COURSE BSP 1 2 1 Biochemistry TITLE S. No. Description 1 Prepare solutions using dilutions, and usage and principle of spectrophotometer 2 Preparation of Buffers of different molarilty and Normality 3 Qualitative analysis of reducing and total sugars by biochemical and techniques 4 Quantitative analysis of reducing and total sugars by biochemical and techniques 5 Protien estimation in given test sample Bradford Protein Assay/ Lowery Protein Assay 6 To perform TLC/ Paper chromatography Suggested Readings: 1. Roger L. Lundblad, Fiona Macdonald,m Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IVTH Edn; CRC Press 2. Gerald D. Fasman; Practical Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;1989; CRC Press 3. Saxena, J. ; Baunthiyal, M. ; Ravi, I., Laboratory Manual of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2012; Scientific Publishers 4. Pamela C. Champe, Richard A. Harvey, Denise R. Ferrier; Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry 3rd edition, Pulisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 5. Arti Nigam, Archana Ayyagari Lab Manual in Biochemistry: Tata McGraw-Hill Education COURSE BSP 1 2 2 Genetics TITLE S. No. Description Demonstration of law of segregation and independent assortment (use of coloured beads capsules etc.), Numericals for segregation and independent assortment. Use of 1 Chi2 for prediction of phenotype genotype frequencies of parents form progeny and vice-versa. Emphasis. 2 Comparison of variance in respect of pod length and no of seeds pod 3 Pedigree analysis 4 Detection of Blood groups A, B, O and Rh factors. 5 Dermatographies Palm print taking and finger tip patterns. Suggested Readings: 1. Roger L. Lundblad, Fiona Macdonald,m Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IVTH Edn; CRC Press 2. Gerald D. Fasman; Practical Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;1989; CRC Press 3. Saxena, J. ; Baunthiyal, M. ; Ravi, I., Laboratory Manual of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2012; Scientific Publishers COURSE BSP 1 2 3 Inorganic Chemistry TITLE S. No. Description Semi-micro analysis: 1 Cation analysis, separation and identification of ions from Groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI. Anion analysis (2 cation and 2 anion with no interference). 2 Cation analysis, separation and identification of ions from Groups IV, V and VI. 3 Anion analysis with reference to 2 cation with no interference). 4 Anion analysis with reference to 2 anion with no interference). Suggested Readings: 1. Practical Chemistry, B.Sc Part I., S.Kiran. 2. Vogel's qualitative inorganic analysis, Arthur Israel Vogel, G. Svehla 3. Practical Chemistry, University Press, By V.K. Ahluwalia. COURSE BSP 1 2 4 Organic Chemistry TITLE S. No. Description 1 Detection of elements (N, S and halogens) in simple organic compounds. 2 Distillation of ethanol and acetic acid. 3 Preparation of TLC and its demonstration Suggested Readings: 1. Practical Chemistry, B.Sc Part I., S.Kiran. 2. Vogels Practical Organic Chemistry-Quantitative analysis Part-III COURSE BSP 1 2 5 Physical Chemistry TITLE S. No. Description 1 To determine the specific reaction rate of the hydrolysis of methyl acetate/ethyl acetate catalyzed by hydrogen ions at room temperature. 2 To study the effect of acid strength on hydrolysis of an ester. 3 Molecular weight determined by using Rast’s method. 4 To determine the strength of given HCl solution pH metrically Suggested Readings: 1. Practical Chemistry, B.Sc Part I., S.Kiran. 2. Vogels Practical Organic Chemistry-Quantitative analysis Part-III COURSE BSP 1 TITLE 1. Viva voce from the syllabus 2 6 Panjab History & Culture