Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001
Anderson University – Anderson IN
This paper discusses the general theory of the Balanced Scorecard and traces its historical origins. The Balanced
Scorecard is based on three main areas: Measurement, Human Relations, and Customer Value Disciplines. The basis in measurement draws on Management by Objectives. The human relations school of management and open-book management theories are influential. The customer value discipline links the scorecard to the strategy of the firm.
The Balanced Scorecard
The Balanced Scorecard is a theory and management approach first proposed in the Harvard Business Review by Robert
S. Kaplan & David P. Norton (1995). A subsequent book, The Balanced Scorecard, was published following this article (1996).
The most recent refinement of this theory and management approach appears in
Kaplan & Norton’s book, The Strategy-
Focused Organization (2001). This paper attempts to present a high-level overview of this management theory, along with a description of its historical foundation and development.
As defined by Kaplan and Norton
(1996), “The Balanced Scorecard translates an organization’s mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system”. This strategic management system measures organizational performance in four ‘balanced’ perspectives:
– summarizes “the readily measurable economic consequences of actions already taken”.
– contains measures that
“identify the customer and market segments in which the business unit will compete and the measures of the business unit’s performance in these targeted segments”.
– measures the “critical internal processes in which the organization must excel”.
– measures the
“infrastructure that the organization must build to create long-term growth and improvement”.
To create a Balanced Scorecard an organization’s management team translates the mission, vision, and strategy of the firm into a scorecard. The scorecard
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Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA measures should represent both long-term and short-term success in the execution of the strategy. The measures are arranged in the four perspectives. The scorecard should contain both outcome measures that indicate excellent prior performance, along with the performance-drivers that create successful future performance.
This ‘balanced’ framework enables a management team to execute the following four strategic management processes:
Clarify and translate vision and strategy.
Communicate and link strategic objectives and measures.
Plan, set targets, and align strategic initiatives.
Enhance strategic feedback and learning.
These four strategic management processes are the keys to the Balanced
Scorecard theory.
Strategy-Focused Organization
The latest refinement of this concept developed from the experiences of companies implementing the Balanced
Scorecard into their strategic management processes. Kaplan and Norton found that implementation of strategy is as important as the development of strategy. They propose that successful strategy implementation incorporates the following five strategic management principles
(Kaplan & Norton, 2001):
Summer 2001
Translate the strategy to operational terms.
Align the organization to the strategy.
Make strategy everyone’s everyday job.
Make strategy a continual process.
Mobilize change through executive leadership.
Within the five principles there are several elements. These new elements add the following new sections to the theory:
– Strategy aligned with the value proposition (see figure 1).
– Strategy aligned with personal objectives.
– Incentive compensation aligned with team-based goals (scorecard).
– Strategy funded.
– All employees get the information and management meetings held to discuss performance.
– The
Balanced Scorecard is a change management program, enabled by the scorecard.
One of the most useful additions to the Balanced Scorecard theory is the
Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map (Kaplan
& Norton, 2001). A well-developed strategy map clearly illustrates the company’s strategy and the measures of success for the strategy. A template for a strategy map is illustrated on the following page.
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Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001
Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map
Improve Shareholder Value
Revenue Growth
Build the Franchise
New Revenue Sources
Shareholder Value
Increase Customer Value
Customer Profitability
Productivity Strategy
Improve Cost Structure
Cost per Unit
Improve Asset Utilization
Asset Utilization
Customer Acquisition Customer Retention
Customer Value Proposition
Increase Customer Value Relationship
Quality Time Functio nanlity
Service Relation ships
“Build the
Customer Value”
“Be a Good
(Regulatory &
Strategic Competencies
A Motivated and Prepared Workforce
Strategic Technologies Climate for Action
Figure 1: Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map (Kaplan & Norton, 2001)
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Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001
Ba la nced Scor ecar d
Th e balanc ed scor eca rd
Rob ert Kap la n & David Nor to n
19 96
Stateg y Focu sed Or ganiza tion
Th e strateg y fo cuse d org anization
Rob ert Kap la n & David Nor to n
20 01
Mea sur ement & Go als
Man ageme nt b y Objectives
Th e pra ctic e of ma nage ment
Pe te r Dru cker
19 54
Commu nicat io n, Mo tivat ion & Human Relat ions
Ope n Book Ma nage ment
Ope n book ma nage ment
Jo hn Case
19 95
Eigh t Stag e Chang e pro cess
Le ading ch ange
Jo hn Kotter
Pr inciples of Mana gemen t
Ad min is tr ation indus tr ielle
Hen ri Fayo l
19 16
Th eor y Y
Th e human s id e of e nterp rise
Dou glass McGr ego r
19 60
Ope n Book Ma nage ment
Th e gre at g ame of busine ss
Ja ck Stack
19 92
19 96
Cus tome r Value Disc ip line
Va lu e Dis ciplin e
Discipline of mar ket le ader s
Miche al T rea cy & Fr ed Wie rse ma
19 95
Huma n Relatio ns
Hawtho rne Stu dies
Eldo n Mayo
19 45
Hier arc hy of Needs
To ward a p sych ology of being
Ab rah am Maslow
19 62
Figure 2 - Balanced Scorecard Historical 'Family Tree'
Historical Analysis
The Balanced Scorecard is based on three general management concepts:
Measurement and Goal Setting.
Communication, Motivation and
Human Relations.
Business Strategy.
The remainder of this paper discusses the historical evolution of each of these management concepts.
Measurement & Goal Setting
The Balanced Scorecard concept uses a “strategic measurement system” at the root of the theory. One of the most widely used measurement and management practices is Management by
In The Practice of Management, Peter
Drucker (1954) introduced a concept called Management by Objectives (MBO). As defined by George Odiorne (1965),
Management by Objectives is “a process whereby the superior and subordinate managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members”. In this definition, the key is that subordinates participate in the goal setting process. It is the involvement of subordinates that allows
Drucker the credit for development of
Management by Objectives. “This would dismiss many of the claims made for previous use of MBO by such people as
McKinsey, Barnard, Fayol, or by such corporations as DuPont, General Motors, and Standard of New Jersey – firms that
Odiorne claims used an early objectivebased management style of organization”
(Greenwood, 1981).
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Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001
Prior objective based management research and implementation clearly influenced the development of
Management by Objectives. thinking management. In his work, Administration
industrielle et générale, Fayol founded the fourteen principles of management (Fayol,
Henri Fayol founded the earliest about performance organization).
Esprit de Corp. the affects functions
(encouraged long-term employees). the of
Division of labor (job specialization).
Authority & responsibility (authority derived from expertise, leadership, skill, and knowledge).
Unity of command (everyone has one manager and only one manager).
Line of authority (chain of command).
Centralization (preferred less centralized).
Unity of direction (singleness of purpose).
Initiative (causes creativity & innovation).
Equity (fair treatment for employees).
Order (efficiency & career opportunity).
Discipline (enforce rules to achieve goals).
Remuneration of Personnel (bonuses and profit sharing).
Stability & Tenure of Employees
Subordination of Individual Interests to the Common Interest (employees need to understand how their entire influenced by Fayol’s four functions of
management (Fayol, 1916):
Communication, Motivation &
Human Relations
One of the key foundational concepts of The Balanced Scorecard is that employees are motivated by a clear
‘line of sight’ from their activities to the strategy of the organization. Employees want to understand the linkage between what they do, and what the organization’s mission, vision, values and strategy are.
These ideas are based mainly on the
Human Relations School of management theory.
Open-Book Management
Management by Objectives and
The Balanced Scorecard are greatly
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A major premise that the Balanced
Scorecard is constructed upon is that employees need to understand the business strategy, and have information available to them that enables them to execute and adapt their actions to successfully execute the strategy. This idea is clearly influenced by the theory of
Open-Book Management.
Jack Stack introduced the concept of Open-Book Management The Great
Game of Business (1992). In this book Stack argues that “the best, most efficient, most profitable way to operate a business is to give everybody in the company a voice in saying how the company is run and a stake in the financial outcome, good or bad”
(Stack, 1992). John Case has further developed this basic concept in several books and articles.
Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA
Open-book management is revolutionary because conventional business operates under two assumptions
(Case, 1995):
A job must be defined as narrowly as possible.
Workers need close, direct supervision.
The key steps to the development of this archaic management paradigm are
(Case, 1995):
The rise of engineering, and of the engineering-inspired movement known as scientific management.
The professionalization of management – the creation, in effect, of a separate managerial class.
The rise of the adversarial union.
Changes in the organizational and social environment have prompted changes in the approach to management.
According to Case (1995), “openbook management is a way of running a company that gets everyone to focus on helping the business make money”. Case further argues that open-book management “takes those trendy new management ideas – empowerment,
TQM, teams and so on – and gives them a business logic. In an open-book company, employees understand why they’re being called upon to solve problems, cut costs, reduce defects, and give the customer better service”.
In open-book management there are three essential differences to a conventional business (Case, 1995):
Summer 2001
Every employee sees – and learns to understand – the company’s financials, along with all the other numbers that are critical to tracking the business’s performance.
Employees learn that, whatever else they do, part of their job is to move those numbers in the right direction.
Employees have a direct stake in the company’s success.
The implementation of the openbook management concept is very similar to the implementation of a Balanced
Scorecard strategic management system.
Case posits that there are four steps to implementing open-book management
(Case, 1995):
Get the information out there.
Teach the basics of business.
Empower people to make decisions based on what they know.
Make sure everyone – everyone! – shares directly in the company’s success, and in the risk of failure.
These four steps have been refined and organized in the following four management practices (McCoy, 1996):
Big picture education.
Customer education.
Operating process education.
Financial results education.
Information sharing.
Information exchange systems.
Employee participation and involvement systems.
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Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001
Convincing employees they have the right and responsibility to make decisions and take action.
(reward systems).
After reviewing the basic fundamentals of open-book management, it is easy to see the linkages to the
Balanced Scorecard. The Balanced
Scorecard shares the basic fundamentals of open communication and the engagement of employees through incentive-based pay. The Balanced
Scorecard refines this approach by going beyond financial measurements using a balanced four-perspective approach, highlighting the cause-and-effect relationships between business drivers and outcome measures (financial). It also links the business strategy to the strategic measurement and management system.
Assumptions About Human Nature
Assumptions about human nature and motivation underlie both the Balanced
Scorecard and Open-Book management.
Douglass McGregor’s influential work on managerial assumptions about human nature was influential to the development of these modern management theories.
The Balanced Scorecard and Open-
Book management are based on Theory Y assumptions about human nature.
According to McGregor (1960), the
Theory Y assumptions are:
Expending physical and mental effort at work is as natural as play and rest.
The average human being does not inherently dislike work.
External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means to
2001by Karl R. Knapp Page 7 of 12 direct effort toward organizational objectives. People will exercise selfdirection and self-control in the service of objectives to which they feel committed.
Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. The most significant rewards – the satisfaction of ego and self-actualization needs – can be direct products of effort directed toward organizational objectives.
Avoidance of responsibility, lack of ambition, and emphasis on security are not inherent human characteristics.
Under proper conditions, the average human being learns not only to accept but to seek responsibility.
Imagination, ingenuity, creativity, and the ability to use these qualities to solve organizational problems are widely distributed among people.
In accordance with the approach to the Balanced Scorecard and Open-Book management, Theory Y assumptions would view the task of management as follows (McGregor, 1960):
Managers are responsible for organizing the elements of productive enterprise – money, materials, equipment, people – in the interest of economic ends.
Because people are motivated to perform, have potential for development, can assume responsibility, and are willing to work toward organizational goals, managers are responsible for enabling people to recognize and develop these basic capabilities.
The essential task of management is to arrange organizational conditions and
Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001 methods of operation so that working toward organizational objectives is also the best way for people to achieve their own personal goals.
Proponents of the Balanced
Scorecard and Open Book management would certainly argue that point 3 above is the essential task of management.
Theory Y assumptions about people was heavily influenced by the human relations perspective of management thought. The development of this perspective was influenced by
Eldon Mayo and Abraham Maslow.
Eldon Mayo’s research in the famous Hawthorne studies provided empirical evidence on theories of human motivation. Mayo was heavily influenced by the work of Abraham Maslow.
Maslow (1998) believed that
“people sought meaning in their work, wanted to commit to causes larger than themselves, and were capable of ‘roaring off the face of the earth’ when engaged with a task, role, or responsibility that was worth doing”.
Maslow introduced the hierarchy of needs or self-actualization theory. This theory was based on the assumption that people are inherently seeking ‘selfactualization’, as they move up the hierarchy of needs.
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Esteem Needs
Love Needs
Safety Needs
Physiological Needs
Maslow’s (1962) Hierarchy of Needs
To move up the hierarchy of needs, the needs below must be generally satisfied.
The Balanced Scorecard is an extension of the concept of open-book management, based on Theory Y assumptions about people, who seek selfactualization. The Balanced Scorecard is also a tool for organizational change.
Kaplan and Norton borrow heavily from the work of John Kotter on change management.
Leading Change
If successfully used, the Balanced
Scorecard will identify areas where the firm’s strategy is successful and where it needs improvement. These areas of improvement will undoubtedly require change. John Kotter developed a highly regarded approach to the implementation of change recommended by Kaplan and
Norton (2001). Kotter argues that the successful implementation of change should follow an eight-step process
(Kotter, 1996):
Establishing a sense of urgency.
Create a crisis.
Eliminate obvious examples of excess.
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Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001
Set targets so high that they can’t be reached by conducting business as usual.
Stop measuring subunit performance based only on functional goals. Insist on broader measures of performance.
Send more data to more employees.
Insist that people talk regularly to unsatisfied customers.
Use consultants and other means to force more relevant data and honest discussion into management meetings.
Put more honest discussions of the firm’s problems in company newspapers and senior management speeches. Stop senior management ‘happy talk’.
Bombard people with information on future opportunities, on the wonderful rewards for capitalizing on those opportunities, and on the organization’s current inability to pursue those opportunities.
Creating the guiding coalition.
: Are enough key players on board, especially the main line managers, so that those left out cannot easily block progress?
: Are the various points of view relevant to the task at hand adequately represented so that informed, intelligent decisions will be made?
: Does the group have enough people with good reputations in the firm so that its pronouncements will be taken seriously by other employees?
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: Does the group include enough proven leaders to be able to drive the change process?
Developing a vision and strategy.
: a sensible and appealing picture of the future.
: a logic for how the vision can be achieved.
: specific steps and timetables to implement the strategies.
: plans converted into financial projections and goals.
Communicating the change vision.
Empowering employees for broadbased action.
Generating short-term wins.
Consolidating gains and producing more change.
Anchoring new approaches in the culture.
Kotter’s eight-step process can be applied both to the implementation of change identified as a result of the
Balanced Scorecard, and to the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard itself.
Customer Value Discipline
The subject of business strategy is deep and wide. The Balanced Scorecard, especially the latest version of the theory presented in The Strategy-Focused
Organization (2001), is heavily based on the concepts presented by Michael Treacy and
Fred Wiersema (1995) in Discipline of
Market Leaders.
The formulation of strategy is not specially addressed in either of the works
Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA Summer 2001 on the Balanced Scorecard. What the authors propose is that the customer perspective of a company’s scorecard and strategy map, must match the company’s strategy towards its customers. It must match its customer ‘value discipline’.
Treacy and Wiersema (1996) propose that, to accomplish maximum effectiveness, a company must pursue one of three customer value disciplines (Treacy
& Wiersema, 1996).
The Three Customer Value Disciplines
: providing customers with reliable products or services at competitive prices, delivered with minimal difficulty or inconvenience.
: providing products that continually redefine the state of the art.
: selling the customer a total solution, not just a product or service.
One of the keys to formulating a successful Balanced Scorecard is the linkage between the measures in the customer perspective and the company’s value discipline. The measures in the customer perspective should indicate the success or failure of the company’s value discipline.
The customer value discipline also has a great effect on the other measures in the company’s scorecard. Measures in the business process perspective for instance, should directly support the company’s customer value discipline. For example, a company that pursues a product leadership value discipline should have a focus on innovation. This focus on
2001by Karl R. Knapp Page 10 of 12 innovation should be reflected as measures in the business process perspective of their scorecard. The lack of these innovation measures identifies a weak link between the stated value discipline and the operational processes of the company that execute the strategy.
Summary & Next Steps
The Balanced Scorecard management approach developed by
Kaplan & Norton (1995) is based upon several foundational management theories, including:
Management by objectives (Drucker,
Principles of management (Fayol,
Open-book management (Case, 1995).
Leading change (Kotter, 1996).
Theory Y (McGregor, 1960).
Hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1962).
Value disciplines (Treacy & Wiersema,
The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management tool that is gaining in popularity. Initial results from companies using the Balanced Scorecard have been favorable. The concept fits with current management thinking and is enabled by technological and social changes in the current work environment.
The next step in the development of the Balanced Scorecard management theory should be an analysis of successful
(and unsuccessful) implementations of this approach. As with the concept of customer value disciplines (Treacy &
Wiersema, 1995), common threads for successful implementations might be
Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA identified. Successful companies may prove to use similar scorecards, or fall into specific categories of similarity. Once identified, these common ‘themes’ could be used to develop best practice scorecards matched to specific types of business strategies.
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Foundations of Management, Anderson University DBA
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