Minutes of the MEETING OF THE FACULTY SENATE October 1, 2007 APPROVED PRESENT: Bill Bedford, Monika Brannick, Judy Cater, Molly Faulkner, Jenny Fererro, Gracie Fowler, Brent Gowen, Lawrence Hahn, Richard Hishmeh, Julie Ivey, Teresa Laughlin, Stan Levy, Jackie Martin-Klement, Marilee Nebelsick-Tagg, Sue Norton, Perry Snyder, Sherry Titus, Fari Towfiq ABSENT: Patrick O’Brien GUESTS: Kathy Grove, Terry Humphrey, Jesse Lyn, Maureen Ross CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the president, Brent Gowen, at 2:00 p.m., in Room SU-30. Approval of Minutes: Motion 1 MSC Laughlin, Nebelsick-Tagg: Faculty Senate approval of the minutes of September 24, 2007, as presented. The motion carried. Announcements: Teresa Laughlin provided the following information on the upcoming Political Economy Days: Fall 2007 Political Economy Days October 17th and 18th Schedule of Speakers Attendance will be limited to the capacity of the room. If too many people wish to attend a session, you may be asked to go to another session. Wednesday, October 17th 9.30 to 11.00 Dr. Sanford Lakoff Topic: “Making Sense of the Senseless: Why the Middle East Is Now the World’s Most Dangerous Conflict Zone” ROOM: SSC-1 (Governing Board Room) (Dr. Lakoff is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at UCSD. He earned his Ph.D. at Harvard where he taught in the Department of Government. His publications include Democracy: History, Theory, Practice and Max Lerner: Pilgrim in the Promised Land”) 9.30 to 11.00 Dr. Philip DeBarros Topic: “Redistributive Societies: You Get What You Pay For. Are You Willing to Pay the Price?” ROOM: P-30 (Dr. Philip DeBarros is Professor of Anthropology at Palomar College. He specializes in Archeology and Cultural Anthropology. He lived in West Africa for over 12 years as a Peace Corps volunteer, administrator, and student exchange program director. He did his doctorate on Bassar ironworking in northern Togo which he recently documented back to 400 B.C.E) 11.00 to 12.20 Dr. Thomas Enger Topic: “Impact of Oil Exports on the MENA’s (Middle East and North Africa) Economy and Finances ROOM: P - 30 (Dr. Thomas Enger has been Adjunct Professor of Economics at Palomar College. He has his Ph.D. in Economics from Ohio State University. He is currently an economic consultant on projects in Bahrain, Egypt, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. He has worked for the International Monetary Fund Middle East Department and also as Chief Economist for Riyadh Bank, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.) Faculty Senate Meeting, October 1, 2007 Page 2 11.00 to 12.20 Dr. Kaare Strom Topic: “Delegation and Accountability in European Parliamentary Democracies” ROOM: SSC-1 (Governing Board Room) (Dr. Strom is Professor of Political Science at UCSD. He is the author of the book Minority Government and Majority Rule and co-author of Coalition Governments in Western Europe: Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary democracies as well as the textbook Comparative Politics Today: A World View. He has published many articles and served on the editorial boards of numerous publications in Political Science. He is a Fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Arts and Sciences and was a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford.) 12.30 to 1.50 Dr. Chalmers Johnson Topic: “Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends Us?” ROOM: SSC-1 (Governing Board Room) (Dr. Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at UCSD. He received his Ph.D. from Berkeley, where he taught for many years before coming to UCSD. In this capacity, he was Director of the Center for Chinese Studies and Chair of the Political Science Department at Berkeley. His book on Chinese peasant nationalism heralded much new study of China in the social sciences. His book MITI and the Japanese Miracle was the preeminent study of Japanese development. Dr. Johnson is President of the Japan Policy Research Institute. His most recent books are examinations of the American empire. They include Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, and Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic.) 12.30 to 1.50 Dr. Gordon Hanson Topic: Why Does Immigration Divide America?” ROOM: P-30 (Dr. Hanson is Professor of Economics in the Economics Department and in the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UCSD. He is also Director of the Center on Pacific Economies at UCSD. Dr. Hanson received his Ph.D. from MIT. Prior to coming to UCSD, he was on the faculty at the University of Michigan and the University of Texas. His current research includes examination of the international migration of high skilled labor, the causes of Mexican migration to the United States, and the consequences of immigration on labor market outcomes. His most recent book is Why Does Immigration Divide America: Public Finance and Political Opposition to Open Borders. ) 2.00 to 3.20 Teresa Laughlin and Jose Esteban “Flattened by Globalization: The Ups and Downs of the New Global Economy” ROOM: ES – 19 (Teresa Laughlin and Jose Esteban are Professors of Economics at Palomar College.) This talk is given in conjunction with the Campus Explorations Program.) Thursday, October 18th 8.00 to 9.20 Ruben Navarrette Jr. Topic: “Interesting Times: Why the Immigration Debate Went Off-Track and How to Get It Back on Track” ROOM: SSC – 1 (Governing Board Room) (Ruben Navarrette Jr. is a nationally syndicated columnist with the Washington Post Writers Group. His twice weekly column appears in more than 175 newspapers, including the San Diego Union Tribune. He is one of fewer than 10 Latino syndicated columnists and one of the youngest. Mr. Navarrette has two degrees from Harvard. He has been a radio talk show host and records commentaries for NPR’s Morning Edition. He has been a guest analyst on CNN, on PBS, on The Chris Matthews Show”, and on The O’Reilly Factor”.) 9.30 to 10.50 Dr. Linda Dudik Topic: “World War II Stories: Veteran David Roderick Recalls D-Day – June 6, 1944” ROOM: SSC – 1 (Governing Board Room) (Linda Dudik has been Professor of History at Palomar College since 1975. She has her Ph.D. in History from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She specializes in American History and Women’s History. She has taught many classes in History at Palomar College including a class on World War II.) Faculty Senate Meeting, October 1, 2007 Page 3 9.30 to 10.50 Dr. Melissa Famulari Topic: “Health Care and the 2008 Presidential Election: Key Issues and Reforms Proposed by the Candidates” ROOM: P-30 (Dr. Famulari is Lecturer and Vice Chair for Undergraduate Education at UCSD. She is a specialist in Health Care Economics with a Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Prior to coming to UCSD, she was a faculty member in the Department of Economics at the University of Texas and a Research Economist for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. She is the author of numerous publications.) 11.00 to 12.20 Mark Weston Topic: “California Water: Does the Patient Need A Heart Bypass?” (California water is complex, dynamic, and threatened. This lecture will explore the many forces shaping California’s water future.) ROOM: P – 30 (Mark Weston is General Manager of the Helix Water District, the second largest water district in San Diego County. Helix Water District supplies water to some 250,000 people. ) 11.00 to 12.20 Dr. William Weeks Topic: “Aspects of American Empire” ROOM: SSC – 1 (Governing Board Room) (Dr. William Weeks is Professor of History at San Diego State University specializing in 19th century American history. His work examines the cultural, ideological, and political links between the American nation and the American empire. He is the author of several books. His most recent work is a book entitled American Nation/American Empire: The Revolution that Changed the World.) 11.00 to 12.20 Charles Hanlen Topic: “Murder Most Foul: A Discussion of the Assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy” ROOM: P - 18 (Charles Hanlen is Professor Emeritus of History at Palomar College, having taught History at Palomar for 29 years. He specializes in American history. He has his Masters Degree in History from the University of San Diego.) 12.30 to 1.45 Michelle Eichelberger Topic: “Student Leadership: What’s In It For Me? Your Student Government in Theory and Practice” ROOM: P – 18 (Michelle Eichelberger is Associated Student Government President of Palomar College and Governing Board Student Trustee. She is also Region 10 Governor for the Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC)) 12.30 to 1.45 Erik Olson-Fernandez ROOM: P-30 Topic: “Human Rights and Justice Issues Related to the United States/Mexico Border” (Erik Olson Fernandez has a law degree. He is an activist and a proponent of non-violent action for social justice. He is a founder and member of the Invest-In Project and the Human Rights Campaign. The principles of the Invest-In Project can be found at www.investinproject.org.) 12.30 to 1.45 Dr. Nasser Barghouti ROOM: SSC-1 (Governing Board Room) Topic: “Arab-Americans in the U.S. Empire: Between a Rock and a Hard Place” (Dr. Barghouti is affiliated with the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. He has a Ph.D. from Columbia University. Abstract of the Talk: As the global reach and hegemony of the American Empire expands, and as the focus on dominating the Middle East becomes an imperative for the continuing prosperity of the empire, Americans of Arab origins find themselves torn between belonging to the empire and being subjects of its domination. This talk will explore the cultural, economic, and security dimensions of the predicament of Arab-Americans in the United States.) 2.00 to 3.20 Roxana Folescu Topic: “The Environment and Peace – Is There a Correlation? The International Security Implications of Global Warming.” ROOM: P-18 (Roxana Folescu is Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Mira Costa College. She served in the Office of Science and Technology during the Clinton Administration. She was also a candidate for the California State Assembly in 2006.) Faculty Senate Meeting, October 1, 2007 Page 4 2.00 to 3.30 Dr. Ranjeeta Basu Topic: “Micro-Lending – A Solution to World Poverty: Myth or Reality?” ROOM: P - 30 (Dr. Basu has a B.A. from St. Xavier College in Bombay India and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside. She has been department chair of the Economics Department at California State University – San Marcos where she teaches Economic Development. She has published “The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Female Wages in Mexico” and “Relative Wages and the Education Premium in Tijuana” among other articles. ) ASG: Jesse Lynn reported that the ASG is preparing for Comet Days on October 16 – 17, Black History Month, and events for the Halloween Escape. Also, the ASG is participating in college discussions on ways to enforce smokers’ use of designated smoking areas on campus. The ASG continues to work with Health Services to make students aware of the many health and wellness services available to them. President Deegan: Brent Gowen reported that he met with President Deegan earlier in the day. They discussed the bookstore’s promotion of Quickstudy laminated outlines of academic subjects. Bookstore representatives have approached academic department assistants and faculty members, urging them to include the outlines as “bookstore recommendations” on the booklists that students can access online. Last Wednesday, Brent met with bookstore representatives to point out the inappropriateness of the promotion and the fact that the Senate will want to take a position on this kind of activity. Brent indicated that he will place this issue on next week’s agenda for further discussion and/or action. Governing Board: The next meeting of the Governing Board is scheduled for October 9. Instructional Planning Council: Student Services Planning Council: Administrative Services Planning Council: Revenue Allocation Committee: Judy Cater indicated that the members of the Instructional Planning Council discussed the upcoming accreditation self study at their meeting of September 26. She added that IPC has not yet been informed of the number of fulltime faculty that the college will add next year as the college is awaiting information on its full-time faculty obligation. Richard Hishmeh reported that the Student Services Planning Council continues to discuss accreditation and institutional review and planning. The group is also discussing the reconfiguration of part of the SU building and email options for students utilizing eServices. Molly Faulkner stated that at the recent Administrative Services Planning Council meeting members discussed their suggestion to change the composition of the membership because some of the positions are not filled and some members are not attending the meetings. Molly reiterated to the committee the Senate’s discussions regarding the importance of maintaining current faculty membership. Brent Gowen reported that the Revenue Allocation Committee will likely change its name to the Budget Review Committee to more accurately reflect its roles and responsibilities. Brent will bring to an upcoming Senate meeting the Governance Structure Group Request Form indicating any such changes. Faculty Senate Meeting, October 1, 2007 Page 5 Palomar Faculty Federation: Julie Ivey indicated that negotiations have resumed between the Palomar Faculty Federation and the district. Julie added that she attended the CCC and CFT State Councils this past weekend and will include information she obtained at those meetings in the upcoming newsletter, which will be distributed to faculty members soon. Learning Outcomes Council: Teresa Laughlin reported that the Learning Outcomes Council is meeting on Thursday, October 4, at 2:00, in SU-18. She added that soon the Council will distribute a letter to all departments summarizing reporting requirements of the accrediting commission and describing how to complete a Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle. The group is also seeking the cooperation of the Curriculum Committee to enhance the course review process to include questions regarding student learning outcomes and how they are assessed, and to initiate an academic program review process. Other: Professional Procedures: Brent Gowen reported that the district learned last week that it did not receive the Title 5 Hispanic Serving Institution Grant but that Palomar’s application was very well received. The Federal Government will offer another such grant opportunity soon. Marilee Nebelsick-Tagg indicated that the Professional Procedures Committee will post on the Faculty Senate webpage the Procedure for Ethical Violation Review recently approved by the Senate. She added that the group is now working on some minor changes to the Academic Due Process Procedure and will bring it to the Senate soon. Committee Appointments: Motion 2 MSC Cater, Levy: Faculty Senate approval of the following committee appointments: Selection Committee for the Dean of AMBCS Judy Dolan Molly Faulkner Gracie Fowler Michael Mufson Wendy Nelson Facilities Review Committee JoAnne Lesser (07-09) Administrative Services Planning Council Molly Faulkner The motion carried. Motion 3 MSC Brannick, Faulkner: Faculty Senate confirmation of the following faculty member to serve on a department chair’s peer evaluation committee: Faculty Senate Meeting, October 1, 2007 Page 6 Gil Noble to chair Angelo Corpora’s committee. The motion carried. Elections: Stan Levy reported that the following faculty members have accepted nominations for Faculty Senate vacancies: Chantal Maher, Foreign Languages (Faculty Council/at large position with a term through May 2008) Kathleen Sheahan, Foreign Languages (term through May 2009) Bruce Bishop, Speech (term through May 2010) Maura Gage, Life Sciences (term through May 2010) When these positions are filled, there will be one remaining Senate vacancy with a term through May 2010. Stan added that in accordance with the Faculty Constitution, because the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies, no election will be held, and these faculty members will be automatically appointed to the Senate and officially seated at next week’s meeting. One Senator expressed concern about a conflict of interest with the former Director of Student Affairs, Bruce Bishop, being a Senator when the Faculty Senate is currently discussing and likely taking action on an issue directly related to him. Monika Brannick agreed, and asked that a ballot be distributed to all full-time faculty members. It was pointed out that distributing a ballot would not affect the outcome because to be elected each faculty member wanting to be a Senator would need only one vote of the faculty body. Many Senators agreed that it would be desirable if the Academic Due Process matter were resolved before Bruce was officially a member of the Faculty Senate. After brief discussion, Senate members asked Brent Gowen, as Faculty Senate President, to inform Bruce of the Senate’s concerns about a perceived or actual conflict of interest and ask him to recuse himself when the Faculty Senate is discussing or acting upon this until this matter is resolved. Motion 4 MSC Laughlin, Ivey: The Faculty Senate directs the Faculty Senate President to write a letter to Professor Bruce Bishop outlining the Faculty Senate’s concern about the perceived or actual conflict of interest that will occur if he participates in discussions and/or actions regarding the Academic Due Process Procedure begun last spring. The Faculty Senate further requests that Mr. Bishop recuse himself when the Faculty Senate discusses and/or takes action on this issue. The motion carried. One Senator also noted that President Deegan publicly announced that Bruce’s resignation as Director of Student Affairs was not related to the Academic Due Process Procedure. Curriculum: Curriculum items were provided to Senators at last week’s meeting. Motion 5 MSC Brannick, Laughlin: Faculty Senate ratification of the Curriculum items dated September 19, 2007. The motion carried. Faculty Senate Meeting, October 1, 2007 Page 7 TERB: At last week’s Senate meeting, Senators discussed whether the Tenure & Evaluations Review Board (TERB) should create a joint taskforce or workgroup composed of members of TERB, the Senate, and the PFF to review and perhaps suggest revision to the current Standards of Performance for Faculty as well as to their application in students’ evaluation of instructors. Motion 6 MSC Laughlin, Fererro: The Faculty Senate requests that the Tenure & Evaluations Review Board create a workgroup composed of members of TERB, the Palomar Faculty Federation, and the Faculty Senate to review the current Standards of Performance for Faculty as well as their application in students’ evaluation of instructors. The motion carried. Academic Due Process: Brent Gowen reported that he and Gene Jackson are working on a draft of the letter in which the Faculty Senate and administration will describe and discuss the recent Academic Due Process Procedure. Brent and Dean Jackson will then take the draft to President Deegan and Vice President Berta Cuaron for their input and suggestions and finally to the Senate for discussion, input, and approval before sending out the letter to the college community. Accreditation: Brent Gowen stated that there will be a faculty kick-off event for Accreditation on Wednesday, October 10, at 3:00 p.m.,. in ES-19. ROP Transition: Jackie Martin-Klement reported that the ROP Workgroup went on a field trip to the Shadowridge site last Monday, September 24. The group has another meeting scheduled for later today. Student Grade Dispute Procedure: Jenny Fererro reported that the members of the Academic Standards & Practices continue to meet and discuss possible revisions to the Student Grade Dispute Procedure based on the response and information they have received from campus groups as well as from representatives of the statewide Academic Senate. Currently, Vice President Cuaron is reviewing the procedure while she obtains perspectives from colleagues at other schools. Jenny stated that after the committee has a complete draft, it will bring the procedure back to the Senate for further discussion and action. Motion 7 MSC Bedford, Faulkner: To adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa Laughlin, Secretary