기술전략세미나 week 6 critique:

김단 2014321578
기술전략세미나 week 6 critique:
1 Government roles in evaluation and arrangement of R&D
——Ji-hyun Kim , Sung Joo Bae , Jae-Suk Yang
Critique & summary:
The purpose of this article is to examine the role of government in formation and
coordination of R&D consortia by modeling the process from an evolutionary
perspective.In this study, we focus on the first two aspects. We should answer the
following three questions: 1) should governments evaluate and select consortium
participants at the time of consortium formation, or should participants be added as
the evolution of the technology unfolds? 2) should variation be encouraged early or
late in the evolutionary process? 3) what is the effect of these two decision-making
dimensions in combination?
The results suggest several implications for both academic researchers and
practitioners. Studying the effect of the timing of evaluation in R&D consortia opens
up new possibilities in the planning and design of R&D consortia.The effect of the
consortia arrangement also provides important implications from the VSR
perspective. In particular, our results shed light on the question of how much
variation should be sought early on in the artificial evolutionary process.The current
results reveal the tension and reconciliation between diversity and selection.
Intuitively speaking, diversity and selection may be viewed as two sides of the same
coin: more accurate selection reduces diversity, and more diversity implies
less-than-optimal performance.The results suggest the importance of a coordinator in
an innovation system.
2 Incumbent firm invention in emerging fields:Evident firm the
semiconductor industry
Critique & summary:
In this paper, our interest is in the strategies that allow incumbentsto be successful
in this endeavor during the infancy of an emerging field—the period before it is clear
how the field will affect dominant designs. This study aims to explain why some
incumbent firms are successful at inventing in an emerging field even before it
compromises the current dominant design.
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Why incumbent firms fail to respond to this drastic transition:putting incumbents
at a disadvantage in adapting products to the new technology. In other cases,
incumbents ignore the advances in a new technological field because of
organizational rigidities, or because the advances do not support the existing value
chain and complementary assets .
Inventing in an emerging technological field——The focus of this study differs
from prior research in two important ways. First, for the purpose of our study an
invention is a new process, composition of matter, or design that solves technical
problems in an emerging field. These inventions go beyond simply adding to the
scope and precision of current dominant design. Second, we define the infancy of an
emerging field as the period before it is clear that it will overturn an industry’s
dominant design.
Incentives and challenges to invention——Incentives:opportunities to earn
long-term profits from the next dominant design.By inventing early, an incumbent
firm may avoid being preempted by competitors and can develop the capacity to
exploit knowledge in the field(tacit knowledge). challenges:1.The field continues
to evolve as new knowledge components are added and obsolete ones are withdrawn
or updated.2.it is difficult to predict whether and how an emerging field will
eventually give rise to the next dominant design.3.incumbents face a long-standing
trade-off between exploiting existing capabilities and preparing for the innovations
that will define the future. So,inventing in an emerging field demands that inventors
understand the changing knowledge landscape they search.
Search in novel technological areas——Invention is the result of searching for
and combining knowledge in order to discover new possibilities.Experimenting in
many novel areas allows the firm to expand and update its knowledge scope and thus
increase the likelihood of observing the direction of emerging fields.Search in novel
areas also increases the firm’s inventive performance in the emerging field by
increasing the number of possible knowledge combinations and exposing research
and development (R&D) staff to new problem-solving techniques. These add to the
‘toolbox’.——an emerging field that threatens an existing dominant design is often
supported by different disciplines.
Learning from collaborating organizations——diverse in terms of
technological distance:Distal partners:These novel knowledge contributions help
the firm keep up with the changing field, develop new techniques, and avoid being
left behind.vs lack of a common knowledge base.Proximal partners:speeds up a
firm’s cumulative learning within the existing dominant design;This continuous
improvement is particularly important for short-term financial profitability in highly
competitive product markets.
Search in public science——invention is scientific knowledge——Scientific
knowledge may be gained by collaborating with university scientists or reading
academic publications.The main reason is that unlike for-profit organizations,
academic institutions are not constrained by the threat that the emerging field brings
to existing industry practices. Because university scientists have relatively more
freedom to choose their own research agenda, they are more likely to develop
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foresight on the emerging field’s most fruitful research directions.
Implications for research:Provides entrepreneurial opportunities and can be
viewed as a necessity for surviving technological changes.There is highly uncertain
and there are high opportunity costs for such an entrepreneurial activity.
We must foresee the impact of the emerging field and at the same time compete in
product markets through relentless improvement to existing dominant designs. To
achieve this balance, this study implies that managers should encourage R&D staff
to search in novel areas, balance alliance partners in terms of technological distance
as well as collaborate with university scientists.
Limitation for future research: Our results may or may not generalize to other
contexts in which incumbent firms face less pressure to prepare for technological
change.The limited qualitative data do not allow us to more fully uncover how the
strategies.The connection between the early stages of invention and
commercialization in an innovation process remains an important research area.
3 A latecomer’s strategy to promote a technology standard: The case
of Datang and TD-SCDMA
—— Xudong Gao
Critique & summary:
The research questions this paper tried to answer include the following: (1) what
are the strategies used by Datang to promote TD-SCDMA; (2) are these strategies
similar or different from those used by MNEs; and (3) how to make sense of the
similarities or differences.
To deal with the challenges of latecomer disadvantage in promoting TD-SCDMA,
Datang developed 3 strategies: (1) proactively getting support from the government.
In this part, we discuss the first strategy; (2) taking the lead in developing the
TD-SCDMA value chain; and (3) working closely with the public stakeholders. In
this part, we discuss the first strategy.
Judged from the following facts, Datang’s three strategies to promote TD-SCDMA
were reasonably successful: (1) it gradually attracted a good number of firms, mainly
local firms, to join the TD Alliance; (2) the Chinese government issued three 3G
licenses,including TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000 and WCDMA in 2009; (3) Datang
improved its industry position; and (4) TD-SCDMA provided a good foundation for
TD-LTE and TD-LTE Advanced, new generations of mobile communications
technology standards.
Question & Discussion:
1 What's the different between the developing and developed countries in
technology process, the level of development, the degree of adaptation ?
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2 I think, if the enterprise is not a leading technology, so it can avoid the
drawbacks of the current technology of the enterprise, and combining the essence of
technology related fields, so as to develop a higher level of technology strategy.
Then,I want to know the critical difficulties which were come true? Is it a patent