2 15/06/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000891 WO/2005/123748 2/26021661 תרכובות אוקסאביספידין חדשות והשימוש בהן בטיפול בהפרעות בקצב הלב 179561 NOVEL OXABISPIDINE COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401540-0 15/06/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000890 WO/2005/123747 6126121661 C07D תרכובות אוקסאביספידין חדשות והשימוש בהן בטיפול בהפרעות בקצב הלב 179562 SYSTEM AND DEVICE FOR CHARACTERIZING GRINDING STOCK IN A CYLINDER MILL BUHLER AG DE 102004031052.1 25/06/2004 PCT/CH/2005/000242 WO/2006/000112 65 C07D G01N מערכת ושיטה לאפיון טחינה של מלאי במטחנה גלילית May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1126121661 179563 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MONITORING STRAIN AND/OR LOAD APPLIED TO A MAMMAL DANIEL M. RONCHI AU 20044902785 25/05/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000743 WO/2005/115228 1/26121661 או מטען/מתקן ושיטה לניטור עומס ו המופעל על יונק 179564 NUTRITIONAL FOOD AND FEED, COMPOSITION, PROCESSING AND METHOD OF USE NUTRINIA LTD US 60/573376 24/05/2004 901903410 2410412004 US 901921744 7417712004 US PCT/IL/2005/000529 WO/2005/115473 1126121661 A23K תרכובות מזון מזינות תהליכים ליצורן ושיטות לשימוש בהן נוטריניה בע"מ 179565 LIGANDS BINDING THE COMPLEX OF UROKINASE-TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR (uPA) AND ITS RECEPTOR (uPAR) THAT INHIBIT DOWNSTREAM uPAR INTERACTIONS: IDENTIFICATION AND USE IN DIAGNOSIS OR THERAPY ATTENUON, LLC US 60/573896 25/05/2004 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61B A61K ליגנדים הקושרים את הקומפלקס של )uPA( משפעל פלסמינוגן מסוג יורוקינז ) אשר מעכביםuPAR( עם הרצפטורים שלו זיהוי ושימוש:uPAR אינטראקציות עוקבות באבחון או ריפוי 66 PCT/US/2005/018322 WO/2005/116077 1226121661 179566 CONCENTRATED AQUEOUS FORMULATIONS FOR CROP PROTECTION BAYER CROPSCIENCE GMBH DE 102004026937.8 01/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005524 WO/2005/117583 1/22221660 תכשירים מימיים מרוכזים להגנה על יבול 179567 A61B DEVICE AND METHOD FOR IN-VIVO ILLUMINATION GIVEN IMAGING LTD. US 11/319771 29/12/2005 1226121661 התקן ושיטה לתאורה תוך–גופית גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ 179568 LOW-FOAMING AQUEOUS FORMULATIONS USED FOR CROP PROTECTION BAYER CROPSCIENCE GMBH DE 102004026938.6 01/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005525 WO/2005/117580 1626021662 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE AND METHOD OF FORMING A SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE 67 A01N A01N תכשירים מימיים מרוכזים עם שיעור נמוך של היווצרות קצף להגנה על יבול 179569 H01L התקן חצי מוליך ושיטה ליצירת התקן חצי מוליך May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז CAMBRIDGE SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED US 60/234219 21/09/2000 PCT/GB/2001/004211 WO/2002/025700 2626021661 179570 CMP COMPOSITION FOR IMPROVED OXIDE REMOVAL RATE CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 10/871774 18/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020614 WO/2006/009640 2626021661 179571 METHOD OF POLISHING A TUNGSTEN-CONTAINING SUBSTRATE CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 10/869397 16/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020615 WO/2006/009641 2626021661 179572 REAL TIME POLISHING PROCESS MONITORING CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 10/867087 14/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020612 WO/2005/123337 1/26121661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179575 C09G הרכב ליטוש כימי – מכני לקצב משופר של הסרת תחמוצות C09G שיטה לליטוש מצע המכיל טונגסטן B24B פיקוח על תהליך ליטוש בזמן אמת B65D 68 SELF-HEATING OR COOLING CONTAINER UNIQ PLC GB 0411919.4 27/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002112 WO/2005/115872 2626/21666 179576 A METHOD AND A DEVICE FOR PROCESSING A DATA PACKET STREAM IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) EP 99113820.7 15/07/1999 PCT/EP/2000/006526 WO/2001/006714 1/26121661 מיכל לחימום או קירור עצמי שיטה והתקן לעיבוד זרימת יחידת נתונים במערכת תיקשורת 179578 CARBON - CONTAINING PUMICE STONE AND PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF SERGE BENSAID FR 0405786 28/05/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001313 WO/2005/118483 1022221660 69 H04L 179579 C02F אבן ספגית המכיל פחמן ושיטה להכנתו H05B May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז התקן המאפשר לדימרים חכמים מבוססי לפועל היטב ללא,תקשורת על קוי חשמל צרוך בהשחלת חוטים חדשים טריטוניקס טכנולוגיות בע"מ A DEVICE THAT ENABLES PLC BASED SMART DIMMERS TO FUNCTION WITH NO NEW WIRES TRITONICS TECHNOLOGIES LTD 2/26021661 179580 SUBSTITUTED QUINAZOLINES AS ANTI-CANCER AGENTS ASTRAZENECA AB US 60/579265 15/06/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002327 WO/2005/123696 1022221660 179581 179582 179583 FUEL CONDITIONING APPARATUS WAYNE KENNETH GLEW AU 2004902733 24/05/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000731 WO/2005/116439 1/2612166/ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61B A61N אוטומציה של תהליך השוואתי על ידי רג'יסטרציה אלגוטק מערכות בע"מ COMPARISON WORKFLOW AUTOMATION BY REGISTRATION ALGOTEC SYSTEMS LTD. 1626121661 –קווינאזולינים מותמרים כגורמים אנטי סרטניים תיוג עמוד שדרה אלגוטק מערכות בע"מ SPINE LABELING ALGOTEC SYSTEMS LTD. 1022221660 C07D 179584 F02M מתקן להתאמת דלק C08L 70 FLAME RETARDANT POLYURETHANES AND ADDITIVES THEREFOR ALBEMARLE CORPORATION פוליאורתנים מעכבי בערה ותוספים עבורם PCT/US/2004/016814 WO/2005/118720 1026121661 179585 AEROSOL CONTAINER WITH ACTUATOR SECURED TO VALVESTEM NARDONE PETER AU 2004902793 26/05/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000739 WO/2005/115876 1026121661 מיכל אירוסולים בעל מפעיל המחובר לקנה השסתום 179586 BINDING MOLECULES CAPABLE OF NEUTRALIZING RABIES VIRUS AND USES THEREOF CRUCELL HOLLAND B.V. EP PCT/EP2004/050943 901414023 US EP PCT/EP2004/051661 EP PCT/EP2004/052286 EP PCT/EP2004/052772 EP PCT/EP2005/050310 EP PCT/EP2005/050953 PCT/EP/2005/052410 WO/2005/118644 71 B65D C07K מולקולות בעלות יכולת קישור ,היכולות לנטרל נגיף כלבת ושימושים בהן 27/05/2004 2110412004 2910112004 2310912004 0317712004 2410712004 0310312004 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1022221660 179588 INJECTION MOLDING METHOD AND SYSTEM, AND MOLDED PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED THEREBY KETER PLASTIC LTD. 1026121661 ומוצרים,מערכת ושיטה ליציקה בהזרקה מיוצקים המיוצרים דרכן 179589 INJECTION PORT AND METHOD OF MAKING THE SAME WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES, INC. US 60/575020 27/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018583 WO/2005/118251 1126121661 179591 DIGITAL WIPES AND METHOD OF HANDLING DR PRODUCTS, LLC US 60/574515 26/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018518 WO/2005/117740 6/2602166/ ULTRASOUND CONTRAST AGENT DOSAGE FORMULATION ACUSPHERE, INC. PCT/US/2004/017813 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז B29C 179594 כתר פלסטיק בע"מ B29C פתח הזרקה ושיטה לייצורו A46B ממחטות דיגיטליות ושיטה לטיפול A61K חומר ניגוד על קולי לפורמולציות מינון 72 WO/2005/120587 6226021661 179595 SUBSTITUTED INDAZOLES, COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SAME, PREPARATION AND USE Aventis Pharma S.A FR 0406042 04/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001335 WO/2006/003276 2/26121661 תכשירים המכילים,נגזרות של אינדאזולים הכנתם והשימוש בהם,אותם 179596 179597 SMART CARD DATA TRANSACTION SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR PROVIDING STORAGE AND TRANSMISSION SECURITY IBM CORPORATION H04L מערכת אלחוטית מבוססת חיישנים WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK IBM CORPORATION US 10/856684 28/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/052282 WO/2005/119981 1/2612166/ C07D G07F שיטות ומערכת טרנזקציית כרטיס נתונים חכם לאספקת אחסון והעברה מאובטחת PCT/EP/2004/050880 WO/2005/119606 6/26021661 179599 GLUCAGON RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS, PREPARATION AND THERAPEUTIC USES ELI LILLY AND COMPANY US 60/579362 14/06/2004 73 C07C הכנתם,אנטגוניסטים של רצפטור גלוקגון ושימושם הריפויי May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז PCT/US/2005/019901 WO/2005/123668 1226021661 179600 ENANTIOSELECTIVE PREPARATION OF QUINOLINE DERIVATIVE NOVARTIS AG GB 0413960.6 22/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006686 WO/2005/123684 1/26121661 179601 CHEWABLE, SUCKABLE AND SWALLOWABLE TABLET CONTAINING A CALCIUMCONTAINING COMPOUND AS AN ACTIVE SUSBTANCE NYCOMED PHARMA AS PA 2004 DK 01/06/2004 00860 PCT/DK/2005/000337 WO/2005/117829 1/26121661 179602 CERBERUS/COCO DERIVATIVES AND USES THEREOF ACCELERON PHARMA INC US 60/575062 27/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018928 WO/2005/115439 6/26021661 179603 PYRROLOPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GB 0412908.6 09/06/2004 042494044 7717712004 GB PCT/EP/2005/006182 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D הכנה אנאנטיוסלקטיבית של נגזרת של קוינולין A61K , מציצה ובליעה,גלולה ניתנה ללעיסה המכילה תרכובת שמכילה סידן כחומר פעיל A61K קוקוס ושימושן/נגזרות של צרברוס C07D נגזרות של פירולופירידין 74 WO/2005/121140 2026021661 179604 PYRROLOPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS CRTH2 ANTAGONISTS NOVARTIS AG GB 0413619.8 17/06/2004 040199340 7410412004 GB PCT/EP/2005/006493 WO/2005/123731 1/26021661 179605 PYRROLOPYRIMIDINE AND PYRROLOPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES SUBSTITUTED WITH TETRAHYDROPYRIDINE AS CRF ANTAGONISTS TAISHO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 2004JP 25/06/2004 188129 PCT/JP/2005/012141 WO/2006/001501 1/26021661 179606 PYRROLOPYRIMIDINE AND PYRROLOPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES SUBSTITUTED WITH A CYCLIC AMINO GROUP AS CRF ANTAGONISTS TAISHO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 2004JP 25/06/2004 188128 PCT/JP/2005/012152 WO/2006/001511 75 C07D נגזרות של פירולופירידין ושימושן CRTH2 כאנטגוניסטים של C07D נגזרות פירולפירימידין ופירולפירידין מותמרות בטטרההידרופירידין CRF כאנטגוניסטים של C07D נגזרות פירולפירימידין ופירולפירידין מותמרות בקבוצת אמינו טבעתית CRF כאנטגוניסטים של May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2/26021661 179607 INDOLES USEFUL IN THE TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATION BIOLIPOX AB US 60/580402 18/06/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002396 WO/2005/123674 1126121661 אינדולים השימושיים לטיפול בדלקת 179608 179609 IMIDAZOLE VARIANTS AS MODULATORS OF GABA RECEPTOR FOR THE TREATMENT OF GI DISORDERS ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401653.1 24/06/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000951 WO/2006/001750 1026121661 C07D ואריאנטים של אימידאזול כמודולטורים של GI רצפטור גאבא לטיפול בהפרעות 179610 LOCALIZED CONTROLLED ABSORPTION OF STATINS IN THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT FOR ACHIEVING HIGH BLOOD LEVELS OF STATINS DEXCEL PHARMA TECHNOLOGIES LTD. US 60/574561 27/05/2004 901490979 2910112004 US PCT/IL/2005/000539 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61M ) מלאכותיAIRWAY( מכשיר נתיב אויר ARTIFICIAL AIRWAY APPARATUS YOUNG PETER JEFFREY GB 0411858.4 27/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005754 WO/2005/118039 1626021661 C07D A61K ספיגה מקומית מבוקרת של סטטינים במערכת העיכול להשגת רמות דם גבוהות של סטטינים דקסל פארמה טכנולוגיות בע"מ 76 WO/2005/115380 2/26021661 179611 1 - AZA - BICYCLO [3.3.1] NONANES NOVARTIS AG US 60/581020 18/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006566 WO/2005/123732 6226021661 179612 BENZIMIDAZOLONE CARBOXYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES PFIZER INC. 2004JP 15/06/2004 177488 901901004 0210912004 US 901901034 0210912004 US 901901044 0210912004 US PCT/IB/2005/001825 WO/2005/123718 6026021661 179613 COMPOUNDS AND COMPOSITIONS AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS IRM LLC US 60/578491 10/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020371 WO/2005/123719 6026021661 179614 PREPARATION OF PREGABALIN AND RELATED COMPOUNDS WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC US 60/581671 21/06/2004 901929034 7417712004 US PCT/IB/2005/001924 77 C07D ] נונאנים:.:.1[ – אזא – ביציקלו1 C07D נגזרות של חומצה קרבוקסילית של בנזימידאזולון C07D תרכובות ותכשירים כמעכבי קינז של חלבון C07C הכנת פרגבלין ותרכובות קשורות May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז WO/2006/000904 6026021661 179615 PARTICLES EMBEDDED IN A POROUS SUBSTRATE FOR REMOVING TARGET ANALYTE FROM A SAMPLE PATHOGEN REMOVAL AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGIES INC. US 60/578061 09/06/2004 901979774 0917012004 US 901971999 7317012004 US PCT/US/2005/020036 WO/2005/123952 2/26021661 1/26121661 חלקיקים מקובעים במצע נקבובי להסרת אנליטים מסומנים מדוגמא 179616 TREATMENT OR PREVENTION OF SKIN CONDITIONS OR TISSUE CONDITIONS IN ANIMALS USING BORYLOXYPYRIDYLMETHANONES ANACOR PHARMACEUTICALS, INC US 60/579,421 14/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021165 WO/2005/123094 C07F טיפול בהפרעות עור או הפרעות רקמה או מניעתן בחיות על–ידי שימוש בבורילאוקסיפירידילמתנונים 179617 METHOD OF STABILIZING PROTEINS ARES TRADING S.A. EP 04076627.1 01/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/052413 WO/2005/117948 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C12M A61K שיטה לייצוב של חלבונים 78 1/26121661 179620 STABILIZED INTERFERON LIQUID FORMULATIONS ARES TRADING S.A. EP 04076626.3 01/06/2004 901979314 0917012004 US PCT/EP/2005/052414 WO/2005/117949 2126121661 פורמולציות אינטרפרון נוזליות מיוצבות 179621 FILTER CARTRIDGE AND DEVICE FOR FILTERING LIQUIDS BRITA GMBH DE 102004026188.1 28/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005161 WO/2005/118482 1/26121661 FISHING LURE ABACUS (C.I.) LIMITED AU 2004902847 PCT/AU/2005/000746 WO/2005/115137 1/26121661 79 A61K 179622 C02F מילוי לסינון והתקן לסינון נוזלים A01K פיתיון דייג 28/05/2004 179623 H01Q May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ANTENNA HOUSING AND ANTENNA COMPRISING SUCH AN ANTENNA HOUSING HUBER + SUHNER AG EP 04012693.0 28/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005756 WO/2005/117206 1/26/21661 מבנה לאנטנה ואנטנה הכולל מבנה לאנטנה 179624 APPARATUS FOR FILTERING LIQUIDS BRITA GMBH DE 102004026167.9 28/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/004484 WO/2005/118104 6226021661 179625 PRESERVATION BY VAPORIZATION BRONSHTEIN VICTOR US 60/576394 02/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019285 WO/2005/117962 1/26121661 179627 PARTICULATE-STABILIZED INJECTABLE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS OF POSACONASOLE SCHERING CORPORATION US 60/575126 28/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/018945 WO/2005/117831 2/26121661 OPTICAL FIBRE CONNECTOR May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179629 B01D התקן לסינון נוזלים A61K שימור על ידי אידוי A61K תרכובות רוקחיות הניתנות להזרקה של פוסאקונזול בעלות חלקיקים מיוצבים G02B מחבר לסיב אופטי 80 TYCO ELECTRONICS RAYCHEM N.V. GB 0412003.6 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/001886 WO/2005/119318 6126021661 179631 DIAMINE B2 ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR AGONISTS THERAVANCE, INC. US 60/576560 03/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019549 WO/2005/121065 1626021661 /226121661 אדרנרגיB2 אגוניסטים לקולטן דיאמין 179632 BIS (THIO-HYDRAZIDE AMIDE) SALTS FOR TREATMENT OF CANCERS SYNTA PHARMACEUTICALS, CORP. US 60/582596 23/06/2004 901947394 7910412004 US PCT/US/2005/021642 WO/2006/009940 81 C07C מלחי ביס (תיאו–הידרואזיד אמיד) לטיפול בסרטן 179633 DRUG COMPOSITIONS, FUSIONS AND CONJUGATES DOMANTIS LIMITED US 60/576271 01/06/2004 901932397 0217212004 US PCT/GB/2005/002163 WO/2005/118642 1026/21661 C07C 179634 C07K מיזוגים ותצמידים,תכשירים תרופתיים C07D May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 5-SUBSTITUTED-2-PHENYLAMINOBENZAMIDES AS MEK INHIBITOR CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2004JP 26/07/2004 218004 2004-012093 7410312004 JP PCT/JP/2005/013620 WO/2006/011466 –פנילאמינו–בנזאמידים מותמרים בעמדה0 MEK כמעכבי. 6226/21661 179635 HUMAN ANTI-KIR ANTIBODIES UNIVERSITY OF GENOA DK PCT/DK2004/00470 01/07/2004 0710112004 IB PCT/IB2004/02464 0910712004 DK PA2005 00025 PCT/EP/2005/053122 WO/2006/003179 6/26/21661 179636 COMBINATION THERAPY WITH RADIOLABELED ANTI-CD20 ANTIBODY IN THE TREATMENT OF B-CELL LYMPHOMA SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT US 60/586414 09/07/2004 PCT/EP/2005/007213 WO/2006/005477 1/22221660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ממקור אנושיKIR נוגדנים נוגדי A61K מסומןCD20 טיפול רפואי משולב עם נוגדן רדיואקטיבית בטיפול בלימפומה של תאי B 179637 ULTRA LOW POWER WAKE-UP CIRCUIT SHERWOOD SERVICES AG US 11/291249 01/12/2005 C07K H02M מעגל הדורש מתח נמוך מאוד להפעלתו מחדש 82 /226121661 179638 METHOD OF FORMING ADHESIVES MIXTURES AND BALLISTIC COMPOSITES UTILIZING THE SAME ADDISON CLOSSON ADHESIVE TEXTIES, INC US 60/575093 28/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/019061 WO/2006/049651 1/22221660 שיטה ליצירת תערובות דבק ותכשירים בליסטים באמצעות שימוש בתערובות אלו 179639 A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DIAGNOSING AND TREATING A PEST INFESTED BODY AMIT TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE & MEDICINE LTD 1/26021661 עמית טכנולוגיה למדע ולרפואה בע"מ 179640 C07K תולדות מטסטין ושימושיהן 179642 POLYSACCHARIDE DERIVATIVES AND USES IN INDUCTION OF AN IMMUNE RESPONSE CHILDRENS HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTER AT OAKLAND US 60/582672 23/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/022590 WO/2006/002402 83 A61K שיטה ומערכת דיאגנוסטית וטיפול של מזיקים מתוך גוף METASTIN DERIVATIVES AND USE THEREOF TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED 2004JP 25/06/2004 187671 2004-393377 7417212004 JP PCT/JP/2005/012021 WO/2006/001499 1/26021661 B32B C08B תולדות של פוליסכרידים ושימושים כגורמי תגובות חיסון May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1/2612166/ 179643 MEDICAL ADHESIVE AND METHODS OF TISSUE ADHESION THE UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH A61L אגד מדבק רפואי ושיטה להדבקות של רקמה PCT/US/2004/016767 WO/2005/118011 1/22221660 179644 C.L.C מאגד חוטים חזן גבי CLUSTER COMPUTER GABI HAZAN 1/22221660 179645 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR TAILORING DIETS OF PATIENTS ILANA DARIEL 2626021661 VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR PET LITTER BOX YONATAN BEN-AMI May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A23L שיטה והתקן להתאמת דיאטות לחולים אילנה דריאל 179646 CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTING PLANE STRUCTURES PRESS BRICK SYSTEM B.V. NL 1026397 11/06/2004 7029947 7410112004 NL 7021092 7110912004 NL PCT/NL/2005/000429 WO/2005/121475 1/22221660 H01B 179647 E04F מערכת בניה לבניית סטרוקטורות שטוחות A01K מערכת איוורור לארגז חול לצרכים של חיות מחמד יונתן בן עמי 84 1/22221660 179648 מערכת לחימום מים זלמן שורצמן WATER HEATING SYSTEM ZALMAN SCHWARTZMAN /226121661 179649 A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING DETRIMENTAL CARDIAC REMODELING MORTON M. MOWER US 60/575121 28/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/019089 WO/2005/118062 1026121661 6226021661 179650 C07D –1––אוקסו0 תהליך להכנת תולדות –פירולידין באמצעות אלילציה תוך מולקולרית 11/06/2004 179651 WASTE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PETER SHEPHERD WILSON AU 2004902930 02/06/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000774 WO/2005/118969 85 A61N מערכת ושיטה לניהול עיצוב מחדש מזיק של הלב PROCESS FOR PREPARING 2-OXO-1PYRROLIDINE DERIVATIVES BY INTRAMOLECULAR ALLYLATION UCB, S.A. EP 04013715.0 PCT/EP/2005/005689 WO/2005/121082 F24H E03C מערכת לחלוקת מי שופכין May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1/26121661 179652 INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412057.2 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002128 WO/2005/115511 1/26121661 179653 INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412049.9 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002131 WO/2005/115512 1/26121661 179654 INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412056.4 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002117 WO/2005/115516 1/26121661 179655 INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412054.9 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002120 WO/2005/115509 1/26121661 179656 INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412050.7 28/05/2004 047204449 2410412004 GB 047204347 2410412004 GB 047204949 2410412004 GB 047209744 2410412004 GB May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61M התקן הזרקה A61M התקן הזרקה A61M התקן הזרקה A61M התקן הזרקה A61M התקן הזרקה 86 047204449 GB 047204142 GB 047204944 GB 047204447 GB 047204744 GB 040107041 GB PCT/GB/2005/002135 WO/2005/115514 1/26121661 2410412004 2410412004 2410412004 2410412004 2410412004 0910412004 179657 התקן הזרקה INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0412051.5 28/05/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002116 WO/2005/115508 2/26/21661 179658 ANTI-RHESUS D RECOMBINANT POLYCLONAL ANTIBODY AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE SYMPHOGEN A/S DK PA200401133 20/07/2004 DK PA200401992 2217212004 PCT/DK/2005/000501 WO/2006/007850 2/26021661 C07K D נוגדן רב–שבטי רקומביננטי נוגד רהזוס ושיטות ליצורו 179659 USE OF 6-(2-TOLYL)TRIAZOLOPYRIMIDINES AS FUNGICIDES, NOVEL 6-(2-TOLYL)TRIAZOLOPYRIMIDINES, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF, USE THEREOF FOR CONTROLLING HARMFUL FUNGI, AND AGENTS CONTAINING THE SAME BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004030165.4 22/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006343 WO/2005/123740 87 A61M C07D –)–טולואיל0(–9שימוש ב ,טריאזולופירימידינים כקוטלי פטריות –טולואיל)–טריאזולופירימידינים0(–9 השימוש בהם, שיטה ליצרם,חדשים לבקרה על פטריות מזיקות וגורמים המכילים אותם May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2/26021661 THYMIDINE KINASE MOLMED SPA GB 0413702.2 PCT/IB/2005/002358 WO/2005/123912 179660 תימידין קינאז 18/06/2004 2/26021661 IL-13 BINDING AGENTS WYETH US 60/581078 771749024 US PCT/US/2005/021454 WO/2006/085938 179661 A61K IL–1: גורמים קושרים 17/06/2004 0910912004 2/26121661 179662 LASER INTERFEROMETER MIRROR ASSEMBLY NANOBEAM LIMITED GB 0412429.3 03/06/2004 PCT/GB/2005/050065 WO/2005/119362 2/26121661 2/26121661 CHARGED PARTICLE GUN NANOBEAM LIMITED G03F הרכב מראת לייזר אינטרפרומטרית 179663 APPARATUS FOR BLANKING A CHARGED PARTICLE BEAM NANOBEAM LIMITED GB 0412428.5 03/06/2004 PCT/GB/2005/050064 WO/2005/119361 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C12N H01J מערכת לאטימת קרן של חלקיקים טעונים 179664 H01J כלי ירי לחלקיקים טעונים 88 GB 0412426.9 PCT/GB/2005/050063 WO/2005/119723 03/06/2004 1126021661 179665 METHOD FOR THE PURIFICATION OF DIMETHYLACETAMIDE (DMAC) BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004030616.8 24/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006732 WO/2006/000392 1/22221660 179666 TORQUE-BALANCING DIFFERENTIAL MECHANISM YEFIM KERETH 262602166/ C07C שיטה לטיהור דימתילאצטאמיד ) DMAC( F16H מנגנון דיפרנציאל מאזן מומנט–סיבוב יפים קרת 179667 B22F שיטה לגיבוש אבקות חזקות מצופות וקשות METHOD FOR CONSOLIDATING TOUGH COATED HARD POWDERS ALLOMET CORPORATION PCT/US/2004/018445 WO/2006/001791 6126021661 BENZOIMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME PHARMACYCLICS, INC. 89 179669 C07D תולדות בנזואימידאזול ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז US 60/576330 PCT/US/2005/019420 WO/2005/121102 6126021661 02/06/2004 179670 HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS AND PROCESSES FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF PHARMACYCLICS, INC. US 60/576382 02/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019394 WO/2005/118554 2626021661 6/26021661 ANTI-CD3 ANTIBODIES NOVIMMUNE S.A. US 60/576483 901909743 US PCT/US/2005/019922 WO/2005/118635 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז תרכובות הטרוציקליות ותהליכים להכנתן 179671 5-AMINO-2,4,7-TRIOXO-3,4,7,8TETRAHYDRO-2H-PYRIDO[2,3D]PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME JAPAN TOBACCO INC. 2004JP 11/06/2004 174770 2004-321777 7017712004 JP PCT/JP/2005/011082 WO/2005/121142 C07D C07D –0,7,4,:––טריאוקסו7,4,0––אמינו. תולדות ) פירימידיןD–:,0( –פירידוH2–טטראהידרו ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן 179672 C07K CD : נוגדנים נגד 03/06/2004 7010912004 90 6226021661 179673 A SYSTEM OF UNDERWATER POWER GENERATION ATLANTIS RESOURCES CORPORATION PTE. AU 2004902885 01/06/2004 2004904902 7217012004 AU PCT/AU/2005/000779 WO/2005/119052 6226021661 /626/2200/ מערכת תת–ימית ליצור אנרגיה 179674 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM FOR THE TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATORY DISORDERS SCHERING CORPORATION US 60/576153 02/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019131 WO/2005/121130 WEARING PART CONSISTING OF A DIAMANTIFEROUS COMPOSITE 91 C07D תרכובות כימיות והרכבים רוקחיים המכילים אותן לטיפול בהפרעות דלקתיות 179676 BIFURCATED STENT AND METHOD OF MAKING SAME MEDINOL LTD. US 08/642297 03/05/1996 /626121661 F03B A61M סטנט מפולג ושיטה לייצורו מדינול בע"מ 179677 C22C חלק הניתן להתבלות המכיל חומר מרוכב הכולל חלקיקי יהלום May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז CERATIZIT AUSTRIA GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H AT GM386/2004 01/06/2004 PCT/AT/2005/000184 WO/2005/118901 /626121661 179679 FLUID PERMEABLE COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND PROCESS FOR SAME JOHN ARTHUR CUMMINS AU 2004902827 28/05/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000751 WO/2005/116135 1/22221660 תרכובות חדירות לנוזלים ושיטה להכנתן 179680 קנדי חשמל ונכסים בע"מ 179681 ELECTRIC KETTLE WITH LOCKING BASE KENNEDY ELECTRICAL & ASSETS LTD. /226121661 A47B קומקום חשמלי עם בסיס ננעל קנדי חשמל ונכסים בע"מ 179684 COMBINATIONS COMPRISING ANTIMUSCARINIC AGENTS AND CORTICOSTEROIDS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA S.A. EP P200401312 31/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005840 WO/2005/115466 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A47B קומקום חשמלי המשמש גם להכנת מזון תינוקות ELECTRIC KETTLE FOR ALSO PREPARING INFANT FORMULA KENNEDY ELECTRICAL & ASSETS LTD. 1/22221660 C08L A61K צירופים המכילים גורמים אנטי–מוסקרינים וקורטיקוסטירואידים 92 /226121661 179685 COMBINATIONS COMPRISING ANTIMUSCARINIC AGENTS AND CORTICOSTEROIDS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA S.A. ES P200401312 31/05/2004 EP PCT/EP05/01969 2410212004 GB PCT/GB05/00740 2410212004 GB PCT/GB05/00722 2410212004 PCT/EP/2005/005838 WO/2005/115464 /226121661 תצריפים המכילים גורמים נוגדי מוסקרין וקורטיקוסטרואידים 179686 COMBINATIONS COMPRISING ANTIMUSCARINIG AGENTS AND PDE4 INHIBITORS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA S.A. ES P200401312 31/05/2004 EP PCT/GB05/01969 2410212004 GB PCT/GB05/00740 2410212004 GB PCT/GB05/00722 2410212004 PCT/EP/2005/005839 WO/2005/115465 /226121661 93 A61K –צירופים המכילים גורמים אנטי PDE4 מוסקרינים ןמעכבי 179687 COMBINATIONS COMPRISING ANTIMUSCARINIC AGENTS AND BETA-ADRENERGIC AGONISTS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA S.A. ES P200401312 31/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005841 WO/2005/115467 A61K A61K צירופים המכילים גורמים אנטי מוסקרינים ואגוניסטים בתא–אדרנרגים May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז /226121661 179689 COMBINATIONS COMPRISING ANTIMUSCARINIC AGENTS AND PDE4 INHIBITORS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA S.A. ES P200401312 31/05/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005836 WO/2005/115462 /226121661 A61K צירופים המכילים גורמים אנטי מוסקרינים PDE4 ומעכבי 179690 A61K צירופים המכילים גורמים אנטי –מוסקרינים ואגוניסטים בתא אדרנרגים COMBINATIONS COMPRISING ANTIMUSCARINIC AGENTS AND BETAADRENERGIC AGONISTS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA S.A. ES P200401312 31/05/2004 EP PCT/EP05/01969 2410212004 GB PCT/GB05/00740 2410212004 GB PCT/GB05/00722 2410212004 PCT/EP/2005/005837 WO/2005/115463 2126/21661 179691 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING RESIDENCE WITHIN SERVICE AREA IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORK NEC CORPORATION 2004JP 07/06/2004 168825 PCT/JP/2005/007064 WO/2005/122615 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H04Q מערכת ושיטה לקביעת משכן בתוך איזור שירות ברשת תקשורת ניידת 94 2/26021661 179692 ALKYNYL DERIVATIVES AS MODULATORS OF METABOTROPIC GLUTAMATE RECEPTORS ADDEX PHARMACEUTICALS SA GB 0413605.7 17/06/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002390 WO/2005/123703 /626121661 תולדות אלקיניליות כמאפננות של קולטני גלוטאמאט מתאבוטרופי 179693 SUBSTITUTED THIAZOLEACETIC AS CRTH2 LIGANDS 7TM PHARMA A/S GB 0412198.4 29/05/2004 047479447 2410912004 GB 042407944 2917012004 GB PCT/EP/2005/005882 WO/2005/116001 1/26121661 179695 METHOD FOR PLASMA STRIPPING USING PERIODIC MODULATION OF GAS CHEMISTRY AND HYDROCARBON ADDITION LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION US 10/860833 03/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/018784 WO/2005/122226 6026021661 179696 DOMAIN-INFLUENCED PREFIX ASSIGNMENT METHOD AND APPARATUS UTSTARCOM, INC. US 10/861577 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019609 WO/2005/119997 95 C07D C07D CRTH2 תיאזולאצטי מותמר כליגנד של H01L הליך לקילוף בפלזמה באמצעות מודולציה מחזורית של כימיה של גזים והוספת פחמימן H04L שיטה ומערכת להקצאת קידומת המושפעת ע"י דומיין May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/26021661 179697 VARIANTS OF UNC5H2, THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM APPLIED RESEARCH SYSTEMS ARS HOLDING N.V. EP 04102511.5 04/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/052573 WO/2005/118641 1026121661 הכנתם ותכשירי,H5UNC0 וריאנטים של רוקחות המכילים אותם 179699 MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING BIOMETRICS LUMIDIGM, INC. US 60/576364 01/06/2004 901900491 7710412004 US 901970402 7110912004 US 901944344 7410212004 US 771774014 2410412004 US 771774700 2410412004 US 771774707 2410412004 US PCT/US/2005/018874 WO/2006/093508 1/26121661 179700 OCULAR IMPLANT AND METHODS FOR MAKING AND USING SAME BECTON DICKINSON AND COMPANY US 10/857452 01/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/018242 WO/2005/117780 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07K G06K מדידות ביומטריות באמצעות הדמייה מולטיספקטרלית A61F שתל עייני שיטות להכנתו ושימוש בו 96 2626021661 179701 COMPOUND FOR PREPARING THIAZOLE BY AMINOMETHYLATION SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED. 2004JP 17/06/2004 179472 2004-770107 0110412004 JP PCT/JP/2005/011095 WO/2005/123704 2/26021661 179702 CLAMPING DEVICE FOR A TOOL ON A MACHINE TOOL, ESPECIALLY A PLUNGE ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINE SYSTEM 3R INTERNATIONAL AB EP 04020227.7 26/08/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006306 WO/2006/021248 /626021661 179703 METHOD FOR PRODUCING OPTICALLY ACTIVE CYCLOPROPANECARBOXYLATE COMPOUND SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED. 2004JP 01/07/2004 195253 PCT/JP/2005/012533 WO/2006/004180 97 C07D תרכובת עבור הכנת ת'יאזול ע"י אמינומת'ילאיישן B23H ,מתקן הידוק עבור כלי על מכונת כלי במיוחד מכונת שחרור זריקה חשמלית C07C שיטה עבור ייצור תרכובת ציקלופרופאנקרבוקסילאט פעילה May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז /626021661 179704 METHOD FOR PRODUCING OPTICALLY ACTIVE CYCLOPROPANECARBOXYLATE COMPOUND SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED. 2004JP 01/07/2004 195254 PCT/JP/2005/012530 WO/2006/004178 1022121661 שיטה עבור ייצור תרכובת ציקלופרופאנקרבוקסילאט פעילה 179705 COATED CUTTING TOOL AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARDMETAL CORP. JP 2004-381262 28/12/2004 JP PCT/JP2005/015869 3710412004 PCT/JP/2005/023761 WO/2006/070730 6022121661 179706 SURFACE-COATED CUTTING TOOL SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARDMETAL CORP. 2004JP 22/12/2004 371920 2004-314434 2417212004 JP PCT/JP/2005/022343 WO/2006/067956 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07F B23B כלי שיבוב מצופה ושיטה לייצורו B23B כלי שיבוב עם ציפוי פני שטח 98 6226021661 179707 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING METAMERISM SUN CHEMICAL CORPORATION US 10/709827 01/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019097 WO/2005/119190 1626/21666 1/26021661 H04Q פיקוח תחנה ניידת של ערוץ בקרה קדמי יעודי במצב שידור מקוטע 179709 4-SUBSTITUTED QUINOLINE DERIVATIVES, METHOD AND INTERMEDIATES FOR PREPARING SAME AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SAME NOVEXEL FR 0407124 29/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001598 WO/2006/010831 99 מערכת ושיטה לשליטה במטמריזם 179708 MOBILE STATION SUPERVISION OF THE FORWARD DEDICATED CONTROL CHANNEL WHEN IN THE DISCONTINUOUS TRANSMISSION MODE QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 09/358634 21/07/1999 PCT/US/2000/019907 WO/2001/008439 G01J C07D ,4 תולדות קווינולין מותמרות בעמדת ותכשירי,שיטה וחומרי ביניים להכנתן רוקחות המכילים אותם May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/26021661 179710 FRAME STRUCTURES FOR A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH MULTIPLE RADIO TECHNOLOGIES QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/577083 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019544 WO/2005/122425 /226121661 6/26021661 TABLE-STORAGE APPARATUS OMER ASAF May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H04Q מבוססHANDOFF מערכות ושיטות ל במערכות התקשורת האלחוטיתPACKET 179712 HIGH DATA RATE INTERFACE APPARATUS AND METHOD QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/577500 04/06/2004 901411193 0110912004 US PCT/US/2005/019530 WO/2005/122509 /622221660 מבני מסגרת עבור מערכות תקשורת אלחוטיות בעלות טכנולוגיות רדיו מרובות 179711 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PACKET BASED HANDOFF IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/576194 01/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019166 WO/2005/119989 H04Q H04L מערכות ושיטות ממשק לתקשורת נתונים מהירה 179713 B65F מתקן אחסון שולחני עומר אסף 100 6226021661 179714 DUAL SMALL MOLECULE INHIBITORS OF CANCER AND ANGIOGENESIS UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PATENT FOUNDATION US 60/575927 01/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019244 WO/2005/117876 6026021661 פרודות קטנות בעלות פעילות כפולה המעכבות סרטן והיווצרות כלי דם 179715 DIAGNOSING OR PREDICTING THE COURSE OF BREAST CANCER VERIDEX, LLC US 60/577155 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019616 WO/2005/118875 6/26022000 179716 101 A01N שילובים קוטלי פטריות המכילים נגזרת של חומצה גליוקסאלית מתילאסתר מתילאוקסים 179717 AMORPHOUS CLOPIDOGREL HYDROCHLORIDE AND ITS ANTITHROMBOTIC USE IVAX CORPORATION GB 0412172.9 01/06/2004 047439440 7410412004 GB PCT/US/2005/019326 WO/2005/117866 C12Q אבחון או ניבוי מהלך סרטן שד FUNGICIDAL COMBINATIONS COMPRISING A GLYOXALIC ACID METHYLESTER METHYLOXIME DERIVATIVE BAYER AG GB 9812331.8 08/06/1998 990399947 7110217999 GB PCT/EP/1999/003883 WO/1999/063813 622602166/ C07D C07D קלופידוגרל הידרוכלוריד אמורפי ושימושו האנטי–טרומבוטי May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6126021661 179718 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING IRBESARTAN TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. US 60/577427 04/06/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002689 WO/2005/118166 6226021661 6126021661 הרכב פרמצבטי המכיל אירבסרטן טבע תעשיות פרמצבטיות בע"מ 179719 PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF AMORPHOUS FORM OF DRUG TEVA GYOGYSZERGYAR ZARTTKORUEN MUKODO RESZVENYTARSASAG US 60/576216 01/06/2004 901443114 2410912004 US 901499100 0410412004 US PCT/US/2005/019485 WO/2005/117837 179720 179721 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING A 3 AMINOMETHYLTETRAHYDROFURAN DERIVATIVE MITSUI CHEMICALS, INC. JP 2004-175322 14/06/2004 PCT/JP/2005/010171 WO/2005/121111 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61K תהליך להכנת צורה אמורפית של תרופה SECURITY MODULE COMPONENT NAGRACARD S.A. EP 04102505.7 03/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/052519 WO/2005/119583 6126021661 B08B G06K יחידת מודול אבטחה C07D – : תהליך להכנת תולדת אמינומתילטטראהידרופורן 102 2/26021661 179724 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ACETAMIDOPYRROLIDINE DERIVATIVES AND NOVEL BENZAMIDOACETIC ACID DERIVATIVES AS INTERMEDIATES THEREFOR TEIJIN PHARMA LIMITED 2004JP 14/06/2004 175159 2004-714744 7410912004 JP PCT/JP/2005/011187 WO/2005/121081 622602166/ C07D שיטה להכנת תולדות אצטאמידופירולידין ותולדות חדשות של חומצת בנזאמידואצטת כחומרי ביניים עבורה 179726 A METHOD FOR ENHANCING DIFFERENTIATION OF hES CELLS INTO CARDIOMYOCYTES ES CELL INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD. C12N hES שיטה לשיפור התמיינותם של תאי לקרדיומיוציטים PCT/AU/2004/000727 WO/2005/118784 2/26021661 179727 HUMAN OBESITY SUSCEPTIBILITY GENE ENCODING A TASTE RECEPTOR AND USES THEREOF INTEGRAGEN US 60/578830 14/06/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002309 WO/2005/123948 103 C12Q גן אנושי הגורם לנטייה להשמנה המקודד קולטן טעם ושימושיו May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2/26021661 179728 INDOLES USEFUL IN THE TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATION BIOLIPOX AB US 60/580401 18/06/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002391 WO/2005/123673 1626021661 6/26021661 אינדולים השימושיים לטיפול בדלקת 179729 NOVEL PIPERIDINE DERIVATES AS MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR CCR5 ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401657-2 24/06/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000952 WO/2006/001751 LENTICULAR DISPLAY DEVICE ITZCHAK BAR-YONA May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D נגזרות חדשות של פיפרידין כמאפננים של CCR5 קולטן כמוקין 179730 NOVEL CIS-IMIDAZOLINES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 60/580441 17/06/2004 901914799 2210412004 US PCT/EP/2005/006167 WO/2005/123691 /622221660 C07D 179731 C07D ציס–אימידאזולינים חדשים G09F מתקן תצוגה עדשתי יונה-יצחק בר 104 1126021661 179732 NOVEL USE OF PEPTIDE COMPOUNDS FOR TRETING ESSENTIAL TREMOR AND OTHER TREMOR SYNDROMES SCHWARZ PHARMA AG US 60/582084 24/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006750 WO/2006/000397 1626021661 179733 NOVEL PIPERIDINE-8AZABICYCLO(3.2.1)OCTAN DERIVATIVES AS MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR CCR5 ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401656-4 24/06/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000953 WO/2006/001752 2/26021661 179734 PYRIDAZIN-3(2H)-ONE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS PDE4 INHIBITORS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA S.A. ES P200401500 18/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006304 WO/2005/123692 105 A61K שימוש חדש של תרכובות פפטידיות לטיפול ברעד הכרחי ובסינדרומי רעד אחרים C07D –0–נגזרות חדשות של פיפרידין )אוקטאן כמאפננים של:.0.1(אזאביציקלו CCR5 קולטן כמוקין C07D –און ושימושןH2)3(–נגזרות של פירידזינ PDE4 כמעכבי May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1/26021661 179735 3AMINOCYCLOPENTANECARBOXAMIDES AS MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTORS INCYTE CORPORATION US 60/583482 28/06/2004 901924447 0717712004 US PCT/US/2005/022909 WO/2006/004741 2/26021661 179736 PYRRAZOLO-PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 04102837.4 21/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006302 WO/2005/123738 2/26021661 179737 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D C07D נגזרות אינדול כאנטגוניסטים של קולטני היסטמין 179738 MITOCHONDRIALLY TARGETED ANTIOXIDANTS IN THE TREATMENT OF LIVER DISEASES AND EPITHELIAL CANCERS ORIDIS BIOMED FORSCHUNGS-UND ENTWICKLUNGS GMBH EP 04103318.4 13/07/2004 PCT/EP/2005/053338 WO/2006/005759 –אמינוציקלופנטאנקרבוקסאמידים: כווסתים של קולטני כמוקין נגזרות של פירזולו–פירימידין INDOLE DERIVATIVES AS HISTAMINE RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 04102839.0 21/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006303 WO/2005/123716 2126/21661 C07D A61K חומרים נוגדי חימצון המכוונים למיטוכונדריה לטיפול במחלות של הכבד ובסרטן אפיתלי 106 1/26021661 179740 NON-INTEGRATIVE AND NONREPLICATIVE LENTIVIRUS, PREPARATION AND USES THEREOF CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE FR 0407017 25/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001604 WO/2006/010834 1226021661 ,לנטיוירוס לא–אינטגרטיבי ולא–רפלקטיבי הכנתו ושימושו 179741 PYRIDAZIN-3(2H)-ONE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS PDE4 INHIBITORS ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA, S.A. ES P200401512 21/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006712 WO/2005/123693 /622221660 179742 107 A63F מערכת אימון פיזית אינטראקטיבית לטס גואו בע"מ 179743 PYRIMIDINE UREA DERIVATIVES AS KINASE INHIBITORS NOVARTIS AG US 60/582425 24/06/2004 047232444 7910912004 GB PCT/EP/2005/006815 WO/2006/000420 C07D –און ושימושןH2)3(–נגזרות של פירידזינ PDE4 כמעכבי INTERACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAINING SYSTEM LET'S GO LTD 1/26021661 C12N C07D נגזרות של פירימידין אוריאה כמעכבים של קינאז May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2/26021661 179744 HUMAN OBESITY SUSCEPTIBILITY GENE ENCODING A POTASSIUM VOLTAGE-GATED CHANNEL AND USES THEREOF INTEGRAGEN US 60/578829 14/06/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002356 WO/2005/123949 1126021661 1226021661 גן אנושי של לרגישות להשמנה המקודד תעלת אשלגן המבוקרת על–ידי מתח ושימושם 179745 PIPERIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS INSECTICIDES, ACARICIDES, MOLLUSCICIDES OR NEMATICIDES SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG GB 0414438.2 28/06/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002002 WO/2006/003494 179746 179747 NOVEL INDAZOLE CARBOXAMIDES AND THEIR USE SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION US 60/582655 24/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/022870 WO/2005/002434 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A01N ,נגזרות פיפרידין ושימושן כקוטלי מזיקים קוטלי קרציות או קוטלי תולעים A SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR A MEDICAMENT ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401654-9 24/06/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002440 WO/2006/000758 1/26021661 C12Q B65D מבנה תומך לתרופה C07D אינדזול קרבוקסמידים חדשים ושימושם 108 2/26021661 179748 ANTIBIOTICS CONTAINING BORINIC ACID COMPLEXES AND METHODS OF USE ANACOR PHARMACEUTICALS, INC US 10/867465 14/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021214 WO/2006/007384 6/26021661 179749 IMPROVED METHOD FOR PREPARING 3-HYDROXY-4HYDROXYMETHYL-PYRROLIDINE COMPOUNDS INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH LIMITED NZ 533360 04/06/2004 PCT/NZ/2005/000114 WO/2005/118532 2026/21661 179750 GENETICALLY ENGINEERED PYRROLOQUINOLINE QUINONE DEPENDENT GLUCOSE DEHYDROGENASE COMPRISING AN AMINO ACID INSERTION F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 04017069.8 20/07/2004 PCT/EP/2005/007844 WO/2006/008132 109 C07F חומרים אנטיביוטיים המכילים תצמידים של חומצה בורינית ושיטות לשימושם C07D –: שיטה משופרת להכנת תרכובות של –הידרוקסימתיל–פירולידין4–הידרוקסי C12N גלוקוז דהידרוגנז מהונדס גנתית המכיל הכנסת חומצת התלוי בפירולוקינולין קינון,אמינו May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז /626021661 179751 HUMAN AUTISM PREDISPOSITION GENE ENCODING A TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR AND USES THEREOF INTEGRAGEN US 60/584130 01/07/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002319 WO/2006/003520 6026021661 גן אנושי לנטייה לאוטיזם המקודד פקטור שעתוק ושימושם 179752 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION US 60/578245 09/06/2004 901927992 2417012004 US PCT/US/2005/020319 WO/2005/123569 6/26021661 179753 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ENTECAVIR AND NOVEL INTERMEDIATES THEREOF VIA CARBON - SILICON OXIDATION BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/576899 04/06/2004 771743294 0210912004 US PCT/US/2005/019633 WO/2005/118585 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C12Q B67B מתקן ושיטה לייצור תכשיר רוקחות C07D תהליך להכנת אנתקויר וחומרי ביניים חדשים באמצעות חמצון פחמן–סיליקון 110 /226121661 179754 PYRAZOLE DERIVATIVES, COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SUCH COMPOUNDS AND METHODS OF USE MERCK & CO., INC. US 60/577116 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/018828 WO/2005/121097 6/26021661 הרכבים המכילים אותן,נגזרות פירזול ושיטות לשימוש בהן 179755 179756 APPLIANCE FOR CONTROLLING TRANSPARENT OR REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS EP 04447138.1 09/06/2004 PCT/BE/2005/000094 WO/2005/121740 6/26021661 G01M מכשור לבדיקת אלמנטים שקופים או החזריים 179757 NOVEL FLUOROGLYCOSIDE DERIVATIVES OF PYRAZOLES, MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING THESE COMPOUNDS, AND THE USE THEREOF SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH DE 102004028241.2 11/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005959 WO/2005/121161 111 G09F חפת שרוול מרופד עם תווית זיהוי עם למינציה עצמית CUSHIONED WRISTBAND WITH SELF-LAMINATING IDENTITY TAG LASER BAND LLC US 10/870500 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020363 WO/2006/007356 6/26021661 C07D C07H נגזרות פלורוגליקוזידיות חדשות של תרופות המכילים אותן,פירזולים ושימוש שלהן May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6226021661 179758 SUBSTITUTED TETRAHYDRO - 2H ISOQUINOLIN - 1 - ONE DERIVATIVES, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF, AND USE OF THE SAME AS MEDICAMENTS SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH DE 102004028973.5 16/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005871 WO/2005/123687 /622221660 179759 179760 179761 ELECTROMECHANICAL DEVICE HAVING THREE-DIMENSIONAL STATOR LAMINATIONS GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY US US 30/11/2005 11/291944 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A01G A01G שרוול גמיש אלגו השקיה בע"מ FLEXIBLE SLEEVE ELGO IRRIGATION LTD. /622221660 – איזוקווינוליןH0 – נגזרות טטראהידרו שיטה לייצורם ושימוש, – און מותמר1 – שלהן כתרופות פיה זרם משתנה אלגו השקיה בע"מ VARIABLE JET NOZZLE ELGO IRRIGATION LTD. /622221660 C07D B60J התקן אלקטרומכני עם עטויי סטטורים תלת – מימדיים 112 6/26021661 179763 C07D תולדות בקטריוכלורופיל קטיוניות ושימושיהן CATIONIC BACTERIOCHLOROPHYLL DERIVATIVES AND USES THEREOF YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD US 60/577196 07/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000602 WO/2005/120573 /626121661 AN INK COMPOSITION KORNIT DIGITAL LTD. IL 162231 793449 IL 901947230 US IL PCT/IL2005/00166 PCT/IL/2005/000559 WO/2005/115761 /626121661 ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ 179764 תערובת דיו לטקסטיל קורנית דיגיטל בע"מ 30/05/2004 7710412004 7010212004 7010212004 179765 A PROCESS AND SYSTEM FOR PRINTING IMAGES ON ABSORPTIVE SURFACES KORNIT DIGITAL LTD. IL 162231 30/05/2004 793449 7710412004 IL 901947230 7010212004 US IL PCT/IL2005/00166 7010212004 PCT/IL/2005/000558 WO/2005/115089 113 C09D B41F תהליך הדפסה דיגיטלי על משטחים סופגים קורנית דיגיטל בע"מ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6226021661 179767 PERSONAL NUTRITION CONTROL DEVICES Centrition Ltd. US 60/575371 01/06/2004 901443907 3010912004 US 901934479 2117212004 US 901949047 0310212004 US PCT/IL/2005/000576 WO/2005/119627 6026/21666 6026021661 מכשיר אישי לבקרת תזונה 179768 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EDGE OF COVERAGE DETECTION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICE QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 09/348442 07/07/1999 PCT/US/2000/018599 WO/2001/003464 179769 179770 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH CONFIGURABLE CYCLIC PREFIX LENGTH QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/577083 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019543 WO/2005/122517 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H04Q מערכת ושיטה לזיהוי קצה כיסוי במכשיר תקשורת אלחוטי TOURNIQUET AND METHOD OF USE PHIL DURANGO LLC US 60/521630 08/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020111 WO/2005/122908 6/26021661 B01D A61B חוסם עורקים ושיטה לשימוש בו H04L מערכת תקשרות אלחוטית עם אורך קידומת מעגלית הניתן לשינוי 114 6/26021661 179772 תרכובות לפטומיצין LEPTOMYCIN COMPOUNDS KOSAN BIOSCIENCES, INC. US 60/577253 03/06/2004 901909947 7410912004 US 771742442 0710912004 US PCT/US/2005/019591 WO/2005/117894 6126021661 179773 6126021661 02/06/2004 179774 179775 IMAGE-AUGMENTED INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM (IAINS) AND METHOD Athena Technologies, Inc. US 60/576037 02/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019411 WO/2005/119178 115 G05D מערכות ושיטות לשליטה במערכות דינאמיות SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR CONTROLLING DYNAMIC SYSTEMS Athena Technologies, Inc. US 60/576020 02/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019434 WO/2006/071258 6126021661 G05D עמדה,מערכות ושיטות להערכת מיקום או הזווית שבין כיוון הנסיעה לקו אורך/ו מסויים של כלי רכב SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR ESTIMATING POSITION, ATTITUDE, AND/OR HEADING OF A VEHICLE Athena Technologies, Inc. US 60/576021 PCT/US/2005/019435 WO/2005/119387 C07D G01C ) IAINS( מערכת ניווט עם תמונה מוגדלת ושיטה May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/26021661 179776 BIOHAZARD MASK SUITABLE FOR CIVILIANS DAVID R. FRERIKS. US 10/861231 03/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019561 WO/2006/083287 6/26021661 179777 PROCESS FOR FORMULATING FAST DISPERSING DOSAGE FORMS COMPRISING AT LEAST ONE FISH GELATIN SELECTED ON THE BASIS OF MOLECULAR WEIGHT R.P. SCHERER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 10/860106 03/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019589 WO/2005/120464 /226121661 179778 A62B מסיכה לזיהומים סביבתיים ביולוגיים המתאימה לאזרחים A61K תהליך להכנת פורמולציה בצורות מינון המתפזרות במהירות המכילות לפחות ג'לטין דגי אחד הנבחר על בסיס משקל מוליקולרי G07C גישה אקראית לציר הזמן לשם הקלטה ופליבק של קובץ הניתן לפירמוט מבוסס זמן TIMELINE RANDOM ACCESS FOR MULTI-FORMAT TIME-BASED FILE RECORDING AND PLAYBACK SMITHS AEROSPASE LLC US 60/575490 01/06/2004 771034477 7210712004 US PCT/US/2005/018899 WO/2005/119600 6226021661 179779 SLUDGE TREATMENT PROCESS BIO-CHEM RESOURCES US 60/575360 01/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019174 WO/2005/118490 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C02F תהליך לטיפול ברפש 116 6/22121660 179780 DISPOSABLE MEDICAL INSTRUMENT MICHAEL PORAT 6226021661 מכשיר רפואי חד–פעמי מיכאל פורת 179781 179782 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR WIDE AREA SECURITY MONITORING, SENSOR MANAGEMENT AND SITUATIONAL AWARENESS L-3 COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION US 60/575894 01/06/2004 901414494 0710912004 US 901419040 0710912004 US PCT/US/2005/019681 WO/2006/071259 6226021661 117 G06F ניהול,שיטה ומערכת לפיקוח אבטחה אמצעי חישה וערנות לתרחישים של אזור רחב 179783 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PERFORMING VIDEO FLASHLIGHT L-3 COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION US 60/575894 01/06/2004 901414494 0710912004 US 901419040 0210912004 US PCT/US/2005/019672 WO/2005/120071 H04N מערכת אתראה עבור מעקב וידאו VIDEO FLASHLIGHT/VISION ALERT L-3 COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION US 60/575894 01/06/2004 901414494 0710912004 US 901419040 0710912004 US PCT/US/2005/019673 WO/2005/120072 6226021661 A61L H04N שיטה ומערכת וידאו בעזרת מודל סביבה ממוחשב May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6126021661 179784 METHODS AND DEVICES FOR FABRICATING AND ASSEMBLING PRINTABLE SEMICONDUCTOR ELEMENTS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS US 60/577077 04/06/2004 901907097 7710412004 US 901940304 0410212004 US 901993397 7410312004 US 901911971 0410412004 US PCT/US/2005/019354 WO/2005/122285 6126021661 179785 A METHOD FOR PRESERVING A CELL BY FREEZING ES CELL INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD. AU 2004902933 02/06/2004 2004902444 7410412004 AU PCT/AU/2005/000783 WO/2005/118785 6/22121660 179786 PROTECTION OF VEHICLE CELLVLAR PHONES HOLAN FARAGE 6026021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H01L שיטות והתקנים לייצור והרכבה של אלמנטים מוליכים למחצה הניתנים להדפסה C12N שיטה לשימור תא על ידי הקפאה B65B מיגון רכב סלולרי 'גולן פרג 179787 H01L 118 EXPOSURE EQUIPMENT, EXPOSURE METHOD AND DEVICE MANUFACTURING METHOD NIKON ENGINEERING CO. LTD 2004JP 10/06/2004 172569 2004-244290 2410412004 JP 2004-330442 7417712004 JP PCT/JP/2005/010576 WO/2005/122221 1/2212166/ שיטת חשיפה ושיטה לייצור,ציוד חשיפה מתקן 179788 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR AN EVAPORATIVE COOLER AZ EVAP, LLC US 10/862040 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2004/043748 WO/2005/120679 6/26021661 מערכת הספקת מים עבור מצנן מאייד 179789 SUBSTITUTED BENZOYLCYCLOHEXANDIONES AS HERBICIDES BAYER CROPSCIENCE GMBH DE 102004029307.4 17/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006018 WO/2005/123710 6/26021661 119 B01F 179790 C07D בנזואילציקלוהקסאנדיונים מותמרים כקוטלי עשבים C07D May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז NEW DISUBSTITUTED PHENYLPIPERIDINES/PIPERAZINES AS MODULATORS OF DOPAMINE NEUROTRANSMISSION A. CARLSSON RESEARCH AB SE 0401464-3 08/06/2004 901411943 0410912004 US 0403742-3 2017212004 SE 901931430 2017212004 US PCT/EP/2005/006147 WO/2005/121087 6/26021661 –פיפרזינים חדשים דו/פנילפיפרידינים מותמרים כמאפננים העברה עצבית של דופאמין 179791 PYRIDINYLISOXAZOLES AND THEIR USE AS HERBICIDES BAYER CROPSCIENCE GMBH DE 102004029309.0 17/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006017 WO/2005/123726 6/22121660 179792 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CARRYING OUT DEEP HOLES AND/OR BOTTLE-BORING MAGNAGHI AERONAUTICA S.P.A. EP 05425869.4 06/12/2006 6226021661 179793 CAVITY RESONATOR, USE OF A CAVITY RESONATOR, AND OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT HUBER+SUHNER AG EP 04013104.7 03/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005900 WO/2005/119833 2126021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179795 C07D פירידינילאיזוקסזולים ושימוש שלהם כקוטלי עשבים B23B או/שיטה וציוד לביצוע חורים עמוקים ו קדוחי–בקבוק H01P שימוש במגביר,מגביר תהודה בעל חלל ומעגל מתנד,תהודה בעל חלל C07C 120 A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION AND ITS USE TILLOTTS PHARMA AG GB 0413729.5 18/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006412 WO/2005/123060 6/26021661 תכשיר רוקחות ושימושו 179796 שימוש אימאטיניב לטיפול במחלות הכבד ובהדבקות נגיפיות USE OF IMATINIB TO TREAT LIVER DISORDERS AND VIRAL INFECTIONS BIONICHE LIFE SCIENCES INC. US 60/576573 04/06/2004 PCT/CA/2005/000869 WO/2005/117885 6/26021661 179797 MATERIAL SOLUBILISER REACTOR FOR HYDROLYSIS AND/OR WET FERMENTATION AND WASTE TREATMENT PLANT WITH SUCH A SOLUBILISER AND REACTOR CHRISTIAN WIDMER DE 102004027260.3 03/06/2004 70200404040349 7417012004 DE PCT/EP/2005/005993 WO/2005/118147 6126021661 179798 METHODS FOR DETECTING GENE EXPRESSION IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD CELLS AND USES THEREOF LINKAGENE LTD. US 60/576599 04/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000590 WO/2005/118403 6126021661 121 C07D 179799 B03B או/ריאקטור המסת חומר להידרוליזה ו לתסיסה רטובה ומפעל לטיפול בשפכים הכולל ממיס וריאקטור כנ"ל B65B שיטות לבדיקת ביטוי גנים בתאי דם היקפיים ושימושים בהם לינקג'ן בע"מ H03F May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז GENERAL-PURPOSE WIDEBAND AMPLIFIER QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/576759 02/06/2004 701932444 0710912004 US PCT/US/2005/019682 WO/2005/119907 6/26021661 179800 CODING AND MODULATION FOR BROADCAST AND MULTICAST SERVICES IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/577083 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019529 WO/2005/122458 1/26121661 מגבר פס–רחב למטרות כלליות קידוד ואפנון לשירותי שידור ושידור מרובב במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית 179801 OBJECT PROCESS GRAPH SYSTEM GRAPHLOGIC, INC. US 60/577501 05/06/2004 701904944 2010412004 US PCT/US/2005/018942 WO/2005/121954 6/26021661 179802 TRANSMISSION OF OVERHEAD INFORMATION FOR BROADCAST AND MULTICAST SERVICES IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/577083 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019541 WO/2005/122627 6/26021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H04L 179803 G06F מערכת גרפים לתהליכי אובייקטים H04Q תמסורת תקורה לשירותי שידור ושידור מרובב במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית H04L 122 MULTICARRIER MODULATION SYSTEM WITH CYCLIC DELAY DIVERSITY QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/577083 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019542 WO/2005/122516 6/22121660 בעלתMULTICARRIER מערכת אפנון גיוון השהיה מעגלי 179805 DISPENSER, DILUTION, AND MIXING UP INSTALLATION YESHAYA GERAFI 6/22121660 ולערבוב, למהילה,מתקן לרוקחות ישעיה ג'רפי 179806 6/22121660 179807 IMPROVED DEVICE FOR THE REMOTE CONTROL OF A FIRE ARM "FN HERSTAL" S.A. BE 2005/0587 05/12/2005 1226/21661 179808 C12P פוליפפטידים מסונטזים באופן טבעי באמצעות ניצול חומצות אמינו מקודדות לא טבעיות 21/07/2004 0110312004 179809 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS 123 F41A התקן משופר לבקרה מרחוק על כלי נשק BIOSYNTHETIC POLYPEPTIDES UTILIZING NON-NATURALLY ENCODED AMINO ACIDS 6/26021661 A23N מסחטת מיץ לאה אהרונוביץ FRUIT JUICER YORAM AHARONOVITCH AMBRX, INC. US 60/590035 901949109 US PCT/US/2005/025834 WO/2006/091231 A61K A61K תכשירי רוקחות May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED US 60/578043 08/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019929 WO/2005/123076 2026121661 179810 APPARATUS AND PROCESS FOR COOLING AND DE-STEAMING CALCINED STUCCO UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY US 10/891964 15/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/017485 WO/2006/019456 6/26021661 התקן ותהליך לקירור והזרמה מחדש של טיח קירות שנשרף 179811 IDENTIFICATION OF TUMORS AVIARADX, INC. US 60/577084 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019736 WO/2005/118879 6/26021661 179812 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE GENE HoxB13 FOR CANCER THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION US 60/577085 04/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019737 WO/2006/004600 2/26021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז F25D 179813 C12Q זיהוי גידולים C12Q לסרטןHoxB13 חשיבותו של הגן C07D 124 S-TENATOPRAZOLE SODIUM MONOHYDRATE SALT AND USE THEREOF IN THE FORM OF A PROTON PUMP INHIBITOR SIDEM PHARMA FR 0406617 17/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001528 WO/2006/005853 2/22621666 179814 REGULATORS OF THE HEDGEHOG PATHWAY,COMPOSITIONS AND USES RELATED THERETO JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE US 60/159215 13/10/1999 901229213 3010412000 US PCT/US/2000/028479 WO/2001/027135 6026021661 179815 LIQUID DEPOT FORMULATIONS CAMURUS AB GB 0412530.8 04/06/2004 040040143 7410712004 GB 040147744 7410412004 GB PCT/GB/2005/002217 WO/2005/117830 6/22121660 179817 125 C07J תכשירים,HEDGEHOG מווסתי מסלול והשימוש בהם הקשורים למווסתים אלו A61K הרכבי מאגר נוזליים A01G אביזר להרכבת צמחים אשל פרחים בע"מ PLANT GRAFTING ACCESSORY ESHEL FLOWERS LTD 6/22121660 –טנאטופראזולS מלח נתרן חד מימי של ושימוש בו כמעכב שאיבת מימנים 179818 E04H May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ROOF-TOP PARKING SYSTEM AND METHOD HIGH PARKING LTD. 2/26/21660 מערכת ושיטה לחנייה על גגות היי פארקינג בע"מ 179819 PROCESSES FOR PRODUCTION AND PURIFICATION OF NORMAL PROPYL BROMIDE ALBEMARLE CORPORATION US 60/673391 18/04/2005 PCT/US/2006/013778 WO/2006/113307 1/2602166/ 179820 A PROCESS TO IMPROVE THE NUTRIENT CONTENTS OF THE SOIL IN THE CULTIVATED LANDS CHINTHALA, VENKAT, REDDY C07C שיטת ייצור וטיהור של נורמל פרופיל ברומיד A01B תהליך לשיפור תכולת חומרי ההזנה באדמה בשדות מעובדים PCT/IN/2004/000185 WO/2006/001030 2/26/21661 179821 KNITTED GLOVE WITH CONTROLLED STITCH STRETCH CAPABILITY ANSELL HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS LLC US 10/892763 16/07/2004 771747094 7310112004 US PCT/US/2005/024845 WO/2006/019815 1/26021661 REUSABLE FITTING FOR TUBING May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179822 D04B כפפה סרוגה בעלת יכולת מבוקרת של מתיחת התפרים F16L מתאם צנרת המתאים לשימוש חוזר 126 OMEGA FLEX, INC. US 60/582904 PCT/US/2005/022869 WO/2006/004720 25/06/2004 2626/21661 179824 MOBILE PERSONAL VIDEO RECORDER NDS LIMITED US 60/581597 21/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000383 WO/2005/125202 6/22121660 179825 PANEL MOUNTING SYSTEM AND DEVICE ELIYAHU SHALTIEL 6/26021661 127 מכשיר וידאו אישי נייד E05D התקן ומערכת להתקנת פנלים אליהו שאלתיאל 179826 EXPOSURE APPARATUS, EXPOSURE METHOD, AND DEVICE PRODUCING METHOD NIKON CORPORATION 2004JP 04/06/2004 167115 PCT/JP/2005/010217 WO/2005/119742 2126/21661 H04N 179827 H01L שיטת חשיפה ושיטה,מתקן חשיפה לייצור מתקן G06F May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז SCHEDULING IN A HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (HPC) SYSTEM RAYTHEON COMPANY US 10/991598 17/11/2004 PCT/US/2005/012500 WO/2006/055028 6026021661 179829 LASER RADIATION DESORPTION DEVICE FOR MANIPULATING A LIQUID SAMPLE IN THE FORM OF INDIVIDUAL DROPS, THEREBY MAKING IT POSSIBLE TO CARRY OUT THE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT THEREOF SANOFI-AVENTIS FR 0406081 04/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001384 WO/2006/003292 6026021661 תכנון במערכת מחשוב בעלת ביצועים ) HPC( גבוהים מתקן לשחרור קרינת לייזר לתפעול דוגמה והמאפשר,נוזלית בצורת טיפות בודדות ליישם טיפול כימי וביולוגי 179830 MULTIPURPOSE ENDOSCOPY SUITE MEDIGUS LTD. IL 162390 07/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000598 WO/2005/120329 /626021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז B01L 179831 A61B מערכת רב–שימושית לאנדוסקופ מדיגוס בע"מ C12Q 128 HUMAN AUTISM SUSCEPTIBILITY GENE ENCODING PRKCB1 AND USES THEREOF INTEGRAGEN US 60/584132 01/07/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002381 WO/2006/003523 6/26/21661 גן אנושי לנטייה לאוטיזם המקודד ושימושםPRKCB1 179832 A PROCESS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF TERBINAFINE AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF F.I.S. FABBRICA ITALIANA SINTETICI S.p.A. IT MI2004A001154 09/06/2004 PCT/IT/2005/000121 WO/2005/121155 6122121660 179834 179835 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING AMPHOTERICIN B AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS CONTAINING THE SAME NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS US 60/581586 21/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021886 WO/2006/002140 6122121660 129 תהליך לסינתוז של טרבינאפין ונגזרותיו A45B מניפה ושלט מתקפל ארגו בע"מ FOLDABLE FAN AND BANNER ARGO LTD. 1226021661 C07F 179836 A61K B תכשירי רוקחות המכילים אמפוטריצין ומערכות אספקה המכילות אותם G01B May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז MEASURING TAPE AND DRAFTING DEVICE SIMON SIGLER סרט–מידה ועזר שרטוט שמעון סיגלר 1126/21661 179837 CYCLIC AND HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS HAVING ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME MORPHOCHEM AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FUR KOMBINATORISCHE CHEMIE DE 102004041163.8 25/08/2004 PCT/EP/2005/009204 WO/2006/021448 6122121660 תרכובות ציקליות והטרוציקליות בעלות פעילות נגד חיידקים ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן 179838 179839 METHOD AND DEVICE TO PAINT OUT-OF-REACH SURFACES UZI EZRA HAVOSHA 6122121660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A47L שיטה ומתקן לצבוע משטחים רחוקים שרון רבי 179840 APPARATUS FOR CRIB FOR SUDDEN INFANT DEATH PREVENTION MOSHE GABBAI 6122121660 B23Q שיטה ומתקן להעמדת מכשירים אלקטרונים בצורה אנכית עו"ד,עוזי חבושה METHOD AND DEVICE TO MOUNT ELECTRONIC DEVICES VERTICALLY UZI EZRA HAVOSHA 6122121660 C07D A47D התקן למיטת תינוק למניעת מוות בעריסה 179841 ענת גבאי F16K 130 ONE-WAY VALVE FOR ENTRANCE OF AIR, FOR FEEDING BOTTLE OF BABIES, THAT ARE BUILT PERFORATES AND INNER COVERAGE HEN GILAD 6/26021661 עבור,שסתום חד כיווני לכניסת אויר הבנוי מנקב וכיסוי,בקבוקים למזון תינוקות פנימי חן גלעד 179843 N-(2-BENZYL)-2PHENYLBUTANAMIDES AS ANDROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATORS MERCK & CO., INC. US 60/577698 07/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019554 WO/2005/120477 6026021661 6126/21661 A DELIVERY SYSTEM SCHERING OY EP 04396049.1 PCT/FI/2005/000314 WO/2006/005794 /626021661 131 –פנילבוטנאמידים0–)–בנזילN–( 2 כמודולאטורים של רצפטור הקושר אנדרוגן 179845 EFFICIENT PAGING IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM FLARION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 10/865616 10/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020257 WO/2005/125234 C07C H04Q ) יעיל במערכת תקשורתPAGING( זימון אלחוטית 179846 A61K מערכת למתן תרופות 13/07/2004 179847 A01N May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז תערובות סינרגיסטיות של חומרים אנתרנילאמידיים מדבירי מזיקים חסרי חוליות SYNERGISTIC MIXTURES OF ANTHRANILAMIDE INVERTEBRATE PEST CONTROL AGENTS E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY US 60/584601 01/07/2004 901999013 2910312004 US PCT/US/2005/023813 WO/2006/007595 /226121661 179848 H04Q INTRA-CELL COMMON REUSE FOR A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/578214 08/06/2004 701999440 2017012004 US PCT/US/2005/019167 WO/2005/125262 6122121660 )CELL( שימוש חוזר שיתופי תוך–תאי ברשתות תקשורת אלחוטיות 179849 C07C CATECHOLAMINE RECEPTOR MODULATION YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD 2026021661 וויסות של קולטני קאטקולמין ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ 179850 USE OF (E)-5-(4-CHLORBENZYLIDEN)2,2-DIMETHYL-1-(1H-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-1YLMETHYL) CYCLOPENTANOL FOR COMBATING RUST ATTACKS ON SOYA PLANTS BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004029338.4 17/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006499 WO/2005/122771 1/26021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179851 A01N –0,0–)–כלורבנזילידיןE)–5–(4(–שימוש ב –1–– טריאזולH1–4,2,1(–1–דימיתיל ילמתיל) ציקלופנטאנול למלחמה בחילדון התוקף צמחי סויה C07C 132 PREPARATION OF BETA-AMINO ACIDS HAVING AFFINITY FOR THE ALPHA-2-DELTA PROTEIN WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC. US 60/586512 09/07/2004 901994047 2410312004 US PCT/IB/2005/001966 WO/2006/008612 1226021661 179852 THROMBIN COMPOSITIONS ZymoGenetics INC. US 60/581824 22/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021743 WO/2006/009989 6126/21661 INHIBITORS OF IAP GENENTECH, INC. US 60/585501 PCT/US/2005/023564 WO/2006/014361 6122121660 179854 133 C12N תכשירים המכילים תרומבין C07K IAP מעכבי 02/07/2004 179855 WORK TRANSFER DEVICE AND METHOD OF TRANSFERRING WORK TOKYO SEIMITSU CO., LTD. 2005JP 05/12/2005 350740 1/26/21661 הכנת בטא–אמינו חומצות בעלות זיקה –דלתא0–לחלבון אלפא 179856 G01R התקן להעברת עבודה ושיטה להעברת עבודה A61K May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז באמצעות אפנון שלHIV טיפול בזיהום T תאי TREATMENT OF HIV INFECTION BY T-CELL MODULATION SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT US 60/605173 30/08/2004 PCT/EP/2005/008325 WO/2006/024354 6/26021661 179857 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR UTILIZING SMART ANTENNAS IN ESTABLISHING A BACKHAUL NETWORK INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/578677 10/06/2004 901971120 7217012004 US 771074441 7117212004 US PCT/US/2005/019976 WO/2005/125021 1/26021661 שיטה ומערכת לשימוש באנטנות חכמות לייסוד רשת בקהול 179858 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CALL ROUTING AND PAGING ACROSS DIFFERENT TYPES OF NETWORKS INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/583708 29/06/2004 701937771 3710412004 US PCT/US/2005/022220 WO/2006/012191 1/26021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H04B 179859 H04L מערכת ושיטה להתקשרות ודפדוף במערכות תקשורת מסוגים שונים A61K 134 ORAL SUSTAINED RELEASE FORMULATION OF TEDISAMIL WITH GASTRIC RETENTION PROPERTIES פורמולציה אוראלית בעלת שחרור מושהה של תדיסאמיל עם תכונות של עצירה קיבתית SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS B.V. US 60/582798 28/06/2004 0470294141 2410912004 EP PCT/EP/2005/052984 WO/2006/000583 2626021661 179860 APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR REGULATING DELIVERY OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY LUTRON ELECTRONICS CO., INC. US 10/865083 10/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020595 WO/2005/124986 1226021661 179861 COMPRESSION RESISTANT NONWOVENS THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY US 60/581543 21/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021751 WO/2006/009995 1226021661 179862 ABSORBENT ARTICLE WITH LOTION-CONTAINING TOPSHEET THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY US 60/581483 21/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021752 WO/2006/009996 1022222000 135 179865 H02M מערכת ושיטות לוויסות שליחה של אנרגיה חשמלית A61F אריגים בלתי ארוגים עמידים בדחיסה A61F פריט סופג בעל יריעה עליונה המכילה תחליב A61K May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING 5 - [[4-[3 - METHYL- 4OXO - 3,4 - DIHYDRO - 2 QUINAZOLINYL]METHOXY] PHENYLMETHYL]THIADIAZOLIDINE-2,4DIONE IN THE FORM OF A TABLET S POWDER OR A CAPSULE AND THE PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION NOVO NORDISK A/S DK PA19980158 01/12/1998 PCT/DK/1999/000663 WO/2000/032191 6126021661 –4– מתיל:–[4–[[.–תכשיר רוקחות המכיל –0– – דיהידרו4,: ,אוקסו –קינזוליניל]מתוקסי]פניל – דיאון בצורה4,0–מתיל]תיאדיאזולידין אבקה או כמוסה ותהליך להכנתו,טבלית 179866 DEHUMIDIFIER SYSTEM DEVICE AND METHOD CONCEPT & DESIGN LTD. 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US 60/580616 17/06/2004 901949307 0110312004 US PCT/US/2005/021524 WO/2006/009869 C07D C07D תרכובות ושיטות לעיכוב של אינטראקציה והפרטנרים הקושריםBCL בין חלבוני \ 1226021661 143 179905 C07D May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז פיפרזינדיונים כאנטגוניסטים של קולטן אוקסיטוצין PIPERAZINEDIONES AS OXYTOCIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GB 0414093.5 23/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006760 WO/2006/000399 6/26/21661 179906 NOVEL HYDANTOIN DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASES ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401762-0 05/07/2004 PCT/SE/2005/001092 WO/2006/004532 6/26/21661 COMPOUNDS ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401763-8 PCT/SE/2005/001093 WO/2006/004533 6/22121660 נגזרות חדשות של הידנטואין לטיפול במחלה חסימתית של דרכי נשימה 179907 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D תרכובות 05/07/2004 179908 FLUSH TANK DRAIN VALVE ASSEMBLY OLIVEIRA & IRMAO, S.A. IT MI2005A002353 09/12/2005 6/22121660 C07D 179909 F16K שסתום הרכבה למיכל ניקוז F16K 144 FLUSH TANK DRAIN VALVE ASSEMBLY WITH A SYSTEM FOR REGULATING THE AMOUNT OF WATER DRAINED OLIVEIRA & IRMAO, S.A. IT MI2005A002354 09/12/2005 1/26021661 שסתום הרכבה למיכל ניקוז עם מערכת לויסות כמות המים המנוקזים 179910 3AMINOCYCLOPENTANECARBOXAMIDES AS MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTORS INCYTE CORPORATION US 60/583482 28/06/2004 901924314 0717712004 US PCT/US/2005/022793 WO/2006/004684 1626021661 –אמינוציקלופנטאנקרבוקסאמידים: כמאפננים של קולטני כמוקין 179911 METHODS RELATED TO A SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM OF THE G PROTEIN COUPLED RECEPTOR, GPR40 PFIZER PRODUCTS INC. US 60/584686 30/06/2004 771049020 2410712004 US PCT/IB/2005/001962 WO/2006/006062 1226021661 1/26021661 145 C12Q שיטות הקשורות לפולימורפיזם של נוקלאוטיד יחיד של קולטן נצמד לחלבון GPR40 179912 SUBSTITUTED DIKETOPIPERAZINES AS OXYTOCIN ANTAGONISTS GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GB 0414092.7 23/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006761 WO/2006/000400 C07D C07D דיקטופיפרזינים מותמרים כאנטגוניסטים של אוקסיטוצין 179913 C07C May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז PROCESS FOR PREPARING SYNTHETIC INTERMEDIATES USEFUL IN PREPARING PYRAZOLE COMPOUNDS PFIZER INC. GB 0414890.4 02/07/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002038 WO/2006/003501 1626021661 תהליך לייצור חומרי ביניים סינתטיים שימושיים בייצור של תרכובות פירזול 179914 נגזרות של פירימידין PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 04102999.2 28/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006649 WO/2006/000371 6/22121660 179915 PROCESS FOR PRESERVING FRESH PRODUCE AND COATING COMPOSITION THEREFOR BASF CORPORATION A45F מכשיר כריכה למסמכים או למוצרים דומים BINDING TOOL FOR DOCUMENTS OR THE LIKE KING JIM CO., LTD. 2005JP 09/12/2005 356797 6126/2166/ C07D 179916 A23B תהליך לשימור תוצרת טריה ותכשיר ציפוי לשם כך PCT/EP/2004/007187 WO/2006/002671 1126/21661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179917 C12Q 146 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR MODULATING HEPATOCYTE GROWTH FACTOR ACTIVATION GENENTECH, INC. US 60/591339 26/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/026446 WO/2006/014928 1026021661 179918 LOGICAL AND PHYSICAL MESH NETWORK SEPARATION INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/586504 09/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/023210 WO/2006/017028 6026021661 179919 NEURAL STEM CELLS, COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME AND METHODS FOR PROMOTING THE DIVISION THEREOF THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH GB 0412887.2 09/06/2004 040304440 7410212004 GB 040447044 7110312004 GB PCT/GB/2005/002289 WO/2005/121318 1/26121661 147 179921 שיטות ותכשירים לאפנון שפעול גורם גידול הפטוציטי H04J הפרדה לוגית ופיזית של רשת תקשורת C12N תכשירים המכילים,תאי גבעול עצביים אותם ושיטות לעודד את חלוקתם C08L May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז שרפים פוליאתילנים המתאימים לייצור צינורות POLYETHYLENE PIPE FITTING RESINS INEOS MANUFACTURING BELGIUM NV EP 04253420.6 09/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/005823 WO/2005/121238 6/26021661 179922 METHOD FOR STERILIZATION OF BIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS I.M.T. INTERFACE MULTIGRAD TECHNOLOGY LTD US 60/577210 07/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000600 WO/2005/120591 6/26/21661 שיטה לעיקור תכשירים ביולוגיים אינטרפייס מולטיגרד טכנולוגיה.טי.אם.איי בע"מ 179923 CRYSTALLIZED POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE, WHICH CONTAINS SILICONE, AND PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION ZEEV OFER CH 01143/04 08/07/2004 PCT/IB/2005/001972 WO/2006/006064 2/26/21661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61L 179924 C08G פוליאתילן טרפתלאט גבישי המכיל סיליקון ותהליך להכנתו C07D 148 2 - (1H-INDOLYLSULFANYL) - ARYL AMINE DERIVATIVES FOR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, PAIN ADHD AND STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE H. LUNDBECK A/S DK PA200401121 16/07/2004 901444444 7910112004 US 901997139 7110912004 US DK PA200500893 7110912004 PCT/DK/2005/000491 WO/2006/007843 1/26021661 179925 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR FACILITATING SEARCH OVER A DATA NETWORK AMIR LAVI US 60/582080 24/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000671 WO/2006/001008 1/26221661 179926 STEM CELL MATURATION FOR ALL TISSUE LINES PRIMEGEN BIOTECH LLC US 10/864788 08/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/002487 WO/2005/123901 2026121661 149 179927 – ) – אינדולילסולפאנילH1( – 0 נגזרות אריל אמין לשימוש בטיפול בהפרעות ובריחת שתןADHD , כאב,רגשיות כתוצאה מעקה G06F מערכת ושיטה ליעול החיפוש ברשת נתונים אמיר לביא C12N הבשלת תאי גזע לכ שורות רקמות C12N May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז THERAPEUTIC REPROGRAMMING, HYBRID STEM CELLS AND MATURATION PRIMEGEN BIOTECH LLC US 10/864788 08/06/2004 901444749 7410112004 US PCT/US/2005/005052 WO/2005/123123 6/22121660 179928 SYSTEM FOR DRIVING ACCESSORY MACHINES OF A DOUBLE-BODIED TURBINE ENGINE HISPANO-SUIZA FR 0553816 09/12/2005 1/26021661 179929 METHOD FOR PRODUCING (Z) - 1 PHENYL - 1 DIETHYLAMINOCARBONYL - 2 AMINOMETHYL CYCLOPROPANE HYDROCHLORIDE SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED. 2004JP 24/06/2004 186982 PCT/JP/2005/012011 WO/2006/001493 2626021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179931 תאי גזע היברידים,תכנות מחדש טיפולי והבשלה F16H מערכת הנעה לאביזרי מכונות של מנועי טורבינה דו–גופיים C07C – Z) – 1( שיטה עבור ייצור – אמינו מתי'ל0 – דיאת'ילאמינוקרבוניל ציקלופרופאן הידרוכלוריד A61K 150 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR TREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE VECTUS BIOSYSTEMS LIMITED AU 2004903188 11/06/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000835 WO/2005/120545 2622121660 תכשירים ושיטות לטיפול במחלת כלי הדם של הלב 179932 EDIBLE RED HOT CHILI PEPPER SPREAD MOSHE ABARO 1/26021661 ממרח רסק פלפל חריף אדום למאכל משה אברו 179933 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING PROTEOSOME BASED COMPOSITIONS THE BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, INC. US 60/582999 25/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/022922 WO/2005/004749 6126/2166/ A23L A61K תכשירי רוקחות המכילים תכשירים המבוססים על פרוטיאזום 179934 A61B 4שיטה פוסטורוגרפית המשתמשת ב משטחים הניידים חופשית בשלושה ממדים טטראקס בע"מ POSTURO-GRAPHIC METHOD RSING FOUR THREE DIMENSIONALLY MOVABLE PLA TFORMS TETRAX LTD. PCT/IL/2004/000596 WO/2006/003640 2622121660 ROLLER BEARING ARRANGEMENT 151 179935 F16C סידור של תומך מכבש May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז IMO MOMENTENLAGER GMBH DE 102005060499.4 15/12/2005 6/26021661 179936 EXPOSURE APPARATUS, EXPOSURE METHOD, AND DEVICE PRODUCING METHOD NIKON CORPORATION 2004JP 10/06/2004 172568 PCT/JP/2005/010484 WO/2005/122220 6/26021661 179937 SUBSTRATE HOLDING DEVICE, EXPOSURE APPARATUS HAVING SAME, EXPOSURE METHOD, METHOD FOR PRODUCING DEVICE, AND LIQUID REPELLENT PLATE NIKON CORPORATION 2004JP 09/06/2004 171116 2004-204004 7210112004 JP PCT/JP/2005/010458 WO/2005/122219 6/26021661 179938 SMART IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT ON TRACK INNOVATIONS LTD. US 10/864353 10/06/2004 771070342 7417212004 US PCT/IL/2005/000606 WO/2005/120726 2622121660 METHOD OF MAKING AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE COOLING SYSTEM May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 179939 H01L שיטת חשיפה ושיטה,מתקן חשיפה לייצור מתקן H01L מתקן חשיפה,מתקן להחזקת תשתית ולוח, שיטה או מתקן יצור,שכולל אותו לנוזל איטום B05D מסמך זיהוי חכם און טרק אינובישנס בע"מ H05K שיטה לייצור מערכת קירור להתקן אלקטרוני 152 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY US 11/297869 09/12/2005 2622121660 179940 METHOD OF MAKING AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE COOLING SYSTEM GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY US 11/297868 09/12/2005 6226/21661 179941 POLISHING COMPOSITION FOR NOBLE METALS CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 10/901420 28/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/023654 WO/2006/023105 2/26021661 179942 ELECTROCHEMICAL METHODS, DEVICES, AND STRUCTURES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY US 60/578855 14/06/2004 901927047 2417012004 US PCT/US/2005/020554 WO/2005/124918 6/26021661 179943 INK JET RECORDING PAPER SPECIALTY MINERALS (MICHIGAN) INC. US 10/867535 14/06/2004 153 F25B שיטה לייצור מערכת קירור להתקן אלקטרוני C09G הרכב ליטוש עבור מתכות אצילות H01M התקנים ומבנים אלקטרוכימיים,שיטות C01F נייר הדפסה להזרקת דיו May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז PCT/US/2005/020201 WO/2005/123593 2622121660 179944 B43K מטוש לתמיסות מימיות נחום ולנשטיין AQUEOUS SOLUTION APPLICATOR NAHUM WALLENSTIEN 2622121660 179945 A61N APPARATUS FOR TREATMENT OF RHINITIS BY BIOSTIMULATIVE ILLUMINATION JOSEPH FELDMAN מכשיר לטיפול בדלקת אף באמצעות תאורה ביו סטימולטיבית עמנואל מנדס 1026/21661 179946 שיטה לגילוי מטרות METHOD FOR DETECTING TARGETS ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GMBH DE 102004029368.6 17/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/004440 WO/2005/125064 6026021661 179947 F02G מתנד זורמי FLUIDIC OSCILLATOR THOMAS CHARLES BRANNAM SMITH GB 0412868.2 10/06/2004 040049444 7110712004 GB PCT/GB/2005/002278 WO/2005/121539 2126021661 179948 ELECTROACOUSTIC TRANSDUCER ARRANGEMENT FOR UNDERWATER ANTENNAS ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GMBH DE 102004038032.5 05/08/2004 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H04B G10K מערך מתמר אלקטרואקוסטי לאנטנות תת–ימיות 154 PCT/EP/2005/006383 WO/2006/015646 6026021661 179949 MIXTURE FOR APPLYING A COATING LITIKOL S.R.L. IT MO2004A000155 18/06/2004 PCT/IB/2005/001650 WO/2005/123622 2126021661 179950 ELECTROACOUSTIC UNDERWATER ANTENNA ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GMBH DE 102004037987.4 05/08/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006382 WO/2006/015645 6126/21661 179951 METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF AN ANTENNA SECTION FOR A SUBMARINE ANTENNA ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GMBH DE 102004038033.3 05/08/2004 PCT/EP/2005/007165 WO/2006/015665 2626121661 179952 AUTOMATED DISPENSING SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED METHOD OF USE MALLINCKRODT INC. US 10/867918 15/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/016189 WO/2006/001913 155 C04B עירוב להנחת ציפוי B63G אנטנה אלקטרואקוסטית תת–ימית H01Q שיטת ייצור חלק אנטנה לאנטנה לצוללת B65B מערכת לחלוקה אוטומטית ושיטה הקשורה לשימוש בה May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/26021661 179953 METHODS OF CONTROLLING THE INSTABILITY IN FLUID FILM BEARINGS EL-SHAFEI, ALY US 60/579866 15/06/2004 771741192 0410912004 US PCT/IB/2005/002732 WO/2005/122684 212602166/ 179954 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR BOOTING A COMPUTER SYSTEM T1 TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED H04H שיטות שליטה על חוסר יציבות של מיסבים בעלי שכבות נוזליות G06F שיטה והתקן לאיתחול מערכת מחשב PCT/NZ/2004/000122 WO/2005/124540 2/26021661 179955 SYNTHETIC NANO-SIZED CRYSTALLINE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE AND METHOD OF PRODUCTION PROMIMIC AB SE 0401524-4 15/06/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000896 WO/2005/123579 6026021661 179956 ANTIBODIES FOR SELECTIVE APOPTOSIS OF CELLS TECHNION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION LTD. US 60/577920 09/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000616 WO/2005/120166 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C01B סידן פוספט גבישי סינתטי בגודל ננו ושיטת ייצורו A61K נוגדנים להשריית מוות תאי מתוכנת באופן סלקטיבי מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ 156 6026021661 179957 METHOD FOR FORMING OR CURING POLYMER COMPOSITES INDUSTRIAL COMPOSITES ENGINEERING PTY LTD AU 2004903096 09/06/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000829 WO/2005/120794 6026021661 179958 PROTECTED STENT DELIVERY SYSTEM AND PACKAGING DESIGN & PERFORMANCE-CYPRUS LIMITED US 10/865379 10/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000615 WO/2005/120395 1/26021661 179959 ALLOCATION OF RADIO RESOURCE IN ORTHOGONAL FREQUENCY DIVISON MULTIPLEXING SYSTEM LG ELECTRONICS INC. 10-2004KR 25/06/2004 0048436 70-20040410112004 KR 0043739 157 B29C שיטה להכנת תרכובות פולימריות A61F מערכת להשתלת סטנט ואריזה לסטנט מוגנות H04B OFDM הקצאת משאבי רדיו במערכת May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 70-20040774041 PCT/KR/2005/001977 WO/2006/001658 KR 3717212004 2222121660 179961 מחזיק גלילי נייר טואלט יובל סגפי TOILET PAPER ROLL HOLDER YUVAL SEGFI 2/26021661 179962 179963 METHODS FOR TREATING OR PREVENTING ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION OR URINARY INCONTINENCE INOTEK PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION US 60/580040 16/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021064 WO/2006/009718 1126021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07D שיטות לטיפול או מניעה בהפרעה בזיקפה או חוסר ריסון במתן שתן 179964 COLD ROLL FORMING APPARATUS SMORGON STEEL LITESTEEL PRODUCT PTY LTD. AU 2004903390 23/06/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000898 WO/2006/000019 A61K תכשירים ושיטות לשימוש בדימרים של דיגאלטים COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE OF DIMER DIGALLATES MARS, INCORPORATED US 60/579303 14/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020961 WO/2005/123096 2126021661 A47K B21D מערכת ליצירת גלילה בקור 158 1126021661 179965 IMPROVEMENTS IN WELDING HOLLOW FLANGE MEMBERS SMORGON STEEL LITESTEEL PRODUCT PTY LTD. AU 2004903388 23/06/2004 PCT/AU/2005/000897 WO/2006/000018 1/26021661 2626021661 שיפורים בריתוך איברים גליליים חלולים 179966 STEERABLE, FOLLOW THE LEADER DEVICE CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY US 60/583094 25/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/022442 WO/2006/083306 179967 159 A61K קפסולה עמידה כנגד לעיסה 179968 VACUUM ASSISTED CLOSURE SYSTEM WITH PROVISION FOR INTRODUCTION OF AGENT KCI LICENSING, INC. US 60/127595 02/04/1999 PCT/US/2000/008821 WO/2000/059424 A47C התקן " עקוב אחר המנהיג" הניתן להיגוי CAPSULE STABLE AGAINST MASTICATION ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 2004JP 11/06/2004 174576 2004-722427 2010412004 JP PCT/JP/2005/011092 WO/2005/120490 /226/21666 B21D A61F מערכת סגירה המסתייעת בוואקום ובעלת אמצעי להחדרת חומר May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/22221666 179969 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR DISPENSING SMALL QUANTITIES OF PARTICLES POWDERJECT RESEARCH LIMITED GB 9926335.2 05/11/1999 PCT/GB/2000/004220 WO/2001/033176 MOBILE DEVICE SUITABLE FOR SUPPORTING APPARATUS FOR SITE IMAGING WHILE IN TRANSIT MENTORWAVE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. IL 162519 14/06/2004 794104 7917012004 IL PCT/IL/2005/000610 WO/2005/121859 1/26021661 התקן ושיטה לחלוקה של כמויות קטנות של חלקיקים מכשיר נייד לתמיכה בהתקן להדמיה תוך כדי תנועה 179971 AN INHALATION DEVICE AND A METHOD FOR ASSEMBLING SAID INHALATION DEVICE ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401773-7 02/07/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000994 WO/2006/004496 2/26021661 179972 METHODS FOR IDENTIFYING STEM CELLS BASED ON NUCLEAR MORPHOTYPES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY US 60/580575 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021504 WO/2006/009860 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז G01G מנטורוב טכנולוג'יס בע"מ A61M אינהלטור ושיטה להרכבתו G01N שיטה לזיהוי תאי גזע המבוססת על מורפוטיפים גרעיניים 160 2126021661 179973 מולטימרים של אוליגונוקלאוטיד המגרים את מערכת החיסונית IMMUNOSTIMULATORY OLIGONUCLEOTIDE MULTIMERS IDERA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/579985 15/06/2004 901499392 0910412004 US PCT/US/2005/020911 WO/2006/002038 2126021661 179974 179975 4TRIFLUOROMETHOXYPHENOXYBENZOL4' - SULFONIC ACIDS, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF IN MEDICAMENTS SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH DE 102004031620.1 30/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006416 WO/2006/002764 161 C07D טטראהידרואיזוקווינולינים מותמרים ,MMP שנעשה בהם שימוש כמעכבי שיטה לייצורם ושימוש שלהם בצורת תרופות SUBSTITUTED TETRAHYDROISO QUINOLINES USED IN THE FORM OF MMP INHIBITORS, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF IN THE FORM OF DRUGS SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH DE 102004031850.6 30/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006415 WO/2006/002763 2126021661 A61K C07D – 4 חומצה סולפונית –טריפלואורומתוקסיפנוקסיבנזול שיטה להכנתה ושימוש שלה,'4 בתרופות May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6126021661 179976 MULTI-SHIP COHERENT GEOLOCATION SYSTEM BAE SYSTEMS INFORMATION AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS INTEGRATION INC. US 10/867056 14/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019423 WO/2005/124385 2222121660 מערכת איכון עיקבית רבת תחנות 179977 179978 MULTIMARKING FIBER-TYPE FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPIC IMAGING METHOD AND SYSTEM MAUNA KEA TECHNOLOGIES FR 0406396 14/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001424 WO/2006/000704 6026021661 ASYMMETRICALLY SUBSTITUTED BIARYLDIPHOSPHINE LIGANDS 1 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז G01N מערכת ושיטת הדמייה מסוג סיב מקרוסקופי פלורוסנטי רב–סימוני 179979 ASYMMETRICALLY SUBSTITUTED BIARYLDIPHOSPHINE LIGANDS 11 LONZA AG EP 04014908.0 25/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006065 WO/2006/002731 6026021661 A61J מוצץ משופר IMPROVED PACIFIER DR. MAROM RONELLA 6026021661 G01S C07F ביארילדיפוספיניים המותמרים11 ליגנדים בצורה לא סימטרית 179980 C07F ביארילדיפוספיניים המותמרים1 ליגנדים בצורה לא סימטרית 162 LONZA AG EP 04014909.8 PCT/EP/2005/006064 WO/2006/002730 25/06/2004 6026021661 179981 ASYMMETRICALLY SUBSTITUTED BIARYLDIPHOSPHINE LIGANDS 111 LONZA AG EP 04014911.4 PCT/EP/2005/006063 WO/2006/002729 ביארילדיפוספיניים המותמרים111 ליגנדים בצורה לא סימטרית 25/06/2004 2026/21661 179982 HIGH PERFORMANCE STRENGTH RESINS IN PAPERMAKING INDUSTRIES LANXESS CORPORATION US 60/586394 08/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/013333 WO/2006/016906 1/26021661 2/26021661 SIGNAL ACQUISITION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM D21H סיבים חזקים לביצועים משופרים לתעשיית הנייר 179983 G02B מאפנן אינטרפרומטרי עם טרנזיסטורי פילם דקים INTERFEROMETRIC MODULATORS WITH THIN FILM TRANSISTORS IDC, LLC US 10/883902 02/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/022592 WO/2006/014247 163 C07F 179984 H04L תפיסת אות במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/580809 18/06/2004 771022479 2217212004 US PCT/US/2005/021051 WO/2006/009711 2/26021661 179985 BURST MODE RECEIVER BASED ON CHARGE PUMP PLL WITH IDLE-TIME LOOP STABILIZER MATISSE NETWORKS, INC. US 10/868894 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021029 WO/2006/009707 6/26021661 מקלט שידור מתפרץ מבוסס על משאבת בעלת מייצב לופ בזמן סרקPLL מטען 179986 LEADER-FOLLOWER POWER CONTROL VIASAT, INC. US 10/903126 30/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/000354 WO/2006/022987 2222121660 A PORTABLE AND NON-INVASIVE MEANS FOR MEASURING THE STRESS CONDITION OF A SUBJECT PATIENT KLETSKIN SOLOMON 2222121660 TOOTHPASTE DISPENSER OVAD ASSIF May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H03D H04B בקרת כוח של מוביל–עוקב 179987 A61B אמצעי נייד ולא פולשני למדידת מצב עקה בפציינט ושיטה למדידה קלסקין סולומון 179988 A47K דיספנסר למשחת שיניים עובד אסיף 164 1/22221662 179989 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ADAPTIVE BROADCAST RADAR SYSTEM LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION US 60/253095 28/11/2000 WO PCT/US2001/44267 2417712007 PCT/US/2001/044267 WO/2002/097467 2/26021661 179990 B21D 17/06/2004 2026021661 179991 2026021661 IMMEDIATE RELEASE FORMULATIONS OF MEMANTINE ORAL DOSAGE FORMS A61K פורמולציה בעלת שחרור מוהשה של ממנטין MODIFIED RELEASE FORMULATION OF MEMANTINE FOREST LABORATORIES, INC. US 60/581242 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021260 WO/2006/009769 165 מערכת ושיטה למערכת רדאר שידור מסתגל שיטה לייצור פרופילים מורחבים ממתכת ופרופיל המיוצר על ידי השיטה METHOD FOR PRODUCING EXPANDED METAL PROFILES AND PROFILE PRODUCED BY THE METHOD DALLAN S.p.A. IT VE2004A000027 PCT/EP/2005/006340 WO/2005/123298 G01S 179992 C07C פורמולציות למתן דרך הפה לשחרור מידי של ממנטין May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז MERZ PHARMA GMBH & CO. KGAA US 60/581244 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021284 WO/2006/096194 2026021661 179993 PROCESSES FOR PREPARING GONADOTROPIN RELEASING HORMONE RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS WYETH US 60/580665 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021127 WO/2006/009736 2222121660 תהליכים להכנת אנטגוניסטים לרצפטורי גונדוטרופין משחרר הורמונים 179994 IMPROVED PROCESS FOR PREPARING IMIQUIMOD CHEMAGIS LTD. US 11/298711 12/12/2005 2122121660 179996 NATURAL PRESTRESS OF CONCRETE ELEMENTS CAST IN STAGES SCARLAT ADRIAN 1/26021661 C07D C07D תהליך משופר ליצור אימיקווימוד כימאגיס בע"מ E04B דריכה טבעית של אלמנטי בטון יצוקים בשלבים סקרלט אדריאן 179997 PROCESS FOR PURIFICATION OF IL18BP ARES TRADING S.A. EP 04103047.9 29/06/2004 901441299 7210112004 US PCT/EP/2005/053010 WO/2006/003134 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07K BP18 – IL תהליך לניקוי של 166 1/26021661 179998 CHIMERIC PROTEINS AND USES THEREOF YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD US 60/582827 28/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000689 WO/2006/001023 2/26021661 180000 METHOD OF ENHANCING THE IMMUNE RESPONSE TO A VACCINE PHARMA PACIFIC PTY LTD. US 60/579186 12/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020500 WO/2005/123112 2122121660 180001 COMPRESSION APPARATUS TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP US 11/299568 12/12/2005 2122121660 180003 COMPRESSION SLEEVE HAVING AIR CONDUIT TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP US 11/299488 12/12/2005 167 C12N חלבונים כימריים ושימושים עבורם ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ A61K שיטה להגברת תגובה חיסונית לתרכיב A61B מערכת לדחיסה A61H שרוול דחיסה עם תעלת אויר May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6126/21661 180004 שיטה והתקן לריבוב מוגבר בהעברת אות ללויין METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ENHANCED UPLINK MULTIPLEXING INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/588960 19/07/2004 771773193 2410412004 US PCT/US/2005/023891 WO/2006/019562 2026/21661 180005 HIGH SPEED DOWNLINK PACKET ACCESS CO-PROCESSOR FOR UPGRADING THE CAPABILITIES OF AN EXISTING MODEM HOST INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/591005 26/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/025540 WO/2006/020283 1/26021661 H04B קו–מעבד לגישה מהירה של יחידת נתונים מלוכדת הנקלטת מלויין עבור שדרוג יכולות של מודם מארח 180006 METHOD FOR PRODUCING GASEOUS DIAZOALKANES DYNAMIT NOBEL GMBH EXPLOSIVSTOFF-UND SYSTEMTECHNIK DE 102004030371.1 23/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006808 WO/2006/000414 1/26021661 H04J 180007 USE OF ETHER GROUP-CONTAINING POLYMERS AS SOLUBILIZERS BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102004031158.7 28/06/2004 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C07C שיטה ליצור דיאזואלקאנים גאזיים A01N שימוש בפולימרים המכילים קבוצה אתרית כחומרים מסיסים 168 PCT/EP/2005/053123 WO/2006/000592 2626021661 180008 METHOD AND INSTALLATION FOR ACOUSTO-OPTIC IMAGING UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE FR 0406592 17/06/2004 PCT/FR/2005/001446 WO/2006/005836 6126/21661 180009 LIQUID PESTICIDE COMPOSITIONS BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT US 60/585073 06/07/2004 PCT/EP/2005/007256 WO/2006/002984 6/26/21661 180010 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION OF PIPERAZINE DERIVATIVES UCB FARCHIM SA EP 04016519.3 14/07/2004 PCT/EP/2005/007340 WO/2006/005507 2226/21661 180011 POLYAMIDE ASAHI KASEI EMD CORPORATION 2004JP 16/07/2004 210575 PCT/JP/2005/012730 WO/2006/008991 169 G03H –שיטה והתקנה עבור הדמייה אקוסטו אופטית A01N תכשירים נוזלים קוטלי פטריות C07D תכשיר רוקחות של תולדות פיפראזין C08G פולי אמיד May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 112212200/ 180014 OPIOID AGONIST/ANTAGONIST COMBINATIONS EURO-CELTIQUE S.A. US 60/068480 22/12/1997 PCT/US/1998/027257 WO/1999/032119 2122121660 180015 APPARATUS FOR MAINTAINING CO2 IN A BOTTLE CONTAINING CARBONATED BEVERAGES GOLAN FREDI HAWK 1/22221662 180016 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ADAPTIVE BROADCAST RADAR SYSTEM LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION US 60/253095 28/11/2000 PCT/US/2001/044267 WO/2002/097467 2/26021661 180017 AMINO-5, 5DIPHENYLIMIDAZOLONE DERIVATIVES FOR THE INHIBITION OF BETA-SECRETASE WYETH US 60/580286 16/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020720 WO/2006/009653 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61K צירופים של אגוניסט ואנטגוניסט אופיואידים B65D בבקבוק למשקאותCO 0 התקן לשימור מוגזים עמלני פיתוח טכנולוגי בע"מ.ט.י.ע G01S מערכת ושיטה למערכת רדאר בעלת שידור מסתגל C07D –דיפנילאימידאזולון. , .–נגזרות אמינו לעיכוב של בטה–סקרטאז 170 2/26021661 180018 DIPHENYLIMIDAZOPYRIMIDINE AND -IMIDAZOLE AMINES AS INHIBITORS OF B-SECRETASE WYETH US 60/580187 16/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020736 WO/2006/009655 2126021661 אמינים של דיפנילאימידאזופירימידין –סקרטאזB ואימידאזול כמעכבים של 180019 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MIXING AND APPLYING A MULTICOMPONENT COATING COMPOSITION PPG INDUSTRIES OHIO, INC. US 10/870301 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021159 WO/2006/009744 2226121661 180021 171 G06F מערכת עבור קביעת קירבה 180022 POLYNUCLEOTIDES AND POLYPEPTIDES INVOLVED IN PLANT FIBER DEVELOPMENT AND METHODS OF USING SAME EVOGENE LTD. US 60/578833 14/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000627 WO/2005/121364 B05B שיטה ומערכת לערבוב ויישום של תרכובת ציפוי רב–רכיבית SYSTEM FOR PROXIMITY DETERMINATION NDS LIMITED US 60/583338 28/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000499 WO/2006/018826 2/26021661 C07D C12Q פולינוקלאוטידים ופוליפפטידים המעורבים בהתפתחות סיבים בצמחים ושיטות לשימושם אבוג'ן בע"מ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 612612166/ 180023 MODEL OPTIMIZATION OF STRUCTURE WITH ADDITIONAL MATERIALS TIMBRE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. US 357705 03/02/2003 6126/21661 אופטימיזציה של מודל למבנה עם חומרים נוספים 180024 CRYSTAL OF 1,2-DIHYDROPYRIDINE COMPOUND AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO. LTD. 2004JP 06/07/2004 198709 PCT/JP/2005/012388 WO/2006/004107 1/26021661 180025 METHOD FOR BILAYER RESIST PLASMA ETCH LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION US 10/882842 30/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/022809 WO/2006/004693 2026021661 180026 COMPOUNDS, COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS CYTOKINETICS, INC. US 60/581197 17/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021100 WO/2006/009726 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז G06F C07D –דיהידרופירידין0 ,1 גביש תרכובת של ושיטה לייצורו H01B –שיטה לחרוט תוך פלאזמה על חומר דו שכבתי C07D תכשירים ושיטות,תרכובות 172 1626121661 180027 VIDEO COMPRESSION NOISE IMMUNITY AVOCENT CORPORATION US 10/875679 25/05/2004 PCT/US/2005/017626 WO/2006/007135 6/26021661 חסינות מרעשי דחיסת וידיאו 180028 180030 180031 STABLE PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS OF BENZIMIDAZOLE COMPOUNDS TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. US 60/580273 15/06/2004 901444233 7410112004 US 901497144 2110112004 US PCT/US/2005/021085 173 A61B מתקן להחדרת אנרגיה תרמית אלכס רפופורט THERMAL ENERGY APPLICATOR ALEX RAPOPORT US 60/580712 21/06/2004 901427494 7410112004 US 901422292 0410912004 US 901493923 3710712004 US PCT/IL/2005/000649 WO/2005/122694 2126021661 G06K סדר עדיפות לפקודות בדחיסת וידאו דיגיטלית DIGITAL VIDEO COMPRESSION COMMAND PRIORITY AVOCENT CORPORATION US 10/875678 25/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/019256 WO/2006/007263 2026021661 G06K A61K פורמולציות רוקחיות יציבות של תרכובות בנזימידאזול טבע תעשיות פרמצבטיות בע"מ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז WO/2006/002077 1626021661 180033 METALOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF REFRACTORY METAL OXIDES H.C. STARCK, INC. US 10/872998 21/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021724 WO/2006/009982 1126021661 חיזור מתלותרמי של תחמוצות מתכתיות שוברות קרני אור 180034 NON-INVASIVE GLUCOSE MEASUREMENT VIVOMEDICAL, INC. US 60/585414 01/07/2004 PCT/US/2005/022139 WO/2006/007472 2/26021661 180038 H01R מחבר והתקן משוכללים עבור מערכות ממוחשבות בעלות חיבור גמיש ווליטקס מיקרואלקטרוניקה בע"מ 180039 GAS FLOW ENHANCER FOR COMBUSTION ENGINES CRAIG, D. CUMMINGS US 60/580146 15/06/2004 771034441 7410712004 US May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A61B מדידת גלוקוז בלתי חודרנית IMPROVED CONNECTOR AND DEVICE FOR FLEXIBLY CONNECTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS WALLETEX MICROELECTRONICS LTD. US 60/580573 17/06/2004 901974393 3010912004 US 901924992 7417712004 US 901914440 2410412004 US PCT/IL/2005/000647 WO/2005/124932 6/26/21661 B22F F01D משפר זרימת גז עבור מנועי בעירה פנימית 174 PCT/US/2005/007971 WO/2006/001855 2/26021661 180040 TRACKING LOST AND STOLEN MOBILE DEVICES USING LOCATION TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT IDENTIFIERS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/580822 18/06/2004 701949409 3010912004 US PCT/US/2005/021052 WO/2006/009712 2/26021661 מעקב אחר התקנים ניידים אבודים או גנובים בעזרת טכנולוגיות מיקום ומזהי ציוד 180041 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LINK CONTROL IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/580458 16/06/2004 901911914 0410412004 US 771749117 7010912004 US PCT/US/2005/021054 WO/2006/009714 212602166/ NEW CHIRAL COLUMNS WITH BROAD CHIRAL SELECTIVITY VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY G08G 180042 H04L שיטה ומערכת לבקרת חיבור בתקשורת אלחוטית C07K עמודים כיראליים חדשים בעלי אפשרות רחבה לברירת כיראליות PCT/US/2004/018762 WO/2006/001798 175 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 6/26021661 180043 POWER CONTROL USING ERASURE TECHNIQUES QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/580819 18/06/2004 701490171 7310112004 US 701491493 2210112004 US 771020104 2217212004 US PCT/US/2005/020086 WO/2006/007316 6226/21661 180044 PYRAZOLE DERIVATIVES DAIICHI PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 2004JP 01/07/2004 195497 PCT/JP/2005/012176 WO/2006/004027 2226/21661 180045 VISUALLY APPEALING MICROWAVEABLE FROZEN MEAL NESTEC S.A. US 10/892365 16/07/2004 PCT/EP/2005/007483 WO/2006/008020 2026221660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 180046 H04L בקרת כוח באמצעות שיטות מחיקה C07D נגזרות של פיראזול A23L ארוחה קפואה המושכת באופן חזותי הניתנת להכנה במיקרו G10L 176 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR GENERATING MULTI-CHANNEL SYNTHESIZER CONTROL SIGNAL AND APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MULTI-CHANNEL SYNTHESIZING KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. US 60/671582 15/04/2005 771272394 2110412004 US PCT/EP/2006/000455 WO/2006/108456 1122221661 התקן ושיטה לייצור אות בקרת מסנטז רב–ערוצי והתקן ושיטה לסינטוז רב–ערוצי 180049 COATED CUTTING INSERT AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARDMETAL CORP. 2004JP 03/12/2004 351705 PCT/JP/2005/021704 WO/2006/059551 2/26021661 180050 BUILDING SYSTEM TRIPOD COMPONENTS PTY LTD AU 2004903227 15/06/2004 2004903919 2010112004 AU PCT/AU/2005/000837 WO/2005/124049 2/22121660 177 180053 B23B שימה מצופה ושיטה לייצורה E04D מערכת בניה G09F May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז METHOD APPARATUS AND DEVICE FOR PROMOTING COMPANIES AND PRODUCTS WITH PROMOTION ADVERTISING WHILE USING FOOD CONTAINERS UZI EZRA HAVOSHA 2/22121660 שיטה מתקן והתקן לקידום חברות ומוצרים באמצעות קידום ושיווק תוך שימוש במיכלי מזון עו"ד,עוזי חבושה 180055 A METHOD FOR DUPLICATING DENTURES NASIM KHALIFA 6/26021661 שיטה לשכפול תותבות נסם חליפה 180056 A TEST MEDIUM FOR DETECTING, QUANTIFYING OR DIFFERENTIATING BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS MICROLOGY LABORATORIES, LLC US 10/867393 14/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020215 WO/2005/123939 1226021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז C12Q כמוי והבחנת חומרים,מצע בדיקתי לגילוי ביוליגיים 180057 TRITERPENE-CONTAINING OLEOGELFORMING AGENT, TRITERPENECONTAINING OLEOGEL AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF BIRKEN GMBH DE 102004030044.5 22/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006710 WO/2005/123037 1/26021661 A61C 180064 A61K גורם המיצר קריש שומני המכיל קריש שומני המכיל,טריטרפין טריטרפין ושיטה להכנתו C12N 178 USE OF MYCOBACTERIAL MANNOSYLATED LIPOGLYCANS PEPTIDE MIMOTOPES FOR TREATING INFLAMMATION YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM US 60/582221 24/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000674 WO/2006/001011 2026021661 ManLAM –שימוש בפפטיד מימיטופי ל להכנת תכשיר רוקחי לטיפול בדלקת יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים 180065 MEMBRANE MODULE FOR IMMERSED OPERATION KOCH MEMBRANE SYSTEMS GMBH DE 102004029141.1 17/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006448 WO/2005/123231 1226021661 180067 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION US 60/581913 22/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021963 WO/2006/002185 2/26021661 180068 A MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING METHOD AND DEVICE USING A STATIC AND HOMOGENEOUS MAGNETIC FIELD DORON KWIAT 179 B01D מודול ממברני לפעולת שיקוע C07C תרכובות כימיות G01V שיטה ומכשיר להדמיה על ידי תהודה מגנטית דורון קויאט May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז IL 162501 791047 IL PCT/IL/2005/000626 WO/2005/122060 2226/21661 14/06/2004 2210212004 180070 METHOD FOR ACQUIRING BIOINFORMATION USING MILIMETER-WAVE BAND ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE, DEVICE FOR ACQUIRING AND DISPLAYING BIOINFORMATION INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY BANK CORP. 2004JP 09/07/2004 203526 2004-203421 0910112004 JP PCT/JP/2005/012757 WO/2006/006559 1/26021661 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז שיטה להשגת ביו–אינפורמציה באמצעות שימוש בגל אלקטרוסגולי ברצועת גל – התקן להשגת והצגת ביו,מילימטרית אינפורמציה 180071 MANUFACTURING OF QUICK RELEASE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS OF WATER INSOLUBLE DRUGS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS OBTAINED BY THE PROCESS OF THE INVENTION NYCOMED DANMARK APS DK PA200401021 29/06/2004 PCT/DK/2005/000435 WO/2006/000228 A61B A61K ייצור של תכשירי רוקחות המשחררים במהירות תרופות בלתי מסיסות במים ותכשירי רוקחות המתקבלים ע"י התהליך של האמצאה 180 2/26/21661 180072 COPPER (I) COMPOUNDS USEFUL AS DEPOSITION PRECURSORS OF COPPER THIN FILMS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS, INC. US 10/869532 16/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/008416 WO/2006/009590 6/26/21661 180073 PREPARATION OF NOVEL SUBSTITUTED HALOARENE COMPOUNDS PFIZER PRODUCTS INC. US 60/589152 19/07/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002098 WO/2006/011030 2026021661 180074 EPITHELIAL DELAMINATING DEVICE TISSUE ENGINEERING REFRACTION INC. US 60/580430 16/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021347 WO/2006/007408 1/26021661 180075 HEAD-UP DISPLAY HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. US 10/879882 28/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/022702 WO/2006/124040 181 C07F ) יעילות כמטרימיI( תרכובות נחושת השקעה של קרומי נחושת דקים C07D הכנה של תרכובות הלורן מותמרות חדשות A61F התקן להפרדה אפיתלית G02B תצוגת עילית May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1226021661 180076 PRODUCTION OF VALVE METAL POWDERS WITH IMPROVED PHYSICAL AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES H.C. STARCK, INC. US 60/582579 24/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021659 WO/2006/012076 1/26021661 יצור של אבקת מתכות לשסתומים בעלות תכונות פיזיקליות ואלקטרוניות משופרות 180077 TREATMENT OF CONDITIONS INVOLVING DEMYELINATION Biogen Idec MA Inc. US 60/582966 24/06/2004 901971291 0117012004 US 901924434 7417712004 US 901940414 7310412004 US PCT/US/2005/022881 WO/2006/002437 1626021661 180078 RETINAL DERIVATIVES AND METHODS FOR THE USE THEREOF FOR THE TREATMENT OF VISUAL DISORDERS UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON US 60/580889 18/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021812 WO/2006/002097 2126021661 ADJUVANCY AND IMMUNE POTENTIATING PROPERTIES OF NATURAL PRODUCTS OF ONCHOCERCA VOLVULUS May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז B22F 180079 A61K טיפול בתנאים הכרוכים בדמיאלינציה C07C תולדות רטינאל ושיטות לשימוש בהן לטיפול באי סדרים בראיה A61K תכונות של סיוע והגברת חסינות של מוצרים טבעיים של אונקוקרקה וולוולוס 182 THE NEW YORK BLOOD CENTER, INC. US 60/580254 15/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021004 WO/2005/122739 6/26/21661 180080 GAS BEARING SUBSTRATELOADING MECHANISM PROCESS OC OERLIKON BALZERS AG US 60/586645 09/07/2004 PCT/CH/2005/000392 WO/2006/005214 2126021661 180081 BI-METALLIC CONNECTORS METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME, AND METHOD FOR CONNECTING THE SAME TO A STRUCTURE PULSAR WELDING LTD. US 60/580107 17/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000635 WO/2005/124929 1/26021661 180082 FAST ANALOG SAMPLER FOR CONTINUOUS RECORDING AND READ-OUT AND DIGITAL CONVERSION SYSTEM COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE FR 04/51340 25/06/2004 183 B65G מנגנון תהליך לטעינת חומר הנושא גז H01R שיטה,מחברים העשויים משתי מתכות לייצורם ושיטה לחיבורם למבנה פולסר ריתוך בע"מ G11C דוגם אנלוגי מהיר עבור הקלטה רציפה וקריאה ומערכת המרה דיגיטלית May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז PCT/EP/2005/052932 WO/2006/003106 6/26/21666 180083 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A DEMULTIPLEXER AND A MULTIPLEXER USED FOR RATE MATCHING IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. KR 1999/27407 08/07/1999 7999130094 2310117999 KR 7999131499 3010417999 KR PCT/KR/2000/000739 WO/2001/005059 1/26021661 ציוד ושיטה עבור בקרת דימולטיפלקסר ומולטיפלקסר בשימוש להתאמת קצב במערכת תקשורת ניידת 180084 FLEXIBLE IMPACT RESISTANT PRIMER PRC-DESOTO INTERNATIONAL, INC. US 10/879564 28/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/022593 WO/2006/025928 6/26/21661 C08G צבע בסיס אלסטי עמיד בפני פגיעות 180085 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF-4-AZASTEROIDS-OZONOLYSIS LONZA AG EP 04015746.3 05/07/2004 PCT/EP/2005/007190 WO/2006/002966 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H04B C07J –אזאסטרוידים–אוזונוליזה4 תהליך להכנת 184 6/26/21661 180086 RADIATION DETECTOR HEAD Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd. US 60/588191 14/07/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000704 WO/2006/006147 1026021661 180088 AZINE-CARBOXAMIDES AS ANTICANCER AGENTS ASTRAZENECA AB US 60/584129 01/07/2004 PCT/GB/2005/002522 WO/2006/003378 6/26021661 180089 EDUCATIONAL TOY DUPREY INVENTIONS LLC US 10/873137 23/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020002 WO/2006/007308 1226/2200/ 180090 ?- LACTAM COMPOUNDS FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY US 034852 22/03/1993 094171 2010117993 US 2/26021661 185 180093 G01T ראש לזיהוי קרינה אורבוטק מדיקל סלושנס בע"מ C07D –אזין–קרבוקסאמידים כגורמים אנטי סרטניים G09B צעצוע חינוכי C07D תרכובות של ?–לקטמים C09D May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז METHOD FOR DEPOSITING ANTICORROSIVE COATING ONTO METAL SURFACE PIGMENTAN ANTICORROSIVE PIGMENTS FOR PAINTS LTD. US 60/578853 14/06/2004 PCT/IL/2005/000623 WO/2005/120722 2626021661 שיטה ליישום ציפוי נגד–חלודה על משטח מתכת 180094 REDUCED SUSCEPTIBILITY TOWARDS PATHOGENS, IN PARTICULAR OOMYCETES, SUCH AS DOWNY MILDEW IN LETTUCE AND SPINACH RIJK ZWAAN ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL B.V. EP 04076729.5 16/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006314 WO/2005/124108 2/22121660 180095 METHOD FOR ANTENATAL ESTIMATION OF DOWN SYNDROME RISK MOR RESEARCH APPLICATIONS LTD. 1/26021661 180096 INHALER DEVICE COUNTER ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401787-7 05/07/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000995 WO/2006/004497 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז פיגמנטן פיגמנטים אנטיקורוזים לצבעים בע"מ C12N בפרט,רגישות מופחתת לפתוגנים אומיציטים כגון קימחון פלומתי בחסה ותרד A61B שיטה להערכה עוברית של סיכון לסינדרום דאון מור יישום מחקרים בע"מ A61M מונה לאינהלטור 186 1/26021661 180097 QUINOLINE THIAZOLINONES WITH CDK1 ANTIPROLIFERATIVE ACTIVITY F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 60/584931 01/07/2004 901944213 0310312004 US PCT/EP/2005/006806 WO/2006/002828 1/26021661 1/26021661 187 A61M אינהלטור בעל סיכון מופחת למנה שגויה 180101 EPITOPE ANALOGS MANNKIND CORPORATION US 60/581001 17/06/2004 901440992 7110912004 US PCT/US/2005/021609 WO/2006/009920 C12Q שיטות לחיזוי של תגובה תרופתית לגורמים הפועלים על הקולטן של הורמון הגדילה 180099 INHALER DEVICE THAT REDUCES THE RISK FOR MISCOUNTING A DOSAGE ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0401786-9 05/07/2004 PCT/SE/2005/000996 WO/2006/004498 2/26021661 תיאזולינונים של קוינולין בעלי פעילות CDK1 מונעת התפשטות של 180098 METHODS FOR PREDICTING THERAPEUTIC PESPONSE TO AGENTS ACTING ON THE GROWTH HORMONE RECEPTOR PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY LLC US 60/586380 08/07/2004 PCT/IB/2005/002086 WO/2006/006072 C07D C07K אנלוגים של אפיטופ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2126021661 180103 DISCRETELY CONTROLLED MICROMIRROR WITH MULTI-LEVEL POSITIONS STEREO DISPLAY, INC. US 10/872241 18/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/020944 WO/2006/009689 2/22121660 2/26121661 C AND P AGENCIES LTD 180105 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H01L התקן לטיפול במצע למערכת קרן חלקיק טעון 180106 SOLID AND CRYSTALLINE IBANDRONIC ACID TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. US 60/582500 23/06/2004 901920079 7417012004 US 901990494 7910712004 US PCT/US/2005/022410 WO/2006/002348 2/26021661 A63F שיטה לדירוג נושאים הקשורים למשחקים SUBSTRATE HANDLING DEVICE FOR A CHARGED PARTICLE BEAM SYSTEM NANOBEAM LIMITED GB 0413357.5 15/06/2004 PCT/GB/2005/050067 WO/2006/032930 1/26021661 מיקרו–מראה מבוקרת בצורה בדידה עם מיקומים רבי–רמות 180104 METHOD FOR RANKING SUBJECTS ASSOCIATED WITH GAMES C AND P AGENCIES LTD. G02B 180107 C07F חומצה איבנדרונית במצב מוצק וקריסטליני טבע תעשיות פרמצבטיות בע"מ C07D 188 LACTAM TACHYKININ RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS MERCK & CO. INC. US 60/581786 22/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021840 WO/2006/002117 2026021661 180108 SULFAMATE AND SULFAMIDE DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY AND RELATED DISORDERS JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA, N.V. US 60/580178 16/06/2004 PCT/US/2005/021513 WO/2006/007435 2126021661 תרכובות לקטם כאנטאגוניסטים לרצפטור הקושר טכיקינין נגזרות של סולפאמט וסולפאמיד לטיפול באפילפסיה והפרעות דומות 180109 PLASMID HAVING THREE COMPLETE TRANSCRIPTIONAL UNITS AND IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITIONS FOR INDUCING AN IMMUNE RESPONSE TO HIV WYETH US 60/580438 17/06/2004 901924943 0317712004 US 901992214 7910312004 US PCT/US/2005/021168 WO/2006/009746 2/26121661 180110 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MAINTAINING OBJECTS IN A LOOKUP CACHE IBM CORPORATION US 10/870458 17/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/052283 WO/2005/124559 189 C07D C12N פלזמיד בעל שלוש יחידות שיעתוקיות שלמות ותרכובות אימונוגניות לגרימת HIV–תגובה חיסונית ל G06F מערכת ושיטה לתחזוקת אובייקטים במטמון חיפוש May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 1622121660 180210 A METHOD OF FABRICATING HEAT SINKS AND HEAT EXCHANGERS MICROFLOW LTD 1622121660 שיטה לייצור גוף קירור ומחליפי–חום מיקרופלו בע"מ 180212 A PLANT-GROWING SYSTEM AND METHOD SHULAMIT (SYLVIE) SHAPIRO שולמית (סילבי) שפירא 180215 MICROWAVE GENERATOR DIEHL BGT DEFENCE GMBH & CO. KG DE 102004031333.4 29/06/2004 PCT/EP/2005/006127 WO/2006/000296 180217 IN-VIVO IMAGING OPTICAL DEVICE GIVEN IMAGING LTD. US 11/319769 29/12/2005 1622121660 180221 IMPROVED RAPID-EXCHANGE CATHETER GRENADIER EHUD 1622121660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A01G מערכת ושיטה לגידול צמחים 6/26021661 1622121660 F28F H03B מחולל מיקרוגל A61B התקן אופטי תוך גופי גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ A61B קטטר משופר להחלפה מהירה חרמוני ישראל 180222 A42B 190 STORAGE BAG FOR MOTORCYCLE HELMET FELDMAN MAXIM 1222121660 תיק אכסון לקסדת אופנוע פלדמן מקסים 180230 METHOD FOR DOWNLOADING DATA FILES TO A GROUP OF CLIENTS VIA A PROXY WITH A LIMITED STORAGE ECI TELECOM LTD 1222121660 שיטה להורדת קבצי נתונים לקבוצות בעל זיכרון מוגבלPROXY לקוחות דרך טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 180231 TNCOMMING CALL AS A TOOL TO RETREARE DATA AND PRESENT IT IN REAL TIME FROM DATA BASE BY MIDDLEWARE SDFTMARE WICH CONNECT TO TELEPHONY MEANS DARIA AHARONEE BALDINGER 1222121660 191 H04M שיחה טלפונית נכנסת כאמצעי לשליפת נתונים והצגתם על צג בזמן אמת ממאגרי מידע נתונים שונים באמצעות תוכנה אחידה שמתחברת לאמצעי טלפוניה שונים דריה אהרוני בלדינגר 180232 A DEVICE FOR MOVING A BODY LINEARLY BETWEEN TWO PREDETERMINED POSITIONS SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE FR 0513168 22/12/2005 1222121660 G06F 180234 G01C התקן להזזת גוף באופן לינארי בין שתי עמדות קבועות מראש H01M May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז A BATTERY, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, AND A POWERING METHOD IMPLEMENTING MEANS FOR SHORT-CIRCUITING THE BATTERY SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE FR 0513200 22/12/2005 1222121660 180235 A METHOD OF MANAGING THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL POWER, AN ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT, AND A METHOD OF POWERING AN APPLIANCE WHEN COLD SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE FR 0513199 22/12/2005 1222121660 מכשיר חשמלי ושיטה להפעלה,סוללה על ידי קיצור הסוללה מעגל,שיטה לניהול הספקה של חשמל חשמלי להספקת חשמל ושיטה להפעלת מכשיר קר 180236 PRINTING MATERIAL CONTAINER, AND BOARD MOUNTED ON PRINTING MATERIAL CONTAINER SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 2005JP 26/12/2005 372028 2009-220147 7710412009 JP 1222121660 180237 DEBURRING TUMBLER PIN MUL-T-LOCK TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 1222121660 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז H05B 180245 B41D מיכל לחומרי הדפסה ומכסה תואם E05B פין תוף המוריד גרדים מולטילוק טכנולוגיות בע"מ B61B 192 REAL TIME PLANNING AND SCHEDULING FOR A TEAM OF UNMANNED VEHICLE HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. US 11/393086 30/03/2006 1222121660 תיכנון ותיזמון בזמן אמת של רכיבים ללא נהג 180261 DEVICE, SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IN-VIVO SENSING OF A BODY LUMEN GIVEN IMAGING LTD. US 11/319772 29/12/2005 1/22121660 התקן מערכת ושיטה לחישה תוך גופית של חללים בגוף גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ 180267 INDIVIDUAL BIO-ELECTROMAGNETIC HYGIENE OF HUMAN/ANIMAL ORGANISM (BODY) METHODS AND MEANS KATSEN-POLAK ELEHA 1/22121660 DEVICE FOR ENABLING ANGULAR POSITION OF A PROJECTILE FIN GIAT INDUSTRIES 193 A61N היגיינה ביו–חשמלי–מגנטית אישית של בעל–חיים/אורגניזם (גוף) של בן–אדם שיטות ואמצעים פולק אלנה-כצן 180268 MOBILE FHONE WITH LOUDSPEAKER, WHICH IS ACIVATED BY SLIDE-OPENING OR DOOR OPENING OF THE PHOVE. DR. HAIM AMRAM BEN-SIMHON 1122121660 A61B H04M טלפון נייד עם רמקול אשר מופעל ע"י החלקה של חלק אחד של המכשיר על פני משנהו או ע"י פתיחת דלתות 180294 שמחון- דר'' חיים עמרם בן G01C מכשיר למדידת זוית של סנפיר קליע May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז FR 05.13310 26/12/2005 NOTICE UNDER SECTION 26 OF THE PATENTS LAW, 5727-1967 The applications, particulars of which are set out below, have been accepted pursuant to Section 17 of the Patents Law. Any person wishing to oppose the grant of a patent on any of the applications published here, may, within three months from the date of this journal, give to the Commissioner of Patents notice under Section 30 of the Patents Law, in the manner prescribed in regulations 57 et seq of the Patents Regulations, 5728-1968 Particulars of the applications, where applicable, are given in the following order: [11] [21] Number of application [54] Title of invention [22] Application date [31] [32] [33] Number and date of foreign application – convention country. *[51] Int.Cl. [61] Application for patent of addition [62] Divisional application [71] Applicant [72] Inventor [87] International Publication Number [74] Address for service [57] Abridgement of invention (in the language in which the specification is drawn up) *Note: As from Patents and Designs Journal No.1/06, patent applications are classified May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז - לחוק הפטנטים תשכ"ז09 הודעה לפי סעיף 1679 הבקשות שפרטיהן מתפרסמים להלן קובלו כל המעונין. לחוק הפטנטים17 לפי סעיף להתנגד למתן פטנט על פי בקשה מהבקשות תוך שלושה חדשים,המתפרסמות רשאי להגיש לרשם הפטנטים,מתאריך יומן זה לחוק:/ הודעת התנגדות לפי סעיף ואילך.7 הפטנטים בדרך הקבועה בתקנה .1690 – תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים פרטי הבקשות במידה ויישימים מובאים לפי :סדר זה מספר הבקשה שם האמצאה תאריך הבקשה מספר ותאריך של בקשות החוץ – מדינת האגוד *סיווג בינלאומי – מהדורה שביעית בקשה לפטנט מוסף בקשת חלוקה המבקש הממציא מס' פרסום של בקשה הבינלאומית מען למסירת מסמכים )תקציר האמצאה (בשפה בה ערוך הפירוט ' החל מיומן הפטנטים והמדגמים מס:*הערה ניתן ציון לבקשות פטנטים הסיווג לפי1//9 194 according to the Eighth Edition of the International Patent Classification (2006) 195 המהדורה השמינית של הסיווג הבינלאומי )0//9 של פטנטים (משנה May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ 228711 המסוגלים לשינוי ביטוי גנים.א.נ.מבני ד ושימושיהם ]1/[ DNA CONSTRUCTS CAPABLE OF ALTERING THE EXPRESSION OF GENES AND USES THEREOF ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 01.12.1993 07/985586 ]/1[ 03.12.1992 ]//[ US Int. 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Cl.8 A61K 038/04, 038/10, A61P 019/10, 035/00, 037/00, C07K 007/06, 007/08, 014/715 YEDA RESEARCH AND רחובות,ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. INTERLAB LTD.,, ,אינטר לאב בע"מ KIRYAT WEIZMANN נס ציונה,קרית ויצמן NES ZIONA 76110 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 198 [57] Peptide capable of inhibiting the activity of IL-6, which peptide is selected from the group consisting of the sequences of the following residue ranges of SEQ ID NO:1:135-148; 143-158; 13-23; 122-133; 114-133; and 148-157. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ COMPACT MULTISTAGE SPARK-GAP SWITCH ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 29.05.1998 Int. Cl.8 H01T 004/16 RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., BEIT SAMUELOFF, 7 HAOMANIM STREET TEL AVIV ]//[ [57] A spark gap switch (28) comprising: (a) a first substantially planar electrode (20a) including a discharge portion (24a) and a support portion (26a); and (b) a second substantially planar electrode (20b) parallel to and spaced apart from said first electrode and including a discharge portion (24b) and a support portion (26b), said discharge portions being mutually opposite, and said support portions being mutually staggered; and 199 216111 קומות קומפקטי-מתג מרווח ניצוץ רב ,רפא"ל רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ חיפה ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן ושות תל אביב,7 בית שמואלוב רח' האומנים (c) a third substantially planar electrode (20c) parallel to said second electrode and including a discharge portion (24c) and a support portion (26c), said second electrode being between said first electrode and said third electrode and spaced apart from said first electrode and said third electrode, said discharge portions of said second and third electrodes being mutually opposite, said support portions of said second and third electrodes being mutually staggered. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ 218233 תהליך לטיהור אנטגוניסט של רצפטור E. COLI – מ1–אנושי של אינטרלוקין רקומביננטי ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE PURIFICATION OF HUMAN INTERLEUKIN-1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST FROM RECOMBINANT E. COLI ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 21.05.1997 96109153.5 ]/1[ 07.06.1996 ]//[ EP Int. Cl.8 C07K 001/00, 001/18, 014/54, C12N 001/21, C12R 001/19 GRUPPO LEPETIT S.P.A., ITALY WO/1997/047650 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] A process for purifying human Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) from a mixture made from a strain of recombinant E. coli, which comprises: (a) loading the mixture, which has been buffered at a pH value lower than 6.2 and optionally diluted to reduce its ionic strength to a conductivity value lower than 3.0 mS/cm2, onto a cationic exchange May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז matrix and eluting with an aqueous buffered solution having a pH value from about 7.5 to 9.0 and an ionic strength such that the conductivity value is lower than 3.0 mS/cm2 to obtain an eluate; (b) applying the eluate directly onto an anionic exchange matrix and eluting with an aqueous buffered solution having a pH value of about 7.5 to 9.0 and an ionic 200 strength such that the conductivity value is higher than 9 mS/cm2 to obtain a second eluate; and (c) recovering IL-1ra from the second eluate. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULES ENCODING IL-1/TNF- A – ACTIVATED KINASE (ITAK), ITAK POLYPEPTIDES, AND METHODS OF MAKING THE SAME ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 19.06.1997 633414 ]/1[ 10.06.1996 Int. 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WO/1997/047750 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] An isolated nucleic acid molecule comprising a sequence selected from the group consisting of (a) the sequence of nucleotides in SEQ ID:NO 1, from nucleotide number 1 to nucleotide number 2940; (b) nucleic acid molecules capable of hybridization to the complement of a nucleic acid molecule of (a) under 218010 חומצת גרעין המקודדות לקינזה ITAK ) ( המשופעלת על ידי ACTIVATED KINASE –a – TNF /1 –IL פוליפפטידים כאלה שיטות להכנתם, ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם conditions of moderate stringency and which encode a polypeptide that is capable of phosphorylating a beta-casein substrate; and (c) nucleic acid molecules which are degenerate, as a result of the genetic code, with respect to the nucleic acid molecules of (a) or (b). __________ 201 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ MODIFICATION OF EGG COMPOSITION BY CHICKEN FEED SUPPLEMENTS AND THE RESULTING EGGS OBTAINED ]11[ ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ ]//[ 14.09.1995 Int. Cl.8 A23K 001/18 DIVISION FROM 115307 NIVA SHAPIRA DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., BEIT SAMUELOFF, 7 HAOMANIM STREET TEL AVIV [57] An egg comprising: (a) not more than 15.5% poly unsaturated fatty acids of the egg's fatty acids of the concentration; 217362 שינוי הרכב ביצים על–ידי תוספות למזון עופות והביצים המתקבלות אביב- תל,ניבה שפירא ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן ושות תל אביב,7 בית שמואלוב רח' האומנים (b) 2-11 mg vitamin E per 59 grams of whole shell egg; and (c) 10-60 μg of edible carotenoids per gram of egg yolk. __________ ]22[]12[ 217387 דסולפוראז הומוציסטאיני מהפרוטוזואה טריכומונס ואגינלים ואסאים עבור הומוציסטאין ]1/[ HOMOCYSTEINE DESULPHURASE FROM THE PROTOZOAN TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS AND ASSAY FOR HOMOCYSTEINE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 23.08.1997 9617683.9 ]/1[ 23.08.1996 ]//[ GB Int. Cl.8 A61K 038/51, A61P 035/00, C07K 016/40, C12N 001/15, 001/19, 001/21, 005/10, 009/88, 015/60, C12Q 001/527, C12R 001/90, G01N 033/68 THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, UNITED KINGDOM WO/1998/007872 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Method of assaying homocyteine in a sample comprising the steps of: May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 202 (a) contacting the sample with an enzyme that catalyses the degradation of homocysteine to release reaction products: α-ketobutyrate, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia, and (b) determining any one of said reaction products formed by enzyme degradation of homocysteine by said enzyme. __________ ]22[]12[ 217162 תכשיר לעין המכיל פקטור ניורוטרופי לטיפול במחלה תיפקודית של עצב אופטי ]1/[ OPHTHALMIC COMPOSITION CONTAINING A NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR FOR TREATING AN OPTIC NERVEFUNCTIONAL DISORDER ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 12.09.1997 243179/96 ]/1[ 13.09.1996 ]//[ JP Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/06, 009/08, 038/00, 038/18, A61P 027/06, C07K 014/475 ADVANCED MEDICINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, JAPAN WO/1998/010785 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Ophthalmic composition for treating glaucoma by external administration which comprises an effective amount of a brainderived neurotrophic factor for treating glaucoma in combination with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, wherein the composition is a form selected from the group consisting of an ophthalmic solution and an ophthalmic ointment and wherein the composition includes at least one agent selected from the group consisting of an isotonicity-imparting agent, a viscosity-imparting agent, a suspending agent, an emulsifier, a preservative and a pH adjuster. __________ 203 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ VARIABLE FOCUS LENSES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 09.09.1997 9619198.6 ]/1[ 13.09.1996 Int. Cl.8 G02B 003/14 JOSHUA DAVID SILVER, UNITED KINGDOM WO/1998/011458 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method of fabricating a variable focus lens, comprising the steps of: providing a first ring (8) having a crosssection which is generally L-shaped, the upper end of the L forming an axially extending deformable rim; interengaging second and third rings (10,12) to engage a first transparent flexible membrane (2) and to retain said first flexible membrane across the second ring (10); interengaging said first ring (8) with said second and third rings (10, 12) to engage a second transparent flexible membrane (2) and to retain said second flexible membrane across the second ring (10), 217132 עדשות בעלות פוקוס משתנה ]//[ GB , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר whereby the first and second flexible membranes define a cavity therebetween, the second and third rings being accommodated in the angle of the L; and holding said first, second and third rings (8, 10, 12) together by deforming said rim of the first ring (8) over the third ring (12), such that said first and second flexible membranes are each tensioned across said second ring; the first, second and third rings (8, 10, 12) all being formed from a material sufficiently rigid to allow the rings to positively interengage with an adjacent ring. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 204 ]22[]12[ ]1/[ BLAST RESISTANT AND BLAST DIRECTING CONTAINER ASSEMBLIES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 11.04.1997 717042 ]/1[ 20.09.1996 Int. Cl.8 F42B 039/14 ALLIEDSIGNAL INC., U.S.A. WO/1998/012496 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A blast resistant container assembly for receiving an explosive (66), said container assembly comprising: (a) a container (70) of blast resistant material, said container being collapsible for storage when empty and comprising at least three bands of blast resistant material, a first inner band (62) being nested within a second band which is nested within a 211280 מיכלים עמידים לפיצוץ ומכווני פיצוץ ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם third band (64), said bands being orientated relative to one another to substantially enclose a volume and to form a container wall having a thickness substantially equivalent to the sum of thicknesses of at least two of the bands; and (b) blast mitigating material located within the container. __________ 205 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ 211216 נוגדן נגד פפטידים הקשורים לפאר את הורמון אנושי ]1/[ ANTIBODY AGAINST HUMAN PARATHORMONE RELATED PEPTIDES ]11[ ]/2[ 24.09.1997 8/255196 ]/1[ 26.09.1996 ]//[ JP 0-12/20/ 1/66/6200/ JP Int. Cl.8 A61K 039/395, A61P 035/00, C07K 016/18, 016/26, 016/46, C12N 005/16, 015/13, 015/62, 015/63, C12P 021/08 CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA, JAPAN WO/1998/013388 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Chimeric L chain comprising a L chain C region of a human antibody and an L chain V region of a mouse monoclonal antibody against a human parathyroid hormone related protein, wherein the L chain V region comprises the amino acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID NO:45. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ METHOD FOR DETECTING ABNORMAL EPITHELIAL CELL SHEDDING 04.02.1997 Int. Cl.8 A61K 049/00 PHANOS TECHNOLOGIES, INC., U.S.A. WO/1998/033530 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A method for assessing the shedding rate of mature surface epithelial cells on a mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal tract of a warm-blooded animal, comprising applying to mature surface 202761 –שיטה לגילוי נשירת תאים אפיתליים לא נורמלית ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם epithelial cells at a target site a labeling composition comprising a dye, and determining the rate at which the dye is lost from the target site. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 206 ]22[]12[ 202282 ואנלוגים שלהםX מוטנטי המטה של גורם ותכשירים המכילים אותם ]1/[ FACTOR X DELETION MUTANTS AND ANALOGUES THEREOF AND PREPARATIONS CONTAINING THE SAME ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 27.02.1998 A336/97 ]/1[ 27.02.1997 ]//[ AT Int. Cl.8 A61K 038/48, C12N 009/64, 015/57 BAXTER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, AUSTRIA WO/1998/038318 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A factor X deletion analogue comprising a factor X amino acid sequence in which amino acids Arg180 to Arg234 of SEQ ID NO:44 are deleted, and having a modification in said amino acid sequence between Gly173 and Arg179 of SEQ ID NO:44, said modification resulting in a processing site for a protease that does not naturally cleave between Gly173 and Arg179 of SEQ ID NO:44. __________ ]22[]12[ 202061 בעלי אתר חיתוךX אנלוגים של פקטור פרוטאיז שעבר שינוי ]1/[ FACTOR X ANALOGUES HAVING A MODIFIED PROTEASE CLEAVAGE SITE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 27.02.1998 A335/97 ]/1[ 27.02.1997 ]//[ AT Int. Cl.8 A61K 038/48, C12N 009/64, 015/57 BAXTER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, AUSTRIA WO/1998/038317 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A factor X analogue characterized in that it has a modification in the region of the natural Factor Xa activation cleavage site having the sequence Gly228-R6-R5R4-R3-R2-Arg 234-R1, said modification 207 representing a processing site for a protease not naturally cleaving in this region of the factor X sequence, and wherein May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז (a) R1 is an amino acid selected from the group consisting of lle, Val, Ser, Thr and Ala, (b) R2 is an amino acid selected from the group consisting of Pro, Gly, Lys and Arg, (c) R3 is an amino acid selected from the group consisting of Phe, Lys, Met, Gln, Ser, Val, Arg and Pro, (d) R4 is an amino acid selected from the group consisting of Asp, lle, Ser, Met, Pro, Thr, Arg and Lys, (e) R5 is an amino acid selected from the group consisting of Asn, Lys, Ser, Glu, Ala, Gln, His and Arg, and (f) R6 is an amino acid selected from the group consisting of Asp, Phe, Thr, Arg, Leu and Ser. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ APPARATUS FOR INDUCING FORCES BY FLUID INJECTION ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 25.08.1999 Int. Cl.8 F15D 001/02, 001/04 TECHNION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION LTD. YUVAL YASSOUR, DANIEL B. LEVIN MILLER-SIERADZKI ADV & PAT ATT, P.O.BOX 6145 HAIFA 31061 ]/1[ ]//[ [57] An apparatus for controlling a fluid injection and in particular gaseous fluid injection induced forces comprising: a high pressure source (102); a high pressure reservoir fluidically connected to said high pressure source; an injection surface (104); at least one of a plurality of conduits (1); wherein the conduit has an outlet (3) positioned on said injection surface and an inlet (2) fluidically connected to said high pressure reservoir and is provided with a plurality of fins mounted on the internal wall of said conduit said fins arranged in two arrays (45) substantially opposite each other; wherein each of the fins of either one of said fin arrays excluding the fin nearest to the inlet and the fin nearest to the outlet of said conduit is positioned substantially opposite to one of a plurality May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 202371 התקן ליצירת כוחות ע"י הזרקת נוזל חיפה,מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ לוין. דניאל ב,יובל יסעור ,שרצקי עו"ד ועו"פ-מילר חיפה,914. .ד. ת, 10מחניים of cavities each cavity defined between two consecutive fins of one of said arrays of fins and a portion of said conduit internal walls; whereby when fluid flows through said conduit a plurality of vortices is facilitated within said cavities, each vortex positioned in one at said cavities, said vortices may exist at least temporarily during said flow thus forming an aerodynamic blockage allowing a central core-flow between tips of the fins, thus limiting the mass flow rate and maintaining a substantial pressure drop within the conduit, and when an object blocks said outlet the flow stops and the pressure drop is eliminated thus effectively forcing the object away, and whereas when said object almost blocks said outlet the internal pressure drop through said conduit 208 is substantially increased with respect to a gap between the injection surface and the facing surface of said object thus said conduit acts like a fluidic return spring when injecting from close distance toward an object (105). __________ ]22[]12[ 201131 שיטה לביקוע חלבונים ממוזגים ]1/[ METHOD FOR CLEAVAGE OF FUSION PROTEINS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 23.04.1998 60/044254 ]/1[ 25.04.1997 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 038/27, 038/58, C07K 014/61, 014/815, C12N 009/50, 015/15, 015/57, 015/62 SEMBIOSYS GENETICS INC., CANADA WO/1998/049326 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for the preparation of a recombinant polypeptide comprising: (a) introducing into a host cell an 209 expression vector comprising: (1) a nucleic acid sequence capable of regulating transcription in a host cell, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז operatively linked to (2) a chimeric nucleic acid sequence encoding a fusion protein, the chimeric nucleic acid sequence comprising (i) a nucleic acid sequence encoding a propeptide derived from an autocatalytically maturing zymogen, linked in reading frame to (ii) a nucleic acid sequence heterologous to the propetide and encoding the recombinant polypeptide; wherein the heterologous nucleic acid sequence is located immediately downstream of the nucleic acid sequence encoding the propeptide; operatively linked to (3) a nucleic acid sequence encoding a termination region functional in said host cell, (b) growing the host cell to produce said fusion protein; and (c) altering the environment of the fusion protein so that the pro-peptide is cleaved from the fusion protein to release the recombinant polypeptide. __________ ]22[]12[ 201327 תולדות איזוניטריל ותהליכים להכנתן ]1/[ ISONITRILE DERIVATIVES AND PROCESSES FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF ]11[ ]/2[ 14.05.1998 197202160 ]/1[ 14.05.1997 ]//[ DE 20/162011 2/6616200/ DE Int. Cl.8 C07C 291/10, C07F 005/06, 007/08, 009/16, 009/28, 009/30, 009/38, C07H 021/00 MORPHOCHEM AG, GERMANY WO/1998/051697 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A compound of the formula wherein X has the structure: May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 210 and each PG independently of any others is an optionally orthogonal protecting group; each of the radicals R6 independently of any others represents a hydrogen atom, an unsubstituted or substituted alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkoxyalkyl or aryl group or a heterocycle; the radicals U, W, K and Y each independently of the others represents an unsubstituted or substituted alkyl alkanyl, alkynyl, alkanoyl, alkoxyalkanoyl, cycloalkyl or aryl group, an unsubstituted or substituted heterocycle or the group NR5, wherein R6 is as defined above; a, b, c, n, o and p each independently of the others is an integer from 0 to 10; Q is a 2, 3 or 4 valent component and is an unsubstituted or substituted alkyl, aryl, alkenyl, alkynyl, mono- or polyvalent alkanoyl, cycloalkyl, alkoxyalkanoyl, cycloalkanoyl or aroyl group or an unsubstituted or substituted heterocycle, or one of the groups NR5, P, P(O), P(S), B, BR5 and SO2, wherein R5 is as defined above. __________ ]22[]12[ 200112 התקן ושיטה לחיבור זרמי חוזי דיגיטלי ]1/[ APPARATUS AND METHOD OF SPLICING DIGITAL VIDEO STREAMS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 02.04.1999 055156 ]/1[ 04.04.1998 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 H03M 007/30, H04J 003/06, H04L 013/08, H04N 007/24 OPTIBASE LTD. הרצליה,אופטיבייס בע"מ WO/1999/052067 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, עורכי פטנטים,פרל כהן צדק לצר עורכי דין 5 SHENKAR STREET, ,ונוטריונים P.O.BOX 12704 ,107/4 .ד. ת, . רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב HERZLIYA 46733 הרצליה [57] A method for splicing digitally encoded data streams, including an old data stream and a new data stream, comprising: (a) without the use of a clock reference signal, modifying a current timing reference of the new data stream to correspond with a splice-out point of the old data stream and a splice-in of the new data stream, thereby forming a modified new data stream timing reference, wherein said modified new data stream timing reference further corresponds with a timing 211 gap between a first decoding time for decoding a last frame of the old data stream and a second decoding time for decoding a first frame of the new data stream; and (b) aligning a portion of the new data stream with a portion of the old data stream according to said modified new data stream timing reference, such that a transition from the old data stream to the new data stream, during playback, will be substantially imperceptible. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ 206210 שימוש משולב של כרום וביוטין להכנת תכשיר רוקחי ומכשירים כאלה ]1/[ USE OF CHROMIUM IN COMBINATION WITH BIOTIN FOR THE PREPARATION OF PHARMACETUTICAL COMPOSITION AND SUCH COMPOSITIONS ]11[ ]/2[ 31.07.1998 908819 ]/1[ 08.08.1997 ]//[ US 226122 6066/6200/ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 033/00, 033/24, A61P 003/10 NUTRITION 21, U.S.A. WO/1999/007387 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Use of synthetic chromic tripicolinate in an amount between 50 and 1000μg per day of chromium in combination with between 25μg and 200mg per day of biotin where the amounts of chromic tripicolinate and biotin are selected together to provide a greater than additive effect, in the manufacture of a combined preparation for simultaneous, separate, or sequential administration to an individual for reducing hyperglycaemia and stabilizing the level of serum glucose. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 212 ]22[]12[ 206822 גלוקוראונידאז מיקרוביאליβ ]1/[ MICROBIAL Β GLUCURONIDASE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 09.09.1998 60/058263 ]/1[ 09.09.1997 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A01K 067/00, C12N 009/24, 015/03, 015/31, 015/82 CENTER FOR THE APPLICATION OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY IN INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE, AUSTRALIA WO/1999/013085 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] An isolated nucleic acid molecule comprising a nucleic acid sequence encoding a secreted form of microbial Bacillus β-glucuronidase. __________ ]22[]12[ 206878 מלחי תוספות לחומצות של מורפין אלקלואידים' הכנתם ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותם לנתינה דרך העור ודר הריר ]1/[ ACID ADDITION SALTS OF MORPHINE ALKALOIDS, THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM FOR TRANDERMAL AND TRANSMUCOSAL APPLICATION ]11[ ]/2[ 05.09.1998 197422969 ]/1[ 25.09.1997 ]//[ DE 20///6611 1066/6200/ DE Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/485, 035/00, A61P 025/30, 029/00, C07D 489/00 LTS LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG, GERMANY WO/1999/015528 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 213 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז [57] Analgesic acid addition salts of morphine alkaloid and organic acid, said morphine alkaloid of the formula where R1 is selected from the group consisting of H, C1- to C6-alkyl residues, preferably methyl, ethyl-, propyl, i-propyl, C(O)CH3; R2 is selected from the group consisting of the monad residues H, OH, OC(O)CH3, whereby in this case the fourth valence of the (6)-C atom is occupied by H, or the dyad residues =O, =CH2; R3 is selected from the group consisting of – CH3, cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl and allyl; and where the bond at C7/C8 may be saturated, or a nitroxyl group may be present at N17, characterized in that said organic acid is selected from monoesters of C3- to C16-dicarboxylic acids with monohydric C1- to C4-alcohols, especially methanol, C2- to C6- or C8- to C16- sulfonic acids, the group of halogen, p- and mhydroxyl, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl and/or alkoxy- substituted benzoic acids, as well as of the aminosubstituted benzoic acids, which may optionally be alkylated at the N atom, substituted or non- substituted 5-ring or 6-ring heterocycles comprising at least one N or S atom and having a carboxyl group function, especially a carboxy, carboxymethyl, carboxyethyl or the optionally branched carboxypropyl or carboxybutyl groups as substituents, saturated or unsaturated, optionally substituted, oxo-carboxylic acids having 5 to 10 C atoms, phenoxy- substituted saturated C2- to C4-carboxylic acids, aliphatic, aromatic or heterocylic C2- to C12-amino acids, wherein one amino group is substituted with an optionally substituted C2- to C6-alkanoyl group or an optionally substituted benzoyl group, and in that the acid addition salt has a skin permeability with a flux of at least 2.34 μg/cm2.h. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 206117 214 פוליפפטידים מופרשים וטרנסממברנליים וחומצות גרעין המקודדות עבורם ]1/[ SECRETED AND TRANSMEMBRANE POLYPEPTIDES AND NUCLEIC ACIDS ENCODING THE SAME ]11[ ]/2[ 16.09.1998 60/059122 ]/1[ 17.09.1997 ]//[ US 06261022/ 2/6606200/ US 06261022/ 2/6606200/ US 062610221 2/6606200/ US 0626102// 2/6606200/ US 062610212 2/6606200/ US 062610220 2/6606200/ US 06261010/ 2/6606200/ US 062610100 2/6606200/ US 062601211 216266200/ US 0626011// 2/6266200/ US 0626011/1 2/6266200/ US 06260///0 126266200/ US 062601/20 1/6266200/ US 06260/212 1/6266200/ US 06260/6/1 1/6266200/ US 06260/21/ 1/6266200/ US 062601/2/ 1/6266200/ US 06260/21/ 1/6266200/ US 06260/216 1/6266200/ US 06260//10 1/6266200/ US 06260//1/ 1/6266200/ US 06260/1/0 1/6266200/ US 06260/1/2 1/6266200/ US 06260/116 1/6266200/ US 06260/1/1 1/6266200/ US 06260/1// 1/6266200/ US 06260/10/ 1/6266200/ US 06260//// 106266200/ US 06260/121 106266200/ US 06260///1 106266200/ US 06260///1 106266200/ US 06260//// 106266200/ US 06260//6/ 106266200/ US 06260///1 106266200/ US 06260/26/ /26266200/ US 06260///6 /26266200/ US 06260/1// 6/6226200/ US 06260//60 6/6226200/ US 0626012/0 216226200/ US 062601//0 2/6226200/ US Int. Cl.8 C07K 014/47, 014/705, 016/18, 016/28, C12N 015/12, 015/52, 015/62 GENENTECH, INC., U.S.A. WO/1999/014328 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] An isolated nucleic acid molecule having at least 80% sequence identity to a nucleotide sequence which encodes a 215 polypeptide comprising an amino acid sequence which has the amino acid May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז sequence shown in Figure 2 (SEQ ID NO:2) as shown in the specification. __________ ]22[]12[ 203276 מערכת להקצבת רוחב סרט ]1/[ BANDWIDTH ALLOCATION SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ 20.03.2000 283598 ]/1[ 01.04.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 H04H 001/00, H04N 007/12, 007/173 NDS LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM SHLOMO KIPNIS, STEVE EPSTEIN סטיב אפשטיין,שלמה קיפניס SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT [57] A bandwidth allocation method comprising: receiving user information characterizing preferences of a plurality of broadcast item users; processing the user information to produce community information, the community information comprising, for each one of a plurality of communities, community profile information; assigning a bandwidth to each one of the plurality of communities; assigning an item profile to each of a plurality of items to be broadcast; and choosing at least some of the plurality of items to be broadcast based, at least in part, on a measure of affinity between each of the plurality of items to be broadcast and the community profile information for one of the plurality of communities, and, at least in part, on the bandwidth assigned to each one of the plurality of communities. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ GLOBAL ACCESS SYSTEM OF May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 203667 מערכת גישה גלובלית של מידע 216 הקשור למולטי–מדיה MULTI-MEDIA RELATED INFORMATION ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 14.08.1998 9/284084 ]/1[ 16.10.1997 ]//[ 26212221 6/66/6200/ Int. Cl.8 G06F 007/08 DENTSU INC., JAPAN WO/1999/021186 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST. P.O.B. 1426 TEL AVIV 61013 [57] A system for granting access to selected information of a library of multimedia, said system comprising: (a) a memory for storing said library of multimedia; (b) a data input device for entering a set of information attributes for said multimedia stored in said memory; The applications for division from this application have not yet been published JP JP ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות תל אביב,1409 .ד. ת, :1 רח' יבנה (c) a data retriever for retrieving information about a particular medium of said library in accordance with said entered attribute; and (d) an output device for providing said retrieved information. 574414457441445744143574414257441475744140574414957441445744141 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו שטרם 4פורסמו ___________ ]22[]12[ 217 203128 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז מנגנון הרחבה המודע לאיכות שירות ]1/[ EXPANSION MECHANISM AWARE OF QUALITY OF SERVICE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 01.05.2000 9916329.7 ]/1[ 12.07.1999 Int. Cl.8 H04L 012/56, H04Q 011/04 VIRATA LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ [57] Data communication system comprising a plurality of peripherals having respective interfaces, the interfaces having device drivers and being coupled to a common bus for communication with a management system; the communication including data transport in real time whereby management of each interface depends on the type of interface and on the type of data being transported, the interfaces have different real time requirements; characterised in that an ]//[ GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם ATM SAR and scheduler is provided which employs a predefined PHY level interface with different levels of service, the PHY interface being used as a QoS (Quality of Service) aware common master-slave bus for the peripherals which act as slave devices, whereby respective device driver requirements are simplified or eliminated based on using ATM scheduling and QoS properties for each peripheral. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ CARBOXYLIC ACID May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 201828 הטרוציקלים מותמרות בחומצה 218 SUBSTITUTED HETEROCYCLES AS METALLOPROTEINASE INHIBITORS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ קרבוקסילית כמעכבי מטלופרוטאינאז 18.12.1998 60/068200 ]/1[ 19.12.1997 ]//[ US 12/6/2 206216200/ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/55, A61P 043/00, C07D 223/12 AMGEN, INC., U.S.A. WO/1999/032452 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT [57] A compound of the formula or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein m is 1 or 2; and n is 0, 1 or 2; R1 is (1) an alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl or heterocyclyl radical optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of – OH, -OR3, -SR3, -S(O)R3, -S(O)2R3, C(O)R3, -NR3R4, aryl, heteroaryl, cycloalkyl or heterocyclyl; or (2) an aryl radical optionally substituted by an optionally substituted monocyclic heteroaryl or heterocyclyl radical of 5-6 ring members which is optionally substituted by a phenyl radical or monocyclic heteroaryl radical of 5-6 ring members; or (3) a heteroaryl radical optionally substituted by an optionally subsituted phenyl or a monocyclic heteroaryl or heterocyclyl radical of 5-6 ring members which is optionally subsituted by phenyl radical or 219 monocyclic heteroaryl radical of 5-6 ring members; wherein the phenyl, aryl, heteroaryl, cycloalkyl and heterocyclyl radicals of (1), (2) and (3) are optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of hydroxyl, OR3, -SR3, -S(O)R3, -S(O)2R3, -C(O)R3, NR3R4, amino, alkanoylamino, alkylsulfonylamino, alkoxycarbonylamino, alkoxycarbonyl, cyano, halo, azido, alkyl or haloalkyl; provided that the total number of phenyl, aryl, heteroaryl, cycloalkyl and heterocyclyl radicals in R1 is 0-3; wherein each R3 is independently an alkyl, haloalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, aryl-alkyl or heteroaryl-alkyl radical, wherein the aryl and heteroaryl radicals are optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of hydroxy, alkoxy, alkylthiol, amino, alkanoylamino, alkylsulfonylamino, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, alkoxycarbonylamino, alkyoxcarbonyl, cyano, halo, azido, alkyl, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז haloalkyl or haloalkoxy; and each R4 is independently a hydrogen or alkyl radical; R11 is a –C(O)-R31, -C(O)-OR30, -C(O)NR32R31, -S(O)2-NR32R31 radical; R5 and R6 are each independently a hydrogen or alkyl radical; or CR5-C6 is C=C; wherein R9 and R10 are each independently –B-A, provided that the combined total number of aryl, heteroaryl, cycloalkyl and heterocyclyl radicals in R9, R10 and R11 is 0-3; wherein each B is independently a (1) bond; (2) alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl radical optionally substituted by (a) 1-3 radicals of amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, alkanoylamino, alkoxycarbonylamino, alkylsulfonylamino, hydroxy, alkoxy, alkylthio, cyano, or halo, and/or (b) 1-2 radicals of heterocyclyl, aryl or heteroaryl optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of amino, alkylamino, di-alkylamino, alkanoylamino, alkoxycarbonylamino, alkylsulfonylamino, hydroxy, alkoxy, alkylthio,cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl or haloalkoxy; or (3) aryl or heteroaryl radical optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, alkanoylamino, alkoxycarbonylamino, alkylsulfonylamino, alkoxycarbonyl, hydroxy, alkoxy, The applications for division from this application have not yet been published alkylthio, cyano, halo, azido, alkyl, haloalkyl or haloalkoxy; each R31 is independently hydrogen radical or R30; wherein each R32 is independently (1) hydrogen radical; (2) alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl radical optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, hydroxyl, alkoxy, alkylthio, cyano or halo; or (3) aryl, heteroaryl, arylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclyl, heterocyclyalkyl, cycloalkyl or cycloalkylalkyl radicals optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, hydroxy, alkoxy, alkylthio, cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl or haloalkoxy; and each R34 is independently hydroxy, alkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, arylalkyl or heteroarylalkyl radical, wherein the aryl and heteroaryl radicals are optionally substituted by 1-3 radicals of amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, alkanoylamino, alkoxycarbonylamino, alkylsulfonylamino, hydroxy, alkoxy, alkylthio, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, cyano, halo, alkyl, haloalkyl or haloalkoxy. 5742443 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ OPIOID AGONIST/ANTAGONIST COMBINATIONS May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 201726 צירופים של אגוניסט אופיאודי ואנטגוניסט לחומר זה 220 ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ 22.12.1998 60/068480 ]/1[ 22.12.1997 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 009/20, 009/48, 045/00, 045/06 EURO-CELTIQUE S.A., LUXEMBOURG ROBERT F. KAIKO, ROBERT D. COLUCCI WO/1999/032119 SOROKER-AGMON, ,אגמון-סורוקר 14 SHENKAR STREET, הרצליה פיתוח,14 בית נולטון רחוב שנקר HERZLIYA PITUAH 46725 [57] An oral dosage form, comprising an orally therapeutically effective dose of an opioid agonist, and an opioid antagonist, the dosage form having a ratio of opioid antagonist to opioid agonist that provides a combination product which is analgesically effective when the combination is administered orally, but which (i) is aversive in physically dependent human subjects when administered at the same dose or at a higher dose than said therapeutically effective dose; and (ii) maintains an analgesic effect but does not increase analgesic efficacy of the opioid agonist relative to the same therapeutic dose of opioid analgesic when administered to human patients without said opioid antagonist. 5740074 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו ____________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ 221 ORAL PHARMACEUTICAL EXTENDED RELEASE DOSAGE FORM 201718 צורת מינון פרמצבטית למתן דרך הפה בעלת שחרור מוארך May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ 17.12.1998 9704869-8 ]/1[ 22.12.1997 ]//[ SE Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 009/20, 009/22, C07D 471/02, 495/02 ASTRAZENECA AB, SWEDEN PER-GUNNAR KAREHILL, PER JOHAN LUNDBERG WO/1999/032091 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] An enteric coated pharmaceutical extended release dosage form of a H+, K+ATPase inhibitor, characterized in that the dosage form comprises a core material of a hydrophilic matrix or a hydrophobic matrix resulting in an extended release of the H+, K+- ATPase inhibitor for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 12 hours and the H7, K+ - ATPase inhibitor, and that the H+, K+ -ATPase inhibitor is a compound of formula I, an alkaline salt thereof, one of the single enantiomers thereof or an alkaline salt of one of the enantiomers of a compound of formula I wherein N in the benzimidazole moiety means that one of the ring carbon atoms substituted by R6-R9 optionally may be exchanged for a nitrogen atom without any substituents; R1, R2 and R3 are the same or different and May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 222 selected from hydrogen, alkyl, alkoxy optionally substituted by fluorine, alkylthio, alkoxyalkoxy, dialkylamino, piperidino, halogen, phenyl, and phenylalkoxy; R4 and R5 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, alkyl and arylalkyl; R6 is hydrogen, halogen, trifluoromethyl, alkyl or alkoxy; R6-R9 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, alkyl, alkoxy, halogen, halo-alkoxy, alkylcarbonyl, alkoxycarbonyl, oxazolinyl, trifluoroalkyl, or adjacent groups R6-R9 form ring structures which may be further substituted; R10 is hydrogen or forms an alkylene chain together with R3; and R11 and R12 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, halogen or alkyl. __________ ]22[]12[ 208237 קליטה/התקן ושיטה לשידור ]1/[ APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TRANSMISSION/RECEPTION ]11[ ]/2[ 08.11.1999 10-316417 ]/1[ 06.11.1998 ]//[ JP 22-116/1/ 6/66/62000 JP Int. Cl.8 H04B 014/00, H04J 011/00, H04L 027/04, 027/12, 027/20, 027/22 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD., JAPAN WO/2000/028688 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A transmission method comprising the steps of: inputting a first information sequence comprising a plurality of bits in series and a second information sequence comprising a plurality of bits in series through different routes, dividing each of the first information sequence and the second information sequence so as to generate a sequence of bits including at least one bit of the first information sequence and at least one bit of the second information sequence, in which the first information sequence is more important than the second information sequence; and 223 modulating the sequence of bits to provide a transmission signal in such a way that each of the symbols is expressed using three or more bits on an orthogonal coordinate system including an in-phase component and a quadrature component, wherein a bit corresponding to the first information sequence is arranged on at least the first bit of each of the symbols, and bits corresponding to the first information sequence are arranged on both the first bit and the second bit of at least one of the symbols. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ DEVICE FOR RECORDING AN ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 27.01.1999 98/00919 ]/1[ 28.01.1998 Int. Cl.8 A61B 005/04 MGI S.A.S., FRANCE WO/1999/038436 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] A device for recording an electrocardiogram including a portable housing and means for acquiring, processing and storing electrical signals delivered by electrodes positioned so that they may be applied on the patient's thorax, characterized in that said housing has a first series of three metal electrodes (4, 5, 6) positioned so that they may be May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 208326 .ג.ק.מכשיר להקלטת א ]//[ FR ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא applied on the patient's thorax, for acquiring three precordial signals and a second series of two metal electrodes (7, 8) positioned so that the fingers may be applied thereon, for acquiring two peripheral signals, as well as a skin electrode for acquiring a third peripheral signal, connected to the housing by a connecting cable. 224 __________ ]22[]12[ 208717 ––אמינואטיל4–תהליך עבור הכנת און מוגן:–פירולידין ]1/[ PROCESS FOR PREPARING PROTECTED 4-AMINOMETHYLPYRROLIDIN-3-ONE ]11[ ]/2[ 04.03.1999 1998/7079 ]/1[ 04.03.1998 ]//[ KR 200/2//0/0 206266200/ KR Int. Cl.8 C07D 207/22, 207/24, 207/36, 471/04 LG LIFE SCIENCES LTD., REPUBLIC OF KOREA WO/1999/044991 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, , עו"פ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON STREET תל אביב,94.1 .ד. ת, 076 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451 TEL AVIV 61063 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A process for preparing a compound of the formula 225 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז in which P1 and P2 are protecting groups, comprising (a) reaction of a compound of the formula wherein P1 is as defined for formula (1); with a Raney-nickel catalyst in a solvent under hydrogen to produce a compound of the formula wherein P1 is as defined for formula (1); (b) protecting the amino group to produce a compound of the formula wherein P1 and P2 are as defined for formula (1); and (c) selective reduction of the double bond to produce the compound of formula (1). __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 226 ]22[]12[ 208116 –]–אינדן.',1–תרכובות ספירו[ציקלופרופן )–און בעלות פעילות נגד גידוליםH'6(7' ]1/[ SUBSTITUTED SPIRO[CYCLOPROPANE-1,5'INDEN]-7'(6'H)-ONE COMPOUNDS HAVING ANTI-TUMOR ACTIVITY ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 19.02.1999 026633 ]/1[ 20.02.1998 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/04, 031/095, 031/122, 031/13, 031/185, 031/195, 031/21, 031/357, 031/403, 031/435, 031/5375, 038/05, 038/06, 038/07, 038/08, 038/10, A61P 035/00, 035/02, 035/04, C07C 049/497, 049/517, 049/737, 049/753, 059/76, 062/38, 069/013, 069/73, 069/757, 205/44, 225/14, 225/20, 235/40, 323/22, 323/23, 323/58, 323/59, 323/60, C07D 207/16, 211/08, 265/28, 317/44, 401/04, 401/12, 405/04, 405/12, 413/04, 413/12, C07K 005/02, 005/06, 005/10, 007/00 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. WO/1999/042429 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A compound of the formula: wherein R1 is hydrogen, hydroxy, mercapto, amino, halo, carboxy, nitro, or –(CH2)n-(X)-(Y); n is 0 to 4; X is oxy, thio, -N(R2)-, or absent; Y is (C3-C6) cycloalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, a saccharide, an amino acid, a peptide, or a 1 to 15 membered branched or unbranched carbon chain optionally comprising 1, 2 or 3 non-peroxide oxy, thio, or –N(Ra)-; wherein said chain may optionally be substituted on carbon with 1, 2 or 3, oxo, hydroxy, carboxy, halo, mercapto, nitro, - 227 N(Rb)(Rc), (C3-C6) cycloalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, saccharides, amino acids, or peptides; and wherein said chain may optionally be saturated or unsaturated; R2 is carboxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, (C1-C6) alkoxycarbonyl, halo (C1-C6) alkyl, C(=O)NRdRe, a saccharide, an amino acid, a peptide, or (C1-C6) alkyl substituted by 1 or 2 hydroxy, (C1-C6) alkoxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy, carboxy, amino acids, peptides, saccharides, or – C(=O)NRdRe; R3 is hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkoxy, (C1-C6) alkylthio, aryl, heteroaryl, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז aryloxy, or heteroaryloxy; R4 is hydrogen or (C1-C6) alkyl; and R5 is hydroxy, (C1C6) alkoxy, or (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy; or R4 and R5 taken together are ethylendioxy; R6 is hydrogen, carboxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, (C1-C6) alkoxycarbonyl, halo (C1-C6) alkyl, -C(=O)NRfRg,a saccharide, an amino acid, a peptide, or (C1-C6) alkyl optionally substituted 1 or 2 hydroxy, (C1C6) alkoxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy, carboxy, amino acids, peptides, saccharides, or – C(=O)NRfRg; Ra is hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, phenyl or benzyl; and Rb, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf and Rg are each independently hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, phenyl or benzyl; or Rb and Rc, Rd and Re, or Rf and Rg, together with the nitrogen to which they are attached, are pyrrolidino, piperidino, or morpholino; wherein any aryl, heteroaryl, aryloxy, or heteroaryloxy of Y, or R3 may optionally be substituted by 1, 2 or 3 (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkoxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy, (C1-C6) alkoxycarbonyl, hydroxy (C1-C6) alkyl, halo (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, halo, carboxy, mercapto, nitro, -N(Rh)(Rj); wherein each Rh and Rj is independently hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, phenyl or benzyl; or Rh and Rj together with the nitrogen to which they are attached are pyrrolidino, piperidino, or morpholino; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, or a compound of the formula: wherein R2 is (C1-C6) alkyl; R3 is hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkoxy, (C1-C6) alkylthio, aryl, heteroaryl, aryloxy, or heteroaryloxy; R4 is hydrogen or (C1-C6) alkyl; and R5 is hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkoxy, or (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy; or R4 and R5 taken together are ethylenedioxy; R6 is hydrogen, carboxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, (C1-C6) alkoxycarbonyl, halo (C1-C6) alkyl, C(=O)NRfRg, a saccharide, an amino acid, a peptide, or (C1-C6) alkyl optionally substituted by 1 or 2 hydroxy, (C1-C6) alkoxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy, carboxy, amino acids, peptides, saccharides, or – C(=O)NRfRg; R7 is carboxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, (C1-C6) alkoxycarbonyl, halo (C1-C6) alkyl, - C(=O)NRdRe, a saccharide, an amino acid, a peptide, or (C1-C6) alkyl subsituted by 1 or 2 hydroxy, (C1-C6) alkoxy, (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy, carboxy, amino acids, peptides, saccharides, or – C(=O)NRdRe; Rd, Re, Rf and Rg are each independently hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, phenyl or benzyl; or Rd and Re, or Rf and Rg, together with the nitrogen to which they are attached, are pyrrolidino, piperidino, or morpholino; wherein any aryl, heteroaryl, aryloxy, or heteroaryloxy of R3 may optionally be substituted by 1, 2, or 3 (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkoxy, (C1C6) alkanoyl, (C1-C6) alkanoyloxy, (C1-C6) alkoxycarbonyl, hydroxy (C1-C6) alkyl, halo (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, halo, carboxy, mercapto, nitro, or –N(Rh)(Rj); wherein each Rh and Rj is independently hydrogen, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 228 (C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6) alkanoyl, phenyl or benzyl; or Rh and Rj together with the nitrogen to which they are attached are pyrrolidino, piperidino, or morpholino; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. __________ ]22[]12[ 207030 שיטות לגילוי יחסי גומלין בין חלבון לחלבון ]1/[ METHOD FOR DETECTING PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS ]11[ ]/2[ 26.03.1999 60/079480 ]/1[ 26.03.1998 ]//[ US 6/0/11 1/66/6200/ US Int. Cl.8 C12N 015/11, 015/62, 015/81, G01N 033/48 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/1999/049294 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for detecting an interaction between a first test protein and a second test protein, comprising: (a) providing yeast or bacterial host cells of opposite mating type, one or both of which contain a reporter gene which expresses a detectable protein when the reporter gene is activated by an amino acid sequence including a transcriptional activation domain when the transcriptional activation domain is in sufficient proximity to the reporter gene; (b) providing a first chimeric gene the first chimeric gene comprising a DNA sequence that encodes a first hybrid protein, the first hybrid protein comprising: (i) a DNA-binding domain that recognizes a binding site on the reporter gene in the host cell; and 229 (ii) a first test protein or fragment thereof that is to be tested for interaction with at least one second test protein or fragment thereof; (c) providing a second chimeric gene, the second chimeric gene comprising a DNA sequence that encodes a second hybrid protein, the second hybrid protein comprising: (i) the transcriptional activation domain; and (ii) a second test protein or fragment thereof that is to be tested for interaction with the first test protein or fragment thereof; wherein interaction between the first test protein and the second test protein in the host cell causes the transcription activation domain to activate transcription of the reporter gene; (d) introducing the second chimeric gene May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז into a host cell of a first mating type such that the second hybrid protein is expressed and subsequently introducing said cells into an arraying means thereby creating a master library plate; (e) introducing cells from the master library plate into a second arraying means in liquid medium, thereby creating a mating set; (f) introducing the first chimeric gene into a host cell of the opposite mating type to the host cell in step (d) such that the first hybrid protein is expressed and subsequently introducing said cell into the mating set, thereby allowing mating to occur in liquid medium; (g) selecting for outgrowth of cells which express the reporter gene, thereby creating a selected mating set; (h) removing a portion of the selected mating set to a third arraying means thereby creating a rescue set; (i) determining whether the reporter gene has been expressed in cells in the selected mating set; and (j) analyzing cells from the rescue set which are the same as cells in the selected mating set in which the reporter gene is expressed, wherein detection of expression of the reporter gene in a cell is indicative of an interaction between the first test protein and the second test protein. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ LOW PROFILE MODULAR ELECTRICAL JACK AND COMMUNICATION CARD INCLUDING THE SAME ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 25.03.1999 60/079447 ]/1[ 26.03.1998 Int. Cl.8 H01R 024/04 BEL FUSE LTD., HONG KONG WO/1999/049541 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON STREET P.O.B. 6451 TEL AVIV 61063 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 207112 מגבה חשמלי מודולרי בעל פרופיל נמוך וכרטיס טלקומוניקציה הכולל אותו ]//[ US , עו"פ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו תל אביב,94.1 .ד. ת, 076 רחוב הירקון 230 [57] A modular electrical jack (14), comprising: an outer housing part (42), and an inner housing assembly (44) connected to said outer housing part and defining at least one plug-receiving receptacle (22) with said outer housing part, said inner housing assembly including contact/terminal members (34), at least one of said contact/terminal members including a terminal portion (34b) adapted to be connected to a substrate (30), an arcuate contact portion (34a) extending into a respective one of said at least one plug-receiving receptacle and an intermediate bridging portion (34c) connecting said terminal portion and said contact portion, characterized in that said bridging portion is inclined in relation to an inner surface (54a) of said outer housing part (42) such that only said arcuate contact portion of said bridging portion bears against an inner surface of said outer housing part and remaining portions of said bridging portion are spaced from said inner surface, and in that said outer housing part comprises a groove (62) formed in the inner surface which receives said arcuate contact portion. __________ 231 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF TETRABROMOBISPHENOL-A ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 10.05.1999 096332 ]/1[ 11.06.1998 Int. Cl.8 C07C 037/62, 039/00, 039/367 ALBEMARLE CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/1999/064384 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A process for producing tetrabromobisphenol-A, which process comprises: (a) feeding, to a reactor, a solution comprised of bisphenol-A, water and a water miscible solvent to at least partially form a reaction mass having a liquid phase containing from above 15 to 65 wt% water, the wt% being based upon the amount of water and water miscible solvent in the liquid phase; (b) during (a) feeding a stream of gaseous bromine to the reaction mass, such gaseous 201111 A– תהליך להכנת טטראברומוביספנול ]//[ US , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר feed stream having a Reynold's number ≥ 40,000; (c) during (a), providing for the presence, in the reaction mass of (i) from about 50 to 20,000 ppm unreacted bromine and (ii) about 20 wt% or less of HBr, the ppm and wt% HBr values being based upon the total weight of the liquid phase of the reaction mass; and (d) during (a), forming a reaction mass precipitate phase which comprises at least about 95 wt% tetrabromobisphenol-A, the wt% being based on the total weight of the precipitate phase. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 232 ]22[]12[ ]1/[ CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF MORPHOLINE DERIVATIVES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 10.06.1999 9813025.5 ]/1[ 16.06.1998 Int. Cl.8 C07D 413/02 MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD, UNITED KINGDOM WO/1999/065900 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ 201161 יצור כימי של תולדות מורפולין ]//[ GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם [57] A process for the preparation of a compound of the formula wherein R2 and R3 are independently selected from the group consisting of: (1) hydrogen, (2) C1-6 alkyl (3) C2-6 alkenyl, and (4) phenyl; R6, R7 and R8 are independently selected from the group consisting of: (1) hydrogen, (2) C1-6 alkyl, (3) fluoro, (4) chloro, (5) bromo, 233 (6) iodo, and (7) –CF3; R11, R12 and R13 are independently selected from the group consisting of: (1) hydrogen, (2) C1-6 alkyl, (3) fluoro, (4) chloro, (5) bromo, (6) iodo, and (7) –CF3; and Z is C1-4 alkyl, which comprises: (i) reacting a compound of the formula May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז or a salt thereof, wherein R2, R3, R6, R7, R8, R11, R12, R13 and Z are as previously defined, which compound of the formula wherein LG is a leaving group selected from halogen or an alkyl- or arylsulfonate group, in an organic solvent and in the presence of a base; and (ii) collecting the resultant crystalline compound of formula (I). __________ ]22[]12[ 262201 שימוש לתולדה פירידאזינון להכנת תרופה ]1/[ USE OF A PYRIDAZINONE DERIVATIVE IN THE MANJFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 26.05.1999 099945 ]/1[ 19.06.1998 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/50, A61P 009/04, C07D 237/04 ORION CORPORATION, FINLAND WO/1999/066932 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, , עו"פ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON STREET תל אביב,94.1 .ד. ת, 076 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451 TEL AVIV 61063 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 234 [57] Use of (R)-N-[4-(1, 4, 5, 6tetrahydro-4-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridazinyl) phenyl]-acetamide in the manufacture of a medicament for use in the treatment of neurohumoral imbalance caused by alterations of cardiac function to prevent the development of heart failure and for increasing calcium sensitivity of contractile proteins of cardiac muscle. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ MECHANICAL HEART VALVE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 02.06.1999 60/088184 ]/1[ 05.06.1998 Int. Cl.8 A61F 002/24 TRIFLO MEDICAL, INC., U.S.A. DIDIER LAPEYRE, FRANCE ]//[ ]//[ WO/1999/062437 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A rotatable leaflet (110) for a prosthetic heart valve (100) comprising: a main portion including leading and trailing edge surfaces, and inner and outer surfaces connecting the leading and trailing edge surfaces, wherein the inner surface generally defines a convex curvature (120) proximate the leading edge surface to the 262231 שסתום לבבי מכני ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם trailing edge surface and the outer surface generally defines a convex curvature proximate the leading edge surface and a concave curvature proximate the trailing edge surface; and first and second winglet portions situated on opposite ends of the leaflet to facilitate rotation of the leaflet. __________ 235 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ 262211 , תהליך הכנתן,נגזרות טטראהידורוקוינולין תכשירים רוקחיים המכילים אותו ושימושם מהכנת תכשירים רפואיים לדיכוי האפקט של חומצות אמינו ממוקטבות על NMDA הרצפטור ]1/[ TETRAHYDROQUINOLINE DERIVATIVES, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS THEREOF AND THEIR USE FOR THE PREPARATION OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS FOR ANTAGONISING THE EFFECTS OF EXCITATORY AMINO ACIDS ON THE NMDA RECEPTOR COMPLEX ]11[ ]/2[ 08.06.1999 9812410.0 ]/1[ 10.06.1998 ]//[ GB 0/21/6/6/ 266606200/ GB Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/47, A61P 025/00, C07D 401/04 GLAXO WELLCOME SPA, ITALY WO/1999/064411 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A compound of the formula or a salt or a non-toxic metabolically labile ester thereof, wherein Y represents a carbon atom; Z is the group CH which is linked to the group Y via a double bond and X is CH or Z is methylene or NR11 and X is a carbon atom linked to the group Y via a double bond; A represents a C1-2 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז alkylene chain and which chain may be subsituted by one or two groups selected from C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted by hydroxy, amino C1-4 alkyl amino or C1-4 dialkyl amino or which chain may be substituted by the group =O; R represents a halogen atom or C1-4 alkyl group; R1 236 represents a hydrogen, a halogen atom or C1-4 alkyl group; R2 represents phenyl which may be substituted with up to 3 groups selected from halogen, hydrogen, or (CH2)nR3 wherein R3 is COR4, NR6R5, NHCOR7, NHCONR9R8 or a NHSO2R10 group or R2 is a 5 membered heteroaryl group containing 1 to 3 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen; or a 6 membered heteroaryl group containing 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms, R4 represents an amino, a hydroxyl or C1-4 alkoxy group; R5 and R6 each independently represent hydrogen or C1-4 alkyl group or R5 and R6 together with the nitrogen atom to which they are attached represent a saturated 5-7 membered heterocyclic group optionally containing an additional heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulphur or nitrogen; R7 represents a hydrogen atom or C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy, or phenyl; R8 represents hydrogen or C1-4 alkyl group; R9 represents hydrogen, optionally substituted C1-4 alkyl (optionally substituted by one or more hydroxy, carboxyl and amino group), or phenyl; R11 represents hydrogen or C1-4 alkyl group; R10 represents hydrogen, C1-4 alkyl or a nitrogen protecting group, n is zero or an integer from 1 to 2. __________ ]22[]12[ 262683 שיטה לייצורו,מתקן לטיפול בבעיות זיקפה ושימוש שלו ]1/[ DEVICE FOR THE TREATMENT OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, METHOD OF PREPARATION AND USE THEREOF ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 25.06.1999 60/090674 ]/1[ 25.06.1998 ]//[ US Int. Cl.7 A61F 005/41, 5416137, A61M 037/00 LAVIPHARM LABORATORIES, INC., U.S.A. WO/1999/066870 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A delivery device for treatment of erectile dysfunction in a patient, comprising a disk formed from a filmogenic polymer, and having an effective dose of a therapeutic agent selected from the group consisting of: a vasodilator, a smooth muscle relaxant, an antidepressant, a parasympathetic stimulator, a rennin-angiotensin system inhibitor, a local anesthetic, an a-blocker, and a calcium channel blocker. __________ 237 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ EXPONENTIAL CURRENT GENERATOR AND METHOD ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 30.06.1999 109504 ]/1[ 02.07.1998 Int. Cl.8 H03F 003/45 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2000/002310 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT ]//[ ]//[ [57] An apparatus for generating a current pair, Ip, Im wherein the ratio of the pair is exponentially related to a control signal, the apparatus comprising: a differential amplifier (465), the differential amplifier generating the current pair Im, Ip as a function of the control signal and a bias current, Ibias, where Ibias is a function of a boost current Iboost and the sum of Ip and 262316 מחולל זרם מעריכי ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא Im equals Ibias; and a correction feedback circuit (610), coupled to the differential amplifier, the feedback circuit sensing one of Im and Ip and generating the boost current Iboost when one of Im and Ip is one of less than a minimum value and greater than a maximum value, to keep said one of Im and Ip above said minimum value or below said maximum value. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 262118 238 ]1/[ COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING AT LEAST ONE ACTIVE SUBSTANCE HAVING AN INFLUENCE ON THE LEVELS OF LIPIDS IN THE BLOOD ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 07.07.1999 19830732.2 ]/1[ 09.07.1998 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/70, 045/00 LTS LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG, GERMANY WO/2000/002541 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Preparation in the form of transdermal therapeutic system containing at least one active substance which has an influence on the lipid blood levels and at least one auxiliary substance enhancing the permeation of the active substance through the skin in a self-adhesive matrix layer which can be covered at the side facing away from the skin with an active substance-impermeable backing layer, characterized in that the said active substance is selected from the group of active substances inhibiting hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase, the self-adhesive matrix layer is a mass based on polyacrylate, or a mass based on silicone, and that the said auxiliary substance is selected from the group consisting of pyrrolidone derivatives, fatty acids, fatty alcohols, fatty acid esters, fatty תכשירים המכילים לפחות חומר פעיל אחד בעל השפעה על רמות הליפידים בדם ]//[ DE ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה ethers, paraffin derivatives, terpenes, ethylene glycol monoalkyl ethers, polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers, polyoxyethylene aryl ethers, polyoxyethylene alkyl esters, polyoxypropylene alkyl esters, polyoxypropylene alkyl ethers, propylene glycol fatty acid derivatives, glycerol fatty acid esters, polysorbates, poloxamers, dialkyl sulfoxides, urea and urea derivatives, glycerol, native oils, laurocaprames, phospholipids, amides, amino acids, N, N-dimethyl formamide, Nmethyl formamide, acetonides, calcium thioglycolate, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, alkyl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, macrocylic compounds or polar solvents such as panthenol. __________ ]22[]12[ 239 262182 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ PLASTER WHICH CONTAINS STEROIDS, AND A METHOD FOR PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 07.07.1999 19830651.2 ]/1[ 09.07.1998 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00 LTS LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG, GERMANY WO/2000/002540 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Medicinal self-adhesive composition for transdermal application of an estrogen in combination with a gestagen, containing (a) 25-90%-wt, of a self-adhesive acrylate copolymer, (b) 1-15%-wt. of a film-forming acrylate copolymer which contains 10-90%-wt. of שיטה,תחבושת המכילה סטרואידים ליצורה והשימוש בה ]//[ DE ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה methacrylic acid and 10-90%-wt. of methyl methacrylate, (c) 1-30%-wt. of tack-increasing adhesive resin additives, (d) 0.2-2.0%-wt. of estrogen and (e) 1-5%-wt. of gestagen. __________ ]22[]12[ 262866 –רטייה טופיקלית עם חומרים לא סטרואידים אנטיראומטיים בעלי קבוצה חומצית ]1/[ TOPICAL PATCH WITH NONSTEROID ANTIRHEUMATIC AGENTS HAVING AN ACID GROUP ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 06.07.1999 19830649.0 ]/1[ 09.07.1998 ]//[ DE Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 009/70, A61L 015/44, C07C 059/48 LTS LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG, GERMANY WO/2000/002539 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Topical patch containing as active substance a non-steroid antirheumatic agent having a free carboxyl group, comprising a backing layer inert to the May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז active substance, which backing layer is made of a material that is elastic in at least one direction, a self-adhesive, active substance-containing matrix layer based on a polyacrylate adhesive, which 240 polyacrylate adhesive is crosslinked with multivalent metal ions and comprises free carboxyl groups, the said matrix containing a fatty acid, and a protective sheet to be removed prior to use, characterized in that said active substancecontaining matrix consists of one layer and is free of hydroxyl groups, and that said backing layer is made of an elastic polyester woven fabric or polyester knitted fabric, or a nonwoven, a woven fabric or a knitted fabric of polyethylene terephthalate, or a closed-cell, elastic foam. __________ ]22[]12[ 262863 תהליך צילום יבש לייצור מנה אחת של תכשירי חומר פעיל שטוחים ]1/[ DRY COPYING PROCESS FOR PRODUCING FLAT, SINGLEDOSE ACTIVE INGREDIENT PREPARATIONS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 02.07.1999 19830650.4 ]/1[ 09.07.1998 ]//[ DE Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, B05B 005/053, H02N 013/00 LTS LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG, GERMANY WO/2000/002533 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Method for metering active ingredient in powder form onto a predetermined area, characterized in that the active ingredient is transferred as electrically charged powder to a roll with the opposite charge, the active ingredient transferred to the roll is transferred to a two-dimensional substrate with an electric charge opposite to the active ingredient, the active ingredient transferred to the substrate is fixed by means of a heat treatment. __________ ]22[]12[ 241 262711 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ LIPID/POLYMER CONTAINING PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AND PROCESSES FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF ]11[ ]/2[ 16.07.1999 60/093243 ]/1[ 17.07.1998 062262/11 116606200/ 06221/60/ 6166/62000 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/50, 031/00 SKYEPHARMA INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/003660 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A lipid/polymer-containing pharmaceutical composition comprising: a biodegradable microsphere having a matrix, said matrix comprising at least one תכשירי רוקחות המכילים שומן\פולימר ותהליכים להכנתם ]//[ US US US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד type of biodegradable polymer and at least one type of lipid; and a physiologically active substance which is releasable from the biodegradable microsphere. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR LOADING WEIGHTS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ 01.02.2001 497110 ]/1[ 03.02.2000 Int. Cl.8 A63B 021/062 YIFAT GURION OFER EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 [57] Apparatus for varying the load on an exercise machine (300), the apparatus comprising: a stack (314) of weights (312) in slidable communication with at least one load-bearing member (354); and weight selection devices (330) characterized in that each of said weight May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 262121 מתקן ושיטה להעמסת משקולות ]//[ US , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר selection devices (330) is housed within a corresponding one of said weights, each of said weight selection devices comprising a motor (341) and a locking element (350) to selectably lock its corresponding weight to said at least one load-bearing member (354). 242 __________ ]22[]12[ 262016 אומפרזול,תהליך להכת אומפרזול תכשירים ותכשירים,המתקבל מתהליך זה רוקחיים המכילים אותו ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE PREPARTION OF OMEPRAZOLE, OMEPRAZOLE OBTAINED BY SAID PROCESS, COMPOSITIONS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 06.08.1999 60/096037 ]/1[ 11.08.1998 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/44, A61P 001/00, C07D 401/12 ASTRAZENECA AB, SWEDEN WO/2000/009497 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A process for the preparation of omeprazole, of the formula 243 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז which comprises treating, at about -5 to +5oC, a buffered solution of pyrmetazole, of the formula in a non-alcoholic organic reaction solvent, with an equivalent amount of an oxidizing agent relative to the number of moles of said pyrmetazole, the oxidizing agent dissolved in the non-alcoholic organic reaction solvent in admixture with an alcoholic solvent at about 0-5oC followed by aging in the presence of an aqueous base. __________ ]22[]12[ 262616 טכנולוגיות תקשורת רב–טונית בדידה בעלת ביטול,נשא אוגר וקומבינציות עם איפוס קוד תקשורת מנחה חוזרת ומערך,הפרעה אנטנות ניתן להתאמה ]1/[ STACKED-CARRIER DISCRETE MULTIPLE TONE COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMBINATIONS WITH CODE NULLING, INTERFERENCE CANCELLATION, RETRODIRECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND ADAPTIVE ANTENNA ARRAYS ]11[ ]12[ 18.08.1998 Int. Cl.8 H04B 001/69, 007/04, 007/06, 007/08, H04J 013/02, H04L 005/02, 027/06, H04Q 007/00 BRN PHOENIX, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/011823 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 244 [57] A multiple access communication system, comprising: at least one radio transmitter for transmitting a plurality of radio frequency (RF) carriers; at least one radio receiver for receiving said at least one subset of at least two of said plurality of radio frequency carriers; at least one spreader connected to each of the transmitters for independently and redundantly modulating the amplitude and phase of at least two of said (RF) carriers with a first digital spreading gain and first data; at least one despreader connected to each of the receivers for independently demodulating the amplitude and phase of at least two of said (RF) carriers with said first digital spreading gain to recover said first data; and multiple access means connected to the transmitters, receivers, spreaders and despreaders for providing separate channels of communication by at least one of space-division multiple access (SDMA), frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) and code-division multiple access (CDMA). __________ ]22[]12[ 262163 -': תכשירי רוקחות המכילים -0(-':-דסאמינו מתוקסימורפולינו)דוקסורוביצין לטיפול בגידול הכבד ]1/[ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING 3'-DESAMINO-3'-(2METHOXYMORPHOLINO)DOXORUBICIN FOR THE TREATMENT OF A LIVER TUMOR ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 27.08.1999 9820012.4 ]/1[ 14.09.1998 ]//[ GB Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/65, A61P 035/00, C07H 015/252, C12P 019/56 PHARMACIA & UPJOHN S.P.A, ITALY WO/2000/015203 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., ,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, תל אביב TEL AVIV 61040 245 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז [57] Use of methoxymorphilino doxorubicin (MMDX) of the formula in the preparation of a medicament, formulated for intrahepatic administration via the hepatic artery in the treatment of a human liver tumour. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PORTABLE INTRAVENOUS FLUID WARMING SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 17.09.1999 156324 ]/1[ 18.09.1998 Int. Cl.8 A61F 007/00, 007/12 ESTILL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES,INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2000/016722 S. HOROWITZ & CO., 41-45 ROTSHILD BLV TEL AVIV 65784 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A portable intravenous fluid warming system comprising: a housing (34) having an intravenous fluid input port and intravenous fluid output port; a plurality of groups of rigid interconnected high thermal conductive material tube sections (52-64) in said housing carrying said intravenous fluid to be warmed between said input port and said output port, each one of said tube sections having May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 262172 מערכת ניידת לחימום נוזלים המיועדים ורידית-להזרקה תוך ]//[ US ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש תל אביב,41-4.שדרות רוטשילד an outer periphery; a first group of said plurality of tube sections in said housing for receiving intravenous fluid to be warmed from said input port and forming a group of staged heating sections; a final section of tube in said housing for dispensing said warmed I.V. fluid to said output port and forming a final heating stage; and a like plurality of flexible independently controlled heating elements 246 as said plurality of tube sections for heating the intravenous fluid therein, each one of said flexible heating elements being wrapped around, in contact with, and surrounding at least the majority of the peripheral surface of a corresponding tube section. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ MODULAR ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES WITH MAGNETIC FILTER AND/OR VISUAL INDICATOR ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 14.10.1999 60/104137 ]/1[ 14.10.1998 Int. Cl.8 H01R 003/00 BEL FUSE LTD., HONG KONG WO/2000/022697 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON STREET P.O.B. 6451 TEL AVIV 61063 [57] A connector assembly (8) for mounting on a main printed circuit board, comprising: a jack (10, 50) defining a plug-receiving receptacle (16) and including an outer housing part (68) and an inner housing part (70); circuit coupling means including contact portions (18a) arranged in said receptacle (16) and adapted to engage contacts of a mating plug when situated in said receptacle and terminal portions (18b) adapted to engage 247 261331 מחבר חשמלי מודולרי מורכב יחד עם או אינדיקטור ויזואלי/פילטר מגנטי ו ]//[ US , עו"פ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו תל אביב,94.1 .ד. ת, 076 רחוב הירקון the main printed circuit board (126) and being electrically coupled to said contact portions; a light pipe element (30) arranged in said jack and comprising at least one light transmitting section (32) arranged such that said at least one light transmitting section is visible from a front face (82) of said jack, and light generating means (164) for generating light, said light generating means being arranged such that light generated by said light generating May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז means is transmitted through said at least one light transmitting section to said front face of said jack; an internal printed circuit board (183) arranged in said jack, a first set of contacts (60) arranged in said jack (10) including said contact portions (18a) arranged in said receptacle (16) and being connected to said internal printed circuit board (183) wherein said outer housing part (68) comprises a top wall (72), opposed side walls (74), a bottom wall (76) and a comb portion (90) defining a plurality of slots for receiving ends of said contacts said top and side walls having a length greater than a length of said bottom wall to thereby define a cavity (78) at a rear of said outer housing part rearward of said comb portion, said inner housing part comprising a front flat portion (98), a vertical wall (100) extending perpendicular to and upwards from said front portion and a rear portion (101) extending rearwardly from a lower portion of said vertical wall and defining a second cavity, said vertical wall and rear portion being situated in said May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז cavity, and a second set of contacts (182) connected to said internal printed circuit board and including said terminal portions adapted to engage the main printed circuit board, said internal printed circuit board said internal printed circuit board including a wiring pattern for electrically coupling said first set of contacts and said second set of contacts, said front portion of said inner housing part including channels (104) at a front edge, channels (108) in a lower surface and slots (106) extending from said lower surface to an upper surface alongside said vertical wall, said vertical wall of said inner housing part including channels at an upper edge whereby said first set of contacts pass through said channels at said front edge of said inner housing part, through said channels in said lower surface of said inner housing part, through said slots in said front portion and through said channels at said upper edge of said vertical wall and connect to said internal printed circuit. 248 __________ כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 249 ]22[]12[ 260221 תרכובות תרופתית הכוללת גורם נגד סרטן ולפחות פפטיד אחד ]1/[ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING AN ANTI-CANCER AGENT AND AT LEAST ONE PEPTIDE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 26.11.1999 98/15073 ]/1[ 30.11.1998 ]//[ FR Int. Cl.8 A61K 045/00, 047/48, C07K 004/00 SYNT:EM S.A., FRANCE WO/2000/032237 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT [57] Use of a peptide selected from the group consisting of: (a) X1-X2-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8-X9-X10-X11X12-X13-X14-X15-X16 (I) wherein in formula (I), the residues X1 to X16 are amino acid residues, 6 to 10 of which are hydrophobic amino acids, and X6 is tryptophan; (b) BXXBXXXXBBBXXXXXXB (II); (c) BXXXBXXXBXXXXBBXB (III)' wherein in formulae (II) and (III): the B groups may be the same or different and represent an amino acid residue in which the side chain comprises a basic group, and the X groups may be the same or different and represent an aliphatic or aromatic amino acid residue; (d) the retro form of said formula (I), (II) or (III) peptides, which is composed of D and/or L configuration amino acids; and (e) a fragment of said amino acids composed of a sequence of at least 5 successive amino acids of formula (I), (II) or (III) peptides, for the preparation of a drug intended for the treatment and/or prevention of chemoresistant cancers, in which the drug comprises any one of peptides a) to e) associated with at least one anti-cancer agent, to carry said agent to the cancerous cells and prevent the occurrence of resistance of said cells to said agent. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 260281 250 מקור אדים בעל פתח קווי ותהליך ציפוי ]1/[ VAPOR SOURCE HAVING LINEAR APERTURE AND COATING PROCESS ]11[ ]/2[ 12.11.1999 60/108187 ]/1[ 12.11.1998 602///0// 2662262000 Int. Cl.8 C23C 014/24, 014/26, 014/56 FLEX PRODUCTS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/028103 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A linear aperture deposition apparatus for coating a substrate, comprising: (a) a source box containing a charge of source material; (b) a heating element within the source box adapted to heat the source material to produce a vapor of the source material; (c) a chimney having at least one inlet in communication with the source box and a ]//[ US US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד rectangular slot outlet for directing the vapor from the source box to the substrate; (d) a baffle disposed within the source box and configured to restrict the flow of vapor from the source box to the substrate; and (e) a containment and cooling vessel disposed around the source box and configured to prevent heating of the substrate. __________ ]22[]12[ 251 260210 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז תכשירים לטיפול מקומי המכילים אסקומיצינים ]1/[ TOPICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING ASCOMYCINS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 01.12.1999 9826656.2 ]/1[ 03.12.1998 ]//[ GB Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 047/44, A61P 031/00 NOVARTIS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2000/032234 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] A composition for topical administration of an ascomycin for treatment of skin disorders, which composition comprises a carrier vehicle comprising (i) means to retain water in the outer skin layer comprising a urea, an inorganic salt, or a carboxylic acid, and (ii) means to hinder water evaporating from the skin, whereby the composition is water free or may comprise water in an amount of from 0 to about 10% w/w. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF LIQUID FILLED CAPSULES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 11.11.1999 98121831.6 ]/1[ 17.11.1998 Int. Cl.8 A61J 003/00, 003/07 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2000/028942 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A process for encapsulating a shear sensitive fill mass into a capsule, characterized in that said fill mass is 260221 תהליך ליצור כמוסות מלאות בנוזל ]//[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם heated and subsequently cooled, immediately prior to the encapsulation. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ MEDICAMENTS COMPRISING May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 260106 תרופות המכילות חלקיקים מצופים של 252 COATED DRUG PARTICLES, METHOD FOR PREPARING THE SAME, FORMULATIONS COMPRISING THEM AND USE THEREOF IN THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS FOR TREATING RESPIRATORY DISEASES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 18.11.1999 60/108847 ]/1[ 18.11.1998 062226102 /66226200/ Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, U.S.A. WO/2000/028969 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] A medicament comprising a plurality of coated drug particles, each having an average particle size of less than 500 μm in diameter, the surface of said particles comprising at least a first layer of biodegradable and biocompatible polymeric coating particles, wherein the תכשירי רוחות, שיטה להכנתן,תרופה המכילים אותם ושימושם בהכנת תרופות לטיפול באי–סדרים בנשימה ]//[ US US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה average thickness of said coating layer is between 1 and 500 nm, the coated drug particles being obtainable through a process comprising depositing said polymeric coating particles onto the surface of host drug particles by a process comprising pulsed laser ablation. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ 253 PRESSURISED METERED DOSE INHALERS 260116 משאפים בעלי מנה קצובה בלחץ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 23.11.1999 MI98A002559 ]/1[ 25.11.1998 MI99A001712 /666/62000 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 009/72 CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.P.A., ITALY WO/2000/030608 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] Pressurised metered dose inhalers containing a composition for aerosol administration containing a solution of budesonide or epimers thereof, an hydrofluorocarbon propellant and a cosolvent, part or all of the internal surfaces ]//[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם of said inhalers consisting of stainless steel, anodized aluminium or being lined with an inert organic coating selected from perfluoroalkoxyalkane, epoxy-phenol resin or fluorinated-ethylene-propylene polyether sulfone. 5719497 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published IT IT בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו _____________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ IRRIGATION UNIT SUPPORT STAKE AND A SYSTEM INCLUDING IT ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ 23.05.2001 Int. Cl.8 B05B 015/06 DAN MAMTIRIM YOEL TZUR, ZOHAR KATZMAN REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A sprinkler mounting stake (10) comprising a lower ground insertion portion and an upper sprinkler support portion; said sprinkler support portion May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 260021 תומך ליחידת השקייה ומערכת הכוללת אותה אביזרי השקעה לחקלאות נוי,דן ממטירים זהר קצמן,יואל צור ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם comprising a lateral projection (34) extending essentially parallel to a longitudinal axis (84) of the stake and fitted for insertion into a corresponding offset support member receptacle (60) of a sprinkler; and a retention member (42) for 254 releasably engaging a corresponding securing member of the sprinkler. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING LIPOPHILIC DRUGS AND METHODS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 10.12.1999 60/111951 ]/1[ 11.12.1998 Int. Cl.8 A61K 038/00, 047/00 PHARMASOLUTIONS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/033862 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] A pharmaceutical composition comprising a pharmaceutically effective amount of a lipophilic drug in association with a pharmaceutical carrier, said carrier 255 260372 תכשירי רוקחות המכילים תרופות ליפופיליות ושיטות להכנתן ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד comprising (a) a lipophilic drug solubilizing effective amount of a propylene glycol ester of C6-C18 fatty acid having at least about 60% by weight of monoester based on the total weight of the propylene glycol ester and (b) a non-ionic surfactant, said non-ionic surfactant being May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז present in an amount sufficient to form a microemulsion with the propylene glycol ester and drug when brought into contact with an aqueous medium. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ NMR SPECTROSCOPIC IN VITRO ASSAY USING HYPERPOLARIZATION ]11[ ]/2[ 23.12.1999 9828852.5 ]/1[ 30.12.1998 002/60066 6166/62000 Int. Cl.8 G01R 033/465 GE HEALTHCARE LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2000/040988 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] An in vitro assay method to detect a physical or chemical change involving a biological species which comprises: (a) performing an assay using an assay reagent containing at least one NMR active nucleus other than a noble gas to perform an assay, wherein the assay reagent is the biological species and is either (i) introduced as an initial reagent; or (ii) formed in situ during the assay; or (iii) formed as a product of the assay; and 260118 בדיקת הרכב בתוך מבחנה באמצעות ספקטרוסקופיית תמ"ג בקיטוב יתר ]//[ GB GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם (b) hyperpolarising at least one NMR active nucleus of the assay reagent; wherein steps (a) and (b) are performed simultaneously or sequentially in either order, and (c) analyzing the assay reagent and/or the assay by NMR to obtain a spectrum which is dependent on the environment of the NMR active nucleus; and (d) optionally using the NMR data obtained in step (c) to generate further assay result(s). __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PHENYLPHENANTHRIDINE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 266211 תולדות פנילפנאנתרידין ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן 256 ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 12.01.2000 99100694.1 ]/1[ 15.01.1999 ]//[ EP Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/435, A61P 011/08, C07D 221/12, 401/10, 403/10, 413/10 ALTANA PHARMA AG, GERMANY WO/2000/042020 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] Compounds of the formula in which R1 is hydroxyl, 1-4C-alkoxy, 3-7Ccycloalkoxy, 3-7C-cycloalkylmethoxy or completely or predominantly fluorinesubstituted 1-4C-alkoxy, R2 is hydroxyl, 1-4C-alkoxy, 3-7Ccycloalkoxy, 3-7C-cycloalkylmethoxy or completely or predominantly fluorinesubstituted 1-4C-alkoxy, or in which R1 and R2 together are a 1-2Calkylenedioxy group, R3 is hydrogen or 1-4C-alkyl, R31 is hydrogen or 1-4C-alkyl, or in which R3 and R31 together are a 1-4C-alkylene group, R4 is hydrogen or 1-4C-alkyl, R5 is hydrogen, R51 is hydrogen, or in which R5 and R51 together represent an additional bond, 257 R6 is O-R7, S-R8, C(O)-R9, CH2-R10, S(O)2-aryl, O-S(O)2-R11, pyrrolidin-1-yl, pyrrolidin-1-yl-2-one, pyrrolidin-1-yl-2,5dione, piperidin-1-yl, piperidin-1-yl-2-one or piperidin-1-yl-2,6-dione, where R7 is 3-7C-cycloalkyl, 3-7Ccycloalkylmethyl, 1-4C-alkoxy-1-4Calkyl, aryl or phenyl-1-4C-alkyl, R8 is hydrogen, 1-4C-alkyl, 1-4Calkylcarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, trifluoromethyl, difluoromethyl, trichloromethyl or phenyl, R9 is 1-4C-alkyl, 3-7C-cycloalkyl, 3-7Ccycloalkylmethyl, 1-pyrrolidinyl, 1piperidinyl, 1-piperazinyl, 4methylpiperazinyl, 4-morpholinyl or aryl, R10 is hydroxyl, halogen, cyano, carboxyl, 1-4C-alkoxy, phenoxy, 1-4Calkoxycarbonyl, aminocarbonyl, mono-or di-1-4C-alkylaminocarbonyl, N(R15)R16 or 1-4C-alkylcarbonylamino, and May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז R11 is 1-4C-alkyl, amino, mono-or di-14C-alkylamino or aryl, aryl is phenyl, pyridyl, or R12-substituted phenyl, where R12 is hydroxyl, halogen, carboxyl, nitro, amino, cyano, 1-4C-alkyl, trifluoromethyl, 1-4C-alkoxy, 1-4C-alkoxycarbonyl, 1-4Calkylcarbonylamino, 1-4Calkylcarbonyloxy or aminocarbonyl, R13 is hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, cyano, nitro, amino, 1-4C-alkyl, trifloromethyl, 1-4C-alkoxy, completely or predominantly fluorine-substituted 1-4Calkoxy, phenyl, phenyl-1-4C-alkyl, C(O)OR14, C(O)-N(R15)R16, N(17)R18, S(O)2-R19, S(O)2-N(R15) R16 or has one of the meanings of R6, where R14 is hydrogen, 1-4C-alkyl, 3-7Ccycloalkyl or 3-7C-cycloalkylmethyl, R15 is hydrogen, 1-4C-alkyl, 3-7Ccycloalkyl or 3-7C-cycloalkymethyl, R16 is hydrogen, 1-4C-alkyl, 3-7Ccycloalkyl, 3-7C-cycloalkylmethyl or aryl, or where R15 and R16, together and including the nitrogen atom to which both are bonded, represent a 1-pyrrolidinyl, 1piperidinyl, 1-piperazinyl, 4methylpiperazin-1-yl, hexahydroazepinyl or 4-morphilinyl radical, R17 is hydrogen, 1-4C-alkyl, S(O)2-R19 or S(O)2-aryl, R18 is 1-4C-alkyl, 1-4C-alkylcarbonyl, 37C-cycloalkylcarbonyl, 3-7Ccycloalkylmethylcarbonyl, S(O)2-R19 or S(O)2-aryl, and R19 is 1-4C-alkyl, R20 is hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, nitro, amino, 1-4C-alkyl, trifloromethyl, 1-4Calkoxy, completely or predominantly fluorine-substituted 1-4C-alkoxy, 3-7Ccycloalkoxy, 3-7C-cycloalkylmethoxy, CH2-R10, carboxyl, 1-4C-alkoxycarbonyl, 1-4C-alkylcarbonyloxy, 1-4Calkylcarbonylamino or aminocarbonyl, and the salts, the N-oxides and the salts of the N-oxides of these compounds. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ]11[ ]/2[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF ACCESSORIES COUPLED TO A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICE 11.01.2000 229131 ]/1[ 12.01.1999 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 266137 מערכת ושיטה לזיהוי אוטומטי של אביזרים המוצמדים להתקן תקשורת אל–חוטי ]//[ US 258 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ Int. Cl.8 H04B 001/38 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2000/042797 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] A wireless communication system, comprising: a housing; a wireless communication device contained within the housing, the wireless communication device including a transceiver for transmitting and receiving data and audio communications between the wireless communication device and a remote location; an accessory port mounted on the housing and accessible to an external accessory to allow the external accessory to be coupled to the wireless communication device, the accessory port including at least one data line; a processor included in the wireless communication device and communicatively coupled to ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא the accessory port to sense activity on the data line when the external accessory is coupled to the accessory port, the processor further sensing identification data associated with the external accessory and using the identification data to identify the external accessory; and a storage area associated with the wireless communication device to store codes corresponding to a plurality of external accessories, the processor comparing the sensed identification data with the stored codes to identify the external accessory when the external accessory is coupled to the wireless communication device. __________ ]22[]12[ 266186 נגזרות של מונוסכרידיים כמעכבי הידבקות תאים ]1/[ DERIVATIVES OF MONOSACCHARIDES AS CELL ADHESION INHIBITORS ]11[ ]/2[ 10.01.2000 229155 ]/1[ 12.01.1999 ]//[ US /22/1/ 6262662000 US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/70, 038/05, A61P 011/00, 017/00, 019/00, 025/00, 037/08, C07H 015/02, 019/00 ]12[ 259 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED, INDIA WO/2000/042053 , עו"ד,רחל פשר אייקנאר ת"א,4.טאגור [57] A compound of the formula and its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, esters, enantiomers, diastereomers, Noxides, amides, or prodrugs, wherein R is C1 to C15 alkyl, alkene, straight chain or branched alkyne, aryl, substituted aryl or alkylaryl, R' is SO2C6H5, SO2C6H4CH3-p, or SO2C6H4Cl-p, phenyl or C6H4—R'"-p wherein R'" is Cl, NO2, OCH3, CH3, CH2COOH, CH2COOH, CH2COLDVP, CH2 CODVP, CH2COVP, wherein LDVP, DVP and VP represent tripeptide (Leucylaspartyl-valyl-prolyl), tripeptide (aspartylvalyl-prolyl) and (valyl-prolyl), respectively, R" is H or CH3, and ( ) represents epiglucofuranose, epiallofuranose, xylofuranose or ribofuranose configurations. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FLOOD IRRIGATION ]11[ ]/2[ 08.11.1999 256459 ]/1[ 23.02.1999 PCT/US99/19936 /666/62000 Int. Cl.8 A01G 025/00 RUFUS M. HOLLOWAY JR., U.S.A. WO/2000/049853 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 266822 שיטה והתקן להשקיה בשטף ]//[ US WO ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 260 תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A flood irrigation apparatus (10) comprising: a water reservoir (11); a plurality of flood plains (12) accommodated with a spillway to allow water to flow from the plurality of flood plains by gravity flow; a water collection area (13) disposed at an elevation lower than the plurality of flood plains; a conduit (540) having an entrance opening associated with the water collection area, an exit opening associated with the water reservoir, and a corresponding opening associated with each of the respective plurality of flood plains, the conduit being operable to convey water from the water collection area to the water reservoir, to each of the respective plurality of flood plains, or to the water reservoir and each of the respective plurality of flood plains; and a pump (14) attached to the conduit and operable to pump water from the water collection area through the conduit and into the water reservoir, each of the respective plurality of flood plains, or the water reservoir and each of the respective plurality of flood plains. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ AERODYNAMIC PROJECTILES AND METHODS OF MAKING THE SAME ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 06.03.2000 266060 ]/1[ 10.03.1999 Int. Cl.8 F42B 012/46 PERFECT CIRCLE PROJECTILES, LLC, U.S.A. WO/2000/053999 ]//[ 261 263218 קליע אירודינמיים ושיטות ייצורם ]//[ US May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]//[ ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] A projectile shell comprising a generally hemispherical portion (3) and a generally cylindrical portion (5), said hemispherical portion having an inner surface and an outer surface which forms a wall and a hemispheric interior volume and said cylindrical portion having an inner surface and an outer surface which forms a wall and an interior volume having the same general shape and volume as the interior of the hemispherical portion, wherein said cylindrical portion has a length which is at least about equal to onehalf the diameter of said hemispherical portion, and wherein said hemispherical portion is joined to said cylindrical portion at a rim (2). __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ KITS AND METHODS FOR RADIOLABELING PROTEINS AND PEPTIDES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 29.02.2000 259338 ]/1[ 01.03.1999 Int. Cl.8 A61K 051/00, 051/08, 051/10 IDEC PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2000/052031 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, ]//[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 263221 ערכות ושיטות לסימון של חלבונים ופפטידים עם רדיו איזוטופ ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 262 ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] A method for radiolabeling a chelator-conjugated antibody or antibody fragment with a therapeutic radioisotope for administration to a patient comprising (i) mixing the chelator-conjugated antibody or antibody fragment with a solution comprising the therapeutic radioisotope or salt thereof, and (ii) incubating the mixture for a sufficient amount of time under amiable conditions such that a radiolabeled antibody or antibody fragment is produced having sufficient radioncorporation, sufficient immunoreactivity, and a specific activity of at least about 5 mCi/mg, such that the radiolabeled antibody or antibody fragment may be administered directly to the patient without further purification of the radiolabeled antibody or antibody fragment from unincorporated radioisotope. __________ ]22[]12[ 263172 בתולדות איסוסרין ]1/[ ISOSERINE DERIVATIVES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ 23.12.1993 995443 ]/1[ 23.12.1992 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 C07C 233/82, 263/16, 271/22, C07D 307/54, 407/12, 413/12, C07F 009/655 DIVISION FROM 121540 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY, U.S.A. WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ [57] A compound of the formula or a salt thereof where R1 is optionally substituted aryl or alkoxy, 263 R2 is optionally substituted alkoxy, R3 and R4 are independently R5, R5-OC(O)-, or (R5)(R6)N-C(O)-, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז R4 is H, R5 and R6 are independently hydrogen, optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, aryl or heterocyclo; and L is alkyl sulfonyl, aryl sulfonyloxy, chloro or a phosphorus oxy group; with the proviso that, (a) when R1 is phenyl, R2 is methoxy and R3 is benzyl or isobutyl, L is not chloro; (b) when R1 is phenyl, R2 is methoxy and R3 is benzyl, L is not methanesulfonyloxy; (c) when R1 is benzyloxy, R2 is methoxy and R3 is phenyl, methoxycarbonyl, tbutoxycarbonyl or benzyl, L is not methansulfonyloxy; (d) when R1 is methoxy or ethoxy, R2 is methoxy, R3 is hydrogen, L is not chloro; (e) when R1 is t-butoxy, R2 is methoxy, R3 is methoxycarbonyl, L is not toxyloxy; and (f) when R1 is t-butoxy, R2 is methoxy, R3 is cyclohexylmethyl, L is not methanesulfonyloxy. __________ ]22[]12[ 263083 פפטידים מאקרוציקליים המעכבים וירוס פרוטאזC 3NS צהבת ]1/[ MACROCYCLIC PEPTIDES INHIBITING THE HEPATITIS C VIRUS NS3 PROTEASE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 03.04.2000 60/128011 ]/1[ 06.04.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 038/00, A61P 031/12, C07D 207/16, 401/12, C07K 005/078, 005/08, 005/12 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM (CANADA) LTD., CANADA WO/2000/059929 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Compounds of the formula May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 264 wherein W is CH or N, R21 is H, halo, C1-6 alkyl, C3-6 cycloalkyl, C1-6 haloalkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, C3-6 cycloalkoxy, hydroxy, or N(R23)2, wherein each R23 is independently H, C1-6 alkyl or C3-6 cycloalkyl; R22 is H, halo, C1-6 alkyl, C3-6 cycloalkyl, C1-6 haloalkyl, C1-6 thioalkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, C3-6 cycloalkoxy, C2-7 alkoxyalkyl, C3-6 cycloalkyl, C6 or 10 aryl or Het, wherein Het is a five-, six-, or seven-membered saturated or unsaturated heterocycle containing from one to four heteroatoms selected from nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur; said cycloalkyl, aryl or Het being substituted with R24, wherein R24 is H, halo, C1-6 alkyl, C3-6 cycloalkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, C3-6 cycloalkoxy, NO2, N(R25)2, NH-C(O)-R25; or NH-C(O)-NHR25, wherein each R25 is independently: H, C1-6 alkyl or C3-6 cycloalkyl; or R24 is NH-C(O)-OR26 wherein R26 is C1-6 alkyl or C3-6 cycloalkyl; R3 is hydroxy, NH2, or a group of formula – NH-R31, wherein R31 is C6 or 10 aryl, heteroaryl, -C(O)-R32, C(O)-NHR32 or –C(O)-OR32, wherein R32 is C1-6 alkyl or C3-6 cycloalkyl; D is a 5 to 10-atom saturated or unsaturated alkylene chain optionally containing one to three heteroatoms independently selected from: O, S, or NR41, wherein R41 is H, C1-6 alkyl, C3-6 cycloalkyl or –C(O)-R42, wherein R42 is C1-6 alkyl, C3-6 cycloalkyl or C6 or 10 aryl; R4 is H or from one to three substituents at any carbon atom of said chain D, said substituent independently selected from the group consisting of: C1-6 alkyl, C1-6 haloalkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, hydroxy, halo, amino, oxo, thio or C1-6 thioalkyl, and A is amide of formula –C(O)-NH-R5, wherein R5 is selected from the group consisting of: C1-8 alkyl, C3-6 cycloalkyl, C6 or 10 aryl or C7-16 aralkyl; or A is a carboxylic acid or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or ester thereof. Also claimed as novel are the compounds of the formula wherein X is PG or R2; each PG is independently a protecting group; R2 is a group of formula wherein R21, R22 and W are as defined 265 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז above; A' is protected carboxylic acid; and n is 2; and of the formula: and of the formula: wherein X, PG, R2, A', R3, D are as defined above; n is 0 or 2; D' is as defined for D, but being 2 to 5 atoms shorter; and of the formula wherein R3, D, A' are as defined above; and of the formula: May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 266 wherein R2 R3, A' are as above; m is 1 to 5; n is 1 to 5; and Cbz is benzyloxycarbonyl; and of the formula: wherein R2, R3, m n, A' Clz are as defined above; and of the formula wherein R2, R3, m, n, A' are as defined above. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ USE OF AMOXYCILLIN AND POTASSIUM CLAVULANATE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATING BACTERIAL INFECTIONS AND MODIFIED RELEASE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING THEM ]11[ ]/2[ 11.04.2000 60/129074 267 ]/1[ 13.04.1999 263372 שימוש באמוקסיסילין ואשלגן קלבולנט להכנת תרופה לטיפול בזיהומים חיידקיים ותכשרי רוקחות עם שחרור מתואם המכילים אותם ]//[ US May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 062216/1/ 1166/62000 062210/2/ 2162662000 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 009/20 BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LIMITED, SINGAPORE WO/2000/061116 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] A modified release pharmaceutical formulation comprising: amoxycillin and potassium clavulanate in a ratio from 14:1 to 20:1 in which all of the potassium clavulanate and a first part of amoxycillin are formulated with pharmaceutically acceptable excipients which allow for immediate release of the potassium clavulanate and the first part of US US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה amoxycillin, to form an immediate release phase, and further comprising a second part of amoxycillin formulated with pharmaceutically acceptable excipients which allow for slow release of the second part of amoxycillin, to form a slow release phase, and in which the ratio of amoxycillin in the immediate and slow release phases is from 3:1 to 1:3. __________ ]22[]12[ 263310 שיטה להפעלת רכב בסביבה עם לחץ פסיכולוגי גבוה ]1/[ METHOD OF VEHICLE OPERATION IN AN ENVIRONMENT OF HIGH PSYCHOLOGICAL PRESSURE ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 24.09.2001 Int. Cl.8 G01C 021/00, 023/00, G06G 007/78 RAFAEL ARMAMENT ,רפא"ל רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY חיפה LTD. ANAT KOTZEV, DAN HELFMAN דן הלפמן,ענת קוצב DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן ושות BEIT SAMUELOFF, 7 HAOMANIM תל אביב,7 בית שמואלוב רח' האומנים ]/1[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 268 STREET TEL AVIV [57] A method of operating a plurality of vehicles, each said vehicle having a respective pilot, one of the pilots being a commander, the method comprising the steps of: (a) for each vehicle, receiving a respective initial status report from each of a plurality of subsystems of said each vehicle; (b) based on said initial status reports: for each vehicle: (i) formulating at least one respective first course of action, and (ii) presenting said at least one respective first course of action to the commander; (c) for each vehicle, assigning one of said at least one respective first course of action to each said vehicle, by the commander; (d) for each vehicle, subsequently receiving a respective subsequent status report from each said subsystem of each said vehicle, said subsequent status reports being received continuously at a rate that exceeds an assimilation rate ot the pilot of each vehicle and (e) based on said subsequent status reports: for each vehicle: (i) formulating at least one respective subsequent course of action, and (ii) if, for one of the vehicles, at least one of said at least one respective subsequent course of action differs from said respective assigned course of action, presenting said at least one respective subsequent course of action to at least one pilot selected from the group consisting of the pilot of said one vehicle and the commander. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ APPARATUS FOR TEAT TREATMENT ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 04.05.2000 9901647-9 ]/1[ 06.05.1999 Int. Cl.8 A01J 007/04 DELAVAL HOLDING AB, SWEDEN WO/2000/067562 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 269 263123 התקן לטיפול בפטמות ]//[ SE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז [57] An apparatus for cleaning teats of an animal; the apparatus comprising: a teat cleaning device having cleaning means for performing a cleaning action with regard to a teat of an animal; characterised by means for establishing the identity of the animal to be cleaned; control means for controlling the teat cleaning device in dependence on the established identity such that an individually adapted cleaning action is obtained, said control means including an information storage unit having data records relating to a plurality of individual animals, wherein a data record includes control information indicative of a pre-determined cleaning requirement for an individual animal; means for fetching a selected control information data record in response to the established identity; and means for delivering the selected control information to the teat cleaning device so as to cause the teat cleaning device to perform the cleaning action in accordance with the predetermined cleaning requirement for the identified animal. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ VACUUM ASSISTED CLOSURE SYSTEM WITH PROVISION FOR INTRODUCTION OF AGENT ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 31.03.2000 60/127595 ]/1[ 02.04.1999 Int. Cl.8 A61F 013/00, A61M 001/00 KCI LICENSING, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/059424 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 263111 מערכת סגירה המסתייעת בוואקום ובעלת אמצעי להחדרת חומר ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 270 [57] A therapeutic combination for promoting wound healing in mammals, said therapeutic combination comprising: a porous pad (11) which is permeable to fluids and adapted for positioning within a sealable space defined in part by a wound surface (12); a tube (14) having a first end in fluid communication with said porous pad and a second end in fluid communication with a vacuum source, said vacuum source being adapted to apply negative pressure to said porous pad through said tube; and said porous pad being predisposed with a wound healing factor. 5719994 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו ____________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ SYNTHETIC METHODS FOR PREPARING PROCYANIDIN OLIGOMERS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 29.03.2000 292244 ]/1[ 15.04.1999 Int. Cl.8 C07D 311/32 MARS, INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2000/063201 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 271 263726 שיטות סינטטיות להכנת אליגומרים של פרוציאנידין ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז [57] A process for the preparation of a procyanidin dimer, which process includes the steps of: (a) protecting each phenolic hydroxyl group of a procyanidin monomer with a removable protecting group which does not deactivate the A ring of the monomer, wherein the protecting step is carried out in an aprotic solvent; (b) optionally blocking the C-8 position of the monomer of step (a) with a halo group; (c) activating for coupling the C-4 position of the compound of step (a) or step (b) by introducing an acyloxy group using a lead (IV) salt of an organic acid to provide an activated compound; and (d) coupling the activated compound of step (c) with an unprotected procyanidin monomer in the presence of a coupling catalyst to produce the dimer. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DIVIDING A CONDUIT INTO COMPARTMENTS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 21.06.2000 338364 ]/1[ 23.06.1999 Int. Cl.8 H02G 003/00 TVC COMMUNICATIONS, L.L.C., U.S.A. WO/2000/079662 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO.,, 124 IBN GABIROL ST, P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Apparatus for dividing a longitudinally extending conduit (12) into compartments (20-24) comprising a longitudinally extending insert (10), said May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 263768 שיטה ומערכת לחלוקת צינור לתאים ]//[ US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות תל אביב,1146/ .ד. ת, 104 אבן גבירול insert being formed of at least two layers of a plaint material (14-17) said layers having lateral edges (18) and being attached to each other near said lateral edges to form at least one compartment between said layers. 272 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ AUTHENTICATED CARDS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ 13.04.2000 60/129235 ]/1[ 14.04.1999 Int. Cl.8 G06K 019/06 POWER PAPER LTD. SHALOM LUSKI, ZVI NITZAN WO/2000/062248 G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., AYALON TOWER 15TH FLOOR 11 MENACHEM BEGIN STREET 52521 RAMAT GAN [57] An authenticated card (10) comprising a flat card body (12) being formed with at least one region (14) thereon being irreversibly transformable from a first state into a second state, said second state being identifiable by a card holder as different from said first state; wherein said at least one region includes 273 263123 כרטיסים מאומתים ]//[ US קיבוץ עינת,פאור פייפר בע"מ צבי ניצן,שלום לוסקי ,) בע"מ166.( ארליך.אי.ג'י ,11 רחוב מנחם בגין1. מגדל אילון קומה רמת גן an electro-chromic substance (24) capable of irreversibly changing its color as a response to an electrical potential; further comprising an integrated power source (16), such that activating said power source to exert said electrical potential results in irreversible change in color of said electro-chromic substance. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ 263113 –פוספינוטריצין ע"יL תהליך להכנת טרנסאמינציה אנזימטית עם אספרטט ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF LPHOSPHINOTHRICIN BY ENZYMATIC TRANSAMINATION WITH ASPARTATE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 30.03.2000 19919848.9 ]/1[ 30.04.1999 ]//[ DE Int. Cl.8 C07C 047/06, C07F 009/30, C12N 001/20, C12P 007/24, 009/00, 013/04 BAYER CROPSCIENCE GMBH, GERMANY KLAUS BARTSCH WO/2000/066760 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, עורכי פטנטים,פרל כהן צדק לצר עורכי דין 5 SHENKAR STREET, ,ונוטריונים P.O.BOX 12704 ,107/4 .ד. ת, . רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב HERZLIYA 46733 הרצליה ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A process for preparing L-2-amino4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl) butyric acid (L-phosphinothricin, L-PPT) of the formula (I), its derivatives which are May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז selected from the group of carboxylic esters and carboxamides and phosphinic esters and/or its respective salts 274 from 4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl)-2oxobutyric acid (HMPB, PPO) of the formula its derivatives which are selected from the group of carboxylic esters and carboxamides and phosphinic esters and/or its respective salts as acceptor by enzymatic transamination in the presence of aspartate as donor, where the transamination takes place in the presence of one or more acceptor-specific aspartate transminases (Asp-TA) to give oxaloacetate and the compound of the formula (I), its derivatives and/or salts. __________ ]22[]12[ 263182 קידוד של נשאי מיקרו ]1/[ ENCODING OF MICROCARRIERS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 12.04.2000 60/129551 ]/1[ 16.04.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 C12Q 001/68, C40B 002/000000 G01N 033/532, 033/533, 033/546, 033/554 TIBOTEC N.V., BELGIUM UNIVERSITEIT GENT, BELGIUM ]//[ ]//[ WO/2000/063695 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] An encoded microcarrier, characterized in that the microcarrier is encoded by a preserved code written on the ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם surface of the microcarrier or at an internal depth of the microcarrier. __________ 275 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ 261201 – אצטילציסטאין להכנתN שימוש ב תרופות מתאימות למתן תוך ורידי למניעת לחץ חמצוני בחולים העוברים דיאליזה ]1/[ USE OF N-ACETYLCYSTEINE FOR THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT SUITABLE FOR INTRAVENOUS ADMINISTRATION TO PREVENT OXIDATIVE STRESS IN DIALYSED PATIENTS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 18.04.2000 MI99A000831 ]/1[ 21.04.1999 ]//[ IT Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/195, A61P 013/12, C07C 323/58 ZAMBON GROUP S.P.A., ITALY WO/2000/064421 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] Use of N-acetylcysteine or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof for the preparation of a medicament suitable to intravenous administration to prevent oxidative stress in dialysed patients. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR SCROLLABLE CROSS POINT NAVIGATION IN A USER INTERFACE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 20.04.2000 9901443-3 ]/1[ 22.04.1999 Int. Cl.8 G06F 003/033 NOKIA CORPORATION, FINLAND WO/2000/065429 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] A method for nagivating a graphical user interface, comprising the steps of: receiving a first user input comprising a May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 261267 שיטה וארגון לניווט נקודת הצטלבות בממשק משתמש ]//[ SE ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה request to scroll a first scrollable bar such that a first object field of the first scrollable bar is positioned within a focus 276 area, wherein the focus area is based on a cross-point where the first scrollable bar overlaps a second scrollable bar; receiving a second user input comprising a request to scroll the second scrollable bar such that the second object field of the second scrollable bar overlaps the first object field in the focus area; and combining the first object field and the second object field in the focus area. __________ ]22[]12[ 261031 מערכת דיגיטלית לרישום וידיאו ]1/[ DIGITAL VIDEO LOGGING SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 08.05.2000 307718 ]/1[ 10.05.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 G08B 013/194, 013/196, G11B 027/031, 027/10, H04N 005/76, 007/18 NICE SYSTEMS LTD. רעננה,נייס מערכות בע"מ WO/2000/069161 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 [57] A digital video logging system comprising: a logging apparatus able to synchronize at least two digitally formatted 277 video inputs; and digital storage apparatus to store said digitally formatted input. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ AERATED COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR PREPARING SUCH AN AERATED COMPOSITION ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 06.11.2001 00310834.7 ]/1[ 06.12.2000 Int. Cl.8 A23G 000/93200 UNILEVER PLC, UNITED KINGDOM REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 261031 הרכב אוורירי ותהליך לייצורו ]//[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 278 [57] A composition comprising a fat phase and having an overrun of at least 90%, characterized in that at least 50% w/w of said fat phase is liquid at -5oC. __________ ]22[]12[ 261081 תולדות בנזנסולפונאמיד מותמרות ,סינאמואילאמינואלקיל תהליך להכנתן ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים,השמוש בהן אותן ]1/[ CINNAMOYLAMINOALKYLSUBSTITUTED BENZENESULFONAMIDE DERIVATIVES, PROCESSES FOR THEIR PREPARATION, THEIR USE AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS COMPRISING THEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 06.05.2000 19923086.2 ]/1[ 20.05.1999 ]//[ DE Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/18, 031/64, A61P 009/00, C07C 311/53, 311/58, 335/42, C07D 307/40, 307/52, 309/06, 317/48 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2000/071513 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, עורכי פטנטים,פרל כהן צדק לצר עורכי דין 5 SHENKAR STREET, ,ונוטריונים P.O.BOX 12704 ,107/4 .ד. ת, . רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב HERZLIYA 46733 הרצליה ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A compound of the formula in which X is oxygen, sulfur or cyanoimino; Y is –(CR(5)2)n-; Z is NH or oxygen; the residues A(1), A(2) and A(3), which are independent of one another and can be identical or different, are hydrogen, halogen, (C1-C4)-alkyl, (C1-C4)-alkoxy, methylenedioxy, formyl or 279 trifluoromethyl; R(1) is (1) (C1-C4)-alkyl; or (2) –O-(C1-C4)-alkyl; or (3) –O-(C1-C4)-alkyl-E(1)- (C1-C4)-alkylD(1), in which D(1) is hydrogen or –E(2)(C1-C4)-alkyl-D(2), in which D(2) is hydrogen or –E(3)- (C1-C4)-alkyl, where E(1), E(2) and E(3), which are independent May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז of one another and can be identical or different, are O, S or NH; or (4) –O-(C1-C4) – alkyl which is substituted by a residue of a saturated 4-membered to 7-membered heterocycle which contains one or two oxygen atoms as ring heteroatoms; or (5) –O-(C2-C4)-alkenyl; or (6) –O-(C1-C4)-alkyl-phenyl in which the phenyl group is unsubstituted or is substituted by one or two identical or different substituents from the group consisting of halogen, -(C1-C4)-alkyl, -(C1C4)-alkoxy and trifluoromethyl; or (7) –O-phenyl which is unsubstituted or is substituted by one or two identical or different substituents from the group consisting of halogen, -(C1-C4)-alkyl, -(C1C4)-alkoxy and trifluoromethyl; or (8) halogen; or (9) phenyl which is unsubstituted or is substituted by one or two identical or different substituents from the group consisting of halogen, -(C1-C4) – alkyl, (C1-C4) – alkoxy, -S(O)m-(C1-C4)-alkyl, phenyl amino, hydroxy, nitro, trifluormethyl, cyano, hydroxycarbonyl, carbamoyl, -(C1-C4)-alkoxycarbonyl and formyl; or (10) (C2-C5)-alkenyl which is unsubstituted or is substituted by a substituent from the group consisting of phenyl, cyano, hydroxycarbonyl and -(C1-C4)-alkoxycarbonyl; or (11) -(C2-C5) – alkynyl which is unsubstituted or is substituted by a substituent from the group consisting of phenyl and -(C1-C4)-alkoxy; or (12) monocyclic or bicyclic heteroaryl having one or two identical or different ring heteroatoms from the group consisting of oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen; or (13) –S(O)m-phenyl which is unsubstituted or is substituted by one or two identical or different substituents from the group consisting of halogen, (C1-C4)-alkyl, (C1C4)-alkoxy and trifluoromethyl; or (14) –S(O)m-(C1-C4)-alkyl; R(2) is hydrogen, (C1-C6)-alkyl or (C3-C7)cycloalkyl, but is not hydrogen if Z is oxygen; the residues R(3) and R(4), which are independent of one another and can be identical or different, are phenyl which is unsubstituted or is substituted by one or two identical or different substituents from the group consisting of halogen, (C1-C4)alkyl, (C1-C4)-alkoxy and trifluoromethyl, or hydrogen or -(C1-C4)-alkyl; the residues R(5), which are all independent of one another and can be identical or different, are hydrogen or (C1-C3)-alkyl; m is 0, 1 or 2; n is 1, 2, 3 or 4; in all its stereoisomeric forms and mixtures thereof in all ratios, and/or its physiologically tolerable salts for the inhibition of ATP-sensitive potassium channels or for the stimulation of the vagal nervous system. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 280 ]22[]12[ 261387 0 אגוניסטים של אדרנוצפטור בטא ]1/[ BETA 2 ADRENOCEPTOR AGONISTS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 02.06.2000 9913083.3 ]/1[ 04.06.1999 ]//[ GB Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/13, 031/16, 031/395, A61P 043/00, C07C 233/43, 311/08, C07D 215/26 NOVARTIS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2000/075114 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Compounds of the formula in free or salt or solvate form, where Ar is a group of the formula R1 is hydrogen, hydroxy, or C1-C10 – alkoxy; R2 and R3 are each independently hydrogen or C1-C10-alkyl; R4, R5, R6 and R7 are each independently hydrogen, halogen, cyano, hydroxy, C1C10-alkoxy, phenyl, C1-C10-alkyl, C1-C10alkyl substituted by one or more halogen atoms or one or more hydroxy or C1-C10 alkoxy groups, C1-C10 – alkyl interrupted by one or more hetero atoms, C2-C10- 281 alkenyl, tri- C1-C10 – alkylsilyl, carboxy, C1-C10 – alkoxycarbonyl, or –CONR11R12, where R11 and R12 are each independently hydrogen or C1-C10 – alkyl, or R4 and R5, R5 and R6, or R6 and R7 together with the carbon atoms to which they are attached denote a 5- or 6membered carbocyclic ring or a 5- or 6membered O-heterocyclic ring containing one or two oxygen atoms; May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז R8 is –NHR13 where R13 is hydrogen, C1C10 – alkyl, C1-C10-alkyl interrupted by one or more hetero atoms, or –COR14 where R14 is hydrogen, or R13 is –SO2R17 where R17 is C1-C10 – alkyl or C1-C10 – alkyl interrupted by one or more hetero atoms, and R9 is hydrogen, or R8 is –NHR18 where –NHR18 and R9, together with the carbon atoms to which they are attached, denote a 6-membered N-heterocycle; R10 is –OR19 is hydrogen; X is C1-C10-alkyl; n is 1 or 2; q and r are each zero or 1, the sum of q+r is 1 or 2; and the carbon atom marked with an asterisk* has the R or S configuration, or a mixture thereof, when R1 is hydroxy or C1-C10 – alkoxy. __________ ]22[]12[ משטח שזהותו מקודדת ]1/[ IDENTITY CODED SURFACE ]11[ ]/2[ 24.05.2000 PQ0559 ]/1[ 25.05.1999 PQ1313 /666062000 PQ3457 2162662000 PQ4392 6262162000 Int. Cl.8 G06K 019/06 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2000/072250 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method of producing a surface having a region, the method including the steps of: (a) defining coded data, the coded data being comprised of a plurality of codewords and being indicative of: a region identity associated with the region; and a plurality of points within the region; The applications for division from this application have not yet been published 261180 ]//[ AU AU AU AU ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם (b) disposing the coded data within a region on the surface in the form of a plurality of sets of symbols, each set of symbols corresponding to a one of the plurality of codewords and wherein the step of disposing includes interleaving on the surface the symbols of each set with at least one symbol of at least another set of the plurality of sets of symbols. 5740929 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו ____________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 282 ]22[]12[ ]1/[ BRUSH-SEAL DESIGNS FOR TURBINES AND SIMILAR ROTARY APPARATUS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 05.04.2001 09/543951 ]/1[ 06.04.2000 Int. Cl.8 F01D 011/02, F16J 015/32 TURBOCARE, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/076348 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] A retractable packing segment (201) for an apparatus that extracts work from the expansion of a gaseous working fluid, said apparatus comprising: a rotating shaft disposed in a casing, wherein a plurality of packing segments are disposed in a ring and centered on an axis defined by said shaft to provide a seal therearound, each said packing segment being retractable and comprising: an inner face (205) for sealing against said shaft and an outer face (206) supporting a T-shaped extension, said inner and outer faces and said extension 261178 תכנונים של אטם מברשת עבור טורבינות והתקנים סיבוביים דומים ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד spanning opposing common side ends, said common side ends cut parallel with radii of said axis, and at least one brush seal (217) disposed on the inner face of said segment, said brush seal having opposing ends, at least one of said ends cut non-parallel with radii of said axis and extending past one of said common side ends, and bristles (219) of said brush disposed at approximately the same non-parallel direction, wherein said plurality of packing segments provide a continuous 360o brush seal around said shaft. __________ 283 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ BI-MODAL CONTROL SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PARTITIONING A SHARED OUTPUT BUFFER IN A CONNECTION-ORIENTED NETWORK ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 26.05.2000 321904 ]/1[ 28.05.1999 Int. Cl.8 H04L 012/56, H04Q 011/04 NETWORK EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., U.S.A. JAMES P. SCOTT, EDWARD G. CAVASIAN WO/2000/074433 JEREMY M. BEN-DAVID & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O. BOX 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for self-configuration of a switch, the switch including a plurality of input ports, the input ports including characteristics that define a hierarchy of data traffic classes, the method comprising: estimating an ambient load based on characteristics for a number of connections for an input port in the plurality of input ports; calculating a partition boundary for a buffer based on the estimated load and a data traffic class May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 261813 מערכת בקרה–דו–מצבית ושיטה לחלוקת חוצץ פלט משותף ברשת בעלת אופי חיבורי ]//[ US ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ ,4./07 .ד. ת, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים associated with the input port; and configuring the partition boundary in the buffer according to the calculation, wherein the configuration of the partition boundary sets an amount of data the buffer can store for a first data traffic class in the hierarchy of data traffic classes; and dynamically re-configuring the partition boundary in the buffer to adapt to changes in the ambient load. 284 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TRAFFIC SHAPING IN A NETWORK SWITCH ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 26.05.2000 60/136953 ]/1[ 28.05.1999 Int. Cl.8 H04L 012/56 NETWORK EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., U.S.A. RICHARD LEMYRE, STANLEY M. REYNOLDS, TODD L. LOWPENSKY WO/2000/074321 JEREMY M. BEN-DAVID & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O. BOX 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A shaper unit comprising: a Cell Descriptor (CD) processing block comprising a processing block that receives and processes a plurality of CDs, a SHAPE RAM that hold a mapping table from a ConnectionID to a ShapeID, a 285 261818 מתקן ושיטה לעיצוב תנועה במתג רשת תקשורת ]//[ US ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ ,4./07 .ד. ת, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים COIN RAM that stores heads and tails of "later" lists, and a DATA BUFFER array that stores the plurality of CDs; and a ShapedID processing block comprising a processing block that processes a plurality of ShapeIDs, a Generic Cell-Rate May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז algorithm (GCRA) RAM that stores pershape GCRA configuration and state data, and a LINK RAM that stores a Calendar Queue linked list array; wherein the CD processing block outputs the plurality of ShapeIDs to the ShapeID processing block, the plurality of ShapeIDs corresponding to the plurality of CDs received by the CD processing block; and wherein the ShapeID processing block processes the plurality of ShapeIDs to control the scheduling of the plurality of CDs out of the shaper unit. __________ ]22[]12[ 261186 השימוש בבוטוליניום נוירוטוקסין להכנת תרופה ]1/[ USE OF A BOTULINUM NEUROTOXIN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 26.05.2000 19925739.6 ]/1[ 07.06.1999 ]//[ DE Int. Cl.8 A61K 038/16, A61P 025/00, C07K 014/33 MERZ PHARMA GMBH & CO. KGAA, GERMANY WO/2000/074703 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Use of a botulinum neurotoxin from Clostridium botulinum of type A, B, C, D, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 286 E, F or G or a mixture of two or more such neurotoxins, characterized in that the neurotoxin or mixture of neurotoxins is free of the complexing proteins which naturally form complexes with botulinum neurotoxins, for the manufacture of a medicament, substantially as described in the specification, for cosmetic treatment or treatment of dystonia or disorders of the nervous system in a human or animal subject already exhibiting neutralizing antibodies against such botulinum neurotoxin complexes. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ARRANGEMENT AND METHOD IN A SWITCHED TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 20.06.2000 9902245-1 ]/1[ 23.06.1999 Int. Cl.8 H04L 012/66, H04Q 011/04 TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL), SWEDEN WO/2000/079830 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A device in a switched telecommunication system including: a switched domain including at least one switch; at least one service network connected to the switched domain, which service network can provide a service; a user port for a user in at least one of the switches in the switched domain, 287 268261 מיכלול ושיטה במערכת תיקשורת ממותגת ]//[ SE , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד characterised in that the device includes: at least one local network terminal at the user, which network terminal has an uplink port which is connected to the user port; service ports in the network terminal for user devices, and means for configuring the service ports for the respective user devices. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF COATED GRANULES WITH MASKED TASTE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 30.06.2000 99/09047 ]/1[ 08.07.1999 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 009/16 ETHYPHARM, FRANCE WO/2001/003672 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] A process for manufacturing coated granules with masked taste, and immediate release of the active principle, according to which: the constituents of a powder comprising at least the active principle and a granular disintegrant are first dry-mixed; the powder obtained is then granulated, in the presence of a mixture of excipients 268121 תהליך ליצור גרעינים מצופים עם טעם מוסווה ]//[ FR , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד comprising at least one binder for binding the particles together to give grains; the grains formed are then coated by spraying with a suspension comprising at least one coating agent and a membrane disintegrant; finally, the coated granules obtained are dried. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 288 ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PREPARATION AND METERING OF COMPONENTS WITH CO2 ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 21.06.2000 MI99A001416 ]/1[ 25.06.1999 Int. Cl.8 A23L 001/304, B65D 083/14 ABIOGEN PHARMA S.P.A., ITALY WO/2001/000507 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] Pressurised containers containing inorganic salts, in powder form or saturated aqueous solution, and carbon 268111 הכנה וכיול של מרכיבים המעורבבים עם פחמן דו–חמצני ]//[ IT ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם dioxide, said salts dissolving instantaneously once introduced under pressure in an aqueous phase. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ SCHEDULING AND ADMISSION CONTROL OF PACKET DATA TRAFFIC ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 10.07.2000 99113820.7 ]/1[ 15.07.1999 Int. Cl.8 H04L 012/56 TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL), SWEDEN WO/2001/006714 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for processing in a communications system a data packet stream carrying real-time data traffic, with the steps of: receiving a first synchronization control packet that includes a number of synchronization control parameters related to a succeeding synchronization entity; reading at least one synchronization control parameter from 289 268320 תיזמון ובקרת מתירות של תעבורת יחידת נתונים ]//[ EP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד the synchronization control packet; receiving at least one payload data packet; determining for each payload data packet a delivery deadline, and sorting the at least one payload data packet according to its determined delivery deadline into a first queue and setting a time stamp in the first queue to the determined delivery deadline. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 5719419 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו _____________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ LIPOSOME COMPOSITION HAVING RESISTANCE TO FREEZE/THAW DAMAGE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 14.07.2000 60/144380 ]/1[ 16.07.1999 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, 009/127 ALZA CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2001/005372 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] A liposome composition having protection from freeze/thaw damage comprising: a suspension of liposomes wherein each liposome contains an May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 268331 תכשיר של ליפוסום בעל עמידות בפני הפשרה/נזקי הקפאה ]//[ US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה entrapped aqueous medium having an inner osmolarity, the liposomes being suspended in an external medium comprising a water soluble salt and a 290 cryoprotectant, said external medium having an outer liposome osmolarity higher than the inner liposome osmolarity thereby establishing a lower inside/higher outside osmotic gradient across each liposome. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR AVOIDING DATA LOSS DURING A PPP RENEGOTIATION ON A UM INTERFACE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 14.07.2000 353108 ]/1[ 14.07.1999 Int. Cl.8 H04Q 007/32, 007/38 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2001/005175 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method of preventing data loss during a PPP renegotiation on a Um interface, said method comprising: determining, on a MT2 device, whether said renegotiation is occurring on said Um interface; and asserting flow control of 268388 שיטה והתקן למניעת איבוד נתונים במשא Um בממשךPPP ומתן חוזר מסוג ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא data to be output from said TE2 device to said MT2 device, over a Rm interface, when said determining determines that said PPP renegotiation is occurring on said Um interface. __________ ]22[]12[ 291 268836 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז מערכת ושיטה למתן מענה חזותי מיידי לקלט משתמש במערכת לקוח ]1/[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING IMMEDIATE VISUAL RESPONSE TO USER INPUT AT A CLIENT SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 20.07.2000 360876 ]/1[ 23.07.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 G06F 015/00, G09G 005/00, H04L 029/06 CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/008378 BOROCHOV, KORAKH, ELIEZRI & ,'בורוכוב קורח אליעזרי ושות CO, אביב- תל,.01// .ד. ת, מגדל כלל עתידים 15 TH FLOOR, ATIDIM TOWER, KIRYAT ATIDIM P.O.BOX 58100 TEL AVIV 61580 [57] In a client-server system including a client node transmitting user-provided input to a server node having an application program executing thereon wherein the user-provided input elicits a response from the server node that is transmitted back to the client node for display, a method for reducing perceived response time to the user-provided input comprising the steps of: (a) receiving user input at a client node from an input device for input to the application program executing on the server node; May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז (b) transmitting the user input to the application program executing on the server node over a communication link; (c) generating at the client node a prediction of the server response to the user input; (d) displaying the generated prediction of the server response on a display screen at the client node; (e) receiving a server response to the user input from the server node; and (f) replacing the generated prediction of the server response displayed on the display screen with the server response received from the server node. 292 __________ ]22[]12[ 268766 היצע שירותים מוגבר יחד עם מערכת מאובטחת ושיטה להתאמה לפרופיל המנוי ]1/[ SERVICE PLATFORM WITH SECURE SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SUBSCRIBER PROFILE CUSTOMIZATION ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 27.07.2000 361676 ]/1[ 27.07.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 G06F 002/100000 H04L 029/06, 029/08, H04M 011/00 ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/008022 REINHOLD COHN AND ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו PARTNERS, תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A system for customizing a profile of a subscriber having access to a service platform comprising: a subscriber service manager configured to receive a subscriber request at the service platform, the subscriber service manager upon receiving the subscriber request generating a transaction identifier, storing a copy of the transaction identifier, and communicating the transaction identifier to the subscriber; and a customization module configured to receive and process a customization 293 message sent to the system, the received customization message including subscriber profile data and a transaction identifier; the customization module, upon receipt of the customization message, comparing the transaction identifier in the received customization message with the copy of the transaction identifier stored by the subscriber service manager, and registering the subscriber profile data when the transaction identifier and the copy of the transaction identifier correspond. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ______________ ]22[]12[ 268717 שיטה לטיפול בסרטן המבוססת על אפקט אוג'ר ]1/[ AUGER EFFECT-BASED CANCER THERAPY METHOD ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 30.01.2002 Int. Cl.8 A61N 005/10, A61P 035/00, C07D 487/00, 487/22, G21G 004/04 BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF הרשות למחקר,גוריון בנגב-אוניברסיטת בן THE NEGEV RESEARCH AND שבע- באר,ופיתוח DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY YUVAL GOLAN, BRENDA H. משה פרג'י, גד שני, ברנדה לסטר,יובל גולן LASTER, GAD SHANI, MOSHE FARAGGI PYERNIK RUTMAN, ,פיירניק רוטמן עו"פ BEIT ETSION באר,1//10 .ד. ת, 61 בית עציון רח' הרצל HERZL ST. 91 שבע P.O.B. 10012 BEER SHEVA ]/1[ ]//[ [57] A therapeutic composition for use in Auger electron therapy of tumors, comprising a therapeutically effective May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז amount of a complex of a heavy element with a polydentate, pyrrole-containing macrocylic ligand substituted with charged chemical groups, wherein said complex is capable of bringing said heavy element 294 into close proximity to the nuclear DNA of cells in said tumors, and wherein said heavy element is capable of emitting Auger electrons, together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. __________ ]22[]12[ 267208 תקשורת בין משתמש ושרת מחשבים דרך שיטה מוצר ומערכת של תוכנית,HTTP מחשב ]1/[ COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CLIENT AND SERVER COMPUTERS VIA HTTP, METHOD, COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT AND SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 13.06.2001 60/211629 ]/1[ 14.06.2000 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 G06F 009/00, 015/173, H04L 029/06, 029/08 SAP AG, GERMANY WO/2001/097012 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] A method for communication between a client computer and a server computer , both computers using the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), the client computer using an HTTP-browser; the method comprising the following steps: sending a first request from the client computer to the server computer; upon receiving the first request, the server computer (i) allocating a resource at the server computer, the resource with an identifier, and (ii) returning a 295 predetermined close instruction to the browser, the close instruction carrying the identifier; upon unloading the close instruction from the browser of the client computer, sending a second request from the client computer to the server computer the second request carrying the identifier and indicating to de-allocate the resource; and upon receiving the second request from the client computer, by the server computer de-allocating the resource. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ 267222 ,:––מתיל0––הידרוקסי0 –פנילN נגזרות –טריפלואורופרופאנאמיד מותמרות:,: המגבירות פעילות של דהידרוגנאז פירובאט ]1/[ SUBSTITUTED N-PHENYL 2HYDROXY-2-METHYL-3,3,3TRIFLUOROPROPANAMIDE DERIVATIVES WHICH ELEVATE PYRUVATE DEHYDROGENASE ACTIVITY ]11[ ]/2[ 30.08.2000 9920814.2 ]/1[ 04.09.1999 ]//[ GB 66600/261 1266/61666 GB Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/167, A61P 003/10, 009/08, C07C 317/40, 317/44, 317/50, 323/65, C07D 205/04, 207/12, 213/71, 213/73, 295/12 ASTRAZENECA AB, SWEDEN WO/2001/017956 S. HOROWITZ & CO., ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש 41-45 ROTSHILD BLV תל אביב,41-4.שדרות רוטשילד TEL AVIV 65784 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 296 [57] Compounds of the formula wherein: n is 1 or 2; R1 is chloro, fluoro, bromo, methyl or methoxy; R2 is selected from one of the following three groups: (i) halo, nitro, hydroxy, amino, or cyano; (ii) –X1-R5 wherein X1 is direct bond, -O-, -S-, -OS2-, -NR6-, -CO-, -CONR6-, NR6CO-, -NR6SO2- NR6CONR7-; wherein R6 and R7 are independently hydrogen or C1-4 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more A; and R5 is selected from C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C3-7 cycloalkyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C3-7 cycloalkyl C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C2-6 alkenyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C2-6 alkynyl optionally substituted with one or more A, phenyl optionally substituted with one or more D, phenyl C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more D, heteroaryl ring optionally substituted on a ring carbon by one or more D or (heteroaryl ring) C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted on a ring carbon with one or more D; wherein said heteroaryl ring is a carbon linked 6membered ring containing 1-2 nitrogen atoms or a carbon linked 5-membered ring containing 1-3 heteroatoms selected independently from O, N and S; and wherein if said 5-membered heteroaryl ring contains an –NH- moiety that nitrogen may be optionally substituted with a group selected from G; (iii) a nitrogen-linked 4-8 membered 297 heterocyclic group optionally substituted on a ring carbon by one or more D and wherein if said heterocyclic group contains an –NH- moiety that nitrogen may be optionally substituted with a group selected from G; R3 is C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C3-7 cycloalkyl optionally substituted with one or more A, phenyl optionally substituted with one or more D, a carbon-linked 6membered heteroaryl ring containing 1-2 nitrogen atoms optionally substituted on a ring carbon by one or more D, or a carbon linked 5-membered heteroaryl ring containing 1-3 heteroatoms selected independently from O, N and S optionally substituted on a ring carbon by one or more D and wherein if said 5-membered heteroaryl ring contains an –NH- moiety that nitrogen may be optionally substituted with a group selected from G; A is selected from hydroxy, amino, halo, carboxy, N(C1-4 alkyl) amino, N, N-di-(C1-4 alkyl) amino, carbamoyl and C1-6 alkoxy; D is selected from: (i) –Xa-Rc wherein Xa is a direct bond, -O-, S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -CO-, -NRdSO2-, NRdCO-, -NRdCONRe-, -NRd- or – CONRd-; wherein Rd and Re are independently hydrogen or C1-4 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more hydroxy or C1-4 alkoxy; and Rc is selected from hydrogen or C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more hydroxy or C1-4 alkoxy; (ii) a 4-8 membered Het which is optionally substituted on a ring carbon May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז with one or more groups selected from hydroxy, halo, C1-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkyl or cyano and wherein if said 4-8 membered Het contains an –NH- moiety that nitrogen may be optionally substituted with a group selected from G; (iii) –Xa-C1-6 alkyl-Xb-Rc wherein Xa and Rc are as defined hereinbefore and Xb is – S-, -SO- or –SO2-; (iv) cyano or halo; and (v) –Xc-Rf wherein Xc is –C(O)- or –SO2 and Rf is a nitrogen-linked 4-8 membered heterocyclic group optionally substituted on a ring carbon by one or more groups selected from hydroxy, halo, C1-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkyl or cyano and wherein if said heterocyclic group contains an –NH- moiety that nitrogen may be optionally substituted with a group selected from G; G is selected from C1-6 alkyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C1-6 alkanoyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C1-6 alkylsulphonyl optionally substituted with one or more A, C1-6 alkoxycarbonyl optionally substituted with one or more A, carbamoyl, N-(C1-6 alkyl) carbamoyl optionally substituted with one or more A, N-(C1-6 alkyl)2 carbamoyl optionally substituted with one or more A and benzoyl optionally substituted with one or more A; and R4 is hydrogen or fluoro; or pharmaceutically acceptable salts or in vivo hydrolysable esters thereof. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ DEVICES FOR VERTEBRAL DISC AUGMENTATION ]11[ ]/2[ 18.08.2000 60/149490 ]/1[ 18.08.1999 0622026/1 1162662000 0622/1000 1262162000 06//0/ /666061666 Int. Cl.8 A61F 002/44 INTRINSIC THERAPEUTICS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/012107 S. HOROWITZ & CO., 41-45 ROTSHILD BLV TEL AVIV 65784 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] An implant for implantation between a nucleus (20) and an annulus (10) and across a defect in the annulus in an intervertebral disc, comprising: a barrier (12) having a concave surface facing the May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 267212 מכשירים להגדלת דיסק חולייתי ]//[ US US US US ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש תל אביב,41-4.שדרות רוטשילד nucleus in the implanted orientation, wherein said barrier is dimensioned to extend along the annulus across and beyond the periphery of the area defining a defect (16). 298 __________ ]22[]12[ 267128 בקרת קצב נתונים מסתגלת עבור רשתות השלחה צרה ]1/[ ADAPTIVE DATA RATE CONTROL FOR NARROWCAST NETWORKS ]11[ ]/2[ 16.08.2000 60/149615 ]/1[ 16.08.1999 ]//[ US 120211 6066/61666 US Int. Cl.8 H04B 007/185, H04L 001/00, 001/20 VIASAT, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/013540 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] In a narrowcast network system, a subscriber terminal apparatus comprising: first circuitry configured to receive data transmission using a selectable carrier; second circuitry configured to produce at least one signal quality metric based on a received data transmission; and third 299 circuitry configured to communicate said signal quality metric to a hub station; said first circuitry further configured to receive a data transmission containing carrier assignment information, said first circuitry further configured to select a carrier based on said carrier assignment information. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ 267127 שיטה להכנתן,תולדות פנילפיפרזינים ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן ]1/[ PHENYLPIPERAZINE DERIVATIVES, METHOD FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM ]11[ ]/2[ 22.08.2000 99202710.2 ]/1[ 23.08.1999 ]//[ EP 2621/// 1/66/62000 NL Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/395, A61P 025/00, C07D 401/14, 413/14, 417/14 SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS B.V., THE NETHERLANDS WO/2001/014330 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Compounds of the formula May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 300 wherein: X is (1) a group of the formula wherein S1 is hydrogen or halogen, S2 and S3 are independently hydrogen, alkyl (1-6C) phenyl or benzyl, S4 represents two hydrogen atoms or an oxo group, S5 is H or alkyl (1-4C), and Y is C, O or S, or(2) a group of the formula wherein R is H, alkyl (1-4C), alkoxyalkyl (2-6C), alkenyl (2-4C) or alkynyl (2-4C), or (3) a group of the formula wherein Z is CH2, O or N, or (4) a group of the formula 301 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז or (5) a group of the formula wherein A is O or N, linked to the piperazine ring with position 5 to 8, or (6) a group of the formula wherein S6 and S7 represent hydrogen atoms or an oxo group, or (7) a group of the formula wherein one of the dotted lines can represent a double bond, P=T=Q=nitrogen or P=T=nitrogen and Q=CH or CH2 or P=Q=nitrogen and T=CH, CH2, C-CH3 or CH-CH3 or P=nitrogen, and T and Q are CH or CH2 or P=nitrogen, T is CH or CH2 and Q is sulphur; m has the value 2 to 6; n has the value 0-2; R5 and R6 are independently H or alkyl (13C); or R5+R6 represent a group –(CH2)-p wherein p has the value 3-5, and R7 is alkyl (1-3C), alkoxy (1-3C), halogen or cyano; or R6+R7 (R7 at position 7 of the indole group) represent a group –(CH2)q wherein q has the value 2-4, and salts thereof. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 302 ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD OF PRODUCTION OF CASTABLE PLASTIC BONDED CHARGE EXPLOSIVE OR PROJECTILE PROPELLANT ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 19.02.2002 10107948.6 ]/1[ 20.02.2001 Int. Cl.8 F42B 023/00 RHEINMETALL W & M GMBH, GERMANY EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ [57] A method of making pourable, plastic-bound charge explosives or rocket propellants, comprising providing a charge explosive or rocket propellant admixed with a polymer; providing a metal powder, said powder comprising powder grains with essentially spherical shape, 267167 שיטה לייצור של חומר נפץ של מטען או חומר דחיפה של קליע המקושר על ידי חומר פלסטי וניתן ליציקה ]//[ DE , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר treating the metal powder with a reagent which is reactive with polar groups and provides –SiR3 groups wherein Si is silicon; and R is hydrocarbyl; and after said treating, adding the treated metal powder to said explosive. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE COLOR OF DISCOLORED DIAMONDS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 21.02.2002 60/150979 ]/1[ 25.08.1999 Int. Cl.8 B01J 003/06 BALLATAIRE INTERNATIONAL LLC., U.S.A. WO/2001/014050 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for improving the color of discolored natural diamond, comprising: (a) placing said discolored natural diamond in a pressure transmitting medium; (b) consolidating said pressure transmitting 303 267178 שיטה לשפור הצבע של יהלומים עם צבע מוכתם ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד medium into a pill; (c) exposing said pill to elevated pressure and elevated temperature within the graphite stable or diamond stable range of the carbon phase diagram for a time May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז sufficient to improve the color of said diamond; and (d) recovering said diamond. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ 6H-IMIDAZO[4,5C]TETRAZOLO[1,5C]QUINOLINES, A PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THE PREPARATION THEREFROM OF 1H-IMIDAZO[4,5-C]QUINOLINE4-AMINES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ 22.10.1996 673712 ]/1[ 21.06.1996 Int. Cl.8 C07D 471/04, 471/14 DIVISION FROM 127348 MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/1997/048704 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ 267027 – .,1[]טטרזולוC– .,4[–אימידאזוH9 תהליך להכנתם והכנה מהם,]קווינוליניםA – 4–] קווינוליןC– .,4[ אימידאזוH1 של אמינים ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם [57] A compound of the formula wherein R is hydrogen, straight chain or branched chain alkoxy containing one to four carbon atoms, halogen, and straight chain or branched chain alkyl containing one to four carbon atoms; R1 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl of one to about six carbon atoms, hydroxy alkyl wherein the alkyl moiety contains one to about 6 carbon atoms, and arylalkyl wherein the alkyl moiety contains one to about three carbon atoms; and R2 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl of one to about four carbon atoms, alkoxyalkyl wherein the May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 304 alkoxy moiety contains one to about four carbon atoms and the alkyl moiety contains one to about four carbon atoms, hydroxyl alkyl wherein the alkyl moiety contains one to about four carbon atoms, haloalkyl wherein the alkyl moiety contains one to about four carbon atoms, and aryloxymethyl. It is used as an intermediate in a process comprising reacting the compound with a triphenylphosphine to provide (1- substituted) (2-substituted) Ntriphenylphosphinyl-1-1H-imidazo [4,5-c] quinolin-4-amine; (vi) hydrolyzing the resultant compound to provide a (1-substituted) (2-substituted) 1H-imidazo [4, 5-c] quinolin-4-amine and (vii) isolating the final compound or a pharmaceutically acceptable addition salt thereof. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ZEROTREE ENCODING OF WAVELET DATA ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 10.08.2000 09/390255 ]/1[ 03.09.1999 Int. Cl.8 H04N 007/26 INTEL CORPORATION, U.S.A. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, INDIA WO/2001/019089 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method comprising: providing wavelet coefficients that indicate an image, the bits of each wavelet coefficient being associated with a different bit order so that each bit order is associated with one of the bits of each wavelet coefficient; expressing the wavelet coefficients is signed binary 305 267031 קידוד איפוס עץ של נתוני גלון ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד representation; determining whether a rate of coded bits exceeds a predetermined bit rate, and generating the coded bits to indicate zerotree roots that are associated with the bit orders and regulating the generation based on whether the rate exceeds the predetermined bit rate. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ORAL PHARMACEUTICAL FORMS OF ADMINISTRATION WITH A DELAYED ACTION ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 03.08.2000 19940944.7 ]/1[ 31.08.1999 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/00, C07C 217/54 GRUNENTHAL GMBH, GERMANY WO/2001/015681 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] At least partially sustained-release, oral pharmaceutical forms of administration of tramadol, characterized in that the sustained-release portion of the pharmaceutical active substance is present 267628 צו רות רוקחיות למתן פוני פעילות מושהית ]//[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם as a compound, formed in situ, of tramadol and another, acidic pharmaceutical active substance and/or auxiliary substance with a water solubility of ≤100 mg/ml. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 306 ]22[]12[ 267121 מגביל לקביעת כמות ]1/[ DOSE SETTING LIMITER ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 04.09.2000 PA199901309 ]/1[ 16.09.1999 Int. Cl.8 A61M 005/315 NOVO NORDISK A/S, DENMARK WO/2001/019434 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] An injection device comprising: a housing (1) holding a cartridge (2), an injection button (16) for releasing a set dose, a piston rod (3) for moving forward a piston inside the cartridge and, a limiting mechanism which prevents setting of a dose which exceeds the amount of liquid left in a cartridge, said limiting mechanism comprising: a dose setting member (6) coupled to the injection button and, a driver (9) coupled to the piston rod, wherein the dose setting member and the driver move relatively to each other when the dose setting member is rotated to set a dose whereby the injection button is moved away from the housing, and the dose setting member and the driver move ]//[ DK ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם together when the set dose is released by moving back the injection button whereby the piston rod is moved forward characterized in that, the driver is provided with a track having an end-wall defining a track-length which is related to the total amount of medicament in the cartridge and which track is engaged by a track follower coupled to the dose setting member to follow rotation of the dose setting member such that the track follower and the dose setting member rotate together relatively to the driver when a dose is set, and the track follower and the dose setting member rotate simultaneously with the driver when a dose is released. __________ 307 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ APPARATUS AND PROCESS FOR CONDITIONING MAMMALIAN BLOOD ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 15.09.2000 60/154215 ]/1[ 16.11.1999 Int. Cl.8 A61J 003/00, A61M 001/00 VASOGEN IRELAND LIMITED, IRELAND WO/2001/019318 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST. P.O.B. 1426 TEL AVIV 61013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Apparatus (20) for conditioning mammalian blood for subsequent use in a medical procedure, the apparatus including: a cabinet (21) having a secure environment and a door (26) providing the only access to the secure environment; an input system for transporting a blood charge from a source to the cabinet; a flask (56) removably contained in said secure environment and coupled to the input system to receive said charge; stressors coupled to the cabinet and positioned for operation to create a conditioned charge in the flask; an output system (37) coupled to May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 267101 התקן ותהליך להתניית דם יונקים ]//[ US ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות תל אביב,1409 .ד. ת, :1 רח' יבנה the flask and including a receiver for the conditioned charge; the apparatus being characterized by: a control system contained in the cabinet and operable upon closing the door to lock the door and to then automatically condition the charge and to cause the charge to move from the flask to the receiver, whereby a charge from the input system is conditioned and delivered to the receiver, the door is then unlocked and the conditioned charge is ready to be removed and used to complete the medical procedure. 308 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ BUILDING BLOCK OR PANEL ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 15.09.2000 PQ2854 ]/1[ 15.09.1999 Int. Cl.8 E04C 001/39 HENDRIK CORPORAAL, AUSTRALIA WO/2001/020092 JEREMY M. BEN-DAVID & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O. BOX 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A building block or panel having a shape of a parallelpiped comprising four edge faces (11, 13 15, 17) and two opposed major faces (19, 21) said edge faces being formed to be interlockingly engagable with the edge faces of similar building blocks, each edge face comprising lateral zones which are located to one or the other side of the central longitudinal axis of the edge face, one zone of each edge face being formed with a recess (23) 309 267111 בלוק או פנל לבניה ]//[ AU ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ ,4./07 .ד. ת, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים and the other zone of each edge face being formed with a projection (31) of a complementary configuration to the one zone, the recesses on opposed edge faces being of corresponding configuration wherein, each recess has a base which is substantially parallel to the edge face and opposed end faces which are of complementary profile, substantially parallel and inclined with respect to the edge face. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF ARYL ALKYL ETHERS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 04.10.2000 19949319.7 ]/1[ 13.10.1999 Int. Cl.8 C07C 041/00, 041/09, 043/20 RUTGERS CHEMICALS AG, GERMANY WO/2001/011120 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Process for the preparation of aryl alkyl ethers comprising the step of reacting a hydroxy aromatic with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst wherein a mixture, homogeneous at atmospheric pressure, comprising a hydroxy aromatic, an alcohol and a catalyst is introduced into a reactor and reacted at a temperature of from 250 to 267812 שיטה להכנת אריל אלקיל אתרים ]//[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 370oC and the concentration of products in the reaction mixture is adjusted in such a manner that the catalyst does not precipitate even during the distillative working-up, wherein the process is a continuous process and the ratio of catalyst to hydroxyaromatic is 1:32 to 1:60. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 310 ]22[]12[ 267871 תרופות לטיפול ברקמות ממאירות ]1/[ DRUGS FOR THE TREATMENT OF MALIGNANT TUMOURS ]11[ ]/2[ 24.10.2000 9903838-2 ]/1[ 25.10.1999 ]//[ SE 062202/6/ 1162662000 US 6661/16-6 1266061666 SE 062121/20 1266061666 US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/47, A61P 035/00, C07D 213/20, 213/38, 491/02 ACTIVE BIOTECH AB, SWEDEN WO/2001/030758 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Use of a compound of the formula (I) for the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of breast and prostatic cancer wherein A is selected from OR41 and NR42 R43 wherein R41 is selected from hydrogen, pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic and organic cations; and CORA wherein RA is selected from alkyl and aryl groups; R42 and R43 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, npropyl, iso-propyl, and cyclopropyl; or R42 is CORB wherein RB is (C1-C4) alkyl, or CORB is a 2-acyloxymethylbenzoyl group wherein RC is selected from methyl, ethyl, phenyl and benzyl; R is selected from hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, iso-propyl, n-butyl, iso-butyl, sec-butyl and allyl; with the proviso that R is not hydrogen when A is OR41; R' is selected from hydrogen, methyl, methoxy, fluoro, chloro, bromo, cyano, trifloromethyl, and OCHxFy, wherein x=0-2, 311 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז y=1-3 with the proviso that x+y=3; and with the proviso that R' is not hydrogen when R is methyl and A is OR41; R'' is selected from hydrogen, fluoro and chloro, with the proviso that R'' is selected from fluoro and chloro only when R' is selected from fluoro and chloro; R5 is selected from hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, npropyl, iso-propyl, methoxy, ethoxy, fluoro, chloro, bromo, trifluoromethyl, dimethylamino and OCHxFy, and OCH2CHxFy wherein x= 0 – 2, y = 1 -3 with the proviso that x + y = 3 and with the further provisos that R5 is not fluoro when A is OR41; and that R5 is hydrogen only when A is NR42 R43 and R' is trifluoromethyl; R6 is hydrogen; or R5 and R6 taken together are methylenedioxy; or any tautomer thereof. __________ ]22[]12[ 267782 –0' – קרבונאמידים0 – – ביפניל1' ,1 שימוש בהם, שיטה לייצורם,מותמרים כתרופה ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים תרכובות אלו ]1/[ 2'-SUBSTITUTED1,1'-BIPHENYL 2 - CARBONAMIDES, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF, USE THEREOF AS MEDICAMENT AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS CONTAINING SAID COMPOUNDS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 19.09.2000 19947457.5 ]/1[ 02.10.1999 ]//[ DE Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/165, 031/17, 031/18, 031/325, 031/395, A61P 009/06, C07C 233/11, 233/87, 235/32, 235/38, 271/22, 271/54, 275/24, 275/28, 311/13, 311/19, 335/12, C07D 213/40, 233/54 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2001/025189 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, עורכי פטנטים,פרל כהן צדק לצר עורכי דין 5 SHENKAR STREET, ,ונוטריונים P.O.BOX 12704 ,107/4 .ד. ת, . רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב HERZLIYA 46733 הרצליה ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Antiarrhythmic compounds of the formula in which: May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 312 R(1) is C(O)OR(9), SO2R(10), COR(11), C(O)NR(12)R(13) or C(S)NR(12)R(13); R(9) is CxH2x-R(14); x is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, where x cannot be 0 if R(14) is OR(15) or SO2Me; R(14) is alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 carbon atoms, cycloalkyl having 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 carbon atoms, CF3, C2F5, C3F7, CHF2, OR(15), SO2Me, phenyl, naphthyl, biphenylyl, furyl, thienyl or an N-containing heteroaromatic having 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 carbon atoms, where phenyl, naphthyl, biphenylyl, furyl, thienyl and the N-containing heteroaromatic are unsubstituted or substituted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, I, CF3, OCF3, NO2, CN, COOMe, CONH2, COMe, NH2, OH, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, alkoxy having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, dimethylamino, sulfamoyl, methylsulfonyl and methylsulfonylamino; R(15) is alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 carbon atoms, cycloalkyl having 3, 4, 5 or 6 carbon atoms, CF3 or phenyl which is unsubstituted or substituted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, I, CF3, NO2, CN, COOMe, CONH2, COMe, NH2, OH, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, alkoxy having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, dimethylamino, sulfamoyl, methylsulfonyl and methylsulfonylamino; R(10), R(11) and R(12) independently of one another are defined as R(9); R(13) is hydrogen, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms or CF3; R(2) is hydrogen, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms or CF3; R(3) is CyH2y-R(16); y is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, where y cannot be 0 if R(16) is OR(17) or SO2Me; R(16) is alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 carbon atoms, cycloalkyl having 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 carbon atoms, CF3, C2F5, C3F7, CH2F, CHF2, OR(17), SO2Me, phenyl, naphthyl, furyl, thienyl or an Ncontaining heteroaromatic having 1, 2, 3, 313 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 carbon atoms, where phenyl, naphthyl, furyl, thienyl and the Ncontaining heteroaromatic are unsubstituted or substituted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, I, CF3, OCF3, NO2, CN, COOMe, CONH2, COMe, NH2, OH, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, alkoxy having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, dimethylamino, sulfamoyl, methylsulfonyl and methylsulfonylamino; R(17) is hydrogen, alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 carbon atoms, cycloalkyl having 3, 4, 5 or 6 carbon atoms, CF3, phenyl or 2-, 3or 4-pyridyl, where phenyl or 2-, 3- or 4pyridyl are unsubstituted or substituted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, I, CF3, OCF3, NO2, CN, COOMe, CONH2, COMe, NH2, OH, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, alkoxy having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, dimethylamino, sulfamoyl, methylsulfonyl and methylsulfonylamino; or R(3) is CHR(18)R(19); R(18) is hydrogen or CzH2z-R(16), where R(16) is defined as indicated above; z is 0, 1, 2 or 3;R(19) is COOH, CONH2, CONR(20)R(21), COOR(22), CH2OH; R(20) is hydrogen, alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 carbon atoms, CvH2v-CF3 or CwH2wphenyl, where the phenyl ring is unsubstituted or substituted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, I, CF3, OCF3, NO2, CN, COOMe, CONH2, COMe, NH2, OH, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, alkoxy having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, dimethylamino, sulfamoyl, methylsulfonyl and methylsulfonylamino; v is 0, 1, 2 or 3; w is 0, 1, 2, or 3; R(21) is hydrogen or alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 carbon atoms; R(22) is alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 carbon atoms; R(4) is hydrogen, alkyl having 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 carbon atoms or CF3; or R(3) and R(4) together are a chain of 4 or 5 methylene groups, of which one methylene May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז group can be replaced by –O-, -S, -NH-, N(methyl)- or –N(benzyl)-; R(5), R(6), R(7) and R(8) independently of one another are hydrogen, F, Cl, Br, I, CF3, NO2, CN, COOMe, CONH2, COME, NH2, OH, alkyl having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, alkoxy having 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, dimethylamino, sulfamoyl, methylsulfonyl or methylsulfonylamino; R(30) and R(31) independently of one another are hydrogen or alkyl having 1, 2 or 3 carbon atoms; or R(30) and R(31) together are a chain of 2 methylene groups; or their pharmaceutically acceptable salts. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROCESS TO PREPARE ARYLTRIAZOLINONES AND NOVEL INTERMEDIATES THERETO ]11[ ]/2[ 12.10.2000 60/159247 ]/1[ 13.10.1999 60200///0 2/66061666 Int. Cl.8 C07D 249/12 FMC CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2001/027092 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 261210 תהליך להכנת ארילטריאזולנונים וחומרי ביניים חדשים שלהם ]//[ US US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה [57] A process for preparing a compound of the formula comprised of carbonylating an amidrazone of the formula May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 314 with at least one carbonylating agent and wherein X and Y are independently selected from hydrogen, halogen, nitro, and amino; Z is selected from hydrogen, halogen, alkyl, alkoxy, nitro, amino, or alkylsulfonylamino; W is –NHR where R is hydrogen, alkyl, or haloalkyl; and, R1 is hydrogen, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, acetyl, or aryl. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ DRY POWDER COMPOSITION CONTAINING A DI- OR TRIPEPTIDE ]11[ ]/2[ 12.04.2000 60/162451 ]/1[ 29.10.1999 06220/1/0 6/62262000 0622/1/00 1662162000 0622///// 1/66261666 0622///21 1/66261666 Int. Cl.8 A61K 009/12, 038/00, 047/18 NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS, U.S.A. WO/2001/032144 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A dry powder composition comprising an active agent and a di- or 261273 תכשיר אבקתי יבש המכיל די–או טריפפטיד ]//[ US US US US US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד tripheptide comprising at least two leucines. __________ 315 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ 261216 שיטות ותכשירים המשתמשים בקינאזולינונים ]1/[ METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS UTILIZING QUINAZOLINONES ]11[ ]/2[ 26.10.2000 60/198253 ]/1[ 27.10.1999 ]//[ US 06212/26/ 1266061666 US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/517, A61P 035/00, 037/00, C07D 239/88 CYTOKINETICS, INC., U.S.A. JEFFREY T. FINER, GUSTAVE BERGNES, BAINIAN FENG, WHITNEY W. SMITH, JOHN C. CHABALA WO/2001/030768 JEREMY M. BEN-DAVID & CO. ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ LTD., ,4./07 .ד. ת, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, ירושלים P.O. BOX 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Compounds of the formula wherein (1) R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2 is hydrogen; R3 is 2-fluorophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5-R8 are hydrogen; (2) R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 3-fluorophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (3) R1 is benzyl; May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 4-fluorophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (4) R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 3-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethyaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (5) R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; 316 R3 is 4-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (6) R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 1-naphthyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (7) R1 is benzyl: R2 is methyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 3-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (8) R1 is benzyl; R2 is methyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 4-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5- R8 are hydrogen; (9) R1 is benzyl; R2 is methyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 4-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-aminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (10) R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 4-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-aminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (11) the R-isomer wherein R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 4-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (12) the R-isomer wherein R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 1-naphthyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (13) the R-isomer wherein R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 4-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-dimethylaminoethyl; R5 – R8 are hydrogen; (14) the R-isomer wherein R1 is benzyl; R2 is ethyl; R2' is hydrogen; R3 is 4-bromophenyl; R4 is 2-aminoethyl; R5, R6 and R8 are hydrogen and R7 is chlorine. __________ 317 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ 261171 תרכובות אוריאה בעלות פעילות אנטגוניסטית לקולטן מוסקריני ]1/[ UREA COMPOUNDS HAVING MUSCARINIC RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST ACTIVITY ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ 07.12.2000 456170 ]/1[ 07.12.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/4468, 031/4523, 031/454, A61P 011/06, 013/10, 025/28, C07D 207/14, 211/58, 211/60, 223/12, 401/00, 405/12, 471/10, 471/14, 491/08, 495/08 THERAVANCE, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/042213 REINHOLD COHN AND ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו PARTNERS, תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Compounds of the formula wherein: A is phenyl or pyridyl; B" is –NH-; R1 is hydrogen; R2 is pyrrolyl, pyridinyl, imidazolyl or phenyl; K is a bond or a methylene group; K" is a bond; B is pyrrolidine, piperidine, or hexahydroazepine; R46 is alkyl, substituted alkyl, cycloalkyl, substituted cycloalkyl, or heterocycle; R47 is alkyl, substituted alkyl, aryl, acyl, heterocycle, or –COOR50 where R50 is alkyl; or R46 and R47 together with the nitrogen atom to which they are attached form a heterocycle, which is optionally substituted with 1 to 5 substituents independently selected from the group consisting of May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז alkoxy, substituted alkoxy, cycloalkyl, substituted cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, substituted cycloalkenyl, acyl, acylamino, acyloxy, amino, substituted amino, aminoacyl, aminoacyloxy, oxyaminoacyl, azido, halogen, hydroxyl, keto, thioketo, carboxyl, carboxylalkyl, thioaryloxy, thioheteroaryloxy, thioheterocyclooxy, thiol, thioalkoxy, substituted thioalkoxy, aryl, aryloxy, heteroaryl, heteroaryloxy, heterocyclic, heterocyclooxy, hydroxyamino, alkoxyamino, nitro, -SOalkyl, -SO-substituted alkyl, -SO-aryl, SO-heteroaryl, -SO2-alkyl, -SO2substituted alkyl, -SO2-aryl, -SO2heteroaryl, alkyl, substituted alkyl, alkenyl, substituted alkenyl, alkynyl, and substituted alkynyl; X is a group of formula: 318 -Xa-Z-(Ya-Z)m-Yb-Z-Xawherein m is an integer of from 0 to 20; Xa at each separate occurrence is selected from the group consisting of –O-, -S-, NR-, -C(O)-, -C(O)O-, -C(O)NR-, -C(S)-, -C(S)O-, -C(S)NR- or a covalent bond; Z at each separate occurrence is selected from the group consisting of alkylene, cycloalkylene, substituted cycloalkyene, alkenylene, substituted alkenylene, alkynylene, substituted alkynylene, cycloalkenylene, substituted cycloalkenylene, arylene, heteroarylene, heterocyclene, or a covalent bond; Ya and Yb at each separate occurrence are selected from the group consisting of –O-, -C(O)-, -OC(O)-, -C(O)O-, -NR-, -S(O)n-, -C(O)NR'-, -NR'C(O)-, NR'C(O)NR'- NR'C(S)NR'-, -C(=NR')-NR'-, -NR'C(=NR')-, -OC(O)-NR'-, -NR'-C(O)-O-, N=C(R")-NR'-, -NR'-C(R")=N-, P(O)(OR')-O-, -O-P(O)(O')-, -S(O)nCR'R", -S(O)n-NR'-, -NR'-S(O)n-, -S-S-, and a covalent bond; where n is 0, 1 or 2; and R, R' and R" at each separate occurrence are selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, substituted alkyl, cycloalkyl, substituted cycloalkyl, alkenyl, substituted alkenyl, cycloalkenyl, substituted cycloalkenyl, alkynyl, substituted alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclic; provided at least one of Xa, Ya, Yb or Z is not a covalent bond; or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. __________ ]22[]12[ 261001 שיטה לייצורם של פראוקסיקרבונאטים ושימושם בפילמור רדיקלי של מונימרים ]1/[ METHOD FOR PRODUCING PEROXYDICARBONATES AND THEIR USE IN THE RADICAL POLYMERIZATION OF MONOMERS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 03.11.2000 433907 ]/1[ 04.11.1999 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 C07C 407/00, 409/34, C08F 004/34, 014/06 OXY VINYLS LP, U.S.A. WO/2001/032613 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT [57] A process for producing peroxydicarbonates comprising the steps of: (a) reacting at least one inorganic peroxide with at least one alkali metal hydroxide, in a first vessel to form at least one alkali metal peroxide, (b) charging at least one haloformate, at 319 least one dispersant and water, into a second vessel equipped with homogenizing means and cooling means, (c) begin mixing the contents of said second vessel, and (d) metering said at least one alkali metal peroxide produced in said first vessel into said second vessel while homogenizing the May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז contents of said second vessel until substantially all of the alkali metal peroxide has reacted with the haloformate to form peroxydicarbonate. __________ ]22[]12[ 261616 1.,14 אנדרוגנים מותמרים במתילן בעמדות ]1/[ 14,15 - BETA-METHYLENE SUBSTITUTED ANDROGENS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 29.11.2000 99204080.8 ]/1[ 02.12.1999 ]//[ NL Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/565, A61P 005/26, C07J 053/00 N.V. ORGANON, THE NETHERLANDS WO/2001/040255 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A compound of the formula wherein R1 is O, (H, H), (H,OR), NOR, with R being hydrogen, (C1-6) alkyl, (C1-6) acyl; R2 is hydrogen, or (C1-6) alkyl; R3 is hydrogen; or R3 is (C1-6) alkyl, (C2-6) alkenyl, or (C2-6) alkynyl, each optionally substituted by halogen; R4 is hydrogen, (C1-6) alkyl, or (C2-6) alkenyl; R5 is (C1-6) alkyl; R6 is hydrogen, halogen, or (C1-4) alkyl; R7 is hydrogen, or (C1-6) alkyl; R8 is hydrogen, hydroxy, (C1-6) alkoxy, halogen, or (C1-6) alkyl; R9 and R10 are indepdendntly hydrogen; or R9 and R10 are independently (C1-6) alkyl, (C2-6) alkenyl, (C3-6) cycloalkyl, (C5-6) cycloalkenyl, or (C2-6) alkynyl, each optionally substituted by (C1-5) alkoxy, or halogen; R11 is hydrogen, SO3H, (C1-15) acyl; and the dotted lines indicate optional bonds, selected from a ∆4, ∆5(10), or ∆11 double bond, or a ∆4.9 or ∆4.11 diene system, with the proviso that when R1 is O, R2 is H, R3 is H or (C1-6) alkyl, R4 is H, R5 is methyl, R6 is H, R7 is H, R8 is H, R9 is H, R10 is a ∆4 double bond alone R11 cannot be H. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 320 ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF KETIMINES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 07.11.2000 99811055.5 ]/1[ 16.11.1999 Int. Cl.8 C07C 249/02, 251/20 CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS HOLDING INC., SWITZERLAND WO/2001/036377 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ 261318 תהליך להכנת קטאימינים ]//[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם [57] A process for the preparation a compound of the formula which comprises reacting (a) an isomeric mixture consisting of from 75 to 95% of a compound of the formula and from 5 to 25% of a compound of the formula 321 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז with methylamine, in a suitable solvent, to form a sertraline-imine isomeric mixture consisting of from 75 to 95% of formula (1a) and from 5 to 25% of the formula or reacting an isomeric mixture consisting of from 75 to 95% of a compound of formula (2a) and from 5 to 25% of a compound of formula (2b) with methylamine, in a suitable solvent, using suitable methods of isolation to form an enriched sertraline-imine isomeric mixture, consisting of <1% of a compound of formula (1b) (A2); and then subjecting the sertraline-imine isomeric mixture obtained according to reaction route (A1) or (A2), in a suitable solvent, to recrystallisation (B), in accordance with the following scheme: wherein in formulae (1a), (1b), (2a) and (2b) R1, R2 and R3 are each independently of the others hydrogen, halogen, trifluoromethyl or C1-C4 alkoxy. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 261372 322 ]1/[ ANALGESIC COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING BUPRENORPHINE תכשירים אנאלגסיים המכילים בופרנורפין ]11[ ]/2[ 17.11.2000 9927359.1 ]/1[ 19.11.1999 ]//[ GB 0622/016/ 2/66261666 US ]12[ Int. Cl.8 A61K 045/00, 045/06, A61P 025/04, C07D 489/02 ]/2[ RECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM ]//[ WO/2001/035942 ]//[ LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] An analgesic composition in naloxone is in the range of from 12.5:1 to parenteral unit dosage form or in a unit 27.5:1, or dosage form suitable for delivery via the (ii) an amount of naltrexone or nalmefene mucosa comprising an amount of such that the ratio by weight of buprenorphine which is less than the buprenorphine to naltrexone or namefene clinical dose requires to achieve pain relief is in the range of from 12.5:1 to 22.5:1 and whereby the analgesic action of the (i) an amount of naloxone such that the buprenorphine is potentiated by the low ratio by weight of buprenorphine to dose of naloxone, naltrexone or nalmefene. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ MEDICAL DEVICE WITH POSITION SENSOR HAVING ACCURACY AT HIGH TEMPERATURES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ 14.05.2002 882127 ]/1[ 15.06.2001 Int. Cl.8 A61B 005/00, 005/05 BIOSENSE, INC., U.S.A. DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO.,, 124 IBN GABIROL ST, P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 [57] A medical device and position sensor combination comprising: 323 261163 מכשיר רפואי עם חיישן למיקום בעל דיוק בטמפרטורות גבוהות ]//[ US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות תל אביב,1146/ .ד. ת, 104 אבן גבירול (a) a medical device having a body; (b) a position sensor (10) attached to the body, the position sensor having a core (12) made of a high permeable material, the material being a magnetic material that May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז produces a magnetic field that switches polarity and causes a substantially uniform voltage pulse upon an application of an external field, the position sensor being used for determining position coordinates of the portion of the body of the medical device, the position sensor maintaining accuracy at ≤1 mm at temperatures greater than 75oC. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS TO DEFOLIATE CROP PLANTS AND MINIMIZE PLANT REGROWTH FOLLOWING DEFOLIATION ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 05.12.2000 461383 ]/1[ 15.12.1999 Int. Cl.8 A01N 047/34, 057/20, 061/00 BASF CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2001/043552 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A method of defoliating crop plants and minimizing regrowth following defoliation comprising applying to the locus of a growing crop plant in need of 261880 שיטות ותכשירים להסרת עלים בצמחי יבול והקטנת הגידול החוזר בצמחים לאחר הסרת העלים ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם defoliation a defoliating effective amount of between about 0.005 to about 0.091b ai/A of diflufenzopyr and between about 0.25 to about 2.5 lb ai/A of ethephon. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 261712 324 ]1/[ FAULT CURRENT AND DIFFERENTIAL CURRENT DETECTION SYSTEM CAPABLE OF PREVENTING SPURIOUS TRIGGERING OF A PROTECTION SYSTEM DUE TO TRANSIENT INTERFEREN ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 08.06.2001 589802 ]/1[ 09.06.2000 Int. Cl.8 H02H 001/04 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, GERMANY WO/2001/095453 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A fault or differential current detection software program contained in a computer readable medium, wherein the fault or differential current detection software program includes instructions to instruct a controller to perform a routine comprising: (a) determining if a detected current generated on a conductor is greater than or equal to a first predetermined current threshold based on a detection signal corresponding to said detected current; (b) refraining from outputting a control signal for a predetermined delay period after said detected current is greater than or equal to said first predetermined threshold; מערכת לגילוי זרם כשל וזרם הפרש המסוגלת למנוע דירבון כוזב של מערכת הגנה כתוצאה מדופקי הפרעה במעבר ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם (c) determining if said detected current is greater than or equal to a second predetermined current threshold after said predetermined delay period is over; (d) determining if said detected current is a fault or differential current after said detected current is greater than or equal to said second predetermined current threshold; and (e) when said detected current is said fault or differential current, outputting said control signal at least indirectly to a switch to instruct said switch to isolate said fault current from an electric device connected to said conductor. __________ ]22[]12[ 325 261106 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז מערכת צילום מודיעין מוטסת ]1/[ AIRBORNE RECONNAISSANCE SYSTEM ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 30.05.2002 Int. Cl.8 F41G 007/00, G01C 011/02, G02B 027/64 RAFAEL-ARMAMENT ,רפא"ל רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY חיפה LTD. ISRAEL GREENFELD, ZVI YAVIN, ברנד אול, צבי יבין,ישראל גרינפלד BERND UHL LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]/1[ ]//[ [57] An airborne reconnaissance system comprising: gimbals having at least two degrees of freedom; at least one array of light sensors positioned on the gimbals, for being directed by the same within at least two degrees of freedom; map storage means for storing at least one Digital Elevation Map of an area of interest, divided into portions; inertial Navigation System for real-time providing to a gimbals control unit navigation and orientation data of the aircraft with respect to a predefined global axes system; portion selection unit for selecting, one at a time, another area portion from the area of interest; servo control unit for: (A) receiving from said Digital Elevation Map one at a time a coordinates set of the selective area portion, said set comprising the x:y coordinates of said area portion, and the elevation z of the center of that portion; (B) receiving continuously from said inertial navigation system present location and orientation data of the aircraft; May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז (C) repeatedly calculating and conveying into a gimbals servo unit in real time and at a high rate signals for: (a) during a direction period, signals for directing accordingly the gimbals including said at least one array of lightsensing units towards said x:y:z coordinates of the selected area portion, and; (b) during an integration period, in which the array sensors intergrate light coming from the area portion, providing to the gimbals unit signals for compensating for the change in direction towards the x:y:z coordinates of the selected portion evolving from the aircraft motion; gimbals servo for effecting direction of the gimbals in at least two degrees of freedom according to the signals provided from said Servo Control Unit; sampling means for simultaneously sampling at the end of the integration period pixel levels from each of said array sensors, a set of all of said sampled pixel levels forms an image of said area portion; and storage means for storing a plurality of area portion images. 326 __________ ]22[]12[ 261131 שיטה ומערכת לבקרת מכשירים ]1/[ METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DEVICE CONTROL ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 20.10.2000 PQ4392 ]/1[ 01.12.1999 ]//[ AU Int. Cl.8 B41J 003/42, 029/38, G08C 019/00 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2001/041099 REINHOLD COHN AND ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו PARTNERS, תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method of enabling on-demand control of a device, the device being operative to perform at least one function in response to control instructions from a computer system the method including the steps of on-demand printing, onto a surface, a control interface containing information relating to the device function and coded data indicative of an identity of the control interface and of at least one reference point of the control interface, the information and coded data being printed simultaneously on the surface; receiving, 327 in the computer system, indicating data from a sensing device regarding the identity of the control interface and a position of the sensing device relative to the control interface, the sensing device, when placed in an operative position relative to the control interface, sensing the indicating data using at least some of the coded data; and effecting, in the computer system and from the indicating data, an operation relating to at least one parameter of the control instructions. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ FLUIDIZED BED PROCESSOR HAVING A HYDRO DYNAMICALLY ACTIVE LAYER AND METHOD FOR USE THEREOF ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ 05.06.2002 Int. Cl.8 B01J 008/18, 008/24 P.T.T. LTD. ROMAN MARYAKHIN REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HAAM STREET P.O.B. 4060 TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A fluid bed processor device especially useful for processing particulate material, at a reactively high mass and heat exchange efficiency comprising: (a) an inlet chamber (1a), having an opening in which process gas (8a) is forced to intrude at a predetermined velocity; (b) a processing chamber accommodating the particulate material to be processed; May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 232231 –התקן למצע מרחף בו שכבה הידרו דינאמית פעילה ושיטה לשימוש בו בע"מP.T.T. רומן מריאכין ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01 רחוב אחד העם (c) a nozzle grid located in the base of the processing chamber and forming a barrier (13) between the inlet chamber and the processing chamber, and comprising a plurality of nozzles, each having a free passageway through which said process gas stream is forced to flow from the inlet chamber to the processing chamber as a jet having an outflow velocity into said 328 process chamber in a velocity range of 20 m/s to 350 m/s, such that a steady circulatory motion of particulate material is swept by circulatory gaseous flow set up between. __________ ]22[]12[ 232271 ,–אנדרוסטאן בלתי רוויות1.,14 תרכובות שיטה להכין אותן ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן ]1/[ UNSATURATED 14,15 CYCLOPROPANE - ANDROSTANES, A METHOD FOR THEIR PRODUCTION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 21.11.2000 19959696.4 ]/1[ 08.12.1999 ]//[ DE Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/565, A61P 005/26, 005/34, C07J 053/00 SCHERING AG, GERMANY WO/2001/042275 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] Unsaturated 14, 15-cyclopropanoandrostanes of the formula 329 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז in which R1 represents a hydrogen atom, a hydroxy group, a C1-10 alkyl, C1-10 alkyloxy, C1-15 acyloxy, C4-15 aryloxy, C7-15 aralkyloxy, or a C7-15 alkylaryloxy group, R2 represents a hydrogen atom, a hydroxy group, C1-10 alkyl, C1-10 acyl, C1-10 acyloxy, C6-15 aryl, C7-15 aralkyl or a C7-15 alkylaryl group, a – (CH2)nCH2Y group, in which n=0, 1 or 2 and Y represents a halogen atom, especially a fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine atom, a pseudohalogen, especially a cyano, azide or rhodanide group, a – (CH2)m-CH=CH(CH2)p-R6 group in which m = 0, 1, 2 or 3 and p = 0, 1 or 2 and R6 represents a hydrogen atom, a C1-10 alkyl, C6-15 aryl, C7-15 aralkyl or C7-15 alkylaryl group or a hydroxy group, a C1-10 alkyloxy group or a C1-10 acyloxy group, a – (CH2)oC≡CR7 group in which o = 0, 1 or 2 and R7 represents a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom, especially a fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine atom, a C1-10 alkyl, C6-15 aryl, C7-15 aralkyl, C7-15 alkylaryl or C1-10 acyl group, R1 and R2 together represent a keto, methylene or difluromethylene group or, with inclusion of the C-17, form a spirooxirane or a 2, 2-dimethyl-1,3- dioxolane, there being a double bond between C-1 and C-2, there being an α or β cyclopropane group between C-14 and C15, R3 represents a hydrogen atom or an α or β C1-10 alkyl group, R4 represents a halogen atom, especially a fluorine, chlorine or bromine atom or a pseudohalogen, especially a rhodanide or an azide group, or a hydroxy or a C1-3 perfluoroalkyl group and R5 represents a C1-4 alkyl group, whereby a C1-10 alkyloxy group is a heterocyclic, cyclic or acylic group, in which the alkyl rest contains 1 to 10 carbon atoms, and wherein a heterocyclic group includes also groups, which may have one or two hetero atoms in the ring, which may be selected from a nitrogen atom, an oxygen atom and a sulfur atom, whereby the aryl rest of the C6-15 aryl, C7-15 alkylaryl, C7-15 alkylaryloxy, C7-15 aralkyl and C7-15 aralkyloxy group may be further substituted, with the proviso that, if there is a double bond in the 1, 2 position R4, in addition to the meanings given above, may be a hydrogen atom, as well as their pharmaceutically tolerated salts. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 330 ]22[]12[ מכלול סטנט ]1/[ STENT ASSEMBLY ]11[ ]/2[ 10.09.2001 60/239923 ]/1[ 13.10.2000 0/12// 1/66/61662 Int. Cl.8 A61F 002/06 HENRY M. ISRAEL WO/2002/030327 DEKEL PATENTS LTD.,, 18 MENUHA VENAHALA ST, REHOVOT 76209 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 232221 [57] A stent assembly (40) comprising: an upstream portion (42), adapted to modify a flow characteristic of embolic material (20) disposed in a blood stream flowing through said upstream portion; and a downstream portion (44), in fluid communication with said upstream portion and adapted for the blood stream to flow therethrough, characterized by said ]//[ US US בני ברק, ישראל.הנרי מ ,דקל פטנט בע"מ רחובות,07 חדר10 מנוחה ונחלה downstream portion comprising a trapping region for trapping therein said embolic material, wherein said upstream portion comprises a downstream convergence and said trapping region comprises a divergent portion (46), said trapping region having a greater cross-sectional area than the downstream end of said upstream portion. __________ 331 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD FOR PRODUCING A COMPLEX NONWOVEN FABRIC AND RESULTING NOVEL FABRIC ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 16.11.2000 00/00298 ]/1[ 11.01.2000 Int. Cl.8 D04H 001/46, 013/00 RIETER PERFOJET, FRANCE WO/2001/051693 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] A method for producing a complex nonwoven fabric which consists in continuously producing a complex in which a fibrous web based on cellulosic fibers is sandwiched between two webs of continuous filaments, which method consists: in producing a first web of continuous filaments, the bundle of extruded and drawn continuous filaments being received on a moving conveyor belt in the form of a nonbonded lap; in 232201 שיטה ליצור אריג שאינו קלוע והאריג החדש המיוצר ]//[ FR , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד depositing on this web, by the airlaid technique, a second web of cellulosic fibers; in depositing on the fibrous web a second web of nonbonded continuous filaments; in transferring the complex thus formed onto a water-jet bonding unit and in consolidating the assembly by hydroentanglement, and in drying the hybrid nonwoven produced and then taking it up, for example in the form of a wound package. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 232613 332 ,תוסף לתכשיר חיבור לצמצום סדקים בקיעים והצטמקות ]1/[ JOINT COMPOUND ADDITIVE FOR REDUCTION OF CRACKING, CRATERING AND SHRINKAGE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 16.11.2001 724674 ]/1[ 28.11.2000 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 C04B 024/20, 111/72, C08J 009/32 UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2002/044254 REINHOLD COHN AND ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו PARTNERS, תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A composition comprising: a joint compound comprising a binder and a filler, wherein said binder comprises latex and wherein said filler and said binder are present in a ratio of from about 100:1 to about 10:1; water; and, a surfactant additive consisting essentially of a hydrocarbon substituted sulfate, sulfonate, sulfuric acid or sulfonic acid, wherein said hydrocarbon is an aliphatic, olefinic, alicyclic or aromatic group, or combinations thereof, having from 12 to 24 carbon atoms. __________ ]22[]12[ 333 232612 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז תהליך לייצור של תכשיר המתעכל במעיים או חומצה/המכיל חומצה אראכידונית ו דוקוסאהקסאאנואית בצורת פוספוליפידים ותכשיר המתקבל על ידו ]1/[ PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF AN ENTERAL FORMULA CONTAINING ARACHIDONIC ACID AND /OR DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID IN THE FORM OF PHOSPHOLIPIDS AND THE FORMULA OBTAINED BY SAME ]11[ ]/2[ 19.02.1998 804700 ]/1[ 21.02.1997 ]//[ US /11/2/ 1/66/6200/ US 0//1/0 6/6266200/ US Int. Cl.8 A23J 007/00, A23L 001/30, A61K 009/10, 031/202, A61P 043/00, C07C 057/03, C07F 009/10 DIVISION FROM 131126 UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE RESEARCH FOUNDATION, U.S.A. ABBOTT LABORATORIES, U.S.A. WO/1998/036745 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, , עו"פ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON STREET תל אביב,94.1 .ד. ת, 076 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451 TEL AVIV 61063 ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A process for the production of an enteral formula containing arachidonic acid and/or docosahexaenoic acid in the form of phospholipids, said process comprising the steps of: (a) forming a 2-15% by weight aqueous dispersion of said phospholipids; (b) subjecting said dispersion to deaeration; (c) combining said de-aerated dispersion with at least one member selected from the group of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals to form said enteral formula; and (d) homogenizing said enteral formula. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ USE OF LIPID CONJUGATES FOR May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 232117 שימוש בתצמידים שומניים להכנת תרופות 334 המשמשות לטיפול במחלות THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS FOR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 10.01.2001 60/174907 ]/1[ 10.01.2000 0622//061 2666261666 Int. Cl.8 A61K 047/48 YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM WO/2001/051003 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ US US יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של ירושלים,האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר [57] A phosphatidylethanolamine conjugate of the formula wherein R1 is a linear, saturated, mono-unsaturated, or poly-unsaturated, alkyl chain ranging in length from 2 to 30 carbon atoms; R2 is a linear, saturated, mono-unsaturated, or poly-unsaturated, alkyl chain ranging in length from 2 to 30 carbon atoms; Y is either a bond or spacer group ranging in length from 2 to 30 atoms, wherein said spacer comprises –CO-alkylene-NH-, - CO-alkylene-CO-or a combination thereof; and X is either a physiologically acceptable monomer, dimer, or oligomer, wherein n is unity, or a physiologically acceptable polymer, wherein n is a number from 1 to 1,000, whereby X is a glycosaminoglycan; wherein if Y is a bond the phosphatidylethanolamine is directly linked to X via a carboxylic group. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ 335 PERSONALIZED HARDWARE 232876 חומרה אישית May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 18.12.2000 60/177087 ]/1[ 20.01.2000 0622/0/10 2066/61666 06220216/ 1166/61666 0621///1/ 6162661666 Int. Cl.8 H01L 023/544 ZAVITAN SEMICONDUCTORS INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/054194 DEKEL PATENTS LTD.,, 18 MENUHA VENAHALA ST, REHOVOT 76209 [57] A method of individualizing an electrical circuit on a wafer carrying a plurality of electrical circuits, comprising: providing at least one layer for forming at least a portion of at least one logic circuit produced for each electrical circuit, forming, for each electrical circuit, a resist layer over said at least one layer for defining an image for forming said at least one portion of said at least one logic circuit which is identical for each electrical ]//[ US US US US ,דקל פטנט בע"מ רחובות,07 חדר10 מנוחה ונחלה circuit, characterized by modifying said image for at least one of said logic circuits during lithographic processing including at least one general exposure process, whereby after said general exposure process the image for at least one of said logic circuits is differently exposed compared to the corresponding logic circuits of said remaining electrical circuits. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD FOR DATA MATRIX PRINT QUALITY VERIFICATION ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 22.01.2001 489023 ]/1[ 21.01.2000 Int. Cl.8 B41J 002/00, 002/175 ROBOTIC VISION SYSTEMS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/053101 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for verifying data matrix print quality comprising the steps of: locating a data matrix mark (1); decoding said data matrix mark; measuring a print May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 232701 שיטה לוידוא איכות הדפסת רשת נתונים ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא quality (2) of said data matrix mark; measuring additional aspects that affect print quality, said additional aspects comprising at least one of the following: cell placement uniformity; and cell size uniformity; measuring an overall matching score; displaying at least one of a center 336 offset, size offset, on/off cells, wrong cells, and/or codewords based on the error correction; performing standard morphological operations for enhancing the image quality to achieve more robust measurements; and resampling an image of said data matrix to achieve better measurements. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ CHEMICAL AND/OR BIOLOGICAL DECONTAMINATION SYSTEM ]11[ 01.02.2001 337 232113 או ביולוגית/מערכת טיהור כימית ו May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 60/179499 ]/1[ 01.02.2000 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 A01N 025/32, 063/00, A61K 038/43 TIAX LLC, U.S.A. WO/2001/056380 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT [57] A chemical and biological warfare decontamination composition comprising: at least one biocide selected from benzalkonium chloride (BAC), tetrakishydroxymethyl phosphonium sulfate (THPS), (phosphonium, tetrakis (hydroxymethyl)-sulfate)), triclosan (2,4,4'-trichloro-2'-hydroxydiphenyl ether), streptomycin, sodium omadine, Dichlorophen and methylene bisthiocyanate; and at least one enzyme active against organophosphorus compounds, wherein the composition possesses decontamination activity against chemical warfare agents, including Sarin, and biological warfare agents, including anthrax spores. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ CATHETER FOR CONTROLLING THE ADVANCEMENT OF A GUIDE WIRE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 29.01.2001 495203 ]/1[ 31.01.2000 Int. Cl.8 A61M 025/01 INTRALUMINAL THERAPEUTICS, INC., U.S.A. JEFFERY WHITE, JOHN M. NEET, THOMAS R. WINSTON, JOHN WARDLE, DIEGO D. CUETO WO/2001/054762 JEREMY M. BEN-DAVID & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O. BOX 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A catheter for controlling the advancement of a guide wire (108) extending therethrough, said catheter comprising: a catheter body (102) having a proximal end (104) and a distal end (106), said catheter body comprising a distal portion (114) coupled to a proximal portion (112), said distal portion more May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 232112 צנתר לבקרת התקדמות חוט מנחה ]//[ US ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ ,4./07 .ד. ת, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים flexible than said proximal portion, said catheter body further having at least one central lumen therethrough configured to receive said guide wire, and a first side lumen (116) and a second side lumen (118) extending from the catheter body proximal end to the catheter body distal end and positioned on opposite sides of said catheter body; and said second side lumen 338 extending from the catheter body proximal end to the catheter body distal end and positioned on opposite sides of said catheter body; a first control wire extending from said catheter body proximal end to said catheter body distal end through said first side lumen, said first control wire coupled to said catheter body distal end; and a second control wire extending from said catheter body proximal end to said catheter body distal end through said second side lumen, said second control wire coupled to said catheter body distal end. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ NEEDLELESS SYRINGE WITH TWO INJECTION SPEED LEVELS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 23.02.2001 00/02633 ]/1[ 01.03.2000 Int. Cl.8 A61M 005/00, 005/30 CROSSJECT, FRANCE WO/2001/064269 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A needleless syringe (31), for injection of a liquid active principle contained in a reservoir (32) situated between, on the one hand, an injector (33) comprising at least one injection conduit, and, on the other hand, a thrust means subjected to the action of a gas generator, said thrust means comprising an end which is directed toward the active principle and constitutes a delivery head (34) whose cross section is equal to the cross section 339 232212 מזרק חסר מחט עם שתי מהירויות הזרקה ]//[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם of the reservoir whose opposite end is directed toward the gas generator has a drive head (38) whose cross section is greater than the cross section of the delivery head; characterized in that the delivery head is formed as one piece, and in that the drive head is active along a drive travel of said drive head in its drive cylinder, said drive travel being less than the height of the reservoir of liquid active principle. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PREDICTIVE AUTOMATIC ROAD-INCIDENT DETECTION USING AUTOMATIC VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 14.03.2001 60/189858 ]/1[ 15.03.2000 Int. Cl.8 G08G 001/01 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2001/069569 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] A method of detecting an incident along a roadway, comprising the unordered steps of: arranging a plurality of readers at intervals along a roadway for reading uniquely identified data from each one of a plurality of vehicles; correlating May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 232137 גילוי ע"י חיזוי אוטומטי של אירוע בכביש בשימוש בזיהוי רכב אוטומטי ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא the data with previously read data to obtain information regarding each one of the plurality of vehicles; determining the number of vehicles potentially affected by the incident along the roadway; and comparing the number of vehicles potentially affected by the incident to a sample threshold. 340 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ TWIN PLASMA TORCH APPARATUS ]11[ ]/2[ 04.04.2001 0008797.3 ]/1[ 10.04.2000 66110/06/ 2066061666 Int. Cl.8 H05H 001/44 TETRONICS LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2001/078471 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A twin plasma torch assembly comprising: (a) at least two plasma torch assemblies (10, 20) of opposite polarity supported in a housing, said assemblies being spaced apart from one another and comprising: (i) a first electrode (1) in a first torch assembly; (ii) a second electrode (2) in a second torch which is or is adapted to be spaced apart from the first electrode by a distance sufficient to achieve a plasma arc therebetween in a processing zone; 341 231221 התקן צמד מבערי פלסמה ]//[ GB GB , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד (b) means (51, 53) for introducing a plasma gas into the processing zone around each electrode; (c) means (42, 44) for introducing shroud gas to surround the plasma gas; (d) means (112) for supplying feed material into the processing zone, and (e) means for generating a plasma arc in the processing zone; characterized in that distal ends of first and second electrodes do not project beyond the housing. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ POLYMERIZABLE COMPOSITION OF ALLYL FUNCTIONAL MONOMERS ]11[ ]/2[ 29.03.2001 546267 ]/1[ 10.04.2000 0/66// 6266/61666 Int. Cl.8 C08F 218/00 PPG INDUSTRIES OHIO, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/077194 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A polymerizable composition comprising: (a) a first allyl functional monomer having at least two allyl groups, said first allyl functional monomer being selected such that a substantially completely cured polymerizate of said first allyl functional monomer has a 15 second Barcol 934 hardness of at least 40; and (b) a second allyl functional monomer, which is different from said first allyl functional monomer and is selected from, (i) polyether diol bis (allyl carbonate); May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 231286 תכשיר הניתן לפלמור של מונומרים אליליים פונקציונליים ]//[ US US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם (ii) polylactone diol bis (allyl carbonate); and (iii) mixtures of (i) and (ii), wherein said second allyl functional monomer (b) is present in said polymerizable composition in an amount to provide a substantially completely cured polymerizate of said composition having improved organic photochromic substance incorporation relative to a substantially completely cured polymerizate of said composition free of (b), and heat distortion temperature of at least 40oC. 342 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD OF DETERRING BIRDS FROM PLANT AND STRUCTURAL SURFACES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 27.03.2001 549637 ]/1[ 14.04.2000 Int. Cl.8 A01N 025/04, 061/00 ARKION LIFE SCIENCES, U.S.A. WO/2001/078510 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] A method for deterring birds from roosting, perching or loafing on a plant or solid surface comprising applying to the surface a non-toxic deterrent consisting of 9, 10-anthraquinone that triggers one or more of the following, a visual cue or a post-ingestinal response, in said birds, 231271 שיטה להרחקת ציפורים ממשטחי צמחים ומבנים ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא wherein the 9, 10-anthraquinone is in the form of finely-divided particles having an average size of less than 50 micrometers and wherein the 9, 10-anthraquinone is applied at a level of at least 0.2 mg/sq meter. __________ ]22[]12[ 343 231132 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ COLD PIECE OF A CRYOGENIC COOLER WITH IMPROVED HEAT TRANSFER ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 11.01.2002 10104969.2 ]/1[ 03.02.2001 Int. Cl.8 F25B 009/14 AEG INFRAROT-MODULE GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/063220 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Cold part (3) of a cryocooler with: a piston-shaped regenerator (5) having at both ends orifices through which a refrigerant (11) can flow, a closed cylinder in which the regenerator moves cyclically between a compressor-side and an expansion-side end position, and with a heat exchanger (10) arranged on the end קטע קר של מקרר קריאוגני עם מחליף חום משופר ]//[ DE , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר face, characterized in that the inside of the heat exchanger and that the end of the regenerator which faces the heat exchanger are ribbed in such a way that the ribbings (9, 13) engage one into the other in the expansion-side end position of the regenerator. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 230212 תכשירים המכילים פוליקרבונאט 344 POLYCARBONATE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 28.05.2001 10028412.4 ]/1[ 08.06.2000 Int. Cl.8 C08K 005/103, C09D 169/00 BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, GERMANY WO/2001/094486 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם [57] Composition containing polycarbonate, at least one fatty acid ester and one or more compounds of the formula wherein R1, R2, R3 and R4 are the same or different and are selected from the group consisting of C1-alkyl to C8-alkyl, halogen and –CN, and R5 is H or C1-alkyl to C20alkyl. __________ ]22[]12[ 345 230230 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ PLASMA PROCESSING DEVICE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 28.03.2002 2001-094274 ]/1[ 28.03.2001 Int. Cl.8 H01L 021/31 TADAHIRO OHMI, JAPAN TOKYO ELECTRON LIMITED, JAPAN WO/2002/080248 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A plasma processing apparatus (10), comprising: a processing vessel (11) defined by an outer wall and having a stage (13) for holding a substrate (12) to be processed; an evacuation system (11G) coupled to said processing vessel; a plasma gas supplying part (31) for supplying plasma gas to said processing vessel; a microwave antenna (17) provided on said processing vessel in correspondence to said plasma gas supplying part, said microwave antenna being supplied with electric power through a coaxial waveguide (21A), and a microwave power התקן לעיבוד פלסמה ]//[ JP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד source coupled to said microwave antenna electrically, said microwave antenna being defined by a first outer surface forming a microwave radiation surface and a second outer surface opposing said first outer surface; wherein an outer waveguide constructing said coaxial waveguide is coupled to said second outer surface, and a center conductor (21B) constructing said coaxial waveguide, an end part of which is separated from said first outer surface, forms capacitive coupling with said first outer surface. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PLASMA PROCESSING DEVICE May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 230231 התקן לעיבוד פלסמה 346 ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 28.03.2002 2001-094273 ]/1[ 28.03.2001 Int. Cl.8 H01L 021/31 TADAHIRO OHMI, JAPAN TOKYO ELECTRON LIMITED, JAPAN WO/2002/080251 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] A plasma processing apparatus, comprising: a processing vessel (11) defined by an outer wall and having a stage (13) for holding a substrate (12) to be processed; an evacuation system coupled to said processing vessel; a plasma gas supplying part provided on said processing vessel as a part of said outer wall so as to face said substrate on said stage, said plasma gas supplying part comprising a shower plate (14) facing said substrate on said stage at a first side thereof, said shower plate having a plasma gas passage (14A-14C) and a plurality of apertures communicating with said plasma gas passage, and a cover plate provided on a second side of said shower plate opposite ]//[ JP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד to said first side; a microwave antenna (20) provided on said processing vessel in correspondence to said plasma gas supplying part in an intimate contact with said cover plate; a microwave power source coupled to said microwave antenna electrically, and a contact surface (18) between said microwave antenna and said cover plate of said plasma gas supplying part is sealed in a manner such that a pressure thereof can be adjusted, said microwave antenna being defined by said contact surface forming a microwave radiation surface, said contact surface contacting with said cover plate of said plasma gas supplying part, and an outer surface opposing said contact surface. __________ ]22[]12[ 347 230820 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – – אלפא – פלואורו9 – – אלפא – כלורו6 –17– – מתיל19 – – אלפא – הידרוקסי17 –1,4– בטא – מתוקסיקרבוניל – אנדרוסט –17 דיאנים שעברו אסטריפיקציה בעמדה אלפא על ידי קבוצה ]1/[ 9-ALPHA-CHLORO-6-ALPHAFLUORO-17- ALPHA-HYDROXY16-METHYL-17-BETAMETHOXYCARBONYLANDROST-1,4- DIENES ESTERIFIED IN POSITION 17ALPHA BY A CYCLIC GROUP ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 26.06.2001 0015876.6 ]/1[ 28.06.2000 ]//[ GB Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/56, 031/58, A61P 011/00, C07J 003/00, 017/00, 033/00, 043/00 NOVARTIS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2002/000679 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 [57] Compounds of the formula where R is a monovalent cyclic organic group having from 3 to 15 atoms in the ring system. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ SALINE/SEWAGE WATER May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 236200 שפכים/מערכת לטיהור מי מלח 348 RECLAMATION SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 18.07.2001 618337 ]/1[ 18.07.2000 ]//[ US Int. Cl.8 B01D 001/22, 001/28, 003/08, 003/10, 003/28, C02F 001/08 JACK G. BITTERLY,, U.S.A. STEVEN E. BITTERLY,, U.S.A. ]//[ ]//[ WO/2002/005920 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO.,, 124 IBN GABIROL ST, P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 [57] A boiler and condenser system comprising: (a) a housing (50); (b) at least three spaced-apart and generally concentric shells (32, 34, 40) within the housing extending about an axis of rotation (132), the at least three shells comprising an inner shell closest the axis of rotation, an outer shell farthest from the axis of rotation and a middle shell between the inner shell and the outer shell, the shells forming two spaces, an inner space (38) defining a boiler between the inner shell and the middle shell, and an outer space (36) defining a condenser between the middle shell and the outer shell; each space having two ends; (c) rotation means (160) for rotating the shells about the axis of rotation at an 349 ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות תל אביב,1146/ .ד. ת, 104 אבן גבירול angular velocity sufficient to cause the fluid in the boiler to form a thin film along the middle shell; (d) a compressor (220) having a lower pressure side and a higher pressure side, the lower pressure side communicating with the inner space and decreasing the pressure in the inner space, the higher pressure side communicating with the outer space; (e) a source of fluid (170), an injector (186) operably connected to the source of fluid and to the inner space transmitting the fluid into the inner space; (f) an outlet from the outer space through which fluid can flow; and (g) a collector (268) in the housing into which fluid from the outlet collects. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ LEAD-FREE TIN PROJECTILE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 04.12.1998 993458 ]/1[ 18.12.1997 Int. Cl.8 F42B 005/16 DIVISION FROM 136817 OLIN CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/1999/031454 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] A lead-free projectile used in a cartridge having a powdered chemical propellant consisting of essentially pure tin having a tin content of at least 99.8%, by 236231 מטול בדיל ללא עופרת ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא weight, a yield strength of 11.0 MPa or less, and a hardness of less than 5 HB and formed to an aerodynamic profile. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ MINIATURIZED WEARABLE OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 02.08.2001 60/222591 ]/1[ 02.08.2000 Int. Cl.8 B01D 053/047 WEARAIR OXYGEN INC., CANADA WO/2002/009848 DEBORAH GADOR, BLUM, GADOR & CO., 53 DERECH HASHALOM 23 RD FLOOR GIVATAYIM 53454 [57] A gas concentrator for enriching a target component gas concentration and May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 236166 מרכז חמצן מיניאטורי הניתן ללבישה ]//[ US ,' גדור ושות,דבורה גדור עו"ד בלום גבעתיים,0: קומה, .: דרך השלום minimizing a waste component gas concentration in a gas flow comprising: an 350 air compressor (22), an air-tight first container in fluid communication with said compressor, through a first gas conduit, an air-tight second container in fluid communication with said first container through a second gas conduit, wherein said first container contains a molecular sieve bed for adsorbing a waste component gas, a gas flow controller controlling a plurality of repeating cycles of sequential actuation of valves (28) mounted to said gas conduits, said valves sequentially regulating air flow through said conduits, said gas flow controller and said valves providing: (a) means for first preventing gas flow between said first and second containers and allowing compressed gas from said compressor into said first container during a first gas pressurization phase, whereby said first container is pressurized to threshold pressure level to create a gas packet having an incrementally enriched target component gas concentration; (b) means (34) for sequentially next preventing gas flow into said first container from said compressor and allowing gas flow from said first container into said second container during an air packet transfer phase, wherein said gas packet is transferred to said second container; 351 (c) means for sequentially next preventing gas flow into said second container from said first container and allowing gas to vent to atmosphere out from said first container through a vent valve of said first container; (d) means for sequentially next allowing gas flow between said first and second containers from said second container into said first container during an air packet counter-flow phase, wherein said gas packet flows from said second container to said first container; (e) means for sequentially next preventing gas flow venting from said first container through said vent valve of said first container, and (f) means for sequentially cycling said gas flow controller and said valves through said plurality of repeating cycles of sequential actuation of said valves so as to incrementally increase said target component gas concentration in said gas packet per cycle in said plurality of repeating cycles as said gas packet is shunted back and forth between said first and second containers, a gas flow conduit in fluid communication with said second container for delivering a portion of said gas packet for an end use downstream. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ HIGH PRESSURE AND HIGH TEMPERATURE PRODUCTION OF DIAMONDS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 08.08.2001 60/224485 ]/1[ 11.08.2000 Int. Cl.8 B01J 003/06 DIAMOND INNOVATIONS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/013958 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST. P.O.B. 1426 TEL AVIV 61013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for changing the color of discolored natural diamond, wherein the discolored natural diamond is selected from the group consisting of rough May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 236012 ייצור יהלומים בלחץ ובחום גבוהים ]//[ US ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות תל אביב,1409 .ד. ת, :1 רח' יבנה diamond, pre-cut diamond and polished diamond, the method comprising: (a) blocking the natural diamond to streamline the shape of the natural diamond, such that near surface imperfections and nonuniformites of the natural diamond are removed; 352 (b) placing the streamlined natural diamond in a pressure transmitting medium; (c) consolidating the pressure transmitting medium into a pill wherein the pressure transmitting medium is consolidated in excess of 90% of its theoretical density; (d) exposing the pill to elevated temperature and elevated pressure within the graphite-stable range or within the diamond forming range of the carbon phase diagram for a time sufficient to change the color of the diamond; and (e) recovering the diamond. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ WATER-SUPPLY PACK ASSEMBLY ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 29.08.2001 650680 ]/1[ 30.08.2000 Int. Cl.8 B60N 003/18 AMIT BEN-SASSON WO/2002/018171 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A water-supply pack assembly adapted to supply water to a driver (15) occupying a seat (10) in an automobile having a back and a headrest (12), said headrest being engaged by the driver's head, such assembly comprising: (a) a fixture (16) attachable to the headrest, the fixture comprising a hood strapped onto the headrest, (b) a water-supply pack (17) suspended from the hood so that the water supply pack is then behind the back of the seat, at 353 236666 מכלול לאספקת מים ]//[ US עמית בן ששון ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם a position close to the head of the driver, said pack including a water-fillable container having an outlet, and (c) an elongated flexible tube (20) coupled to said outlet and terminating in a mouthpiece (21), said tube extending between said outlet and said outlet and said driver, whereby the driver with the mouthpiece in place, can then suck water from the container without interrupting his driving activity. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ____________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD OF OBSERVING EXPOSURE CONDITION FOR EXPOSING SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE AND ITS APPARATUS AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 17.02.2003 2002-039444 ]/1[ 18.02.2002 Int. Cl.8 G03F 009/00 HITACHI HIGH-TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION, JAPAN LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]//[ [57] A method of monitoring an exposure condition, comprising the steps of: photographing a resist pattern using an electron microscope so as to obtain an May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 236326 שיטה לצפיה בתנאי חשיפה לחשיפת התקן מוליך למחצה והמתקן שלו ושיטה לייצור התקן מוליך למחצה ]//[ JP ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה electron-beam image of said resist pattern, said resist pattern having a configuration which is formed by being exposed under a predetermined exposure condition and on 354 which effective exposure quantities differ depending on the places; measuring, using said electron-beam image, a characteristic size of said resist pattern at a plurality of locations at which said effective exposure quantities differ from each other; and estimating deviation quantities in an exposure quantity and focal-point position of said predetermined exposure condition from correct values by using information on model data created in advance and said information on said characteristic size measured at said plurality of locations at which said effective exposure quantities differ from each other, said model data causing various exposure conditions to be related with characteristic sizes of said resist pattern formed under said various exposure conditions. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ GLASS BODIES WITH POROUS COATINGS ]11[ ]/2[ 03.03.2003 10209949.9]/1[ 06.03.2002 45 Int. Cl.8 C03C 017/25 SCHOTT AG, GERMANY WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ [57] An alkali-free or alkali-poor glass body having a plurality of sides and provided with an adherent and antireflective coating on at least one of said sides, wherein said adherent and antireflective coating contains phosphorus and 236827 גופים מזכוכית עם ציפוים נקבוביים ]//[ DE , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד porous SiO2; and wherein said alkali-free or alkali-poor glass body contains no alkali metal oxides or less than 12 percent by weight of said alkali metal oxides and said coating is provided with pores with a pore diameter of 2 nm to 50 nm. __________ 355 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROCESS FOR DISPENSING PORTIONS OF FROZEN AERATED EDIBLE PRODUCTS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 12.03.2003 02252321.1 ]/1[ 28.03.2002 Int. Cl.8 A23G 009/28, B65D 085/78 UNILEVER PLC, UNITED KINGDOM REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ [57] A process for dispensing into a container a portion of a consumable product comprising a frozen aerated product with particulate inclusions of a specified size range wherein the process comprises the steps of: loading a serving of particulate inclusions of said specified size range into a supplying means metering the flow of a serving of frozen aerated product from a source of frozen aerated product 236787 תהליך להנפקת מנות של מוצרי מזון קפואים ומאווררים ]//[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם through a mixing chamber; transferring the serving of particulate inclusions from the supplying means to the mixing chamber throughout the time said serving of frozen aerated product is flowing through the mixing chamber; mixing the particulate inclusions and the frozen aerated product to form the consumable product; dispensing the consumable product into the container. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ANNEALED AMORPHOUS ALLOYS FOR MAGNETOACOUSTIC MARKERS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 18.09.2001 677245 ]/1[ 02.10.2000 Int. Cl.8 G01N 027/00 VACUUMSCHMELZE GMBH, GERMANY SENSORMATIC ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/029832 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT ]//[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 236112 מורפות אמורפיות/סגסוגות מוקשחות עבור סמנים מגנטי–אקוסטיים ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא 356 [57] A method of annealing a magnetic amorphous alloy article comprising the steps of: (a) providing an unannealed amorphous alloy article having an alloy article having an alloy composition and a longitudinal axis; (b) disposing said unannealed amorphous alloy article in a zone of elevated temperature while subjecting said amorphous alloy article to a tensile force along said longitudinal axis, and without a magnetic field other than an ambient magnetic field, to produce an annealed article; and (c) selecting said alloy composition to comprise at least iron and nickel and at least one element from the group consisting of V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo and W so that the annealed article has an induced magnetic easy plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis due to a combination of said composition, said temperatue and said tensile stress. __________ ]22[]12[ 236186 עיכוב של תלות בגורם גידול של תאים סרטניים ]1/[ INHIBITION OF THE GROWTH FACTOR DEPENDENCY OF TUMOR CELLS ]11[ ]/2[ 17.10.2001 10051609.2 ]/1[ 18.10.2000 ]//[ DE 0621/2626 2/62661666 US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/56, A61P 035/00, C07C 053/00, C07J 001/00, 011/00, 041/00 SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, GERMANY WO/2002/032429 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Use of a compound of the formula 357 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז in which R1 stands for a methyl or ethyl group, R2 stands for a radical of formula CnFmHo, whereby n is 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, m> 1 and m + o = 2n +1, R3 stands for a free, etherified, or esterified hydroxy group, R4 and R5 each stand for a hydrogen atom, together for an additional bond or a methylene group, St stands for a steroidal ABC-ring system of partial formula A, B or C in which R6 means a hydrogen atom, a straightchain C1-C4 alkyl group or a branched C3C4 alkyl group or a halogen atom, R7 means a hydrogen atom, a straightchain C1-C4 alkyl group or a branched C3C4 alkyl group, or, if St stands for a steroidal ABC-ring system A or B, in addition R6 and R7 together mean an additional bond, X means an oxygen atom, a hydroxyamino grouping = N – OH or two hydrogen atoms, R8 means a radical Y or an aryl radical that is optionally substituted with a group Y in several places, whereby Y is a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom, an –OH, -NO2, -N3, -CN, -NR9aR9b, -NHSO2R9, -CO2R9, C1C10 alkoxy, C1-C10 alkanoyloxy, benzoyloxy-C1-C10 alkanoyl, C1-C10 hydroxyalkyl or benzoyl group, and R9a and R9b are the same or different and like R9 represent a hydrogen atom or a C1-C10 alkyl group, and for radicals –NR9aR9b, also their physiologically compatible salts with acids and for radicals –CO2R9 with R9 in the meaning of hydrogen, also their physiologically compatible salts bases, for the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of steroid resistant breast cancer. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 358 ]22[]12[ 236183 שימוש בנוגדי פרוגסטינים למניעה וטיפול במחלות תלויות–הורמונים ]1/[ USE OF ANTIPROGESTINS FOR PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT OF HORMONEDEPENDENT DISEASES ]11[ ]/2[ 17.10.2001 60/240998 ]/1[ 18.10.2000 ]//[ US 66116//261 2/62661666 EP Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/56, A61P 035/00, C07J 001/00 SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, GERMANY WO/2002/032430 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Use of the antiprogestin 11β-(4acetylphenyl)-17β-hydroxy-17α-(1,1,2,2,2pentafluoroethyl)-estra-4, 9-dien-3-one or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or analogue thereof for the manufacture of a medicament for the prophylaxis or treatment of a type of cancer selected from the group of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, myeloma, anovulatory infertility and/or meningoma in a mammal. __________ ]22[]12[ 236181 שימוש בנוגדי פרוגסטינים להשראת אפופטזה בתא ]1/[ USE OF ANTIPROGESTINS FOR THE INDUCTION OF APOPTOSIS IN A CELL ]11[ ]/2[ 17.10.2001 00250342.3 ]/1[ 18.10.2000 ]//[ EP 0621/6002 2/62661666 US Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/57, A61P 035/00, C07J 001/00 SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, GERMANY WO/2002/032432 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] Use of the antiprogestin 11β-(4- 359 acetylphenyl)-17β-hydroxy-17α-(1,1,2,2,2May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז pentafluoroethyl)-estra-4,9-dien-3-one or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or analogue thereof for the preparation of a medicament for the treatment of a type of cancer selected from the group of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, myeloma, and meningoma with a high risk amount of tumor cells in the S-phase, as a result of the induction of apoptosis, said medicament being applied in a daily dose of 0.1 to 400 mg/kg. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PUMPING OR MIXING SYSTEM USING A LEVITATING MAGNETIC PUMPING OR MIXING ELEMENT, RELATED SYSTEM COMPONENTS, AND RELATED METHODS ]11[ ]/2[ 12.01.2001 60/239187 ]/1[ 09.10.2000 /1//21 1/62261666 Int. Cl.8 B01F 013/08, F16C 039/06 LEVTECH, INC., U.S.A. ALEXANDRE N. TERENTIEV WO/2002/031372 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., BEIT SAMUELOFF, 7 HAOMANIM STREET TEL AVIV ]12[ ]/2[ ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A kit for assisting in the set-up of a fluid pumping or mixing system (10) including a superconducting element (20) capable of reaching a transition temperature during a field cooling process, comprising: at least one pumping or mixing element (14) including a levitation magnet (38), and at least one charging magnet (40) substantially corresponding in May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 233118 מערכת שאיבה או ערבוב המשתמש מרכיבי,בגורם שואב או מערבב מגנטי ושיטות קשורות,מערכת קשורים ]//[ US US ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן ושות תל אביב,7 בית שמואלוב רח' האומנים size, shape, and magnetic field distribution to the levitation magnet, whereby the presence of the charging magnet adjacent the superconducting element during the field cooling process enables stable levitation of the pumping or mixing element, including when in a fluid-filled vessel (16) positioned adjacent the superconducting element. 360 ___________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ LAYER TRANSFER OF LOW DEFECT SIGE USING AN ETCHBACK PROCESS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 17.09.2001 692606 ]/1[ 19.10.2000 Int. Cl.8 H01L 021/762 IBM CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/033746 IBM LABORATORIES, HAIFA UNIVERSITY, HAIFA 31905 [57] A method of preparing a relaxed SiGe layer on an insulator and a SiGe/Si heterostructure comprising the steps of: 361 233013 בעלי,גרמניום-העברת שכבות סיליקון באמצעות תהליך של,איכות גבוהה חריטהחוזרת ]//[ US ,מחלקת קניין רוחני מעבדות יבמ חיפה,אוניברסיטת חיפה הר הכרמל forming a graded Si1-xGex epitaxial layer on a first single crystalline semiconductor substrate, forming a relaxed Sil-yGey May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז epitaxial layer over said graded Sil-xGex layer, wherein y, the germanium content of the relaxed Sil-xGex epitaxial layer, is equal to or substantially equal to the value of x at an upper suface of the graded Sil-xGex epitaxial layer, smoothing the surface of said relaxed Sil-xGey epitaxial layer to provide a surface roughness in the range from about 0.3 nm to about 1 nm root mean square (RMS), selecting a structure having an upper surface and comprising a second substrate having a surface roughness in the range from about 0.3 nm to about 1 nm RMS and an intermediate agent layer comprising a metal selected from the group consisting of W, Co, Ti and any other metal that can react with silicon to form a metal silicide, and bonding said smoothed surface of said relaxed Sil-yGey epitaxial layer on said first substrate to the upper surface of said structure including said second substrate, said step of bonding including the step of annealing to form sufficiently strong bonds across the bonding interface to form a single mechanical structure, whereby during said bonding said intermediate agent layer is converted into a metal silicide which includes germanium. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ CONVERTIBLE MULTIPURPOSE MISSILE LAUNCHER ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 20.09.2002 960814 ]/1[ 21.09.2001 Int. Cl.8 F41F 007/00 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2002/027598 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A convertible multipurpose missile launcher (28), comprising: a launcher body (32) having a top side (34), a bottom side (36), a first lateral side (38), a second lateral side (40), a forward end (42), and an aft end (44); a support attachment (46) on the top side of the launcher body and a launch rail structure (48) on the launcher body, the launch rail structure including a first-middle launch rail (50) on the bottom side of the launcher body and extending in a longitudinal direction (52), the longitudinal direction being defined as a direction extending between the forward May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 231220 משגר טיל רב תכליתי הפיף ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם end and the aft end of the launcher body, wherein the first-missile launch rail is dimensioned for a first missile, and a second-missile launch rail (56) on the bottom side of the launcher body and extending in the longitudinal direction, wherein the second-missile launch rail is dimensioned for a second missile different from the first missile, and wherein the second-missile launch rail includes a stationary second-missile forward launch rail segment (60), and a movable secondmissile aft launch rail segment (62), the movable second-missile aft launch rail 362 segment being movable between a forward position and an aft position, and wherein the movable second-missile aft launch rail segment may be locked in the forward position when slid to the forward position and locked in the aft position when slid to the aft position. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ADAPTIVE BROADCAST RADAR SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 28.11.2001 60/253095 ]/1[ 28.11.2000 Int. Cl.8 G01S 013/72 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION, U.S.A. ROBERT D. BUDIC WO/2002/097467 SOROKER-AGMON, 14 SHENKAR STREET, HERZLIYA PITUAH 46725 ]/1[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for generating a sensor signal model for a received signal within an adaptive broadcast radar system, comprising: defining a clutter component for said received signal at a receiver, wherein said clutter component comprises a direct path signal and a scattered signal; defining a channel transfer function; The applications for division from this application have not yet been published 231231 מערכת ושיטה למערכת רדאר בעלת שידור מסתגל ]//[ US ,אגמון-סורוקר הרצליה פיתוח,14 בית נולטון רחוב שנקר generating a sampled version of said received signal according to said channel transfer function at a sample time; determining a batch of data from said sampled version for a sub-aperture of said receiver at said sample time; and indexing said batch of data into said sensor signal model. 57400795719949 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו __________ 363 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATER AND STRIPPER ]11[ ]/2[ 27.11.2001 724001 ]/1[ 28.11.2000 062/60/// 1666/61662 062/6/10/ 1/66/61662 062/262/1 6/66/61662 0//26/ 2162661662 61///6 1162661662 Int. Cl.8 G02B 006/24 3SAE TECHNOLOGIES, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/044794 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST. P.O.B. 1426 TEL AVIV 61013 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A system for stripping an optical fiber having an outer coating, the system including: (a) a source of air (12); (b) means (14) for generating one or more air streams from said air source by releasing compressed air from said air source during relatively short periods of time; and (c) a heater (16) for heating said air streams to a predetermined temperature May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 231231 מחמם ומקלף ביעילות גבוהה ]//[ US US US US US US ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות תל אביב,1409 .ד. ת, :1 רח' יבנה sufficient to remove the outer coating from the optical fiber, the heater including: (i) a heat generating element (113) for generating heat; and (ii) a heat exchanger (112, 114, 116) allowing heat from said heat generating element to be transferred to an air stream while maintaining said air stream isolated from said heat source. 364 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ COMPRESSOR UTILIZING SHELL WITH LOW PRESSURE SIDE MOTOR AND HIGH PRESSURE SIDE OIL SUMP ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 28.11.2001 09/726606 ]/1[ 01.12.2000 Int. Cl.8 F04B 035/04 BRISTOL COMPRESSORS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/044562 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A compressor system (10), comprising: a housing (12); a partition (36a) within the housing defining a first chamber (14) and a second chamber (16); a motor (24) disposed in the first chamber; a compressor (18) disposed in the first chamber operably connected to the motor; an oil sump (48) disposed in the second chamber; a first orifice in the housing 365 231211 מדחס המשתמש בקליפה בעלת מנוע צד לחץ נמוך ועוקת שמן לחץ גבוה ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד communicating a suction tube (20) with the first chamber, and a second orifice in the housing communicating the second chamber with a discharge tube (22), wherein fluid in the first chamber is at compressor suction pressure and fluid in the second chamber is at compressor discharge pressure. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ THERMOELECTRIC DEVICES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 23.11.2001 731614 ]/1[ 07.12.2000 Int. Cl.8 H01L 035/30 IBM CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/047178 IBM LABORATORIES, HAIFA UNIVERSITY, HAIFA 31905 [57] A thermoelectric device, comprising: a planar electrical conductor (218); and a thermoelement composed of a thermoelectric material configured with a plurality of tips (250) which are May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 231021 אלקטריים-התקנים תרמו ]//[ US ,מחלקת קניין רוחני מעבדות יבמ חיפה,אוניברסיטת חיפה הר הכרמל electrically coupled to the electrical conductor; wherein the tips are made to have an effective tip radius (r) of less than approximately 50 nanometers. 366 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ THERMOELECTRIC SPOT COOLERS FOR RF AND MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 11.12.2001 734519 ]/1[ 11.12.2000 Int. Cl.8 H01L 023/38 IBM CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/049105 IBM LABORATORIES, HAIFA UNIVERSITY, HAIFA 31905 367 231012 מצננים תרמו–אלקטריים נקודתיים עבור FRשבבי תקשורת בתדר מיקרוגל ו ]//[ US ,מחלקת קניין רוחני מעבדות יבמ חיפה,אוניברסיטת חיפה הר הכרמל May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז [57] An apparatus for cooling an element of an integrated circuit (700), comprising: a cold plate (762) thermally coupled to a selected element (752) within the integrated circuit through a path (708) defined by at least one patterned integrated circuit layer; a thermoelectric cooler (714) thermally coupled to the cold plate; and a hot plate (764) thermally coupled to the thermoelectric cooler; wherein heat is selectively removed from the selected element within the integrated circuit through the cold plate and transmitted to the hot plate through the thermoelectric cooler; and the hot plate is exposed at a surface of the integrated circuit to dissipate heat into the surrounding atmosphere. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ DISPENSER FOR HYGIENIC PAPER PRODUCTS OR THE LIKE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 15.12.2001 10062788.9 ]/1[ 15.12.2000 Int. Cl.8 A47K 010/42, B65D 043/16 HAKLE-KIMBERLY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/055400 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ 231602 מנפק עבור מוצרי נייר היגייניים או מוצרים דומים ]//[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם [57] Dispenser for towelettes or similat items, in particular for moist toilet tissues, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 368 consisting of a container (1) open on one side and of a closure (2) which can be connected to the container via a latching connection and consists of a frame (3) and a lid (4) linked thereto, it being possible for the frame to be put onto the container in a releasable manner via a latching connection and for the frame opening to be closed by the lid in such a way that the lid is releasably fastened to the frame via a further latching connection, and the frame and the lid in each case having sealing lips (7, 8) which face one another and bear tightly against one another in the closed state of the lid, characterized in that a recess (10) in the front region (9) of the lid, and this recess, in the closed state of the lid, comes into releasable engagement with a corresponding recess (12) in the encircling sealing lip on the frame and leaves a deformable tactile region (11) of the frame free. __________ ]22[]12[ 369 231310 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ELECTRICALLY INDUCED BREAKDOWN OF NANOSTRUCTURES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 21.12.2001 753845 ]/1[ 03.01.2001 Int. Cl.8 H01L 021/00 IBM CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/054505 IBM LABORATORIES, HAIFA UNIVERSITY, HAIFA 31905 [57] A method for forming a device comprising the steps of: providing a substrate; providing a plurality of מערכת ושיטה להפרדה מושרית חשמלית של מבנים זעירים ]//[ US ,מחלקת קניין רוחני מעבדות יבמ חיפה,אוניברסיטת חיפה הר הכרמל nanotubes in contact with the substrate; and selectively breaking a nanotube using an electrical current. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ VEHICLE TRIP DETERMINATION SYSTEM AND METHOD ]11[ ]/2[ 28.01.2002 60/264498 ]/1[ 26.01.2001 06210//1/ 1066261662 Int. Cl.8 G07B 015/00 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2002/059838 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method for determining a vehicle trip on a roadway, the method comprising: providing a plurality of vehicle detections from a plurality of gateways; determining a maximum travel time between corresponding pairs of the plurality of gateways; correlating corresponding pairs of the plurality of vehicle detections by May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 231183 מערכת ושיטה לקביעת נסיעה של כלי רכב ]//[ US US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא determining that a travel time between each of the gateways of each of the corresponding pairs of detections is less than a corresponding maximum travel time; determining a plurality of chainable detections; and determining the boundaries of the trip. 370 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ CONNECTOR COMPONENT FOR MULTI-CORE OPTICAL FIBER, FERRULE, AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME ]11[ ]/2[ 13.08.2001 2001-001947 ]/1[ 09.01.2001 1662-1/1/0/ /266/61662 Int. Cl.8 G02B 006/40 TAKAHIKO MUKOUDA, JAPAN WO/2002/056079 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., BEIT SAMUELOFF, 7 HAOMANIM STREET TEL AVIV ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A method of manufacturing a connector, wherein thermal-spraying or electroforming is applied, using a resin or a metal, to a plurality of cylinder-shaped ferrules, under the condition that projections which are positioned opposite each other of a positioning member are 231733 טהעות,מרכיב מחבר עבור סיב אופטי ושיטה לייצורו,חיזוק ]//[ JP JP ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן ושות תל אביב,7 בית שמואלוב רח' האומנים fitted and nipped to both ends of insertion holes of the cylinder-shaped ferrules, so that each ferrule is properly positioned and the central axes are parallel to each other at specified positions, so that said plurality of cylinder-shaped ferrules are coated. __________ 371 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ 231160 – אמינובנזופיראן4 נגזרות ]1/[ 4 - AMINOBENZOPYRAN DERIVATIVES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 14.02.2002 2001-36293 ]/1[ 14.02.2001 ]//[ JP Int. Cl.8 A61K 031/343, A61P 009/06, C07D 311/00, 311/74 NISSAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., JAPAN WO/2002/064581 S. HOROWITZ & CO., ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש 41-45 ROTSHILD BLV תל אביב,41-4.שדרות רוטשילד TEL AVIV 65784 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A benzopyran derivative of the formula wherein, R1 and R2 represent each independently a hydrogen atom or a C1-6 alkyl group in which said alkyl group may be optionally substituted with a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group or a C1-6 alkoxy group in which said alkoxy group may be optionally substituted with a fluorine atom, R3 represents a hydroxyl group or a C1-6 alkylcarbonyloxy group, R4 represents a hydrogen atom, or R3 and R4 together form a bond, R6 represents a hydrogen atom, R7 represents a hydrogen atom or a C1-6 alkyl group, X is absent, or represents C=O or SO2, R8 represents a hydrogen atom or a C1-6 alkyl group in which said alkyl group may be optionally substituted with a hydroxyl group or a C1-6 alkoxy group, R9 represents a hydrogen atom or a nitro group, when R9 represents a hydrogen atom, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז Y represents a C3-8 alkylene group or – (CH2)m-CR11R12-(CH2)n-in which m and n represent each independently 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, and m+n is equal to or more than 2; when m represents 0, R11 and R12 represent each independently a C1-6 alkyl group, and when m represents those other than 0, R11 and R12 represent each independently a C111 3 alkyl group or a hydroxyl group, or R and R12 together form a oxygen atom, R5 represents a fluorine atom, a trifluromethyl group, an amino group, a C1-6 alkylthio group, a C1-6 alkylamino group, a di-C1-6 alkylamino group, a C1-6 alkylcarbonylamino group, a C1-6 alkylsulfonylamino group, an aminocarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkylaminocarbonyl group, a di-C1-6 alkylaminocarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkylcarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkoxycarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkoxycarbonylamino group, an aminosulfonyl group, a C1-6 372 alkylsulfonyl group, a carboxyl group or a benzoyl group in which said benzoyl group may be optionally substituted with a C1-6 alkyl group, a C1-6 alkoxy group, a halogen atom, a nitro group or a cyano group, and when R9 represents a nitro group, Y represents a C4-8 alkylene group, -(CH2)mCR11R12-(CH2)n-in which m, n, R11 and R12 are same as the above or –(CH2)o-O(CH2)p- in which o and p represent each independently 2, 3 or 4, R5 represents a hydrogen atom, a fluorine atom, a trifluoromethyl group, a hydroxyl group, a formamide group, an amino group, a C1-6 alkoxy group, a C3-8 cycloalkyl group, a C1-6 alkylthio group, a C1-6 alkylamino group, a di-C1-6 alkylamino group, a C1-6 alkylcarbonylamino group, a C1-6 alkylsulfonylamino group, an aminocarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkylaminocarbonyl group, a di-C1-6 alkylaminocarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkylcarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkoxycarbonyl group, a C1-6 alkoxycarbonylamino group, an aminosulfonyl group, a C1-6 alkylsulfonyl group, a carboxyl group or a benzoyl group in which said benzoyl group may be optionally substituted with a C1-6 alkyl group, a C1-6 alkoxy group, a halogen atom, a nitro group or a cyano group; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ENERGY GENERATING SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 17.01.2002 0100141-1 ]/1[ 17.01.2001 Int. Cl.8 F03B 003/12, 003/14, 017/06 WATER CROSSING, INC., SWEDEN WO/2002/061273 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 [57] System for generating energy, primarily with the use of sea currents, comprising a rotation body (4) having a front inlet side and a rear outlet side, and at least one transfer member (6) between the inlet side and a generator, wherein said rotation body has a conical and/or concave section extending in a direction toward the outlet side as well as a concially and/or bulb shaped tapering portion extending from a substantially cylindrical waist portion towards the inlet side, wherein the 373 231110 מערכת מחוללת אנרגיה ]//[ SE , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר waist portion is provided with turbine blades (10) only along its circumference that are adapted to maintain the rotation of the rotation body, a free front end of which is secured to the transfer member to transfer a rotational movement to the generator, and wherein an inner surface of an outer wall (17) of the rotation body exhibits blades (18) along its circumference for the purpose of eliminating friction generated by a fluid (19) inside the rotation body. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ 238022 התקן לתיקון סחיפת טמפרטורה עבור התקן בקרת לחץ והתקן בקרת,רגש לחץ ספיקה מסוג חלץ ]1/[ APPARATUS FOR THE CORRECTION OF TEMPERATURE DRIFT FOR A PRESSURE SENSOR, A PRESSURE CONTROL APPARATUS, AND A PRESSURETYPE FLOW RATE CONTROL APPARATUS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 22.11.2002 2001-399910 ]/1[ 28.12.2001 ]//[ Int. Cl.8 G01D 003/08, G01L 009/00, 019/04 TADAHIRO OHMI, JAPAN FUJIKIN INCORPORATED, JAPAN TOKYO ELECTRON LTD, JAPAN ]//[ ]//[ WO/2003/058187 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז JP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד 374 [57] An apparatus for correcting temperature drift for use in a pressure sensor (10) for measuring the pressure of fluid, said apparatus comprising a temperature sensor (14) for measuring the temperature of the fluid, a memory means for storing both a relation between the fluid temperature and zero point output drift of the pressure sensor when the pressure is zero, and a relation between the fluid temperature and span output drift of the pressure sensor at any given pressure, and a temperature drift correcting means provided with a span drift correcting means for inputting an output voltage of the pressure sensor by way of amplifiers and an A/D converter, and a zero point correcting means for outputting a reverse voltage of a zero point drift voltage to the offset terminal of the afore-mentioned amplifier through an offset D/A converter, which calculates the amount the output drift of the pressure sensor from data in the memory means when the fluid pressure changes and negates the output drift of the pressure sensor with said calculated amount of the output drift, thereby correcting the temperature drift, such that even if the temperature of fluid changes, the fluid pressure can be measured accurately. __________ ]22[]12[ 375 238168 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ 5-[2-ALKOXY-5HALOSULPHONYL-PHENYL]-1,3(2,3-)DISUBSTITUTED-1,6-(2,6)DIHYDRO-7H-PYRAZOLO[4,3D]PYRIMIDIN-7-ONES ]11[ ]/2[ 10.04.1998 9708406.5 ]/1[ 25.04.1997 0/21//66/ 1166/6200/ 0/1101/60 /66266200/ Int. Cl.8 C07D 487/04 DIVISION FROM 132276 PFIZER INC., U.S.A. WO/1998/049166 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ –]–הלוסופוניל–פניל.––אלקוקסי0[–. –H7––)דיהידרו9,0(–9,1 –)די–מותמר:,0(:,1 –ונים7–] פירימידינd– :,4[ פיראזולו ]//[ GB GB GB ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה [57] A compound selected from the group consisting of compounds of the formulae wherein R1 is C1 to C3 alkyl substituted with C3 to C6 cycloalkyl, CONR4R5 or a N-linked heterocyclic group selected from pyrazolyl, imidazolyl, triazolyl, pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl and 4-R6-piperazinyl; (CH2)nHet or (CH2)nAr; R2 is C1 to C6 alkyl; R3 is C1 to C6 alkyl optionally substituted with C1-C4 alkoxy; R4 and R5 are each independently selected from H and C1 to C4 alkyl optionally substituted with C1 to C4 alkoxy, or, together with the nitrogen atom to which they are attached, form a pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl or 4-R6piperazinyl, group; R6 is C1 to C4 alkyl; May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז Het is a C-linked 6-membered heterocyclic group containing one or two nitrogen atoms, optionally in the form of its monoN-oxide, or a C-linked 5-membered heterocyclic group containing from one to four heteroatoms selected from nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur, wherein either of said heterocyclic groups is optionally substituted with one or two substituents selected from C1 to C4 alkyl optionally substituted with C1 to C4 alkoxy, C1 to C4 alkoxy, halo and NH2; Ar is phenyl optionally substituted with one or two substituents selected from C1 to C4 alkyl, C1 to C4 alkoxy, halo, CN, CONH2, NO2, 376 NH2, NHSO2 (C1 to C4 alkyl) and SO2NH2; and n is 0 or 1. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ POLYMERISATION IN AQUEOUS SUSPENSION OF VINYL CHLORIDE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 28.03.2002 01/04425 ]/1[ 02.04.2001 Int. Cl.8 C08F 014/06 ATOFINA, FRANCE WO/2002/079279 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] Process for aqueous suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride alone or in a mixture with less than 50% of another vinyl monomer, characterized in that the polymerization initiator system comprises at least one compound selected from dialkyl peroxydicarbonates, peroxy-tert- 238817 פילמור בתרחיף מימי של ויניל כלוריד ]//[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם alkanoates and diacyl peroxides, and in that at least one short-stopper selected from stable free radicals of nitroxide type is used, introduced when the monomer conversion by weight is between 60 and 90%. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROCESS FOR PRODUCING AMMONIUM THIOSULFATE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 08.03.2002 09/808618 ]/1[ 14.03.2001 Int. Cl.8 B01D 053/14, C01B 017/64 MARK C. ANDERSON, U.S.A. SIDNEY P. WHITE, U.S.A. RONALD E. SHAFER, U.S.A. ]//[ ]//[ WO/2002/072243 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 [57] A process for producing ammonium thiosulfate comprising: (a) contacting a feed gas mixture comprising hydrogen 377 238121 שיטה לייצור אמוניום תיוסולפט ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד sulfide and ammonia with an aqueous absorbing stream comprising ammonium sulfite and ammonium bisulfite in a first May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז reaction zone to produce an ammonium thiosulfate-containing solution and a first off-gas comprising hydrogen sulfide and ammonia wherein conversion of sulfite into thiosulfate is limited by varying the aqueous absorbing stream to feed gas mixture contact ratio (L/G ratio) in response to an oxidation reduction potential of the aqueous absorbing stream; (b) contacting the first off-gas with water to form an ammonium bisulfide-containing solution and a second off-gas comprising hydrogen sulfide; (c) contacting the aqueous absorbing stream with a sulfur dioxide-containing gas is a second reaction zone to produce a second reaction zone product comprising ammonium sulfite and ammonium bisulfite; (d) combining at least a portion of the second reaction zone product with the ammonium thiosulfate-containing solution to produce a combined solution, and (e) recycling a first portion of the combined stream back to at least the first reaction zone and recovering ammonium thiosulfate from a second portion of the combined solution. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ORGANIC OPEN CELL FOAM ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 04.10.2001 Int. Cl.8 C08J 009/28 AMERICAN AEROGEL CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/074842 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ [57] An organic, small pore area material comprising a monolithic aerogel, wherein its smallest dimension is greater than about 3 inches; the average pore diameter is 238122 קצף אורגני עם תאים פתוחים , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד between about 55 nm and about 25 μm; and said aerogel is substantially free of cracks. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD AND DEVICE FOR May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 237201 שיטה והתקן לערבב גזים 378 MIXING GASES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 20.01.2003 02/01207 ]/1[ 01.02.2002 Int. Cl.8 B01D 015/04, B01F 003/02 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (C.N.R.S), FRANCE COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE, FRANCE WO/2003/064016 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] A method of mixing, in dynamic mode, a second gas in a first gas (4), in which a stream of the second gas (6) is introduced into a stream of the first gas, said streams of gases having controlled ]//[ FR ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא flow rates (5, 8, 9) and said steams of the first and second gases are mixed so as to obtain a homogeneous mixture (10) of the two gases that has a defined concentration of the second gas. __________ ]22[]12[ 379 237222 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF METAL CARBENE COMPLEXES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 15.04.2002 142610 ]/1[ 16.04.2001 Int. Cl.8 C07F 015/00 YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. WO/2002/083698 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ שיטה חדשה להכנת קומפלכסים של קרבנים מתכתיים ]//[ IL רחובות,ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם [57] A process for preparing a metal carbene complex of the formula wherein M is a transition metal atom selected from the group consisting of ruthenium, rhodium, iron, cobalt, osmium and iridium; L denotes neutral electron donor ligands ligated to said metal, such groups being the same or different; X is an anionic ligand; R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, substituted or unsubstituted C1-C20 alkyl, substituted or unsubstituted C2-C20 alkenyl, substituted or unsubstituted cycloalkyl, substituted or unsubstituted heterocycloalkyl, substituted or unsubstituted aryl, substituted or unsubsituted heteroaryl, substituted or unsubstituted vinyl, a is 2 or 3 and b is 1 or 2, such process comprising reacting a sulfur ylide of the formula Ar2S=CR1R2 or its precursor, wherein each Ar is independently selected from aryl, May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז substituted aryl, and aryl or substituted aryl bound to a polymeric unit, with an appropriate metal complex comprising a transition metal atom selected from the group consisting of ruthenium, rhodium, iron, cobalt, osmium and iridium, at least two neutral ligands capable of forming donor bonds with said metal and at least one further organic or inorganic anionic group which form a complex with said metal, including dimers of such metal complex, at a temperature between +80oC and -80oC, in an inert solvent and under inert atmosphere, to give the metal carbene complex of formula (I). 380 Claimed as novel is the rhodium complex of the formula wherein R is alkyl or aryl, X is an amine moiety and Y and Y' are independently selected from H or alkyl. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ SOY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE HAVING HIGH ISOFLAVONE CONTENT AND PROCESS FOR ITS MANUFACTURE ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 09.04.2002 60/282520 ]/1[ 09.04.2001 Int. Cl.8 A23J 003/16 SOLAE, LLC, U.S.A. WO/2002/080697 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO.,, 124 IBN GABIROL ST, P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 [57] A soy protein concentrate, characterized by: a protein content of between about 75.0 wt.% and about 85.0 wt. % of total dry matter; at least one of an isoflavone content of at least about 2.0 237110 תרכיז חלבון סויה בעל תחולת איזופלבון גבוהה והליך ליצורו ]//[ US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות תל אביב,1146/ .ד. ת, 104 אבן גבירול mg/g of total dry matter and a soyasapogenols content of at least about 2.0 mg/g of total dry matter; and a crude fiber content of less than about 3.0 wt.% of total dry matter. __________ 381 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]22[]12[ ]1/[ MOTION DETECTION APPARATUS EMPLOYING MILLIMETER WAVE DETECTOR ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 01.04.2002 60/281209 ]/1[ 03.04.2001 Int. Cl.8 G08B 013/18 VISONIC LTD. WO/2002/082004 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT [57] Motion detection apparatus comprising: a detector unit for detecting motion of an object (120) and producing a plurality of detection output signals, including: at least one first detector (100) including at least one sensing element (112) operative to detect receipt of at least first radiation in the millimeter wave range having a wavelength between 0.05 mm and 10 mm; and at least first radiation input optics (112) comprising an array of multiple optical segments (102-108) for focusing millimeter wave radiation from first multiple spaced fields of view onto said at least one first detector, 237182 התקן זיהוי תנועה המשתמש בגלאי גל מילימטרי ]//[ US תל אביב,ויסוניק בע"מ ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא said at least one first detector (110) generating a plurality of first output signals (116) in response to receipt of said at least first radiation resulting from motion of said object between said first multiple spaced fields of view; and a processor (118) receiving said plurality of detection output signals from said detector unit, said plurality of detection output signals including said plurality of first output signals, said processor being operative to process said plurality of detection output signals according to predefined criteria and to provide a motion detection output based on said criteria. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 237112 382 ]1/[ PESTICIDAL PREPARATIONS COMPRISING COPOLYMERS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 06.04.2002 10117993.6 ]/1[ 10.04.2001 Int. Cl.8 A01N 025/30, C08G 065/00 CLARIANT PRODUKTE (DEUTSCHLAND) GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/089575 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A pesticide preparation comprising at least one copolymer obtainable by copolymerization of (a) glycerol פולימרים-תכשירי הדברה המכילים כו ]//[ DE , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר (b) at leat one dicarboxylic acid and (c) at least one monocarboxylic acid of the formula R1-COOH where R1 is (C5-C29)-alkyl; (C7-C29)alkenyl; phenyl or naphthyl, wherein the copolymers comprise 19.9 to 99% by weight of component (a), 0.1 to 30% by weight of component (b) and 0.9 to 80% by weight component (c). _____________ ]22[]12[ 383 237723 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז ]1/[ AUTOMATIC AND GUIDED SYSTEM FOR TRANSPORTING PEOPLE, AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING TRANSPORT MODULES RUNNING IN SUCH A SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 06.05.2002 01/07161 ]/1[ 31.05.2001 Int. Cl.8 B60M 003/00, B61L 003/14 REGIE AUTONOME DES TRANSPORTS PARISIENS, FRANCE ALSTOM HOLDINGS, FRANCE WO/2002/096737 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A system for automatic and guided transport of people, the system comprising: at least one running track having means for guiding transport modules, each transport module being constituted by a single selfpropelled vehicle or a self-propelled vehicle associated with one or more other transport vehicles; an electric power supply system comprsing a sequence of power supply blocks (31-35); electric selfpropelled transport modules (1, 2) traveling individually along the running track and fitted with means (3, 4) for collecting electric power supplied by the power supply blocks; and electric power distribution means comprising switch means (41-45) which supply said electric power to the various power supply blocks and which are controlled by a central control unit (50) managing the progress of the transport modules by causing the various power supply blocks to be powered or unpowered, the presence of a May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז מערכת אוטומטית מונחית להעברת אנשים ושיטה לפקח על מודולי העברה במערכת זו ]//[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם transport module on a power supply block preventing power being applied to one or more blocks situated behind the block that is occupied so as to maintain a safety distance between the various transport modules traveling independently along the track, the system being characterized in that said transport modules are provided with fixed onboard functions controlling starting acceleration, cruising speed, and deceleration, both while slowing down and while braking, of the transport module, said fixed onboard functions being actuated as a function of the presence or absence of a voltage on one or more electric power supply conductors, said transport modules moving automatically along the track when the collector means are electrically powered, and including brake means that come into operation when the collector means are no longer powered with electricity. 384 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PANEL SEAL FOR AN AIR HANDLING UNIT ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 11.07.2002 904672 ]/1[ 13.07.2001 Int. Cl.8 F24F 013/20 CARRIER CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/006889 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] In an air handling unit (10) containing modular sections, each section having a framework with perpendicularly aligned rectangular shaped panel openings (11) therein that are closed by close fitting panels (12) that are latched into said panel openings, apparatus for sealing said panels in said panel openings that includes tubular structural elements (20, 21, 23, 24) mounted to form each panel opening so that each panel opening shares a common structural element (25) with an adjacent perpendicularly aligned panel opening, said common structural elements each 385 231122 פנל סוגר ליחידת טיפול באויר ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם containing a rail (30, 31) extending along said element, a seal assembly (35) mounted upon said rail that includes a rigid elongated plate (37) having bulb seals (40, 41) mounted along opposing edges of said plate so that the bulb seal extending along one edge of the plate is capable of sealing against a first panel contained in one of the adjacent panel openings and the seal extending along the other edge is capable of sealing against a second panel contained in the adjacent perpendicularly aligned panel opening. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ THERMAL BARRIER FOR AIR HANDLING UNIT (AHU) CABINET ]11[ ]/2[ 11.07.2002 905234 ]/1[ 13.07.2001 06/0/0 2/66/61662 Int. Cl.8 F24F 013/20, F25D 023/06 CARRIER CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/006891 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 231121 מחסום תרמי עבור ארון של יחידת טיפול באויר ]//[ US US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 386 [57] A panel (12) for use in an air handling duct (10) substantially defining an interior space for conducting air along an enclosed flow path, said panel including: a peripheral wall having a top edge and a bottom edge, said peripheral wall including an upper channel opening to the top edge of said wall and a lower channel opening to the bottom edge of said wall, said channel extending along substantially the entire length of said wall, said wall further including an upper groove (90) opening to the top edge of said wall and a lower groove (90) opening to the bottom edge of said wall; a top cover (40) and a bottom cover (41), each cover having a periphery and an associated skirt extending about the periphery thereof and the skirt of the top cover being contained within the upper channel of said wall and the skirt of the bottom cover being contained within the lower channel of said wall to establish an enclosed cavity within the panel; and a substantially L-shaped bar (92), a first leg (94) of which is contained within the lower groove of said wall, and a second leg (96) of which possesses a deformable bulbous section (98) adapted to compressively, sealingly abut another portion of the air handling duct such that air is substantially prohibited from passing between the interior space within said air handling duct and the exterior of the air handling duct. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ ROD AND CONNECTOR TOY CONSTRUCTION SET ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 16.12.2002 60/367366 ]/1[ 07.01.2002 Int. Cl.8 A63H 033/08 CONNECTOR SET LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, U.S.A. WO/2003/059481 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, 19B KEREN HAYESOD ST. P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]//[ ]//[ 231106 מוט ומחבר למערכת משחק בניה ]//[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1:.0 .ד. ת, 'ב16 רחוב קרן היסוד [57] A rod and connector toy construction 387 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז set, especially for young children, which comprises: (a) a plurality of connector elements comprising: (i) a connector body (30) formed of a soft and pliable plastic material and having front and back sides and a peripheral edge; (ii) said connector body having a rodengaging socket (41) therein extending through said connector body from one of said sides to the other of said sides and defined by walls of said connector body; (iii) said socket having spaced apart wall portions forming a rod neck gripping portion of a first predetermined width, with one end thereof opening at the peripheral edge of said connector body, and having a rod end receiving portion adjoining an opposite end of said rod neck gripping portion, said rod end receiving portion being of a second predetermined width greater than said first predetermined width, (iv) said rod neck gripping portion defining a socket axis (42) positioned in a plane between front and back sides of said connector body and extending midway between connector body socket walls defining opposite sides of said rod neck gripping portion, (v) said socket wall portions having a contour (35) along said socket axis to enable gripping and confining of a rod neck coaxially with said socket axis; (b) a plurality of rod elements (45) moulded of plastic material, each having a May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז rod axis, and comprising a body portion (46), a rod neck (47) having one end thereof adjoining said body portion, and a rod end (48) adjoining said rod neck at an end thereof opposite from said one end; (i) said rod neck and said spaced apart wall portions of said socket having complementary contours to enable retention of a rod element coaxially with said socket axis; (ii) said rod neck having a diameter less than dimensions of said rod end transverse to said rod axis and being of smaller size than at least some elements of said body portion; (iii) a shoulder (103) being formed between said rod end and said rod neck; (iv) the diameter of said rod neck being greater than said first predetermined width, whereby said rod neck may be forced laterally into said rod neck gripping portion with a snap-in action and thereafter gripped with said rod axis in coaxial alignment with said socket axis; (v) the transverse dimensions of said rod end being greater than said first predetermined width, whereby said shoulder formed between said rod neck and said rod end is engageable with confronting surfaces at an inner end of said rod neck gripping portion to resist axial withdrawal of said rod from said rodengaging socket. 388 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ SOLID COMPOSITIONS FOR SELECTIVE ADSORPTION FROM COMPLEX MIXTURES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 12.08.2002 929621 ]/1[ 14.08.2001 Int. Cl.8 B01J 020/28, 020/32 W.R. GRACE & CO. -CONN., U.S.A. WO/2003/015915 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 389 212012 הרכבים מוצקים לספיחה סלקטיבית מתערובות מורכבות ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז [57] A solid having reduced non-specific binding of non-analyte component in a complex mixture comprising inorganic substance and moiety R10 covalently bonded to a metal atom on at least one surface of said inorganic substance, wherein said inorganic substance is inorganic oxide, and said R10 group selected from the group consisting of – CH2OH, -CH(OH)2, -CH(OH)CH3, CH2CH2OH, -C(OH)2CH3, -CH2CH(OH)2 and –CH(OH)CH2(OH). __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ VACUUM ASSISTED TISSUE TREATMENT SYSTEM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 23.08.2002 939166 ]/1[ 24.08.2001 Int. Cl.8 A61M 027/00 KCI LICENSING, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/018098 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A system (10) for stimulating the healing of tissue, comprising: a porous pad (11); an airtight dressing (13); a distal end (16a) of a conduit connected to the dressing; a canister (18) removably connected to a proximal end (16b) of the conduit; an electric pump (14) for applying May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 212632 מערכת לטיפול ברקמות באמצעות ואקום ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם negative pressure to a wound site (12); a hydrophobic filter (20) positioned between said canister and said electric pump; and an odor vapor filter positioned between said hydrophobic filter and said electric pump. 390 5747041 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו 4שטרם פורסמו __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING PROPULSIVE FLOW MIXTURE FOR AIRCRAFT REACTOR ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 19.09.2002 01/12113 ]/1[ 19.09.2001 Int. Cl.8 F02K 001/00, 001/28 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (C.N.R.S), FRANCE WO/2003/025377 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT ]//[ ]//[ [57] Device for controlling the mix of propulsion jets (8, 9) at the output of an airplane jet engine, the device comprising an exhaust nozzle, said propulsion jets consisting of a hot primary jet coming from the exhaust nozzle of said jet engine, and a secondary flow that flows between the outer wall of said exhaust nozzle and the inner wall of said jet engine, characterized in that the wall of said 391 212111 התקן לבקרת תערובת זרימת גזי דחף במנוע של כלי טיס ]//[ FR ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא exhaust nozzle has a divergent trailing edge (3) in order to generate the conditions for said primary jet to separate close to an existence limit value, and in that it comprises means (4) for controlling said primary jet, said controlling means making it possible to control the shift of said primary jet from a separated state to a reattached state, and vice-versa. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ צינורות לחץ ]1/[ PRESSURE PIPES ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 06.11.2002 01127005.5 ]/1[ 14.11.2001 Int. Cl.8 C08F 210/06 BOREALIS TECHNOLOGY OY, FINLAND WO/2003/042260 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ 212180 [57] Pressure pipe with increased longterm pressure resistance comprised of a polypropylene composition characterized in that the polypropylene composition is comprised of a propylene random copolymer which comprises 73.0-99.0 ]//[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם wt% of propylene and 1 to 20 wt% of one or more C4-C8 α-olefins and/or up to 7.0 wt% of ethylene, where the propylene random copolymer is at least partially crystallized in the β-modification. __________ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 392 ]22[]12[ ]1/[ SYSTEM FOR SEALING THE SECONDARY FLOW AT THE INLET TO A NOZZLE OF A TURBOMACHINE HAVING A POST-COMBUSTION CHAMBER ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ 24.05.2004 03/06390 ]/1[ 27.05.2003 Int. Cl.8 F02K 001/12 SNECMA MOTEURS, FRANCE EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 [57] An aviation turbomachine comprising, downstream from the turbine, a post-combustion chamber (2) extended by at least one nozzle (7), said chamber being defined radially by a thermal protection lining (3) disposed inside a casing (4), said casing and said lining together defining an annular channel (5) in which, in operation, there flows a secondary flow, an annular diaphragm (6) secured to said casing being disposed at the downstream end of said channel, said nozzle comprising a plurality of flaps (8) hinged to the upstream end of said casing, each flap being fitted on its inside face with a thermal protection plate (18) cooperating with said flap to define a passage (11) for being fed with cooling air 393 211261 מערכת לאיטום זרימה משנית בכניסה לנחיר של מכונת טורבו בעלת תא שלאחר בעירה ]//[ FR , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן הרצליה,10900 .ד. ת, 7 רחוב שנקר delivered by said diaphragm, the turbomachine being characterized by the fact that the feed of cooling air to said passages is provide by an annular duct defined on the outside by a first flexible annular gasket (30) retained, in operation, pressed in sliding contact against the downstream inside face of the casing and against the upstream inside faces of the flaps under urging from the pressure of the secondary flow, and defined on the inside by a second flexible annular gasket (40) whose upstream end (40a) is fixed to the radially inner zone of the diaphragm, and whose downstream end (30c) is pressed in sliding contact against the upstream inside face of the protection plates. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ 211102 תהליך הדפסה דיגיטלי ישיר של הזרקת דיו בהנעה סילונית על קטע אריג רטוב ]1/[ PROCESS FOR DIRECT DIGITAL INKJET PRINTING ONTO A WET TEXTILE PIECE ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ 30.05.2004 Int. Cl.8 B41J 003/407, 015/04, D06B 011/00 KORNIT DIGITAL LTD. מושב מגשימים,קורנית דיגיטל בע"מ G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., ,) בע"מ166.( ארליך.אי.ג'י AYALON TOWER 15TH FLOOR ,11 רחוב מנחם בגין1. מגדל אילון קומה 11 MENACHEM BEGIN STREET רמת גן 52521 RAMAT GAN [57] A direct digital printing process comprising digitally printing an inkjet ink directly onto a wet textile piece (as defined in the specification), said wet textile piece being previously wetted with a wetting composition which comprises a high to low volatility solvent or a mixture of such solvents. __________ ]22[]12[ May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 211103 394 ]1/[ MULTI-LAYER, WEATHERRESISTANT, COLOURED PANEL ]11[ ]/2[ 05.12.2002 10160569.2 ]/1[ 10.12.2001 26112/1/60 6162261661 Int. Cl.8 B32B 027/18, 027/20 BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG, GERMANY WO/2003/049940 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ [57] A multilayer product containing (a) a layer A containing a base material selected from the group comprising a transparent thermoplastic material and a lacquer and containing at least one UV absorber, (b) a layer B containing a transparent thermoplastic material and containing at least one colourant, and לוח צבעוני רב שכבתי העמיד בשחיקה ]//[ DE DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם (c) a layer C containing a transparent thermoplastic material, wherein the layer B has a thickness of 1 to 500 μm, the layer A is 0.01 to 10 times as thick as the layer B, and the layer C is 20 to 10,000 times as thick as the layer B. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING DECORATED ICE CREAM CONFECTIONERY ITEMS ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ 03.02.2003 02076611.9 ]/1[ 23.04.2002 Int. Cl.8 A23G 009/28 SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A., SWITZERLAND WO/2003/090549 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON STREET P.O.B. 6451 TEL AVIV 61063 ]//[ ]//[ [57] Method of manufacturing an ice cream dessert with built-in ice cream confectionery decoration deposited by 395 210261 שיטה ומתקן ייצור פריטי ממתקי גלידה מקושטים ]//[ EP , עו"פ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו תל אביב,94.1 .ד. ת, 076 רחוב הירקון extrusion from at least one moving nozzle with flattened end-piece with slot-shaped nozzle outlet placed above a moving May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז support, characterized: in that an ice cream composition is extruded continuously in the form of ribbon(s) at a temperature of below -6oC at the extrusion nozzle or nozzles onto the moving support; in that the nozzle or nozzles is or are secured to an oscillating support given an oscillating movement transversal to the moving support; in that the nozzle furthest from the moving support is placed in such a way that the projection of the plane of the nozzle outlet of the said nozzle onto a plane parallel to the direction of travel of the moving support and perpendicular to the plane of the said moving support makes, when viewed in the direction of travel of the said support, an acute angle of at least 45o with the projection of the moving support onto the said plane; in that the speed at which the ice cream composition is extruded is greater than the speed of travel of the moving support; and in that the respective movements of the nozzle or nozzles and of the moving support are such that the ribbon deposited under gravity has the shape of a gathered frill folded over on itself, the folds of which run alternately in one direction then in the opposite direction. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ METHOD FOR THE APPLICATION OF ANTIFOULING AGENTS ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 11.04.2002 Int. Cl.8 C08F 002/00, 014/06 AKZO NOBEL N.V., THE NETHERLANDS WO/2003/085003 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 ]//[ ]//[ 216611 שיטה לשימוש בגורמים נוגדי זיהום ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם [57] A method for applying an aqueous solution to the internal walls of a reactor for polymerizing vinyl chloride and/or vinyl acetate, which aqueous solution contains a salt of an anti-scaling agent which comprises a product of condensation of an aldehyde, a phenolic compound and an aromatic carboxylic acid hydroxylated at the aromatic nucleus, the method being characterized in that the pH-value of this aqueous solution is changed to a pH-value of less than 5. __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PRINTER CONTROLLER FOR AN INKJET PRINTER May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 216136 בקר מדפסת למדפסת הזרקת דיו 396 ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ ]//[ ]//[ 17.02.2000 PP 9960 ]/1[ 23.04.1999 ]//[ AU Int. Cl.8 B41J 002/135, 002/14, 002/145 DIVISION FROM 146071 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2000/064679 REINHOLD COHN AND ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו PARTNERS, תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A printer controller (148) for an inkjet printer, the controller including: a processing means (138) for receiving incoming data relating to a description of a page to be printed, said descriptions containing color data and black text data; a memory means (152) in which the data are stored; a rasterizing and compressing 397 means for rasterizing and compressing the data, the compression of the color data and the black text data being effected separately from each other; and a printhead controller (112) for receiving, decompressing and processing said data for printing via a printhead under control of the printhead controller. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ DEVICE, METHOD, AND SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING FLUID FLOW ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]/2[ ]//[ 05.01.2005 60/534590 ]/1[ 06.01.2004 Int. Cl.8 F16K 001/00, 001/10, 031/122 THE BOC GROUP, INC., U.S.A. REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 21 AHAD HA'AM ST., P.O.BOX 4060, TEL AVIV 61040 [57] A flow control device (1), comprising: an inlet (9) for passing fluid into the device; an outlet (7) for passing fluid from the device; a fluid flow control valve (2), wherein the fluid flow control valve is configured to be actuated by pneumatic pressure so as to adjust flow rate of the fluid; a pneumatic pressure controlling portion (5), wherein the device May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 211218 שיטה ומערכת לשליטה בזרימת,התקן נוזל ]//[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו תל אביב,4/9/ .ד. ת, 01רחוב אחד העם is configured so that the fluid flow control valve is actuated by pneumatic pressure supplied via the pneumatic pressure controlling portion; a flow meter (3) configured to measure flow rate of the fluid; and a controller configured to control the pneumatic pressure controlling portion at least according to the flow rate measured by the flow meter. 398 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PRINT ENGINE INCLUDING AN AIR PUMP ]11[ ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ 30.06.2000 Int. Cl.8 B41J 002/165 DIVISION FROM 153722 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2002/002345 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER P.O.B 5352 BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]//[ ]//[ [57] A pump assembly (522) for a print engine (500), the print engine having a printhead (516) (not shown) employing an arrangement for fluid cleaning of the printhead, the pump assembly including: a housing defining a fluid inlet (526) and a fluid outlet (528); an impeller configured for drawing fluid throught the inlet, and for 399 211812 מנוע הדפסה הכולל משאבת אוויר ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו באר שבע,.:.0 .ד. ת, עומר,גן תעשייה ejecting the fluid through the outlet to effect said fluid cleaning of the printhead; and a drive means (530) for rotatably driving the impeller, the drive means further controlling feeding of print media to the printhead for printing of an image on the print media. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ PROPRIOCEPTIVE/KINESTHETIC APPARATUS AND METHOD ]11[ ]12[ ]/2[ 12.08.2003 Int. Cl.8 A63B 021/00 AVI ELBAZ AMIT MOR ]//[ ]//[ WO/2004/016321 DEKEL PATENTS LTD.,, 18 MENUHA VENAHALA ST, REHOVOT 76209 [57] Footwear comprising: a support member (12) having an upper surface (14) attachable to a foot, and two bulbous protubearances (22), each having a curved outer contour, protruding from a lower surface thereof, one of said protuberances being positioned more posteriorly than the other of said protuberances wherein said protuberances are attached to a centerline of said support member, said centerline extending from a calcaneus support portion of said support member to at least one of a May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 211182 התקן וחשיטה לפרופריוספציה וקינסתטיקה דימונה,אבי אלבז רחובות,עמית מור ,דקל פטנט בע"מ רחובות,07 חדר10 מנוחה ונחלה metatarsals support portion and phalanges support portion of said support member, and wherein said protuberances are attached to said support member on opposite sides of a latitudinal midline of said support member, said latitudinal midline being halfway between a calcaneus support portion and a phalanges support portion of said support member, wherein said protuberances provide proprioceptive exercise to a wearer of the footwear. 400 לתקנות34 פירוט זה נבחן בהתאם לתקנה 7994 – תשכ"ח5הפטנטים This specification was examined in accordance with regulation 35 of the Patent Regulations, 5728 - 1968 __________ ]22[]12[ ]1/[ RESPIRATOR HEADPIECE AND RELEASE MECHANISM ]11[ ]/2[ ]12[ ]01[ ]/2[ 07.02.2000 255601 ]/1[ 22.02.1999 Int. Cl.8 A62B 018/08 DIVISION FROM 138984 CABOT SAFETY INTERMEDIATE CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2000/050122 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT ]//[ ]//[ [57] A quick release respirator mechanism (2) comprising: a yoke (3) attached to a respirator face mask (4), a latch (7) attached to the yoke; at least one 401 281107 משאף ומנגנון שחרור ]//[ US ,,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,007: .ד. ת, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא guide (34, 36) associated with the yoke; at least one strap (20, 22) attached to the latch, the at least one strap disposed within the at least one guide. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז __________ פטנטים PATENTS פטנטים שניתנו PATENTS GRANTED 2/0/6/ 2//1/2 2/0211 2121// 21/1/0 2/10// 2///11 2//110 2////1 2/1/1/ 2/0/1/ 2//210 2/0/0/ 21/260 21/0// 21///0 2//061 2/0610 2/2/1/ 2/161/ 202000 20//26 2/1/60 2//0/0 2/0602 2161// 21/002 2/10/1 2///1/ 2//200 2///6/ 2/1101 2/0//1 2///1/ 2/01// 211001 21///0 210/// 2///11 2//0// 2/26// 2/166/ 202/1/ 20/162 2/1210 2///// 2//060 21660/ 26//60 2/1062 2/1000 2//61/ 2//000 2/1200 2/062/ 2///00 2/1026 2//011 21//11 21001/ 21/100 2///02 2/602/ 2/20/0 20222/ 20//// כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 2/20/6 2///11 2////2 2166/1 2111/0 2/1/0/ 2/1/6/ 2///1/ 2//00/ 2/12/2 2/1012 22//6/ 2/1/60 2//0// 21/6/1 2110// 211/26 2///// 2/6/// 2/2//0 202262 20///1 2/6/0/ 2///// 2///60 2/0//2 2111/0 2/1//1 2/1/// 2//0// 2//0/0 2/16// 2/1020 22/1/0 2/12/6 2////1 21/62/ 211/00 211/1/ 2//006 2/0012 2/2/06 20611/ 20//// 20/0// 210161 2//6/0 2//16/ 2/0//2 2121/0 2/11/0 2/1/// 2//0// 2//1// 2/161/ 2/1100 221//1 2/1610 2//1// 21/0// 211/1/ 21//60 2///11 2/0/// 2/2//2 2/12/6 20/6// 2001/0 21///1 2/0010 2//102 2/0/21 212/11 21//00 2/1/// 2//101 2//10/ 2//02/ 2/1112 ///00 2//000 2//6/2 21/0/6 211201 21/262 2//0/1 2/0//0 2/2/11 2/1212 2011/1 20/1/0 221/06 2/0011 2//1// 2/0111 212101 21/11/ 2/1/// 2//110 2//106 2//06/ 2/1/// 2/01/0 2///10 2/0/22 21//02 211621 21//// 2//0/6 2/01// 2/2/0/ 2/160/ 202/16 20//22 403 פטנטים שחודשו PATENTS RENEWED /0610 /0210 /0101 0/6/0 26//01 26/106 26/00/ 26//// 261/// 22110/ 2200/6 2166// 216260 216210 216161 2161/6 21//00 21/011 2112/2 211/06 211//0 211//0 2111// 2110/1 211/// 211//0 2102// 21//1/ 2/20/6 2//1// 2/1610 2/1001 2//0// 2///11 2/0610 2/6061 2/600/ 2/210/ 2/2/21 2/2//2 2/111/ 2/1/// 2//1// 404 /0610 /021/ /01// /0/2/ 26//11 26/1/1 26/011 26//10 261//0 22122/ 2200/2 2166/0 21626/ 216216 216201 2161// 211/// 21/0// 2112/6 211/22 211/1/ 211/// 2111/1 2110/2 211//1 211/// 21022/ 21//00 2/2601 2//21/ 2//1/1 2/1/10 2//06/ 2///6/ 2//016 2/6100 2/6006 2/2112 2/2/0/ 2/2/10 2/1212 2/1/// 2//106 /061/ /0212 /0116 /0//0 26//16 26/1/0 26/0// 26//2/ 26//01 22/1/1 220010 2166// 216601 21622/ 2162// 2161/0 2120// 21/0/0 211210 2111/0 211/20 211/// 2111// 211021 211/// 211/02 21100/ 21/1// 2/600/ 2/1/00 2///0/ 2/100/ 2//100 2//2/1 2//0// 2/616/ 2/60// 2/21// 2/2/// 2/210/ 2/1610 2/1/// 2//1/0 /0621 /0216 /0160 /0/// 26//21 26/160 26/06/ 26//2/ 26//11 221/06 220022 216611 216606 216221 2162/0 21611/ 212016 21//01 2112/0 2111/1 211/61 211/1/ 21112/ 211100 211/11 211/06 211/00 21/11/ 2/61// 2/1/60 2///1/ 2/1001 2///60 2//61/ 2//021 2/6//0 2/6020 2/21/6 2/2/2/ 2/2100 2/20/0 2/10/1 2//1// /066/ /0220 /02/0 /0//1 26/160 26//// 26/101 26/000 26//06 2600// 220/12 216626 2166/2 21622/ 2162// 216116 212/0/ 21//6/ 2112/0 2111// 211/01 211//1 211//0 2111// 21100/ 211/1/ 211//0 21/220 2/6/10 2/106/ 2//111 2/11// 2//6/2 2//0/1 2///21 2/610/ 2/602/ 2/21// 2/2/6/ 2/21// 2/20/0 2/116/ 2//2/1 //000 /022/ /020/ /0/1/ 26/61/ 26//01 26/1// 26/0// 26//// 26/01/ 220/10 21666/ 21660/ 21622/ 216200 216121 212//0 21//1/ 2116/2 2111// 211//2 211/// 211//6 2111/0 21100/ 211/1/ 211/00 21/001 2/616/ 2/1212 2///1/ 2/1/// 2/0/2/ 2//011 2//00/ 2/666/ 2/6//1 2/2210 2/210/ 2/2/0/ 2/206/ 2/1//1 2/1001 ///0/ /026/ /0200 /0/2/ 26/0/0 26///2 26/1/1 26/0/1 26///2 26/102 22//// 216660 21661/ 216226 2162/1 21616/ 212/// 21//// 2116/1 21111/ 211/00 211//1 211/// 2111/1 2110/0 211/10 211//1 21/02/ 21006/ 2/1210 2///00 2/12/6 2/0//0 2///11 2//0// 2/0/01 2/6/61 2/22/0 2/2106 2/2/1/ 2/2/01 2/1//1 2/1/01 ////2 /06// /02/1 /01/0 261010 26//10 26/1/1 26/0/6 26//// 260001 22//1/ 2200/1 216616 216260 2162// 21616/ 212//1 21/20/ 21/0// 2112// 211/0/ 211//6 211/// 2111// 2110/1 211/1/ 211//2 21/262 21///1 2/2/01 2///16 2/1201 2/0211 2//011 2//1// 2/0/6/ 2/6/// 2/2661 2/21// 2/2/20 2/2/06 2/11/0 2/1/11 כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 2//0// 2//216 2//0/0 2//02/ 2/1200 2/1/// 2/06/0 2/0/16 2//226 2//16/ 2/0102 2166/0 21610/ 2160// 216/0/ 21260/ 212101 211//6 21/0// 211610 21/110 21/2/1 206110 20/20/ 2//101 2//6/1 2//1// 2///12 2/16// 2/1/16 2/06/0 2/01/0 2//6/0 2//1/2 2/0602 2/001/ 216116 216011 216/// 212621 2121/1 2111/0 21//// 211621 21001/ 21/2// 21001/ 20//// 2//1// 2//61/ 2//11/ 2///2/ 2/16/2 2/1/20 2/0662 2/0116 2/000/ 2//221 2//060 2/002/ 2161// 21601/ 216//6 212660 2121/0 2112/2 21/0/2 21///0 211/00 21/6/2 210110 2011/1 כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 2//1// 2///// 2////1 2///06 2/16// 2/1/20 2/106/ 2/012/ 2/0002 2///1/ 2////2 2/0//2 2161// 216022 216/12 2160// 2121// 21161/ 21//1/ 21/0/1 211//1 21/6// 2106// 202000 2//110 2////1 2///01 2////1 2/161/ 2/1/60 2/1/60 2/0161 2/0010 2//016 2///20 2/0/21 2162// 216/00 216/11 216016 212116 212/// 21/10/ 21//11 211/10 21/0/0 21//1/ 202262 2/6116 2///01 2///01 2//10/ 2//010 2//000 2/1101 2/1100 2/0/1/ 2/0011 2//12/ 2///60 2/0001 21621/ 216//1 216/2/ 2160/0 212212 212/0/ 21/160 21//// 211/1/ 21//0/ 21//// 206//6 2001/0 2////1 2///1/ 2//102 2//0/0 2//012 2/11/1 2/11// 2/0//1 2/0/11 2///// 2//00/ 2/00/1 216600 216/1/ 216/2/ 216//0 21226/ 212/02 21/61/ 21/161 21120/ 21//6/ 21/2// 20601/ 20//22 2///0/ 2///1/ 2//20/ 2//0/2 2//0// 2/1101 2/1112 2/0/1/ 2/0/1/ 2//11/ 2//1// 2/0/62 2166/1 216/10 216/6/ 216/2/ 21260/ 212/6/ 211//2 21/6/1 211201 21///0 21/2// 20611/ 20//26 405 פטנטים שתוקפם פקעו בגלל אי תשלום אגרת חידוש PATENTS NOT IN FORCE DUE TO NON-PAYMENT OF RENEWAL FEES /0/02 //662 //2/0 262/// 261/2/ 2611/6 261060 22//1/ 22///0 22/01/ 2110/2 211/01 21/26/ 2/0/61 2/010/ 212//1 /006/ //621 //210 262/// 261//2 2611// 261026 22//01 22///0 22/011 211/11 211/00 21/212 2/0012 2/20/0 212/// /001/ //611 //200 261//0 261/// 2611/2 261010 22//0/ 22//11 22/01/ 211/1/ 21106/ 21//6/ 2//1/1 2/10/1 211012 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז /00/0 //601 //20/ 261/12 261/// 261100 2610/6 22//60 22//0/ 22/00/ 211/10 211060 21//0/ 2///6/ 2//0/6 2010/1 /0012 //60/ //2// 261/1/ 261//0 2611/2 2610/0 22//21 22//// 22/0/1 211/02 21101/ 21/611 2///00 2/1100 /001/ //260 //2// 261/10 261//1 2611// 26101/ 22//2/ 22//0/ 211/0/ 211/21 2110/0 2///1/ 2//162 2//200 /00/1 //22/ //1/0 261//6 261/// 2611/1 26100/ 22//11 22/061 211012 211//0 2110// 2//002 2//1/6 2//6/1 /0000 //220 262//1 261/66 26112/ 261061 22//1/ 22//// 22/011 211011 211/00 2110/0 2/1110 2//1/0 2//21/ 406 פטנטים שחודשו לעשרים שנה PATENTS RENEWED FOR 20 YEARS 211/1/ כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 21216/ 2//1// 2//61/ 22/010 00/00 407 פטנטים שפג תוקפם PATENTS EXPIRED /2160 /2/2/ /2/20 408 /2166 /2/21 /2/20 /22// /2101 /2/0/ /22/1 /2106 /2//0 /221/ /21/6 /2//1 /2226 /2101 /2/1/ ///00 /21// /2/10 //1// /2111 /2/21 0/1// כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 הודעה NOTICE לחוק9/ לפי סעיף 1697- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 222/// /2200/ מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט QUALCOMM INCORPORATED Title of invention: :שם האמצאה בין מגזרים בעלי בסיס משותףFFOKNAH שיטה ומכשיר לביצוע METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMINGHANDOFF BETWEEN SECTORS OF A COMMONBASE STATION Any person may oppose the כל אדם רשאי להתנגד said application within three לבקשה האמורה תוך months from the date of this שלושה חודשים מתאריך Patents Journal, as כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה prescribed by section 61 of 60 לחוק ובתקנה91 בסעיף the law and by regulation 92 - תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 1690 409 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז הודעה NOTICE לחוק9/ לפי סעיף 1697- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 21/6/0 2121662 מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט MEDSTENT INC. :שם האמצאה Title of invention: סטנט הניתן להרחבה EXPANDIBLE STENT Any person may oppose the said application within three months from the date of this Patents Journal, as prescribed by section 61 of the law and by regulation 92 of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז כל אדם רשאי להתנגד לבקשה האמורה תוך שלושה חודשים מתאריך כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה 60 לחוק ובתקנה91 בסעיף - תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים 1690 410 הודעה NOTICE לחוק9/ לפי סעיף 1697- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 210600 262166/ מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט NETBOT, INC. Title of invention: :שם האמצאה שיטה ומערכת לגישה למידע ברשת METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR NETWORK INFORMATION ACCESS Any person may oppose the כל אדם רשאי להתנגד said application within three לבקשה האמורה תוך months from the date of this שלושה חודשים מתאריך Patents Journal, as כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה prescribed by section 61 of 60 לחוק ובתקנה91 בסעיף the law and by regulation 92 תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 1690 411 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז הודעה NOTICE לחוק9/ לפי סעיף 1697- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 2/201/ /21662 מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט ישראל אלון ISRAEL ALON :שם האמצאה מנעול ומפתח על בסיס צבע COLOR BASED LOCK AND KEY Any person may oppose the כל אדם רשאי להתנגד said application within three לבקשה האמורה תוך months from the date of this שלושה חודשים מתאריך Patents Journal, as כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה prescribed by section 61 of 60 לחוק ובתקנה91 בסעיף the law and by regulation 92 - תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 1690 Title of invention: May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 412 הודעה NOTICE לחוק9/ לפי סעיף 1697- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 2/601/ 212166/ מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט HYDRODYNE R&D INC. Title of invention: :שם האמצאה עיבוד מזון באמצעות גל הלם רציף עם החזר של גל הלם ומכשיר לכך CONTINUOUS SHOCK WAVE FOOD PROCESSING WITH SHOCK WAVE REFLECTION AND APPARATUS THEREFOR Any person may oppose the כל אדם רשאי להתנגד said application within three לבקשה האמורה תוך months from the date of this שלושה חודשים מתאריך Patents Journal, as כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה prescribed by section 61 of 60 לחוק ובתקנה91 בסעיף the law and by regulation 92 - תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 1690 413 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז הודעה NOTICE Under section 66 of the Patents Law, 5727-1967 This is to notify that permission has been granted to the owner of Patent Application No. Acceptance published in journal To amend the specification of the said Patent Application. Any person may oppose such grant of permission within three months from the date of this Patents Journal, as prescribed by section 67 of the Law and by regulation 99 of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 221/22 222000 , לחוק הפטנטים99 לפי סעיף 1697-תשכ"ז מודע בזאת כי ניתנה רשות 'לבעלת בקשת הפטנט מס דבר הקיבול פורסם ביומן לתקן את הפירוט של בקשת הפטנט האמורה כל אדם רשאי להתנגד למתן הרשות תוך שלושה חודשים כפי,מתאריך יומן פטנטים זה לחוק ובתקנה97 שנקבע בסעיף - התשכ"ח, לתקנות הפטנטים66 .1690 414 הודעה NOTICE Under section 66 of the Patents Law, 5727-1967 This is to notify that permission has been granted to the owner of Patent Application No. Acceptance published in journal To amend the specification of the said Patent Application. Any person may oppose such grant of permission within three months from the date of this Patents Journal, as prescribed by section 67 of the Law and by regulation 99 of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968. 415 22000/ 122000 , לחוק הפטנטים99 לפי סעיף 1697-תשכ"ז מודע בזאת כי ניתנה רשות 'לבעלת בקשת הפטנט מס דבר הקיבול פורסם ביומן לתקן את הפירוט של בקשת הפטנט האמורה כל אדם רשאי להתנגד למתן הרשות תוך שלושה חודשים כפי,מתאריך יומן פטנטים זה לחוק ובתקנה97 שנקבע בסעיף - התשכ"ח, לתקנות הפטנטים66 .1690 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז הודעה NOTICE Under section 66 of the Patents Law, 5727-1967 This is to notify that permission has been granted to the owner of Patent Application No. Acceptance published in journal To amend the specification of the said Patent Application. Any person may oppose such grant of permission within three months from the date of this Patents Journal, as prescribed by section 67 of the Law and by regulation 99 of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 2/1/2/ 121661 , לחוק הפטנטים99 לפי סעיף 1697-תשכ"ז מודע בזאת כי ניתנה רשות 'לבעלת בקשת הפטנט מס דבר הקיבול פורסם ביומן לתקן את הפירוט של בקשת הפטנט האמורה כל אדם רשאי להתנגד למתן הרשות תוך שלושה חודשים כפי,מתאריך יומן פטנטים זה לחוק ובתקנה97 שנקבע בסעיף - התשכ"ח, לתקנות הפטנטים66 .1690 416 שינויים בפרטים רשומים בפנקס CHANGES IN PARTICULARS ENTERED IN REGISTER שינוי שם הבעלים CHANGE OF NAME OF PROPRIETORS No. of Patent: Previous name: :מס' פטנט :השם הקודם 226//0 STRYKER TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION :השם החדש New name: HOWMEDICA OSTEONICS CORP. שינוי בעלות CHANGES IN PROPRIETORSHIP No. of Patent: Previous Proprietors: 226//0 HOWMEDICA INC. New Proprietors: HOWMEDICA OSTEONICS CORP. :מס' פטנט :הבעלים הקודמים :הבעלים החדשים No. of Patent: 2211/6 Previous Proprietors: INSTITUT STRAUMANN AG New Proprietors: STRAUMANN HOLDING AG :מס' פטנט :הבעלים הקודמים No. of Patent: 21//00 Previous Proprietors: INSTITUT STRAUMANN AG New Proprietors: STRAUMANN HOLDING AG :מס' פטנט :הבעלים הקודמים 417 :הבעלים החדשים :הבעלים החדשים May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז תיקון טעות Corrigendum Journal 6121660 יומן P. 2010 Patent Application No. 144622 Correct name of applicant to – 1626 'ע 'בקשת פטנט מס -תקן שם המבקשת ל SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 418 קודים למדינת המופיעים ביומן COUNTRY CODES APPEARING IN THIS JOURNAL Code AR AT AU BA BE BR CA CH CN CU CZ DE DK EC EP ES FI FR GB GE GR GT HR HU IE IL IN IT JP KR LK LU LV MX Country or Organization Argentina Austria Australia Herzegovina Belgium Brazil Canada Switzerland China Cuba Czech Republic Germany Denmark Ecuador European Patent Office Spain Finland France United Kingdom Georgia Greece Guatemala Croatia Hungary Ireland Israel India Italy Japan Republic of Korea Sri Lanka Luxembourg Latvia Mexico MY Malaysia 419 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז NL NO NZ PL PT RU SE SG SI SK TH TR TW UA US UY UZ WO ZA The Netherlands Norway New Zealand Poland Portugal Russian Federation Sweden Singapore Slovenia Slovakia Thailand Turkey Taiwan Ukraine United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan World Intellectual Property Organization (W.I.P.O.) South Africa May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 420 מדגמים DESIGNS מדגמים שנרשמו DESIGNS REGISTERED Class 38989 23(02) 25.2.2004 סוג חנוך ורונה HANOCH VERONA שרותים ניידים Portable toilet Class 39650 25(01) 6.9.2004 סוג המדביק – ציפוי לבידים בפורניר בע"מ HAMADBIK IMPORT, MARKETING & ADHESION VENEERS LTD. פרופיל Profile Class 39661 6(01) 8.9.2004 סוג שני חי עיצובים בע"מ SHANI HAY DESIGN LTD. כורסה Lounge Class 39683 6(06) 20.9.2004 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ רגליים של ספה Feet for couch Class KOL CHEN LTD. AND HAIM AZOULAY Profile 421 39687 25(01) 21.9.2004 סוג כל חן בע"מ וחיים אזולאי פרופיל May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז Class 39692, 39693, 39694, 39698, 39701, 39702, 39703, 39709 6(06) 21.9.2004 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ רגליים של ספה Feet for couch Class 39695, 39696, 39699, 39700 6(06) 21.9.2004 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ מסעד לספה Support for couch Class 39697 6(06) 21.9.2004 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ קושרת לספה Link for couch Class 39716 6(06) 21.9.2004 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. 39725 6(06) 26.9.2004 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. Feet for couch May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ כפתור הפעלה למנגנון הרמה )תאריך אמנה (ארצות הברית Actuation button for a lifting mechanism Class סוג סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ רגליים של ספה 422 Class 39850 25(01) 9.11.2004 סוג יחזקאל טוינה YEHESKEL TWINA פרופיל Profile Class 40007 26(02) 16. 2.2003 סוג MAG INSTRUMENT, INC )תאריך אמנה (ארצות הברית פנס Flashlight Class 40263 25(01) 7. 2.2005 סוג כל חן בע"מ וחיים אזולאי וחיים אזולאי KOL CHEN LTD AND HAIM AZOULAY פרופיל Profile Class 40368 22(02) 24. 2.2005 AMNON SHILONI AND AMNON MAOR סוג אמנון שילוני ואמנון מאור אלה Baton Class 40391 7(02) 2.3.2005 סוג שולי פרינטי SHULI PARIENTI סיר Pot Class 40406 22(02) 7.3.2005 AMNON SHILONI AND AMNON MAOR Brass knuckles 423 סוג אמנון שילוני ואמנון מאור אגרופן May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 40422 6(13) 8.3.2005 Class סוג אריגי עמר בע"מ-מנהטן MANATTEN-ARIGE AMAR LTD. מגבת Towel 40502, 40503 8(06) 28. 3.2005 Class סוג UNION KNOPF GMBH )תאריך אמנה (ארצות הברית ידית Handle Class 40586, 40587 11(01) 10. 4.2005 סוג H. STERN COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA S.A. )תכשיטאמנה (ארצות הברית תאריך Jewel Class 40681, 40682, 40683, 40684, 40685 8(05) 19.4.2005 סוג )שלמה (אזולאי-חנן בר HANAN BAR-SHLOMO (AZOULAY) כלי עבודה Work tool Class 40688, 40689 7(01) 19.4.2005 סוג VILLEROY & BOCH AG Tableware set Convention date (OHIM) Class 27.10.2004 40770 10(07) 17.5.2005 מערכת כלי שולחן )הברית )(אוהיים האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה סוג MOVADO WATCH COMPANY S.A. Watchcase Convention date (U.S.A.) May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 19.11.2004 קופסת שעון )הברית )(ארצותהברית האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה 424 Class 40818 9(01) 30.5.2005 סוג PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR בקבוקון לבושם )(צרפת)הברית האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה Flask for perfume Convention date (France) Class 2.12.2004 41274 24(02) 28.8.2005 סוג FRESENIUS MEDICAL HOLDINGS, INC. Peritoneal dialysis cycler Convention date (U.S.A.) Class מחולל דיאליזה ציפקית )הברית )(ארצותהברית האמנה(ארצות ריך אמנה תאריך תא 28.2.2005 41433 6(09) 2.10.2005 סוג מיכל פירסט MICHAL FIRST כרית רחצה Washing pad Class 41480, 41482, 41483, 41484, 41485 6(06) 9.10.2005 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ מסעד גב לספה Back support for couch Class 41487, 41488, 41492, 41493 6(06) 9.10.2005 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. Support for couch 425 סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ מסעד לספה May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז Class 41499, 41500 6(06) 9.10.2005 WIEDER THE EXPERTS ON BEDS AND MATTRESSES LTD. סוג וידר המומחים למיטות ומזרונים בע"מ ארגז מצעים לספה Linen box for a couch Class 41564 9(07) 10.6.2003 סוג ששון-עמית בן AMIT BEN-SASSON פקק למערכת שתיה Stopper for drinking system Class 41578 9(03) 6.11.2005 סוג רול הדפסות בע"מ ROL PRINT LTD. מארז קלפים Card package Class 41688 20(01) 5.12.2005 סוג COFFEE NATION LIMITED Coffee vending machine Convention date (OHIM) מכונה לממכר קפה )הברית )(אוהיים האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה 6.6.2005 Class 41729 11(01) 15.12.2005 סוג K.P. SANGHVI & SONS Diamond Convention date (U.S.A.) Class 24.6.2005 41824 28(03) 3.1.2006 יהלום )הברית )(ארצותהברית האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה סוג CALOR May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 426 Hair clipper 11.7.2005 Convention date (France) 42082 9(03) 26.2.2006 Class מכונת תספורת )(צרפת)הברית האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה סוג עין גדי קוסמטיקס בע"מ EIN GEDI COSMETICS LTD. אריזה Package 42207 25(01) Class סוג 21.3.2009 אקרשטיין תעשיות בע"מ ACKERSTEIN INDUSTRIES LTD. אריח לריצוף Paving stone 42008, 43003 21 (01) 21. 3.2006 Class סוג SMART BABY TOYS )אמנה (ארצות הברית תאריךאופן תלת Tricycle Class 42262 11(02) 3.4.2006 סוג יצחק ברדע ועמוס ברדע IZHAK BARDEA AND AMOS BARDEA טלית Tallit Class 42354 6(01) 23.4.2006 סוג אריכא ובנין בע"מ.שחם י SHAHAM Y. ARICHA AND SONS LTD. ספסל Bench Class 42358 23(01) 23.4.2006 TANA INDUSTRIES (1991) LTD. Filter 427 סוג ) בע"מ1661( חברת תנה תעשיות מסנן May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז Class 42429 11(01) 4.5.2006 סוג ) שותפות166.( גולד אנד האני מוגבלת GOLD & HONEY (1995) L.P. ציר לעגיל Joint for bar earing Class 42544 15(09) 4.6.2006 סוג מפעלי מתכת בע"מ.א.ב.ש S.B.A. METAL WORKS LTD. כלי עבודה Tool Class 42547 20(01) 5.6.2006 סוג SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Vending machine for drinks Convention date (Switzerland) 8.3.2006 Class 42627 9(03) 19.6.2006 מכונה אוטומטית לממכר משקאות )(שוויץ)הברית האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה סוג ) בע"מ166/( ווק-פלסטו PLASTO-VACK (1990) LTD. מיכל Container Class 42629 25(01) 20.4.2004 סוג איטונג בע"מ YTONG LTD. אבן ריצוף Paving stone Class 42639 11 (01) 22. 6.2006 סוג H. STERN COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA S.A. May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 428 )תכשיטאמנה (ארצות הברית תאריך Jewel Class 42643, 42644, 42645 12(16) 22.6.2006 סוג אביזרי רכב בע"מ.ק.ט T.C. AVISAREI RECHEV B.M. משענת יד לרכב Arm rest for car 42647 9(07) 25.6.2006 Class סוג מנטין פלסטיק בע"מ MANTIN PLASTICS LTD. פקק למיכל Cap for container 42674 8(07) 4.7.2006 Class סוג פלמט רילאיינס בע"מ PALMAT RELIANCE LTD. קפיץ לסגר Spring lock Class 42693, 42694 11(01) 5.7.2006 סוג פז חן תעשיות בע"מ PAZ CHEN INDUSTRIES LTD. כבל זהב Gold cable Class 42746 25(03) 17.7.2006 AVIV ZAGURI ADVERTISEMENT LTD. סוג אביב זגורי פרסומאים בע"מ תחנת אוטובוס מודולרית Modular bus stop Class 42794 8 (06) 23. 7.2006 סוג SMILDO S.L. Handle 429 ידית May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 42796, 42798 11 (01) 23. 7.2006 Class סוג H. STERN COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA S.A. תכשיט Jewel Class 42819, 42820, 42821, 42822 10(07) 27.7.2006 סוג ZENITH INTERNATIONAL SA Watch dial Convention date (WIPO) Class 13.2.2006 42912, 42913 25(01) 16.8.2006 לוח שעון )(ארצות הברית )האמנה (ויפו תאריך אמנה סוג כל חן בע"מ וחיים אזולאי KOL CHEN LTD AND HAIM AZOULAY פרופיל Profile Class 42954 25(01) 29.8.2006 סוג קליל תעשיות בע"מ KLIL INDUSTRIES LTD. פרופיל Profile Class 43023 23(02) 6.9.2006 סוג יציקות בע"מ.מ.א.ר R.A.M. CASTING LTD. סבוניה Soap tray Class 43025 13(02) 6.9.2006 סוג EVEREADY BATTERY COMPANY, INC. Direct current power supply Convention date (U.S.A.) May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 21.3.2006 ספק כוח לזרם ישר )הברית )(ארצותהברית האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה 430 Class 43041, 43043, 43048, 43049, 43051 11 (01) 10. 9.2006 סוג H. STERN COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA S.A. תכשיט Jewel Class 43053, 43055, 43056, 43057, 43058 10(07) 11.9.2006 סוג ZENITH INTERNATIONAL SA לוח שעון )(ארצות הברית )האמנה (ויפו תאריך אמנה Watch dial 29.3.2006 Convention date (WIPO) 43087 23(04) 21.9.2006 Class סוג SARA LEE HOUSEHOLD AND BODY CARE NEDERLAND B.V. מתקן לטיהור אוויר )הברית )(אוהיים האמנה(ארצות תאריך אמנה Air deodorizing apparatus 10.7.2006 Convention date (OHIM) Class 43142, 43143, 43144 2(04) 27.9.2006 סוג ) בע"מ1664( חברת אנטילופ ANTELOPE YETZUR )200/( סוליה Sole Class MARK DONDE AND MICHA YEMINI Bicycle trailer 431 43179 12(11) 5.10.2006 סוג מרק דונדה ומיכה ימיני עגלה לאופניים May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז Class 43201, 43202 11 (01) 15. 10.2006 סוג H. STERN COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA S.A. תכשיט Jewel Class 43204 26(05) 17.10.2006 DEL'ARTE AND ERAN LUTTVAK סוג דל ארטה וערן לוטבק מנורה Lamp Class 43205 2 (04) 17.10.2006 TRAK SHOES INDUTRIES LTD. Sole May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז סוג טראק תעשיות נעליים בע"מ סולייה 432 מדגמים שחודשו DESIGNS RENEWED /1/1/ /022/ /016/ /0//1 //006 1//20 /06// /020/ /0/// ///16 1/0/0 /06/0 /02// /01// //1/0 כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 1/0// /06/1 /02/1 /0112 //0/0 1/102 /06// /0212 /012/ /0/10 1/110 /10/0 /02/6 /012/ /0//0 1//10 /10// /0210 /012/ /0/// 1//1/ /11// /0220 /0126 /0/// 433 מדגמים שבוטלו DESIGNS VOID 2//// 2/0// 20661 10161 10111 /1/6/ /1/1/ /1//6 /1/1/ /1//1 /1/61 /1/2/ 2/0// 2/006 20660 1016/ 1011/ /1/26 /1/10 /1//0 ///10 /1/// /1/60 /1/2/ 2/010 2/00/ 2062/ 10126 1011/ /1/22 /1//6 /1/16 ///06 /1//1 /1/6/ /1/21 2/002 2/00/ 20621 10120 10110 /1/21 /1//2 /1/12 ///// /1//0 /1/6/ /1/20 2/0/1 20666 10/0/ 1012/ 101/2 /1/2/ /1/// /1/11 ///// /1/// /1/60 /1/2/ 2/0// 20662 10//2 1012/ 101// /1/1/ /1//1 /1/11 /1//0 /1/// /1/26 /1/20 2/0/1 20661 10/00 10120 /1/61 /1/10 /1//0 /1/10 /1//6 /1/06 /1/22 /1/16 2/0/0 2066/ 10162 10116 /1/60 /1/1/ /1//0 /1/1/ /1//2 /1/00 /1/21 /1/1/ Dr. Meir Noam Commissioner of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks ד"ר מאיר נועם המדגמים,רשם הפטנטים וסימני מסחר May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 434 מפתחות לבקשות שקובלו INDICES OF APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED מפתח שמי NAME INDEX P.T.T.בע"מ 1.//.0 מתיתהו נוף 11/:97 אבי אלבז 199671 אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב ,הרשות למחקר ופיתוח 147060 אופטיבייס בע"מ 1::09/ ניבה שפירא 100.41 נייס מערכות בע"מ 149:.0 דן ממטירים ,אביזרי השקעה לחקלאות נוי 14::16 דניאל ברטל בע"מ 141016 סנדו פיטרו 11/:97 עמית בן ששון 1.4444 עמית מור 199671 פאור פייפר בע"מ 14.6/. הנרי מ .ישראל 1./110 ויסוניק בע"מ 1.007/ ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ ,10:01. 1.011/ יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים 10:./6 יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים 1./900 קולבר לייף סאיינס בע"מ 11/:97 קורנית דיגיטל בע"מ 1900:1 רפא"ל רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ 1466:4 ,104969 רפא"ל רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ 14..6: מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ 1:1.06 152951 AIRFLO EUROPE N.V. 139539 AKZO NOBEL N.V. 149424 AKZO NOBEL N.V. 164466 ALBEMARLE CORPORATION 139922 ALLIEDSIGNAL INC. 129073 ALSTOM HOLDINGS 158815 ALTANA PHARMA AG 144026 ALZA CORPORATION 147559 i SAE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1561593 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 150490 ABIOGEN PHARMA S.P.A. 147222 ACTIVE BIOTECH AB 148782 ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. 147844 ADVANCED MEDICINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE 128941 AEG INFRAROT-MODULE GMBH כ"ז באייר התשס"ז – May 15, 2007 AMERICAN AEROGEL CORPORATION 157910 AMGEN, INC. 136717 AMIT BEN-SASSON 154444 AMIT MOR 166971 ARKION LIFE SCIENCES 152186 ASTRAZENECA AB 136827 ASTRAZENECA AB 141324 ASTRAZENECA AB 148111 ATOFINA 157798 AVI ELBAZ 166971 BALLATAIRE INTERNATIONAL LLC. 148287 BASF CORPORATION 149773 BAXTER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 131171, 131346 BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 153090 BAYER CROPSCIENCE GMBH 145925 BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG 162235 BEAMREACH NETWORKS, INC. 141464 BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LIMITED 145580 BEL FUSE LTD. 138621, 142552 BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 147898 BIOSENSE, INC. 149645 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM (CANADA) LTD. 145375 BOREALIS TECHNOLOGY OY 161973 BRISTOL COMPRESSORS, INC. 156196 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY 145280 BRN PHOENIX, INC. 141464 CABOT SAFETY INTERMEDIATE CORPORATION 172238 CARRIER CORPORATION 159601, 159602 CENTER FOR THE APPLICATION OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY IN ii INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE 134700 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (C.N.R.S) 158039, 160696 CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.P.A. 143294 CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA 129164 CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS HOLDING INC. 149527 CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC. 147754 CLARIANT PRODUKTE (DEUTSCHLAND) GMBH 158290 COLBAR LIFESCIENCE LTD. 110367 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE 158039 CONNECTOR SET LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 159934 CORNELL RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. 116119 CROSSJECT 151120 CYTOKINETICS, INC. 149164 DAN MAMTIRIM 143319 DANIEL BARTAL LTD. 141219 DAVID JOSHUA SILVER 128950 DELAVAL HOLDING AB 145605 DENTSU INC. 135448 DIAMOND INNOVATIONS, INC. 148287, 154390 DIDIER LAPEYRE 140059 ESTILL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES,INCORPORATED 141980 ETHYPHARM 147212 EURO-CELTIQUE S.A. 136804 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 143119 FLEX PRODUCTS, INC. 143076 FMC CORPORATION 149063 FUJIKIN INCORPORATED 157311 GE HEALTHCARE LIMITED 143927 GENENTECH, INC. 134968 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 138353 GLAXO WELLCOME SPA 140062 GRUNENTHAL GMBH 148407 GRUPPO LEPETIT S.P.A. 127155 HAKLE-KIMBERLY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 156431 HENDRIK CORPORAAL 148699 HENRY M. ISRAEL 150112 HITACHI HIGH-TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 154504 IBM CORPORATION 155395, 156319, 156321, 156523 IDEC PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION 145112 IMMUNEX CORPORATION 127363 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 148356 INTEL CORPORATION 148356 INTRALUMINAL THERAPEUTICS, INC. 150960 INTRINSIC THERAPEUTICS, INC. 148121 JACK G. BITTERLY, 154033 KCI LICENSING, INC. 145629, 160450 KINETIC CONCEPTS, INC. 145629 KORNIT DIGITAL LTD. 162231 LAVIPHARM LABORATORIES, INC. 140475 LEVTECH, INC. 155267 LG LIFE SCIENCES LTD. 137828 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION 156156 LTS LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG 134787, 140667, 140670 LTS LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG 140744, 140745 MARK C. ANDERSON 157906 MARS, INCORPORATED 145814 MATITYAHU NOFF 110367 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 137058 MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 139946 MERZ PHARMA GMBH & CO. KGAA 146974 MGI S.A.S. 137514 MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY 148318 MORPHOCHEM AG 132518 N.V. ORGANON 149424 NDS LIMITED 135184 NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS 149085 NETWORK EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 146765, 146767 NICE SYSTEMS LTD. 146352 NISSAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. 156943 NIVA SHAPIRA 128541 NOKIA CORPORATION 146048 NOVARTIS AG 143093 NOVARTIS AG 146578, 153703 NOVO NORDISK A/S 148609 NUTRITION 21 134163 OLIN CORPORATION 154056 OPTIBASE LTD. 133260 OPTIBASE US, INC. 133260 ORION CORPORATION 140032 OXY VINYLS LP 149332 P.T.T. LTD. 150052 PERFECT CIRCLE PAINTBALL, INC. 145097 Perfect Circle Projectiles, LLC 145097 PFIZER INC. 157647 PHANOS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 130842 PHARMACIA & UPJOHN S.P.A 141645 PHARMASOLUTIONS, INC. 143580 POWER PAPER LTD. 145905 PPG INDUSTRIES OHIO, INC. 152174 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 140564, 144258, 147577 RAFAEL ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. 145593 iii RAFAEL-ARMAMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LTD. 124696, 149934 RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED 144274 RAYTHEON COMPANY 151258 RAYTHEON COMPANY 156013, 156675 RECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) LIMITED 149580 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 137964 REGIE AUTONOME DES TRANSPORTS PARISIENS 158815 RHEINMETALL W & M GMBH 148248 RIETER PERFOJET 150139 ROBOTIC VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 150832 RONALD E. SHAFER 157906 RUFUS M. HOLLOWAY JR. 144701 RUTGERS Chemicals AG 148761 SANDU PITRU 110367 SANIMAT DIFFUSION S.A. 137514 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 146372 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 148870 SAP AG 148037 SCHERING AG 150082 SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 154974, 154975, 154976 SCHOTT AG 154708 SCHOTT GLAS 154708 SEMBIOSYS GENETICS INC. 132259 SEMINIS VEGETABLE SEEDS, INC. 116119 SENSORMATIC ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 154961 SHERWOOD PARTNERS, INC. 141464 SIDNEY P. WHITE 157906 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 149861 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD. 146673, 164954, 166721 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. iv LTD. 149952 SKYEPHARMA INC. 140899 SNECMA MOTEURS 162142 SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. 163146 SOLAE, LLC 158263 SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS B.V. 148218 STEVEN E. BITTERLY, 154033 SYMRISE GMBH & CO. KG 148761 SYNT:EM S.A. 143012 TADAHIRO OHMI 153153, 153156 TADAHIRO OHMI 157311 TAKAHIKO MUKOUDA 156855 TECHNION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION LTD. 131589 TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) 147142, 147513 TETRONICS LIMITED 152119 THE BOC GROUP, INC. 166167 THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW 128578 THERAVANCE, INC. 149289 TIAX LLC 150925 TIBOTEC N.V. 145970 TOKYO ELECTRON LIMITED 153153, 153156 TOKYO ELECTRON LTD 157311 TRANSKARYOTIC THERAPIES, INC. 107822 TRIFLO MEDICAL, INC. 140059 TURBOCARE, INC. 146687 TVC COMMUNICATIONS, L.L.C. 145847 TVC INTERNATIONAL HOLDING, INC. 145847 UNILEVER PLC 146356, 154878 UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 150465 UNIVERSITEIT GENT 145970 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 143234 UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE RESEARCH FOUNDATION 150490 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז VACUUMSCHMELZE GMBH 154961 VASOGEN IRELAND LIMITED 148636 VIASAT, INC. 148207 VIRATA LIMITED 135907 VISONIC LTD. 158270 W.R. GRACE & CO. -CONN. 160321 WATER CROSSING, INC. 156993 WEARAIR OXYGEN INC. 154244 YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. 123815, 158110 YIFAT GURION OFER 141219 YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM 150628 YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM 123509 ZAMBON GROUP S.P.A. 146032 ZAVITAN SEMICONDUCTORS INC. 150784 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז v מפתח ענייני SUBJECT MATTER INDEX A01G – 144701 B01J – 148287, 154390, 160321 A01J – 145605 B05B – 143319 A01H – 149773, 150925, 152186 B32B – 162235 A23G – 146356, 163146 A23J – 158263 B41J – 149952, 150382, 164954, 166721 A23K – 128541 B60N – 154444 A61B – 137514, 149645 B61L – 158815 A61F – 140059, 141980, 145629, 148121, 150112 B65D – 147222, 154878, 156431 C03B – 154708 A61K – 123509, 130842, 131346, 134163, 136804, 140667, 140670, 140745, 140899, 143012, 143093, 143234, 143294, 143580, 145112, 145580, 146578, 146974, 147212, 147559, 149085, 149580, 150628, 154975, 154976 A61J – 143119 A61M – 140475, 148609, 148636, 150960, 151120, 160450 C07C – 132518, 137964, 139922, 140744, 146032, 146372, 148111, 148407, 148761, 148870, 149527, 154974 C07D – 134787, 136717, 136827, 137828, 139946, 140032, 140062, 141324, 144026, 145375, 145814, 147898, 148218, 148318, 148782, 149063, 149164, 149289, 156943, 157457 A62B – 172238 C07F – 145280, 145925, 150490, 158110 A63B – 141219, 166971 C07H – 144274 A63H – 159934 C07J – 149424, 150082, 153703 B01D – 139539, 154033, 154244, 157906, 158039 C07K– 110367, 123815, 127155, 128941, 134968 B01F – 155267 C08F – 149332, 152174, 157798, vi May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז 161973, 164466 G01R – 143927 C08G – 158290 G01S – 156156 C08J – 150465, 157910 G02B – 128950, 156159, 156855 C09D – 153090 C12N– 107822, 127363, 128578, 129164, 131171, 132259, 134700, 138353 G03F – 154504 G06F – 135448, 146048, 147754, 147844 C12P – 141645 G06K –145905, 146673 C23C– 143076 G07B – 156675 D04H – 150139 G08B – 158270 D06B – 162231 G08G – 151258 E04C – 148699 F02K – 160696, 162142 H01L – 150784, 153153, 153156, 156319, 156321, 156523 F03B – 156993 H01R – 138621, 142552 F04B – 156196 H01T – 124696 F15D – 131589 H02G – 145847 F16J –146687 H02H – 149861 F16K – 166167 H03F – 140564 F24F – 159601 H04B – 144258, 147792, 148207 F25B – 152951 H04H – 135184 F25D – 159602 H04J – 137058 F41F – 156013 H04L – 141464, 147513, 148037 F42B – 145097, 148248, 154056 H04N – 148356 G01C – 145593, 149934 H04Q– 135907, 147142, 147577 G01D – 157311 H05H – 152119 G01N – 145970, 154961 May 15, 2007 – כ"ז באייר התשס"ז vii ירושלים, משרד המשפטים,נערך ע"י רשות הפטנטים ירושלים,הופק והודפס במדפיס הממשלתי EDITED BY THE PATENT OFFICE, MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, JERUSALEM PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER