Art Policy - Llanfaes Community Primary School

Llanfaes C P School – Art and Design Policy
Art is a way of organising and communicating experience, feelings and ideas in visual or tactile
form. Artists use various materials and techniques to express and convey perception by means
of visual language.
Art makes essential contributions to the development of creativity and imagination, aesthetic
sensibility, visual perception, emotional and intellectual development, physical competence and
critical judgement.
Pupils' understanding and enjoyment of the observed and tactile world can be enhanced through
their work in art. By observing and recording their experience of the world around them, they
can come to know and understand its complexities. Art enables them to give form to their
personal response to the world around them and to comment on and record their perceptions.
To stimulate and/or maintain pupil curiosity, interest and enjoyment in art.
To respond practically and imaginatively to the work of others, including their peers,
artists and designers working in a range of media and from a variety of periods,
cultures and context including contemporary and historical. This should include local and
Welsh examples.
To develop the skills of making, both imaginatively and expressively, through the visual
language of art.
To develop experience and skill of working with a range of materials and tools.
To develop the ability to select and control materials, tools and techniques in two and
three dimensions.
To develop the ability to apply the visual language of art imaginatively to their own work
and to express and modify their ideas, intentions and feelings.
To develop the ability to record the natural and made environment from direct
observation, experience and imagination using a variety of resources to stimulate
personal responses.
To develop visual perception, through recording from direct observation, experience and
imagination making use of a wide range of resource materials from the natural and man
made environment.
To enable pupils to be familiar with basic artistic knowledge.
To enable pupils to perceive art as a major cultural feature.
To develop the artistic talents of our pupils.
Art does not have level descriptions. However, there are End of Key Stage Descriptions.
In Llanfaes C P School we are recognising these as the objectives towards which our teaching
of Art will be aimed. The descriptions differ slightly between Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2
and are set out below:
Foundation Phase
Children should be continually developing their imagination and creativity across the curriculum.
Their natural curiosity and disposition to learn should be stimulated by everyday sensory
experiences, both indoors and outdoors. Children should engage in creative, imaginative and
A Bridge to Learning
Llanfaes C P School – Art and Design Policy
expressive activities in art, craft and design. Children should explore a wide range of stimuli,
develop their ability to communicate and express their creative ideas, and reflect on their work.
Foundation Phase
Pupils recognise similarities and differences between their own practical work and that of
others, responding to these and discussing them in simple terms.
Using a range of materials and tools pupils explore the basic elements of the visual language of
art, craft and design both practically and imaginatively. They make changes to their work where
they recognise the need for such modifications.
Pupils record images and ideas from direct observation, memory, feelings and imagination. They
use a range of items that have been collected and organised as a basis for their own work.
Key Stage 2
Pupils compare their own work to that of others. They respond imaginatively and indicate an
awareness of methods used by artists, craft workers and designers. They demonstrate an
understanding of the different purposes of art, craft and design.
Pupils demonstrate control of a range of materials, tools and techniques to achieve a variety of
outcomes and apply their developing understanding of the visual language of art, craft and
design. They review and modify their work when they recognise the need for change.
Pupils select and record images and ideas from direct observation, memory, feelings and
imagination and use a range of materials and methods to support the development of their work.
They prepare and develop an idea or theme for their work by collecting and organising visual and
other resources.
Literacy and Numeracy Framework
When planning topics and lessons, teachers will use the LNF for curriculum planning in order to
progress literacy and numeracy skill development through Art.
Key Skills
Learners develop their thinking across the curriculum through the processes
of planning, developing and reflecting. In art and design, learners explore and experiment with a
range of information and resources to plan, develop and reflect on their creative activities.
They challenge assumptions, look at things in a new way and promote receptiveness to new ideas.
They develop the ability to recognise similarities or differences and make unlikely connections,
build on ideas to make better ideas, and take advantage of the unexpected.
Learners develop their communication skills across the curriculum through the skills of
oracy, reading, writing and wider communication. In art and design, learners develop wider
communications skills to express their ideas and emotions. They inform their own work by
responding to the work of others.
Learners develop their ICT skills across the curriculum by finding, developing, creating and
presenting information and ideas and by using a wide range of equipment and software. In art
and design, learners apply their ICT skills to investigate, manipulate, develop or realise creative
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Llanfaes C P School – Art and Design Policy
ideas. They select appropriate software and equipment as an aid to designing and making. They
regard ICT as a medium in its own right or as part of a multimedia outcome, integrated with
other materials and processes. When using the internet, children will be expected
to follow the ‘Rules for responsible use’ outlined in the Internet Access Policy.
Learners develop their number skills across the curriculum by using mathematical information,
calculating, and interpreting and presenting findings. In art and design learners apply number
skills such as measurement, estimates, scale, proportion, pattern and shapes to develop, inform
and resource their creative activities.
Teaching Strategies
At Llanfaes C P School we will:
 Incorporate the skills framework into the teaching and learning of art.
 Use visual, auditory and kinesthetic approach to teaching and learning can be used.
 Employ a variety of strategies to teach the arts will be considered e.g. use of ICT,
visits, workshops, visiting practitioners, discussion, practical work, practice of basic
skills, first-hand experience, investigation, open-ended activities and sharing staff
 Use an enquiry based approach and AfL strategies to enhance learning of skills.
 Where appropriate incorporate art through a topic based approach.
 Allow children of all ages opportunities to handle and look at objects both natural and
 Aim to provide continuity and progression in the subject through well considered sound
educational experience in which children can use designing and making skills.
 Provide a balance between child-centered creativity and teacher controlled activity.
 Ensure that children and staff are aware of group and individual responsibility for care
and handling of equipment and materials.
 Differentiation - Pupils will generally be expected to work at their (appropriate) level
and pace and will be given appropriate support where necessary.
Learning across the Curriculum
Curriculum Cymreig (7-11)
The children will study various aspects of Welsh culture with opportunities to study Welsh
Artists. Pupils should be given opportunities, where appropriate, to develop and apply their
knowledge and understanding of the cultural, artistic, environmental and historical
characteristics of Wales. This will include a week of such experiences which will be planned
around St. David's Day. They are given access to historical and contemporary Welsh art and
design, enriching their creative activities. They are made aware of how art and design can
enhance the environment and how they can contribute to this as individuals.
Personal and Social Education
Pupils explore and express their ideas and feelings concerning personal, social, environmental,
moral, social, environmental, moral and spiritual issues through creative activities. Through art
and design activities they become aware of other cultures and ways of life, and develop the
concept of global citizenship. They enjoy the activities and develop interests that prepare
them for lifelong learning, work and leisure.
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Llanfaes C P School – Art and Design Policy
Careers and the world of work
Learners develop their awareness of careers and the world of work through their understanding
of methods used by practising artists, craftworkers and designers.
Assessment of Art
Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. The school ARR policy will
be adhered to. In addition the following should be considered:
In artwork the teacher must identify in the child’s work evidence of the child giving
form to his ideas and developing skills rather than a subjective judgement.
Some assessment will take the form of discussion with the child and through
observation of his participation in the task.
When assessing the work of children the following consideration points may be helpful:Does the child’s work demonstrate –
powers of observation, memory and observation
use of particular skills,
use of particular media,
appraisal of their own work and their peers
critical analysis of the work of the artists, crafts, people and designers,
personal strengths.
A record of the child’s attitude and achievements in art will be made during the year in
formative comments and Annual Report to Parents.
Equal Opportunities
We aim to make access to all the arts subjects equal for all our pupils including our ALN pupils
(cross reference to policy) and our More Able and Talented pupils (cross reference to policy).
This is reflected fundamentally in all teachers’ planning. Please refer to our Equal Opportunities
The IT suite is timetabled for use and each classroom has access to other computers. Nursery
- Year 6 also have interactive whiteboards in their classrooms. Videoing equipment, digital
microscope and cameras are also available. ICT resources, including ipads will be used as
Monitoring of teaching and learning will take place in accordance with current school policy.
Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged to help where appropriate in areas of the arts curriculum, giving support
and sharing expertise.
A Bridge to Learning
Llanfaes C P School – Art and Design Policy
Health and Safety Issues.
It is essential that the greatest care be taken when using solvent based substances.
Appropriate attention must also be paid with regard to the effects of glues and other materials
on the skin.
Children should be given an opportunity to wash their hands.
Children should be encouraged to wear the aprons provided for the protection of clothing.
Equipment should be cared for correctly and any broken or damaged equipment that may cause
a hazard should be discarded.
Continuing Professional Development
The creative team has an overview of the arts throughout the school, identifying and sharing
good practice and organise regular inset school based sessions in accordance with the school
development plan. The team keeps up to date with new initiatives by attending relevant courses.
Signed ...................................................... (Chair)
Date .............................................................
Policy to be reviewed every 3 years or sooner to address national or county demands.
A Bridge to Learning