Describe, in descending order, your 3 most important interests

Describe, in descending order, your 3 most important interests? Justify your answer (limit your
answer to 1000 characters spacing included)?1286字符
After learning piano, clarinet, urheen, zheng, I finally found my interest in listening symphony.
Analysis the melody in head made me feel like an architect, seeing bass as subgrade, keynote as
the framework, high pitch as the decoration, I clearly know when to input the tonality and which
musical instrument best fits. Played by different conductors, I listened more carefully to figure out
the distinction in feeling expression.
Chess is an intelligence competition to me. It thrilled me because another play' decision would
influence mine and I need to be vigilant to change my strategy. Every step, I prepared to think
with high concentration. We seduce each other to expose king and seize opponent every possible
mistakes to checkmate. My mental calculation in algebraic notation could help me to predict the
next few steps in minutes.
Helping friends to solve personal problems. I hope I could bring easiness to peer when they met a
difficulty problems. I used to analysis the whole situation to them. Let the trapped one know the
picture. I never tell the solution. I let my friend find his own way to solve it. I inspire them . 我靠
解决问题获得证明我自己的能力。Trying to grasp the origin of a cause, I learned more
experience to solve same problems and become more maturity to my own situations. Trough
listening to others feelings quietly, I keep him/her away from loneliness and also enhanced our
friendship, which gives me more strength to be myself.
Which personal achievement are you most proud of (studies, professional life, sports etc.) (do not
exceed 1000 characters spacing included)?字数过多....
I am proud of my adventure alone in Nigeria. For I made a right decision under a choatic social
situation and have courage to explore the possibility. It also demonstrated my ability in adaptting
myself to changing circumstances and solving problems. Joining a voluntary teaching project in
Africa, I fly to Nigeria on July of 2012. Losting the last flight to Jos for customs delay, I have to
stay overnight in Abujia. Been alone in an tense and turbulent exotic society, I asked two strange
Chinese engineers in airport to sleep on their floor. Meanwhile, based on what I have experience
in Abujia, I began to wonder whether I should go to Jos. There are also religion conflict reported
on news. To figure out the situation in Jos, I listened the explaination of project supervisor, the
suggestion of Chinese Embassy, the opinions of volunteers in Jos as well as analysis (my influence)
the consequence of unfinished project. At last, I stayed at Abujia where is more safe and find an
internship to continue my culture exploration. Thanks to my decison, I successfully avoid a
massacre in Jos. I also analysis the origin reasons beneath street-hijack, religion confliction and
military corruption which helped me away from possible attack during my internship.
Please describe a situation where you failed and what you have learnt from it (do not exceed 1000
characters spacing included).1177. 貌似出现的很突兀,突然间就 relationship.而且你那个 lost
direction 神马的表现的好像不是很明显....
I failed to prepare myself as an undergraduate from inner side. On one hand, without considering
my real interest, I blindly pursuit a variety of opportunity . I signed up for different qualification
test; participate a lot of projects,etc. Without a motivation as well as a focus, I spend my energy on
too many things. I got a unsatisfied results for I have no passion to be excellent in those field.(会
不会有虚的嫌疑)At another hand, I got depression for couldn't deal with frustration. I become
hesitate about my ability and have no confident to face my future. (出来的突不突兀)In this
period, I read 466 novels all day long to keep me from reality. Finally, I realized I should figure
out my real interest and learn how to take care of my emotions. Reading religions books to get
inner peace, talking personnal feelings with friends to get support, joining the therapy to get the
feedback from counselor; leading the meditation to feel my thoughts. For me, I know the
importance to know my inner situation before I begin to explore the outer world. Furthermore, I
become more sensitive to my feelings. I could easily grasp reason of my choice through awareness
of feeling. I could deal with my negative attitudes by admitting the exitence and face it peaceful.
What are your reasons for choosing this program (do not exceed 1000 characters spacing
included)? 1624个字符 删减 你这个部分的信息量过大了,不是很好的能 get your point.你
I want to consult for private companys in China. HEC could directly lead me to my dream
job. I believe my past has prepared me for the challenges I will have to overcome. Trough two
primary schools owned by my family, I understand the basic structure of private business. The
patrols of Education Bureau directors to close relationship between governor and institute; the
new policy on school's fee to increase the possibility for migrant-worker's children to enroll;(别人
能看懂这句不?) the strategy to compete in admissions season, the aquisition of another private
school to enhance scale effect; the cost budgeting before a new semester to adjust inflationary
spiral are all engraved on my memory. Moreover, my undergraduate curriculum in analytical skills
also further my understanding in strategy management.(有木有关系)
This program in HEC could give me a systematic knowledge in strategy consulting. Firstly, core
course focused on the basic consulting requirements could equip me with knowledge of finance
and analysis methods. elective courses could gain me intellecture leadership in specific emerging
industries. I could combine my consulting methodology with different business characters. After
graduation from HEC, I believe I could be more competitive in solid consulting skills. Secondly,
this program also emphasize hands-on experience. Tight connection with leading consulting firms
made my learning process more practical.真他妈的诡异 Be supervised by consultants in case
study could improve my awareness of asking the useful questions to find out problems. Certificate
Programs could delve me into innovation Management in Aviation & Aerospace, 我想学这种技
术 类 的 东 西 ....which is the course introduces conceptual frameworks based on
cutting-edge research in economics, strategy and technology management 自己动手
去做案子. 有经验的学生,和英国的课程....
尼玛 过掉 case interview 真的很重要....,case interview 是可以准备的,并且是可以通过准备
Please describe your short term career goals after completing the Master course (do not exceed
1000 characters spacing included)
My career goals stem both from my experience and my characters. I want to do strategy
consulting for private business. Demanding a variety of background information to analysis the
situation, consulting gives me chance to learn knowledge in different fields deeply. Through
learning the benchmark as well as models, I could feel free to create during consultancy. Moreover,
after the bankruptcy of my mother's primary school, strategy consulting for private company
means helping others to secure their family business and avoid bankruptcy of many years'
painstaking labour to me. Furthermore, private business consulting becomes more and more
important in China. Constantly changing conditions chadge my business curiosity as well as
spasmodic enthusiasm.
要不要涉及到我的学校和我的课程,以突显这个专业给我的东西???建立自己的 skill
I would spend my first three years learning the consulting ropes for private companies. I would
join projects that span multiple industries, functions and technologies in private business. As a
junior consultant, I should be proficient in data analysis to get an insight. Therefore, I would
enhance my ability in collecting useful data, getting the original reasons and communicating with
others. With previous experience, I would prepare myself as a senior consultant. Developing my
own case as well as forecasting for different industries market, I would focus more on
communicating with customs to know their thoughts and keep a good relationship(为什么??)
I will start to build my reputations for being reliable, spectacular, insightful, or quick. After
those three years, I could get a broad knowledge of industry reality as well as start to
understand what areas of specialization best fits me.
Is there any additional information you would like to share with us? (do not exceed 1000
characters spacing included)?1000字符差不多是200字左右。
As a risk manager, I will have the responsibility of formulating cost-effective insurance programs
including actuarial funding mechanisms such as self-insurance, paid loss retro programs, captives,
and other cash flow techniques used to pay for losses including both damages to property and
bodily injury to employees or third parties. These insurance or self funding programs cost millions
of dollars a year. As a result, cost containment activities are a major priority. Therefore, I will also
have the added challenge of motivating management to implement aggressive loss control systems
that will decrease work-related injuries. Cooperation and team effort will determine the success of
this endeavor. By developing a safer work environment, employees will be more productive and
render higher quality service.