תש"ע/י 7/2010 רשומות ISRAEL STATE RECORDS כ"ג בכסליו התשע"א November 30 ,2010 יומן הפטנטים והמדגמים PATENTS AND DESIGNS JOURNAL Page/עמוד Patents Applications filed Applications accepted Patents granted Patents renewed Patents not in force Patents renewed for 20 years Changes in particulars entered in register Corrections Country codes Indices of applications accepted 4 127 338 339 340 341 345 פטנטים בקשות שהוגשו בקשות שקובלו פטנטים שניתנו פטנטים שחודשו פטנטים שתוקפם פקע פטנטים שחודשו לעשרים שנה שינויים בפרטים רשומים בפנקס 345 356 346 תיקונים קודים למדינות מפתחות לבקשות שהתקבלו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ידיעות כלליות : וכו' בענייני פטנטים ומדגמים יש לשלוח אל, מסמכים,מכתבים . ירושלים, מלחה5 בנין, גנים טכנולוגיים ירושלים,רשם הפטנטים והמדגמים 'אגרות ללשכת הפטנטים מתקבלות אך ורק על ידי תשלום לחשבון הרשות בבנק הדואר מס יש להציג קבלת בנק הדואר ללשכה יחד עם הבקשה לפעולה שעבורה האגרה.0-24145-2 .שולמה GENERAL INFORMATION Letters, documents, etc. concerning Patents and Designs should be addressed to: The Patent Authority, Jerusalem Technology Park, Building5, Malcha., Jerusalem. Fees to the Patent Office can be accepted only by payment to the Postal Bank Account of the Authority, No. 0-24145-2. The receipt of the Postal Bank must be presented to the office together with the application for the action for which the fee has been paid. Copyright by the State of Israel. No Extracts may be published except with the permission of the Patent Office. זכות היוצרים בתקצירים אלה שמורה למדינת אין להעתיק מתקצירים אלה אלא,ישראל .ברשות לשכת הפטנטים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PATENTS NOTICE UNDER SECTION 16 OF THE PATENTS LAW, 5727-1967 In the following there are listed new applications complying with the provisions of rule 32(a) of the Patent Regulations, 57281968: Particulars of the applications are given in the following order: Number and date of application and the first four symbols of the International Classification. Title of invention (as proposed by applicant) Applicant Priority right: Convention countryNumber and date of Foreign application International Application Number International Publication Number פטנטים - תשכ"ז, לחוק הפטנטים16 הודעה לפי סעיף 1967 להלן רשימת בקשות חדשות הממלאות אחר (א) לתקנות32 הדרישות שנקבעו בתקנה :1968- תשכ"ח,הפטנטים :פרטי הבקשות מובאים לפי סדר זה מספר הבקשה – ותאריך הגשתה וארבעה הסמנים הראשונים של הסיווג הבינלאומי )שם האמצאה (כפי שהוצע ע"י המבקש המבקש – מדינת האיגוד :דין קדימה תאריך ומספר בקשת החוץ מספר בקשה בינלאומית מספר פרסום בינלאומי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 201512 14/10/2009 PASSIVE (SELF-ACTUATING) PROTECTION FOR AN ASSAILABLE SURFACE OF ARMORED VEHICLES VALERY GOUREVICH 04/11/2009 הגנה פסיבית (מופעלת עצמית) למשטח פגיע של רכבים משוריינים ולרי גורביץ 201915 WARM BODY PRESENCE PORTABLE DETECTION DEVICE AND METHOD LIOR SEGAL 09/11/2009 G08B )2010.01( מכשיר נייד ושיטה לזיהוי נוכחות חום גוף ליאור סגל 202000 FRACTIONAL FREQUENCY REUSE DEPLOYMENT METHOD FOR WIRELESS SYSTEM ALVARION LTD. 11/11/2009 F41H )2010.01( G01S )2010.01( שיטה לפריסת מערכת אלחוטית הכוללת שימוש חוזר בתדרי שידור אלווריון בע"מ 202062 APPARATUS, SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SELF ORIENTATION DROR NADAM G01N )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת לאוריינטציה עצמית במרחב דרור נדם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 12/11/2009 202066 FLEXIBLE OPTICAL COMMUNICATAION NETWORK ECI TELECOM LTD. 12/11/2009 רשת תקשורת אופטית בעלת גמישות טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 202067 ETHERNET NETWORK WITHIN MPLS NETWORK ECI TELECOM LTD. 12/11/2009 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EFFICIENT COLLABORATIVE IDENTIFICATION OF MALICIOUS APPLICATIONS IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK G02B )2010.01( MPLS בתוך רשתETHERNET רשת טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 202068 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION NETWORK HAVING FLEXIBLE OPERABILITY ECI TELECOM LTD. 12/11/2009 G02B )2010.01( G02B )2010.01( רשת תקשורת אופטית בעלת גמישות הפעלה טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 202085 G06F )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה יעילות של שיתוף פעולה לזיהוי יישומים זדוניים ברשת תקשורת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א הרשות,גוריון בנגב-אוניברסיטת בן למחקר ופיתוח DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG 12/11/2009 202086 A SYSTEM FOR FAULT TOLERANT COLLABORATIVE IDENTIFICATION OF MALICIOUS APPLICATIONS IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 12/11/2009 202109 MODULAR VEHICULAR PROTECTIVE ASSEMBLY MICHAEL COHEN 12/11/2009 VEHICULAR VENT - CONTAINING ASSEMBLY MICHAEL COHEN G06F )2010.01( מערכת שיתוף פעולה העמידה בפני לזיהוי יישומים זדוניים ברשת,תקלות תקשורת הרשות,גוריון בנגב-אוניברסיטת בן למחקר ופיתוח F41H )2010.01( התקן מודולרי מוגן לכלי – רכב מיכאל כהן 202110 B60J )2010.01( מתקן כלי – רכב המכיל פתח מיכאל כהן November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 16/11/2009 202148 מערכת לנשיאת מטען פלסן סאסא בע"מ LOAD CARRYING SYSTEM PLASAN SASA LTD. 16/11/2009 202150 202275 A SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION AGAINST AN EXPLOSIVE THREAT PLASAN SASA LTD. 26/11/2009 CAMOUFLAGE SYSTEM F41H )2010.01( מערכת להגנה נגד איום פיצוצי פלסן סאסא בע"מ 202372 F41H )2010.01( מיגון פלסן סאסא בע"מ ARMOR PLASAN SASA LTD. 29/11/2009 B64F )2010.01( תא נפלט מיכאל כהן EJECTIBLE COMPARTMENT MICHAEL COHEN 23/11/2009 F41A )2010.01( 202410 F41H )2010.01( מערכת הסוואה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א פיברוטקס טכנולוגיות בע"מ FIBROTEX TECHNOLOGIES LTD 01/12/2009 202460 METHOD AND SYSTEM OF GENERATING A THREE DIMENSIONAL VIEW OF A REAL SCENE RAFAEL-ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD 14/12/2009 – שיטה ומערכת ליצירת ראייה תלת מימדית של זירה אמיתית עבור תכנון ומבצעים צבאיים 202712 PRE - SET AND ADAPTIVE MODIFICATIONS IN MICRO OPTO ELECTRO - MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (MOEMS) FOR IMPROVING PERFOMANCE OF SAME RAFAEL-ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD 15/12/2009 TRACKING STATION BASE DOTAN LTD. G06F )2010.01( H03H )2010.01( אופטו– אלקטרוניות לצורך שיפור הבצוע לפני או – התאמות הנעשות על גבי מערכות מיקרו בזמן בצוע משימה 202732 G01S )2010.01( בסיס לתחנת עקיבה דותן בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 15/12/2009 202749 LASER THREAT WARNING SYSTEM AND METHOD ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. 17/12/2009 METHOD AND SYSTEM FRO ENHANCING A SAR IMAGE ELTA SYSTEMS LTD. 22/12/2009 שיטת ומערכת התרעת איום לייזר אלביט מערכות בע"מ 202788 A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING CONCEALED EXPLOSIVES AND WEAPONS ISRAEL AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES LTD. G01S )2010.01( SAR שיטה ומערכת לשיפור תמונת מכ"מ אלתא מערכות בע"מ 202879 METHOD AND YSSEM FOR COMBINING ECM JAMMING AND RADAR CAPABILITIES NETLINE COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES (NCT) LTD 29/12/2009 F41A )2010.01( G01S )2010.01( מערכת וישטה לשילוב יכולות לוחמה אלקטורנית ומכ"מ ).טי.סי.נטליין טכנולוגיות תקשורת (אנ בע"מ 203015 G08B )2010.01( שיטה לגילוי נשק וחומרי נפץ מוסתרים התעשייה האוירית לישראל בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 31/12/2009 203053 METHO AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ALVARION LTD. 29/12/2009 שיטה ומכשיר לשידור תשדורות אלחוטיות אלווריון בע"מ 203060 ASSAULT RIFLE MAGAZINE EJECTOR EXTENSION TACTICAL ARMS LTD. 31/12/2009 F41A )2010.01( תוספת לרובה סער לשליפת מחסניות טקטיקל ארמס בע"מ 203066 SYSTEM FOR SECURE FACE IDENTIFICATION (SCIFI) AND METHODS USEFUL IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH CARMEL-HAIFA UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC CORP. LTD. IL 199657 02/07/2009 31/12/2009 H04W )2010.01( G06F )2010.01( מערכת לזיהוי בטוח של פרצופים ושיטות השימושיות לצורך כך החברה הכלכלית של אוניברסיטת-כרמל חיפה בע"מ 203089 G01C )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF RANGE IMAGES FROM MULTIPLE TWODIMENSIONAL IMAGES USING A RANGE BASED VARIATIONAL METHOD RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. 10/01/2010 מערכת ושיטה לשחזור תחום מבט מריבוי מבטים דו – מימדיים תוך שימוש בשיטה המבוססת על תחום משתנה רפאל מערכות לחימה מתקדמות בע"מ 203225 מחסנית לתחמושית פאב ייצור ויבוא ציוד תעשייתי בע"מ AMMUNITION MAGAZINE YEHUDA MELLER 10/01/2010 203232 APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR USING RELAY STATION IN A TDD WIRELESS NETWORK ALVARION LTD. 10/01/2010 F41A )2010.01( H04B )2010.01( מכשיר ומערכת לשימוש בתחנת ממסר TDD ברשת אלחוטית מסוג אלווריון בע"מ 203233 LASER THREAT WARNING SYSTEM AND METHOD ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. F41A )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת התרעת איום לייזר אלביט מערכות בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 01/01/2004 203335 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ENHANCING THE PAYLOAD CAPACITY, CARRIAGE EFFICIENCY, AND ADAPTIVE FLEXIBILITY OF EXTERNAL STORES MOUNTED ON AN AERIAL VEHICLE NIR PADAN 28/01/2010 07/10/2008 מערכת ושיטה לנישאה יעילה של מטענים חיצוניים על פלטפורמות אוויריות ניר פדן 203568 RADIO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT METHODS OF CELLULAR LTE/WiMAX MULTI - HOP RELAYS NETWORK IN WHICH THE RELAY ARE MOBILE BENJAMIN GILOH AND IQITEC TLD H04Q )2010.01( שיטה לניהול משאבי רדיו של רשת תקשורת ניידת המתבססת על טכנולוגיה ) בשיטתLTE WiMAX,( 4 סלולארית דור ריבוי נתיבים בעזרת ממסרים ניידים IOITEC בנימין גילה חברת 204755 A SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR MEASURING GENERAL TRANSLATION ACTIVITY IN VIABLE CELLS ANIMA CELL METROLOGY, INC. US 60/978420 09/10/2007 61/086165 05/08/2008 US PCT/IL/2008/001328 WO/2009/047760 B64D )2010.01( C12Q )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה למדידת פעילוית התרגום בתאים חיים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 13/11/2008 205701 INSTANT WIN LOTTERY TICKET WITH FULL COLOUR SECURITY AREA AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE BLACK & WHITE PAPER MFG, AB US 60/996323 13/11/2007 PCT/CA/2008/001992 WO/2009/062297 12/11/2008 כרטיס הגרלה ולזכייה מיידית בעל איזור בטחון בצבע מלא ושיטת ייצור 205703 SIMULATING PATIENT SPECIFIC OUTCOMES ENTELOS, INC. US 60/987412 13/11/2007 61/029293 15/02/2008 US PCT/US/2008/083286 WO/2009/064817 17/11/2008 12/11/2008 A01N )2010.01( תכשירים ושיטות לטיפול בקדחת חזירים 205705 ANTI-INFLUENZA ANTIBODIES, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME AND USES THEREOF THERACLONE SCIENCES, INC. US 60/987355 12/11/2007 60/987353 12/11/2007 US 61/053840 16/05/2008 US 61/095208 08/09/2008 US G06F )2010.01( הדמית תוצאות של פציינטים מסוימים 205704 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR TREATING PURPURA VICEPT THERAPEUTICS, INC. US 60/988564 16/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/083774 WO/2009/065116 B42D )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( תכשירים המכילים,נוגדנים נגד שפעת אותם ושימושים בהם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/US/2008/083265 WO/2009/064805 10/11/2008 205709 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR CONNECTING SOLAR CELLS OR SLICES IN A PANEL SYSTEM TIGO ENERGY, INC. US 61/003091 14/11/2007 12/253868 17/10/2008 US PCT/US/2008/082935 WO/2009/064683 13/11/2008 205710 EQUILIBRATIVE NUCLEOSIDE TRANSPORTER ENT1 INHIBITORS JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA, N.V. EP 07120630.4 14/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065438 WO/2009/062990 12/11/2008 205711 COMPOSITIONS FOR THE TREATMENT GASTROINTESTINAL INFLAMMATION MERITAGE PHARMA, INC US 60/987720 13/11/2007 61/012012 06/12/2007 US 61/015998 21/12/2007 US 61.019818 08/01/2008 US 61/034941 07/03/2008 US 61/035348 10/03/2008 US 61/054103 16/05/2008 US 61/054104 16/05/2008 US 61/054105 16/05/2008 US 61/054106 16/05/2008 US H01L )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת לחיבור תאים סולרים או פלחים במערכת לוח C07D )2010.01( בשוויENT1 מעכבי מעביר נוקלאוזיד משקל A61K )2010.01( תכשירים לטיפול בדלקת של הקיבה והמעיים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 61/054107 US 61/090568 US PCT/US/2008/083288 WO/2009/064819 17/10/2008 16/05/2008 20/08/2008 205712 ROLLS OF MATERIAL PROVIDING ONE-HANDED DISPENSING OF SHEETS OF PRE-DETERMINED LENGHT KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. US 12/001966 13/12/2007 PCT/IB/2008/054289 WO/2009/074899 13/01/2009 205713 AFUCOSYLATED ANTIBODIES AGAINST CCR5 AND THEIR USE F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 61/011348 15/01/2008 PCT/EP/2009/000133 WO/2009/090032 07/11/2008 205714 DEVICE FOR MEASURING THE DEFECTS OF AN IMAGING INSTRUMENT WITH TWO OPTOELECTRONIC SENSORS THALES FR 0707967 13/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065133 WO/2009/062890 A47K )2010.01( גלילי חומר המספקים חלוקה ביד אחת של יריעות באורך שנקבע מראש C07K )2010.01( CCR5 נוגדנים אפוקוסילאטים נגד והשימוש בהם G02B )2010.01( התקן למדידת הפגמים במכשיר הדמייה –באמצעות שימוש בשני גלאים אופטו אלקטרוניים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 12/11/2008 205716 FORMULATIONS FOR TACIIMMUNOGLOBULIN FUSION PROTEINS ARES TRADING S.A. EP 07120489.5 12/11/2007 07120490.3 12/11/2007 EP 61/003028 14/11/2007 US 61/002988 14/11/2007 US 61/072038 27/03/2008 US 08005923.1 27/03/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/065395 WO/2009/062960 10/11/2008 11/11/2008 –TACI פורמולציות לחלבונים מחוברים אימונוגלובולין 205717 TACI-IMMUNOGLOBULIN FUSION PROTEINS FOR TREATMENT OF OPTIC NEURITIS ARES TRADING S.A. EP 07120490.3 12/11/2007 61/002988 14/11/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/065252 WO/2009/062916 A61K )2010.01( אימונוגלובין מחוברים טיפולTACI חלבוני בניאוריטיס אופטי 205718 TACI-IMMUNOGLOBULIN FUSION PROTEINS FOR TREATMENT OF RELAPSING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ARES TRADING S.A. EP 07120489.5 12/11/2007 61/003028 14/11/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/065282 WO/2009/062926 15/11/2007 A61K )2010.01( 205719 A61K )2010.01( אימונו גלובולין מחובריםTACI חלבוני לשימוש בטרשת נפוצה C07D )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א תרכובות אנאנטיומריקליות מעושרות באימידאזואזפינאן ENANTIOMERICALLY ENRICHED IMIDAZOAZEPINONE COMPOUNDS EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. PCT/US/2007/024011 WO/2009/064274 17/11/2008 205720 USE OF NITRITE SALTS IN CHRONIC ISCHEMIA THE UAB RESEARCH FOUNDATION US 61/003150 15/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/083830 WO/2009/065142 13/11/2008 שימוש במלחי ניתריט באיסכמיה כרונית 205721 METHODS OF MODULATING PRODUCTION OF PHENYLPROPANOID COMPOUNDS IN PLANTS YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM LTD US 60/987616 13/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001490 WO/2009/063460 13/11/2008 205726 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) AG. EP 07120837.5 16/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065444 WO/2009/062993 A61K )2010.01( C12N )2010.01( שיטות לבקרה על ייצור תרכובות פנילפרואנואידיות בצמחים יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בע"מ A61K )2010.01( תכשירי רוקחות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 14/11/2008 205728 COMMUNICATION APPARATUS, COMMUNICATION METHOD, AND INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PANASONIC CORPORATION 2007JP 14/11/2007 295684 PCT/JP/2008/071165 WO/2009/064027 14/11/2007 H04L )2010.01( שיטת תקשורת ומעגל,מערכת תקשורת משולב 205730 METHODS FOR TREATING OBESITY AND OBESITY RELATED DISEASES AND DISORDERS AMYLIN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. A61K )2010.01( –שיטות לטיפול בהשמנה ובמחלות ואי סדרים הקשורים להשמנה PCT/US/2007/084733 WO/2009/064298 205731 29/10/2008 METERING DEVICE FOR INHALING A POWDERY SUBSTANCE SSIEGFRIED GENERICS INTERNATIONAL AG DE 102007056263.4 22/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/064652 WO/2009/065707 03/12/2008 התקן מדידה לשאיפת חומר אבקתי 205732 VANE TYPE FLOW METER WITH TWO OR MORE MEASURING RANGES AQUA DIGITAL LTD. US 60/996721 03/12/2007 61/129470 30/06/2008 US PCT/IL/2008/001568 A61M )2010.01( G01F )2010.01( מד זרימה עם שניים או יותר טווחי מדידה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/072117 23/12/2008 205733 מכייל לבוחן אימוני CALIBRATOR FOR IMMUNOASSAYS ONCIMMUNE LIMITED GB 0725239.8 24/12/2007 61/016689 26/12/2007 US PCT/GB/2008/004260 WO/2009/081165 27/11/2008 205734 AMINO ACID SEQUENCES DIRECTED AGAINST HETERODIMERIC CYTOKINES AND/OR THEIR RECEPTORS AND POLYPEPTIDES COMPRISING THE SAME ABLYNX N.V. US 61/004332 27/11/2007 61/005265 04/12/2007 US 61/005324 04/12/2007 US 61/005331 04/12/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/066365 WO/2009/068627 12/12/2008 C07K )2010.01( רצפי חומצה אמינית המכוונים נגד או קולטניהם/ציטוקינים הטרודימרים ו ופוליפפטידים המכילים אותם 205735 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REGENERATING AN ABSORBENT SOLUTION ALSTOM TECHNOLOGY LTD. US 61/013369 13/12/2007 12/277935 25/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/086512 WO/2009/076575 G01N )2010.01( B01D )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לייצור מחדש של תמיסה סופגת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 205736 20/11/2008 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A REINFORCED FOAM MATERIAL EVONIK ROHM GMBH DE 102007055684.7 21/11/2007 61/004004 21/11/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/065923 WO/2009/065896 01/12/2008 מערכת ושיטה לייצור חומר קצפי מחוזק 205737 C02F )2010.01( SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR WATER TREATMENT SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES CORP. US 60/991316 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/013286 WO/2009/073175 מערכות ושיטות לטיפול במים 205739 20/11/2008 B29C )2010.01( METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETECTING WHETHER A VEHICLE HAS EXCEEDED A SPEED LIMIT G08G )2010.01( שיטה והתקן לגילוי האם כלי רכב עבר הגבלת המהירות SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102007059346.7 10/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065898 WO/2009/074436 12/11/2008 205740 CORTICOSTEROID COMPOSITIONS MERITAGE PHARMA, INC US 60/987720 13/11/2007 61/012012 06/12/2007 US 61/015998 21/12/2007 US 61/019818 08/01/2008 US A61K )2010.01( תכשירי קורטיקוסטירואיד November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 61/034941 US 61/035348 US 61/054103 US 61/054104 US 61/054105 US 61/054106 US 61/054107 US 61/090568 US PCT/US/2008/012780 WO/2009/064457 28/11/2008 07/03/2008 10/03/2008 16/05/2008 16/05/2008 16/05/2008 16/05/2008 16/05/2008 20/08/2008 205741 NEW THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES FOR TREATING CMT AND RELATED DISORDERS PHARNEXT, EP 07301614.9 30/11/2007 60/991800 03/12/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/066468 WO/2009/068668 09/12/2008 ואיCMT–גישות רפואיות חדשות לטיפול ב סדרים הקשורים לכך 205742 4-(4-CYANO-2-THIOARYL) DIHYDROPYRIMIDINONES AND USE THEREOF BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102007061766.8 20/12/2007 102008022521.5 07/05/2008 DE 102008052013.6 17/10/2008 DE PCT/EP/2008/010411 WO/2009/080199 09/12/2008 A61K )2010.01( 205743 C07D )2010.01( –2––ציאנו4(–4 תיאואריל)דיהידרופירימידינונים והשימוש בהם B01D )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REMOVAL OF AN ACIDIC COMPONENT FROM A PROCESS STREAM ALSTOM TECHNOLOGY LTD. US 61/013376 13/12/2007 12/269352 12/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/086000 WO/2009/076326 21/11/2008 מערכת ושיטה להוצאת רכיב חומצי מזרם תהליך 205744 PYRIDYLMETHYL-SULFONAMIDE COMPOUNDS BASF SE EP 07122415.8 05/12/2007 08102193.3 29/02/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/065958 WO/2009/071448 16/12/2008 תרכובות פירידילמתיל–סולפונאמיד 205745 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF 2-FLUOROACYL-3-AMINO-ACRYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES C07D )2010.01( C07C )2010.01( –3––פלואורו אציל2 שיטה להכנת תולדות אמינו–חומצה אקרילית BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG EP 07150357.7 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010689 WO/2009/083134 03/11/2008 205746 INHIBITORS OF HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS REPLICATION BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH US 60/988342 15/11/2007 PCT/CA/2008/001935 C07D )2010.01( מעכבי שכפול נגיף האיידס November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/062288 12/11/2008 205747 INHIBITORS OF HUMAN PHOSPHATIDYL-INOSITOL 3-KINASE DELTA ICOS CORPORATION US 60/987723 13/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/083262 WO/2009/064802 26/11/2008 14/11/2008 A61K )2010.01( –4 אנטגוניסטים מותאמים לקולטן מוטאין IL 205750 BIVALENT, BISPECIFIC ANTIBODIES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07024866.1 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010705 G01N )2010.01( וטיפול נגד היווצרות כליVEGF ריבוי צורות דם 205749 MODIFIED IL-4 MUTEIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS AEROVANCE, INC. US 11/940217 14/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/083589 WO/2009/065007 16/12/2008 –קינאז3–מעכבי פוספתידיל–אינוסיטול דלתא אנושי 205748 VEGF POLYMORPHISMS AND ANTIANGIOGENESIS THERAPY SLEDGE, GEORGE W. OF US 60/991616 30/11/2007 61/038699 21/03/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084933 WO/2009/073540 C07D )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( נוגדנים ביספציפיים ביוולנטים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/080254 20/11/2008 205751 AMINOTHIAZOLE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07122019.8 30/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065910 WO/2009/068467 17/12/2008 205752 OCTAHYDROQUINOLIZINES FOR ANTIDIABETIC TREATMENT 55PHARMA DRUG DISCOVERY & DEVELOPMENT AG EP 07450235.2 19/12/2007 AT A1315/2008 25/08/2008 PCT/AT/2008/000458 WO/2009/076693 26/11/2008 205753 ISOXAZOLO-PYRIDAZINE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07122293.9 04/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066226 WO/2009/071477 28/12/2007 205754 SECURE MOBILE TELEPHONY KOOLSPAN, INC. US 60/987709 13/11/2007 11/951202 05/12/2007 US PCT/US/2007/026441 C07D )2010.01( תולדות אמינותיאזול C07D )2010.01( –אוקטהידרוקווינוליזינים לטיפול אנטי סכרתי C07D )2010.01( תולדות איזוקסאזולו–פירידזין H04M )2010.01( מערכת טלפונים ניידת מאובטחת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/064279 25/11/2008 205755 ISOXAZOLO-PYRAZINE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07122271.5 04/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066127 WO/2009/071464 18/11/2008 205756 POLYMORPHS OF A C-MET/HGFR INHIBITOR PFIZER INC. US 60/991169 29/11/2007 PCT/IB/2008/003170 WO/2009/068955 18/12/2008 205758 BIS-(SULFONYLAMINO) DERIVATIVES FOR USE IN THERAPY ASTRAZENECA AB US 61/015287 20/12/2007 PCT/SE/2008/051500 WO/2009/082347 26/11/2008 205759 ISOXAZOLO-PYRIDINE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07122240.0 04/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066225 WO/2009/071476 C07D )2010.01( תולדות איזוקסאזולו–פיראזין C07D )2010.01( HGFR/MET–C פולימורפים של מעכב C07D )2010.01( תולדות ביס–(סולפונילאמינו)לשימוש בטיפול C07D )2010.01( תולדות איזוקסאזולו–פירידין November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 14/11/2008 205761 NOVEL INTERMEDIATE FOR HALICHONDRIN B ANALOG SYNTHESIS AND NOVEL DESULFONYLATION REACTION USED FOR THE INTERMEDIATE EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. US 60/988496 16/11/2007 2007-298074 16/11/2007 JP PCT/JP/2008/071167 WO/2009/064029 05/11/2008 תוצרביניים חדש עבור סינתזת אנלוג של וריאקציה חדשה של הוצאתB הליקונדרין קבוצות סולפוניות לשימוש עבור תוצר הביניים 205762 APPARATUS, SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATED CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE TESTING AND ANALYSIS SPIROCOR LTD US 11/984251 15/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001455 WO/2009/063451 20/11/2008 G06F )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לבחינה ואנליזה,התקן אוטומטית של מחלות כלי דם כליליים ספיירוקור בע"מ 205763 BIARYL SUBSTITUTED AZABICYCLIC ALKANE DERIVATIVES AS NICOTINIC ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR ACTIVITY MODULATORS ABBOTT LABORATORIES US 60/989538 21/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084148 WO/2009/067579 C07D )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( נגזרות אלקאן אזאביציקלי מותמר ביאריל כמודולטורים של פעילות קולטן אצטילכולין ניקוטיני November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 20/11/2008 205764 NEW VITAMIN D RECEPTOR ACTIVATORS AND METHODS OF MAKING ABBOTT LABORATORIES US 60/989167 20/11/2007 12/205998 08/09/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084142 WO/2009/067578 27/11/2008 חדשים ושיטותD מפעילי קולטן ויטמין לייצורם 205766 PREPARATION OF NANOPARTICLE MATERIAL NANOCO TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED US 60/991510 30/11/2007 0723539.3 01/12/2007 GB PCT/GB/2008/003958 WO/2009/068878 14/11/2008 205767 A61L )2010.01( מכשיר ושיטה לציפוי אוטומטי 205768 USE OF ANTI CD24 ANTIBODIES FOR TREATING CANCER THE MEDICAL RESEARCH, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND HEALTH SERVICES FUND OF THE TEL-AVIV MEDICAL CENTER US 60/996383 14/11/2007 H01L )2010.01( הכנת חומר המכיל ננו–חלקיקים AUTOMATED COATING APPARATUS AND METHOD BIOSENSORS INTERNATIONAL GROUP US 60/987963 14/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/083700 WO/2009/065087 13/11/2008 C07C )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( לטיפולCD24 שימוש בנוגדנים כנגד בסרטן קרן מחקרים ופיתוח תשתיות שליד המרכז הרפואי תל אביב ע"ש סוראסקי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/IL/2008/001491 WO/2009/063461 13/11/2008 205769 PICO LITER WELL HOLDING DEVICE AND METHOD OF MAKING THE SAME SENG ENTERPRISES LTD. US 11/940996 15/11/2007 61/006130 26/12/2007 US PCT/IL/2008/001492 WO/2009/063462 13/11/2008 מתקן לגומחות פיקו–ליטר ושיטה לייצורו 205770 FOOD PRODUCTS COMPRISING SESAME PASTE OPTIMUM-SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LTD US 60/987645 13/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001488 WO/2009/063458 27/11/2008 205773 ANTIBODIES AGAINST A CANCERASSOCIATED EPITOPE OF VARIANT NFKBIB AND USES THEREOF VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC US 60/990494 27/11/2007 PCT/CA/2008/002076 WO/2009/067800 13/11/2008 C12M )2010.01( 205775 A23L )2010.01( מוצרי מזון המורכבים מממרח שומשום C07K )2010.01( הקשור לסרטןEPITOPE נוגדנים נגד ושימושיהםNFKBIB מנגזרת H04W )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א MOBILE TERMINAL HAVING "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" STATE AND METHOD FOR ENTERING SUCH STATE TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) US 60/987837 14/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065471 WO/2009/063007 14/11/2008 "מסוף נייד בעל מצב "במקרה חירום ושיטה להכנסת מצב כאמור 205776 MORPHOLINO COMPOUNDS AND METHODS OF PRODUCING MORPHOLINO OLIGOMERS AVI BIOPHARMA, INC. US 60/988200 15/11/2007 60/988192 15/11/2007 US PCT/US/2008/012804 WO/2009/064471 13/11/2007 C07D )2010.01( תרכובות מורפולינו ושיטות לייצור מורפולינו אוליגומרים 205777 MEDICAL SYSTEM, APPARATUS AND METHOD ORIDION MEDICAL (1987)LTD. A61B )2010.01( מכשיר ושיטה,מערכת רפואית ) בע"מ1987( אורידיון מדיקל PCT/IL/2007/001393 WO/2009/063443 30/06/2008 205778 MEDICAL SYSTEM, APPARATUS AND METHOD ORIDION MEDICAL (1987)LTD. IL PCT/IL/2007/001393 13/11/2007 61/071959 28/05/2008 US PCT/IL/2008/000894 WO/2009/063446 G06F )2010.01( מכשיר ושיטה,מערכת רפואית ) בע"מ1987( אורידיון מדיקל November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 03/12/2008 205780 FVIII PEPTIDES AND THEIR USE IN TOLERISING HAEMOPHILIACS APITOPE TECHNOLOGY (BRISTOL) LIMITED GB 0723712.6 04/12/2007 PCT/GB/2008/003996 WO/2009/071886 07/11/2008 205781 PREAMBLE DESIGN FOR A WIRELESS SIGNAL QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/988665 16/11/2007 60/988720 16/11/2007 US 61/025670 01/02/2008 US 61/028497 13/02/2008 US 61/047021 22/04/2008 US 12/260868 29/10/2008 US PCT/US/2008/082866 WO/2009/064678 05/11/2008 205782 PREAMBLE DESIGN FOR A WIRELESS SIGNAL QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/988665 16/11/2007 60/988720 16/11/2007 US 61/025670 01/02/2008 US 61/028497 13/02/2008 US 61/047021 22/04/2008 US 12/260861 29/10/2008 US PCT/US/2008/082523 WO/2009/064648 C07K )2010.01( ושימושם לביטול רגישותFVIII פפטידי של המופיליה H04W )2010.01( עיצוב הקדמה לאות אלחוטי H04W )2010.01( עיצוב הקדמה לאות אלחוטי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 14/11/2008 205783 USING IDENTIFIERS TO ESTABLISH COMMUNICATION QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/988646 16/11/2007 61/059654 06/06/2008 US 61/074114 19/06/2008 US 61/074935 23/06/2008 US 12/269676 12/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/083658 WO/2009/065053 03/12/2008 שימוש במזהים לבסס תקשורת 205784 SEED-PREFERRED GENE PROMOTERS FROM THE CASTOR PLANT DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. US 60/992273 04/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/085426 WO/2009/073738 10/11/2008 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SECURING FUEL SUPPLY CHAIN DELIVERY PROCESS WITH A RFID ELECTRONIC SEAL C12N )2010.01( קדמי גן מועדפי–גרעין מצמח הקיקיון 205785 A01G )2010.01( מערכת לגידול צמחים SYSTEM FOR GROWING PLANTS GALLO, STEVEN, WILLIAM US 11/939558 14/11/2007 PCT/CA/2008/001967 WO/2009/062291 16/11/2008 H04W )2010.01( 205786 G08B )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לאבטחת שרשרת אספקת RFID דלק עם אטם אלקטרוני November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ORPAK SYSTEMS LTD US 60/996415 PCT/IL/2008/001504 WO/2009/063471 אורפק מערכות בע"מ 16/11/2007 20/11/2008 205787 PUMPING UNIT FOR DELIVERY OF LIQUID MEDIA FROM A VESSEL ICECURE MEDICAL LTD US 60/989744 21/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001526 WO/2009/066292 יחידת שאיבה לאספקת נוזל ממיכל אייסקיור מדיקל בע"מ 205789 28/11/2008 A ROTARY ELECTRIC MACHINE AND THE METHOD FOR ASSEMBLING IT SPAL AUTOMOTIVE S.R.L. IT B02007A000791 30/11/2007 PCT/IB/2008/055011 WO/2009/069103 17/12/2008 205795 HEPATITIS C VIRUS ANTIBODIES MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TECHNOLOGY US 61/006066 17/12/2007 PCT/IB/2008/003952 WO/2009/081285 14/11/2008 RF ABLATION DEVICE WITH JAMPREVENTING ELECTRICAL COUPLING MEMBER F04B )2010.01( 205796 H02K )2010.01( מכונה חשמלית סיבובית ושיטה להרכבתה C07K )2010.01( C נוגדני ויחרוס צהבת A61N )2010.01( התקן הסרה ת"ר עם אלמנט קישור חשמלי מונע מעצורים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א HALT MEDICAL, INC. US 11/940289 PCT/US/2008/083634 WO/2009/065034 01/02/2008 14/11/2007 205797 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR RESOLVING BLINDED-NODE PROBLEMS IN WIRELESS NETWORKS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 11/955257 12/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/052820 WO/2009/075900 14/11/2008 שיטה והתקן ליישוב בעיות צומת מסונוור ברשתות אלחוטיות 205798 ANCHORED RF ABLATION DEVICE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF TISSUE MASSES HALT MEDICAL, INC. US 11/940294 14/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/083617 WO/2009/065025 05/12/2008 205800 HANDOVER FAILURE PROCEDURES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/992658 05/12/2007 12/328606 04/12/2008 US PCT/US/2008/085689 WO/2009/076208 H04Q )2010.01( A61F )2010.01( התקן הסרה ת"ר מעוגן להשמדת גושי רקמה H04W )2010.01( נוהלי כשל העברה במערכות תקשורת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 05/12/2008 205801 USER EQUIPMENT CAPABILITY UPDATE IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/992645 05/12/2007 12/327301 03/12/2008 US PCT/US/2008/085708 WO/2009/076219 20/11/2007 H04W )2010.01( עדכון יכולת ציוד משתמש בתקשורת אלחוטית 205804 REMOVAL OF RESIDUAL CONCRETE FROM READY MIXED CONCRETE DRUMS BLASTERS, LLC B08B )2010.01( הורדת שאריות בטון ממכלים של תערובת בטון מוכנה PCT/US/2007/085248 WO/2008/118218 205805 29/10/2008 PATCHOULOL ODORANT FIRMENICH SA IB PCT/IB2007/054690 PCT/IB/2008/054491 WO/2009/066193 09/12/2008 C07C )2010.01( פטצ'ולול ריחני 19/11/2007 205806 IMAGING DEVICE AND METHOD SELEX GALILEO LTD GB 0722643.4 19/11/2007 PCT/GB/2008/004052 WO/2009/066092 H04N )2010.01( מכשיר הדמייה ושיטה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 14/11/2008 205808 METHOD AND APPARATUS OF TAKING AERIAL SURVEYS INTERGRAPH SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY US 60/987883 14/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/083582 WO/2009/065003 18/11/2008 G06T )2010.01( שיטה ומכשיר לעריכת סקרים אוויריים 205809 CALCIUM MEDIATED EFFECTS OF CORAL AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY US 60/996450 19/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001511 WO/2009/066283 13/12/2007 השפעת אלמוג מתווכות על ידי סידן ושיטות לשימוש בהם הרשות,גוריון בנגב-אוניברסיטת בן למחקר ופיתוח 205810 A61B )2010.01( חוסם עורקים דו כיווני BI-DIRECTIONAL TOURNIQUET PATRICIA E. THORPE US 60/875,087 13/12/2006 60/901,715 13/02/2007 US 11/940225 14/11/2007 US PCT/US/2007/087418 WO/2008/076820 13/12/2007 A61K )2010.01( 205812 A FRAGRANCE DISPENSING PUMP HEAD COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY US US2007/087351 13/12/2007 PCT/US/2007/087351 WO/2009/075687 A45D )2010.01( ראש משאבה לאספקת ניחוח November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 20/11/2008 205816 DEHYDRATED AVOCADO IN PIECES ERWIN HERMANN SCHLAGER RIEBL CL 3320-2007 20/11/2007 PCT/IB/2008/054874 WO/2009/066259 02/09/2008 205818 FILM COATED TABLETS CONTAINING DROSPIRENONE AS ACTIVE AGENT AND A METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF RICHTER GEDEON NYRT. HU P0700826 20/12/2007 PCT/HU/2008/000100 WO/2009/081216 23/12/2008 205819 TREATMENT OF COLON DISEASES OR PREVENTION OF COLORECTAL CARCINOMA WITH IMIDAZOQUINOLINE DERIVATIVES MEDA AB US 61/006459 15/01/2008 PCT/EP/2008/011088 WO/2009/089900 24/04/2009 FIBER-REINFORCED RESIN PIPE MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 205820 A23L )2010.01( אבוקדו מיובש בחתיכות A61K )2010.01( טבליות מצופות הכוללות דרוספירנון כגורם פעיל ושיטה להכנתן A61K )2010.01( טיפול במחלות המעי הגס או מניעה של סרטן כרכשתי–חלחולתי עם תולדות אימידאזו קווניולין F16L )2010.01( צינור העשוי משרף המחוזק ע"י סיבים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 2008119302 PCT/JP/2009/058205 WO/2009/133825 JP 03/12/2008 30/04/2008 205821 METHOD AND COMPOSITIONS FOR CUTANEOUS IMMUNISATION DBV TECHNOLOGIES, FR 0759505 03/12/2007 PCT/FR/2008/052198 WO/2009/080933 03/12/2008 205822 ALLERGEN DESENSITIZATION METHOD DBV TECHNOLOGIES, FR 0759503 03/12/2007 61/084305 29/07/2008 US PCT/FR/2008/052199 WO/2009/080934 20/11/2008 205823 ARTICLE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SAME DOW CORNING CORPORATION US 61/003726 20/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/012956 WO/2009/067230 20/11/2008 205825 ARTICLE COMPRISING FIBERS AND A METHOD OF FORMING THE SAME A61K )2010.01( שיטה ותכשירים לחיסון דרך העור A61K )2010.01( שיטה להורדת רמת הרגישות לאלרגן D04H )2010.01( פריט ושיטה לייצורו C08L )2010.01( מוצר המכיל סיבים ושיטה ליצורו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א DOW CORNING CORPORATION US 61/003793 20/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/012962 WO/2009/067232 14/11/2008 205829 BIDENTATE SECONDARY PHOSPHINE OXIDE CHIRAL LIGANDS FOR USE IN ASYMMETRIC ADDITION REACTIONS SOLVIAS AG CH 1788/07 20/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065605 WO/2009/065783 14/11/2008 12/12/2008 ליגנדים כיראליים של בידנטאט שניוני פוספין אוקסיד לשימוש בריאקציות חיבור א–סימטריות 205830 BIDENTATE CHIRAL LIGANDS FOR USE IN CATALYTIC ASYMMETRIC ADDITION REACTIONS SOLVIAS AG CH 1789/07 20/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065607 WO/2009/065784 C07F )2010.01( ליגנדים כיראליים של בידנטאט לשימוש בריאקציות חיבור א–סימטריות קטליטיות 205831 KINESIN INHIBITORS AS CANCER THERAPEUTICS NOVARTIS AG US 61/013966 14/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067412 WO/2009/077448 07/11/2008 C07F )2010.01( 205832 A61K )2010.01( מעכבי קינזין כתרופות לסרטן C07D )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א METHODS FOR PREPARING CAPECITABINE AND BETAANOMER-RICH TRIALKYL CARBONATE COMPOUND USED THEREIN HANMI PHARM. CO., LTD. 10-2007KR 19/11/2007 0118062 PCT/KR/2008/006565 WO/2009/066892 18/12/2008 205833 TIMING SIGNAL GENERATOR PROVIDING SYNCHRONIZED TIMING SIGNALS AT NON-INTEGER CLOCK MULTIPLES ADJUSTABLE BY MORE THAN ONE PERIOD TERADYNE, INC. US 61/018443 31/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/087363 WO/2009/088693 17/12/2008 G06F )2010.01( מחולל אותות זמן לסינכרון במכפלות שעון לא שלמות הניתן לכיוון ביותר מזמן מחזור אחד 205834 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SENDING AND RECEIVING RANDOM ACCESS RESPONSE IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 61/014649 18/12/2007 12/243151 01/10/2008 US PCT/US/2008/087083 WO/2009/079533 13/12/2008 שיטות להכנת קפציטבין ותרכובת קרבונט טריאלקיל עתירת בטא–אנומר המשמשת בשיטות אלו H04W )2010.01( שיטה והתקן לשידור וקליטת תגובת גישה אקראית במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית 205835 G10L )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א FAST ALGORITHMS FOR COMPUTATION OF 5-POINT DCT-II, DCT-IV, AND DST-IV, AND ARCHITECTURES QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 61/013579 13/12/2007 61/016106 21/12/2007 US 61/039194 25/03/2008 US 12/334238 12/12/2008 US PCT/US/2008/086739 WO/2009/076666 17/12/2008 205836 TREATMENT OF INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS PFIZER LIMITED US 61/014171 17/12/2007 61/061149 13/06/2008 US PCT/IB/2008/055383 WO/2009/077993 19/12/2008 COMMUNICATION HANDOVER MANAGEMENT C07K )2010.01( טיפול בדלקת בין–רקמתית של שלפוחית השתן 205837 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSFER OF A MESSAGE ON A COMMON CONTROL CHANNEL FOR RANDOM ACCESS IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORK QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 61/015159 19/12/2007 12/337383 17/12/2008 US PCT/US/2008/087815 WO/2009/086188 24/12/2008 –5 אלגוריתמים מהירים לחישוב מבני IV–DC – ו,II–DCT נקודות H04W )2010.01( שיטה והתקן להעברת מסר בערוץ בקרה משותף לגישה אקראית ברשת תקשורת אלחוטית 205838 H04W )2010.01( ניהול העברת תקשורת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 61/016759 26/12/2007 12/341611 22/12/2008 US PCT/US/2008/088336 WO/2009/086467 17/12/2008 205839 MULTIPLE CHUCK SCANNING STAGE KLA-TENCOR CORPORATION US 11/958201 17/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/087195 WO/2009/079565 20/11/2008 בימת סריקה עם מלחציים רבים 205843 NOVEL IMMUNOREGULATORY PEPTIDES, COMPOSITIONS AND USES THEREOF IMMUNOTECH DEVELOPMENTS INC US 60/989280 20/11/2007 PCT/CA/2008/002037 WO/2009/065217 06/11/2008 23/11/2008 C07K )2010.01( ,פפטידים אימונו–רגולטורים חדשים הרכבים ושימושים שלהם 205844 FOURIER TRANSFORM DEFLECTOMETRY SYSTEM AND METHOD LAMBDA-X EP 07121009.0 19/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065082 WO/2009/065740 H01L )2010.01( G01N )2010.01( מערכת דיפלקטרומטריה להתמרת פורייה ושיטה 205848 C07H )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א NON-HYDROLYZABLE NUCLEOSIDE DI-OR TRI-PHOSPHATE DERIVATIVES AND USES THEREOF BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY US 60/989888 23/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001535 WO/2009/066298 25/11/2008 אילן-אוניברסיטת בר 205849 NOVEL NAPHTHYRIDINE DERIVATIVE MONOHYDRATE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME TOYAMA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 2007JP 26/11/2007 304736 PCT/JP/2008/071333 WO/2009/069589 19/12/2008 תולדות דיפוספאט וטריפוספאט נוקלאוזידים עמידות להידרוליזה ושימושיהן נגזרת חדשה של נאפת'הידרין מונוהידראט ושיטה לייצורה 205855 STABLE LAQUINIMOD PREPARATIONS TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. US 61/008698 20/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/013890 WO/2009/082471 26/11/2008 A01N )2010.01( תרכובות יציבות המכילות לאקוינימוד טבע תעשיות פרמצבטיות בע"מ 205856 METHOD OF DELAYING THE ONSET OF CLINICALLY DEFINITE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. US 61/004710 28/11/2007 61/005271 03/12/2007 US 61/007141 11/12/2007 US C07D )2010.01( A01N )2010.01( שיטה לעיכוב הפריצה של טרשת נפוצה מוגדרת קלינית טבע תעשיות פרמצבטיות בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 61/192455 US PCT/US/2008/013146 WO/2009/070298 01/12/2008 17/09/2008 205857 PROCESSES FOR PREPARATION OF CRYSTALLINE TIGECYCLLINE FORM II TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. US 61/004786 29/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/085156 WO/2009/070799 II תהליכים להכנת טיגציקלין פורם טבע תעשיות פרמצבטיות בע"מ 205858 15/11/2008 BEAM FORMING DEVICE LIMO PATENTVERWALTUNG GMBH &CO. KG DE 102007057868.9 29/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/009677 WO/2009/068192 21/11/2008 205859 G02B )2010.01( מכשיר ליצירת קרן אור A61L )2010.01( התקן לחיטוי עצמי המשתמש בחלקי פלזמה SELF-STERILIZING DEVICE USING PLASMA FIELDS UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. US 60/989496 21/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084378 WO/2009/067682 10/11/2008 C07C )2010.01( 205860 A61K )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING BRADYKININ ANTAGONISTS AND HYALURONIC ACID, AND USES THEREOF ISTITUTO LUSO FARMACO D'ITALIA S.P.A. IT MI2007A002225 23/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/009451 WO/2009/065507 205861 29/10/2008 DOSING DEVICE FOR THE INHALATION OF A POWDER SUBSTANCE SSIEGFRIED GENERICS INTERNATIONAL AG DE 102007056263.4 22/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/064661 WO/2009/065708 09/12/2008 205862 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REGENERATION OF AN ABSORBENT SOLUTION ALSTOM TECHNOLOGY LTD. US 61/013363 13/12/2007 12/269389 12/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/086002 WO/2009/076328 11/12/2008 תכשירי רוקחות המכילים אנטגוניסטים ,לבראדיקינין וחומצה הילורונית ושימושיהם 205863 HETEROCYCLIC ANTIVIRAL COMPOUNDS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 61/016142 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067274 WO/2009/080534 A61M )2010.01( התקן מינון עבור שאיפת חומר אבקתי B01D )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לשחזור של תמיסה סופחת C07D )2010.01( תרכובות הטרוציקליות אנטי ויראליות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 20/10/2008 205864 AUTOMATED ENUMERATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CIRCULATING MELANOMA CELLS IN BLOOD VERIDEX, LLC US 61/004345 27/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/080436 WO/2009/070392 18/11/2008 15/12/2008 ספירה אוטומטית ואפיון של תאי מלנומה המסתובבים בדם 205865 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATICALLY BUILDING APPLICATIONS FROM SPECIFICATIONS AND FROM OFFTHE-SHELF COMPONENTS SELECTED BY SEMANTIC ANALYSIS ALCATEL LUCENT EP 07301646.1 07/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065721 WO/2009/071440 G06F )2010.01( התקן ושיטה לבניה אוטומטית של ישומים מהוראות ורכיבים מהמדף הנבחרים באנליזה סמנטית 205866 ANTIBODIES AGAINST HUMAN NKG2D AND USES THEREOF NOVO NORDISK A/S EP PCT/EP07/063979 14/12/2007 08163163.2 28/08/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/067499 WO/2009/077483 26/02/2008 G01N )2010.01( 205867 C07K )2010.01( ממקור אנושיNKG 20 נוגדנים נגד ושימושיהם C22C )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א פלדת אל–חלד אוסטנטית דקה עמידה לשיתוך CORROSION RESISTANT IEAN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ATI PROPERTIES, INC. US 61/015338 20/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/054945 WO/2009/082501 20/02/2008 205868 פלדלת אל–חלד אוסטנטית בעלת ריכוז נמוך של ניקל ואשר מכילה יסודות מייצבים AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL LOW IN NICKEL CONTAINING STABILIZING ELEMENTS ATI PROPERTIES, INC. US 61/015264 PCT/US/2008/054396 WO/2009/082498 07/01/2009 C22C )2010.01( 20/12/2007 205869 גליקוזילציה בעופות GLYCOSYLATION IN AVIANS SYNAGEVA BIOPHARMA CORP. US 61/010207 07/01/2008 PCT/US/2009/000058 WO/2009/088998 19/12/2008 205870 TREATMENT OF HEART DISEASE USING B-BLOCKERS BAYER ANIMAL HEALTH GMBH US 61/016891 27/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010892 WO/2009/083177 01/12/2008 A01K )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( טיפול במחלת לב באמצעות חוסמי בתא 205872 C07C )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF 2-[4-(3-OR 2FLUOROBENZYLOXY)BENZYLAMINO]PROPANAMIDES WITH HIGH PURITY DEGREE –2 –או3(–4[–2 תהליך להכנת פלואורובנזילוקסי)בנזילאמינו]פרופאנאמידים בעלי דרגת טוהר גבוהה NEWRON PHARMACEUTICALS S.P.A. EP 07023937.1 11/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066559 WO/2009/074478 10/12/2008 205873 NOVEL COMPOUNDS 010 ASTRAZENECA AB US 61/012972 12/12/2007 PCT/GB/2008/051173 WO/2009/074829 05/12/2008 205874 PIPERAZINES AS ANTI-OBESITY AGENTS ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0702696-6 05/12/2007 61/022983 23/01/2008 US PCT/EP/2008/066877 WO/2009/071658 24/10/2008 205876 MODULAR DEVICE FOR MULTIAXIAL INSULATION AGAINST VIBRATION AND IMPACTS, BASED ON ELASTOMER ASTRIUM SAS FR 0708197 22/11/2007 PCT/FR/2008/051928 WO/2009/066045 C07D )2010.01( 010 תרכובות חדשות C07D )2010.01( פיפראזינים כתרופות נגד השמנת יתר F16F )2010.01( מכשיר מודולרי לבידוד רב–צירי כנגד המבוסס על אלסטומר,רעידות ופגיעות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 01/12/2008 205878 שיטה ומכשיר להגנה מדיה סוף לקצה (אינטרנט מולטימדיהIMS במערכת )פרוטוקול תת–מערכת METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR END-TO-EDGE MEDIA PROTECTION IN AN IMS SYSTEM TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) US 60/991014 29/11/2007 PCT/IB/2008/003288 WO/2009/068985 21/11/2008 205880 AMINOGLYCOSIDE ANALOGS, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME AND USES THEREOF ACHAOGEN, INC. US 60/989645 21/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084399 WO/2009/067692 20/11/2008 205881 205882 BIARYL PDE4 INHIBITORS FOR TREATING PULMONARY AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS DECODE GENETICS EHF US 60/989551 21/11/2007 C07H )2010.01( תכשירים המכילים,אנלוגי אמינוגליקוזידים אותם ושימושים בהם BIARYL PDE4 INHIBITORS FOR TREATING INFLAMMATION DECODE GENETICS EHF US 60/989551 21/11/2008 PCT/US/2008/084193 WO/2009/067600 20/11/2008 H04L )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( ביארילים לטיפול בניפוחPDE4 מונעי C07D )2010.01( ביארילים לטיפול בבעיותPDE 4 מונעי ראות ולב November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/US/2008/084230 WO/2009/067621 20/11/2008 205883 SUBSTITTUED BENZOAZOLE PDE4 INHIBITORS FOR TREATING PULMONARY AND CARDIOVASCULARD DISORDERS DECODE GENETICS EHF US 60/989557 21/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084199 WO/2009/067604 20/11/2008 18/11/2008 בנזואזולים מותמרים לטיפולPDE4 מונעי מחלות ולב ומחלות מערכת,בניפוח עצבים מרכזית 205884 SUBSTITTUED BENZOAZOLE PDE4 INHIBITORS FOR TREATING PULMONARY AND CARDIOVASCULARD DISORDERS DECODE GENETICS EHF US 60/989557 21/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084225 WO/2009/067618 C07D )2010.01( בנזואזולים מותמרים לטיפולPDE 4 מונעי מחלות ולב ומחלות עצבים,בניפוח מרכזית 205886 CONFIGURING AN ACCESS POINT OF A FEMTO CELL QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/989054 19/11/2007 60/989057 19/11/2007 US 61/025683 01/02/2008 US 12/272665 17/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/083927 WO/2009/067454 C07D )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( עיצוב נקודת גישה של תא פמטו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 18/11/2008 205887 CONFIGURING AN IDENTIFIER FOR AN ACCESS POINT OF A FEMTO CELL QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/989054 19/11/2007 60/989057 19/11/2007 US 61/025683 01/02/2008 US 12/272672 17/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/083925 WO/2009/067452 27/11/2007 H04W )2010.01( עיצוב מזהה לנקודת גישה של תא פמטו 205888 INITATING NATURAL PLANT FIBER, PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF AND THE FABRIC MADE OF IT NOVEKO TRADING 2008 LLC D01F )2010.01( , שיטה להכנתו,חיקוי סיבי צמח טבעיים ואריג הנעשה ממנו PCT/CN/2007/003339 WO/2009/067840 20/11/2008 205891 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR RECOVERING ENERGY FROM DRIVING ENGINES SCHWIENBACHER, CHRISTOPH IT BZ2007A000049 23/11/2007 PCT/IB/2008/003249 WO/2009/066171 27/11/2008 שיטה והתקן להפקת אנרגיה ממנועים נהוגים 205893 INTERVERTEBRAL IMPLANT HENNING KLOSS DE 102007056993.0 27/11/2007 PCT/DE/2008/001994 F01K )2010.01( A61F )2010.01( שתל בין–חליתי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/068021 205894 21/11/2008 METHOD FOR METALLIZING A POLYMER DETLEF MILITZ DE 102007056599.4 21/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065968 WO/2009/065924 205895 17/11/2008 2',4'-SUBSTITUTED NUCLEOSIDES AS ANTIVIRAL AGENTS PHARMASSET, INC. US 60/989296 20/11/2007 12/271388 14/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/083787 WO/2009/067409 205896 27/01/2009 LIGHTING LSI INDUSTRIES, INC. US 12/040321 PCT/US/2009/032083 WO/2009/108436 D06M )2010.01( שיטה לציפוי מתכתי של פולימר C07H )2010.01( ' כתכשירים4,'2–נוקלאוסידים מוחלפים קוטלי נגיפים F21V )2010.01( תאורה 29/02/2008 23/05/2010 FILLER APPARATUS FOR BAKED GOODS KIT YOSSEF GOTTLIEB 205901 A47J )2010.01( קיט של מכשיר מילוי למוצרים אפויים יוסף גוטליב November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 23/05/2010 205902 REFUELING FUEL-SAVING APPARATUS AND METHOD TAL KAIL 23/05/2010 מכשיר ושיטה לחסכון בדלק בעת תדלוק טל קייל 205903 INTERNET SITES AND INTERNET PAGES WITH AUTOMATIC FITTING TO THE RESOLUTION OF SURFER'S COMPUTER SCREEN RESOLUTION MENAHEM SHARON 20/11/2008 205904 IMPROVED SPEAKER APPARATUS AND METHODS USEFUL IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH AUDIO PIXELS LTD US 60/996513 21/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001524 WO/2009/066290 28/11/2008 B60K )2010.01( 205906 ANTIGEN-BINDING CONSTRUCTS GLAXO GROUP LIMITED US 60/991449 30/11/2007 61/027858 12/02/2008 US G06F )2010.01( אתרי אינטרנט ודפי אינטרנט בעלי התאמה אוטומטית לרזולוציה של מסך המחשב של הגולש מנחם שרון H04R )2010.01( מערכת רמקולים משופרת ושיטות שימושיות בצרופה אודיו פיקסלס בע"מ C07K )2010.01( מבנים קושרי אנטיגן November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 61/046572 US 61/081191 US 61/084431 US PCT/EP/2008/066438 WO/2009/068649 26/11/2008 21/04/2008 16/07/2008 29/07/2008 205907 14-3-3 ANTAGONISTS FOR THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF ARTHRITIS THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA US 60/990520 27/11/2007 61/077123 30/06/2008 US PCT/CA/2008/002154 WO/2009/067820 27/11/2008 למניעה וטיפול3–3–14 אנטגוניסטים בדלקת מפרקים 205908 205909 METHODS OF TREATING NONALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS (NASH) USING CYSTEAMINE PRODUCTS THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA US 60/991517 30/11/2007 61/085397 31/07/2008 US PCT/US/2008/085064 WO/2009/070781 B05B )2010.01( התקן חלוקה A DISPENSING DEVICE GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GB 0723418.0 29/11/2007 0809770.1 29/05/2008 GB PCT/GB/2008/003954 WO/2009/068877 28/11/2008 A61K )2010.01( A01N )2010.01( באמצעות מוצריNASH–שיטות לטיפול ב ציסטאמין November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 24/11/2008 205910 PROMOTER ENHANCED CHILLED AMMONIA BASED SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REMOVAL OF CO2 FROM FLUE GAS STREAM ALSTOM TECHNOLOGY LTD. US 60/992340 05/12/2007 12/272953 18/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084457 WO/2009/073422 מערכת המבוססת על מקדם הגברת –אמוניה מקוררת ושיטה להוצאת פחמן דו חמצני מזרם גזי הנפלט מארובה 205911 11/12/2008 METHODS FOR THE INHIBITION OF SCARRING RENOVO LTD GB 0724203.5 12/12/2007 PCT/GB/2008/004072 WO/2009/074793 11/12/2008 205912 INHIBITION OF SCARRING USING TGF-BETA 3 RENOVO LTD GB 0724204.3 12/12/2007 PCT/GB/2008/004078 WO/2009/074796 23/11/2007 205913 ELECTRONIC ARTICLE SURVEILLANCE TAG SENSORMATIC ELECTRONICS, LLC B01D )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( שיטות לעיכוב צלקות A61K )2010.01( –עיכוב צלקות באמצעות שימוש ב BETA–TGF3 E05B )2010.01( תג אלקטרוני להשגחה על חפץ PCT/US/2007/024352 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/067102 24/11/2008 205914 LIFTING ASSEMBLIES INCLUDING TRAPEZOIDAL STRONG BACK BEAM SYSTEMS GLOBAL TRACK TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD AU 2007906386 22/11/2007 2008903491 08/07/2008 AU PCT/AU/2008/001731 WO/2009/065183 21/11/2008 הרכבי הרמה הכוללים מערכות טרפזיות בעלות קורה אחורית חזקה 205915 APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR ASSESSING AND MAINTAINING SECURITY OF A COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM UNDER DEVELOPMENT WHITE CYBER KNIGHT LTD 21/11/2008 A61K )2010.01( תכשירי טפנטדול TAPENTADOL COMPOSITIONS PROTECT PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION US 61/004029 23/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084423 WO/2009/067703 23/05/2010 B66C )2010.01( 205916 G06F )2010.01( התקן ושיטות להערכה ושימור בטיחותה של מערכת ממוחשבת תחת פיתוח וייט סייבר נייט בע"מ 205918 G01S )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א METHOD OF MULTI-TRANSMITTER AND MULTI-PATH AOA-TDOA LOCATION COMPRISING A SUBMETHOD FOR SYNCHRONIZING AND EQUALIZING THE RECEIVING STATIONS THALES FR 0708219 23/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066027 WO/2009/065943 25/11/2008 205919 INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING BEAM AND NULL STEERING QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/990541 27/11/2007 60/990547 27/11/2007 US 60/990513 27/11/2007 US 60/990564 27/11/2007 US 60/990570 27/11/2007 US 12/276894 24/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084738 WO/2009/070606 24/11/2008 רב–נתיביתTDOA–AOA שיטה לאיתור ורב–משדרית הכוללת תת–שיטה לסנכרון והשוואת התחנות הקולטות ניהול הפרעה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית המשתמשת בהיגוי גל והיגוי אפסי 205920 MAPPING METHOD IMPLEMENTING A PASSIVE RADAR THALES FR 07/08213 23/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066079 WO/2009/065957 25/11/2008 H04W )2010.01( 205921 G01S )2010.01( שיטת מיפוי המיישמת מכ"ם פסיבי H04L )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING FREQUENCY SELECTIVE TRANSMISSION QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/990541 27/11/2007 60/990547 27/11/2007 US 60/990459 27/11/2007 US 60/990513 27/11/2007 US 60/990564 27/11/2007 US 60/990570 27/11/2007 US 12/276906 24/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084732 WO/2009/070602 25/11/2008 205922 INTERFACE MANAGEMENT IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING SUBFRAME TIME REUSE QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/990541 27/11/2007 60/990547 27/11/2007 US 990459'/60 27/11/2007 US 60/990513 27/11/2007 US 60/990564 27/11/2007 US 60/990570 27/11/2007 US 12/276882 24/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084743 WO/2009/070610 29/10/2008 ניהול הפרעה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית המשתמשת בשידור בריר–תדר ניהול ממשק במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית –המשתמשת בשימוש חוזר של זמן תת מסגרת 205923 SHELL DESIGNED FOR SECURING IN A MORTAR AND MORTAR DESIGNED FOR SUCH A SHELL BAE SYSTEMS BOFORS AB SE 0702645.3 30/11/2007 PCT/SE/2008/000612 WO/2009/070076 H04W )2010.01( F42B )2010.01( פגז המתוכנן לאבטחה במרגמה ומרגמה המתוכננת לפגז כזה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 23/11/2008 205924 USE OF HAPTOGLOBIN GENOTYPING IN DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RAPPAPORT FAMILY INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES US 60/996552 23/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001536 WO/2009/066299 שימוש בגנוטיפיזציה של הפטוגלובין לאבחון וטיפול במחלות קרדיו–ואסקולריות המכון למחקר במדעי הרפואה ע"ש משפחת רפפורט 205926 20/11/2008 C12M )2010.01( G01N )2010.01( מערכת לייזר מרובת חיישנים עבור אנליזת מעקב סלקטיבית של חומר אורגני LASER MULTI-SENSOR SYSTEM FOR THE SELECTIVE TRACE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC MATERIALS EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH DE 102007057374.1 27/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/009814 WO/2009/068218 18/12/2008 205927 REAGENTS AND METHODS FOR THE BETA-KETO AMIDE SYNTHESIS OF A SYNTHETIC PRECURSOR TO IMMUNOLOGICAL ADJUVANT E6020 EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. US 61/014648 18/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/087435 WO/2009/079627 24/05/2010 PLASTIC SOLAR PANEL C07C )2010.01( ריאקצית חומר כימי ושיטה עבור הסינטזה E6020 אמיד בטא–קאטו של אדג'ובאנט אימונולוגי סינטטי קודם 205928 F24J )2010.01( קולט שמש מפלסטיק November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ברוך זיסר BARUCH ZISER 24/05/2010 205929 HAMMER MECHANISM FOR INSERTING A POLE TO THE GROUND YUVAL MOSCOVICH 24/05/2010 19/12/2008 מנגנון לתקיעת מוט באדמה/פטיש פרי עגור 205930 APPARATUS FOR COOLING AND CARBONATING BEVERAGE CANS AND BOTTLES PAVEL LERNER B65D )2010.01( מיתקן לקירור ולהגזה של פחיות ובקבוקי משקה פאבל לרנר 205931 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION NOVARTIS AG EP 07150347.8 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/068051 WO/2009/080762 02/12/2008 F21S )2010.01( 205932 A61K )2010.01( הרכב רוקחי C07K )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א INSULINTROPIC PEPTIDE SYNTHESIS USING SOLID AND SOLUTION PHASE COMBINATION TECHNIQUES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 61/007238 11/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066585 WO/2009/074483 02/12/2008 סינטזת פפטיד אינסולינוטרופי על ידי שילוב טכניקות מוצק ופאזת תמיסה 205933 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING BEADS DSM IP ASSETS B.V. DK PA200701722 03/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066659 WO/2009/071560 19/12/2008 מערכת ושיטה לייצור בידים 205934 TREATMENT OF BANANA AND POTATO PLANTS WITH A NEW ANTIFUNGAL COMPOSITION DSM IP ASSETS B.V. EP 07123685.5 19/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067975 WO/2009/077613 27/11/2008 A01N )2010.01( טיפול בצמחי בננה ותפוח אדמה עם תכשיר אנטי–פטרייתי 205935 ALGINATE BIOMATERIALS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HEPATIC DISORDERS HADASIT MEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICES & DEVELOPMENT LTD. IL 187707 27/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001552 WO/2009/069131 B01J )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( ביו–חומרים של אלגינט לטיפול בהפרעות כבד הדסית שרותי מחקר רפואי ופיתוח בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 25/11/2008 205936 RECOMBINANTL Y MODIFIED PLASMIN TALECRIS BIOTHERAPEUTICS, INC. US 60/991148 29/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084645 WO/2009/073471 30/11/2008 27/11/2008 פלסמין מותאם רקומביננטית 205937 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MAINTAINING A COHERENT COMBINED BEAM DURING ARBITRARY STEERING RAYTHEON COMPANY US 60/991403 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/013242 WO/2009/073158 205938 205939 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR TREATING LYSOSOMAL DISORDERS THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN US 60/991136 29/11/2007 61/095825 10/09/2008 US PCT/US/2008/085039 G02B )2010.01( שיטה והתקן לשמירת גל משולב קוהרנטי בזמן היגוי אקראי PURIFICATION OF FATTY MATERIALS SUCH AS OILS GRACE GMBH & CO. KG US 61/004353 27/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010048 WO/2009/068277 26/11/2008 C12N )2010.01( C10G )2010.01( טיהור חומרים שומניים כמו שמנים A61K )2010.01( תכשירים ושיטות לטיפול בהפרעות ליזוזומיות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/073564 25/11/2007 205940 IMPROVED ENDOSCOPIC BITE BLOCK ORIDION MEDICAL LTD. A61M )2010.01( מנשך משופר לאנדוסקופיה אורידיון מדיקל בע"מ PCT/IL/2007/001451 WO/2009/066277 26/11/2008 205942 LARGE AREA AREA DYE CELLS, AND METHOD OF PRODUCTION THEREOF 3G SOLAR LTD US 60/990307 27/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001550 WO/2009/069129 25/05/2010 ,תאי שמש על בסיס צבע בעלי שטח גדול ושיטה לייצורן 205943 A COUNCRETE PLATE, METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THEREOF AND FOR CONNECTING CONCRETE PLATES VADIM SHENKAR 26/11/2008 B29C )2010.01( 205944 ג'י סולאר בע"מ3 E04B )2010.01( שיטה לייצורה ולחיבור,טבלת ביטון טבלות ביטון וודים שנקר C12N )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א LNA OLIGOMER ANDROGEN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME AND USES THEREOF SANTARIS PHARMA A/S US 60/990125 26/11/2007 PCT/DK/2008/000417 WO/2009/068033 25/03/2002 אוליגומר אנטאגוניסטי קולטןLNA תכשירים המכילים אותו,האנדרוגן ושימושים בו 205945 158P3D2 POLYNUCLEOTIDES FOR USE AS A DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC AGENSYS, INC. US 60/283112 10/04/2001 60/286630 25/04/2001 US PCT/US/2002/009403 WO/2002/083928 02/04/2003 פולינוקליאוטידים לשימושD3 P8 5 1 2 דיאנוסטי ורפואי 205946 SYSTEM FOR EFFICIENT RECOVERY OF NODE B BUFFERED DATA FOLLOWING SERVING HIGH SPEED DOWNLINK SHARED CHANNEL CELL CHANGE INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/370740 05/04/2002 10/334489 30/12/2002 US PCT/US/2003/010037 WO/2003/087978 28/11/2008 C12Q )2009.01( H04J )2010.01( מערכת לשיחרור יעיל של מידע בעקבות DSCH–HS–שינוי ב 205947 PHOSPHONIC ACID DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS P2Y12 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS ACTELION PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. C07F )2010.01( תולדות חומצה פוספונית ושימושיהן Y2P12 כאנטאגוניסטים של קולטן November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א IB PCT/IB07/054850 PCT/IB/2008/055002 WO/2009/069100 26/11/2008 29/11/2007 205948 14-3-3 ETA ANTIBODIES AND USES THEREOF FOR THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ARTHRITIS THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA US 60/990520 27/11/2007 61/077123 30/06/2008 US PCT/CA/2008/002094 WO/2009/067811 10/12/2008 09/12/2008 ושימושים שלהםETA 14–3–3 נוגדים לאבחון וטיפול של דלקת פרקים 205949 3-CARBOXYPROPYLAMINOTETRALIN DERIVATIVES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS AS MU OPIOID RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS THERAVANCE, INC. US 61/007220 11/12/2007 61/049219 30/04/2008 US PCT/US/2008/086171 WO/2009/076408 C07C )2010.01( –קרבוקסיפרופיל–אמינוטטראלין3 תולדות ותרכובות קרובות כאנטגוניסטים של אופיאודMU קולטן 205950 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REGENERATION OF AN ABSORBENT SOLUTION ALSTOM TECHNOLOGY LTD. US 61/013384 13/12/2007 12/274585 20/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/086001 WO/2009/076327 C07K )2010.01( B01D )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה ליצור מחדש של תמיסה סופחת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 04/12/2008 205951 METHOD OF INHIBITION OF LEUKEMIC STEM CELLS UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK US 60/996819 06/12/2007 PCT/AU/2008/001797 WO/2009/070844 02/12/2008 205952 PROTEASE VARIANTS FOR PHARMACEUTICAL USE SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH EP 07122243.4 04/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066646 WO/2009/071550 04/12/2008 205953 VACCINE GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS S.A. US 60/992802 06/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066762 WO/2009/071613 08/12/2008 205954 INTERMEDIATES AND METHODS FOR MAKING ZEARALENONE MACROLIDE ANALOGS EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. US 61/012408 07/12/2007 61/012409 07/12/2007 US 61/012411 07/12/2007 US 61/080048 11/07/2008 US A61K )2010.01( שיטה לעיכוב תאי גזע לוקמים C12N )2010.01( גרסאות פרוטאז לשימוש רוקחי C12N )2010.01( חיסון C07D )2010.01( חומר ביניים ושיטות להכנת אנלוגים מקרולידים של זארלנון November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/US/2008/013498 WO/2009/075818 17/12/2008 205955 AN ARTIFICIAL DIELECTRIC MATERIAL AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME MATSING PTE. LTD H01Q )2010.01( חומר דיאלקטרי מלאכותי ושיטה לייצורו PCT/SG/2007/000430 WO/2009/078807 26/11/2008 205956 A TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICE COMPLIANT PHONES LIMITED GB 0723298.6 28/11/2007 PCT/GB/2008/003929 WO/2009/068861 25/10/2004 24/11/2008 רשת תקשורת והתקן תקשורת 205957 IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF DEVELOPING A VACCINE BASED ON PORTIONS OF THE HIV MATRIX PROTEIN NMK RESEARCH, LLC US 60/513827 23/10/2003 PCT/US/2004/035212 WO/2005/040365 H04M )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( הרכב אימונוגני ושיטה לפיתוח תרכיב על HIV בסיס חלקי חלבון המטריקס של 205959 A61K )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א POLYSACCHARIDE GEL FORMULATION ALLERGAN, INC. US 60/991473 12/276167 US PCT/US/2008/084515 WO/2009/073437 11/12/2008 פורמולצית ג'ל פוליסכריד 30/11/2007 21/11/2008 205960 IMPLANTABLE DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE AND METHODS FOR TREATMENT OF THE BLADDER AND OTHER BODY VESICLES OR LUMENS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY US 61/007177 11/12/2007 61/084927 30/07/2008 US PCT/US/2008/086467 WO/2009/076547 03/12/2008 התקן מתן תרופה הניתן להשתלה ושיטות טיפול בשלפוחית השתן ושלפוחיות וחללי הגוף אחרים 205961 MEDICAL USE OF 3-(2,2,2TRIMETHYLHYDRAZINIUM) PROPIONATE HYDROGEN FUMARATE AND DIHYDROGEN PHOSPHATE GRINDEKS, A. JOINT STOCK COMPANY EP 07122272.3 04/12/2007 07122273.1 04/12/2007 EP PCT/EP/2008/066711 WO/2009/071585 03/12/2008 A61M )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( –2,2,2(–3 שימוש רפואי של טרימתילהידרוזיניום) פרופיונט מימן פומרט ודימימן פוספט 205962 A61P )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 3-(2,2,2TRIMETHLHYDRAZINIUM)PROPIONATE SALTS FOR TREATING ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE GRINDEKS, A JOINT STOCK COMPANY EP 07122359.8 05/12/2007 07122360.6 05/12/2007 EP PCT/EP/2008/066712 WO/2009/071586 04/12/2008 205963 TOSYLATE SALT OF TRANS-NISOBUTYL-3-FLUORO-3-[3-FLUORO4-(PYRROLIDIN-1-YL-METHYL)PHENYL]CYCLOBUT ANECARBOXAMIDE PFIZER INC US 61/005696 07/12/2007 PCT/IB/2008/003392 WO/2009/071988 26/11/2008 –2,2,2(–3 מלחי פרופיונט של טרימתילהידרזיניום) לטיפול במחלת לב איסכמית –3––איזובוטילN–מלח טוסילט של טראנס –)–איל–מתיל1––(פירולידין4–פלורו פניל]ציקלובוטאן 205964 INDOLES, DERIVATES AND ANALOGS THEREOF AND USES THEREOF UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE RESEARCH FOUNDATION US 11/947668 29/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084801 WO/2009/070645 11/12/2008 C07D )2010.01( ניגזרות ואנלוגים שלהם,אינדולים ושימושם 205965 THERAPEUTIC USES OF COMPOUNDS HAVING AFFINITY TO THE SEROTONIN TRANSPORTER, SEROTONIN RECEPTORS AND NORADRENALIN TRANSPORTER C07D )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( שימושים תרפיוטיים של תרכובות בעלות רצפטור,זיקה לטרנספורטר של סרוטונין של סרוטונין וטרנספורטר של נוראדרנלין November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICALS NORTH AMERICA, INC. DK PA200701791 14/12/2007 DK PA200701798 17/12/2007 PCT/DK/2008/050302 WO/2009/076962 28/11/2008 205966 OLIGOMER-TRICYCLIC CONJUGATES, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME AND USES THEREOF NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS US 61/004483 28/11/2007 61/191635 10/09/2008 US PCT/US/2008/013221 WO/2009/073154 28/11/2008 תכשירים,מוצמדי אוליגומר–טריציקלי המכילים אותם ושימושים בהם 205967 ANTIBIOTIC MACROCYCLE COMPOUNDS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE AND USE THEREOF OPTIMER PHARMACEUTICALS, INC US 60/996609 27/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/085056 WO/2009/070779 20/11/2008 A61K )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( ,תרכובות אנטיביוטיקה מקרוציקלייות ושיטות לייצור ושימושים בהן 205968 MIXED BUTYRIC FORMIC ESTERS OF ACID POLYSACCHARIDES, AND THEIR PREPARATION AND USE AS SKIN COSMETICS SIGEA S.R.L IT MI2007A002237 27/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/009801 WO/2009/068215 C08B )2010.01( אסטרים בוטירים פורמים מעורבים של הכנתם,פוליסכארידים חומציים ושימוש בהם כחומרים קוסמטים לעור November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 205969 26/05/2010 כלי רכב מומר בעל מוביליות גבוהה ותהליך המרה CONVERTED HIGH MOBILITY VEHICLE AND CONVERSION METHOD THEREFOR פלסן סאסא אגודה שיתופית חקלאית בע"מ PLASAN SASA AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTED. 26/11/2008 205970 TARGETED RADIOTHERAPY KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN OF GB 0723124.4 26/11/2007 PCT/BE/2008/000099 WO/2009/067767 26/11/2008 POWER SENSOR SAFEWORKS, LLC US 60/990194 PCT/US/2008/084961 WO/2009/070725 18/12/2008 B62D )2010.01( 205972 A61K )2010.01( טיפול מכוון באמצעות חומר רדיואקטיבי G01R )2010.01( חיישן כח 26/11/2007 205973 METHODS AND SYSTEM FOR REMOVING A MATERIAL FROM A SAMPLE NAWOTEC GMBH US 61/016724 26/12/2007 H01J )2010.01( שיטות ומערכות להסרת חומר מדגימה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/EP/2008/067909 WO/2009/080707 26/11/2008 205974 C07D )2010.01( NOVEL COMPOUNDS AND COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE ARDEA BIOSCIENCES, INC. US 60/990574 27/11/2007 61/094388 04/09/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084988 WO/2009/070740 תרכובות חדשות ותכשירים ושיטות לשימוש 205975 05/12/2008 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FERRING INTERNATIONAL CENTER SA EP 07254754.0 07/12/2007 61/012197 07/12/2007 US 200810002285.7 08/01/2008 CN PCT/IB/2008/003677 WO/2009/071993 08/12/2008 205976 ANTI-HUMAN IL-21 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES ZYMOGENETICS INC. US 61/012329 07/12/2007 PCT/IB/2008/005011 WO/2010/055366 18/12/2008 205977 A61K )2010.01( תכשיר רוקחות C07K )2010.01( ממקורIL–21 נוגדנים חד–שבטיים נוגדי אנושי C07D )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א –אנילינו אימידאזו פירידינים ושיטות5 לשימוש בהם 5-ANILINOIMIDAZOPYRIDINES AND METHODS OF USE GENENTECH, INC. US 61\015129 19/12/2007 61/054014 16/05/2008 US PCT/US/2008/087482 WO/2009/085983 08/12/2008 205980 C07D )2010.01( CANNABINOID RECEPTOR MODULATORS 7TM PHARMA A/S GB 0724096.3 10/12/2007 0813350.6 21/07/2008 GB PCT/GB/2008/004051 WO/2009/074782 מאפנני קולטן קנאבינואיד 205981 23/12/2008 15,16-METHYLENE-17-HYDROXY-19NOR-21-CARBOXYLIC ACID ?LACTONE DERIVATIVE , USE THEREOF, AND MEDICAMENT CONTAINING SAID DERIVATIVE BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102007063501.1 29/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/011162 WO/2009/083269 08/12/2008 205983 INTERMEDIATES IN THE SYNTHESIS OF ZEARALENONE MACROLIDE ANALOGS EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. US 61/012411 07/12/2007 61/012408 07/12/2007 US C07J )2010.01( –17––מתילן16,15 תולדות ?–לקטון של –חומצה21––נור19–הידרוקסי שימושיהן ותרופות,קרבוקסילית המכילות תולדות אלו C07D )2010.01( חומרי ביניים בסינטזה של אנלוגים של זאראלנון מאקרוליד November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 61/012409 US 61/080048 US PCT/US/2008/013512 WO/2009/075823 03/03/2003 07/12/2007 11/07/2008 205985 HUMANIZED ANTI-CD74 ANTIBODY AND COMPOSITION COMPRISING SAME IMMUNOMEDICS, INC. US 60/360259 01/03/2002 PCT/GB/2003/000890 WO/2003/074567 26/11/2008 21/11/2008 והרכביםCD74 נוגדן הומני של אנטי המכילים אותו 205986 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR PRODUCING VASCULAR OCCLUSION USING A SOLID-PHASE PLATELET BINDING AGENT IMBIOTECHNOLOGIES LTD. US 60/990031 26/11/2007 61/031653 26/02/2008 US 61/093268 29/08/2008 US PCT/CA/2008/002060 WO/2009/067791 A61K )2010.01( תכשירים ושיטות לייצור חוסם כלי–דם באמצעות שימוש בגורם קושר טסיות דם בפאזה מוצקה 205987 BANK1 SPLICE VARIANT, ITS PREPARATION AND USE MERCK SERONO S.A. EP 07121538.8 26/11/2007 61/004480 28/11/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/065980 WO/2009/068481 C07K )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( הכנתו,BANK1 ספלייס ואריאנט של והשימוש בו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 26/11/2008 205990 H04L )2010.01( SYSTEM FOR AND METHOD OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROVISIONING KOOLSPAN, INC. US 60/990145 26/11/2007 11/951202 05/12/2007 US 61/032196 28/02/2008 US 12/109883 25/04/2008 US 61/103111 06/10/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084998 WO/2009/105139 26/11/2008 מערכת ושיטת משלוח מוצפנת 205991 SYSTEM FOR AND METHOD OF AUTO-REGISTRATION WITH CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULES KOOLSPAN, INC. US 60/990145 26/11/2007 11/951202 05/12/2007 US 61/032196 28/02/2008 US 12/109883 25/04/2008 US 61/103111 06/10/2008 US PCT/US/2008/085006 WO/2009/070752 24/07/2006 G06F )2010.01( מערכת ושיטת רישום אוטומטית הכוללת מודול הצפנה 205992 COMPOUNDS AND THEIR SALTS SPECIFIC TO THE PPAR RECEPTORS AND THE EGF RECEPTORS AND THEIR USE IN THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS GIULIANI INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IT RM2005A000389 22/07/2005 PCT/IE/2006/000078 WO/2007/010516 C07C )2010.01( –תרכובות ומלחיהן המיוחדות לקולטי ושימושן בהכנתEGF– ולקולטיPPAR תרופות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 26/11/2008 205993 ANTI-B7H4 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY-DRUG CONJUGATE AND METHODS OF USE BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/991693 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084923 WO/2009/073533 25/11/2008 25/11/2008 צמד נוגדן חד–שבטי–תרופה ושיטת שימוש 205994 INTERFACE MANAGEMENT IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING OVERHEAD CHANNEL POWER CONTROL QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/990541 27/11/2007 60/990547 27/11/2007 US 60/990459 27/11/2007 US 60/990513 27/11/2007 US 60/990564 27/11/2007 US 60/990570 27/11/2007 US 12/276897 24/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084741 WO/2009/070608 H04W )2010.01( ניהול הפרעה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית המשתמש בבקרת כח ערוץ תקורה 205995 INTERFACE MANAGEMENT IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING HYBRID TIME REUSE QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/990541 27/11/2007 60/990547 27/11/2007 US 60/990459 27/11/2007 US 60/990513 27/11/2007 US 60/990564 27/11/2007 US 60/990570 27/11/2007 US A61K )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( ניהול ממשק במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית המשתמש בשימוש חוזר של זמן היברידי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 12/276932 US PCT/US/2008/084754 WO/2009/070618 16/12/2008 24/11/2008 205996 חומרים מבניים עם כמעט אפס פליטת פחמן STRUCTURAL MATERIALS WITH NEARLY ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC. US 61/015418 20/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/013734 WO/2009/082442 25/11/2008 205997 INTERFERENCE MANAGEMENT IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING ADAPTIVE PATH LOSS ADJUSTMENT QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/990541 27/11/2007 60/990547 27/11/2007 US 60/990459 27/11/2007 US 60/990513 27/11/2007 US 60/990564 27/11/2007 US 60/990570 27/11/2007 US 12/276916 24/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/084749 WO/2009/070614 26/11/2008 H04W )2010.01( ניהול הפרעה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית המשתמש בהתאמת אבדן נתיב מסתגלת 205998 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING NICOTINIC AGONISTS AND METHODS OF USING SAME NEURODERM LTD. US 60/990161 26/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001546 WO/2009/069126 C04B )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( תכשירים הכוללים אגוניסטים ניקוטינים ושיטות לשימושם נוירודרם בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 08/04/2004 205999 באופן הפיךPEG–תרופות המותמרות ב REVERSIBLE PEGYLATED DRUGS YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. US 60/460816 08/04/2003 PCT/IL/2004/000321 WO/2004/089280 30/11/2007 C07K )2010.01( ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ 206000 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS FOR TREATING DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY ZHANG ZUOGUANG A61K )2010.01( תרכובת פרמצבטית לטיפול בדיכאון וחרדה PCT/CN/2007/003386 WO/2009/070915 206001 18/11/2008 METHOD FOR PRODUCING RAISED MARKING ON A GLASS OBJECT HERAEUS QUARZGLAS GMBH & CO. KG DE 102007058360.7 03/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/065724 WO/2009/071441 30/11/2008 206002 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MODELING ELMINDA LTD US 60/990966 29/11/2007 C03C )2010.01( שיטה ליצור סימון מוגבה על פריט מזכוכית G06E )2010.01( יישומים קליניים של עיבוד תבניות נוירופיזילוגיות אלמינדה בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 61/058578 US 61/097880 US PCT/IL/2008/001560 WO/2009/069136 30/11/2008 04/06/2008 18/09/2008 206003 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR NEURAL MODELING OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL DATA ELMINDA LTD US 60/990945 29/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001559 WO/2009/069135 26/11/2008 30/11/2008 מערכת ושיטה למידול נתונים נוירופיזיולוגיים אלמינדה בע"מ 206004 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING FIBROUS POLYPEPTIDES AND POLYSACCHARIDES YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM LTD US 60/996581 26/11/2007 61/071968 28/05/2008 US PCT/IL/2008/001542 WO/2009/069123 C07K )2010.01( –תכשירים המכילים פפטידים סיביים ורב סוכרים 206005 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL DATA ELMINDA LTD US 60/990930 29/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001558 WO/2009/069134 G06F )2010.01( קולפלנט בע"מ A61B )2010.01( ניתוח פונקציונאלי של נתונים נוירופיזיולוגיים אלמינדה בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 27/05/2010 206006 שמור מרחק )(מהרכב שלפניך זיו יגאל KEEP DISTANCE SYSTEM (K.D.S) ZIV IGEALL 27/05/2010 206007 PISTON INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE OLGA LAPATIN 05/05/2004 F01C )2010.01( מנוע הבוכנה שריפה פנימית לפטין יפים 206009 USE OF EFFECTORS OF GLUTAMINYL AND GLUTAMATE CYCLASES PROBIODRUG AG US 60/468043 05/05/2003 60/468014 05/05/2003 US 60/512038 15/10/2003 US PCT/EP/2004/004778 WO/2004/098625 01/12/2008 G08G )2010.01( 206010 CHELATING COMPOUND, AND METHOD OF USE OF, POLY (2OCTSDECYL-BUTANEDIOATE)AND CORRESPONDING ACID, POLY (2OCTADECYL-BUTANEDIOIC ACID) JOSEPH LAURINO US 11/998612 30/11/2007 A61K )2010.01( שימוש במפעילי גלוטמיניל וגלוטמאט ציקלאז C08G )2010.01( ושיטה לשימוש בפולי,תרכובת סופחת –אוקטדציל–בוטנדיואט)והחומצה2( –אוקטדציל–חומצה2( פולי,המקבילה )בוטנדיואית November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/US/2008/085122 WO/2009/073601 27/11/2008 206011 מעורר חדש NEW ADJUVANT RAMOT AT TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY LTD. US 61/004418 27/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001551 WO/2009/069130 17/02/2006 רמות ליד אוניברסיטת תל אביב בע"מ 206012 C07K )2010.01( COLI –חלבונים וחומצות מ הקשור לזיהום דלקתESCHERICHIA קרום המוח והשימוש בהם PROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS FROM MENINGITIS/SEPSISASSOCIATED ESCHERICHIA COLI NOVARTIS VACCINES AND DIAGNOSTICS, INC. US 60/654632 18/02/2005 60/712720 29/08/2005 US PCT/US/2006/005913 WO/2006/089264 27/11/2008 A61K )2010.01( 206013 STAT 3 פפטידי אפיטופ STAT3 EPITOPE PEPTIDES ONCOTHERAPY SCIENCE, INC. 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US 60/990807 28/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084917 WO/2009/070706 12/12/2008 H01L )2010.01( דשא מלאכותי לאיסוף אנרגיה סולרית 206016 QUARTERNIZATION OF THE ADDITIVE AMINO ALKYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER E FOR IMPROVING PERMEABILITY AND SOLUBILITY OF PHARMACEUTICALS EVONIK ROHM GMBH DE 102007060175.3 13/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010585 WO/2009/074336 09/12/2008 206017 NONTOXIC POLYSILOXANE MATERIAL FOR PRODUCING BIOLOGICALLY RESORBABLE AND/OR BIOACTIVE ARTICLES CONTAINING POLYSILOXANE MATERIAL, ITS PRODUCTION AND USE A61K )2010.01( קווטרניזציה של תוסף אמינואלקיל לשיפורE מתאקרילט קופולימר החדירות והמסיסות של תרופות C03B )2010.01( חומר פוליסילוקסאן בלתי רעיל לייצור פריטים הנספגים מחדש באופן ביולוגי או פעילים ביולוגית המכילים חומר/ו הכנתו ושימוש בו,פוליסילוקסאן November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א BAYER INNOVATION GMBH DE 102007061874.5 19/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010412 WO/2009/077104 14/09/2006 206018 התקן למדידת משקל לאניאדו שלמה WEIGHT-MEASURING DEVICE SHLOMO LANIADO US 11/226438 15/09/2005 PCT/IL/2006/001076 WO/2007/032007 206019 23/12/2008 19-NOR-STEROID DERIVATIVES WITH A 15a, 16a-METHYLENE GROUP AND A SATURATED17,17-SPIROLACTONE RING, USE THEREOF, AND MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING SAID DERIVATIVES BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102007063495.3 29/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/011165 WO/2009/083272 09/07/2008 C07J )2010.01( –נור–סטירואיד עם קבוצת19 תולדות ––ספירו17,17 –מתילן וטבעתa15,a16 השימוש בהן ותרופות,לקטון רוויה המכילות אותן 206020 ADIPONECTIN RECEPTOR FRAGMENTS AND METHODS OF USE SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC. US 60/991328 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/069500 WO/2009/070350 G01G )2009.01( C12Q )2010.01( קטעי קולטן אדיפונקטין ושיטות לשימוש November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 206021 19/12/2008 CRYSTALLINE FORM OF AZELASTINE ESTEVE QUIMICA, S.A. EP 07382005.2 21/12/2007 61/030451 21/02/2008 US PCT/EP/2008/067999 WO/2009/080744 צורה גבישית של אזלסטין 206022 25/11/2008 FLUID-TIGHT ROTATION-GUIDING DEVICE THALES FR 0708290 27/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066160 WO/2009/068532 A ROBUST MULTIENZYME PREPARATION FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF FATTY ACIDS ALKYL ESTERS TRANS BIODISEL LTD. US 11/946121 PCT/IL/2008/001497 WO/2009/069116 F16C )2010.01( התקן מנחה סיבוב עבור נוזלים 206023 13/11/2008 C07D )2010.01( C12P )2010.01( תכשיר בעל עמידות גבוהה המכיל מספר אנזימים לשימוש בייצור אסטרים אלקיליים של חומצות שומן דיזל בע"מ-טרנס ביו 28/11/2007 27/05/2010 HANDHELD TITRATION DEVICE RED SEA FISH PHARM LTD. 206024 A61B )2010.01( התקן לטיטור מוחזק ביד רד סי פיש פארם בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 29/06/2007 206025 SOLVENT-FREE FUNGICIDAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING AT LEAST OF ONE STROBILURIN FUNGICIDE AND PROCESSES FOR ITS PREPARATION UNILEVER PLC, GB 0613925.7 13/07/2006 PCT/EP/2007/056562 WO/2008/006714 23/01/2009 תכשיר קוטל פטריות ללא ממיס המכיל לפחות קוטל פטריות סטרובילורין אחד ותהליכים להכנתו 206026 206027 UPLINK CARRIER HANDOFF AND METHOD FOR PATH LOSS BASED TRIGGERING OF UPLINK CARRIER HANDOFF ALCATEL-LUCENT USA INC. US 12/000967 19/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/013702 WO/2009/085128 03/12/2008 H04W )2010.01( העברת נשא אפ–לינק ושיטה עבור אובדן –נתיב המבוססת על גירוי העברת נשא אפ לינק 206028 IMMUNOTHERAPEUTIC METHOD FOR INCREASING GROUNDUNT TOLERANCE IN A SUBJECT DBV TECHNOLOGIES, FR 0759503 03/12/2007 C07D )2010.01( תולדות פתלזינון PHTHALAZINONE DERIVATIVES ASTRAZENECA AB US 61/022900 23/01/2008 61/142413 05/01/2009 US PCT/GB/2009/000181 WO/2009/093032 15/12/2008 A61K )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( שיטה חיסונית–רפואית להגברת סבילות לבוטנים באדם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 61/084305 US PCT/EP/2008/066737 WO/2009/071599 12/12/2008 29/07/2008 206029 POLYPEPTIDES WITH ENHANCED ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND DECREASED CYTOTOXIC PROPERTIES AND RELATING METHODS THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY US 11/957015 14/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/086622 WO/2009/079382 22/12/2008 פוליפפטידים עם תכונות אנטי–דלקתיות מוגברות ותכונות ציטוטוקסיות מופחתות ושיטות קשורות 206030 CROSS -LINKED HYDROGEL CONTAINING AN ACTIVE SUBSTANCE ENCECOR AB SE 0702904-4 21/12/2007 PCT/SE/2008/051550 WO/2009/082354 01/07/2005 TOPICAL ANTIVIRAL FORMULATIONS GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. US 60/586839 PCT/US/2005/023492 WO/2006/017044 26/11/2008 A61K )2010.01( 206031 A61K )2010.01( הידרוג'ל מצולב המכיל חומר פעיל A61K )2010.01( הרכבים מקומיים אנטי וירליים 09/07/2004 206032 C07D )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א STABLE CRYSTALLINE SALT OF (R)3-FLUOROPHENYL-3,4,5TRIFLUOROBENZYLCARBAMIC ACID 1-AZABICIYCLO [2.2.2]OCT-3YL ESTER LABORATORIOS SALVAT, S.A. EP 07384038.1 28/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010012 WO/2009/068253 02/08/2005 –אזאביציקלו1 מלח גבישי יציב של אסטר –R)–3( –איל של חומצה3–]אוקט2,2,2[ –5,4,3פלואורופניל טריפלואורובנזילקרבאמית 206034 ION FILTER FOR USE IN A SPECTROMETER AND A SPECTROMETER USING SUCH A FILTER OWLSTONE LTD GB 0417184.9 02/08/2004 0500812.3 17/01/2005 GB PCT/GB/2005/050124 WO/2006/013396 04/12/2008 01/12/2008 מסנן יונים לשימוש בספקטרומטר וספקטרומטר המשתמש במסנן כאמור 206035 ASSAY FOR DETECTING CIRCULATING FREE NUCLEIC ACIDS MOR RESEARCH APPLICATIONS LTD. US 60/996900 10/12/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001584 WO/2009/074983 C12Q )2010.01( בדיקה לזיהוי של חומצות גרעיניות בין תאי נעות חופשיות 206036 ANTIBODIES TO THE PcrV ANTIGEN OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA AND USES THEREOF KALOBIOS PHARMACEUTICALS , INC. US 60/991679 30/11/2007 H01J )2010.01( מור יישום מחקרים בע"מ C07K )2010.01( שלPcrV נוגדנים נגד אנטיגן של אנטיגן פוידומונוס ארוגינוזה ושימושים בהם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/US/2008/085196 WO/2009/073631 12/12/2008 206037 C07D )2010.01( CARBOXYL-OR HYDROXYLSUBSTITUTED BENZIMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07150351.0 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067399 WO/2009/080555 13/01/2009 תולדות בנזימידאזול מותמרות עם הידרוקסיל או קרבוקסיל 206038 C07D )2010.01( –אנטאגוניסט לרצפטור אופיואידי קאפא בררן KAPPA SELECTIVE OPIOID RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST ELI LILLY AND COMPANY EP 08380012.8 22/01/2008 61/039121 25/03/2008 US PCT/US/2009/030811 WO/2009/094260 206039 C07D )2010.01( PHARMACEUTICALLY ACCEPTABLE SALTS OF METHYL (3-{[[3-(6-AMINO-2-BUTOXY-8-OXO-7, 8-DIHYDRO-9H-PURIN-9-YL)PROPYL](3MORPHOLIN-4YLPROPYL)AMINO]METHYL}PHENYL)ACETATE AND THEIR USE IN THERAPY מלחים תואמים פארמצבטית של –2––אמינו6(–3[[{–3( מתיל ––דיהידרו8,7––אוקסו8–בוטוקסי –3(]–יל)פרופיל9––פורינH9 –4–מורפולינ ילפרופיל)אמינו]מתיל}פניל)אצטאט ושימושם בטיפול 16/12/2008 DAINIPPON SUMITOMO PHARMA CO., LTD. US 61/014164 17/12/2007 PCT/SE/2008/051465 WO/2009/078798 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 18/12/2008 206040 A01N )2010.01( תרכובות קוטלות חיידקים INSECTICIDAL COMPOUNDS SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG GB 0724757.0 19/12/2007 0808471.7 09/05/2008 GB PCT/EP/2008/010863 WO/2009/077197 18/12/2008 206041 DESENSITISATION BY COATING OF CRYSTALS OF EXPLOSIVE ENERGETIC SUBSTANCES, COATED CRYSTALS OF SUCH SUBSTANCES, AND ENERGETIC MATERIALS SNPE MATERIAUX ENERGETIQUES FR 0760036 19/12/2007 PCT/FR/2008/052353 WO/2009/081048 הורדת רגישות על ידי ציפוי קריסטלים של ציפוי קריסטלים,חומרים אנרגטיים נפיצים וחומרים אנרגטיים,של חומרים אלו 206042 10/11/2008 CCD PIXEL ELEMENT WITH GEOMETRY CAPABLE OF IMPROVING RESOLUTION CHANGCHUN INSTITUTE OF OPTICS, FINE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CN 200810050583.3 10/04/2008 PCT/CN/2008/001865 WO/2009/124427 20/11/2008 B01J )2010.01( 206043 USE OF ESSENTIAL OIL COMPOUNDS AS HISTOMONASTAT H01L )2010.01( רכיב נקודתי מצומד נושא מטען חשמלי בעל גאומטריה המסוגלת לשפר רזולוציה A23K )2010.01( שימוש בתרכובות שמן חיוניות כהיסטומונוסטאט November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א DSM IP ASSETS B.V. EP 07023954.6 PCT/EP/2008/009816 WO/2009/074214 16/01/2009 11/12/2007 206044 ISOXAZOLE DERIVATIVES AS MODULATORS OF 11-BETAHYDROXYSTEROID DEHYDROGENASE TYPE 1 BIOVITRUM AB SE 0800108-3 17/01/2008 PCT/EP/2009/050485 WO/2009/090239 18/12/2008 –11 תולדות איזוקסאזול כמאפננים של 1 בטא–הידרוקסיסטרואיד דהידרוגנאז סוג 206045 CARBAMOYL COMPOUNDS AS DGAT1 INHIBITORS 190 ASTRAZENECA AB US 61/015397 20/12/2007 PCT/GB/2008/051199 WO/2009/081195 13/11/2008 206048 PROTEIN AGGREGATION PREDICTION SYSTEMS CAMBRIDGE ENTERPRISE LIMITED. AE 0723288.7 28/11/2007 PCT/GB/2008/051055 WO/2009/068900 26/11/2008 C07D )2010.01( 206049 C07D )2010.01( DGAT 1901 תרכובות קרבמויל כמעכבי G06F )2010.01( מערכות לחיזוי צבירת חלבונים H04B )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א TRANSBODY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS EMPLOYING COMMUNICATION CHANNELS PROTEUS BIOMEDICAL, INC. US 60/990562 27/11/2007 60/990567 27/11/2007 US 60/990572 27/11/2007 US PCT/US/2008/085048 WO/2009/070773 07/12/2004 מערכות תקשורת טרנס–גוף המשתמשות בערוצי תקשורת 206050 OXAZOLE DERIVATIVES OF TETRACYCLINES WYETH LLC US 60/527928 12/08/2003 60/584823 01/07/2004 US PCT/US/2004/040850 WO/2005/056538 10/12/2008 27/11/2008 נגזרות אוקסאזול של טטרציקלינים 206051 METHODS OF DIAGNOSING CANCER THE MEDICAL RESEARCH, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND HEALTH SERVICES FUND OF THE TEL-AVIV MEDICAL CENTER US 60/996881 10/12/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001604 WO/2009/074988 G01N )2010.01( שיטות לאבחון סרטן קרן מחקרים ופיתוח תשתיות שליד המרכז הרפואי תל אביב ע"ש סוראסקי 206052 METHODS FOR THE TREATMENT OF RADIATION OR CHEMOTHERAPYINDUCED TISSUE DAMAGE HADASIT MEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT LTD US 60/990631 28/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001556 C07D )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( שיטות לטיפול בנזק רקמתי המושרה ע"י כימותרפיה או הקרנות הדסית שירותי מחקר רפואי ופיתוח בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/069133 10/04/2006 206053 PEPTIDE-PEG RESIN CONJUGATES LONZA AG EP 05007694.2 08/04/2005 05010051.0 09/05/2005 EP 60/699861 18/07/2005 US PCT/EP/2006/003256 WO/2006/108594 07/06/2004 206054 PESTICIDAL COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR SEED TREATMENT SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG US 60/553462 16/03/2004 PCT/EP/2004/006110 WO/2005/094155 17/11/2004 206055 INHIBITORS OF THE MUTANT FORM OF KIT NOVARTIS AG US 60/520714 18/11/2003 PCT/EP/2004/013045 WO/2005/049032 24/11/2008 206057 BIOCOMPATIBLE BIODEGRADABLE FUMAGILLIN ANALOG CONJUGATES MERSANA THERAPEUTICS, INC. US 61/004582 28/11/2007 C07K )2010.01( PEG–קוניוגנטים של שרף פפטיד A01N )2010.01( תכשיר קוטל מזיקים ושיטה לטיפול זרע A61K )2010.01( מעכבים בעלי צורה מוטנטית של ערכה A61K )2010.01( קוניוגטים אנלוגיים של פומגילין בעלי התאמה ביולוגית ומתכלים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/US/2008/084539 WO/2009/073445 30/05/2010 206058 מנוף חדש חיים גולדנבלום NEW LEVER HAIM GOLDENBLUM 30/05/2010 206059 ADAPTER FOR HOT WATER STORAGE TANK AND METHOD OF USE THEREOF SHMUEL BEN-ISHAI 26/11/2008 CONTROLLER FOR A HYDRAULIC DRIVE SYSTEM F24J )2010.01( מתאם עבור דוד מים חמים ושיטת שימוש בו ישי-שמואל בן 206060 CONJUGATES OF ANTI-RG-1 ANTIBODIES, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME AND USES THEREOF BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/991690 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084899 WO/2009/073524 30/05/2010 B66C )2010.01( 206061 A61K )2010.01( תכשירים,RG–1 מוצמדי נוגדנים נגד המכילים אותם ושימושים בהם B60P )2010.01( בקר למערכת הנעה הידרולי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ISRAEL AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES LTD. 16/12/2008 התעשייה האוירית לישראל בע"מ 206062 (AZA) INDOLE DERIVATIVE SUBSTITUTED IN POSITION 5, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING IT, INTERMEDIATE COMPOUNDS AND PREPARATION PROCESS THEREOF AZIENDE CHIMICHE RIUNITE ANGELINI FRANCESCO A.C.R.A.F. S.p.A. EP 07425830.2 28/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067622 WO/2009/083436 20/11/2008 12/12/2008 תולדת (אזא) אינדול מותמרת בעמדה , תכשיר רוקחות המכיל אותה,חמש תרכובות ביניים ותהליך להכנתה 206063 AROMATIC ISOMERIZATION CATALYST AND A PROCESS OF USE THEREOF UOP LLC US 11/954296 12/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/084106 WO/2009/076024 B01J )2010.01( זרז איזומריזציה ארומטית ותהליך לשימוש בו 206064 ARCHING METALLIC PROFILES IN CONTINUOUS IN-LINE PROCESS ALLIED TUBE & CONDUIT CORPORATION US 61/012929 12/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/086655 WO/2009/076625 C07D )2010.01( B21B )2010.01( יצירת פרופילים מתכתיים בצורת קשת בתהליך מתמשך November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 22/12/2008 206065 ASYNCHRONOUS MULTI-LEVEL UNDO SUPPORT IN JAVASCRIPT GRID M.I.C. INDUSTRIES, INC. US 11/971206 08/01/2008 PCT/US/2008/087925 WO/2009/088727 16/01/2008 תמיכה בביטול אסינכרוני מרובה רמות JAVASCRIPT ברשת 206066 POULTRY DE-FEATHERING APPARATUS AND METHODS CONAWAY DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIES, INC US 60/991688 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/051242 WO/2009/073239 27/11/2008 COMPACT IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBE AND NIGHT VISION SYSTEM FITTED WITH SUCH A TUBE A22C )2010.01( מערכת למריטת נוצות בעופות ושיטות 206067 METHOD FOR SECURING A BIDIRECTIONAL COMMUNICATION CHANNEL AND DEVICE FOR IMPLEMENTING SAID METHOD THALES FR 0708397 30/11/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066316 WO/2009/068603 12/12/2009 G06F )2010.01( H04L )2010.01( שיטה להבטחת ערוץ תקשורת דו–כיווני והתקן ליישום השיטה 206068 H01J )2010.01( שפופרת מגביר תמונה קומפקטית ומערכת ראיית לילה מצוידת בשפופרת כזו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PHOTONIS FRANCE FR 0759826 PCT/EP/2008/067453 WO/2009/074682 18/12/2008 13/12/2007 206069 PHENYL ACETIC ACID DERIVATIVES AS INFLAMMATION MODULATORS AMGEN INC. US 61/008433 19/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/013833 WO/2009/085177 18/12/2008 נגזרות חומצה פנילאצטית כמאפנני דלקת 206070 FUSED PYRIDINE, PYRIMIDINE AND TRIAZINE COMPOUNDS AS CELL CYCLE INHIBITORS AMGEN INC. US 61/008429 19/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/013849 WO/2009/085185 24/11/2008 04/12/2008 C07D )2010.01( פירימידין וטריאזין,תרכובות פירידין מאוחות כמעכבי מחזור התא 206071 PROCESS FOR INCREASING PURITY OF SOLID BROMINATED FLAME RETARDANTS DURING PREPARATION ALBEMARLE CORPORATION US 61/012139 07/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/084546 WO/2009/076056 C07C )2010.01( C07C )2010.01( תהליך להגברת דרגת הניקיון של מעכבי בערה ברומיים מוצקים בעת הכנתם 206072 C12Q )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א NOVEL METHOD FOR GENERATING AND SCREENING AN ANTIBODY LIBRARY PIERRE FABRE MEDICAMENT FR 0708444 04/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066804 WO/2009/080461 04/12/2008 206073 MEQUITAZINE FOR TREATING OR PREVENTING PATHOLOGIES INVOLVING HISTAMINE H4 RECEPTORS PIERRE FABRE MEDICAMENT FR 0759538 04/12/2007 0854144 23/06/2008 FR PCT/EP/2008/066787 WO/2009/071625 04/12/2008 206074 A METHOD FOR SECURE TRANSACTIONS ACCUMULATE AB SE 0702686-7 04/12/2007 PCT/SE/2008/051403 WO/2009/072977 26/11/2008 206075 AUTOMATIC GENERATION OF PROTOCOL FOR PCMR IMAGING VASSOL INC US 60/991374 30/11/2007 61/077266 01/07/2008 US 12/277889 25/11/2008 US PCT/US/2008/013151 WO/2009/070300 שיטה חדשה ליצירה ומיון ספריה של נוגדנים A61K )2010.01( מקויטזין לטיפול או מניעת פתולוגיות H4 הקשורות לרצפטורים של היסטמין G06Q )2010.01( שיטה לעסקות בטוחות A61B )2010.01( ייצור אוטומטי של פרוטוקולים עבור PCMR הדמיה בשיטת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 26/11/2008 206076 A CLOSED THERMODYNAMIC SYSTEM FOR PRODUCING ELECTRIC POWER BEN LOLO, GILBERT GAL US 60/996667 29/11/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001548 WO/2009/069128 02/03/2003 מערכת תרמודינמית סגורה לייצור כח חשמלי בן לולו ג'ילברט גל 206078 206079 MICRORNA EXPRESSION PROFILING AND TARGETING IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD IN LUNG CANCER OSURF (OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION) US 61/004863 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084821 WO/2009/070653 13/02/2009 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR USE IN THE TREATMENT AND/OR THE PREVENTION OF OSTEOARTICULAR DISEASES BONE THERAPEUTICS C12Q )2009.01( מטרה מסומנת A LABELED TARGET ENZO LIFE SCIENCES, INC. US 10/096075 12/03/2002 26/11/2008 F01K )2010.01( C12Q )2009.01( וכיוונון בדםRNA–פרופיל ביטוי של מיקרו היקפי בסרטן ריאות 206080 A61K )2010.01( או למניעת/תרכובות פרמצבטיות לטיפול ו מחלות אוסטאורקולריות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א EP 08101682.6 08158285.0 EP PCT/EP/2009/051739 WO/2009/101194 28/11/2008 15/02/2008 13/06/2008 206081 PROTEIN FORMULATIONS AND METHODS OF MAKING SAME ABBOTT LABORATORIES US 61/004992 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/085066 WO/2009/073569 30/11/2007 206082 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS WITH A MECHANISM OF MULTITARGET RECEPTOR RETROACTION FOR TREATING DEPRESSION ZUOGUANG ZHANG A61K )2010.01( פורמולציות חלבונים ושיטות להכנתן A61K )2010.01( הרכבים רוקחיים עם מנגנון של פעולה למפרע של קולטן רב–מטרתי לטיפול בדכאון PCT/CN/2007/003400 WO/2009/070924 25/11/2008 206084 ARYL AND HETEROARYL FUSED IMIDAZO [1,5-A] PYRAZINES AS INHIBITORS OF PHOSPHODIESTERASE 10 WYETH US 61/004844 30/11/2007 PCT/US/2008/084689 WO/2009/070584 C07D )2010.01( –5,1[ אריל והטרואריל אימידאזו ]פיראזינים מאוחים כמעכביA 10 פוספודיאסטראז November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 12/12/2008 206085 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING OF PYRAZOLINONE DERIVATIVE SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED JP 2007323130 14/12/2007 PCT/JP/2008/073140 WO/2009/078475 18/12/2008 12/12/2008 תהליך עבור הייצור של נגזרת פיראזולינאן 206086 CORROSION RESISTANT STEEL FOR MARINE APPLICATIONS ARCELORMITTAL COMMERCIAL RPS S.A.R.L. EP 07150370 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067922 WO/2009/080714 206087 C07D )2010.01( אינדולים ושימושם הרפואי 206088 USED CAPSULE OR POD RECEPTACLE FOR LIQUID FOOD OR BEVERAGE MACHINES NESTEC S.A. US 07123009.8 12/12/2007 08155753.0 07/05/2008 US C22C )2010.01( ברזל עמיד בפני קורוזיה עבור שימוש ימי INDOLES AND THEIR THERAPEUTIC USE PULMAGEN THERAPEUTICS (ASTHMA) LIMITED GB 0724429.6 14/12/2007 0806083.2 03/04/2008 GB 0814910.6 14/08/2008 GB PCT/GB/2008/004107 WO/2009/077728 09/12/2008 C07D )2010.01( A47J )2010.01( קפליה משומשת או תרמיל עבור מזון נוזלי או מכונות למשקאות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PCT/EP/2008/067083 WO/2009/074559 31/05/2010 206089 גל חום ברוך זיסר HOT WAVE BARUCH ZISER 05/12/2008 206090 METHODS FOR DELIVERING siRNA VIA IONTOPHORESIS EYEGATE PHARMA S.A.S. US 61/005635 05/12/2007 61/047972 25/04/2008 US PCT/US/2008/085709 WO/2009/076220 19/12/2005 206091 STILBENE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE FOR BINDING AND IMAGING AMYLOID PLAQUES THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA US 60/636696 17/12/2004 60/686395 02/06/2005 US PCT/US/2005/045682 WO/2006/066104 09/12/2008 MOBILE DEVICE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING F24H )2010.01( 206092 A61N )2010.01( באמצעותsiRNA שיטה להעברת יונטורפורזה A61K )2010.01( תולדות סטילבן והשימוש בהם לקשור ולשיקוף רבדי אמילואיד H04W )2010.01( ניהול לוח זמנים של התקן נייד November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א MICROSOFT CORPORATION US 11/971909 10/01/2008 PCT/US/2008/086084 WO/2009/088617 11/12/2008 206093 ARCHITECTURE FOR ONLINE COMMUNAL AND CONNECTED EXPERIENCES MICROSOFT CORPORATION US 12/013324 11/01/2008 PCT/US/2008/086385 WO/2009/088637 24/12/2008 19/12/2008 ארכיטקטורה עבור שיתופי קבצים מקוון והתנסויות קשורות 206094 MULTI-CLIENT COLLABORATION TO ACCESS AND UPDATE STRUCTURED DATA ELEMENTS MICROSOFT CORPORATION US 12/014727 15/01/2008 PCT/US/2008/088347 WO/2009/091488 206095 206096 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS INTRA-CELLULAR THERAPIES, INC. G06F )2010.01( שיתוף פעולה רב משתתפים לגישה ועדכון יסודות מידע מובנים CHEMICALLY MODIFIED FACTOR IX BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. US 61/009263 27/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010925 WO/2009/083187 06/12/2008 G06F )2010.01( C12N )2010.01( מתואם מבחינה כימיתIX פקטור C07D )2010.01( תרכובות אורגניות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א US 61/012040 PCT/US/2008/013411 WO/2009/075784 06/12/2008 06/12/2007 206097 תרכובות אורגניות ORGANIC COMPOUNDS INTRA-CELLULAR THERAPIES, INC. US 61/012045 06/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/013410 WO/2009/073210 16/12/2008 206098 AGGLOMERATED ZEOLITIC ABSORBENTS, METHOD OF PREPARING THEM AND USES THEREOF INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE FR 0760088 20/12/2007 PCT/FR/2008/052316 WO/2009/081023 16/12/2008 11/12/2008 B01J )2010.01( ,חומרים סופחים זאוליטים בצורת צברים שיטה להכנתם ושימושים בהם 206099 AGGLOMERATED ZEOLITIC ABSORBENTS, METHOD OF PREPARING THEM AND USES THEREOF INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE FR 0760098 20/12/2007 PCT/FR/2008/052317 WO/2009/081024 A01N )2010.01( B01J )2010.01( ,חומרים סופחים זאוליטים בצורת צברים שיטה להכנתם ושימושים בהם 206100 C07D )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF MACROCYCLE F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07150287.6 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067309 WO/2009/080542 31/05/2010 תהליך להכנת חומר מקרוציקלי 206101 ANOMALY DETECTION IN IMAGING APPLICATIONS D.V.P. TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 07/01/2009 11/12/2008 זיהוי אנומליות באפליקציות הדמיה טכנולוגיות בע"מ.פי.וי.די 206102 CRYSTALLINE (R)-2-(4CYCLOPROPANESULPHONYLPHENYL)-N-PYRAZIN-2-YL-3(TETRAHYDROPYRAN-4-YL)PROPIONAMIDE ELI LILLY AND COMPANY US 61/021133 15/01/2008 PCT/US/2009/030241 WO/2009/091634 A61K )2010.01( –R)–2–(4( קריסטלין ––פיראזינN–)ציקלופרופאנסולפוניל–פניל )–יל4––(טטראהידרופיראנ3––יל2 פרופיאונאמיד 206103 ANTIBODY FORMULATION F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07150335.3 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067293 WO/2009/080541 G06T )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( פורמולציה של נוגדנים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 10/12/2008 206104 אמינותיאזולים ושימושם AMINOTHIAZOLES AND THEIR USES NOVARTIS AG US 61/013122 12/12/2007 61/024709 30/01/2008 US PCT/EP/2008/067220 WO/2009/074605 08/12/2008 206105 TETRAZOLE-SUBSTITUTED ARYLAMIDE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS P2X3 AND/OR P2X2/3 PURINERGIC RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 61/007891 17/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067017 WO/2009/077371 01/12/2008 206106 206107 ALPHA-AMINOAMIDE DERIVATIVES USEFUL IN THE TREATMENT OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS NEWRON PHARMACEUTICALS S.P.A. EP 07024584.0 19/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/066884 C07D )2010.01( תולדות ארילאמיד מותמר טטראזול ושימושן כאנטגוניסטים לרצפטור פורינרגי X2P2 /3 או/ וX2P3 EXTRUSION PROCESS FOR GRAFTING RUBBERS DSM IP ASSETS B.V. EP 07024052.8 12/12/2007 61/013359 13/12/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/066534 WO/2009/074477 05/12/2008 C07D )2010.01( C08F )2010.01( תהליך אקסטרוזיה להרכבת גומי A61K )2010.01( תולדות אלפא–אמינואמיד השימושיות בטיפול בהפרעות פסיכיאטריות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/080470 16/12/2008 206108 BIVALENT, BISPECIFIC ANTIBODIES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07024865.3 21/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/010704 WO/2009/080253 25/05/2005 206109 CINNAMIDE COMPOUND EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. 2004JP 26/05/2004 155790 2004-310909 26/10/2004 JP PCT/JP/2005/009537 WO/2005/115990 12/12/2008 206110 COMPOSITION FOR HUMAN AND/OR ANIMAL NUTRITION, USES THEREOF AND YEASTS UNIVERSITE DU DROIT ET DE LA SANTE DE LILLE 2 FR 0760377 26/12/2007 0801342 12/03/2008 FR PCT/FR/2008/001729 WO/2009/103884 31/01/2003 206111 C07K )2010.01( נוגדנים דו–ערכיים דו–סגוליים C07D )2010.01( תרכובת צינאמיד C12N )2010.01( ,או חייתית/תכשיר לתזונה אנושית ו שימושים שלו ושמרים G06F )2009.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING MESSAGES ON A WIRELESS DEVICE CONNECTING TO AN APPLICATION SERVER QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 10/061642 31/01/2002 PCT/US/2003/002894 WO/2003/065596 04/12/2008 206112 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR ANALYZING SAMPLES AND COLLECTING SAMPLE FRACTIONS ALLTECH ASSOCIATES, INC. US 61/005590 05/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/013359 WO/2009/075764 15/04/2005 מערכת ושיטה לאספקת הודעות בהתקן אלחוטי המתחבר לשרתי יישומים שיטות והתקן לניתוח דגימת ואיסוף חלקי דגימה 206113 COMPOSITIONS AND PROCESSES FOR REDUCING NOX EMISSIONS DURING FLUID CATALYTIC CRACKING W.R. GRACE & CO. CONN US 10/824913 15/04/2004 10/909709 02/08/2004 US PCT/US/2005/012982 WO/2005/099898 23/08/2001 206114 ORALLY ADMINISTERED PEPTIDES TO AMELIORATE ATHEROSCLEROSIS THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA US 09/645454 24/08/2000 PCT/US/2001/026497 G01N )2010.01( B01J )2010.01( NOX הרכבים ותהליכים לחיזור פליטות במהלך פיצוח קטליטי של נוזל C07K )2010.01( פפטידים הנותנים דרך הפה לטיפול בהסתיידות עורקים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2002/015923 16/05/2003 206115 STUB HAVING AN OPTICAL FIBER STRATOS INTERNATIONAL, INC. US 10/151,362 20/05/2002 PCT/US/2003/015803 WO/2003/100482 17/12/2008 206116 RESUSCITATION FLUID CUTHBERT, O. SIMPKINS US 61/016443 22/12/2007 61/064639 18/03/2008 US PCT/US/2008/013781 WO/2009/082449 03/12/2008 206117 TRANSGENIC PLANTS HAVING ALTERED LEVELS OF AROMATIC AMINO ACIDS AND METABOLITES DERIVED THEREFROM YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. US 60/992106 04/12/2007 61/095638 10/09/2008 US PCT/IL/2008/001569 WO/2009/072118 20/05/2004 206118 G02B )2010.01( גדם בעל סיב אופטי A61K )2010.01( נוזל החיאה C12N )2010.01( צמחים טרנסגנים עם תכולה שונה של חומצות אמינו ארומאטיות ושל חמרים הנוצרים מהן ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ C12N )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א METHODS OF INCREASING ABIOTIC STRESS TOLERANCE AND/OR BIOMASS IN PLANTS AND PLANTS GENERATED THEREBY EVOGENE LTD. US 60/472433 22/05/2003 PCT/IL/2004/000431 WO/2004/104162 01/06/2010 206119 206120 SPIGOT FOR CONTROLLING FLOW RATE OF LIQUIDS MOSHE BUHBUT 25/02/2004 B65D )2010.01( F16K )2010.01( ברז לשליטה בקצב זרמית נוזלים משה בוחבוט 206121 FEEDBACK LOOP FOR SPAM PREVENTION MICROSOFT CORPORATION US 10/378463 03/03/2003 PCT/US/2004/005501 WO/2004/079514 13/05/2002 אבוג'ן בע"מ צידנית מודולארית דרור עטיה MODULAR PICNIC COOLER DROR ATUYA 01/06/2010 צמחים ושיטות להעלאת עמידות של או להעלאת/צמחים לעקה אביוטית ו ביומסה של הצמחים 206122 H04L )2010.01( לולאת משוב למניעת הצפת רשת האינטרנט בדואר אלקטרוני בלתי רצוי H04J )2010.01( November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PHYSICAL CHANNEL CONFIGURATION SIGNALING PROCEDURES INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/290717 14/05/2001 10/029651 21/12/2001 US PCT/US/2002/014955 WO/2002/093787 27/01/1999 הליכי איתות הקשורים בקונפיגורציה של תעלה פיזיקלית 206123 CANCELLATION OF PILOT AND UNWANTED TRAFFIC SIGNALS IN A CDMA SYSTEM INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 09/175174 20/10/1998 PCT/US/1999/001883 WO/2000/024135 23/12/2008 206124 A SLOW RELEASE FORMULATION BASED ON AN ASSOCIATION OF GLYCOGEN AND ALGINATE AZIENDE CHIMICHE RIUNITE ANGELINI FRANCESCO A.C.R.A.F. S.p.A. EP 07425828.6 28/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/068256 WO/2009/083561 19/12/2008 206125 AZAINDOLIZINES AND METHODS OF USE GENENTECH, INC. US 61/015942 21/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/087626 H04B )2009.01( ביטול של אותות לא רצויים במערכת CDMA A61K )2010.01( הרכב המשתחרר באיטיות המבוסס על אסוסיאציה של גליקוגן ואלגינאט C07D )2010.01( אזא אינדוליזינים ושיטות לשימוש בהם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WO/2009/082687 19/12/2008 206126 THERAPY OF RITUXIMABREFRACTORY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS GENENTECH, INC. US 61/016281 21/12/2007 PCT/US/2008/087629 WO/2009/086072 12/12/2008 206127 AZOLYLMETHYLOXIRANES, USE THEREOF AND AGENTS CONTAINING THE SAME BASF SE EP 07123700.2 19/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/067394 WO/2009/077443 06/11/2008 206128 USE OF 4-OXOBUTANOIC ACID DERIVATIVES IN THE TREATMENT OF PATHOLOGIES ASSOCIATED WITH IMMUNOLOGICAL DISORDERS MERCK PATENT GMBH EP 07291449.2 03/12/2007 PCT/EP/2008/009384 WO/2009/071161 03/12/2003 PRION PROTEIN LIGAND 206129 A61K )2010.01( תרופה לחולי דלקת מפרקים שגרונית העמידה לריטוקסימאב A01N )2010.01( שימוש בהם,אזולילמתיל אוקסיראנים וגורמים המכילים אותם A61K )2010.01( –4 שימוש בנגזרות של חומצה אוקסובוטנואית לטיפול בפתלוגיות הקשורות לליקויי חסינות G01N )2009.01( ליגנד של חלבוני פריון November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PATHOGEN REMOVAL AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGIES INC. US 60/430423 03/12/2002 PCT/US/2003/038343 WO/2004/050851 13/01/2006 206130 BENDAMUSTINE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS FOR LYOPHILISATION CEPHALON, INC. US 60/644354 14/01/2005 11/330868 12/01/2006 US PCT/US/2006/001308 WO/2006/076620 19/12/2008 206131 HERBICIDAL PYRIDAZINONE DERIVATIVES E.I. 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Any person wishing to oppose the grant of a patent on any of the applications published here, may, within three months from the date of this journal, give to the Commissioner of Patents notice under Section 30 of the Patents Law, in the manner prescribed in regulations 57 et seq of the Patents Regulations, 5728-1968 Particulars of the applications, where applicable, are given in the following order: [11] [21] Number of application [54] Title of invention [22] Application date [31] [32] [33] Number and date of foreign application – convention country. *[51] Int.Cl. [61] Application for patent of addition [62] Divisional application [71] Applicant [72] Inventor [87] International Publication Number [74] Address for service [57] Abridgement of invention (in the language in which the specification is drawn up) *Note:, patent applications published in this journal were classified according to the International Classification version that was in force when this journal was prepared. - לחוק הפטנטים תשכ"ז26 הודעה לפי סעיף 1976 הבקשות שפרטיהן מתפרסמים להלן קובלו כל המעונין. לחוק הפטנטים17 לפי סעיף להתנגד למתן פטנט על פי בקשה מהבקשות תוך שלושה חדשים,המתפרסמות רשאי להגיש לרשם הפטנטים,מתאריך יומן זה לחוק30 הודעת התנגדות לפי סעיף ואילך57 הפטנטים בדרך הקבועה בתקנה .1968 – תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים פרטי הבקשות במידה ויישימים מובאים לפי :סדר זה מספר הבקשה שם האמצאה תאריך הבקשה מספר ותאריך של בקשות החוץ – מדינת האגוד *סיווג בינלאומי בקשה לפטנט מוסף בקשת חלוקה המבקש הממציא מס' פרסום של בקשה הבינלאומית מען למסירת מסמכים )תקציר האמצאה (בשפה בה ערוך הפירוט בקשות הפטנטים שפורסמו ביומן:**הערה זה סווגו בהתאם לגרסת הסיווג הבינלאומי שהייתה בתוקף בעת הכנת הבקשות .לפרסום November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 122106 שיטות ואלגוריתמים עבור זיהוי ואישור ]54[ METHOD AND ALGORITHMS FOR IDENTIFICATION AND VALIDATION ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 04.11.1997 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 09//00 ENCOTONE LTD. הרצליה פיתוח,אנקוטון בע"מ JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא P.O.B. 45087, ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91450 An identification method for a multitude of to-be-identified entites against a central identification entity, the said identification arbitrated by an independent arbitrator entity, characterized by the steps of: the independent arbitrator entity characterizing specific algorithms for each, and distributing the said algorithms to each of the to-identified entites; the central identification entity distributing one reversible algorithm (F_SYSssn) for all and to all of the to-be-identified entites; and for each identification operation, the to-be-identified entity; applies the independent arbitrator entity's algorithm to a challenge (Ch) selected by the central dentification entity for such identification operation computing a first result, and then applies the central identification entity's reversible algorithm to the said challenge, to its identification data and to the said first result computing a second result referred to as a cipher, and the to-be-identified entity transmits the said second result to the central identification entity; whereas the central identification entity applies the reverse F'_SYSssn of the reversible algorithm to the received second result, computing a presumed challenge (Ch'), a presumed the to-be-identified entity's identification data (C_ID), and a presumed first result (RI'); and hereas the central identification entity compares the challenge previously sent to the said presumed challenge, and if they are identical, the central identification entity sends to the independent arbitrator entity the presumed first result, together with the to-be-identified presumed entity identification data or other identification data of such entity, and the said challenge, whereas the arbitrator entity retrieves the specific aalgorithm sent by it said the to-beidentified entity and applies the said specific algorithm to challenge computing the true first result, and compares such true first sult with the presumed first result, and, if eventually are identical, the arbitrator entity corroborates the veracity of the identification to the central identification entity; ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א and whereas the centrl identificationentity having received the corroboration from the arbitrator entity, accepts the presumed identification data as true identification data corresponding the to-be-identified entity. __________________ ]11[]21[ 132184 שיטה לייצור תא צמח ששונה בעל ייצור )QPRTase( קוינוליט פוספוריבוזיל טרנספרז מופחת; כמו גם צמח טרנסגני ומוצר טבק מזה ]54[ METHOD OF PRODUCING A TRANSFORMED PLANT CELL HAVING REDUCED QUINOLATE PHOSPHORIBOSYL TRANSFERASE (QPRTASE) PRODUCTION AS WELL AS TRANSGENIC PLANT AND TOBACCO PRODUCT THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 10.06.1998 049471 ]32[ 12.06.1997 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01H 01//00, 05//00, C12N 09//10, 15//29, 15//54, 15//82 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. WO/1998/056923 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ DNA encoding a plant quinolate phosphoribosyl transferase (QPRTase) enzyme, and constructs comprising such DNA are provided. Methods of altering quinolate phosphoribosyl transferase expression are provided. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,192232 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 133056 פוליפפטיד המכיל חלק אימונוגני של אנטיגן טובורקולוסיס ואריאנט שלו ותכשירי רוקחות.מ חיסונים וערכות המכילות אותו ]54[ POLYPEPTIDE CONTAINING AN IMMUNOGENIC PORTION OF AN M. TUBERCULOSIS ANTIGEN, A VARIANT THEREOF AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SAME ]22[ ]31[ 20.05.1998 08/859381 ]32[ 20.05.1997 ]33[ US 09/073010 05.05.1998 US Int. Cl.(2008.04) A61K 39/04, 48/00, C07K 14/35, C12N 01/21, C12N 15/31 CORIXA CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/1998/053075 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Compounds and methods for inducing protective immunity against tuberculosis are disclosed. The compounds provided include polypeptides that contain at least one immunogenic portion of one or more M. tuberculosis proteins and DNA molecules encoding such polypeptides. Such compounds may be formulated into vaccines and/or pharmaceutical compositions for immunization against M. tuberculosis infection, or may be used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,193595,193594,193593 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHODS OF PRODUCING DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS, DROUGHT TOLERANT TRANSGENIC PLANTS PRODUCED THEREBY AND TRANSGENIC SEEDS OBTAINABLE BY SAID PLANTS 134267 צמחים,שיטות להכנת צמחים עמידי בצורת טרנסגניים עמידי בצורת הנוצרים בשיטות אלו וזרעים הנוצרים על ידי צמחים אלו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 29.07.1998 60/054474 ]32[ 01.08.1997 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01H 05//00, 05//10, C12N 09//10, 15//113, 15//29, 15//82 PERFORMANCE PLANTS, INC., CANADA WO/1999/006580 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 The novel constructs and methods of this invention improve tolerance in plants to environmental stresses and senescence. Nucleic acids encoding a plant farnesyl transferase are described, as are transgenic plants and seeds incorporating these nucleic acids and proteins. Also provided are inhibitors of naturally-occurring farnesyl transferase which, when expressed, will enhance drought tolerance in the plants, improve resistance to senescence and modify growth habit. __________________ ]11[]21[ 135647 שיטות ומערכות לחתימת מפתח ציבורי ]54[ PUBLIC-KEY SIGNATURE METHODS AND SYSTEMS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ 13.04.2000 99401048.6 ]32[ 29.04.1999 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) G09C 01//00, H04L 09//28, 09//30, 09//32 NDS LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM AVIAD KIPNIS, JACQUES PATARIN, LOUIS GOUBIN SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, ]74[ אביעד קיפניס ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]57[ REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A digital signature cryptographic method, performed by a processor, comprising: supplying set S1 of k polygonal functions as a public-key, the set S1 including the function P1(x1,…,xn+v,y1,…,yk), where k, v, and n are integers, x1,…,xn+v are n+v variables of a first type, ,y1,…,yk are k variables of a second type, and the set S 1 is obtained by applying a secret key operation on a set S2 of k polynomial functions P'1(a1,…,an+v, y1,…,yk),… P'k (a1,…,an+v, ,y1,…,yk) where a1,…,an+v are n+v variables which include a set of n "oil" variables a1,…,an, and a set of v "vinegar" variables an+1,…,an+v; providing a message to be signed; applying a hash function on the message to produce a series of k values b 1,…,bk; substituting the series of k values b1,…,bk for the variables y1,…,yk of the set S2 respectively to produce a set S3 of k polynomial functions P''1(a1,…,ann+v),…,P''k(a1,…,ann+v); selecting v values a'n+1,…,a'nn+vfor the v "vinegar" variables an+1,…,a n+v; solving a set of equations P''1(a1,…,ana'n+1,…,a'n+v)=o,…,P;k a1,…,ana'n+1,…,a'n+v)=0 to obtain a solution for a'1,…,a'n; and applying the secret key operation to transform a'1,…,a'n+v to a digital signature e1,…,enn+v. __________________ ]11[]21[ 137019 – 8 – ) (אמינו מותמר4 – – דימתיל7,2 נגזרי ] טריאזין ותכשיריA–5,1 [ ארילפיראזולו רוקחות המכילים אותם ]54[ 2,7 - DIMETHYL - 4 (SUBSTITUTED AMINO) - 8 ARYLPYRAZOLO [1,5-A] TRIAZINE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM ]22[ ]31[ 28.01.1999 09/015002 ]32[ 28.01.1998 ]33[ US 09/014734 28.01.1998 US 09/015001 28.01.1998 US Int. Cl.(2008.04) A61K 31/53, A61P 1/00, 15/00, 21/00, 25/00, 29/00, 3/10, 31/18, 9/00, C07D 487/04, C12P 17/18 127871 DUPONT PHARMACEUTICALS COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/1999/038868 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]51[ ]61[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) antagonists of formula (I) or (II) and their use in treating anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric, neurological disorders as well as treatment of immunological, cardiovascular or heart-related diseases and colonic hypersensitivity associated with psychopathological disturbance and stress. __________________ ]11[]21[ 137848 מלחיה, – חומצה פרופיונית3 – אינדול ואסטריה לשימוש כתרופות ]54[ INDOLE-3-PROPIONIC ACIDS AND SALTS AND ESTERS THEREOF FOR USE AS MEDICAMENTS ]22[ ]31[ 23.02.1999 60/075555 ]32[ 23.02.1998 ]33[ US 60/112565 16.12.1998 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//405, A61P 25//00, C07D 20/9/18 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. SOUTH ALABAMA MEDICAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, U.S.A. WO/1999/042102 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The cytotoxic effects of amyloid beta protein on cells are prevented by contacting the cells with an effective amount of an indole-3-propionic acid or a salt or ester thereof. Furthermore, a fibrillogenic disease can be treated in a human subject by administering to the human subject an amount of an indole-3-propionic acid or a salt or ester thereof effective to prevent or reverse fibrillogenesis. Oxidation in a biological sample can be decreased by contacting the biological sample with an effective amount of an indole-3propionic acid or a salt or ester thereof. Additionally, diseases or other conditions where free radicals and/or oxidative stress play a role can be treated by administering an effective amount of an indole-3-propionic acid or a salt or ester thereof. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 138469 מעקבי קזפאז ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן ]54[ CASPASE INHIBITORS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 19.03.1999 60/078770 ]32[ 19.03.1998 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//47, 38//03, 38//04, A61P 01//00, 01//04, 01//16, 01//18, 03//10, 05//00, 05//14, 05//48, 05//50, 07//00, 07//06, 09//00, 09//10, 11//00, 11//06, 13//00, 13//12, 17//00, 17//06, 17//14, 19//00, 19//02, 19//10, 21//00, 21//04, 25//00, 25//16, 25//28, 25//32, 29//00, 31//00, 31//04, 31//12, 31//18, 35//00, 35//02, 35//04, 37//00, 37//06, C07D 20/7/273, 40/1/12, C07K 05//02, 05//023, 05//06 VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/1999/047545 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention relates to novel classes of compounds which are caspase inhibitors, in particular interleukin-1β converting enzyme ("ICE") inhibitors. This invention also relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising these compounds. The compounds and pharmaceutical compositions of this invention are particularly well suited for inhibiting caspase activity and consequently, may be advantageously used as agents against interleukin-1- ("IL-1"), apoptosis-, interferon-γ inducing factor(IGIF), or interferon-γ- ("IFN-γ") mediated diseases, including inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, destructive bone disorders, proliferative disorders, infectious diseases, and degenerative diseases. This invention also relates to methods for inhibiting caspase activity and decreasing IGIF production and IFN-γ production and methods for treating interleukin-1, apoptosis-, and interferon-γ- mediated diseases November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א using the compounds and compositions of this invention. This invention also relates to methods of preparing the compounds of this invention. ,206621 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 139051 תהליך לייצור תערובות יונומר וקרומי תערובות יונומר ]54[ PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF IONOMER BLENDS AND IONOMER BLEND MEMBRANES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 16.04.1999 19817374.1 ]32[ 18.04.1998 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) B01D 71/62, C08L 79/04, 79/06, H01M 08/10 THOMAS HAERING, GERMANY RIMA HAERING, GERMANY ]87[ ]74[ WO/1999/054407 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]57[ , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, The invention relates to novel compatible binary and tertiary cation exchange polymer and anion exchange polymer acid base blend membranes. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ USE OF A G PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTOR TO SCREEN CANDIDATE COMPOUNDS AS PHARMACETICAL AGENTS 142538 לסנןG – השימוש בקולטני מזווג לחלבון תרכובות – מועמדות כגורם תרופתי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 13.10.1999 60/109213 ]32[ 20.11.1998 ]33[ US 60/120416 16.02.1999 US 60/121852 26.02.1999 US 60/123946 12.03.1999 US 60/123949 12.03.1999 US 60/136436 28.05.1999 US 60/137127 28.05.1999 US 60/137131 28.05.1999 US 60/136437 28.05.1999 US 60/136439 28.05.1999 US 60/136567 28.05.1999 US 60/141448 29.06.1999 US 60/157280 29.09.1999 US 60/156653 29.09.1999 US 60/156633 29.09.1999 US 60/156555 29.09.1999 US 60/157280 01.10.1999 US 60/157294 01.10.1999 US 60/157281 01.10.1999 US 60/157293 01.10.1999 US 60/157282 01.10.1999 US 417044 12.10.1999 US 416760 12.10.1999 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 48//00, C07K 14//705, G01N 33//566 ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/031258 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The invention disclosed in this patent document relates to transmembrane receptors, more particularly to endogenous, human orphan G protein-coupled receptors. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,205658,205657,205656 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PATH DISCOVERY IN A 144709 גילוי נתיב בארכיטקטורת ניהול רשת מפוזר November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א DISTRIBUTED NETWORK MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ 02.08.2001 60/222660 ]32[ 03.08.2000 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 12//24, 12//56, 29//06 CISCO TECHNOLOGY, INC., U.S.A. SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method of determining the path that a network message would take among network devices in a computer network the method comprising: providing a plurality of device components to model a physical computer network, wherein each of said device components model an aspect of a network device of said physical computer network; simulating sending a network message within said model of said computer network from a source device component modeling one of said network devices of said physical network to a destination device component along a device component path, wherein said simulated message only traverses any of said devices which model said network devices of said physical computer network; and recording the device components traversed by said simulated message within said model of said physical computer network, thereby determining said path that said network message would take among said netwok devices in said physical computer network as well as the validity of the path; wherein each of said device components is configured to use message passing to independently and directly communicate with any neighboring or adjacent one of said device components, and wherein each of said device components receiving said simulated message is configured to decide to which other of said device components would a real message with the same characteristics as said simulated message be forwarded. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MORPHOLINE DERIVATIVES, METHODS FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS CONTAINING SAID DERIVATIVES 145041 ותרכובות, שיטה לייצורן, נגזרות מורפילין פרמצבטיות המכילות את הנגזרות האמורות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 21.03.2000 99/03854 ]32[ 25.03.1999 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//5375, A61P 25//00, C07D 26/5/30, 41/3/00 SANOFI AVENTIS, FRANCE WO/2000/058292 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The invention relates to compounds of formula (I) and the salts thereof with mineral or organic acids, the solvates and/or hydrates thereof, exhibiting a strong affinity and high degree of selectivity with respect to human NK1 receptors of substance P. The invention also relates to a method for the production of said derivatives, intermediate compounds of formulae (IV), (VI) and (VIII) used in the production thereof, pharmaceutical compositions containing said derivatives and the use thereof in the production of medicaments in the treatment of all pathologies where substance P and/or human NK1 receptors are involved. __________________ ]11[]21[ 145538 שיטה להענקת עמידות או סבילות כנגד טוספווירוס וקוקומווירוס, פוטיוירוס,פורווירוס לתאי צמח ]54[ METHOD FOR CONFERRING RESISTANCE OR TOLERANCE AGAINST FUROVIRUS, POTYVIRUS, TOSPOVIRUS AND CUCOMOVIRUS TO PLANT CELLS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 08.05.2000 09/309038 ]32[ 10.05.1999 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01H 05//00, C12N 15//63, 15//82 SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2000/068374 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The present invention relates to methods to alter the expression of a viral gene in a cell November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א using sense and antisense RNA fragments of the gene. The sense and antisense RNA fragments are capable of pairing and forming a double-stranded RNA molecule, thereby altering the expression of the gene. The present invention also relates to cells, plants or animals, their progeny and seeds derived thereof, obtained using a method of the present invention. Preferably, such cells, plants or animals are resistant or tolerant to viruses. __________________ ]11[]21[ 145675 גורמי גדילה תאיים משתנים של כלי דם אנדותליים ושימוש בהם ]54[ VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL CELL GROWTH FACTOR VARIANTS AND USES THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ 10.04.2000 60/129788 ]32[ 16.04.1999 ]33[ US 60/184235 23.02.2000 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//18, C07K 14//475, C12N 15//12 GENENTECH, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/063380 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention provides VEGF variants having at least a single amino acid mutation in the native VEGF sequence and selective binding affinity for either the KDR receptor or the FLT-1 receptor. Methods of making the VEGF variants and methods of using the VEGF variants are also provided. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ COMPOSITION FOR INHIBITING GROWTH OF A PROSTATE CANCER COMPRISING AN ANTIBODY AS ACTIVE 145775 תכשיר רוקחי לעיכוב גידול סרטן הערמונית המכיל נוגדן כחומר פעיל November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א INGREDIENT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 12.04.2000 60/128858 ]32[ 12.04.1999 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//17, 48//00, C07K 16//18 AGENSYS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/061746 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A prostate tumor associated gene (designated 24P4C12) and its encoded protein is described. 24P4C12 is highly expressed in prostate tissue xenografts, providing evidence that it is turned on in at least some prostate cancers. 24P4C12 provides a diagnostic and/or therapeutic target for prostate and other cancers. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206604 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS FOR TREATING AMYLOID DISEASES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 01.06.2000 60/137010 ]32[ 01.06.1999 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//00 ELAN PHARMA INTERNATIONAL LTD., IRELAND WO/2000/072876 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 146563 תכשירי רוקחות לטפול במחלות עמיליודיות ]33[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, Disclosed are pharmaceutical compositions and methods for preventing or treating a number of amyloid diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, prion diseases, familial amyloid neuropathies and the like. The pharmaceutical compositions include immunologically reactive amounts of amyloid fibril components, particularly fibrilforming peptides or proteins. Also disclosed are therapeutic compositions and methods November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א which use immune reagents that react with such fibril components. ,207166 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DEVICE FOR BLOOD SAMPLING UNDER VACUUM CONDITIONS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 23.07.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 05/00, 05/15 SHAHAL TELEMEDICINE INTERNATIONAL LTD. ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ YORAM ALROY WO/2003/045241 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 146776 מכשיר לדגימת דם בתנאי ואקום - תל,שחל טלמדיסין אינטרנשיונל בע"מ אביב יורם אלרואי ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A blood extraction device (100) and method for withdrawing a controlled number of drops of blood from a patient, in whom there is created an incision of such dimension that blood does not freely flow therefrom. A release unit (160) urges drops of blood to flow from the incision, for example by applying a vacuum, and a disabling unit (145, 146, 170) is coupled to the incision unit for disabling the release unit when a predetermined number of drops of blood have been withdrawn. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 150551 בטא1 – נוגדן רקומביננטי נגד אינטרלאוקין , תרכובות פרמצבטיות הכוללות אותו,אנושי תהליך,קונסטרוקט של דנא המקודד אותו להכנתו ושימושיו בהכנת תרופה ]54[ RECOMBINANT ANTIBODY TO HUMAN INTERLEUKIN-1 BETA, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME , DNA CONSTRUCT ENCODING THE SAME, A PROCESS FOR ITS PRODUCTION AND USES THEREOF IN THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 19.01.2001 0001448.0 ]32[ 21.01.2000 ]33[ GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//395, A61P 37//02, C07K 16//24, C12N 15//13 NOVARTIS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2001/053353 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]57[ An IL-1β binding molecule, in particular an antibody to human IL-1β, especially a human antibody to human IL-1β is provided, wherein the CDRs of the heavy and light chains have amino acid sequences as defined, for use in the treatment of an IL-1 mediated disease or disorder, e.g. osteoarthritis, osteroporosis and other inflammatory arthritides. __________________ ]11[]21[ 150571 חלבונים כימריים חדשים ושיטות המנצלות אותם ]54[ CHIMERIC PROTEINS AND METHODS FOR USING THE SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 03.01.2001 60/174258 ]32[ 03.01.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//19, C07K 14//705, C12N 15//09 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ TR ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., U.S.A. MARK L, TYKOCINSKI, JUI-HAN HUANG WO/2001/049318 EDWARD LANGER, MERKAZ GERON H. 312 P.O.B. 410, RAANANNA 43103 ,אדוארד לנגר רעננה410 .ד. ת, Novel chimeric proteins are disclosed. The proteins comprise at least two portions. The first portion binds to a first cell and decreases the cell's ability to send a trans signal to a second cell; the second portion sends its own trans signal to the second cell. Methods for making and using these proteins in the treatment of cancer, viral infections, autoimmune and alloimmune diseases are also disclosed, as are pharmaceutical formulations comprising the novel chimeric proteins and genes. Either the proteins themselves or a genetic sequence encoding the protein can be administered. Other methods are also disclosed in which two molecular components result in decrement of a first trans signal from a first cell and the conferring of a second trans signal to a second cell. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ COUPLING DEVICE WITH GALVANIC INSULATION ENSURING VISUALLY DISPLAYED SWITCHING OFF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 05.02.2001 00/01558 ]32[ 07.02.2000 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01F 38//14 EDELCOM, FRANCE WO/2001/057891 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 151002 התקן צימוד עם בידוד גלווני המאפשר תצוגה חזיתית של סגירה ]33[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention concerns a so-called galvanic insulation device for coupling two electrical circuits used both for transporting direct or low frequency current and for transmitting medium or high frequency signals. Said device comprises two primary November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א and/or secondary coupling circuits (E1, E2), separated from each other by an electrically insulating material (R) through which the coupling is produced, such that it is possible to visually ascertain the physical separation of the two circuits (E1, E2). __________________ ]11[]21[ 152283 מלואה שעוצב בצד הנגדי ]54[ REVERSE MOLDED PANEL ]22[ ]31[ 09.01.2001 60/198709 ]32[ 20.04.2000 ]33[ US 09/742840 21.12.2000 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) B27N 03//08, B44C 05//04, E04F 13//10 MASONITE CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2001/081055 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, A reverse molded fiberboard panel (12); a wainscot kit comprising a plurality of differently sized reverse molded panels (12), and a planar finishing or spacer panel, adapted to completely cover any size wall between a wall base board and a wall chair rail; and a method of reverse molding a loose cellulosic mat, in a single pressing step, to provide one or more relatively high density, raised panels (12) without requiring preliminary pressing, or other pre-shaping step, such as scalping. The reverse-molded panels (12) are molded in a conventional, multi-opening fiberboard press, in a single pressing step process, while achieving excellent transfer of mold detail (embossing fidelity) without visually noticeable fiber fracture. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 152391 ניקוי באמצעות וירוס של תאים גידוליים מתכשירים תאיים מעורבבים ]54[ VIRUS CLEARANCE OF NEOPLASTIC CELLS FROM MIXED CELLULAR COMPOSITIONS ]22[ ]31[ 01.05.2001 60/201990 ]32[ 03.05.2000 ]33[ US 60/205389 19.05.2000 US 60/268054 13.02.2001 US 60/276782 16.03.2001 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 35/76, 48/00, C12N 05/06, 15/861 ONCOLYTICS BIOTECH INC., CANADA WO/2001/083710 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention relates to a method for removing neoplastic cells from a mixed cellular composition, which is outside of a living organism, by using a virus which selectively infect and kill neoplastic cell. A variety of viruses can be used in this method to remove neoplastic cells for different purposes, for example, to purge hematopoietic stem cells prior to transplantation. Also provided are compositions prepared according to this method, and kits comprising a combination of viruses which are useful in this invention. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 152651 תכשירים סינרגיסטים המכילים תולדות – דיאון ואגוניסט או אנטגוניסט4, 2 – פירולידין תהליך להכנתם,של קולטן אצטיל כולין והשימוש בהם להדברת מזיקים ]54[ SYNERGISTIC COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING PYRROLIDINE-2,4DIONE DERIVATIVES AND AN AGONIST OR ANTAGONIST OF THE ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THEIR USE FOR CONTROLLING ANIMAL PESTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 07.05.2001 10024934.5 ]32[ 19.05.2000 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01N 43//72, C07D 20/7/38, 21/3/36, 23/3/20, 27/7/28, 27/9/06, 30/7/14, 40/1/06, 40/5/06, 41/3/06, 41/3/12, 41/7/06, C07F 09//16 BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG, GERMANY WO/2001/089300 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to insecticidal mixtures containing compounds of formula (I), in which W, X, Y, Z, A, B, D and G have the cited meanings, and agonists or antagonists of nicotinergic acetylcholine receptors for protecting plants from infestation. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 152804 שיטות לקיפול מחדש לחלבונים המכילים סיסטייאינים חופשיים ]54[ METHODS FOR REFOLDING PROTEINS CONTAINING FREE CYSTEINE RESIDUES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 16.05.2001 60/204617 ]32[ 16.05.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 47//48, C07K 01//02, 01//113, 14//435, 14//505, 14//515, 14//535, 14//54, 14//56, 14//61, 14//78, C12P 21//02 BOLDER BIOTECHNOLOGY, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/087925 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 IBN GABIROL ST., 124 אבן גבירול P.O.B. 11490, תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 62038 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention relates to novel methods for making and refolding insoluble or aggregated proteins having free cysteines in which a host cell expressing the protein is exposed to a cysteine blocking agent. The soluble, refolded proteins produced by the novel methods can then be modified to increase their effectiveness. Such modifications include attaching a PEG moiety to form PEGylated proteins. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SUBSTITUTED 152872 נגזרי פירולפירידינון מותמרים לשימוש כמעכבי פוספודיאסטראז November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PYRROLOPYRIDINONE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 03.05.2001 60/204646 ]32[ 17.05.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//437, A61P 15//00, C07D 47/1/04, 47/1/14 ORTHO-MCNEIL PHARMACEUTICAL, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/087882 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל The invention relates to novel pyrrolopyridinone derivatives of the fomula (I) or (II): pharmaceutical compositions containing the compounds and their use for the treatment of sexual dysfuntion. __________________ ]11[]21[ 153567 נוגדנים בעלי ספציפיות דואלית המקשר שני פרוטאינים שונים בעלי מבנה דומה ושיטה להשגתו ]54[ DUAL SPECIFICITY ANTIBODY WHICH BINDS TWO DIFFERENT BUT STRUCTURALLY RELATED PROTEINS AND METHOD OF OBTAINING THE SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 28.06.2001 60/215379 ]32[ 29.06.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01K 67/027, A61K 39/395, 51/10, A61P 37/06, C07K 14/545, 16/24, C12N 15/63, G01N 33/577, 33/68 ABBOTT LABORATORIES, U.S.A. WO/2002/002773 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 IBN GABIROL ST., 124 אבן גבירול P.O.B. 11490, תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א TEL AVIV 62038 ]57[ Antibodies having dual specificity for two different but structurally related antigens are provided. The antibodies can be, for example, entirely human antibodies, recombinant antibodies, or monoclonal antibodies. Preferred antibodies have dual specificity for IL-1α and IL-1β and neutralize IL-1α and IL-1β activity in vitroand in vivo. An antibody of the invention can be a full-length antibody or an antigen-binding portion thereof. Methods of making and methods of using the antibodies of the invention are also provided. The antibodies, or antibody portions, of the invention are useful for detecting two different but structurally related antigens (e.g., IL-1α and IL1β) and for inhibiting the activity of the antigens, (e.g., in a human subject suffering from a disorder in which IL-1α and/or IL-1β activity is detrimental. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,203955 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 153576 ]54[ DNA VACCINES ENCODING HIV ACCESSORY PROTEINS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 12.07.2001 60/218192 ]32[ 14.07.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//12, C07K 14//15, 14//16, C12N 15//49 THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. WO/2002/006303 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ HIV תרכיבי דנ"א המקדדים חלבוני עזר של Improved vaccines and methods of using the same are disclosed. Immunosuppressive compositions for treating individuals who have autoimmune diseases or transplants and methods of using the same are disclosed. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PRE-ENCRYPTION OF TRANSMITTED CONTENT ]22[ ]31[ 10.08.2001 0019879.6 ]32[ 11.08.2000 0114235.5 11.06.2001 60/298958 18.06.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04N 01//00 NDS LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM NIGEL STEPHEN DALLARD, NIGEL SMITH, DAVID SAMUEL CHECHIK WO/2002/015578 G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., AYALON TOWER, 15TH FLOOR, 11 MENACHEM BEGIN ST., RAMAT GAN 52521 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 153945 מערכת ושיטה לטרום הצפנה של תוכן מועבר ]33[ GB GB US דוד שמואל צ'צ'יק ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י 11 רחוב מנחם בגין, 15 קומה,מגדל איילון רמת גן A system and a method for the creation and transmission of 'pre-encrypted' digital content, which is encrypted before being placed on a distributed media transmission server. Preferably a plurality of such servers are used, for example in order to be able to place such a media transmission server in physical proximity to the end user client, whether in terms of geographical proximity or proximity through the network. Use of a plurality of transmission servers also optionally enables the media content to be transmitted flexibly, according to the request of the end user through the end user client. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 154023 גדר היקפית עם מערכות ערור רעש מגל מערכות בטחון בע"מ ,יהוד ד"ר וב ושות', רח' פקריס 2 ,ת.ד2189 .רחובות []11[]21 PERIMETER FENCE WITH NOISE INDUCING SYSTEMS []54 19.01.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) E04H 17//02, 17//24, G08B 13//12 MAGAL SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD. WEBB & CO., 2 PEKERIS ST., P.O.B. 2189, REHOVOT 76121 []22 []51 []71 גדר היקפית 10אשר כוללת- מספר עמודים 20ממוקמים במרווח זה מזה ,ו אמצעי לגידור סטנדרטי 30פרוס לאורך העמודים הנ"ל ורתום אליהם ,ו אמצעי חישה לגלוי זעזועים 40באמצעי הגידור הנ"ל מותקן על-גבי אמצעי הגידור הנ"ל ,ו כאשר הגדר ההיקפית הנ"ל מתאפיינת בכך שהיא כוללת בנוסף- אמצעי לערור רעשי 60 ,50 ,אחד לפחות ,אשר מקושר לאמצעי הגידור הנ"ל ,וכולל- אמצעי גידור בר-מתיחה 61 ,51בין עמודים. []74 []57 __________________ 154305 נגזרות פנילאלאנין ,תכשירים רפואיות מכילים אותם ושיטות להכנתם כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- []11[]21 PHENYLALANINE DERIVATIVES, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING SAME AND METHODS OF PREPARATION []54 ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 27.08.2001 60/229128 ]32[ 31.08.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//166, A61P 43//00, C07C 23/3/87 MITSUBISHI TANABE PHARMA CORPORATION, JAPAN WO/2002/018320 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention relates to a phenylalanine derivative of Formula (I) wherein X1 is a halogen atom, X2 is a halogen atom, Q is a CH2R- is a carboxyl group which may be esterified; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. __________________ ]11[]21[ 154591 ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR USING SATELLITE STATUS INFORMATION IN SATELLITE POSITIONING SYSTEMS ]22[ ]31[ 24.08.2001 60/228258 ]32[ 25.08.2000 ]33[ 09/938076 23.08.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01S 01//00, 05//00, 05//14 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2002/018968 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ שיטה ומתקן לשימוש במידע סטטוס לוויין במערכות מיקום לוויין US US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Methods and apparatuses for removing the effects of cross-correlation on a satellite November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א positioning system's calculation of position are disclosed. The method includes receiving the SPS signals from in view SPS satellites and determining whether a first measurement, corresponding to a first SPS satellite which has been indicated to be a healthy satellite, is to be removed from a set of measurements to be used to solve for a position of a mobile SPS receiver. Determining includes testing the first measurement is derived from the SPS signals. In one embodiment, the signals from the first SPS satellite may be weaker than the signals from the second SPS satellite, which has been indicated to be an unhealthy satellite. __________________ ]11[]21[ 154608 תרכובות אימוניות היעילות למניעה או שיפור של זיהום פנאומוניה המכיל לפחות שני חלבוני סטרפטקוקוס פנאומוניה וייתכן שגם חלבון המופילוס שפעתי ]54[ IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITIONS USEFUL FOR THE PREVENTION OR AMELIORATION OF PNEUMOCOCCAL INFECTION COMPRISING AT LEAST TWO STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE PROTEINS AND OPTIONALLY AN HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE PROTEIN ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 12.09.2001 0022742.1 ]32[ 15.09.2000 ]33[ GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//00, 39//09, 39//385, A61P 31//04 SMITHKLINE BEECHAM BIOLOGICALS S.A., BELGIUM WO/2002/022168 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The present invention relates to a combination of 2 or more S pneumoniae proteins, their manufacture and use in medicine as a vaccine. Such combinations are particularly useful for the protection of infants and elderly against streptococcal infection. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206757 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 154622 חומצות גרעין המקודדות ופוליפפטידים קושרי וקטורים המכילים,R – BAFF – ולBAFF שיטות להכנתם, תאים המבטאים אותם,אותם ותכשירים רוקחיים המכילים אותם ]54[ NUCLEIC ACIDS ENCODING BAFF BINDING POLYPEPTIDES AND BAFF-R, VECTOR COMPRISING THEM, CELLS EXPRESSING THEM, METHODS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM ]22[ ]31[ 06.09.2001 60/233152 ]32[ 18.09.2000 ]33[ US 60/234140 21.09.2000 US 60/268499 13.02.2001 US 60/312185 14.08.2001 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//17, C07K 14//715, 16//28, C12N 15//12 BIOGEN IDEC MA INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/024909 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Disclosed are nucleic acids encoding BAFF-R polypeptides, as well as antibodies to BAFF-R polypeptides and pharmaceutical compositions including same. Methods of treating tumorigenic and autoimmune conditions using the nucleic acids, polypeptides, antibodies and pharmaceutical compositions of this invention are also provided. The applications for division from this application have ,206414 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א not yet been published __________________ ]11[]21[ 154705 תהליכים להכנתם,פוליארילקרבוקסאמידים ותכשירים רוקחיים הכוללים אותם ]54[ POLYARYLCARBOXAMIDE COMPOUNDS, PROCESSES FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 27.08.2001 00203067.4 ]32[ 04.09.2000 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//445, 31//4545, 31//495, 31//496, 31//551, A61P 03//06, 09//00, C07D 21/1/26, 21/1/34, 21/1/56, 21/1/70, 24/3/08, 29/5/14, 40/1/06, 40/1/12, 40/5/12, 40/9/12 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA, N.V., BELGIUM WO/2002/020501 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Polyarylcarboxamide compounds of formula (I) are useful as lipid lowering agents. __________________ ]11[]21[ 154777 ]54[ USE OF IL-6 RECEPTOR/IL-6 CHIMERA FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATING HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 10.09.2001 00120045.0 ]32[ 14.09.2000 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//00, 38//20, 39//395, 47//42, 47//48, 48//00, A61P 25//14, C07K 14//54, 19//00 להכנתIL–6/IL–6 שימוש בכימרה קולטן תרופה לטיפול במחלת האנטינגטון November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ARES TRADING S.A., SWITZERLAND DEGLON NICOLE, AEBISCHER PATRICK, BENSADOUN JEANCHARLES WO/2002/022149 INTERPHARM LABORATORIES LTD., 18 HAKISHON ST., P.O.B. 151, YAVNE 81101 ,אינטרפארם מעבדות בע"מ 18 רחוב הקישון יבנה151 .ד. ת, The invention relates to the use of an IL-6R/IL-6 chimera, a mutein, isoform, fused protein, functional derivative, active fraction or circularly permutated derivative or a salt thereof, for the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment and/or prevention of Huntington's disease. __________________ ]11[]21[ 155282 תכשירי חיסון לסרטן ]54[ CANCER VACCINES ]22[ ]31[ 16.10.2001 0025573.7 ]32[ 18.10.2000 ]33[ GB 0025574.5 18.10.2000 GB 690921 18.10.2000 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 39/39, A61P 35/00, 37/04 GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS S.A., BELGIUM WO/2002/032450 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention provides novel adjuvant formulations for use with cancer antigens. The adjuvant comprises a saponin and a immunostimulatory oligonucleotide. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ MULTI-CHIP INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CARRIER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 19.10.2001 09/693068 ]32[ 20.10.2000 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H05K 01//14 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2002/034018 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 155465 מצע למעגל משולב רב–שבבי ]33[ US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, An integrated circuit carrier (70) includes a plurality of receiving zones. Each receiving zone includes electrical contacts and each receiving zone is configured to receive a particular type of integrated circuit (72, 74, 76). A plurality of island-defining portions (16) is arranged about each receiving zone. Each island-defining portion (16) has an electrical terminal electrically connected to one electrical contact of its associated receiving zone. A rigidity reducing arrangement connects each islanddefining portion (16) to each of its neighbouring island-defining portions (16). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PRINTED CARD BASED USER INTERFACE SYSTEM ]22[ 19.10.2001 155470 מערכת ממשק משתמש מבוססת על כרטיס מודפס November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 09/693226 ]32[ 20.10.2000 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06K 07//12 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2002/035448 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]33[ US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, An user interface (12) for reading data encoded in a fault tolerant digital form printed in infrared ink on the face of a card (10) upon which may also be recorded a visual representation is disclosed. The data may include text and/or images equivalent to recording a book, newspaper, manual or a database. __________________ ]11[]21[ 155648 תכשירים המכילים תולדות קטואנולים וקוטלי תהליך להכנתם ושימוש בהם לבקרה,רמשים על מזיקים ]54[ COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING COMBINATIONS OF KETOENOL DERIVATIVES AND PESTICIDES, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THEIR USE FOR CONTROLLING ANIMAL PESTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 29.10.2001 10055941.7 ]32[ 10.11.2000 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01N 43//36, 43//38, 43//90, 53//02, 59//26, C07C 28/1/02, 30/9/67, 31/7/14, 33//24, 33/5/18, 69//017, 69//732, C07D 20/7/34, 20/7/38, 20/9/54, 23/1/14, 23/7/18, 23/9/42, 23/9/52, 23/9/70, 25/7/08, 26/3/14, 27/7/14, 33/3/12, 41/3/12, C07F 07//22, 09//28, C07H 17//08 BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG, GERMANY ]71[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2002/037963 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The novel active agent combinations consisting of certain cyclical keto-enols and the active agents (1) to (29) listed in the description have excellent insecticidal and acaricidal properties. __________________ ]11[]21[ 156097 –תרכובות ביס–אריל אורתו–מותמרות ומטה השימוש בהן, שיטה להכנתן,מותמרות ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים תרכובות,כתרופה אלו ]54[ ORTHO-SUBSTITUTED AND META-SUBSTITUTED BIS-ARYL COMPOUNDS, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF, THEIR USE AS MEDICAMENTS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS CONTAINING THESE COMPOUNDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 17.11.2001 10059418.2 ]32[ 30.11.2000 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//166, 31//44, 31//4427, A61P 09//06, C07C 23/7/30, C07D 21/3/81, 21/3/82, 40/1/12 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/044137 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to compounds of formula (I), wherein A1 to A8, R(1), R(2), R(3), R(4), R(30) and R(31) have the meanings as cited in the patent claims. These compounds are especially well-suited for use as novel antiarrhythmic active substances, in particular, for the treatment and prophylaxis of atrial arrhythmias, e.g. atrial fibrillations (AF) or atrial flutters. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 156264 ,–און כמשפעלים של גלוקוקינאז1–איזוינדולין תהליך להכנתם ותכשירי רוקחות שלהם ]54[ ISOINDOLIN-1-ONE GLUCOKINASE ACTIVATORS, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ 07.12.2001 60/255273 ]32[ 13.12.2000 ]33[ US 60/318715 13.09.2001 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//427, 31//4439, 31//4709, 31//506, A61P 03//10, C07D 40/1/12, 40/3/12, 41/3/12, 41/7/12 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2002/048106 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 Isoindolin-1-one-substituted propionamide glucokinase activators which increase insulin secretion in the treatment of type II diabetes. ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ENHANCED MULTIPOINT LOCK ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 08.06.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) E05C 09//04 MUL-T-LOCK TECHNOLOGIES LTD. ADALBERT MATYKO, ALEX ACKERMAN DEKEL PATENT LTD., 18 MENUHA VENEHALA ST., REHOVOT 76209 ]72[ ]74[ 156342 מנעול רב–נקודתי משופר הניתן להארכה יבנה,מולטילוק טכנולוגיות בע"מ אלקס אקרמן,אדלברט מטיקו ,דקל פטנט בע"מ 27 חדר18 מנוחה ונחלה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]57[ רחובות A multipoint lock comprising: a locking mechanism adapted to selectively retract and extend at least one locking element relative to an elongate housing, wherein said locking mechanism comprises an arm pivotally attached to a lock actuator and constrained to travel in a channel formed in a linkage device linked to said at least one locking element, wherein said channel comprises at least two termini extending from and generally perpendicular to said channel at which said arm is in a locked position and said at least one locking element is at an extended position protruding out of said elongate housing, and wherein said at least one locking element extends further out of said elongate housing, with said arm at one of the termini than at another of the termini, wherein the termini of said channel comprise an inner terminus, at least one intermediate terminus and an outer terminus, said outer terminus being closer to an end of said elongate housing than said inner terminus, and wherein said channel is a continuously straight channel from said inner terminus to said outer terminus and said at least one intermediate terminus is generally perpendicular to said continuously straight channel, and wherein said arm is arranged for moving in said channel from said inner terminus to said at least one intermediate terminus and to said outer terminus. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MEDICAL IMAGING AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ 12.02.2002 09/949160 ]32[ 07.09.2001 09/782528 13.02.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61B 05//00 MEDIGUIDE LTD. WO/2002/064011 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ 157262 מערכת הדמייה וניווט רפואית ]33[ US US חיפה,מדיגייד בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ ,'בורוכוב קורח ושות מגדל כלל עתידים אביב-תל58100 .ד. ת, BOROCHOV, KORAKH & CO., 15TH FLOOR, ATIDIM TOWER, KIRYAT ATIDIM, P.O.B. 58100, TEL AVIV 61580 The three dimensional imaging system (100) includes, a main computer (102), a twodimentional image acquisition device (104), an ECG monitor (106), a medical positioning system (MPS) (108), a frame grabber (110), a three dimensional image reconstructor (112), an adaptive volumetric database (114), a superingposing processor (116), a surgical tool (120), a plurality of MPS sensors (162(1)-162 (N), and a display (130). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ POST-PARTUM MAMMALIAN PLACENTA, ITS USE AND PLACENTAL STEM CELLS THEREFROM ]22[ ]31[ 13.02.2002 60/268560 ]32[ 14.02.2001 004942 05.12.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C12N 05//0735 ANTHROGENESIS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/064755 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 157350 שימוש ותאי,שליה ממקור אנושי שלאחר לידה גזע ממנה ]33[ US US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention provides a method of extracting and recovering embryonic like November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א stem cells, including, but not limited to pluripotent or multipotent stem cells, from an exsanguinated human placenta. A placenta is treated to move residual umbilical cord blood by perfusing an exsanguinated placenta, preferably with an anticoagulant solution, to flush out residual cells. The residual cells and perfusion liquid from the exsanguinated placenta are collected, and the embryonic-like stem cells are separated from the residual cells and perfusion liquid. The invention also provides a method of utilizing the isolated and perfused placenta as a bioreactor in which to propagate endogenous cells, including, but not limited to, embryonic-like stem cells. The invention also provides methods for propagation of exogenous cells in a placental bioreactor and collecting the propagated exogenous cells and bioactive molecules therefrom. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,207025,207024,201916 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 158289 תהליך להכנתן,תולדות מרקפטואצטילאמיד והשימוש בהן כתרופות לטיפול באי – ספיקת לב ובלחץ דם גבוה ]54[ MERCAPTOACETYLAMIDE DERIVATIVES, A PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THEIR USE AS MEDICAMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTENSION AND CHF ]22[ ]31[ 03.04.2002 60/283305 ]32[ 12.04.2001 ]33[ US 0119305.1 08.08.2001 GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//55, A61P 09//00, C07D 47/1/04 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/083671 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 7 רחוב שנקר הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]57[ This invention discloses and claims a series of mercaptoacetylamide derivatives of formula (I). Also disclosed and claimed are pharmaceutical compositions incorporating these compounds and processes for preparing said compounds. The use of said compounds for inhibition of the enzymes angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase, and for the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure are also disclosed and claimed. __________________ ]11[]21[ 158433 תכשיר נוגד גידול המכיל טולואן סולפונאמיד ושיטה לשימושו ]54[ TOLUENE SULFONAMIDECONTAINING ANTI-TUMOR COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF USE THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 16.04.2002 09/835908 ]32[ 16.04.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//18, A61P 35//00, C07C 31/1/15 ROCKY S.H. SHIH, U.S.A. PTS INTERNATIONAL INC., U.S.A. LESTER WU, U.S.A. ]87[ ]74[ WO/2002/083117 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]57[ ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The invention relates to composition which exhibit anti-tumor activity and which comprise a toluene sulfonamide at a concentration not previously recognized as being November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א efficacious for this purpose. The compositions exhibit the ability to inhibit tumor growth, shrink (i.e., necrotize) tumors, and prevent tumor formation in humans. The invention also includes methods of making and using the compositions. __________________ ]11[]21[ 158457 יונקים טרנסגניים שאינם פרימטים לשימוש בניבוי התנהגות סבירה של תרופות במין נבחר של פרימט ]54[ TRANSGENIC NON - PRIMATE MAMMALS FOR USE IN PREDICTING THE LIKELY BEHAVIOR OF A DRUG IN A SELECTED SPECIES OF PRIMATE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 18.04.2002 PR4467 ]32[ 18.04.2001 ]33[ AU Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01K 67//00, C07K 14//47, 14//765, C12N 15//12, 15//85, G01N 33//68 GENE STREAM PTY LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2002/083897 REINHOLD COHN AND ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו PARTNERS, 'א26 רחוב הברזל 26A HABARZEL ST., רמת החייל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention is directed to the production, breeding and use of transgenic non-human animals such as mice in which specific genes or portions of genes have been replaced by homologues from another animal to make the physiology of the animals so modified more like that of the other animal with respect to drug pharmacokinetics and metabolism. The invention also extends to the use of the genetically modified non-human animals of the invention for pharmacological and/or toxicological studies. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ANTHRANILIC ACID AMIDES 158504 אמידים של חומצה אנתרנילית ותכשירי רוקחות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א מהם AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 13.04.2002 10121003.5 ]32[ 28.04.2001 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//18, 31//341, 31//40, 31//415, 31//426, 31//44, A61P 09//06, C07C 31/1/08, 31/1/14, 31/1/21, 31/1/29, C07D 20/7/335, 20/9/14, 21/3/40, 21/3/62, 21/5/12, 23/1/12, 23/1/16, 23/3/61, 23/3/64, 23/5/14, 27/7/28, 30/7/52, 40/1/12, 40/5/12 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/088073 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 The invention relates to anthranilic acid amides, to a method for the production thereof, to their use as a medicament, and to pharmaceutical preparations containing these anthranilic acid amides. The anthranilic acid amides consist of compounds of formula (I) in which R(1) to (R7) have the meanings as cited in the claims, act upon the Kv1.5 potassium channel, and inhibit a potassium stream described as an 'ultrarapidly activating delayed rectifier' in the human cardiac atrium. The compounds are therefore especially suited as novel antiarrhythmic active substances, particularly for treating and preventing atrial arrhythmias, e.g. atrial fibrillation AF or atrial flutter. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ INTEGRATED SAMPLE TESTING METER ]22[ 02.04.2003 159051 מד בחינה משולב לדגימה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 0207610.7 ]32[ 02.04.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61B 05//00 LIFESCAN SCOTLAND LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2003/082091 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]33[ GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל An integrated sample testing meter, for instance for measuring blood, comprising a puncture means, a sensor and a test strip cartridge disposed in a single modular housing. The test strip cartridge includes a stack of test strips suitable for performing an electrochemical or photometric analysis of a blood sample. The integrated test system automatically dispenses and positions a test strip and forms a puncture site. Blood is transferred to the test strip from the puncture site and the sensor automatically analyzes the blood sample after the test strip collects the sample from the puncture site. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SPRAYING MAINTENANCE ENHANCING MATERIAL ONTO THE PERIPHERY OF A TUBULAR MEMBER ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ 27.11.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B05B 13//04 KAL SAL LTD. SHLOMO KLINE, MARK SELA LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, 159104 מתקן ושיטה להתזת חומר על ההיקף של חלק לשפור תחזוקתו,צינורי תל אביב,קל סל בע"מ מרק סלע,שלמה קליין ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]57[ P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 An apparatus for spraying maintenance enhancing material onto the periphery (11) of a tubular member (10) positioned above a ground surface, comprising: (a) one or more means for generating spray onto the periphery of the tubular member; (b) means for positioning said one or more spray generating means in such a way that(i) the periphery of said tubular member is completely impinged by the spray issuing from said one or more spray generating means; and (ii) that a line (6) corresponding to the shortest distance of a spray issuing from a first spray generating means to a first peripheral portion of said tubular member is oblique with a radius (R) of said tubular member which bisects said first peripheral portion, wherein the angle between said line and the vertical centerline of said tubular member is greater than 20 degrees when the first peripheral portion includes a lowest point of a horizontally disposed tubular member, said angle being equal to a maximum value when said line is tangential to the periphery of said horizontally disposed tubular member. __________________ ]11[]21[ 159839 תהליך להכנתם,פירזולילקרבוכסאנילידים ושימוש בהם לבקרה על מיקרואורגניזמים בלתי רצויים ]54[ PYRAZOLYLCARBOXANILIDES, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THEIR USE FOR CONTROLLING UNDESIRED MICROORGANISMS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 12.07.2002 10136065.7 ]32[ 25.07.2001 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01N 43//56, C07D 23/1/16 BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG, GERMANY WO/2003/010149 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Novel pyrazolylcarboxanilides of formula (I), where R1, R2, G, R3 and n have the meanings given in the description, several methods for production of said materials and uses thereof for treating undesirable microorganisms. The invention also relates to novel intermediates and production thereof. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DENTAL APPARATUS FOR WHITENING TEETH USING OZONE ]22[ ]31[ 31.07.2002 60/309570 ]32[ 02.08.2001 10/196854 17.07.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61C 17//02, 19//06 CUROZONE IRELAND LTD., IRELAND WO/2003/011170 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 159850 מכשיר דנטלי להלבין שיניים בשיםוש של אוזון ]33[ US US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method and apparatus for whitening teeth includes a source of oxidizing gas (12) and a handpiece (16) for delivering the gas to the tooth (40). A cup (34) attached to the handpiece (16) is provided for receiving the gas and exposing a selected area of the tooth (40) to the gas. The cup (34) includes a resilient edge (44) for sealing the edge (44) for engaging the tooth (40) around the selected area to prevent escape of a gas. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MULTI-COMPARTMENT CONTAINER ASSEMBLY SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 06.08.2002 60/310414 ]32[ 06.08.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B65D 25//08, 81//32 M.L.I.S. PROJECTS LTD. IGAL SHARON WO/2003/013960 DVORA GADOR, 53 DERECH HASHALOM , GIVATAYIM 53454 ]57[ 160007 מערכת הרכבת מיכל רב–תאי ]33[ US מושב בית יצחק, בע"ם.ס.י.ל.מ יגאל שרון ,' גדור ושות,דבורה גדור עו"ד בלום 53 דרך השלום גבעתיים A container assembly system for storing multiple components of a formulation in separate individual container assembly units (10, 30, 30', 130, 130', 230, 230') that can be assembled easily into a single multi-compartment container. The components of a formulation may be stored in each assembly units (10, 30, 30', 130, 130', 230, 230') and then assembled into a multi-compartment container so that the components can be mixed into a formula just prior to use. The assembly units, each containing a component of a formulation, can also be assembled into a single multi-compartment container first and then stored until ready for use. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ קירור של מערכות לייזר כוח גבוה ]54[ COOLING OF HIGH POWER LASER SYSTEMS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 09.08.2002 09/932869 ]32[ 17.08.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01S 03//042 TEXTRON SYSTEMS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/017438 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ 160110 ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]57[ A method and apparatus for cooling a high power laser oscillator (200) or amplifier is disclosed in which a plurality of laser gain media (102) that are configured such that the width of the media is greater than the thickness of the media, are sandwiched between pairs of optically transparent materials (104) having high thermal conductivity. In this way, a shortened thermal path is created from the face surface of the laser gain media (102) axially via the optically transparent heat conductor (104) to an external heat exchange system (202). This provides an increased level of cooling of the interior of the laser gain media (102) and avoids the deleterious effects caused by over heating of the laser gain media (102) particularly with large effective cross sections desired for high power and/or high pulse repetition and high pulse energy operation. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DIAMINE DERIVATIVES, SALTS THEREOF AND SOLVATES AND NOXIDES THEREOF WHICH EXIBIT POTENT FXA-INHIBITING EFFECT AND ANTICOAGULANT EFFECT ]22[ ]31[ 08.08.2002 2001-243046 2001-311808 2001-398708 PCT/JP02/02683 ]32[ 09.08.2001 09.10.2001 28.12.2001 20.03.2002 160204 –N מלחים מזה וסולבנטים ו,תולדות דיאמין אשר מראים יכולת של אפקט,אוקסידים ואפקט נוגדי קרישהFXa מדכאי ]33[ JP JP JP WO November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ PCT/JP02/06141 20.06.2002 WO Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//429, 31//4436, 31//506, A61P 07//02, C07D 40/1/14, 40/9/12, 51/3/04 DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED, JAPAN WO/2003/016302 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 Compounds represented by the following general formula (1), salts thereof, solvates of the same or N−oxides of the same: Q1−Q2−T0−N(R1)−Q3−N(R2)−T1−Q4 (1) wherein R1 and R2 represent each hydrogen, etc.; Q1 represents optionally substituted, saturated or unsaturated 5− or 6−membered hydrocarbyl, etc.; Q 2 represents a single bond, etc.; Q3 represents the following group; (wherein Q5 represents C1−8 alkylene, etc.); and T0 and T1 represent each carbonyl, etc. These compounds are useful as preventives and/or remedies for brain infarction, cerebral embolism, myocardial infarction, angina, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary embolism, Buerger’s disease, bottom venous thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombosis following artificial valve/joint replacement, thrombosis and reocclusion following circulation reconstruction, systemic inflammatory responsive syndrome (SIRS), multiple organ dysfunction (MODS), thrombosis in extracorporeal circulation or blood coagulation in collecting blood. __________________ ]11[]21[ 160231 ]54[ ADENOSINE A3 RECEPTOR AGONISTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 06.08.2002 60/311069 ]32[ 08.08.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//70, A61P 35//00, C07H 19//16 GILEAD PALO ALTO, INC., U.S.A. רספטורA3 אגוניסטים של אדנוסין November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2003/014137 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Disclosed are novel compounds of the Formula I that are A3 adenosine receptor agonists, useful for treating various disease states, including cancer, cardiac ischemia, leukopenia, and neutropennia. Formula (I) wherein: R1 is optionally substituted lower alkyl, optionally substituted cycloalkyl, optionally substituted aryl, or optionally substituted heteroaryl; X is a covalent bond or optionally substituted alkylene; R1 is R4 Z-Y-C=C- or optionally substituted pyrazolyl: in which Y is optionally substituted alkylene, Z is oxygen, sulfur or NH-, and R4 is optionally substituted aryl or optionally substituted heteroaryl; and R3 is hydroxymethyl or C(O)-NR5R6; in which R5 and R6 are independently hydrogen or lower alkyl. __________________ ]11[]21[ 160633 ספר אלקטרוני סורק ]54[ SCANNING ELECTRONIC BOOK ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 29.08.2002 09/942602 ]32[ 31.08.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06F 01//16, G06K 09//20, 13//06 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2003/019338 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, An electronic book for presenting text and/or graphics includes a scanner for scanning data cards bearing a pattern encoding the text and/or graphics. The electronic book further includes a programmed processor for decoding the text and/or graphics and a screen for displaying same. In a preferred embodiment the electronic book is provided in a compact foldable housing with an appearance similar to a conventional book including a flexible and foldable screen. The housing includes a spine having a recess to allow the folded screen to loop without damage occurring due to creasing. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 160665 ]54[ METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PROVIDING COMMUNICATION SERVICES ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 01.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 12//28, H04Q 11//04 ECI TELECOM LTD. ECI TELECOM LTD., 30 HASIVIM ST., PETACH TIKVA 49517 ]57[ שיטה והתקן לאספקת שירותי תקשורת פתח תקוה, טלקום בע"מ.איי.סי.אי , טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 30 רחוב הסיבים פתח תקוה Technology for providing subscribers with communication services in accordance with their agreements with a service provider, that comprises: (a) determining a plurality of subscribers to be connected to the service provider via a distribution unit located in an access network; (b) selecting a default advanced broadband technology (DABT) for the distribution unit; (c) in the distribution unit, providing a plurality of communication devices to reserve for each of the plurality of subscribers, irrespective of their agreements reached with the service provider, an individual communication link for supplying broadband communicatiom services based on the selected DABT; while (d) enabling each of the plurality of subscribers to receive services in accordance with their respective agreements with the service provider. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 160983 ]54[ USE OF PYY FOR PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT FOR MODIFICATION OF FEEDING BEHAVIOR ]22[ ]31[ 24.09.2002 60/324406 ]32[ 24.09.2001 ]33[ US 0200507.2 10.01.2002 GB 60/392109 28.06.2002 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//137, 31//138, 31//403, 38//22, A61P 03//04, 03//10 IMPERIAL INNOVATIONS LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. WO/2003/026591 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ להכנת תכשיר תרופתי לויסותPYY–שימוש ב התנהגות בעת אכילה Methods are disclosed for decreasing calorie intake, food intake, and appetite in a subject. The methods include peripherally administering a therapeutically effective amount of PYY or an agonist thereof to the subject, thereby decreasing the calorie intake of the subject. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,199364 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 161120 נגזרות של הטרואריל כליגנדים ראשונים במעלה ORL–1 לרצפטור נוציספטין מסוג ]54[ HETEROARYL DERIVATIVES AS SUPERIOR LIGANDS FOR NOCICEPTIN RECEPTOR ORL-1 ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 06.11.2002 60/333284 ]32[ 07.11.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//46, A61P 43//00, C07D 40/1/04, 40/1/14, 45/1/06 SCHERING CORPORATION, U.S.A. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2003/039469 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, Novel compounds of the formula (I), wherein R is optionally substituted heteroaryl or (a); R1 is H or C1-C6 alkyl; and R2 and R3 are -CH3, -OCH3 or halo; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or solvate thereof, pharmaceutical compositions therefor, and the use of said compounds in the treatment of pain, anxiety, cough, asthma, depression and alcohol abuse are disclosed. __________________ ]11[]21[ 161121 קופולימרים ליניאריים רנדומאליים לדיכוי מחלות של מערכת החיסון ושיטות שימוש ]54[ LINEAR RANDOM COPOLYMERS FOR SUPRESSION OF AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES AND METHODS OF USE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 03.10.2002 60/326705 ]32[ 03.10.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//07, 38//08, 38//16, A61P 37//02, C07K 05//10, 07//06, 14//00 PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE, U.S.A. WO/2003/029276 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 SHENKAR ST., 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב P.O.B. 12704, הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Random three- and four-amino acid copolymers having lengths of 14-,35- and 50amino acid residues are provided. Fifty-mers of FEAK were effective inhibitors of MBP 85-99 or proteolipid protein (PLP) 40-60-specific HLA-DR-2-restricted T cell clones. These copolymers efficiently suppressed EAE induced in susceptible SJL/J (H2s) strain of mice with either whole spinal cord homogenate (WSCH) or with the encephalitogenic epitope PLP 139-151. YFAK 50-mer having a molar ratio of about y 0.8:F 0.2 inhibited binding of biotinylated MBP 85-99 epitope to HLA-DR-2 molecules more efficiently than either unlabeled MBP 85-99 or Copaxone®. YFAK November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א and FAK copolymers efficiently suppressed EAE induced in SJL/J (H-2s) mice with the encephalitogenic epitope PLP 139-151. Copolymers YFK, VYAK and tryptophancontaining VWAK were efficacious in alleviating severity and duration of symptoms of EAE induced by MBP 85-99, in a humanized mouse model expressing genes for both an HLA-DR-2 linked to multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans and for a T cell receptor from an MS patient. ,203117 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ VERIFICATION OF A PERSON IDENTIFIER RECEIVED ONLINE ]22[ ]31[ 16.10.2002 60/329518 ]32[ 17.10.2001 60/374548 23.04.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 09//32 PAYPAL ISRAEL LTD SAAR WILF, SHVAT SHAKED WO/2003/034633 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 161437 אימות מזהה אדם שמתקבל און–ליין ]33[ US US תל אביב,פייפאל ישראל בע"מ שבט שקד,סער וילף ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת A_system and method for verification of a person identifier received online is described. The method includes receiving a request for verifying a person identifier (P11); and estimating whether (a) P11(100) identifies the same person as another person identifier (P12), (b) sender of P11 is the same person as sender of P12(106), November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א and (c) P12 identifies the sender of P12. __________________ ]11[]21[ 161461 תאים אנדותליאלים המפקים מתאי גזע עוברים של פרימאטים ]54[ ENDOTHELIAL CELLS DERIVED FROM PRIMATE EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 01.11.2002 60/335332 ]32[ 02.11.2001 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) C12N 05//02, 05//0735 WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH FOUNDATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/040319 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method is described to induce primate embryonic stem cells to differentiate into a relatively homogenous population of endothelial cells. The ES derived endothelial cells have the general morphological and cell surface marker characteristics of endothelial cells. The ES derived endothelial cells also are capable of inducing and participating in blood vessel formation (or vascularization) when transplanted into tissue in vivo. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SOY MILK COMPOSITIONS PREPARED BY A PROCESS PROVIDING IMPROVED TEXTURE AND THE PROCESS FOR SUCH A PREPARATION ]22[ 26.11.2002 161631 תכשירים של חלב סויה המוכנים בתהליך המספק מבנה משופר והתהליך להכנתם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 995247 ]32[ 27.11.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A23L 01//20 JENEIL BIOTECH, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/045170 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Soy milk and beverage compositions together with methods for preparation, such compositions utilizing soy particulates of consistent micron dimension, either alone or in conjunction with high process pressures, to provide texture and taste characteristics. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ CONTEXT MANAGEMENT SUPER TOOLS AND FILTER/SORT MODEL FOR AGGREGATED DISPLAY WEBPAGES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 25.10.2002 10/001744 ]32[ 31.10.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06F 17//30 IBM CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/038583 IBM LABORATORIES, HAIFA UNIVERSITY, HAIFA 31905 ]57[ 161653 מיון/כלי–על לניהול סביבה ודוגמה לסינון לעמודי רשת המיועדים לתצוגה מקובצת ]33[ US ,מעבדות יבמ מחלקת קנין רוחני אוניברסיטת חיפה הר הכרמל חיפה An information aggregation and management system and method having selective 'drill-down' capabilities and employing an Object-Action Navigation methodology. A user first selects an object of interest, and then selects one or more actions to perform on said selected object. An informational object may be selected from a Context Pane, and then an available action for that object may be selected from execution. A Content Pane displays the results of the actions on the object or objects. The user may rearrange, summarize, maximize, filter and sort information for display to effectively manage display area and minimize operations necessary to obtain information and analysis of interest. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REDUCING ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND JAMMING IN GPS EQUIPMENT OPERATING IN ROLLING ENVIRONMENTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 04.12.2002 60/335266 ]32[ 04.12.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 01/00, 07/36 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/048799 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 162220 שיטה ומכשיר להפחתת הפרעה ושיבוש הפועל בסביבותGPS אלקטרומגנטיים בציוד מסתובבות ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method and apparatus for reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI) and jamming in Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers operating on rolling or spinning platforms and/or environments is provided. An antenna system having a pair of diametrically-mounted elements provides interferometric cancellation for spatial and polarization nulling of interference signals. The antenna system, operating in conjunction with multiplexing and anti jamming electronics, provides interference suppression for a GPS receiver connected thereto. Interference cancellation is provided in jamming and non-jamming environments by selectively employing spatial or polarization nulling of the interference signal. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ HYPERTHERMIA TREATMENT APPARATUS AND PROBE THEREFOR 162483 מכשיר לטיפול בהיפרתרמיה ואמצעי לשם כך November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 12.12.2002 10/014846 ]32[ 14.12.2001 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61B 19//00, A61H 07//00 MONTERIS MEDICAL, INC., CANADA WO/2003/051217 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, An MRI guided surgical apparatus includes a heat source formed by a laser and an optical fiber carrying the heat energy into a part to be coagulated by hyperthermia with an end reflector to direct the energy in a beam to one side of the fiber end. A reinforcing sleeve for the fiber is mounted in a shielded, Piezo-electric motor which causes movement of the fiber longitudinally and angularly within a rigid elongate cannula. A magnetic resonance imaging system is arranged to generate a series of output signals over a period of time representative of temperature in the part as the temperature of the part changes during that time. The heat source is controlled in heat energy applied and location and orientation of the beam to stop heating when the temperature at the boundary of a tumor reaches the required hyperthermic temperature. Cooling of the tip portion of the probe is effected by expansion of a supplied cooling fluid in gaseous form through a restrictive orifice into an expansion zone at the probe end. The fiber is thus encased in a stiff tubular titanium probe with a relatively small fluid supply duct along the inside of the probe with the interior of the probe acting as a return duct for the expanded gas. Thus the fiber end is contained in gas rather than liquid and the temperature of the probe end can be monitored by a sensor in the probe end and controlled by controlling the pressure in the supplied cooling fluid. The probe is driven in the longitudinal and rotational directions to move the fiber tip. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 162812 שיטה ומכשיר לבקרת תקשורת נתונים מתחנות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א מוצא מרובות לתחנה ניידת במערת תקשורת CONTROLLING COMMUNICATIONS OF DATA FROM MULTIPLE BASE STATIONS TO A MOBILE STATION IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 03.01.2003 60/346987 ]32[ 08.01.2002 ]33[ US 60/359005 20.02.2002 US 10/274343 18.10.2002 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04J 11/00, H04L 01/00, 12/28 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2003/059002 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, An apparatus and method provides for controlling communications from multiple base stations to a mobile station in a communication system. A mobile station transmitter transmits from the mobile station channel quality indicator data of a first base station. The data is covered with Walsh code assigned to the first base station. A base station receiver receives the transmission of the channel quality indicator data of the first base station. The mobile station transmitter punctures the transmission of the channel quality indicator data of the first base station with null channel quality indicator data, and covers the null channel quality data with Walsh code assigned to a second base station of the multiple base stations to indicate a desire to switch a source of transmission of traffic data from the first base station to the second base station. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206251 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 162822 שימוש באנטגוניסטים של רצפטור סלקטיבי לאוקסיטוצין בהכנת תרופות לטיפול בשפיכה שיטת ניסוי לזיהוי אנטגוניסטים,מוקדמת שכאלה ותכשירים רפואיים המכילים אחד או יותר מהאנטגוניסטים הנ"ל ואחד או יות PDEIs ]54[ USE OF A SELECTIVE OXYTOCIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST IN THE MANUFACTURE OF MEDICAMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PREMATURE EJACULATION, AN ASSAY METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING SUCH AGONISTS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONSISTING OF ONE OR MORE OF SAID ANTAGONISTS AND ONE OR MORE PDEIS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 20.01.2003 0202282.0 ]32[ 31.01.2002 ]33[ GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01K 67//027, A61K 31//495, 38//11, 45//06, A61P 15//00, C07D 29/5/26 PFIZER INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/064402 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ A composition comprising a selective oxytocin antagonist for use in the treatment and/or prevention of a male ejaculatory disorder; which selective oxytocin antagonist is optionally admixed witha a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, diluent or excipient. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR EFFECTIVELY PERFORMING EVENT DETECTION IN A LARGE NUMBER OF CONCURRENT IMAGE SEQUENCES 162879 שיטה ומערכת לביצוע יעיל של אירוע זיהוי במספר רב של רצפי דמות המתרחשים בו–זמנית November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 03.07.2003 60/394205 ]32[ 05.07.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06K 09//00, G06T 07//20, G08B 13//196, H04N 07//18 ASPECTUS LTD. פ"ת,אספקטוס בע"מ WO/2004/006184 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל Method and system for performing event detection and object tracking in image streams by installing in field, a set of image acquisition devices, where each device includes a local programmable processor for converting the acquired image stream that consist of one or more images, to a digital format, and a local encoder for generating features from the image stream. These features are parameters that are related to attributes of objects in the image stream. The encoder also transmits a feature stream, whenever the motion features exceed a corresponding threshold. Each image acquisition device is connected to a data network through a corresponding data communication channel. An image processing server that determines the threshold and processes the feature stream is also connected to the data network. Whenever the server receives features from a local encoder through its corresponding data communication channel and the data network, the server provides indications regarding events in the image streams by processing the feature stream and transmitting these indications to an operator. __________________ ]11[]21[ 162963 ]54[ ANTIVIRAL COMPOSITION DERIVED FROM ALLIUM CEPA AND THERAPEUTIC USE THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ 16.10.2002 10/076247 ]32[ 14.01.2002 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 35//00, 36//8962 DIEPON S.A., URUGUAY ADOLFO GOREN, WALTER F. GOLDMAN, ZILA TRAININ, SIMON P. GOLDMAN WO/2003/059071 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., ]87[ ]74[ CEPA –הרכב אנטי–ויראלי המופק מ ושימוש רפואי שלוALLIUM US ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]57[ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת Novel medicinal extracts derived from Allium species, preferably Allium cepa are provided. These extracts have broad medicinal properties, especially for treatment of AMS and other viral infections. __________________ ]11[]21[ 163092 עיבוד חבילות המועברות ברשתות תקשורת ]54[ PROCESSING OF PACKETS FORWARDED IN COMMUNICATION NETWORKS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 19.07.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 12//56 VERAZ NETWORKS LTD. פתח תקוה,וראז נטוורקס בע"מ ALEF GIMEL - INTELLECTUAL , ייעוץ לקניין רוחני בע"מ- .ג.א PROPERTY CONSULTING LTD., רחובות2079 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 2079, REHOVOT 76120 A method for processing a packet belonging to a communication signal, that comprises a header and a payload and is to be conveyed in a packet switched communication network, characterized in that said method comprises associating said packet with a processing indication to provide one or more processing instructions therefor and wherein said indication is derived based upon parameters associated with the payload of said packet and with the payload of at least one other packet belonging to said communication signal. ]57[ __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ALKOXYLATED AMINES FOR USE IN ENHANCING THE 163325 אמינים אלקוקסים לשימוש בהגברת פעילותן תכשירים המכילים,של תכשירים כנגד פטריות אותם ותהליכים להכנתם של תכשירים אלו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ACTIVITY OF FUNGICIDAL FORMULATIONS, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM AND PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF SAID COMPOSITIONS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 03.02.2003 02075466.9 ]32[ 05.02.2002 ]33[ EP 02080349.0 18.12.2002 EP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01N 33/08, 43/653, 55/10, C07C 215/12, 215/28, 217/08, 217/10, 217/28, C07D 249/08, 401/04, 405/06, C07F 07/12 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA, N.V., BELGIUM WO/2003/065807 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל The present invention relates to the use of alkoxylated amines to enhance the activity of fungicidal formulations comprising fungicidal triazoles. It also relates to formulations comprising one or more fungicidal triazoles and alkoxylated amines. These formulations are useful for the protection of any living or non-living material, such as crops, plants, fruits, seeds, objects made of wood, thatch or the like, biodegradable material and textiles against deterioration due to the action of fungi. __________________ ]11[]21[ 163414 מולקולה של חומצת גרעין המקודד לפוליפפטיד )gp (R – GLM 130 קולטן של מונוציטים דמוי R – GLM ושימושו להכנת פולפפטיד ]54[ NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULE ENCODING A GP 130 - LIKE MONOCYTE RECEPTOR (GLM-R) POLYPEPTIDE AND ITS USE FOR PRODUCING A GLM-R POLYPEPTIDE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 24.02.2003 60/359806 ]32[ 25.02.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01K 67/027, A61P 37/02, C07K 14/715, C12N 01/21, 05/10, G01N 33/566 GENENTECH, INC., U.S.A. ]71[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2003/072740 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention is directed to novel polypeptides and variants thereof of GLM-R polypeptides and to nucleic acid molecules encoding those polypeptides. Also provided herein are vectors and host cells comprising those nucleic acid sequences, chimeric polypeptide molecules comprising the polypeptides of the present invention fused to heterologous polypeptide sequences, antibodies which bind to the polypeptides of the present invention and to methods for producing the polypeptides of the present invention. Also provided are methods for detecting agents that modulate the activity of GLM-R. Also provided are methods for diagnosing and for treating disorders characterized by the over or under abundance of monocytes or macrophages. __________________ ]11[]21[ 163552 ,צימודים של תרכובות בעלות פעילות ביולוגית שימושיהם ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותם ]54[ CONJUGATES OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE COMPOUNDS, USES THEREOF AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME ]22[ ]31[ 14.02.2003 60/357434 ]32[ 15.02.2002 ]33[ US 10/367105 14.02.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01N 43//04, A61K 31//70, C07G 11//00, C07H 05//06, 17//08 MERCKLE GMBH, GERMANY WO/2003/070174 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ This invention features a compound of the following formula T-(-L-C)m, wherein T is a transportophore (a transport mediating molecule), L is a a non-antibiotic therapeutic agent, and m is l- 8, in which the transportophore has an immune selectivity ratio of at least 2, the transportophore is covalently bonded to the non-antibiotic therapeutic agent via the bond or the linker, and the compound has an immune selectivity ratio of at least 2. Figure 1 depicts comparison of selective uptake of diverse structure types into white November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א blood cells from a complex blood mix. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SPRINKLER WITH A BALL BEARING FOR ROTATIONAL AND LINEAR MOVEMENTS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 18.08.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B05B 03//06 PLASTRO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS LTD. ZVIKA EINAV WEBB & CO., 2 PEKERIS ST., P.O.B. 2189, REHOVOT 76121 ]72[ ]74[ ]57[ 163606 ממטרה עם מיסב כדוריות לתנועות סיבוביות וקוויות קיבוץ גבת,פלסטרו מערכות השקיה בע"מ צביקה עינב ,'ד"ר וב ושות 2 רח' פקריס רחובות2189 .ד. ת, A revolving sprinkler (10) that comprises a static base assembly (28), adapted to receive a liquid into it, and a revolving liquid spraying assembly (40), adapted to accept said liquid from said base assembly and to move in an essentially linear motion relative to said base assembly in a manner that would enable the sprinkling of said liquid outwards from the sprinkler, and by an angular revolving motion relative to said base assembly it would enable sprinkling said liquid around said sprinkler, and a bearing means (210) for bearing said two motions - the linear one and the revolving one- relative to said base assembly, and wherein said revolving sprinkler is characterized by that said bearing means comprises a balls array mounted between said base assembly and said revolving assembly. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ KEYED UNIVERSAL POWER TIP AND POWER SOURCE CONNECTORS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 24.05.2004 790877 ]32[ 02.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01R 27//00 IGO, INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/096457 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 163615 תקע מותאם אוניברסלי ומחברים לספק כח ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A keyed power source connector (32) and keyed device connector (14) that are backwards compatible, ensuring that the power rated device connectors can only mate with power source connectors power rated at or above the device connector power rating. One connector is formed as a plug, and the other connector is formed as a socket. The connectors have peripheral contoured body portions (16, 34) having a profile being a function of the respective connector power rating. A keyed portion (41, 62, 72, 82) of the power source connector plug will physically interfere with and not be receivable within a device connector socket when the device connector power rating exceeds the power source connector power rating. This connector system ensures that target portable electronic devices coupled to the device connector can not draw power exceeding the rating of the power source connector. __________________ ]11[]21[ 163730 מחולל רדיאואיזוטופים ושיטה לבנייתו ]54[ RADIOISOTOPE GENERATOR AND METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 11.12.2002 0208356.6 ]32[ 11.04.2002 ]33[ GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61M 36//08, G21G 01//00, 04//08 GE HEALTHCARE LIMITED, November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ UNITED KINGDOM WO/2003/088269 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A device for producing a fluid containing a radioactive constituent, comprising a shielded chamber (5) with an opening for receiving an isotope container (6) housing a radioactive isotope (7); a chamber closure (18) adapted for cooperating with and closing the chamber opening; a first fluid port comprising a first hollow needle projecting into the shielded chamberfrom the chamber closure for fluid communication with the isotope container; a second fluid port comprising a second hollow needle projecting into the shielded chamber from the closed end of the chamber opposite the chamber closure for fluid communication with the isotope container; first and second compressible buffers (28, 29) mounted so as to surround at least partially the respective first and second hollow needles (12, 13), each buffer providing an outer surface for contact with opposed ends of the isotope container; and a spacer of a predetermined thickness associated with one or each of the first and second compressible buffers for determining the positioning of the isotope container within the shielded chamber. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR ACTIVE MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT OF FIBER LINKS ]22[ ]31[ 26.02.2003 60/359306 60/359305 10/350338 ]32[ 26.02.2002 26.02.2002 24.01.2003 163760 מערכות ושיטות לניטור פעיל וניהול חיבורי סיבים ]33[ US US US November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 10/372710 25.02.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 10//08 NESTRONIX, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/073137 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, Systems and methods for actively monitoring and managing the integrity of an optical fiber communications link (157, 158). The optical fiber link integrity is monitored to guard against intrusions and other security breaches. In one embodiment, a local and a remote active monitoring system (160, 165) are coupled by four fiber paths (132, 134, 142, 144) that provide primary and back-up transmit and receive paths between communication equipment (110, 120). In one embodiment, a security light signal (170) is transmitted using a secondary wavelength that differs from the wavelength used to transmit a user data light signal and travels in an opposite direction relative to the user data light signal (173). An active monitoring system (160, 165) monitors both administrative information contained within the security light signal (900) and the intensity of the security light signal (1000) to manage the integrity of the fiber optic link. Methods (1100, 1200) are provided to characterize events (1130) impacting the fiber optic link integrity. __________________ ]11[]21[ 163894 – 3 – – הידרוקסי2 נגזרות של תרכובות הכוללות אותן,הטרוארילאינדול ושימושיהן להכנת תרופות ]54[ 2-HYDROXY-3HETEROARYLINDOLE DERIVATIVES, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM AND THEIR USES IN THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 28.03.2003 0200979-3 ]32[ 28.03.2002 ]33[ SE Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//404, 31//4427, 31//495, A61P 25//00, 43//00, C07D 40/1/04, 40/1/14, 40/3/04, 40/3/14, 40/5/14, 41/3/14, 41/7/14 ASTRAZENECA AB, SWEDEN ]71[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ STEFAN BERG, SVEN HELLBERG, MARTIN NYLOF, YAFENG XUE WO/2003/082853 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The present invention provides new compounds of formula Ia and Ib: as well as a process for their preparation and new intermediates used therein, pharmaceutical formulations containing said therapeutically active compounds and to the use of said active compounds in therapy. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ CONTRAST AGENTS FOR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING AND METHODS RELATED THERETO ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.03.2003 60/363163 ]32[ 07.03.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 49//14, 49//18 CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. WO/2003/075747 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 163937 גורמי ניגוד להדמיית תמ"ג ושיטות הקשורות לכך ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל In certain aspects of the present invention provides methods and compositions related to contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging. In certain variations, contrast agents provided herein are generated in situ via genetic instructions and become potent upon sequestering available metal atoms. Exemplary contrast agents include metalNovember 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א binding proteins. __________________ ]11[]21[ 164006 – – איל1 – )תולדות של פיפראזין (או פיפרידין ]4,2,1[ או פירידין או,פירימידין (או פניל – הידרוקסי אמיד חומצה5 – )טריאזין תכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן,קרבוקסילית ותהליך להכנתן ]54[ DERIVATIVES OF PIPERAZIN (OR PIPERIDINE) - 1 - YL PYRIMIDINE (PHENYL, PYRIDINE OR [1,2,4] TRIAZINE) 5 -CARBOXYLIC ACID HYDROXYAMIDE, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM AND A PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 11.03.2003 60/363799 ]32[ 13.03.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//40, 31//438, 31//495, 31//505, A61P 35//00, C07D 20/7/09, 29/5/155, 29/5/26, 40/1/04, 40/1/14, 40/3/04, 40/5/06, 40/9/14 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA, N.V., BELGIUM WO/2003/075929 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ This invention comprises the novel compounds of formula (I) wherein n, R 1, R2, R3, R4, Q, X, Y, Z and have defined meanings, having histone deacetylase inhibiting enzymatic activity; their preparation, compositions containing them and their use as a medicine. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 164043 רכיבית ואמצעי ייצורה-טפטפת דו ]54[ DUAL COMPONENT DRIP EMITTER AND ITS PRODUCTION MEANS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 13.09.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B05B 15//00, F17D 01//14 PLASTRO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS קיבוץ גבת,פלסטרו מערכות השקיה בע"מ LTD. ZVIKA EINAV צביקה עינב WEBB & CO., ,'ד"ר וב ושות 2 PEKERIS ST., P.O.B. 2189, 2 רח' פקריס REHOVOT 76121 רחובות2189 .ד. ת, A dual component drip emitter (10) that comprisesan internal component (20) that includes a labyrinth with a flow passage (45) in it, and an external component (30) that includes an exit pool formed at its outer wall surface, and wherein said drip emitter is characterized bysaid internal component is suited by its dimensions for being assembled into said external component, using a linear movement so that upon assembling said internal component inside said external component, said flow passage provided in said labyrinth will be connected and provide for a water flow passage leading into said exit pool. ]72[ ]74[ ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ LEAD IRON TUNGSTATE CAPACITIVE TRANSDUCER, RELAXOR MATERIAL THEREFOR AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE OF RELAXOR MATERIAL ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 28.03.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01L 09//12 COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, INDIA INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, INDIA WO/2003/083428 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 164145 חומר,שנאי עם קיבול מעופרת ברזל טונגסטאט שיטת ייצור של חומר הרפיה,הרפיה עבורו ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The present invention discloses a relaxor material lead iron tungstate which has been synthesized in doped and undoped conditions by single and two step heat treatment. The relaxor material is seen to exhibit almost negligible hysteresis and a transducer made thereby shows pressure measurement capability over a wide range from 0.5MPa to 415MPa with accuracy of ± 0.05%. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 164169 תרכובות מאפננים לא סטרואידליים של קולטן והשימוש בהם בריפוי,פרוגסטרון ]54[ NON-STEROIDAL PROGESTERONE RECEPTOR MODULATOR COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE IN THERAPY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 01.04.2003 02076350.4 ]32[ 04.04.2002 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//55, A61P 05//24, C07D 47/1/04, 49/8/04, 51/3/04 N.V. ORGANON, THE NETHERLANDS WO/2003/084963 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention provides compounds according to general Formula (I), a prodrug thereof, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt of a prodrug thereof. More particularly, the present invention provides high affinity non-steroidal compounds which are agonists, partial agonists or antagonists of the progesterone receptor. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ GROWTH MEDIUM FOR MICROORGANISMS COMPRISING THE BIOMASS OF METHANOTROPHIC AND HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 17.04.2003 0209007.4 ]32[ 19.04.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C12N 01//00, 01//20 STATOILHYDRO ASA, NORWAY WO/2003/089625 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 164517 מצע לגידול מיקרואורגניזמים המכילים ביומאסה של בקטריה מתאנוטרופית והטרוטרופית ]33[ GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a microorganism growth substrate which comprises a sterile nutrient composition derived from the biomass of a culture of bacteria including methanotrophic bacteria and further containing at least one sterile nutrient. A preferred biomass material is that derived from a microbial culture comprising Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) (strain NCIMB 11132), Ralstonia sp. DB3 (strain NCIMB 13287) and Brevibacillus agri DB5 (strain NCIMB 13289), optionally in combination with Aneurinibacillus sp. DB4 (strain NCIMB 13288). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PROCESS FOR PREPARING 5-[[2(R)-[1(R)-[3,5BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)PHENYL]ETHOXY]3(S)-(4-FLUOROPHENYL)-4- MORPHOLINYL] METHYL]-1,2-DIHYDRO-3H-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-3ONE 164586 R )1]–(2[[–5 תהליך להכנת –ביס5,3 [ – )ׂ(R ](טריפלואורומתיל) פניל –) S (3– ]אתוקסי – 4–) –פלואורופניל4 ( – ,2 ,1– ]מורפוליניל] מתיל –דיהידרו –און3– טריאזולH31 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 17.04.2003 60/373,734 ]32[ 18.04.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07D 41/3/06 MERCK SHARP & DOHME CORP., U.S.A. MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2003/089429 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]33[ US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, The present invention is concerned with a novel process for the preparation of the compound 5-[[2(R)-[1(R)-[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]ethoxy]-3(S)-(4fluorophenyl)-4-morpholinyl]methyl]-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,2,4-triazol-3-one. This compound is useful as a substance P (neurokinin-1) receptor antagonist. In particular, the compound is useful e.g., in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, inflammatory diseases and emesis. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ INK CARTRIDGE FOR COMPACT PRINTER SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 24.05.2000 PQ0560 ]32[ 25.05.1999 Int. Cl.(2008.04) B41J 2/ DIVISION FROM 146719 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2000/071349 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 164692 מחסנית דיו עבור מדפסת קומפקטית ]33[ AU ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל An ink cartridge for a printer module of a compact printer system. The ink cartridge is characterized by being located on the opposite side of a printable media from a printhead in the printer module. The ink cartridge houses a pair of neutral rollers that cooperate with powered rollers in the printer module to urge the printable media past November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א the printhead. __________________ ]11[]21[ 165194 ]54[ T CELL RECEPTOR CDR3 PEPTIDE FOR TREATING AN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 05.06.2003 60/386,287 ]32[ 05.06.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/17, C07K 14/705, C12N 15/13 OPEXA PHARMACEUTICALS INC., U.S.A. BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, U.S.A. WO/2003/104407 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ לטיפול במחלהT של קולטן תאCDR3 פפטיד אוטואימונית ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The present invention relates generally to the field of treating autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and others. Methods of treating and monitoring an autoimmune disease by utilizing T-cell receptors peptides are disclosed. Nucleic acid and peptide sequences of T-cell receptors found in a population of MS patients are also disclosed. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206650 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATICALLY CALIBRATING AN ALIGNMENT REFERENCE SOURCE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 07.08.2003 10/215578 ]32[ 09.08.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01B 11//27 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2004/015893 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 165561 מערכת ושיטה לכיול אוטומטי של מקור קוונון להשוואה ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A system (10, 12, 34) for calibrating an apparatus (10) for aligning components (20) relative to a desired line of sight. The system includes a first mechanism (70) for generating a command designed to move a line-of-sight of one of the components (20) to a first position, the line-of-sight moving to a second position in response thereto. A second mechanism (36, 38, 74, 78) automatically compensates for a variation between the first position and the second position via a scale factor (78). In a specific embodiment, the system (10, 12, 34) further includes a third mechanism (74) that adjusts the command via the scale factor (78) so that the second position matches the first position. The line-of-sight is coincident with a first reference beam (50). The second mechanism (36, 38, 74, 78) includes a photodetector (36) and the steering mirror (38). The steering mirror (38) is responsive to the command and positioned to direct the first reference beam (50) onto the photodetector (36) to create a reference spot corresponding to the first reference beam (50) on the surface of the photodetector (36). The second mechanism (36, 38, 74, 78) includes a computer (12) that communicates with the steering mirror (38) and receives output from the photodetector (36). The computer (12) runs software (34, 70) for generating the command and measuring the first position and the second position of the first reference beam (50) by measuring corresponding positions of the reference spot on the surface of the photodetector (36). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ AUDIO CODING SYSTEM USING SPECTRAL HOLE FILLING ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 30.05.2003 10/174493 ]32[ 17.06.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G10L 19//02 DOLBY LABORATORIES LICENSING CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/107328 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 165650 מערכת לקידוד אודיו המשתמשת כמילוי של חור ספקטראלי ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Audio coding processes like quantization can cause spectral components of an encoded audio signal to be set to zero, creating spectral holes in the signal. These spectral holes can degrade the perceived quality of audio signals that are reproduced by audio coding systems. An improved decoder avoids or reduces the degradation by filling the spectral holes with synthesized spectral components. An improved encoder may also be used to realize further improvements in the decoder. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 165657 תכשירים הכוללים, תהליך להכנתן,תרכובות אותן ושימושן בהכנת תרופות לטיפול במחלות ובמצבים דלקתיים ]54[ COMPOUNDS, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM AND USE THEREOF FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF MEDICAMENTS FOR TREATING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES AND CONDITIONS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 08.07.2003 60/394,670 ]32[ 08.07.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//58, 31//7048, A61P 01//04, 05//44, 09//10, 11//06, 17//00, 17//06, 19//02, 19//06, 27//02, 29//00, 37//00, C07H 17//08, C07J 21//00, 43//00 GLAXOSMITHKLINE ISTRAZIVACKI CENTAR ZAGREB D.O.O., CROATIA WO/2004/005310 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention relates (a) to new compounds represented by Formula (I): wherein M represents a macrolide subunit (macrolide moiety) derived from macrolide possessing the property of accumulation in inflammatory cells, S represents a steroid subunit (steroid moiety) derived from steroid drug with anti-inflammatory activity and L represents a linker molecule linking M and S, (b) to their pharmacologically acceptable salts, prodrugs and solvates, (c) to processes and intermediates for their preparation, and (d) to their use in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and conditions in humans and animals. Such compounds inhibit many cytokines and immune mediators involved in immune responses which cause inflammation, allergy, or alloimmunity, including without limitation IL-1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, GMCSF, ICAM, and TNF-&agr;. Importantly, anti-inflammatory steroids exert a direct antiinflammatory effect through binding to the glucocorticosteroid receptor. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 165721 ]54[ REDUCING CROSSINTERFERENCE IN A COMBINED GPS RECEIVER AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 20.06.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01S 01//00, 05//14, H04B 01//38 SNAPTRACK INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2004/000019 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ (מערכתGPS הקטנת הפרעת מטלבת במקלט מיקום גלובלי) מאחד ומערכת תקשורת ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method of operating a mobile device is disclosed. A first activity of the mobile device is detected. The following two operations are executed upon detection of the first activity; (i) wireless transmission of data over a wireless data link from a communication unit of the mobile device is disabled for a period of time, and (ii) a first control signal is transmitted from a communication unit to a satellite positioning system receiver of the mobile device, the first control signal enabling processing of signal positioning system signals received by the receiver during this period of time. The size of this period of time may be predetermined or adaptable. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR DIAGNOSING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ]22[ ]31[ 04.08.2003 60/400914 ]32[ 02.08.2002 60/447076 13.02.2003 60/462984 15.04.2003 60/473231 23.05.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01N 33/564 GLYCOMINDS LTD. ]51[ ]71[ 166539 שיטה לאבחון תרשת נפוצה ]33[ US US US US לוד, בנין אלון,גליקומיינדס בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2004/015420 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Disclosed is a method for diagnosing multiple sclerosis and more particularly to a method for diagnosing multiple sclerosis by measuring levels of antibodies to glycans in a biological sample. In one embodiment, the antibodies are anti-maltose IgM. In a specific embodiment, the levels of antibodies to a set of different glycans are measured by means of carbohydrate-chips. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MAGAZINE HOLDER FOR A FIREARM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 27.01.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F41A 09/61 FAB MANUFACTURING & IMPORT OF INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT LTD. BLUM, GADOR & CO., 53 HASHALOM RD., GIVATAYIM 53454 ]74[ ]57[ 166542 מחזיק מחסנית עבור כלי ירי משמר,פאב ייצור ויבוא ציוד תעשייתי בע"מ השבעה ,' גדור ושות,בלום מגדל הורד23 קומה,53 דרך השלום גבעתיים A magazine carrier (20) for a firearm having a magazine holder (32), the magazine carrier comprising: a substantially hollow body adapted and configured to receive and hold a spare ammunition magazine; said substantially hollow body having an outer surface ergonomically shaped like a pistol grip (60), the magazine carrier serves also as a forehand grip; and a mounting rail (50) for removably mounting the magazine carrier externally on the firearm; said mounting rail being adapted and configured for mounting the magazine carrier on a complementary mounting rail on the firearm. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ CLOSURE SYSTEM FOR A VIAL, VIAL, METHOD OF CLOSING AND FILLING A VIAL AND STAND FOR A VIAL ]22[ ]31[ 15.08.2003 0219152.6 ]32[ 16.08.2002 0304268.6 25.02.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B65D 51//18 ASEPTIC TECHNOLOGIES S.A., BELGIUM WO/2004/018317 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 166637 שיטה, בקבוקון,מערכת סגירה לבקבוקון לסגירה ומילוי הבקבוקון ומעמד לבקבוקון ]33[ GB GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A closure system for a pharmaceutical vial, comprising an elastomer closure part (20), a clamp part (30) which holds the closure part in engagement with the mouth of the vial, and a cover part (40) which engages with the clamp part. The interior of the closure part is profiled to minimise retention of residual liquid therein. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,194765,194764 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ PROCEDURE FOR JAMMER DETECTION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 28.08.2003 10/232637 ]32[ 29.08.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 01/00 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2004/021030 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 166788 )ניהול לגילוי ג'מר (גורם מתקיע ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method of and system for detecting whether a peak of a correlation function derived from a received signal is due to a jammer. The peak is within a localized portion of the correlation function which has a total number of peaks. In one embodiment, the total number of peaks is compared to a threshold number of peaks, and the peak is identified as being due to a jammer if the total number of peaks equals or exceeds a threshold number of peaks. In a second embodiment, the peak energy in relation to a noise estimate for the localized portion of the correlation function is compared to a jammer threshold. The peak is identified as being due to a jammer if the peak energy in relation to the noise estimate is less than or equal to the jammer threshold. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ APPARATUS FOR INSERTING A CATHETER DEVICE ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 14.02.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61M 25//01 FLEXICATH LTD. 166863 מתקן להחדרת התקן קטטר חיפה,פלקסיקט בע"מ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]72[ ]74[ ]57[ SHAI AMISAR, RONEN רונן רדומסקי,שי עמישר RADOMSKI PYERNIK RUTMAN, ,פיירניק רוטמן עו"פ BEIT ETSION, 91 רח' הרצל,בית עציון 91 HERZL ST., באר שבע10012 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 10012, BEER SHEVA The present invention relates to systems for inserting a catheter device into a subject, wherein the catheter insertion system generally comprises a flexible sleeve containing a catheter tube and advancing means for advancing the catheter contained within said system in a distal direction, wherein the flexible sleeve has a sealed proximal end and a distal end which may comprise a slender passage adapted to allow passage of said catheter tube therethrough while preventing backflow of fluid into the flexible sleeve. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM FOR IN VIVO SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 07.08.2003 60/402703 ]32[ 13.08.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61B 05//00 GIVEN IMAGING LTD. YORAM PALTI WO/2004/014227 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]57[ 166884 מערכת לדיגום וניתוח תוך גופי ]33[ US יקנעם,גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ יורם פלטי ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, A system for in vivo analysis which includes agglutinative particles capable of interacting with at least one analyte so as to cause an optical change; and at least one in vivo imaging system (220, 230, 240) configured for detecting the optical change in vivo. The system may be incorporated within an ingestible capsule (100). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ LOW PROFILE WIDEBAND ANTENNA ARRAY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 19.09.2003 10/255313 ]32[ 26.09.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01Q 21//06 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2004/030151 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 166916 מערך אנטנה פס–רחב בעל פרופיל נמוך ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A phased array antenna (10) (Figure 6) having a low profile (approximately 1/8 wavelength) wide bandwidth (approximately 50%). The invention teaches making such an antenna using open channel resonators (22) and monopole wave launchers (110). The wave launchers may conveniently be made on circuit card assemblies (106) with strip lines (110) that mimic coaxial cable monopole wave launchers. The channel resonators (22) may be made in sections that are connected to the circuit card assemblies. The circuit card assemblies (106) have plated through holes that trace the edges of the resonator sections to provide electrical continuity. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ NETWORK EDGE DEVICE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 23.02.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 12//56 TEJAS ISRAEL LTD BLUM, GADOR & CO., 53 HASHALOM RD., GIVATAYIM 53454 ]57[ 167059 מכשיר קצה ורשת תקשורת ,' גדור ושות,בלום מגדל הורד23 קומה,53 דרך השלום גבעתיים A configurable edge device (10, 22) for use in a network, the edge device being adapted and configured to be coupled to at least one other edge device (22') in a network (20, 30, 52), and having an admission controller (12) and a router, wherein operation of said admission controller and said router is controlled in accordance with data defining all physical and logical links in the network, the edge device comprising: an admission controller (12) for providing rate limiting admission control of ingress data traffic to the network (20, 30, 52) onto a pre-defined flow (24, 24') over a physical link; and a router for routing said ingress data traffic through said edge device onto said pre-defined flow in accordance with a pre-defined routing scheme; wherein said pre-defined routing scheme is a static routing scheme which is changed periodically to another static routing scheme. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DECONTAMINATION LIQUID 167066 מתקן ריסוס לנוזל טיהור November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א SPRAYING APPARATUS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 21.10.2003 20216472.1 ]32[ 24.10.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B05B 12//02 OWR AG, GERMANY WO/2004/037434 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON ST., P.O.B. 6451, TEL AVIV 61063 ]33[ DE ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 רחוב הירקון תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a decontamination liquid spraying apparatus (1) comprising a reservoir (2) for holding decontamination liquid (4), particularly GD5 solution, and comprising a spraying device, which is flow-connected to said reservoir (2), for decontaminating objects contaminated by contaminants. Said spraying apparatus is characterized in that the reservoir is provided in the form of a pressure reservoir (2) having a threaded opening (10) made therein, and that the spraying device has an adapter head (6) that can be screwed into said threaded opening in a pressure-tight manner. The adapter head supports a regulating valve (26) for regulating the amount of decontamination liquid (4) to be sprayed and supports a hand-operated air pump (12). This air pump comprises a pump tube (14), which projects into the pressure reservoir (2), and a pump plunger (16), which can be displaced inside the pump tube (14) via a plunger rod (18) that is guided through the adapter head (6), in order to subject the inner space of the pressure reservoir (2) to an overpressure. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF GROWTH HORMONE AND ANTAGONIST THEREOF HAVING LOWER 167121 שיטה להכנת הורמון גדילה ואנטגוניסט בעלת רמות נמוכות יותר של זיהומי איזופורם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א LEVELS OF ISOFORM IMPURITIES THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 26.08.2003 60/406553 ]32[ 28.08.2002 ]33[ AR 10/646798 25.08.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07K 01//113, 01//18, 14//575, 14//61 PHARMACIA CORPORATION, U.S.A. ANURAG S. RATHORE, STEPHEN B. LYLE, DAVID E. STEINMEYER, SCOTT I. ALLEN, JOHN MEYER, DENNIS M. BOYLE, JOHN J. BUCKLEY, GARY V. JOHNSON WO/2004/031213 EDWARD LANGER, MERKAZ GERON H. 312 P.O.B. 410, RAANANNA 43103 ,אדוארד לנגר רעננה410 .ד. ת, The present invention is directed generally to recombinant methods for making a desired polypeptide. These method(s) yield a polypeptide product containing reduced levels of isoform impurities thereof. In particular, the present invention is directed to (1) a recombinant method for preparing growth hormone with reduced isoform impurities thereof and (2) a recombinant method for preparing a growth hormone antagonist, such as pegvisomant, and its protein intermediate, also having reduced isoform impurities thereof. More specifically, the isoform impurities that are decreased by methods of the present invention are the trisulfide and des-phe isoform impurities of growth hormone and growth hormone antagonist (or its intermediate), respectively. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ARRANGEMENT FOR MONITORING PATCH PANELS AT DISTRIBUTOR POINTS IN DATA NETWORKS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ 09.09.2003 10244304.1 ]32[ 09.09.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04Q 01//14 DATA-COMPLEX E.K., GERMANY WO/2004/030154 167281 סידור לניטור לוחות גישור בנקודות מפלג ברשתות נתונים ]33[ DE November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 The invention relates to an arrangement for monitoring patch panels (10) at distributor points in data networks. Said arrangement comprises patch cables (20) which can be inserted into the connections in the patch panels (10) by means of a plug (21). Each plug (21) is fitted with a transponder (22). Readers (12) with reader spools (13) are also provided. Each connection attachment in a patch panel is fitted with a reader spool or with a reader. A data link exists between the readers and an evaluation unit (30). __________________ ]11[]21[ 167286 אנאליזה ואימות גנטי ]54[ GENETIC ANALYSIS AND AUTHENTICATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 04.09.2003 10/238439 ]32[ 09.09.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) C12Q 01//68, G01N 21//77, 21//78 BIOARRAY SOLUTIONS LTD., U.S.A. WO/2004/023092 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ This invention provides compositions and methods for genetic testing of an organism and for correlating the results of the genetic testing with a unique marker that unambiguously identifies the organism. The marders may be internal markers, such as for example single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), short tandem repeats (STRs), or other sites within a genomic locus. Alternatively, the markers may be external, such that they are separately added to the genetic sample before testing. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ מסנן הנחיית גל ]54[ WAVEGUIDE FILTER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 30.07.2003 10243670.3 ]32[ 20.09.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01P 01//207 EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/030140 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON ST., P.O.B. 6451, TEL AVIV 61063 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 167324 ]33[ DE ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 רחוב הירקון תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a waveguide filter comprised of a metallic layer (TM), which is structured on the top side, of a substrate (S), which is coated with one or more metallic striplines (ML1, ML2), and of a component (FB). Said component (FB) is placed on the top side of the substrate (S). One sidewall of the waveguide filter is formed by the structured metallic layer (TM) of the substrate (S), whereby the remaining sidewalls of the waveguide filter are formed by the component (FB). The waveguide filter has launching and extraction points for launching the electromagnetic wave, which is guided inside the stripline (ML1, ML2), into the waveguide filter and vice versa. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MULTILAYER DOSAGE FORMS WHICH CONTAIN ACTIVE 167334 צורות מינק רב–שכבתיות המכילות חומרים פעילים והכוללות לידה נייטרלית וציפוי פנימי וחיצוני המכיל מתאקרילאט קופולימרים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ומתאקרילט מונומר SUBSTANCES AND WHICH COMPRISE A NEUTRAL CORE AND AN INNER AND OUTER COATING CONSISTING OF METHACRYLATE COPOLYMERS AND METHACRYLATE MONOMERS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 04.09.2003 10250543.8 ]32[ 29.10.2002 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 09//00, 09//16, 09//20, 09//28, 31//19 EVONIK ROHM GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/039357 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a multilayer dosage form comprised of: a) a neutral core; b) an inner coating consisting of a methacrylate copolymer; c) an outer coating consisting of a copolymer of which 40 to 95 % by weight is composed of radically polymerized C1 to C4 alkyl esters of acrylic acid or of methacrylic acid and of which 5 to 60 % by weight is composed of (meth)acrylate monomers having an anionic group in the alkyl radical. The invention is characterized in that the inner coating is essentially comprised of a methacrylate copolymer, of which at least up to 90 % by weight consists of (meth)acrylate monomers with neutral radicals, which, in accordance with DIN 53 787, has a minimum film formation temperature of no higher than 30 °C, and which contains the pharmaceutical active substance in bound form. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DARK FIELD INSPECTION SYSTEM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 08.09.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01N 21/88 APPLIED MATERIALS ISRAEL, LTD APPLIED MATERIALS,INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/031754 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, ]87[ ]74[ 167352 מערכת בדיקה בשדה חשוך ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א רחובות2273 .ד. ת, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ Apparatus for inspection of a sample includes a radiation source, which is adapted to direct optical radiation onto an area of a surface of the sample, and a plurality of image sensors. Each of the image sensors is configured to receive the radiation scattered from the area into a different, respective angular range, so as to form respective images of the area. An image processor is adapted to process at least one of the respective images so as to detect a defect on the surface. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ VALVE FOR PREVENTION OF LOW FLOW RATES THROUGH FLOW METER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 04.09.2003 151748 ]32[ 12.09.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01F 01//26, 15//00 A.R.I. FLOW CONTROL ACCESSORIES AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION LTD. WO/2004/025229 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 167383 שסתום למניעת קצבי זרימה נמוכה דרך מדיד זרימה ]33[ IL אבזרים להולכת נוזלים אגודה.י.ר.א שתופית חקלאית בע"מ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A flow responsive valve for a flow metering system comprising a fluid meter having a minimum measuring flow threshold. The valve is shiftable between an open position at flow rates above the minimum measuring flow threshold, and a pressure pulsating position depending on pressure differential over an inlet port and an outlet port of the valve The pressure pulsating position alters between a closed position essentially November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א prohibiting fluid flow therethrough at flow rates below the minimum measuring flow threshold, and an open position admitting fluid flow into the supply line at a measurable flow rate above the minimum measuring flow threshold. __________________ ]11[]21[ 167525 טיפול קוטל מזיקים עבור מזון מאוחסן או מגדל תחמיץ עם תרכובות די סולפיד ]54[ PESTICIDAL TREATMENT OF STORED FOODSTUFFS AND SILOS WITH DISULFIDE COMPOUNDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 16.09.2003 02/11605 ]32[ 19.09.2002 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01N 25//00, C07C 31/3/04, 31/7/04, 31/7/08, 32/1/12, 38/1/02, 38/1/04 ARKEMA FRANCE, FRANCE WO/2004/026032 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to the pesticidal treatment of stored goods, enclosures, structures and works of art. According to the invention, a volatile sulphur compound of general formula (I) is used, wherein R represents an alkyl radical or an alkenyl radical comprising 1-4 carbon atoms, n is equal to 0, 1 or 2, x is a number ranging from 0 to 4, and R' represents an alkyl radical or an alkenyl radical containing 1 - 4 carbon atoms or, only if n = x = 0, a hydrogen atom. The sulphur compounds (especially dimethyldisulphide) are applied by spraying them directly onto the material to be treated. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 167715 הכנסה באתר בררני של קטו חומצות אמינו לתוך חלבונים ]54[ SITE SPECIFIC INCORPORATION OF KETO AMINO ACIDS INTO PROTEINS ]22[ ]31[ 15.10.2003 60/419265 ]32[ 16.10.2002 ]33[ US 60/420990 23.10.2002 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07K 14//195, C12N 01//21, 05//10, 15//60 THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, U.S.A. WO/2004/035743 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Compositions and methods of producing components of protein biosynthetic machinery that include orthogonal tRNAs, orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, and orthogonal pairs of tRNAs/synthetases, which incorporate keto amino acids into proteins are provided. Methods for identifying these orthogonal pairs are also provided along with methods of producing proteins with keto amino acids using these orthogonal pairs. ,201208 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ FIBER LASER DEVICE FOR 167740 מתקן לייזר סיב לנטרול מטען שלא התפוצץ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א NEUTRALIZING UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 30.03.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F42D 05//04 RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. ]72[ ]74[ YEHUDA NACHSHON DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 A device (30) for directing a beam of radiation at a target, comprising: (a) a fiber laser (32) for producing the beam of radiation; (b) an aiming mechanism (18), for aiming the beam of radiation at the target, that moves independently of said fiber laser; and (c) an optical fiber (38) for conveying the beam of radiation to said aiming mechanism. ]57[ ,רפאל מערכות לחימה מתקדמות בע"מ חיפה יהודה נחשון ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת __________________ ]11[]21[ 167748 ]54[ COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING FGF18 AND HYALURONIC ACID FOR INTRAARTICULAR DELIVERY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.10.2003 60/416670 ]32[ 07.10.2002 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//18, 45//06, 47//36 ZYMOGENETICS INC., U.S.A. וחומצה היאלורוניתFGF18 תכשירים הכוללים למתן תוך –ארטיקולרי US November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2004/032849 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל FGF18 is known to stimulate the proliferation of chondrocytes, resulting in increased cartilage formation. When hyaluronic acid is administered in addition to FGF18, the effects on chondrocyte proliferation and production of matrix were found to be greater than administration of FGF18 or hyaluronic acid alone. __________________ ]11[]21[ 167928 נרתיק בעל שני מרקיבים לנשק ידני ]54[ TWO COMPONENT HOLSTER FOR A HAND GUN ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ 07.04.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F41C 33//02 FOBUS INTERNATIONAL LTD. כפר הס,פובוס אינטרנשניונל בע"מ CHANAN HAR-SHEN שן-חנן הר WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 A modular rigid plastic handgun clip-on holster assembly (10) comprising an interchangeable rigid plastic inner holster component (2) having inner dimensions complementary to the configuration of the outer sections of a specific handgun (22) to be placed therein and an outer housing (16) sized to receive and interchangeably interlock with said inner holster component as well as with alternative inner holster components wherein each of said alternative inner holster components is provided with different inner dimensions respectively complementary to the configuration of the outer sections of a pre-determined hand gun type to be placed therein. ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 167983 תהלוך וחומרי ביניים להכנת איזו(תיאו)ציאנטים ושימוש בהם להכנת תולדות טריאזולדיאון ]54[ PROCESS AND INTERMEDIATES FOR PREPARING ISO(THIO) CYANATES AND USE THEREOF FOR PREPARING TRIAZOLDIONE INTERMEDIATES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 29.10.2003 10250614.0 ]32[ 30.10.2002 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07C 30/3/34, 30/7/06, C07D 21/1/16, 21/3/76, 29/5/26, 30/7/52, 31/9/06, 33/3/36 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, GERMANY WO/2004/039768 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to a method for producing phenyliso(thio)cyanates of general formula (I) according to which a compound of general formula (II) or the HCl adduct thereof is reacted with a phosgenating agent, wherein W represents oxygen or sulfur and Ar and A have the meanings as cited in Claim 1. The invention also relates to the use of phenyliso(thio)cyanates for producing plant protection products. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 28.10.2003 10/282955 ]32[ 28.10.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01Q 03//24 IPR LICENSING, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/040689 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 167993 אנטנה כיוונית ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A directional antenna having a number, N, of outlying monopole antenna elements. These monopole elements are formed as a first upper conductive segment on a portion of a dielectric substrate. The array also includes the same number, N, of image elements. The image elements are formed as a second set of lower conductive segments on the same substrate as the upper conductive segments. The image elements, generally having the same length and shape as the monopole elements, are connected to a ground reference potential. To complete the array, an active antenna element is also disposed of the same substrate, adjacent to at least one of the monopole elements. In a preferred arrangement, the passive monopole elements and corresponding image elements are selectively connected to operate to in either a reflective or directive mode, such as via a switchable coupling circuit that selectively changes the impedances connected between them. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 168026 תהליך רציף למימון ]54[ CONTINUOUS HYDROGENATION PROCESS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 23.09.2003 10248159.8 ]32[ 16.10.2002 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) B01J 08//22, C01B 15//023 EVONIK DEGUSSA GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/052779 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל In the continuous hydrogenation of a working solution containing a hydrogenable compound with hydrogen in the presence of a heterogeneous catalyst, at least part of the hydrogen-containing waste hydrogenation gas is recycled into the hydrogenation reactor after compression. According to the invention, a jet pump is used for the compression of the waste hydrogenation gas and a liquid or gaseous feedstock of the hydrogenation process is used as the motive agent. Preferred motive agents are the hydrogenation gas or a working solution recycled into the process. The process is particularly suitable for performing the hydrogenation step in the anthraquinone process for the production of hydrogen peroxide. __________________ ]11[]21[ 168147 טטרלינים ואינדאנים מותמרים ושימושם ]54[ SUBSTITUTED TETRALINS AND INDANES AND THEIR USE ]22[ ]31[ 17.10.2003 60/420026 ]32[ 21.10.2002 ]33[ US 60/495788 15.08.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//17, A61P 03//04, 03//06, 03//10, 09//10, C07C 27/1/56, 27/5/28, 27/5/32, 32/3/63 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V., BELGIUM WO/2004/037779 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ This invention features tetralin and indane compounds, compositions containing them, and methods of using them as PPAR alpha modulators to treat or inhibit the progression of, for example, diabetes. __________________ ]11[]21[ 168374 חיסון וירוס הנילוס המערבי ]54[ VACCINES AGAINST WEST NILE VIRUS ]22[ ]31[ 07.11.2003 PCT/NL02/00718 ]32[ 08.11.2002 ]33[ WO PCT/EP03/50129 28.04.2003 WO Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//12, C12N 07//00, 07//02, 07//04 CRUCELL HOLLAND B.V., THE NETHERLANDS ALPHONSUS GERARDUS CORNELIS MARIA UYTDEHAAG, GOVERT JOHAN SCHOUTEN, JAAP GOUDSMIT WO/2004/042042 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention relates to novel vaccines containing (whole-inactivated) West Nile Viruses and/or West Nile viral proteins derived there from, produced on human cells, wherein the human cells comprise a sequence encoding at least one early region1 (El) gene product of an adenovirus. The cells are preferably cultured in suspension to very high densities and under serum-free conditions. Herein, it is disclosed that use of such cells results in high titers of West Nile Virus produced November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ FERROMAGNETIC OBJECT DETECTOR ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 05.11.2003 0226334.1 ]32[ 12.11.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G08B 13//24 QINETIQ LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2004/044620 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 168467 גלאי עצם פרומגנטי ]33[ GB עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, An apparatus (2) for detecting ferromagnetic objects in the vicinity of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. The apparatus comprises primary sensor means (4; 44) adapted to measure a magnetic field, arranged in communication with signal processing means configured to identify temporal variations in the measured magnetic field due to the movement of a ferromagnetic object within an ambient magnetic field and to provide an output indicative of the presence of a ferromagnetic object in the vicinity of the primary sensor means (4; 44). The apparatus further comprises secondary, non-magnetic, sensor means (60) adapted to detect the movement of objects in the vicinity of the primary sensor means in order to reduce false alarms. The output from the signal processing means may be used to operate an audible alarm (20), a visual alarm (22), an automatic door lock (26) or a physical barrier (28). __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ גלאי מיקום ]54[ POSITION DETECTOR ]22[ ]31[ 19.11.2003 102-54.231.7 ]32[ 20.11.2002 102-59.223.3 17.12.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01D 05//14 WALTER MEHNERT, GERMANY THOMAS THEIL, GERMANY ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 168712 ]33[ DE DE WO/2004/046735 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a position detector which, in its simplest form of embodiment, has two induction coils but only one individual pulse wire. All information required, for example for a count, is simultaneously available from the triggering direction of the magnetic reversal and the magnetic reversal direction of the pulse wire, together with the last established and stored position and polarity. One such position detector operates using memory elements having low energy requirements, such as FRAMs, and also without external energy. In order to be able to use one such position detector even at high temperatures, it can also be fitted with an EEPROM. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ INHIBITION OF INFLAMATION USING ALPHA 7 RECEPTORBINDING CHOLINERGIC AGONISTS 168787 עיכוב דלקת באמצעות שימוש באגוניסטים α 7 כולינרגיים הנקשרים לקולטן November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 05.12.2003 60/431650 ]32[ 06.12.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//444, 31//454, A61P 01//00, 09//00, 15//00, 29//00, 31//00, 33//00, 37//00, 43//00, C07D 49/8/00 THE FEINSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, U.S.A. WO/2004/052365 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל Methods of inhibiting release of a proinflammatory cytokine from a macrophage are provided. The methods comprise treating the macrophage with a cholinergic agonist in an amount sufficient to decrease the amount of the proinflammatory cytokine that is released from the macrophage, wherein the cholinergic agonist is selective for an alpha7 nicotinic receptor. Methods for inhibiting an inflammatory cytokine cascade in a patient are also provided. The methods comprise treating the patient with a cholinergic agonist in an amount sufficient to inhibit the inflammatory cytokine cascade, wherein the cholinergic agonist is selective for an alpha7 nicotinic receptor. Methods for determining whether a compound is a cholinergic agonist reactive with an alpha7 nicotinic receptor are also provided. The methods comprise determining whether the compound inhibits release of a proinflammatory cytokine from a mammalian cell. Additionally, methods for determining whether a compound is a cholinergic antagonist reactive with an alpha7 nicotinic receptor are provided. These methods comprise determining whether the compound reduces the ability of a cholinergic agonist to inhibit the release of a proinflammatory cytokine from a mammalian cell. Oligonucleotides or mimetics capable of inhibiting attenuation of lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF release from a mammalian macrophage upon exposure of the macrophage to a cholinergic agonist are also provided. The oligonucleotides or mimetics consist essentially of a sequence greater than 5 nucleotides long that is complementary to an mRNA of an alpha7 receptor. Additionally, methods of inhibiting attenuation of TNF release from a mammalian macrophage upon exposure of the macrophage to a cholinergic agonist are provided. These methods comprise treating the macrophage with the above-described oligonucleotide or mimetic. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206855 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OPTIMIZING REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS ]22[ ]31[ 09.12.2003 60/431901 ]32[ 09.12.2002 60/434847 19.12.2002 10/730791 09.12.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F25B 01//00 HUDSON TECHNOLOGIES, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/053404 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 169052 שיטה והתקן לייטוב מערכות קירור ]33[ US US US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A refrigeration system comprising a compressor (100) for compressing a refrigerant, a condenser (107) for condensing refrigerant to a liquid, an evaporator (103) for evaporating liquid refrigerant from the condenser (107) to a gas, an inner control loop for optimizing a supply of liquid refrigerant to the evaporator (103), and an outer control loop for optimizing a level of refrigerant in the evaporator (103), said outer control loop defining a supply rate for said inner control loop based on an optimization including measurement of evaporator (103) performance, and said inner control loop optimizing liquid refrigerant supply based on said defined supply rate. Independent variables, such as proportion of oil in refrigerant, amount of refrigerant, contaminants, non-condensibles, scale and other deposits on heat transfer surfaces, may be estimated or measured. A model of the system and/or a thermodynamic model approximating the system, for example derived from temperature and pressure gages (155, 156), as well as power computations or measurements, is employed to determine or estimate the effect on efficiency of deviance from an optimal state. Various methods are provided for returning the system to an optimal state, and for calculating a cost-effectiveness of employing such processes. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 12.12.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06F 17//00 MDG MEDICAL INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/053620 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 169083 מערכת למתן תרופות ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The present invention comprises a system and method for administering medications to a plurality of patients in a medication institution. A preferred system comprises a workflow program (70) for generating a scheduler, wherein the scheduler coordinates the administration of medications to the patients, a medicine cabinet (30), responsive to said scheduler, for storing medications and dispensing the medications to an authorized user for administration to the patients, the workflow program (70) providing the cabinet (30) with patient specific information relating to said dispensation of the medications including a physician order for each patient, and a medicine cart (50), coupled to the medicine cabinet (30), for instructing said authorized user in the administration of said medication to each of said patients. The cart (50) comprises a plurality of patient specific cart drawers (51) for storing the medication to be administered to each patient, wherein each cart drawer (51) remains unidentified as patient specific until the medication cart (50) receives said patient specific information, and a cart processor, wherein the cart drawers are filled with medicine from the medicine cabinet for each patient associated with each patient specific cart drawer (51) in accordance with the respective physician order for each patient. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ONLINE PAYMENTS USING SENSING DEVICE ]22[ ]31[ 24.05.2000 PQ0559 ]32[ 25.05.1999 PQ1313 30.06.1999 PQ1312 30.06.1999 PQ2912 17.09.1999 PQ3632 25.10.1999 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06K 01//18 DIVISION FROM 146606 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2000/072241 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 169597 שיטה ומערכת לביצוע מקוון של תשלומים באמצעות מכשיר חישה ]33[ AU AU AU AU AU ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Methods and systems are disclosed which relate to online payments via interface surfaces printed with information and coded data. The coded data, encoded visibly or invisibly, may be queried by an appropriate sensing device. The sensing device communicates with a computer system. Together, the interface surfaces, sensing device and computer system are capable of effecting payment transactions over a network. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ FLUID PRESSURE REGULATOR 169872 ווסת לחץ לנוזלים עם שסתום אל–נגר ושיטה המיושמת בו November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א WITH NO-DRAIN VALVE AND A METHOD USED THEREIN ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ ]57[ 25.07.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F15C 03//00, G05D 16//00, 16//10 PLASTRO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS קיבוץ גבת,פלסטרו מערכות השקיה בע"מ LTD. ZVI EINAV, MOSHE LUTZKI, אסף קצין, משה לוצקי,צבי עינב ASAF KATZIN WEBB & CO., ,'ד"ר וב ושות 2 PEKERIS ST., P.O.B. 2189, 2 רח' פקריס REHOVOT 76121 רחובות2189 .ד. ת, A fluid pressure regulator (10) with a no-drain valve, comprisinga housing assembly (205) formed at its one end with a flow inlet and on its other end with a flow outlet and a flow passage connecting between then and including a flow control opening formed at said flow inlet and a passage space; and a cylinder assembly (266) mounted within said passage space wherein its one end (274) that is formed with a passing thru-hole opening (278), located opposite said flow control opening and adjacent to it, and its opposite end is open and is located to face said flow outlet opening; and a sealing assembly (315) installed at one end of said cylinder that is formed, as said, with a passing thru-hole opening; and said cylinder assembly is formed with at least one radial rib (338) around its circumference, that mounts said cylinder assembly within said housing space, so that fluid flow passage is enabled from said flow control opening unto said flow outlet through a gap existing on the sides of said rib; and the inner space of said cylinder assembly is ventilated to the environmental atmosphere; and a movable piston assembly located within said cylinder assembly and is moveable within said cylinder assembly and through said passing thru-hole opening that formed at one end of said cylinder assembly; and said piston assembly is formed with a rod component (327) wherein on its one end it carries a valve component (366), and whereby said rod component has a small cross section relative to the cross section of said valve component, and said rod component is movable through said passing thru-hole opening formed at one end of said cylinder assembly and through said sealing assembly; and said rod component that carries said valve component at its one end, is movable by the motion of said piston assembly towards said flow control opening formed at said housing assembly and away from it, in order to control the flow through it and towards said flow outlet from said housing assembly; and wherein at a fully open state of said valve component, said valve component connects to form a contact with said sealing assembly; and a springy means (340) located within the inner space of said cylinder assembly and stresses said piston component unto said fully open state of said valve component; wherein said regulator is characterized in thatsaid rod component carries at its other end a bushing component (345) formed with a bracket and with a protruding shoulder around its circumference wherein on its side, November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א said shoulder connects with said springy means that stresses said piston assembly unto said fully open state of said valve component; and said flow outlet includes an exit flow control opening; and said regulator includes a no-drain valve that comprisesa no-drain spring means (355) whose one end is located on said bracket formed at said bushing component; and a no-drain piston assembly (360), movable upon said bushing component, within said cylinder assembly and through said opposite open end of said cylinder assembly, unto said exit flow control opening and from it; when said no-drain piston assembly is formed on its one side, with a bracket and on its second side, with a no-drain valve component (366) and a protruding shoulder around its circumference that has a relatively large surface area in comparison to said rod's cross section; and wherein said second end of said no-drain spring means is located upon said bracket that is formed in said no drain piston assembly and stresses said no-drain valve component towards said exit flow control opening, to a fully closed state of said nodrain valve component; an upper sealing assembly installed between said inner space of said cylinder assembly to said no-drain piston, in order to seal said inner space of said cylinder assembly; so thatwhen said fluid pressure decreases at said flow inlet to a settable in advance level, said no-drain spring means overcomes the force exerted by the fluid pressure upon said nodrain valve component and said protruding shoulder formed around its circumference, pushing said no-drain piston assembly and stresses said no-drain valve component towards said exit flow control opening to said fully closed state of said no-drain valve component; and upon an ongoing increase of said fluid pressure at said flow inlet to a settable in adavance level that is lower than the designed regulated pressure of said regulator or at most equal to said designed regulated pressure of said regulator, the force that exerts said fluid pressure on said protruding shoulder surface area formed around said circumference of said no-drain valve component overcomes said no-drain spring means and propels said no-drain piston assembly and with it said no-drain valve component, upon said bushing component within said cylinder assembly and through its second, open opposite end of said cylinder assembly while opening said exit flow control opening to fluid passage from said flow inlet to said flow outlet; and with a further increase of said fluid pressure at said flow inlet to a level higher than said designed regulated pressure of said regulator, said no-drain piston assembly drives said bushing component carried upon said rod component to move together said no-drain piston assembly and said piston assembly; whereinthe force exerted by said fluid pressure on said surface area of said no-drain valve component and said protruding shoulder around its circumference overcomes said spring means, said no-drain spring means and the force exerted by said fluid pressure on said surface area of said valve component that is carried by said rod component; and said force drives said valve component carried upon one end of said rod component, towards said flow control opening formed in said housing assembly, in order to control said flow through it towards said flow outlet from said housing assembly. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ENHANCING BIT ERROR TOLERANCE OVER A BANDWIDTH LIMITED CHANNEL ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 29.01.2004 10/355209 ]32[ 31.01.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G10L 19//02 HARRIS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2004/070540 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 169946 מערכת ושיטה להגברת טולרנטיות של שגיאת ביט מעבר לערוץ מוגבל ברוחב פס ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל System and method reduces the effects of the bit-error induced distortion of decoded voice transmission by assigning vectors that are close or similar in Euclidean distance to respective indices that are close in Hamming distance. The system calculates a first distortion sum of the distance error induced by single, double or N bit error possibilities, switches vector assignments and calculates a second distortion sum. If the second sum is less than the first sum the vector swap is maintained. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 170161 ]54[ COTTON EVENT MON 88913 AND COMPOSITIONS AND METHOD FOR DETECTION THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 02.02.2004 60/447184 ]32[ 12.02.2003 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01H 05/00, 05/02, 05/04, 05/06, 05/08, 05/10, 05/12, C12N 15/29, C12Q 01/68 MONSANTO TECHNOLOGY LLC, U.S.A. WO/2004/072235 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ תכשירים, בכותנהMON 88913 ארוע גנטי הכוללים אותו ושיטות לזיהויו The present invention provides a cotton plant event MON 88913 compositions and seed. Also provided are assays for detecting the presence of the cotton plant event MON 88913 based on a DNA sequence and the use of this DNA sequence as a molecular marker in a DNA detection method. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,202457 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ שיטת יציקה רצופה ]54[ CONTINUOUS CASTING METHOD ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 24.02.2004 03450060.3 ]32[ 28.02.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B22D 11//01 SO & SO SOMMERHOFER OEG, AUSTRIA WO/2004/076096 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON ST., P.O.B. 6451, TEL AVIV 61063 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 170168 ]33[ EP ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 רחוב הירקון תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, The invention concerns the continuous casting of metals of all kinds by direct cooling with liquid metal or ionic liquid as coolant, for direct cooling of the strand (4). According to the invention, the coolant is directed to the strand (4) in at least one jet (10) and flows in a turbulent flow in this jet. __________________ ]11[]21[ 170181 ]54[ (4R) AND (4S)-DIASTEREOISOMERS OF (2S)-2-[OXY-4PROPYLPYRROLIDINYL]BUTANAMIDE, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM AND THEIR USE FOR PREPARING MEDICAMENTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ 21.02.2001 0004297.8 ]32[ 23.02.2000 ]33[ GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//4015, A61P 25//08, C07D 20/7/27 DIVISION FROM 150842 )– דיאסטריואיזומריםS4( – ) וR4( – 4 – –[אוקסיS) – 22( של ,פרופילפירולידיניל] בוטאנאמיד תכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותם והשימוש בהם להכנת תרופות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ UCB PHARMA S.A., BELGIUM WO/2001/062726 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention concerns 2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine derivatives of formula (I) wherein the substituents are as defined in the specification, as well as their use as pharmaceuticals. The compounds of the invention are particularly suited for treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy. __________________ ]11[]21[ 170315 נגזרות חומצות אלקנואיות מותמרות תכשירים רפואיים ושימוש בהן,ציקלואלקיל ]54[ CYCLOALKYL-SUBSTITUTED ALKANOIC ACID DERIVATIVES, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AND USE THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 19.02.2004 10308356.1 ]32[ 27.02.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07C 27/5/18, 27/5/26 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/076401 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ DE ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The invention relates to arylcycloalkyl-substituted alkanoic acid derivatives and the physiologically acceptable salts and physiologically functional derivatives thereof. Disclosed are compounds of formula (I), wherein the radicals have the indicated November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א meanings, the physiologically acceptable salts thereof, and methods for the production thereof. Said compounds are suitable for treating and/or preventing disturbances of fatty acid metabolism, impaired glucose utilization, and disturbances in which insulin resistance plays a role. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ CHANNEL ESTIMATION OF A RECEIVER MULTIPATH CDMA SIGNAL ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 18.02.2004 10/368765 ]32[ 18.02.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 25//02 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2004/075019 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 170333 רב–מסלוליCDMA הערכה ערוצית של אות למקלט ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method for improving channel estimation in a wireless communication system is disclosed. A wireless signal that includes a plurality of multipath components is received. N channel estimates are then obtained, where N is any positive integer greater than one. Each channel estimate of the N channel estimates corresponds to a different multipath component of the plurality of multipath components. The effects of interference between the plurality of multipath components on the N channel estimates is then reduced. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR PREPARING POLYMORPHISM OF IRINOTECAN HYDROCHLORIDE ]22[ 24.02.2004 170350 שיטה עבור הכנת של הידרוכלוריד אירינוטקאן רב צורתי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 2003-046908 ]32[ 25.02.2003 ]33[ JP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//4745, C07D 49/1/22 KABUSHIKI KAISHA YAKULT HONSHA, JAPAN WO/2004/076460 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON ST., P.O.B. 6451, TEL AVIV 61063 ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 רחוב הירקון תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, A method for preparing an irinotecan hydrochloride c-type crystal exhibiting diffraction peaks (2theta) at 9.15 degrees, 10.00 degrees, 11.80 degrees, 12.20 degrees, 13.00 degrees and 13.40 degrees in the powder X-ray diffractometry, characterized in that it comprises mixing irinotecan with one or more solvents selected from the group consisting of acetone, acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran, adding hydrochloric acid to the resultant solution, and taking out formed crystals. The invention provides a method for preparing a polymorphism of irinotecan hydrochloride which is excellent in its solubility in water and is reduced in the content of impurities. __________________ ]11[]21[ 170397 ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR RIDE-ON TOY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 18.02.2004 10/371576 ]32[ 24.02.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) A63G 25//00, G08C 17//02 DAN AND HANNA GAVISH WO/2004/075456 DAN AND HANNA GAVISH, HARAKAFOT 4 HEIFA 34745 ]57[ שיטה והתקן לצעצוע רכוב US חיפה,דן וחנה גביש ,דן וחנה גביש 4 הרקפות חיפה A method and apparatus by which an adult accompanying a child riding a mobile rideon toy (120), can continuously determine if the child is free to fully operate the toy (120), The adult can force the toy (120) to slow down, or to stop or to otherwise control the ride-on toy (120) in order to protect the child's safety. The adult can gain control by operating a wireless remote-control unit (110). Furthermore, the adult can limit the distance between the ride-on toy and the adult, so that the child cannot drive too far away from the adult, i.e., the toy (120) stops as soon as the predetermined range limit is reached. The ride-on toy (120) can be used as long as it is under the control of the adult, but it automatically stops when the adult loses control over the ride-on toy November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א (120). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ REACTOR FOR INDUSTRIAL CULTURE OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC MICRO-ORGANISMS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 24.02.2004 FI2003A000047 ]32[ 24.02.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C12M 01//00 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE, ITALY MARIO TREDICI, LILIANA RODOLFI WO/2004/074423 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 170429 – סביבת פעולה לתירבות תעשייתי של מיקרו אורגניזים פוטוסינטטים ]33[ IT ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The present invention refers to a reactor for the culture of photosynthetic microorganisms or plant cells suspended in a suitable culture medium, comprising a culture chamber made of a material which is transparent to photosynthetically active radiation, a large-meshed grid structure (2) suitable to contain the culture chamber, and an external support framework (1,3). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PILOT ESTIMATION USING PREDICTION ERROR METHOD SWITCHED FILTERS ]22[ ]31[ 11.03.2004 60/454378 ]32[ 12.03.2003 10/643639 18.08.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 01//707 ]51[ 170784 הערכה ניסיונית באמצעות מעבר בין פילטרים המבוסס על ניבוי שגיאות ]33[ US US November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2004/082166 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A system is disclosed for use in a wireless communication system to provide an estimated pilot signal. The system includes a receiver and a front-end processing and despreading component in electronic communication with the receiver for despreading a CDMA signal. A pilot estimation component is in electronic communication with the frontend processing and despreading component for estimating an original pilot signal using a pilot estimator that includes more than one filter and that includes a switching method for using the more than one filter. The switching method uses a prediction error. A demodulation component is in electronic communication with the pilot estimation component and the front-end processing and despreading component for providing demodulated data symbols. __________________ ]11[]21[ 170788 ,הפקת נגזרות של נוירונים מופעלי דופאמין ושמקורם בתאי,אשר עברו התמיינות סופית גזע עובריים אנושיים ]54[ DERIVATION OF TERMINALLY DIFFERENTIATED DOPAMINERGIC NEURONS FROM HUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS ]22[ ]31[ 11.03.2004 269/mum/2003 ]32[ 12.03.2003 ]33[ IN 60/520048 14.11.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 48//00, A61P 25//16, C12N 05//0735 RELIANCE LIFE SCIENCES PVT. LTD., INDIA WO/2004/081172 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, The present disclosure is directed to improved methods for efficiently producing neuroprogenitor cells and differentiated neural cells such as dopaminergic neurons and serotonergic neurons from pluripotent stem cells, for example human embryonic stem cells. Using the disclosed methods, cell populations containing a high proportion of ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א cells positive for tyrosine hydroxylase, a specific marker for dopaminergic neurons, have been isolated. The neuroprogenitor cells and terminally differentiated cells of the present disclosure can be generated in large quantities, and therefore may serve as an excellent source for cell replacement therapy in neurological disorders such as Parkinsons disease. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR RECORDING A LEAD-OUT ON AN OPTICAL DISC ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 11.03.2004 03100756.0 ]32[ 24.03.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G11B 20//12 KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V., THE NETHERLANDS WO/2004/086398 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 171011 שיטה להקלטת התחלה על דיסק אופטי ]33[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A method of recording information stores lead-out information on a multilayer record carrier of an opposite track path type. A two part recording area (54,61) across two layers is logically interrupted by an intermediate zone (55,56). According to a standardized recording format like DVD the recording area is preceded by a lead-in zone (53) located at the start of the first recording layer and followed by a lead-out zone (64) located at the end of the second recording layer. An outer lead-out part (62) and an inner lead-out part (63) are recorded separated by an unrecorded area (65) and together constituting the lead-out information on the second recording layer. The inner lead-out part covers a predefined radial position range corresponding to a range of radial positions used by reading devices for accessing the second recording layer during a disc loading procedure. The outer lead-out part is recorded at the end of an area of the second recording layer containing user information. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 171201 ]54[ METHOD FOR AVOIDING GCHOUTAGE BY APPLIANCE OF THE GREEDY ALGORITHM IN A GRANT CHANNEL SCHEDULING METHOD AND CORRESPONDINGLY ADAPTED BASE STATION, TRANSCEIVER CONTROLLER AND CDMA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK ]22[ ]31[ 13.04.2004 60/463414 ]32[ 15.04.2003 ]33[ US 10/633013 01.08.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 12//56, H04W 72//14, 84//04 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2004/093483 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ על ידיGCH – שיטה להימנעות מהפסקת יישום אלגוריתם החמדנות בשיטה לתזמון ערוץ בקר, ותחנת בסיס מתואמת בהתאמה,הענקה CDMA מקלט משרד ורשת תקשורת ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Methods and apparatus for scheduling grant channels to carry grant messages to a plurality of scheduled mobile stations. The scheduling of grant channels involves statically assigning atleast on grant channel to each mobile station to monitor, and dinamically assigning to a current mobile station of the plurality of scheduled mobile stations, a previously unassigned grant channel from a list of grant channels monitored by the current mobile station (300). If there are more mobile stations to be processed in the plurality of scheduled mobile stations (302), then the scheduling moves to a next mobile station in the plurality of scheduled mobile stations (304), and the assignment process is repeated. Furthermore, if not every grant channel has been assigned a mobile station (306), then the order of the plurality of scheduled mobile stations is rearranged (308), and the assignment and the movement processes are repeated. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SUPPORT STRUCTURES AND 171378 מצעים לשבבים ושיטה ליצורים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א THE FABRICATION THEREOF ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ ]57[ 11.10.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01L 21//306 AMITECH LTD. מגדל העמק,עמיטק בע"מ DROR HURWITZ, BORIS , בני מיכאלי, בוריס סטטניקוב,דרור הורביץ STATNIKOV, BENNY MICHAELI, מרדכי פרקש, אווה איגנר,עמית זיידלר AMIT ZEIDLER, EVA IGNER, MORDECHAY FARKASH JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא P.O.B. 45087, ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91450 A method of fabricating an electronic substrate comprising the steps of fabricating a full stack by: (A) selecting a first base layer; (B) depositing a first etchant resistant barrier layer comprising tantalum or nickel onto said first base layer; (C) building up a first half stack of alternating conductive layers and insulating layers, the conductive layer being interconnected by vias through the insulating layers; (D) applying a second base layer onto said first half stack; (E) applying a protective coating of photoresist to said second base layer; (F) etching away said first base layer by exposing said first base layer to a solution of ammonium hydroxide at an elevated temperature; (G) removing the protective coating of photoresist; (H) removing said first etchant resistant barrier layer; (I) building up a second first half stack of alternating conductive layers and insulating layers, the conductive layer being interconnected by vias through the insulating layers, wherein second half stack has a substantially symmetrical lay up to first half stack; (J) applying an insulating layer onto said second half stack of alternating conductive layers and insulating layers, and (K) removing said second base layer. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR PREPARING AND IDENTIFYING, ANALYSIS AND USE OF PAR1 POLYMORPHISM FOR EVALUATING THE RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS ]22[ 16.04.2004 171477 בדיקה ושימוש של,שיטה להכנה וזיהוי להערכת הסיכון להפרעותPAR 1 פולימורפיזם קרדיו וסקולריות November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 10318496.1 ]32[ 24.04.2003 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07K 14/435, 14/72, C12Q 01/68 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/094470 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The invention relates to polynucleotide sequences comprising genetic variations of PAR 1 gene on positions 3090 and/or 3329. Surprisingly, the presence of said variants in humans correlates with specific cardiovascular diseases. The invention also relates to methods for the detection of said genetic variations. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ENHANCING MOBILE MULTIPLE-ACCESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS ]22[ ]31[ 28.04.2004 60/465770 ]32[ 28.04.2003 60/465764 28.04.2003 60/465768 28.04.2003 60/474251 30.05.2003 60/474252 30.05.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 07//00 ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. AVIV TZIDON WO/2004/098111 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 171578 הרחבת רשתות תקשורת ניידות בעלות קישוריות מרובה ]33[ US US US US US חיפה,אלביט מערכות בע"מ אביב צידון ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The present invention relates to mobile multiple access communication. More particularly it relates to novel features in mobile multiple access communication system (50). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206551,206550 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING EFFICIENT DEINTERLEAVING AND DIVERSITY-COMBINING OF A DATA SIGNAL ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 29.04.2004 10/426488 ]32[ 30.04.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 07//10 MOTOROLA, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/100436 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 171584 שיטה והתקן לסיוע יעיל בפרימת שזירה ושילוב מגוון של אות נתונים ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A processor (604) determines (502) a channel metric from a data signal received on a diversity branch. The processor calculates (504) an index into a final metrics buffer (702), the index determined from a position of the channel metric within an interleaved frame of data. The processor places (506) a value derived from the channel metric into the final metrics buffer at a location defined by the index. A corresponding method and apparatus as well as communications receiver utilizing the processor (604) are described. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 171782 פפטידים דימרים שמכילים פוליאתלין גליקול תכשירים,הנקשרים לקולטן אריתרופואטים שמכילים אותם ושימוש בהם ]54[ PEPTIDE DIMERS WHICH COMPRISE POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL THAT BIND TO THE ERYTHROPOIETIN RECEPTOR, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS THEREOF AND USE THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ 12.05.2004 60/469993 ]32[ 12.05.2003 ]33[ US 60/470244 12.05.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//10, A61P 07//06, C07K 07//08, 14//505 AFFYMAX, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/101606 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The present invention relates to peptide compounds that are agonists of the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R). The invention also relates to therapeutic methods using such peptide compounds to treat disorders associated with insufficient or defective red blood cell production. Pharmaceutical compositions, which comprise the peptide compounds of the invention, are also provided . ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206418 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 171827 התקן ידני לניפוק ונתינה ]54[ HAND HELD DISPENSING AND APPLICATION APPARATUS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.05.2004 10/431769 ]32[ 08.05.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) A45D 34//04, B65D 75//58 R.P. SCHERER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/101423 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A dispensing and application apparatus designed to contain pre-measured amounts of a flowable substance. The apparatus comprises a compartment (130) for storing the substance that is partially enclosed by a frangible seal (210), an applicator (100), and an expandable chamber (170) designed to accept and dissipate the hydraulic force created when pressure is applied to the compartment (130), rupturing the frangible seal (210), and expelling the substance into the chamber (170). The applicator (100) is attached to the chamber (170) with an applicator bond area (180). The expandability of the chamber (170) is conferred by expandability of the applicator (100), and is varied in different embodiments by altering the ratio between the area of the applicator bond area (180) and the area of the applicator (100). The frangible seal (210), in one of many embodiments, may be a chevron shape stress riser (250) with a point of inflection (240) oriented towards the compartment (130). A removable cap may cover the applicator. __________________ ]11[]21[ 171847 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]54[ CARD WITH EMBEDDED IC AND ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 12.05.2004 10/437546 ]32[ 13.05.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01L 23//02 SOLICORE INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/102618 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ (מעגל משולב) מקובע ותאIC כרטיס עם אלקטרוכימי ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, An IC card includes at least one plastic layer (915), a battery (865) and at least one electronic device (980) embedded in the plastic layer (915). The battery (865) is electrically connected to the electronic device (980) for providing power to the device (980). The battery (865) includes an anode, a cathode, and at least one polymer matrix electrolyte (PME) separator disposed between the anode and the cathode. The PME separator includes a polyimide, at least one lithium salt and at least one solvent all intermixed. The PME is substantially optically clear and stable against high temperature and pressure, such as processing conditions typically used in hot lamination processing or injection molding. __________________ ]11[]21[ 171946 משטח רוטנן מצופה באמצעות קו–אקסטרוזיה ללא אפקט משולש ]54[ GROUSER PLATE COATED BY COEXTRUSION WITHOUT ANY TRIANGLE EFFECT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 04.05.2004 10322003.8 ]32[ 16.05.2003 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) B29C 47//20, 47//70, B29D 24//00 BAYER SHEET EUROPE GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/101257 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a method for producing wedge-less, co-extruded grouser plates, special extrusion nozzles for producing such plates, the use of said nozzles for producing such plates, co-extruded grouser plates having at least one base structure November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א containing a thermoplastic material and at least one co-extruded coating (9, 10) without any triangle effect, and other products containing said co-extruded grouser plate. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR PREPARATION OF ALPHA, BETA-UNSATURATED CYCLIC KETONES BY DEHYDROGENATION OF SECONDARY ALLYLIC CYCLIC ALCOHOLS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.05.2004 10/449859 ]32[ 30.05.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07C 45/00, 45/67 MILLENNIUM SPECIALTY CHEMICALS, U.S.A. WO/2004/108646 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 172088 – קטונים טבעתיים בלתיß,α שיטה להכנת רוויים באמצעות דהידרוגנציה של אלכהולים אליליים טבעתיים ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A process for the manufacture of an alpha, beta-unsaturated cyclic ketone, such as carvone, comprises the dehydrogenation of a secondary allylic cyclic alcohol, such as carveol, in the presence of at least one metal carboxylate. The process can be performed in a batchwise or continuous mode. Examples of suitable metal carboxylates include magnesium stearate, calcium 2-ethylhexanoate, and zinc 2ethylhexanoate. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD, APPARATUS AND COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR CALCULATING AND ADJUSTING THE PERCEIVED LOUDNESS OF AN AUDIO SIGNAL ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 27.05.2004 60/474077 ]32[ 28.05.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G10L 11//00 DOLBY LABORATORIES LICENSING CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2004/111994 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 172108 התקן ותוכנת מחשב לחישוב ולהתאמת,שיטה עוצמת הקול הנקלטת מאות אודיו ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, One or a combination of two or more specific loudness model functions selected from a group of two or more of such functions are employed in calculating the perceptual loudness of an audio signal. The function or functions may be selected, for example, by a measure of the degree to which the audio signal is narrowband or wideband. Alternatively or with such a selection from a group of functions, a gain value G[t] is calculated, which gain, when applied to the audio signal, results in a perceived loudness substantially the same as a reference loudness. The gain calculating employs an iterative processing loop that includes the perceptual loudness calculation. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PESTICIDAL OIL-IN-WATER 172441 אמולסית שמן במים מזיקים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א EMULSION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ 07.12.2005 2004-360988 ]32[ 14.12.2004 ]33[ JP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A01N 43//76, C07D 21/3/62 SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED., JAPAN DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 A pesticidal oil-in-water emulsion comprising: (a) 4-phenoxyphenyl 2- (2-pyridyloxy) propyl ether, (b) a hydrophobic organic solvent capable of dissolving 0.1- fold by weight of 4phenoxyphenyl 2- (2-pyridyloxy) propyl ether at 0ºC, (c) polyvinyl alcohol, (d) a nonionic surfactant selected from the group consisting of alkoxylated castor oil, alkoxylated hydrogenated castor oil and alkoxylated hydrogenated castor oil fatty acid ester, and (e) water, wherein a weight ratio of (a) 4-phenoxyphenyl 2- (2-pyridyloxy) propyl ether and (e) water is in the range from 1:20 to 1:3. __________________ ]11[]21[ 172454 ]54[ GATEWAY CONNECTING A HOME NETWORK AND AN EXTERNAL NETWORK ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 08.12.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 12//56, 12//66, 29//06 ECI TELECOM LTD. ECI TELECOM LTD., 30 HASIVIM ST., PETACH TIKVA 49517 ]57[ המקשר בין רשת ביתית לרשתGATEWAY חיצונית פתח תקוה, טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי , טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 30 רחוב הסיבים פתח תקוה A Home Gateway HGW interconnecting a Home Network (HN) and an Exteral Network (EN), the HGW being adapted to communicate with the HN and EN at a Network layer and being provided with a Service Application Programming Interface Layer (SAPI Layer) capable of performing, at an Application layer, mediator functions for supporting communication and services between said HN and EN. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 172584 ממבראנות ויראליות משוחזרות פונקציונאלית הכוללות סייע ושיטות לייצורם ]54[ FUNCTIONALLY RECONSTITUTED VIRAL MEMBRANES CONTAINING ADJUVANT AND METHODS FOR THEIR PRODUCTION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 18.06.2004 PCT/NL03/00450 ]32[ 19.06.2003 ]33[ WO Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//12, 39//145, 39//39, C07K 14//11, 16//10 BESTEWIL HOLDING B.V., KONINGSPLEIN 1,, THE NETHERLANDS ANTONIUS JOHANNES HENDRIKUS STEGMANN, JAN CHRISTIAAN WILSCHUT, JOHANNES HENRICUS GERARDUS VAN BERKUM WO/2004/110486 G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י AYALON TOWER, 15TH FLOOR, רחוב מנחם בגין, 15 קומה,מגדל איילון 11 MENACHEM BEGIN ST., 11 RAMAT GAN 52521 רמת גן ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention relates to vaccines directed against antigens such as membrane proteins from pathogens or tumor cells. The invention further relates to methods of forming reconstituted viral membranes, with membrane fusion activity, which are lipid bilayer membranes preferably containing natural lipids of a virus, a viral fusion protein, one or more optional further antigens as well as amphiphilic adjuvants. Pharmaceutical compositions comprising such reconstituted viral membranes are also part of the invention. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 172589 שיטה להסבת פגז רב פצצונות לפגז אחיד ]54[ METHOD OF CONVERTING A CLUSTER BOMB INTO A UNITARY BOMB ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 14.12.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F42B 12//58 ISRAEL MILITARY INDUSTRIES LTD. ]74[ SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 A method of converting a cluster bomb having an expelling charge (54) and submunitions (62) into a unitary bomb, characterized in that said cluster bomb is prepared for the insertion of a shock wave destructive charge (12) including removing said expelling charge and inserting said shock wave destructive charge into said cluster bomb such that said destructive charge operatively contacts at least one submunition. ]57[ רמת,התעשייה הצבאית לישראל בע"מ השרון ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ AD HOC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD OF ROUTING SPEECH PACKETS THEREIN ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 22.12.2005 60/638239 ]32[ 23.12.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04W 84//18 172748 ושיטה לניתוב שיחותAd hoc מערכת תקשורת בה ]33[ US November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]71[ CARMEL-HAIFA UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC CORP. LTD. ]72[ SHARONI FELDMAN, YOSI BEN ASHER REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ החברה הכלכלית של אוניברסיטת-כרמל חיפה,חיפה בע"מ יוסי בן אשר,שרוני פלדמן ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל An ad hoc communication system comprising a plurality of communication devices, each device having a transmission range, wherein the devices are organized into one or more communication graphs, each communication graph comprising one or more nodes, each node representing a device of the system and an edge joining two nodes indicating that the two nodes are in each other's transmission range, wherein at least one of the graphs is a rooted tree. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PREPARATION OF 1,3DIPHENYLPROP-2-EN-1-ONE DERIVATIVES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 08.07.2004 03/08354 ]32[ 08.07.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07C 51//09, 67//31 GENFIT, FRANCE WO/2005/005369 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]57[ 172825 –און1––אנ2– – דיפנילפרופ1 ,3 הכנת נגזרות של ]33[ FR ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a method for the preparation of 1,3-diphenylprop-2-en-1-one substituted on one of the two phenyl groups by a carboxyalkyloxy group or a carboxyalkylthio group. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR MEASURING THE PROXIMITY OF TWO CONTOURS AND SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF TARGETS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 13.07.2004 0308707 ]32[ 17.07.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06K 09//64 THALES, FRANCE WO/2005/017818 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 173125 שיטה למדידת הקרבה בין שני קווי מתאר ומערכת לזיהוי אוטומטי של מטרות ]33[ FR ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a method for measuring the proximity of a second contour (CM) to a first contour (CI), comprising a step of association of each point of the first contour with a point of the second contour determined to be the closest and a step for pairing each point (M15) of the second contour with one or no points of the first contour, by determination of the point of the first contour which is the closest (I 24) among the set of points (I24, I28, I29) of the first contour associated with said point of the second contour. A method for automatic identification of targets applies said method of proximity measurement to determine the level of proximity of a model contour, applied as the second contour to an image contour, applied as first contour. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ HEPARIN-DERIVED OLIGOSACCHARIDE MIXTURES, PREPARATION THEREOF AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING 173206 הכנתן,תערובות אוליגו–סוכר המופקות מהפרין ותכשירים רפואיים הכוללים אותן November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א SAID MIXTURES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 22.07.2004 0309041 ]32[ 24.07.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C08B 37//10 AVENTIS PHARMA S.A., FRANCE WO/2005/010051 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]33[ FR ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The present invention relates to heparin-derived oligosaccharide mixtures, having an average molecular weight from 1,800 to 2,400 daltons and characterized by a high aXa activity and by the absence of aIIa activity. Said invention also relates to the preparation method thereof and to the pharmaceutical compositions containing said mixtures. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ AUDIO FILE FORMAT CONVERSION ]22[ ]31[ 13.07.2004 10333071.2 ]32[ 21.07.2003 10339498.2 27.08.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G10L 19//14 FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V., GERMANY WO/2005/013491 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 173223 המרת פורמט של קבצי אודיו ]33[ DE DE ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, According to the invention, the manipulation of audio data can be simplified, such as, for example, with relation to the combination of individual audio channels to give multi-channel audio data streams, or for the general manipulation of an audio data stream, whereby a data block is modified (56) in an audio data stream (10), divided into data blocks (10a, 10b) with determining blocks (14, 16) and data block audio data November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א (18) such as, for example, by inclusion in, addition to, or replacement of a part thereof, itself containing a length indicator which expresses a data amount or length of the block audio data, or a data amount or length of the data block, such as to give a second audio data stream with modified data blocks. Alternatively, an audio data stream (10) with pointers in determining blocks (14, 10), which point to the determining block audio data (44, 46), allocated to the determining blocks, but distributed in various data blocks, is converted into an audio stream, whereby the determining block audio data (44, 46) are combined to give coherent determining block audio data (48). The coherent determining block audio data (48) can be contained with the corresponding determining block (14, 16) in a self-contained channel element (52a). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ NIGHT VISION AIMING SIGHT WITH TWO EYEPIECES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 09.07.2004 0309165 ]32[ 25.07.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F41G 01//32 THALES, FRANCE WO/2005/017441 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 173234 כוונת לראיית לילה דו–עינית ]33[ FR ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The invention relates to aiming sights for firearms with a light intensifier. A firearm (31) may be provided with a camera (1) which permits the infantryman to take aim whilst remaining protected, in order to render safer certain types of firing. The aim of the invention is to provide said function at night. Said aim is achieved, whereby a night vision aiming sight (2) with light intensifier, having two optical paths is provided on the firearm (31). The first optical path provides an intensified image to the camera (1), arranged on the firearm (1). The second path provides the person firing with a directly observable intensified image. In one embodiment, the sight (2) also comprises a November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א display (282) which provides the infantryman with supplementary information superimposed on the intensified images. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ESTABLISHING THAT A SERVER AND A CORRESPONDENT HAVE COMPATIBLE SECURE EMAIL ]22[ ]31[ 07.02.2006 60/659279 ]32[ 07.03.2005 11/107011 15.04.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04L 09//00 MICROSOFT CORPORATION, U.S.A. REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ 173581 מערכת ושיטה לביסוס העובדה שלמשתמש ולבעל שיחו ישנו דואר אלקטרוני מאובטח ]33[ US US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A method for determining that a potential correspondent domain has compatible secure email technology in order to establish a link between a server of a source domain and a computer of a correspondent domain comprising: transmitting a discovery secret from the source domain to the correspondent domain wherein the discovery secret includes a data element specific to the correspondent domain and wherein the discovery secret includes a source domain address to which the correspondent domain sends a message in order to establish compatibility between the source domain and the correspondent domain; and receiving by the source domain via the source domain address an invitation from the correspondent domain wherein the invitation includes the data element or an element corresponding to the data element which may be used by the correspondent domain to initiate a process to establish compatibility with the correspondent domain; wherein the source domain verifies the data element received from the correspondent domain by re-computing and then comparing the data element received for the November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א correspondent domain with the data element included in the discovery secret transmitted to the correspondent domain; and wherein the source domain only corresponds with the correspondent domain when the data element provided by the correspondent domain is the same as the data element included in the discovery secret so that a denial of service attack from a correspondent domain in mitigated. __________________ ]11[]21[ 173752 אוקסאזאבורולידינים כמשפיעים על בקטריה ]54[ OXAZABOROLIDINES AS BACTERIA EFFECTORS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 02.09.2004 60/499005 ]32[ 02.09.2003 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/69, A61P 31/00, C07F 05/02 YISSUM RESEARCH יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF ירושלים,האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM WO/2005/021559 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to a composition for modulation of at least one bacteria-related parameter comprising oxazaborolidine derivative compounds. The invention additionally relates to new oxazaborolidine derivative compounds. The invention further relates to a composition for decreasing bacterial growth, a composition for increasing the susceptibility of bacteria to the cytotoxic effects of other antibacterial agents, and a pharmaceutical composition comprising as an active ingredient an oxazaborolidine derivative compound. Methods for modulating at least one bacteriarelated parameter, for preventing, decreasing or eliminating bacterial growth, and for making bacteria more susceptible to other antibacterial compounds are also described. __________________ ]11[]21[ 173910 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]54[ PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION COMPRISING A PYRIMIDINE-A-ONE DERIVATIVE COATED WITH AN ENTERIC POLYMER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 31.08.2004 0320522.6 ]32[ 02.09.2003 ]33[ GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 09//00, 09//20, 09//30, 31//513 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2005/021002 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ A––תכשיר רוקחות המכיל נגזרת של פירימידין המצופה עם פולימר אנטרי1 ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The present invention provides enteric polymer coated tablet formulations for oral administration which comprise a phospholipase A2 enzyme Lipoprotein Associated Phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) inhibitor, processes for preparing such formulations and their use in therapy, in particular the treatment of atherosclerosis. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ACTUATION ASSEMBLY FOR OPERATING A BLIND INSIDE A CHAMBER FORMED BY PANES OF GLASS SUPPORTED WITHIN A FRAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 05.11.2003 MI2003A001902 ]32[ 03.10.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) E06B 09//264, 09//42 PELLINI S.P.A., ITALY WO/2005/033462 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ 174019 מכלול הפעלה לתיפעול תריס בתוך תא המיוצר משמשות זכוכית הנתמכות בתוך מסגרת ]33[ IT , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, System for operating a plain blind within a glass-enclosed chamber having a first end fixed to a blind-roller by means of devices that pull on said blind-roller and on the second end of the blind. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 174072 פאנלים מופרדים ]54[ INSULATED PANELS ]22[ ]31[ 03.09.2004 2003904771 ]32[ 03.09.2003 ]33[ AU 2003907213 31.12.2003 AU Int. Cl.(2009.01) E04C 02/26, 02/34, E06B 03/22, 03/263, 03/66, 03/677, F25D 21/04, 23/02 JULIAN MCKINLAY KING, AUSTRALIA ROSS CAMPBELL MCKINLAY, AUSTRALIA MURRAY CHRISTIAN PICKFORD, AUSTRALIA WO/2005/021886 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ A panel comprising: a frame member (70) defining a periphery of said panel; a first wall (77) retained by the frame (70) and a seoond wall (79) opposing said first wall (77) and together with the first wall (77) defining an internal space (73, 74) of the panel; the panel further comprising at least one intermediate wall (78) disposed in said internal space intermediate the first (77) and second walls (79) and which creates a first space (73) in said internal space between said intermediate wall (78) and said first wall (77) and a second space (74) in said internal space between said intermediate wall (78) and said second wall (79); charactedized in that the frame includes respective abutment surfaces (80, 81, 82) which receive and retain respective first, second and intermediate walls wherein; the intermtediate wall (78) insulates said first wall (77) from said second wall (79). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DATA BOUNDARY AWARE BASE STATION ASSISTED POSITION LOCATION METHOD ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 03.09.1999 09/150410 ]32[ 09.09.1998 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01S 01//00, 05//00 174120 שיטת איתור מיקום הנעזרת בתחנת בסיס המודעת לגבולות מידע ]33[ US November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ DIVISION FROM 141707 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2000/014571 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The present invention is a novel and improved method and apparatus for performing position location in wireless communications system. A method for performing position location on a subscriber unit in a terrestrial wireless telephone system using a set of satellites each transmitting a signal, the terrestrial wireless telephone system having base stations (12), including the steps of transmitting an aiding message from the base station (12) to the subscriber unit, said aiding message containing information regarding a data boundary for each signal from the set of satellites, applying correlation codes to each signal yielding corresponding correlation data and accumulating said correlation data over a first interval preceding a corresponding data boundary yielding a first accumulation result, and a second interval following said corresponding data boundary yielding a second accumulation result. __________________ ]11[]21[ 174163 –פלטפורמה לניתוח תוכן של רשתות ביצועים גבוהים ]54[ HIGH-PERFORMANCE NETWORK CONTENT ANALYSIS PLATFORM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 09.09.2004 10/658777 ]32[ 10.09.2003 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06F 15//16, 15//173, 17//30, H04L 29//06 FIDELIS SECURITY SYSTEMS, U.S.A. WO/2005/027539 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]87[ ]74[ ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]57[ One implementation of a method reassembles complete client-server conversation streams, applies decoders and/or decompressors, and analyzes the resulting data stream using multi-dimensional content profiling and/or weighted keyword-in-context. The method may detect the extrusion of the data, for example, even if the data has been modified from its original form and/or document type. The decoders may also uncover hidden transport mechanisms such as, for example, e-mail attachments. The method may further detect unauthorized (e.g., rogue) encrypted sessions and stop data transfers deemed malicious. The method allows, for example, for building 2 Gbps (FullDuplex)-capable extrusion prevention machines. ,198794 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 174200 ]54[ DEVICE FOR DIVISION OF A NON-NEWTONIAN LIQUID FLOWING THROUGH A PASSAGE ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 09.03.2006 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B32B 01/00, F15D 01/02 INCOE CORPORATION, U.S.A. SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ התקן לחילוק נוזל לא–ניוטוני הזורם דרך מעבר ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A device for dividing a non-Newtonian liquid material flowing through a passage, the material having a flow-conditioned viscosity decreasing outward in cross-section in flow through a substantially T-shaped passage branching deflecting and dividing the liquid flow, comprising a partition member positioned in a partition plug member adjacent the end of the supply passage in the passage branching which divides the liquid flowing counter from the supply passage segment into two halves, said partition member positioned in a dome-shaped recess in said partition plug member, the angular November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א position of the partition member having a setting adapted to the distribution of the differentially viscous components of the liquid in the supply passage segment, wherein the liquid flowing into the said discharge passage does not have substantial distribution of the differentially viscous components of the liquid. __________________ ]11[]21[ 174227 ציוד למשתמש לקבלת והעברת אותות תקשורת ]54[ USER EQUIPMENT FOR RECEIVING AND TRANSMITTING COMMUNICATION SIGNALS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 24.05.2000 60/136664 ]32[ 28.05.1999 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 07//204, 07//26, H04L 05//14 DIVISION FROM 146742 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2000/074276 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A user equipment (UE) capable of receiving and transmitting communication signals in a time division duplex using code division multiple access format, the user equipment comprising: an antenna for receiving a primary code synchronization signal, the primary code synchronization signal received in a selected time slot out of a plurality of time slots in a primary code synchronization channel; a plurality of matched filters for identifying synchronization signals, the secondary synchronization signals received along with the primary code synchronization signals; and a processor for time synchronizing with a received timing of the primary code synchronization signals, and for determining an assigned code group and the selected time slot, based on the identified secondary synchronization signals; and wherein the assigned code group is out of a predetermined number N of possible code groups, each selected time slot out of the plurality of time slots associated with a unique combination of secondary signals from a set of secondary signals which does not exceed (log2 N) + 1 in number. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ,206600 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ OZONE PLASMA MEDICAL STERILIZATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ 05.09.2004 10/659354 ]32[ 11.09.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61L 02//00 TUTTNAUER ISRAEL LTD. GENA PERLOV, SHMUEL YANNAI, BORIS MALKIN WO/2005/023319 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 174234 עיקור אוזון פלזמה רפואי ]33[ US ירושלים,טוטנאואר ישראל בע"מ בוריס מלקין, שמואל ינאי,ג'ינה פרלוב ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת A method for sterilizing at least one item in a chamber (12), including the steps of: disposing the at least one item in the chamber (12); pumping the atmosphere from the chamber (12) until the atmosphere of the chamber (12) has a pressure of less than ten torr; adding water vapor and ozone to the chamber; and generating electrical discharge in the chamber (12), such that the electrical discharge produces OH radicals from the water vapor and the ozone so as to contribute to sterilization of at least part of the at least one item. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 174259 התקן שיוף ]54[ SANDING APPARATUS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 12.03.2006 11/079770 ]32[ 14.03.2005 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) B24B 23//00 ALLWAY TOOLS, INC, U.S.A. SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 YAVNE ST., 31 רח' יבנה P.O.B. 1426, תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61013 A sander for applying sandpaper or abrasive screening to a surface, the sander comprising: a body member having upstanding walls and a bottom wall; a pad member made of thermoplastic material having upstanding walls and an upper wall; attachment means on the body member for detachably joining sandpaper or abrasive screening along the bottom wall of the pad member; the upstanding walls and the upper wall of the pad member being co-molded about and overlying the upstanding walls and bottom wall of the body member respectively; the upstanding walls of the pad member having a top portion that defines a substantially immovable upper lip which is substantially continuous and which overlies all of the upstanding walls of said body member; and the body member being made of a substrate which is chemically compatible with and molecularly bonded to said pad member without the use of an adhesive. ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 174312 שיטה ומערכת לעיבוד לולאת פקודות ]54[ METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING A LOOP OF INSTRUCTIONS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 28.09.2004 10/675092 ]32[ 30.09.2003 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06F 09//00, 09//30, 09//32, 09//38 STARCORE, LLC, U.S.A. WO/2005/033862 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, An information handling system (10) processes a loop of instructions. In response to detecting processing of a particular instruction (52, 58) during a pass through the loop, the system initiates a fetch (50) of an initial instruction that is programmed at a start of the loop, and stores an identification of a different instruction that is programmed between the initial instruction and the particular instruction. According to the stored identification, in response to detecting processing of the different instruction during an additional pass through the loop, the system initiates an additional fetch (50) of the initial Instruction. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MILLIMETRE AND SUBMILLIMETRE IMAGING DEVICE ]22[ ]31[ 15.09.2004 0321628.0 ]32[ 15.09.2003 0322847.5 30.09.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01V 08//00 THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES COUNCIL, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2005/026833 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 174313 התקן הדמייה מילימטרי ותת–מילימטרי ]33[ GB GB , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, The terahertz camera has a fixed objective lens (2) and a plurality of detectors (3) positioned at the focal plane of the objective lens (2). Each of the detectors (3) is mounted on a movable support (10) so that the antenna is capable of movement across the focal plane of the objective lens (2) and is provided with a flexible waveguide (4) for connecting the output of the detector (3) with signal processing means. Each detector (3) is also provided with a retroreflector (6) which is reflective at frequencies other than terahertz frequencies. During use of the camera, the retroreflector (6) of each detector (3) is illuminated at non-terahertz frequencies so that the spatial position of each detector (3) and hence the spatial source of signals generated by the detector can be accurately identified. The terahertz camera is particularly suited for use in security installations and in chemical and food processing industries. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR INTEGRATION OF WIRELESS COMPUTER NETWORK IN POSITION DETERMINING TECHNOLOGY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 17.09.2004 10/665747 ]32[ 19.09.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01S 05//14 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2005/029120 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 174366 מערכת ושיטה למיזוג של רשת מחשב אלחוטית בטכנולוגית קביעת מיקום ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A wireless communication device, known as a mobile station (MS), contains a conventional wireless communication system and further comprises a wireless computer network communication subsystem and may also include GPS capability. The operator of the MS may utilize any or all of these subsystems to determine the current position of the MS. Based on the current position of the MS, location-based services are provided to the MS as sales information, schedules, prices, maps, and the like. In a typical implementation a plurality of computer network access points, or beacons, are distributed throughout a geographic region and used to determine the position of the MS with a reasonably high degree of accuracy. Based on the current position of the MS, the beacons can provide location-based services. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ OMNIDIRECTIONAL LENTICULAR AND BARRIERGRID IMAGE DISPLAYS AND METHODS FOR MAKING THEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 22.09.2004 60/504809 ]32[ 29.09.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G02B 27//10 GENE DOLGOFF, U.S.A. WO/2005/031687 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]57[ 174490 תצוגות מסוג עדשה ומחסום–רשת רב–כיווניות ושיטות לייצורן ]33[ US , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, Image-directing devices, e.g. barriers or lenticular lens (655), tilted so as to be other than vertical (zero degrees) or horizontal (ninety degrees), displays two or more individual images each viewable from different view points. Composite images so displayed provide substantially the desired viewing experience regardless of whether their viewing surfaces are tipped about a vertical (610) or horizontal axis (600). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 174509 מתקן כמילומיניסצנטי רב–צורתי ורב–צבעוני ]54[ MULTI-SHAPE AND MULTICOLOR CHEMILUMINESCENCE DEVICE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 23.09.2004 10/672168 ]32[ 26.09.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) B65D 81//32, F21K 02//06 FORMAGLOW LTD. YUVAL GOYCHRACH WO/2005/031298 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]57[ US ערבה,פורמגלו בע"מ יובל גיוכרך ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, Provided is a chemiluminescent device and a method for producing it. The device (10) , providing multiple shapes and optionally multicolor, glowing images, has separation means that prevents the chemiluminescent reactants from mixing before wishing to st the reaction, and partition means that enables to prevent at least one of the reactants from mixing with the others even after starti the reaction. The device is useful in creating two and three dimensional aesthetic glowing artifacts, and it may be used in the do of entertainment and advertising , and further in the situations of emergency and in areas without energy supply. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ POSITIVE TYPE RADIATIONSENSITIVE RESIN COMPOSITION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 27.03.2006 2005-093385 ]32[ 29.03.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G03F 07//004 JSR CORPORATION, JAPAN 174569 הרכב שרפי מטיפוס חיובי הרגיש לקרינה ]33[ JP November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל ]74[ REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ A positive type radiation-sensitive resin composition for KrF excimer laser comprising: (A) a photoacid generator and (B) an acid-labile group-containing resin which is insoluble or scarcely soluble in alkali, but becomes alkali-soluble by the action of an acid, wherein (A) a photoacid generator of the formula (1) as depicted in the specification and (A2) a photoacid generator which is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of sulfonyloxyimides and disulfonyldiazomethanes, wherein R1 represents a same or different monovalent organic group containing fluorine atoms, or a fluorine atom, R2 represents a same or different monovalent organic group containing no fluorine atoms, or a hydrogen atom, n and m are integers of 1-5, and X' represents an anion of camphorsulfonic acid or nonafluorobutanesulfonic acid. __________________ ]11[]21[ 174647 תכשירי,פיראזולופירידינים ואנלוגים שלהם רוקחות המכילים אותם ושימוש בהם להכנת תרופות ]54[ PYRAZOLOPYRIDINES AND ANALOGS THEREOF, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM AND THEIR USE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF MEDICAMENTS ]22[ ]31[ 01.10.2004 60/508352 ]32[ 03.10.2003 ]33[ US 60/554680 19.03.2004 US 60/603303 20.08.2004 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//4353, C07D 21/3/00, 47/1/04, 47/1/14, 48/7/02, 48/7/12 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2005/079195 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Pyrazolopyridin-4-amines, pyrazoloquinolin-4-amines, pyrazolonaphthyridin-4November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א amines, and 6,7,8,9-tetrahydropyrazoloquinolin-4-amines, pharmaceutical compositions containing the compounds, intermediates, and methods of use of these compounds as immunomodulators, for inducing or inhibiting cytokine biosynthesis in animals and in the treatment of diseases including viral and neoplastic diseases, are disclosed. __________________ 174712 מכשיר לסחיטת נוזלים ושיטה לשימוש בו לייצור מוצרים []11[]21 APPARATUS FOR SQUEEZING FLUIDS AND METHOD FOR ITS USE IN MANUFACTURING PRODUCTS []54 02.04.2006 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B01D 33//00, B30B 07//00, C11B 01//06 LEV SHURIN LEV SHURIN, 1/8 DAVIDZON ST., RISHON LEZION 75357 []22 []51 []71 []74 מכשיר לסחיטת נוזלים מתוך מסה המכילה את הנוזל ,המכשיר כולל תא דחיסה סגור, הכולל את צילינדר ומסנן המשתרע בין קצה ראשון לקצה שני שלו לאורך ציר אורכי, ובעל שטח חתך נתון ,Acתא הדחיסה כולל לפחות פתח ניקוז אחד לצורך פינוי הנוזל הנסחט ,כאשר אל קצהו הראשון של תא הדחיסה מחוברת בוכנה ראשונה המיודעת לבצע תנועה מתוך תא הדחיסה לאורך הציר האורכי ובעלת ראש בוכנה ראשן בעל שטח חתך 1Aקטן משטח החתך Acהנתון ) ,(Ac > A1ואל קצהו השני של תא הדחיסה מחוברת בוכנה שניה המיועדת לבצע תנועה בתוך תא הדחיסה לאורך הציר האורכי ובעלת ראש בוכנה שני בעל שטח חתך 2Aכך ש.Ac = A2 > A1 : []57 לב שורין ,ראשון-לציון לב שורין, דוידזון 1/8 ראשון-לציון __________________ 174762 תכשירי רוקחות המכילים אגוניסט בררני לקולטן אימידזול I1וחוסם קולטן אנגיוטנסין II והשימושים בהם כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- []11[]21 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A SELECTIVE I1 IMIDAZOLINE RECEPTOR AGONIST AND AN ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR []54 BLOCKER AND USES THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 07.10.2004 03103763.3 ]32[ 10.10.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 45//06 SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH, GERMANY WO/2005/039639 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]33[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising selective imidazoline receptor agonists combined with angiotensin II receptor blockers. In particular, the present invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising Moxonidine and Eprosartan mesylate. The invention also relates to the use of said compositions in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of hypertension, especially in hypertensive patients already suffering from type II diabetes or being susceptible to developing type II diabetes. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR IMMOBILIZATION USING CHARGE DELIVERY ]22[ ]31[ 07.10.2004 60/509577 ]32[ 07.10.2003 60/509480 08.10.2003 10/714572 13.11.2003 10/750374 31.12.2003 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H05C 01//00 TASER INTERNATIONAL, INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/086618 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 174776 מערכות ושיטות למניעת תנועה בעזרת מתן מטענים חשמליים ]33[ US US US US ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, Systems and methods for immobilizing a target such as a human or animal with a stimulus signal coupled to the target via electrodes provide the stimulus signal in November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א accordance with a strike stage, a hold stage, and a rest stage. Systems include a launch device (102) and separate projectile (132), where the projectile includes a battery (134), a waveform generator (136), and electrodes. The strike stage and hold stage may include pulses at a pulse repetition rate, for example, from 10 to 20 pulses per second, each pulse delivering a predetermined amount of charge, for example, about 100 microcoulombs at less than about 500 volts peak. The hold stage may continue immobilization at a lesser expenditure of energy compared to the strike stage. Because the strike stage and hold stage may immobilize by interfering with skeletal muscle control by the target's nervous system, a rest stage may allow the target to take a breath. __________________ ]11[]21[ 174793 שיטה ליצור פחמימנים ותרכובות המכילות חמצן ממאסה ביולוגית ]54[ METHOD FOR PRODUCING HYDROCARBONS AND OXYGENCONTAINING COMPOUNDS FROM BIOMASS ]22[ ]31[ 22.10.2004 0302800-8 ]32[ 24.10.2003 ]33[ SE 60/513583 24.10.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) C12P 07//02, 07//06, 07//18, 07//24, 07//40, 07//54 SWEDISH BIOFUELS AB, SWEDEN WO/2005/040392 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ A method which can be used in fermenting carbohydrate substrates of plant origin for producing C1-C5 alcohols, and for synthesis of higher alcohols, and other oxygencontaining compounds. Since C6 and higher alcohols are not obtainable by a direct biochemical route, it is proposed to synthesize these using known chemical reactions, November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א wherein the raw material for synthesis is biogas and lower C 2-C5 alcohols obtained by the inventive method wherein the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, or a mixture thereof, optionally obtained from yeast autolysate, is used as a biocatalyst at the stage of fermentation. It is also proposed to use wasters of C2-C5 alcohols production for obtaining biogas. The method offers a solution to the following problems: to considerably increase the yield of C2-C5 alcohols in fermentation of carbohydrate substrates; to increase by 1.5-2.0 times the productivity of the fermentation in terms of C2-C5 alcohols production; to utilize the protein-containing waste for C2-C5 alcohols production, to reach highest efficiency of biomass utilization in producing higher oxygen-containing compounds and hydrocarbons. __________________ ]11[]21[ 174823 התקן הזרקה רפואי הניתן להעמסה על העור ]54[ MEDICAL INJECTION DEVICE MOUNTABLE TO THE SKIN ]22[ ]31[ 21.10.2004 03024626.8 ]32[ 27.10.2003 ]33[ EP 60/518836 10.11.2003 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61M 05//142, 05//145, 05//148 NOVO NORDISK A/S, DENMARK WO/2005/039673 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A medical device is provided comprising a transcutaneous device unit and a reservoir unit. The transcutaneous device unit comprises a transcutaneous device for transporting a fluid through a skin portion of a subject, and a mounting surface adapted for application to the skin of the subject. The reservoir unit comprises a reservoir adapted to contain a fluid drug, the reservoir comprising an outlet means allowing the transcutaneous device to be arranged in fluid communication with an interior of the reservoir, and an expelling assembly for expelling a fluid drug out of the reservoir and through the skin of the subject via the transcutaneous device. The transcutaneous device unit and the reservoir unit further comprise coupling means allowing the reservoir unit to be secured to the transcutaneous device unit in the situation of use. By this arrangement a two-unit system is provided which can be used in a convenient and cost-effective manner. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 174986 הרכב אימונוגני והשתמשות בו בשיטה להכנת HIV תרכיב חיסון נגד ]54[ IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITION AND METHOD USING SAME TO PREPARE AN HIV VACCINE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 25.10.2004 60/513827 ]32[ 23.10.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 09//00, 39//21, 47//12 NELSON M. KARP, U.S.A. NELSON M. KARP WO/2005/039501 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]57[ US , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, The present invention relates to an immunogenic composition. More particularly, the present invention is a composition directed to eliciting an immune response to HIV fusion protein. The present invention contemplates three categories of embodiments: protein or protein fragments, messenger RNA, or DNA/RNA. DNA/RNA composition may be either naked or recombinant. The present invention further contemplates use with a variety of immune stimulants. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MAT FOR REDUCING THE DISTURBANCE OF 175451 שטיחון להפחתת ההפרעה של רוח לחומר חלקיקי ולנוזלים November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PARTICULATE MATTER AND LIQUIDS BY WIND ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 05.11.2004 2003906097 ]32[ 05.11.2003 ]33[ AU Int. Cl.(2010.01) B32B 03//24, B64F 01//36, E01F 03//00, E02D 17//20 C GEAR AUSTRALIA PTY LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2005/045138 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל A mat for reducing the disturbance of particulate matter by wind, has a first layer of coarse mesh material, and a second layer of coarse mesh material. The first layer is held in a substantially fixed position relative to the second layer. The mat is particularly suitable for use as a helicopter landing mat, in conditions where dust, sand, snow, water or other particles or liquids might otherwise cause a disturbance resulting in loss of visibility, damage or wear to parts of the helicopter, and injury or damage to nearby people or equipment. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ EYEGLASS MANUFACTURING METHOD ]22[ ]31[ 29.10.2004 60/520065 ]32[ 14.11.2003 60/546378 20.02.2004 10/936131 07.09.2004 10/936132 07.09.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G02C 07//02 ]51[ 175497 שיטה לייצור משקפיים ]33[ US US US US November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ OPHTHONIX, INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/050289 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A method of making corrective eyeglasses is disclosed. One embodiment is a method of making corrective eyeglasses. The method includes obtaining vision parameters of a patient's eyes, obtaining an eyeglass frame comprising at least one mounted optical element, and programming the optical element to define a pattern of refraction that is associated with the vision parameters. __________________ ]11[]21[ 175648 זיהוי מיקום באמצעות שדות מגנטיים המדמים זרם ישר ]54[ POSITION TRACKING USING QUASI-DC MAGNETIC FIELDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 15.05.2006 11/130423 ]32[ 16.05.2005 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61N 02//00 BIOSENSE WEBSTER, INC., U.S.A. D. KLIGLER I.P. SERVICES LTD, , קליגלר שירותי קניין רוחני בע"מ.ד P.O.BOX 33111 תל אביב33111 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61330 A method for tracking a position of a sensor, comprising: generating a periodic magnetic field in a vicinity of the sensor, the field having a positive polarity phase and a negative polarity phase with respective constant positive and negative amplitudes; producing first and second field measurement signals responsively to the magnetic field at the sensor during the positive and negative polarity phases, respectively; and determining the position of the sensor responsively to the first and second field measurement signals. ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 175668 שיטה ליצורו,חומר קשיח מרובה פאזות ושימוש בו ]54[ DUAL-PHASE HARD MATERIAL, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF AND ITS USE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 16.11.2004 10354543.3 ]32[ 21.11.2003 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2010.01) C01B 31//34, C04B 41//87, C23C 08//00, E21B 10//00 BAYER BETEILIGUNGSVERWALTUNG GOSLAR GMBH, GERMANY WO/2005/049490 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to tungsten carbide powder consisting of powder particles, which have a core comprised of tungsten cast carbide and a covering comprised of tungsten monocarbide, to the production thereof by heating a tungsten cast carbide powder in the presence of a carbon source to a temperature ranging from 1300 to 2000 °C, and to the use thereof for coating surfaces of parts subjected to wear and for producing drill bits. __________________ ]11[]21[ 176149 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]54[ METHOD FOR PREPARING PHTHALOCYANINES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 30.12.2004 102004001457.4 ]32[ 08.01.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07D 48/7/22 BASF SE, GERMANY WO/2005/066179 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ שיטה להכנת פתלוציאנינים ]33[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A method is disclosed for preparing metal-free phthalocyanines having the formula (I) by reaction of an ortho-phthalodinitrile of formula (Ia) in an inert solvent having a boiling temperature of at least 120 °C (under normal pressure) in the presence of ammonia. In formulae I and Ia, the variable n can take the value of 1, 2, 3 or 4 and the radicals R denote a five- or six-membered saturated, nitrogen-containing heterocyclic ring that is optionally substituted by one or two C1-C8 alkyl groups, the heterocyclic ring being bonded to the benzene ring by a nitrogen atom in the ring; the heterocyclic ring may further contain one or two additional nitrogen atoms or an additional oxygen or sulphur atom. The method is characterised in that the reaction is performed in the presence of an alkaline metal hydroxide or alkaline metal carbonate. __________________ ]11[]21[ 176373 ]54[ METHOD FOR ETCHING PHOSPHATE ORES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 23.12.2004 2003/0683 ]32[ 24.12.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) C01B 25//00, 25//22, 25//32 ECOPHOS, BELGIUM שיטות לאיכול עפרות פוספטים BE November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ MOHAMED TAKHIM WO/2005/066070 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The inventive method for etching phosphate ores involves a single-pass digesting of ores whose P2O5 content is greater than 20 % in weight by at least 10 % in weight of a hydrochloric aqueous acid solution associated with an etching solution formation and the separation of the insoluble solid phase and the aqueous phase of said etching solution. Said method consists in pre-neutralising the etching solution by a neutralising agent prior to said separation in such a way that the etching solution pH which is less than pH to which an important part of phosphate ions in solution precipitates in the form of calcium monohydrogen phosphate (DCP) is adjusted and in subsequently neutralising said separated aqueous phase in such a way that a pure DCP is precipitated. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ELECTROCHEMICAL NITRATE DESTRUCTION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 20.12.2004 60/535209 ]32[ 09.01.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C02F 01//42, 01//461 APPLIED INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2005/070836 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 176408 השמדה אלקטרוכימית של ניטראט ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Devices and methods are presented for removal and destruction of nitrate from water using an ion exchange medium from which the nitrate is eluted using brine, and in which the so generated eluent is sequentially reduced and oxidized in distinct compartments to form nitrogen from nitrate and ammonía, respectively. In especially preferred devices and methods, the reduced and oxidized eluent is re-reduced to electrochemically destroy hypohalites formed during oxidation. Among other advantages, contemplated devices and methods allow nitrate destruction with minimal concomitant production of nitrite and hypohalites. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 176441 חלק מכני ושיטה לייצורו ]54[ MECHANICAL PART AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SUCH A PART ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 20.06.2006 05 06441 ]32[ 24.06.2005 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2010.01) B29C 70//02, 70//24, B32B 33//00, F16C 07//00 SNECMA, FRANCE EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, A mechanical part (10) comprising at least two ends (10a, 10b) and desigmed to be hinged to other parts at its ends, at least a portion of said mechanical part being made of composite material from a central fiber preform (13) of three-dimensional woven fabric, suitable more particularly for withstanding the compression forces to which the part is subjected in operation, and at least one peripheral fiber preform (11) of threedimensional woven fabric suitable, more particularly, for withstanding the traction forces to which the part is subjected in operation, said peripheral preform surrounding said central preform in such a manner as to leave two empty spaces (14) at the ends (10a) of the part and between the two preforms, which empty spaces are dedicated to hinging to said other parts, said mechanical part being characterized in that said central and peripheral preforms are made by three-dimensionally weaving carbon fiber strands, and in that said central and peripheral preforms are bonded together by implanted link yarns, each link yarn passing through each of the preforms, at least in part. ]57[ __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 176460 מערכת לחימום ולאיחסון מים ]54[ WATER HEATING AND STORAGE SYSTEM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 21.06.2006 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F24J 02//44 SHMUEL BEN-ISHAI קרית ארבע,ישי-שמואל בן WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 There is pnovided a water heating and storage system, including a heat-insulated main heated water storage tank for storing hot water. The storage tank consists of top, side and bottom walls, has an inlet for heated water entering the tank at a level below the normal level, and a cold water inlet. The system also includes a consumer hot water outlet, and an external water heater having a controlled electrical heating unit, an outlet port for heated water, connectable to the inlet of the tank, and a water inlet port. ]57[ __________________ ]11[]21[ 176695 התפלת מים ]54[ WATER DESALINATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 17.01.2005 2004900164 ]32[ 15.01.2004 ]33[ AU Int. Cl.(2010.01) B01D 61//08, C02F 01//44 DESALN8 PTY LTD., AUSTRALIA CHRISTOPHER BARBER WO/2005/068371 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב FLOOR, גן-רמת 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]57[ An in situ desalination apparatus comprising a reverse osmosis unit (15) having a reverse osmosis medium, the reverse osmosis unit in use to be located within a body of water under ambient bio-physico-chemical conditions often different from those at the surface, the unit having an inlet (17) opening to one side of the reverse osmosis medium, in use the inlet to be located below the upper surface of a body of water, the unit having a concentrate outlet (25) opening to the one side of the reverse osmosis November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א medium and opening into the exterior of the unit at a position spaced below the inlet to return concentrate into the water body, the unit having a permeate outlet (27) opening to the other side of the reverse osmosis medium, the permeate outlet communicating with a delivery line extending from the body of water, a pump (23) between body of water and the reverse osmosis unit and adapted to pressurise the water located at the one side of the reverse osmosis medium. __________________ ]11[]21[ 176722 שיטות לייצור מלחים של חומצה דיניטראמידית ]54[ METHOD OF PRODUCING SALTS OF DINITRAMIDIC ACID ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 21.01.2005 0400117-8 ]32[ 21.01.2004 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) C01B 21//082, C06B 25//00 FORSVARETS MATERIELVERK, SWEDEN CARIN VORDE, HENRIK SKIFS WO/2005/070823 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ SE ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, A method of preparing salt of dinitramidic acid, comprising nitration of an initial compound with a nitrating acid mixture to form dinitramidic acid in a reaction mixture. A positive ion is added to the reaction mixture and forms with the dinitramide ion an ion pair complex which precipitates in the acidic reaction mixture, and the precipitate is separated from the mixture. The remaining spent acid can be reprocessed for recovery of acid for preparation of a new nitrating acid mixture. The preferred positive ion is the guanylurea ion which gives a precipitate of guanylurea dinitramide. The precipitate can be used as starting material for preparation of other dinitramide salts, such as KDN and ADN. The guanylurea ion can be formed in situ in the process by November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א cyanoguanidine being reacted with the reaction mixture. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE TRUE MERIDIAN OF AN UNMOVABLE OBJECT ON THE EARTH AND DEVICE FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 13.07.2006 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01C 17//38 GEORGE NAUMOV MICHAEL NAUMOV ]74[ ]57[ 176828 שיטה לקביעת קו האורך האמיתי של אובייקט נייח על פני הקרקע ומכשיר ליישום השיטה תל אביב,גאורג' נאומוב אביב- תל,מיכאל נאומוב MICHAEL NAUMOV, ,מיכאל נאומוב HAZOR 3 3 חצור TEL AVIV 69016 אביב-תל A method for determining true meridian of any object at rest comprising the following stages: symmetrical, relative to vertical, positioning pressure determination points of a sensor for measuring horizontal acceleration, rotating the said points around the vertical, stopping the rotation when attaining a linear acceleration zero signal, determining the true meridian by the stationary position of vessels of the sensor for measuring horizontal acceleration, for example, by position of a perpendicular in a horizontal plane to the sensitivity axis of the said sensor. __________________ ]11[]21[ 176868 שיטה לייצוב תרכובת מקרולידית ]54[ METHOD FOR STABILIZING MACROLIDE COMPOUNDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 28.01.2005 2004-020804 ]32[ 29.01.2004 ]33[ JP Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07D 31/3/00, 40/7/06, C12N 01//20 MERCIAN CORPORATION, JAPAN November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ EISAI R & D MANAGEMENT CO. LTD., JAPAN WO/2005/073223 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A method of stabilizing a macrolide compound and a process for efficiently producing the compound. The method, which is for stabilizing a 12-membered cyclic macrolide compound, e.g., that represented by the formula (I), comprises causing the compound to coexist with a cyclodextrin. The process, which is for producing the macrolide compound, comprises causing a cyclodextrin to be present in a culture medium containing an actinomyces having the ability to produce the macrolide compound. (I) __________________ ]11[]21[ 177049 ]54[ HETERODIMERIC FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE - FC (FSH-FC) FUSION PROTEINS FOR THE TREATMENT OF INFERTILITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 27.01.2005 60/540236 ]32[ 28.01.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//00, C07K 14//59, 16//46, C12N 15//62 SYNTONIX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC, U.S.A. WO/2005/073383 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Fc – חלבונים מאוחים הורמון – מעורר– זקיק () הטרודימרים לטיפול בעקרותFc–FSH The invention provides novel heterodimeric fusion proteins comprising a first polypeptide including an alpha subunit of FSH (aFSH) linked directly or indirectly to a binding partner of neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) and a second polypeptide including a November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א beta subunit of FSH (ßFSH) linked directly or indirectly to an FcRn binding partner. In one embodiment the FcRn binding partner includes an Fc fragment of an immunoglobulin, e.g., an Fc fragment of IgG. Also provided are methods making and using the fusion proteins of the invention. The invention provides a method for increasing fertility in a subject and a method for treating a subject having a disease state responsive to treatment by FSH. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206518 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MULTICHANNEL AUDIO CODING ]22[ ]31[ 28.02.2005 60/549368 ]32[ 01.03.2004 60/579974 14.06.2004 60/588256 14.07.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G10L 19//00 DOLBY LABORATORIES LICENSING CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2005/086139 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 177094 הצפנת קול רב–ערוצית ]33[ US US US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Multiple channels of audio are combined either to a monophonic composite signal or to multiple channels of audio along with related auxiliary information from which multiple channels of audio are reconstructed, including improved downmixing of multiple audio channels to a monophonic audio signal or to multiple audio channels and improved decorrelation of multiple audio channels derived from a monophonic audio channel or from multiple audio channels. Aspects of the disclosed invention are usable in audio encoders, decoders, encode/decode systems, downmixers, upmixers, November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א and decorrelators. __________________ ]11[]21[ 177338 כדורי טחינה ושיטה להכנתם ]54[ GRINDING BALLS AND PRODUCTION METHOD THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.02.2005 04447035.9 ]32[ 10.02.2004 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) B02C 15//00, 17//20, C04B 35//106, 35//119 MAGOTTEAUX INTERNATIONAL S.A., BELGIUM LOUIS BOULANGER, STEPHANE DESILES WO/2005/075375 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 SHENKAR ST., 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב P.O.B. 12704, הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to sintered ceramic grinding balls comprising the following compounds (by wt.-%): 18 to 50 wt.- % mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2); 9 to 25 wt.- % zirconium (ZrO2 + HfO2) stabilised by 0.5 to 3 wt.- % rare earth oxide; and 25 to 72 wt.- % alumina (Al2O3). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 177376 ]54[ CRYSTALLINE (R-R*R*)-2-(4FLUOROPHENYL)-BETA-DELTADIHYDROXY-5-(1METHYLETHYL)-3-PHENYL-4[(PHENYLAMINO)CARBONYL]IH-PYRROLE-1-HEPTANOIC ACID HEMI CALCIUM SALT (ATORVASTATIN) ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 08.07.1996 60/001452 ]32[ 17.07.1995 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/40, A61P 03/06, C07D 207/34 DIVISION FROM 128864 WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC, U.S.A. WO/1997/003959 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ –)פלואורופנילR–(R*R*)–2–(–4( קריסטלין )–מתיל–אתיל1(–5– בטא–דלתא–דיהידרוקסי –1– פירולIH–)–(פניאמינו)קרבוניל4––פניל3 חומצה הפטנואית המי מלחת סידן )(אטורואסטטין ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Novel crystalline forms of [R-(R*,R*)]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-beta, delta-dihydroxy-5-(1methylethyl)-3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid hemi calcium salt designated Form I, Form II, and Form IV are characterized by their X-ray powder diffraction and/or solid state NMR are described, as well as methods for the preparation and pharmaceutical composition of the same, which are useful as agents for treating hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ WRINGER FOR SCRUBBING BUCKETS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 13.08.2004 P200400466 ]32[ 27.02.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A47L 13//58, 13//59 SP BERNER PLASTIC GROUP, S.L., SPAIN WO/2005/082224 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 177699 מתקן סחיטה לדליי ניקוי ]33[ ES ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The inventive wringer for scrubbing buckets basically comprises two independent tilting parts of a wringer (4) which are pivotally coupled inside the space of a support (1) fixed to the bucket mouthpiece. Said independent parts (4) are pivotally coupled with parallel axes communicating with the end spaces (3) of the support (1) and are tiltable oppositely to the resistance of spring elements (5). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ INFANT SEAT FOR MOTORCARS ]22[ ]31[ 29.08.2006 U 200502001 ]32[ 12.09.2005 U Int. Cl.(2010.01) B60N 02//28 JANE, S.A., SPAIN ]51[ ]71[ 177749 מושב של תינוק עבור מכוניות ]33[ ES November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 An infant seat for motorcars that comprises a body (1) forming the actual seat (2) and the backrest (3) and being provided with safety straps (4, 5) for the child, said straps being fitted to a crotch strip (7); characterized in that the straps are fitted to a headrest (8) being fitted to the backrest in a vertically shiftable arrangement and being integrally provided with a mechanism from which a transmission element extends which is linked to the lower end of the crotch strip, this latter being also fitted in a slidable arrangement, in such a way that the lifting and lowering motions of the headrest bring about a joint increase or reduction of the space being afforded both by the straps and the crotch strip. __________________ ]11[]21[ 177956 ]54[ ANTI-MYOSTATIN ANTIBODIES ]22[ ]31[ 17.03.2005 60/555456 ]32[ 23.03.2004 ]33[ US 60/559621 05.04.2004 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//395, C07K 16//22, C12P 21//08 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2005/094446 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ נוגדני מיוסטטין ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, A neutralizing epitope is identified within amino acids 40-64 of the mature form of human myostatin. Antibodies that bind this epitope fall within the scope of the invention and may be murine, chimeric, or humanized antibodies, immunoconjugates of the antibodies or antigen-binding fragments thereof. The antibodies of the invention November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א are useful for increasing muscle mass, increasing bone density, or for the treatment of various disorders in mammals. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHODS AND APPARATUSES FOR CREATING AUTHENTICATABLE PRINTED ARTICLES AND SUBSEQUENTLY VERIFYING THEM ]22[ ]31[ 09.03.2005 0405641.2 ]32[ 12.03.2004 60/601463 13.08.2004 0418138.4 13.08.2004 60/601464 13.08.2004 0420524.1 15.09.2004 60/610075 15.09.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G06K 07//14 INGENIA HOLDINGS LTD., BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS WO/2005/088517 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 177966 שיטות ומערכות ליצירת מאמרים מודפסים הניתנים לאישור ולאחר מכן אימות שלהם ]33[ GB US GB US GB US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A printer with integral scanner for obtaining a digital signature from a sheet of paper or other article as it is printed. The integral scanner has a coherent source which directs a light beam to illuminate the article and a detector arrangement to collect data points from light scattered from many different parts of the article to collect a large number of independent data points, typically 500 or more. The digital signature derived from the data points is stored in a database with an image of what was printed on the article. At a later time, the authenticity of an article purported to be the originally printed article can be verified by scanning the purported genuine article to obtain its digital signature. The database is then searched, to estate ish whether there is a match. If a match is found, the image stored in the database with the matched digital signature is displayed to the user to allow a further visual check that the article is genuine. The image is displayed together with other relevant bibliographic data relevant to the article. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ,202539 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ NON-CONTACT THERMAL PLATFORMS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 16.03.2005 60/553546 ]32[ 17.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H01L 21//683 COREFLOW SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS LTD. YUVAL YASSOUR, ARIE HARNIK, HILEL RICHMAN WO/2005/086588 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 177999 משטחים טרמיים ללא מגע ]33[ US יקנעם,קורפלוו פתרונות מדעיים בע"מ הלל ריצ'מן, אריה הרניק,יובל יסעור ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, A thermal treatment system (100) with at least one apparatus (102) comprising: one platform (110)or two substantially opposite platforms, where at least one of the platforms has at least one thermal means (140) for heating or cooling of the object and fluid-mechanical means for supporting the object without contact. The platform comprises at least one of a plurality of basic cells, each basic cell having at least one of a plurality of pressure outlets (114) and one of a plurality of fluid-evacuation channels (117). The pressure outlets of each basic cell is fluidically connected through a flow restrictor (119) to a high-pressure fluid supply, the pressure outlets providing pressurized fluid for maintaining a fluid-cushion between the object and the platform. The flow restrictor characteristically exhibits fluidic return spring behavior. Each of the evacuation channels has an inlet and outlet, for locally balancing mass flow for the November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א basic cells. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ USE OF 1-BENZOYL-4-[2-[4METHOXY-7-(3-METHYL-1H1,2,4-TRIAZOL-1-YL)-1HPYRROLO[2,3-C]PYRIDINE-3-YL]1,2-DIOXOETHYL]-PIPERAZINE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AT LEAST ONE OTHER AGENT USED FOR TREATMENT OF AIDS OR HIV INFECTION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 01.03.2005 60/555767 ]32[ 24.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 45//06 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2005/102392 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 178141 –3(–7––מתוקסי4[–2[–4––בנזויל1–שימוש ב – H1–מתיל ]C–3,2[–פירולו1–)–יל1–– טריאזול4,2,1 –דיוקסואתיל]– פיפראזין2,1–]–יל3–פירידין בצירוף עםHIV אוAIDS ביצור תרופה לטיפול לפחות חומר פעיל אחר נוסף ]33[ US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, The invention encompasses pharmaceutical compositions and methods for using Compound (1) in combination with other agents for treating patients with AIDS of HIV infection. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 178350 ]54[ VITAMIN D DERIVATIVES ]22[ ]31[ 14.06.2001 2000-179251 ]32[ 15.06.2000 ]33[ JP 2000-351412 17.11.2000 JP 2000-375024 08.12.2000 JP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//59, C07C 40/1/00, C07J 07//00, 09//00 DIVISION FROM 153395 CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA, JAPAN KAZUMI MORIKAWA, MASAYUKI OHMORI, KAZUKI SHIMIZU, AKIRA KAWASE, TAKASHI EMURA WO/2001/096293 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, A method of carbonylating a compound of Formula (2): wherein: R12 and R13 each respresent a protecting group, and R14 represents a leaving group, in a solvent in the presence of an organoaluminum reagent and a palladium catalyst under a carbon monoxide atmosphere to prepare a compound of Formula (3): wherein: R12 and R13 are as defined above, and R15 represents an alkyl group, an aryl group, an alkenyl group or an alkynyl group. ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ D תולדות של ויטמין November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 178490 תכשיר מנסיוב של עז לטיפול במחלות אוטואימוניות ]54[ GOAT SERUM COMPOSITION FOR THE TREATMENT OF AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS ]22[ ]31[ 01.04.2005 0407710.3 ]32[ 05.04.2004 ]33[ GB 0410966.6 17.05.2004 GB Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//395, A61P 25//00, C07K 16//10, 16//28 AIMSCO LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2005/097183 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Methods of treatment of various non-demyelinating and demyelinating neural disorders are provided, comprising administering a serum composition obtained from a goat after challenge with an immunogen. Also provided are methods of treatment of certain autoimmune disorders using such a composition. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206516 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 178898 שיטה ומערכת לסילוק רעל מטבולי ]54[ METABOLIC DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 23.02.2005 60/565888 ]32[ 27.04.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61M 01//34, 37//00, B01D 61//20 VITAL THERAPIES, INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/107928 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל An extracorporeal filtration and detoxification system and method generally comprise separating ultrafiltrate from cellular components of blood, treating the ultrafiltrate independently of the cellular components in a recirculation circuit, recombining treated ultrafiltrate and the cellular components, and returning whole blood to the patient. A recirculation circuit generally comprises an active cartridge including active cells operative to effectuate a selected treatment; in some embodiments, the active cells are the C3A cell line. __________________ ]11[]21[ 178917 שיטה להכנת חלקיקים אלפאויראליים TC – 83 המופקים מ ]54[ METHOD FOR PREPARING TC83-DERIVED ALPHAVIRAL PARTICLES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 18.05.2005 60/572212 ]32[ 18.05.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 39//12, 48//00, C12N 05//10, 15//86 ALPHAVAX, INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/113782 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, The present disclosure provides TC-83 VEE-derived replicons, alphaviral replicon particles and immunogenic compositions containing TC-83 alphaviral replicon November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א particles which direct the expression of at least one antigen when introduced into a suitable host cell. The TC-83 VEE-derived ARPs described herein are improved in that they are subject to a lower vector-specific immune response than prior art ARPs. __________________ ]11[]21[ 179135 מנגנון תצוגה עילית ]54[ HEAD UP DISPLAY MECHANISM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 08.11.2006 171880 ]32[ 10.11.2005 ]33[ IL Int. Cl.(2010.01) B64D 43//00, G02B 27//01, 27//14 ELBIT SYSTEMS ELECTRO-OPTICS אופטיקה אלאופ-אלביט מערכות אלקטרו ELOP LTD. רחובות,.בע"מ ]74[ BOROCHOV, KORAKH & CO., ,'בורוכוב קורח ושות 15TH FLOOR, ATIDIM TOWER, מגדל כלל עתידים KIRYAT ATIDIM, אביב-תל58100 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 58100, TEL AVIV 61580 An emergency mechanism for moving an element in a vehicle from a deployed position to an emergency position in a state of emergency, said element being firmly coupled with said emergency mechanism, said emergency mechanism being pivotally coupled with a deployment mechanism of said element by a cam pivot, said emergency mechanism comprising: a lever having a first end and a second end; a spring having a first end and a second end, said first end of said spring firmly coupled with said emergency mechanism, said second end of said spring coupled with said first end of said lever; a cam follower, coupled with said second end of said lever; a cam firmly coupled with said deployment mechanism, said cam pivot passing through said cam, said cam further including: a tapering section having a first side and a second side, said cam follower being pressed against said first side of said tapering section when said element is in said deployed position, said cam follower being pressed against said second side of said tapering section when said element is in said emergency position; stopping arm, said stopping arm extending outward of said cam, distant from said tapering section; a deployed stopper, located on the one side of said stopping arm, for stopping said emergency mechanism where said element is in said deployed position, and an emergency stopper, located on the other side of said stopping arm, for stopping said emergency mechanism when said element is in said emergency position, when in said state of emergency, said vehicle decelerates with a deceleration greater than a ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א predetermined value, causing said cam follower to roll along an edge of said tapering section, said spring pressing said cam follower against said second side of said tapering section, thereby rotating emergency mechanism and said element around said cam pivot, until said stopping arm contacts with said emergency stopper, and said element is located away from an operator of said vehicle. __________________ ]11[]21[ 179539 מתקן דנטלי לשטיפה ]54[ DENTAL IRRIGATOR ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ 23.11.2006 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61C 01//00 REDENT-NOVA LTD. רעננה,נובה בע"מ-רידנט REPHAEL HOF רפאל חוף DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב FLOOR, גן-רמת 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 A dental irrigator for delivering irrigation solution from an irrigation solution reservoir to the site of a dental procedure, said irrigator comprising: (a) a hollow dental tool (100) comprising a neck (120) used to attach said dental tool to a dental hand-piece, wherein said neck comprises one or more curved impeller blades (122); (b) one or more inlets created through the wall of said neck; (c) a housing (112) adapted to provide a watertight volume surrounding said inlets while allowing said tool to be freely moved with respect to said housing; and (d) a supply hose (110) which connects said reservoir to said housing; wherein, when said dental tool is attached to said dental hand-piece and said handpiece is activated causing said tool and said curved impeller blades to move with November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]57[ respect to said housing, said irrigation solution flows from said reservoir through said supply hose at low pressure into said housing and from said housing through said inlets into the hollow interior of said neck of said tool whereupon said moving curved impeller blades exert forces on said irrigation fluid in said hollow interior of said neck of said tool that increase the pressure of said irrigation fluid and cause it to flow at high pressure through said dental tool; said dental irrigator characterized in that said curved impeller blades extend curvedly inwards into the hollow internal space of said neck. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ APPARATUS FOR FILTERING LIQUIDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 27.04.2005 102004026167.9 ]32[ 28.05.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B01D 35//157 BRITA GMBH, GERMANY WO/2005/118104 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]57[ 179624 התקן לסינון נוזלים ]33[ DE עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, Disclosed are an apparatus for filtering liquids and an associated filter cartridge (100) by means of which the throughput through the filter cartridge (100) can be reduced and adjusted in a simple manner. The inventive apparatus is characterized in that at least one throttling mechanism (200, 200') is disposed between the outlet (113) of the filter cartridge (100) and the outlet (17) of the reservoir (14). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR PRODUCING EXPANDED METAL PROFILES AND PROFILE PRODUCED BY THE METHOD ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 14.06.2005 VE2004A000027 ]32[ 17.06.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B21D 05//08, 47//02 DALLAN S.P.A., ITALY WO/2005/123298 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]57[ 179990 שיטה לייצור פרופילים מורחבים ממתכת ופרופיל המיוצר על ידי השיטה ]33[ IT עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, A method for producing expanded metal profiles, consisting of subjecting a metal strip of width less than the development of the profile to be produced to the following operations: - forming longitudinal slits in at least that longitudinal band which is to form the central web of the profile, - bending the edges of the slits, - profiling said strip, - transversely stretching that band containing the slits, - pressing areas of said central web in correspondence with said stretched band to displace them external to the plane of said web, characterised by subjecting the bent edges to drawing to obtain radiused edging having the tangent to the free edge forming an angle not less than 90 0 to the surface of the strip. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 180622 מערכת זרז דו–מרכבית לאיזומריזציה של קסילן ]54[ XYLENE ISOMERIZATION TWOCOMPONENT CATALYST SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 08.06.2005 10/902322 ]32[ 29.07.2004 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07C 05//27, C10G 45//64 EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL PATENTS INC., U.S.A. WO/2006/022991 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A catalyst system that exhibits a ratio of ethylene saturation to aromatics ring saturation of greater than 3,500. The catalyst system comprises two components and each component comprises a crystalline molecular sieve having a Constraint Index of from about 1 to about 12 and an effective amount of Group VIII metal. The catalyst system finds particular application in ethylbenzene conversion/xylenes isomerization reactions. The catalyst system can be prepared by incorporating the Group VIII metal into the molecular sieves by competitive ion exchange. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 180920 מתקן להצמדה של מכשיר מוחדר במכונת השחזה ]54[ DEVICE FOR CLAMPING A TOOL INSERT IN A GRINDING MACHINE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 12.07.2005 04405487.2 ]32[ 30.07.2004 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) B23Q 03//00, 03//155, B24B 03//00 ROLLOMATIC SA,, SWITZERLAND WO/2006/010281 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The insert (2) is set on the receiving surface (10) of the interchangeable support (9). A simple movement of the piston (35) to the right in the barrel (7) of the headstock (1) drives the cam (32) such that the lever (13) pivots and moves to insert its nose (15) in the bore (27) of the insert, the nose drawing the insert rearwards which is then pressed against the vertical surface (11) of the support, the insert being also pressed against the horizontal surface (10) of the support under the action of the locking shoe (14), enabling the insert to be fixed in a precisely determined position. The measuring device (12) determines said position using a position probe (20) and controls the grinding operations. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 181065 מתיז מים ופילטר נייד ושימוש בתוך מתיז המים ]54[ WATER DISPENSER AND FILTER CARTRIDGE FOR USE THEREIN ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 31.03.2005 60/559351 ]32[ 02.04.2004 Int. Cl.(2008.04) B67D 1/16 DIVISION FROM 167788 TANA INDUSTRIES (1991) LTD. ]74[ REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ A user-replaceable filter cartridge for use in a water dispenser, said filter cartridge comprising: a housing defining a housing top portion and a bicameral main housing portion supported by and depending from said housing top portion, said housing top portion including a manifold defining planar element defining a water inlet manifold and a water outlet manifold communicating respectively with a water inlet connector and a water outlet connector, said water inlet connector and said water outlet connector depending from said water inlet manifold and said water outlet manifold respectively, said bicameral main housing portion also defining at least first and second filter element housing portion housing at least first and second filter elements, each of said at least first and second filter element housing portions communicating with said water inlet manifold and with said water outlet manifold. ]33[ US אור,) בע"מ1991( חברת תנה תעשיות יהודה ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SUSTAINED DRUG RELEASE COMPOSITION DEMONSTRATING AN ASCENDING ZERO ORDER RELEASE PATTERN AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SUCH A COMPOSITION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 02.08.2005 60/599126 ]32[ 04.08.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 09//20, 09//50 ALZA CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2006/017537 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]57[ 181117 תרכיב תרופתי בעל שיחרור ממושך המציג דפוס שיחרור בעל סדר אפס עולה ושיטות ליצור התרכיב ]33[ US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, Disclosed are dosage forms and methods for sustained release of a drug including : a delay layer comprising a polymeric matrix, and microencapsulated drug, wherein the delay layer is substantially free of non-microencapsulated drug; and a second layer including a polymeric matrix, and non-microencapsulated drug matrix; wherein the second layer is located adjacent to the delay layer. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ CATALYZED DECOMPOSING STRUCTURAL PAYLOAD FOAM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 16.08.2005 10/920976 ]32[ 18.08.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B64G 01//00, 01//64 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2006/127021 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 181205 קצף מטען מבני המתפרק במהירות מוגברת בשל קטליזטור ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A high energy, e.g., ultraviolet (UV), catalyzed decomposing foam (40) encapsulating a payload (30, 116) to be boosted in space provides an ultra-light weight, adaptable means to facilitate survival of much lighter, smaller satellites (18) and space hardware under boost environment. The decomposable foam is to contain multiple satellites within a booster payload (30) in lieu of the traditionally heavy and complex structural framework (10). The catalyzed decomposing foam significantly lowers the weight and structure of all space hardware. This packaging system is especially beneficial where several or even hundreds of satellites are required for a constellation system, thereby significantly benefiting all technologies applied in space, ranging from the telecommunication industry to DOD applications. In addition to weight and cost savings, advantages of this foam are many in that it is adaptable to any payload shape as it may be injected, sprayed, formed, molded, easily cut or manufactured to support any geometry required. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MEDICAL TUBE SET ]22[ 15.02.2007 181380 מערך לצינור רפואי November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ 2006-63827 ]32[ 09.03.2006 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61B 19//02 SHERWOOD SERVICES AG, SWITZERLAND NIPPON SHERWOOD MEDICAL INDUSTRIES LTD, JAPAN REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]33[ JP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A medical tube set comprising a tube for insertion into a patient and a stylet disposed within said tube, characterized in that said stylet comprises a core unit and an apical tip unit attached to a distal end of said core unit and wherein said apical tip unit is arranged to engage with a distal end of said tube for insertion of said tube and stylet into a patient and wherein the stylet further comprises an expansion member movable with respect to the core unit such that said expansion member is deployable to expand said distal end of said tube so as to allow retraction of said stylet from said tube. __________________ ]11[]21[ 181814 מתקן גלילי מצופה בחומרים מחוברים ]54[ TUBULAR ELEMENTS COATED BY FASTENING MATERIALS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 08.03.2007 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B65B 13//00, B65H 39//00, 81//00 SHILTEX LTD. SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ A coated tubular element comprising: a cylindrical core; a fastening material layer wrapped around said cylindrical core; and a plurality of threads arranged around said fastening material layer by at least one of braiding, weaving, knitting and wrapping, and operative to maintain said fastening material layer wrapped around said cylindrical core. שילטקס בע"מ ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 181908 ]54[ METHOD FOR MATURATION OF OOCYTES USING IL-17 ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 30.09.2005 60/614667 ]32[ 30.09.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//20, C07K 14//54, C12N 05//075 MERCK SERONO S.A., SWITZERLAND STEPHEN S. PALMER, CAM ANH TRAN, DANIEL G. DE MATOS, ANN M. CLARK WO/2006/039592 INTERPHARM LABORATORIES ,אינטרפארם מעבדות בע"מ LTD., 18 רחוב הקישון 18 HAKISHON ST., יבנה151 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 151, YAVNE 81101 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ IL– 17 שיטה להבשלת ביציות בשימוש של The use of IL-17 for the in vitro maturation of mammalian oocytes is described. The in vitro matured oocytes may be used for in vitro fertilization protocols. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,206440 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 181930 שימת חיתוך הניתן לסימון ושיטה לייצורה ]54[ INDEXABLE CUTTING INSERT AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 24.07.2006 2005-221130 ]32[ 29.07.2005 ]33[ JP Int. Cl.(2010.01) B23B 27//14, 51//00, B23C 05//20, B23P 15//28 SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARDMETAL CORP., JAPAN YOSHIO OKADA, SHINYA IMAMURA, NAOYA OMORI, MINORU ITOH, NORIHIRO TAKANASHI WO/2007/013392 ]72[ ]87[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 An edge replacing cutting tip (1) having at least one face (2), at least two flanks (3), at least one edge ridgeline (4), and at least one corner (9), wherein a base layer develops a color different from that of a use-state display layer, and the use-state display layer is formed on at least one of the flanks (3). The flank (3) formed with the use-state display layer is characterized by having the use-state display layer formed on the base layer in the whole or part of region A2 excluding one or more regions A1 of at least 2 mm 2 including at least one corner (9). __________________ ]11[]21[ 181977 שיטה ומערכת לביצוע מסירה במערכת תקשורת כגון מסירה קשיחה,אלחוטית ]54[ METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PERFORMING A HANDOFF IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, SUCH AS A HARD HANDOFF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 11.08.2000 09/372261 ]32[ 11.08.1999 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 01//707, H04W 52//28, 52//40, 72//06 DIVISION FROM 147721 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2001/011914 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method for performing a search excursion from an original frequency on a wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) system to a target frequency, comprising: decoding at least one radio frame in a Transmission Time Interval (TTI) on the original frequency; extracting a parameter value from the at least one radio frame and storing the November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ parameter value in a memory element; tuning to a target frequency after storing the parameter value; tuning to the original frequency; and decoding a subsequently received radio frame in the TTI by using the stored parameter value. ,204550 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 182376 תהליך שיחול רציף ליצירת פולימרים מותכים ]54[ CONTINUOUS EXTRUSION PROCESS FOR PRODUCING GRAFTED POLYMERS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 31.01.2005 60/617548 ]32[ 11.10.2004 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) B29C 47//00, 47//50, 47//78 LANXESS CORPORATION, U.S.A. LANXESS INC., CANADA ORREX PLASTICS COMPANY, LLC., U.S.A. WO/2006/039774 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Continuous extrusion process for the functionalization of polymers through reactive extrusion. The process uses a continuous extrusion reactor comprising at least two sequential, very closely-coupled, independently driven screw extruders having a total effective length to diameter ratio greater than 60 to 1 and as high as 112 to 1 and providing greatly extended reaction times for efficiently producing a grafted polymer having a high level of functionalization. Drying of the polymer feed is performed in November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א the continuous extrusion reactor. Multiple injections of reactants may be provided. Shear modification of the molecular weight 'of the grafted polymer is performed in the continuous extrusion reactor after the functionalization reactions. A continuous extrusion reactor and a grafted polymer having a high level of functionalization are also disclosed. __________________ ]11[]21[ 182389 שיטה לטיגור אוויר מאבק ופילטר אלקטרומטטי ]54[ METHOD OF AIR PURIFICATION FROM DUST AND ELECTROSTATIC FILTER ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 10.04.2007 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B03C 03//14 YEFIM RISKIN קצרין,יפים ריסקין YEFIM RISKIN, ,יפים ריסקין 30 DOVRAT ST., 30 רח' דברת P.O.B. 4787, קצרין4787 .ד. ת, KATZRIN 12900 A method for air purification from dust includes electrically charging dust by air ionization; and collecting the charged dust by an electric field force, performed in a common airflow while changing the direction of the airflow at least once by an angle of more than 135º. ]57[ __________________ ]11[]21[ 182808 –קרפוקסילאטים5–תהליך לייצור פירימידין ]54[ PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PYRIMIDINE-5CARBOXYLATES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 04.11.2005 04026254.5 ]32[ 05.11.2004 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) C07D 23/9/30, 23/9/36 EP November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ LONZA AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2006/048297 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Pyrimidine-5-carboxylates of formula wherein R is C1-4 alkyl, R1 is C1_4 alkyl or trifluoromethyl, R2 is hydrogen or C1 alkyl and X is hydroxy, chlorine or bromine, are prepared from 3-oxoalkanoates of formula with urea and orthoesters of formula R2C(OR)3 (III). The intermediate 2-acyl-3-ureidoacrylate, without being isolated, is reacted to give a 2-hydroxypyrimidine-5-carboxylate [(I), X = OH] or a hydrate thereof, which is optionally converted into the corresponding chloro or bromo compound (I, X = Cl, Br). __________________ ]11[]21[ 183322 מערכת ניתוחית הכוללת אגרנים פנאומטיים מובנים ]54[ SURGICAL SYSTEM HAVING MANIFOLDS WITH INTEGRAL PNEUMATIC ACCUMULATORS ]22[ ]31[ 20.05.2007 11/437301 ]32[ 19.05.2006 ]33[ US 11/455490 19.06.2006 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61M 01//00 ALCON, INC., SWITZERLAND LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 An ophthalmic surgical system comprising a surgical console having a cassette receiving portion adapted to receive a cassette for managing irrigation and aspiration fluid flows, comprising: ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א (a) a common primary fluidics and pneumatics manifold in the cassette receiving portion of the ophthalmic surgical system; (b) an infusion manifold mounted on the primary manifold; and (c) a pneumatic accumulator comprising a space for storing pressurized air formed within an otherwise unused portion of at least one of the primary or infusion manifolds. __________________ ]11[]21[ 183394 מנעול לדלת רכב ]54[ CAR DOOR LOCK ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 24.05.2007 11/421853 ]32[ 02.06.2006 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) B66B 13//00, 13//12 THE PEELLE COMPANY LTD., CANADA LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 A door locking system for a freight or passenger elevator or goods lift installation having vertically spaced landings served by a vertically movable car (10), the landings and car each being protected by associated horizontal slide doors (11, 12), a mechanical interlock device (16) at each landing that prevents a landing door from opening without the presence of the car in registration with the landing, a door lock (31) on the car for normally preventing the car door from opening when the car is out of registration with any landing, the interlock device being positioned to mechanically enable the door lock to release the car door to open when the car is in registration with a landing, said interlock device being responsive to vertical movement of said car, said interlock device being pivoted by elements on said car to release its associated landing door. ]74[ ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PALLET FOR STORING AND TRANSPORTING GOODS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 06.12.2005 TV2004U000064 ]32[ 06.12.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65D 19/00, 19/28 COMPARF S.R.L., ITALY WO/2006/061183 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]57[ 183463 משטח להובלה ואחסון חפצים ]33[ IT עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, A pallet for storing and transporting goods by a load platform (2) supported by parallel supports (4), characterised in that: - the load platform (2) comprises a plurality of continuous parallel grooves (6), - the supports (4) are tubular and comprise parallel continuous grooves (16, 18) in their side walls (6) and base (14), in the upper edge of the side walls (16) they comprising recesses (20) complementary to the grooves (6) of the platform (2), the axis of said supports (4) being perpendicular to the grooves (6) of the load platform (2), - the supports (4) are provided with a plurality of internal baffles (26, 32), - cut-out holes (22) are provided in the side walls (12) of the tubular supports (4) for the passage of a fork of a lifting means, each cut-out hole being bounded lowerly and upperly by strips of the support side wall (12), - the lower surface of the platform (2) is provided with reinforcement elements positioned between said supports (4) and said platform (2) at said cut-out holes (22). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM FOR READING AND 183477 שיטה לקריאה ואימות של תמונה מורכבת November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א הנמצאת בעטיפה AUTHENTICATING A COMPOSITE IMAGE IN A SHEETING ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 27.10.2005 11/002943 ]32[ 02.12.2004 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G07D 07//12 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2006/060090 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]33[ US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, A system for reading and authenticating a composite image in a sheeting. An exemplary embodiment of the invention provides a system for reading and authenticating a sheeting including a composite image that appears to the unaided eye to be floating above or below the sheeting or both. The present invention also relates to methods of reading and authenticating a composite image that appears to the unaided eye to be floating above or below the sheeting or both. __________________ ]11[]21[ 183812 כלי חיתוך מצופה ]54[ COATED CUTTING TOOL ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 09.12.2005 2004-361652 ]32[ 14.12.2004 ]33[ JP Int. Cl.(2010.01) B23B 27//14, 51//00, B23C 05//16 SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARDMETAL CORP., JAPAN SHINYA IMAMURA, NAOYA OMORI, MINORU ITOH, NORIHIRO TAKANASHI, YOSHIO OKADA, SUSUMU OKUNO WO/2006/064724 ]72[ ]87[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 This invention relates to a surface-covered cutting tool (1) that comprises a base material (8) and a film (9) provided on the base material (8). The film (9) comprises a first film (10) formed of TiCN and a second film (11) formed of alpha -type Al2O 3and is characterized in that the first film (10) is located between the base material (8) and the second film (11) and has a tensile stress S1, the second film )11( has a compression stress S2, and the tensile stress S1 and the compression stress S2 are specified by formula (I). 400 MPa ≤ S2 - S1 3500 ≤ MPa( ··· I) __________________ ]11[]21[ 183925 ]54[ CC CHEMOKINE ANTAGONISTS, THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM ]22[ ]31[ 19.12.2005 60/638312 ]32[ 21.12.2004 ]33[ US 04106778.6 21.12.2004 EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 38//00, A61P 09//00, 25//00, 29//00, 31//00, 37//00, C07K 14//435, 16//18, C12N 15//12 MERCK SERONO S.A., SWITZERLAND AMANDA PROUDFOOT, ACHIM FRAUENSCHUH, CHRISTINE POWER WO/2006/067124 INTERPHARM LABORATORIES ,אינטרפארם מעבדות בע"מ LTD., 18 רחוב הקישון 18 HAKISHON ST., יבנה151 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 151, ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ הכנתם, קמוקיניםCC אנטגוניסטים ל ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א YAVNE 81101 ]57[ A novel CC-chemokine binding protein is isolated from the saliva of Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Compounds prepared in accordance with the present invention can be used as anti-inflammatory compounds and in the treatment or prevention of CCchemokine-related diseases. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PEG-URATE OXIDASE CONJUGATES AND USE THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 02.08.1999 09/130392 ]32[ 06.08.1998 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 47//48 DIVISION FROM 141220 DUKE UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. MOUNTAIN VIEW PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/007629 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 183948 – אוראט אוקסידאזה ושימושPEG תצמידי שלהם ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A naturally occurring or recombinant urate oxidase (uricase) covalently coupled to poly(ethylene glycol) or poly(ethylene oxide) (both referred to as PEG), wherein an average of 2 to 10 strands of PEG are conjugated to each uricase subunit and the PEG has an average molecular weight between about 5 kDa and 100 kDa. The resulting PEG-uricase conjugates are substantially non-immunogenic and retain at least 75 % of the uricolytic activity of the unmodified enzyme . __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SURGICAL LASER SYSTEM WITH REMOTE CONTROL 184147 מערכת לייזר כירורגית עם פונקנציונליות של שלט רחוק November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א FUNCTIONALITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ 21.06.2007 11/479636 ]32[ 30.06.2006 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61F 09//01 ALCON. INC., SWITZERLAND LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 A laser surgical system, comprising: a laser surgical unit (100) comprising a laser and associated control software adapted to implement a first basic set of functionality; a control unit (200) adapted to be coupled to the laser surgical unit, comprising a microprocessor and software adapted to take operable control of the laser surgical unit, and characterized in that it implements a second set of functionality, at least some of the second set of functionality being distinct from the first basic set of functionality. __________________ ]11[]21[ 184380 מערכת לניצול מים ]54[ WATER UTILIZATION SYSTEM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 03.07.2007 Int. Cl.(2009.01) E03B 01/04, 03/00, 07/04 ALON KAVA EITAN TAGAR ]74[ MARC ZUTA, PATENT 4U LIMITED, P.O.B. 2162, PETAH TIKVA 49120 ]57[ :) או יותר הכוללת4( עבור בית שימוש,מערכת למחזור מי דלוחין שמקורם בדירה ) בגובה24( ) אשר מותקן מתחת לרצפה בדירה הכולל אגנית7( אמצעי מיכל תחתון ) לכל אחד בדירה אשר מוציא מי14 ,13 ,12 ,11( מפלס מי הדלוחין ומחוברת לפחות ) מתחת לרצפה ומכיל עליון המאפשר אספקת מים לבית16 ,15( דלוחין באמצעות צנרת פתח תקוה,אלון קוה ראשון לציון,איתן תגר , עו"פ,מרק זוטא יו לימיטד4 פטנט תקוה-פתח2162 .ד. ת, November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א שימוש אחד או יותר; כאשר המיכל עליון כולל אמצעי מצוף ( )37לצורך אספקת מים נקיים בצורה מכנית במקרה של מחסור במים במיכל העליון ,אמצעי מצוף ( )34לצורך פתיחת אמצעי פתח תחתון להוצאת חלק מהמים שמכיל בצור המכנית ,במקרה של עודף מים במכיל העליון ,פתח מים ( )31לצורך כניסת אספקת מי הדלוחין מהמערכת למחזור מי דלוחין וכשאר המכיל עלילון כולל בסיס בעל שיפוע ,לצורך ניתוב לכלוך לכוון אמצעי הפתח התחתון . פירוט זה נבחן בהתאם לתקנה 35לתקנות הפטנטים ,תשכ"ח – 1968 This specification was examined in accordance with regulation 35 of the Patent Regulations, 5728 - 1968 __________________ 184557 פניל מתנונים הטרוציקליים מותמרים כמעכבי מסיע–גליצין 1 []11[]21 HETEROCYCLIC SUBSTITUTED PHENYL METHANONES AS INHIBITORS OF THE GLYCINE TRANSPORTER 1 []54 30.01.2006 05100813.4 ]32[ 07.02.2005 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//4035, 31//416, 31//437, 31//5377, A61P 25//00, 29//00, C07D 20/9/44, 20/9/88, 23/5/06, 40/1/04, 40/3/04, 40/3/10, 40/5/04, 40/9/04, 41/3/04, 41/7/04, 47/1/04, 48/7/04, 49/1/08, 49/8/08 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2006/082001 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, לוצאטו את לוצאטו, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, גן תעשייה ,עומר P.O.B. 5352, ,ת.ד5352 .באר שבע BEER-SHEVA 84152 []22 []31 []51 The present invention relates to compounds of general formula (I) wherein (i) is an כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- []71 []87 []74 []57 aromatic or partially aromatic bicyclic amine, which may contain one or two additional N-atoms, selected from the group consisting of (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and to pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salts thereof. __________________ ]11[]21[ 184856 ]54[ PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A VENEER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 11.11.2005 102005005339.4 ]32[ 27.01.2005 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) B27L 05//00, B27M 03//00 HD WOOD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED, MALTA MICHAEL ENGEL, WOLFGANG LACROIX, PETER SPITALER, PATRICK GUITTON, HANS-JOACHIM DANZER WO/2006/079374 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ תהליך לייצור ליבוד DE , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, Process for the manufacture of a veneer comprising steps (i) to (iv): (i) gluing boardlike, plane pieces of wood (10) by means of an adhesive to a beam-like block of wood (12), (ii) watering and/or tempering said beam-like block of wood (12), (iii) cutting said beam-like block of wood (12) to a veneer (14), (iv) drying said veneer obtained in step (iii) until the humidity content is below the fiber saturation point. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 184867 או סוף איזור של/אלמנט מנחה להתחלה ו התקן הגנה המסופק עם האלמנט,התקן הגנה המנחה וקיט של חלקים עבור התקן ההגנה ]54[ GUIDING ELEMENT FOR THE BEGINNING AND/OR END AREA OF A PROTECTIVE DEVICE, A PROTECTIVE DEVICE PROVIDED WITH SAID GUIDE ELEMENT AND KIT OF PARTS FOR THE PROTECTIVE DEVICE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 19.05.2005 202005001801.5 ]32[ 01.02.2005 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2010.01) E01F 15//00, 15//04, 15//14 OUTIMEX AG, GERMANY WO/2006/081783 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a guiding element (1) for the beginning and/or end area of a protective device (300). The inventive guiding element comprises connecting means (3) for connecting the guiding element (1) to an additional guiding element (4) or to the protective element (2) of the protective device (300) in such a manner than an adjusting angle is formed. A protective device provided with said guiding element and a kit of parts therefor are also disclosed. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR REINFORCING BUILDING STRUCTURES AND COATING OBTAINED THEREBY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 10.02.2006 RM2005A000066 ]32[ 17.02.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) E04G 23//02 TEC. INN. S.R.L., ITALY EMO AGNELONI WO/2006/087751 SIMON LAVIE, 21 HERZOG ST., JERUSALEM ]57[ 185222 שיטה לחיזוק מבנים וציפויים המתקבלים בשל כך ]33[ IT ,שמעון לביא 21 הרצוג ירושלים A method for reinforcing building structures enables to obtain a reinforcing coating through the steps of: anchoring a resistant film (2) of composite material to a building structure (s) to be reinforced and superposing onto the resistant film (2) an elastic film (8) at least partially uncoupled from the resistant film (2), in such a way that the elastic film (8) can be deformed and slide tangentially relative to the resistant film (2). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 185488 ראש חיתוך למקדד ]54[ CUTTING HEAD OF A REAMER ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ 23.08.2007 Int. Cl.(2010.01) B23C 05//10, B23D 77//00 ISCAR LTD. תפן,ישקר בע"מ TSUR COHEN צור כהן ISCAR LTD., ,ישקר בע"מ P.O.B. 11, תפן11 .ד. ת, TEFEN 24959 A cutting head (10) of a reamer having an axis of rotation (A), the cutting head (10) comprising: a cutting head forward end (14), a cutting head rear end (16) distal the cutting head forward end (14) and a peripheral surface (18) therebetween, the peripheral surface (18) comprising at least two wiping pads (22) extending rearwardly from the cutting head forward end (14), the peripheral surface (18) between two adjacent wiping pads forms a peripheral section (58), and at least one cutting section (20) located adjacent the cutting head forward end (14) comprising: cutting edge (30) extending from the cutting head forward end (14) to the peripheral surface (18) and formed at an intersection of a rake surface (32) and a relief surface (34), the rake surface (32) being generally tangentially directed facing a direction of rotation (B) and having a rake surface first end (40) that is distal from the cutting edge (30), a deflecting surface (38) adjacent the rake surface (32) and generally transverse thereto, the deflecting surface (38) extending, from the rake surface first end (40) in a direction away from the cutting edge (30), wherein the deflecting surface (38) makes an acute axial angle (α) with respect to the axis of rotation (A), and a rear end (41) of the deflecting surface (38) joins the peripheral surface (18) adjacent the cutting section (20) and distal the rear end (16) of the cutting head (10). ]57[ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 185959 תוספות לפרוטוקול קישור רדיו להפחתת זמן אתחול לקריאת נתונים ]54[ RADIO LINK PROTOCOL ENHANCEMENTS TO REDUCE SETUP TIME FOR DATA CALLS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 09.11.2000 09/437417 ]32[ 10.11.1999 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04L 12/28, 29/08, H04W 80/02 DIVISION FROM 149456 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2001/035580 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, An apparatus for transmitting a stream of information bytes comprising: means for receiving a message specifying a radio link protocol (RLP) round-trip time (RTT) estimate; and means for conducting an RLP communication session using said RTT estimate to determine negative acknowledgment (NAK) message timing. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ CONFIGURABLE DEVICE FOR CLEANING THE BARREL OF A FIREARM AND FIREARM CLEANING KIT CONTAINING COMPONENTS OF DEVICE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 13.04.2006 11/113649 ]32[ 25.04.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F41A 29//00, 29//02 THE OTIS PATENT TRUST, U.S.A. WO/2007/046856 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 186942 התקן הניתן לעיצוב עבור ניקוי קנה של נשק וערכה לניקוי נשק המכילה רכיבים של ההתקן ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Methods and devices are provided for cleaning firearm barrels, including those of military issue firearms, wherein the methods include a step for removing loose materials from within the barrel, a step for dislodging materials not removed during the first removal step, and a step for removing the materials dislodged during the dislodging step, as well as one or more optional cleaning steps to be performed in addition to or in lieu of the other cleaning steps, and wherein the firearm barrel cleaning device can be adapted to have different configurations for use during one or more of the various cleaning steps. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ RADIO NETWORK CONTROLLER PEER-TO-PEER EXCHANGE OF USER EQUIPMENT MEASUREMENTS INFORMATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 25.06.2003 60/392122 ]32[ 27.06.2002 Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 07//26, 17//00 DIVISION FROM 164656 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2004/004306 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 189070 בקר רשת רדיו עבור החלפת מידע עמית לעמית על ציוד לקוח ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A drifting (WTRU) wireless transmit/receive unit has an associated (D-RNC) drift radio network controller (38) and an associated (S-RNC) servicing radio network controller (40). The D-RNC (38) sends a request message to the S-RNC (40) requesting measurements of the drifting WTRU. The S-RNC (40) receives the request message and sends an information message with the requested measurements to the DRNC (38). The D-RNC (38) receives the information message. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א The parent application from which this application has been divided has not yet been published The applications for division from this application have not yet been published 164656 בקשת הורה לבקשה זו שטרם פורסמה ,206599 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ FLUID CONTROL DEVICE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 21.07.2006 2005-263231 ]32[ 12.09.2005 Int. Cl.(2010.01) F16L 27//00, 41//02 FUJIKIN INCORPORATED, JAPAN WO/2007/032147 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ 189696 התקן לוויסות נוזלים ]33[ JP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A fluid controller enabling a reduction in size without reducing the diameter of bolts and the diameters of passages. A fluid control device (31) comprising an inlet port (31a) and an outlet port (31b) arranged parallel with each other in the direction of a line and a line connection port (31c) positioned between the inlet port and the outlet port in the direction of the line is supportedly installed across a pair of joint members (7). Steps (7a) are formed in the upper faces of both joint members (7) facing each other, and line connection passage formation members (9, 10) having line-to-line passages (13, 18) communicating with the line connection port (31c) of the fluid control device (31) and forming a line connection means (8) are supportedly installed across the steps (7a) of these joint members (7). November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 190518 מערכת ושיטות לניתור קודים ניידים זדוניים בזמן ריצה ]54[ MALICIOUS MOBILE CODE RUNTIME MONITORING SYSTEM AND METHODS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 17.05.2001 60/205591 ]32[ 17.05.2000 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 01/00, 21/00 DIVISION FROM 147712 FINJAN, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/088673 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ A method, comprising: receiving mobile protection code ("MPC") and a Downloadable at a Downloadabledestination; causing, by the MPC, one or more operations attempted by the Downloadable to be received by the MPC; receiving, by the MPC, an attempted operation of the Downloadable; and initiating, by the MPC, a protection policy corresponding to the attempted operation. ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 192542 שיטה לשינוי מוצרי עוף ]54[ METHOD FOR MODIFYING POULTRY PRODUCTS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 29.06.2009 Int. Cl.(2010.01) A23K 01//16, A23L 01//30 OMEG FOODS LTD. גן- רמת,אומג פודס בע"מ WO/2007/023366 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 A method for modifying poultry products with beneficial fatty acids, wherein said modified poultry products maintain the natural smell and taste, comprising feeding a fowl with a standard feed in which the animal or vegetable fat blend component of the diet is replaced by an oil blend consisting of fish oil (60-90%), canola oil (10-30%), soy oil (0-10%) and linseed oil (0-10%) at total fat levels in the diet of up to 8.4%, calculated based on the final feed composition, wherein said fish oil is not menhaden oil or mackerel oil. ]57[ This specification was examined in accordance with regulation 35 of the Patent Regulations, 5728 - 1968 לתקנות35 פירוט זה נבחן בהתאם לתקנה 1968 – תשכ"ח,הפטנטים __________________ ]11[]21[ 194326 מעגל מוטה לאחזקת ערך קבוע של הולכי–דרך מחולק בקיבול מעמסה ]54[ BIAS CIRCUIT FOR MAINTAINING A CONSTANT VALUE OF TRANSCONDUCTANCE DIVIDED BY LOAD CAPACITANCE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 31.01.2002 /09773404 ]32[ 31.01.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) G05F 03/20, 03/26, H03F 03/45 DIVISION FROM 157141 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2002/061519 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A bias circuit for use in biasing a differential pair, said bias circuit comprising: a pair of current source devices; a capacitor; a first clock input connected between a first terminal of said capacitor and a current output line of the differential pair being biased, said first clock input also connected between a second terminal of said capacitor and a common mode input voltage line; a second clock input connected between the first terminal of said capacitor and a positive voltage reference signal line and also connected between the second terminal of said capacitor and a negative voltage reference signal line; a third clock input connected between the first terminal of said capacitor and a ground and also connected between the second terminal of said capacitor and said ground; with said first, second clock and third inputs providing mutually non-overlapping clock signals at a predetermined sampling frequency; and a bias line connecting a voltage output from the pair of cirrent source devices to the differential pair. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ANTISENSE OLIGONUCLEOTIDE TARGETED TO INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH BINDING PROTEIN 5 ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 07.10.2002 09/975123 ]32[ 09.10.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) C12N 15//11, 15//18 DIVISION FROM 161277 ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/030826 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ 194383 אוליגונוקליאוטיד של הסיב המשלים המכוון של פקטור גדילה דמוי5 לחלבון קושר מספר אינסולין ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]57[ Antisense compounds, compositions and methods are provided for modulating the expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5. The compositions comprise antisense compounds, particularly antisense oligonucleotides, targeted to nucleic acids encoding insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5. Methods of using these compounds for modulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 expression and for treatment of diseases associated with expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 are provided. The parent application from which this application has been divided has not yet been published 161277 בקשת הורה לבקשה זו שטרם פורסמה __________________ ]11[]21[ 194574 שיטה ומכשור להקצות לזרמי מידע הגבלות פסקי זמן העברה נתונים ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ALLOCATING DATA STREAMS GIVEN TRANSMISSION TIME INTERVAL (TTI) CONSTRAINTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 16.01.2002 09/764788 ]32[ 17.01.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04J 01//00, H04L 01//00, 29//04 DIVISION FROM 156946 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2002/065675 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method and system that enables multiplexing a plurality of data streams onto one data stream based on data stream priorities, available transport format combinations (TFCs), and transmission time interval (TTI) constraints of transport frames within the TFCs is disclosed. A subscriber unit (12) has applications that produce separate data streams. Example applications include voice (32), signalling (34), E-mail (36) and web applications (38). The data streams are combined by a multiplexer module (48) into one data stream called the transport stream (50). The transport stream (50) is sent over the reverse link to base station transceivers (BTS) (14). The multiplexer module (48) multiplexes the data streams onto a single stream according to available TFCs, TTI constraints, and data stream priorities. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DETECTION AND AMPLIFICATION OF LIGANDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 29.03.2002 09/821396 ]32[ 29.03.2001 Int. Cl.(2010.01) G01N 33//53, 33//545 DIVISION FROM 158165 KENT STATE UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. WO/2002/079755 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 196076 זיהוי והגברה של ליגנדים ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Devices and systems for the detection of ligands comprising at least one receptor and an amplification mechanism comprising a liquid crystalline, where an amplified signal is produced as a result of receptor binding to a ligand are provided. Also provided are methods for the automatic detection of ligands. __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 199420 קומץ חליבה ]54[ MILKING CLAW ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 18.06.2009 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01J 05/00 RAN SILVIANU RAN SILVIANU, 25 BEN ZION ISRAELI ST., KIRYAT HAIM 26285 ]57[ A milking claw (10), comprising: a container; four milk inlets (20) to said container, each corresponding to a teat of a dairy animal, each being disposed in the upper side (14) of said container, each connecting the space of said container with a teat cup attached to a teat of said dairy animal; a milk outlet (26) from said container, said outlet being disposed at the lower side (16) of said container; an air tube, wherein the lower side (42) thereof being disposed in said outlet, and the upper side (44) thereof being disposed at the upper side of said container, for being kept above the milk line (52) of said container; thereby retaining vacuum inside said container, while allowing fluent passage of milk through said outlet. This specification was examined in accordance with regulation 35 of the Patent Regulations, 5728 - 1968 קריית חיים,רן סילביאנו ,רן סילביאנו 25 בן ציון ישראלי קריית חיים לתקנות35 פירוט זה נבחן בהתאם לתקנה 1968 – תשכ"ח,הפטנטים __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]11[]21[ 199743 ]54[ 6-O-SUBSTITUTED KETOLIDES HAVING ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY, A PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME ]22[ ]31[ 02.09.1997 08/707776 ]32[ 04.09.1996 ]33[ US 08/888350 03.07.1997 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//7042, A61P 31//04, C07H 17//08 DIVISION FROM 128681 ABBOTT LABORATORIES, U.S.A. WO/1998/009978 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ בעליO–6–קטולידים מותמרים במקום ה התהליך להכנתם,פעילות אנטי–חיידקית ותרכובות פרמצבטיות המכילות אותם ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, Antimicrobial compounds having formula (II), (III), (IV), (IV-A) or (V) as well as pharmaceutically acceptable salts, esters or prodrugs thereof; pharmaceutical compositions comprising such compounds; methods of treating bacterial infections by the administration of such compounds; and processes for the preparation of the compunds. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 6-O-SUBSTITUTED KETOLIDES HAVING ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY, A PROCESS FOR 199746 בעליO–6–קטולידים מותמרים במקום ה התהליך להכנתם,פעילות אנטי–חיידקית ותרכובות פרמצבטיות המכילות אותם November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 02.09.1997 08/707775 ]32[ 04.09.1996 ]33[ US 08/888350 03.07.1997 US Int. Cl.(2010.01) A61K 31//7042, A61P 31//04, C07H 17//08 DIVISION FROM 128681 ABBOTT LABORATORIES, U.S.A. WO/1998/009978 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, Antimicrobial compounds having formula (II), (III), (IV), (IV-A) or (V) as well as pharmaceutically acceptable salts, esters or prodrugs thereof; pharmaceutical compositions comprising such compounds; methods of treating bacterial infections by the administration of such compounds; and processes for the preparation of the compunds. __________________ ]11[]21[ 201939 מיתוג ערוצים לתמיכה בשירותי מולטימדיה לשידור רחב ולמנויים ]54[ CHANNEL SWITCHING FOR SUPPORT OF MULTIMEDIA BROADCAST AND MULTICAST SERVICES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 06.08.2003 60/402161 ]32[ 07.08.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2010.01) H04B 01//16, 01//69, 07//26, H04L 12//56, H04M 03//00 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ DIVISION FROM 166558 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2004/015876 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) for receiving multimedia broadcasts\multicast services (MBMS), the WTRU comprising: an MBMS receiver means for receiving information associated with a point-to-point transmission of a point-to point MBMs service, the received point-to-point transmission information including a point-to-point MBMS identity associated with the point-to-point MBMS service; the MBMS receiver means for receiving point-to-point MBMS segments over a dedicated traffic channel of the point-to-point transmission in response to the received point-to-point transmission information; the MBMS receiver means for receiving information associated with a point-tomultipoint transmission of a point-to-multipoint MBMS service, the received point-tomultipoint transmission information including a point-to-multipoint MBMS identity associated with the point-to-multipoint MBMS service; the MBMS receiver means for receiving point-to-multipoint MBMS segments over secondary common control physical channels (S-CCPCHs) of the point-to-multipoint transmission in response to the received point-to-multipoint transmission information, the S-CCPCHs originating from a plurality of cells and the transmission of the pointto-multipoint MBMS segments are not synchronized in time between the cells; and an MBMS segment reassembly means for reassembling the point-to-multipoint MBMS segments. The parent application from which this application has been divided has not yet been published The applications for division from this application have not yet been published 166558 בקשת הורה לבקשה זו שטרם פורסמה ,207026 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- פטנטים PATENTS פטנטים שניתנו PATENTS GRANTED 151378 152750 154405 155245 173540 174526 174966 175816 176505 178307 140699 156233 156878 157340 158108 158782 159238 159857 160279 160911 187062 146623 148374 149568 166768 166985 167290 167659 167965 168183 168659 169271 170062 170216 170511 170838 171712 172152 172639 151315 152422 154131 155200 173520 174492 174891 175494 176477 177921 140232 156124 156857 157304 158021 158603 159210 159803 160254 160894 186251 146582 147652 149542 151019 166949 167233 167591 167941 168160 168541 169212 169994 170210 170494 170833 171663 172125 172557 151150 152315 153904 155071 173290 174411 174830 175208 176421 177373 139200 156101 156799 157274 157854 158539 159209 159788 160192 160759 184513 146579 147402 149520 150083 166941 167188 167492 167885 168096 168540 169141 169958 170204 170442 170827 171605 172084 172453 151094 152256 153733 154784 173281 174057 174795 175069 176419 176963 124133 155996 156611 157209 157753 158531 159139 159744 160062 160668 184429 132853 147400 149430 149971 166915 167172 167372 167846 168091 168536 169073 169895 170179 170378 170821 171395 172071 172342 כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- 137090 152012 153345 154693 173280 174027 174740 175053 176309 176729 179720 141813 156475 157201 157617 158513 159023 159704 160029 160629 182531 132719 147232 149337 149953 166891 167067 167344 167778 168061 168336 169007 169862 170166 170331 170820 171126 171981 172278 135688 151945 153318 154618 173139 174015 174720 175041 176221 176643 178987 141768 156439 157191 157507 158276 158989 159662 160021 160560 182360 130036 147143 148762 149882 166879 167056 167338 167776 168007 168274 168843 169569 170153 170320 170681 171026 171911 172220 134719 151918 153297 154566 155900 173877 174602 175038 176196 176544 178859 140892 156423 157047 157404 158242 158943 159356 159987 160529 181245 187097 147017 148631 149644 166815 167045 167325 167763 167971 168194 168768 169471 170128 170282 170545 170997 171872 172199 134407 151814 152925 154534 155658 173570 174601 174977 176009 176537 178726 140743 156249 156930 157392 158121 158914 159327 159930 160497 160949 187063 146677 148493 149628 166777 167036 167314 167683 167970 168185 168660 169340 170098 170235 170528 170868 171765 172190 142680 144202 161076 161866 162444 162789 163167 163693 164081 164625 165285 165714 165933 166309 189507 196059 142334 144118 146338 161610 162421 162706 163162 163636 163990 164513 165149 165697 165911 166307 166742 195540 102675 102766 102824 102896 102986 118984 119056 119116 122142 123034 123196 123331 123464 126815 134470 137560 137700 137841 137946 138162 141121 142692 144411 146703 147489 102616 102765 102813 102886 102976 118971 119048 119113 120740 123032 123171 123327 123442 125135 134259 137558 137698 137821 137945 138150 140699 142680 144385 146544 147435 127871 143596 145803 161541 162368 162651 163093 163527 163834 164359 164933 165666 165894 166255 166641 193405 116465 143352 145702 161493 162317 162638 163047 163481 163791 164335 164909 165611 165890 166224 166569 193404 198938 143057 144703 161453 162274 162617 162957 163451 163788 164320 164874 165579 165837 166092 166525 193218 173072 143049 144294 161436 162163 162593 162910 163449 163781 164317 164859 165453 165833 166019 166374 192947 172983 143020 144270 161090 162109 162558 162835 163395 163756 164278 164824 165384 165790 165942 166372 190930 172725 142796 144269 161086 162101 162544 162820 163299 163739 164086 164774 165381 165783 165938 166361 189508 197396 פטנטים שחודשו PATENTS RENEWED 102559 102731 102795 102868 102974 118906 119017 119089 119225 122974 123167 123312 123441 123689 134103 137516 137690 137820 137925 138109 138760 142601 144294 146491 147419 102558 102727 102790 102861 102962 118895 119016 119088 119224 122958 123166 123293 123410 123663 133584 137462 137634 137816 137893 138094 138368 142596 143832 145702 147249 כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- 102516 102715 102778 102855 102960 118894 119014 119082 119154 122832 123162 123282 123409 123509 132533 137322 137633 137759 137880 138077 138183 142489 143767 145557 147143 102450 102700 102769 102851 102929 103133 119012 119080 119142 122774 123161 123264 123404 123500 128671 137305 137632 137711 137873 138061 138173 142341 142752 145291 147118 102440 102699 102768 102848 102917 103008 119006 119075 119139 122624 123153 123251 123387 123494 128670 137108 137626 137710 137866 138059 138170 142170 142694 144755 147072 97545 102698 102767 102825 102905 103000 118996 119063 119129 122620 123142 123241 123332 123465 126818 136055 137603 137709 137862 138057 138169 141405 142693 144703 146737 147523 147719 147803 147924 148003 148069 148121 148161 148220 148316 148414 149542 151945 153345 155200 156641 157514 158514 159327 160388 161360 162244 162855 163167 163370 163636 164307 165149 166169 166743 168261 169232 170203 171348 172162 172725 173708 175558 190634 147536 147721 147806 147926 148020 148079 148128 148169 148221 148317 148505 149699 152012 153733 155315 156678 157757 158646 159619 160743 161436 162267 162884 163243 163419 163679 164322 165178 166353 166970 168381 169328 170206 171418 172342 172784 174009 176309 190930 147553 147722 147827 147928 148023 148085 148137 148181 148232 148319 148568 149953 152054 153979 155658 156720 157964 158827 159827 160945 161591 162274 162951 163245 163450 163745 164359 165366 166358 167067 168408 169408 170216 171458 172432 172841 174411 176456 192393 147630 147737 147828 147958 148039 148095 148141 148196 148239 148357 148600 150124 152268 154131 155730 156733 158021 158912 159842 161124 161982 162286 163093 163257 163462 163761 164754 165469 166388 167233 168546 169459 170244 171669 172453 173038 174526 176516 192947 147651 147791 147870 147961 148042 148100 148152 148207 148274 148374 148621 150229 152315 154207 156233 157036 158086 158914 159903 161185 162041 162317 163114 163311 163491 163785 164763 165479 166506 167344 168688 169583 170805 171703 172538 173290 174598 177018 193875 147686 147792 147897 147963 148050 148108 148154 148216 148284 148384 148880 150622 152615 154271 156438 157209 158102 159139 159913 161282 162058 162628 163133 163322 163492 163791 164801 165559 166528 167372 168846 169783 170827 171765 172557 173304 174686 177241 147688 147794 147903 147974 148054 148116 148157 148218 148294 148404 149156 150692 152695 154350 156553 157340 158256 159257 159931 161318 162097 162706 163141 163328 163610 163889 164846 165598 166674 167970 169094 170098 170948 171981 172597 173388 174830 184513 147710 147795 147905 148002 148068 148119 148159 148219 148298 148412 149387 150851 152727 155124 156609 157380 158346 159258 160286 161347 162205 162728 163162 163367 163624 164246 165119 166092 166741 167971 169212 170166 171123 172071 172608 173459 174891 185118 פטנטים שתוקפם פקעו בגלל אי תשלום אגרת חידוש PATENTS NOT IN FORCE DUE TO NON-PAYMENT OF RENEWAL FEES 99970 100129 99988 100145 99994 100146 100012 100164 100026 100173 100103 100174 100112 100205 100124 100206 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 100295 100365 100500 138253 158395 116315 116375 116430 116511 116597 116703 116792 142838 142955 143159 143291 143332 143393 143515 143717 143811 143925 144012 144127 144290 144672 162271 180940 133538 133660 133996 137338 154077 132860 133083 147443 150819 170489 100285 100351 100495 138252 157181 160082 116366 116428 116505 116581 116696 116719 142836 142942 143142 143290 143327 143390 143495 143706 143808 143892 144006 144126 144260 144539 161840 165597 133506 133622 133975 137276 152516 132855 133078 147038 150707 169550 100282 100349 100474 138122 156601 159673 116365 116414 116504 116578 116685 116718 142820 142914 143082 143241 143316 143361 143482 143703 143806 143874 144003 144106 144228 144454 145604 165367 133504 133607 133956 134905 138025 132847 132973 133409 150561 169432 100281 100347 100462 100624 156153 159648 116350 116394 116498 116559 116665 116708 142819 142899 143024 143210 143310 143358 143447 143693 143805 143873 143968 144080 144212 144406 145010 164121 133495 133587 133909 134110 138024 132823 132957 133355 150372 169000 100254 100343 100460 100623 142166 159245 116338 116389 116490 116554 116647 116707 142756 142878 143016 143202 143301 143355 143435 143660 143766 143844 143948 144078 144203 144383 144983 163446 108493 133580 133833 134053 137769 132766 132927 133245 149798 168398 100239 100330 100452 100592 139728 159234 116326 116379 116483 116552 116630 116706 142727 142864 143012 143186 143296 143354 143419 143590 143760 143831 143940 144077 144183 144341 144901 163077 107608 133564 133775 134052 137552 129620 132912 133127 149305 167389 100224 100314 100424 100589 138706 158894 116318 116378 116459 116550 116613 116705 142687 142850 143010 143176 143295 143347 143405 143565 143755 143829 143933 144070 144163 144303 144824 163005 106639 133542 133736 134029 137506 177501 132876 133121 148516 166896 100211 100313 100386 100572 138385 158705 116316 116377 116454 116528 116602 116704 117183 142848 142958 143171 143294 143340 143404 143545 143725 143823 143931 144025 144129 144293 144775 162330 106637 133539 133721 134026 137413 176244 132861 133084 148431 151031 צווי הארכה שחודשו EXTENSION ORDERS RENEWED 95691 פטנטים שפג תוקפם כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- 84601 PATENTS EXPIRED 92329 92457 92520 92639 92700 92766 92862 92955 92351 92460 92527 92653 92724 92780 92864 92958 92368 92470 92534 92654 92732 92786 92871 92990 92373 92487 92537 92673 92743 92788 92887 93020 92377 92491 92548 92674 92747 92832 92889 107437 92382 92499 92552 92688 92748 92851 92891 112750 92387 92507 92616 92692 92752 92854 92904 162181 92432 92519 92617 92699 92764 92856 92938 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א הודעה NOTICE לחוק60 לפי סעיף 1967- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 120614 4/1998 מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט בע"מ3000 פאן-פיט ADMONI MIKA :שם האמצאה מחוץ לבית ושיטה לייצורן/נעלי בית INDOOR/OUTDOOR SLIPPERS AND METHOD FOR MAKING THEM Any person may oppose the כל אדם רשאי להתנגד said application within three לבקשה האמורה תוך months from the date of this שלושה חודשים מתאריך Patents Journal, as כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה prescribed by section 61 of 92 לחוק ובתקנה61 בסעיף the law and by regulation 92 - תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 1968 Title of invention: November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א הודעה NOTICE לחוק60 לפי סעיף 1967- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 151582 11/2006 מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט אבנר רחמים AVNER RAHAMIM :שם האמצאה Title of invention: כובע שילוט למונית TAXI-ROOF SIGN Any person may oppose the said application within three months from the date of this Patents Journal, as prescribed by section 61 of the law and by regulation 92 of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 כל אדם רשאי להתנגד לבקשה האמורה תוך שלושה חודשים מתאריך כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה 92 לחוק ובתקנה61 בסעיף - תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים 1968 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א שינויים בפרטים רשומים בפנקס CHANGES IN PARTICULARS ENTERED IN REGISTER November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א מפתחות לבקשות שקובלו INDICES OF APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED מפתח שמי NAME INDEX ישקר בע"מ 185488 - א.ר.י .אבזרים להולכת נוזלים אגודה שתופית חקלאית בע"מ 167383 - אומג פודס בע"מ 192542 - אי .סי .איי .טלקום בע"מ 172454 - אי.סי.איי .טלקום בע"מ 160665 - איתן תגר 184380 - אלביט מערכות אלקטרו-אופטיקה אלאופ בע"מ179135 - . אלביט מערכות בע"מ 171578 - אלון קוה 184380 - אנקוטון בע"מ 122106 - אספקטוס בע"מ 162879 - אתוס רשתות בע"מ 167059 - בי.וי.אר .מערכות ( )1998בע"מ 171578 - גאורג' נאומוב 176828 - גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ 166884 - גליקומיינדס בע"מ 166539 - דן וחנה גביש 170397 - התעשייה הצבאית לישראל בע"מ 172589 - וראז נטוורקס בע"מ 163092 - כרמל-החברה הכלכלית של אוניברסיטת חיפה בע"מ 172748 - לב שורין 174712 - מ.ל.י.ס .בע"ם 160007 - מגל מערכות בטחון בע"מ 154023 - מדיגייד בע"מ 157262 - מולטילוק טכנולוגיות בע"מ 156342 - מיכאל נאומוב 176828 - עמיטק בע"מ 171378 - פאב ייצור ויבוא ציוד תעשייתי בע"מ - 166542 פובוס אינטרנשניונל בע"מ 167928 - פורמגלו בע"מ 174509 - פייפאל ישראל בע"מ 161437 - פינג'ן סופטוור בע"מ 190518 - פלסטרו מערכות השקיה בע"מ , 163606 - 169872 , 164043 פלקסיקט בע"מ 166863 - קורפלוו פתרונות מדעיים בע"מ 177999 - קל סל בע"מ 159104 - חברת תנה תעשיות ( )1991בע"מ 181065 - טוטנאואר ישראל בע"מ 174234 - יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים 173752 - יפים ריסקין 182389 - יצחק לבטון 122106 - כג' בכסלו התשע"אNovember 30, 2010- רידנט-נובה בע"מ 179539 - רן סילביאנו 199420 - רפאל מערכות לחימה מתקדמות בע"מ - 167740 שחל טלמדיסין אינטרנשיונל בע"מ - 146776 181814 - שילטקס בע"מ 176460 - ישי-שמואל בן 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY - 174647183477 , A.R.I. FLOW CONTROL ACCESSORIES AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION LTD. - 167383 ABBOTT LABORATORIES - 153567 , 199743 , 199746 AFFYMAX, INC. - 171782 AGENSYS, INC. - 145775 AIC NEVADA, INC. - 176408 AIMSCO LIMITED - 178490 AKZO NOBEL N.V. - 164169 ALCON, INC. - 183322 ALCON. INC. - 184147 ALLWAY TOOLS, INC - 174259 ALON KAVA - 184380 ALPHAVAX, INC. - 178917 ALZA CORPORATION - 181117 AMITECH LTD. - 171378 ANTHROGENESIS CORPORATION 157350 APPLIED INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL LIMITED - 176408 APPLIED MATERIALS ISRAEL, LTD 167352 APPLIED MATERIALS,INC. - 167352 APPLIED RESEARCH SYSTEMS ARS HOLDING N.V. - 181908 ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 142538 ARES TRADING S.A. - 154777 ARKEMA FRANCE - 167525 ASEPTIC TECHNOLOGIES S.A. - 166637 ASPECTUS LTD. - 162879 ASTRAZENECA AB - 163894 AVENTIS PHARMA S.A. - 173206 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - 167983 BASF SE - 176149 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א BAYER BETEILIGUNGSVERWALTUNG GOSLAR GMBH - 175668 BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG - 152651 , 155648 , 159839 BAYER SHEET EUROPE GMBH 171946 BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 165194 BESTEWIL HOLDING B.V., KONINGSPLEIN 1, - 172584 BIOARRAY SOLUTIONS LTD. - 167286 BIOGEN IDEC MA INC. - 154622 BIOSENSE WEBSTER, INC. - 175648 BOLDER BIOTECHNOLOGY, INC. 152804 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY 178141 BRITA GMBH - 179624 BVR SYSTEMS (1998) LTD. - 171578 C GEAR AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. 175451 CARMEL-HAIFA UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC CORP. LTD. - 172748 CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY 163937 CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA - 178350 CISCO TECHNOLOGY, INC. - 144709 COMPARF S.R.L. - 183463 COREFLOW SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS LTD. - 177999 CORIXA CORPORATION - 133056 COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH - 164145 CRUCELL HOLLAND B.V. - 168374 CUROZONE IRELAND LTD. - 159850 DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED - 160204 DALLAN S.p.A. - 179990 DAN AND HANNA GAVISH - 170397 DATA-COMPLEX E.K. - 167281 DESALN8 PTY LTD. - 176695 DIEPON S.A. - 162963 DOLBY LABORATORIES LICENSING November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א CORPORATION - 165650 , 172108 , 177094 DUKE UNIVERSITY - 183948 DUPONT PHARMACEUTICALS COMPANY - 137019 EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 167324 ECI TELECOM LTD. - 160665 ECI TELECOM LTD. - 172454 ECOPHOS - 176373 EDELCOM - 151002 EISAI R & D MANAGEMENT CO. LTD. 176868 EITAN TAGAR - 184380 ELAN PHARMA INTERNATIONAL LTD. - 146563 ELBIT SYSTEMS ELECTRO-OPTICS ELOP LTD. - 179135 ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. - 171578 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY - 177956 ENCOTONE LTD. - 122106 ETHOS NETWORKS LTD. - 167059 EVONIK DEGUSSA GMBH - 168026 EVONIK ROHM GMBH - 167334 EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL PATENTS INC. - 180622 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG - 156264 , 184557 FAB MANUFACTURING & IMPORT OF INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT LTD. 166542 FIDELIS SECURITY SYSTEMS - 174163 FINJAN SOFTWARE LTD - 190518 FINJAN, INC. - 190518 FLEXICATH LTD. - 166863 FOBUS INTERNATIONAL LTD. - 167928 FORMAGLOW LTD. - 174509 FORSVARETS MATERIELVERK 176722 FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. - 173223 FUJIKIN INCORPORATED - 189696 GE HEALTHCARE LIMITED - 163730 GENE DOLGOFF - 174490 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א GENE STREAM PTY LTD. - 158457 GENENTECH, INC. - 145675 , 163414 GENFIT - 172825 GEORGE NAUMOV - 176828 Ghazala HASHMI - 167286 GILEAD PALO ALTO, INC. - 160231 GIVEN IMAGING LTD. - 166884 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED - 173910 GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS S.A. - 155282 , 166637 GLAXOSMITHKLINE ISTRAZIVACKI CENTAR ZAGREB D.O.O. - 165657 GLYCOMINDS LTD. - 166539 HARRIS CORPORATION - 169946 HD WOOD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 184856 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 162220 HUDSON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 169052 IBM CORPORATION - 161653 IGO, INC. - 163615 IMPERIAL INNOVATIONS LIMITED 160983 INCOE CORPORATION - 174200 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - 164145 INGENIA HOLDINGS LTD. - 177966 INGENIA TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 177966 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION - 174227 , 189070 , 201939 IPR LICENSING, INC. - 167993 ISAAC J. LABATON - 122106 ISCAR LTD. - 185488 ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 194383 ISRAEL MILITARY INDUSTRIES LTD. 172589 JANE, S.A. - 177749 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V. 168147 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA, N.V. November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א 154705 , 163325 , 164006 JENEIL BIOTECH, INC. - 161631 Joachim MESSING - 167286 JSR CORPORATION - 174569 JULIAN MCKINLAY KING - 174072 KABUSHIKI KAISHA YAKULT HONSHA - 170350 KAL SAL LTD. - 159104 KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - 196076 KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. - 171011 LANXESS CORPORATION - 182376 LANXESS INC. - 182376 LESTER WU - 158433 LEV SHURIN - 174712 LIFESCAN SCOTLAND LIMITED 159051 LONZA AG - 182808 M.L.I.S. PROJECTS LTD. - 160007 MAGAL SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD. 154023 MAGOTTEAUX INTERNATIONAL S.A. - 177338 MASONITE CORPORATION - 152283 MDG MEDICAL INC. - 169083 MEDIGUIDE LTD. - 157262 MERCIAN CORPORATION - 176868 MERCK SERONO S.A. - 181908 , 183925 MERCK SHARP & DOHME CORP. 164586 MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD 164586 MERCKLE GMBH - 163552 MICHAEL NAUMOV - 176828 Michael SEUL - 167286 MICROSOFT CORPORATION - 173581 MILLENNIUM SPECIALTY CHEMICALS - 172088 MITSUBISHI TANABE PHARMA CORPORATION - 154305 MONSANTO TECHNOLOGY LLC 170161 MONTERIS MEDICAL, INC. - 162483 MOTOROLA, INC. - 171584 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א MOUNTAIN VIEW PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. - 183948 MUL-T-LOCK TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 156342 MURRAY CHRISTIAN PICKFORD 174072 N.V. ORGANON - 164169 NDS LIMITED - 135647 NDS LIMITED - 153945 NELSON M. KARP - 174986 NESTRONIX, INC. - 163760 NEURALAB LIMITED - 146563 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY - 137848 NIPPON SHERWOOD MEDICAL INDUSTRIES LTD - 181380 NMK RESEARCH, LLC - 174986 NORFERM DA - 164517 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY - 132184 NOVARTIS AG - 150551 NOVO NORDISK A/S - 174823 OMEG FOODS LTD. - 192542 ONCOLYTICS BIOTECH INC. - 152391 OPEXA PHARMACEUTICALS INC. 165194 OPHTHONIX, INC. - 175497 OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY - 160983 ORREX PLASTICS COMPANY, LLC. 182376 ORTHO-MCNEIL PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. - 152872 OUTIMEX AG - 184867 OWR AG - 167066 PAYPAL ISRAEL LTD - 161437 PELLINI S.P.A. - 174019 PERFORMANCE PLANTS, INC. - 134267 PFIZER INC. - 162822 PHARMACIA CORPORATION - 167121 PLASTRO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS LTD. - 163606 , 164043 , 169872 PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE - 161121 PTS INTERNATIONAL INC. - 158433 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א PTS INTERNATIONAL INC. - 158433 QINETIQ LIMITED - 168467 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED - 154591 , 162812 , 166788 , 170333 , 170784 , 171201 , 174366 , 194326 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED - 174120 , 181977 , 185959 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED - 194574 R.P. SCHERER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 171827 RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. - 167740 RAN SILVIANU - 199420 RAYTHEON COMPANY - 165561 , 166916 , 181205 REDENT-NOVA LTD. - 179539 RELIANCE LIFE SCIENCES PVT. LTD. 170788 RENE DURANTON - 151002 RIMA HAERING - 139051 ROCKY S.H. SHIH - 158433 ROLLOMATIC SA, - 180920 ROSS CAMPBELL MCKINLAY - 174072 SANOFI AVENTIS - 145041 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 156097 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 158289 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 158504 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 170315 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 171477 SCHERING CORPORATION - 161120 SHAHAL TELEMEDICINE INTERNATIONAL LTD. - 146776 SHERWOOD SERVICES AG - 181380 SHILTEX LTD. - 181814 SHMUEL BEN-ISHAI - 176460 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD. - 164692 , 169597 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD. - 155465 , 155470 , 160633 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א SMITHKLINE BEECHAM BIOLOGICALS S.A. - 154608 SNAPTRACK INCORPORATED - 165721 SNECMA - 176441 SO & SO SOMMERHOFER OEG - 170168 SOLICORE INC. - 171847 SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH - 174762 SOUTH ALABAMA MEDICAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION - 137848 SP BERNER PLASTIC GROUP, S.L. 177699 STARCORE, LLC - 174312 STATOILHYDRO ASA - 164517 SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED. - 172441 SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARDMETAL CORP. - 181930 , 183812 SWEDISH BIOFUELS AB - 174793 SYMPORE GMBH - 163552 SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG 145538 SYNOVO GMBH - 163552 SYNTONIX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC - 177049 TANA INDUSTRIES (1991) LTD. 181065 TASER INTERNATIONAL, INC. - 174776 TEC. INN. S.R.L. - 185222 TEJAS ISRAEL LTD - 167059 TEXTRON SYSTEMS CORPORATION 160110 THALES - 173125 , 173234 THE COUNCIL FOR THE CENTRAL LABORATORY OF THE RESEARCH COUNCILS - 174313 THE FEINSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH - 168787 THE OTIS PATENT TRUST - 186942 THE PEELLE COMPANY LTD. - 183394 THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES COUNCIL - 174313 THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 167715 THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA - 153576 November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א THOMAS HAERING - 139051 THOMAS THEIL - 168712 TR ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. - 150571 TUTTNAUER ISRAEL LTD. - 174234 UC TECHNOLOGIES & ENGINEERING LIMITED - 160007 UCB PHARMA S.A. - 170181 UCB, S.A. - 170181 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE - 170429 UNIVERSITAT STUTTGART (INST. FUR CHEMISCHE VERFAHRENSTECHNIK) - 139051 VERAZ NETWORKS LTD. - 163092 VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED - 138469 VITAL THERAPIES, INC. - 178898 WALTER MEHNERT - 168712 WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC 177376 WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH FOUNDATION - 161461 YEFIM RISKIN - 182389 YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM - 173752 ZYMOGENETICS INC. - 167748 SUBJECT MATTER INDEX מפתח ענייני SUBJECT MATTER INDEX November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א קודים למדינת המופיעים ביומן COUNTRY CODES APPEARING IN THIS JOURNAL Code AR AT AU BA BE BR CA CH CN CU CZ DE DK EC EP ES FI FR GB GE GR GT HR HU IE IL IN IT JP KR LK LU LV Country or Organization Argentina Austria Australia Herzegovina Belgium Brazil Canada Switzerland China Cuba Czech Republic Germany Denmark Ecuador European Patent Office Spain Finland France United Kingdom Georgia Greece Guatemala Croatia Hungary Ireland Israel India Italy Japan Republic of Korea Sri Lanka Luxembourg Latvia Code MX MY NL NO NZ PL PT RU SE SG SI SK TH TR TW UA US UY UZ WO ZA Country or Organization Mexico Malaysia The Netherlands Norway New Zealand Poland Portugal Russian Federation Sweden Singapore Slovenia Slovakia Thailand Turkey Taiwan Ukraine United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan World Intellectual Property Organization (W.I.P.O.) South Africa November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א ירושלים, משרד המשפטים,נערך ע"י רשות הפטנטים ירושלים,הודפס במדפיס הממשלתי EDITED BY THE PATENT OFFICE, MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, JERUSALEM PRINTED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER November 30, 2010-כג' בכסלו התשע"א