Tentative Program for International Conference on Long-Term Ecological Research 20-21 August, 2007 Venue: the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research(IGSNRR), CAS 18-19 August (Saturday and Sunday) Check-in at the hotel Registration (13:00-18:00) (Foreign Experts Building Beijing) at the lobby of the hotel 20 August(Monday) 07:30-08:30 Registration (on-site) 08:30-09:50 08:30-09:00 Moderator: Welcome messages: 09:00-09: 50 Plenary Session 1 Opening ceremony Prof. ZHAO Shidong representatives of CAS, MOST, NSFC, ILTER(Hen-biau King) and IGSNRR Chinese Ecosystem Research Network(CERN): Achievements and Perspectives by Dr. FU Bojie (CAS) 09:50-10:20 group photo and tea/coffee break 10:20-12:00 Moderator: 10:20-11:10 by Dr. G. Phillip Robertson Plenary Session 2 Dr. Hen-biau King New Directions for U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research (US LTER) 11:10-12:00 by Dr. Andrew Macdonald The Rothamsted Long-term Experiments – Past, Present and Future (Rothamsted Research, UK) 12:00-13:00 lunch 13:00-16:00 (except the workshop on biodiversity conservation) Parallel workshops Workshop 1 20 August Meeting room#: Co-moderators: 13:00-15:00 Part 1 : Biodiversity conservation 13:00-17:00 (TBD) Dr. MA Keping ( kpma@ibcas.ac.cn ) and Dr. Bruno Walther (bruno@diversitas-international.org) moderator: Dr. MA Keping ( kpma@ibcas.ac.cn ) 1 13:00-13:20 by Dr Bruno A. Walther 13:20-13:40 by Dr. SUN Bo 13:40-14:00 by Dr. Jacques Baudry 14:00-14:20 by Dr. S. Aneel Gilani 14:20-14:40 by Dr. Viesturs Melecis 14:40-15:00 by Dr. Kgope, B.S. Towards a global biodiversity observation network: the GEOSS framework (France, bruno@diversitas-international.org) Change of soil microbial diversity with landuse alteration from paddy field to vegetable land (CERN, bsun@issas.ac.cn) Spatial and time scales of biodiversity trends – the role of LTER to understanding interactions between land use and species distribution (France, jbaudry@rennes.inra.fr) Conservational status of plant seedlings a tool for biodiversity conservation in Northern Pakistan (Pakistan, s_aneelgilani@hotmail.com) Long-term changes forest soil mesofauna on the background of climate warming (Latvia, vmelecis@email.lubi.edu.lv) Global change research on South Africa’s plant biodiversity (South Africa, kgope@sanbi.org) 15:00-15:10 tea/coffee break 15:10-17:00 15:10-15:30 Part 2: by Dr. MA Keping 15:30-15:50 by Drs. Victor B. Amoroso and Mardonio M. Lao 15:50-16:10 by Dr. Armando Torres-Lezama Hirma 16:10-16:30 moderator: Bruno Walther (bruno@diversitas-international.org) Biodiversity monitoring in China--on Chinese forest biodiversity monitoring network (CERN, kpma@ibcas.ac.cn) Assessment and conservation of biodiversity in Malindang Range, Mindanao, Philippines (Philippines, amorosovic@yahoo.com) Dynamics of tree species ecological groups in logged and unlogged tropical forests in the Venezuelan western plains. (Venezuela, torres@ula.ve) by Dr. Saulius Svazas 16:50-17:00 Phylogenetic diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in mangrove sediments assessed by PCR- Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (CERN, amy0517@gmail.com) Biodiversity research in the cross-border Lithuanian-Belarusian and Lithuanian-Russian LTER sites (Lithuania, svazas@ekoi.lt) general discussion and summary Workshop 2 Ecosystem Restoration Meeting room #: TBD by Ms. ZHANG Yanying 16:30-16:50 2 Co-moderators: 13:00-14:20 13:00-13:20 Part 1 by Drs. M.W. van Rooyen and N. van Rooyen 13:20-13:40 Dr. LIU Guobin(gbliu@ms.iswc.ac.cn ) Dr. M. W. van Rooyen(Gretel.vanrooyen@up.ac.za) Moderator: Dr. LIU Guobin ( gbliu@ms.iswc.ac.cn ) Monitoring the recovery of the vegetation in two conservation areas in the Succulent Karoo, South Africa (South Africa, Gretel.vanrooyen@up.ac.za) by Ms. Meng-Fen Lee Vegetation restoration of the abandoned cropland in Horqin Sand Land of China (CERN, nmzhaoxy@yahoo.com.cn ) Indigenous knowledge in wetland management in Lake Victoria Basin (Tanzania, smwakalila@yahoo.com) Evaluating vegetation recovery following forest fires in humid subtropical mountain forest ecosystem in central Taiwan using multi-temporal SPOT images (TERN, mengfenlee@gmail.com) 14:20-14:30 tea/coffee break 14:30-16:00 Part 2 14:30-14:50 by Dr. Francisco Barbosa 15:50-16:00 16:00-17:00 Moderator: M.W. van Rooyen ( Gretel.vanrooyen@up.ac.za) Long-term ecological studies and ecological rehabilitation on Loess Plateau of China (CERN, gbliu@ms.iswc.ac.cn) Activity report of Shimane University and the future prospects of the nature restoration in lakes Shinji and Nakaumi, newly registered ramsar sites in Japan (Japan, kunii@soc.shimane-u.ac.jp) Evolution characteristics of the restoration desert ecosystem and its influence on infiltration patterns in the Tengger Desert, Northern China (CERN, xpwang@lzb.ac.cn) Long term cyanobacteria dominance in a polymictic nutrient-poor tropical lake (Gambazinho Lake, South-East Brazil) (Brazil, barbosa@icb.ufmg.br ) general discussion and summary poster session (first floor of Bldg. 2) Workshop 3 : Carbon, Nitrogen and Water Cycling of Ecosystems by Dr. ZHAO Xueyong 13:40-14:00 by Dr. Shadrack Mwakalila 14:00-14:20 by Dr. LIU Guobin 14:50-15:10 by Dr. Hidenobu Kunii 15:10-15:30 by Dr. WANG Xinping 15:30-15:50 Session 1 (carbon) Meeting room# : Co-moderators: (TBD) Dr. ZHOU Guoyi (gyzhou@scib.ac.cn) Dr. Martin Forsius (Finland, martin.forsius@ymparisto.fi) 3 13:00-14:20 13:00-13:20 Part 1: by Dr. Chiung-Pin Liu 14:00-14:20 by Dr. Wang Bing Moderator: Dr. ZHOU Guoyi (gyzhou@scib.ac.cn) Processes controlling the increasing trends of dissolved organic carbon concentrations in the surface waters of a boreal catchment (Lammi LTER-site, Finland) (Finland, martin.forsius@ymparisto.fi) Research progress and future directions of ChinaFLUX (CERN,yugr@igsnrr.ac.cn ) Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Precipitation, Throughfall, Soil solution, and Stream Water in the subtropics of the Fushan Forest (TERN, cpliu@nchu.edu.tw) Carbon Density and Storage of Bamboo Forest in China (CFERN, wangbing@forestry.ac.cn) 14:20-14:30 tea/coffee break by Dr. Martin Forsius 13:20-13:40 by Dr. YU Guirui 13:40-14:00 14:30-16:00 14:30-14:50 Part 2 by 14:50-15:10 by Dr. Hideaki Shibata 15:10-15:30 by Dr. SHA Liqing 15:30-15:50 by Dr. SU Peixi 15:50-16:00 16:00-17:00 Workshop 4 Session 1 13:00-14:20 13:00-13:20 Part 1 by Dr. Clyde E. Goulden 13:20-13:40 Moderator: Dr. Martin Forsius (martin.forsius@ymparisto.fi) Analysis on the impacts of various factors on leaf litter decomposition from an intersite decomposition experiment across China Dr. ZHOU Guoyi (CERN, gyzhou@scib.ac.cn) Spatial and temporal pattern of dissolved carbon and nitrogen in stream water with topographical gradient in forested basins in northern Japan. (Japan, shiba@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp) CO2 Flux in a Tropical Seasonal Rain Forest in Xishuangbanna ( CERN, shalq@xtbg.ac.cn ) Stable carbon isotope variation in plants and their indicating significances along the inland Heihe River basin of northwestern China (CERN, supx@lzb.ac.cn ) general discussion and summary poster session (first floor of Bldg. 2) Environmental Changes and their Impacts to Ecosystems Co-moderators: Dr. ZHAO Xinquan (xqzhao@nwipb.ac.cn) Dr. Clyde E. Goulden (cgoulden@acnatsci.org) Moderator: Dr. ZHAO Xinquan (xqzhao@nwipb.ac.cn) Climate change and grazing impacts at the Mongolian Long-Term Ecological Research network site, Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia (Mongolia, cgoulden@acnatsci.org) Oil spill in Panay Island: its effects and need for post-marine 4 by Mai-He Li biodiversity assessment (Philippines, drpacjr@yahoo.com) Long term dynamics of biophysical structure and bioeconomy of the Lower Danube River System (LDRS) (Romania, cristof@braila.net ) Are critical values for atmospheric deposition and ozone in Swiss forests exceeded? (Switzerland, maihe.li@wsl.ch ) 14:20-14:30 tea/coffee break by Dr. Paciente A. Cordero, Jr. 13:40-14:00 by Dr. Sergiu Cristofor 14:00-14:20 14:30-16:00 14:30-14:50 Part 2 by Dr. ZHAO Xinquan 14:50-15:10 by Drs. Miguel Equihua & Griselda Benítez 15:10-15:30 by Dr. Ricardo Diaz-Delgado 15:30-15:50 By Dr. Yongyut Trisurat 15:50-16:00 16:00-17:00 Workshop 5: 13:00-17:00 Meeting room: No. Moderator: Clyde E. Goulden (cgoulden@acnatsci.org) Climate change and its ecological impacts —The evidences from the field experiments on northeastern Tibetan plateau (CERN, xqzhao@nwipb.ac.cn ) LTER for adaptation to global warming in Veracruz, Mexico (Mexico, Miguel.equihua@inecol.edu.mx) Monitoring of natural processes in Doñana at landscape scale (Spain, rdiaz@ebd.csic.es) Modeling Landscape and Land Use Change at the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve LTER Site (Thailand, fforyyt@ku.ac.th ) general discussion and summary poster session (first floor of Bldg. 2) ILTER Science Agenda (TBD) Dr. Patrick Bourgeron (USA, patrick.bourgeron@colorado.edu Dr. Francisco Barbosa( Brazil, barbosa@icb.ufmg.br ) Co-moderators:) Dr. Manuel Maass(Mexico, maass@oikos.unam.mx) Dr. Hen-Biau King(TERN, hbking@twecoinformatics.org) , and Dr. Steve Hamburg (USA, steven_hamburg@brown.edu) 1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. Advancing innovative and anticipatory research (IAR) ILTER intellectual and technical infrastructure ILTER as a facilitator and provider of incentive to IAR ILTER as an incubator for developing new approaches to eco-informatics/cyberinfrastructure Informing decisions with socio-ecological knowledge (SEK) ILTER ways to integrating SEK into policy and management ILTER as a promoter for participatory research and monitoring within local communities 5 3. 4. Stimulating cultural synthesis and integration for socio-ecological science ILTER as a provider of international linkages/globalization of access to SEK ILTER as a facilitator and catalyst to international interdisciplinary approaches ILTER as a facilitator of knowledge flow Group discussion 16:00-17:00 poster session (first floor of the 2 Bldg.) 18:30-20:00 Welcome banquet---? Hotel(chaired by Bojie Fu) 21 August (Tuesday) 08:30-10:10 Moderator: 08:30- 09:20 by Dr. Mark E. Harmon Plenary Session 3 Dr. FU Bojie The role of LTER in integrated ecosystem assessment in the UK (ECN, UK) Developing a General Understanding of the Decomposition Process: Results of a network experiment (US LTER) 10:10-10:20 tea/coffee break 10:20-12:00 Moderator: 10:20-11:10 by Dr. HAN Xingguo Plenary Session 4 Dr. Terry Parr The role of flux networks to understand terrestrial biosphere feed-backs to the global carbon cycle (University of Tusnia, Italy) Data mining from a long term grassland monitoring data base (CERN) 12:00-13:00 lunch 13:00-16:00 Workshop 3 : Session 2( nitrogen) Parallel Workshops a. b. c. by Dr. Terry Parr 09:20-10:10 by Dr. Riccardo Valentini 11:10-12:00 Meeting room: No. 13:00-14:20 Part 1 13:00-13:20 Carbon, Nitrogen and Water Cycling of Ecosystems Co-moderators: Dr. ZHU Bo (bzhu@imde.ac.cn) Dr. Teng-Chiu Lin (tclin@cc.ncue.edu.tw) (TBD) Moderator: Dr. ZHU Bo (bzhu@imde.ac.cn) Fog and precipitation chemistry at a mid-land humid forest 6 by Dr. LIU Qing in central Taiwan (TERN, tclin@cc.ncue.edu.tw ) Nitrogen fertilization enhances soil water deficit and results in accumulation of nitrate in a semiarid soil profile (CERN, slguo@ms.iswc.ac.cn ) Effects of long-term cycling of organic nutrient on soil nitrogen supplying capacity in a red soil paddy ecosystem (CERN, alchen@isa.ac.cn ) Influence of nitrate amendment on the fate of nonylphenol under anoxic conditions in submerged paddy soils (CERN, qliu@issas.ac.cn ) 14:20-14:30 tea/coffee break 14:30-15:00 Part 2: 14:30-14:50 by Dr. MA Junhua 15:30-15:50 Moderator:Dr. Teng-Chiu Lin ( mailto:tclin@cc.ncue.edu.tw ) Characteristics of nitrate leaching loss from slope cropland of purple soil (CERN, bzhu@imde.ac.cn ) The study on the relationship between the soil organic matter content and soil productivity (CERN, xyzhang1966@yahoo.com.cn ) Adsorption on soil of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from cattle manure: a preliminary study (CERN, majh@igsnrr.ac.cn ) (TBD) 15:50-16:00 16:00-17:00 general discussion and summary poster session (first floor of Bldg. 2) Workshop 3 : Session 3 (water) Carbon, Nitrogen and Water Cycling Meeting room: No. 13:00-14:20 Part 1 13:00-13:20 (TBD) Moderator: Dr. Yue-Joe Hsia (yjhsia01@hotmail.com ) Development of a distributed eco-hydrological model for water management in irrigation district of the Yellow River Basin, China (CERN, luoyi.cas@gmail.com ) Soil water and nutrients use and balance and their environmental effects in the rainfed cropland eco-systems: a long-term experiment study on the loess plateau (CERN, wzliu@ms.iswc.ac.cn ) Growth, biomass production, water-use efficiency and leaf anatomy of two leguminous shrubs in response to water stress (CERN, baowk@cib.ac.cn ) by Dr. Teng-Chiu Lin 13:20-13:40 by Dr. GUO Shengli 13:40-14:00 by Dr. CHEN Anlei 14:00-14:20 by Dr. ZHU Bo 14:50-15:10 by Dr. ZHANG Xingyi 15:10-15:30 by Dr. LUO Yi 13:20-13:40 by Dr. LIU Wenzhao 13:40-14:00 by Dr. BAO Weikai 7 14:00-14:20 by Dr. SUN Hongyong Sustainable water management in irrigation regions: Understanding the impact of precipitation trend on crop productivity in the North China Plain (CERN, hysun@sjziam.ac.cn ) 14:20-14:30 tea/coffee break 14: 30-16:00 Part 2 14:30-14:50 Moderator: Dr. LUO Yi ( luoyi.cas@gmail.com ) the impact of fog on the energy budget of a subtropical cypress forest in Taiwan (TERN, yjhsia01@hotmail.com ) Nutrient budget of irrigation-drainage system of paddy field in the Yangtse Delta region (CERN, djwang@issas.ac.cn) Impact of temperature and moisture on soil respiration: deconvolution analysis of field data in subtropical forests in southern China (CERN, xltang@scib.ac.cn ) Soil Water Dynamics as Influenced by Land Use Changes in Karst Mountainous Region in Northwest Guangxi ( CAS, hbchs@isa.ac.cn ) general discussion and summary poster session (first floor of Bldg. 2) by Dr. Yue-Joe Hsia 14:50-15:10 by Dr. WANG Dejian 15:10-15:30 by Dr. TANG Xuli 15:30-15:50 by Dr. CHEN Yongsong 15:50-16:00 16:00-17:00 Workshop 4 Session 2 by Mr. CHEN Jie 14:00-14:20 by Dr. WANG Yinghong Environmental Changes and their Impacts to Ecosystems Co-moderators: Dr. WANG Yuesi ( wys@dq.cern.ac.cn) Dr. Shih-Chieh Chang (scchang@mail.ndhu.edu.tw) Moderator: Dr. WANG Yuesi ( wys@dq.cern.ac.cn) Toward an understanding of typhoon effects on soil nutrient dynamics of a subtropical forest ecosystem (TERN, scchang@mail.ndhu.edu.tw) Climate Change from 1980 to 2005 in the Ailao Mountains, Southwest China (CERN,liuy@xtbg.ac.cn ) Applicability assessment and improvement of CLIGEN non−precipitation parameters on the Loess Plateau (CERN, chj092413@yahoo.com.cn ) Measurement of greenhouse gases in CERN stations (CERN, wyh@mail.iap.ac.cn ) 14:20-14:30 tea/coffee break 14:30-16:00 Part 2 14:30-14:50 Moderator: Shih-Chieh Chang (scchang@mail.ndhu.edu.tw) Research Progress in Sub-Center of Atmosphere Science 13:00-14:20 Part 1 13:00-13:20 by Dr. Shi-Chieh Chang 13:20-13:40 by Dr. LIU Yang 13:40-14:00 8 by Dr. WANG Yuesi 14:50-15:10 by Dr. SHEN Zhiliang 15:10-15:30 by Dr. SONG Xuzhong 15:30-15:50 (CERN, wys@dq.cern.ac.cn ) Long-term variations of nutrients and its structure and ecological responses in Jiaozhou Bay, China (CERN, zhlshen@ms.qdio.ac.cn ) A province-scale long-term forest ecosystem monitoring in Zhejiang (Zhejiang Academy of Forestry, China, popsong@163.com ) Detecting the Impacts of Anthropogenic and Climatic Changes on Water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling of Ecosystems in Eastern Asia by Dr. WANG Qinxue 15:50-16:00 16:00-17:00 (Japan, wangqx@nies.go.jp ) Workshop 4 Session 3 by Dr. HU Bo Environmental Changes and their Impacts to Ecosystems Co-moderators: Dr. Lih-Jih Wang (ljwang@ntu.edu.tw) Dr. SUN Song (sunsong@ms.qdio.ac.cn) Moderator: Lih-Jih Wang (ljwang@ntu.edu.tw) Influences of human activities and global climate change on the Jiaozhou Bay Ecosystem (CERN, sunsong@ms.qdio.ac.cn ) Different response of Caragana microphylla Lam and Leymus Chinensis to CO2 enrichment in Inner Mongolia grassland (CERN, wudx@ibcas.ac.cn ) ‘Fertile island’ effect of Tamarix and Haloxylon ammodendron shrubs in the south Gurbantunggut desert, Xinjiang, China (CAS, lijun@ms.xjb.ac.cn ) Spatio-temporal characteristics of ultraviolet radiation and photosynthetically active radiation derived from the ground-based measurements taken in CERN (CERN, hb@dq.cern.ac.cn) 14:20-14:30 tea/coffee break 14:30-16:00 Part 2 14:30-14:50 Moderator: SUN Song (sunsong@ms.qdio.ac.cn) Hydrochemical responses of two debris-torrent impacted watersheds to the 2005 typhoon Talim event--A case study in the Chitou Experimental Forest, Central Taiwan (TERN, ljwang@ntu.edu.tw) Aerosol optical properties observed by the Chinese Sun Hazemeter Network and evaluation of the MODIS AOD products over China (CERN, xjy@dq.cern.ac.cn) the Background Atmosphere Monitoring Network of CAS 13:00-14:20 Part 1 13:00-13:20 by Dr. SUN Song 13:20-13:40 by Dr. WU Dongxiu 13:40-14:00 by Dr. LI Jun 14:00-14:20 by Dr. Lih-Jih Wang 14:50-15:10 by Dr. XIN Jinyuan 15:10-15:30 general discussion and summary poster session (first floor of Bldg. 2) 9 by Dr. SUN Yang 15:30-15:50 by Dr. FANG Huajun 15:50-16:00 16:00-17:00 (CERN, suny@mail.iap.ac.cn ) Carbon and nitrogen coupling processes in forest ecosystem and responses to climate change along North-South transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) (CERN, fanghj@igsnrr.ac.cn) general discussion and summary poster session (first floor of Bldg. 2) 18:30-20:00 dinner Workshop 6: 21 August Meeting room: No. Information Management 13:00-16:00 A) 13:00 – 13:30 by Dr. HE Honglin a) introduction to CERN IMS b) Demo of CERN IMS B) 13:30 – 14:10 a) b) c) d) C) 14:10 – 14:30 D) 14:30 – 15:30 a. b. E) (TBD) Co-moderators: Dr. Kristine Vanderbilt (USA, vanderbi@sevilleta.unm.edu) Dr. Chau-chin Lin (TERN, chin@twecoinformatics.org ) CERN Information Management System (CERN, hhonglin@cern.ac.cn ) Metadata Management with EML Introduction to EML and Morpho (Kristin Vanderbilt) QA/QC with EML -- Demonstration (Chau-chin Lin) Data Analysis with EML – Demonstration (Chau-chin Lin) Data Analysis with Kepler – Demonstration (chau-chin Lin) Tea/coffee Break Metadata Management with Ontologies Introduction to Ontologies (Schleidt) Introduction to MORIS (Schleidt) Group discussion (15:30 –16:00) (Schleidt, Lin, Vanderbilt) 10