Georgia Department of Education Curriculum, Instruction, and

Georgia Department of Education
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CIA)
Monthly Update
April 8, 2013
In order to facilitate the navigation of our CIA Newsletter, we have a new format. Our new format has
embedded hyperlinks in the Table of Contents. This format will make it easier for you to find the specific
content information. The directions are as follows: Please go to the Table of Contents. Place your
cursor over the specific content and hit “Control” and “Click” with your mouse. This will take you to
that specific information. When you finish your review of information for that content/program, you
may put your cursor over the “Back to Table of Contents” icon and hit “Control” and “Click” with your
mouse. This action will return you to the Table of Contents page. Of course, you may still use your
mouse to scroll down each page of the document.
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent
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Georgia Department of Education
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CIA) Monthly Update
April 8, 2013
Contacts: Pam Smith, Director ( or (404) 463-4141
Randy Lee, Program Specialist ( or (404) 656-0476
Table of Contents
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Cover Sheet
Table of Contents
State Board of Education Meeting Updates
Common Core GPS
Career, Technical & Agricultural Education (CTAE)
English Language Arts
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
Georgia Virtual School
Gifted Education
Health & Physical Education
Home School
Math Science Partnership (MSP)
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
Social Studies
Special Education
World Languages and International Education
ACCEL & Move On When Ready (MOWR)
College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI)
College Readiness
Dual Enrollment
Early Intervention Program (EIP)
Governor’s Honors Program (GHP)
HIV/AIDS Prevention (CDC Grant)
Jimmy Carter NHS Education Program
Learning Resources/Textbooks
Response to Intervention (RTI) and SST
Safe and Drug Free Schools
School Counselors
Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)
Striving Readers Grant – Literacy
Young Georgia Authors
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Georgia Department of Education
State Board of Education Meeting Updates
Contact: Pam Smith (
SBOE Rules:
On April 5, 2013, the SBOE adopted the amended Rule 160-5-1-.15 AWARDING UNITS OF CREDIT AND
The Rule, Guidelines, and a Decision Making Rubric for Students with Disabilities will be posted for use in the
2013-2014 school year. Additional communication will be forthcoming via face-to face sessions across the
state, webinars, GaDOE Website, and e-mail. A document with frequently asked questions will be available in a
few weeks and will be posted to the Standards and Curriculum Website
An electronic copy of the amended Rule and Guidelines are attached with this newsletter.
On April 5, 2013, the SBOE granted permission to post the following two rules for 30 days of public
review and comment.
1. Note: This rule is being initiated again because of additional course changes.
Proposed Amendments to State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.20 LIST OF STATE-FUNDED K-8
2. Proposed Amendments to State Board of Education Rule 160-4-5-.02 LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE:
Please contact Pam Smith ( if you need additional information.
SBOE Posted Courses:
On April 5, 2013, the SBOE approved the following course standards.
 Environmental Physics - (Post AP science option - prerequisite - completion of AP Physics)
 Materials Chemistry - (Post AP science option; prerequisite - completion of AP Chemistry)
 Engineering Calculus - (prerequisite - completion of AP Calculus BC)
These courses were submitted by the Georgia Tech Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and
Computing (CEISMC) via the Race to the Top (RT3) initiative. These courses were developed in order to meet the needs
of students who will pursue STEM related careers and will be included in the list of state-funded courses beginning for the
2013-2014 school year. The courses will be offered in an online format through the Georgia Virtual School and will
provide students with additional fourth year options in the areas of mathematics or science.
Contact Sandi Woodall (, Mathematics Program Coordinator, or Juan Carlos-Aguilar
(, Science Program Manager, if you need additional information.
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Georgia Department of Education
CTAE Foundation Courses:
On April 5, 2013, the State Board of Education approved the standards for 22 CTAE Foundational
Note: Based on public review and feedback, six of the 28 CTAE Foundational courses were revised. The State
Board of Education granted permission to post the Georgia Performance Standards for the following 6
Foundational CTAE courses for 30 days of public review and comment.
1. Introduction to Consumer Relations
2. Introduction to Culinary Arts (FCS – ICA)
3. Introduction to Graphics and Design (ACCT-IGD)
4. Introduction to Mechatronics – DC Theory, Pneumatics Systems, and PLCs
5. AC Theory, Electric Motors, Hydraulic Systems
6. Semiconductors, Mechanical Systems, and Pump and Piping Systems
Use the following survey link to provide feedback for the course standards for each CTAE course via a drop
down menu within the survey. The public review questionnaire will be available from April 8, 2013 through
May 7, 2013. A review committee will review the questionnaire results and edits will be made before the
courses will be brought before the State Board of Education on May 9, 2013.
Please click on the link below to participate in the online questionnaire for the State Board of Education
Board Rule public review process:
Should you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this questionnaire, please contact Dwayne Hobbs,
Program Manager,
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Georgia Department of Education
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS)
Contact: Sandi Woodall (
Please find below recording links for recent CCGPS Implementation Update webinars.
CCGPS Implementation Update: Focus on Universal Design for Learning
CCGPS Implementation Update: Focus on Struggling Learners
CCGPS Implementation Update: Focus on English Learners
CCGPS Implementation Update: Focus on CCGPS Assessment
The GaDOE CCGPS team is gearing up for 2013 spring and summer professional learning. The team will
facilitate sessions at the following conferences:
April 30, 2013
May 9-10, 2013
June 3-6, 2013
June 19-20, 2013
June 25 – July 24, 2013
Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals
Georgia Association of Curriculum and Instructional Supervisors
IDEAS 2013 Conference
11th Annual Titles Program Conference
School Improvement Summer Leadership Academies
Plans are underway to provide Summer Academies/Institutes for K-12 ELA and mathematics educators. Please
find specific information in the ELA and Mathematics sections of this newsletter.
RESA ELA and mathematics specialists were recently engaged in the Educators Evaluating Quality
Instructional Products (EQuIP) collaborative hosted by Achieve in partnership with the GaDOE CCGPS
Curriculum Team. EQuIP teams learn how to use tools and processes to review the quality of materials (tasks,
lessons, units, modules) for the purpose of receiving critical feedback for improvement and to ensure alignment
with CCGPS. The specialists are able to share the tools, training, and processes with ELA and mathematics
teachers in your district to identify and/or develop quality CCGPS instructional materials. Please contact your
RESA specialists to schedule professional learning in the use of quality review tools.
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Georgia Department of Education
Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE)
Contact: CTAE Director, David Turner (
Microsoft IT Academy
Contact: Misty Freeman (
The Georgia Department of Education and Microsoft have teamed up to provide Georgia high schools learning
materials and software to help better connect our schools and students to the latest technical education
requirements to promote college and career readiness. Skills that enable students to collaborate, communicate,
and be critical thinkers, innovators, problem solvers and citizens of a global economy. Through the statewide
initiative, Georgia high schools have access to the Microsoft IT Academy.
Microsoft IT Academy Benefits include:
• E-learning courses aligned to industry recognized credentials!
• Professional Learning-- Educators can use E-Learning to expand their own professional skills and to
explore ways to improve classroom learning—online and FREE!!!!
• PLU Credit offered to high school faculty for completing Digital Literacy (1PLU) and Teaching with
Technology (2 PLU) online courses with assessment!
• DreamSpark Software licenses your school to distribute development and design software products
across your school’s labs (using lab licenses) AND to all students and faculty for installation on their
personal PCs. Al high school students will be able to download software at home to complete projects
that integrate the technology!
There is math software included for download and use! Check it out! Here is quick view into the
software….Use Microsoft Mathematics to solve equations step-by-step while also gaining a greater
understanding of fundamental concepts in pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, physics, chemistry and
calculus. Microsoft Mathematics also includes a full-featured graphing calculator that works just like a
handheld calculator. Additional math tools help you evaluate triangles, convert from one system of units
to another and solve systems of equations.
• Digital Textbooks for over 15 courses!
• College Credit opportunity for students who earn MOS certification
• Access to over 700+ E-reference Books
• Office 2010 Software provided for Business & Computer Science Class labs
The Microsoft IT Academy is a HUGE resource for Georgia high schools. Many resources are available for
ALL high school students to access! For questions on access, resources, or use, please visit for updates, information and resources. For additional questions, please
contact Misty Freeman, Program Specialist, Georgia Department of Education, or
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Georgia Department of Education
English Language Arts (ELA)
Brenda Schulz, Ed.D (, Gail Humble (, Susan Jacobs
(, and Daniel Rock (
ELA Program Webpage at:
CCGPS ELA Resources and Professional Learning Opportunities at:
Content Literacy Resources and Professional Learning Opportunities at:
High School Wiki:
Middle School Wiki:
Elementary School Wiki:
Twitter: @gadoeela
As we have in prior years, the ELA Department will host a series of networking and professional learning
opportunities during the summer. This year’s summer institutes are entitled "Partners in Progress: Creating a
Culture of Literacy in Georgia Schools" and will feature a series of presentations on collaborative
instructional models pairing ELA teachers with another teacher, administrator, or coach. This could include
such partners as the ELA teacher with a media specialist, an administrator, a special needs teacher, and ESOL
teacher, gifted teacher, or any other teacher with whom the ELA teacher has collaborated with to differentiate
learning, integrate literacy standards, or to just enhance the instruction in the classroom. We have scheduled the
events around the state:
July 10, Georgia Southern University Campus, Statesboro
July 12, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw
July 16, Macon State College, Macon
July 17, University of Georgia Extension Campus, Tifton
Registration will be limited to 250-300 attendees (depending upon the venue) and will open in May. Further
details on registration, agenda, speakers, travel, and more will be published in upcoming ELA Reporters and
CIA newsletters.
Please Note: We are currently interviewing Georgia educators who are engaging and informed presenters to
share their stories of collaboration in the successful implementation of the Common Core Georgia Performance
Standards. If you know of a team within your school or district that has partnered in an exemplary way, please
fill out a brief application and statement of interest at
GlwbAUgpg.okYu3GNH0bXiOhYimkeGcg. Teams are welcome to apply to present at more than one of the
geographic locations noted above. Honorariums for services will apply.
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Georgia Department of Education
ELA Sample Unit Frameworks - A revision and precision review process will occur in May and June. We
have received recommendation and application packets from hundreds of Georgia educators and are presently
putting together a team of highly qualified educators from a variety of districts. The new and improved units
will be available in July.
ELA New Sample Lessons - Teachers are also invited to submit individual lessons to be included in a resource
bank from which unique units can be constructed. Instructions are forthcoming regarding how to submit these
Our newest professional learning resources, the Common Core Tools Webcasts, are available for viewing on
our GSO landing page (see link above). These webcasts feature Georgia educators from all grade levels
discussing their instructional strategies and feature authentic student work along with all resources necessary to
implement the lessons discussed. The webcasts can be watched at the viewer’s convenience and each features 58 short videos that can split into shorter sessions as desired. New webcasts for grades 5, 9, and Kindergarten
are now available!
Archived Webinars from January now available for viewing:
GALILEO to the Core: Leveraging Digital Resources for Literacy in CCGPS Classes
Middle School
High School
Media Specialists Workshops
The Georgia DOE ELA department has for the last several months offered extensive collaborative workshops
highlighting the essential role of Media Specialists in Common Core implementation. This series recently
concluded. Materials from the workshop including the PowerPoint, Prezis, and handouts are available on the
ELA Wikis if you wish to redeliver the information locally. If you have any questions about this series or these
materials, contact Susan Jacobs at
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact: Carol Johnson ( or Cori Alston (
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Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL)
Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS)
Contact: Laura Evans, Standards Coordinator ( or 404-656-4711
GELDS Project Overview
Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) began an alignment study and
revision of the Georgia early learning standards for children birth to five years in 2010. The new standards,
Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS), will replace the Georgia Early Learning
Standards (birth through three) and Georgia’s Pre-K Content Standards in the fall of 2013. The revision process
stemmed from a need for higher-quality standards for children birth to age 5 and a need for better alignment
with the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) for K-12. Top researchers in early childhood
education conducted the alignment study that examined content, rigor, and age-appropriateness.
These new early learning standards, which will be finalized by June 2013, reflect Georgia’s commitment to
prepare young children for success in K-12 and beyond. They address all areas or domains of children’s
learning and development and will provide linkages between age groups that will help children effectively
transition to Kindergarten. The GELDS will be a resource not only for Special Education Preschool teachers,
but also all K-12 teachers. DECAL is working with Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) and Georgia State
University’s Best Practices to develop webinars and training that will target all groups of stakeholders,
including Kindergarten teachers. Roll out of the GELDS will occur in phases over the next two years. For more
information, please visit It will serve as a portal for resources and support surrounding
the GELDS roll out and, eventually, will be linked to
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Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Virtual School (GaVS)
Contact: Christina Clayton (, Johnice McRae (, and/or
Leslie Houck (
Congratulations to GAVS student Katrina Winnett, who recently took first place in the state FBLA competition
in the Client Services category, and will travel to the national competition in Anaheim, Ca. this summer. This is
the first year that GAVS has offered a chapter of FBLA to students. The whole story and updates will be on the
GAVL blog.
Teachers are some of the most creative people we know! We are excited to have launched a Pinterest account to
showcase virtual learning ideas in Georgia and around the country. Come pin with us, and share your
Don't forget to follow these and all our updates on Twitter and Facebook.
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Georgia Department of Education
Gifted Education
Contact: Annette Eger (
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Georgia Department of Education
Health and Physical Education
Contacts: Therese McGuire, Program Specialist (
Fitness Assessment Data : All student scores must be entered into FITNESSGRAM by April 30, 2013.
The number of students with data should reflect the number of students enrolled in physical education this past school
year. All students in physical education should be assessed one time per year.
The Georgia Fitness Assessment is a requirement as outlined in OCGA § 20-2-777 Annual fitness assessment program;
reporting and compliance and State Board of Education Rule 160- 4-2 .12.
Resources: Physical Education : Fitness Assessment Webinars: Recordings (one hour per session)
The series of webinar sessions were led by two outstanding Georgia educators, Dr. Shannon Williams, Georgia State
University and Dr. Brian Mosier, State University of West Georgia.
Please share this information with the physical education teachers in your school systems.
Recorded Sessions
1 Understanding your Fitnessgram reports and data
2 Aerobic Capacity: What does it mean and how to provide instruction and activity for your students (including
how to increase validity/reliability and MVPA)
**Please note recording starts of this at the 3:27 minute mark
3. Muscular Strength and Endurance: What does it mean and how to provide instruction and activity for your
students (including how to increase validity/reliability and MVPA)
4. Flexibility: What does it mean and how to provide instruction and activity for your students (including how to
increase validity/reliability
5. Body Composition: What does it mean and how to provide instruction and activity for your students (including
how to increase validity/reliability)
Elementary and Middle School Grant -$100,000 in school fitness center- Share with ES and MS Principals
 The National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils is currently accepting nominations from elementary
and middle schools in Georgia to receive a fitness center grant. See the attached documents for details.
 The NFGFC will select three Georgia schools based on their commitment to promoting physical fitness and
wellness to their student body.
 These schools will be named ‘National Champion Schools’ and will receive fully-funded, state of the art fitness
 School nominations will be accepted until Friday, May 3, 2013.
 Schools are self nominated by submitting an application(Nomination form below)
**These three documents will be included in an email from Mr. Lee
GA Nomination
GA Cover
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Georgia Department of Education
Home School
Contact: Patrick Blenke (
Effective July 1, 2012, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) now has the responsibility of collecting
home school Declaration of Intent forms (DOI) and yearly attendance reports. All responsibilities for the
2011-12 and previous school years are that of the local district. When a parent decides to enroll his/her child in
home school, please direct them to the link below:
The GaDOE does not provide home school curriculum, resources, standardized testing, or progress monitoring
forms for home-school students.
If a student decides to return to your school, there is not a withdrawal form from the GaDOE. The indication
that the home-schooled student wants to return to or enroll in your pubic school is the only notification you
need to enroll them in your school/system.
Awarding credit and grade-level placement is a local school district decision. Each school district is required
by State Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.15 to have procedures regarding the enrollment of students
transferring from a home school or non accredited institution.
Rule: 160-5-1-.15 (b) Each local board of education shall adopt a policy for validating credit for courses
taken at a non-accredited elementary or secondary school or home study program.
All Home School records prior to June 30, 2012, must be maintained by the local districts. Parents or students wanting
information pertaining to this time period should be provided assistance at the local level. Systems are still responsible
for alerting the Department of Family and Children Services, Juvenile Court, Social Workers, and related service
providers in matters of suspected neglect or abuse by Home School parents.
Additionally, because work permits are required by businesses in accordance with both the law and Department of Labor
guidelines, the Declaration of Intent (DOI) will be the document that parents present to the local high school for the
issuance of a Work Permit.
The Georgia Department of Education will provide a Declaration of Intent (DOI) for the parent/Department of Driver
Services (DDS) and will assist districts by providing Home School DOI files which have been electronically submitted
through the GaDOE website. Many DOI forms are mailed, faxed, and e-mailed and must be manually loaded into the
database. DOI forms received in this manner require a considerable amount of additional time to process.
GaDOE does not have a formal home school withdrawal process. Therefore, students who withdraw from home school
and are between the ages of 6-16 must be enrolled in your system if they meet your residential requirements. If a parent
withdraws their student from your school, please have them complete the on-line DOI form using the link below. The
school should maintain a copy.
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact Gary Mealer (
JROTC curriculum is a national, SACS approved curriculum and must be taught in the JROTC
Perkins Funds cannot be used for the JROTC program but local, state funds or fundraising dollars are
End of pathway assessment does not apply to JROTC
JROTC instructors cannot teach non-JROTC courses as part of their teaching day
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact: Pam Smith (
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact: Sandi Woodall ( or Brooke Kline ( )
Please visit the Mathematics Program Webpage at:
CCGPS Mathematics Resources and Professional Learning Opportunities are posted at:
2013 GCTM Summer Mathematics Academies
You are invited to participate in one of the two-day Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCTM)
Summer Mathematics Academies to be hosted at four Georgia sites in June and July, 2013. GCTM, in
collaboration with the Georgia Department of Education, will provide academies including breakout sessions
for individual grade levels K – 11. They will also provide breakout sessions for high school support courses,
high school accelerated courses, and for grades 9 and 10 Statistics content. The cost for these professional
development opportunities is $50 for GCTM members and $60 for GCTM non-members. Travel expenses will
be reimbursed for all participants. For more information regarding the GCTM/GaDOE Mathematics Summer
Academies, please see the attached flyer or visit .
If you have questions regarding the academies, you may call the GCTM phone line at 1-855-ASK-GCTM,
extension 4, or you may contact the academy director at .
We look forward to seeing you this summer!
Peggy Pool
GCTM Vice President for Regional Services
Director of Academies
Brooke Kline
Mathematics Lead Program Specialist
Georgia Department of Education
STEM Online Courses
The Georgia Department of Education in partnership with the Georgia Tech Center for Education Integrating
Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC) is now offering free self-paced online STEM courses for
middle and high school teachers in Georgia. For more information and to register please see attached flyer or
visit . Courses currently offered are: Applied Genetics, Human Cell
Biology, Middle School Algebra, Mathematics of Industry and Government 1, Introduction to Technology
Integration, and Introduction to Technology Teaching Standards. Registration begins April 1.
New courses being added this summer include: Middle School Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Introduction to Geology,
and Physical Science – Motion and Force. Check back after April 28th on for information on summer course registration.
Career-Based Mathematics Task Challenge
As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS in the year 2013 - 2014, the current GADOE mathematics
frameworks and units are being reviewed, revised, and augmented. We are offering an opportunity for educators
to assist in this critical process.
The challenge:
Create a career-based mathematics task using guidelines provided to supplement and/or address gaps in the
existing CCGPS frameworks units.
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Georgia Department of Education
If your task is selected for addition to a unit, you will receive a $200 honorarium per task. All work is to be
original using support structures provided by the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team.
If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please view the task creation guidelines at, and get started! Task submission period begins now and closes
May 1, 2013. We look forward to seeing your tasks.
Request for Student Work Samples
As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS in the year 2013 - 2014, the current GADOE mathematics
units are being augmented. We would like your assistance with this critical process.
Student work samples are a vital component of the frameworks which only you can provide. If you have been
using the GADOE frameworks and have student work which you would be willing to share, please send it our
way. We will remove any identifiers, and include selected student work samples in the revised frameworks
which are slated to be released July 1, 2013. If your student work sample is selected for inclusion we will notify
you of its placement in the units via email.
Submission guidelines:
Attach the work sample(s) to an email in any format. Whatever works for you, works for us.
Indicate the grade level, unit, and task in the body of your email, and on the work sample in the upper
left corner.
You may cover any student/school identifiers if you wish, and we will do the same if any remain.
Send the email with student work attached to the appropriate team member below.
To be considered for inclusion, work samples must be submitted by May 17, 2013.
We look forward to seeing your students’ work.
Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team
Turtle Toms
Elementary Mathematics Program Specialist
Brooke Kline
Mathematics Program Lead Specialist
James Pratt jpratt@doe.k12
Secondary Mathematics Program Specialist
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Georgia Department of Education
Math Science Partnership
Contact: Amanda Buice ( Phone: 404-657-8319 or Fax: 404-656-5744
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Georgia Department of Education
Migrant Education and Refugee Programs
Contact: John Wight ( 404-463-1857
Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX)
Is there a way to get quick access to the academic records of migrant students? Yes! The Migrant Student Information
Exchange (MSIX) is the technology that allows States to share educational and health information on migrant children
who travel from State to State and who as a result, have student records in multiple States' information systems. MSIX
works in concert with the existing migrant student information systems that States currently use to manage their migrant
data to fulfill its mission to ensure the appropriate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant children
In order to obtain an MSIX User Account, you must complete the online training at the link below. You will need to
score a 70 or higher on the quiz at the end of the webinar. Print a copy of quiz showing a score of 70 or higher. Fax your
quiz to Susan Joyce-Stone, MSIX State User Administrator at 229-546-3251. Include your name, school district, work
phone, and work email address. Susan will create your user account and email you the information needed to log in to
Link to MSIX Online Training:
For additional information about MSIX, please use this link:
Refugee Youth and Children
Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS) provides national technical assistance to organizations serving
refugees and immigrants so that all newcomer children and youth can reach their potential. Please visit this website for a
variety of resources to support these children and youth.
Follow the Migrant Education Program (MEP) on Twitter: @georgiamep
For information on the Migrant Education Program, please visit our website:
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact: Juan-Carlos Aguilar (
Next Generation Science Standards
Georgia has been selected as one of the 26 states that will lead the development of Next Generation Science
Standards (NGSS), a state-led effort that will clearly define the content and practices all students will need to
learn from kindergarten through high school graduation. The NGSS process is being managed by Achieve, a
non-partisan education non-profit.
The first draft of the Next Generation Science Standards was released in May of 2012. The second public draft
will be released towards the end of this year. The final version of the standards is schedule to be released on the
week of April 8, 2013. The standards were developed based on the vision of the Framework for K-12 Science
Education, published last year by the National Research Council (NRC). We encourage all science teachers and
administrators to become familiar with this document. You can download the Framework free from The
National Academies Press website at
Georgia will be putting together teams to update our current science Georgia Performance Standards based on
the NGSS. This process will begin towards the end of April 2013. If you know of a great teacher,
administrator, curriculum director, parent, business partner with expertise in Science education and that is very
familiar with the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy please
send me their name and e-mail address so I can include them in one of the review teams.
Please contact Juan-Carlos Aguilar ( if you have any additional questions.
Professional Learning via Georgia Public Broadcasting
Science teachers can now view two live-streaming sessions that focus on the integration of the literacy
standards for reading and writing into science instruction. These sessions provide guidance to answer the
1. How can students’ work in literacy support their understanding of science?
2. How can their work in science actually improve literacy skills?
These sessions are archived on the web site at the following link:
Educational In Nature
Georgia Pacific is announcing the launch of its series “Educational In Nature”, an environmental education
curriculum designed to foster understanding and environmental awareness in the classroom for grades 4-5.
“Educational In Nature” lesson plans provide teachers, parents, and student/education group leaders with
additional ideas and activities that can be incorporated into lesson plans or the study of a specific topic.
Materials for this series can be found at
Fish Watch Lessons and Activities
NOAA Fisheries Service, an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), recently
published online the Fish Watch Lessons and Activities. This set of 16 teacher tested, science standard
correlated, lesson plans challenges high school students and their teachers to use the NOAA Fisheries
Service's FishWatch website to locate, manipulate, and analyze data to make informed decisions about
sustainable seafood consumption. These lessons can be found at
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Georgia Department of Education
Laboratory Safety Resources
To support the work of high school chemistry teachers in your district, the American Chemical Society has
created a free resource that provides guidance and ideas on safety, instructional methods, the use of technology,
assessment, and more. Titled the “2012 ACS Guidelines and Recommendations for Teaching High School
Chemistry,” this resource reviews best practices while also suggesting sources of further information, making it
appropriate for new and experienced chemistry teachers alike.
For more information, visit the ACS High School Guidelines website where you can download the guidelines or
view them in full text.
Advanced Training for Environmental Education in Georgia (ATEEG)
The Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia in partnership with the Warnell School of Forestry and
Natural Resources at the University of Georgia is offering a professional certification program for formal and
non-formal educators based on the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)
Guidelines for Excellence.
The ATEEG Program encompasses three core courses, thirty hours of specialization training, and an
independent study project. All courses are held at Charlie Elliott Conference Center in Mansfield, GA.
Participants have three years to complete the program and can earn two Professional Learning Unit (PLU)
credits for each course completed. Scholarships are currently available for educators in South Georgia through
the Murray H. Gaskins, Sr. Fund.
For more information about this professional certification program and to register for the Core Courses, visit
Advanced Training for Environmental Education in Georgia. If you have specific questions, please contact
Susan Meyers, Program Administrator, directly at
Physics Olympiad Team
The American Association of Physics Teachers and the Center for Excellence in Education are proud to
announce a partnership to sponsor the 2013 U.S. Physics Team. The 2013 U.S. Physics Team is a competition
for high school students to represent the United States at the 44th Annual International Physics Olympiad
(IPhO) in Copenhagen, Denmark, July 7-15, 2013. The mission of the physics competition is to promote and
demonstrate academic excellence through preparation for and participation in the International Physics
All high school physics students are encouraged to participate in the Fnet= ma contest. The contest initiates the
selection process for the 2013 U.S. Physics Team and is administered in schools nationally. The physics
competition provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students to enhance their physics knowledge, as well
as their creativity, leadership, and commitment to a goal. To learn more about the IPhO and to register your
school, please visit
Race to the Top: Professional Development Courses
The Georgia Department of Education in partnership with the Georgia Tech Center for Education Integrating
Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC) is now offering FREE self-paced online STEM courses for
middle and high school teachers in Georgia. The courses focus on STEM best practices (using academic
language, technology integration, problem-based inquiry learning), robotics, statistics, calculus and new 21st
century STEM areas, such as genetics/biotechnology, climate science, and nanochemistry. For more
information and to register please visit
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Self-paced courses: The self-paced STEM online courses for teachers include interactive strategies designed to
help increase content knowledge and application of best practices in unit plan development and classroom
instructional delivery. Registration begins April 1st.
 Introduction to Human Cell Biology
 Applied Genetics
 Middle School Algebra
 Mathematics in Industry & Government I
Facilitated courses: Facilitated online courses are being offered through the NASA Electronic Professional
Development Network. Each course lasts 4-6 weeks. Participants will receive Continuing Education or
Professional Learning Units from Georgia Tech for successfully completing each course. The courses will be
offered in a cohort model, in which a group of teachers or STEM coordinators will move through all classes and
phases together. For Pre-enrollment application and course information please
 Project Based Inquiry Learning
 Robotics
The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
CLEAN, the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway was launched in November
2010 as a new National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Pathways project. It is led by the science education
expertise of TERC,CIRES, NOAA, and SERC. CLEAN builds on the efforts of the Climate Literacy
Network and the establishment of the Climate Literacy: Essential Principles of Climate Science. CLEAN's
primary goal is to steward a broad collection of educational resources and foster a supporting community to
help facilitate students, teachers, and citizens becoming climate literate and informed about "the climate's
influence on you and society and your influence on climate." You can access the CLEAN collection at
The NSTA New Science Teacher Academy
The NSTA New Science Teacher Academy is now accepting applications for the 2013-2014 program. New this
year, we have opened the program up to 2nd through 5th year science educators teaching middle school or high
school. The deadline to apply is August 1, 2013.
This FREE program provides each participant with:
 An e-pedagogy mentor and an e-content mentor. These mentors work with the new teacher on a weekly
 An opportunity to participate professional development web seminars with their cohort group from around
the country throughout the school year.
 The opportunity to attend the 2014 NSTA National Conference in Boston to meet face-to-face with their
cohort colleagues, their e-mentors, and experience the National Conference.
 Full membership to the NSTA (all expenses covered by the Academy).
For more information please contact Kate Falk at (703) 312-9211.
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AP Biology Leadership Academy
BSCS and NABT are excited to announce the second cohort of their AP Biology Leadership Academy. The
goal of the Academy is to develop a new generation of leaders in biology education who
 understand the AP Biology Curriculum Framework,
 are able to design and teach a course that exemplifies the framework, and
 can help others understand and implement the new framework.
The Academy is designed to be a specialized professional development experience that gives you the
opportunity to
 strengthen how you teach AP biology so students learn more-meaningful biology and are more interested in
studying biology in the future,
 experience the practices of science as articulated in the new framework,
 analyze and enhance your current curriculum materials to better reflect the new framework,
 learn to use formative and summative assessment information to examine what your students understand,
 develop and increase your leadership capacity and advocacy skills to expand the AP Biology community.
Applications are due by 19 April 2013. Please visit the AP Biology Leadership Academy website
( to see the commitment guidelines.
TeachUNICEF is a portfolio of free global education resources. Resources cover grades PK-12 and are
interdisciplinary (social studies, science, math, English/language arts, foreign/world languages). The lesson
plans, stories, and multimedia cover topics ranging from the Millennium Development Goals to Water and
Sanitation. For more information on these resources please contact Betsy Root at (404) 239-3296 or visit the
UNICEF site at
Exploring Forestry and Wildlife in Georgia
The Georgia Forestry Foundation is pleased to announce its 9th annual Teacher Conservation Workshop:
‘Exploring Forestry and Wildlife in Georgia’, to be held June 17-21, 2013.
The workshop focuses on conservation topics related to the benefits of forestry, including the cycle of growing
trees, utilization of trees for products, and how trees are managed for wildlife habitat. We will be teaming up
with the Georgia Forestry Commission, UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, and the
Georgia Wildlife Resources Division to host the event at the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Conference Center in
Mansfield. Participants will be certified in Project Learning Tree, Project WILD and Project WET upon
completion. Three (3) PLU’s will be available. As the event is underwritten by sponsors, all field trips, lodging,
meals and teacher resource kits are included in the $50 registration fee.
Registration is limited to 30 participants. For more information and the application please visit the Georgia
Teacher Conservation Workshop website
( or contact Carla Rapp at (478) 9928110; ( or Rusty Garrison at (770) 784-3059 (
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact: Gilda Lyon ( or (404) 463-1977
May 3rd is STEM Day in Georgia
The DOE is partnering with the Technology Association of Georgia to offer STEM activities for all classrooms
in Georgia on STEM Day.
Go to to register your class.
There is a new protocol for school districts to use when you have schools that are interested in STEM
• Have superintendent or designee contact Gilda Lyon @
• Convene all school administrators for an informational session from the state.
• Create a STEM team within your district to guide schools and let the state know when they are ready for
Go to for the complete protocol.
STEM Georgia Webpage
The STEM Georgia webpage is available at
Information is included on the webpage regarding STEM Certification, funding opportunities for STEM
programs, summer workshops & conferences, student opportunities, teacher resources, and STEM competitions.
Follow STEM Georgia on Twitter
Immediate updates on grants, workshops, competitions, scholarships, and STEM resources:
Webinar on the STEM Certification Process
Dr. Gilda Lyon will host two webinars on the STEM Certification process on Apr. 23rd and May 13th from 3:304:30 pm. To join the session April 23rd session, go to:
The link for the May 13th session is
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Social Studies
Contact: Shaun Owen (
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Division for Special Education Services and Supports
Director: Debbie Gay ( Telephone: 404-657- 9959
Contact: Kimberly Simmons ( Telephone: 404-463-0411
Institute Designed for Educating All Students (IDEAS) 2013 Hold the date for the summer
conference for teachers offered by Division for Special Education Services and Supports in partnership with
Georgia Tools for Life and Georgia Council for Exceptional Children and Georgia Sensory Assistance Project.
June 3-6, 2013
Epworth by the Sea
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Reminder: GaDOE Special Education Services and Supports is now on Twitter!
Do you Twitter? Do you know what Twitter is? It’s a free micro-blogging service! At the very core of Twitter
are small bursts of information called Tweets. Each Tweet may be no longer than 140 characters long. Don’t let
the size fool you – you can get a lot of information in a little space!
Not on Twitter? You can sign up at Want to know more about Twitter and how to use it?
Here are some links:
 What is Twitter?
 The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook for Teachers
 The Beginner’s Guide to Twitter
 12 Reasons to Start Twittering
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World Languages and International Education
Contact: Jon Valentine (
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact: Tony Eitel (
The following state-mandated assessment windows are on the State Testing Calendar for the months of
April and May 2013:
- Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) (April 1 – May 3)
- Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests - Modified (CRCT-M) (April 1 – May 3)
- End of Course Tests Spring Administration (EOCT) (April 22 – May 31)
- Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) (Closes May 10)
- CRCT & CRCT-M Retest Administration (May 13 – July 26)
The following ordering windows are open in April/May 2013:
- Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT) and Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT)
for summer 2013 (April 15 – 26)
The following reports will begin to arrive in local systems as noted below in late April/early May 2013:
- Grade 5 Writing Assessment (April 29 – May 3)
- Grade 3 Writing Assessment (May 6 – 10)
- Georgia High School Graduation Test (May 6 – 10)
- ACCESS for ELLs (May 6 – 10)
- CRCT & CRCT-M Electronic PL1 Reports & Class/School Rosters (After representative sample is
reached and dependent upon local system testing windows)
- EOCT (Dependent upon local system testing window)
- GKIDS (Available after May 10 closing of testing window)
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ACCEL and Move On When Ready (MOWR)
Contact: Pat Blenke ( 404-463-1765
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Georgia Department of Education
College and Career Ready Performance Index and ESEA Waiver
Contact: Joanne Leonard ( and Becky Chambers (
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Georgia Department of Education
College Readiness Unit
Contacts for College Readiness Programs: ACT, AP, PSAT, SAT
Bonnie Marshall , ,Telephone (404-656-6854 )
Georgia Haygood McSwain ,Telephone (404-657-9799)
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC): GACIS is
sponsoring a 2 day training event in Savannah (Savannah Marriott) on May 9 and 10. GACIS will
provide lodging, mileage for one vehicle, and registration fees for a 3 person system team. For
details and registration go to There are a few registration spots open, Act Soon!
Becky Chambers (, Telephone (404-463-5098)
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Dual Enrollment Update
Contact: Gary Mealer (
Counselors must complete a sign-off form with parents and students before participation
Dual credit grades could have a negative or positive effect on a student’s GPA and/or class
Students can lose all their credit if they withdraw during the semester
HOPE updates should be available soon since the legislative session is over
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Early Intervention Program (EIP)
Contacts: Pam Smith (
Updated Rubrics aligned with the Common Core for the 2013-14 school year for both ELA and Mathematics will be
posted by Tuesday, April 9, 2013, on the Standards and Curriculum Web site by clicking the EIP link as listed below.
Thank you to the following teachers in Columbia County for submitting draft K-5 ELA and Mathematics rubrics for
review and revision to share across the state: Trish Brower, Mary Nell Johnston, Tami Roy, Michele Sherman,
Jennifer Shoenholz, and Kim Tierman.
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Governor’s Honors Program (GHP)
Contact: Dale Lyles ( (404) 657-0183
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Georgia Department of Education
GaDOE HIV/AIDS Prevention Program
Contact: Mike Tenoschok (
HIV/AIDS Laws & Policies
Below are HIV/AIDS related policies that impact local school systems. Please distribute them to
appropriate staff members.
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Jimmy Carter NHS Education Program
Contact: Annette Wise ( or (229) 824-5843
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Learning Resources/Textbooks
Contact: Randall N. Lee ( (404) 656-0476
2013 Georgia Learning Resources Advisory Committee
Grades K-12 English Language Arts/Reading
(Approved by the SBOE on April 5, 2013)
Congressional District
Tina Moseley
Wayne County
Reading/ELA Specialist
Cassandra Sampson
Dougherty County
Michelin Springer
Carrollton City
Mary Felton
Rockdale County
Secondary ELA
Assistant Principal
K-12 Literacy Coach
Isaac Sparks, Jr.
Atlanta Public Schools
K-12 Literacy Coordinator
Kamaria Shauri
DeKalb County
Jennifer Williams
Forsyth County
Liz Conner
Pulaski County
ELA Teacher
Middle School
Instructional Lead Teacher
Elementary School
High School Literacy Coach
Lana Jones
Habersham County
Academic Coach
Cheryl Marrett
Jasper County
Kimberly Poe
Cartersville City
Pam Thornton
Richmond County
Lisa Cherry
Cobb County
Ronda Ware
Floyd County
Assistant Principal
Elementary School
ELA Dept. Chair
Middle School
ELA Teacher
High School
ELA Dept. Chair
High School
K-12 Literacy Coach
Jo Ellen Hancock
Parent/Community Members
Parent/Community Member – Cherokee County
Samia Mohamed
Parent/Community Member – Cobb County
Rance Pettibone
Parent/Community Member – Dougherty County
Yvette Pollard
Parent/Community Member – Fulton County
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Online EXPRESS (Exam Preparation for Student Success)
Contact: Pat Blenke ( 404-463-1765
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Georgia Department of Education
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Contact: Paula Freer (
GaDOE-GPB Video Series on Georgia’s Promising Practices in RTI
This video series is a partnership between the Georgia Department of Education and the Student Support Team
Association for Georgia Educators (SSTAGE). Georgia’s Promising Practices in RTI is a five part series which
includes Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel Discussion and four teams representing the 2012 SSTAGE STAR
Award winning system, elementary, middle and high school. This series highlights Georgia educators who
have successfully implemented practices that identify students' academic and behavioral needs and which
systematically address those learning needs through multiple tiers of RTI supports. The desired outcome is
improved academics and behavior for all Georgia students to successfully achieve the standards of the new
Common Core. You may access the videos from either the GaDOE RTI webpage or the GPB Education
GaDOE RTI Webpage:
GPB Education- Common Core Hub series
Student Support Team (SST)
Contact: Paula Freer (
School Psychologists
Contact: Paula Freer (
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Children's Fund has several grants available that
provide funds for children. A brief description of each type of grant is as follows: 1). Disaster Relief Grant
available for NASP members to apply for students and schools impacted by severe weather; 2). Tiny Grants that
can provide assistance in purchasing basic needs for a child; 3). Service Grants that focus on specific projects;
and 4). Youth Empowerment Mini Grants that help fund student groups or individuals who develop projects
designed to assist their fellow students. For more information about each of these grants, interested persons can
go to:
The Georgia Association of School Psychologists' (GASP) Spring Conference is being held in Athens, GA on
Friday, April 26th. The theme will be "Meeting of the Minds", where experts on Learning Disabilities (LD)
from around the U.S. will present their views regarding the criteria of Specific Learning Disability (SLD). The
afternoon will culminate in a 90 minute round table discussion of LD involving the speakers. Go to the GASP
website for more information and how to register:
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Safe and Drug-Free Schools
Contacts: Marilyn Watson ( and/or Jeff Hodges (
Fourth Annual Safety in Our Schools Conference:
Education, Prevention, Management
July 16 – 18, 2013
Hosted by the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center on 801 Front Avenue,
Columbus, GA.
The Fourth Annual “Safety in Our Schools” conference will provide training to
school/college/university administration officials, school counselors, school resource officers,
law enforcement officers, and emergency management personnel on a full range of topics
related to school safety and security. We are currently still compiling our registration
information and putting the final touches on our list of presentations and presenters.
Please check the GEMA website ( click on school safety and then click on
conferences) for additional information on the 2013 Safety in Our Schools Conference. We will
post information there as soon as it is available. We look forward to seeing you in Columbus!
Conference Presented by:
Georgia Emergency Management Agency
Georgia Department of Education
United States Department of Justice
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School Counselors
Contact: Dr. Myrel Seigler (
Summer Regional Workshops for School Counselors (Middle and High School Counselors only)
May 30th—Kennesaw State University—8:30-3:00
June 3rd—Barrow County Board of Education—8:30-3:00
June 4th—Ft. Valley State University—8:30-3:00
June 5th—UGA Conference Center-Tifton—8:30-3:00
June 6th—Middle Georgia State College-Macon—8:30-3:00
June 12th—Liberty County Board of Education-Hinesville—8:30-3:00
All workshops are listed on the CTAE Resource Network. Participants can register for the workshops through the
Resource Network. Counselors must have a profile on the Resource Network in order to register. In order to
register, log on to Resource Network, click on Workshop Catalog and then Workshop Categories. Choose the
Career Development category to find the regional workshop closest to you.
Georgia Association of Career and Technical Educators (GACTE) Summer Conference—July 10th-13th
Renaissance Waverly Hotel, Atlanta, GA
This conference is open to counselors at all levels and counselors are encouraged to attend. Counselors can register
for the conference at the member rate without actually joining GACTE. Counselors must use a code when
registering for the conference in order to register at the member rate. The code is as follows: GCD2013
School Counselors Online Professional Learning Opportunities
School Counselor Professional Learning Online Modules are being offered through the University System of Georgia’s
College Access Challenge Grant. The modules are designed specifically for certified middle grade and high school
counselors to improve effectiveness in preparing students for college and careers. Complete registration information may
be found online:
Each of the four (4) modules is designed as eight one-week sessions that require an average of five (5) hours per week to
complete. Participants who complete a module will earn four (4) PLUs.
Topics covered include:
Module 1: Building a College-Going Culture for All Students; Module 2: College, Career, and Academic Planning;
Module 3: Financial Aid and College Applications; and the NEW Spring 2013 Module 4: College and Career
Counseling in the Middle Grades.
NOTE: An investment of $100/module is refundable upon completion of the module. Contact Ava Baker at
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Camp MAGIK and Camp Erin – 2013 Spring Announcement
A Special Camp for Kids Age 7-17 Who Have Lost a Parent, Sibling or Other Close Loved One
**April 26 - 28 White, Georgia Deadline to apply April 17, 2013
**May 17 - 19 Hampton, Georgia
Deadline to apply May 8, 2013
Camp MAGIK is pleased to announce its 2013 spring schedule of healing camps for children and teens. Camp
MAGIK (Mainly About Grief In Kids) serves children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or other close
family member within the past three years. Camp MAGIK will provide an opportunity for children and teens to meet,
talk, and process their grief with professional grief counselors. Time will also be spent on play and fun as a way to help
the children heal from the experience of death in the family. Activities may include archery, canoeing, a ropes course,
nature hikes, treasure hunts, hay rides, campfires, story-telling, and a talent show. Each camp will be divided into two
groups, one for ages 7 - 11, and one for ages 12 - 17. There will be two camp sessions held this spring at dates as noted
above. Please pick the one session best suited to you and note this on your application form in the space provided.
Application forms are available at
Camp MAGIK/Camp Erin sessions are FREE OF CHARGE for attending children. Applications need to be
postmarked and sent to Camp MAGIK, 3377 Ridgewood Road, Atlanta, GA 30327 or faxed to the office at
404.355.6631 by the deadline dates. Due to the high demand for this camp, we cannot accept repeat campers.
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Georgia Department of Education
Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)
Contact: Hubert Bennett (
GaDOE’s Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)
The SLDS is designed to improve instruction by bringing student data to the teacher’s desktop through a district’s
Student Information System (SIS). Most teachers are just one click away from accessing 6+ years of Historical data
on their students. In essence, the SLDS is a student’s permanent records folder in digital form.
SLDS Districts Restructured
The Statewide Longitudinal Data System continues to grow as additional applications are available to teachers,
administrators and support staff. We are excited that the Teacher Resource Link (TRL) will be available soon to all
districts in Georgia through SLDS in addition to the free content and courses provided through Georgia Virtual
Learning. As a result of this growth, we have added new members on the SLDS training team and restructured some
of the districts we support. Who’s your district’s SLDS Trainer?
SLDS Usage Update
We continue to see growth with SLDS usage by Georgia teachers. For the 2012-13 school year, there have been
824,700 total teacher page views and 37,130 total unique teachers who have logged in to access SLDS as of 2/18/13.
View your district’s SLDS Teacher Usage Percentage.
Teaching More Productively Video
The SLDS training team went to Floyd County to talk with some of their classroom teachers. These teachers share
how “the TUNNEL” (that is how Floyd County refers to SLDS) has made their classroom teaching more productive.
Listen to how these teachers discuss the advantages of reviewing Student Profiles before parent conferences, using
SLDS to complete reports and creating information forms. Watch Teaching More Productively Video.
SLDS on Social Media
Friend us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter!/GeorgiaSLDS
Browse our YouTube Channel
SLDS Training:
With more and more resources being made available through LDS, usage is critical. While most users are finding
SLDS easy and intuitive, the SLDS team is offering FREE face-to-face training to all districts that are connected to
the SLDS.
 More information:
 Free online training modules:
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Teacher Resource Link (TRL)
Contact: Angela Baker (
Apart of the SLDS application, TRL was launched in March to all teachers. TRL provides teachers a one stop
shop for quality, aligned and vetted learning objects. Over 15,000 resources for all subjects grades K-12 are
available through the course key on a teacher dashboard or by clicking on the tab labeled Resources in the
menu. Resources available in TRL include GAVS, GSO, Thinkfinity, and Learning Village. Additionally, we
are actively working with LearnZillion, We All Can Read, and National Science Digital Laboratory to provide
additional quality resources.
TRL is only accessible via a Student information System as part of the SLDS application.
Press Release announcing TRL
Teacher Access:
TRL Learning Tutorials
TRL User Guide
School and District User Access
How to access TRL
Additional Support
For more information:
SLDS and TRL training:
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Georgia Department of Education
Contact: Julie Morrill, Program Manager Striving Reader Literacy Grant (404)-657-8318 or (404)-425-2975
Beverly L. Cox, Program Specialist, Birth-Grade 5
Striving Reader Literacy Grant (404)-656-2483 or (404)- 823-4512
Joshua A. Todd, Program Specialist, Grades 6-12
Striving Reader Literacy Grant (404)-656-2590 or (404)- 823-4901
Edmodo is up and running! SRCL schools are sharing many of the best practices they’re using in grant
implementation. Grant Administrators for each school district have the Edmodo login information. As soon as
you receive the directions for the Edmodo site, logon and share your accomplishments with your SRCL
During the summer of 2013, we will provide three opportunities to attend a Striving Reader Summer Leadership
Institute. These institutes will include professional development sessions as well as networking opportunities for
cohort one and two school and district leaders and literacy team members. For leaders of birth to age 5
initiatives, Dr. Terri Purcell, our early learning childhood professional learning architect, will lead the sessions.
For elementary, middle, and high school teams, the professional learning will be provided by Dr. Sharon
Walpole and Dr. Mike McKenna, the architects of our Comprehensive Reading Solutions website.
While the institutes are open to only those systems receiving Striving Reader Grant funds, they are not
mandatory. Each institute is open to administrators and literacy team members from both cohorts.
Systems or schools may attend any of the three institutes. There will be a per person registration fee to cover
the costs of catering and materials. These fees should be included in either year one or year two funding from
the SRCL grant. There will be an opportunity to register prior to June 30, 2013.
Summer Leadership Institute Dates:
July 18-19: Coffee County
July 23-24: Clarke County (site to be determined)
July 25-26: Bartow County
We will send out details for each institute including registration fees as we finalize them in the near future.
Professional learning modules have been designed for use with birth through grade twelve. The website
provides free access to topics that will enhance literacy programs. A few of the topics include: assessment,
language development, engaged shared reading and interactive read alouds. The modules have been designed
for independent use, in a study group, or within a professional learning community. New materials will be
added approximately once a month. We recommend that you retain a log outlining dates, times, and titles of the
viewed modules. Use the link below to access modules:
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We need your feedback from one member of the school leadership team in regards to the professional learning
modules. Your feedback will assist in developing new modules.
The survey link is:
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Georgia Department of Education
Young Georgia Authors
Contact: Annette Eger ( or (404) 657-0182
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Georgia Department of Education
TeachUNICEF is a portfolio of free global education resources. Resources cover grades PK-12 and are
interdisciplinary (social studies, science, math, English/language arts, foreign/world languages). The lesson
plans, stories, and multimedia cover topics ranging from the Millennium Development Goals to Water and
Our mission is to support and create well-informed global citizens who understand interconnectedness, respect
and value diversity, have the ability to challenge injustice and inequities and take action in personally
meaningful ways. We hope that in providing engaging and academically rich materials that offer multiple
voices, we can encourage the exploration of critical global issues while presenting opportunities to take action.
What is UNICEF?
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) works in more than 190 countries and territories to save and
improve children’s lives, providing health care and immunizations, clean water and sanitation, nutrition,
education, emergency relief and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through
fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States. Together, we are working toward the day when zero
children die from preventable causes and every child has a safe and healthy childhood.
Betsy Root
Global Citizenship Fellow
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
1447 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 310
Atlanta, GA 30309
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Georgia Department of Education
Summer Teacher Training:
Institute Designed for Educating All Students (IDEAS) 2013
June 3-6, 2013
Epworth by the Sea
St. Simons Island, Georgia
The Division for Special Education Services and Supports is accepting proposal applications for the IDEAS
2013 Conference. The Proposal Application is available on the IDEAS 2013 webpage for those who are
interested in submitting a proposal. The value of sharing what you know through a presentation can have farreaching impact. The Epworth Lodging Reservation form is also available for those who wish to go ahead
and make their reservations. The Proposal Application, Epworth Lodging Reservation form and the Epworth
map are all attached to this email blast. The Registration link is coming soon. Please visit the IDEAS 2013
webpage often for updates about the conference.
Thank you
Donna Ann Flaherty, Ed.S.
Education Program Specialist for Specific Learning Disabilities/Other Health Impaired
Professional Learning Unit
Divisions for Special Education Services and Supports
Georgia Department of Education
1770 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
(404) 657-9972
(770) 357-9458 Fax
"Making Education Work for All Georgians"
GACIS Spring Conference
Registration for the GACIS Spring Conference opened on February 19th.
GACIS will cover the expenses for the training if Three qualified educators attend the training on May 9 and 10
and commit to attend the additional two days in August/September. The three attendees must be skilled and
comfortable working with their peers and colleagues in redelivering the LDC/MDC training. The three
attendees will be:
1. a district level instructional leader and
2. an ELA; social Studies; or science teacher or academic coach for grades 7-12 and
3. a secondary math teacher or math coach.
If your system is currently implementing LDC or MDC and you would like to have additional people trained for
implementation into other schools, you may participate in the training if you send the three specified educators
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assuming that the funds and meeting space are available. NOTE: While I do not anticipate a problem with
space and/or funding if we exceed the meeting capacity of the facility or deplete funds, first priority will be
given to systems that have not participated in LDC/MDC training. Then, other systems will be added based on
registration date.
While we strongly encourage and prefer that the participants at the GACIS Winter Conference attend the spring
training, we understand that the system may need to send different individuals to the spring training.
RESAs may send one, two, or three people to the training. Please register for either LDC or MDC training.
If meeting space is available, systems may send additional people to be trained. Only the three (3) designated
attendees will have their expenses paid. The registration fee for an additional attendee (above the three) is $180
per attendee.
To review the provisions for attending with GACIS picking up most of the expenses and to register.
If you will need lodging for May 8 and/or May 9, you must make your own lodging reservation. Once the
lodging reservation is made, the three designated attendees from each system---Instructional leader, LDC
teacher/coach, MDC teacher/coach—will be moved to the master bill to be paid by GACIS. Please use the
same name to register for the conference and reserve your room. If you cancel the room after the cutoff date
and a room charge is applied, it will be the attendee’s responsibility.
School Administrator Spring Drive-In Conference
Detailed information will be available on the GAEL website.
GAESP - April 30th
GAMSP and GASSP - March 26th
Place: Anderson Conference Center in Macon, Georgia
Registration Information: GAEL Website:
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Georgia Department of Education
NEXT CIA Monthly Update Webinar is Tentatively Scheduled For:
Monday, May 13, 2013 at 9:00 AM
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