Plan of Study for the B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering Graduation Requirements The Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering requires a minimum of 141 credit hours of course work. A detailed distribution of the minimum credit hours required is shown below: Credit Hours Classification Compulsory Elective University Requirements 12 15 Faculty Requirements 25 Department Requirements 65 21 Free Electives 3 Total 99 39 Total 27 25 86 3 141 1 University requirements Twenty seven credit hours distributed as follows: 1- Twelve compulsory credit hours: Course subject 0107106 Course title Arabic Language English Language Citizenship Education Military Sciences Credit hours 3 3 3 3 Prerequisite - 2- Fifteen (elective) credit hours, selected from the following: Course No 0107100 0107101 0107102 0107103 0303121 0107105 0107109 0107112 0201100 0302100 0303101 0303100 0306100 0401105 0401160 0502100 0601100 0701100 0702100 0901100 0120110 0120210 1202101 1203100 Course title Human Civilization Islamic Thought History and Civilization Of Jordan Epistemology Psychology Sociology History and Culture of Quds Islam and Modern Issues Economic Science Educational Culture Family Violence Study Skills Fine Arts Architectural Arts Road Safety Principles of Nutrition Sports Arts Preliminary Aid Health Education Archeology Fundamentals of Astronomy Home Gardening Water Resources Management Environmental Science & Human Health Credit hours 3 3 3 Detailed distribution of credit hours Lecture Practic al 3 3 3 - Pre-request or Corequest or parallel - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - - 3 3 3 3 - - 3 3 - - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - - 2 Faculty Requirements The following twenty-five credit hours of core coursework are required to fulfill the faculty requirements: Course No. 0101101 0101102 0102101 0102102 0102103 0102104 0103107 0103108 4401102 401103 0403101 0404103 Course Title Calculus 1 Calculus 2 General Physics 1 General Physics 2 General Physics Lab. 1 General Physics Lab. 2 Engineering Chemistry Engineering Chemistry Lab Engineering Hand Drawing Engineering drawing using computer Workshop Computer Programming 1 Total Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 1 1 Detailed Distribution of Cr. Hr. Lecture Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 1 - 1 3 25 3 19 3 3 3 3 Prerequisite or *Corequisite 0101101 0102101 0102101* 0102102* +0102103 0103107* 4401102 - 18 3 Department Requirements: A. Compulsory: The following sixty five credit hours of compulsory engineering coursework are required to fulfill the department requirements: Credit Detailed Course Course Title Hours Distribution of Cr. No. Hr. Lecture Practical 0101203 Ordinary Differential Equations 1 3 3 0401211 Statics 3 3 0401212 0402211 0402212 0402215 0402221 0402222 0402223 0402303 0402311 0402312 0402313 0402321 0402322 0402323 0402331 0402341 0402342 0402343 0402344 0402415 0402498 0402499 0403251 0403252 0404211 Strength of Materials Dynamics Strength of Materials Lab. Engineering Measurement Thermodynamics 1 Thermodynamics 2 Thermodynamics Lab. Engineering Numerical Methods Mechanical Vibrations Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Lab. Heat Transfer 1 Heat Transfer Lab. HVAC-I Internal Combustion Engines Theory of Machines Machine Design 1 Machine Design 2 Machine Drawing Process Control Systems Graduation Project (1) Graduation Project (2) Properties of Materials Properties of Materials Lab. Introduction to Electrical Circuits and Electronics 0404218 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Lab. Total 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 - 1 - 3 65 51 42 Prerequisite or *Corequisite 0101102 0101104 +0102101 0401211 0401211 0401212* 0102102+0404218 0103107 +0102101 0402221 0402221 0101203 + 0404103 0402211 + 101203 0101203 0402312* 0101203 0402321* 0402222 0402222 0402211 0401212 0402342 0400102 0404211 ** 0402498 0103107 0403251* 0102102 0404211* + 0102104 4 B. Electives: A minimum of 21 credit hours of engineering coursework selected from the following table are required. Six credit hours of which are to be selected from the same area as the chosen graduation project. Course No. 0402332 0402352 0402411 0402421 0402422 0402424 0402431 Course Title 0405301 0405461 Energy Conservation Building Services Turbomachinery Heat Transfer 2 Refrigeration Systems Design of Thermal Systems Energy Conversion and Management Renewable Energy Computer Aided Design Finite Element Methods in Machine Design Special Topics Manufacturing Processes 1 Engineering Economy Manufacturing Processes 2 Metrology Introduction to Electric Machines Technical Writing Robotics 0405462 Automation 0402432 0402441 0402443 0402495 0403212 0403302 0403222 0403322 0404415 Credit Detailed Distribution Prerequisite or *Corequisite Hours of Cr. Hr. Lecture Practical 3 3 0402321 3 3 0402312 3 3 0402312 3 3 0402321 3 3 0402222 3 3 0402222 3 3 0402321 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 - 0402321 0402343 0402343 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 Dept. consent 0403101 0403221 0403221 0404211 1 3 1 3 - 3 2 3 Dept. consent 0402415or 0405451 0402415 or 0405451 Engineering Training: Non-credit, 8 weeks of engineering training in Jordan or abroad. ** The student must pass successfully at least 100 credit hours including thermodynamics 2, fluid mechanics and machine design 1 as a prerequisite for graduation project 1. 5 Course description 0462211 Dynamics (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0401211) Kinematics of particles, rectillinear and curvilinear motion in various coordinate systems, kinetics of particles, Newton’s laws, central force motion, work-energy equation, principle of impulse and momentum, impact, conservation of energy and momentum, kinematics of rigid bodies, relative velocity and acceleration, instantaneous center, plane kinetics of rigid bodies with applications of Newton’s 2nd law. 0402212 Strength of Materials Lab (0,3,1) Prerequisite (0401212) Measuring and/or determination of some material properties such as stress (yield, ultimate & fracture) and strain, torsion, impact, fatigue, bending, creep, hardness and tensile tests. 0402215 Engineering measurement (3,0,3) Prerequisite (102102+0404218) Basic concept of measurement. Analysis of experimental data, basic electrical measurements and sensing devices, displacement and area measurement, Pressure, flow, temperature measurements, thermal and transport property measurements. Force, torque and strain measurements and motion and vibration measurements. 0402221 Thermodynamics 1 (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0103107 + 0102101) Thermodynamics concepts and definitions, states, properties, systems, control volume, processes, cycles, units, tables of properties, work and heat, first law, internal energy and enthalpy, conservation of mass, steady–state and uniform state processes, second law, heat engines and refrigerators, reversible processes, carnot cycle, entropy, clausius inequality, principle of the increase of entropy, efficiencies, irreversibility and availability, Helmholtz and Gibbs functions. 0402222 Thermodynamics 2 (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402221) Review of basic laws and principles, vapor, air power and refrigeration cycles, mixtures of gas and vapor, psychrometry, combustion, enthalpy of formation, heat of reaction, compressible flow, velocity of sound Mach number, normal shock waves, nozzle and diffuser flows. 0402223 Thermodynamics Lab (0,3,1) Prerequisite (0402221) Measurement of specific heat ratio, heat pump, bomb calorimeter, conversion of work to heat, single stage air compressor, air cooler, Marcet boiler, flash and fire points. 0402224 Thermofluids (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0102101) Basic principles concepts and definitions of thermodynamics, properties of pure substances, 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, basic principles of fluid dynamics, conservation law, dimensional analysis and external and internal flow in pipes. 6 0402225 Thermofluids Lab (0,3,1) Prerequisite (0402224) Measurement of specific heat ratio, bomb calorimeter, heat pump, Marcet boiler, conversion of work to heat, flow through a nozzle, impact of water jet and pump characteristics. 0402303 Engineering Numerical Methods (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0101203 + 0404103) Basic principles of numerical analysis and methods for solving different engineering problems: computer precision, loss of significance, error propagation, solution of linear and nonlinear systems of algebraic equations, interpolation polynomials, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions such a initial-boundary and characteristic-value problems. 0402311 Mechanical Vibrations (2,3,3) Prerequisite (0402211 + 0101203) Elements of vibratory systems, single degree of freedom and applications, damped free vibration, rotating and reciprocating unbalance, vibration isolation, transmissibility and period excitation, systems with multiple degrees of freedom and applications, methods of finding natural frequencies. 0402312 Fluid Mechanics (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0101203) Flow classification, fluid properties, viscosity, vapor pressure, fluid statics, pressure measurements, buoyancy, fluids in motion, continuity equation, pressure gradient in fluid flow, Bernolli’s, momentum and energy equations, dimensional analysis and similitude, and flow in conduits. 0402313 Fluid Mechanics Lab (0,3,1) Prerequisite (0402312) Experimental methods and measurements: impact of water jet, losses in pipes and fittings, comparative fluid measurements, hydrostatic pressure, flow visualizations and turbulent pipe flow, performance of hydraulic positive displacement pumps, performance of radial flow fan and investigation of hydraulic jump. 0402321 Heat Transfer 1 (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0101203) Introduction to modes of heat transfer, one-dimensional steady- state conduction, unsteady-state conduction, lumped heat capacity system, introduction to convection flow and thermal boundary layers, convection in internal and external flows, natural convection systems, condensation, boiling and thermal radiation. 0402322 Heat Transfer Lab (0,3,1) Prerequisite (0402321) Experimental work in heat transfer and verification of fundamental laws such a conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer, performance and characteristics of heat exchangers, boiling and condensation heat transfer, temperature distribution in pipe-flow. 0402323 HVAC (2,3,3) Prerequisite (0402222) Review of psychrometry, thermal comfort, air conditioning processes, inside and outside design conditions, heating load calculations, infiltration, cooling load calculations, solar gain, heating systems, design, layout, hot water, steam, hot air systems, under floor heating. 7 0402331 Internal Combustion Engines (2,3,3) Prerequisite (0402222) Standard power cycles, basic types of reciprocating internal combustion engines: spark ignition & diesel, fuels, combustion, cooling, lubrication, air pollution and performance evaluation of internal combustion engines. 0402332 Energy Conservation (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402222) Basic principles, terminology and concepts of conservation, energy auditing, energy conservation in boilers, furnaces & dryers, energy storage and waste heat recovery, co-generation and combined heat and power systems. 0402341 Theory of Machines (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402211) Mechanisms and applications, mobility and linkages, cams, gears, velocity and acceleration analysis in mechanisms, inertia forces and principles of balance in rotating and reciprocating masses. 0402342 Machine Design 1 (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0401212) Evaluation and considerations of design process, static strength and theories of failure, fatigue strength, fatigue theories of failure, design of fasteners and connections, riveted joints, bolts and screws, force-deflection diagrams of bolted connections, welded joints, mechanical springs: helical, leaf and torsional spring shafts, rolling element bearings. 0402343 Machine Design 2 (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402342) Lubrication and journal bearings, clutches, coupling and brakes, gears and geometry, gear trains force and stress, multi-speed gear boxes design and analysis, couplings, clutches, brakes and fly wheels, cams, belts and chains, and term project. 0402344 Machine Drawing (0,3,1) Prerequisite (0402343 or 0402346) Mechanical engineering drawing conventions and abbreviations, various systems of size description: including precision dimensioning, fastening elements, standard organization and preparation of engineering drawings, assembly and detailed drawings, design applications. 0402346 Machine Element Design (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0401212) Transmission mechanisms and kinematics, types of joints, pulleys and belts, gears and gear trains, cams, clutches, brakes flywheels, bolts, shafts, bearings, keys and springs. 0402352 Building Services (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402312) Basic definitions, plumbing materials, pluming fixtures, traps, clean-outs, interceptors and valves, indirect waste piping and special wastes, sizing of hot and cold water supply and drainage systems, vents fire fighting networks, drinking water quality. 0402411 Turbomachinery (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402312) Impulse and reaction turbines, velocity diagrams, energy equations and degree of reaction, total pressure correlation, turbine design, three dimensional analysis, free vortex design, estimation of stage and design point performance. 8 0402415 Process Control Systems (2,3,3) Prerequisite (0404211) Different types of control systems: open- and closed-loop, review of complex variables and laplace transform, poles and element transfer function and block diagram, modeling of physical systems, signal flow and block diagrams, introduction to state-space representation, sensitivity of open and closed-loops control systems, stability criterion and analysis. 0402421 Heat Transfer 2 (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402321) Review of basic concepts, radiation properties and processes, heat exchange among surfaces and two dimensional steady state conduction, analytical, graphical and numerical solutions, one-dimensional transient conduction, convective heat transfer in turbulent and high speed flows, freezing, melting, heat pipe and multimode heat transfer. 0402422 Refrigeration Systems (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402222) Basic definitions and concepts, review of vapor compression and absorption cycles, compressors, condensers, expansion devices, evaporators, refrigerants, cooling towers and other components of refrigeration systems. 0402424 Design of Thermal Systems (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402222) Designing of a workable thermal system, modeling of thermal equipment, system simulation and optimization, thermodynamic properties and steady-state simulation of large systems. 0402431 Energy Conversion and Management (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402321) Energy classification, sources and utilization, energy growth and economics, fossil fuels, combustion, power plants and steam generators, boiler’s performance, pollution, energy conversion systems and energy storage. 0402432 Renewable Energy (2,3,3) Prerequisite(0402321) Non conventional energy sources such as oil shale, tar sand, nuclear and hydrogen, renewables: solar, wind, wave, tilde, fuel-cell and advanced energy systems. 0402441 Computer Aided Design (2,3,3) Prerequisite (0402343) Fundamentals of hardware and software, solid modeling, transformation, rotation, scaling, simulation and animation of mechanical problems, optimal synthesis and selection of machine elements, implementation of CAD-Package for visualization. 0402442 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems and Linkages (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402341) Description of mechanical and electrical systems using ordinary differential equations, linearization techniques, dynamics response and stability, kinematics synthesis by graphical, analytical and computer methods. 0402443 Finite Element Methods in Machine Design (3,0,3) Prerequisite (0402334) Definitions and simple finite element formulation truss, beam and triangular elements, modeling principles and mesh specification, computer applications and term project. 9 0402495 Special Topics (3,0,3) (Dept. Approval) Special up-to-date topic in one of the mechanical engineering streams, energy, or building services, or machine design and applied mechanics. 0402498 Graduation Project 1 (0,3,1) (Dept. Approval) Planning, design, construction and/or management of a mechanical engineering project. Writing a technical report. Preparation of technical engineering drawings. 0402499 Graduation Project 2 (0,6,2) Completion of Graduation Project 1. Prerequisite (0402498) 10