E92131-3 Engineering Mathematics (I)(Ⅱ)(Ⅲ)/ 3 credits each
I. (1) Introduction to ordinary differential equations, (2) exact differential
equations, (3) integrating factors, (4) linear differential equations and their
applications, (5) second and higher-order homogenous linear differential
equations, (6) Non-homogeneous equations, (7) introduction to Laplace
Transformation, (8) The application of Laplace Transformations to
initial-value problems, (9) vector analysis, (10) vector spaces.
II. (1) Vector differential calculus, (2) vector integral theorems, (3) matrices
analysis and systems of equations, (4) Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, (5)
Fourier Analysis, (6) power series solutions of differential equations, (7)
Bessel's Functions and Legendre's Polynomials, (8) orthogonal functions,
(9) Sturm-Liouville problems.
III. (1) Introduction to Partial differential equations, (2) elliptic, parabolic, and
hyperbolic partial differential equations, (3) methods of separating
variables, (4) the application of Laplace Transformation to partial
differential equations, (5) the application of Fourier Transformation to
partial differential equations, (6) complex analytic functions, (7) complex
integration, (8) power series, Taylor series, and Laurent series, (9) residues
and contour integration.
E93131 Fluid Mechanics / 3 credits
Continuity equation,stream functions, Euler and Bernoulli equations, momentum
theorems, irrotational flow, vorticity, Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layers,
similitude, and one-dimensional compressible flows.
E91040 Computer Organization and Programming / 3 credits
Study of organization languages, advanced languages, the techniques of
programming, microprocessor systems, and distributed systems.
E91130 Introduction to Computer System / 3 credits
The purpose of this course is to study the development of computers, principles,
organizations, computer languages, and the applications of computers in
engineering and science. This course is to cover (1) an introduction to computer
organization, (2) information representation, (3) methods of operating computers,
(4) introduction to system software and application environment, (5) methods of
linking a computer and application environment, (6) an introduction to computer
languages, (7) coding scientific programs, (8) methods of using computers, (9) an
introduction to computer applications, (1) an introduction to numerical analysis.
E92730 Mechanics of Materials / 3 credits
(1)Introduction to the idea of stress, (2) stress and strain of single-axis, (3) twist
and shear stress, (4) pure strain, (5) horizontal load.
E91020 Engineering Mechanics / 3 credits
1.Satics of particals 2. Rigid bodies:equivalent systems of forces 3. Equilibrium of
gigid bodies 4. Distributed forces:centroids and centers of gravity 5. Analysis of
6. Forces in beams and cables 7. Friction 8. Distributed forces:
moments of inertia 9. Method of virtual work
E93020 Micoprocessor And Interface Design / 3 credits
(1)8051 architecture, Assembly Instructions, timer/counter, serial communication,
interrupts, interfacing-LCD, step monitor, keyboard, external memory, 8255 and
other chips (2) Experiments 3hours/week-using the equipments developed by
E92050 Electronics / 3 credits
1.Introduce to semi-conductor 2.Introduce to diode 3.The character of BJT
4.High/low frequency of BJT circuit design 5.Amplifier desugn & analysis
N96190 Introduction To MEM Sysem / 3 credits
1.What is MEMS? Introduction to Microscopic world 2. Scaling rules- What
happens in small world? 3. Review of standard VLSI microfabrication process -
Lithography, thin film deposition, etching, LPCVD etc. 4. Bulk micromachining isotropic and anisotropic etching, dry etching 5. Surface Micromachining sacrificial layers, thin film deposition, etching, releasing 6. Electroplating and
LIGA - high–aspect-ratio device 7. Integration of microstructures and electronics MEMS on CMOS, wafer bonding 8. Micro sensors - Piezoelectric, piezoresistive,
capacitive, magnetic, optical sensors etc. 9. Micro actuators electrostatic, magnetic,
thermal, electromagnetic, piezoelectric actuators etc. 10. Examples of MEMS
products 11. Applications of MEMS transducers
E93090 Electric Circuits / 3 credies
1.Basic concept for circuit 2.Traditional describe for network 3.Network
equation 4.1st order dffrertial equation 5.Initial condition of network 6.Differential
equation 7.Laplace transforms 8.Signal wave transform
E92010 Thermodynamics/ 3 credies
1.Basic concept and definition 2.Energy and first law of thermodynamics
3.Evaluating properties 4.Control volume energy balance 5.2nd law of
Thermodynamics 6.Defintion of entropy 7.Exergy (availability) analysis
8.Thermodynamics relationships 9.Mixing compound, chemical reaction and
N96900 Concurrent Programming Languages / 3 credies
Introduction to multiprocessor systems, communication between multiprocedures,
relational studies, and the establishment of the present concurrent procedure
language and the method of language compiler.
N95230 Expert System / 3 credits
Study of the characteristics of expert systems and programming schemes;
covering knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, inference methods,
design of user interfaces and explanation facility.
N95720 Fatigue Analysis and Design / 3 credits
(1) The history of fatigue analysis and design, (2) the theory of destruction of
static load, (3) phenomena of fatigue, (4) the method of fatigue design, (5) high
circular fatigue, (6) the effect of dent, (7) the effect of the remained stress, (8) low
circular fatigue and the analysis of the dent of strain, (9) the fatigue design for
linear elasticity destruction mechanics, (10) the estimate for fixed load of fatigue
life, (11) the estimate of fatigue life for variable loads.
N95170 Statistic Analysis and Design for Experiments / 3 credits
(1) Statistic utensils, (2) statistic distribution function, (3) estimate for
experiments, (4) rate for experiments, (5) the acceleration method of experiments,
(6) factorial experiment method, (7) continuum experiment method, (8) nonvariable
experiments, (9) record disturbance analysis, (10) relational back and variability
N96640 Theory of Plasticity / 3 credits
(1) The history of the theory of plasticity, (2) stress and strain, (3) yielding
conditions and yielding surfaces, (4) stress plane, hardization law, (5) equations for
the structure of plasticity, (6) stress analysis and application, (7) finite elements in
E94040 Computer Architecture / 3 credits
This course is meant to study different kinds of computer structures, their
designing principles, data flow, control signal speed and accuracy. This course will
cover (1) parallel processing, (2) memory and input-output subsystems, (3)
principles of pipelining and vector processing, (4) pipeline computers and
vectorization methods, (5) structures and algorithms for array processors, (6)
multiprocessor architecture and programming, (7) multiprocessing control and
algorithms, (8) examples of multiprocessor systems, (9) data flow computers and
VLSI computations.
E94900 Database Systems / 3 credits
In this course, students are supposed to understand the database organization,
management model, data definition language (DDL), data manipulation language
(DML), and the role of database system in the field of information system. This
course will cover (1) basic concepts of database system, such as file structures,
memory management and storage, (2) database structure levels, (3) introduction to
database management system models such as relational model, network model, and
hierarchical model, (4) DDL and DML of different models, (5) normalization
problems of relational database models, (6) physical structure of database, (7)
security and privacy of database, (8) integrity of database.
N96880 Computer Communications / 3 credits
This course is to study the principle of digital communication, data network, and
computer hardware, software system in the field of communication network, and
communication protocols for computers. This course will contain (1) hardware and
software structure for computer communication network, (2) transmission control
circuits, (3) synchronous and asynchronous signal transmission which includes
signal error detection and correction, (4) transmission medium and standard
interface, (5) ternal-oriented network and data link control, (6) communication
protocols between computers, ISO-OSI protocols, (7) public data network, (8) local
area network.
N95470 Database Machines / 3 credits
This course is to study the designing principles and operation of different
database machines to meet the requirement of speed and accuracy in computation.
What is to be covered is (1) introduction of nonnumerical processing, (2) three
main database management models: relational, hierarchical, and network, (3)
parallel and pipeline architectures, (4) associate memories, (5) associative
processors, (6) database machine survey -- multiprocessors, pipeline processing and
VLSI systems, (7) database machine theory, (8) database machine software, (9)
distributed database, (10) database machine performance.
N95050 Viscous Fluid Flow / 3 credits
Navier-Stokes equations, low Reynolds number flows incompressible and
compressible boundary layers, boundary layer stability and transition to turbulence,
turbulent boundary layers, wakes, and jets. (Associate Prof. Jong-Jian Liu)
N95370 Gasdynamics / 3 credits
Thermodynamics, the conservation equations, unsteady one-dimensional flow,
the method of characteristics, stationary and moving shock waves, flow with
friction, heat addition and heat loss, two-dimensional steady flow including
methods of small perturbations. (Associate Prof. Jong-Jian Liu)
Advanced Engineering Analysis / 3 credits
1. Introduction to the theory of linear partial differential equations: first order
equations, general theory of second order equations, characteristic curves,
stability of solutions and well-posed problems, classification of linear
equations in two independent variables, characteristic variables and linear
equations in more than two independent variables.
2. Methods of solving second order partial differential equations: the wave
equation, the heat equation, the Laplace equation, elliptic differential
equations, parabolic differential equations and hyperbolic differential
3. Linear operator theory in Mechanics: linear functionals, linear operator
equations, Sturm-Liouville problems, separation of variables and
eigenfunction expansions, a formal treatment of the eigenfunction
expansion method, Green's function for ordinary-boundary value problems
and completeness of eigenfunctions.
4. Variational methods for boundary-value problems: energy convergence,
the minimum functional theorem, calculus of variations, national boundary
conditions, nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, eigenvalue problems,
minimizing sequences and the Ritz method, Ritz method for equilibrium
problems, Ritz method for eigenvalue problems and other variational
5. Applications of variational methods: boundary-value problems for o.d.e,
second order p.d.e, high order equations and systems of p.d.e, solution of
beam and plate problems by the Galerkin method.
6. Finite element methods: finite elements for 1-D boundary-value problems,
finite elements for 2-D boundary-value problem, finite element solution of
a system of second order p.d.e, and finite element methods in dynamics.
N96130 Advanced Computer Graphics
1. Representations of Curves and Surfaces 2. Solid Modeling 3. Hidden Lines
and Hidden Surfaces Elimination 4. Achromatic and Colored Light 5. Animation 6.
User-Interface Design
N95810 Distributed Knowledge Engineering / 3 credits
1. Integrated model for knowledge/data representation 2. Object migration
design 3. Components of system shell 4. Investigations of load balancing 5.
Comparisons of implementing languages 6. Logical design & prototype
N95740 Robotic System / 3 credits
1. Structure of Robots 2. Dynamics of Robots 3. Sensor of Robots 4. Servo
system of Robots -- hydraulic, pneumatic, servomotor 5. Robot Control 6.
Programming Language of Robots 7. Intelligence of Robots 8. Visual system of
Robots 9. Microprocessing in Robot Control
N94140 Electronic Packaging Design / 3 credits
1. Packaging Materials 2. Packaging Technology 3. Electrical Design 4. Thermal
Design 5. System Design Advanced Finite Element Analysis
N95900 Advanced Finite Element / 3 credits
1. Introduction of Boundary-value and Initial-value Problems 2. Mixed and
Hybrid Stress Method 3. Analysis of Non-Linear Problems 4. Analysis of
Visco-plasticity 5. Recent Development and Application
N95700 Fuzzy Theorem and Application / 3 credits
1. Fuzzy Set 2. Fuzzy Relation 3. Fuzzy Theorem Analysis 4. Probability and
Fuzzy Set 5. Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Theorem 6. Expert and Fuzzy Control 7.
Graphic Identification 8. Industry application of Fuzzy Theorem 9. Robotic
application of Fuzzy Theorem.
Real-time Computing System / 3 credits
1. Introduction 2. Real-time Issues 3. Real-time Applications 4. Real-time
Operating System 5. Real-time Systems Design Methodologies 6. Operating
System Implementation
N96040 Robust Control System / 3 credits
A central problem in control design is how to design a controller to guarantee
that the closed-loop system is robustly stable and that performance requirements
are satisfied despite the presence of model uncertainties and exogenous disturbance
1. Introduction 2. Norms for signals and systems 3. Basic concepts 4.
Uncertainty and robustness 5. Stabilization 6. Design Constraints 7. Loopshaping 8.
Advanced Loopshaping 9. Model matching 10. Design for performance.
N96110 Engineering Optimal Design / 3 credits
1. Concepts 2. Mathematical Formulations 3. Linear Programming 4.
Nonlinear Programming 5. Applications