Form No. 1-1/HEC/IT/NIS/PR/07 Request for Proposal ( RFP) CAT-I CAT-II CAT-III CAT-IV CAT-V CAT-VI Servers and Storage Active Network Components with Interfaces and Modules Power Backup Solution with Installation, Maintenance and Accessories Network Restructuring with Accessories Software Purchases IT Equipment/Accessories March 27th, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. Last Date for Submission: March 27th, 2007 at 3:30 p.m. Bid Opening Date: HIG HER EDUC ATIO N COMM ISSIO N HIGHER EDUCATION COMMSSION H-9, ISLAMABAD Websites: Tele no. 051-9040426, 9040422 Fax no. 051-90290431 (Rs. 500/-) Pag 1.0 Definitions 1.1 HEC: Higher Education Commission. 1.2 PERN: Pakistan Education & Research Network. 1.3 SLA: Service Level Agreement. 1.4 RFP: Request for Proposals. 1.5 BOQ: Bill of Quantities. 1.6 Warranty/Services of items/parts: All hardware, support, repair, replacement, backups etc and services of all software including its installation configuration, updates, upgrades & principle online support. All patches upgrades, updates and IOS images. 1.7 Items: Major products like complete system, UPS, Router, Servers, SAN, Computers, Notepad etc 1.8 Parts: Components of items like Hard Disk of Server, RAM of Router, Power Supply of Router, Modules of Router, UPS battery etc. 1.9 Total Bid Value: Cost of Equipment, Cost of Extended Warranty and Cost of services for three years. 1.10 Total Contract Value: Cost of Equipment, Warranty and Services as per the supply order by HEC at the time of Contract Agreement. 1.11 SAN: Storage Area Network. 1.12 CAT: Category. 1.13 Bidder: Bidder who has submitted the proposals. 1.14 Selected Bidder: Bidder selected for the award of tender for a particular category. Page 27 2.0 Introduction Higher Education Commission (HEC) has built the IT Infrastructure, which provides the IT facilities viz. Video Conferencing, Interactive Lecturing, Internet, Email, Files Sharing, etc. to the employees of HEC and to the users of universities/institutes. Over the past four (04) years, advanced technology and enhanced version of software have emerged and their requirement is penetrating in HEC routine business. Currently critical applications are running/hosted on HEC’s servers, e.g. Pakistan Research Repository, MIT Open Courseware, HEC SharePoint Portal/Website etc. The items proposed in BOQ will provide these applications smooth operation and proper backup storage solution. Moreover HEC has acquired an ERP solution, Multi-Point Control Unit (Centralized) for all universities having Video Conferencing facilities, Video Streaming services, Network Management Software for PERN2 Connected Universities. 3.0 General Requirements (CAT-I, CAT-II, CAT-III, CAT-IV, CAT-VI) Following general requirements apply to CAT-1, CAT-II, CAT-III, CAT-IV and CAT-VI of RFP. 3.1 The Selected Bidder will be responsible for the supply, installation, Integration, testing and commissioning of all equipment and components given in BOQ. 3.2 Selected Bidder must ensure that the supplied equipment is fully operational and performs properly. 3.3 At the time of installation and commissioning, Selected Bidder must provide comprehensive system documentation of system deployed including diagrams, labelling, schematics, configuration etc. 4.0 Bids Requirements (For all Categories) The objectives of bids requirement is to provide bidders with the information to submit their bid in response of RFP. For all categories, bidders must follow following requirement for their proposals/bids. 4.1 For this tender PPRA’s Para 36(b) ‘Single stage - Two Envelope Procedure’ for open competitive bidding shall be adopted. 4.2 Bids shall comprise of single envelop containing two separate envelops i.e. Technical and Financial Proposal and clearly marked Technical and Financial proposals. Page 27 4.3 Bidder shall submit separate bid for each category clearly marked as CAT-I, CAT-II, CAT-III, CAT-IV, CAT-V and CAT-VI and send to address given in Tender Notice and in this RFP by courier or by hand. 4.4 A bidder may quote for single or multiple categories; however each Category will be treated separately and independent of any other category. 4.5 Bidders shall submit 3 copies of Technical and Financial Proposals. 4.6 Technical proposals shall contain Company profile, Authorization & relationship with principal firms, Location of branch offices, Company experience in related field, Technical staff details, Project Completed, major Client list, Technical specifications (brochures, etc) of quoted hardware, equipment & material with their make and Contact addresses with details for their technical persons. 4.7 The bidder must provide project execution plan with Technical Proposal. 4.8 Technical Proposal shall include Design proposal with layouts, diagrams, etc. after conducting the detailed survey of the site. 4.9 The bidder must attach all technical documents in support of solution/BOQ. 4.10 Bidders are required to fill the Technical Information Forms attached at Annex-1 and submit it along with Technical Proposal. 4.11 Bidders are required to fill the Financial Information Forms attached at Annex-II and submit it along with Financial Proposal. 4.12 Bidders are required to fill the client list Performa attached at Annex-III and submit it along with Technical Proposal. 4.13 Number of equipment and its parts may be increased or decreased as per HEC requirement. 4.14 Selected bidder shall be responsible for one year services as per SLA clauses without any extra cost or hidden charges for the period of one year for all the equipment provided. 4.15 Services as per SLA clauses as required by HEC for next two years should be quoted separately on yearly basis. 4.16 Total bid value covering cost of equipment; cost of extended warranty and services for three years shall be account for financial evaluation. 5.0 Selection Procedure 5.1 In first stage for each category, only Technical proposals will be opened in the presence of bidder’s representatives. 5.2 Technical evaluation of the firms shall be based on information provided in Technical Proposals. Page 27 5.3 As a part of technical evaluation, bidders may be asked to conduct presentation/demonstration. 5.4 HEC will define the Technical Evaluation Criteria which shall be provided to bidders prior to the bidder’s conference scheduled on Feb 20, 2007 at HEC. The Technical Evaluation Criteria will then become a part of this RFP. 5.5 Technical Evaluation Criteria and other related documents to RFP will be posted on HEC website address at 5.6 The Technical Evaluation will be based on the information provided in Technical Proposals and demonstration/presentation (if required by HEC). 5.7 On the basis of technical evaluation, the financial proposal of only technically responsive bidder will be opened in the presence of their representatives. 5.8 Financial proposals of bids found technically non-responsive will be returned unopened. 5.9 For this tender individual categories, weightage of Technical and Financial proposals shall be 70% and 30% respectively. 5.10 The bid found lowest and technically compliance evaluated bid will be accepted. 6.0 Minimum Requirements for Service Level Agreement (SLA) (For CAT-I, CAT-II, CAT-III) Following requirements for SLA apply to CAT-1, CAT-II, CAT-III of RFP 6.1 Selected Bidder shall provide 3 years Warranty/Services for the equipment and Software Support and Bidder shall ensure that all equipment (items) and its parts supply to HEC are new and free from any sort of defects. 6.2 A SLA shall be signed with successful bidder for 3 Years Warranty/ Services after the commissioning of equipment mentioned in BOQ. 6.3 Escalation response time shall be 30 minutes in working hours and 1-5 hours in non working hours. 6.4 The backup of an item and any of its parts with same specification shall be provided within 2 hours and replacement shall be provided within 2 weeks. 6.5 Any cause of delay in response and rectification of fault will lead to financial penalties to the selected bidder and details of penalties shall be incorporated in SLA. 6.6 Sample of SLA as per HEC’s requirement must be submitted with Technical Proposal. Page 27 7.0 Terms of Payment The payment terms and conditions are same for all categories. However Payment of contract price shall be made in the following manner. HEC may consider any other alternative arrangement which falls in the legal framework of Government of Pakistan (GoP) at the time of Contract signing with selected bidder. 7.1 Fifty percent (50%) cost of Contract Value shall be paid as advance payment against the Bank guarantee of equal amount, and will be released after successful delivery of all equipment at HEC. 7.2 Forty percent (40%) of the Contract Value shall be payable to successful bidder upon successful installation, integration, testing & commissioning of all equipment including successful interoperability of equipment with a satisfactory working report. 7.3 Ten Percent (10%) of the total Contract Value will be retained as security/retention money and will be released after one year from the date of commissioning. 7.4 Two (02) years extended services as per SLA Clauses shall be subject to renewal of Contract agreement after one year. Payments will be made accordingly. 7.5 All Government taxes will be deducted from the Successful bidder as per rules. 8.0 Liquidated Damages Liquidated damages shall be applicable as under: a) b) c) d) e) Delay of one week to handover the project as per specifications = 0.5% of the total cost Delay of two weeks to handover the project as per specifications = 1.0% of the total cost Delay of three weeks to handover the project as per specifications = 2.0% of the total cost Delay of four weeks to handover the project as per specifications = 4.0% of the total cost Delay beyond four weeks shall be charged at 2% for every delayed week in addition to 4.0% as mentioned above subject to the cost not exceeding 10% of the total cost. 9.0 Terms and Conditions of Successful bidder (For all Categories) 9.1 The selected bidders shall provide the technical documentation as well as user’s manual for all equipment both in the form of hard copy/soft copy. Page 27 9.2 After the approval of tender, a contract agreement on the stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- shall be executed by the firm with selected bidder Within 7 days from the date of issuance of Letter of Intent. 9.3 The earnest money of the successful bidder will be refunded after the supply, integration, testing and commissioning of equipment as mentioned in BoQ. 9.4 Ten percent (10%) of the Contract Value will be retained as security for one year from the date of commissioning. 9.5 All the material required for the work completion other than explicitly mentioned in the BoQ of this RFP will be the responsibility of the successful bidder. 9.6 Successful bidder is bound to deliver all items of BOQ at HEC, Islamabad premises at his own risk and expenses. 10.0 General Terms and Conditions (For all Categories) Following general terms & conditions apply to all categories of RFP 10.1 A bank draft equal to 2% of the total bid value should accompany the tender as earnest money drawn in favour of D.G. (Finance), Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. The tender shall not be considered without earnest money. 10.2 If a bidder has quoted multiple options in this case bidder should require submitting the earnest money equal to 2% of highest quoted option. Further the amount of any optional equipment shall be added to bid value. 10.3 The amount submitted as Earnest Money shall be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders after the decision of “Tender Committee” for the award of said Tender. Incomplete and conditional tenders will not be entertained. 10.4 Only authorized dealer, registered reseller & partner, etc. can participate (documentary proof is mandatory). 10.5 The bidder should be registered with Sales Tax and Income Tax Department. 10.6 An affidavit to the effect that the firm has not been blacklisted by any Government/Semi Government organization. 10.7 The Commission reserves the right to accept/reject wholly or partially any tender without assigning any reason at any stage of the tender process. 10.8 As per requirement, quantities of equipment or its parts can be increased/decreased at the time of issuance of purchase order. 10.9 Validity period of the bids shall be 90 days. 10.10 The decisions of HEC will be binding on all concerned and will in no case be challengeable at any forum or any court of law. Page 27 10.11 Bids are liable to be rejected if; they are not conforming the terms, conditions and specifications stipulated in this RFP. 10.12 During the examination, evaluation and comparison of the bids the HEC, at its sole discretion, may ask the bidder for clarifications of its bid. 10.13 The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing/email and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. 10.14 If there is a discrepancy between unit price and total price in the submitted bid which is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between the words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail. If there is a mistake in addition/ totalling, that shall be corrected. If the bidder does not accept the corrected amount of bid, his bid shall be rejected and his tender security forfeited. 10.15 For this tender all updates/changes shall be communicated through email and also be posted on HEC website at the link mentioned in clause 5.5. 10.16 In case of any dispute between the two parties of any matter arising out of after signing the contract agreement, the case shall be referred to Executive Director, HEC whose decision shall be final and binding on both parties. 10.17 Delivery time for all items is (04) weeks to (08) weeks after the receipt of supply order. In case of delay, the Executive Director, reserves the right to impose penalty not exceeding 10% of the total amount of the contract. 10.18 If the supply is not made to the satisfaction of HEC, the Executive Director. reserves the right to cancel the supply order the work done by some other tender subject to the condition that if the first party has to pay any amount in access of the agreement amount the difference will be recovered from the second party. 10.19 An affidavit to the effect that the firm has not been blacklisted by any Government/Semi Government organization. 10.20 Bids submitted via email or fax will not be entertained 10.21 Bidders shall provide a certificate from their bank certifying their sound financial position and credit limit from the bank or any appropriate documentary proof (e.g. Annual Audit Report), showing the financial solution of the bidders. 10.22 Bidders indemnify HEC against all third party claims of infringement of patent trade mark industrial design rights arising form use of the goods of any part thereof in Pakistan. Page 27 11.0 Submission of Proposal 11.1 Bidder shall submit separate bid for each category clearly marked as CAT-I, CAT-II, CAT-III, CAT-IV, CAT-V and CAT-VI and send to address given in Tender Notice by courier or by hand. 11.2 Bids shall comprise of single envelop containing two separate envelops i.e. Technical and Financial Proposal and clearly marked Technical and Financial proposals. 11.3 Bidders shall submit 3 copies of Technical and Financial Proposals. 11.4 The last date for submission of proposal is March 27th, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. and the technical proposals will be opened on the same day at 3:30 a.m. 11.5 Technical Evaluation Criteria will be posted on the HEC website and also will be provided to bidders pre-bid meeting. 12.0 Meet or Exceed Specifications For all categories the specifications provided in this RFP are the minimum requirements of HEC. The venders must meet or exceed these specifications to meet the actual requirements of this Project and its successful practical implementation. But in such a case additionally proposed or altered specifications should clearly be highlighted to enable HEC to clearly identify modified specifications. 13.0 Clarifications Queries regarding this RFP shall be submitted in writing to: M. Pervaiz Khan Director NIS Higher Education Commission H – 9, Islamabad. Phone: 9040424 Anwar Amjad IT Consultant/Project Director Higher Education Commission H – 9, Islamabad. Phone: 9040554 Page 27 CAT-I Servers and Storage Page 27 Additional Terms and Conditions for CAT-I 14.0 These are the terms and conditions applicable to this particular category in addition to the terms & conditions mentioned earlier. 14.1 Bidder shall quote for complete solution of category. 14.2 For ordering purpose the price evaluation will be done against complete/whole items of this category. Cat-I Servers and Storage S# 1 Item Name Storage Area Network (SAN) 2 3 Servers Type-1 Quote Add-on Prices Separately 4 5 Servers Type-1 Quote Add-on Prices Separately 6 Description SAN Storage SAN Switches FC Ports (Optional) Tape Library with SAN Connectivity Backup Management Software Host Bus Adapter 4 Way Machine Remote Management Host Bus Adapter Processors RAM Cables 2 Way Machine 6 x 73GB Hot-Swap 15 K RPM SAS HDD 6 x 300GB Hot-Swap 10K RPM SAS HDD 6 x 146 GB Hot-Swap 15K RPM SAS HDD Remote Management Host Bus Adapter RAM Cables Tape Backup Solution Page 27 Qty. 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 CAT-II Active Network Components with Interfaces and Modules Page 27 Additional Terms and Conditions for CAT-II 15.0 These are the terms and conditions applicable to this particular category in addition to the terms & conditions mentioned earlier. 15.1 Bidder shall quote for complete solution of category. 15.2 For ordering purpose the price evaluation will be done against complete/whole items of this category. S# 1 2 3 Cat-II Active Network Components with Interfaces and Modules Item Name Description Router Cisco 3845 Router Cisco Router 2851 Cisco NM-1CE1T1-PRI (1-port Channelized E1/T1/ISDN-PRI network module) Core Switch Cisco 6506E (Complete Functional Box) 16 ports GBIC based Modules (Cisco WS-X6816-GBIC including Distributed Forwarding Card WS-F6700DFC3B or Higher with standard default memory) Cisco 48 Ports Express Forwarding 720 Copper 10/100/1000 Ethernet Interface Module (WS-X6748-GETX with Distributed Cisco Express Forwarding Daughter Card WS-F6700-DFC3B) 1000BASE-LX/LH Transceiver (Cisco WS-G5486) for SMF. 1000BASE-SX Transceiver (CiscoWS-G5484) for MMF. Edge Switch Cisco WS-C2960-24TC-L or equivalent (24 10/100 + 2 dual-purpose uplinks, LAN Base image, and dual purpose uplinks must support LX/LH and SX GBIC) Cisco WS-C2960-48TC-L (48 10/100 + 2 dual-purpose uplinks, LAN Base image, and dual purpose uplinks must support LX/LH and SX GBIC) Qty 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 10 2 3 Cisco WS-X3500-XL ( GigaStack GBIC and 50 centimeter cable for GigaStack GBIC) 6 Cisco CAB-GS-1M (1 meter cable for GigaStack GBIC) 2 1000BASE-LX/LH Transceiver (Cisco WS-G5486) for SMF. 1000BASE-SX Transceiver (CiscoWS-G5484or Equivalent) for MMF. 2 Page 27 5 CAT-III Power Backup Solution with Installation, Maintenance and Accessories Page 27 16.0 Additional Terms and Conditions for CAT-III These are the terms and conditions applicable to this particular category in addition to the terms & conditions mentioned earlier. 16.1 Bidder shall quote for complete solution of category. 16.2 Bidders are required to visit HEC Data Centre and Electrical Power Room before submitting their bids in order to align their proposal according to HEC requirement. 16.3 For ordering purpose the price evaluation will be done against complete/whole items of this category. Cat-III Power Backup Solution with Installation, Maintenance and Accessories S# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Item Name 40 KVA UPS 40 KVA upgradeable up to 80 KVA UPS 1KVA UPS Additional Battery Bank Additional Power Module Stabilizer 120 KVA PDU(s) Service Bypass Panel Page 27 Qty 2 2 10 1 1 1 6 1 CAT-IV Network Restructuring with Accessories Page 27 Additional Terms and Conditions for CAT-IV 17.0 These are the terms and conditions applicable to this particular category in addition to the terms & conditions mentioned earlier. 17.1 Bidder must quote for complete solution of this category. 17.2 Bidders are required to visit HEC Data Centre and Electric Power Room before submitting their bids in order to align their solution according to HEC requirement. For ordering purpose the price evaluation will be done against complete/whole 17.3 items of this category. Bidder will be responsible for supply, dressing, tagging and re-engineering of items 17.4 proposed in BOQ. 17.5 Cabinet Dressing is required as per industry practices/standard. 17.6 Number of nodes, equipment, cabling & other accessories can be increased or decreased as per requirement. 17.7 Cable sample shall be provided and got approved by HEC prior to the start of work. 17.8 Cost should be inclusive of any other component or equipment required to complete the scope of work. Bidders are required to quote price for items (a) & (d) of this category shall remain 17.9 valid for a period of 2 years Cat-IV Network Restructuring with Accessories S# 1 2 3 4 Item Name Passive Components (Patch Panels, Patch Cords, Face Plates, Cables) KVM Switch 16 Port 42U Equipment Rack (Imported) 16U Equipment Rack (Imported) Page 27 Qty For 100 Nodes 2 2 10 CAT-V Software Packages Page 27 Additional Terms and Conditions for CAT-V 18.0 These are the terms and conditions applicable to this particular category in addition to the terms & conditions mentioned earlier. 18.1 Bidders may quote for any item or complete items of this category. 18.2 For ordering purpose the price evaluation will be done against each item. 18.3 Bidder shall commit to provide minimum 2 years updates and upgrade versions of the software supplied free of charge as well as the patches as they are released over this period. 18.4 Selected Bidder shall be responsible for Onsite Commissioning and Integration of software. Cat-V Software Packages S# 1 a b 2 3 a b c d 4 a b c d e f g h I J 5 Item Name Description Graphics Software Adobe Photoshop CS2 or latest OEM Version Coral Draw (Latest) OEM Version Enterprise Antivirus Solution Antivirus (Symantec, MacAfee, Panda, Trend Micro) or equivalent and for 400 Clients and 10 Servers Network Management Software AdvenNet OpManager Professional Edition or equivalent (Latest) with Training AdvenNet Manage Engine Service Desk Plus or equivalent with Training AdvanNet Net flow Analyzer or equivalent with Training for Unlimited Devices Pack for Unlimited user Pack for Unlimited Devices Pack OpManager MSP Edition or equivalent with Training for Unlimited Devices Pack Server Software (Windows and Linux) Windows Server 2003 R2 EE with five cal for server and terminal services MS ISA 2004 EE or Latest MS Share Point Portal 2003 or Latest MS Exchange Server 2003 or Latest Live Communication Server 2005 EE or latest MS identity Integration Server (MIIS) 2003 or latest Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 (20 Cal) Novell Open Workgroup suit (20 Cal) Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS Red Hat Directory Server for Enterprise Print Manager (Description: Print Management/audit/accounting/quota etc of end user.) Page 27 Qt y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 27 CAT-VI I T E q u i p m e n t / Ac c e s s o r i e s Page 27 19.0 Additional Terms and Conditions for CAT-VI These are the terms and conditions applicable to this particular category in addition to the terms & conditions mentioned earlier. 19.1 Bidders may quote for any item or complete items of this category. 19.2 For ordering purpose the price evaluation will be done against each item. 19.3 Selected Bidder will provide 3 years comprehensive warranty/services for the equipment and Software Support and Bidder should ensure that all equipment (items) and its parts supply to HEC are new and free from any sort of defects. 19.4 A SLA will be signed with successful bidder for 3 Years for warranty/services at the time of Commissioning. 19.5 Escalation response time would be 30 minutes in working hours and 1-5 hours in non working hours. 19.6 The backup of an item and any of its parts with same specification will be provided within 2 hours and replacement will be provided within 2 weeks. 19.7 Any cause of delay in response and rectification of fault will lead to financial penalties to the selected bidder and details of penalties will be incorporated in SLA. 19.8 Sample of SLA as per requirement must be submitted with Technical Proposals. Cat-VI IT Equipment/Accessories S# 1 2 Item Name Desktop Computers Description Branded Monitor: LCD 15" Flat Screen (Philips, View Sonic) Monitor: CRT 15" Screen (Philips, View Sonic) Notebook (1) USB Adapter Hub (4 port) 6-cell Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery Optical Mouse Port Replicator Power Adapter 3 Notebook (2) Power Adapter USB Adapter Hub (4 port) 6-cell Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery Optical Mouse Port Replicator Memory 2 GB DDR2 533 MHz (2 x 1GB) Page 27 Qty 75 Per Unit Price Per Unit Price 20 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 25 Desktop Printer Network Printer Color Printer Scanner Photo Copier Digital Video Camera Digital Camera FAX Machine External Hard Drives (Passport Size) PDA(s) Flash Drives Multimedia Projector with 50’’ Portable screen & Ceiling mount kit 12 1 2 2 2 4 2 50 5 50 1 Page 27