Vocabulary Costume Vocabulary Costume Project Score: _______ /16 pts 4 3 2 1 Planning My Costume Design Sheet was completed and turned in on or before October 20, 2015. My Costume Design Sheet was completed and turned in after October 20, 2015. I completed part of my Costume Design Sheet. I did not complete my Costume Design Sheet. Vocabulary Sign I created a word sign that included the vocabulary word, meaning and an illustration of the word. I created a word sign that included the vocabulary word and the meaning. I created a word sign and posted only the vocabulary word on it. I did not create a word sign. Effort I created my costume with a little help from an adult. Someone else made my costume. I put little effort into creating my costume. I did not create a costume. I can accurately pronounce my word, tell the meaning and explain the relationship of my costume to my vocabulary word in front of the class. I can accurately pronounce and tell the meaning of my word in front of the class. I can do ONE of the following: pronounce my word, tell the meaning or explain my costume. I cannot pronounce my word, tell the meaning or explain my costume. Presentation