Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps John Randolph Tucker High School PROGRAM INFORMATION AND CONTRACT 2015 - 2016 Parent/Guardian(s) it is very important that you take time to read and complete the pages of this package. Completion and return is required prior to your Cadet being permitted to participate in MC JROTC activities. “DUCTUS EXEMPLO” “Commitment – Participation - Demonstrated Performance” TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1: Cover Page 2: Table of Contents Page 3: Enrollment Eligibility & Continued Participation Contract Cadet & Parent/Guardian Sign Page 4: MC JROTC Marksmanship Consent Parent/Guardian Sign Page 5: Financial Responsibility for MC JROTC UNIFORMS Cadet & Parent/Guardian Sign Page 6: Grooming and Personal Conduct Agreement Cadet & Parent/Guardian Sign Page 7: Personal Health & Medical Information Issued Separately Physical Exam Form – Issued separately. We would like each cadet to receive a physical exam from their personal physician. If possible, we would like the Physical Exam Form returned NLT 01 October, 2015. This is for the protection of each cadet. They will be participating in strenuous physical activity and we want to ensure they are not a health risk. Failure to turn in a physical may preclude them from certain physical activities and from some field trips. PAGES 3 – 6 and the Personal Health and Medical Information form MUST BE RETURNED prior to uniform issue. 2 Enrollment Eligibility and Continued Participation Contract The following criteria is used for determining eligibility and continued participation in the MCJROTC Program. 1. Academic Grades. Students enrolling should possess a cumulative 2.0 (“C”) grade point average. Those not meeting the criteria may not be allowed to enroll on the recommendation of the Senior Military Instructor (SMI) and Military Instructor (MI) and the approval of the Principal. If allowed to enroll, enrollment for students with less than a cumulative 2.0 (“C”) grade point average will be probationary and subject to review at the end of each marking period. Probationary students will be required to demonstrate improvement in their grade point average, to be passing all courses required for graduation, and to be actively working to achieve a cumulative 2.0 (“C”) average in order to be removed from the probationary status. The SMI can disenroll the student if grades do not improve; the grade is a Withdrawl (F). 2. Physical Training (PT). Cadets are expected to meet / actively strive to meet Marine Corps weight and personnel appearance standards. Cadets will participate in weekly PT sessions as a means to achieve standards of the National Youth Fitness Program and to pass the USMC Physical Fitness Test. Failure to wear the prescribed JROTC PT Uniform or to put forth a sincere effort during PT, as determined by the SMI/MI, will adversely affect their weekly PT grade. 3. Personal Conduct. Cadets are ambassadors for the program and are expected to demonstrate exemplary character. Conduct that results in suspension or detention reflects poorly on the individual cadet and the Corps of Cadets as a whole and cannot be condoned. Cadets will be respectful to all faculty and staff members, they will not disobey, ignore or act disrespectful in language, tone of voice or gesture. Cadets will be respectful of students regardless of the others sex, race, creed, ethnic origin or religion. No forms of hazing or sexual harassment will be tolerated. Cadets will not use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. 4. Classwork/Homework/Projects Assignments are due on the date they are due. Absent exigent circumstances late work will not be accepted. A grade of “0” will be assigned for assignments that are late. Deadlines are important in life, they are important in JROTC. 5. Participation – Commitment - Demonstrated Performance. Being a part of the JROTC is more that just attending a class three times a week. To gain the total benefit, cadets must be active participants in small unit activities such as Color Guard, Drill Team, and the Marksmanship Team and larger activities such as parades, community service and fund raising events. Participation is a clear indicator of their Commitment to the program and their own success and through their Demonstrated Performance we see their growth as leaders and students. There are many activities, sports and clubs here at J.R. Tucker. We encourage cadets to balance the attainment of good grades with participation in JROTC & school activities. 6. Accommodations and Military Service. Cadets requiring unique physical accommodations or special needs which would prohibit their entry into the military service may be enrolled in the MCJROTC Program after the SMI, MI and Principal have collectively determined the enrollment is in the best interest of the student and the MCJROTC Program. Successful completion of the MCJROTC program does not guarantee acceptance in the U.S. Armed Forces nor does participation result in an obligation to serve in the military. . 7. Fairness, Firmness and Dignity. All MCJROTC Cadets are young ladies and gentlemen and students first. They will be treated with fairness, firmness and dignity by the SMI and MI. Cadets must conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on J.R. Tucker High School and the MC JROTC Program. Conduct / performance that is contrary to the tenets laid out above can result in dismissal from the JROTC and from J. R. Tucker if the cadet is here on a JROTC Variance. ___________________________________ LtCol O’Dwyer - Senior Military Instructor _____________________________ SgtMaj Cauley - Military Instructor I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ELIGIBILITY AND CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE MCJROTC PROGRAM AND AGREE TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT. _________________________________ Cadet Name Printed _____________________ ___________ Cadet Signature Date _________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Printed __________________________ ____________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ___________________________ Parent e-mail address 3 MCJROTC MARKSMANSHIP CONSENT FORM We / I grant permission that _______________________________ (Cadets name printed) may participate in the MCJROTC Marksmanship Training Program during the 2015 – 2016 School year. We / I grant this consent with knowledge that the training will involve the firing of a .177 caliber air rifle. Cadets will receive class room instruction devoted to the safe handling of all weapons and will be required to pass a written safety exam prior to commencing firing with the air rifle. We / I understand that arrangements can be made to visit school for a briefing by the MC JROTC instructors regarding the weapons handling, safety and firing procedures. __________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Name(s) Signature We / I grant permission that _______________________________ (Cadets name printed) be allowed to participate in the MCJROTC Competition Marksmanship Program during the 2015 – 2016 School year. This is a competitive firing team, which will afford our best 12 shooters the opportunity to compete against other MCJROTC organizations. Additional hours of practice firing will be required (before and/or after school). Competition firing is under the guidelines established by the Marines Corps and its agreements with the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Practice will normally occur during the time periods of 0700 and 0815 in the morning or 1600 and 1700 in the afternoon. Additional information will be provided to those Cadets selected to participate in this program. ___________________________________________ Parent or Guardian (s) Signature 4 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MC JROTC UNIFORMS The MCJROTC provides various uniforms at no cost to each Cadet. During the school year Cadets may receive over $500 dollars of uniform items. Cadets will individually sign for their uniform items on a separate uniform issue form. The utmost care must be taken to ensure the uniforms and accessories are not lost or stolen either at home or at school. Willful or intentional abuse or neglect of uniforms items may result in the SMI requiring a reimbursement to the government for the lost or damaged uniform items/accessories. Cadets are required to read and acknowledge by their signature the following statement: ”I agree to the best of my ability, to safeguard all MCJROTC uniform items and accessories from theft, misplacement and/or damage. I understand I will maintain my uniform items by having them dry-cleaned or washed & pressed (as appropriate) at my own expense. I further understand that I will return all items upon disenrollment or graduation after they have been properly cleaned (dry cleaned/laundered). I will not give or loan my uniforms or accessories to another student or Cadet. I will only wear my MC JROTC uniforms to school events or others events as directed by the SMI or MI. I will not intentionally or willfully neglect or abuse my uniforms and I understand that I will be required to reimburse the government for the cost to replace items lost, stolen or damaged items.” _____________ Cadets Signature ______ Date __________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________ Date The following is an indication of the cost of some of select items (2015 – 2016 Year) Item Cost Item Cost Utility Coat/Trousers $38.90 / 40.75 Dress Blue Jacket (M) $181.18 Dress Blue Trouser (M) $40.00 Utility Cover/Combat Boots $8.47 $79.01 Dress Blue Jacket (F) $131.70 Sweater $38.77 Dress Blue Slacks (F) $31.99 Short Sleeve Shirt $40.15 Dress Blue Cover (M) $18.15 Long Sleeve Shirt $36.04 Dress Green Trousers $41.86 Dress Shoes (M/F) $43.92/41.30 Dress Green Blouse $164.74 Dress Green Skirt/Slacks (F) $25.85/28.35 Dress Green Cover $8.05 NCO Sword / Belt & Frog $135.30 5 MILITARY APPEARANCE AND GROOMING AGREEMENT It is necessary to emphasize to parents and Cadets that there are unique expectations required for students participating in the Marine Corps JROTC Program at J. R. Tucker High School. The United States Marine Corps requires that all Cadets adhere to Military Standards of Appearance and grooming while assigned to this program. Each Cadet is instructed as to the proper way to wear the various uniforms and the grooming standards. The following rules apply: Haircuts: Male: Hair shall be maintained in a neat business man like manner. It shall be cut evenly and graduated from zero (no hair) to no more than 3” on the top. No “Bowl Cuts”, “Braiding” or “Eccentric – Mohawk Cuts” are permitted. Hair shall not be artificially colored – it shall remain its natural color. Female: Hair shall be worn such that it may touch but not come below the collar of the uniform and can be completely tucked in under the cap. Hair shall not be artificially colored – it shall remain its natural color. Ear Rings Male: Males are not permitted to wear ear rings while in any JROTC uniform or at any time they are participating in any MC JROTC activities. Female: Females are permitted to wear a single Gold Post in each ear while in Dress Blue & Service Uniforms. No earrings will be worn with the utility uniform. Males and Females: Prohibited from having lip piercings, nose piercings, etc. Piercings Facial Hair: Mustaches. Mustaches may be worn as long as it conforms to military standards. Beards: Beards are not permitted. Sideburns. Sideburns are not permitted. Clean Shaven. Cadets will be clean-shaven when in Uniform & PT days as they are in military uniforms. This also applies to when participating in MC JROTC activities and in civilian attire. PT Program Participation. Thursday and Friday are generally Physical Fitness (PT) Days. Full participation includes wearing the designated PT uniform on these days. Failure to dress out will negatively impact the Cadet’s grade. Uniforms: Uniform Inspections. Cadets Uniforms will be inspected in their prescribed uniform (Utility or Service Uniform) on the prescribed day each week. Uniforms will be worn to school, all day long on campus and then back home. If a cadet is absent for class on a uniform day it is his/her responsibility to wear the uniform the next JROTC class period in order to receive a grade vice a zero. On these days Cadets may be permitted to wear their uniform off campus to attend medical/dental appointments. Medical appointment is not an excuse not to wear the uniform. We understand the above stated requirements relative to my successful participation in the MC JROTC Program. We agree to provisions and know that failing to comply may lead to disenrollment. ___________________________ Cadets Name (Printed) ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) ___________________________ Cadets Signature __________________________ Parents/Guardian Signature 6 PERSONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM – 2015 – 2016 To be completely filled out in ink by parent or legal guardian. Cadet’s Full Name _______________________________________ Date of Birth_____________ Age _______Sex____ Name of Parent(s) / Guardian(s) __________________________Phone Home ______________ Phone Work ______________ __________________________Phone Home ______________ Phone Work ______________ Parents/Guardians E-mail address:_________________________________________________ Home Address:_____________________________ City_______________, VA, Zip ________ Business Address:___________________________ City_______________, VA, Zip ________ Emergency Contact Personnel (If parent / guardian not available) Name_____________________________ Relationship _____________ Phone _____________ Name_____________________________ Relationship _____________ Phone _____________ Cadet’s Personal Physician ____________________________________Phone _____________ Health Insurance Carrier_________________________________________________ Policy Number ____________________ Group No. __________________________________ My cadet has the HCPS Student Accident Insurance. _____________ My cadet does not have a form of Health /Accident Insurance. _____________ I grant permission for my child to participate in the following type JROTC activities: Armed / Unarmed Close Order Drill, Repelling, Wall Climbing, Rope Climbing, Backpacking, Hiking, Weight Lifting, Running, and team sports / games (soccer, softball, flag football, basketball, volleyball …). I have listed any physical or behavioral conditions that may effect or limit full participation in the activities. Activities to be excluded from: __________________________________________________________ Due to the nature of activities conducted during or “military orientation trips” such as repelling, wall climbing, running of obstacle courses all cadets must have a physical to participate. Use of select pages of the VHSL Athletic form is recommended and provided. Emergency Care Authorization I give permission for my cadet, ____________________ to fully participate in MC JROTC activities, subject to limitation herein. In the event of illness or accident in the course of such activities, I request that measures be taken without delay as based on the sound judgment of medical personnel on hand. In case of emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me and/or emergency contact personnel. In event of an emergency or life threatening situation and I can not be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician / medical provider selected by the MCJROTC Instructor on hand to secure proper treatment; including emergency transportation, hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery or injections of medication for the cadet identified above. Parent / Guardian Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________ 7