Gerdin Business Building - Facilities Planning and Management

Gerdin Business Building
Operations and Maintenance Information
Table of Contents
Custodial Services ............................................................................................................. 2
Full Service Daily ............................................................................................................... 2
Building Notifier System .................................................................................................. 5
Building Supervisor .......................................................................................................... 5
Trash .................................................................................................................................. 5
Mail..................................................................................................................................... 5
Recycling ............................................................................................................................ 7
Building Access Services................................................................................................... 7
Building Maintenance Services ........................................................................................ 7
Emergency Repair/ After-Hour Repair .......................................................................... 7
Building Operational Times ............................................................................................. 8
Building Non-Operational Times .................................................................................... 8
Building Unlocking Times ................................................................................................ 8
Lighting Controls .............................................................................................................. 8
Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling ................................................................................... 9
Air Handler Operational Times ...................................................................................... 9
Temperature Set Points .................................................................................................. 10
Custodial Services
The Gerdin building will be serviced by Team 15. You will be able to reach Team 15 by
using email (Custodial Team 15 [FPM]) or calling the pager; Administrative 663-3918 or
Customer Service 663-3919). The custodial team room is in Gerdin Room 213. Custodial
services will generally occur 5:00 am to 1:30 pm in your building. Your primary
custodians are Nancy Hunter and Cindi Sparks, but when needed the team will assist in
maintaining your building. If you have any question please contact Dick Reckseen (Team
Facilitator, 294-9234) or Paul Haggard (Manager of Custodial Services 294-2826.
You can expect the following custodial services to occur in your building:
Public and General University Space: (in order of priority)
Full Service Daily
Entrances, Hallways, & Waiting Rooms
Serviced 2X Weekly
(High Traffic/Visibility Areas)
Classrooms/Student Teaching Labs
Serviced 3X weekly
Serviced 2X Weekly
Serviced 1X weekly
Lounges/ break rooms
Serviced 1X weekly.Lounges in Restrooms
areas will be serviced Daily. (Kitchenettes in
these areas will be serviced weekly with trash
emptied daily)
Non-Public and Departmental
1.Dust mopping/Wet mopping
2. Vacuuming of Carpets (spot removal as time allows)
3. High dusting/Ceiling vents-any horizontal surfaces above shoulder height and that can
be reached from a 10' ladder.(See Item #1 under Exception/Responsibilities below)
4. Low dusting/any horizontal surface below shoulder height (See Item #1 under
/Responsibilities below)
5. Spot cleaning in public areas. Wipe doorknobs, light switches, and spots on
walls, doors, etc. (See Item #1 under Exceptions/Responsibilities below)
6. Light replacement within 10 feet above a level floor elevation. (See Item #2 under
Exceptions/Responsibilities below)
7. Emptying trash receptacles and relining as needed. Check to see if trash cans need
cleaning. (See Items #3, 4 and 5 under Exceptions/Responsibilities below)
Wash windows in entryways/vestibules
Waiting rooms - spot clean tables, straighten, dust/vacuum chairs as needed
Restrooms are fully cleaned daily including - replenish supplies, i.e., toilet paper, paper
towels, and soap as needed.
Foam shower rooms, clean drains, clean benches and disinfect
Steam rooms cleaned and disinfected
Light Service consists of the
Spot Dust mopping
Spot wet mopping as needed
2. Spot vacuuming as needed
3. Emptying trash receptacles and relining as needed (See Item #3 under
Exception/Responsibilities below)
4. Spot cleaning of entry/vestibule windows as needed
5. Restroom - replenish supplies, i.e., toilet paper, paper towels, and soap as needed
(Sanitize 3x week)
Shower rooms- clean drains, clean benches and disinfect 3x a week
Event Service
Refers to additional services to clean and prepare for a special event. Please contact the
custodial team when additional services are needed. We will do our best to be of assistance
when these special circumstances arise.
Custodians are not responsible for moving items on shelves, desks, walls and/or the
cleaning of any equipment.
2. Relamping should be done within a reasonable time frame based on the usage of the
space and the number of lights in a given space. For example:
a. If an office has only one or two lights and one is burned out, lamps should be
changedsoon as possible.
b. If a classroom has 12 lights and one is out, lamps should be changed within a week.
c. Lights that have been changed, but still need repaired will be marked with a tag.
will submit a work order to FP&M maintenance for the repair of these lights.
3. Custodians are not responsible for emptying individual recycle containers. (See White
Paper Recycling). Research labs are to provide their own trash bags.
Custodians are not responsible for recycling cardboard. (See Cardboard Recycling)
5. Large volumes of trash, biological waste or trash weighing heavier than 25 pounds should
be handled by the department or by calling the Facilities Service Desk (4-5100) for special
assistance, i.e., files, books, equipment, and large boxes. (See Trash/Refuse Guidelines)
6. Service to Research Labs/ Bio-Security & Security Areas must be provided with minimal
risk to our employees. If you have any questions or requests for services in these areas, please
contact the Custodial Manager at 290-0975
**Snow removal will take priority over normal cleaning schedules. Custodians are responsible
for keeping the entries of the building accessible following snowstorm events.
Service Requests
Service request are repairs or minor improvements of the physical facilities. This includes
custodial, electrical, mechanical, heating & cooling, structural, grounds, refuse, and
utilities. Anyone who recognizes an irregularity or improvement is encouraged to initiate
a service request. It is generally a good idea to share this information with the building
supervisor in advance in order to keep them informed. We are dependant on the
observations of everyone to identify these items so that a corrective action can occur.
Web Initiated Service Requests and Projects
If you have a service need that is not an emergency or a need for a small project such as
furniture design, or re-modeling – you should fill out a service/project request on the
FP&M web page. Your request will be acknowledged electronically and you will be able
to track your work request as work progresses. Requests may be made at the following
web address:
Phone Initiated Service Requests
FP&M operates a service desk function 7:30 am to 4:00 pm to deal with small building
needs that require immediate attention. The service desk number is 294-5100. After 4:00
pm the service desk number is routed to FP&M on-call personnel who will notify the
appropriate staff to investigate and make necessary repairs. If your service needs can be
addressed the next business day, please indicate that when you call.
Building Notifier System
FP&M operates a building notifier system, where building occupants are sent notices for
building or site issues that may affect them (i.e. utility outages, entrance closures, street
closures, etc.). You may wish to “subscribe” to that list to receive notices associated with
the building and you may wish to “unsubscribe” from your old building. You may do that
at -
Building Supervisor
The functions of the building supervisors are to preserve and facilitate the orderly and
continued operation of the university, that is, an extra set of eyes and ears for facility
needs. As the name implies, "building supervisors" supervise the operations of their
specific building. Occupants of the building should know they can directly report to this
person anything unusual, damage to property, circumstances that could cause injury to
staff members, students, and other persons on campus, etc.
Trash is picked up from your building service dumpster once daily, Monday through
Saturday. Weekday service will generally be early in the morning. If you find that you
have large quantities of refuse or have objects too heavy for your custodial staff to
handle, please call the FP&M service desk at 294-5100 to arrange for a special pick-up.
Likewise, if your building dumpster is overflowing for any reason, call the service desk
and request an extra dumpster service.
Sometimes trash involves disposal of sensitive documents, a request for disposal of
confidential materials can be made at Special packaging or labeling is
not required.
Gerdin Business Building Mail Delivery
Congratulations on your move to your new campus location. We at Postal &
Parcel Services know this is an exciting time for you. We can be reached at 2947790 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday to help resolve any mail
related issues that might arise during your move process. Please do not hesitate
to contact us if we can assist you!!!
Mail items to help you during your move.
The Zip+4 for the Gerdin Business Building is 1350.
Mail will be delivered twice per day to the Gerdin Building at approximately
9:40 am and 2:20 pm.
Postal and Parcel Services will pick up out-going mail at the same time
delivery is made.
Accountable mail (certified & registered items) will be delivered and signed
for at one central building location.
Please – NO PERSONAL MAIL or packages (this includes personal items in
campus mail).
Anytime you have a large mailing for us to process, please call Postal and
Parcel 294-7790 so we are better able to meet your needs.
Provide your new mailing address to customers/vendors who send mail
through the U S Postal Service to you. You can inform them well in advance
of your move. Let them know that effective MM/DD/YY your mailing
address will be changed to:
Customer Name
Iowa State University
Department Name
Room number followed by Building Name
Ames, Iowa 50011-1350
Update your department web site to show your new mailing address AND
consider including your department telephone number on your web site (if it
is not already there).
Mail forwarding from your old address is available only for six months or
until new departments occupy the areas of Carver Hall that have been vacated
by your move. After July 1, 2004 mail addressed to your old address will be
returned to the sender.
You can always drop off mail at the General Services Building; we accept
overnight mail until 4:00 pm and all other mail until 4:30 pm. There is also a
cardinal and gold mail drop box on the General Services Building loading
dock (located on the east side of the building) that you can use. This drop box
is for campus mail and is checked daily. Any mail you put in the cardinal and
gold mail drop box that needs to have postage applied will receive next
business day processing and collection by the US Postal Service. DO NOT
Your building has been set up to recycle white paper, newspapers and card board. Each
office should have a 7 gallon blue recycle receptacle for white paper. Larger 50 gallon
flip-lid receptacles are also located in your building. These larger receptacles are emptied
once each week, on Tuesdays.
The well-marked fireproof newspaper recycling bins typically are located near the Iowa
State Daily distribution site in each of the participating buildings. Those bins are
monitored and will be serviced several times each week, depending on the volume being
Card board is also a volunteer effort, please place your cardboard next to the dumpster
location. Collection is provided by a private contractor and frequency is determined by
volume of cardboard. If collection site becomes full please contact the Service Center for
a pickup, 294-5100.
Building Access Services
The Building Card and Key Coordinator will process key requests on FP&M’s website Requests for building access cards or obtaining building or
room access should be directed to those listed above. Card access request are to be
If you should have any questions regarding keys or building access cards, please feel free
to call Maggie Hamilton at 515-290-5200.
Building Maintenance Services
Building Maintenance maintains, repairs, and develops mechanical and electrical
systems, and structural systems such as roofs, windows, doors, and interiors associated
with campus buildings. This includes regular and scheduled preventive maintenance.
Building Maintenance also provides construction coordination for in-house remodeling
and small scale repair projects. If you have any questions regarding Building
Maintenance, go to the Building Maintenance homepage or call 460-8531.
Emergency Repair/ After-Hour Repair
An emergency repair is any repair that regardless of size or expense needs immediate
attention to protect life or property. (Please call 911 for fire or medical emergencies.) The
FP&M Service Center (294-5100) handles emergency repair calls. The Service Center
phone (294-5100) is answered around the clock, seven days a week. FP&M staff answer
the phone during normal business hours Monday through Friday. After-hour emergency
calls are routed to FP&M on-call personnel who will notify the appropriate staff to
investigate and make necessary repairs.
Building Operational Times
Gerdin Business Building hours will be Monday through Friday 7am to 11pm, Saturdays
7am to 6pm, and Sundays Noon to 10pm. The building will be automatically unlocked
during these hours. You will need your access card to get into the building at other times.
If you have a night exam or a function in the building outside of those hours, please
contact your Building Supervisor to make arrangements to have the building open for
Extended Room Times:
Typically, a few rooms in a building may need to be scheduled for use beyond the Basic
Building Operational Times. Equipment needed to support these rooms will be operated
while equipment and lighting in other locations of the building may be off or idle.
Computer & Teaching Labs are scheduled by the departments. Extended hours require
the approval of the college Dean.
General University Classroom Rooms are scheduled by the FP&M Space and Schedule
Department at 294-0892.
Departmental Meeting Rooms are scheduled by the department.
Exemption Areas are rooms with special requirements. Exemption Areas require the
approval of the college Dean.
Building Non-Operational Times
During non-operational times, equipment and lighting will be minimized. Equipment will
be set to operate so that the winter room temperatures will not be less than 60 degrees F
and summer room temperatures will not be greater than 85 degrees F.
Building Unlocking Times
Basic Building Unlocking Times are times when exterior doors will be unlocked and
hallways will be lit. These times will normally match the Building Operational Times.
Extended Building Unlocking Times are arranged by the Building Supervisor.
Lighting Controls
The lights in the large open areas of your building are controlled by a timer. These lights
will come on 30 minutes before normal building operating hours and will shut off 30
minutes after normal building operating hours.
The restrooms, classrooms and offices are equipped with occupancy controls to
automatically turn those lights on and off.
Offices also have an extra wall switch tied to a wall receptacle. This allows occupants
on/off switch control of task lighting, appliances or equipment.
Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling
The heating, ventilation, and cooling system is controlled by a campus-wide electronic
building automation system.
Air Handler Coverage
Multiple air handlers located in the basement of the building provide the heating
ventilation and cooling for the building. The locations served by each air handler are
listed below:
Air handler #1 – serves all floors
Ground floor – middle stairs and rooms 0163, 0165, 0167, 0169, 0176, 0172, 0170.
1st floor - everything in south wing excluding 1148.
2nd floor - upper commons areas 1145 and 1147, rooms 2113 and 2114, 2138 and 2140.
3rd floor – middle rooms of south wing.
Air Handler #2 - serves auditoriums and large classrooms
Ground floor – classrooms 0119, 0129, 1148 auditoriums; 0110, 0140 corridors.
1st floor - auditorium 1148.
2nd floor - classrooms 2117,2118, 2127,2128,2133,2134
Air Handler #3 – mostly offices and Interactive rooms
Ground floor – north east corner rooms and offices 0300 – 0360
1st floor – everything in north wing north of middle stairs.
2nd floor – everything in north wing including 2201.
3rd floor – all perimeter office rooms including 3164.
Air Handler Operational Times
Air handler #1
Monday – Friday
7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Air handler #2
Monday – Friday
7:00 am to 10:00 pm
7:00 am to 6:00 pm
12:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Air handler #3
Monday – Friday
7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Temperature Set Points
The room temperatures are maintained based upon a wall thermostat. The thermostat is
not adjustable by the room occupants. The thermostat is programmed to control the room
within the university energy conservation guidelines.
During operational times, room temperatures are maintained within a range that floats
between 68 and 78 degree F. This strategy is used to minimize the energy required to
operate the building. Between 68 and 78 degree F, a minimal amount of air is discharged
out of the ceiling louvers. If the temperature falls below 68 degrees, the louver discharge
air temperature is increased by a reheat coil located above the ceiling in each room. If the
room temperature rises above 78 degrees, the quantity of air increases to cool down the
room temperature.
During non-operational times, the air handling equipment is normally shut off. During
this time, a selection of room thermostats are monitored. If room temperatures fall below
60 degrees, the air handler will start back up and heat up the rooms to 65 degrees and
then shut off the air handler. Similarly, if the room temperatures rise above 85 degrees,
the air handler will start up and cool the space to 80 degree and then shut off the air