Department of Performance Studies Proposal for MUSC 400: Senior Seminar and Project SUBMISSION DEADLINE BY 5PM, MONDAY OF WEEK 8 OF SEMESTER PRECEDING MUSC 400 COMPLETION Student’s Name: UIN: Please print or type. I understand that, upon being formally approved, the following proposal is a contract for completion of MUSC 400. Student’s Signature: Date: Expected Graduation Date: Project format: Previous projects have included, for example, composition/instrumental/vocal recitals, lecture-demonstrations, written theses, theoretical-analytical presentations, demonstrations of newly developed software, and multi-disciplinary collaborative performances. Venue Date/Time: Space, Equipment, Support, and Service Requirements Using the Technical Rider Worksheet as a guide, submit on separate sheets of paper the following items along with this proposal form: stage plot(s), house plot(s), input list (if applicable), equipment list, and personnel and service list. Faculty Director: Printed name (please sign below) Committee Members: _______________________ (optional) printed name ________________________ signature _______________________ ________________________ printed name signature APPROVED BY: Date: Music Program Advisor Date: Faculty Director/Instructor of Record Date: Technology Studio Director Date: Department Head ============================================================================================ 27 may 2010 To be completed by the Music Program Advisor: Student is a music major with senior standing: Yes No Student has completed the required music theory coursework: Yes No Student will complete 300- and 400-level coursework by the end of the semester enrolled in MUSC 400: Yes No Proposal: MUSC 400 Senior Seminar and Project 2 DIRECTIONS Please respond to each of the following questions or directives. Type your responses on this form using complete sentences. In the event your prose does not conform to the standards of formal scholarly writing with regard to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure, you will be required to revise the proposal with help from one of the tutors at the Texas A&M University Writing Center, Evans Library, Suite 1.214 (2 nd floor): Along with your revision, also submit written documentation from the tutor that includes a critique of your draft, a statement concerning the nature and extent of assistance she/he gave you, and a description of the steps you have taken to improve your proposal. ABSTRACT 1. Briefly describe the nature and scope of your final project. Recital projects typically also involve giving a formal oral presentation or submitting a supporting written document in the form of program notes, an analysis of the original composition, or a research paper. Lecture-demonstrations typically also involve submitting a research paper or written document describing the purpose of the project and the methodology followed in completing it successfully. Senior thesis projects typically also involve giving a formal oral presentation. 2. For recital projects, provide all those details that will appear on the printed program, including the full name and birth/death dates of each composer, the title and date of composition of each work, and information peculiar to the genre: Instrumental works: movement number; key and mode; tempo markings. Vocal works: title of the movement, aria, or set piece; author of the text (libretto). 3. For lecture-demonstrations, analytical studies, and theses, give the title and briefly discuss the principal topics that will be covered. 4. If collaborators or other performers will be involved, list their names and level of commitment below: The MSSC strongly recommends having alternative options prepared in advance of proposal submission. 5. Discuss the artistic, educational, and/or professional goals you intend to achieve by successfully completing the project. Continued on the next page. Proposal: MUSC 400 Senior Seminar and Project 3 SENIOR SEMINAR Complete this section in consultation with your faculty director and committee members. 1. Describe in detail the nature of your meetings with the project director and committee members, and describe your objectives regarding this component of the course, including frequency and duration of meetings with faculty members and subsequent committee members (if applicable) during the semester. lessons, presentations of oral or written progress reports, analytical assignments, etc. 3. What activities will be involved as preparatory work for your regular meetings? rehearsals, electronic studio work, research and reading assignments, etc. 4. Provide a detailed bibliography of scholarly sources you intend to consult when completing your project. These should be cited in correct MLA format. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, scores, and course textbooks should not constitute the majority of the bibliography. Consultation with Tina Budzise-Weaver: ___________________________________ Sign _________________________ Date CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION Complete this section in consultation with your faculty director/instructor of record. 1. Using percentages, quantify the relative importance of each component of the project and state the criteria for grading each component and the criteria for determining the final grade. final project, meetings with your director and committee members, outside preparatory work, etc. Continued on the next page. Proposal: MUSC 400 Senior Seminar and Project 4 ESSAY MUSC 400 is intended to serve as an extremely important and meaningful culminating experience for you as a music major. Write an essay 250-350 words in length describing how the seminar and project you have outlined above will tie together what you have learned from the coursework you have taken (in music as also other disciplines) and the performances and extra-curricular musical activities you have engaged in as a student at Texas A&M. Be sure to cite the courses, performance opportunities, concerts or presentations given by guest artists, and any other experiences that have been especially helpful and inspirational.