2010 kcse paper 2 questions

1. (a) Describe four activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus in the
Temple (Luke 2: 22 - 40)
(8 marks)
1. (a) Activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus in the temple (Luke
2: 22 - 40) are as follows.
 Jesus was taken to Jerusalem to be presented to the lord by his parents.
 Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit and took Jesus in his arms and
praised God.
 Simeon said that he was ready to die he had seen God's salvation/a light
for revelation to salvation.
 Simeon prophesied about the mission of Jesus.
 Prophetess Anna thanked God for sending Jesus who would bring
 The parents of Jesus were amazed by the things Simeon and Anna said
about their child.
 The parents of Jesus offered the purification sacrifice according to the
law of Moses.
 Simeon blessed Jesus' parents.
 Jesus was dedicated to God.
 Anna gave thanks/prayed/spoke of Jesus to all who were looking for the
redemption of Jerusalem.
 The parents of Jesus returned home
1 (b) Outline seven lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was
left behind by his parents in the Temple. (Luke 2: 41 - 52) ,
(7 marks)
1 (b) Lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was left behind by
his parents in the temple (Luke 2:41 - 52) are as follows.
 -It is important to read the scriptures to know the will of God.
 -Parents should show concern for their children.
 -Parents should bring up their children to obey God.
 -Children should obey and respect their parents.
 -Parents should try as much as possible to understand the abilities and
gifts of their children.
 -Parents should encourage and provide their children with opportunities to
attend church service.
 -Parents and children should trust/have faith in God. They should give
Him first priority.
 -There should be communication among family members/they should
inform one another of their whereabouts.
 -Children should obey their parents.
 -Parents should love their children.
 -Christian should accommodate the view of the youth.
 -Christian should exercise tolerance/forgiveness.
 -Christians should give God first priority as Jesus did.
1 (c) State five ways in which Christians show respect to places of worship in
Kenya today.
(5 marks)
(c) Ways in which Christians show respect to places of worship in Kenya today.
 Through code of dressing.
 Observing silence.
 Ensuring that places of worship are mainly reserved for worship.
 Ensuring that the Altar is treated as sacred.
 Social activities are not carried out in the places of worship.
 Christians dress in decent clothing as they go to places of worship.
 Order is maintained in places of worship.
 Constructing special places for worshipping God/dedicating them.
They are treated with relevance (e.g. in some cases shoes are removed);
 Putting off the mobile phones.
2. (a) With reference to the sermon on the plain, state five teachings of Jesus on
how human beings should relate to one another.
(5 marks)
2. (a) Human beings should relate to one another as follows.
They should love another in order to become the children of God.
They should show love to all those who treat them badly.
They should do to others as they would like done to them.
Human beings should avoid judging others. They should 'examine their
faults first before pointing out the faults of others.
They should bless those who curse them.
They should also pray for those who abuse them.
They should help those in need.
They should show mercy to others.
 They should forgive one another/not revenge.
 They should be generous.
2 (b) Describe the incident in which Jesus calmed the storm. (Luke 8: 22 - 25).
(10 marks)
(b) The following is the description of how Jesus calmed the storm.
 Jesus and His disciples were crossing the Lake of Galilee
 Jesus was asleep, as the water started entering their boat. The disciples
were afraid that they would drown.
 They therefore woke Jesus and asked Him to save them before their boat
 Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and raging waves and the storm
 Jesus asked them where their faith was.
 In fear and amazement the disciples asked each other who Jesus was,
someone who could have the winds and the water obeyed him.
2 (c) Identify five virtues that Christians learn from the miracle of the feeding of
the five thousand.
(5 marks)
2 (c) Virtues that Christians learn from the miracle of the feeding of the five
thousand are as follows
 Christians must be willing to share whatever they have, no matter how
 Christians should show mercy to the needy.
 Christians need to have faith like Jesus did when praying to God to
answer prayers.
 Christians should be orderly when handling issues, just like Jesus who
had people sit in groups.
 Christians should always give thanks before eating food.
 Christians should not be wasteful and extravagant. They should use their
excess to serve others.
 Christians should take care of the environment, like the collecting of
leftovers which left the environment clean.
 Respect
 Humility
3. (a) State four accusations that were made against Jesus during his trial. (Luke
22: 66 23: 1 - 23).
(4 marks)
3 (a) Accusations that were made against Jesus during His trial (Luke 22:66,
23:1-23) are as follows:
 blasphemy as he claimed to be the son of God;
 perverting their nation;
 forbidding the payment of tribute to Caesar;
 Claiming to be Christ the king;
 Stirring up the people all over Judea by his teachings; or
 Inciting people to rebellion.
3 (b) Give five reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after resurrection.
(10 marks)
3 (b) The reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after resurrection are as
 To prove that his resurrection was a fulfillment of the Old Testament
prophecies and Psalm.
 So that they could understand the scriptures that Jesus was the suffering
 So that he could promise them the coming of the Holy Spirit who would
replace him.
 To prove the prophecies that Jesus would rise in the third day after his
 To prove that Jesus was alive.
 To encourage them to continue preaching the repentance and forgiveness
of sins to all nations.
 He wanted to strengthen their faith.
 To prove the power of God.
 So that the disciples would understand the mission of Jesus.
 So as to comfort them.
 So as to commission them to be his witnesses.
 So as to bless them.
 He wanted to represent to them the correct interpretation of the suffering
messiah / scriptures.
3 (c) Why should Christians be discouraged from taking part in mob justice?
(6 marks)
3 (c) Christians should be discouraged from taking part in mob justice because:
 We should let the law take its course
 We should not judge.
 We should not kill.
 A person is innocent till proved guilt.
 Life is sacred.
 Christians should not practice violence.
 Christians should be role models.
 Mob justice may lead to death, and God is the only one who should
take life.
 It does not give room to reason.
 It is impulse/based on emotions.
 It can lead to destruction of poverty/life/it is violent physical
 It is unbiblical/it lacks love/against law of the Lord.
 - It can be fueled by lies/malice/incitement.
 - The victim is denied a chance of defending himself/herself.
 - It is a form of revenge.
 - It does not give room for forgiveness/reconciliation/rehabilitation.
 - It can lead to bitterness/regret/ psychological suffering.
4. (a) Explain the teaching of Peter concerning the people of God (1 st Peter 2: 9 10)
(10 marks)
4. (a) The teaching of Peter concerning the people of God is as follows:
 Believers in Christ are God's chosen people. They are in a covenant
relationship with God.
 They are a royal priesthood.
 They are a special chosen race.
 They are a holy nation.
 They are God's own people.
 They are people who have received God's mercy.
 They are called to declare the mighty deeds of God.
 They were called from darkness to light/their lives had been transformed
and should not be dominated by evil.
 They are led by the mercies of God/have received God's grace.
4 (b) Give six ways through which Christians can promote unity among
themselves in Kenya today.
(6 marks)
4 (b) The following are ways through which Christians can promote unity among
themselves in Kenya today.
 Christians celebrate the Holy Communion together.
 They hold crusades and do joint church service.
 Christians meet for prayers and fellowship together.
 They meet for Bible study to learn more about God's kingdom.
 They meet on the day of worship to honour God.
 They also co-operate by producing Christian educational programmes in
the mass media.
 Christians accept members to the church without discrimination.
 Christians take a joint stand against injustice/problems in the society.
 They should speak with one voice on matters of construction/political life
of the nation.
 Provide loans/funds/support to the poor irrespective of denomination
 Should unite in provision of medical services.
 Christians need to respect one another.
4 (c) State how kindness as a fruit of the Holy Spirit is abused in the Church in
Kenya today.
(4 marks)
4 (c) Kindness as a fruit of the Holy Spirit is abused in the Church in Kenya today
as follows.
 Embezzlement of funds for projects.
 Some church leaders have become greedy people.
 Some needy people have taken advantage of the kindness in the church.
 Some church leaders have become very extravagant.
 Some church leaders have used the church money in immoral activities.
 Some Christians take advantage of other Christians in the church.
 It has led to misuse of gifts and offering.
 Some Christians fail to work because they expect assistance from others.
 When church leaders demand for payment for all services they render.
 When church leaders ask their congregations to cater for their personal
needs like further studies/buying of vehicles.
5. (a) State four similarities between the Christian and traditional African view on
(8 marks)
5. (a) the similarities between the Christian and traditional African view on
marriage are as follows.
 In both marriage was for procreation.
 In both marriage promotes the social status of those who are joined
 In both marriage is a permanent union. Divorce is only allowed under very
special circumstances.
 In both marriage is sacred and is the divine will of God.
 In both the husband is the head of the family.
 In both sex outside marriage is illegal.
 Men and women acquire the right to have sexual satisfaction and mutual
love in marriage.
 In both marriage is seen as binding two people in a unique relationship.
 In both marriage is a communal affair involving family, friends and the
 In both sex is considered a gift from God to be exercised in marriage and
hence it is sacred.
 In both, the husband and wife should respect/love each other.
 In both, marriage gives a new status to those who enter and qualifies them
for leadership roles.
 In both, r -marriage is encouraged after the death of a spouse.
5 (b) Give six reasons why some young people are choosing to remain
unmarried in Kenya today. (6 marks)
5 (b) Reasons why some young people are choosing to remain unmarried in
Kenya today are as follows.
 -.Financial constraints discourage some people, for instance, a poor man
may not be able to pay required bride wealth.
 Fear of responsibilities and commitment that go with marriage.
 Individualism encourages selfishness which make some people unwilling
to share their wealth through marriage.
 Desire to pursue further studies.
 Demands of some careers discourage some people from marriage and
family responsibilities.
 Some are discouraged by failing marriages which are common nowadays.
 Some claim they cannot find the right partners.
 Practice of cohabiting discourages proper marriages.
 Health problems/conditions sometimes prevent people from marrying such
as the terminally ill.
 Religious reasons, such as celibacy, may lead to singlehood.
 Lack of proper guidance regarding the value of marriage.
 Marriage is no longer a communal duty/it is an individual decision.
 Low self esteem/lack of confidence/fear of being jilted/failed relationship.
5 (c) Identify six ways in which the Church is helping to solve the problem of
domestic violence in Kenya today.
(6 marks)
5 (c) Ways in which the church is helping to solve the problem of domestic
violence in Kenya today are as follows.
 Through guidance and counseling
 Holding seminars/conferences.
 Through preaching.
 Premarital counseling.
 Rehabilitation of perpetrators.
 Reporting cases to the police.
 -Sensitizing the congregation on the vice.
 Acting as good role models.
 Praying against the vice.
 Developing mass media programmes on family relationship.
 Giving material assistance/employment to the needy in order to reduce
 Settling disputes among couples/children.
 Members in their homes to encourage them.
6. (a) Explain the Christian view on plastic surgery in Kenya today (10 marks)
6. (a) Christian view on plastic surgery in Kenya today is as follows.
 Most Christians agree that plastic surgery can be performed to enhance
an area of the body, which has become less attractive due to injury or to
correct those born with birth defects, such as those with cleft clips.
 Some Christians however, are against plastic surgery when it is used for
beauty purposes. They argue that one should appreciate oneself because
the bible teaches that God created us wonderfully.
 Christians discourage others not to discriminate against others because of
the way they look. Discrimination based on one's looks or physical
appearance may drive people to seek plastic surgery.
 Some Christians are against plastic surgery because of the adverse
negative effects/complications that may arise.
 God is interested in our souls, which are permanent, and not our bodies,
which are temporary.
 It is very expensive.
 It can destroy one's natural physical appearance which is against God's
will of creation.
 The procedure is very painful and degrades an individual's dignity and
causes a lot of discomfort.
 It is against God's will for human beings to suffer.
 Plastic surgery is like self-glorification thus it is discouraged.
 The intention of plastic surgery in most cases is to create celebrities who
become objects of worship.
 Risks involved when performing surgery can lead to deformity/death.
 It shows lack of appreciation of oneself.
 It challenges God.
6 (b) Describe four ways through which science and technology has negatively
affected the environment created by God.
(4 marks)
6 (b) Ways through which Science and technology has negatively affected the
environment created by God.
 It has led to environmental pollution by industrial waste.
 Scientific knowledge has been used to harm fellow man through chemical
or biological warfare.
 Clearing of vast land for agricultural purposes has led to erosion,
disappearance of water catchment areas.
 The invention of vehicles, industrial machinery and aero planes has
resulted in noise pollution.
 It has resulted in deforestation.
 Manufacturing of plastic materials has led to environmental degradation.
 Science and technology has led to the over utilization of natural resources
like fish/wildlife.
 Quarrying/mining has led to environmental degradation.
6(c) How can the youth in the Church carry out environmental restoration in
Kenya today?
(6 marks)
6(c) How can the youth in the church carry out environmental restoration in
Kenya today?
 Make contributions towards the conservation of the environment e.g.
planting of trees.
 Observation of personal hygiene.
 Participate in conservation projects e.g. digging terraces, cleaning the
 Avoid buying and selling of products made from materials obtained
through destruction of the environment.
 They should care for the flores and fauna (plants and animals)
 Not to participate in activities leading to destruction of the environment.
 They should teach on methods of environmental conservation e.g gabions
terracing, contour ploughing etc.
 Raise funds to support environmental conservation programmes.
 Should lobby the government to enact laws that are aimed at protecting
the environment.