複雜系統與相關研究 蔡憶佳 淡江大學資訊工程系 個人化智慧通訊實驗室 2005 June 24 這篇簡介是集合目前各種有關研究複雜系統的複雜性科學與談論複雜系統的文章並加入作者個人的意見與解 釋。內容的取材當然就反應出個人的喜好與偏見,但同時也儘量加入原始出處,以供讀者自行參考。 所謂複雜系統,目前並沒有標準定義。我們可以找到許多文章嘗試要明確的定義它。一般而言,複雜系統是指 整體系統特性無法完全由其個別組成份子的特性所解釋。也就是說,在集合眾多個體組成一個龐大的系統後, 所呈現的一些特性是組成個體所沒有的。P. W. Anderson [5] 在 1972 年的文章標題《量多就不一樣(more is different)》數量多就會有不一樣的現象就是形容這種情形。由於很難有一個可以涵蓋全貌的解釋,我們藉由一 些論文中學者對於複雜系統的描述來管窺一二。 早於 1962 年,諾貝爾經濟獎得主 Herbert Simon [1] 形容複雜系統是一個系統可解析為具有多重關係的許多元 件,因為每一元件的行為是被其他所有元件的行為所影響。 首先,在 Advances in Complex Systems 期刊的目標與展望中1,提到“複雜系統是由一些(通常是十分眾多)互動(通 常是強烈的)的個體、單元、或構成體所組成。需要發展、使用新的科學工具、非線性模型、非均衡描述與電 腦模擬來幫助我們進一步瞭解它。”另外在 1999 年《科學 Science》的一期特刊中,由化學、生化訊號系統、神 經系統、生物群聚演化、自然成形圖樣、氣候與經濟等領域探討複雜系統。在這一系列文章中,各方學者談到 複雜系統,我們整理如下: 複雜系統是一初始值或微細擾動對於後續演變有敏銳影響,是具有眾多獨立的互動元件,或是具有許多演 變路徑的系統。(化學,Whitesides and Ismagilov) 複雜系統是難以理解與驗證的,無論是在設計時或功能運作時或同時便是如此。(生化訊號系統,Weng, Bhalla and Iyengar) 複雜系統是許多元件間具有多重互動的系統。(氣候,D. Rind) 複雜系統是隨著時間漸漸演化與開展的系統。(經濟,W. Brian Arthur). 在同一期的《科學 Science》特刊中,Goldenfeld and Kadanoff [[6] 的文章 Simple Lessons from Complexity,除了 談到在複雜系統的研究領域,與傳統物理研究的不同點,同時也將複雜系統描述成: 複雜系統是一高度結構化系統,展現出具變化性結構的組織。(Goldenfeld and Kadanoff) 1 www.tbi.univie.ac.at/~studla/ACS/AimsScopes.html 1/70 接著,在 2002 年 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 的 Self-Organized Complexity in the Physical, Biological, and Social Sciences2 特刊中,探討在物理、生物、與社會科學領域裏複雜系統中的自行組織複雜度。 首先由頻率與大小的分佈談起,例如地震在某段時間內出現的次數與其斷裂區域大小的關係符合冪次律。另外 河川流域網路其一固定大小的河流出現次數與其長度也是呈冪次律關係。在時間序列的領域中,全球的平均溫 度、各種股價指數、匯率、心跳間隔時間、混流中某一點的速率等,都是在看似紊亂的表象下呈現某種規律性。 由上面的幾項描述,我們知道複雜系統是遍佈於各個領域,由實體界到人為的網路關係,而探討這些系統的角 度也有許多不同點,有的著重現象與統計的規律性,有的則是嘗試要建立模型。因此所使用的工具也有相當程 度的不同,有的是使用數學與統計,有的則是使用電腦模擬。 複雜系統在科學與科技的領域中扮演必要的角色。科學是探討複雜系統而科技是如何使用複雜系統。科學界想 要探討與理解複雜系統(發現簡單的規則與方程式導致複雜現象),科技與工程界則是想要控制複雜系統(建立一 簡單的介面來使用複雜的設備或使用簡易的介面隱匿複雜的工具與儀器)。由於其難理解,在科學與工程界的一 項重要議題即是如何預測與控制這些系統的行為。複雜系統難以理解是一些現象與機制所導致。這些現象與機 制也時常在渾沌論、人工生命、演化計算與基因演算等領域使用的一些意念與技術中所探討。另一些嘗試則是 使用整體系統思維藉由整體的考量來研究複雜系統中的現象。 以下所談複雜系統的特徵是基於 Wikipedia3 中所述。 複雜系統的特徵 突現(emergence) 所謂突現是指在複雜系統中導致新的具一致性的結構、圖樣與特質的過程。突現是由於系統中元件互動的模式 歷時而來。突現通常是簡單的元件間看似簡單的互動後所產生的無法預期的,不可忽略的結果。複雜系統與似 複雜而紛亂的系統,其最大的不同點在於構成元件間的互動模式會導致某些行為與樣式突現於系統中。突現行 為通常表現於一群在同一環境中簡單構成體形成整體性的複雜結構。此一複雜行為並不是單一個體的特性,同 時也無法由低階個體的行為所能解釋或預測。一群魚或一群鳥的外廓與整體行動是項容易理解的例子,而且整 群的控制機制往往比單一個體的行為更難掌握。在許多地方都可以觀察到突現的歷程或行為,例如多細胞生物、 車流模式、組織行為或電腦模擬。股票市場是一個龐大的突現範例。整體而言股市忠實的呈現出世界上各別公 司的相對價值,然而每位投資者都只對於其投資組合中的一些公司有相當程度的瞭解,而且必須遵守該市場的 法令規則。由這些投資者在市場中的互動而突現了整體股市的複雜行為。研究突現行為是依照所研究的領域而 有所不同,並不是一視同仁的。 關係是非線性 組成元件間的互動極少是簡單的因果關係的,往往是一個微小的刺激因導致龐大的或者完全無效的結果。所謂 的蝶翼效應即是指此。 關係具有回饋機制 兼具有負向(阻泥)的或正向(放大)的回饋機制是複雜系統的關鍵。代理者的行為結果回饋到本身而這項回饋影響 2 3 www.pnas.org/content/vol99/suppl_1/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_system 2/70 此代理者未來的行為。這些時時改變的非線性關係是使得複雜系統如此特殊的主因。 複雜系統是開放式的 複雜系統是開放式的系統,能量與資訊隨時流經其邊界。因此複雜系統通常不屬於平衡系統,雖然呈現出常態 變化而且外觀看起來為穩定的狀態。 部份無法涵蓋全部 在複雜系統中的元件無法得知整體系統的發展。否則,在此元件上我們就可以觀察到整體複雜系統的行為了。 而複雜現象也不單單是由元件間互動關係所造成,由此可知一項結論是無法由單一元件控制整體系統。 複雜系統是有歷史記憶的 複雜系統的歷程是無法忽略的。一個周遭條件極小的改變可能引起未來十分大的變異。這也是所謂的“蝶翼效應”。 複雜系統是層層相疊的 複雜適性系統的另一項特質是系統中的元件(或稱構成體)往往也是複雜適性系統。例如經濟體是由組織機構所構 成,而這些組織機構是由人群所組成。人則是由中樞神經與內分泌系統所控制的各種器官與生命系統構成,而 這些全部由各種細胞所組成。在每一階層都可自成為複雜適應系統。 沒有明確的邊界 複雜系統的邊界是很難劃分清楚的。若要劃分邊界,通常是基於觀察者的需求與偏見而非基於任何內部的特性。 例如一個人的邊界似乎是可以很清楚的劃出來,不過再仔細深入想想,模擬兩可的情形便出現了。比如衣服是 屬於人的界線內或界線外?如果有人從房間的另一角落或由火車上看著你,尤其是使用一種貪婪或惡毒的眼神 注視你,那麼你的邊界有沒被侵入呢?你的邊界是實質上的還是情緒上的?情緒上的影響會導致實質上的改 變。而食物在什麼時刻可以算成是你身體的一部份? 3/70 複雜網路 複雜網路是複雜系統的骨幹,網路節點表示複雜系統的組成份子,個體或構成體或另一複雜系統的部份。連線 則代表這些組成體間的互動。經由分析實體複雜系統中的網路拓樸,複雜網路呈現出一些統計特性是與隨機網 路有顯著差異。其中,網路節點的連接度與出現次數分佈呈現「冪次律(power law)」關係,複雜網路往往具有 短距連通性,也就是說網路中任意兩點的平均最短距離是與整體網路節點個數取對數呈正比。另外,複雜網路 的群聚係數也較隨機網路高許多。這三種統計特性是目前廣為人知的複雜網路特性,不過未來是否還有其他特 性,則有待探討。 處處都可以找到複雜系統的例子,許多更是與生命攸關的:從一個細胞到完整的生物個體,天氣與氣候系統, 生態與經濟,大腦與神經系統。也由於複雜系統如此的普遍,因此在談到複雜系統時,會時常看到許多相關的 研究領域。 複雜論(complexity theory) 是研究在確定非線性系統(deterministic non-linear system)中非穩定無週期性(unstable, aperiodic)行為的理論。由於複雜論在科學研究的範疇中還是相當新的學說,因此有許多研究還是進行中與無法 明確定義清楚。此理論同時也包括許多相關領域,例如碎形(fractal)、混沌論(chaos theory)、細胞自動機(cellular automata)、滲透理論(percolation theory)、人工生命(artificial life)、複雜適性系統(complex adaptive system)和非線 性動力(non-linear dynamics)。 碎形(fractal)是一個具有無盡的細節及自我相似的幾何物件。若是使用維度來說明,碎形具有的幾何維度並不是 整數,而是介於整數間的分數。依碎形 (fractal)一詞的創作者 Benoit Mandelbrot 的定義,碎形是一個其 Hausdorff-Besicovitch 維度絕對大於拓樸維度的集合。大陸使用分形來描述 fractal 便是基於其維度是一個分數。 混沌論(chaos theory)是一門研究混沌現象的科學,其肇始於物理學、氣象學,嗣後延伸觸角及於哲學、社會學 與管理學。所謂混沌,是指在描述系統的方程式中並沒有隨機項目,也就是說一切變數是可精確計算得知。然 而在某些參數值下,整體系統呈現出對於微擾動十分敏感的特性,也造成了系統的未來發展是無法精確計算出 來。因此將此種無法精確預測的現象稱為混沌。混沌論與非線性系統是息息相關的。 細胞自動機或晶格自動機(cellular automata)是研究在大自然中如何形成各式各樣圖案的。在一類似晶體格子點中 執行一簡單的自動機,其下一狀態是由周遭其他自動機與自己的上一狀態所決定的。這種簡單的相互影響及自 動機有限的變化卻可以造成許多類似自然界所產生的圖樣。例如某些貝殼上面依生長而慢慢展開的花紋。早期 Conway 所設計的生命遊戲(Game of Life)也是屬於一種晶格自動機。另外也有一些研究顯示晶格自動機可用來呈 現偏微分方程式的解。 滲濾理論(percolation theory)是研究無序系統臨界現象的統計理論,最初用來描述非均相介質或多孔介質中的傳 導特性。當媒介的密度達到一臨界值時,滲透物突然能夠從媒介一端達到另一端。 人工生命(artificial life) 是研究如何模擬真正的生命體或是其某些特質,例如繁衍、有性繁殖、群聚、與共演化 等。由 Chris Langton (1989, 1992)所提出,其中幾項較為眾人所知的有模擬鳥類魚類等的群聚活動,螞蟻的社群 活動。另外 Tom Ray 的 Tierra 程式中包含不同種族的個體,有略食者、寄生蟲與被獵的族群,在電腦中呈現出 複雜的演化生態體系。 「複雜適應系統(complex adaptive system)」是有別於其他研究複雜系統的方式,在於其大量使用電腦模擬同時 強調整體系統的觀點。其所研究的對象也較集中於生態系統或市場等組織,因為這些較傳統的細胞、有機生命、 4/70 公司或機器較為鬆散。一個複雜適應系統包括許多自動化或半自動的構成體,這些構成體藉由演化努力達成極 大化某些標準度量“好”或“適應性”。此名稱是由 John H. Holland 與 Murray Gell-Mann 所創作,用來描述在聖太 菲學院中的一項跨領域研究。John H. Holland 是演化計算與基因演算法的首創者之一。複雜適應系統是組成體 (可能是細胞、物種、個體、工廠或國家)在動態網路中同時互動,時時主動作為或回應動作。複雜適應系統 的控制是分散式的並沒有中央控制單元。群體一致性的行為主要由組成體間的競爭與合作而來。整體系統的行 為是由許多組成體無時無刻所作的無數的決定所產生。與「多組成體系統(multi-agent system)」的最大差異在於 強調高階特性例如自我相似性,複雜性,突現與自我組織等。多組成體系統是由多數的、互動的組成體構成。 而在複雜適應系統中,不僅是組成體會適應並且改變,連系統也會因此而適應並改變。複雜適應系統是複雜的、 自我相似的,互動與適應的組成體集合。一些重要的特性例如適應(或者用穩態) 、通訊、合作、功能特化、時 空組織與繁殖。這些可以在各種層面找到。例如細胞的功能特化、適應與繁殖同樣的也發生在大型的組織中。 通訊、合作也發生於各種層面,由組成體到系統。 非線性動力(non-linear dynamics)是指描述系統動力的方程式本身為非線性的。 5/70 就字源學的觀點來看 complexity,拉丁字 complexus 是由希臘字 pleko 或 plektos 演化而來。其字義為編結或 扭繞。夸克論作者 Murray Gell-Mann 在談到複雜論時,曾考慮使用一個新字 Plectics4 來描述複雜論,其原因即 在於這個領域包含太多而不太容易使人印象深刻,並且可以兼顧這門研究所強調的簡單性與複雜性並存。尤其 是要顯示出這些複雜系統是由簡單的規則互相作用引發的複雜現象。在印歐語系中的字根 plek- 演變為拉丁文 動詞 plicare,表示折疊,另外衍生一字 simplex 表示單次折疊。由這個字演變成現今英文中的 simple。然而 plek同樣的也演變為拉丁文過去分詞 plexus,表示編結或互相糾結。後來演變成 complexus,意思是編結在一起,後 來英文中的 complex 則是由此演變而來的。希臘文與 plexus 同義的是 plektos,產生了數學上的專有名詞 symplectic。此字也有編結一起的意思,不過它的字源是由希臘文而不是由拉丁文演變到英文。 "I think the next century will be the century of complexity." Stephen Hawking (Complexity Digest 2001.10 March-0502001). 各種複雜系統範例 以下的各項論文標題都是談到將某系統視為複雜系統。首先是將生命現象視為是複雜系統[2],研究所有生命系 統的通則。在細胞中維持遞迴式生產過程所需的化學物質會滿足某些統計規律。由基因表現所呈現的冪次律 (power law)與化學物質出現的對數常態(log normal)機率分佈。再由物理中的變異消散理論(fluctuation-dissipation theory)研究顯型基因變動與基因變動間的關係。 甚至有些學者開始思考使用複雜系統模型分析癌症。因為腫瘤細胞為了生存空間與資源相互競爭。由於 somatic 突變會產生許多基因變異種類而有些突變使腫瘤細胞具有繁殖上或生存上優勢。因此腫瘤細胞為演化與天擇的 影響。使用計算模型來模擬腫瘤細胞生長與演化及其接受各種療法後的演變。 Our understanding of what constitutes a "cancer" is becoming more and more refined. Intricate and complex pathways are involved in the development of an organism. The organism originates as a single cell and progresses through rapid proliferation and differentiation, followed by steady state repair and repletion, and finally senescence. The genetic information for every part of the mature organism exists in the genome of each cell, yet the individual differentiated cell never expresses most of this genetic information. By studying aberrancies in the system, such as the development of neoplasia, mechanisms that control the process of gene activation and repression are being elucidated at a rapid rate. In an article entitled “The Hallmarks of Cancer” (Cell 100:57-70, 2000) Hanahan and Weinberg presented a unifying conceptual model of cancer biology. Based on the past quarter century of intensive research, common themes in cancer have emerged. The “Hanahan-Weinberg Model” identifies 6 global traits common to all cancers. These 6 factors are: self-sufficiency in growth signaling, insensitivity to antigrowth signals, evasion of programmed cell death, development of limitless replicative potential, the capacity for sustained angiogenesis, and upregulation of genes associated with tissue invasion and metastasis. The acquisition of each of these physical characteristics by the cancer cell represents the successful breaching of an evolutionarily anticancer strategy developed by the multicellular organism to maintain physiologic homeostasis. The cancer cell within the living host eukaryote can be considered analogous to a single-celled organism that is in direct competition for scarce resources. Thus, from the perspective of the deranged cell, acquisition of these cancer-associated traits is appropriately adaptive to ensure survival in a stressful environment, but from the perspective of the host the development of a population of cells with these traits is ultimately maladaptive and lethal. While each cancer is unique, with myriad individual mutations and epigenetic changes manifest, it may be possible in the future to target specific anticancer strategies to these common cancer traits. Advances in cancer research will be hastened by the advent of important technological breakthroughs, such as the widespread application of the high throughput capabilities of genomics, proteomics, and pharmacogenomics. The future of cancer medicine may be radically different within the next decade because of these advances in our understanding basic cancer biology. Modeling Cancer as a Complex System Mendoza, L. & Alvarez-Buylla, E. R. (1998). Dynamics of the genetic regulatory network for Arabidopsis thaliana 4 www.santafe.edu/sfi/People/mgm/plectics.html 6/70 flower morphogenesis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 193: (http://www.santafe.edu/education/international/intlfel03/files/Mendoza-EAB1998.pdf) ( 307 - 319. 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(Accepted). 免疫系統 Meaning-Making in the Immune (http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/perspectives_in_biology_and_medicine/v047/47.3neuman.pdf) System A STOCHASTIC MODEL OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL SHAPE SPACE (http://www.math.bme.hu/~szabados/bmb7.doc) The Immune System as a Complex System: Description and Simulation ... (http://www.physnet.uni-hamburg.de/services/fachinfo/___Volltexte/Martin___Meier-Schellersheim/Martin___Meier-S chellersheim.ps) MEIER-SCHELLERSHEIM, FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Martin The Immune System as a Complex System: Description and Simulation of the Interactions of its Constituents Dissertation, 107 p. (http://www-library.desy.de/preparch/desy/thesis/desy-thesis-01-006.ps.gz) An Emergent Model of (http://www.chrisandtrudi.com/Chris/Portfolio/Thesis.pdf) Immune Cognition An Emergent Model of Immune Cognition (http://www.chrisandtrudi.com/Chris/Portfolio/Thesis.pdf) Perelson AS and TB Kepler (1995) The immune system as a complex system Adaptation by somatic mutation. In Chaos & Complexity 93, J. Tran Tranh Van, P. Berge, R. Conte and M. Dubois, eds., Editiones Frontieres, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, pp 97-106. The general architecture of the immune system as a complex system involving billions of interacting cells and molecules will be illustrated, paying particular attention to the evolutionary moulded interaction between innate and clonotypical immunity. It will be illustrated how a specific immune response to a particular epitope emerges from a structural background characterized by a high degeneracy and promiscuity of receptors and ligands. The hypothesis will be pursued that the changes that the immune system undergoes on a long temporal scale (immunosenescence) allow us to understand additional characteristics of the system, and particularly the role that chronic antigenic load and “immunological noise” can play in maintaining immunological memory. Two mathematical models regarding this last topic will be illustrated. 噬菌體 T7 THE EXTENSION, APPLICATION, AND GENERALIZATION T7 ...( http://www.its.caltech.edu/~you/publications/Thesis_LingchongYou.pdf) OF A 將心臟視為一複雜適應系統 The Heart as a Complex Adaptive System (http://www.saplanners.org.za/SAPC/papers/Serfontien-56.pdf) 7/70 PHAGE The Basal Ganglia as a Complex system Telomeres and Telomerase Activity Are Regulated as a Complex ...( http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowPDF&ProduktNr=227088&Ausgabe=2 29884&ArtikelNr=76101&filename=76101.pdf) Understanding Neural Complexity: A (http://www.institutnicod.org/Reduction/Bickle_M_M_2001.pdf) Role Organization of the neuronal circuits in (http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/index/57PH46UR1U5G3CAW.pdf) the For central Reduction nervous ... 由數十億個神經細胞所組成的腦, 心智 http://www.goertzel.org/books/spirit/uni5.htm http://www.schuelers.com/chaos/chaos8.htm http://www.schuelers.com/ChaosPsyche/table_of_contents.htm 生態系統與生物圈 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No. 5411 (1999) 基因調控網路 Hidde de Jong, Modeling and Simulation of Genetic Regulatory Systems: A Literature Review, Journal of Computational Biology Jan 2002, Vol. 9, No. 1: 67-103 11/70 "A system that involves numerous interacting agents whose aggregate behaviors are to be understood. Such aggregate activity is nonlinear, hence it cannot simply be derived from summation of individual components behavior." [Jerome Singer] "Computers have made it possible to explore the consequences of of relatively simple interactions of relatively simple things in a way never before possible ... this new capability for observations makes possible significant insights into phenomena long felt to be complex for serious analysis." - Insights ... "Simple things interacting in simple ways can yield surprisingly complex outcomes ... Brains too consist of relatively simple things interacting in relatively simple ways" - Simple Networks ... "Each of us now can be seen as the center ... so its worth thinking about what all this means ..." - On Beyond ... (http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/complexity/) (http://web.cenet.org.cn/web/complexity/index.php3?file=index.php3) (http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/complexity/life.html) http://cognitrn.psych.indiana.edu/rgoldsto/complex/p747description.htm (http://www.calresco.org/links.htm#age) (http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/FLAOH/cbnhtml/home.html) (http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/DEFAULT.html) The behavior of a complex sytem can not be understood in terms of a simple extrapolation of the properties of its components, elements and entities. As P.W. Anderson said in his 1972 science article (Science Vol. 177 No. 4047), more is different. At the macroscopic level of the system, new properties appear which can not be predicted by the properties of microscopic components. Typically, the relationships between elements in a complex system are both short-range and long-range. The direct local interactions are short-range, that is information is normally received from near neighbours. Through top-down feedback and small-world connections agents can indirect influence all other agents. The richness of the connections means that communications will pass across the system but will probably be modified on the way. Complex Adaptive System http://www.theo-physik.uni-kiel.de/theo-physik/schuster/cas.html (http://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids/) (http://math.math.sunysb.edu/%7Escott/ants/) (http://ivytech7.cc.in.us/mathsci/alife/ants.html) (http://www.hip.atr.co.jp/~ray/tierra/tierra.html) (http://www.krl.caltech.edu/avida/) (http://offis.offis.uni-oldenburg.de/projekte/ecotools/fishsim.htm) (http://www.aridolan.com/JavaFloys.html#FloysApplet) Humor (http://ivytech7.cc.in.us/mathsci/alife/humor.html) Gell-Mann (1994), Holland (1995), Jantsch (1980), Maturna and Varela (1992), and Prigogine and Stengers (1984). The essential principles of CAS have been taken from each of these works and synthesized into a single description. The description is purposefully concise. A more lengthy description, with application to business organizations, is contained in the forthcoming paper "A Complex Adaptive Systems Model of Organizational Change," by myself, to appear in the new journal Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, & Life Science. A CAS behaves/evolves according to three key principles: order is emergent as opposed to predetermined, the system's history is irreversible, and the system's future is often unpredictable. The basic building blocks of the CAS are agents. Agents are semi-autonomous units that seek to maximize some measure of goodness, or fitness, by evolving 12/70 over time. Agents scan their environment and develop schema representing interpretive and action rules. These schema are often evolved from smaller, more basic schema. These schema are rational bounded: they are potentially indeterminate because of incomplete and/or biased information; hey are observer dependent because it is often difficult to separate a phenomenon from its context, thereby identifying contingencies; and they can be contradictory. Schema exist in multitudes and compete for survival. Existing schema can undergo three types of change: first order change, where action is taken in order to adapt the observation to the existing schema; second order change, where there is purposeful change in the schema in order to better fit observations; and third order change, where a schema survives or dies because of the Darwinian survival or death of its corresponding CAS. Schema can change through random or purposeful mutation, and/or combination with other schema. Schema change generally has the effect of making the agent more robust (it can perform in light of increasing variation or variety), more reliable (it can perform more predictably), or grow in requisite variety (in can adapt to a wider range of conditions). The fitness of the agent is a complex aggregate of many factors, both local and global. The general health or fitness of the agent determines what the probability of change will be. Optimization of local fitness allows differentiation and novelty/diversity; global optimization enhances the CAS coherence as a system and induces long term memory. In general the probability of second order schema change is a nonlinear function of the fitness value. Schema define how a given agent interacts with other agents surrounding it. Actions between agents involve the exchange of information and/or resources. These flows may be nonlinear. Information and resources can undergo multiplier effects based on the nature of interconnectedness in the system. Agent tags help identify what other agents are capable of transaction with a given agent; tags also facilitate the formation of aggregates, or meta-agents. Meta-agents help distribute and decentralize functionality, allowing diversity to thrive and specialization to occur. Agents or meta-agents also exist outside the boundaries of the CAS, and schema also determine the rules of interaction concerning how information and resources flow externally. * Dooley, K. (1997): "A Complex Adaptive Systems Model of Organization Change," Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, & Life Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 69-97. * Dooley, K., Johnson, T., and D. Bush (1995): "TQM , Chaos, and Complexity," Human Systems Management, Vol. 14, p. 1-16. * Gell-Mann, M. (1994): The Quark and the Jaguar. (New York: Freeman & Co.). * Holland, J.H. (1995): Hidden Order, (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley). * Jantsch, E. (1980): The Self-Organizing Universe, Oxford: Pergaman Press. * Lewin, R. (1992): Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos. (New York: MacMillan). * Maturana, H. and F. Varela (1992): The Tree of Knowledge (Boston: Shambhala. * Prigogine, I., & I. Stengers (1984): Order Out of Chaos. (New York: Bantam Books). * Waldrop, M.M. (1992): Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Chaos. (New York: Simon and Schuster). 13/70 複雜論與複雜系統 簡介與定義 ESD-WP-2000-02: Ideas on Complexity in Systems-- Twenty Views by Professor Joseph Sussman (http://esd.mit.edu/wps/esd-wp-2000-02.pdf) Scherf, Olaf. COMPLEXITY: A CONCEPTUAL CHALLENGE, SYNTHETIC ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX (http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/hps/newevents/Auyang1.html) SYSTEMS Shared concepts between complex systems and http://www.math-info.univ-paris5.fr/~bouzy/publications/UES96.article.pdf I the – game 理論延伸探討 The paradigm of complex systems (http://www.chem.kntu.ac.ir/mahjani/complexity.htm) Defining and detecting emergence in complex (http://www.per.marine.csiro.au/staff/Fabio.Boschetti/3054CO/papers/emergence_kes_final.pdf) Dependability of complex open systems: A unifying for ...(http://www.cert.org/research/isw/isw2000/papers/47.pdf) 14/70 THEORIES of Go networks concept 冪次律分佈(Powerlaw distribution)與各種統計分佈 Zipf, G.K. (1949). Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort, Addison-Wesley Press, New York. 哈佛大學語言學教授 George Kinsley Zipf(1902-1950) 所歸納出有關語言文字的規律性,在自然語言中第 n 個最 常使用的字其使用頻率與 n 成反比。也就是說第二常用字出現頻率為第一常用字出現頻率的 1/2 倍,第三常用 字出現頻率為第一常用字出現頻率的 1/3 倍。 pk ( s, N ) 1 ks N n 1 1 ns N 表示全部不同的字數,k 代表其使用頻率排名,s 則是整個分布的冪次。 pk ( s, N ) 1 ks H N ,s H N ,s 為第 N 個通用協調數(generalized Harmonic number)。 (http://www.aicpa.org/pubs/jofa/may1999/nigrini.htm) (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BenfordsLaw.html) 1938 年在奇異電子公司(General Electric Company)位於紐約 Schenectady 的實驗室擔任物理學家 Frank Benford 由對數表手冊的污損情形推斷使用者一定時常查詢這些數值的對數值,尤其是以數字 1 開頭的頁數污損的最嚴 重。他認為使用者並不會特意的多查詢這樣的數字,因此他開始收集並統計身邊一些時常出現的數字。一共收 集了 20229 組數字,其範疇由河流的面積,棒球統計數字到美國科學界重要人物前 342 名的住址號碼,在這樣 廣泛的數字統計後,他發現以數字 1 開始的機率遠比其他數字開頭的高,約佔全部數字的百分之三十。 Benford 設計了公式來描述這個現象。數字 d 表示由 1 到 9,那麼第一個數為 d 的數字出現機率約等於(1+1/d) 取基底為 10 的對數。 這個規律性在 1881 年 Simon Newcomb 數字 第一位 第二位 第三位 第四位 0 .11968 .10178 .10018 1 .30103 .11389 .10138 .10014 2 .17609 .10882 .10097 .10010 3 .12494 .10433 .10057 .10006 4 .09691 .10031 .10018 .10002 5 .07918 .09668 .09979 .09998 6 .06695 .09337 .09940 .09994 7 .05799 .09035 .09902 .09990 8 .05115 .08757 .09864 .09986 9 .04576 .08500 .09827 .09982 Nigrini, M. "A Taxpayer Compliance Application of Benford's Law." J. Amer. Tax. Assoc. 18, 72-91, 1996. 15/70 Newcomb Simon (1881) Note on the Frequency of the Use of Digits in Natural Numbers American Journal of Mathematics 4 39-40. Benford Frank (1938) The Law of Anomalous Numbers Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 78, 551-572. Hill, T. P. "A Statistical Derivation of the Significant-Digit Law." Stat. Sci. 10, 354-363, 1996. (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A//www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/%7Eturner/Benford%27s%2520l aw/stat-der.pdf&ei=XZPzQs65LcOsigGi0bXtAg) The Second Digit Phenomenon http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=29&url=http%3A//econwpa.wustl.edu%3A8089/eps/othr/papers/0507/ 0507001.pdf&ei=TnzzQrOgOZqCiAHelrXTAg (http://auditorymodels.org/jba/BOOKS_Historical/) A General Approach to Digital Analysis exemplified by Stock Market ... http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=27&url=http%3A//www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/dof/pnposch/paper/po sch_stockmarket.pdf&ei=B5DzQoHTHqruRKmv6OAB Heaps’ law H. S. Heaps. Information Retrieval - Computational and Theoretical Aspects. Academic Press, 1978. 描述一個文件的大小與上面所包含不同的字彙。 VR (n ) Kn , n 是文件的大小,K[10,100], [0.4,0.6]。 Lotka’s law Alfred J. Lotka, The Frequency Distribution of Scientific Productivity, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 16(12):317-323, 1926. 貢獻 n 篇的作者數大約是只貢獻一篇的 1/na ,n 大約等於 2。 k x Pr[ X x ] m ,k>0,xxm>0 x k xm Pr[ X x ] 1 x 其 PDF 為 p X ( x ) kxmk x ( k 1) ,k>0,xxm>0 由 Zipf’s 排名分布到 Pareto 分布 E[ X r ] C1r b Pr[ X C1r b ] C2 r Pr[ X y ] y 1 b Pr[ X y ] y (11 b ) y 16/70 在這篇簡介中,我們深入探討三個領域,經濟體與金融市場、生命體與神經網路和網路模型與網際網路。 Self-similar approach to market analysis (http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/epjb/pdf/2001/08/b0629.pdf) 早在 1963 年 Benoit Mandelbrot 觀察支加哥商品交易市場中的棉花價格變動,注意到其極端值出現的機率遠比一 般認為的高斯分佈所預測的大。而在使用不同的時間間距匯整價格變動畫成各曲線時,看起來都十分相似。此 為使用碎形來描述價格變動的濫觴,也開啟了使用有別於傳統經濟方法研究金融市場的方法。視經濟體為一複 雜系統,則是在 1987 年,由 Kenneth J. Arrow 及一些經濟學家與物理、生物與電腦專家聚會討論,並於次年編 輯成 The Economy as an Evolving Complex System 一書。自此開始將相關的思維推廣。於 1996 年輯錄的 The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II 論文輯則是幾乎集中於經濟領域中。其主要的議題是在過去的十年 中,使用複雜系統的觀點來看經濟有些什麼助益?其中談到傳統經濟思維與數學工具研究在下列幾項領域中遭 到一些困境 分散式互動 在經濟體中的活動主要是由分散的,同質或(可能是)異質性的組成體同時互動所決定的。任一組成體的行動會受 到對其他幾位構成體的預期行動所影響,也會受到整體組成體的集合行動所影響。 沒有全面控制者 沒有任何全面性的控制機制可以掌控所有的互動。所有的控制是經由組成體間競爭與協調的機制達成。經濟行 動是經由法律機構所監督,分派的角色,轉移的關連,沒有全面性的、可利用所有機會的競爭者。 互相參差的階層式組織 經濟體包括有許多層面的組織與互動。在某一階層的單位例如作為、行動、策略與產品,通常為下一階層的基 石。整體組織不僅是階層式,而且包括各種跨越階層的互動、關連、通訊管道。 持續的適應行為 行動、策略與產品隨著單一組成體累積經驗後便修改適應,整體系統也時時調適。 持續創新 新的利基隨時在新市場、新科技、新作為或新機構中產生。佔領新利基的行動本身可能創造新的利基。結果便 是持續的、永不停歇的創新。 非均衡動力 由於新利基、新的潛能、新機會時時產生,經濟體並非在任何最佳點或全域的均衡點運作。改善是一直有可能 的而且也真正隨時進行的。 John Holland 於 1987 年稱具有以上特性的系統為適應非線性網絡(adaptive nonlinear network)。這些系統時常出 現於自然與社會中,例如神經系統、免疫系統、生態系與經濟體。其基本的特性是組成體並不只是單純的針對 刺激來反應,組成體還會預估未來。經濟構成體會形成期望值,他們會建立經濟模型來預測未來,並依此決定 行動。這些預測模型並不一定是外顯的、協調的或是相互一致的。將經濟體視為是一個複雜適應非線性網路— 演化複雜系統—對於經濟學基礎,同時對於如何設定理論問題及如何解答有深厚的影響。 17/70 認知學基礎 新古典經濟理論的認知學基礎是單一的,經濟組成體是理性的最佳化者。這表示組成體以統計機率評估未知並 隨著新資訊而使用貝氏原理修正預測,從而選擇滿意度期望值最高的行動。在這樣的單一化組成體認知能力情 況下,組成體完全相互瞭解並知悉所有共同資訊,對所存在的世界均使用理性期望。相對的,聖太菲學院的方 式則顯得多元化。依照現代認知學理論,認知過程並沒有唯一的或主要的。組成體需要在認知上架構自身的問 題,也就是說他們必須要弄懂問題的意義並解決問題。而這些都在有限的認知資源下完成。要懂問題的意義, 要學習、要適應,組成體必須使用各式各樣的分散式認知過程。組成體將外界資訊轉化成行動的依據是由經驗 而來。而這些經驗或認知解釋並不是互無矛盾才能產生有效的行動。因此組成體是活在自我解讀的世界觀中。 而這個複雜世界是由其他時時變化的組成體與他們的行動所構成。組成體無法進行一般所認知的最佳化推論, 並不是因為受到有限的記憶空間與處理能力,而是無法精確定義所謂的最佳化行動。同時新古典經濟理論中的 演繹理性組成體在指出有效的行動時只是邊緣的角色。任何組成體所擁有的相互共同知識,必需由實際的、特 定的認知過程依照實際經驗而得,因此,無法輕易假設所謂的共同知識是存在的。 結構基礎 在一般均衡理論分析,組成體並不是直接與其他組成體互動,而是透過間接的機制—市場—來達成互動。不同 於博奕理論中組成體直接與所有其他組成體互動,由償賠矩陣得知輸贏多寡。所以其互動是簡單的或者可以說 是極端的一對所有的或所有的對所有的。組成體的內部結構更是抽象化,然而由複雜論的角度看,結構是很重 要的。首先,以網路為基礎的結構是很重要的。所有的經濟活動都牽涉到組成體間的互動。所以經濟功能是局 限於由網路所架構出來的圖樣。這些網路的特色是相當稀疏的連線。接著,經濟活動是由社會角色與社會上支 持的程序也就是說經濟組織。再者,經濟單位都具有遞迴的架構,其本身是由其他經濟單位所構成。然而在這 樣的一級級組織下,個體與其行動並非是階層式。由於一級組成個體可能是另一級個體的部份,而且在不同級 的個體可能會有互動。在不同級的組織的行動的因果關係可能是相反的。一級的組織其行動可以是自主的可是 受到其他級個體的行動或行為的樣式所限制。使用聖太菲角度的基礎組織原則是在一級的個體結合形成另一級 的個體。 聖太菲人工股市模型(Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market Model)] [8] W. Brian Arthur, John H. Holland, Blake LeBaron, Richard Palmer, and Paul Tayler, "Asset Pricing under Endogenous Expectations in an Artificial Stock Market" pages 15-44 in W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf, and David A. Lane, The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Vol. XXVII, Addison-Wesley, 1997. [9] Norman Ehrentreich, "The Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market Re-Examined: Suggested Corrections" (html), Economics Working Paper Archive at WUSTL, 2002, (pdf ms.,22pp., available for downloading from above html site). [10] Blake LeBaron, "Agent-Based Computational Finance: Suggested Readings and Early Research" (pdf preprint), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24:5-7 (2000), 679-702. Published article available at Science Direct. [11]Blake LeBaron, "A Builder's Guide to Agent-Based Financial Markets" (pdf preprint,18pp,207K), Quantitative Finance 1 (2001), 254-261. [12] Blake LeBaron, "Building the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market" (pdf preprint,19pp,126K), Working Paper, Brandeis University, June 2002. LeBaron provides an insider's look at the construction of the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market model. He considers the many design questions that went into building the model from the perspective of a decade of experience with agent-based financial markets. He also provides an assessment of the model's overall strengths and weaknesses. [13] Blake LeBaron, "Calibrating an Agent-Based Financial Market" (pdf,44pp), Graduate School of International Economics and Finance, Working Paper, Brandeis University, Revised March 2003. This paper develops an agent-based computational stock market with market participants who adapt and evolve their behaviors over time. The market model is calibrated to match the variability and growth of dividend payments in 18/70 U.S. data. The market model generates some features that are remarkably similar to those from actual U.S. data, including the volatility of the dividend process, the persistence in volatility and volume, and fat-tailed return distributions. [14] Blake LeBaron, W. Brian Arthur, and Richard Palmer, "Time Series Properties of an Artificial Stock Market Model" (pdf preprint,30pp,324K), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 23 (1999), 1487-1516. A rigorous technical discussion of the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market Model, including implementation details. Anyone interested in the actual implementation of this model should consult this paper in addition to the Arthur et al. (1997) paper cited above. Economy from the Perspective of Complex Systems (http://www.kzoo.edu/physics/ccss/materials/comecon.pdf) COMPLEXITY IN ECONOMICS(http://cob.jmu.edu/rosserjb/COMPLEXITY%20IN%20ECONOMICS.doc) W. Brian Arthur, "Complexity and the Economy,"Science, 2 April 1999, 284,107-109 將金融市場 Multiscaling and non-universality in fluctuations (http://www.nd.edu/~networks/Publication%20Categories/Eisler_EurophyLtr(2005).pdf) of Complex Dynamics and Financial Fragility in an Model(http://www.ecomod.net/conferences/ecomod2003/ecomod2003_papers/Gallegati.pdf) driven Agent ... Based [15] W. Brian Arthur, "Complexity in Economic and Financial Markets," Complexity, Volume 1, Number 1, 1995, pp. 2 0-25. Provides, among other things, a brief summary of the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market model by Arthur et al. (1997), below. David F. Batten, "Coevolving Markets" (Chapter 7, pages 209-245), in Discovering Artificial Economics, Westview Press, 2000. W. M. van den Bergh, K. Boer, A. de Bruin, U. Kaymak, and J. Spronk, "On Intelligent Agent-Based Analysis of Financial Markets" (pdf,9pp,341K), Working Paper, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 2002. S.-H. Chen and C.-H. Yeh, "Evolving Traders and the Business School with Genetic Programming: A New Architecture of the Agent-Based Stock Market," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25 (3-4), March 2001, pages 363-393. Article available at Science Direct. # S.-H. Chen, T. Lux, and M. Marchesi, "Testing for Nonlinear Structure in an Artificial Financial Market," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 46 (2001), 327-342. Article available at Science Direct. # John Duffy, "Learning to Speculate: Experiments with Artificial and Real Agents," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25(3/4), March 2001, pages 295-319. Article available at Science Direct. This paper employs parallel experiments with real and computational agents to explore issues originally raised by Kiyotaki and Wright in their well-known search model of money (JPE, 1989). The primary issue of interest is how individuals might come to accept or learn to adopt a convention in which the particular commodity functioning as "money" is dominated in rate of return by other assets, in the sense that it has a higher storage cost. The key offsetting factor is anticipations ("speculation") concerning the ease with which the "money" good can be turned over in trade for other goods that agents have a higher desire to consume. The author shows how each type of experiment can contribute to the experimental design and interpretation of results for the other. # J. Doyne Farmer and John Geanakoplos (eds.), Beyond Equilibrium and Efficiency, 352pp., Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN: 0-195-15094-5 19/70 From the publisher: "This book presents recent thought on market efficiency, using a complex systems approach to move past equilibrium models and quantify the actual efficiency of markets. The older view that markets are perfectly efficient has come under attack from several different directions, including studies of market anomalies, human psychology, bounded rationality, agent-based modeling, and evolutionary game theory. This volume brings together some of the best economists, physicists, and biologists working on quantitative models of complex self-organized behavior relevant to measuring market efficiency, to stimulate new approaches to understanding financial markets." J. Doyne Farmer is McKinsey Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, and John Geanakoplos is Professor of Economics at Yale University. # J. Doyne Farmer and Andrew W. Lo, "Frontiers of Finance: Evolution and Efficient Markets" (pdf,7pp,105K), SFI Working Paper, April 1999. # Jens Grossklags, Carsten Schmidt, and Jonathan Siegel, "Dumb Software Agents on an Experimental Asset Market" (pdf,22pp.), Working Paper, School of Information and Management Systems, UC Berkeley. # Cars Hommes, "Heterogeneous Agent Models in Economics and Finance", Chapter 8 in Leigh Tesfatsion and Kenneth L. Judd (editors), Handbook of Computational Economics, Vol. 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics, Handbooks in Economics Series, North-Holland, Amsterdam, Spring 2006, to appear. Abstract: This chapter surveys work on dynamic heterogeneous agent models (HAMs) in economics and finance. Emphasis is given to simple models that, at least to some extent, are tractable by analytic methods in combination with computational tools. Most of these models are behavioral models with boundedly rational agents using different heuristics or rule of thumb strategies that may not be perfect, but perform reasonably well. Typically these models are highly nonlinear, e.g. due to evolutionary switching between strategies, and exhibit a wide range of dynamical behavior ranging from a unique stable steady state to complex, chaotic dynamics. Aggregation of simple interactions at the micro level may generate sophisticated structure at the macro level. Simple HAMs can explain important observed stylized facts in financial time series, such as excess volatility, high trading volume, temporary bubbles and trend following, sudden crashes and mean reversion, clustered volatility and fat tails in the returns distribution. # Paul Johnson, "What I Learned from the Artificial Stock Market" (pdf,20pp,107K), Working Paper, Department of Political Science, University of Kansas, November 5, 2001. Abstract:This essay describes some of the changes that were incorporated in the ASM-2.2 revision of the code for the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market model. It also presents some important lessons for agent-based modelers that can be illustrated with the code. # Deddy P. Koesrindartoto, "Treasury Auctions, Uniform or Discriminatory?: An Agent-Based Approach" (html), Economics Working Paper No. 04013, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, July 2004. Abstract: This study develops an agent-based computational economics (ACE) framework to explore experimentally how a Treasury should auction its securities. Buyers are modeled as profit seekers capable of submitting strategic bids via reinforcement learning. Two distinct auction pricing rules are considered, uniform and discriminatory. The author shows that these two rules result in systematically different auction outcomes under different treatment conditions for relative capacity and for price volatility in a secondary security market. In particular, which auction pricing rule generates greater Treasury revenues varies systematically with these treatment factor specifications. These findings help to explain why previous Treasury auction studies attempting to determine "the" best Treasury auction pricing rule have reached contradictory conclusions. # Blake LeBaron, "Agent-Based Computational Finance", Chapter 9 in Leigh Tesfatsion and Kenneth L. Judd (editors), Handbook of Computational Economics, Vol. 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics, Handbooks in Economics Series, North-Holland, Amsterdam, Spring 2006, to appear. Abstract: This chapter surveys research on agent-based models used in finance. It concentrates on models where the use of computational tools is critical for the process of crafting models that give insights into the importance and dynamics of investor heterogeneity in many financial settings. # T. Lux and M. Marchesi (guest editors), Special Issue on "Heterogeneous Interacting Agents in Financial Markets," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 49, No. 1, in press. Article available at Science Direct. # T. H. Noe, M. J. Rebello, and J. Wang, "Corporate Financing: An Agent-Based Analysis," Journal of Finance, Vol. 58, 943-973, June 2003. # Nicholas S. P. Tay and Scott C. Linn, "Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning, Expectation Formation, and the Behavior of Security Prices," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25, March 2001, pages 321-361. Article available at Science Direct. 20/70 # Leigh Tesfatsion, "Introduction to Financial Markets" (html). # Leigh Tesfatsion, "Information, Bubbles, and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis" (html). # Leigh Tesfatsion, "Notes on the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market Model" (html). # Edward P. K. Tsang and Serafin Martinez-Jaramillo, Computational Finance (pdf,310K,6pp), Feature Article, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, August 2004. This paper briefly outlines the scope and agenda of computational finance research. # Frank Westerhoff, "Speculative Markets and the Effectiveness of Price Limits", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (2003), 493-508. Article available at Science Direct. "The End of Certainty in Economics," Talk delivered at the conference Einstein Meets Magritte, Free University of Brussels, 1994. Appeared in Einstein Meets Magritte, D. Aerts, J. Broekaert, E. Mathijs, eds. 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Holland. The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II. 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(http://www.santafe.edu/arthur/Papers/ADLIntro.html) REVISITING MARKET EFFICIENCY: THE STOCK COMPLEX ...( http://www.quantuminvesting.net/samples/144maub.pdf) MARKET Computability and Evolutionary Complexity: Complex ...( http://www.essex.ac.uk/economics/discussion-papers/papers-text/dp574.pdf) Agents and Complex Systems (http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2002_07/column3.pdf) A GAME PERSPECTIVE TO COMPLEX (http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2005/isbn9512277328/isbn9512277328.pdf) AGENT-BASED GENETIC AND EMERGENT 21/70 Markets ADAPTIVE COMPUTATIONAL AS A As SYSTEMS MODELS OF COMPLEX ...( http://www.public.asu.edu/~kdooley/papers/compmod.PDF) Darwinism, probability and complexity: market- based ... (http://staff.um.edu.mt/tsam1/publications/Darwinism.pdf) The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis: Market Efficiency from an ...http://web.mit.edu/alo/www/Papers/JPM2004.pdf 22/70 經濟物理學或金融物理學(econophysics) 這是由物理學家所主導的領域,是指綜合使用統計物理,非線性動力學與組成體為基礎的模擬技術研究經濟與 金融市場現象的跨領域研究。經濟物理學(econophysics) [] 於 1995 年時出現在印度加爾各達舉行的複雜系統國 際研討會中。在 1997 年布達佩斯的國際工作坊則以經濟物理學命名。雖然有些物理學家使用 phynance 來描述 這領域,然而為了與 biophysics(研究在生物學中的物理現象)和 geophysics(研究地質學中的物理)相對應,所以漸 漸多人採用經濟物理學來稱呼這些相關研究。 [16] Sanley, H. E.; Afanasyev, V.; Amaral, L. A. N.; Buldyrev, S. V.; Goldberger, A. L.; Havlin, S.; Leschhorn, H.; Maass, P.; Mantegna, R. N.; Peng, C.-K.; Prince, P. A.; Salinger, M. A.; Stanley, M. H. R.; Viswanathan, G. M., Anomalous fluctuations in the dynamics of complex systems: from DNA and physiology to econophysics, Physica A, Volume 224, Issue 1-2, p. 302-321, 1996. [17] Mantegna, R. N, H.E. Stanley, An introduction to econophysics: correlations and complexity in finance, Cambridge University Press, 2000. 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Is Econophysics a Solid Science? Acta Physica Polonica B34 (2003) 87. (http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0301096) [23] Di Matteo, Tiziana, Enrico Scalas, Michele Tumminello, Econophysics: a new tool to investigate financial markets, Bollettino della Comunità Scientifica in Australasia, Sept. 2004. (http://www.scientific.ambitalia.org.au/bollettino/sept04/dimatteo_ing.pdf) [24] Scalas, Enrico, Five Years of Continuous-time Random (http://econwpa.wustl.edu:8089/eps/fin/papers/0501/0501005.pdf) Walks in Econophysics, 2005. [25] Vasconcelos, Giovani L., A Guided Walk Down Wall Street: An Introduction to Econophysics , Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 34, no. 3B, September, 2004. (http://www.scielo.br/pdf/bjp/v34n3b/a02v343b.pdf) [26] Econophysics: statistical physics of interacting (http://www.fzu.cz/departments/theory/seminars/presentations/sem-present-031127.pdf) (http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/ephys/Econophysics%20Stauffer.pdf) agents [27] Gordon M.B., Nadal J.P., Phan D., Statistical Mechanics Approaches in Economics: Suggested Reading and Interpretations, (http://www.cenecc.ens.fr/EcoCog/Livre/Drafts/MBGJPNDPv5.pdf) [28] Farmer, J. Doyne, Martin Shubik, and Eric Smith, Economics: (www.santafe.edu/research/publications/workingpapers/05-06-027.pdf) (http://cowles.econ.yale.edu/P/cd/d15a/d1520.pdf) [29] Yakovenko, Victor M., Research in (http://www2.physics.umd.edu/~yakovenk/papers/condmat-0302270.pdf) the next physical Econophysics, science? 2003. [30] Plerou, Vasiliki, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, Bernd Rosenow, Luis A.N. Amaral, H. Eugene Stanley, Econophysics: Financial Time Series From a Statistical Physics Point of View, (http://polymer.bu.edu/~amaral/Papers/physa00a.pdf) (http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/ephys/) (http://iapetus.phy.umist.ac.uk/Teaching/LitStudies/Essays/Econophysics.html) 一方面由於在金融界使用數位技術進行交易與儲存資料漸漸普遍,且每日產生的金融資料龐大而且可以十分容 23/70 易取得。例如 Trades and Quotes Database: a monthly CD-ROM with every transaction at NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ。另一方面一些統計物理學家認為使用統計力學方法可以由這些資料中找到經濟學家所沒注意到的規 律性且或許可由物理定律提供一些可能解釋。 幾個時常見到的議題:財富與收入分佈,價格波動,買賣簿,探討量尺現象,臨界行為,冪次律分佈與寡勝博 奕。 http://www.bwl.uni-kiel.de/vwlinstitute/gwif/teaching/handouts/tdf/Tutorial%20Fat%20Tails.pdf Essays on Asset Return Distributions http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=212&url=http%3A//www.int9.com/download/isbn9512262541.pdf&ei =TgH4QuXyEInqswGbqqj0DQ 價格波動是廣為研究的議題。 http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~jinshanw/project/ecophys/review/review.html The Statistical Physics of http://iapetus.phy.umist.ac.uk/Teaching/LitStudies/Essays/Econophysics.html financial markets 假設 pt 表示某一金融商品在時間 t 時的價格, pt 是非靜駐式序列(non-stationary) 也就是說,[pt] 是與時間 t 的函數。序列 價格報酬(price returns) rt (t ) ln p(t t ) ln p(t ) ,買賣量(volume) V (t ) ,波動係數 (volatility) (t ) ,相 關係數(correlations), corrt [T ] corr[ rt (t T ), rt (t )] corr ,t [T ] corr[ rt (t T ) , rt (t ) ] 報酬序列 r ( t ) 非高斯分佈,巨額報酬往往集中,集聚的波動係數。 在高頻資料,高流動市場在大於 15 分鐘其報酬平均幾乎為零。 低頻資料(星期,月)少量的自我正相關係數。 不管Δt 為多少,畫出的分怖圖都很相似。此為長尾巴或稱厚尾巴現象。 Pr( r ) r 如果 2 , Loretan & Phillips (1994): Testing the covariance stationarity of heavy-tailed time series. Journal of Empirical Finance, 1, 211-248. Exchange rates & Stock indices have tail indices in range, 2.4-3.8 Müller, U.A., Dacorogna, M.M., Olsen, R.B., Pictet, O.V. (1998) Heavy Tails in High-Frequency Financial Data. In A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails: Statistical Techniques and Application. Editors: Adler, R.J., Feldman, R.E. & Taqqu, M.S., Birkhäuser, US. Stanley et al. (1999), Scaling of the distribution of price fluctuations of individual companies [Phys. Rev E60, 6519-6529]: For timescales, 5 min to 16 days, tail index of shares is about 3 (2.8 using Hill). Stanley et al. (1999), Scaling of the distribution of fluctuations of financial market indices [Phys. Rev E60, 5305-5316]: 24/70 一致性「特徵事實(stylized facts)」 由於金融時間序列,例如股價,匯率,利率等,往往因為金融商品,市場,時間研究 然而有些統計特徵是不因金融商品,市場,時間研究而改變的,我們稱這些特徵為「特徵事實(stylized facts)」。 報酬序列 酬序列 rt (t ) (線性)自我相關係數並不顯著,在短時距t20 分鐘左右由於市場微結構效應而趨於顯著。報 rt (t ) 往往具有冪次律分布。其指數通常大於 2 而小於 5。因此變異量無窮大的穩定分布與常態分布無 法描述。pt 序列具有較多的連續下跌而連續上漲的較少。報酬序列 不管任何時距t 下,報酬序列 rt (t ) 在累積長時距t 下顯示接近常態分布。 rt (t ) 均呈現間歇性的高變異量。同時變異量呈現顯著的自我相關係數,可以延 伸到數天。因此我們會說高變異量往往有群聚現象。在經由類似 GARCH 的變異量模型修改後的報酬序列依然 呈現冪次律尾部分布。然而其指數較沒修改前大。絕對值報酬序列 | rt (t ) | 的自我相關係數隨著時距而呈冪次 律遞減,其指數通常介於 0.2 與 0.4 間。大部份的變異量指標均與報酬值呈負相關,此稱為槓桿效應。成交量與 大部份的變異量指標呈正相關。長時距的變異量指標預測短時距的變異量指標往往比用短時距來預測長時距的 變異量指標來的好。 # Cont, Rama (2001) "Empirical properties of asset returns: stylized facts and statistical issues," Qunatitative Finance, 1, 223-236. http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~steele/Resources/FTSResources/StylizedFacts/Cont2001.pdf # Malmsten, H. and Terasvirta, T. (2004) "Stylized Facts of Financial Time Series and Three Popluar Models of Volatility, SSE/EFI working paper. http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~steele/Resources/FTSResources/StylizedFacts/MalmstenTerasvirta04.pdf # Rydberg, T. (2005) "Realistic Statistical Modeling of Financial Data," Technical Report, Nuffield College, Oxford, UK. http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~steele/Resources/FTSResources/StylizedFacts/Rydberg.pdf THE TAIL-FATNESS OF FX RETURNS RECONSIDERED http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=3084 Empirical properties of asset returns: stylized facts and ... http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~rama/papers/empirical.pdf Stylized facts about the distribution of asset returns has been well documented in Bollerslev, Engle and Nelson (1994, Handbook of Econometrics IV), Ghysels, Harvey and Renault (1996, Handbook of Statistics 14), and others. They include: 尖峭態峰度分布(LEPTOKURTOSIS) 1.: It has been long observed that asset returns follow a distribution which is far from normal, in particular one that exhibits a substantial degree of excess kurtosis --Fama (1965, Journal of Business). Merton (1976, Journal of Financial Economics), among others, notes that mixtures of normal distributions exhibit fat tails relative to the normal, and therefore models that result in such distributions can be used in order to improve on the BS option pricing results. 2. CLUSTERING: ARCH and stochastic volatility models have been used in the literature to mimic volatility clustering --Engle (1982, Econometrica), Ghysels, Harvey and Renault (1996) and the references therein. Financial time series exhibit periods where the volatility is consistently low that alternate with periods of consistently high volatility. This variation of volatility can be linked to the arrivals of information, and high trading volume --see Mandelbrot and Taylor (1967, Operations Research), and Karpoff (1987, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis), inter alia. One can argue that trading does not take place in a uniform fashion across time: new information will result in a more dense trading pattern with higher trading volumes, which in turn result in higher volatilities. 3. LEVERAGE EFFECTS: Black (1972, Journal of Business) suggests that volatilities and asset returns are negatively correlated, naming this phenomenon the leverage effect. Falling stock prices imply an increased leverage on firms, which is presumed by agents to entail more uncertainty, and therefore volatility. This is also referred to in the literature as the Fisher-Black effect. 25/70 4. LONG MEMORY: Although volatility seems to follow a cyclical pattern, there seems to be a very high degree of persistency, usually modeled through an IGARCH or a FIGARCH specification--see Baillie, Bollerslev and Mikkelsen (1993, Journal of Econometrics). 5. VOLATILITY SMILE: Many of the above stylized facts are visualized in the literature through the volatility smile. The features of the smile are well documented in the literature and include the following: 1. The $ \cup$-shaped relationship between the implied volatility and the moneyness level, with a minimum around-the-money, although ''smirks'' and ''frowns'' are also encountered --see for example Marsh and Kobayashi (1998, Univ of Tokyo). This is usually attributed to the fat tails of the returns of the underlying asset. 2. The volatility smile is often symmetric, although documented asymmetries might exist due to the leverage effects which result into returns with negative skewness--see for example Heston (1993, Review of Financial Studies), or liquidity issues since the more expensive contracts --which are far in-the-money-- are documented to be the least liquid ones. 3. The amplitude of the smile decreases with time to maturity. Short maturity options tend to exhibit more acute volatility smiles, that tend to die out for long maturity contracts. 尾部現象(tail behavior) 量尺現象(scaling behavior) 自我相關函數(autocorrelation functions) 長時記憶自我相關函數(long memory autocorrelation function) 泰勒效應 報酬絕對值具有序列相關性,間隔值,比報酬平方值的序列相關性還高。 A Multifractal Model of Asset Returns http://finance.sauder.ubc.ca/~fisher/pspaps/onlytf/mmar1t.ps. 與計量經濟不同的是, 傳統計量經濟中的 AR 與 ARMA 模型無法充分描述這種隨機過程, 所以另外一些變異量模型例如 ARCH(autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) 與 GARCH 模型才發展 Is it really long memory we see http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~steele/HoldingPen/StaricaLongRangeQ.pdf in nancial returns? http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~rama/papers/empirical.pdf 除了由實際金融資料中發掘一致性事實(stylized facts)外,也有使用模型與模擬來探討這些發生的可能原因。 Agent-based Financial Markets: http://www.econ.ku.dk/okokj/colanderconf/style.pdf Matching Stylized Facts With Style Michael Kirchler, and Jürgen Huber, Testing for stylized facts in experimental financial markets (http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=14&url=http%3A//www.essex.ac.uk/wehia05/Paper/Parallel4/Session 3/KirchlerM.pdf&ei=NHb2QuCEHJfuYJSaxMIJ) Stylized models of financial markets and the stylized facts http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=24&url=http%3A//www.ictp.trieste.it/%7Emarsili/Minority.pdf&ei=33 r2Qu6EHLTOYbfU4LoK 波動係數群聚現象 波動係數為正。 26/70 隨著時距加大而呈冪次衰退。 corr ,t [T ] corr[ rt (t T ) , rt (t ) ] A , 1, 2, [0.2,0.4] T 在任何的時距尺度,報酬序列呈現不規則的暴起暴落。 成交量與波動係數相關性強。 A Theory of Large Fluctuations in Stock Market Activity (http://econ-www.mit.edu/faculty/download_pdf.php?id=237) 此種研究方法又可視為市場現象學(market phenomenology)。 “Social scientists for the most part don’t seem to have learned that the theory is always required to fit the data, and that it is an incorrect procedure that data should be made fit the theory…As a class social scientists have never caught on to this. As a result they very often won’t even undertake an investigation and collect data unless they have some sort of a theory or model to fit the data to.” Osborne, M.F.M. (1977), The Stock Market and Finance from a Physicist’s Viewpoint, p. 19. “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” Sherlock Holmes (or A. Conan Doyle) , A Scandal in Bohemia. (http://love.theponytail.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=3&id=69&Itemid=47) Levy processes driven by stochastic volatility Option pricing using the fractional FFT Non-affine option pricing Volatility persistence, regime switches, jumps and option pricing Stochastic volatility and jumps driven by continuous time Markov chains Bachelier, Louis, 1900, Theory of speculation, reprinted in P. Cootner (ed.), The Random Character of Stock Market Prices, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA 財富與收入的分佈 在 1897 年 Vilfredo Pareto 在研究十九世紀英國財富與收入分布時 發現 他也注意到這現象並不局限於某段時間或某一國家,而是具有普遍性的。 發現歐洲的收入與財富分佈呈現冪次律現象。 x Pr[ X x ] xm x xm , k>0 k 27/70 p( x ) k pdf xmk for x xm x k 1 p( x | k , xm ) kxmk x k 1 x cdf F ( x | k , xm ) 1 m x k Pareto 分布是連續值 離散值 Zipf 或 zeta 分布 [x] 期望值 為 xm k k 1 如果 k1, 期望值為無窮大。 中間值為 xm k 2 標準差為 xm k k 1 k 2 如果 k2, 標準差為無窮大。 k>3 時,偏差量為 2(1 k ) k 2 k 3 k k>4 時,kurtosis 6(k 3 k 2 6k 2) k (k 3)(k 4) Entropy k 1 ln 1 xm k 當 k>n 時,其各次矩 n kxmn k n 特徵函數為 (t ) k ( ixmt )k ( k , ixmt ) (a,x)為非完備珈瑪函數(incomplete Gamma function) 另外,與 exponential distribution f(x|k)的關係為 p( x | k , xm ) f (ln( x / xm ) | k ) 而 Dirac delta function 為 Pareto distribution 的極限 lim p( x | k , xm ) ( x xm ) k Lorenz curve Lorenz, M. O. (1905). Methods of measuring the concentration of wealth. Publications of the American Statistical Association. 9: 209-219. 28/70 羅倫茲曲線(Lorenz curve)是由 pdf(p(x)) 或 cdf(F(x)) L(F)= x( F ) L( F ) xm xm xp( x )dx F 0 1 xp( x )dx 0 x ( F )dF x ( F )dF x(F)為 CDF 的反函數 Pareto distribution x( F ) xm (1 F )1 k 因此羅倫茲曲線為 L( F ) 1 (1 F )11 k , k1 Gini 係數量測羅倫茲曲線與 k=平均分布的差異, 1 G 1 2 F ( F )dF 0 1 2k 1 如果有一組樣本(x1,x2,x3,…,xn),如何估計 Pareto 分布的參數 疑似度函數(Likelihood function) n L(k , xm ) k i 1 n xmk 1 n nk k x m k 1 k 1 xi i 1 xi 因此,取對數後的疑似度函數 n ( k , xm ) n ln k nk ln xm ( k 1) ln xi i 1 由於 (k , xm ) 為 xm 的單調遞增函數,因此,xm 越大,對數疑似度越高。 所以我們取 xˆm min xi i 要找到 k 的估計值,對 (k , xm ) 取偏微分並將結果設為零。 n ( k , xm ) n n ln xm ln xi 0 k k i 1 所以得到 xˆm min xi , kˆ i n n i 1 (ln xi ln xˆm ) Statistical Mechanics of Money, http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/colloq/yakovenko1/pdf/Yakovenko.pdf Income, and Wealth Statistical Mechanics of Money, Income, and Wealth: A Short Survey http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=186&url=http%3A//www.nda.ac.jp/cs/AI/wehia04/papers/25VictorYak ovenko/25StatMech-money.pdf&ei=IQnzQv3oEcmsYfK5ifIP 29/70 Statistical mechanics of money http://www2.physics.umd.edu/~yakovenk/papers/EPJB-17-723-2000.pdf The New Theories of Economics Vilfredo Pareto The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 5, No. 4. (Sep., 1897), pp. 485-502. Stable URL: Division Rules, Network Formation, and the Evolution of Wealth http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=304&url=http%3A//www.fiu.edu/orgs/economics/wp2005/05-05.pdf& ei=XArzQp-JHsa6YPiTxfsP Pareto law in a Minority Game TODA, Koji and http://www.essex.ac.uk/wehia05/Abstract/Parallel6/Session3/NakamuraY.pdf NAKAMURA, Yasuyuki ... Wealth condensation in a simple model of economy http://hussonet.free.fr/wealth.pdf http://www.ucd.ie/statdept/shanewhelan/phynance.ppt 金融市場模型 自從 1900 年 Louis Bachelier 的 Theory of Speculation 1929 年 Charles Douglas Statistical Groundwork for Investment Policy. 1930 年 Alastair Murray The Compilation of Index Numbers and Yield Statistics relative to Stock Exchange Securities 1944 年 John von Neumann & Oskar Morgenstern: Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour. 1953 年 Maurice Kendall: The Analysis of Time Series, Part I: Prices. 1959 年 M.F.M Osborne Brownian Motion in the Stock Market 1963 年 Benoit Mandelbrot The Variation of certain Speculative Prices 1973 年 Fischer Black & Myron Scholes: The Pricing of Option Contracts and Corporate Liabilities. Robert Merton: Theory of Rational Option Pricing. 金融時間序列有一些表徵事實是為人所周知的。 高斯的世界 30/70 李維的世界 1963 年 Mandelbrot 建議使用 Lévy 穩定分布來描述 An introduction to stable distributions http://academic2.american.edu/~jpnolan/stable/chap1.pdf mle.ps http://academic2.american.edu/~jpnolan/stable/mle.ps 穩定分布是指若 IID 隨機變數 X,Y 是屬於一類的機率分布,其和 X+Y 也是屬於同一類的機率分布。具有此封 閉性的機率分布稱為穩定機率分布。 法國數學家 Paul Pierre Levy 提出機率分布成為穩定分布的條件。 這些通常稱為 Lévy 穩定分布,或稱穩定分布。 矩生成函數(moment generating function) http://www2.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/genito.htm 一機率分布的密度函數(probability density function) 為 f ( x ) 時,其矩生成函數 M f ( z ) exp(izx) f ( x )dx 矩生成函數也稱為特徵函數(characteristic function),其實為機率密度函數經傅立葉轉換(Fourier transformation)後 的函數。 f ( x) 1 2 (t )eitx dt ln (t ) it | t | {1 i sgn(t ) tan( 2 )} , 2 當=1 時 tan( 2 ) 用 log | t | 取代。 均值為變異量為2 的常態分布, ln M ( z ) i z 12 2 如果隨機變數 X,Y 的矩生成函數為 MX(z),MY(z),那麼 X+Y 的矩生成函數為 MX(z) MY(z)。 (http://www.xplore-stat.de/tutorials/stfhtmlnode6.html) Levy 穩定分布的矩生成函數為 i z | z | {1 i sgn( z ) tan( 2 )} 1 ln M ( z ) 2 i z | z |{1 i sgn( z ) ln( | z |)} 1 Nolan (1997)提出另一公式 i z | z | {1 i sgn( z ) tan( 2 )[( | z |)1 1]} 1 ln M ( z ) i z | z |{1 i sgn( z ) 2 ln( | z |)} 1 參數是機率分布的峰值指標,也是尾部指數,通常大於 0 小於等於 2,(0,2) 。常態分布的值為=2。參數 是機率分布的偏度指標,通常介於-1 與 1 之間, [-1,1] 。如果=1,參數就必須為 0。 參數表示尺度,其值必為正。位置參數或位移參數R。 常態分布=2,=0,=2/2,均值為。如果 <2,其變異量為無窮大。 31/70 lim x Pr[ X x ] C (1 ) x lim x Pr[ X x ] C (1 ) x C 2 x sin( x )dx 0 1 1 ( )sin 2 至於非常態分布的 Lévy 穩定分布,舉柯西分布(Cauchy distribution)為例,=1,=0, f ( x) 1 [ (1 x 2 )] t 個 IID,均屬於 Lévy 穩定分布,參數為,,, 的隨機變數, 其和也是 Lévy 穩定分布,而參數成為,,t1/,均值則為 t1/。 P. Bak, M. Paczuski and M. Shubik (1997), Price variations in a stock market with many agents. Physica A 246, 430–453. Per Bak, Simon F. Nørrelykke and Martin Shubik (1999), Dynamics of money. Phys. Rev. E 60, 2528–2532. J. Doyne Farmer (1998/2002), Market force, ecology and evolution. Santa Fe Institute Working Paper 98-12-117 / Ind. Corp. Change 11, 895–953. George Soros on theoretical economics “Existing theories about the behavior of stock prices are remarkably inadequate. They are of so little value to the practitioner that I am not even fully familiar with them. The fact that I could get by without them speaks for itself.” G. Soros, “Alchemy of Finance” 1994 Applying Physics Methods to Economics (http://www.cmth.bnl.gov/~maslov/new_econophysics_colloquium.ppt) James Feigenbaum (2003), Financial physics. Rep. Prog. Phys. 66, 1611–1649. 32/70 and Finance 寡勝博奕(minority game) 寡勝博奕是一具有 N(通常是奇數)參與者反複的博奕。每一次每位參與者要選擇是兩個狀態的其中之一,可以用 0/1 表示。選擇成為少數的那一方贏。這個博奕是由 El-Farol’s 酒吧問題抽象化而來。由於酒吧容量只有 60 人 而有 100 人想去,因此每天每人依照過去酒吧出現的人數決定要不要去酒吧。 這是每位參與者只有部份資訊與有限理性的博奕。 首先介紹與定義寡勝博奕 [] Damien Challet and Yi-Cheng Zhang (1997), Emergence of cooperation and organization in an evolutionary game. Physica A 246, 407–418. Damien Challet, Matteo Marsili and Yi-Cheng Zhang (2000), Modeling market mechanism with minority game. Physica A 276, 284–315. [] El-Farol’s bar problem (BrianW. Arthur, Am. Econ. Assoc. Papers and Proc 84, 406, (1994)): W. Brian Arthur (1994), Inductive Reasoning and Bounded Rationality. Am. Econ. Rev. 84, 406–411.( http://www.santafe.edu/arthur/Papers/Pdf_files/El_Farol.pdf) Damien Challet, M. Marsili and Gabriele Ottino (2004), Shedding light on El Farol. Physica A 332, 469–482. http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~marsili/Minority.pdf http://www.unifr.ch/phystheo/3emecycleMatteo12.pdf Econophysics: Unified Game Theory Approach http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=137&url=http%3A//www.todo1services.com/pdfs/WP-CRM19.pdf&ei =MFv3QusevoJh6M-M-Ak Credit Networks and Agent Games Theory of Minority Games http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=U&start=163&q=http://www.unifr.ch/phystheo/3emecycleMatteo12.pdf&e=747 http://lagash.dft.unipa.it/~micciche/PAPERPA1.ps Introduction: 100 years of Brownian motion http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/theo1/hanggi/Papers/387.pdf International Finance, Lévy Distributions, and the Econophysics of ... http://www.angelfire.com/id/SergioDaSilva/intfinance.pdf Research in Econophysics http://www2.physics.umd.edu/~yakovenk/papers/condmat-0302270.pdf (http://www.moneyscience.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Econophysics+Hub) (http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/CompFinance.Tsang.pdf) Detection of financial crisis by methods of multifractal (http://wwwmayr.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/konferenzen/Jass04/courses/2/Talks/Agaev.ppt) analysis r.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley: "Scaling Approach to Finance", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, in press # L.A.N. Amaral, S.V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, M.A. Salinger, and H.E. Stanley: "Power Law for a System of Interacting Units with Complex Internal Structure", Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 1385-1388 33/70 (http://www.javeriana.edu.co/universitas_scientiarum/vol6n2/ART5.htm) The word “econophysics” was introduced by H.E.Stanley to describe the large number of papers written by physicists in the last ten years on problem of (stock) market, the growth of companies and and related economic questions(J.P.Bouchaud and M.Potters, 2000; R.N.Mantegna and H.E.Stanley,2000; H.Levy et al.,2000). The first econophysics model published by physicists in physics journals were those published by Mantegna (R.N.Mantegna,1991), but clearly physicists did not bring the physical methods to the economic science. For example, a Monte Carlo simulation of a market was already published in 1964 by Stigler (G.J.Stigler,1964) from the Chicago economics school and economy Nobel laureate Markowitz (G.W.Kim and H.M.Markowitz,1989) published with Kim a model for the 1987 crash on Wall Street with two types of investors similar to many later models of physicists; economist Lux (T.Lux,1996) has cited the work of physicists like Haken; and some other articles were published in between.Thus, the question in the title of the section can be answered with a clear “no”. The field is not new. What physicists did was to enlarge the number of people using these methods, to get better data, or to use very specific physics results less known in economics. The econophysicist D.Stauffer compares in one of his papers “econophysics” with the “discovery” of America by Columbus half a millennium ago: Other people came thousands of years earlier from Asia, and the Normans settled for some time in Vinland, now in Northern Newfoundland. But none of them informed about these findings a more widespread medium, while the voyage of Columbus really changed life in both America and Europe. In this sense the econophysicists are like Columbus, not really knowing they are doing but nevertheless doing something important. G.Soros pointed out in 1994 in his “Alchemy of Finance” the inadequacy and the inefficiency of the existing theories about the behavior of stock prices. Until the last decade the theoretical economics was dominated by pure mathematics characterized by ridiculous lemma/theorem style, little effort to compare theoretical predictions to “experiment” (say, prices from real stock markets) and the fact that bulk of papers are inaccessible and of no interest to “experimentalists” - practitioners of the field. However the pure mathematics has contributed to economics through the Game Theory approach (the concept of Nash equilibrium where no player can improve on his/her strategy and the supposition of the perfect rationality of all players) and the phenomenology of stock price fluctuations that are postuled to be Gaussian and subject to the Efficient Market Hypothesis: all correlations are arbitraged away. There are many observations in disagreement with these suppositions: First, short term fluctuations are non-Gaussian; The second, price increments are correlated (the magnitude of price fluctuations has long temporal correlations); The third, strategies used by trades are correlated as manifested by herd effect. From this point physics is called to bring its contributions. The physicists can work with empirical data and construct phenomenological theories. Also, statistical physics field has useful approaches to deal with collective dynamics composed of many interacting parts. As the traditional physics, econophysics can be divided into experimental and theoretical, the first trying to analyze real data from real markets and to make sense of them, the second trying to find microscopic models which give for some quantities good agreement with the experimental facts. In the last years econophysics has matured enough to allow some applications, their field being called econo-engineering: the financial applications want to advise banks and brokers how to estimate risks and demand proper fees to balance these risks. From the large field of econophysics, we have selected for present paper only the problem of financial crashes modelling. In the next section we describe briefly the analogies between these crashes and the thermodynamic phase transitions. Starting from here, in Section 3 we propose a simple and suggestive model to explain the critical points arising in the stock market behavior. The last section draws some conclusions. D. Heymann ; R. Perazzo ; A. Schuschny; "Transitions Between Regimes in variants of the Bar Attendance Model", Preprint, , pp. , [2001]. (http://www.nld.df.uba.ar//paperRP/Bam_jee.pdf) D. Heymann ; R. Perazzo ; A. Schuschny; "Price Setting in a Schematic Model of Inductive Learning", Preprint, , pp. , [2001]. 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"Experimental Queuing Analysis with Long-Range Dependent Packet Traffic," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 4(2):209-223, April 1996. (Presenter J. Padhye) Some other papers that might be of interest related to the Crovella, Bestavros paper include. P. Barford, A. Bestavros, A. Bradley, and M. E. Crovella, "Changes in Web Client Access Patterns: Characteristics and 39/70 Caching Implications," in World Wide Web, Special Issue on Characterization and Performance Evaluation, Vol. 2, pp. 15-28, 1999. This paper updates the study by examining web traffic characteristics in 1998. Briefly, distributions of object sizes remain heavy-tailed but with different parameter values. K. Park, G. Kim, M. E. Crovella, "On the Effect of Traffic Self-similarity on Network Performance," Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Performance and Control of Network Systems, November, 1997. This paper examines the effects that different transport protocols can have on traffic characteristics when fetching WWW objects whose lengths are characterized by a heavy tail distribution. In the case of TCP, the congestion control algorithm has the effect of reducing the long range dependence. Nevertheless, simulations show the resulting network traffic to still be LRD. Week 3 B.K. Ryu, A. Elwalid. "The Importance of Long-range Dependence of VBR Video Traffic in ATM Traffic Engineering: Myths and realities," ACM Computer Communication Review, 26:3-14, Oct. 1996. (presenter Z. Koren) M. Grossglauser, J. Bolot. "On the Relevance of Long Range Dependence in Network Traffic," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 1998. (Presenter D. Figueiredo.) Week 4 P. Abry, D. Veitch. "Wavelet Analysis of Long-Range Dependence Traffic," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 44(1):2-15, January, 1998. (Presenter V. Misra.) V. Misra, W. Gong. "A Hierarchical Model for Teletraffic", Proceedings of 37th IEEE Conference of Decision and Control, December 1998, Tempa, Fl. (Presenter V. Misra) Week 5 A. Feldmann, A. C. Gilbert, W. Willinger. "Dynamics of IP Traffic: A Study of the Role of Variability and the Impact of Control,"ACM Computer Communication Review, Sept. 1999. (Presenter J. Shapiro) T. Tuan, K. Park. "Multiple timescale congestion control for selfsimilar network traffic," Perfoormance Evalaution, 1999. (presenter B. Liu.) Week 6 M. Krunz, A. Makowski. "Modeling video traffic using M/G/infinity input processes: A compromise between Markovian and LRD models," IEEE JSAC 16(5):733-748, June 1888. (presenter P. Ji) Z. Liu, P. Nain, D. Towsley, Z.-L. Zhang. "Asymptotic behavior of a multiplexer fed by a long-range dependent process," (Presenter D. Towsley.) Power Laws in Control Week 7 J.M. Carlson, J. Doyle. "Highly optimized tolerance: A mechanism for power laws in designed systems,"Phys. Rev. E 60, 1412, (1999) (Presenter W. Gong.) J.M. Carlson, J. Doyle. "Highly optimized tolerance and generalized source coding", to appear in Phys. Rev. Letters. (presenter M. Adler) J.M. Carlson, J. Doyle. "Highly optimized tolerance: Robustness and design" submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters. Power Laws in Networks Week 8 J. Chuang, M. Sirbu. "Pricing multicast communications: A cost-based approach," ( .ps.gz, .pdf) Proc. INET'98, 1998. (Presenter J. Shapiro) G. Phillips, S. Shenker, H. Tangmunarunkit. Scaling of multicast trees: comments on the Chuang-Sirbu scaling law," Proc. SIGCOMM'99, Sept. 1999. Week 9 M. Faloutsos, P. Faloutsos, C. Faloutsos. "On power law relationships of the Internet topology," Proc. SIGCOMM'99, Sept. 1999. (presenter D. Figueiredo.) E. Zegura, K. Calvert, M.J. Donahoo. "A quantitative comparison of graph-based models for Internet topology,"IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, 5(6), Dec. 1997. (presenter B. Wang.) Small World Phenomena Week 10 D. Watts, S. Strogatz. "Collective dynamics of small-world networks," Nature, 393:440-442, 1998. (Presenter R. Datta) J. Kleinberg , R. Kumar, P. Raghavan, S. Rajagopalan, A.S. Tomkins. "The WEB as a graph: measurements, models, and methods," Intntl. Conf. on Combinatorics and Computing, 1999. (presenter B. Wang.) Week 11 D. Gibson, J. Kleinberg. "Inferring Web Communities from link topology," Proc. 9th ACM Conf. on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 1998. (Presenter X. Zhang) Some web sites that may be of interest in the context of small worlds, power laws in graphs, and graph models of the web include The IBM Clever project. http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/k53/clever.html The Xerox Parc Internet Ecologies Area. http://www.parc.xerox.com/istl/groups/iea/ 40/70 Complex Network Luciano da F. Costa, Luis Diambra, (http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0306530) A Complex Network Approach to Topographical Connections (http://lsc.amss.ac.cn/~ljh/04LC.pdf) Complex Network Phenomena in Telecommunication Systems (http://www.tinbergen.nl/discussionpapers/04118.pdf) Pinning a Complex Dynamical Network to Its Equilibrium (http://www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/~gchen/pdf/T-CAS%20Pinning.pdf) Coarse-graining and self-dissimilarity networks(http://www.weizmann.ac.il/mcb/UriAlon/Papers/CoarseGraining.pdf) of complex Enhancing complex-network synchronization (http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/epl/pdf/2005/03/epl8572.pdf) Modular Interdependency in Complex (http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/10621/01/Watson_ALSIDH_micds_preprint.pdf) Dynamical Systems Statics and Dynamics of Complex Network Systems: Supply Chain ... (http://supernet.som.umass.edu/visuals/kekedissertationpresentation.pdf) THE EMERGENCE OF COMPLEX NETWORK PATTERNS IN MUSIC ARTIST NETWORKS, http://www.iua.upf.edu/mtg/ismir2004/review/CRFILES/paper253-d75171ad2cf28b117aa318ac816a3b49.pdf Complex Network Metrology (http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~latapy/Publis/1_3000_Exploration/paper.pdf A STOCHASTIC COMPLEX NETWORK MODEL Introduction(http://www.ams.org/era/2003-09-19/S1079-6762-03-00123-9/S1079-6762-03-00123-9.pdf) 1. Distributed Resource Brokering in Complex Network Environments (http://www.mitre.org/news/events/tech03/briefings/intelligent_information/silvey.pdf) Dynamics of Social Networks (http://www.itp.uni-bremen.de/complex/cplx10066.pdf) Book purchase networks (http://www.orgnet.com/divided.html) Social Software (Tracing the Evolution of Social Software) http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-wxxm23/ http://www.hakank.org/webblogg/archives/cat_social_network_analysiscomplex_networks.html Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks (http://amaral.chem-eng.northwestern.edu/Publications/Papers/Guimera-2005-Nature-433-895.pdf) A Hypergraph Model for the Yeast Protein Complex Network (http://www.hicomb.org/papers/HICOMB2004-04.pdf) (http://reality.media.mit.edu/publications.php) A CRITIQUE OF DARWIN'S (http://www.vision.net.au/~apaterson/science/darwin_critique1.htm) (http://www.vision.net.au/~apaterson/science/darwin_critique2.htm) THEORY OF EVOLUTION Self-Organization and Irreducibly Complex Systems: A Reply to Shanks and Joplin (http://www.arn.org/docs/behe/mb_selforganizationreplytoshanksandjoplin.htm) Controversies in Meme Theory Nick Rose (http://jom-emit.cfpm.org/1998/vol2/rose_n.html) (http://www.pandasthumb.org/pt-archives/000062.html) HOW ANTI-EVOLUTIONISTS ABUSE MATHEMATICS (http://www.math.jmu.edu/~rosenhjd/sewell.pdf) (http://www.geocities.com/evolvedthinking/Behe.htm) Chaos, Complexity and Conflict Major Michael (http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/cc/Weeks.html) R. Irreducible Complexity and Multiscale Reductionism (http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/rector/ired-complx.htm) 41/70 Weeks The ecology of the connecticon by Frank Rennie and Robin Mason (http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_8/rennie/) (http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-important-publications-in-computer-science#Complexity) The biochemistry: hemoglobin Hemoglobin is a complex molecular machine. The elucidation of the detailed molecular mechanism of reversible oxygen binding and its relationship with respiratory physiology is one of the few triumphs of reductionistic biochemistry. Hemoglobin is made of 4 protein subunits, each one having a heme group and an oxygen binding site. 2 of the 4 subunits are identical and are denoted alpha and the other 2 are identical and are denoted beta. Alpha subunits and beta subunits are very similar in three dimensional structure and also similar in amino acid sequence. An alpha subunit and a beta subunit assemble together to form an alpha/beta dimer. Two alpha/beta dimers make up the intact hemoglobin tetramer. There are two forms of hemoglobin: the deoxy form with no oxygen bound and the oxy form with oxygen bound. A key difference between the deoxy and the oxy form appears to be a rotation of about 15° of one alpha/beta dimer relative to the the other alpha/beta dimer. In the detailed structure it is as if there were two interlocking gears and in going from one form to the other they slipped a cog. The physiological observations are explained very nicely by this model. Oxygen does not bind very readily to the deoxy form of hemoglobin, so at low oxygen concentrations the fraction of possible oxygen molecules bound is very low. This corresponds to the condition of the blood in the tissues away from the lungs. However, when 2 of the four possible oxygen binding sites have oxygen bound, the oxy form becomes the most stable energetically and the whole tetramer switches over to the oxy form. Now the remaining two sites have a high oxygen affinity and bind very readily. So at the critical oxygen concentration there is a cooperative oxygen binding. This is the condition of the blood in the lungs. As the blood returns to the tissues, the oxygen concentration drops, the release of the first 2 molecules of oxygen results in a switch back to the deoxy form, which then makes the release of the remaining oxygen molecules easier, resulting in the dumping of oxygen to the tissues. The irreducible complexity argument questions how such a complex molecular machine functioning in such a complex physiology involving the circulatory and respiratory systems could possibly have evolved step by step. I can say very little about the evolution of the circulatory and respiratory systems, however, as a result of protein sequence comparisons and the analysis of the structure of the globin coding regions of the genome, it is possible to construct a very plausible picture of the origin of a complex machine. Another structural detail must be noted before we proceed with the evolutionary story. The alpha/beta dimer self-assembles as a consequence of greasy patches on the surface of each protein. This principle of assembly is due to the same principle that causes oil drops in water spontaneously coalesce. Interestingly, myoglobin, the oxygen storage protein found in muscle, has a very similar structure to the hemoglobin monomers, but it does not have the surface greasy patches, and so does not form multiple subunit assemblies. The two alpha/beta dimers self assemble by the same principles to form the tetramer. While no doubt wrong in many of the details, here is a plausible evolutionary scenario that describes the origin of this molecular machine. This description is largely taken from Hemoglobin: Structure, Function, Evolution & Pathology by Richard Dickerson and Irving Geis. We'll start with a monomeric oxygen binding globin such as those found in some insects, annelids, and molluscs and even in plants. [The origin of the first globin-like structure will not concern us, although there is some speculation that it may have arisen from the cytochrome a which binds to the same kind of heme group.] These groups do not have globins that have differentiated oxygen storage functions (myoglobin-like) and oxygen tranport functions (hemoglobin-like). These globins do not have the complex oxygen binding behavior that hemoglobin has but are similar in their oxygen binding properties to myoglobin. A key first step is a gene duplication event that allows the preservation of the original functional protein, but provides a second copy of the gene that can be altered by mutation, providing a source of new material on which selection can operate. There are multiple versions of globin genes that differ by only a few amino acids in insects and molluscs of the organisms mentioned above. In humans alpha and beta hemoglobin exist in gene clusters containing multiple copies of each type gene. In the alpha cluster there are two identical copies of the alpha gene, two copies of the alpha-like zeta globin (found in fetal hemoglobin), and one alpha-like pseudogene, that appears not to be expressed. In the beta cluster there five different beta-like genes and one beta-like pseudogene. It appears from various lines of argument that these have arisen by gene duplication followed by mutations. Some of the mutated copies appear to be functionless, whereas some of them appear to have new functions, i.e. in fetal hemoglobin with altered oxygen binding. These gene duplications are pre-adaptations, i.e. changes that occur for other reasons, but once they have occurred they provide the necessary conditions for some selectable function. Sea lamprey globin evidences what might be the next intermediate stage. Sea lampreys have a separate myoglobin for 42/70 oxygen storage and a hemoglobin-like molecule for oxygen transport. Lamprey hemoglobin is dimeric rather than tetrameric. It does display cooperative oxygen binding, though. Lamprey deoxyglobin forms dimers which dissociate upon oxygen binding. The dimer contacts are in exactly the region of the molecule where one alpha-beta dimer interacts with the other alpha-beta dimer. This is the region that modulates the 15° rotation and the cog-slipping effect that was described above. Murray Goodman and co-workers cite evidence from their sequence comparisons that suggest that mutations accumulated in this region of the molecule at four times the rate for the molecule as a whole during the evolution of this new function. Clearly, cooperativity of oxygen binding is a consequence of dimerization. But dimer formation is the result of greasy patches on the surface of the protein, which could well have arisen by a few amino acid substitutions (or even one as is the case in deoxyhemoglobin S fibers in sickle-cell anemia). Dimer formation would have been a Darwinian pre-adaptation to the evolution of cooperative oxygen binding. The next step in hemoglobin evolution is the result of a gene duplication of the ancestral hemoglobin-like gene into the modern alpha and beta globin genes. Again, the original oxygen transporting function could be preserved, while mutations acted upon the second copy of the gene. The very similar but slightly different version of the globin allowed for the formation of the alpha beta dimer which upon interaction with another alpha-beta dimer allowed the preservation of the tetramer structure even upon oxygenation. Again Goodman's group believe that their sequence comparison data suggests that the alpha-beta dimer interface accumulated mutations at nearly twice the rate for the whole molecule during the evolution of this new function. Again, the gene duplication event and the alpha-beta dimer formation are pre-adaptations to the formation of the complex tetramer. In the 450 million years since the origin of the hemoglobin tetramer there has been ample time to finely tune the primitive transport function. And there does appear to be additional evolution, especially related to the rise of warm-blooded creatures and, as I already mentioned in my discussion of the gene structure of the human alpha and beta gene clusters, the rise of placental mammals and special adaptations utilized in oxygen transport there. Hemoglobin is a marvelous molecular machine. When we look at it in all its complex features, many of which we haven't even discussed today, we might imagine that it's like a mousetrap: you take one part away and it doesn't work any more. That may, in fact, be true with the modern finely tuned version. But I have shown a plausible evolutionary scenario based on the structural, mechanistic, genetic, and sequence data concerning globins from all parts of the animal kingdom. Biology & Philosophy (http://www.springerlink.com/app/home/journal.asp?wasp=559618bf62a043ccae46a5a1582bea70&referrer=backto&ba ckto=linkingpublicationresults,1:102856,1;&absoluteposition=17#A17) Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical (http://www.journals.royalsoc.ac.uk/app/home/contribution.asp) and Engineering Functional cartography of complex metabolic (http://amaral.chem-eng.northwestern.edu/Publications/Papers/Guimera-2005-Nature-433-895.pdf) Sciences networks 數學與統計基礎 圖論 Degree, Weights and Dynamics In Complex Networks (http://www.iis.ee.ic.ac.uk/~v.shen/Report.pdf) Complex Behavior at Scale: An Experimental Study of Low-Power (http://lecs.cs.ucla.edu/~deepak/PAPERS/empirical.pdf) Randomized Algorithms for Stability Analysis Large-Scale ...(http://decision.csl.uiuc.edu/~alpcan/papers/ComplexSystemSymposium.pdf) ... of 1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS: CONCEPTUAL INTRODUCTION Topics: What are the characteristics of simple and complex systems? Structural, functional, dynamic and algorithmic complexity. Complexity in physics, biology, economics, and sociology. Readings: + Waldrop, MM: Complexity: the Emerging Science At the Edge of Order and Chaos. New York : Simon & Schuster, 43/70 1992. KCollege Library (KCL): Q175 .W258 1992 + Bar-Yam, Yaneer Dynamics of Complex System. New England Complex Systems Institut. 1998. 2. HISTORY of COMPLEX SYSTEM RESEARCH Topics: Some fundamental theories of the 20th centuries are reviewed: System theory, Cybernetics, Theory of Dissipatice Structures, Synergetics and Catastrophe Theory. Readings: + Bertalanffy, L: General system theory; foundations, development, applications. New York, G. Braziller 1968. KCL: Q295 .B4 1968 + Wiener N: Cybernetics; or, Control and communication in the animal and the machine 2nd edition, New York, M.I.T. Press, 1961 KCL: QA276 .W48 1961 + Nicolis G. and Prigogine Y.: Exploring Complexity : An Introduction.1989. KCL: Q175 .N417 1989 + Haken H: The Science of Structure : Synergetics. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1984. KCL: QH331 .H3413 1984 + Thom R: Structural stability and morphogenesis; an outline of a general theory of models. Reading, Mass., W. A. Benjamin, 1975 KCL: QH323.5 .T4813 3. COMPETITION and COOPERATION; the VOLTERRA - LOTKA WORLDS and BEYOND Topics: The Volterra-Lotka model has its roots in chemistry and ecology. It can be used , however, as a general paradigm of systems with competitive and cooperative interactions. The mathematics of oscillation. Chemical, ecological and socioeconomic applications. Readings: Scudo FM and Ziegler JR (eds.): The Golden age of theoretical ecology, 1923-1940 : a collection of works by V. Volterra, V. A. Kostitzin, A. J. Lotka, and A. N. Kolmogoroff. Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1978. KCL: QH541.145 .G64 4. CHAOS and FRACTALS in NATURE and SOCIETY Topics: Chaos and fractals proved to be very efficent mathematical concepts to understand temporal and spatial complexity. Elementary mathematical explanation. Chaos in chemistry, population dynamics, brain and economics. Fractals in physiology. The fractal nature of organizations. Readings: + Gleick, James Chaos: Making a New Science. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Viking, 1987. KCL: Q172.5.C45 G54 1987 + Mandelbrot, B: Fractals : form, chance & dimension. San Francisco : W. H. Freeman, c1977. KCL: QA447 .M3613 + Barnsley, M.: Fractals everywhere. Boston : Academic Press Professional, c1993. KCL: QA614.86 .B37 1993 +PickoverA. (ed.): Fractal horizons : the future use of fractals. KCL: QA614.86 .F6845 1996 + Gould H. and Tobochnik J: An introduction to computer simulation methods : applications to physical systems. Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1995. KCL: QC21.2 .G67 1995. 5. SELF-ORGANIZATION and SELF_ORGANIZED CRITICALITY Topics: Self-organization is a vague concept in many respects, still a powerfull notion of modern science. Specifiacally and counterintuitivly, noise proved to have beneficial (seomtiems indispensable) role in constructing macroscopically ordered structures. Elementary mathematical models of noise-induced ordering. In physics, a critical point is a point at which a system radically changes its behavior or structure, for instance, from solid to liquid. In standard critical phenomena, there is a control parameter which an experimenter can vary to obtain this radical change in behavior. In the case of melting, the control parameter is temperature. Self-organized critical phenomena, by contrast, is exhibited by driven systems which reach a critical state by their intrinsic dynamics, independently of the value of any control parameter. The archetype of a self-organized critical system is a sand pile. Sand is slowly dropped onto a surface, forming a pile. As the pile grows, avalanches occur which carry sand from the top to the bottom of the pile. At least in model systems, the slope of the pile becomes independent of the rate at which the system is driven by dropping sand. Self-organized crtiticality is a useful concept and was used to explain statistical 44/70 features for a wide variety of open systems with many components, ranging from geology to biology and economics. A few illustrative example will be given Readings: + Kauffman S: At home in the universe : the search for laws of self-organization and complexity. New York : Oxford University Press, 1995. KCL: QH325 .K388 1995 + Bak P: How nature works : the science of self-organized criticality. New York, NY, USA : Copernicus, 1999. KCL: QC173.4.C74 B34 1996 6. GAME THEORY, EVOLUTION, ECONOMICS Topics: Game theory emerged as an important tool for treating the problem of necessary cooperation to avoid (nuclear and other) catastrophes. The most famous game is the Prisonner Dilemma. The fundamental types of games will be discussed. Illustrative examples of applications for evolutionary theory and economics will be given. Readings: + Rapoport, A: The 2 X 2 game. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1976. KCL: QA269 .R36 1976 + Axelrod, R. The evolution of cooperation. New York: Basic Books. New York : Basic Books, 1984. KCL: HM131 .A89 1984| + Maynard Smith, J: Evolution and the theory of games. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1982 KCL: QH371 .M325 1982| + Gardner R: Games for business and economics. New York : Wiley, c1995. KCL: HD30.22 .G37 1995 + Hodgson GM: Economics and evolution : bringing life back into economics. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1993. KCL: HB97.3 .H63 1993. 7. NETWORKS EVERYWHERE: FROM MOLECULAR to SOCIAL Topics: Real world systems in many cases can be represented by networks. Networks can be seen everywhere (neural networks of the brain, food webs and ecosystems, electric power networks, system of social connections, global financial network, the world-wide web). Since the famous social psychological experiment of Stanley Milgram, it is known that from a certain point of view we live in a 'small world.' However, the relationships between the structure of large networks and their dynamical properties generally are not well known. The performance of many biological, ecological, economical, sociological, communication and other networks can be illuminated by using new approaches coming from graph theory, statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics. Examples will be given to illustrate the power of the new approaches in the understanding of the organization of social structures. Specifically, scientific collaboration networks will be analized. Readings: + Hayes B: Graph Theory in Practice: Part I, II American Scientist 88(1) and 88(2)2000 + Newman MEJ: Scientific collaboration networks: I. Network construction and fundamental results, Phys. Rev. E 64, 016131 (2001). + Newman MEJ: Scientific collaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weighted networks, and centrality, Phys. Rev. E 64, 016132 (2001). 8. COMPLEXITY of the BRAIN Topics: It is often said in a colloquial sense that the brain is a prototype of complex system. Several different notions of complexity may be more formally related to neural systems. First, structural complexity appears (i) in the arborization of the nerve terminals at the single neuron level, (ii) in the complexity of the graph structure at the network level, and (iii) in the systems of networks forming closed loops of closed loops. Second, functional complexity is associated with the set of tasks performed by the neural system. Third, dynamic complexity can be identified with the different attractors of dynamic processes, such as point attractors, closed curves related to periodic orbits, and strange attractors expressing the presence of chaotic behaviour. Readings: + Arbib MA, Érdi P and Szentágothai J: Neural Organization Structure, Function, and Dynamics, The MIT Press, 1998 9. SOCIODYNAMICS: HOW TO BUILD MODELS TO UNDERSTAND EPIDEMICS, ARM RACES, WARS, AND EPIDEMICS? 45/70 Topics: Simple models can illuminate essential dynamics of complex, and crucially important social systems. Models of war and arm races can be constructed within the framework of the Volterra-Lotka model Readings: +Epstein JM: The calculus of conventional war : dynamic analysis without Lanchester theory. Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution, 1985. KCL: U21.2 .E65 1985 + Epstein JM: Nonlinear Dynamics, Mathematical Biology, and Social Science, Addison-Wesley/Santa Fe Institute; 1997. Allegory, Allegoresis, and the Hermeneutics of Social Networks (http://www.danielfried.com/dissertation.pdf) Internetics: Technologies, Applications and Academic (http://grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/publications/Internetics1.pdf)( http://www.new-npac.org/users/fox/pdftotal/sccs0813.pdf) 46/70 圖論(graph theory) 最早有關圖論的學術論文是由 Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) 所著的 Solutio problematis ad geometriam situs pertinentis, Commetarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 8(1736), 128-140。尤拉討論是否有路線可 以穿越 Konigsberg(後稱 Kaliningrad)城中橫跨 Pergel(後稱 Pergolya)河上的橋各剛好一次。這便是有名的七橋問 題。尤拉提出這種路線存在的充要條件。 另外,Gustav Kirchhoff 於 1845 年發表了電路中有關電流與電壓的守恆定律,流進電路中任一點的電流與流出 量必須相同。在電路中的迴路其電壓降必須與提供的電源相同。接著是於 1852 年由 Francis Guthrie 所提出四色 問題,在任何的地圖上,只要使用四種顏色,就能將所有國家著色而且任意相鄰國家屬於不同的顏色。這個問 題直到 1976 年才由 Kenneth Appel 與 Wolfgang Haken 解出。與尤拉稍有不同,在 1856 年 Thomas Pennyngton Kirkman 與 William Rowan Hamilton 研究的議題則是如何找出經過某些地點正好一次的路線。 最早談論圖頻譜的的學術論文則是在量子化學方面 E. Hückel, Quantentheoretische Beitrage zum Benzolproblem, Z. Phys. 70(1931), 204-286 最早談圖頻譜的數學文獻 L. Collatz, U. Sinogowitz, Spektren endlicher Grafen, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 21(1957), 63--77 基礎定義 圖是由兩個集合所組成,用 G={V,E}表示。其中 V 是節點的集合,E 是連線所成集合。我們可以用 V={1,2,3,…,N} 來表示圖的節點所成集合。使用 E={(v1,v2)|v1,v2 V, v1,v2 間有一連線 }.代表圖中所有連線的集合。如果 (v1,v2) 與(v2,v1)代表不同連線,則稱為有向圖,否則只簡稱圖。節點集合 V 的元素個數使用 |V| 表示,連線集合的元 素多寡則是用 |E|。圖 G 中任一節點 v 的連線個數用 deg[v]表示。與節點 v 有連線的所有節點所成的集合稱為 v 的鄰集,用β[v]表示。根據定義,我們知道 deg[v] = |β[v] |。 漫步(walk)是由一系列節點與連線交互形成,連線接連前後兩節點間。軌跡(trail)是沒有重複連線的漫步。路徑 (path)則是沒有重複節點的漫步。具有相同的開始與結束節點的漫步為閉合。迴路是具有至少一條連線的閉合軌 跡,除了開始與結束節點相同外,沒有重複的節點。 迴圈(loop)與多重連線 連線的兩節點為同一點時,我們稱此連線為迴圈。兩節點間有多條連線時,稱為多重連線圖(multigraph)。 沒有迴圈與多重連線的圖稱為簡單圖,或是稱為圖。 47/70 連通圖(connected graph) 圖中任意兩節點間可以找到一條路徑連接,稱為連通圖。 樹(tree) 連通而且沒有迴路的圖稱為樹。 子圖(subgraph) 圖 G1={V1,E1}, G2={V2,E2},如果 V1 為 V2 的子集且 E1 為 E2 的子集,則稱 G1 為 G2 的子圖。 支架樹(spanning tree) 圖 G 為連通,其支架樹是包括全部 G 節點同時是樹的子圖。 同構圖(isomorphic graph) 圖 G 與 H 為同構如果可以由 G 重新標示節點而得到 H。 完整圖(complete graph) 圖中任意兩節點間都有一連線,稱為完整圖。用 Kn 表示有 n 個節點的完整圖。 尤拉軌跡(Eulerian trail) 在連通圖中若可以找到一條閉合的、通過所有連線的軌跡,稱為尤拉圖,而軌跡稱為尤拉軌跡。 漢彌爾敦迴路(Hamiltonian cycle) 在連通圖中若可以找到一條包括所有節點的迴路,稱為漢彌爾敦圖,而迴路稱為漢彌爾敦迴路。 Lemma 任意圖的所有節點的連線個數和,等於兩倍連線數目。 定理: 圖 G 為連通。G 為尤拉圖的充要條件為所有節點具有偶數條連線。 證明: 必要條件 若 G 為尤拉圖,則所有節點具有偶數條連線。 充分條件 若所有節點具有偶數條連線,則 G 為尤拉圖。 漢彌爾敦圖的充要條件目前尚為研究議題。 充分條件 Dirac’s 定理: 圖 G 為具有 n 節點的簡單圖,n≧3。若每一節點的連線數 deg[v] ≧n/2,則 G 為漢彌爾敦圖。 Ore’s 定理:圖 G 為具有 n 節點的簡單圖,n≧2。若每一對非相鄰節點 v, w 其連線數和 deg[v]+deg[w] ≧ n ,則 G 為漢彌爾敦圖。 柏拉圖的多面體 四面體(tetrahedron) 由四個三角形構成。 六面體(hexahedron) 由六個四角形構成。 八面體(octahedron) 由兩個四面體上下交疊而成。 十二面體(dodecahedron)由十二個五角形構成。分兩層,最上層有五個五角形,其邊線構成頂部一個平躺的五角 形。下層五個五角形與上層對應,構成底部一平躺五角形。 48/70 二十面體(icosahedron) 由二十個三角形構成。分三層,最上層有五個三角形,中間分兩段,上下段各有五個三 角形,最下層與最上層對稱,有五個三角形。 在柏拉圖的 Timaeus 中提到這五個多面體。 四面體(tetrahedron) 六面體(hexahedron) 十二面體(dodecahedron) 八面體(octahedron) 二十面體(icosahedron) 49/70 圖演算法 表示圖的方式 使用鄰接串列 使用 adjacency lists 陣列 A 有 |V| × 1 個元素,每個元素是一個串列。矩陣元素 A[u] 是一個指標串列指到每一個與 u 相鄰的節點,。 圖 G={V,E} 中的每個節點 u Adjacency matrix 矩陣 A 有|V| × |V| 個元素,第 i 行第 j 列的元素值表示節點 i 到 j 是否有直接連線,用 1 表示有連線,0 表示 沒有。A 的對角線元素值均設為 0。對角線矩陣 D 的大小為|V| × |V|,每一元素表示其節點的連線數。 Incidence matrix 陣列有|V|× |E|個元素,第 i 行第 j 列的元素值表示節點 I 與連線 j 是否相鄰, 目前在代數圖論中,表示圖的矩陣 矩陣 A 為對角線為 0 的相鄰矩陣。矩陣 D 是每一節點連線數目所形成的對角矩陣。假設矩陣 I 為對角線為 1 的 單元矩陣,而 1 為所有項目均為 1 的矩陣。 相鄰矩陣 A 補相鄰矩陣 A* = 1 – (A+I) Laplacian L = D – A signless Laplacian |L| = D + A Combinatorial Laplacian Seidel matrix S = A*– A = 1 – (2A + I) Chapter 7 Algebraic Graph Theory (http://www.math.ksu.edu/~jasonr/book7.pdf) 先廣搜尋法 Problem: For a given graph G, and a specified vertice s in the graph, find all the vertices v that are reachable from s, and determine the shortest path in G from s to v. Breadth-first search does this by constructing a breadth-first tree - a tree whose root is s, and the path on that tree from s to v is the shortest path in G from s to v. During the execution, BFS algorithm assigns a color to every vertex: white if the vertex has not been reached yet, gray if the vertex is in the set of vertices currently being processed (a BFS frontier), and black if the vertice and ALL of its neibhors have been processed. BFS also computes d[v] for every vertex v, which is the shortest distance from s to v in G. It also computes p[v] for every vertex v, which is the predecessor of v in the breadth-first tree. for each vertex v in V color[v] = white d[v] = INFINITY p[v] = NULL color[s] = gray d[s] = 0 Queue.clear() Queue.put(s) while (! Queue.empty() ) { u = Queue.get() 50/70 for each v adjacent to u if(color[v] == white) { color[v] = gray d[v] = d[u] +1 p[v] = u Queue.put(v) color[u] = black } Complexity of BFS Each vertex is never whitened, so the test at line 12 ensures each vertex is enqueued exactly once, thus dequeued exactly once. Total queue operations are O(V). Adjacency lists are scanned only when the vertex is dequeued, thus each adjacency list is scanned exactly once. Total time for scanning adjacency lists is therefore O(E). Initialization is O(V). Total running time of the algorithm is O(E+V). Correctness of BFS Definition 1. b(s,v) is the minimum number of edges in any path from vertex s to vertex v. If there is no path from s to v, b(s,v)=INFINITY. B(s,v) is the shortest-path distance. Lemma 1. Let G = (V, E) be a graph, and sÎV a vertex. The, for any edge (u,v)ÎE: b(s,v) <= b(s,u)+1 Proof. If u is reachable from s, so is v. The shortest path from s to v cannot be more than the shortest path from s to u plus the edge from u to v, thus the inequality holds. If u is not reachable from s, then b(s,u) = INFINITY, so the inequality holds. Lemma 2. Upon termination, the BFS algorithm computes d[v] for every vertex, and d[v] >= b(s,v) Proof. By induction on the number i of enqueue operations. For i =1 (after s is enqueued), d[s] = [0] = b(s,s), and d[v] = INFINITY >= b(s,v) for all v <> s. For i = n, let us look at a white vertex v discovered at that step from vertex u. By induction, d[u] >= b(s,u). Since d[v] = d[u]+1 >= b(s,u) + 1 >= b(s,v). QED. Lemma 3. At all times during the execution of BFS, the queue contains vertices (v1, v2, … vr) such that d[v1] <= d[v2] <= d[v3] … <= d[vr] AND d[vr] <= d[v1] + 1. Proof. By induction on the number i of queue operations. For i = 1, queue only has s, so the hypothesis holds. For i = n: After dequeuing v1: since d[vr]<=d[v1]+1 and d[v1] <= d[v2], then d[vr] <= d[v2]+1, so the hypothesis holds. After enqueuing vr+1: d[vr+1] = d[v1] + 1 (line 14) >= d[vr]. Also, d[vr+1] = d[v1] + 1 <= d[v2] + 1, since d[v1]<=d[v2]. Since v2 is the new head of the queue, the hypothesis holds. Corollary 4. If vertices u and v are enqueued during execution of BFS, and u is enqueued before v, then d[u] <= d[v]. Theorem 5. Given G=(V,E) and source vertex s, BFS algorithm discovers every vertex v reachable from s, and upon termination, d[v] = b(s,v). Moreover, for any vertex v reachable from s, one of the shortest paths from s to v is a path from s to p[v], followed by edge (p[v],v). Proof. By contradiction. Assume some vertex gets assigned d[v] <> b(s,v). Let v be such a vertex with minimum b(s,v). By lemma 2, d[v]>=b(s,v), so it must be that d[v]>b(s,v). Vertex v must be reachable from s, for if it’s not, b(s,v) = INFINITY >=d[v]. Let u be the vertex on a shortest path from s to v, then it must be b(s,v) = b(s,u)+1 = d[u] + 1 (Since d[u] = b(s,u), otherwise we would have chosen u in our proof). Thus: d[v] > d[u] + 1 …….. (1) Let’s prove that this can never happen. Let’s look at the time when BFS dequeues u. At that point, v is either white, black or gray. If v is white, line 14 sets d[v] = d[u] + 1 If v is black, than it was already removed from the queue, and by Corollary 4, d[v]<=d[u]. If v is gray, it was painted gray when some other vertex w was dequeued, which was earlier than now (when we are dequeuing u), so d[v] = d[w] + 1 <= d[u] + 1 (Corollary 4). So, d[v] = b(s,v) for all v in V. All reachable vertices must be discovered, otherwise they will have d = INFINITY. If p[v] = u, then d[v] = d[u] + 1, so one of the shortest paths from s to v can be obtained by taking a shortest path from s to u and then taking the edge (u,v). 先深搜尋法 DFS(G) 51/70 for each vertex u in V do color[u] = white parent[u] = NIL time = 0 for each vertex u in V do if color[u] == white DFS-VISIT[u] DFS-VISIT(u) color[u] = grey discover[u] = time time = time + 1 for each v in ADJ[u] if color[v] == white then parent[v] = u DFS-VISIT(v) color[u] = black finish[u] = time time = time+1 最短路徑 Experimental Evaluation of a New Shortest Path Algorithm ... http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~pettie/papers/alenex02.ps 最小支架樹 Minimum Spanning Trees http://roso.epfl.ch/3emecycle/goemans/zinal3.pdf http://roso.epfl.ch/3emecycle/goemans/zinal3.pdf R.C. Prim. Shortest connection networks and some generalizations. Bell System Technical Journal, Volume 36, pp. 1389-1401, 1957. Prim-MST(G) select an arbitrary vertex to start while (there are still non-tree vertices) { select the edge of minimum weight between the tree and non-tree vertices add the selected edge and vertices to the tree } Kruskal’s 演算法 J.B. Kruskal. On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesman problem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 7, pp. 48-50, 1956. Kruskal-MST(G,w) T={V, } sort E in order of increasing costs for (I = I; I<= |V|-1, I++) { 52/70 select the next smallest cost edge e if (e connects two different connected components) { add e to the edge of T } } void kruskal (vertex-set V; edge-set E; edge-set T) int ncomp; /* current number of components */ priority-queue edges /* partially ordered tree */ mfset components; /* merge-find set data structure */ vertex u, v; edge e; int nextcomp; /* name for new component */ int ucomp, vcomp; /* component names */ { makenull (T); makenull (edges); nextcomp = 0; ncomp = n; for (v$ \in$V) /* initialize a component to have one vertex of V*/ { nextcomp++ ; initial (nextcomp, v, components); } for (e$ \in$E) insert (e, edges); /* initialize priority queue of edges */ while (ncomp > 1) { e = deletemin (edges); let e = (u, v); ucomp = find(u, components); vcomp = find(v, components); if (ucomp! = vcomp) { merge (ucomp, vcomp, components); ncomp = ncomp - 1; } } } * Choose a partially ordered tree for representing the sorted set of edges * To represent connected components and interconnecting them, we need to implement: 1.MERGE (A, B, C) . . . merge components A and B in C and call the result A or B arbitrarily. 2.FIND (v, C) . . . returns the name of the component of C of which vertex v is a member. This operation will be used to determine whether the two vertices of an edge are in the same or in different components. 3.INITIAL (A, v, C) . . . makes A the name of the component in C containing only one vertex, namely v * The above data structure is called an MFSET void topsort { Queue Q = new Queue(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(d[i] == 0) Q.Enqueue(i); } while ( !Q.isEmpty() ) { v = Q.Dequeue(); print(v); for each w adjacent to v do { if ( --d[w] == 0 ) Q.Enqueue(w); } } } 53/70 隨機圖(random graph) 談到隨機圖,一般都是談到 Paul Erdös 與 Albert Rényi 在 1960 年所發表的 On the evolution of random graphs. Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kut. Int. Kozl. 5, pp. 17-61, 1960. Random Graph Models with Hidden Color http://www.thep.lu.se/pub/Preprints/03/lu_tp_03_34.pdf Random Oxford Graphs http://math.berkeley.edu/~jblasiak/rndgr0604.pdf 目前有三大類隨機圖模型,第一類用 (N,M) 表示,第二類則是用 (N,p),第三類用 (N,D)表示。 (N,M)表 示由所有 N 個節點 M 條連線的圖所成的集合。(N,p)則是由所有 N 個節點,每條連線是否存在的機率由 p 參數 決定的所有圖所成的集合。第三類 (N,D) 是由 N 個節點,連線數序列 D,組成的所有圖所成集合。 圖 G是指在此類隨機圖中均勻隨機的任取一圖。 因此,指定參數 N,M 後 | (N,M) | = N ( N 1) 2 M 假設 G (N,p)有 m 條連線, Pr[ (N,p) = G ] = 54/70 p m (1 p) N ( N 1) m 2 通常圖的某一特性用 Q 表示,例如 Q 代表連通性、或是包括完整圖 K5、或直徑為 log N。 如果增加連線不會使特性 Q 消失,我們稱特性 Q 具有單調遞增性。 我們可以用符合某一特性的所有圖所成集合來表示圖集。 問題 Pr[Q] 如果是 (N,p),那麼 Pr[Q] 會是 N 與 p 的函數。 有興趣想知道的議題是 “幾乎都是” Q,當 N 時 Pr[Q] 1 。 可以找到一臨界值 0 lim PrN , p [Q ] N 1 p pc 0 p pc 假設 G (N,p)有 m 條連線,那麼 m 的期望值為 [m] = pN(N-1)/2 證明: 由馬可夫不等式(Markov’s inequality) X 為隨機變數且 X0,[X] = 所有 t>0,Pr[Xt] /t,Pr[Xt] 1/t 由轍諾夫上限(Chernoff’s bound) t2 X 為 B(N,p)隨機變數,期望值 [X] = = np, Pr[ |X-|>t ] 2e 3 , 0 < t 隨機圖 Gp={V,E} ,假設|V| = N, N 1 k Pr(deg[ x ] k ) p (1 p ) N 1k k 使用生成函數 G0 ( x ) pk x k k 0 z kpk G0 (1) k Notice that G0 (1) 1 網路中為巨大元件的比率為 S S 1 G0 (u) u 為 zu G0 (u) 的最小非負值實數解。 除了巨元件本身外,網路中平均元件大小為 55/70 S 1 z 2u 2 G0 (u )[ z G0(u )] 波以松分布 Poisson distribution is e k k! ( x 1) 生成函數 G( x ) e Pr(deg[ x ] k ) 任選兩點,為關鍵連線的機率為 p(1-p2)N-2,為群聚連線的機率為 p(1-(1-p2)N-2)。 為分離狀態的機率為(1-p)(1-p2)N-2,為群聚分離狀態的機率為(1-p)(1-(1-p2)N-2)。 N 2 2a Pr( Aij a ) p (1 p 2 ) N 2a , a 1, 2, a ,N 2 (To study models of for large graphs like: http://www.lsi.upc.es/~diaz/Gnp.ppt) (http://www.renesys.com/projects/leiden2001/Presentations/Chung-Graham.ppt) Graph Clustering for Very Large Topic Maps http://www.gca.org/papers/xmleurope2001/papers/html/s23-2.html (Chapter 2 Arbitrary Degree Distributions http://www.math.cornell.edu/~durrett/math777/c2s2.pdf) 隨機圖 Gp={V,E} ,假設|V| = N,隨著 p 的改變而有不同。 當 p=0 時,整體是 N 個獨立節點。 當 p=c/N,0<c<1 時,隨機圖 Gp 會有任意大小的迴路。 當 p=1/N 時,隨機圖 Gp 會有雙峰的情形。 當 p=c/N 時,c>1 時,隨機圖 Gp 會有一個大小為Θ(N)的連通元件,其他則為 o(N)的樹。 當 p=log N / N 時,隨機圖 Gp 會是連通。 當 p=w log N / N 時,隨機圖 Gp 會是連通且接近規律圖,每一節點的連線數期望值為 w log N。 由另一種角度看隨機圖。GD={V,E}, D={deg[v1],deg[v2],…,deg[vN]}。 D 為連線數序列。因此我們可以視符合某一連線數序列的圖為一整個圖的集合。 滿足冪次律連線數序列的圖 log y = α- β log x 或 y = eα/ xβ 用 G(α,β)表示。max[deg[vi]] = eα/β N 1 x e e ( )e , ( ) 為 Riemann Zeta function。 x e x 1 ( 21) e | E | ( 1) 因此其特性可以由β參數決定。 N ( ) |E| = | E | 1 2 當β=0 時為連通圖。 56/70 β<1 時為連通圖。 1<β<2 時有一個巨型的大小為Θ(N)的連通元件。 2<β<3.4785 時有一個巨型的大小為Θ(N)的連通元件,其他則為 O(log N)的元件。 β>3.4785 時,幾乎沒有連通元件,所有元件大小為 o(N) β>4 時,所有連通元件大小為冪次律。 57/70 Clique Percolation in Random Networkshttp://angel.elte.hu/clustering/papers/cliquePercolation.pdf Creating a Giant Component http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kravitz2/papers/bohman_kravitz_giant.pdf The Optimal Path in an Erd˝os-Renyi Random Graphhttp://polymer.bu.edu/~hes/networks/bbschs04.pdf (A Random Graph Model for Power Law Graphs, http://www.math.ucsd.edu/~llu/papers/power.pdf) Efficient and simple generation of random simple connected graphs ... http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~fabien/docs/viger05generation.pdf Creating a Giant Component http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kravitz2/papers/creatinggiant_may04.pdf Zipf-Pareto-Yule and Power laws. Distributions with an inverse polynomial tail have been observed in a number of contexts. The earliest observations are due to Pareto [Pareto 1897] in the context of economic models. Subsequently, these statistical behaviors have been observed in the context of literary vocabulary [Yule 44], sociological models [Zipf 49], and even oligonucleotide sequences [Martindale and Konopka 96] among others. Our focus is on the closely related power law distributions, defined on the positive integers, with the probability of the value i being proportional to 1/ik for a small positive number k. Perhaps the first rigorous effort to define and analyze a model for power law distributions is due to Herbert Simon [Simon 55]. Discrete Pareto distribution Pr[ X x ] 1 ( ) x 1 is known as the Riemann Zeta function. i 1 i ( ) G ( x ) ( ) i x i i 1 Heavy tail property Not all moments E[ X k ] are defined Expected value exists if and only if α>2 Variance and E[ X 2 ] exist if and only ifα>3 E[ X k ] defined if and only if α>k+1 生成函數 Discrete probability distribution of random variable X {0,1, 2, G ( x ) pk x k k 0 Probability value 58/70 , } Pr[ X k ] G ( k ) (0) k! 1 = G(1), E[ X ] G '(1) , 所有 Xi 為 IID 離散隨機變數,其生成函數各別為 G X i n Sn ai X i i 1 n GSn ( x ) G X i ( x ai ) i 1 因此,當 S = X1 – X2 GS ( x ) G X1 ( x )G X 2 (1 x ) 如果 N 是一隨機變數,而 X1,X2,…都是 IID 的隨機變數, 那麼 G X N ( x ) GN (G X ( x )) 因此, Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Network Structures http://angel.elte.hu/~derenyi/publ/LNP_networks.pdf http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/mrj/ETHbook/ Random graphs with arbitrary iid degrees (http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/ams/seminars/papers/hooghiemstra.pdf) http://www.renesys.com/projects/leiden2001/Presentations/Chung-Graham.ppt http://www.lsi.upc.es/~diaz/Gnp.ppt http://www.economia.unimi.it/marray/2005/material/L11.pdf http://www.bioconductor.org/workshops/Bressanone/Friday/L9/L9a.pdf http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~mkearns/teaching/NetworkedLife/snt.ppt http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~taylor/Presentations/JTNetworks_Chapter%203.ppt http://compdiag.molgen.mpg.de/ngfn/docs/2004/nov/huber-graphs.pdf http://gepard.bioinformatik.uni-saarland.de/html/BioinformatikIIIWS0405/V2-ScalefreeNet.ppt http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~taylor/Presentations/Evolution_of_Networks.ppt http://www.ima.umn.edu/talks/workshops/1-11.2004/misra/misra.ppt http://www.research.att.com/~volinsky/Graphs/slides/sridhar.ppt 隨機圖 Evolution of Random Networks http://www.cmth.ph.ic.ac.uk/people/k.christensen/papers/published/prl81_1998.pdf How to calculate the main characteristics http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:cond-mat/0308629 of random RANDOM GRAPHS Svante Janson ( http://www.math.uu.se/~svante/papers/sjb4.ps) 如何計算隨機圖的節點連線數目分怖 Generating Function http://www.ece.drexel.edu/telecomm/Talks/Vilas.pdf Topological phase transitions of random networks http://angel.elte.hu/~fij/homepage/articles/phasetransPhysA.pdf Are randomly grown graphs really random? http://www.math.cornell.edu/~durrett/math777/CHKNS.pdf Rigorous Result for the CHKNS Random Graph Model http://www.math.cornell.edu/~durrett/CHKNS/chkns.pdf http://www.ee.technion.ac.il/courses/049011/lectures/lecture5.pdf http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/diestel/books/graph.theory/GraphTheoryIII.pdf 59/70 ... 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