Precalculus-Syllabus - mathew1-marsico - home

Hopewell High School
Honors Pre-Calculus Syllabus
Teacher: Mr. Mathew Marsico
Room: #738
It is extremely important that both student and parent understand the following:
This is an advanced college-prep course, and the student will need to demonstrate a high level
of responsibility throughout the class.
When an assignment is given (unless noted), it is due the next school day.
The pace of the course will be very fast, resulting in more frequent tests/quizzes.
A student is only allowed ten absences for the class. If more than ten absences occur, the
student will need to serve recovery or automatically fail the course.
Course Goals/Objectives/Timeline for completion (Overview)
Goal: The learner will use quadratic functions and inequalities to model and solve problems.
Timeline for completion: Units I and II; Functions
Goal: The learner will use systems of two or more equations (or inequalities) to model and solve problems.
Timeline for completion: Unit III; Polynomials and Systems
Goal: The learner will investigate the topics of trigonometry.
Timeline for completion: Units IV, V, and VI; Beginning Trigonometry & Analytical Trigonometry
Goal: The learner will use exponential functions to model and solve problems.
Timeline for completion: Units VII, Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Equations
Goal: The learner will investigate the characteristics of conic sections.
Timeline for completion: Unit VIII, Analytic Geometry
Goal: The learner will investigate the use of sequences and probability.
Timeline for completion: Unit IX, Sequences and Series
Goal: The learner will be exposed to the limits and introduction of Calculus.
Timeline for completion: Unit X, Introduction to Calculus
Students will need some sort of notebook for this class. It does not matter what type of notebook (three
ring binder, loose-leaf notebook, etc.), just as long as the material is organized. Students will need to
provide their own lined-paper, as well as a writing utensil. Pens are fine for note-taking and homework, but
a pencil is required for quizzes and tests. Each student will be receiving a textbook and they are
responsible for this book (see student handbook for details).
A Graphing Calculator is expected. A TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-84 Plus is acceptable. We will be
using calculators frequently, and it is to the students’ benefit to have access to a calculator in the classroom
and at home for homework.
Respect everyone and everything in the classroom.
No eating or drinking in class.
Come prepared daily with supplies, and be in your seat when the bell rings.
Cell phones, I-Pods, MP3 players, etc. are not allowed. They will be confiscated and returned
after 2:15 pm.
Absolutely no talking during quizzes or tests. If you are talking, then you are violation the Honor
All student conduct rules will be enforced at all times.
Grading scale
Individual grades are based on a total point system, and your overall grade is determined by dividing
your earned points by the total possible. Tests will count for approximately 60% of these points,
quizzes will count for approximately 25%, and daily grades will count for approximately 15% of
these points (before the exam).
The following is the North Carolina Standard Grading Scale:
A: 93-100
B: 85-92
C: 77-84
D: 70-76
F: 69 and below
V. Parent Assistant
I strongly recommend that you utilize the Parent Assistant program, which allows you to keep track of your
academic progress in the class. If you do not have your Parent Assistant log-in, please have your
parent/guardian contact the school to receive the needed info.
VI. Tutoring
I will be available most days after school for at least some amount of time, but please check with me before
coming to make sure I do not have a meeting or duty.
VII. Absent/Make-up Work
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed. Please check my website or contact
a classmate to get any and all notes and assignments.
If a student is absent for a test or quiz, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me as to when
this can be completed.
I am looking forward to the year ahead!