AP European History - Centennial School District

AP European History
Summer Assignment 2012
Mr. Miller B.A., M.S.
Welcome to AP Euro and Thanks for joining me on an
amazing journey of discovery through 700 Years of
European History.
The Summer Assignment will do two things: it will
make sure everyone has the same foundation of
knowledge so that we can begin the course with the
same abilities and knowledge and it will allow me to
gain some insight into your abilities as writers so that
I can direct those abilities towards improvement and
success on the AP Test in May 2013.
The Assignment has two main parts and a few smaller
1. See me to obtain a copy of your text. I am in Room
C217 at the end of most days. Please get a copy
of the book; you can not accomplish the
assignment without it.
2. Obtain a copy of the SUMMER VOCAB LIST when
you pick up the text book. The vocab Quiz on both
Ch 9 and the Prologue combined will be on
Tuesday September 4, 2012.
3. Read The Prologue of the book pgs.xxxiii-lxxvii
and answer the attached questions. Answers
should be in complete sentences. Concentrate
on answering the questions rather than on a
creative writing exercise. This is due TUESDAY
4. Read Chapter 9 in the text answer the attached
questions following the same guidelines above
in #3. this is due on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4th.
5. The Test on Prologue and Chapter 9 Combined
will be FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21. 45 MC questions
and 10 Identifications Study Guide on Web Page.
6. Read Chapter 10 in the text answer questions 4
& 5 on page 349. Follow the AP Rubric found on
my Web Page under FRQ. DUE Sept 24, 2012. Also
answer the Attached Discussion Questions;
which are also due on Sept. 24.
7. A few words about discussion questions early in
the year they will be collected. The questions
form the basis for classroom instruction. You
will be lost if you do not prepare. Most of the
questions can be answered in a few brief
sentences ~ Not a paragraph
8. The text, The Western Heritage 8th Ed. By Kagan,
Ozmet, and Turner, is truly a college level book
I do not Recommend waiting till the end of the
summer to complete the assignment. This text
will be replaced by our new book A History of
Western Society 10th Edition By McKay, et al. It is
also a truly College Level Book. You will need
to turn in the Red Book in September in order to
get the Beige Book.
9. Try to relax and learn over the summer this is
not too taxing and should not take you that long
but it is important to your ultimate success in
class. So Just Do It!
Be sure to check out My Ap Webpage Go to
Tennent’s page choose the teacher web page
link and scroll to - then click my Name. The Web
page has good info and it is where you may
download many of the assignments you will be
doing this year. the web page will be regularly
updated, Weekly in June and July more often in
I have created a link on my web page to the
first research assignment for the course I will
also have copies available when you pick up your
other items. It is mainly a geography Project and
a “can you follow directions project” it is not
due until October 5th but I offer it now for those
of you who would like to get a jump on things.
Log onto AP CENTRAL AND make the
European Home Page one of your favorites we
will be frequently using this page during the
year it is not a bad idea to register as a student
IMPORTANT I will frequently check my
school email over the summer if you have a
question please email me and I will respond.
Additionally I should be in school one day in Mid
August I will put that day on the calendar and
all teachers will be in school August 30 & 31
but we maybe in meetings.
Failure to complete the Summer Assignment
will result in a first MP Grade of No Higher
than 89%
Late Assignment Policy for the Year – Late
work is not accepted in an AP Class and will
receive a grade of 0.
Sept 4 1. Vocab Quiz Prologue & Ch 9
2. Prologue Questions
3. Chapter 9 Questions
Sept 21 Test 1 Prologue and Chapter 9
Sept 24 1. Vocab Quiz Ch 10
2. Essays Ch 10 Due
3. Discussion Questions CH 10 Due
Oct 2 Ch 12(McKay) Vocab Quiz
Oct 5 1st Research Project Due (Europe Map)
Euro AP Vocabulary
Vocab Quizzes are always on the first day of a new chapter. The first Vocab Quiz will
cover the Prologue and CH 9; it will be on September 4,2012 & CH 10 September 24,
Prolouge pps.xxxiii-lxxvii
p.1 Paleolithic
p.2 Neolithic
p.3 Bronze Age
p.4 Judaism
p.5 Christianity
p.6 Islam
p.7 Abraham
p.8 polis
p.9 Sparta
p.10 Athens
p.11 Democracy
p.12 Socrates
p.13 Solon
p.14 Clisthenes
p.15 Hellenism
p.16 Republic
p.17 Pax Romana
p.18 Byzantium
p.19 Muhammad
p.20 Christian Church post Rome
p.21 Charlemange
p.22 feudal society
p.23 fief
p.24 Christendom
p.25 Christendom Divided
p.26 bourgeois
p.27 crusades
p.28 New Monarchies
p.29 England
p.30 France
p.31 Holy Roman Empire(Germany)
p.32 University
p.33 Scholasticism
Chapter 9 Due ___________
9.1 Embargoed
9.2 Maid of Orleans
9.3 Plague
9.4 Flagellants
9.5 Pogroms
9.6 Taille
9.7 Plenitude of Power
9.8 Donatism
Chapter 10 Due______________
10.1 Renaissance
10.2 City-State(Italian)
10.3 Humanism
10.4 Chiaroscuro
10.5 Linear Perspective
10.6 Mannerism
10.7 Conquistadores
10.8 Platonism
10.9 Encomiendo
Summer Short Answer Questions AP European History.
Answers should be no more than a paragraph and some may be shorter – a few
Questions Prologue
1. How does life change from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic age?
2. What is the significance of Hebrew Monotheism for the future of Western
3. How do the Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations and Greek Civilization differ in
outlook? (Outlook means overarching societal philosophy.)
4. Why is Greece so resistance to political unification?
5. How was the Roman Empire structured and how did it function smoothly?
6. What role did the Church play in Europe after the fall of the Western Roman
7. What are the characteristics of feudal society?
8. Why can we characterize Charlemagne’s rule as a brief interlude in the Dark
9. Considering very generally what is the status of women throughout the period
covered by the Prologue? Does it truly change over the time period?
10. Choose one of the following: England, France, or the Holy Roman Empire and
trace its’ development through 1400.
Questions Chapter 9
1. What advantages did England and France each possess at the beginning of the
Hundred Years War.
2. What caused the Hundred Years War?
3. What factors lead the English to so many great victories in the Hundred Years
War? Why then does England lose?
4. Draw a picture or verbally describe the flag the British would have carried at the
Battle of Crecy. There were two either or both will be fine though the reasons
are different.
5. Who was Edward III? Why do you think he is considered a great King?
6. Why is Joan of Arc abandoned by France?
7. Briefly describe the causes and Spread of the Black Death
8. Briefly discuss the conflict between Phillip the Fair and Boniface VIII
9. What is Unam Sanctum?
10. Who runs the World?
11. What was the Avignon Papacy? Why is it significant?
12. Who are Jan Hus and John Wycliffe? Why are they significant?
13. How does the influence of the Church decline from 1200 to 1450?
14. How do kings particularly in France increase their power between 1200-1450?
15. What effect did the Golden Horde have on Russian Society?
16. Asses the validity of this statement the Late Middle Ages were a period of
Creative Breakup.
Chapter 10 Discussion Questions
1. What were the three great crisis of the Late(or High) Middle Ages? Which one was
still a problem?
2. What does Renaissance mean?
3. Who is Jacob Burckhardt? Why is he important?
4. Describe Italy of the Renaissance Period in Geo-Political Terms. Provide a few
5. Define Grandee, Popolo Grosso, Popolo Minuto,
6. Who are the Guelfs and the Ghibellines?
7. Define an Italian City State provide two examples.
8. Who are the deMedici? Why are they important?
9. What is Humanism? Who are its’ major definers/creators?
10. Petrarch? Major Works?
11. Dante? Major Works
12. Boccaccio? Major Works? Why is he so important to Literature teachers?
13. Education and the Renaissance?
14. Manuel Chrysoloras? Florentine Academy Purpose?
15. Platonism has been described as one of the driving factors of renaissance Why/
16. Woman in the Renaissance Specifically Christine de Pisan and Artemasia
17. Renaissance Man?
18. Chiaroscuro
19. Linear Perspective
20. Oil Paint
21. Who is Lorenzo Valla?
22. Who is Machiavelli? What does he create?
23. List at least 3 positives and/or negatives of Pope Alexander VI
24. List at least 3 positives and/or negatives of Pope Julius II
25. Choose one of the following countries and briefly explain how they became
stronger/weaker during this period – France, Spain, England, The Holy Roman
26. How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Ren?
27. Why is Gutenberg important?
28. Who was Erasmus?
29. Who is Comenius? And why is he responsible for putting you in this school?
30. Why do the Europeans Explore?
31. Achievements of Columbus, Magellen, Dias, and deGama
32. Fall of Aztecs and Incas
33. Who is Bartolome de Las Casas