个人简历 1964年生,男,博士, 澳大利亚James Cook大学高级讲师,厦门大学“闽江讲座”教授。主要研 究方向为甲壳类生物学、生理生态,增养殖及营养学研究。1996年获得英国威尔士大学博士学 位。1997年-1999年: 日本京都大学博士后特别研究员 1999年-2000年: 日本国立西海区水产研究所(长崎)博士后客员研究员 姓名:曾朝曙(Chaoshu Zeng) 通讯地址:School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia 联系电话: +61 7-4781 6237 传真: +61 7-4781 4585 电子邮件: chaoshu.zeng@jcu.edu.au 教育背景: 1980-1984: 厦门大学海洋系本科生,获理学学士学位 1984-1987: 厦门大学海洋系硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位 1992-1996: 英国威尔士大学海洋学院(School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor) 博士研究生,获理学博士学位 1997年-1999年: 日本京都大学博士后特别研究员 1999年-2000年: 日本国立西海区水产研究所(长崎)博士后客员研究员 工作简历: 1987-1990: 厦门大学海洋系助教 1990-1992: 厦门大学海洋系讲师 1998年2-4月及1999年1-2月: 美国国家大气海洋局(NOAA)海洋渔业署Beaufort研究所 (NOAA Beaufort Laboratory)访问学者 2000年9月-至今: 澳大利亚詹姆士·库克大学海洋和热带生物学院 (School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University) 讲师、高级讲师,热带甲壳动物水产养殖研究 室主任 2009 年 1-4 月: 西班牙水产养殖研究中心 (IRTA) 访问教授 2009-2010:澳大利亚国立海洋研究所(Australian Institute of Marine Science,缩写 AIMS)与詹姆士·库克大学合作研究联合体(AIMS@JCU)热带水产养殖方向学科带头人 (Tropical Aquaculture Program Leader) 2008-至今: 上海海洋大学特聘教授 2010-2013:厦门大学‘闽江学者’讲座教授 主要研究方向及学术成就 : 主要研究方向: 甲壳动物与海洋观赏鱼类生物学,生理生态,增养殖及营养学、生理生态、行为及污染毒理 主要学术成就: 迄今已发表学术论文 85 篇(其中 SCI 论文近 70 篇)并在国际学术会议作 40 余个学术报告。目前在 澳洲独立领导一个研究室, 指导 10 余名来自世界各地博士后和研究生 主要获奖情况: 1996 年获英国年度最佳动物学博士论文奖-赫胥黎奖(Thomas Henry Huxley Awards) 1996 年获福建省科技进步二等奖 1997 年获首届日本京都地区“中国留学生/学者学术奖”一等奖 2010 年获詹姆士·库克大学科技创新奖(UniQuest Trailblazer innovation awards - highly commended prize for open category) 先后获得英国技术合作博士奖学金(1992-1996)、日本政府学术振兴会博士后奖学金(19971998)、日本政府科技厅博士后奖学金(1999-2000)以及西班牙政府访问教授基金(2008) 主要学术及社会兼职: 国际学术期刊编委: 2001 年起任 SCI 海洋期刊 Scientia Marina 编委/科学编辑,每年负责部分投稿的全程审编 2011 年任水产养殖 SCI 期刊 Aquaculture International 专刊客座编辑(guest editor) 2008 年起任国际水产养殖期刊 ‘Mediterranean Aquaculture Journal’编委 2011-2016 任英文版中国海洋大学学报 Journal of Ocean University of China 国外编委 2012 年起任海洋期刊 Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development 编委 国际科学基金评审员: 美国国家科学基金会项目(NSF)外籍评审员(2001 年) 美国农业部(USDA): - 中小企业创新研究研发项目(水产养殖)基金(SBRI)评审员(2008 及 2011 年) - 热带亚热带水产养殖中心研发基金(CTSA)评审员(2011 年) 美国国家大气海洋局(NOAA): - 海洋渔业署 (NMFS) 海洋渔业创新基金项目 (MARFIN)评审员(2009 年) 瑞典国际科学基金(International Foundation for Science)评审员(2012 年) 其他学术与社会兼职: 为二十余种国际 SCI 学术刊物, 包括 Aquaculture; Aquaculture Research; Aquaculture nutrition; Aquaculture Engineering; Aquaculture International; Aquatic Biology; Applied Animal Behaviour Science; Bioresource Technology; Biology of Invertebrate Reproduction and Larval Development; Chinese Science Bulletin; Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences; Marine Biology; Marine Biology Research; Marine Biotechnology; Marine Ecology Progress Series; New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research; Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology; Journal of Plankton Research; Journal of the World Aquaculture Society; Parasitology; Scientia Agricola; PLoS ONE and Scientia Marina 审稿 任多个国际国内学术会议共同主席,科学委员会委员,组委会成员和分会主席,包括 International Forum on the Culture of Portunid Crabs (1998 菲律宾)、 Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (2009 澳大利亚)、 International Symposium on Aquaculture, Biology and Management of Commercially Important crabs (2009 上海)以及 第 7、8 届世界华人虾蟹养殖学术研讨会、第 11 届中国甲壳动物学会年会等 应邀在多个学术会议上做大会主旨演讲,包括 The Mud Crab Scientific Forum (1997 澳大利 亚)、 International Forum on the Culture of Portunid Crabs(1998 菲律宾)、Lavi’05 - 4th fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium (2005 比利时)、Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering(2009 澳大利亚)、 International Symposium on Aquaculture, Biology and Management of Commercially Important crabs (2009 上海)等 已发表论文: 2013: 1. Romano, N., Zeng, C., (2013) Toxic effects of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to decapod crustaceans: a review on factors influencing their toxicity, physiological consequences and coping mechanisms. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21(1):1-21 2. Jiang, J., Wang, G., Mao, M., Wang, K., Li, S., Zeng, C., (2013) Differential gene expression profile of the calanoid copepod, Pseudodiaptomus annandalei, in response to nickel exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 157, 203–211. 3. Liu, Z., Wang, G., Wu, L., Zeng, C (Z)., Chen, X., (2013) Seasonal change in mitochondrial function and metabolic enzyme activity of different populations of the mud crab, Scylla paramamosain, from China. Aquaculture 376-379, 68–75. 2012: 1. Camus, T., Zeng, C., (2012) Reproductive performance, survival and development of nauplii and copepodites, sex ratio and adult live expectancy of the harpacticoid copepod, Euterpina acutifrons, fed different microalgal diets. Aquaculture Research 43, 1159-1169 2. Romano, N., Zeng, C., Noordin N. M., Ng, W.-K. (2012) Improving the survival, growth and hemolymph ion maintenance of early juvenile blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, at hypo- and hyper-osomotic conditions through dietary long chain PUFA supplementation. Aquaculture 342, 24-30 3. Yang, X., Wang, J., Zhao, L., Fan, P., Wu, X., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., (2012) Effect of elevated ambient histamine level on survival, growth, sexual maturity and tissue histamine accumulation of the mysis, Neomysis awatschensis and Neomysis japonica Nakazawa. Aquaculture International 20, 347-356 4. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2012) Osmoregulation in decapod crustaceans: A review on the mechanisms, implications to aquaculture productivity, methods for potential improvement and interactions with elevated ammonia exposure. Aquaculture, 334-337, 12-23 5. Zeng, C., Cheng, Y., Lucas, J.S., Southgate, P.C., (2012) Other Decapod Crustaceans. In: Lucas, J.S. & Southgate, P.C. (Eds.) Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants (2nd edition), pp 514-539. Blackwell Publishing, Sussex, UK. 6. 2011: 1. Romano, N., Zeng, C., (2011) Importance of balanced Na+/K+ in coping with elevated ammonia-N excretion of early juvenile blue swimmer crabs, Portunus pelagicus, and differences between in vitro and in vivo gill Na+/K+-ATPase responses. Aquaculture, 318, 154-161 2. Moorhead, J.A., Zeng, C., (2011) Breeding of the forktail blenny Meiacanthus atrodorsalis : Broodstock management and larval rearing. Aquaculture, 318, 248-252 3. Liu, Z., Wu, X., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., Yang, X., (2011) Ovarian re-maturation following the first spawning in the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards). Aquaculture Research, 42, 417-426. 4. Wu, X., Wang, Z., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., Yang, X., Lu, J., (2011) Effects of dietary phospholipids and highly unsaturated fatty acids on the precocity, survival and growth and hepatic lipid composition of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards). Aquaculture Research, 42, 457468. 5. Le Vay, L., Shelley, C., Zeng, C., & Sorgeloos, P. (2011). Editorial: International symposium on aquaculture, biology and management of commercially important crabs, Shanghai (China), 8-11 November 2009 (ISABMC-2009). Aquaculture International, 19, 215-216. 2010: 1. Owens, L., Liessmann, L., LaFauce, K., Nyguyen, T., Zeng, C., (2010) Intranuclear baciliform virus and hepatopancreatic parvovirus (PmergDNV) in the mud crab Scylla serrate in Australia. Aquaculture, 310, 47-51 2. Moorhead, J.A., Zeng, C., (2010) Development of captive breeding techniques for marine ornamental fish: a review. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 18, 315-343. 3. Wu, X., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., Wang., C., Cui, Z. (2010) Reproductive performance and offspring quality of the first and the second brood of female swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture, 303, 94-100. 4. Camus, T., Zeng, C., (2010) Roles of microalgae on total egg production over female lifespan and egg incubation time, naupliar and copepodite survival, sex ratio and female life expectancy of the copepod Bestiolina similis. Aquaculture Research, 41, 1717-1726. 5. Wu, X., Zhou, B., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., Wang, C., Feng, L., (2010) Comparison of gender differences in biochemical composition and nutritional value of various edible parts of the blue swimmer crab. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 23, 154-159. 6. Yang, X., Wang, J., Fan, P., Zhao, L., Wu, X., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., (2010) Survival, growth, sexual maturity and tissue histamine accumulation of the mysis, Neomysis awatschensis and N. japonica Nakazawa, fed histamine supplemented diets. Aquaculture, 302, 256-260. 7. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2010) Changes to the histological gill structure and haemolymph composition of early blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus juveniles during elevated ammonia-N exposure and the postexposure recovery. Aquaculture Research, 41, 468-480. 8. Wu, X., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., Wang, C., Yang, X., (2010) Reproductive performance and offspring quality of wild-caught and pond-reared swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus broodstock. Aquaculture, 301, 78-84. 9. Andrés, M., Rotllant, G., Zeng, C., (2010) Survival, development and growth of larvae of the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, cultured under different photoperiod conditions. Aquaculture, 300, 218-222. 10. Wu, X., Chang , G., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., Southgate, P. C., Lu, J. (2010) Effects of dietary phospholipid and highly unsaturated fatty acid on gonadal development, tissue proximate composition, lipid class and fatty acid composition of precocious Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture Nutrition, 16, 25-36. 11. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2010) Survival, osmoregulation and ammonia-N excretion of blue swimmer crabs, Portunus pelagicus, juveniles exposed to different ammonia-N and salinity combinations. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 151, 222-228. 2009: 1. Camus, T., Zeng, C., McKinnon, D.A. (2009) Egg production, egg hatching success and population increase of the tropical paracalanid copepod Bestiolina similis (Calanoida: Paracalanidae) fed different microalgal diets. Aquaculture 297, 169-175. 2. Camus, T., Zeng, C. (2009) The effects of stocking density on egg production and hatching success, cannibalism rate, sex ratio and population growth of the tropical calanoid copepod Acartia sinjiensis. Aquaculture 287, 145-151. 3. Wu, X., Cheng, Y., Zeng, C., Sui, L., Southgate, P.; Bian, W., Xia, A. (2009) Reproductive performance and offspring quality of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards), broodstock fed an optimized formulated diet and the razor clam, Sinonovacula constricta. Aquaculture Research 40, 1335-1349. 4. Owens, L., LaFauce, K., Juntunen, K., Hayakijkosol, O., Zeng, C. (2009) Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus disease (white tailed disease) in Australia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 85, 175-180. 5. Holme, M-H., Brock, I., Southgate, P.C., Zeng, C., (2009) Effects of starvation and feeding on lipid class and fatty acid profile of late stage mud crab, Scylla serrata, larvae. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 40, 493-504. 6. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2009) Subchronic exposure to nitrite, potassium and their combination on the survival, growth, total haemocyte count and gill structure of early juvenile blue swimmer crabs, Portunus pelagicus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72, 1287-1295. 7. Steicke, C., Jegatheesan, V., Zeng, C. (2009) Performance of a recirculating tank-based system utilizing floating and submerged filters with a denitrification column for the culture of barramundi (Lates calcarifer) in Southeast Asian Water Environment 3 (Edited by: S. Takizawa, F. Kurisu and H. Satoh), IWA (International Water Association) Publishing, London, UK, Pp. 173-179. 8. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2009) Evaluating the newly proposed protocol of incorporated potassium in nitrate toxicity experiments at different salinities: A case study with the tiger prawn Penaeus monodon juveniles. Aquaculture, 289, 304-309. 9. Lober, M., Zeng, C. (2009) Effect of microalgae concentration on larval survival, development and growth of an Australian strain of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture, 289, 95–100. 10. Holme, M-H., Zeng, C., Southgate, P.C. (2009) A review of recent progress towards development of a formulated microbound diet for mud crab, Scylla serrata, larvae and their nutritional requirements. Aquaculture 286, 164-175. 11. Steicke, C., Jegatheesan, V., Zeng, C. (2009) Recirculating aquaculture systems – a review, a Chapter in ‘Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies’ (Ed. Saravanamuthu (Vigi) Vigneswaran) in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK [http://www.eolss.net]. 2008 1. Camus, T., Zeng, C. (2008) Effects of photoperiod on egg production and hatching success, naupliar and copepodite development, adult sex ratio and life expectancy of the tropical calanoid copepod Acartia sinjiensis. Aquaculture, 280, 220-226 2. Milione, M., Zeng, C. (2008) The effects of temperature and salinity on population growth and egg hatching success of the tropical calanoid copepod, Acartia sinjiensis. Aquaculture, 275, 116-123. 3. Jegatheesan, V., Steicke, C., Pulefou, T., Zeng, C., Shu, L. (2008) Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS): performance of granular media filtration and membrane bioreactors. Journal of Science, Technology and Management, 1, 31-45. 4. Castine, S., Southgate, P.C., Zeng, C. (2008) Evaluation of four dietary protein sources for use in microbound diets fed to megalopae of the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus. Aquaculture, 281, 95-99. 5. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2008) Blue Swimmer Crabs – Emerging Species in Asia. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 11 (3), 34-36. 2007: 1. Milione, M., Zeng, C. (2007) The effects of algal diets on population growth and egg hatching success of the tropical calanoid copepod, Acartia sinjiensis. Aquaculture, 273, 656-664. 2. Wu, X., Cheng, Y., Sui, L., Zeng, C., Southgate, P., Yang, X. (2007) Effect of dietary supplementation of phospholipids and highly unsaturated fatty acids on reproductive performance and offspring quality of female Chinese mitten crabs, Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards). Aquaculture, 273, 602-613. 3. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2007) Effects of potassium on nitrate mediated alterations of osmoregulation in marine crabs. Aquatic Toxicology, 85, 202-208. 4. Nurdiani, R., Zeng, C. (2007) Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival and development of mud crab Scylla serrata, larvae. Aquaculture Research, 38, 1529-1538. 5. Zeng, C. (2007) Induced out-of-season spawning in the mud crab, Scylla paramamonsian and effects of temperature on embryo development. Aquaculture Research, 38, 1478-1485. 6. Genodepa, J., Zeng, C., Southgate, P.C. (2007) Influence of binder type on leaching rate and ingestion of microbound diets by mud crab, Scylla serrata, larvae. Aquaculture Research, 38, 1486-1494. 7. Holme, M-H., Southgate, P.C., Zeng, C. (2007) An assessment of dietary lecithin and cholesterol requirements for mud crab, Scylla serrata, megalopa using semi-purified microbound diets. Aquaculture Nutrition, 13, 413-423. 8. Steicke, C., Jegatheesan, V., Zeng, C. (2007) Mechanical mode floating medium filters for recirculating systems in aquaculture for higher solids retention and lower freshwater usage. Bioresource Technology, 98, 3375-3383. 9. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2007) Acute toxicity of sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate and potassium chloride and their effects on the haemolymph composition and gill structure of early juvenile blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linneus, 1758) (Decapoda, Brachyrua, Portunidae). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26,1955-1962. 10. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2007) Acute toxicity of ammonia and its effects on the haemolymph osmolality, ammonia-N, pH and ionic composition of early juvenile mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 148, 278285. 11. Jegatheesan, V., Zeng C., Shu, L., Manicom, C., Steicke, C. (2007) Technological advances in aquaculture farms for minimal effluent discharge to oceans. Journal of Cleaner Production 15, 15251544. 12. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2007) Ontogenetic changes in tolerance to acute ammonia exposure and associated gill histological alterations during early juvenile development of the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus. Aquaculture 266, 246-254. 13. Holme, M-H., Southgate, P.C., Zeng, C. (2007) Survival, development and growth response of mud crab, Scylla serrata megalopae, fed semi-purified diets containing various fish oil:corn oil ratios. Aquaculture, 269, 427-435. 2006: 1. Holme, M-H., Zeng, C., Southgate, P.C., (2006) Dietary supplemented cholesterol requirement of megalopae of the mud crab, Scylla serrata, fed semi-purified diets. Aquaculture 261, 1328-1334 2. Romano, N., Zeng, C. (2006). The effects of salinity on the survival, growth and haemolymph osmolality of early juvenile blue swimmer crabs, Portunus pelagicus. Aquaculture 260, 151-162. 3. Genodepa, J., Southgate, P. C., Zeng, C. (2006). Determining ingestion of microbound diet particles by mud crab, Scylla serrata, larvae. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 1, 244-252. 4. Holme, M-H., Zeng, C., Southgate, P.C. (2006). Use of microbound diets for larval culture of the mud crab Scylla serrata. Aquaculture, 257, 482-490. 5. Holme, M-H., Zeng, C., Southgate, P.C. (2006). Towards development of formulated diets for mud crab larvae and a better understanding of their nutritional requirements. Aqua Feeds: Formulation & beyond 3, 3-6. 2005: 1. Zeng, C., Southgate, P., Genodepa, J., Bamford, H., Holme, M. (2005) Development of microbound diets for crab larvae. Larvi’05 Book of short communications. Hendry, C.I., Van Stappen, G., Wille, M., Sorgeloos, P. (eds) European Aquaculture Society special publication No. 36, pp 583-584. 2. Rabbani, A. G., Zeng, C. (2005). Effects of background colour of culture vessels on the larval survival and development of the mud crab Scylla serrata (Forskal). Aquaculture Research 36, 1112-1119. 3. Wang, G., Li, S., Zeng, C., Lin, S., Kong, X., Ai, C., Lin, Q (2005) Status of biological studies and aquaculture development of the mud crab, scylla serrata, in China: an experimental ecological studies. Aquaculture International 13, 459-468. 2004: 1. Zeng, C., Li, S-J., Zeng, H., (2004) Occurrence of additional Zoea-VI larvae in the mud crab, Scylla paramamosain (Estampador), reared in the laboratory. Hydrobiologia 529, 49-58 2. Genodepa, J., Zeng, C., Southgate, P.C. (2004) Preliminary assessment of a microbound diet as an Artemia replacement for mud crab, Scylla serrata, megalopa. Aquaculture 236, 497-509 3. Genodepa, J., Southgate, P.C., Zeng, C. (2004) Diet particle size preference and optimal ration for mud crab, Scylla serrata, larvae fed microbound diets. Aquaculture 230, 493-505 2004年之前发表论文: 1. Zeng, C., Abello, P., Naylor, E. (1999) Tidal and semilunar moulting rhythms in juvenile Carcinus maenas: implications for adaptation to a high intertidal habitat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 191, 257-266 2. Zeng, C., Li, S. (1999) Effects of density and different combinations of diets on survival, development, dry weight and chemical composition of larvae of the mud crab, Scylla paramamosain. In: Keenan C & Blackshaw A (Eds) Mud Crab Aquaculture and Biology. Canberra, Australia, pp 159-166 3. Li, S., Zeng, C., Tang H, Wang G, & Lin Q (1999) Investigations into the reproductive and larval culture biology of the mud crab, Scylla paramamosain: a research overview. In: Keenan C & Blackshaw A (Eds) Mud Crab Aquaculture and Biology. Canberra, Australia, pp 121-124 4. Tanaka, M., Zeng, C., (1998) Mechanisms of inshore migration and settlement in marine larvae. In: Senta T & Kinoshita I (eds) Biology of larval and juvenile fishes in sandy beaches. Koseisha-Kosikaku, Tokyo, Japan, pp 100-112 5. Zeng, C., Naylor, E., Abello, P. (1997) Endogenous control of timing of metamorphosis in megalopae of the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Marine Biology 128, 299-305 6. Zeng, C., Naylor, E. (1997) Rhythms of larval release in the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Journal of Marine Biology Association of United Kingdom 77, 451-461 7. Zeng, C., Naylor, E. (1996) Endogenous tidal rhythms of vertical migration in field collected zoea larvae of Carcinus maenas: implications for offshore dispersal. Marine Ecology Progress Series 132, 71-82 8. Zeng, C., Naylor, E. (1996) Occurrence in coastal waters and endogenous tidal swimming rhythms of late megalopae of Carcinus maenas: implications for onshore recruitment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 136, 69-79 9. Zeng, C., Naylor, E. (1996) Synchronization of endogenous tidal vertical migration rhythms in laboratory-hatched larvae of the crab Carcinus maenas. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 198, 269-289 10. Zeng, C., Naylor, E. (1996) Heritability of circatidal vertical migration rhythms in zoea larvae of the crab Carcinus maenas. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 202, 239-257 11. Zeng C, Li S, Zeng H (2001) Studies on the morphology of the larvae of Scylla serrata (Forska), reared in the laboratory. Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University 21, 1-6. 12. Li S, Zeng C (2001) Effects of starvation on survival and development of zoea-1 larvae of the mud crab Scylla serrata. Journal of Xiamen University 40, 782-788 13. Li S, Zeng C, Tang H, Li F, Wang G & Lin Q (1998) The larval nutrient requirement and metabolic mechanism of the mud crab Scylla serrata. J of Taiwan Strait 17(Sup.), 1-9 14. Wang G, Lin S, Lin Q, Li S, Zeng, C (1998) The effect of salinity on the larval survival and development of the mud crab Scylla serrata. J Fish China 22, 89-92 15. Wang, G., Zeng., C., Li, S., Lin, Q. (1995) Environmental induction of larval stage variation in the crab Scylla serrata. Mar. Sci. 1995, 60-63 16. Wang, G., Zeng, C., Li, S., Lin, Q. (1994) Effect of different combinations of diets on the dry weight and elemental composition (C,H,N) of the larvae of the crab, Scylla serrata. Acta. Ocean. Sinica 16,100107 17. Li, S., Wang, G., Zeng, C., Shangguang B. (1994) Study on culture biology of Scylla serrata Forskal. Mar. Sci. 1994, 21-24 18. Lin, Q., Li, S., Zeng, C., Wang, G. (1994) Experimental studies on domestication for spawner mud crab Scylla serrata. Fujian Fish. 1994,13-17 19. Zeng, C., Li, S. (1992) Experimental ecology study on the larvae of the mud crab, Scylla serrata. I. Effects of concentration and different combinations of diets on the survival and development of the larvae. Trans. Chinese Crust. Soc. no.3, 85-94. China Ocean Press, Bejing 20. Zeng, C., Li, S. (1992) Effect of temperature on survival and development of the larvae of Scylla serrata. J. Fish. China. 16, 213-221 21. Zeng, C., Li, S. (1991) Effect of temperature on the embryonic development of the mud crab, Scylla serrata. Fujian Fish. 1991, 45-50