Autumn Post Keynesian Economics Study Group

Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Editor: Frederic S. Lee, University of Missouri-Kansas City, E-mail:

Book Review Editor: Fadhel Kaboub, Drew University, E-mail:

Assisted by Ergun Meric, University of Missouri-Kansas City

News letter 68

From the Editor

Information/registration/etc. about the ASSA 2009 annual meeting is now available.

Register now and get your hotel room. Remember Association for Social Economics will be in Hilton San Francisco:


Remember ICAPE will have a booth at the ASSA. Requests for staffing the booth will be sent out shortly. Also those who want to distribute info etc. at the booth please e-mail me about it.

Fred Lee

Call for Papers



Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics

Heterodox Economics and Sustainable Development, 20 years on

Call for papers

9-12 July, 2009

Kingston University, London

The Eleventh Conference of the Association of Heterodox Economics (AHE) will be held at

Kingston University, London from Thursday 9th to Sunday 12th July 2009.

In more than ten years the AHE has established a reputation as a major national and international forum for the discussion of alternatives to mainstream economics, and for the interdisciplinary and pluralistic nature of its discussions. It is also contributing to strengthening the community of heterodox economists, and to the development of heterodox economic theory on various themes through the dissemination of ideas and arguments.

This year, the Conference theme is Heterodox Economics and Sustainable Development,


twenty years on . Sustainable development is the main challenge facing humankind for this century. The recognition of fundamental failures within mainstream economics and discontent amongst people concerned about environmental problems are widespread. This make the case for alternatives, interdisciplinarity and pluralism, i.e. all the core standpoints of the AHE movement. The aim of this conference is to offer an overview of the current insights of heterodox approaches to sustainability issues and to serve as a call to action to the heterodox community to begin to pull together a coherent perspective that would permit conscientious and productive consideration of problems.

In that perspective we particularly encourage submissions on:

(1) The state of the art on sustainable development and in particular the meaning of being heterodox with respect to this challenge.

(2) The state of heterodox approaches on sustainability issues in the broadest sense

(including both environmental and social concerns), including Critical Realism, Ecological

Economics, Feminist Economics, Green Economics, Austrian Economics, Institutional economics, Marxian economics, Post-Keynesian economics, and Social Economics.

(3) The potential trade-offs and/or synergies between various heterodox perspectives on sustainability issues.

(4) The need for engagement in the wider public sphere, including the theme of education for sustainable development.

The conference invites submissions of single papers or sessions which conform to these aims; which deal with theoretical, applied, and historical topics in heterodox economics; which draws upon contributions from the other social sciences to address topics in heterodox economics; and/or which critically examines aspects of mainstream economics. A feature of the AHE is as a pluralist forum for dialogue, and we encourage proposals for sessions which address a single issue or theme from a variety of viewpoints or disciplines.

The international character of the conference has been a vital factor in its growing success.

Scholars requiring documentation in support of visa or funding applications should indicate this in their initial submission. At present the AHE regrets that it has no funds to provide financial support, but is actively seeking it and welcomes proposals from participants regarding organizations for the AHE contact in search of support for participants from outside the US and European Union.

To facilitate dialogue and timetabling, participants whose initial submission is successful


must provide a full paper by the deadline of Sunday 3rd May. They should also register by

Sunday June 7th, and will be expected to take part in at least two full days of the conference, in order to be included in the final programme. Participants should also be prepared to serve as discussants and/or session chairs.

This year poster sessions will also be organized for postgraduate or postdoctoral students who would like to discuss their work with others but are not yet in a position to provide a full paper.

The conference language is English.

Guidelines for submission

This year there will be two types of session, normal sessions and poster sessions.

Normal sessions will be 90 minutes long and will usually consist of two papers with at least one discussant. Arrangements for poster sessions, which are intended to encourage new work by postgraduate or postdoctoral students, will depend on the number of submissions and will be announced nearer the date of conference.

Proposals for single papers : please send an abstract of not more than 500 words by email only to the local organiser Julian Wells (, AND the AHE coordinator, Alan Freeman ( Text, HTML, Word and PDF format attachments are acceptable. Please indicate in your submission whether your paper is intended for a normal or poster session.

Proposals for complete sessions : please send a description of the session of not more than

500 words together with the names and email addresses of the proposed speakers, and attaching abstracts for their presentations of not more than 500 words each for each paper.

Please send these by email only to Julian Wells and Alan Freeman, as above.


Proposals for either single papers or complete sessions should be received by Sunday 8th

February 2009.

The AHE Committee will consider all abstracts and will notify you of acceptance or rejection of your proposal by Monday 23rd February 2009.

Those whose abstracts have been accepted for a normal session must send their full paper by

Sunday 3rd May 2009 and must register, for a minimum of two days of the conference, by

Sunday 7th June 2009. Registration details will be published later.


To see details of previous conferences, and to keep up to date with the 2009 conference and other AHE activities please visit:

To keep yourself informed of AHE activities subscribe to the AHE-ANNOUNCE mailing list.

Visit to sign up

The International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education

Inderscience announces publication of a new journal in economic education, The

International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education. The IJPEE will publish four issues a year, the first in January 2009 and the remaining issues March June, September and November. The IJPEE welcomes and encourages manuscripts from all members of the heterodox and pluralist community. The Journal will publish on all aspects of pluralism and economics education with special attention, but not limited, to the following topics:

- Defining pluralism

- What is pluralism and how can we incorporate it into the classroom

- The rhetoric of pluralism: communicating within and across disciplines

- Teaching the theory of the firm from a pluralist perspective

- Teaching pluralism in developing countries

- What can pluralists learn from Adam Smith and other classical economists?

- Incorporating pluralism into online courses

- Using pluralism to construct a framework for solving global problems

- Are there limits to extending pluralism?

- Pluralism and the individual

- Pluralism as a central component of honours courses

- Pluralism at the community college

- Encouraging pluralism at the high school level

- Necessary mathematics for pluralism

- Reaching out to other social sciences

- Teaching ecology from a pluralist perspective

- Understanding the financial crisis from a pluralist perspective

- Pluralism and system dynamics

Interested authors should consult the webpage at for specific requirements. Manuscripts should be e-mailed to:

Jack Reardon

Department of Management and Economics

School of Business

Hamline University


St. Paul, Minnesota 55104

Call for Papers

Toward Critical Mass:

The Second Annual Graduate Student Conference of

The Toronto Group for the Study of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law

9-11 January 2009

The Toronto Group for the Study of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law is pleased to announce its second annual graduate student conference. The principal aim of the

Group's inaugural conference was to provide a forum for critical inquiry and collaborative discussion. Building upon its closing panel, in which we posed the question “what is to be done?”, our second annual conference is intended to drive this newly created forum towards a sharper, more systematic understanding of how legal norms and institutions influence – and are, in turn, influenced by – entrenched or emerging political and economic structures. Panels will be chaired by legal scholars from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and Osgoode Hall Law

School, York University. Confirmed keynote speakers include Andrew Arato, Dorothy Hirshon

Professor in Political and Social Theory at the New School for Social Research, and Jean Cohen,

Senior Professor of Political Thought at Columbia University.

We invite papers relating to themes broached in one or more of the seven streams detailed below. While the conference’s objective is to facilitate engagement with issues arising from these and related areas of legal scholarship, submissions from graduate students in disciplines other than law are also highly encouraged.

For further details, please see


Graduate Student Workshop

In Search of Relevant Environmental Economics:

Designing Practical, Just and Sustainable Policy

January 7-9, 2009 Washington DC

Economics for Equity and the Environment Network (E3) is pleased to announce its

Graduate Student Workshop to be held January 7-9, 2009 in Washington DC. The theme of this year’s workshop will be:

In Search of Relevant Environmental Economics:

Designing Practical, Just and Sustainable Policy . We invite applications from graduate students in economics whose scholarly interests include applied research in the fields of climate economics, sustainability, and environmental justice. Preference will be given to doctoral students in the early stages of their programs. Solving the global environmental crisis demands new thinking and research that is applicable to real-world challenges. This workshop explores innovative new approaches to understanding the nexus between inequality and environmental degradation, analyzing risk and uncertainty, modeling technical change and preference formation, and designing policy mechanisms that


promote sustainability and fairness. The workshop will assist graduate students in developing research programs that have practical policy applications and demonstrate for graduate students how their professional studies can contribute to the well-being of society at large. The program will consist of panel presentations, seminar sessions, and small group discussions to provide a forum for networking with faculty who publish in the field, and to promote dialogue among graduate students and faculty participants about students’ individual research projects. Representatives from NGOs and advocacy groups will also be present to discuss their needs for economic analysis. For a list of participants in this year’s workshop, please visit our website at


E3 Network is offering a stipend of $400 to participating students to help offset travel costs. Applications must be received by October 20, 2008 . Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a letter of not more than three pages describing their research interests, their current status in graduate school, and how they might benefit from attending the Workshop. Applicants should also submit the names of at least two references, preferably one’s graduate education advisor. References may be contacted before a final decision is made. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by early

November. Applications must be submitted electronically to:

Subject line: Apply Workshop. If you have questions about the submission format please contact Kristen Sheeran,

, 503-467-0811.




The University of New South Wales will host the 7th Society of Heterodox Economists

Conference on December 8 and 9, 2008

This year's conference will have both refereed and non-refereed papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts of refereed papers is Friday October 24, and for papers is Friday 7

November. The deadline for submission of abstracts of non-refereed papers is Friday November

7, with papers due Friday 21 November.

Further details will be available from the Conference website.

In addition, we have arranged with the editors of the Economics and Labour Relations Review to have a Symposium Issue of selected papers from the conference.

The following symposia and calls for papers are being organised for the SHE Conference, in addition to the general sessions. If you would like to contribute in any way to any of these sessions, please get in touch with the designated contact person. To contribute papers to general sessions, please send abstracts to:

Symposium on Australia's Energy Future'

Please send proposals to Lynne Chester:

Symposium on Innovation and Skills


Please send proposals to Jerry Courvisanos:

Symposium on Questions for Sraffa and the Sraffians'

Please send proposals to Neil Hart:

Symposium on the Political Economy of Development in Theory and Practice

Please send proposals to Michael Johnson:

Symposium on Social Inclusion in Australia

Please send proposals to Ilan Katz:

Symposium on Heterodox Economic Policy for the 21st Century

Please send proposals to Peter Kriesler:


A number of International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) sessions will be coordinated by Women in Social and Economic Research (WiSER), based at Curtin University in

Western Australia. The aim of these sessions is to provide an opportunity for feminist economists in the Australia/Pacific region to get together and discuss research priorities and needs.

Abstracts for papers are invited and can be submitted to Siobhan Austen at WiSER:


SHE Website:


Eighth Congress of the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network

February 27 – March 1, 2009

Sheraton New York Hotel

811 Seventh Avenue at 53rd Street., New York, NY

The Eighth Congress of the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) Network provides a forum for considering alternative frameworks for addressing poverty. USBIG Network is a discussion group on the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG)—a policy that would unconditionally guarantee at least a subsistence-level income for everyone. The congress brings together academics, students, activists, policy analysts, and others interested in exploring the merits of this proposal. The conference will be held in conjunction with the

Annual Meeting of the Eastern Economic Association (EEA), attendees at the USBIG


conference are welcome to attend any of the EEA’s events.

Featured speakers invited so far include academics and politician from both left and right.

Conservative Canadian Senator Hugh Segal has been a supporter of the basic income guarantee for the last three decades. He is currently leading a renewed campaign for BIG in Canada. Tony Martin is Member of the Canadian House of Commons for the left-ofcenter New Democratic Party (NDP). Brazilian Senator Eduardo Suplicy is a third-term

Senator representing the state of Sao Paolo in the Brazilian Federal Senate and one of the founding members of Brazil’s ruling Workers’ Party. Steve Pressman, of Monmouth

University, is an economist with interest in poverty, public finance, and macroeconomics.

He is co-editor of The Ethics and Economics of the Basic Income Guarantee and author of Fifty Major Economists. Brian Steensland, of Indiana University, is a sociologist and author of The Failed Welfare Revolution. Pablo Yannes is the head of the Mexican affiliate of the Basic Income Earth Network. We hope to be confirming these and other speakers soon.

Scholars, activists, and others are invited to propose papers, and organize panel discussions. Proposals and panel discussions are welcome on BIG or topics related to the distribution of wealth and income. All points of view are welcome. Proposals from any discipline are welcomed. Anyone interested in making a presenting or organizing a panel should submit either an abstract of their presentation or a panel proposal to the chair of the organizing committee:

Karl Widerquist:

Please include the following information with your abstract and/or panel proposal:

1. Name

2. Affiliation

3. Address

4. City, State, Zip, and Country

5. Telephone, FAX

6. Email Address

7. Paper or Presentation Title

8. Abstract of 50-150 words

DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS is October 31, 2008

Proposals for panel discussions should include a title, topic, and description of the panel and the information above for each participant. If the participants are not presenting formal papers, the title of the paper and abstract may be omitted. Panels with formal paper presentations should be limited to four presentations, although discussions without formal papers can include more.

Papers presented at the conference will be eligible for the Basic Income Studies Best

Essay Award.


Chair of the organizing committee: Karl Widerquist:

Graduate Student Workshop

In Search of Relevant Environmental Economics:

Designing Practical, Just and Sustainable Policy

January 7-9, 2009 Washington DC

Conferences, Seminars and Lectures

The History of Economics Society will have 4 sessions at the 2009 AEA meetings in San Francisco (January 3-5). Registration opens 4

September. More information is available on the website:



Times and places have now been assigned for our sessions:

SESSION 1: January 3: 12:30; Hilton/ Union Square 24



The Role of Oral History in the Study of Economics

Maria Pia Paganelli, Yeshiva University

Craig Freedman, Macquarie University (AU):

South Side Blues: An Oral History of the Chicago School

Tiago Mata, University of Amsterdam:

Not biography: How to make the most of oral history of elites

John Lodewijks, University of Western Sydney:

Economists from the Antipodes: What can oral history tell us?


Steven Medema, University of Colorado at Denver E. Roy Weintraub, Duke

University Paul Oslington, University of Notre Dame (Australia)


SESSION 2: January 3: 2:30; Hilton/ Union Square 24



Theory of Moral Sentiments After 250 Years

Sandra Peart, University of Richmond

Deirdre McCloskey, University of Illinois Adam Smith Shows Bourgeois

Theory at Its Amiable Best

Vernon Smith, Chapman University

The Wealth in Adam Smith's First and Last Book

Sandra Peart, University of Richmond and David Levy, George Mason

University The Loss of Sympathy


Benjamin Friedman, Harvard University

George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University Jonathan Wight,

University of Richmond

SESSION 3: January 4: 10:15; Hilton/ Union Square 13

TITLE: The Real Debate of the 1950's: Marshallian versus

General Equilibrium Approaches

CHAIR: E. Roy Weintraub, Duke University

H. Spencer Banzhaf, Georgia State University Applied welfare economics at mid-century

Marcel Boumans, University of Amsterdam

Looking under the hood: Leontief versus statistical econometricians

Eric Schliesser, Leiden University and University of Amsterdam Monopoly and Methodology at 'Chicago': Nutter and Stigler


Vernon Smith, Chapman University

Kevin Hoover, Duke University

M. June Flanders, Tel Aviv University

SESSION 4: January 4: 2:30; Hilton/ Union Square 18



Growth Theory in Historical Perspective

Robert W. Dimand, Brock University

Kevin D. Hoover, Duke University:

Was Harrod Right?

Harald Hagemann, Universitat Hohenheim-Stuttgart:

Solow's 1956 Contribution in the Context of Early Growth Models

Robert W. Dimand, Brock University and Barbara Spencer, University of

British Columbia:

Trevor Swan and the Neoclassical Growth Model


Steven Durlauf, University of Wisconsin:

The Rise and Fall of Cross-Country Regressions


Robert W. Dimand, Brock University

Steven Durlauf, University of Wisconsin

Kevin D. Hoover, Duke University

Harald Hagemann, Universitat Hohenheim-Stuttgart


Instruments of Development

Professor Angus Deaton, FBA

Princeton University

Thursday, 9 October 2008

5.30pm - 6.30pm, followed by a drinks reception

The British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace,

London, SW1Y 5AH

Free Admittance

How can we reduce global poverty? How do we know what works, and what doesn't? There is great dissatisfaction among development economists about the lack of convincing evidence of policy effectiveness, and with an associated failure to learn from past development assistance and projects. Econometric methods are seen as part of the problem, not the solution, and there has been a movement to discard econometrics in favour of a rigorous and comprehensive programme of randomized controlled trials from which, at last, we will learn what works. I review recent work, both experimental and econometric, and argue that, while much can be learned from the new methods, they are unlikely to deliver all that is promised, and that it would be unwise to abandon econometric analysis. Our failures, such as they are, come from our recent neglect of models of behaviour and of development, and the absence of such models from econometric analysis.

A poster for your notice board can be downloaded here:

Please visit our website for full details of our forthcoming events.

Telephone enquiries: 020 7969 5246 / Email:

Please note our ticketing and seating policy:

British Academy Lectures are freely open to the general public and everyone is welcome; there is no charge for admission, no tickets will be issued, and seats cannot be reserved. The Lecture

Room is opened at 5.00pm, and the first 100 audience members arriving at the Academy will be offered a seat in the Lecture Room; the next 50 people to arrive will be offered a seat in the


Overflow Room, which has a video and audio link to the Lecture Room. Lectures are followed by a reception at 6.30pm, to which members of the audience are invited

History of American Capitalism

Grad Student Conference

The History of Capitalism in the United States


> is a graduate student conference at Harvard University on November 6-8, 2008.

Circulations: Economies, Currencies,

Movements in American Studies

The New York Metro American Studies Association and the Columbia

Journal of American Studies welcome papers on any historical period for

Circulations: Economies, Currencies, Movements in American Studies

< > on November 8,

2008. Presentations that circulate across historical and disciplinary borders are particularly encouraged.

Anti-Union Employer Strategy:

An Historical Analysis

Anti-Union Employer Strategy: An Historical Analysis <

Business&month=0805&week=d&msg=vWLNSaHloXwbkB//9NYMIg > is a symposium/workshop on November 10, 2008 organized by the Business and

Labour History Group, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of



l >

The Representation of Working People in Britain and France

The Representation of Working People in Britain and France

< emid=29 > at the Université de Rouen from November 13 to 15, 2008 constitutes a reconsideration of representations of workers and the meaning and experience of labor, and the ways in which the sociopolitical relations of work were mediated from the medieval period to the 20th century.

Character & Trajectory of the Indian Economic Formation in an Era of


The opening keynote for The Character and Trajectory of the Indian

Economic Formation in an Era of Globalisation

< > on November 26 to 28, 2008 at the University of Delhi will be given by Professor K.M. Shrimali, on the mode of production as a concept in Indian historiography.


Cultures, Institutions and Socioeconomics

"Globalization: Cultures, Institutions and Socioeconomics

< > ," an international conference to be held in Hong Kong, December 12 and 13, 2008 is co-


sponsored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Washington

University in St. Louis.

Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference

The theme of the Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History conference on February 18-20, 2009 in Tokyo (Japan) is Asia-Pacific in

International Economy and Business


> .

Le n°2 de la Revue Française de Socio-Economie va bientôt paraître et le n°3 est en cours d'élaboration.

J'attire votre attention sur la rubrique des notes de lecture d'ouvrages: la RFSE publie des notes simples d'environ 5000 signes, sur les parutions récentes, et des notes critiques, un peu plus fouillées et un peu plus longues.

N'hésitez pas à nous envoyer vos contributions et incitez les plus jeunes, notamment les thésards, à rendre compte de leurs lectures d'ouvrages récents.

Pour toute correspondance, contactez les responsables de la rubrique

"notes de lecture": Sandrine Rousseau et Bruno Boidin





Université Paris 1, CHSPM, dir. Pr Jean Salem

Séminaire « Marx au xxie siècle : l’esprit & la lettre »

Programme 2008-2009 (au 8 septembre 2008)

17, rue de la Sorbonne

75231 Paris


18 octobre 2008: Michael Löwy

(directeur de recherches émérite, cnrs), Kafka, la politique, le socialisme

25 octobre 2008: Domenico Losurdo

(professeur de philosophie, université d’Urbino), Nietzsche, le rebelle aristocrate

8 novembre 2008: Catherine Samary

(maîtresse de conférences en économie, université Paris 9-Dauphine),

Des contradictions des sociétés dites socialistes aux débats sur d’autres « modèles » :


propriété sociale, État, marché

15 novembre 2008: Luciano Canfora

(professeur de philologie grecque et latine, université de Bari),

Peut-on critiquer la démocratie ?

22 novembre 2008: Bernard Gainot (maître de conférences hdr, université

Paris 1-Sorbonne), Esclavage, abolitions, luttes armées dans les colonies françaises

29 novembre 2008: Sophie Wahnich

(historienne, chargée de recherche, cnrs), La longue patience du peuple

6 décembre 2008: Nicolas Tertulian

(philosophe, directeur d’études honoraire, ehess), Heidegger/Lukács, quelle ontologie ?

13 décembre 2008: Jean-Claude Bourdin (professeur de philosophie, université de Poitiers), Marx historien de la France moderne

17 janvier 2009: Alain Bihr (professeur de sociologie, université de Besançon),

La reproduction du capital

31 janvier 2009: Olivier Neveux (maître de conférence, université de Strasbourg), Brecht, une théorie politique du théâtre

14 février 2009: Paul Bouffartigue

(sociologue, directeur de recherches, cnrs), Travail et précarisation

21 février 2009: André Tosel (professeur émérite de philosophie, université de Nice), Les marxismes du xxe siècle

28 février 2009: Yves Schwartz (professeur de philosophie émérite, université de Provence), Production, travail et activité

7 mars 2009: Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc (ater, université Lille 3), Titre

à définir

14 mars 2009: Nicole-Edith Thévenin

(maîtresse de conférences en sciences politiques, université Paris 8),

Psychanalyse et marxisme

21 mars 2009: Jean Bourgault (professeur de Lettres supérieures, Lycée

Jeanne d’Arc, Rouen), Tours et détours de l’idéologie : la conception de l’action politique chez Sartre

28 mars 2009: Gilbert Achcar (professeur de relations internationales, université de Londres), Marx est-il orientaliste ?

4 avril 2009: Emmanuel Barot (maître de conférences en philosophie, université Toulouse-Le Mirail) :

Réalisme et cinéma militant


Leeds Schumacher Lectures 2008

Transforming the Global Economy:

Solutions for a Sustainable World

Susan George

Ann Pettifor

Andrew Simms

Saturday 4 October 10am-5pm

Lecture Theatre B2, Leeds Metropolitan University Civic Quarter Site

£20.00 conc. £10.00 (Schumacher North Members £15.00 or £7.50)

Organised by Schumacher North in partnership with the George Mitchell

Centre for Peace and Global Responsibility, Leeds Metropolitan

University and School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds

The Leeds Schumacher Lectures 2008 will address the issues of economic justice and ecological sustainability posed by the increasing dominance of global corporations in the international economy. The three speakers are internationally recognised as leading activists in the quest for an alternative, just and sustainable international economic order, and the intention of this day of lectures and dialogue is to inform and inspire effective local action in support of practical initiatives aimed at creating this new order.

Susan George is one of the most outstanding defenders of alternative globalization. She is Chair of the Planning Board of the Transnational

Institute, having previously served on the Board of Greenpeace

International and acted as a consultant to various United Nations specialised agencies.

Ann Pettifor is executive director of Advocacy International, an international organisation working with low-income countries to promote positive development, investment and environmental sustainability in those countries. She helped to design and lead Jubilee 2000, an international campaign which succeeded in bringing about the cancellation of $100bn of debt owed by 42 countries.

Andrew Simms is Policy Director for the New Economics Foundation and head of the Climate Change programme at the Centre for Global

Interdependence. He is a board member of Greenpeace UK and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Europe and was one of the original campaigners for the Jubilee 2000 Coalition debt campaign.

To Book: phone 0113 812 5263

Further information from: Schumacher North, 57 Riviera Gardens, Leeds

LS7 3DW, Tel. 0113 262 7914, Email info@


International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics - News

Fred Lee

Executive Director

Job Postings for Heterodox Economists






The School of Urban and Public Affairs (SUPA) at the University of Texas at

Arlington is seeking to expand its faculty in public administration. We intend to hire two to three highly qualified individuals at the Assistant or Associate

Professor level to begin Fall 2009.

We specifically seek candidates with demonstrated research expertise and who have teaching interests in at least one of the following areas:



Human Resources & Personnel Management, including public personnel systems, current public personnel management issues, strategic human resources administration, and employee rights and labor relations.


Public Budgeting & Financial Management, including knowledge of fiscal federalism, state and local government financing, and governmental and nonprofit accounting.


Nonprofit Management, including personnel, board management, fiduciary responsibilities, fundraising, and grant administration.

Preference will be given to candidates who have an established research record with interest in working in a multidisciplinary environment as well as a commitment to community service. Candidates able to demonstrate strong interest in teaching quantitative analysis and/or administrative law courses will be particularly welcome. A Ph.D. in Public Administration is strongly preferred.

ABDs may be considered if doctoral degree is to be conferred before the effective date of appointment.

The School offers excellent teaching and research support, and its location in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area provides an ideal urban laboratory for research and community service. With its multidisciplinary faculty, SUPA offers five graduate degrees including two PhD degrees (Ph.D. in Public and Urban Administration, Ph.D. in

Urban Planning and Public Policy) and three masters degrees (Masters of Arts in Urban

Affairs, Masters in Public Administration, and Masters in City and Regional Planning) as well as two bachelor degrees (BS and BA in Interdisciplinary Studies).

A letter of application indicating research and teaching interests, vitae, and three letters of recommendation should be sent to Professor Edith Barrett, Chair, Search Committee,

School of Urban and Public Affairs, Box 19588, The University of Texas at Arlington,

Arlington, TX 76019-0588 or

Review of applications will begin on

November 1, 2008 and will continue until the position is filled. This is a security sensitive position, and a criminal background check will be conducted on finalists. The

University of Texas at Arlington is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action


Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Geneva, New York

B4 Political Economy and Methodology

B5 Current heterodox approaches

B54 Feminist Economics


Hobart and William Smith Colleges invite applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level anticipated for fall 2009. The position requires a specialization in political economy and methodology, with emphasis on heterodox approaches in political economy, feminist economics, and macroeconomics. Ph.D. preferred, AbD considered. Teaching responsibilities include five courses per year and would typically be one section of a core course in political economy (comparative theory and methodology), elective courses in radical and feminist analysis, section(s) of intermediate macroeconomics and principles of economics, and one other course which could be in the Colleges’ interdisciplinary programs or general education areas.

Founded as Hobart College for men and William Smith College for women,

Hobart and William Smith Colleges today are a highly selective, residential liberal arts institution with a single administration, faculty and curriculum but separate dean’s offices, student governments, athletic programs and traditions. The Colleges are located in a small, diverse city in the Finger

Lakes region of New York State. With an enrollment of approximately

2,000, the Colleges offer 62 different majors and minors from which students choose two areas of concentration, one of which must be an interdisciplinary program. Creative and extensive programs of international study and public service are also at the core of the Colleges’ mission.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges are committed to attracting and supporting a faculty of women and men that fully represent the racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the nation and actively seek applications from under-represented groups. The Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, age, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation or any other protected status.

Candidates should send a letter of application, c.v., evidence of successful teaching experience, and arrange to have three recommendations sent to:

Jo Beth Mertens, Chair

Department of Economics

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Geneva, NY 14456.

Applications must be received by November 15, 2008 to be guaranteed full consideration but will be accepted until the position is filled. Interviews will be conducted at the Allied Social Science Associations meetings.


Heterodox Conference Papers and Reports and Articles

An evolutionary perspective on the economics of energy consumption: the crucial role of habits by K. Marechal

Economia Informa No. 351 (Marzo-Abril 2008)

Microeconomía Heterodoxa: El monopolio, teoría y práctica

• Mark Lavoie, Neoclassical Empirical Evidence on Employment and

Production Laws as Artefact

• Gustavo Vargas Sánchez, La empresa transnacional

• Rogelio Huerta Quintanilla, Monopolio, precios de la tortilla y estancamiento de la economía mexicana

• Chris Tilly y José Luis Álvarez Galván, El tamaño sí importa:

Monopolio, el monopsonio y el impacto de Wal-Mart en México

• Jack Reardon, Private Equity Firms and the Irrelevance of

Traditional Monopoly

• Alfonso Anaya Díaz, El cociente de alineación de precios como indicador de poder de mercado

• Mayrén Polanco Gaytán, Understanding Creative Destruction in the

Mexican Economy

• Julio Boltvinik, Necesidades humanas, recurso tiempo y crítica de la teoría neoclásica del consumidor.


Eastern Civilisation and the Breakthrough to Modernity in the West: An Essay in the Philosophy and Theory of World History by

Heinrich Bortis, Université de

Fribourg (Switzerland)

Heterodox Journals and Newsletters

World Money - Associative Economics Bulletin - September 2008

The Associative Economics Bulletin consists of news and views on associative economics, including short extracts from Associative

Economics Monthly (available electronically for 1GBP an issue at

or in a hard copy format - tel (UK) 01227 738207). To unsubscribe from this list, reply or send an email to

with 'bulletin unsubscribe' in the subject line.

1. The Colours of Money Oct/Nov 2008

2. Course at The London School of Economics Oct-Dec 2008

3. Rethinking the Company - Associative Economics Monthly Editorial

September 2008


The next Colours of Money seminar will take place from October 3rd-5th in Stroud UK and then in Helsinki Finland from November 28th-30th

(contact Keijo Remes 0400 503840 /

). Please take contact if you are interested and would like details. An overview of the Quality Guarantee Mark in associative economics is available at:

and further information is available at:


A new introductory course in associative begins this autumn at LSE taking place monthly on Thursdays, combining taught elements, student- driven projects and research. Each session will be 4 hours in the afternoon / evening. Dates are as follows:

Thursday 9th October / Thursday 6th November / Thursday 4th December A description is available on request.



The idea of a world currency is a regular theme of these pages.

Rightly so, since we live in times of globalisation, behind which lies the reality of a single global economy and its corollary, a single global currency. This is so, notwithstanding the over 170 currencies


currently existing. Of these, of course, only three really matter – the dollar, the euro and the yuan; China having become the world economy’s primary ‘engine’.

Three is not really true, however, so long as the pound sterling remains; with its backing of global capital flows and global liquidity centred on London.

So what is there new to say on this topic? Perhaps not much. The items included in this edition provide evidence that the debate remains focused in two directions. On the one hand, there are those who believe a single global currency is a matter of time, but believe, too, that it should be fiat in kind, that is to say, belonging to a world polity and issued by that polity’s central bank. The example chosen is the project of the Single Global Currency Association.

On the other hand, local currencies remain active in many parts of the world. The latest is Britain’s Lewes Pound, see Sign of the Times, the reasoning behind which is a reiteration of arguments long rehearsed in the local currency movement.

These are interesting developments, but they perhaps miss an important point – namely, that the worldwide harmonising of accounting standards could well bring about a de facto world currency, even though various nationally and/or locally denominated currencies act as the circulating media.

Crucially, the harmonising of accounting standards works independently of any denomination or polity and is thus of a higher order. Moreover, insofar as accounting, when done properly and thoroughly, follows the

‘profile’ of real economic events, both physical and financial, it has the subtle property of being able to engender similar behaviour on the part of human beings everywhere, independently of their political or cultural persuasions.

This matters, because it means international accounting standards can steal a march on both national and local currencies. The question, considered in A Matter of Consciousness, then becomes whether the potential usurpation of both national and local currencies can be matched by a heightened awareness. In this connection Rudolf Steiner’s ideas of threefold money and money-become-accounting are revisited.

This month’s Friends’ Page is given over to a montage report on the recent AE Festival in Canterbury, England.

Our AE Hero is the Berkshare, chosen because of the consistency between its philosophy and practice and the persistence of this project over many years.

Accounting Corner (note subtle name change) this month touches on a vital, but little-pondered aspect of modern finance, the effect on human consciousness of two-sidedness in monetary affairs. Thereby, the individual as such becomes perceptible to himself, something of great consequence for our understanding and conduct of social life generally.


j'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du n° 28 (2008/2) de la revue Innovations. Cahiers d'économie de l'innovation. Le cahier principal (L'économie de la Défense) a été coordonné par notre collègue

Claude Serfati

I am pleased to announce the publication of the n°28 (2008/2) of the

Innovations. Cahiers d'économie de l'innovation. The main topic of this issue (The Defence Economy) is edited by Claude Serfati

CASE - Newsletter

Heterodox Books and Book Series

The Genesis of Innovation. Systemic Linkages between Knowledge and the


Elgar, 2008 plus d'informations:


The State of Working America

Labor Day preview of biennial resource

This week, EPI released the 11th edition of its flagship publication: The State of

Working America 2008-09 . EPI economists and authors Jared Bernstein, Larry

Mishel, and Heidi Shierholz show that, while the 2000s could have been a time of shared prosperity, only a small percentage of the nation's workers benefited from the booming economy. In a national conference call with journalists, the three authors highlighted their findings. According to Bernstein, while the growth of worker output, or productivity, surpassed the high levels of the 1990s, paychecks stagnated and employer-provided benefits continued to decrease. Shierholz emphasized the halt in job creation and the rise in unemployed workers--1.5 million more at the end of the

2000s business cycle than at its beginning. And Mishel showed how the upward redistribution of wealth leaves struggling families with less. Rich with charts and text on earnings, health care coverage, growing inequality, and international comparisons, the book gives an extensive analysis of the economic situation for working Americans, offering evidence for why many Americans experienced the

2000s as a recession, even while the economy grew. Visit the State of Working

America Web site now and in coming months to read excerpts, download charts, and to order your copy.

Trends in Business and Economic Ethics

Series: Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy

Cowton, Christopher; Haase, Michaela (Eds.)

2008, VI, 272 p. 10 illus., Hardcover

ISBN: 978-3-540-79471-4

Available: October 4, 2008

A growing body of academic and business specialists are paying attention to ethical issues in business and economics, drawing on a wide range of different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. This volume presents important new insights from scholars in economics, philosophy, business ethics and management studies. In addition to providing specific perspectives on particular topics, it presents strategic perspectives on the development of the field. Readers can inform themselves on developments in particular areas, such as social accountability or stakeholder governance; they will also find substantial contributions related to the interfaces of ethics and economics, economics and philosophy, business ethics and political science, and business ethics and management. The collection is a thought-provoking contribution to the development of business and economic ethics as an increasingly important field of academic study.


Green Recovery - A Program to Create Good Jobs and Start Building a Low-

Carbon Economy by Robert Pollin, James Heintz, Heidi Garrett-Peltier, and Helen


As the nation continues to debate its energy future, a new report released today shows that the U.S. can create two million jobs by investing in a rapid green economic recovery program, which will strengthen the economy, increase energy independence, and fight global warming.

Green Recovery - A Program to Create Good Jobs and Start Building a Low-Carbon

Economy was prepared by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of

Massachusetts, Amherst, under commission by the Center for American Progress and released by a coalition of labor and environmental groups. The authors are Robert Pollin,

Heidi Garrett-Peltier, James Heintz, and Helen Scharber of PERI.

Focusing for now on a short-term clean energy and jobs program, Green Recovery reports that a short-term green stimulus package would create two million jobs nationwide over two years. Later in the fall, PERI and CAP will co-publish a fuller study that addresses the longer-term challenges and opportunities created by building a clean-energy economy.

The short-term $100 billion green economic recovery package would:

 Create nearly four times more total jobs than spending the same amount of money within the oil industry, and 300,000 more jobs than a similar amount of

 spending directed toward household consumption.

Create roughly triple the number of good jobs -- paying at least $16 dollars an hour -- as spending the same amount of money within the oil industry.

Reduce the unemployment rate to 4.4 percent from 5.7 percent (calculated within the framework of U.S. labor market conditions in July 2008).

Bolster employment especially in construction and manufacturing.

Construction employment has fallen from 8 million to 7.2 million jobs over the past two years due to the housing bubble collapse. The Green Recovery program can, at the least, bring back these lost 800,000 construction jobs.

For the complete report findings, please click the report cover or go to

The green economic recovery program addresses the immediate need to boost our struggling economy and accelerate the adoption of a comprehensive clean-energy agenda through a


$100 billion investment that would combine tax credits and loan guarantees for private businesses with direct public-investment spending.

The recovery program aims to boost private and public investment in six energyefficiency and renewable-energy strategies: retrofitting buildings to improve energy efficiency, expanding mass transit and freight rail, constructing 'smart' electrical grid transmission systems, wind power, solar power, and next-generation biofuels.

The report shows that the vast majority of the two million jobs would be in the same areas of employment that people already work in today, in every region and state of the country. For example, constructing wind farms creates jobs for sheet metal workers, machinists and truck drivers, among many others. Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings through retrofitting requires roofers, insulators and building inspectors. Expanding mass transit systems employs civil engineers, electricians, and dispatchers.

The study's authors conclude that "we can be certain that the green recovery program will serve as a strong counterforce against pressures that are currently pushing unemployment up as well as more broadly increasing economic disparities. The green infrastructure investments proposed here will also generate significant long-term advances toward creating the clean energy economy that we need."

The green recovery program investments would fund:

 $50 billion for tax credits.

This would assist private businesses and homeowners in financing commercial and residential building retrofits, as well as investments in renewable-energy systems.

 $46 billion in direct government spending.

This would support public building

 retrofits, the expansion of mass transit, freight rail and smart electrical-grid systems, and new investments in renewable energy.

$4 billion for federal loan guarantees.

This would underwrite private credit that is extended to finance building retrofits and investments in renewable energy.

A Green New Deal: Joined-up policies to solve the triple crunch of the credit crisis, climate change and high oil prices



Pluralism in Economics

Peter Söderbaum

Environmental And Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary

Approach (2nd Edition, Houghton Mifflin, 2006)

Updated data and figures are now available in PowerPoint for the Harris Environmental and Natural Resource Economics text. Figures and tables for the teaching module The

Economics of Climate Change are also available.

The 2008 Data Updates include:

The price increase trends for food, fuel, and metals observed in 2007-2008

Recent trends in U.S. oil production and consumption

 Energy demand and energy intensity trends



emissions trends and CO


stabilization scenarios

Falling costs and expanded production of solar photovoltaics

The data updates and the Economics of Global Climate Change teaching module (which can be used to supplement or replace Chapter 18 in the Harris text) are available for free download at:

Examination copies of the text can be ordered from Cengage Learning (now incorporating the former Houghton Mifflin College Division) at:

(register and select “Environmental and Natural Resource Economics” field at the

Cengage Learning site).

Other Texts and Teaching Modules Available From the Global

Development And Environment Institute at Tufts University (GDAE):

Microeconomics in Context, Second Edition

by Neva Goodwin, Julie A.

Nelson, Frank Ackerman and Thomas Weisskopf.

Macroeconomics in Context, First Edition

by Neva Goodwin, Julie A.

Nelson, and Jonathan Harris.

These innovative Principles of Economics textbooks can be ordered from M.E. Sharpe , and free examination copies are available to potential adopters. A comprehensive


Student Study Guide and the full set of PowerPoints slides are available for free download. An Instructor’s Resource Manual and Test Bank are also available on

GDAE’s website to verified instructors. For more information, visit:

GDAE TEACHING MODULES on Social and Environmental Issues in


These modules, designed for use as supplements in undergraduate-level courses, are available in Adobe Acrobat format.

The modules are downloadable free of charge.

Topics include: trade, global climate change, corporate power, consumption, tax equity, and environmental justice.


Book Reviews

John S. Lyons, Louis P. Cain and Samuel H. Williamson, editors,

_Reflections on the Cliometrics Revolution: Conversations with Economic

Historians_. New York: Routledge, 2008. xiv + 491 pp. $160


ISBN: 978-0-415-70091-7.

Reviewed for EH.NET by Michael Haupert, Department of Economics,

University of Wisconsin–La Crosse.

A better set of editors could not have been selected for the assemblage of this volume. John Lyons, Lou Cain and Sam Williamson certainly know the story of cliometrics. All three have extensive experience in the running of the Cliometric Society and deep roots in the annual conferences. Williamson was the original executive director of the society, PI for the NSF grant, and editor of the association’s newsletter; Cain and Lyons were associate editors for the newsletter during Williamson’s term; and Williamson and Cain were among the earliest attendees at the annual Clio meetings, then known as the

Conference on the Application of Economic Theory and Quantitative

Methods, held on the Purdue University campus.


There is little new here, with the bulk of the text consisting of reprints of the ever popular newsletter interviews. Having said that, there is little else with which to find fault in this effort. The hefty price tag will unfortunately deter many potential buyers, but the volume does pull together a nice selection of the interviews along with a well researched history of the cliometrics revolution and economic history in general. All in all the value added by the editors to the interviews is considerable.

The bibliography alone, stretching nearly forty pages, makes this book a worthy addition to any economic historian’s library. It is a reference of every fundamental building block of economic history and every serious study of the role, evolution, and critical review of the discipline of economics from a historical perspective.

The interviews themselves have little new material, but pulling them all together is a valuable contribution. They are not merely the first several published in the newsletter. Rather, they represent a carefully selected collection, logically organized to help tell the story of the

“new economic history” revolution that changed the face of the discipline and spawned a generation of cliometricians.

The interviews are not all reproduced verbatim. Some have been updated with recent additions by the subjects. However, these are few in number and for the most part update the reader on what he or she probably already knew: the recent research interests of the subjects.

After a concise but thorough history of the discipline of economic history, the interviews are organized into chapters that detail the revolution that became cliometrics. The editors start with a recognition of the preconditions for the new economic history. In

“Before the New Economic History: North America” and its companion chapter for Great Britain, we meet the forefathers in interviews with the likes of Walt Rostow, Moses Abramovitz and Phyllis Deane. These are followed with a chapter focusing on the acknowledged elders of cliometrics, Douglass North and William Parker. There are separate chapters of interviews focusing on the cradle of clio at Purdue (Lance

Davis, Jonathan Hughes and Nate Rosenberg), as well as the workshops of two of the most heralded economic historians, Simon Kuznets and

Alexander Gerschenkron. Finally, there is a chapter focusing on noted expatriates R.M. Hartwell, Eric Jones and Charles Feinstein. Each of these chapters of interviews is preceded by an introductory chapter that sets the interviewees’ contributions to economic history, and the cliometric revolution in particular, in context. Patrick K. O’Brien then provides a critical but fair appraisal of the achievements and shortcomings of cliometrics to round off the story.

When it is all added together, we have a book that, while mostly


reprinted material from the Newsletter of the Cliometric Society, still makes a worthwhile contribution. The bringing together and organizing of the interviews in a logical order is of itself a value, especially to younger scholars looking to get a sense of the history of the discipline, or more seasoned economic historians looking to refresh their memories. The most important contribution made by _Reflections on the Cliometrics Revolution_ is the perspective it provides on the discipline from the viewpoints of some of its major contributors.

Lyons, Cain and Williamson are to be commended for their efforts. The organization and compilation of this material has brought together for the first time the necessary ingredients for telling the story of the growth of our discipline. If you haven’t spent time meeting your intellectual ancestors, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Mike Haupert (University of Wisconsin–La Crosse) was editor of the

Newsletter of the Cliometric Society from 2000-08 and recently succeeded

Lee Craig as the Executive Director of the Cliometric Society.

Copyright (c) 2008 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.Net

Administrator (

; Telephone: 513-529-2229).

Published by EH.Net (August 2008). All EH.Net reviews are archived at .




, by Ranjay Gulati. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-19-

929935-5; 325 pages. Reviewed by Sébastien Plociniczak, Université Paris XIII, France







: L








, by Giovanni

Arrighi. London: Verso, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-84467-104-5; 420 pages. Reviewed by Yan

Liang, University of Redlands



Chernomas and Ian Hudson. Winnipeg, Canada: Arbeiter Ring Publishing, 2007, ISBN

1-894037-31-6; 224 pages. Reviewed by Ryan A. Dodd, University of Missouri-Kansas


The HEN-IRE-FPH Project for Developing Heterodox Economics and Rethinking the Economy Through Debate and Dialogue

The Heterodox Economics Newsletter , The International Initiative for Rethinking the Economy

(IRE) , and the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH)


) have undertaken a joint project to promote the development of heterodox economics. It involves publishing in the Newsletter reviews, analytical summaries, or commentary of articles, books, book chapters, theses, dissertations, government reports, etc. that relate to the following themes: diversity of economic approaches, regulation of goods and services, currency and finance, and trade regimes. These themes relate to heterodox economics and to the open and pluralistic intellectual debates in economics. It is hoped that the reviews will contribute to strengthening the community of heterodox economists, and to the development of heterodox economic theory through the dissemination of ideas/arguments. The final aim of this project is to help heterodox economists come up with proposals, both theoretical and applied, that would help adapt the economy to the challenges facing humankind. The reviews will be published in the Newsletter and will also be put on the IRE website

. For further information about the project, material available for reviewing, and about reviewing the material click here . Anyone interested in contributing to and reviewing material for the HEN-

IRE-FPH project should contact Fred Lee, Editor of the Newsletter by email (

). I am particularly interested in getting recommendations of material that should be reviewed.


Heterodox Graduate Program and PhD Scholarships

The German state gives grants for non-German students in Germany. A part of these grants is given via the foundations of the political parties. The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is giving grants for students (including doctoral theses) who want to study in Germany.

Grants range from 615 Euros a month to 1.100 Euros (the grant is for two years, with the possibility to for another year). The next deadline for the applications is the 31 October

2008 and then April 2009.

For further details see: nde.pdf


if you want to be put in touch with someone who can give you further details.

Heterodox Web Sites


Queries from Heterodox Economists

Heterodox Economics Archive Material


For Your Information

The Society for the Development of Austrian Economics is pleased to announce

that submissions for the 2008 Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student


Competition are now being accepted. Submissions will be accepted from

students in the dissertation stage of their PhD education in economics or

other relevant disciplines anywhere in the world. This competition is

designed for students writing dissertations on themes related to


economics; submissions should adhere to appropriate standards of academic

writing and should be on a topic relevant to Austrian economics.

There is

no word limit; and, students submitting papers to this competition will

retain all publication rights to their work; however, winners are encouraged

to submit their papers to The Review of Austrian Economics for publication.

Three prizes are given, each worth $1000, to be used to pay expenses to

attend the Southern Economic Association meetings this November in

Washington, DC, where the winners will present their work on a special

panel. Prize awards are contingent on attending the SEA meetings and the

SDAE’s annual business meeting and awards banquet.

The prize committee consists of:

· Peter Boettke, George Mason University

· Emily Chamlee-Wright, Beloit College

· Steven Horwitz, St. Lawrence University


· David Prychitko, Northern Michigan University

· Virgil Storr, Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Deadline for submissions is October 10, 2008. Decisions will be made by

October 15.

Please send all questions and submissions electronically to Peter


Assistant to Peter Boettke, at [1]






The Association for Social Economics sponsors each year a competition for a grant of

$5000 to support the research efforts of a junior faculty member or a Ph.D. student nearing completion of the degree. The Grant

Application and instructions can be found on the ASE website at

ASE, established in 1941, advances research on the social and ethical foundations of economics and supports economic analysis to help shape scholarship and form policy.

Applications will be accepted until November 1,


The Award will be announced at the ASSA meetings in San Francisco, CA, January 3-5,


Interview with Chang Ha-Joon


Eastern Economic Association

Announces the Koford Prize

In memory of Kenneth J. Koford, editor of the Eastern Economic Journal from 1999-

2004, the Eastern Economic Association has established a prize to help junior foreign scholars to attend the annual EEA meetings and to present a paper. The next

EEA conference will be held February 27,

2009 – March 1, 2009, at the Sheraton

New York Hotel and Towers in New York

City. The winner of the Koford Prize will receive $1000 towards travel, registration, and accommodations at the conference.

The objective of the Koford Prize is to assist junior economists with completed

Ph.D. who have not yet been considered for tenure, and who are not citizens of the

U.S. To apply please send a cover letter, vita, and manuscript electronically to

Alexandra Bernasek, Department of

Economics, Colorado State University, Ft.

Collins, Colorado, or electronically to

Please include contact information, an abstract, and three JEL codes with your paper. The maximum paper length is

10,000 words. The deadline for paper submissions is December 15, 2008.


The Association for Social Economics (ASE), one of the founding member organizations of the Allied Social Science Associations, together with the Review of Social Economy , would like to invite submissions for the

Warren Samuels Prize

This prize is awarded to a paper, presented at the January ASSA meetings, that best exemplifies scholarly work that:

Is of high quality,

Is important to the project of social economics,

Has broad appeal across disciplines.

It is preferable, but not required, that the paper is presented at one of the ASSA sessions sponsored by the Association for Social Economics. Papers will not normally exceed

6,500 words (inclusive of references, notes), and should follow the style guidelines for the Review of Social Economy .

The winner of the prize will be announced during the ASE presidential breakfast, to which the winner is invited. The winning paper may, subject to peer review, be published


in the subsequent September issue of the Review of Social Economy . The winner of the

Warren Samuels Prize receives a $500 stipend.

The selection committee consists of:

A Past-President of ASE;

A Co-editor of the Review of Social Economy (Chair);

A member of the Editorial Board, Review of Social Economy .

Papers presented at the 2009 ASSA meetings in San Francisco, CA, in sessions not restricted to sessions in the ASE programme, may be send electronically, as a word or pdf attachment, to Wilfred Dolfsma, Corresponding Editor, Review of Social Economy , before December 5 th , 2008 at

One thing is clear from the history of trade: protectionism makes you rich

However much Peter Mandelson bullies them, poor countries know his equation of fair trade and free trade is nonsense

By George Monbiot

(Appeared in The Guardian , 9/9/08)

It is not often that a bureaucrat makes a major scientific discovery. So hats off to Peter

Power. The European commission's spokesperson for trade, writing to the Guardian last week, has invented a new ecological concept: excess fish. Seeking to justify policies that would ensure that European trawlers are allowed to keep fishing in west African waters,

Mr Power claims that they will be removing only the region's "excess stocks". Well, someone has to do it. Were it not for our brave trawlermen battling nature's delinquent productivity, the seas would become choked with these disgusting scaly creatures.

Power was responding to the column I wrote a fortnight ago, which showed how fish stocks have collapsed and the people of Senegal have gone hungry as a result of plunder by other nations. The economic partnership agreement the commission wants Senegal to sign would make it much harder for that country to keep our boats out of its waters.

Power maintains that "the question of access to Senegalese waters by EU fleets ... is not part of these trade negotiations".

This is a splendid example of strategic stupidity. No one is claiming that there is a specific fish agreement for Senegal. But the commission's demand that European companies have the right to establish themselves freely on African soil and to receive

"national treatment" would ensure that Senegal is not allowed to discriminate between its own businesses and foreign firms. It would then be unable to exclude European boats. Is this really too much for a well-paid bureaucrat to grasp?


After that column was published, several people wrote to suggest that the problem is worse than I thought. Senegal's fish crisis is part of a bitterly ironic story. As Felicity

Lawrence shows in her book Eat Your Heart Out, the people of Senegal have become dependent on fishing partly because of the collapse of farming. In 1994, Senegal was forced to remove its trade taxes. This allowed the EU to dump subsidised tomatoes and chicken on its markets, putting its farmers out of business. They moved into fishing at about the same time as the European super-trawlers arrived, and were wiped out again.

So fishing boats were instead deployed to carry economic migrants out of Senegal.

Lawrence discovered that those who survive the voyage to Europe are being employed in near-slavery by ... the subsidised tomato industry.

But this is just one aspect of a scandal that has been missed by almost every journalist in the UK. While we have been fretting about house prices and the Big Brother final, the

European trade commissioner, Peter Mandelson, has been seeking to impose new trade agreements on 76 of the world's poorest countries: the African, Caribbean and Pacific

(ACP) nations. Posing as "instruments for development", the economic partnership agreements threaten to beggar them.

The people of these countries know that trade is essential to pull them out of poverty. But they also see that unless it is conducted fairly, it impoverishes them more. Many are aware that the European equation of fair trade with free trade is nonsense.

Neoliberal economists claim rich countries got that way by removing their barriers to trade. Nothing could be further from the truth. As Ha-Joon Chang shows in his book

Kicking Away the Ladder, Britain discovered its enthusiasm for free trade only after it had achieved economic dominance. The industrial revolution was built on protectionism: in 1699, for example, we banned the import of Irish woollens; in 1700 we banned cotton cloth from India. To protect our infant industries, we imposed ferocious tariffs (trade taxes) on almost all manufactured goods.

By 1816 the US had imposed a 35% tax on most imported manufactures, which rose to

50% in 1832. Between 1864 and 1913 it was the most heavily protected nation on earth, and the fastest-growing. It wasn't until after the second world war, when it had already become top dog, that it dropped most of its tariffs. The same strategy was followed by

Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and almost every other country that is rich today. Within the

ACP nations, the great success story of the past 30 years is the country whose protectionism has been fiercest: during the 1980s and 1990s, Mauritius imposed import tariffs of up to 80%. Protectionism, which can be easily exploited by corrupt elites, does not always deliver wealth; but development is much harder without it.

Mandelson's attempt to deprive the poor nations of these strategies is just one of the injustices he is trying to impose. While he wants the ACP countries to eliminate tariffs on the import of almost all goods, Europe will sustain its farm subsidies. In combination, these policies could put millions out of work.


As Oxfam shows, he's also negotiating to let European corporations muscle out local firms and make privatisation legally irreversible, threatening people's access to health, education, water and banking. The ACP countries would be forbidden to impose tough capital controls in a financial crisis: the need for European companies to get their money out takes precedence over the economic survival of the poor. He wants them to adopt a plant-breeding treaty that bans farmers from saving their own seeds.

Mandelson tried to force all this through by last December, warning the ACP countries that if they didn't sign up by then, world trade rules would ensure that they lost their preferential trading status with Europe. The UN trade adviser Dr Dan Gay tells me that people in the talks between the European commission, Fiji and Papua New Guinea claim that "Mandelson shouted 'neocolonial style' at ministers, suggesting that they were so incompetent that they had to rely on foreign advisers". Mandelson's office says he "did express the wish to negotiate with ministers present, rather than their advisers. However, he did not shout 'neocolonial style' at anyone."

Either way, there is no question that the ACP countries have been bullied. In December their trade ministers published a joint statement deploring "the enormous pressure that has been brought to bear on the ACP states by the European commission". Over half of them refused to sign anything; the rest initialled draft agreements. Mandelson is still twisting arms, trying to force the treaties through as quickly as possible. Last week the

Caribbean heads of state were due to commit themselves, but pulled back at the last minute; they hold a meeting tomorrow to decide what to do next. I hope they have the balls to tear the whole thing up and start again.

If the aim of these negotiations had been to enrich European companies at the expense of the poor, Peter Mandelson has done well. If, as the commission claims, the partnership agreements are "primarily conceived as an instrument for development", his interventions have been disastrous. He appears to have pursued these talks in the style of a 21st-century viceroy: no humanitarian concern is allowed to obstruct commercial interests.

In the short term, and within a limited frame of reference, the commission's tactics might enhance our self-interest. But we are better than this. If the people of Europe knew what was being done in their name, I doubt that one in 10 would support it.