Table 1. Type 1 repositories storing content with very limited linking. Name URL BioDiTRL Biological Digital Teaching Resource Library ConneXions Curriki Global Education & Learning Community ESCOT: Educational Software Components of Tomorrow Exploratories Exploratorium Digital Library Explore Learning with Gismos Fathom archive Free-ed Net General Physics Java Applets Geometry Center U. of Minnesota http://www.cs.brown.ed u/exploratories/freeSoft ware/home.html http://www.exploratoriu http://www.explorelearn Level Granularity University Components Total Content Number Type 8 869 Images University & other K12 Courses +2000 Variety Various +750 Variety Middle School University Lessons +40 Lessons +60 All levels Various K12 University http://www.freeComCollege http://www.surendranath University .org/ http://www.geom.uiuc.e University du/ MetaComments data taxonom Subscription r ies Simple True repositor XML IEEE Content repos LOM SUN Microsy Simple Problem solvi Java applets Simple Computer Gra +100s Variety Simple Arts & Scienc Lessons +100 gizmos None Math & Scien Lessons +100 Variety Simple No longer wor Courses +100 Variety Simple Lessons +60 Java None Simulations Lessons +25 Java Web None Simulations. N usable llaboratories/harveyproj ect http://interactiveu.berkel University Lessons +40 Flash, Java Simple Reusable Lear University Various ? Variety University & K12 Lessons +100 Variety MARC NSDL Simple Chemistry, bio math & compu University rep some links LOLA Exchange: Wesleyan U http://www.lolaexchang University Lessons +100 Variety Univ develope mainly for info literacy MLX: Maricopa Community College Learning Exchange MIT Open Courseware ComCollege Lessons 1477 Variety Dublin Core, IMS, CanCore Simple University Courses +500 Variety Content repos National Learning Network UK Lessons +60 VLE National Repository of Online Courses (Monterey Institute) Upper aterials/default.asp Secondary http://www.montereyinst All levels OAIPMH IMS Courses & lessons +30 Variety Simple Open Course Collaboratories University Lessons +100 Variety Simple Open Learning Initiative (OLI) Carnegie Mellon University 1st Yr. Courses +10 Variety Simple PBS Teacher Source hersource/ web-pages/index.html K12 Various +3000 Variety Simple Available free granting credi access is free Sign on requir University Lessons +60 Flash None Physics Harvey Project Illumina: National Science Digital Library IU: The UC Berkeley Interactive University Project Physics Education & Technology PhET U. of Colorado College reposi Sign on to VL restricted Closed to mem courses. Stude free Includes Harv SOFIA Sharing of Free Intellectual Assets Tufts Open Courseware ComCollege Courses 8 Variety Simple A few full cou University Various +30 Variety Simple Life sciences i Webcast UC Berkeley http://webcast.berkeley.e University du/ http://www.wiscComCollege Lectures +100 None Time-limited Lessons 2184 Webcast s Flash Simple Free for educa needed Wisconsin Online Resource Center Table 2. Type 2 repositories that store no content and are made up of links (metadata repositories). Name URL Level Granul arity Various Total Content Number Type 2040 Variety Meta- Comments data Simple Dewey Decimal system; sites rated AT&T Blue Web’n ed/bluewebn/ All levels CAREO: Campus Alberta Repository of Educational Objects CITIDEL: Computing and University & other Various 4146 Variety Simple No longer supported University Various 488,279 Variety Simple Assets only All levels Various 13138 Variety Simple +2000 Applets University Compon ents Various +1000 Variety K12 Various +2000 Variety Simple Java simulations; no longer accessible Simple ProLearn project many languages None Links All levels +1000 Flash None University Compon ents Lessons +1000? Variety Simple Mainly K12 K12 Various +45 000 Variety Simple Stopped in 2005? Information Technology Interactive Digital Educational Library DLESE: Digital Library for Earth System Education Educational object economy (eoe) EducaNext Portal Educational Software Directory Flashchild FLORE: French Learning Object Repository for Education GEM Exchange Gateway to http://www.natomagroup.c om/eoe.html ubp e.php Games Educational Materials /browse http://www.learninglangua All levels Various +1000 Variety Simple Rated resources for learning Simple All levels Learning and Skills Web Variety +1000 Variety IMS Learning about Learning Objects ame=Web_Links au/ me.po ComColle ge All levels Various +200 Variety Simple Links not rated University Various ? Variety Simple Closed. All levels Various 16166 Variety IEEE LOM ? Variety IEEE LOM Variety Simple Links to MIT, Utah State Japanese Univs etc. INTUTE UK LRC3: U21 Consortium MERLOT University Various 114 893 Variety Needs Digital Library s/ University Various NIME GLAD: Gateway to Learning for Ability Development ScienceNet Links University Various http://www.sciencenetlinks .com/resource_index.htm e/ K12 Various +500 Variety None All levels Various +6000 Variety IEEE LOM SMETE Sign on requested; Links Peer review; some copyright issues fair use ok University K12 Table 3. Type 3 repositories with both content and a significant number of links Name URL Level Granularity ARIADNE - European Knowledge Pool System Commonwealth of Learning LOR University Various University Various ? Variety ConneXions l/ Total Content Number Type ? Variety http://www.scriptorium. edna/go Modules Courses Components +4000 Digital Scriptorium Columbia University edna: Educational Network of Australia University & other University K12 & other Various HEAL: Health Education Assets Library http://www.healcentral.o rg/index.jsp University IDEAS: Interactive Dialogue with Educators http://ideas.wisconsin.ed u/ ILife Apple Learning Interchange Internet Mathematics Library: Math Forum@Drexel NSDL National Science Digital Library Problem Based Learning Clearing House SchoolNet Canada Across the State Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Comments Variety Metadata IEEE LOM IEEE LOM Simple Images Simple Columbia Uni +16000 Variety Simple Review all site Lessons +10000 Variety High quality K12 Lessons Variety ces.shtml K12 Lessons +2000 est. +2 000 OAIPMH & IMS Simple Variety Simple Primarily link rary/ All levels Various +1000s Variety Simple Many multime All levels Various Variety Simple https://chico.nss.udel.ed u/Pbl/ / PBS only University +1.5 million Lessons Science orient permissions m Simple K12 Lessons Modules ? +7 000 Variety Simple ? ? ? University Variety English, Frenc German Federated sear 204 full cours Teachers’ shar Selected by ed French Defunct Work Education World Lecture Hall U. of Texas http://web.austin.utexas. edu/wlh/ University Courses +2000 Variety Simple Comprehensiv Table 4. Generic learning object repositories Type Name URL Level 3 ARIADNE - European Knowledge Pool System AT&T Blue Web’n wired/bluewebn/ University 2 CAREO: Campus Alberta Repository of Educational Objects University & other 3 Commonwealth of Learning LOR University Various ? Variety 1 ConneXions l/ Courses +2000 Variety ? COSTP: California Open Source Textbook Project http://www.opensourcet University & other K12 IEEE LOM Simple Components ? Books Simple 1 Curriki Global Education & Learning Community edna: Educational Network of edna/go Australia K12 Various +750 Variety K12 & other Various +16000 Variety IEEE LOM Simple Conte SUN Revie Components +2000 Applets Simple Java s acces Various +1000 Variety Simple ProLe langu 2 3 2 Educational object economy (eoe) http://www.natomagrou 2 EducaNext Portal http://www.educanext.or g/ubp Various University Granularity Various Total Content Number Type Metadata Comm ? Variety 2040 Variety IEEE LOM Simple Engli Germ Dewe rated 4146 No lo Feder True XML Startu not co 2 Educational Software Directory K12 Various +2000 Variety None Links 1 Fathom archive University Lessons +100 Variety Simple No lo Perso 1 Free-ed Net ComCollege Courses +100 Variety None 2 GEM Exchange Gateway to Educational http://www.thegateway. org/browse K12 Various +45000 Variety Simple http://ideas.wisconsin.ed u/ K12 Lessons Variety Simple Variety Simple Prima Materials 3 IDEAS: Interactive Dialogue with Educators Across the State 3 ILife Apple Learning Interchange 1 IU: The UC Berkeley Interactive University Project 2 2 INTUTE UK LRC3: U21 Consortium 2 Learning and Skills Web 2 Learning Stopp Primarily K12 http://interactiveu.berkel University & K12 Lessons +2000 est. +2 000 Lessons +100 Variety Simple Conte http://www.lrc3.unsw.ed University University Various Various 114893 ? Variety Variety Simple Simple Rated Close ComCollege Variety +1000 Variety IMS Sign o ?name=Web_Links Diverse Various +200 Variety Simple Links ces.shtml 1 LOLA Exchange: Wesleyan U http://www.lolaexchang 1 2 MLX: Maricopa Community College Learning Exchange MERLOT 1 MIT Open Courseware 1 Lessons +100 Variety ComCollege All levels ome.po University Lessons 1476 Variety Various 16166 Variety Courses +500 Variety National Learning Network UK aterials/default.asp Upper Secondary Lessons +60 VLE OAIPMH IMS 2 NIME GLAD: Gateway to Learning for Ability Development University Various Variety Simple Links Japan 1 National Repository of Online Courses (Monterey Institute) http://www.montereyinst All levels Courses & lessons +30 Variety Simple 3 NSDL National Science Digital Library Open Course Collaboratories All levels Various Variety Simple University Lessons +1.5 million +100 Variety Simple Close cours free Scien permi Includ 1 Open Learning Initiative (OLI) Carnegie Mellon University 1st Yr. Courses +10 Variety Simple Avail granti acces 1 PBS Teacher Source K12 Various +3000 Variety Simple Sign o 3 SchoolNet Canada hersource/ K12 Lessons +7 000 Variety Simple Selec 1 University Dublin Univ Core, IMS, CanCore Simple Colle Peer r issues Conte Sign o / Modules Frenc 1 SOFIA Sharing of Free Intellectual Assets ComCollege Courses 8 Variety Simple 1 Webcast UC Berkeley Lectures +100 Wisconsin Online Resource Center Lessons 2184 Webcast s Flash None 1 1 World Lecture Hall U. of Texas http://webcast.berkeley.e University du/ http://www.wiscComCollege http://web.austin.utexas. University edu/wlh/ Courses +2000 Variety Simple Simple Time Can’t Free f neede Table 5. Targeted learning object repositories T y p e Name URL Subject(s) Level Granularity Total Cont Number Type 1 BioDiTRL Biological Digital Teaching Resource Library CITIDEL: Computing and ITInteractive Biology University Components +10 000 Image Computer Science Earth Science Medieval Manuscripts Math. University Various 488,279 Varie All levels Various 13138 Varie University Components Middle School University Lessons +40 Lessons +60 All levels Various +100s Java apple Varie K12 Lessons +100 gizmo University Lessons +1000? Varie 2 Digital Educational Library 2 .do?group=subject http://www.scriptorium.columbia.e du/ 1 DLESE: Digital Library for Earth System Education Digital Scriptorium Columbia University ESCOT: Educational Software Components of Tomorrow Exploratories 1 Exploratorium Digital Library 1 Explore Learning with Gismos 2 1 FLORE: French Learning Object Repository for Education General Physics Java Applets Computer Graphics Arts & Science Math & Science French Physics University Lessons +60 Java 1 Geometry Center U. of Minnesota Geometry University Lessons +25 3 GROW Geotechnical Rock and Water Resources Library Geology & Water University Lessons 1039 Java Web Varie 1 1 ies/freeSoftware/home.html ate/dl.html Image es/harveyproject p Human Physiology Health Sciences University Lessons +40 University Lessons +10000 Flash Java Varie Math, Biol, CS, Ch&Ph, Math University Various ? Varie All levels Various +1000s Varie 2 Illumina: National Science Digital Library Internet Mathematics Library: Math Forum@Drexel All levels Various +1000 Varie 2 Needs Digital Library French Japanese Spanish Engineering University Various ? Varie 1 Physics Education & Technology PhET U. of Colorado Problem Based Learning Clearing House ScienceNet Links Physics University Lessons +60 Flash PBS only University Lessons ource_index.htm Science K12 Various +500 Varie Social Work University ? ? ? 1 Harvey Project 3 HEAL: Health Education Assets Library 1 3 3 2 Varie 3 Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education 2 SMETE Science, Math, Eng., Tech&Ed All levels Various +6000 Varie 1 Tufts Open Courseware Life Sciences International University Various +30 Varie 1 University Channel Princeton University Zona Land Science & Mathematics Public & affairs University Lectures +100 Science & Math University Lessons +50 Video podca VRM 1 Table 6. Full Course Repositories Name URL Level Granularity Courses Total Number +204 Content Type Variety Metadata Simple ConneXions Free-ed Net MIT Open Courseware University & other ComCollege University National Repository of Online Courses (Monterey Institute) Comm Courses +100 Variety None Courses +500 Variety Conten http://www.montereyinstit All levels Courses & lessons +30 Variety OAIPMH Simple Open Learning Initiative (OLI) Carnegie Mellon University 1st Yr. Courses +10 Variety Simple Availab grantin is free SOFIA Sharing of Free Intellectual Assets World Lecture Hall U. of Texas ComCollege Courses 8 Variety Simple http://web.austin.utexas.e du/wlh/ University Courses +2000 Variety Simple +3800 Closed courses Table 7. Membership required to enter repository. Type Name URL Level Granularity $ Annenberg Media html K12 & University 1 BioDiTRL Biological Digital Teaching Resource Library Blackboard CE & Vista Epacks $ wpage?name=content_showc ase Metadata Simple Comm Courses Total Content Number Type +50 TV University Components +10 000 Images ComCollege & University Modules +1000 Multime dia Taxono mies Simple Biolo reque Close Close conso repos Sign i Close free s 3 CLOE:Cooperative Learning Object Exchange University Lessons ? Variety Simple 2 FLORE: French Learning Object Repository for Education Learn Alberta University ome.php http://www.learnalberta. K12 ca/ http://www.montereyinst All levels Lessons +1000 Variety Simple Various +2000 est +30 Variety Simple Variety Simple aterials/default.asp hersource/ https://chico.nss.udel.ed u/Pbl/ ntro/ Upper Secondary K12 Lessons +60 VLE IMS Partia with l Close cours free Sign o Various +3000 Variety Simple Sign o University Lessons ??? Variety Variety Simp ComCollege & University Various + 300 Variety Simple BC li mater 3 1 National Repository of Online Courses (Monterey Institute) 1 National Learning Network UK 1 PBS Teacher Source 1 Problem Based Learning Clearing House SOLR Shareable Online Learning Resources BC Campus 1 Courses & lessons Table 8. Open archives of information objects (examples) Name URL Level Granularity Harvard University Library Open Collections Program National Academies Press Open Video Project All levels University Books Concepts ary/index.html /Main_Page University All Levels Oracle ThinkQuest Library Project Gutenberg Varsity Notes Content Type Ebooks Images documents Ebooks Videos Metadata Simple DC Books Concept Total Number +3000 +100 000 +3000 +1000 University Various +1000 Variety None All levels Books +10 000 eBooks Simple University Lectures +600 Notes None Simple Simple Table 7. Higg”s criteria for learning object repositories. 4. Maintain 5. Retrieve Metadata 6. Subscribe to submit 7. Store Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y L Y L L Y L Y Y Y Y L Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N L N Y L L Y N Y L N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y N S N Y N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y N Y N N N N Y Y N N Y Y N N N N N Y Y N N Y N N L N Y N Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y N Y N N Y Y N N N Y N N Y Y N N Y Y N N N N N Y Y 9.Publish 3. Request Search All 2. Quality ARIADNE AT&T Blue Web’n BioDiTRL CAREO CITIDEL COL LOR ConneXions Curriki DLESE Digital Scriptorium edna: EducaNext Portal Educational Software ESCOT Exploratories Exploratorium Explore Gizmos Fathom archive Flashchild FLORE French 8. Gather 1. Search Browse 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Name Y N Y N L N L Y L N N N L N Y Y Y N L L 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Free-ed Net GEM General Physics Java Geometry Center Harvey Project HEAL Health IDEAS ILife Apple Illumina: NSDL IU: Berkeley INTUTE UK LRC3: U21 Consortium Learning Languages Learning Objects Learning & Skills Web LOLA Wesleyan MathForum@Drexel MLX MERLOT MIT Open Courseware NLN UK Needs Digital Library NIME GLAD NSDL NROC Monterey Institute Open Course Collaboratories OLI Carnegie Mellon PBS Teacher Source PhET Problem based Learning Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y L Y Y Y Y L Y Y L Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N L N N L L L Y Y N N N N N Y N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N N N N N Y N Y N Y Y N N N N Y N Y Y N N Y N N Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y N N N Y N N Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y P P Y Y N N N N N Y N Y N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N Y Y N N N N N N Y Y L Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y L L L L L Y L Y L Y N L L N N N N N Y Y 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 Science Net SchoolNet Canada SMETE SOFIA Tufts Open Courseware Webcast UC Berkeley Wisconsin ORC World Lecture Hall U. Texas Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N N Y Y N Y N N N N Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N N N Y N N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N N Y L L L Y Y N Y L The LORs investigated in this study all have, to varying degrees, the ability to search/find objects. However some have no browse or “surf” feature making it difficult for users to survey and serendipitously access different objects. This is analogous to libraries that allow browsing the stacks and those where you must order the books to be delivered by library staff. Y = Yes N= No L= Limited Search: (Browse) Can you surf through the objects? Quality: Is there quality control Request: (Search All) Can you search the whole repository or just in sections or limited areas? Maintaining the LOs and updating versions appropriately is a major task for LOR managers. For the most part there LORs do not have continuous versioning and maintenance. Some LORs have none at all. Retrieving metadata on a LO is more robust in those that house the content on site. Submitting LOs by non-member is possible for many LORs. Most exercise some form of quality control and some require opening a subscription first. Storing with unique identifiers is possible in the content repositories. Those that depend on links often find that the objects can disappear into the ether as their URLs are dropped or they are moved by their owners. Gathering of metadata about other objects is conducted by the LORs that link to LOs at other web sites. These LORs are aggregators and often do not store LOs themselves. Publishing of metadata to other LORs is allowed, but copying and storing of the LOs is often not permitted. They permit use but do not permit copying.