
Individual Competencies
Business Decision Making Style
Decision Making Process
Basic Skills
Business Skills Review
Team Formation Assignment
Product Development Worksheet
Team Meetings/Round Review
Peer Evaluations (20 per round)
Competitive Analysis (2 SWOT)
Overall Finish in simulation
Stockholders Presentation
Decision Making Style –Each student will assess his /her own decision making style using resources
provided. He/she will then describe the strengths and weaknesses of this style and how to be flexible in
other methods.
Decision Making Process –Each student will illustrate the decision making process with a decision
Basic Skills – Students will review basic skills necessary for effective decision making including logic,
critical reasoning and reading, information source evaluation and creativity.
Business Skills Review – Students will review functional area of business including marketing,
management, accounting, finance, ethics, international business, and TQM as they relate to the
Team Evaluations - Each student is graded by team members on how much he/she contributes to the team
effort. In completing the evaluations, students should carefully consider how much and how well an
individual has contributed to the simulation. Responses are confidential, but a student may be asked to
justify his/her answers if there is a conflict. Individuals will receive up to 20 points per round based on the
peer evaluations. Students receiving feedback scores of 1.5 or less for more than two rounds will be
dropped from the course.
Evaluations need to be completed within 24 hours of the completed round. They are available in the
Homework/Peer Evaluations area of Students not completing evaluations for their team
members will receive only half of the points from evaluations by others. For example, if Sally has
received all 20 points for a round from her team evaluations, but hasn’t submitted any evaluations for the
rest of the people in her group, she would receive only 10 points for that round. Evaluation scores are
shared at the end of the simulation.
Team Meetings/Round Review Worksheets
Each team will meet regularly with the instructor to discuss team performance and how the company is
performing. Students will take turns completing the team planning worksheet that is available on the
instructor’s webpage. This document reviews the past round and outlines a plan for the next round.
During the next meeting, that student will lead the team’s discussion with the instructor. Each worksheet
is worth 20 points. Participation at each meeting is worth 10 points for each student who is not the lead.
Simulation Outcome – Each team will also be graded on the outcome of the simulation. We will be
measuring success based on the decision of the class. In the event of a tie, the analyst report will be used
which assesses margins, profits, emergency loans, working capital, market share, forecasting, customer
satisfaction, productivity, financial structure, and wealth creation. The outcome will be assigned points as
1st place = 400 points
2nd place =366 points
3rd place = 346 points
4th place = 338 points
5th place = 306 points
6th place = 298 points
Stockholder’s Debriefing – At the end of the simulation each team will verbally present their strategy and
overall activities to the class, who will play the role of stockholders of the company. More information
will be provided during class. This activity will earn each team up to 100 points.
Team Formation Checkup – Each team completed a team formation assignment to assist in developing
their teams. At the mid-point of the semester each team will also submit a “team checkup” that assesses
how well the team is functioning and makes recommendations for the second half of the semester.
Product Development Worksheet – Each team will be required to turn in one product development
worksheet that identifies a plan for a new product.
Tentative Schedule
Mar 5
Mar 12
Monday – Team day; new
schedule; basic skills
assignment; product plan
Team Decisions for Round 1
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Tuesday - No Class
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m
Thursday –Team work day
Monday – Review round
 Team meetings with
Andrews, Baldwin,
Team Decisions for Round 2
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Tuesday – – Decision
Making Tools
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m
Thursday – Team work day;
Team meetings with Chester,
Digby, Erie
Decision Making Tools due
Spring Break Vacation
Mar 26
Monday – Round review;
Team meeting with instructor
 10 minutes for each team
 Chester, Digby
Tuesday – Competitive
Thursday – Team work day;
meetings with Erie, Andrews,
Apr 2
Monday –– Round review;
Team meeting with instructor
 10 minutes for each team
 Erie, Andrews
Tuesday – Business Skills:
International & TQM review
Thursday – team work day;
Team meetings with Baldwin,
Chester, Digby
Apr 9
Monday – Round review;
Team meeting with instructor
 10 minutes for each team
 Baldwin, Chester
Tuesday – Business Skills
Review: Management
Thursday – team work day;
Team meetings with Digby,
Erie, Andrews
Team Decisions for Round 3
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m
Competitive Analysis Due 4/3
Team Decisions for Round 4
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m
Complete Business skills:
Team Decisions for Round 5
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m
Complete Business skills
Review: Marketing for next
Basic Skills due 4/9
Apr 16
Monday – Round review;
Team meetings with Chester,
Team Decisions for Round 6
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Tuesday – Business Skills
Review: Marketing
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m
Thurs - Team meetings with
Erie, Andrews, Baldwin
Apr 23
Monday – Round review;
Team meetings with Digby,
Team Decisions for Round 7
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Tuesday – Advising Day –No
class - team work day
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m
Thursday – Team Work Day;
Team meetings with Andrews,
Baldwin, Chester
April 30
Monday – Team meeting with
instructor as needed
Tuesday – Business Skills
Review: Accounting & Legal
and Stockholders Debriefing
Thursday – team work day
Monday – Awards and team
Tuesday - Stockholder’s
Debriefing presentation
preparation in teams
Thursday - Presentations
May 14
Monday - Presentations
Tuesday – Presentations
Thursday - Presentations
Competitive Analysis Due
Complete Business skills:
Accounting & Legal for next
Tuesday (You only complete
the legal part.)
Team Decisions for Round 8
of Competition due Sunday at
5:00 p.m
Team Evaluations due Sunday
at 5:00 p.m