Social Media Calendar - Franchisee

Social Media Content Calendar
July 2015
The following is the suggested Social Media Content Calendar for July 2015,
leveraging Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
The overall strategy for July is to include the following in the postings:
Promotional Content
o Any special discounts, registration openings or closings, events etc.
o Local images of programming (need appropriate releases)
o Home Lab videos
Science Content
o Interesting facts, News
o #OnThisDay – Historical scientific event
o #TuesdayTrivia – Science Trivia
Themes and Holidays
o Canada Day (Jul 1)
o Independence Day (Jul 4)
o Parent's Day US (July 26)
o National Ice Cream Month (US)
o National Picnic Month (US)
Build Online Relationships
o Sharing Content
Monthly Overview
(See content on page 3)
July 2015 Content
July 1-4
Jul 1
In the lab (TBD)
Happy Canada Day from all of us at Mad Science!
Jul 2
Take a deep breathe and relax, the weekend’s almost here! Image: The Awkward Yeti (PIC – Jul
2, 2015 – Fact)
Jul 4
Happy 4th of July!
Jul 1
In the lab (TBD)
Happy Canada Day from all of us at Mad Science!
Jul 2
Take a deep breathe and relax, the weekend’s almost here! Image: The Awkward Yeti (PIC – Jul
2, 2015 – Fact)
Jul 4
Happy 4th of July!
July 6-10
Jul 6
This little guy belongs to one of the world’s smallest deer species - Pudu puda. So unbelievably
Jul 7
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 7, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: 4
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 7, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 8
Jul 9
In the lab (TBD)
Scientists have developed concrete that heals itself!
Jul 10
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 10, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 6
This little guy belongs to one of the world’s smallest deer species - Pudu puda. So unbelievably
Jul 7
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 7, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: 4
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 7, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 8
Jul 9
In the lab (TBD)
Scientists have developed concrete that heals itself!
Jul 10
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 10, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
July 13-17
Jul 13
A frying pan that syncs with an app and lets you know when your food is perfectly cooked!
Jul 14
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 14, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: False (Michael Faraday)
Make a colorful Kaleidoscope at home with your kids! Watch to find out how! (Link to Easy
Kaleidoscope video)
Jul 15
In the lab (TBD)
Seven new species of itty-bitty frogs found in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest.
Jul 16
Crab Nebula – the remnant of a supernova explosion! What beauty!
Jul 17
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 17, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 13
A frying pan that syncs with an app and lets you know when your food is perfectly cooked!
Jul 14
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 14, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: False (Michael Faraday)
Make a colorful Kaleidoscope at home with your kids! Watch to find out how! (Link to Easy
Kaleidoscope video)
Jul 15
In the lab (TBD)
Seven new species of itty-bitty frogs found in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest.
Jul 16
Crab Nebula – the remnant of a supernova explosion! What beauty!
Jul 17
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 17, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 13
Easy Kaleidoscope
July 20-24
Jul 20
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 20, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 21
Happy vacation season everyone! Via (PIC – Jul 21, 2015 – Fact)
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 7, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: Venus
Jul 22
In the lab (TBD)
Art pieces inspired by cell division!
Jul 23
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 23, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 20
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 20, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
Jul 21
Happy vacation season everyone! Via (PIC – Jul 21, 2015 – Fact)
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 7, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: Venus
Jul 22
In the lab (TBD)
Art pieces inspired by cell division!
Jul 23
#OnThisDay (PIC – Jul 23, 2015 – #OnThisDay)
July 27-31
Jul 27
This is what is growing on an 8-year-old’s hands!
Jul 28
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 28, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: Nitrogen
Just like a homemade sprinkler! Watch to find out how to make your own Spinning Sprayer! (Link
to Spinning Sprayer video)
Jul 29
Jul 30
In the lab (TBD)
Can be found slithering through your nightmares – a ribbon worm! Click through to watch the
video, it is truly terrifying!
Lichtenberg Figures – capturing lightning in a glass box.
Jul 27
This is what is growing on an 8-year-old’s hands!
Jul 28
#TriviaTuesday (PIC – Jul 28, 2015 – #TriviaTuesday) Answer: Nitrogen
Jul 29
Jul 30
In the lab (TBD)
Can be found slithering through your nightmares – a ribbon worm! Click through to watch the
video, it is truly terrifying!
Lichtenberg Figures – capturing lightning in a glass box.
Jul 27
Spinning Sprayer
Just like a homemade sprinkler! Watch to find out how to make your own Spinning Sprayer! (Link
to Spinning Sprayer video)