
Year 9 SATs Preparation Programme
All pupils to complete 2005 Paper 1 as a mock exam.
Pupils should then complete a self assessment of the marked paper using the traffic
light assessment grid.
Teachers should then identify class and individual strengths / areas for development
and select which revision lessons are most appropriate for the class or groups of
pupils within the class
The revision lessons incorporate booster and intervention materials, practice questions
from the 2005 Paper 2 Sats paper and the use of the coaching materials and science
problem solver posters.
Sc2 Cells
Pupils, working at level 3, 4 aiming for 5
STARTER: Ask pupils to work
individually and draw and label an animal
and a plant cell. Ask pupils to pair up and
compare diagrams. Allow pupils to
correct their diagrams by showing them
diagrams of labelled cells or have cells
place mat available for pupils to refer
2. Intervention materials: Cells Key Idea
Sentences (about cells structure) (sheet 7)
In pairs.
Pupils working at level 5, 6 aiming for 6,
1. STARTER: Ask pupils to draw a plant and
animal cell and record similarities and
differences between plants and animal cells.
Allow pupils to correct their diagrams by
showing them diagrams of labelled cells or
have cells place mat available for pupils to
refer to.
2. Stop / think / locate question DRAFT
question 3
3. 2005 Paper 2 5-7
Questions 6,7
3. Intervention materials Cells Loop cards
(sheet 1) (functions of parts of a cell)
(2 or 3 loop games per class) or complete as
card sort in 3’s or 4’s
4. Intervention materials Cells Key Ideas
Sheet 13. In 3’s or 4’s
4. Stop / think / locate DRAFT question 3
Tier 5-7
5. Booster materials sheet 1.6 Pupils work in
3’s or 4’s to complete concept map of
Circulatory system
5. Paper 2 2005
Question 14
Question 13
5. Intervention materials Cells Dominoes
(specialised cells)
(Sheet 19)
In 3’s / 4’s
6 Intervention materials Cells Key
Explanations (functions of cells) Sheet 13.
In 3s/4s
Other resources:
Misconception dominoes: Reproduction
2005 Paper 2 3-6 question 6
Mini booster 8: Food and digestion
Mini booster 9: Human reproduction
6. Booster materials lesson 2 S2.1. Pupils
work in 3’s or 4’s to sort cards and hence,
revise key words for plant structure. Pupils
must be able to define key words.
Other resources:
Booster lesson 1: The characteristics of
Booster lesson 2: Plant structure and
Booster lesson 3: Human growth and
Pupils, working at level 3, 4 aiming for 5
Pupils working at level 5, 6 aiming for 6,
1. Intervention materials Interdependence
Key Ideas
Statements (sheet 8)
In pairs
1. Intervention materials Interdependence
Key Ideas
Dominoes (sheet 20)
in 3’s or 4’s
2. Intervention materials Interdependence
Key Idea loop as
loop game or card sort
(Sheet 2)
2. Go back over
Question 1, 9 from 2005
5 – 7 paper 1 and correct answers
in pairs
3. Ask pupils to go back over Question 3, 9
from 2005, 3 – 6 paper 1.
3. Intervention materials Interdependence
Key Ideas Explanations
Sheet 14
3’s or 4’s
Correct where appropriate
4. Practice Questions on food webs /
food chains?
5. Intervention materials Interdependence
Key Idea
explanations in 3 / 4’s sheet 14
6. 2005 Paper 2, Question 7
(level 4)
7. Intervention materials Interdependence
Sheet 20
Other resources:
4. 2005, Paper 2
Question 8, 13
5. Pupils use problem solver to write an
explanation to answer the question in
pairs or threes:
“What choices can a farmer make to
improve their crops and what are the
implications of these choices on the
Other resources:
Booster lesson 4: Feeding relationships
between organisms
Scientific Enquiry
Pupils, working at level 3, 4 aiming for 5
Pupils working at level 5, 6 aiming for 6,
1. Intervention materials: Scientific Enquiry 1. Intervention materials: Scientific
Key Ideas
Enquiry Key Ideas Sentences
Dominoes sheet 24 (introduction) and 25
(sheet 12) or Scientific Enquiry
In pairs or threes
Explanations (sheet 18)
2. Stop / Think / Locate
HEATING WATER Toolkit question 15
2002 paper 1 3-6
3. Pupils Complete
2005 3 – 6 Paper 2
Question 12
4. Intervention materials: Scientific
Enquiry Key Idea Sentences
(sheet 12)
5 Go back to 2005 paper 1, 2 – 6 and get
them to redo question, but investigating a
different variable.
Focus on use of draft box
6. Mini booster 4
What does the line mean?
Tell the story of the line
7. Paper 2 2005
3 – 6 Question 15
Other resources:
AXIS: Getting to grips with graphs and
Developing understanding
Mini booster 1: Accuracy and reliability
Mini booster 2: Evaluating a practical
Mini booster 3: What do we mean by
2. Stop / Think / Locate
SWINGS Toolkit question 18 2003 paper
1 3-6
3. Pupils complete
2005 paper 5 – 7
Question 5 (Question 12, paper 3 – 6)
4. Booster 14.5
Investigating Mouldy Fruit Booster
5. Booster 14.6 Making Predictions Booster
6. Booster 15.2 At what temperature do
enzymes work best?
7. 2005 Paper 2
5 – 7, Question 14 (reliability)
8. 2005 Paper 2
5 – 7, Question 10 (graph plotting)
2005 Paper 1
5 – 7, Question 12 (planning)
Other resources:
AXIS: Getting to grips with graphs and
Developing understanding
Booster lesson 13: Data analysis and
Booster lesson 14: Working with variables
Booster lesson 15: Evaluating evidence
Mini booster
Mini booster
Mini booster
Mini booster
4: Making sense of graphical
5: Describing patterns
6: Understanding variables
7: Understanding variables
Booster lesson 16: How scientists work
Pupils, working at level 3, 4 aiming for 5
Pupils working at level 5, 6 aiming for 6, 7
1. Intervention materials: Forces Key Idea
Sheet 4: As card sort or loop game
1. Intervention materials Forces Key
Sheet 16
2. Intervention materials Forces Key Idea
Sheet 10: In 2’s / 3’s
2. Paper 2, 2005
Question 2
3. Stop / Think / Locate
Draft 3 (helter-skelter)
3. Use Science problem solver sheet to
‘How do parachutes help skydivers land
4. Paper 2 2005
3 – 6, Question 2
4. Moments Revision
5. Go back and correct
Paper 1 2005, 3 – 6 Question 16
Practice questions FIND EXAMPLES ON
6 Use science problem solver sheet to
‘How do parachutes help skydivers land
Stop / Think / Locate
Correct 2005 Paper 1
Question 14
Other resources:
7. Intervention materials Forces Key Ideas
Sheet 22
Booster lesson 10 Magnets and
8. Intervention materials Forces Explanation
Sheet 16
Booster lesson 12: Balanced and unbalanced
forces and speed
Pupils, working at level 3, 4 aiming for 5
Pupils working at level 5, 6 aiming for 6, 7
1. Intervention materials Particles Key
ideas dominoes
2. Intervention materials Particles Key
1. Stop, think, locate DRAFT question 5
(Methane, structure of solids, liquids,
2. Science problem solver posters: Ice,
ideas sentences
3. Science problem solver posters: Ice,
water & steam behave differently.
How could you explain that they are all
the same thing?
4. Stop, think, locate DRAFT question 5
5. Intervention materials Particles Key
Ideas explanations
6. Intervention materials Misconception
dominoes: Chemical mixtures
7. Mixtures word-search Booster
materials S5.3 (separating techniques)
8. Intervention materials Misconception
dominoes: Chemical changes
9. Pupils complete 2005 3-6 paper 2
question 4
10. Pupils complete 2005 3-6 paper 2
question 5
11. True or False Booster materials s6.7
12. Pupils complete 2005 3-6 paper 2
question 11
Other resources:
Mini booster 10: Physical changes
water & steam behave differently.
How could you explain that they are all
the same thing?
3. What was the question? Booster S5.4
(separating techniques)
4. Give pupils booster sheets s7.3 – s7.5
for reference and then ask them to
consider the statements in the bubbles
on s7.6. ask the pupils to record which
statements they agree with and why
9see more details of activity on
booster lesson 7 reactions of acids)
(chemical reactions)
5. Pupils complete 2005 5-7 paper 2
question 4
6. Pupils complete 2005 5-7 paper 2
question 11 (displacement reactions)
Other resources:
Booster lesson 5: Physical changes
Booster lesson 6: Metals and non-metals
Booster lesson 7: What are reactions?
Booster lesson 18: Modelling solids, liquids
and gases
Booster lesson 19: Particles in chemical
Pupils, working at level 3, 4 aiming for 5
Pupils working at level 5, 6 aiming for 6, 7
Intervention materials Energy transfers: Loop Intervention materials: Key ideas sentences;
energy resources and energy transfers. In
small groups.
Complete: SATS Paper 2 2005: Question: 8
(3-6) Energy resources and energy transfer
Complete: SATS Paper 2 2005: Question: 10
(5-7) Energy transfer, investigation
Stop, think, locate Toolkit question 10 2003
paper 2 3-6
Correct: SATS Paper 1 2005: Question: 13
(5-7) Motion sound
Booster lesson: Lesson 20 Conduction,
convection, radiation and evaporation: Demo
Correct: SATS Paper 1 2005: Question: 14
some of the practicals but cover the plenary – (3-6) Space – little reference to energy
students ideas on heat transfer.
Intervention materials: Key idea explanations;
Booster lesson: Lesson 8 Electric circuits.
energy transfers. In pairs
Cover the plenary.
Other resources:
Correct: SATS Paper 1 2005: Question: 6 (36) Electricity and light
Booster lesson 20 Conduction, convection,
radiation and evaporation
Complete: SATS Paper 2 2005: Question: 9
(3-6) electricity – circuits
Booster lesson 8 Electric circuits
Correct: SATS Paper 1 2005: Question: 14 (3- Booster lesson 9 Reflection of light
6) Space – little reference to energy
Other resources:
Booster lesson 11 Sound
Intervention materials Energy Dominoes
Intervention material Energy resources and
energy transfer: Sentences and Explanations
SATS Paper 2 2005: Question: 10 (5-7)
Energy transfer, investigation
SATS Paper 1 2005: Question: 13 (5-7)
SATS Paper 2 2005: Question: 8 (3-6) Energy Motion sound
resources and energy transfer
SATS Paper 2 2005: Question: 9 (3-6)
electricity – circuits
SATS Paper 1 2005: Question: 14 (3-6)
Space – little reference to energy
SATS Paper 1 2005: Question: 6 (3-6)
Electricity and light