Module 2 - Buckinghamshire Grid for Learning

Year 5 French
Scheme of Work
Buckinghamshire Scheme of Work for Year 5 French
Welcome to our Year 5 Scheme of work for French! We have put this together with a view to enabling
the primary classroom teacher to introduce some French into everyday work with children and to build
on work started in Years 3 and 4. The scheme has in mind the non-specialist teacher but could also
be used as a basis for learning by more experienced colleagues. There are 12 modules:
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Numbers 1-100
Healthy Lifestyle
French breakfast
The menu
School Subjects and Comparison of Schools France/UK
This is the Bear and the Picnic Lunch
Etre and feelings and the weather
Musical instruments
Description of people and animals
My hobbies
Peace at Last
 a directory of possible starter activities
 ideas for games which can be adapted for many different contexts
 a list of target language for teachers
 a guide to typing accented characters
Most of the modules are designed to be delivered over 2-3 weeks with short lessons of 15-30 minutes
but this could be adapted if more or less time is available. A minimum of 28 weeks is required to cover
the whole scheme but this has been designed so that some of the modules can take longer than
planned depending on ability and interest of learners without running out of weeks!
The modules make clear links to the Key Stage 2 Framework and to its objectives for Year 5 children.
These are: oracy, literacy, intercultural understanding, knowledge about language and
language learning strategies. Where popular children’s books are used, a set of printable overlays
is provided for teachers to cut out and stick over the original English text. These are re-written in
French to make them accessible to young learners and to teachers without being direct translations.
Many of the Intercultural Understanding elements of the course will depend upon teachers’ and
children’s own interests and background upon making use of displays around school celebrating
family connections, holiday experiences, knowledge of other languages and so on (for example
looking at labelling on foods from other countries, customs, playground rhymes, exploiting a school to
school link such as those developing with our link area of Montpellier etc.).
The following published resources are referred to in the scheme but could easily be replaced by other,
similar resources:
Early Start CD, Salut! Ça va?
Pilote CDs 1 and 2 (‘Moi’ and ‘Mon Ecole’) - CDs for use on an individual laptop or PC
connected to a projector or IWB (i.e. will not run on network)
 Rhythm and Rhyme by Cynthia Martin
 Chantez Plus Fort! 20 French songs
 Français! Français! (French raps and songs CDs 1, 2 and 3)
 Chante en Français. 12 songs in French.
 This is the Bear with the Picnic Lunch book by Sarah Hayes (schools to provide this text in
English – overlays in French are in the resources section)
 Peace at Last (schools to provide this text in English – overlays in French are in the resources
Other resources have been specially written and created to accompany the scheme (Word,
PowerPoint and Smartboard documents). These can also be found on the Bucks Grid for Learning
( in a separate folder for resources in Modern Foreign Languages / Primary.
They are available for teachers to access in the classroom or to print off free of charge.
Teachers Talking French (pack of 6 CDs ) is also useful for teachers to
improve and rehearse their own French for classroom language, as is the BBC resource Ma France .
We very much hope that teachers and pupils alike will enjoy using the scheme but this is just the
beginning! We want to make use of the enthusiasm, expertise and experience of teachers to ensure
that the scheme develops and progresses. Suggestions and alternatives can be used to update the
scheme via the Bucks Grid for Learning.
What you see here is a team effort and our thanks go to the following colleagues in Bucks for their
expertise and creative skills:
Isabelle Baldwin
Ann Gambie
Kerrianne Harvey
Janet Hills
Julie McVean
Chris Shaw
Shradha Tan
Please email your suggestions, ideas, worksheets, resources to the County Languages Team:
Ruth Wilkes
County Adviser for Modern Foreign Languages
Module 1 Numbers 1-100
Module 2 Healthy lifestyle
Module 3 French breakfast
Module 4 The menu
Module 5 School subjects
Module 6 This is the Bear and the Picnic
Module 7 Etre and feelings and the weather
Module 8 Musical instruments
Module 9 Description of people and animals
Module 10 Time
Module 11 My hobbies
Module 12 Peace at Last
 a directory of possible starter activities
 ideas for games which can be adapted
for many different contexts.
 a list of target language for teachers
 a guide to typing accented characters
Module 1
Title Numbers 1- 100
Time: 3 weeks assuming 2 x 25-30 minute lessons per week
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
Numbers 1 – 100 (including revision of numbers 1 – 32)
40 –quarante, 50 – cinquante, 60 – soixante, 70 – soixante-dix, 80 – quatre-vingts,
90 – quatre-vingt-dix, 100 – cent.
Prices e.g. 1,50€
fois – multiply
divisé par – divided by
Revision of
plus - plus
moins – minus
font - equal
Consolidation of
Classroom objects
Personal information
Also for passive understanding:l
livre - £
Quel est ton numéro de téléphone ? – what is your telephone number ? n.b. pupils to answer in
English but using French format
Telephone numbers in the French format – last 6 digits e.g. 20 97 54 as opposed to 209754
(plus haut – higher /plus bas - lower) N.B French phone numbers normally have 4 pairs.
Learning Outcomes:
To know and be able to use numbers 1 – 100 in the context of money, prices (in euros) and phone
To understand patterns within the French number system
To understand that a decimal point is represented by a comma in France
Sound work
‘eu’ – euro, deux, neuf, il pleut, bleu,
Possible Curricular links:
Numeracy – tables, number bonds, conversion of currencies,
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Cost comparison of items used in school in the two countries
 O5.1 Prepare and practise a simple conversation reusing familiar vocabulary and
structures in new contexts
 O5.3 Write words, phrases and short sentences using a reference
Intercultural Understanding
 IU5.3 Compare symbols, objects or products which represent their own culture with
those of another country
Knowledge about Language
 Develop accuracy in pronunciation and intonation
 Appreciate that different languages use different writing conventions
Language Learning Strategies
 Integrate new language into previously learned language
 Use context and previous knowledge to help understanding
 Practise new language with a friend
 Look and listen for visual and aural clues
Resources needed for the module:
Y5 module 1 Smartboard file numbers to 100
Français Français CD1,
Y5 Module1number loop game (Word)
Y5 Module1 Price List (Word)
Y5 Module1 Missing Prices List (Word)
Lesson 1 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 module 1 numbers
to 100, Français Français CD1 track 3, whiteboards.
Starter: Sing Français Français CD1 track 3 and revise quel âge as tu? (words on Slide 2
Smartboard module 1 numbers). Read through other questions on Slide 3 Smartboard module 1
numbers. Pupils ask + answer questions in pairs. Teacher ask mixture of questions in random order
(cover answer column or question column if pupils confident).
Activity 1: Slide 4 Smartboard module 1 numbers – read through numbers as class. In pairs test
each other one says Comment dit–on 20 en français? Partner replies without looking at board. Then
teacher say random number and pupils say next number. Then Slide 5 – count in 5s 8s etc as a class
or around class. Discuss pattern for forming numbers 20 to 39. In pairs pupils count in 4s.
Activity 2: Show slide 6 – repeat multiples of 10 as class. Then pupils predict missing numbers – in
order up to 50 and then in random order – teacher reveals as said. Then teacher writes number on
whiteboard and pupils try to guess number after each guess teacher indicates whether to guess
higher or lower (plus haut/plus bas.) Repeat in pairs if time.
Plenary: Slide 7 – one pupils asked to move word to matching number while others show on
whiteboards what they think it should be. If time teacher say random numbers and pupils write answer
in digits on whiteboard.
Lesson 2 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 module 1 numbers
to 100, Français Français CD1 track 4, whiteboards.
Starter: Mental maths using simple addition and subtraction of numbers to 69 (e.g. soixante
plus/moins trois font…..) pupils write answers in digits on white board. Teacher selects pupil to say
number aloud in French. Extend to include fois/divisé par.
Activity 1: Slide 8 Smartboard module 1 numbers – pupils discuss in pairs pattern for formation of
numbers 70 to 100 and predict hidden words. Once uncovered pupils use list to count in pairs from 70
to 100 (taking in turns to say next number.
Activity 2: Using Slide 9 as word prompt, listen to and then sing numbers song Français Français
CD1 track 4 Repeat using Slide 10 with words hidden.
Activity 3: Discuss how French telephone numbers are given as 2 digit numbers. Show slide 11 and
listen to conversation on Français Français CD1 track 4. Teacher then says one phone number and
pupils identify which person it belongs to.
Plenary: Teacher asks pupils Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? – pupils answer in English but
using French 2 digit format.
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 module 1 numbers
to 100, Français Français CD1, whiteboards.
Starter: Count as class in 10s using Slide 9 as prompt. Sing numbers song Français Français CD1
track 4 using slide 10 as prompt.
Activity 1: In pairs complete calculations on Slide 12 writing them on whiteboards as complete
number sentences ( digit format). (N.B.print slides of numbers for reference if required)
Activity 2: Introduce the various types of euro coins and notes using website link on slide 13 or slides
14 to 16. Explain the pictures chosen on the French coins and notes using background information on
second link on slide 13 or by ‘googling’ earlystart + euros.
Plenary: Slide 17 pupils add up piles of coins and write amounts on white boards using correct
notation. Teacher says quatre euros vingt and pupils write as 4,20€ (emphasise use of comma where
English uses a decimal point) - give further examples using numbers below 20 and multiples of 10.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 module 1 numbers
to 100, Français Français CD1, Y5Module1 Price List (Word), Y5Module1 Missing Prices List
(Word), whiteboards
Starter: Teacher asks mixture of personal questions including Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? –
pupils answer in English but using French 2 digit format. (more able answer in French)
Activity 1: Revise names of classroom objects repeating as a class. In pairs pupils take it in turns to
add an item to an imaginary list which gets longer - dans la salle de classe il y a un stylo, une gomme
etc – pupils start from the beginning of the list each time.
Activity 2: Show price list on Slide 18 and 19 – teacher says Le stylo, c’est combien? Pupils write
price on whiteboard. (emphasise that a comma is used as the decimal point) Teacher says price in
French. Extend to pupils saying answer rather than writing on whiteboard. Extend further to pupil
asking question and answering in pairs – gap filling exercise using Y5Module1 Price List (Word),
Y5Module1 Missing Prices List (Word) –one has price list while one fills gaps and then change roles.
Plenary: Discuss value of euro in relation to the pound and use the link to the currency converter on
slide 20 to compare the price of items in France and Britain (further items and prices can be found on
Lesson 5 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 module 1 numbers
to 100, Français Français CD1, Français Français CD3, whiteboards.
Starter: Sing numbers song Français Français CD1 track 4 using slide 10 as prompt or Français
Français CD3 rap track 20. (words on slide 26)
Activity 1: Slide 21 Teacher points to individual prices and asks C’est combien? Pupils respond in
French. Pupils then add prices on whiteboards – discuss similarity with adding pounds and pence.
Use currency converter to emphasise that 7,80€ is not the same as £7.80 etc.
Activity 2: Slide 22 Teacher read aloud line by line and class repeat. Teacher ask questions to elicit
meaning e.g. what does the girl want?
Plenary: Slide 23 –sort conversation into the correct order then read aloud with teacher playing one
part and the class the other.
Lesson 6 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 module 1 numbers
to 100, Français Français CD1, whiteboards, Y5 Module 1 number loop game (Word).
Starter: Play number loop game
Activity 1: Show slide 24 and check understanding of words in black. As class create new
conversation by changing words in red.
Activity 2: Show slide 25 – pupils create their own conversations about buying school items or
clothes to present to the class.
Plenary: See conversations created.
Module 2
Title: Healthy lifestyle
Time: 3 weeks assuming 2 x 25 – 30 minute lessons per week (use consolidation / extension if
more time available)
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
on doit- you must (have to)
je sais – I know (how to) / I can
infinitive verbs:
marcher – to walk
manger – to eat
parler – to speak
pleurer – to cry
écouter – to listen to
rire – to laugh
nager - swim
faire pipi dans mon pot – do a wee in my potty
regarder – watch / look at
jouer – to play
donner des calins – give hugs
dormir – to sleep
courir – to run
boire – to drink
lire – to read
des fruits – fruit
des frites - chips
des légumes - vegetables
de l’eau - water
du lait – milk
du coca – coca cola
avec un ballon – with a ball
C’est bon pour la santé – it’s good for your health
Revision of:
numbers for giving age
Je n’aime pas
NB children know the above in connection with nouns (J’aime le chocolat – I like chocolate)
The progression here is to use with verbs (J’aime manger – I like to eat)
Learning Outcomes
Children will be able to say and ask of others what they know how to do to be healthy and say what
people (one) must do. They will express likes and dislikes (themselves and family members). They
will also know something of the development of a baby / toddler and about healthy activities. They
will have greater knowledge about the contribution of certain activities to physical and emotional
Sound work
The ‘er’ sound at the end of regular ‘er’ verbs
Possible Curricular links:
PSHE – work on healthy lifestyles and child development
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Exchange baby photos and the age at which children can do things
Survey groups of people on what they like to do to be healthy and exchange results
5.2 Understand and express simple opinions
5.2 Make simple sentences and short texts
Intercultural understanding
Look at further aspects of their everyday lives from the perspective of someone for another
Knowledge about Language
Recognise patterns in simple texts
Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence (substituting infinitive verbs)
Apply knowledge of rules when building sentences
Recognise the typical conventions of word order in the foreign language
Language Learning Strategies
Integrate new language into previously learnt language
Resources needed for the module:
Powerpoint Year 4 Module 2 Qu’est-ce que tu sais faire ?
Word document Y5 Module 2 Je suis grand
Smartboard file Y5 Module 2 Being Healthy.
Lesson 1 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Powerpoint Year 4 Module 2 Qu’est-ce que tu sais faire ?
Word document Y5 Module 2 Je suis grand
Work through the slides in Qu’est-ce que tu sais faire? with children repeating the phrases for the
things babies can do (note the French use ‘sais faire’ for this rather than ‘peux faire’ ) guessing the
age of the babies in months according to their photos and what they can do (this could be in English).
Activity 1
Children talk in groups about the things they can do now which babies can’t. They can use the tick
list in the Word document ‘Je suis grand…’
Activity 2
Children work in pairs - one is a baby (Je suis bébé et je sais …), one is a Year 5 child (Je suis grand
et je sais…) and they prepare a short, spoken presentation of what each of them can do.
Activity 3
Write down the verb list in alphabetical order to make a dictionary of ‘healthy verbs’ and their
2 or 3 pairs present their work to the class.
More able pupils could research and present something about the development of babies using a
French website such as (see above for full address).
Lesson 2 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Word document Y5 Module 2 Je suis grand
Smartboard file Y5 Module 2 Being Healthy.
Use the Word document again but this time ask children in pairs to pick five French verbs from the list
which they think are absolutely essential to good health.
Activity 1
Conduct a discussion of choices above and collate class results on the board (the tick list can be
adapted and projected onto the whiteboard so a tally of choices can be taken, children can justify their
choices in English).
Activity 2
Use the Smartboard file Y5 Module 2 Being Healthy, page 1. Divide the class into 2 teams. “
representatives from team A come up to the board first to see how many words and pictures they can
match correctly in 3 minutes. Repeat for team B. See if children can substitute ‘je sais…’ for j’aime /
je n’aime pas’ or ‘(family member) aime / n’aime pas…’ and discuss whether they things people like to
do are healthy choices or not.
Once the correct matching is on the board, children write their own list of top 5 healthy activities under
the heading ‘Being Healthy’. More able pupils could try this with their backs to the board then check
their spelling of the verbs. They could also try to identify a common feature of the majority of verbs in
that they end in ‘…er’ Ask children how they think ‘…er’ is pronounced.
Lesson 3 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard file Y5 Module 2 Being Healthy
The 6 items from page 2 of the file written large on 6 pieces of card (with pictures if children need a
Use Smartboard file Y5 Module 2 Being Healthy page 2. Practise saying the food and drink items
then discuss sounds (fruits / frites and eau for example).
Activity 1
Move the pictures to match the words.
Activity 2
Choose 6 children to come to the front and to take a card each. Class try to make them stand in
order of most healthy food / drink item in order of healthiness.
Activity 3
Use Smartboard file Y5 Module 2 Being Healthy page 3. Children discuss in pairs which items they
intend to put in the ‘bin’ for unhealthy food / drink. 2 come up to choose a phrase each. Put the
phrase and the picture in the ‘bin’ (can be made more challenging by separating words and pictures
With what is left on the board children should be able to put together a sentences to say what you
must eat and drink to be healthy and to add ‘C’est bon pour la santé’ (it’s good for your health. More
able children could be encouraged to add ‘parce que’ (because) to the sentence.
Lesson 4 (30 - 40 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Word document Y5 Module 2 Je suis grand
Show the original tick list on the board. Children are supported to use the phrase ‘on doit’ to construct
some new sentences saying what you must do to be healthy but using verbs other than manger and
Activity 1
Work in small groups to construct a short ‘healthy living’ TV advert and or poster.
Present the work to the others in the class.
Module 3
French breakfast
Time: 2 weeks assuming 2 x 25 - 30 minute lessons per week
Language Content:
At the end of the module pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
Questions asking for / taking orders : Vous désirez? C’est tout? Avec ça ?
je voudrais – I would like
je mange – I eat
je bois – I drink
du café – some coffee
du thé – some tea
du jus d’orange – some orange juice
du chocolat chaud – some hot chocolate
des croissants – some croissants
des tartines – bread, butter and jam
du beurre – some butter
du pain – some bread
de la confiture – some jam
‘Some’ is introduced here as ‘du / de la or des’ according to masculine / feminine or plural. There is
no need to be any more explicit than this at this stage.
Revision of:
Fruit from year 3
Likes and dislikes using ice creams from Year 4
Learning Outcomes:
Be able to understand words for items of food and drink for a French breakfast.
Sound work
Practice of the sound made by ‘é’ in French- remind children that ‘er’ also makes the same sound.
Possible Curricular links:
Design and Technology : Prepare a French breakfast or follow a simple recipe.
ICT: Create powerpoints using digital photos. Create menus for display at the French
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Create a PowerPoint of what children eat for breakfast to send to partner school.
Oracy :
O5.1 Prepare and practise a simple conversation, reusing familiar vocabulary and
structures in new contexts.
L5.2 Make simple sentences and short texts.
Intercultural Understanding :
IU 5.1 Know about some aspects of everyday life and compare them to their own.
(What French children eat for breakfast)
Knowledge about Language:
Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence.
Language Learning Strategies:
Practise new language with a friend and outside the classroom.
Resources needed for the module:
Smartboard file Y5 Module 3 Le petit déjeuner:
Laminated flashcards using images from Le petit déjeuner smartboard slides and activities.
Laminated words from Le petit déjeuner smartboard slides and activities.
Worksheet 1
Wordsearch worksheet 2
Ice cream flashcards from Yr 4 M8 sow
Large foam dice
Miam Miam c’est délicieux Song 12 Chantez plus fort
Miam Miam c’est délicieux Song gapfill Worksheet 3
Jumbled sentences on the IWB
Lesson 1 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 Module 3 Le petit
déjeuner and flashcards of breakfast items using images in the slides. Only use slides 1-10
incl. Flashcards of ice creams from Y4 Module 8.
PowerPoint file Y5 Module 3 Worksheet 1.
Hold up ice cream flashcards and ask une glace au chocolat ou à la fraise? to revise words for fruit
and flavours then hold the flashcards close to you and ask the children devinez to guess which card is
on top.
Activity 1
Show flashcards on Le Petit déjeuner smartboard slides 1 - 10
Only show slides 1-10incl. Get the children to repeat words for the pictures in different voices.
Point to screen or flashcard and ask Qu’est-ce que c’est? Offer alternatives by saying le café ou le
Activity 2
Create actions for the food and drink items. For example pretend to drink a cup of coffee or pretend to
be a teapot with one arm acting as a handle and the other as a spout.
Say the item of food or drink and then do the action. Class repeats after you. Play Jaques a dit using
actions created. As a follow up activity children could do worksheet 1 (finding the words in the
wordsnake and writing them under the correct picture.)
Throw a large foam dice. The child that catches it counts the dots on the face and has to call out that
many items from lesson content (e.g. le café)
Lesson 2 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Laminated flashcards of images
from Smartboard file Y5 Module 3 Le petit déjeuner and labels for the items of food and drink.
Slides 1 – 19 of Le Petit déjeuner smart board slides and Word document Y5 Module 3
Say words for the food and drink items covered and class does the actions created last lesson. Then
you do the actions for the food and drink when a child says a word.
Activity 1
Show Le Petit déjeuner smart board slides and practise words for all the food and drink paying
particular attention to the written word. Throughout the images give options , for example, ask des
croissants ou du pain? And gradually ask open ended questions such as qu’est-ce que c’est?
Play qu’est-ce qui manque? using slides 11-13, where you ask the children to take a look at all the
items in slide 11 before you ask them to close their eyes by saying fermez les yeux. Move to slide 12
and ask the children to open their eyes by saying ouvrez les yeux and they have to say which images
are missing when you ask qu’est-ce qui manque?
Activity 2
Select children for two teams. Give pictures to one team and words to the other. Call out a word. The
team that holds up their card first wins a point. You could change teams when one team reaches five
Do wordsearch from sheet.
Invite a child to the front. Stick a word or picture on the board behind the child so that the class can
see the flashcard/label but the child cannot. You could also use slides 14 -19 from Le Petit déjeuner
smart board slides. Invite three children to call out words. Only one child calls out the correct word.
The child at the front has to decide who is telling the truth.
Lesson 3 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Box of food and drink items covered
so far, food and drink flashcards and labels. Smartboard file Y5 Module 3 Le petit déjeuner 20
and 22. Chantez Plus Fort CD (Miam Miam c’est délicieux ! song 12 page 30)
Take food items out of a box one by one or hold up a food or drink flashcards and call out a word for
food or drink. If the word matches the picture/item, children put hands on their heads. If it doesn’t
match, children fold their arms.
Activity 1
Stick the labels in a long column on the board and get the class to chant each word repeatedly. They
can only move on to the next word when a designated child does an action. Next, select one child to
go out. Choose another child to do the designated action and begin the chanting. The child who was
sent out comes in and has to find the designated child.
Show slide 20 of the suitcase. There are words hidden inside the case. Divide the class into two
teams and tap on the suitcase to find a word. The teams will not be able to see the word until it is
dragged out of the suitcase. The team guesses the word. If it is correct they get a point.
Activity 2
Begin by showing slide 22 and selecting items you would like to order. For example, say Je voudrais
un croissant avec du beurre, de la confiture et du café. Explain that du, de la and des all mean some.
(Possible extension for more able children – they could be asked to identify a ‘rule’ and to compare
with earlier use of le, la and les). Ask the class Vous désirez? Practise this question in different
Drag different items on the plate and ask the children to say Je voudrais…. as though they are
ordering the food. Gradually ask individuals to place their orders. You could also introduce the
question Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais?
Explain that je voudrais means I would like and that je mange means I eat.
Play the song from Chantez Plus Fort and ask the children to listen carefully. Play it again and ask the
children to put their hands on their heads everytime they hear Vous désirez and to fold their arms
when they hear je voudrais.
Lesson 4 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:, Box of food and drink items
covered so far, food and drink flashcards and labels. Smartboard file Y5 Module 3 Le petit
déjeuner slides 21- 25. Chantez Plus Fort CD (Miam Miam c’est délicieux ! song), Word
document Y5 Module 3 Miam Miam c’est délicieux ! song gap-fill)
Jumbled sentences on the board for placing orders for example: voudrais croissants des je.
Use the food and drink items from the box and say for example je voudrais du pain avec de la
confiture… Ask the children to copy your example with other food and drink items as you take them
out of the box.
Activity 1
Show slide 21 and play a game of pelmanism to reinforce the vocabulary. Show slide 22 and do a role
play with the class where you are asking Vous désirez? C’est tout? Avec ça?
Use slides 23 – 25 to create sentences using the pictures. Divide the class into pairs or groups and
ask the children to create short role plays where one child could be the waiter and the others could
place orders. They would practise the questions Vous désirez? C’est tout? Avec ça? And the answer
je voudrais….
Activity 2
Point out the sound made by é in café, thé ,désirez, délicieux. Point out the difference in sound
between é and e.
Play the song and ask the children to listen carefully. Play it again and this time ask the children to put
their hands on their heads every time they hear a word for food and to look like they are asking a
question every time they hear a question.
Fill words in song gap-fill worksheet ‘miam, miam…’ and the children can sing the song.
Show the children a series of jumbled sentences for placing orders and taking orders. Children come
to the board to un-jumble the sentences.
Consolidation / extension
Children can describe what they eat for breakfast using Pour le petit déjeuner je mange….
They could take digital photos of food they eat and create a PowerPoint using the photos and
inserting the correct text. This could then be presented in an assembly. The same could be prepared
in English to send to their partner school if you have one.
You could also video their role plays or organise a French breakfast event where they could take it in
turns to take and place orders and be waiters and customers using real French food items.
Module 4
Title: The menu
Time: 2 weeks assuming 2 x 25 – 30 minute lessons per week (use consolidation / extension
if more time available)
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
un hot-dog – a hot dog
un sandwich au jambon - a ham sandwich
un croque-monsieur – cheese on toast
un hamburger – a burger
un coca – a coca cola
un café – a coffee
un thé – a tea
un orangina – a fizzy orange
du vin blanc – a white wine
du lait – some milk
un jus d’orange – an orange juice
un gateau – a cake
des frites – some chips
une crêpe – a pancake
une limonade – a lemonade
une glace – an ice cream
une bière – a beer
je voudrais – I would like
l’addition – the bill
s’il vous plait – please
bon appétit – enjoy your food
merci – thank you
Learning Outcomes
Children should be able to follow a simple menu in a French restaurant or café and place an order.
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Teachers and children can exchange menus from local cafes and restaurants.
 O5.1 Prepare and practise a simple conversation re-using familiar vocabulary and
structures in new contexts
 O5.4 Prepare a short presentation on a familiar topic (from memory).
 L5.1 Re-read frequently a variety of short texts
Intercultural Understanding
 IU5.1 Look at further aspects of their everyday lives from the perspective of someone
from another country
Knowledge about Language
 Understand that rules and conventions are respected by native speakers and are
important for learners
 Notice different text types and deal with authentic texts (menus)
Language Learning Strategies
 Integrate new language into previously learnt language
 Make sensible guesses based on clues
Resources needed for the module:
Francais Francais Le café pages 35 and 36 and CD1 track 12.
Francais Francais Le café page 35 photocopied onto card and cut into small labels enough for
3 per child.
A selection of 10 of these items photocopied large and individually onto card
Page 36 copied onto OHT
Word document Y5 Module 4 conversation cards
Word document Y5 Module 4 worksheet
Menus provided by partner school or printed from the internet such as Le petit pêcheur in Meze:
Some pretend Euros if available
Lesson 1 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Francais Francais Le café page 35 photocopied onto card and cut into small labels enough for
3 per child.
A selection of 10 of the items photocopied large and individually onto card.
Give out 3 food / drink items per child from the photocopied sheets p 35 / 36
Children keep their own ‘choices’ secret and all stand up.
Say the sentence: ‘Je voudrais… + food / drink item working through the items. Children sit down
when all 3 of theirs have been mentioned. First 3 to sit down have won the bingo! You could
encourage more able pupils to ask for the bill at this point: l’addition, s’il vous plaît! (instead of saying
Activity 1
Ask if children can remember how you were asking for items and highlight use of je voudrais / s’il
vous plaît.
Activity 2
Children practise asking for items in pairs using their labels to provide a prompt.
Stick the 10 large cards of food / drink items on the board. Divide the class into 2 teams. A correct
request using language above wins the team a card (e.g. ‘Je voudrais un jus d’orange, s’il vous plaît’)
Lesson 2 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Francais Francais Le café page 36 and CD 1 Le café (track 12)
Word document printed onto card Y5 Module 4 conversation cards
Word document Y5 Module 4 worksheet
Play the conversation on the CD without text and children guess where they think the dialogue is
taking place.
Activity 1
Give one of the conversation cards to each of 5 children at random who have to organise themselves
into the right order before they hear the conversation again to check. This could be done as a group
activity with several groups of five each with a set of cards. The more able could try to substitute
items for others from the previous module.
Activity 2
Give out the worksheet one per pair. Children practise reading the conversation but have to re-order
it correctly first.
2 or 3 pairs act out their conversations to the class. More able pupils can replace items in the text or
add more such as ‘C’est tout? and a price for the bill. Less able pupils can use the worksheet as a
Lesson 3 (25- 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Song page 36 Francais Francais with text copied onto OHT.
Show the text on OHP and play the song.
Activity 1
Children sing along with the song.
Activity 2
Play again but turn down the sound periodically and children have to continue to sing in time.
Children sing the song without reference to the text.
Lesson 4 (25 – 30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Menus provided by partner school or printed from the internet such as Le petit pêcheur in Meze:
Some pretend Euros if available
Discuss the language needed in a restaurant / café.
Activity 1
Give out menus and Euros and give children time in small groups to prepare and memorise a short
café scene.
Present scenes to the class or to invited guests.
Module 5
Title: School Subjects and Comparison of Schools France/UK
Time: 3 weeks assuming 2 x 25-30 minute lessons a week
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
les maths
la géographie Geography
les sciences
la physique
la chimie
la musique
le théâtre
la biologie
la technologie Technology
l’informatique ICT
le sport
le religion
le dessin
(N.B. school subjects in French are written without capital letters)
la matière
Revision of
je préfère
I prefer
days of the week (N.B the days on the timetable are written without capital letters)
Consolidation of
I like
je n’aime pas I don’t like
je déteste
I hate
I love
Also for passive understanding:
un emploi du temps
la récreation
le cours
le déjeuner
letters of the alphabet
Learning Outcomes:
To appreciate the differences and similarities between the English and French school systems
To name and express opinions about school subjects
To begin to recognise the letters of the French alphabet when heard
Sound work:
“ie” – chimie, poèsie, biologie, symphonie, Valérie, technologie, écologie, économie,
géographie, philosophie,
Possible Curricular links:
Numeracy - Survey of favourite subjects
Art – Create a visual timetable and label in French
PE – Playground games
Music – Singing songs in parts, give a short performance of songs learned in the unit
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Comparison of timetables with partner school in Montpellier
Comparison of subject content with partner school in Montpellier
Exchange ideas for playground activities
 O5.2 Understand and express simple opinions
 O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases and sentences
 L5.3 Write words, phrases and short sentences using a reference
Intercultural Understanding
 IU5.1 Look at further aspects of their everyday lives from the perspective of someone
from another country
Knowledge about Language
 Recognise patterns in simple sentences
 Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence
 Develop accuracy in pronunciation and intonation
 Understand and use negatives
 Understand that words will not always have a direct equivalent in the language
Language Learning Strategies
 Integrate new language into previously learned language
 Use context and previous knowledge to help understanding
 Practise new language with a friend
 Look and listen for visual and aural clues
 Pronounce/read aloud unknown words
Resources needed for the module:
Y5 Module 5 smartboard activity file
Pilote Mon Ecole
Français, Français CD1
Français, Français CD2
Français, Français CD3
Français, Français book
Y5 module 5 quelle est ta matiere preferee words
Y5 module 5 quelle est ta matiere preferee gapped version
Early Start CD
Y5 module 5 mon emploi du temps
Y5 module 5 mon emploi du temps blank
Y5 module 5 cards to match
Y5 module 5 conversation 1
Y5 module 5 conversation 2
Lesson 1 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Pilote Mon Ecole
Français, Français CD2
Year 5 module 5 smartboard activity file
Early Start CD
Revision of days of the week from Year 4 module 2.
Listen to the days of the week song. Français, Français CD2 track 2 (karaoke version track 31).
Words on slide 1 of activity file. Children to join in and sing the song. Try karaoke version when
confident. Perform in parts if time allows.
Activity 1
Look at Early Start CD. Click on Talking Points for information on the primary sector.
Look at:
- At the end of the school day
- How old are you when you change schools
- What happens on different days of the week in France
Discuss the French school system and how it compares with the English.
For information on the secondary sector look at:
The site also contains photos of the school and the surrounding area. N.B. this has been written by
French children.
Activity 2
Watch Pilote Mon Ecole – Mon Emploi du Temps – video presentation only. After watching ask
children to identify as many subjects as they can. Note cognates. Teacher to make list on the board
or reveal on smartboard list – slide 2 activity file.
Teacher to mouth subjects from list made in lesson and children to try and identify.
Lesson 2 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Year 5 module 5 smartboard activity file
Français, Français CD3
Y5 module 5 quelle est ta matiere preferee words
Y5 module 5 quelle est ta matiere preferee gapped version
Revision of school subjects. Using slide 2 of activity file, cover subject words with yellow rectangles
Teacher to slowly reveal subject and children to try and identify subject before the whole word is
Activity 1
Introduce new subject vocabulary activity file slide 3 noting cognates.
Listen to Français, Français CD 3 track 2 (karaoke version track 44) Quelle est ta matière préférée –
words on slide 4 of activity file Read text together and note ie sounds in text.(la chimie, la géographie,
la technologie, la biologie) in particular as sound focus for module. Children to join in and when
confident try karaoke version.
Activity 2
Listen to song again. Give children gapped version and ask them to fill in the blanks using vocabulary
bank at the top of the page.
Using slide 5, play Kim’s game with school subjects. Teacher shows board with a selection of
subjects on it and then covers one up using yellow rectangle at bottom of page. Children to try and
identify covered subject. Repeat with other subjects.
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Français, Français CD 1
Français, Français book
Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file
Y5 module 5 emploi du temps
Y5 module 5 emploi du temps blank
Listen to Alphabet song, words on slide 6 Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file. Français, Français
CD1 Track 7(Karaoke version track 20). Children to join in and sing song, moving on to karaoke
version when confident. Look at alphabet pronunciation sheet to aid pronunciation – Français,
Français book page 7.
Activity 1
Using slides 7 – 19 of Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file look at subject anagrams to remind
children of vocabulary. Children to try and spell words on whiteboards. Answers under box in corner
of the page.
Activity 2
Using Y5 module 5 emploi du temps as a model children to fill in timetable of own school day using
French vocabulary for days of the week and subjects – Y5 module 5 emploi du temps blank. Teacher
to provide break and lunch vocabulary - la recreation le déjeuner.
Look at pronunciation sheet again– Français, Français book page 7 (in some books this is on p 86).
Play hangman with school subject words. Children suggest letters in French if they can and teacher
to help with French equivalent if necessary.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file
Y5 module 5 cards to match
Français, Français CD3
Starter: Look at slide 20 Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file. Ask children to sort words on
whiteboards in any way they like. Others to try and work out criteria used. Compare differences and
similarities between words. Practise ie sound found in all these words – emphasise pronunciation.
Activity 1
Play matching game with small cards to reinforce school subject vocabulary – Y5 module 5 cards to
Activity 2
Listen to conversation on Français, Français CD3 Track 1
Discuss what has been said – translation on page 93. Revise adjectives from Year 4 Unit 10 and talk
about meanings. Introduce new adjectives from vocabulary list above.
Activity 3
Children to practise orally J’aime __ _____ and je n’aime pas __ ____ . Make sentences showing
their preferences for different school subjects – use the small cards from activity 1 as prompts. Note
that in French you need to use le /la / l’ / les plus a school subject after j’aime / je n’aime pas (e.g.
j’aime les maths / je n’aime pas le sport)
Teacher to spell out a subject in French and the children write it on small whiteboards.
Lesson 5 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Français, Français CD1
Y5 module 5 conversation 1
Y5 module 5 cards to match
Voyelles rap and comptine. Listen to rhyme and rap about vowels. – Français, Français CD1 track 8.
Words on Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file slide 21
Activity 1
Children to fill in conversation about subjects they like and dislike. Practise reading aloud in pairs.
Activity 2
Revise conversation from lesson 3 Français, Français CD3 Track 1
Discuss why children do and don’t like a subject. Orally practise : J’aime __ ____ parce que c’est
_____. Je n’aime pas __ ______ parce que c’est ____
Card game – pick up a card and comment on it
Teacher says “J’aime le français.” All who agree repeat the sentence. Teacher says other sentences
e.g. “Je n’aime pas le sport.” and if the children agree they repeat the sentence, if not remain silent.
Lesson 6 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Français, Français CD3
Y5 module 5 conversation 2
Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file
Revision of Quelle est ta matière préférée. Karaoke version if the children feel confident to do so.
Français, Français CD 3 track 2 (karaoke version track 44)
Activity 1
Children to fill in conversation 2 according to personal preferences – practise with a partner.
Activity 2
Develop into a short interview. Find out the person’s name, age, birthday, most favourite and least
favourite subject. Comment t’appelles-tu? Quel âge as-tu? Quel est ton numéro de téléphone ?
Quelle est la date de ton anninversaire? Quelle est ta matière préférée ? Quelle est ta matière que
tu détestes? Perform conversations to class.
Y5 module 5 smartboard activity file slide 22. Using picture clues construct sentences in the correct
Module 6
Title: This is the Bear and the Picnic Lunch
Time: 2 weeks assuming 2 x 25-30 minute lessons per week
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:l
le nounours – teddy bear
le pique-nique – picnic
une boîte – box
chercher – to look for
passer – to pass
se cacher – to hide
nouveau – new
vide – empty
il a faim – he’s hungry
méchant – naughty
Revision of
la chaise - chair
le chien - dog
le nez - nose
les chaussures - shoes
les chaussettes - socks
Consolidation of
sauter – to jump
fermer – to close
le garcon – boy
prepositions – Year 4 Module 6
Also for passive understanding:
partout – everywhere
par terre – on the floor
Learning Outcomes:
Be able to use the French to English section of a bilingual dictionary
Be able to create short statements for speech bubbles
Sound work:
Explore the different sounds represented by the letter c.
Possible Curricular links:
Science – menus for healthy picnics
Literacy – create and perform similar scenes
Art – illustrate and label La Poupée et la Déjeuner story
DT – make a story book with moving parts and copy the text in French
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Exchange ideas for healthy picnics
Exchange clips of animations or recordings made
 O5.1 Prepare and practise a simple conversation reusing familiar vocabulary and
structures in new contexts
 O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases and sentences
 L5.1 Re read frequently a variety of short texts
 L5.2 Make simple sentences and short texts
Intercultural Understanding
 IU5.1 Look at further aspects of their everyday lives from the perspective of someone
from another country
Knowledge about Language
 Recognise patterns in simple sentences
 Manipulate language by changing an element in the sentence
 Develop accuracy in pronunciation and intonation
 Understand and use negatives
Language Learning Strategies
 Plan and prepare – analyse what needs to be done to carry out a task
 Integrate new language into previously learned language
 Apply grammatical knowledge to make sentences
 Use context and previous knowledge to help understanding
 Look and listen for visual and aural clues
 Use a dictionary or word list
 Pronounce/read aloud unknown words
Resources needed for the module:
Y5 Module 6 Smartboard file Bear and the picnic lunch
Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear listening activity file 1(mp3)
Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear listening activity file 2 (mp3)
Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear book sound track (mp3)
Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear listening activity (Word)
Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear playscript (Word)
Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear French text (Word)
This is the Bear with the Picnic Lunch book by Sarah Hayes
Y5 Module 6 La poupée et le déjeuner (Word)
Rhythm and Rhyme by Cynthia Martin
Bi-lingual dictionaries or word lists
Lesson 1 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and
the picnic lunch, This is the Bear listening activity file 1 (mp3 file), This is the Bear listening
activity file 2 (mp3 file), This is the Bear listening activity (Word), This is the Bear French text
(Word), This is the Bear with the Picnic Lunch book by Sarah Hayes and Y5 Module 6 This is
the Bear book sound track (mp3).
Starter: Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and the picnic lunch – slide 2 - Unjumble words in pairs on
white boards and then check as a class
Activity 1: Play the story straight through (This is the Bear listening activity file 1). Ask for feedback
on anything which has been understood.
Activity 2: Play each section of This is the Bear listening activity file 2 asking questions after each
section (This is the Bear listening activity sheet) or ask pupils to fill in answers on the sheet.
Plenary: Show the book with French text covering the English text and read aloud (or play book
sound track while showing )
Lesson 2 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and
the picnic lunch, Y5 Module 6 La Poupée et le Déjeuner story (word)
Starter: Quick fire questions and answers covering personal information from previous years –
initially teacher ask but then pupils ask.
Activity 1: Explain the layout (A-Z in two halves) and conventions (m, f etc) of a bilingual dictionary
and test understanding by asking pupils to find the English equivalent of the words on Smartboard file
Y5 Module 6 This is the bear - slide 3. Emphasise that there can be more than one equivalent and the
need to use context to choose the correct word.
Activity 2: Using the words from activity 1 look at the different pronunciations of c and if time extend
to include rhyme 27 in Rhythm and Rhyme by Cynthia Martin.
Activity 3: Read La Poupée et le Déjeuner aloud (Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and the picnic
lunch - slide 4) – ask pupils to find the meaning of unfamiliar words using the dictionary. Pupils note
meanings above words on Y5 Module 6 La Poupée et le Déjeuner story sheets.
Plenary : Ask pupils questions about the new story to assess understanding and discuss choice of
meanings where appropriate.
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and
the picnic lunch, This is the Bear and the picnic lunch book, This is the Bear book sound track
(mp3 file) Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear playscript (Word)
Starter: Re-read This is the Bear and the picnic lunch book with French text covering the English text
(or play sound track while showing )
Activity 1: Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and the picnic lunch - slide 5. Match French speech
bubbles with English speech bubbles. Fill empty bubbles with missing French phrases.
Activity 2: Read through Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and the picnic lunch slides 7 to 10 and as
a class make suggestions for filling the empty speech bubbles.
Activity 3: In fours write a playscript for the story by filling empty exchanges between the characters
on Y5 Module 6 This is the Bear playscript (Word ). Phrases such as j’aime les chips can be added –
emphasise the need to use what they know from previous years rather than trying to translate what
they would write if they were completing the task in English.
Plenary: Share ideas for new speech bubbles.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and
the picnic lunch, digital blue cameras or microphone and computer.
Starter: Smartboard file Y5 Module 6 Bear and the picnic lunch – slide 6 – matching verb phrases.
Then build other such phrases as a class e.g. She isn’t, he does not like etc.
Activity 1: Pupils finalise and practise playlets to be presented either as radio plays i.e. reading from
script or acting out or using toys to create a sort of puppet show.
Activity 2: Playlets are recorded using digital blue cameras or microphone and computer. (If time is
short groups can perform half of story each especially if toys have been used to make a ‘puppet’
Plenary : View recordings
The plays or ‘puppet’ shows could be shown to small groups of KS1 pupils.
Using ICT and toys, animations could be created to be shared on the VLE.
Pupils could convert La Poupée et le Déjeuner story into a playscript
Module 7
Etre and feelings and the weather
Time: 2-3 weeks assuming 2x25-30 minute lessons per week
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
je suis content(e) – I’m happy
je suis triste – I’m sad
je suis fâché(e) – I’m angry
je suis effrayé(e) – I’m frightened
quand - when
il/ elle est + above feelings – he/she is + above feelings
il y a un orage – it’s stormy
Revision of weather introduced in Year 4 Module 5
Consolidation of activities in the infinitive from Year 5 Module 2
Also for passive understanding:
tu es + above feelings – you are + above feelings
Learning Outcomes:
Be able to say how they feel and link this to different types of weather
Possible Curricular links:
Looking at maps of France and weather forecasts
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Report on weather at different times of year
 O 5.2 Understand and express simple opinions
 O 5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases and sentences
 L 5.2 Make simple sentences and short texts
 L 5.3 Write words, phrases and short sentences, using a reference
Knowledge about Language
 Recognise patterns in simple sentences
 Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence
 Apply knowledge of rules when building sentences
Language Learning Strategies
 Integrate new language into previously learnt language
 Apply grammatical knowledge to make sentences
 Use actions and rhymes to aid memorisation
Resources needed for the module:
Smartboard file Y5 module 7 feelings
Worksheet Y5 module 7 writing sentences
Smartboard file Y5 module 7 weather
Worksheet Y5 module 7 weather vocabulary
Lesson 1 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file Y5 module 7 feelings
Play a game of fizz buzz to revise numbers.
Activity 1
Present the feelings using the Smartboard resource pgs 1-4. Repeat lots of times in voices to match
the feelings. Teacher says the feeling and pupils do an appropriate mime to show they have
Activity 2
The class agrees on a mime to match each feeling, then plays Simon Says (Jaques a dit). Pupils can
then play the game again in groups, with more able pupils taking turns to be the teacher and call the
Choose pupils to say one of the feelings, which the rest of the class then mime.
Lesson 2 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard file Y5 module 7 feelings
Re-cap the mimes and feelings, then play a quick game of Jaques a dit.
Activity 1
Re-cap meaning of je suis fâché(e), pointing to yourself as you say it. Then point to some boys as
you say il est fâché and some girls as you say elle est fâchée. Elicit from pupils that il est means he
is, while elle est means she is. Practise this by getting them to say il est and a feeling in a deep
masculine voice, and elle est and a feeling in a high-pitched feminine voice.
Activity 2
Play a chain memory game around the class. The first person says e.g. je suis triste, the next person
repeats il/elle est triste and adds e.g. et je suis effrayé(e), and so on, adding one feeling to the list
each time. If you prefer this can be played in smaller groups to enable more pupils to participate.
Activity 3
Play In the manner of the word, secretly whisper one of the leisure activities from Module 2 and one of
the feelings to a pupil, who has to mime doing that activity as if they were feeling angry/ sad etc. The
rest of the class guess the activity and use il/elle est… to guess the feeling.
Use the Smartboard presentation again pgs 5-8, this time using the blind function to gradually reveal
the images. Pupils call out the hidden emotion, using the colour background to determine if it’s il or
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard Y5 module 7 feelings
Worksheet Y5 module 7 writing sentences
Show the Smartboard presentation pgs 5-8 again, making statements about each image. Pupils
repeat if the statement matches the image and colour background, otherwise they remain silent.
Activity 1
Using pg 9 of the Smartboard presentation, get pupils to match up the written sentences with the
pictures. They should note that content, fâché and effrayé add an extra e if the person speaking or
being spoken about is female (can they think of other examples of this i.e. making colour agreements
in Year 4 Module 4?)
Activity 2
Pupils work through the activities on the worksheet, building up to writing their own sentences.
Pupils spot the errors on Smartboard pg 10.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard Y5 module 7 feelings
Smartboard Y5 module 7 weather
Show Smartboard pg 11, pupils supply covered words missing in the sentences.
Activity 1
Use Smartboard resource Y5module7weather pgs 1-6 to re-cap weather phrases from Year 4, note
one new phrase il y a un orage has been added.
Activity 2
Re-cap the mimes they learnt to go with the weather, then play Jaques a dit.
Activity 3
Play Chinese Whispers. Pupils get into teams of c. 6 and line up behind their team leader. Whisper
one of the weather phrases to team leaders (possibly outside of the room). They run back to their
team and start the chain of whispers along their line. The final person comes to the front, says the
phrase that they think it is and does the mime.
Play the pelmanism game on pg 7 in two teams.
Lesson 5 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
the 9 words from the starter on small pieces of card
Smartboard Y5 module 7 weather
Worksheet Y5 module 7 weather vocabulary
Before the lesson starts, write each of the following 9 words on separate pieces of card and hide them
around the classroom (you can make the cards quite small so pupils will enjoy trying to spot them):
je suis triste
il est effrayé
elle est fâchée. When the lesson starts, pupils go round the room
with mini whiteboards and pens, finding and writing down the words. When they have all 9, they try
to make them into sentences. Discuss the sentences, drawing out which words could be in a different
place (e.g. triste and effrayé) and which couldn’t (e.g. effrayé and fâchée, suis and est).
Activity 1
Introduce statements linking your feelings to the weather. Show the image of good weather on
Smartboard pg 8 and say Quand il fait beau, je suis content(e), ask pupils what this means. Continue
to make other statements about the following pages, pupils could write sensé (makes sense) on one
side of their whiteboards, and nonsens (nonsense) on the other side, holding up the correct side to
show whether your statements are logical or not.
Activity 2
Pupils draw a picture of themselves in one of the weather conditions and label it appropriately Quand
il….., je suis….. Leave the Smartboard pg 12 on display for them to follow as a guide, and give out
the weather vocabulary sheet to help them.
Pupils mime a feeling and the weather and the rest of the class work out the sentence. This can be
done as a team game, with teacher timing each team to see which one guesses their sentence
correctly the quickest.
Module 8
Title: Musical instruments and a piece of French music
Time: 2 weeks assuming 2 x 15 - 20 minute lessons per week (use consolidation / extension if
more time available)
Language Content:
At the end of the unit, pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
Les différentes familles d’instruments : The various families of instruments
Les instruments à vent : the wind instruments
La trompette - trumpet
La clarinette – clarinette
Le haut-bois - oboe
Le trombone - trombone
La flûte - flute
Le cor - horn
Le saxophone - saxaphone
Le tuba - tuba
Les instruments à cordes : the string instruments
Le violon - violin
Le violoncelle - viola
La contrebasse – double bass
Le piano - piano
La guitare - guitar
La harpe - harp
Les instruments à percussion : the drums
Le tambour - drum
Les cymbales - cymbals
Le triangle - triangle
La batterie – drums / drum kit
Le tam tam – tom tom
L’accordeon – accordion
Les maracas - maracas
Le xylophone - xylophone
Je joue + du, de la, des – I play the ….
Types de musique (rock N Roll, Jazz, Hip-Hop, salsa)
grave - bass sound, low
aigu - treble, high
Revision of:
mood words (triste, heureux)
animals (le cheval, l’éléphant (m), l’oiseau (m), etc...)
J’aime / je préfère
Learning Outcomes:
To be able to allocate the instruments to a family according to how it is played / used and the sound it
makes, to be able to say that you play a musical instrument what it is and which family it belongs to.
To appreciate the link between music and mood. To express a preference about a type of music.
Sound work
On sound in trombone, violon
En sound in le vent, la fanfare, les instruments
Possible Curricular links:
Links with music, drama, art, PSCHE, DT
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Exchange audio files of children singing in their own language. Make recordings of children playing
instruments, partner class tries to identify the instruments using the foreign language.
O5.1 Focus on correct pronunciation and intonation, use tone of voice and gesture to help
convey meaning
O5.2 Understand and express likes and dislikes
Intercultural understanding
IU 5.1 Aspects of every day life, reflect on cultural issues using imagination
Knowledge about Language
Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence
Apply knowledge of rules when building sentences
Language Learning Strategies
Apply grammatical knowledge to make sentences
Use actions and rhymes to aid memorisation
Look and listen for visual and aural clues
Resources needed for the module:
Powerpoint Y5 Module 8: L’orchestre
Flashcards: Y5 Module 8 Musical instruments
Powerpoint Y5 Module 8: Wind instruments
Powerpoint Y5 Module 8: Strings instruments
Powerpoint Y5 Module 8: Percussion instruments
Lesson 1 (15-20 minutes). For this lesson you will need: a piece of orchestral music of your
choice, cards one per pupil with either heureux or triste written on. Powerpoint l’orchestre. Flashcards
Starter: Give out the heureux / triste papers randomly. Use: Ecoutez la musique. Listen to a piece of
music (full orchestra). Ask the children in English if they recognise any instruments. Ask the children
if they think the music is happy (La musique est heureuse), sad (La musique est triste) and / or which
animal they would relate to this particular piece of music.
Activity 1: Use the Powerpoint presentation l’orchestre to introduce the various families of
instruments and how they sound. Mime how you would use an instrument and ask the children what
they think you are playing. Use the new vocabulary De quoi je joue? Tu joues du / de la / de l’.
Continue the activity in pairs
Activity 2: Use the Flashcards called instruments, put a picture of 1 instrument representing each of
the families (e.g. a trumpet for the winds, a violin for the strings, a drum for the percussions) on the
board and play the sound of 1 instrument (use your own resource, such as Peter and the wolf) ask the
children which family they think that particular instrument belongs to.
Plenary: Playing the same piece of music as at the beginning, ask the children to stand up and to
mime / move around the room / imitating which animal they think the music could represent.
Lesson 2 (15-20 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Powerpoint presentation wind
Starter: Listen to a piece of music of your choice (marching band, military music). Ask the children if
they recognise any instruments. Use: Ecoutez la musique. Ask the children if they think the music is
played by string instruments, wind or percussion instruments.
Activity 1: Use the Powerpoint presentation to introduce the various instruments using wind to make
a sound and how they sound. Introduce new vocabulary (grave and aigu) to describe the pitch at
which the instruments are playing.
Activity 2: Split the class in two teams (or sit the children at their table, each table being a team), ask
one volunteer from each team to mime one wind instrument. The first team to say in French which
instrument has been played is the winner.
Plenary: Listen again to the piece of music played at first. Ask the children to draw an animal that
they think the music could represent. For example, the flute could represent the birds.
Lesson 3 (15-20 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Powerpoint presentation string
Starter: Listen to a piece of music of your choice (classical with a lot of string instruments in it). Ask
the children if they recognise any instruments. Use: Ecoutez la musique. Ask the children if they think
the music is played by string instruments, wind or percussion instruments.
Activity 1: Use the Powerpoint presentation to introduce the various instruments using string to
make a sound and how they sound. If appropriate, introduce new vocabulary (pincées, frottées,,
tapées) to describe how these instruments make a sound (see slide in Powerpoint).
Activity 2: Split the class into 2 teams. Play hangman using the name of one of the instruments every
time, for the more able pupils, give an extra point to the team which tells you (in French) how the
instrument makes music.
Plenary : Listen again to the piece of music played at first. Ask the children to walk around the room,
expressing (facially and / or physically) how the music is making them feel.
Lesson 4 (15-20 minutes). For this lesson you will need: Powerpoint presentation Drums.
Starter : Listen to a piece of music of your choice (military music with lots of rhythms for example).
Ask the children if they recognise any instruments. Use: Ecoutez la musique. Ask the children to
mime how they think the music is played.
Activity 1: Use the Powerpoint presentation to introduce the various drums. Introduce new
vocabulary (les baguettes, les mains). If possible show the children some of the more common / less
cumbersome drums (such as triangles and tambourine).
Activity 2: Split the children in teams of 3 or 4 (or tables if it is easier) and ask them to think of a way
to make a percussion instrument. Ask them to bring some materials that they will use (empty
containers and lentils or rice, etc...) and make their own instrument.
Plenary: Ask a child to beat a rhythm on the side of his / her table and ask the others to copy it.
Consolidation / extension:
- Choose a piece of music and use masks to describe how the music makes you feel, or
which animal each instruments represents.
- Make up a dance / write a story (in French) to show to parents at the end of the year.
- Make up your own “junk orchestra” and make up your own rhythms.
- Ask the children if they (or their parents) play an instrument. May be they can bring this
into school and show the others how it is played, or ask a parent to come into school and
play something show the class how it is played.
- When learning the instruments, learn the songs
o « J’ai perdu le do de ma clarinette »
- Watch the sound of music in French and learn the song about the music notes.
Module 9
Title: Descriptions of people and animals (with revision of clothes and colour)
Time: 5 x 30-35 minutes
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
People and descriptions:
Grand(s)- big
Petit(s) - small
Long(s) – long
Court(s) – short
Gros – fat
Mince - thin
Marron(s) – brown (for eyes)
Chatain(s) – brown (for hair)
Blond(s) - blond
roux – ginger
Animals :
un chat – cat
un chien – dog
un oiseau – bird
un cheval – horse
un lapin – rabbit
un poisson - fish
Revision of
Colours (year 3 SOW)
Clothes (year 4 SOW)
Body parts (year 4 SOW)
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to say what clothes they are wearing and state the colour of them.
Children will be able to describe what a person looks like
Children will be able to describe what an animal looks like
Sound work
Pronunciation of ‘s’ at the end of adjectives
Possible Curricular links:
Literacy – pluralisation of nouns and use of commas in lists
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Children could draw and label a picture of themselves in school uniform to send to partner school
 O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases and sentences,
including unfamiliar language
 O5.4 Prepare a short presentation on a familiar topic
 L5.2 Make simple sentences and short texts
 L5.3 Write words, phrases and short sentences, using a reference
Intercultural Understanding
 IU5.2 Recognise similarities and differences between places e.g. lack of school
uniform in France
Knowledge about Language
 Recognise patterns in simple sentences
 Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence
 Develop accuracy in pronunciation and intonation
Language Learning Strategies
 Integrate new language into previously learned language
 Apply grammatical knowledge to make sentences
 Practise new language with a friend and outside the classroom
 Look and listen for visual and aural clues
Resources needed for the module:
Chantez Plus Fort – p23 Les Couleurs and Footfoot tu as un animal? P26.
Photographs of the children in school uniform
2 large sponge die – 1 with colours and 1 with clothing
Word and phrase cards
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 clothes and colours
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 body parts
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 animal and sizes
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 describing animals
Lesson 1 and 2 (50-60 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
photographs of the children in their school uniform
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 clothes and colours
Chantez Plus Fort
Starter: Revise colours by playing touchez, then listen to Les Couleurs on p23 of Chantez Plus Fort.
Children to listen to the song, identifying the colour words. They hold the matching colour card up
when they hear the word. Play Odd One Out with colours and clothes. Children to work in pairs to
read the words aloud and then spot the imposter. They report back to the class, stating their reasons
Activity 1: revise use of je porte to state what I am wearing. Ask for a volunteer to throw two foam
dice – one with clothing pictures on and the other with colours on. Children work with a partner to
create a sentence using the information they have thrown. Reinforce idea that colour comes after the
item of clothing. Repeat a few times.
Activity 2: children to use word and phrase cards to create a description of their school uniform next
to a picture of themselves in it. This can then be written out underneath the picture of themselves in
their school uniform. Can be sent to partner school if appropriate.
Plenary: Show je porte un pull bleu and je porte une robe bleue on board. Explore changing spelling
of bleu when it describes a male or female noun – we add an e when it is describing a female noun.
Does the pronunciation change? No. Repeat with je porte un pull vert and je porte une robe verte and
draw out that this change affects the pronunciation of the word (makes the t in verte audible)
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 body parts
mini whiteboards
Starter: Use smart notebook file to remind children of body parts from year 4 SOW. Pay attention to
the hair and eyes. Sing ‘tête, épaules, genoux et pieds’ (Heads, shoulders, knees and toes)
Activity 1: Show smart notebook of a face and ask children to drag correct label to each part. Once
done, ask what other information would be useful to go on it? Colours. Using their knowledge of word
order in French can they tell me whereabouts the colour would go in the sentence? As a class create
the sentence j’ai les yeux bleus. Reinforce why there is an s on the end of bleu (more than one eye)
and that we do not say the s. Can anyone work out which part of the sentence would change if I had
grey eyes? Adjust sentence as necessary.
Activity 2: Show sentence as above, but say that this time we do not want to describe our eye
colours, but our hair colour. Draw out which part of the sentence is the body part and work out what to
change it to. Would we still use the same colours? Why not? Manipulate sentence to demonstrate
different hair colours - why is there still an s on the end of the colour? For more able children
introduce courts and longs to describe length.
Activity 3: Children to work with a partner. They can either describe what they are wearing and their
hair and eye colour or invent a person which they could draw quickly on their mini whiteboards. They
then pretend they are that person and describe themselves – their partner can either draw what they
understand or jot down notes to report back.
Plenary: Spot the error – show these sentences and see if the children can spot the mistake and
correct it.
J’ai les yeux vert.
J’ai les cheveux blond.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need: For this lesson you will need:
Chantez Plus Fort p26 Chanson 10 Footfoot tu as un animal?
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 animal and sizes
Starter: Use flashcards to introduce the names of animals to the children. Practise using different
voices and speeds. Play Kim’s game where the children have to guess which animal is missing and
play slow reveal. Can the children guess the animal before it is fully revealed?
Activity 1 Listen to Footfoot, tu as un animal? On p26 of Chantez Plus Fort (chanson 10). Children
listen out for the animals and hold up the correct animal card for the animal they hear. Discuss
strategies used for identifying the animal when there was language that may have been unfamiliar to
them. Could they volunteer what other words they heard? (numbers and colours)
Activity 2 Use smartbook file to explain meaning of grand and petit. Show a picture of a rabbit and
this sentence: le lapin est petit. Can anyone give me a colour to match the picture they can see?
Repeat with le chat est grand and add colour as a class.
Activity 3 Children to work in pairs. They have size, animal and colour cards. They turn over one of
each and create a sentence using the information they have turned over
Plenary Show this sentence and work out a way of reducing the number of ands that are being used:
Le chat est grand et noir et blanc et gris. We can use commas in a list just as we would in English –
we only need one and – before the final adjective. Make link with literacy clear here!
Lesson 5 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Chantez Plus Fort p26 Chanson 10 Footfoot tu as un animal
Smartboard file Y5 module 9 describing animals
Starter: Listen to Footfoot, tu as un animal? On p26 of Chantez Plus Fort (chanson 10). Use smart
notebook file to match the animals from Footfoot tu as un animal? to the appropriate colour. Draw out
meaning of tigré (tabby) – what could it mean? What word does it look like in English? How does this
clue help us to work out the meaning of the word?
Activity 1 Show sentence on board (le chat est noir) and work out meaning. Show two altered
sentences with sizes in, and see if children can work out the meaning of it. Show jumbled sentence on
the board and see if the children can unjumble it:
Chat le blanc et est grand. Rebuild it step by step – we need the noun first, then the size word then
the colour. Repeat process with chien petit le est gris et.
Activity 2 Children to draw their own animals and write sentences underneath to describe the
animals they have made. These can either be realistic animals or make believe animals.
Plenary Show calligram versions of mince and gros. Can the children work out the meaning of them?
Can anyone use them in a sentence?
Lesson 6 (25-30 minutes).
Activity 1 Children to write a few sentences using the language covered in the unit. Possible ideas:
describing their physical appearance, what they are wearing, any animals they have at home.
Encourage use of adjectives learned in the context of animals in this unit to be used to describe
humans (eg: grand and petit)
Plenary Ask for volunteers to read aloud their work. Evaluate as a class- what worked well? How
could it be improved?
Module 10
Title: Time
Time: 4 weeks assuming 1 x 25 - 30 minute lesson per week
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
Quelle heure est-il ? – What time is it ?
Il est….. – It is …..
une heure – one o’clock
deux heures – two o’clock
trois heures – three o’clock
quatre heures – four o’clock
cinq heures – five o’clock
six heures – six o’clock
sept heures – seven o’clock
huit heures – eight o’clock
neuf heures – nine o’clock
dix heures – ten o’clock
onze heures – eleven o’clock
midi - midday
minuit - midnight
(midi/minuit tend to be more commonly used than ‘douze heures’)
et quart – quarter past
et demie – half past
moins le quart – quarter to
A …… heures, je vais …... – At …… o’clock, I will ……
… lever – get up
…..manger le petit déjeuner – eat breakfast
…..aller à l’école – go to school
…..déjeuner – have lunch
…..rentrer à la maison – go home
…..regarder la télé – watch TV
…..dîner – have dinner
… coucher – go to bed
Revision of:
Numbers 1-11 for telling the time
Daily routine from Module 6 Year 4
Also for passive understanding:
Je mange du pain – I eat bread
du matin – in the morning
de l’après-midi – in the afternoon
du soir – in the evening
la nuit – at night
L’école est finie – School has finished
Je fais mes devoirs – I do my homework
Je suis dans mon lit – I’m in bed
Learning Outcomes:
To be able to ask and tell the time and and be able to give and understand a phrase in the future
tense for describing daily routine (Time + je vais + infinitive).
Sound work:
Revision of vowel sounds ‘oi’ ‘eu’ ‘ui’.
Possible Curricular links:
Numeracy - sequencing.
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Use video conferencing / email to ask children in partner schools about a typical day.
 O4.2 Listen for specific words and phrases
 O4.3 Listen for sounds, rhyme and rhythm
 L4.3: Read some familiar words and phrases aloud and pronounce them accurately
 L4.4: Write simple words and phrases using a model and some words from memory
Intercultural Understanding
 IU 4.2 Know about some aspects of everyday life and compare them to their own (if
link with Montpellier exploited)
Knowledge about Language
 Apply phonic knowledge of the language to support reading and writing
Language Learning Strategies
 Play games to help vocabulary recall
 Practice saying new words aloud
Resources needed for the module:
Large demonstration clock and smaller clocks for children to practice telling the time
PowerPoint: Y5 module 10 on the hour
PowerPoint: Y5 module 10 past and to the hour
Word document: Y5 module 10 what time is it
Pilote 2 Mon Ecole Section on Time
“Quelle heure est-il?” – Track 16 Chantez Plus Fort p43
Word document: Y5 module 10 quelle heure est-il
PowerPoint: Y5 module 10 une journee typique
Lesson 1 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Large demonstration clock and smaller clocks for children to practice telling the time
PowerPoint: Y5 module 10 on the hour
Play “Eliminez”. Count around the class. Children can say up to three numbers consecutively at a
time, but this time whoever is obliged to say douze is out. Counting begins again at un.
Activity 1
Use a demonstration clock to model answers to the question Quelle heure est-il ?. Encourage
children to repeat in chorus and individually. Demonstrate how the sound of the words can change in
phrases, eg deux and il est deux heures Distribute clocks to children. Say a time in French and ask
children to show understanding of time by turning the hands of their clock. Reward first to hold up the
correct time.
Activity 2
Play ‘only repeat if it’s true’: as you display a clock time, children echo what you say to get a point.
However, if what you say does not match the time on the clock face the children must stay silent,
otherwise the teacher gets a point. First to five points is the winner. As children gain confidence, they
can lead the activity.
Or, if you have use of playground or school hall, play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf ?’
Activity 3
Show PowerPoint presentation of times on the hour: Y5 module 10 on the hour. Encourage children
to say the time before displaying the written phrase.
Perform a ‘mexican wave’ in which each child says the time in sequence. Play forwards, backwards,
in steps of one or two and starting from a random time.
Lesson 2 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Large demonstration clocks and smaller clocks for children to practice telling the time
PowerPoint: Y5 module 10 past and to the hour
Word document: Y5 module 10 what time is it
Play the “Secret Signal” game. Write five or six time phrases on the board eg.
Quelle heure est-il ?
Il est onze heures
Il est sept heures
Il est une heure
Il est quatre heures
Il est neuf heures
One child goes outside. The remainder start to say the first time phrase. Choose a child who is to
give a secret sign when the rest of the class should change from one phrase to the next. The child
outside comes back into the room as the children are repeating the phrases and looks to see if they
can work out who is giving the sign.
Activity 1
Use a demonstration clock to model times past and to the hour. Encourage children to repeat in
chorus and individually. Emphasise that quarter past does not require le before quart, but for quarter
to they must say moins le quart. Distribute clocks to children. Say a time in French and ask children
to show understanding of time by turning the hands of their clock. Reward first to hold up the correct
Activity 2
Show PowerPoint presentation of times past and to the hour: Y5module10pastandtothehour.
Encourage children to say the time before displaying the written phrase.
Activity 3
Hand out Word document: Y5module10whattimeisit. Children draw the correct times on the clock
faces. Worksheet can be used to differentiate. All pupils must complete the times on the hour, some
pupils should complete times past and to the hour and higher ability pupils could write out their own
time phrases.
Play hangman with time phrases.
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Pilote 2 Mon Ecole
Quelle heure est-il ? – Track 16 Chantez Plus Fort p43
Play ‘only repeat if it’s true’: as you display a clock time past or to the hour, children echo what you
say. However, if what you say does not match the time on the clock face the children must stay
silent. First to five points is the winner.
Play Living Clock: 12 students form the hours of a clock face. Two students are minute and hour
hand. Other students give times, and hands must move to right time.
Activity 1
Use Pilote 2 Mon Ecole section on Time (hours and minutes). Children have to first of all identify the
correct times on the hour and then minutes past the hour.
Activity 2
Play song Quelle heure est-il ? – Track 16 Chantez Plus Fort p43. First ask the children to join in the
chorus and do a Mexican wave when they hear the next time in the sequence. Then ask the children
whether they can remember any other phrases. What strategies did they use to help them
remember? Ask children to identify the phrases which rhyme. Teach the meaning of the phrases: du
matin, de l’apres-midi, du soir. Refer to the song and ask children the meaning of the time phrases in
verses 1 and 3.
Write the initial letters of a time phrase on the board and ask children to work out what it is. Start with
a simple phrase eg. I e d h - Il est deux heures. Then gradually increase in difficulty eg. I e t h e d - Il
est trois heures et demie.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Quelle heure est-il ? – Track 16 Chantez Plus Fort p43
Word document: Y5 module 10 quelle heure est-il
PowerPoint Presentation: Y5 module 10 une journee typique
Play song again: Quelle heure est-il ? – Track 16 Chantez Plus Fort p43. This time ask children to fill
in the missing words on the song gapfill worksheet. They can then sing the song.
Activity 1
Show PowerPoint presentation Y5 module 10 une journee typique - a typical day. Ask pupils if they
can work out the meaning of each phrase, using the pictures to help them. Emphasize the structure
of each sentence, i.e. Time phrase + je vais + a second verb.
Activity 2
Pupils read and build sentences as a class substituting their own time phrases to describe their typical
Use longer time phrases to play bingo. Ask children to write down eight time phrases on the hour
between 1am and 12pm, ensuring that they write either am or pm after the hour. Teacher calls out a
time eg. Il est trois heures de l’après-midi. If a pupil has written 3pm, then they can cross it out. The
first pupil to cross out all eight of their time phrases shouts lotto.
Pupils could prepare a video of their typical day or e-mail their partner school about their typical day.
Module 11
Title: My hobbies
Time: 2 weeks assuming 2 x 25-30 minute lessons per week
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
Questions for finding out about activities done in general and on specific days during the week:
Quels sont tes passe-temps ? What are your hobbies ?
Est-ce que tu aimes le sport/la musique ? Do you like sports/music ?
Qu’est-ce que tu fais le + day of the week ? What do you do on + day of the week?
Jouer au football -To play football
Jouer au rugby _ to play rugby
Jouer au tennis – to play tennis
Faire de la natation – to swim
Faire de l’équitation – to do horse- riding
Faire de la danse – to dance
Faire de la gymnastique – to do gymnastics
Jouer du piano – to play the piano
Jouer du saxophone – to play the saxophone
Jouer du violon – to play the violin
Jouer de la flûte – to play the flute
Revision of : days of the week introduced in Yr 3
Also for passive understanding:
Qui fait danser
Mon papa ne veut pas
La polka
Learning Outcomes:
Be able to understand words about hobbies and be able to ask and answer questions about hobbies
done generally and on specific days.
Sound work
The sound made by ion
Possible Curricular links:
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Ask and answer questions about hobbies in a video conference.
Make a PowerPoint presentation about a week of activities to send to partner school and receive and
understand a similar presentation in French.
Oracy :
O5.1 Prepare and practise a simple conversation, reusing familiar vocabulary and structures
in new contexts.
O5.3 Prepare a short presentation on a familiar topic.
L5.3 Write words, phrases and short sentences, using a reference.
Intercultural Understanding :
IU 5.1: Look at further aspects of their everyday lives from the perspective of someone from
another country.
Knowledge about Language:
Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence.
Language Learning Strategies:
Practise new language with a friend and outside the classroom.
Use actions and rhymes to aid memorisation.
Resources needed for the module:
Smartboard file: Year 5 Module 11 Les activités
Laminated words from Smartboard file: Year 5 Module 11 Les activités
Laminated flashcards using images from Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités
Powerpoint: Year5 Module 11: worksheet 1
Smartboard file: Year5 Module11 Les activités ox
Flashcards of days of the week from Yr3 SOW
Large foam dice
Small object or cuddly toy.
C’est Gugusse p49 song 19 Chantez Plus Fort
Word document :Year 5 Module 11 C’est Gugusse
Lesson 1 (25-30 minutes).
For this lesson you will need: Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités 1. Only use
slides 1-8 incl. Flashcards of days of the week from Yr 3 sow.
Starter: Show the children flashcards of days of the week and revise the words.Hold up a flashcard
and say a day of the week. If what you say matches the flashcard the children repeat it and if it
doesn’t match they remain silent and do a thumbs down action.
Activity 1
Show flashcards on Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités 1.
Only show slides 1-8 incl. Get the children to repeat words for the pictures in different voices.
Point to screen or flashcard and ask C’est quelle activité? Offer alternatives by saying jouer au
football ou faire de la natation ? Explain that to talk about hobbies you generally use the verbs jouer
and faire and that to talk about playing a specific sport you need to say jouer au + sport.
Activity 2
Create actions for the hobbies introduced so far. Say the hobby and then do the action. Class repeats
after you . Play Jaques a dit using actions created.
Ask the children to tell you words for as many hobbies as they can remember and you draw symbols
to represent them on the IWB. Save the screen for the next starter.
Lesson 2 (25-30 minutes).
For this lesson you will need:
Saved IWB screen from previous lesson. Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités 1
and flashcards of hobbies using images in the slides. Only use slides 1-21 incl. Yr5 m11
Powerpoint :Year5 Module11: worksheet 1. C’est Gugusse p49 song 19 Chantez Plus Fort.
Starter: Retrieve the saved screen from the previous lesson plenary and ask the children to call out
the items you had drawn.
Activity 1
Show flashcards on Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités 1.
Only show slides 1-12 incl. Get the children to repeat words for the pictures in different voices.
Explain that you use jouer du / de la for talking about playing instruments. The more able children
could try and work out when you say jouer du and de la.
Create further actions for all the activities. Do an action and ask the class to say the words.
Activity 2
Use slides 13-15 to play Qu’est-ce qui manque? where you ask the children to take a look at all the
items in slide 13 before you ask them to close their eyes by saying fermez les yeux. Move to slide 14
and ask the children to open their eyes by saying ouvrez les yeux and they have to say which images
are missing when you ask qu’est-cequi manque? Use slides 16 -21 individually. Select a volunteer to
come to the front and not look at the images. For each slide invite three children to call out words.
You could reveal the word as additional support if children need it.Only one child calls out the correct
word. The child at the front has to decide who is telling the truth.
Children could do worksheet 1 as consolidation of the words learnt.
Play the song C’est Gugusse and ask the children to listen carefully. Ask them to put their hands on
their heads everytime they hear the word for an instrument.
Hold the pile of flashcards for activities and ask the children to guess (devinez) the one on the top of
the pile. If they guess it in three turns they get a point, and if they don’t then you get a point.
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes).
For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités 1.
and flashcards of hobbies using images in the slides. Only use slides 1-24 incl. C’est Gugusse
p49 song 19 Chantez Plus Fort. Word file Year 5 m11 C’est Gugusse
Starter: Show slide 22 from the . Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités 1.
Explain that there are words inside the bag and that the children have to guess what they are.
Divide the class into two teams and tap on the suitcase to find a word. The teams will not be able to
see the word until it is dragged out of the suitcase. The team guesses the word. If it is correct they get
a point.
Activity 1 Model a sentence such as le samedi je joue au football and le vendredi je fais de la
natation or le jeudi je joue du piano .Explain that je joue, je fais, mean I play and I do. Write the
question Qu’est-ce que tu fais le + day of the week ? on the board and say to the children that you
are going to ask the whole class this question but that they need to answer it for themselves. You
could even model it first with a foreign language assistant or a classroom assistant. When the class
have practised saying the answer out loud ask individuals. Show slides 23 and 24 from Smartboard
file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités 1.
and practise the answer again by changing the images in the blanks. Children could practise writing
an email using slide 24 as a model.
Activity 2
Distribute Word file :Year 5 m11 C’est Gugusse which is a gap fill activity of the song. Play the song
and ask the children to fill the blanks. Once they have filled the blanks and you have checked the
answers they could sing the song and try to add additional verses of their own by substituting the
instruments. More able children could be encouraged to use a bilingual dictionary to look up additional
words for instruments.
Put up jumbled sentences on the board for example: football lundi joue le au je and ask the children to
unjumble them.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes).
For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard file : Year 5 Module 11 Les activités ox.
Small laminated answers to the question Qu’est-ce que tu fais le weekend? The answers
should have matching pairs. Survey of activities and days of the week.C’est Gugusse p49
song 19 Chantez Plus Fort.
Use the Smartboard file; Year 5 Module 11 Les activités ox.
and play a game of noughts and crosses to consolidate vocabulary covered in this module.
Activity 1
Write up the question Qu’est-ce que tu fais le weekend? And ask the children to prepare possible
answers in pairs. Ask individuals the question to elicit answers such as le samedi je joue du violon.
Practise the question with the class in different voices.
Give out the laminated answers and children go around the class asking the question to find their
matching partner. When they find someone with the same answer they sit down together.
Activity 2
Prepare a table with days of the week and spaces for activities. Distribute the sheet and ask the
children to do a survey of which activities everyone does on different days of the week. They could
represent the answers for the class in graph form.
Play the song and sing with actions for the instruments.
Module 12
Title: Peace at Last
Time: 2 weeks assuming 2 x 25-30 minute lessons a week
Language Content:
At the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise and pronounce:
le salon – living room
la cuisine - kitchen
le jardin - garden
la voiture - car
l’entrée - hall
la salle à manger – dining room
la salle de bains - bathroom
le garage - garage
la remise - shed
la bouandrie - utility room
Revision of :
Members of the family – Year 4 Module 12
Animals – Year 3 Module 10 and Year 4 Module 5
Consolidation of :
l’oiseau – bird
le chat – cat
l’ours - bear
Also for passive understanding:
Other phrases and vocabulary included in the story
Learning Outcomes:
Be able to appreciate the differences and similarities between the English and French written forms of
common noises
Be able to use a bilingual dictionary in both directions
Be able to build sentences using a model to create a short paragraph.
Sound work:
French animal noises
Possible Curricular links:
Literacy – Create a similar short story
- Act out the story as a playlet
Art – Illustrate paragraph written in the style of the book
ICT – Research author and produce fact file including name, age etc in French
- Make book from new pages created by class
Exploitation of Montpellier or other French-speaking link:
Exchange ideas for extending the story
Exchange of other stories with noises
 O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases and sentences
 O5.4 Prepare a short presentation on a familiar topic
 L5.1 Re-read frequently a variety of short texts
 L5.2 Make simple sentences and short texts
 L5.3 Write words, phrases and short sentences using a reference
Intercultural Understanding
 IU5.1 Look at further aspects of their everyday lives from the perspective of someone
from another country
Knowledge about Language
 Recognise patterns in simple sentences
 Manipulate language by changing an element in a sentence
 Develop accuracy in pronunciation and intonation
 Recognise the typical conventions of word order in the foreign language
 Understand that words will not always have a direct equivalent in the language
Language Learning Strategies
 Plan and prepare – analyse what needs to be done to carry out a task
 Integrate new language into previously learned language
 Use actions and rhymes to aid memorisation
 Use context and previous knowledge to help understanding
 Look and listen for visual and aural clues
 Use a dictionary or word list
 Pronounce/read aloud unknown words
Resources needed for the module:
Français, Français CD 1
Bi-lingual dictionaries
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file
Word document Y5 module 12 peace at last text (stick on French)
Word document Y5 module 12 listening activity
Word document Y5 module 12 listening activity text
Word document Y5 module 12 cards to match
Lesson 1 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Smartboard file Y5 Module 12 activity file
Word document Y5 module 10 peace at last text (stick on French)
Francais Francais CD 1
Bi-lingual dictionaries
Français, Français CD1 Track 10 Ma Famille – (karaoke version track 23) Words on Smartboard Y5
module 12 activity file slide 1. Revision of family vocabulary.
Activity 1
Revise how to use dictionary.
Explain the layout of the dictionary. Remind the children it is written in alphabetical order a-z in two
parts. Go over the conventions (mf etc) of a bilingual dictionary and test understanding. Emphasise
possibility of more than one equivalent and the need to use context to check suitability of choice.
Look up following words in dictionary fatigué, se coucher, ronfler, dormir, la chambre, l’avion,
l’horlorge, le salon, le robinet, la cuisine, le jardin, les bruits, la chouette, le hérisson, le mur, la
voiture, le chant, le réveil, le lit. Words on Smartboard Y5 module10 activity file slide 2.
Activity 2
Children to sort words on slide 2 into categories, put examples on the board and others to try and
work out how the words are grouped. Discuss criteria used.
Listen to story in French. Teacher to read story (with French labels stuck on) and show book.
Lesson 2 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Word document Y5 module 12 cards to match
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file
Revise rooms – word and picture matching. Children to match words to pictures and then turn cards
over and try and find a pair.
Activity 1
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file slide 3
Matching sound object with word and sound. Choose a picture, then the corresponding word and
finally the sound it makes. As the children become more confident, start with noun, find relevant
picture and sound. Finally start with sound and match to picture and matching word.
Activity 2
Reread story and children join in sounds (as in activity 1) and repeated lines. “Oh non,” dit Monsieur
Ours, “Je n’en peux plus.”
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file slides 6-10. Show pictures and children make sounds.
Answers under yellow rectangle at bottom of slide. Noun under blue rectangle in top left hand corner.
Lesson 3 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Word document Y5 module 12 peace at last text
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file
Word document Y5 module 12 listening activity text
Word document Y5 module 12 listening activity
Re-read story with French stuck on and children join in as able
Activity 1
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file – slide 12. Children to build sentences using the
information given and then illustrate.
Extension using animals and noises from Mr Wolf’s Week and Brown Bear
More able pupils can write own sentences without framework using other places.
E.g. Au zoo A la ferme
A la campagne
Activity 2
Word document Y5 module 12 listening activity text – teacher to read text and children to fill in blanks
on listening activity sheet from word bank using Year5module10listeningactivitysheet.
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file – slide 13.
Using small whiteboards children are to try and order the words of the sentence. One child can work
on the board and ask the audience if necessary.
Lesson 4 (25-30 minutes). For this lesson you will need:
Français, Français CD1
Smartboard file Y5 module 12 activity file
Book with words stuck on
Français, Français CD1 Track 10 Conversation – words on slide 14
Children to listen and ask each other questions about their brothers and sisters.
Activity 1
Using a bi-lingual dictionary to help make an extra place for Mr Bear to go. Children to work in groups
- each group preparing a different scenario - i e room and object together with French sound
Sounds and objects bank on slide 15.
Activity 2
Memorise text and perform to rest of class
Re read story together.
Look up verbs in infinitive:
Fermer, rentrer , se lever, s’endormir, aller
Extension Make own book by combining new pages and read to younger children
Ideas for lesson starters
Sorting vocabulary
Put a list of vocabulary on the board. Ask children to sort it into groups using whatever criteria they
want. The vocabulary you use will have to be chosen for a reason, ie: a list of nouns to separate male
from female; nouns to separate plural from singular; verbs and nouns to be classified . You may need
to lead the children to the sorting criteria you had in mind, but value their sorting criteria!
Eg: une gomme
un stylo
un crayon
une trousse
un tableau blanc
un règle
Rhyming words
Show a selection of words that rhyme – ask children to identify the matching pairs
Language Awareness
Exploring the children’s knowledge of other languages – who can say ‘hello’ in a foreign language?
Where is this language spoken? Place on a map.
Phonic Awareness
Place a familiar word on the board – what individual sounds can we hear within the word?
Eg: bonjour; France; quatre; Thomas; garçon
Syllable hunt
Place familiar vocabulary on the board, eg:
Which word has three syllables? Two syllables?
‘Je pense à un un fruit. Ce fruit a trois syllables en anglais et un en français (fraise) etc. Can develop
as more vocabulary (e.g. animals and clothes in known).
Clapping out syllables also emphasizes the point.
Vowels and Consonants
Show a selection of familiar language on board. Which word has 2 vowels? Three consonants?
Reading using phonic skills
Place a word on the board and children use their phonic knowledge to read it. This will work well if it
follows up on sound work from the previous lesson. It can be a familiar or unfamiliar word, but with a
familiar sound. What phonic skills did they use?
Eg: comme, ça va, comment, garçon, couleurs
Some have a soft c (where there is a cedilla) and the others have a hard c.
A to Z.
Say a word beginning with a letter of your choice. Can the children think of a word that starts the last
letter in the word you have said? Eg: bonjour, rouge. How long a chain can you create?
Listing games
A game like ‘I went to market……’ where children create longer sentences using familiar vocabulary.
Eg: Dans ma trousse il y a une gomme.
Dans ma trousse, il y a une gomme et un stylo.
Dans ma trousse il y a une gomme, un stylo et deux crayons.
Reorganise words within a sentence
To practise word order, agreements and revise vocabulary, practise learning skills i.e. using
grammatical and punctuation clues)
Tell Pupils the context /topic
e.g. In the classroom
dans un ma crayon trousse j’ai
une j’ai gomme stylos et deux
Find the odd one out
…and explain why (pupils can be encouraged to use grammatical terminology (noun, adjective) or
reference to sounds as well as odd one out related to meaning.
neuf bleu rouge (is it neuf as a number or rouge because of the sound?)
More able pupils could be asked to invent some more for the class
Find pairs or families from a random list
mardi bleu
stylo crayon lundi
au revoir
Listen and touch
Attach a dozen or so flashcards on board (or pictures on IWB / screen) – Pupil volunteer from each of
2 teams. Teacher (or another pupil) calls out item. 1st pupil to touch the item scores a point. Can also
be done quite simply (and repeatedly!) with numbers 1-12.
Flash card rapping.
Getting oral repetition chorally but chanting to a rhythm or tune.
Chinese whispers
Pupils in rows – First pupil in each row are given a phrase (or a series of numbers) which they
whisper to the pupil behind who passes it on to the pupil behind until it reaches the last pupil who has
to give the phrase back…..need a different phrase for simultaneous teams. Points are scored if the
final message is the same as the original!
Run and write
Pupils work in pairs – they have a “target text” posted on the classroom wall somewhere (text might
be a straightforward e.g. shopping list or people giving their names or some phrases from one of the
story books) Pupils take it in turns to go to text and have 30 seconds to read a bit before returning to
partner to “dictate” as much as they can remember.
Kim’s game
Memory games based on the party game where tray of objects is studied for a minute – players close
eyes and an object is removed from the tray / or board / or screen – players say or note down what is
missing at each round (in pairs for support).
Present some known words or phrases visually and say the words. Pupils repeat in chorus. Then
start saying the wrong thing for some of them. If you say the wrong word / phrase, pupils should
remain silent.
To revise some known vocabulary, have some pictures to represent silly voices (whisper, grandad,
baby, excited, sad etc. and hold these up to direct the style of the repetition.
Use a recorded song with which pupils are familiar. After a few seconds, turn down the sound and
pupils (in pairs perhaps) have to continue singing and still be in time and in tune when the volume is
turned back up.
Games in teaching Modern Foreign Languages
To have fun, to practise the language, to communicate, to motivate and to develop social skills such
as turn taking and working with others.
Ping – pong. An imaginary game of ping pong is played between 2 children, ideal for practising
vocabulary with a logical order (days, months, alphabet, numbers), where the next ‘shot’ is what
comes next: easily differentiated.
Tap and say. A taps the syllables of the word / phrase, B says it out loud.
Draw and say. A draws in the air or with finger on desk the word / phrase, B says it out loud
Mime and say. A mimes the word / phrase, B says out loud.
Pelmanism and Kim’s game (once established these are good pair games, see below)
Guessing games. Any game where A has the word or answer and B has 2 -3 chances to guess
helps practice the language (and is a form of repetition technique). Eg if practising numbers 1-10:
child A has x fingers behind his back, asks “c’est quel numéro?”, child B guesses “trois”. Child A
“non, pas correct” so B loses one life. Children can seem disarmingly honest: A thinks of an item, “je
pense à un animal”, B guesses.
Round the class
Teacher models this first, asks a question then throws beachball / soft toy to a child who must answer,
child then repeats question and throws to another child. Include target language such as ‘attention’,
‘pardon’, ‘excusez-moi’, ‘doucement’
First pupil says short sentence (eg Sophie: “j’ai un chat”), second adds his information and repeats
what he has heard (Max: “je n’ai pas d’animal, Sophie a un chat”)… perhaps stop at 7 pupils, this gets
difficult! Adapt this by putting items in a list: eg ‘dans ma trousse il y a une gomme’, ‘dans ma trousse
il y a une gomme et un stylo’ and add to the list.
Pistons on common sounds. I’ve used for days of the week: lun – di, mar –di, mercre – di etc where
children jump up like pistons on sound of ‘di’. Do this against the clock.
Stand up /sit down when you hear your number / colour (or other item). Very simple to organise and
shows understanding of item being taught. Begin by counting round the group giving sequence of
colours or number (or both), eg jaune, bleu, rouge, vert etc Teacher says ‘lève-toi quant tu entends ta
Team games
Though be wary where children might drop out early (elimination games) or where too much
excitement is generated about points …
Divide class into two teams. Teacher writes numbers (1-10 or 10-20) on board. As teacher calls out a
number, a member of each team runs up and rings / rubs out the number. If this gets too boisterous
in terms of running, a team member stands at front and rings / rubs out number. Teams can either
compete with same numbers or you write two sets of identical numbers and each time marks its half
of the board.
Simon says –(giving instructions which everyone carries out or not depending on whether you’ve said
prefaced the instruction with ‘Jacques a dit’). Here I suggest that when a pupil is ‘out’ they sit but
continue to play the game and not to let it go on too long so that there is always a group standing. A
variation is to go through a list of instructions, parts of the body, other vocab list in which the teacher
deliberately says something wrong. Pupils repeat word / phrase / action if correct but stay quiet (or
shout ‘pas correct’) if wrong.
Noughts and crosses (Morpion) with 2 teams (les croix et les ronds) competing to complete a line by
identifying whatever word / phrase is within the 9 squares. Tip: make sure one team member gives
you the correct number in French of the square being answered, and only one pupil is allowed a go in
each team (to increase the range of those contributing) -you might allow quick team discussion. Also
have a time limit on giving answers: eg (vous avez cinq secondes).
Listen and do
Can be used for checking understanding of many items. Children may or may not leave their seats
(you decide): eg if checking colours: Teacher says “montrez-moi un objet rouge / bleu / jaune” etc and
pupils point to one. Variation: “touchez un objet bleu / vert” etc and pupils have to run to touch the
nearest correct colour. This works equally with flash cards for words / phrases taught which are
quickly blutacked to different walls of the classroom. Once established a pupil can be volunteer
teacher to give the instructions.
Fruit salad (salade de fruits). This again shows recognition of vocabulary. You need chairs and plenty
of space and will already have presented the vocabulary. With children sitting down in a circle
(asseyez-vous en cercle!), you number off the pupils in sequence eg un, deux, trois, quatre, un, deux,
trois, quatre or give pupils different vocab items eg pomme, banane, fraise, orange, (repeated).
Ensure there are several children in each category. Pick a category to swap places: “Tous les
numéros trois –changez de place! Les oranges – changez de place!” As pupils swop, you (or pupil
volunteer) also takes an empty chair. Someone will be left without a seat and he/she becomes the
next caller.
Card games
Snap, dominoes, snakes and ladders (le jeu des serpents et des échelles) pelmenism -and other
memory games- all work in French.
Pelmenism. Essentially this is about matching pairs. Cards (with pictures or pictures and words) are
placed face down. Players turn over 2 cards at a time hoping to get a match. It is important that
pupils say the foreign language word or phrase for the pictures as they turn them.
Kim’s game (Jeu de Kim). Can be played with cards, real objects or cut out drawings on OHP or on
whiteboard. Teacher shows all the items, runs through them, class repeat. Either cover the items or
children close eyes (fermez les yeux) and teacher removes –or covers- one item, then asks: ‘Qu’estce qui manque? Again, you might use a pupil volunteer to act as teacher.
Recommended reading:
Games and fun activities by Cynthia Martin
(Number 2 in the Young Pathfinder series, available from CILT, the National Centre for Languages),
publications tel: 0845 458 9910.
Using the Target Language (TL)
Suggestions for French in Year 3
A few pointers:
 There are no hard and fast rules for the amount of French a teacher –or pupils- should be
expected to use during a given lesson. Use the ‘maximum appropriate’.
 A few words and phrases go a long way.
 The more opportunities created for using and practising the language, the more we become
comfortable with using it.
 Risk taking (trying out a new word or phrase –or adapting and extending something in a new
context) is vital to learning.
 Making mistakes is part of the process – (and is allowed to be fun!)
 Pronunciation is improved through practice and a good model (that model can be another
person, a tape, a song, a video).
 It took us years to learn our mother tongue (and that was listening to it on a daily basis):
learning a foreign language is best done in small steps, frequently and regularly. Maximising
appropriate use of the target language reinforces this.
Pupils’ use of target language
Here is a suggested list of words / phrases that pupils would be expected to understand and use
within their first few months of language learning. Wall displays, wall prompts can act as a support.
Encourage use of praise / feedback language in pairwork.
Oui / non
Ça va (as answer and question, thus pupils learn that rising intonation = question)
Ça va bien, ça va très bien, ça ne va pas
Bof … ça va
Excusez moi
Merci (and the answer: de rien)
S’il vous plaît
Bonjour (monsieur / madame)
Au revoir
Comment ? (= I beg your pardon?)
Voilà (= there it is, there you are)
Je + ai = j’ai (and the important concept of reducing words as in English with apostrophe ‘I have =
I’ve. If not understood early, learners confuse with ‘je’).
J’ai + a few common classroom objects
J’ai oublié (as an escape clause: we are all allowed to forget!)
J’ai fini = I have finished.
On a fini = we’ve finished or just fini!
Et toi?
Encore (eg if asking for help: encore s’il vous plaît)
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Ce + est (see note above re. reducing words and apostrophe)
C’est + objects / pictures (c’est un chat)
C’est + a few opinion / comment phrases:
C’est correct
Ce n’est pas correct
C’est difficile
C’est facile
Teacher use of target language
For common instructions, see list below.
Simple feedback reinforces some of the above pupil language:
Eg bien, très bien, ça ne va pas (if admonishing a child). Vary the language of praise, eg correct,
excellent, très originale, super, formidable, bravo, and give genuine feedback: c’est presque correct
(it’s almost correct), bonne idée mais ce n’est pas correct.
Use hesitation and the language of repair:
Pardon, un instant (to buy time), comment? Euh … (while you think), alors (lovely vague word = well).
Bof (plus shrug of shoulders) expresses no strong opinion.
Use lots of gesture, mime, pictures or realia (ie bring in real objects).
Bonjour! Entrez. Allez vite. Attention (if a child pushes past). Doucement (=gently). En rang (= in
Bonjour tout le monde = hello everyone. Ça va ? (etc)
Getting settled
Asseyez-vous correctement. Assieds-toi. Sur ta chaise. Là (= there) or là-bas ( = over there). Chut!
(=shush) or silence s’il vous plaît. To one pupil : silence s’il te plaît. Les stylos / crayons sur la table.
Ne touchez pas. Il y a un problème?
Calling register
Absent / présent. Elle est absente / présente. (Rising intonation makes this a question). Il est là?
Elle est là? Oui / non ? Il / elle est malade ? Ah bon!? (shows surprise = really?) Ah c’est dommage,
quel dommage. C’est sérieux?
Getting organised
Ok, écoutez les enfants. Nous allons (+ infinitive) eg nous allons regarder un vidéo, nous allons
travailler avec un partenaire, nous allons lire / écrire etc. (often with mime needed). N’oubliez pas /
n’oublie pas (don’t forget)
Eg n’oubliez pas de ranger les chaises (don’t forget to tidy chairs).
Copiez le titre / le dessin / le mot (copy the title / drawing / word).
Getting attention
You might count for calm (up to 5 in French or down ending in zero). Attention la classe! Levez le
doigt (put up a finger – commonly used in France). Levez la main (put up a hand).
Moving a pupil
Tu peux changer de place? Oui, tu vas là s’il te plaît. Oui avec Michael. Merci. Alex tu peux venir
ici? Non, pas là, ici. Voilà.
Count (as above in getting attention). On commence! (= let’s begin. On is the short, very common
alternative to nous). Un, deux, trois, allez!
Discussing date / weather (only if taught)
Aujourd’hui on est lundi? Mardi? Mercredi? C’est quel jour? Quelle est la date? (NB quel if followed
by masculine noun, quelle if followed by feminine noun. Same pronunciation). Quel temps fait-il? Il
fait chaud etc.
Instructions for games
Noughts and crosses: the game is called morpion or le jeu du morpion, the actual noughts and
crosses are les ronds et les croix.
Board games: eg le jeu des serpents et des échelles (snakes and ladders), lancez le dé (throw the
dice), placez les pions sur la case de départ (put the counters in the start box), commencez (start),
recommencez (start again), avancez de 3 cases (move forward 3 places), reculez 3 cases (move
back 3 places), passez un tour (miss a go), à moi (my go), à toi (your go) or c’est à moi / à toi.
Encore. Encore une fois. Je répète. Comment dit-on x en français? (How do you say x in French?)
Or: Qu’est-ce que c’est x en francais? C’est compris? (lit. it is understood?) Oui, non? Un volontaire.
Un volontaire pour m’aider? (lit. a volunteer to help me?) Qui peut m’aider (who can help me?)
Ending lesson
Ça y est (that’s it). Voilà. Fini ? Vous avez fini ? or Tout le monde a fini ? (Has everyone finished ?)
On a fini pour aujourd’hui. (We’ve finished for today). Il y a encore 3 minutes (there are 3 minutes
remaining). Rangez vos affaires (tidy your things). Mettez les chaises en ordre (and other objects).
Lentement! (slowly). Levez-vous. Au revoir. A lundi / mardi / demain (til Monday, Tuesday,
tomorrow). Passez un bon weekend.
Common instructions
En anglais / in English
sit down
stand up
don’t look
be quiet
show me
give me
come here
raise your hand
(or more common in France):
close your eyes
open your eyes
open the windows
don’t touch
ask a question
pass the card
tidy things away /
chairs away
To the group
ne regardez pas
silence / taisez-vous
venez ici
levez la main
levez le doigt (lit. means put
up a finger)
fermez les yeux
ouvrez les yeux
ouvrez les fenêtres
stop! or arrêtez
ne touchez pas
posez la question
passez la carte
rangez les affaires /
les chaises
To an individual pupil
ne regarde pas
silence / tais-toi
viens ici
lève la main
lève le doigt
ferme les yeux
ouvre les yeux
ouvre la fenêtre
stop! or arrête
ne touche pas
pose la question
passe la carte
range tes affaires /
a chaise
Some key objects:
Une ardoise
mini whiteboard
(écrivez / copiez / dessinez sur les ardoises = write / copy / draw on the miniwhiteboard. Un, deux,
trois, montrez-moi les ardoises = one, two, three, show me the whiteboards).
une chaise
a chair
la colle (de la colle)
glue (some glue)
des ciseaux
un crayon
a pencil
un élève
Un feutre
felt tip pen (also for pens used on IWB)
Une gomme
Un livre
a book
(du papier / une feuille de papier = some paper / a sheet of paper)
un professeur
teacher (whether a man or woman, it’s still un professeur)
une règle
Un stylo
pen (ballpoint)
Une table
Un tableau
Un tableau interactif
interactive whiteboard
For use on interactive whiteboard:
En anglais / in English
To the group
encerclez (also entourer, but
the first is easier!)
encerclez le mot
copiez l’image
coupez et collez
surlignez numéro trois en
rouge / jaune
Circle the word
Copy the picture
Cut and paste
Highlight number 3 in red /
Wipe (also delete)
To an individual pupil
encercle le mot
copie l’image
coupe et colle
surligne etc.
* this a great way to teach and use colours –and part of normal lesson routine, get pupils to circle /
highlight / underline / change colours,
How to type Accented Characters
1. Insert then Symbol …
On the tool bar at the top of the screen click on ‘Insert’ then ‘Symbol’ and locate accent (under
Subset: Latin-1), highlight the accent or symbol and insert. The software remembers these making it
quicker to locate the second time. This method has all the French, German and Spanish symbols you
will need (including œ, ß, ¿ ).
2. Using Alt plus numbers
Depress the ALT key and hold it down while you type in the three-digit number listed below. To type
the numbers, you must use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, not the number
keys on the top row. …. (so this doesn’t work with laptops).