BUAD 4458 / ENTREPRENEURSHIP Sanjeev Phukan Online Syllabus and Assignment Schedule – Fall 2012 Office and Office Hours Contacting the Instructor Monday through Thursday: 10:30 am – 11:00 am & 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Friday: 12:00 noon – 2: 00 pm (online) Decker Hall 24. On campus office hours end on October 19, 2012. Phone: (218) 755-2907. This is the department secretary’s phone number, and she will forward the call to me, or take a message if I’m not available. e-mail sphukan@bemidjistate.edu Credits: 3 semester credits Text: Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 4e. Barringer and Ireland, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2012 System: Required: High speed access to the internet. Access to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel for Assignments, Acrobat Reader, PowerPoint Viewer (the last two can be easily downloaded from the respective company websites). PLEASE READ THE SECTION REGARDING COURSE POLICIES VERY CAREFULLY. You’ll find this in the section labeled ‘Content’ when you access the class on D2L, and you will be expected to be familiar at all times with the policies outlined therein. Grades: Course Grades are based on relative performance and clustering, and not a 90-80-7060 grading scheme. Scores at the end of the semester will be curved, and grades assigned. Make-up exams will not normally be permitted except under very exceptional circumstances. Extensive documentation of these circumstances will be required in all cases, without exception. Tests are not comprehensive, that is, each test will cover roughly half the material contained in the course. Books and notes may be used for all tests. No proctor is necessary. While your letter grade will depend upon your total score at the end of the class, you must pass each major section individually in order to receive a passing grade. Thus, you must receive individual passing grades in both Tests as well as assignments. Total points for the class break down as follows: Test 1 Oct 22 – Oct 28 50 Minutes 20 Test 2 Dec 17 – Dec 19 (note shorter window) 50 Minutes 20 Assignments and Exercises (see schedule below) 60 ---------------100 ---------------- Instructor Absences: I will be away in South Africa on university business from Thursday, September 27 through Sunday, October 7. I will be away in Asia on a visiting professorship and recruiting for BSU from Saturday, October 20 through Monday, November 19. While I will be in email contact during these periods, it won’t be possible for me to have any regular online office hours while I am overseas. I don’t anticipate that this will prove to be a problem, as you can always e-mail me with questions and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can. © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 1 Academic Integrity: Students are expected to practice the highest standards of ethics, honesty and integrity in all of their academic work. Any form of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating and misrepresentation) may result in disciplinary action. Possible disciplinary actions include failure for part or all of a course, as well as suspension from the University. Mission and Broad-based Student Learning Outcome of the Business Administration Department: Educate students through a learning-centered environment: Graduates will be prepared for entry into careers in business and for contributions to their global and local communities. Departmental Level Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Graduates will attain higher learning in the field of business (DSL0 #1) 2. Graduates will demonstrate information literacy (DSLO#2) 3. Graduates will demonstrate ability to use practical business tools (DSLO#3) 4. Graduates will demonstrate good communication skills and ability to work effectively as part of a team (DSLO#4) 5. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to analyze complex business situations in a realistic business environment (DSLO#5) Course Student Learning Outcomes 1. Students will be able to demonstrate critical and logical thinking, creative problem solving, innovation and decision making 2. Students will be able to identify the most appropriate data to make informed decisions 3. Students will be able to create written and oral (on-campus class) reports using the most appropriate business tools 4. Students will be able to demonstrate effective communication 5. Students will be able to demonstrate interpersonal skills within groups – empathy, active attention, and written communication (through the discussion area in the online course) 6. Students will be able to explain the concepts of starting, financing and growing an innovative business Course Outline and Assignment Schedule: I’ve provided you with a Course Outline and an Assignment Schedule on a week-by-week basis; you’ll need to follow it closely to get your stuff to me on time. Use the drop boxes that have been provided for submission of assignments, do not e-mail them to me! Assignments that are e-mailed will not be read or graded. D2L Discussion Area: Students may use the D2L discussion area provided to provide general guidance to other students, ask questions of other students, help other students with resource availability, and to suggest methods for improvement. Please do not use the discussion areas to provide solutions to problems, since all assignment problems must be done independently. Misuse of the discussion area will probably result in its removal, so please use it responsibly. © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 2 COURSE OUTLINE AND ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE Assignments are due by midnight on the last day (Sunday) of each week Week 0 (August 27 – September 2) Read: Turn in: Course Policy Course Policy Acknowledgement. The remaining drop boxes and tests will only become visible to you after you have done this and I have seen the acknowledgment. Week 1 (September 3 – September 9) Read: Chapter 1 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship Turn in: The following assignment: (10 points) Read the Case 1.1 “RunKeeper” on page 31 and answer the following questions: 1. Which of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, discussed in this chapter, do you see in Jason Jacobs? To what degree do you think these characteristics have contributed to RunKeeper’s success? 2. To what extent do you think RunKeeper’s basic business idea “adds value” in the lives of its customers? Who is the ideal candidate to be a RunKeeper customer? 3. To what degree do you think it would be easy or difficult for another company to imitate what RunKeeper is doing? 4. Spend some time studying the RunKeeper app. A free version of the Runkeeper app can be downloaded by anyone with an Apple iPhone or an Android equipped phone. What functionality do you think the app should have that it currently doesn’t have? Week 2 (September 10 – September 16) Read: Chapter 2 – Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas Turn in: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 2.1 “ScriptPad” on page 69 and answer the following questions: 1. In this chapter, an opportunity is defined as being (1) attractive, (2) durable, (3) timely, and (4) anchored in a product or service that creates value for its buyer or end user. To what extent does ScriptPad meet each of these tests of an opportunity? 2. What environmental trends are working in ScriptPad’s favor? If ScriptPad has uncovered a promising business opportunity, what environmental trends have made ScriptPad possible? 3. Put yourself in the shoes of a family physician that’s part of a five-doctor practice (containing five doctors). If you were that doctor and were being pitched on ScriptPad’s method for writing prescriptions, how would you react? What would you see as the pluses © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 3 and minuses of adopting the service? Ultimately, based on the information in the case and ScriptPad’s Web site, what would your decision be? 4. On what side do you think ScriptPad faces the biggest adoption challenge—the physician side or the pharmacy side? Explain your answer. Week 3 (September 17 – September 23) Read: Chapter 3 – Feasibility Analysis Turn in: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 3.2 “Segway” on page 102 and answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think Dean Kamen and his team didn’t do a better job of anticipating the problems that beset the Segway? 2. Describe what you believe would have been an appropriate product/service feasibility analysis and an appropriate market/industry feasibility analysis for Segway during its development stage. 3. In what ways did Segway fail to build an ecosystem around its product? What could Segway have done, if anything, to ensure that its product would do a better job of fitting into its users’ environments and lives? 4. What niche market or markets do you thing Segway should have targeted initially and been successful in? Week 4 (September 24 –September 30) Read: Chapter 4 – Writing a Business Plan Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read the Case 4.2 “d.light” on page 142 and answer the following questions: 1. Of the six reasons listed in the case that d.light was successful in business plan competitions, which reason do you find the most compelling? Explain your answer. 2. If you were one of the founders of d.light, what would your marketing strategy be? How would you educate people in remote areas about the existence of your device and the benefits of purchasing it? 3. Why do you think the problem of bringing light to people who don’t have access to reliable electricity isn’t being tackled in a meaningful way by a large lighting company, like General Electric? What qualities do Sam Goldman and his team have that will help them solve the problem of providing light to the 2.5 billion people in the world who don’t have access to electricity or only have access to intermittent electricity, which General Electric or a similar large company is unlikely to muster? 4. Why do you think Sam Goldman goes out of his way to talk about the importance of d.light’s business plan? In what ways do you think having a meticulously crafted business plan has helped d.light? Week 5 (October 1 – October 7) © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 4 Read: Chapter 5 – Industry and Competitor Analysis Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 5.1 “Panera Bread” on page 173 and answer the following questions: 1. How has Panera Bread established a unique position in the restaurant industry? How has this unique position contributed to its success? Do you think Panera Bread will reach its goal of becoming a leading national brand in the restaurant industry? 2. Analyze the restaurant industry using Porter’s five forces model. In what ways has Panera Bread successfully positioned itself against the forces that are suppressing the profitability of the restaurant industry as a whole? 3. What barriers to entry has Panera Bread created for potential competitors? How significant are these barriers? 4. What are Panera Bread’s primary sources of competitive advantage? In your judgment, are these sources of advantage sustainable? Why or why not? Week 6 (October 8 – October 14) Caution! This is a long week with 2 chapters. Read: Chapter 6 – Developing an Effective Business Model Chapter 7 – Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 7.1 “Preparing a Proper Legal Foundation: A Start-up Fable” on page 242 and answer the following questions: 1. Complete Jack and Sarah’s list for them, including the issues you think they will place on the list along with their recommendations. Which of the issues do you think will stimulate the most discussion with the attorney, and which issues do you think will stimulate the least? 2. Make a list of the things you think Jack and Sarah did right in preparing for their meeting with the attorney. 3. Comment on the product feasibility analysis that Jack and Sarah completed. Do you think the way Jack and Sarah approached this task was appropriate and sufficient? 4. What advantages do Jack and Sarah have starting iUser Accessories together, rather than one of them starting it as a sole entrepreneur? What challenges do you think Jack and Sarah will have keeping their partnership together? Week 7 (October 15 – October 21) © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 5 Read: Chapter 8 – Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 8.1 “Heartache and Financial Failure” on page 282 and answer the following questions: 1. If you were thinking about buying a franchise, like a Cold Stone Creamery store, what financial information would you look at and analyze before you completed the sale? Be specific. 2. After reading the case, do you sympathize with the disgruntled Cold Stone Creamery franchisees, or do you believe the company’s explanations? 3. Do you think that some businesses that have financial trouble might never have had a chance to begin with? If so, what can a business owner (including a franchisor of Cold Stone Creamery) do ahead of time to make sure the business is financially feasible? Use the concepts conveyed in this chapter and Chapter 3 to formulate your answer. 4. At some point in your career, could you see yourself buying a franchise? If so, what type of franchise do you think you’d enjoy owning? Week 8 (October 22 – October 28) Note test window dates below!! Tests will close at midnight of the last day of the test window. Read: Re-read Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 to prepare for your test. Turn In: Test 1 during October 22 – October 28 (20% of your grade) Week 9 (October 29 – November 4) Read: Chapter 9 – Building a New-Venture Team Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 9.2 “Zappos” on page 313 and answer the following questions: 1. What are some key points/traits that make Tony Hsieh and Zappos successful? 2. How would you describe Zappos’s approach to human resource management? Do you think Zappos’s approach to human resource management is unique to Zappos, or do you think many of the policies Zappos has adopted could be used successfully in other firms? 3. To what extent do you believe the story that Zappos excels in customer service and its customer service excels because of savvy human resource management? If you believe the story, what can other entrepreneurs learn from Zappo’s experience? 4. Reflect on the two primary challenges facing Zappos identified at the end of the case. How do you think Zappos should respond to these challenges? What do you think Zappos’s third primary challenge is? Week 10 (November 5 – November 11) Read: Chapter 10 – Getting Financing or Funding © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 6 Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 10.2 “Zazzle” on page 349 and answer the following questions: 1. Do you think Zazzle’s investors made wise decisions investing $46 million in the company? Three to five years from now, do you think that Zazzle will have disappointed or dazzled its investors? Why? 2. Look at Table 10.1 in the chapter. At the time that Zazzle raised its initial round of funding, to what extent did it resemble the ideal candidate for venture capital funding as stipulated by the materials in the table? How about the second round of funding? 3. Put yourself in the role of a critic. What would you say if you adopted the view that Zazzle isn’t worthy of $46 million in venture capital funding? Also, comment on the evolution of Zazzle’s business model. Do you think the primary way it envisions making money today is stronger than it was when the company launched? Explain your answer. 4. What do you think is Zazzle’s exit strategy? How will Kleiner Perkin’s and Sherpalo Ventures recoup their investment? Week 11 (November 12 – November 18) Read: Chapter 11 – Unique Marketing Issues Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 11.2 “Case 11.2 / Proactiv: How Three Critical Marketing Decisions Shaped a New Venture’s Future” on page 388 and answer the following questions: 1. How has Proactiv gone about establishing a brand? To what degree do you believe Proactiv is important in its customers’ lives? 2. Discuss the things that Rodan and Fields learned, prior to the time that they met Guthy Renker, that persuaded them that infomercials were the best way to sell Proactiv. If Proactiv hadn’t developed infomercials in partnership with Guthy Renker, do you think Proactiv would be in existence today? Describe why infomercials were a better choice than print or media advertising for Proactiv when the company was first being introduced. 3. Describe Proactiv’s positioning strategy. To what extend did the three critical marketing decisions discussed in the case shape the evolution of Proactiv’s positioning strategy? 4. What is the difference between Proactiv’s core product and its actual product? Describe its actual product and your assessment of whether the actual product provides an attractive mix of characteristics. Week 12 (November 19 – November 25) – Thanksgiving Week Go to: Family and friends © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 7 Eat: Some turkey and stuffing, maybe some pumpkin pie. Watch: A little football Week 13 (November 26 – December 2) Read: Chapter 12 – The Importance of Intellectual Property Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 12.1 “You Make the Call” on page 425 and answer the following questions: 1. Go to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office’s Web site (www.uspto.gov) and look up Patent No. 6,004,596. Read the patent. After reading the patent are you more inclined or less inclined to side with the Smucker’s point of view? 2. Type the word “Uncrustables” into the Google search engine and look at the Uncrustables sandwich. Spend a little time reading about the Uncrustables on Smucker’s Web site. Again, after looking over the Web site, are you more inclined or less inclined to side with the Smucker’s point of view? 3. In regard to the arguments espoused by the “critics” of the U.S. patent system and the “advocates” of the U.S. patent systems, which of the points of view do you agree with? Thinking as an entrepreneur, use your own words to state why you think the critics or the advocates have a stronger point of view. 4. So what do you think happened? Do you think Smucker’s did or didn’t get the patent it was requesting? Week 14 (December 3 – December 9) Read: Chapter 13 – Preparing For and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 13.1 “Redbeacon” on page 453 and answer the following questions: 1. Look at the material in the chapter under the heading “Preparing for Growth.” Evaluate the degree to which Redbeacon has been sensitive to the three issues under this heading. 2. Look at Figure 13.2, which depicts the organizational life cycle. Which stage of the organizational life cycle is Redbeacon currently in? What issues will the founders of Redbeacon have to be sensitive to during this particular stage? What issues, if any, do you think will be problematic for Redbeacon? 3. The section of the chapter labeled “Day-to-Day Challenges of Growing a Firm” lists four primary challenges: cash flow management, price stability, quality control, and capital constraints. Briefly comment on how Redbeacon has dealt with each of these challenges. Which of the four challenges do you think will pose the greatest challenge for the founders of Redbeacon moving forward? 4. Evaluate Redbeacon’s future initiatives. Do you think Redbeacon should be more open to developing a parallel Groupon or LivingSocial type of strategy, and offer daily deals featuring local service providers? Do you agree with its overtures to Google, Yahoo!, and Bing? How likely is it that one of these companies will partner with Redbeacon? Finally, © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 8 do you think it’s a good strategy for Redbeacon to develop co-branding strategies with organizations such as the mom’s groups as mentioned in the case? Week 15 (December 10 – December 16) Caution! This is a long week with 2 chapters. Read: Chapter 14 – Strategies for Firm Growth Chapter 15 – Franchising Turn In: The following assignment: (10 points) Read Case 14.2 “Will Groupon Maintain Its Sizzling Pace of Growth?” on page 489 and answer the following questions: 1. Evaluate Groupon’s strategies for growth. Do you think Groupon has done a good job in terms of identifying the most fruitful avenues for growth, or do you think Groupon should have been more creative in its growth strategies? Make a list of things that Groupon hasn’t done that you think have indirectly contributed to its growth. 2. How does a company go about getting its business featured on Groupon? 3. Of the current challenges facing Groupon, which one do you think is the most threatening? If you were the CEO of Groupon, how would you address this challenge? 4. Refer to the table shown above that lists Groupon’s internal growth possibilities and its external growth possibilities. Of the eight growth possibilities, rank them 1-8 in terms of the order of likelihood that Groupon will utilize that possibility as part of its future growth strategy. Explain the rationale for your rankings. Week 16 (December 17 – December 19: note shortened week) Note shorter test window dates below!! This is to permit grades to be submitted to the records office on schedule. Tests will close at midnight of the last day of the test window. Read: Re-read Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 to prepare for your test. Turn In: Test 2 between December 17 and December 19 (20% of your grade). Upon request this document can be made available in alternate formats. Please contact the instructor, Professor Sanjeev Phukan at 218-755-2907 or Kathi Hagen in the Office for Students with Disabilities at 755-3883. Please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities ONLY if you have a need for accommodations in this class. All other contact should be with your instructor only. © 2012 Sanjeev Phukan 9