MUSC Special Event Venue Pricing

MUSC – Club Package – 2010-2011
Welcome MSU Clubs, Services, and Societies!
This package contains vital information you may need to know for the
upcoming academic year. Please read and observe all policies carefully as this
guide is specifically addressed to student groups.
Mission Statement
MUSC is a unique facility found at McMaster University that was created by
student vision with additional student funding. Here we try to prioritize and promote
student activity on campus that is inclusive to all members of the community. With that
said there are various guidelines and stipulations that must be followed in order to give
all members of the McMaster community equal opportunity in regards to making use of
the facilities.
This guide is intended to help you, the student, with a complete synopsis of all
policies, forms and procedures that must be completed and approved by staff prior to
your event or booking. This is to ensure the protection of the best interests of student
groups while adhering to University and MUSC policy.
Should you have questions about the policies or guidelines found in this package
please direct all inquires to the MUSC front desk staff. We look forward to working with
all students and to assist in making the planning process for events as smooth as possible.
MUSC Administration.
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
 Booking Information & Policy:
o Club Tables (including Bake Sale tables)
o Banner Space
o Meeting Rooms
o CIBC Hall
o Donaldson Family Market Place/MUSC Atrium
o Keys
 Contact Information:
o Commonly Used Contacts for Bookings
o Venue Contact Information
 Pricing:
 Hard Copy Forms
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
*Club tables are strictly for information purposes only*
Club tables in MUSC are available to promote your club and the events you are hosting.
This means providing students with information about your group (ie purpose, goals, and
event details).
These policies exist in order to provide each club equal opportunity in obtaining bookings
as well as to protect students and the integrity of the MUSC community.
You are NOT permitted to:
Sell or hand out any food, drink or merchandise. The only exception to this
rule is the bake sale table (which must only sell homemade baked goods)
o Students caught selling or handing out food/drink anywhere in the
building outside of a bake sale table, will lose booking privileges and
may face violation fines.
Sell tickets for events – all ticket sales must be facilitated through the
COMPASS desk. There is to be no exchange of money between clubs and
students at club tables. Violation of this will result in loss of booking privileges
as well as associated fines.
Fundraise – many clubs on campus are associated with a variety of charities
and causes – regardless you are NOT to fundraise at club tables or pander to
the public passing through the building.
o You may promote fundraisers your club is hosting but any collection
for causes is to be done outside of the Student Centre or through a
formal event.
o Violation of this policy will result in a loss of booking privileges as well
as associated fines.
Pamphlets – Can only be distributed for club purposes at the club table.
o Under no circumstances are students to pamphlet in the Student
Centre for external venues (ie night clubs).
o Pamphlets should only be offered to those who approach the club
Clubs are allowed to reserve up to 5 tables per month, of which there can only be 1
bakesale. Clubs must have a member present at the table between 10:00am and 2:00pm or
you will be given a warning for absenteeism. After three warnings the club will lose booking
Be considerate and remember it is important to attend your tables. There are over 300 active
MSU Clubs at McMaster, the majority of which are looking to promote their club as well.
Should you have any questions or regarding policies please speak with the MUSC Administration.
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Banner Policy
Banner space is available to clubs to reserve at the following locations:
Outside of the MSU lounge, MAPS lounge and above the food court (near rooms
Banners are booked online through our website:
Banner spaces, like all our rooms, are given on a first come first serve basis.
There are nine spots available per week of which a group may reserve one
space by completing their request online.
We do not keep a list of people who request to be notified about banner space
openings during the week.
Spaces can be reserved for 1 week, and sometimes up to 2 weeks depending
on availability.
Banner Specifications:
Maximum banner size is 6ft wide by 3 feet high.
Banners must only be advertising events associated with McMaster University
The name of the sponsoring groups/organization must be clearly shown on
the banner.
All banners must be hung by 10am on the Monday of the week reserved
All banners from the previous week must be removed by 9am the following
Banners must be secured by rope or string, no adhesives are permitted.
Groups are responsible for displaying and removing their own banners.
Any banners that do not comply with the above specifications will be removed by MUSC
staff, clubs will be notified to come pick up banners at our office MUSC room 222. Should a
club not respond to banner pick up the banner will disposed of.
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Meeting Rooms:
All booking requests must be done electronically through our online booking system which
is found at Http://
Meeting rooms are free to student groups (ie clubs and societies) except in the
following circumstances:
A registration/admission fee is being charged to those attending.
The student group is hosting an external group that benefits from the use of
the room. (ie bringing in an employment recruitment service, marketing, etc)
Student groups require EOHSS (Environmental and Occupational Health Support Services)
forms to be completed and approved before hosting the following:
Meetings/Gatherins in rooms with a capacity of over 20 (ie 311/313 and 318)
All events in CIBC Hall and the Atrium/Marketplace
Any type of “event” occurring in meeting rooms such as:
o Meetings where materials will be brought in such as paint, or solvents
for “creative nights”
o Tools, games, or any sort of activity.
Booking Privileges:
Clubs, Societies and Services are allowed up to two members to hold booking privileges
within the building. These selected contacts must be renewed each academic year. Contacts
who have been designated to book space in MUSC are allowed to request meeting rooms,
club tables, CIBC Hall and the Atrium/Marketplace. To gain booking privileges each
person must fill out a separate booking privilege Form that can be found in our office and
attached with this package. This form must also be signed by the president/coordinator of
their group.
Any student that wishes to gain booking privileges or have another contact removed must
have the club president/coordinator sign off and state who is being replaced.
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
CIBC Hall is a banquet facility on the third floor of MUSC. It is approximately 4,500 square
feet which can hold up to a maximum of 450 people (this size is dependent on the set up of
the room). The hall is equipped with a large projection screen and divider walls which are
able to split the hall into 5 separate rooms. It is often used for banquets, workshops,
conferences, awards ceremonies, lectures, job fairs and many other events.
The hall is available for rental by student groups at a fee which is determined on the type of
event that is being hosted. All requests for CIBC hall, are to be made through our website: under the Special Events tab.
Venue Policy:
Furniture is not to be removed from its designated area
The use of glitter, confetti or balloons (helium) is prohibited inside and/or
outside of the hall
No items or objects are to be affixed to walls
MUSC is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is only permitted outdoors.
Tea lights and candles are permitted in the hall, provided they are placed
securely in/on appropriate candleholders.
All food and beverage items are to be supplied by Paradise Catering.
Other restrictions and/or requirements for events will be discussed with the Facility
All confirmed bookings require payment of a non-refundable deposit of @20.00 or 10% of
the room rate, whichever is higher.
MUSC accepts payment in form of cash, cheque or department account code. The final
room fees, minus the initial deposit will be invoiced after the event, with the amount due in
30 days. Future bookings will be suspended until all outstanding charges for events, key
fines and clean up are cleared.
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Donaldson Family Marketplace (MUSC Atrium)
The Donaldson Family Marketplace is the large open area located on the main floor of the
Student Centre. This group is also open to students to host a variety of events pending
approval of the MUSC staff and EOHSS. To request the MUSC Atrium all requests are to
be submitted to the online request form which is found at
Groups must allow at least 5 to 10 business days for a response from the facility coordinator
but please note that we receive requests for this space (including CIBC Hall) years in
advance. The sooner the better! Groups are able to book space up to 3 years in advance, if
you have an annual event please try to book as early in advance and remind incoming
Venue Policy:
Furniture is not to be removed from its designated area
The use of glitter, confetti or balloons (helium) is prohibited inside and/or
outside of the hall
No items or objects are to be affixed to walls
MUSC is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is only permitted outdoors.
Tea lights and candles are permitted in the hall, provided they are placed
securely in/on appropriate candleholders.
All food and beverage items are to be supplied by Paradise Catering.
Other restrictions and/or requirements for events will be discussed with the Facility
All confirmed bookings require payment of a non-refundable deposit of @20.00 or 10% of
the room rate, whichever is higher.
MUSC accepts payment in form of cash, cheque or department account code. The final
room fees, minus the initial deposit will be invoiced after the event, with the amount due in
30 days. Future bookings will be suspended until all outstanding charges for events, key
fines and clean up are cleared.
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Key policy
All rooms in MUSC (ie meeting rooms or CIBC Hall) require keys to be accessed. Keys
may be signed out from the MUSC Administration the day of the bookings. In certain
situations keys may be signed out in advance at the discretion of the front desk staff.
Only students may pick up keys for clubs, societies and services – any external
affiliates of clubs (ie non students) will not be given keys.
All groups must return their keys the following business day by 12:00pm
o Any group that fails to return keys by the designated time will be charged a
$10.00 late key fee.
Late keys are subject to a $10.00/day fine to a maximum of $125.00. Lost keys are
automatically subject to the $125.00 fine to cover replacement of a new lock.
All rooms must be locked upon exit. It is the responsibility of groups using rooms to ensure
the doors are locked upon exit. The last group to use a room will be held accountable for
any damages that may occur to an unlocked room.
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Space Booking Information 10-11
McMaster University Student Centre Administration
MUSC 222- 908-525-9140 ext 22722
To Book CIBC Hall, the Marketplace or MUSC/Mills Plaza:
- Send a request from the online booking system found at
- Please allow 5-10 business days for a response
To Book Meeting Rooms in the Student Centre:
- Send a request from the online booking system found at
- Please allow 2-3 business days for request to be processed
To Book Any Academic Space or Outdoor Space (excluding MUSC/Mills Plaza):
- Submit a request at
- Requests are to be submitted a minimum of 10 business days in advance of an event
To Book Skylight and/or Orchid Room (Commons Building) or Celebration Hall:
- Contact Paradise Catering at ext 24836
To Book Health Science Centre rooms (Available after 2:30 Mon-Fri, and Saturday and
Sunday only) or The Ewart Angus Foyer:
- Send request to
To Book 3rd Floor of MDCL:
- Submit a request at
To Book University Club (Faculty Club):
- Email or call ext. 27064
To Book Main Floor of Wentworth House
- Call ext. 26071
To Book in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences:
- Contact
*Please contact the appropriate place listed above for further booking information,
policy and procedure
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Commonly Used Contacts
AV Requirements:
MUSC: has certain AV equipment available, direct inquiries to the MUSC
administration regarding meeting rooms. If AV is required for
an event in CIBC Hall or the Atrium direct inquires to
AVTEK: is the MSU on-campus AV service, please direct inquires to
o Ext.28835 or
AV Services ext. 22764 or
Conference Calls:
Must be set up through telecommunications (UTS) by the booking contact. Direct
inquires to:
Marie Cerantola – OR
Judy Ketsetes –
All catering to facilities within MUSC must be ordered through Paradise Catering.
Departments may host potluck meals, but attendance must be under 20 guests and food
must be brought by attendees. Nothing may be delivered or ordered from an external source
(ie Subway catering).
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
MUSC Special Event Venue Pricing
Rev. July 2009
Space Name
(4 hours)
(8 hours)
Day &
Full Day Rate
CIBC Hall:
1/5 of hall
1/3 of hall
2/3 of hall
All of CIBC Hall
The Alumni Association Lounge
The Frank Charles Miller
MUSC/Mills Plaza
The Donaldson Family
Marketplace (fireplace to first
Certain events may be eligible for discounts. Please inquire at time of booking.
Included in these prices:
Exclusive use of the space booked
MUSC Event Planning Services
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Basic set-up and tear-down (banquet tables and chairs)
Excluded from these prices:
Extraordinary set-up and tear-down
Rentals (including AV equipment, staging, other tables and chairs, linens)
Applicable taxes
MUSC Meeting Room Pricing
Rev. July 2009
Room #
Full Day
(4 hours)
(8 hours)
Day &
Up to 15
Up to 28
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.
Up to 48
Certain events may be eligible for discounts. Please inquire at time of booking.
Prices are for the exclusive use of the room booked only.
Charges are based on the room booked. Capacities are provided here for reference only.
Excluded from these prices:
Extraordinary set-up and tear-down
Rentals (including AV equipment, extra furnishings, etc.)
Applicable taxes
**Remember, all MUSC forms are considered to be a contract. Once you have signed this you have
agreed to comply to all of the MUSC policies and will be held accountable if found in violation.