Design and Implementation of an XML-based Universal Mobile Data Acquisition System Huang Zhiyi12, Chang Qingling12, Shen Zhihong1, Zhou Yuanchun1, Yan Baoping1, Liu Lei1 (1, Computer Network Information Center CAS, Beijing 100190; 2, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190) Abstract Presently a lot of mobile data acquisition systems have been applied in outdoor data acquisition work in all walks of life. But since they are specially designed and developed for a certain application independently, which have disadvantages of long development period and poor expansibility. Aimed at these disadvantages, we designed and implemented an xml-based universal mobile data acquisition system. The innovation of this system is that it can be used for different applications. By simple customization, it can meet the needs of different users, without developers' design and development work time after time. To take the data acquisition work about plants and animals in Qinghai Lake Nature Reserve as an example, this paper introduces the design and implementation of this universal mobile data acquisition system. 1 Introduction Advances of mobile data acquisition system based on Personal Digital Assistant are making data acquisition faster, easier, and more accurate than paper-based data collection methods[1][2]. At present, the mobile data collection systems have been widely applied in many professions: medicine [3], transportation [4][5], agriculture[6][7], geography[8], and so on. But since they are specially designed and developed for a certain application independently, which have disadvantages of long development period and poor expansibility. At the same time, through the investigation into informationization in many institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences, we see widely and pressing demand of mobile data acquisition system. For example, Qinghai lake nature reserves, Institute of Marine, Institute of Botany and Northeast Institute of Geography and agricultural ecology, all of them need mobile data acquisition system to change their traditional way: paper-based data collection. So many application requirements drive us to design and implement a universal mobile data acquisition system. Through analysis and comparison of these demands of mobile data acquisition system, we found that they have a lot in common. Most of them have database application systems, the staff will input the recorded data on paper through a web form. Or they input data to Excel file firstly, and then import to database by program. Most of the data recorded on paper are digital, short text, or GPS data. Based on these things in common, we design a universal mobile data acquisition system. Through simple customization, it can meet the demands of different users. So this system not only can avoid developers' repeated development work, but also can reduce the complexity of the maintenance. If the demand changes, user only need to change the configuration, without the development again. To take the data acquisition work about plants and animals in Qinghai Lake Nature Reserve for an example, this paper introduces the design and implementation of this universal mobile data acquisition system in detail. As China's biggest inland saltwater lake and international wetlands, Qinghai Lake is the most abundant biodiversity treasure of Tibet Plateau. The reserve workers shall periodically do investigation of birds, wetland vegetation, and endangered species. Birds investigation include three activities: survey around the lake twice each year, route survey many times each year, every day observation in some location. Workers write down the numbers of every kind of birds (including young, male, female quantity, and nests quantity, etc), and the numbers of birds of different behaviors in different living surroundings. These survey data provides valuable scientific data not only for reserve workers to better protect ecology, but also for plants and animals scientists to do scientific research and experiment. 2 Structure and function of the system In order to realize the generalization, we make use of customization by user and dynamic interpretation by program to replace the developers’ design and coding work according to the requirements of certain application. The key problems are that how to provide a simple, universal way for user to custom, how to preserve the customized information, and how to generate correct data acquisition forms on PDA as users want. Considering that the data acquisition applications generally need to establish the corresponding relation database for data analysis in the next step, and by extracting table structure metadata of the database, the system can automatically get part of custom information, so we base on relational database, take table for data acquisition unit (one table in database correspond to one data acquisition form) to provide users with simple customization mode. The universal mobile data acquisition system consists of three modules: custom module, data acquisition module, data synchronization module (figure 1). Users use this system as follows: firstly, users specify requirements of data acquisition based on the well-built relational database, (including giving title, setting edit style and data source, et al for each data acquisition field, setting the acquisition menu items on PDA, and setting the menu item corresponding which data acquisition form). The custom module will save the custom information to an XML file. Then use the data synchronization module to get dictionary data from the database, and copy the XML file and dictionary data to PDA. Finally, users start the program on the PDA, and they will obtain the correct data acquisition system. The data inputted by users is stored in the SQLite database(an embedded database), and then be export to background database through the data synchronization module (applicable to Oracle, SQL server, MYSQL database) etc. Custom module provides users with a web interface. Firstly users configure the connection parameters to background database. Then the custom module connects to the database and extracts metadata information. Based on these information, custom module provides users with customize pages to input custom information about tables, fields, and tables’ relation aroused by foreign key. At last, the system will store the metadata information and user customized information to an XML file. The data acquisition module is the program running on PDA. It consists of three sub modules: XML parsing module, data acquisition forms generation and data access module, GPS receiving module. XML parsing module Reads and analyzes the XML file, and supply information for data acquisition forms generation and data access module. The latter module dynamically create input widgets and data access button for the data acquisition forms, rather than the design and development for a certain application independently, the input widgets and buttons are designed statically by developers. If the data is GPS type, GPS receiving module will automatically access and preserve data. Data synchronization module consists of two sub modules: data import module and data export module. It is desktop software. It builds up a bridge between the PDA and background database. Because each application system may have some static data, such as the plants’ and animals’ name in the Qinghai lake nature reserve database, so the data import module can extract these static data from some table specified by users in the background database. These data will reduce the input data for users. Data export module is used to upload the data recorded by users on the PDA to the background databse. Before uploading, users can browse, edit the data to ensure the accuracy of the data. Custom module GPS aerial Metadata extract Custom page Write XML XML file Web Data acquisition module XML parsing Dictionary data Background database Forms generation and data access GPS receiving SQLite database Data synchronization module Windows Mobile Data import Data export Recorded data Desktop software Figure 1 System structure generate correct data acquisition forms. In order to clear explain the solutions to these 3 The key technology research two issues, we take birds investigation around Qinghai Lake for example. An The key problems to realize investigation around Qinghai Lake takes 1-2 generalization by customization based on weeks. Investigators travel around the lake the relational database tables are that how to according to the plan. They stop at some design a reasonable, universal XML schema sites, and record the numbers of very kind to preserve custom information and how to of birds. So we design three relational tables: use custom information to dynamically Circle Lake Survey (circleLakeID, start date, end date, captain, participants); Places Survey (placeSurveyID, placeID, time, weather, investigators, methods, latitude, longitude, altitude, circleLakeID); Birds Survey (birdsSurveyID, birdID, young quantity, subadult quantity, adult female quantity, adult male quantity, nest amount, placeSurveyID). placeID, birdID both are foreign key pointing to dictionary table: Places(placeID, name). name), Birds(birdID, 3.1 Design of XML schema The structure of XML file is as figure 2. The root element is <dataset> which contains <repository>, <table>, <relation>, <view> four kinds of child element. <repository> is one and only, the others are repetitive elements. r eposit ar y t able t able t able dat aset r elat ion view view r elat ion view view Figure 2 Structure of XML schema <dataset> Users can name the PDA application <uri>cn.csdb.qinghai</uri> corresponding to the title that shows on <title>Qinghai Lake plants and animals</title> PDA which is store in <dataset>.<title> <repository> element. The first step for users to <productName>mysql</productName> customize is configure database connection, <productVersion>5.0</productVersion> namely fill in database product type, the <userName>root</userName> version number, the IP address and port, <userPass>1</userPass> user name and password, database name. <host>localhost</host> These data are stored in <port>3306</port> <repository>element and will be used by <databaseName>qinghailakedb</databaseName> synchronization module to extract </repository> dictionary data and import recorded data. Users need to customize each relation table. Firstly, set the title and primary key for the table. Secondly, set titles, edit style (single-line text widget, multiple line text widget, drop-down box, or radio buttons) for each field. All of the information is stored in the XML file as the list below. The primary key is signed by <identifier> and <idGenerator> indicate whether the key is automatically growth. The type of field can be integer, real, enumeration, string, GPS type, collection type. If it is enumeration type, the user is required to specify the enumeration data through character string with comma interval, and the string is kept in <options>. If the PDA has GPS aerial, the GPS type field will be filled automatically by the PDA. The field which is Collection type is a virtual field refers to another relation table due to the foreign key. <table> <title>CircleLake Survey </title> <tableName>circlelake</tableName> <uri>cn.csdb.qinghai.circlelake</uri> <identifier> <idGenerator>autoinc</idGenerator> <field></field> </identifier> <field> <title>Primary Key</title> <type>Long</type> <columnName>ID</columnName> <editorStyle>LongEdit</editorStyle> <editorHeight /> <uri></uri> </field> <field> …… <type>Enum</type> <options>sunny,rain,cloudy </options> </field> </table> Maybe you have found that <dataset>, <table>, <field> all have <uri> child element. This is the only identifier for each object. It is used to mapping. Take the foreign key mapping for example. Users need to configure the foreign key relationship. For example, in table “Birds Survey”, birdID is a foreign key refers to table “Birds”. So the inner text of the element <relation>.<foreignKey> is the value of <uri> of field birdID in talbe “Birds Survey”. The value of element <target> also is <uri> of the table “Birds”. <relation> <target>cn.csdb.qinghai.birds</target> <foreignKey>cn.csdb.qinghai.birdsSurvey.birdID </foreignKey> </relation> The element <view> is used to tell the PDA data acquisition module three information: what tables constitutes the menu of the PDA data acquisition system; What tables are the dictionary tables; for each table what fields should be edited on PDA and how they are arranged. Take the view below for example, because the inner text of <source> element is the <uri> of <dataset> and the name of the view is “pdaEdit”, so it is about what tables constitutes the menu of the PDA data acquisition system. It has two <item>, corresponding to the table “Circle Lake Survey” and “Sample Route Survey”, so the PDA data acquisition system has two menu items. If the inner text of <source> is <uri> of a table, it means what fields should be edited on the PDA. The configuration page is as figure 3. For table “Circle Lake Survey”, the primary key circleLakeID is auto generate, so users do not need to edit on PDA. <view> <source>cn.csdb.qinghai</source> <name>pdaEdit</name> <item>cn.csdb.qinghai.circlelake</item> <item>cn.csdb.qinghai.sampleRouteSurvey </item> </view> 3.2 Dynamic generation of mobile data acquisition system The data acquisition module's mission is to use the custom information saved in XML file to create menu items and the corresponding data acquisition forms, and preserve users’ input data to SQLite database. There are two technical difficulties. One is how to dynamically create menu and data acquisition forms as users want. The second is how to show two or more forms together which are related because of foreign keys. How to solve the first problem? Firstly, XML parsing module provides enough interfaces about custom information for forms generation module. With the interface DataStore.getEditTablesList(), we can get an tables arrayList corresponding to menu items on PDA. Traverse the arrayList, use table.getTitle() to obtain the title of the forms. When the user clicks one menu item, the system use table.getEditFieldsList() to get edit fields list of the corresponding table. And then we use Field.title, Field.type, and Field.editStyle to create different types of input widget. For example, the weather field in table “Place Survey” of Qinghai Lake database. It is an enumeration type. If the edit style configured by users is radio button, the inner text of <editStyle> in XML file will be “EnumRadioEdit”, the system will create a series of radio Buttons. If users select style of drop-down box, <editStyle> is “EnumSelectEdit”, the system will create Combobox. So-called parent-child relation tables, it is two tables: the primary key of table A is table B’s foreign key, and table B should be designed with table A in the same form as two Tab page. Because the value of foreign key in table B should be added by the program rather than users. For example, the three tables about birds survey in Qinghai Lake constitute two levels parent-child relation. The table “Circle Lake survey” is the parent table of “Places Survey”, and “Places Survey” is parent of “Birds Survey”. How users customize such multiple tables cascade show? In the configuration page of PDA edit view of the parent table A, you only need to select the virtual field which refer to table B into the edit fields list. As shown in figure 3, because of the foreign key “circleLakeID” in table “Places Survey”, a virtual field is added to table “Circle Lake Survey”. If the virtual field was added to the edit list, there will be a child tab page for table “Birds Survey”. With the interface table.GetEditChildTableList(), the forms generation module will get the information about the child tables. As shown in figure 4, there are three tab pages on PDA corresponding to three tables of birds survey in Qinghai Lake. Figure 3 configuration page of PDA edit view Figure 4 parent-child forms 4 System development and implementation At the present time, there are multiple operating systems on different mobile equipment, including Symbian of Nokia, Windows Mobile system of Microsoft, and PALM system supported by PalmOne Company. Because that Windows Mobile system is the same as the Windows system on PC, and much easy than any other operating systems, so we chose Windows Mobile5.0 as our PDA experimental platform. We use JSP language with eclipse and resin server as development environment to develop the custom module. The other two modules including data acquisition module on PDA and desktop data synchronization module are developed with c#. The development environment includes Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK, .net Compact Framework 2.0, SQLite3 and ActiveSync and 4.5. References [1] Paul D. Greene. Handheld Computers as Tools for Writing and Managing Field Data, Field Methods, May 2001; 13: 181 - 197. [2] Linda A. Fletcher, Darin J. Erickson, Traci L. Toomey, et al. Handheld Computers: A Feasible Alternative to Paper Forms for Field Data Collection. Eval Rev, Apr 2003; 27: 165 - 178. [3] Fischer S, Stewart TE, Mehta S, et al. Handheld computing in medicine. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2003; 10(2):139–49. [4] Vivoda, J.M., Eby, D.W. 2006. Using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) for the Collection of Safety Belt Use Data in the Field. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers vol. 38, p. 158-164. [5] Zou Guoping, Huang Zheng, Hao Guochang. Design and Implementation of PDA-based Highway 5 Conclusion Maintenance Data Acquisition System. Traffic Standardization, 2007(9): 97-101. XML-based universal mobile data acquisition system provides an automatic mode for outdoor data acquisition workers to record data and import data into background database. It is more convenient and effective than paper-based data collection methods. Furthermore, through simple customization, this system can be applied to many different applications, not only reduces the workload of developers, but also makes the system be easy expanded. Now this system is used by the Qinghai Lake Nature Reserve workers, and will be used by Institute of Marine and Institute of Botany. Next, we plan to design cross-platform mobile data acquisition system, and diversification of data collection, including images, video, temperature data, etc. [6] Otuka. A., & Yamanaka, T. (2003). An application for insect field surveys using a handheld computer. Agricultural Information Research, 12(2), 113-124. [7] Louis George Clark, Jr., Donald Romaine Gummow, et al. 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