OCHSA - Final Project

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is designed to demonstrate the knowledge learned in the 14 weeks of class.
Students will show what they have learned in (1) Basic Design Theory, (2) Scenic Design, (3)
Costume Design, (4) Lighting Design, (5) Sound Design, (6) Make-up & Wig Design, and (7)
Graphic Design for theatrical productions. You are to pick a story (theater, literature, film)
that you can complete the design project for in a unique and singular way.
The project should either be spiral bound or put into a flat folder. All items should fit inside the
binder or folder and nothing should be sticking out the sides. All written responses must be
typed out. The final project should be divided into the following sections and should include:
1. COVER PAGE: This should include a Title for your project, your name, date and any other
relevant information to your project.
2. INTENT PAGE: This should be a paragraph explaining why you chose the project you did
and what made you excited about the design work that you were about to undertake. You
should also detail challenges you faced and things you thought you did successfully. I would
also like you to talk about how this design project is different than anything I have ever seen
before in regards to the story you are telling.
3. BASIC DESIGN THEORY: You must create an image board with at least 20 images on it. The
board must be on ONE page and must include arranging your images in a particular way
that expresses your design concept. On a separate page, you are to select one image as a
focus image for your entire design process. Underneath this image type a few words as to
why you chose this image and what it communicates to you about your story.
4. SCENIC DESIGN: You must create 2 Scenic Box Sheets for 2 different locations that can be
found within your story. You should complete this as we discussed in class and the final
renderings should be in color. In your own handwriting, you should detail what materials are
being used and why the pieces are designed the way they are.
5. COSTUME DESIGN: You must create a Costume Layout Sheet for 2 different characters
within your story. In your own handwriting, you should be detailed about your
fabric/materials and why you chose the costume pieces you did.
6. LIGHTING/SOUND: You should talk about colors that you may want to use in your lighting
plot and why those colors would be effective for your story. You should also make a list of
important sound effects to your story and how you might create those if you had to make
the effects live or record them for a later showing.
7. MAKE-UP & WIGS: You will draw a make-up face on the Make-up Face Sheet for two
different characters. In your own handwriting, explain why you chose the colors, effects and
designs that you drew. Both faces should be in color.
8. GRAPHIC DESIGN WORK: Create a poster for the show on a regular sized piece of paper.
Make sure to include all the relevant (made-up) information that you would need to get
your information out to your patrons.
9. PROJECT EVALUATION FORMS: Please ensure that you have completed a Project
Evaluation Form for each of the major projects we have done this semester. There should be
______. These can be in your own handwriting.
10. FINAL BUSINESS LETTER REFLECTION: A typed letter to me detailing what you learned this
semester, what you enjoyed, what you thought could have been better and any other
pertinent things you would like to share with me.