Meeting of the *****(insert name of Committee), ******(insert date of

Minutes of the Meeting of the LEISURE COMMITTEE
held on 29 September 2003
PRESENTCouncillor Jean Steer (Chairman); Councillor Lesley Danbury (Vice Chairman); Councillors
John Beckett (as nominated substitute for Councillor Simona Hartley); Robert Foote; Jonathan Lees;
Derek Phillips; Mike Richardson; Alan Winkworth and Charles Wood (as nominated substitute for
Councillor Lindsey Fisk)
In attendance: Councillor Nigel Pavey
Apologies for absence: Councillors Lindsey Fisk; Simona Hartley and Jan Mason
Officers present: Fiona Cotter; Doug Earle; Andrew Eperson; Jon Gransden; Corinne Payne;
Trevor Smith; John Vadgama and Graham Waters
MINUTES. The Minutes of the Meeting of the Leisure Committee held on 30 June 2003 were
agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the correction of a typographical
error in the heading of Minute No. 4.
KEY SERVICE PRIORITIES 2003/04. The Committee considered a report setting out
performance against its Key Service Priorities for 2003/04.
Having received clarification in respect of work being undertaken in relation to facilities in Long
Grove Park and skate park facilities generally, the Committee noted that no corrective action was
required at this time as progress against all of its targets was satisfactory to date.
REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING 2003/04. The Committee received a report informing it
of the projected shortfall in income from fees, charges and lettings at The Ebbisham Centre,
based on activity in the first quarter of the financial year, and the remedial action being taken to
improve this situation.
The Committee noted a number of issues relating to the fabric of the building and its usage that
had contributed to this projected shortfall. However, it was anticipated that, now the Centre was
fully staffed and these issues resolved or close to resolution, staff would be able to concentrate on
increasing occupancy, ergo revenue to the Centre. The Committee agreed that a revised forecast
for the position at the year-end should be presented to its November meeting based on six months
income and expenditure.
The Committee further agreed that a Marketing and Promotional Strategy should be presented to
its November meeting following the outcome of the Best Value Review of Venues to be reported
to the Strategy and Resources Committee in October.
PUBLIC FOOTPATH NO.34 EPSOM AND EWELL. The Committee considered a report
requesting consent as landowners to Surrey County Council’s proposal to formalise the route
preferred by the public as evidenced by use on the ground. Having noted that the County
Council had agreed to meet the legal costs associated with the necessary Diversion Order, the
Committee agreed to the proposed diversion to run between points marked B to C and coloured
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the Leisure Committee, 29 September 2003
red on the plan annexed to the report (as opposed to the currently proposed definitive route which
ran between points A and D coloured purple on the plan annexed to the report).
OUTSTANDING REFERENCES. The Committee noted references outstanding to Officers as at
the date of the meeting. It was agreed that, given the complex issues surrounding the
decriminalisation of parking, a report on the problems, real or perceived, regarding parking in
Court Recreation Ground should be presented to the November meeting of the Committee and
should not be put on hold pending the outcome of these wider issues.
EXLCUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC. Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government
Act 1972, the Committee resolved to exclude the public from the meeting for consideration of the
following items on the grounds that the business involved the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined in paragraphs 7 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) to the Act.
COURT RECREATION GROUND DOJO. The Committee considered a report that set out two
possible courses of action following the fire that destroyed the Dojo in Court Recreation Ground
in the light of additional information pertinent to this decision tabled at the meeting.
It was agreed to recommend that
The Dojo in Court Recreation Ground should not be rebuilt;
Strategy and Resources Committee be requested to accept a cash settlement in respect of
the insurance claim;
Strategy and Resources Committee be requested to recognise the special circumstances
surrounding the loss of facilities in Court Recreation Ground and use the cash settlement
to (i) reach an agreement with the contractor regarding alternative investment in the
Council facilities he uses elsewhere as set out in the report (ii) meet the cost of
demolition and to (iii) reinvest in Court Recreation Ground, considering all options,
which may include improving the remaining facilities, particularly taking into account
that a facility for young people had been lost.
The meeting ended at 8.34 p.m
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council