Report Produced 18/09/2008 Town FOCUS Report on Leeds Leeds city benefits from excellent communications being situated at the intersection of the M1, M62 and M621 motorways. The city is 40 miles north east of Manchester, 24 miles south west of York and 206 miles north of London. The suburb of Horsforth is a prosperous area within the Leeds conurbation 7 miles north of the city centre and 8 miles north east of Bradford. Rail services to London Kings Cross are available in approximately 2 hours 12 minutes. Major facilities include the White Rose Shopping Centre and the Merrion Centre. Demographic Urban Area District GB Resident 2001 443,247.0 715,402 57,103,927 Resident 1991 422,907 680,722 54,888,844 Urban Area District GB 2001 Total 188,890.0 301,614 23,852,721 1991 Total 178,079 281,152 21,897,322 Population within 10km of Centre 453,158 (1994 estimate) Population within 20km of Centre 1,762,218 (1994 estimate) District GB Population Households Urban Area 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 % Total Population Male 48.2 48.06 48.3 48.19 48.6 48.42 % Total Population Female 51.8 51.94 51.7 51.81 51.4 51.58 Note: Care must be taken when interpreting intercensal population change, as there have been changes in definition between 1991 and 2001, and the 2001 counts have been adjusted to account for under-enumeration. UA 2001 Age Structure GB 2001 Age Structure 2001 Census Data - Population by Age Age (%) 0-04 Urban Area District GB 5.8 5.7 5.9 05-09 6.4 6.3 6.3 10-19 14.3 13.4 12.8 20-29 17.7 15.2 12.6 30-44 21.2 22.0 22.6 45-59 15.6 17.3 19.0 60-64 4.3 4.6 4.9 65-74 7.7 8.1 8.4 75 and over 7.0 7.3 7.5 443,247.0 715,402 57,103,927 All Ages UA 1991 Age Structure Age Structure 1991 (%) GB 1991 Age Structure Urban Area District GB 0-4 7.4 6.8 6.6 5 - 15 13.5 13.3 13.5 16 - 17 2.4 2.5 2.5 18 - 29 20.2 18.9 18.2 30 - 44 20.1 20.8 21.2 45 - Pensionable age 17.6 18.9 19.3 Pension - 74 11.8 11.7 11.7 75 and Over 7.2 7.1 7.0 Socio-Economic Mosaic Consumer Classifications Urban Area GB Symbols of Success 6.49 10.53 Happy Families 4.95 11.46 Suburban Comfort 13.48 16.06 Ties of Community 17.88 16.33 Urban Intelligence 14.46 6.95 Welfare Borderline 8.60 5.29 Municipal Dependency 18.70 6.40 Blue Collar Enterprise 8.48 11.56 Twilight Subsistence 3.54 2.74 Grey Perspectives 3.27 6.71 Rural Isolation 0.00 5.64 Unclassified 0.15 0.34 Note: A brief definition of each consumer group can be found in the Notes section. Source: Mosaic UK, Experian Ltd, Embankment House, Electric Avenue, Nottingham, NG80 1EH (Tel. 0115 968 5151) Urban Area Class Groupings 2001 GB Area Class Groupings 2001 Class Groupings 2001 (%) Urban Area District GB AB. Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional 18.5 20.70 21.70 C1. Supervisory clerical junior managerial/administrative/professional 28.1 29.00 29.40 E. On state benefit unemployed lowest grade workers 19.4 17.80 16.60 D. Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers 20.7 18.50 17.20 C2. Skilled manual workers 13.4 14.00 15.10 Urban Area District GB 3.8 14.9 8.8 16.2 9.1 3.7 0.8 42.3 0.4 3.8 17.5 8.9 16.7 8.2 3.0 1.0 39.5 1.4 4.1 18.9 8.3 16.4 8.4 2.9 1.6 38.3 1.1 Urban Area District GB Urban Area Class Groupings 1991 Class Groupings 1991 (%) GB Area Class Groupings 1991 I II III Non-manual Manual IV V Other Econom. Inactive Unclassified Car Ownership (%) Households with no car (%) 1 Car 2 Cars + 3 Cars 4 Cars + Cars per Household (no. of cars) 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 42.0 40.4 14.8 2.2 0.7 0.8 48.9 37.8 13.3 N/a N/a 0.7 34.5 42.0 19.6 3.1 0.9 0.9 41.3 40.4 18.3 N/a N/a 0.8 27.5 43.8 23.1 4.4 1.3 1.1 33.4 43.5 23.1 N/a N/a 0.9 Household Tenure (%) Owner Occupier Rented Private Rented Other Housing Urban Area District GB 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 52.9 31.5 10.6 5.0 52.8 33.5 8.0 5.8 62.2 25.2 8.4 4.2 61.4 27.2 6.7 4.7 68.3 19.9 9.6 2.2 66.4 21.4 7.1 5.1 Economy Employment Profile(%) Urban Area District GB Note: 16-74 for 2001, but 16-64 for 1991* 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 Male 16 - 74 Full Time * (active) Male 16 - 74 Part Time * (active) Male 16 - 74 Self Employed * (active) Male 16 - 74 Unemployed (active) Male 16 - 74 Full-time student(active) Male 16 - 74 Retired (inactive) Male 16 - 74 Student (inactive) Male 16 - 74 Looking after home (inactive) Male 16 - 74 Permanently disabled (inactive) Male 16 - 74 Other (inactive) 47.2 3.5 8.4 5.6 4.3 10.2 9.8 1.1 6.8 3.3 58.8 2.9 10.1 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a 51.1 3.3 9.8 4.5 3.4 11.1 7.2 0.9 5.9 2.8 61.6 2.2 11.1 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a 49.6 4.7 11.3 4.2 2.5 12.1 4.7 1.7 6.3 2.9 60.3 2.1 13.1 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a Note: 16-74 for 2001, but 16-64 for 1991* 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 Female 16 - 74 Full Time * (active) Female 16 - 74 Part Time * (active) Female 16 - 74 Self Employed * (active) Female 16 - 74 Unemployed (active) Female 16 - 74 Full-time student(active) Female 16 - 74 Retired (inactive) Female 16 - 74 Student (inactive) Female 16 - 74 Looking after home (inactive) Female 16 - 74 Permanently disabled (inactive) Female 16 - 74 Other (inactive) 28.4 18.4 2.5 2.6 4.6 14.1 9.4 10.7 5.3 4.0 36.6 24.3 3.0 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a 30.3 20.3 3.3 2.2 3.8 15.2 6.9 9.9 4.7 3.3 37.0 24.4 3.3 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a 19.8 30.0 4.3 2.5 2.8 15.5 4.6 11.7 5.1 3.6 36.2 21.9 4.0 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a Note: Data marked N/a = Not Available Claimant Count Unemployment Rate (%) TTWA GB Apr-08 2.8 2.3 Jan-08 2.8 2.3 Oct-07 2.7 2.2 Apr-07 3.1 2.6 Jan-07 3.1 2.5 Oct-06 3.2 2.6 Jul-06 3.2 2.7 Apr-06 3.2 2.7 Jan-06 3.0 2.6 Oct-05 2.8 2.4 Jul-05 2.8 2.4 Apr-05 2.8 2.4 Jan-05 2.6 2.4 Oct-04 2.5 2.2 Jul-04 2.5 2.3 Apr-04 2.6 2.5 Jan-04 2.7 2.6 Oct-03 2.6 2.4 Jul-03 2.9 2.6 Apr-03 2.9 2.6 Jan-03 3.0 2.7 Oct-02 2.8 2.5 Jul-02 3.0 2.6 Apr-02 2.9 2.7 Jan-02 3.0 2.8 Oct-01 2.8 2.5 Jul-01 3.0 2.6 Apr-01 3.1 2.7 Jan-01 3.2 2.9 Claimant count data are © Crown Copyright and are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland. Claimant Count Unemployment Rates for UK towns and GB figures, excluding London Boroughs are supplied by ONS. Claimant Count Unemployment Rates for UK towns, excluding London Boroughs are expressed as a proportion of the resident working age population (females 16-59, males 16-64). Copyright © Greater London Authority, 2007. Claimant Count Unemployment Rates for London Boroughs are supplied by GLA (excluding GB figure). Claimant Count Unemployment Rates for London Boroughs are expressed as a proportion of the resident labour force. Employment by Sector TTWA District GB 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 13.0 0.5 5.9 5.5 6.7 19.0 26.9 1.2 4.4 17.0 19.7 2.8 4.3 *22.2 5.8 14.7 30.5 N/a N/a *10.7 14.2 0.8 6.3 4.9 6.5 19.3 25.1 1.1 4.6 17.2 26.9 2.6 4.6 *21.4 4.7 10.6 29.3 N/a N/a *10.5 14.8 1.9 6.8 4.8 7.0 17.5 23.9 0.8 5.8 16.6 21.2 3.3 4.5 *21.5 6.1 12.1 31.2 N/a N/a *10.7 Main Sectors Manufacturing Industries Primary Industries Construction Hotels & Catering (*) Transport & Communication Banking, Finance & Business Services Other Services Utilities Public Admin & Defence Retail (*) Note I: Data marked N/a = Not Available (*) Note II: % for 1991 not directly comparable (*) Note III: for further explanation of non-comparable sectors, see Notes at end of Report Main Employers Company Name Size/Staff Number Activity Leeds Metropolitan University 3000 Universities Unison 2500 Trade Unions Arla Foods Plc 2000 Dairies Gamestec Leisure 2000 Amusement Machines G E Capital Global 1799 Credit & Finance Companies Education Leeds 1700 Educational Services Direct Line Insurance 1500 First Direct 1500 Banks & Financial Institutions Manheim Europe 1200 Auctioneers & Valuers Leeds Mental Health Teaching Nhs Trust 1000 Hospitals I T V Yorkshire 1000 Broadcasting Services Green Flag Breakdown 1000 Car Breakdown Recovery Uki Partnerships 1000 Insurance - Other Seacroft Green Shopping Centre 1000 Shopping Centres Carlisle Facilities Services 999 Cleaning & Maintenance Services Trade Union Studies Centre 900 Schools & Colleges Exel For Somerfield 900 Road Haulage Services Farnell Inone 900 Electronic Components Source: Experian (July 2006) Note: This is a guide to the main employers, from information available - in some cases, no staff numbers are given. Where possible, a maximum of 20 employers are shown Commercial Property Guide to Prime Rents Offices -Jul 07 £ 25.00 psf -Jul 06 £ 25.00 psf -Jul 05 £ 24.00 psf -Jul 04 £ 23.00 psf -Jul 03 £ 23.00 psf -May 02 £ 22.50 psf -Jan 01 £ 20.40 psf -Jul 00 £ 20.40 psf -Jul 99 £ 18.50 psf -Jul 98 £ 18.50 psf -Jul 97 £ 19.50 psf -Dec 96 £ 19.10 psf Offices Chart: Source Note: Office Rental data is supplied by King Sturge LLP, 30 Warwick Street, London, W1B 5NH (Tel: 020 7493 4933; Fax: 020 7499 0569) Data is for hypothetical prime rents for Grade A office space. Also refer to Notes at the end of this report. Retail ZA -Jun 07 £ 310.00 psf -Jun 06 £ 310.00 psf -Jun 05 £ 310.00 psf -Jun 04 £ 270.00 psf -Jun 03 £ 270.00 psf -Jun 02 £ 270.00 psf -Jun 01 £ 250.00 psf -Jun 00 £ 225.00 psf -Jun 99 £ 200.00 psf -Jun 98 £ 200.00 psf -Jun 97 £ 175.00 psf -Jun 96 £ 140.00 psf -Jun 95 £ 135.00 psf -Jun 94 £ 135.00 psf -Jun 93 £ 125.00 psf -Jun 92 £ 135.00 psf -Jun 91 £ 150.00 psf -Jun 90 £ 177.00 psf -Jun 89 £ 140.00 psf -Jun 88 £ 130.00 psf -Jun 87 £ 100.00 psf Retail ZA Chart: Source Retail Zone A Rental data is supplied by Colliers CRE, 9 Marylebone Lane, London W1U 1HL (Tel 020 7935 4499; Fax 020 7409 3124) Note: These retail rents are based upon Colliers CRE's opinion of open market Zone A rents. The rental values relate to a hypothetical shop unit of optimum size and configuration in the prime pitch and have been arrived at by adopting zone sizes standard for the location. Also refer to Notes at the end of this report. Industrial -Dec 06 £ 5.50 psf -Dec 05 £ 5.50 psf -Dec 04 £ 5.50 psf -Dec 03 £ 5.50 psf -Dec 02 £ 5.75 psf -Dec 01 £ 5.75 psf -Dec 00 £ 5.75 psf -Dec 99 £ 5.60 psf -Dec 98 £ 5.25 psf -Dec 97 £ 5.00 psf -Dec 96 £ 4.75 psf -Dec 95 £ 4.50 psf -Dec 94 £ 4.50 psf -Dec 93 £ 4.50 psf -Dec 92 £ 4.50 psf -Dec 91 £ 4.50 psf -Dec 90 £ 4.50 psf Industrial Chart: Source: Industrial Rental data is supplied by GVA Grimley, 10 Stratton Street, London W1J 8JR (Tel 0870 900 8990) Residential Property New dwellings Date 2 Bed Flat 2 Bed Terrace Secondhand dwellings 3 Bed Semi-Det Jul 06 n/a n/a n/a Inter War SemiDet 135,000 Post 60s Detached 225,000 Post 60s Flat 85,000 Jan 06 n/a n/a n/a 130,000 225,000 80,000 Jul 05 n/a n/a n/a 115,000 225,000 85,000 Jan 05 n/a n/a n/a 110,000 225,000 80,000 Jul 04 n/a n/a n/a 100,000 215,000 75,000 Jan 04 n/a n/a n/a 90,000 190,000 70,000 Oct 03 n/a n/a n/a 81,000 175,000 66,000 Apr 03 n/a n/a n/a 81,000 150,000 64,000 Oct 02 n/a n/a n/a 80,000 137,500 60,000 Apr 02 n/a n/a n/a 75,000 132,500 57,500 Oct 01 n/a n/a n/a 72,500 130,000 55,000 Apr 01 55,000 50,000 62,500 55,000 140,000 45,000 Oct 00 50,000 47,500 59,000 55,000 140,000 40,000 Apr 00 40,000 45,000 59,000 48,000 132,500 37,500 Oct 99 40,000 40,000 55,000 45,000 130,000 35,000 Apr 99 40,000 36,000 50,000 45,000 130,000 35,000 Oct 98 40,000 36,000 45,000 45,000 125,000 35,000 Apr 98 40,000 36,000 45,000 45,000 100,000 35,000 Source: Valuation Office Agency from their Property Market Reports (PMRs) Note: Minimum prices are quoted above from the range given in the PMRs up to Apr 2001. From Oct 2001 onwards, only 'average' prices will be available, so not directly comparable and explains why graphs can show sharp change between Apr and Oct 2001. For New Dwellings from Oct 2001 onwards, PMRs no longer provide prices Residential Property Chart: Retailing Chart of Number of Requirements by Date Retail Demand ( extracted from Retail FOCUS) No. of Requirements Ranking (1st highest) Date 201 1 Oct 07 200 1 Apr 07 195 2 Oct 06 207 2 Apr 06 222 2 Oct 05 221 2 Apr 05 210 1 Oct 04 186 2 Apr 04 203 2 Oct 03 189 3 Apr 03 202 3 Oct 02 198 3 Apr 02 167 5 Oct 01 161 7 Apr 01 161 5 Oct 00 175 1 Apr 00 191 1 Oct 99 203 2 Apr 99 176 2 Oct 98 170 4 Apr 98 157 5 Oct 97 130 5 Apr 97 125 4 Nov 96 126 2 Apr 96 120 2 Jul 95 105 3 Feb 95 104 2 Jun 94 91 3 Jan 94 87 3 Jun 93 Top 20 Retailers Top 20 Retailers Present in Town Centre 85% of top 20 Retailers present Rank Retailer 1 BOOTS 2 MARKS AND SPENCERS 3 ARGOS 4 WOOLWORTHS 5 DEBENHAMS 7 WH SMITH 8 BHS 9 NEXT 10 DIXONS 11 SUPERDRUG 13 WILKINSON 15 PRIMARK 16 NEW LOOK 17 HMV 18 DOROTHY PERKINS 19 ROSEBYS 20 WATERSTONES Top 20 Retailers Not Present in Town Centre Rank Retailer 6 JOHN LEWIS 12 LLOYDS PHARMACY 14 CO OP DEPARTMENT STORES Definition of Top 20 Retailers : These are the top 20 comparison goods multiples ranked by ORC's forecast of average town centre sales for individual Retailers within GB. Source: ORC Data Services, Goldings, Michaels Court, Hanney Road, Southmoor, Oxon, OX13 5HR (Tel: 01865 821112; Fax: 01865 821567) Street Ranking - Top 3 Town Street LEEDS BRIGGATE Postcode LS1 6AS LEEDS COMMERCIAL STREET LS1 6EX LEEDS ALBION STREET LS1 6HX Definition of Street Rankings : Street RankingsTM identifies multiples (stores with 5 or more locations) located on the main shopping streets of 760 major retail towns in Great Britain. Multiples are then allocated an attraction value based on sales density and average selling area. Using these attraction values, Street RankingsTM ranks each street, within a town centre, by the combined attractiveness of its stores Source: ORC Data Services, Goldings, Michaels Court, Hanney Road, Southmoor, Oxon, OX13 5HR (Tel: 01865 821112; Fax: 01865 821567) Shopping Catchment Spend Summary (£) Comparison Goods Spend 985,290,679 Core Convenience Goods Spend 514,133,227 Definition of Shopping Catchment Spend Sumnmary : The shopping catchment is ORC's forecast of the population and their spend attributed to a retail centre - taking account of all competing retail centres. The figures shown here are the annual spend for both comparison goods and convenience goods within this catchment Source: ORC Data Services, Goldings, Michaels Court, Hanney Road, Southmoor, Oxon, OX13 5HR (Tel: 01865 821112; Fax: 01865 821567) Retail Developments Name Aireside Centre Type Retail Park Size 121,001 square feet 11,241.0 square metres Anchor Tenant Fabric Warehouse Anchor Tenant MFI Anchor Tenant Sleepmasters Anchor Tenant Sound Control Anchor Tenant Suite Success Letting Agent DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Letting Agent King Sturge Owner BriTel Fund Trustees Owner Hermes Property Asset Management Updated 14-Jan-08 Name Arndale Centre (Headingley) Type Shopping Centre Size 112,000 square feet 10,409.0 square metres Opened 1965 Anchor Tenant Safeway Anchor Tenant Superdrug Anchor Tenant Wilkinson Developer/Owner Tiger 2 Letting Agent Churston Heard Managing Agent CLMS Managing Agent Workman & Partners Owner SOS Properties Updated 02-Jul-07 Notes O2 UK Ltd has taken 866 sq ft (80 sq m) of retail space within Unit 7 on a 10-year lease at £37,500 pa, with an undisclosed Zone A rent. Savills Commercial acted on behalf of the landlord. Francis & Co acted on behalf of O2 UK Ltd. (Agent Website 25/10/06 Savills Commercial) Springwell Easylet Ltd has taken 1,363 sq ft (127 sq m) of A2 space within Unit 10 on a 10-year lease at £40,750 pa. Savills Commercial acted on behalf of the landlord. (Agent Website 25/10/06 Savills Commercial) Superdrug occupies Units 20-21 comprising 10,929 sq ft at the centre on a 25-year lease from March 1988.Tiger Developments has sold the centre to SOS Properties for more than £23m, a 5% initial yield. (EG 17/12/2005)PC Friend has taken space at the centre. (06/02/04) Name Birstall Shopping Park Type Retail Park Size 125,146 square feet 11,631.0 square metres Anchor Tenant Boots Anchor Tenant Carpetright Anchor Tenant DFS Anchor Tenant Gap Anchor Tenant JD Sports Anchor Tenant MFI Anchor Tenant Mamas & Papas Anchor Tenant Next Anchor Tenant Sports Soccer Anchor Tenant Toys R Us Letting Agent Wilkinson Williams Managed By Pillar Property Owner Hercules Unit Trust Owner Hermes Property Asset Management Updated 20-Apr-07 Notes Birstall Shopping Park is part of an established retail and leisure destination adjacent to Junction 27 of the M62 Motorway and a 31,000 sq m (335,000 sq ft) Ikea store.There are a number of other solus units in the vicinity of the property including Habitat, Borders and Comet. On the opposite side of the A62 Gelderd Road is a Showcase cinema and a number of fast food restaurants. The property currently comprises 12 units located in 2 blocks configured in an approximate "L" shape with customer car parking to the front and servicing to the rear. At the western end of the main terrace is a solus unit, which is outside the ownership of the Trust, and is owner-occupied by Toys R Us. The total gross internal floor area is 13,802 sq m (148,560 sq ft). Units range in size from 743 sq m (8,000 sq ft) to 2,780 sq m (29,925 sq ft). In total there are 834 car spaces providing a ratio of 1: 17 sq m (1: 179 sq ft), including the Toys R Us unit with which the car parking is shared. TenanciesCurrent tenants include Boots, Burton, Dorothy Perkins, Evans, Gap, HMV, Mamas & Papas, MFI, Next, Sports World, Wallis, WH Smith, Carpetright and DFS. (British Land Website 22/02/2006)Habitat is relocating to the park in October from its current unit at 37/38 Briggate. (PW 13/08/04)HMV is taking space totalling 8,000 sq ft at the scheme. (RW 21/05/04)Next has relocated to a larger unit totalling 16,000 sq ft . (EG 01/11/03)Hercules Unit Trust is buying Pillar's interest in the park for £31.5m. (EG 18/05/02)Boots has taken space at the Park. (Shopping Centre Aug 01) Name Bramley District Shopping Centre Type Shopping Centre Size 120,749 square feet 11,222.0 square metres Opened 1978 Anchor Tenant Morrisons Developer Legal & General Letting Agent Jackson Criss Letting Agent Sanderson Weatherall Owner Lathe Investments Owner Redleaf IV Updated 12-Mar-07 Notes Greggs, Clinton's Cards and The Halifax all occupy space at the centre. (FOCUS Research 12/03/07)Jackson Criss are marketing space in Units 18 and 20. (Property Particulars, Jackson Criss, 06/06)Redleaf IV, Lathe Investments's fund, has acquired the centre from Catalyst Capital for £13.2m, reflecting a net initial yield of 7% with a reversionary yield of 8.5%. The centre has 18,750 sq ft of office space. (PW 04/07/03) Name Colton Retail Park Type Retail Park Size 118,180 square feet 9,475.8 square metres Opened 1994 Anchor Tenant Boots Anchor Tenant Brantano Anchor Tenant JJB Sports Anchor Tenant Pets at Home Anchor Tenant Poundstretcher Anchor Tenant Sainsbury's Developer Trinity Investments Letting Agent Edgerley Simpson Howe and Partners Letting Agent FPD Savills Owner Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Updated 28-Mar-07 Notes Tenants include Next plc. Name Corn Xchange Type Shopping Centre Size 33,000 square feet 3,066.0 square metres Opened 1990 Owner Threadneedle Property Investment Updated 07-Feb-07 Notes Tenants include Ante, Bow Wow Wow, Condom Shop, Fabric Junkie, Kool and Rebop. (FOCUS Research 6/6/06)The centre manager is Annie Hinchliffe. Other centre's that she looks after include The Viking Centre (Jarrow), the Bridestones (Congleton) and Gwent Shopping Centre (Tredegar). (Shopping Centre Sept 03)Threadneedle Property Investment has acquired the centre from London Merchant Securities subsidiary Urbanfirst for more than £5m, reflecting a yield of just below 10%. The property houses 50 retailers. (PW 31/01/03)Tenants include Citrus Cafe, Bar Elemental, Raw, Mambo, Outrage, Kokomo, Loop, Ark, G23, Re-Bop, Brodericks and Nailed On. (Corn Xchange Website May 02)Arcadia has changed its name to Urbanfirst. (Shopping Centre Dec 00)Used to be known as The Corn Exchange.The Centre was extended in 2000. Name Crossgates Centre Type Shopping Centre Size 175,800 square feet 16,338.0 square metres Opened 1967 Anchor Tenant Boots Anchor Tenant New Look Anchor Tenant Superdrug Anchor Tenant Tesco Anchor Tenant Wilkinson Developer Arndale Developments Letting/Managing Agent Colliers CRE Owner John Gall Place Investment Ltd Updated 14-Jan-08 Notes Peacocks has opened a 9,000 sq ft shop at the centre. (Drapers 30/09/2006 p7)Donegal Place is buying the centre for £44m, reflecting a yield of just under 6%. (EG 20/11/04)A private Irish investor has placed the centre under offer. (EG 13/11/04)GE Capital, which acquired Haslemere in April 2004, is planning to sell a portfolio of shopping centres which includes Cross Gates, Middleton Grange in Hartlepool, the Mercat Centre in Kirkcaldy, the Four Seasons in Mansfield and the St Nicholas in Sutton. (EG 28/08/04)Haselmere and GE Real Estate have set up a £230m joint venture to own five of Haslemere's current shopping centres which includes the Crossgates. (PW 20/06/03)Tenants include Claire's Accessories, Card Factory, New Look, Thorntons, Officers Club, Superdrug, Stead & Simpson, Holland & Barrett, Intersport, Birthdays and Specsavers. (Centre Website Mar 03) Name Crown Point Retail Park Type Retail Park Size 279,301 square feet 25,957.0 square metres Opened 1988 Anchor Tenant Allied Carpets Anchor Tenant Argos Anchor Tenant Boots Anchor Tenant Carpetright Anchor Tenant Comet Anchor Tenant Currys Anchor Tenant JJB Sports Anchor Tenant Miller Bros Anchor Tenant Mothercare World Anchor Tenant Poundstretcher Anchor Tenant Rosebys Anchor Tenant Sharps Anchor Tenant Staples Anchor Tenant Thomas Cook Anchor Tenant Tiles R Us Developer NFC Plc Letting Agent Dalgleish Letting Agent Mason & Partners Owner Morley Fund Management Owner Norwich Union Life & Pensions Updated 20-Apr-07 Notes Morley Fund Management has gained planning permission for a refurbishment of the park and has agreed pre-lets with TK Maxx, Next and Hobbycraft. (RW 25/02/05) Name Granary Wharf Type Shopping Centre Size square feet Opened 1999 Developer/Owner National Association for the Speciality Food Trade Letting Agent King Sturge & Co Updated 05-Mar-07 Notes Walter Steiger has taken 1,135 sq ft (105 sq m) of retail space on confidential terms, with an undisclosed Zone A rent. Insignia Richard Ellis acted on behalf of the landlord. Tenants include Utopia Art, Yellow Sunrise, Dark Lime, Mantra and Woodlands Pine. (Centre Website Nov 03)A 1.32ha site underneath Leeds railway station. Retail outlets are to be made from old railway arches. Name Headrow Centre Type Shopping Centre Size 170,000 square feet 15,799.0 square metres Opened 1989 Anchor Tenant HMV Developer Clayform Properties Developer Tarmac Properties Letting Agent Churston Heard Owner BriTel Fund Trustees Owner Eaton House Investments Owner GE Capital Real Estate Owner Hermes Updated 20-Apr-07 Notes Tenants include Toyworld. (Toyworld Website 20/02/2006).Glenmore Properties is set to buy the centre. (EG 07/05/05)Darwood Management has taken space at the centre. (PW 24/03/05)GE Capital and Hermes placed the centre on the market in November 2004 for £62.5m, an initial yield of 5.62%. (EG 22/01/05)Toyworld is to take space at the centre for a flagship store. (Shopping Centre Oct 03)Sports Soccer and New Look have taken space at the scheme. (PW 27/06/03)Jumper has sub-let its unit at the centre to Herbal Inn. (RW 04/10/02)Hermes has sold the Centre to a joint venture between themselves and GE Capital Real Estate for £47.25m, reflecting an initial yield of 7.3%. (PW 29/06/01)Formerly known as the Schofields Centre. Name Junction 27 Retail Park (Birstall) Type Retail Park Size 111,558 square feet 10,368.0 square metres Anchor Tenant Barker & Stonehouse Anchor Tenant Currys Anchor Tenant Furniture Village Anchor Tenant ScS Anchor Tenant TGI Friday Letting Agent Savills Commercial Owner Henderson Global Investors Owner Henderson UK Retail Warehouse Fund Updated 20-Apr-07 Notes Tenants include HMV and Ikea (Focus Research 10/02/06)Courts has taken space at the park. Other tenants include Sofa Company and Harveys.(RW 25/06/04)Henderson Global Investors has acquired the park as part of a portfolio from Grantchester for £121.4m. (RW 08/03/02)Used to be known as West Yorkshire Retail Park. Name Killingbeck Retail Park Type Retail Park Size 66,983 square feet 6,212.0 square metres Opened 1991 Anchor Tenant B&Q Anchor Tenant Carpetright Anchor Tenant Comet Letting Agent Morgan Williams Owner Legal & General Investment Management Owner Legal & General Life Fund Updated 21-Feb-07 Notes Tenants include Asda Stores Ltd, Macdonalds and Mayer Brown Ltd. (Focus Research 21/02/2007) Name Kirkstall Valley Retail Park (Kirkstall) Type Retail Park Size 118,000 square feet 10,967.0 square metres Anchor Tenant Dunnes Anchor Tenant JJB Sports Anchor Tenant Morrisons Letting Agent Hill Woodhouse Owner William Morrison Updated 05-Mar-07 Notes Planning permission for a 19,000 sq ft extension to the park exists. (Definitive Guide to Retail & Leisure Parks 2002) Name Leeds Shopping Plaza Type Shopping Centre Size 315,000 square feet 29,275.0 square metres Opened 1977 Anchor Tenant Boots Anchor Tenant H&M Anchor Tenant JJB Sports Anchor Tenant TK Maxx Anchor Tenant Virgin Megastore Letting Agent Dalgleish Letting Agent Rees Denton Owner Leeds GP Owner Mall Nominee Owner Tops Estates plc Updated 20-Apr-07 Notes Land Securities Group plc has purchased the investment freehold interest in the 460,000 sq ft (47,734 sq m) shopping centre as part of a corporate deal comprising nine shopping centres and adjoining office space representing a 47.7% stake in the Tops Estates plc portfolio from Tops Estates plc for a total consideration of £517m, including debt, reflecting an initial yield of 5.4%, with an 8% vacancy rate and an equivalent yield ranging from 6.25% to 6.5%. The acquisition is subject to shareholders consent. (Property Week 13/05/05, FOCUS Verified 13/05/05 Land Securities/Richard Akers)Tenants include New Look, Accessorize, Oasis, Warehouse, Pilot, Adams and H Samuel. (Dalgleish Website May 04)Timpson has taken space at the centre. (RW 07/11/03)Wal-Mart is to open its first standalone George shop in the centre. (Shopping Centre Jul 03)Mark One has taken space at the centre. (PW 27/06/03)Tops Estates has acquired Haslemere's 33.33% interest in the scheme. (Shopping Centre Oct 01)Formerly known as the Bond Street Centre. Name Merrion Centre Type Shopping Centre Size 25,001 square feet 23,226.0 square metres Opened 1964 Anchor Tenant Morrisons Developer Harmer Ray Hoffbrand Letting Agent Harmer Ray Hoffbrand Letting Agent Peter Lund & Partners Managing Agent Town Centre Securities plc Owner Town Centre Securities plc Updated 16-Jul-07 Notes Holland & Barrett, Klick Photopoint. Julian Graves, Peacocks are some of the tenants at the centre which is anchored by Morrisons (FOCUS Research 30/05/06).Tenants include Greggs the Baker. (PW 10/09/04)Lloyds TSB has taken space at the Centre. (PW 01/06/01) Name Northside Retail Park Type Retail Park Size 46,020 square feet 4,275.0 square metres Anchor Tenant Aldi Anchor Tenant Barratts Anchor Tenant Burger King Anchor Tenant Chiltern Mills Anchor Tenant Greggs Anchor Tenant Poundstretcher Anchor Tenant Star Video Owner Unilever Superannuation Fund Nominees Updated 14-Jan-08 Name Seacroft Green Shopping Centre Type Shopping Centre Size 140,000 square feet 13,011.0 square metres Opened 2000 Anchor Tenant Tesco Extra Developer Asda Property Holdings Plc Developer St James Securities Letting Agent Peter Lund & Partners Owner Leeds City Council Owner Tesco Updated 16-Feb-07 Notes Asda Properties has sold the Centre to Tesco for £27.3m. (RW 05/10/01)The Famous Brunswick Warehouse has taken Unit 10A, comprising 372 sq m (4,000 sq ft) of retail space, from Asda St James on a 15-year FRI lease at £60,000 pa, equating to £161 psm (£15 psf), subject to five-yearly reviews. DTZ Debenham Tie Leung acted for Asda St James, while Tushingham Moore acted for the tenant. (Press Release 26/03/01 Tushingham Moore, Property Week 27/04/01 p108) Name St Johns Centre Type Shopping Centre Size 85,500 square feet 7,943.0 square metres Opened 1985 Anchor Tenant Poundland Anchor Tenant Top Shop Developer French Kier Letting Agent Douglas Stevens & Co Managing Agent Cushaman & Wakefield Healey & Baker Owner Hermes Updated 03-Jul-07 Notes Ponden Mill Ltd has taken space at the centre. (FOCUS Research 15/11/06)Poundland has taken 7,518 sq ft (698 sq m) of retail space within Units 15, 16, 17 and 25 from Britel Fund Trustees Ltd on a 10-year lease at £219,977 pa, with a Zone A rent of £85.94 psf, subject to a rent review in year five. Douglas Stevens & Co acted on behalf of Britel Fund Trustees Ltd . Jones Retail acted on behalf of Poundland. Achieved rent confirmed by Julie Betts at Jones Retail. (Property Week 24/03/06 Pg 99) (FOCUS Verified 24/03/06 Jones Retail) Tenants include 4 Sight Eyecare, Ainsleys, Cafe Giardino, Card Factory, Central News, DocQwise, Dorithy Perkins, Garage Shoes, Hair Cuttery, Jumbo Records, Khussa, Littlewoods, McDonalds, Millets, Passion 4 U, Peximco UK, Rio Gems, Streetwise Sports, Studio Essentials, T Mobile, Top Shop and Top Man. (Centre Website 24/01/06)Tenants include Watch Express, Warren James, Subway, The Perfume Shop, Allsports, Bag Express, Bodycare, Card Warehouse, Clinton Cards, Footlocker, Index, Officers Club, Phones 4 U and Ponden Mill. (Centre Website Feb 05)The centre is due to be refurbished with completion estimated for autumn 2004. (RW 23/07/04)The centre is owned by the British Telecom Pension Scheme and administered by Hermes Property Asset Management. Tenants include TopShop/TopMan. (St Johns Centre Website May 03)The centre was extended in 1997. Name The Light Type Retail/Leisure Size 350,000 square feet 32,515.0 square metres Opened 2001 Anchor Tenant Browns Anchor Tenant Life Anchor Tenant O'Neill Anchor Tenant Ocean Anchor Tenant Rockport Anchor Tenant Tiger of Sweden Developer St James Securities Letting Agent Dalgleish & Co Letting Agent Pudney Shuttleworth Managing Agent DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Owner HBOS Updated 20-Apr-07 Notes Puccino's Ltd has pre-let 3,900 sq ft (362.31 sq m) of cafe space in Unit B24 from HBOS plc on a new 15-year lease at a confidential rent, subject to five yearly rent reviews. Pudney Shuttleworth Ltd acted on behalf of HBOS Ltd. (FOCUS Research 27/04/05) Ocean has taken 4,050 sq ft (376.25 sq m) of retail space from HBOS plc on a new 10-year lease at a confidential rent, subject to rent review in the fifth year. Pudney Shuttleworth Ltd acted on behalf of HBOS plc. (FOCUS Research 27/04/05Works have just been completed to enhance the exterior of The Light by wrapping the entire building in coloured lighting making it visible for miles. The £750,000 project by award winning Carey Jones Architects and Arup uses dynamic, colour change, cornice lighting to wrap-around and unite the two listed buildings with the new build part of the scheme.( 09/02/06)The scheme is now fully let since Joy took 3,720 sq ft and Lambretta took 1,300 sq ft on The Arcade level. Other retailers include Bank, Confettie, Eden Park, Mikey, Ocean, O'Neill, Phillip Stoner Jewellery, Proibito, The Body Shop, Tiger of Sweden and Benetton. (RW 20/05/05)Eden Park, Ocean, Puccino's and Segafredo Tapas have all taken space at the scheme. (PW 30/07/04)Tenants include Tiger Tiger, Body Shop, Esporta Health Club, Starbucks, Browns and Fire & Ice. (Dalgleish Website Sep 03)Confetti has taken space at the scheme. (Shopping Centre Oct 03)Segafredo Zanetti Espresso has taken space at the scheme. (RW 12/09/03)Benetton has taken space at the centre. (Shopping Centre June 03)Tenants include The Ringmaker, Maxi's Express, Ma Potters, Nando's, Life, Radisson SAS, Ster Century Cinemas, Brio Pizza and Greggs. (PW 14/02/03) Name Trinity Street Arcade Type Shopping Arcade Size 84,000 square feet 8,200.0 square metres Opened 1973 Anchor Tenant Body Shop Anchor Tenant Bon Marche Anchor Tenant H Samuel Developer Laing Properties Plc Letting Agent Howes & Holden Letting Agent Jones Lang LaSalle Owner USS Updated 21-Mar-07 Notes Caddick Group plc is poised to carry out a £240m redevelopment of the centre, ending a seven-year development impasse. The Yorkshire-based developer is set to buy the centre from Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd for £75m. A 50% share in the centre has been on the market through Jones Lang LaSalle at around £38m. It is thought that around £240m will be needed to redevelop Trinity Quarter into 270,000 sq ft (25,083 sq m) of retail and 47,000 sq ft (4,366 sq m) of offices. The scheme will have an estimated completion value of £300m. Planning permission has been secured for the redevelopment, which is expected to be completed in 2010. (Property Week 16/03/07 p7)The Department for Communities and Local Government has approved the Compulsory Purchase Order for USS Ltd's development. The fund will now progress plans for the 300,000 sq ft covered shopping centre. Jones Lang LaSalle has now been appointed to secure a joint venture development partner for the development, which will create three levels of shopping, linking into Leeds' prime retail pitch. The Scheme is set to open in 2009. (Shopping Centre 01/11/06 p1)USS has received planning consent for the redevelopment of the Arcade. (RW 28/02/03)Plans exist to redevelop the Arcade with the creation of 70 retail units and the provision for leisure space. (EG 07/12/02) Name Tulip Retail Park Type Retail Park Size 140,000 square feet 13,006.0 square metres Anchor Tenant Carpetright Anchor Tenant Kingsbury Interiors Anchor Tenant Klaussner Developer Teesfield Developments Letting Agent King Sturge Owner BBC Pension Fund Updated 20-Apr-07 Notes BBC Pension Fund has purchased the park from Junction Limited Partnership for £16m, reflecting an initial yield of 4.19% and an equivalent yeild of 7.32%. (Shopping Centre 12/09/2006)Used to be known as Leeds Retail Park. The Range home and leisure occupies space at the park.(The range website 22/8/06) Name Victoria Quarter Type Shopping Centre Size 154,000 square feet 14,312.0 square metres Opened 1900 Anchor Tenant Harvey Nichols Anchor Tenant Quiksilver Developer Prudential Assurance Co Developer/Owner Highstone Estates Letting Agent Fawley Watson Booth Letting Agent King Sturge Owner Bank of Ireland Private Banking Syndicate Updated 14-Jan-08 Notes Louis Vuitton has opened a 1,200 sq ft store at Briggate. (Drapers 30/09/2006 p7)A Bank of Ireland Private Banking syndicate has purchased the centre from Highstone Estates for a yield of around 4%. (PW 15/09/2006)Shade Station Ltd has taken 770 sq ft (72 sq m) of retail space within Unit 31 from Highstone Estates Ltd on confidential terms, with an undisclosed Zone A rent. Fawley Watson Booth and King Sturge acted on behalf of Highstone Estates Ltd. (Property Mall 08/05/06)Quiksilver has taken 3,290 sq ft (306 sq m) of retail space within Unit 42/44 from Highstone Estates Ltd on confidential terms, with an undisclosed Zone A rent. Fawley Watson Booth and King Sturge acted on behalf of Highstone Estates Ltd. (Property Mall 08/05/06)Tenants include Karen Millen. (King Sturge Retail World Sept 04)TM Lewis, Coast, Swarovski and Jeffery West have all taken space at the scheme. (RW 11/06/04)Neal's Yard Remedies has taken space at the centre. (PW 20/06/03)LK Bennett has taken space at the scheme. (Shopping Centre Mar 03)Reiss, Jo Malone, Crombie, Quiksilver, Shade Station, Dollond & Aitchison, Episode, Hobbs, Jigsaw, Ted Baker, Diesel, French Connection, Timberland, Xpose, Molton Brown, Space Nk, Bagel Bar and Hair Plus. (Victoria Quarter Website Feb 03)Meadowhall developer Paul Sykes has acquired the Centre through Highstone Estates for £45m from the Prudential. (RW 05/10/01) Name White Rose Type Out of Town Centre Size 650,000 square feet 60,380.0 square metres Opened 1997 Anchor Tenant Bhs Anchor Tenant Debenhams Anchor Tenant Sainsbury's Developer/Owner Evans of Leeds Developer/Owner Land Securities Developer/Owner Yorkshire Water Letting Agent Brassington Rowan Letting Agent Lunson Mitchenall Owner Sainsburys Updated 26-Mar-07 Notes Pumpkin Patch Ltd has taken 2,266 sq ft (211 sq m) of retail space within Unit 51 from Land Securities plc on confidential terms, with an undisclosed Zone A rent. Brassington Rowan acted on behalf of Land Securities plc. (Property Particulars 26/10/06 Brassington Rowan) Druckers Cafe Patisserie t/a Druckers Vienna Patisserie has taken the 1,680 sq ft (156 sq m) cafe from Land Securities plc on confidential terms. Brassington Rowan acted on behalf of Land Securities plc. (Property Particulars 26/10/06 Brassington Rowan) Zara has taken 19,010 sq ft of space on a 15-year lease at £23.67. (PW 23/09/05)Sainsbury's is to close its Savacentre and reopen in a 65,000 sq ft unit as a Sainsbury's Superstore. (RW 28/01/05)Phones 4U has taken space totalling 944 sq ft at the centre. (EG 07/08/04)Partners The Stationer has taken space at the centre. (RW 26/03/04)Tie Rack has taken space at the centre. (RW 24/10/03)Tenants include New Look, Game, Adams, Sports Soccer, Adams, Argos, Boots, Next, Claire's Accessories, HMV, La Senza, Woolies, WH Smith and Superdrug. (White Rose Shopping Centre Website Jul 03) Retail Shopper Population Leeds Band B Primary Centres Cross Gates Band H Metropolitan Towns Headingley Band J Urban Centres Bramley Band K Urban Centres Kirkstall Band K Urban Centres Yeadon Band M Local Centres Moortown Band M Local Centres Hunslet Band M Urban Centres Seacroft Band M Local Centres Armley Town Band N Urban Centres Woodhouse Band N Urban Centres Harehills Band O Urban Centres Oakwood Band O Urban Centres Park Villas Band O Local Centres Retail Shopper Population Legend Band A 1,000,000 - 1,782,658 Band B 500,000 - 999,999 Band C 200,000 - 499,999 Band D 150,000 - 199,999 Band E 100,000 - 149,999 Band F 50,000 - 99,999 Band G 30,000 - 49,999 Band H 20,000 - 29,999 Band I 15,000 - 19,999 Band J 10,000 - 14,999 Band K 5,000 - 9,999 Band L 3,000 - 4,999 Band M 2,000 - 2,999 Band N 1,000 - 1,999 Band O 1 - 999 Source: CACI Limited, CACI House, Kensington Village, Avonmore Road, London W14 8TS (Tel: 0800 181 851; Fax: 020 7603 5862) Planning District related Development Plans Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Transport Current Status: Pre-Preparation Action Date: Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Work is expected to start in April 2010. Adoption expected 2014.Full timetable will be available in a future revision of the Local Development Scheme. Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Retail Current Status: Pre-Preparation Action Date: Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Work is expected to commence in 2011. Adoption expected 2015.Full timetable will be available in a future revision of the Local Development Scheme. Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Local Development Scheme Current Status: Approved Action Date: Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Local Development Scheme approved 1 June 2005. Local Development Scheme revised and approved 14 March 2007 and came into effect 4 July 2007. Revised Local Development Scheme is expected to be available August 2008. Plan Name: Leeds City Council - City Centre Area Action Plan Current Status: Under Preparation Adopted: 01/09/09 Plan Name: Leeds City Council - East and South East Leeds Area Action Plan Current Status: Under Preparation Action Date: 18/06/07 Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Issues and Options consultation closed on 21 August 2006. Preferred Options 18 June - 30 July 2007. Submission to Secretary of State expected late 2008 but no firm dates are currently available. Examination expected April 2009. Adoption expected January - February 2010. Full timetable will be available on approval of the revised Local Development Scheme. Plan Name: Leeds Unitary Development Plan Current Status: Adopted Action Date: Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Adopted August 2001. Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Greenspace/Housing/Employment Current Status: Preparation Planned Action Date: Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Work is expected to start in April 2009. Adoption expected 2013.Full timetable will be available in a future revision of the Local Development Scheme. Plan Name: Leeds City Council - West Leeds Gateway Area Action Plan Current Status: Under Preparation Adopted: 01/06/09 Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Natural Resources and Waste Current Status: Under Preparation Adopted: 01/04/10 Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Enviroment Current Status: Pre-Preparation Action Date: Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Work is expected to start in April 2010. Adoption expected 2014.Full timetable will be available in a future revision of the Local Development Scheme. Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan Current Status: Under Preparation Action Date: 05/10/07 Last Updated: 29/07/08 Notes: Issues and Options consultation held 18 April - 23 May 2006. Preferred Options expected 5 October until 4pm on 16 November 2007. The council do not have a date for Submission to the Secretary of State at the moment they can only estimate it could be the end of 2008 or early 2009. They do plan to revise their Local Development Scheme in the future and a revised timetable should be available then. Plan Name: Leeds City Council - Core Strategy Current Status: Under Preparation Adopted: 01/05/10 Plan Name: Leeds Unitary Development Plan Review Current Status: Adopted Adopted: 01/06/05 Address: Leeds City Council Selectapost 5, 110 Merrion Centre Merrion House Leeds LS2 8SH Telephone / Fax Numbers: 0113 247 8177/0113 247 8178 Contact: Mr John Lynch Director of Planning & Environment Communications Road: Located near M621 and at the end of M1. London - 196 miles. Rail: Leeds to London Kings Cross (2hrs 24mins). Air: Leeds Airport. Nearby Centres Road Distance (miles) Travel Time (mins) Dewsbury 9 17 Wakefield 10 19 73,779 Bradford 12 22 288,671 Harrogate 16 27 65,953 Halifax 17 24 86,777 Population (Urban Area 1991) 50,104 Notes House Prices show an average figure for Leeds taken from a number of locations within the City. Mosaic Consumer Classifications Mosaic Consumer Classifications are provided by Experian, the leading supplier of consumer segmentation. This dataset provides a picture of UK consumers in terms of their socio-demographics, lifestyles, culture and behaviour and is updated annually. The definitions of the Mosaic Consumer Classifications are as follows: Symbols of Success Happy Families Suburban Comfort People with rewarding careers who live in sought after locations, affording luxuries and premium quality products. Families with focus on careers and home, mostly younger age groups now raising children. Families who are successfully established in comfortable, mature homes. Children are growing up and finances are easier. Ties of Community Municipal Dependency Blue Collar Enterprise Twilight Subsistence People living in close-knit inner city and manufacturing town communities, responsible workers with unsophisticated tastes. Young, single and mostly well-educated, these people are cosmopolitan in tastes and liberal in attitudes. People who are struggling to achieve rewards and are mostly reliant on the council for accommodation and benefits. Families on lower incomes who often live in large council estates where there is little owneroccupation. People who, though not well-educated, are practical and enterprising and may well have exercised their right to buy. Elderly people subsisting on meagre incomes in council accommodation. Grey Perspectives Independent pensioners living in their own homes who are relatively active in their lifestyle. Rural Isolation People living in rural areas where country life has not been influenced by urban consumption patterns. Urban Intelligence Welfare Borderline Claimant Count Unemployment Rate Travel To Work Area (TTWA) figures based on Manchester TTWA The claimant count measures the number of people claiming Jobseeker's allowance (JSA) including those who sign on for National Insurance credits but receive no benefit but those unemployed people who fall outside the eligibility criteria for JSA are likely to be missed including women, young people and those living in higher income households. Claimant Count Unemployment Rates for UK towns, excluding London Boroughs are expressed as a proportion of the resident working age population (females 16-59, males 16-64). The working age population figures are derived from the mid-year population estimates which are compatible with the 2001 Census. Before February 2003, Unemployment Rates were expressed as a proportion of the corresponding mid-year estimate of the workforce jobs in the area plus the number of claimants. Differences are mainly explained by the fact that the number of jobs in an area may be different from the resident population of working age as a result of: • commuting patterns (which can work either way, the new proportions being higher than the old rates for some city areas, for example). • different proportions of the resident population who are working or seeking work (i.e. differences in economic activity rates). Claimant Count Unemployment Rates for London Boroughs are expressed as a proportion of the resident labour force. The resident labour force is based on 2001 census data on economic activity (economically active residents in that area at the 2001 census, excluding economically active full-time students) adjusted for changes in national economic activity rates between 2001 and the current year, and applied to the current years GLA ward population projections. Discontinuities are likely to occur when the January data is released each year because it is the first to incorporate the new labour force data for that year. In addition, data from February 2004 is not comparable with earlier data because it was the first to be released on the basis of 2002 ward geography rather than the old model which related to the size of the labour force as at 1991 and the older ward boundaries. Office Rental Data All data contained in the office rental report has been compiled by King Sturge LLP and is published for general information purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data and other material contained in this report, King Sturge LLP does not accept any liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) to any person for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any errors or omissions. The information, opinions and forecasts set out in the Report should not be relied upon to replace professional advice on specific matters and no responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of any material in this publication can be accepted by King Sturge LLP. © King Sturge LLP June 2006 Retail Rental Data The Colliers CRE Retail Rents Map and Database is based upon the company’s opinion of the open market Zone A rent in 609 shopping locations in the UK. The rental values relate to a hypothetical shop unit of optimum size and configuration in the prime pitch. The figures have been arrived at by adopting zone sizes standard for the location and are expressed as £ per square foot per annum. In the case of shopping centre locations where the rent payable is the greater of a base Rent (a percentage of Full Rental Value (typically 80%) or a percentage of turnover, the rental contained in the Rents Map and Database is Full Rental Value (ie. the grossed up Base Rent). In assessing it’s opinion of the open market Zone A rent Colliers CRE only acknowledge the presence of shopping centres once completed and open to the public. Neither the whole or any part of the Colliers CRE Rents Map and Database, or any reference thereto, may be included in any published document, circular or statement or disclosed in any way without the company’s written consent to the form and context in which it may appear. The Rents Map and Database gives information which may be helpful in identifying trends in the retail property market. However, no warranty is given as to the accuracy of, and no liability is accepted in relation to, the figures contained in it and they must not relied upon for investment or any other purposes. The Rents Map and Database does not constitute and must not be treated as investment, rent review, lease renewal or valuation advice. © Colliers CRE - June 2006. Colliers CRE is the principal business of Colliers CRE plc, and an independent affiliate of the worldwide Colliers International network. Colliers CRE plc is quoted on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange. Employment sectors Employment Sector variations between 2001 & 1991. Hotels & Catering refers to 2001 but in 1991 it was Distribution, Hotels & Catering. Transport Storage & Communications refers to 2001, but in 1991 it was just Transport & Communication. Retail in 2001 includes Wholesale & Retail Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles, whereas in 1991 it was Retail Distribution. Planning Data All Local & Structure Plan data is provided by Fusion Online Ltd which has been collected through regular contact with UK planning authorities. The various stages of the planning process are assigned a status, these are; Adopted: The document has been adopted by the council and is the referrable document for planning purposes. Approved: This is basically the same as the ADOPTED status, however we allocate an 'approved' status to documents that are reviewed each year. For example Local Development Schemes. Under Preparation: The document is being worked on and is somewhere within the formal development plan process. Preparation Planned: Work on the document has not yet began but is planned for the future. Pre-Preparation: The council are carrying out informal evidence based work on the document. On Hold: The document has been placed on hold. Abandoned: The document has abandoned by the council. Archive: This is normally used to house documents in excess of 10 years old on the system. However this status is currently not use Shopper Population Data CACI Retail Shopper Populations data is supplied by CACI Limited ( Head Office 0800 181 851). The Retail Shopper Population is a percentage of the estimated Retail Catchment Population (e.g. for major city centres on average over 31% of shoppers in the catchment are drawn to the centre). Figures are based on the Comparison Goods Model for products such as clothes, books and CDs, but not food. Produced by: FOCUS Information Limited Portman House 2 Portman Street London W1H 6EB Telephone 020 7839 7684 Fax 020 7491 7821 Email Web