List of articles included in the analysis

List of articles included in the analysis
“A Review of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions in APEC”, Asian-Pacific Economic
Literature, 2003, 17:2, 14-38
“An event study analysis of outward foreign direct investment: the case of Greece”, International
Journal of the Economics of Business, 2004, 11:3, 329-348
“An event study of the effects of partner and location cultural differences in joint ventures”,
International Business Review, 2003, 12:1, 1-16
“Big-Bank Mergers in Europe: An Analysis of the Cost Implications”, Economica, 1997, 64:254,
“Business as usual? Retail employee perceptions of organizational life following cross-border
acquisition”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2007, 18:2, 209-231
“Career Dis-integration and Re-integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Competence
and Motivational Intangibles”, European Management Journal, 2001, 19:6, 609-618
“Challenges and opportunities in mergers and acquisitions: three international case studies Deutsche Bank-Bankers Trust; British Petroleum-Amoco; Ford-Volvo”, Journal of European
Industrial Training, 2003, 27:6, 313-321
“Corporate global culture as competitive advantage: learning from Germany and Japan in Alabama
and Austria?”, Journal of World Business, 2002, 37:2, 108-118
“Create successful international mergers and alliances”, Strategic Direction, 2006, 22:1, 25-28
“Cross-border acquisitions of European multinationals”, Journal of General Management, 2005,
30:3, 13-34
“Cross-Border Acquisitions of U.S. Technology Assets” California Management Review, 2000,
42:3, 50-71
“Cross-border acquisitions of US financial institutions: Impact of macroeconomic factors”, Journal
of Banking & Finance, 2004, 28:6, 1413-1439
“Cross-Border Bank Mergers and Acquisitions in the EU”, The Service Industries Journal, 2002,
22:4, 41-72
“Cross-border Mergers among Multinational Businesses”, Multinational Business Review, 2001,
“Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: does the exchange rate matter? Some evidence for Canada”,
Canadian Journal of Economics, 2008, 41:2, 450-474
“Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: Global and regional perspectives”, Journal of International
Management, 1999, 5:3, 207-239
“Cultural changes during the integration process of acquisitions: A comparative study between
German and German-Korean acquisitions”, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2007,
31:5, 591-604
“Cultural compatability in the implementation of mergers and acquisitions: The banking sector”,
Economics & Management, 2007, 338-345
“Decision-making in conditions of constant change - a case within the automotive industry”,
Management Decision, 2005, 43:2, 220-235
“Determinants of International Acquisition Success: Lessons from FirstGroup in North America”,
European Management Journal, 2006, 24:6, 396-410
“Dilemmas of managerial control in post-acquisition processes”, Journal of Managerial Psychology,
2004, 19:3, 252-268
“Divergence of Opinion and Post-Acquisition Performance”, Journal of Business Finance &
Accounting, 2007, 34 (3) & (4), 439-460
“Do Cultural Differences Make a Business Difference?”, Journal of Management Development,
1994, 13:2, 5-23
”Double Trouble”, Financial Management, 2003, 30-31
“Expatriation as a Bridge Over Troubled Water: A Knowledge-Based Perspective Applied to CrossBorder Acquisitions”, Organization Studies, 2005, 26:10, 1455-1476
“Factors affecting cross-border mergers and acquisitions: The Canada-U.S experience”, Global
Finance Journal, 1996, 7:2, 223-238
“Financial market integration and the value of global diversification: Evidence for US acquirers in
cross-border mergers and acquisitions”, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2008, 32:8, 1522-1540
“Getting it together: The Leadership Challenge of Mergers and Acquisitions”, Leadership in Action,
2004, 24:5, 3-6
“Global strategy and its impact on local operations: Lessons from Gillette Singapore”, Academy of
Management Executive, 1998, 12:4, 60-68
“Globalisation in the automotive industry: the preferred external growth path” Journal of
international marketing and marketing research, 2000, 25:3, 137-165
“Impacts of international mergers and acquisitions on the logistics operations of manufacturing
companies”, Int. J. Technology Management, 2005, 29:3, 362-385
“Integrating Cross-Border Acquisitions: A Process-oriented Approach”, Long Range Planning,
2007, 40:2, 202-222
“Integration or disintegration? Human ressource implications of a common corporate language
decision in a cross-border merger”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management,
2005, 16:3, 330-344
“Integration problems and turnaround strategies in a cross-border merger - A clinical examination
of the Pharmacia-Upjohn merger”, International Review of Financial Analysis, 2000, 9:2, 219-234
“International mergers and acquisitions in the UK 1985-94: a comparison of national HRM
practices”, Int. J. Of Human Resource Management, 2002, 13:1, 106-122
“Investigating the role of international business negotiations in cross-border M&As in the banking
sector”, Economics And Management, 2008, 13, 247-255
“Making the Deal Real: How GE Capital Integrates Acquisitions”, Harvard Business Review, 1998,
76:1, 165-178
“Management accounting system integration in corporate mergers”, Accounting, Auditing &
Accountability Journal, 2003, 16:2, 208-243
“Mergers and acquisitions across European borders: National perspectives on preacquisition due
diligence and the use of professional advisers”, Journal of World Business, 2001, 36:1, 32-57
“Mergers and acquisitions and bank performance in Europe: The role of strategic similarities”,
Journal of Economics and Business, 2008, 60:3, 204-222
“Mergers and acquisitions: A consideration of the drivers and hurdles”, Journal of Commercial
Biotechnology, 2001, 8:2, 147-153
“National and Corporate Cultural Fit in Mergers/Acquisitions: An Exploratory Study”,
Management Science, 1996, 42:8, 1215-1227
“National Cultural Distance and Cross-Border Acquisition Performance”, Journal of International
Business Studies, 1998, 29:1, 137-158
“National culture distance and initial foreign acquisition performance: The moderating effect of
integration”, Journal of World Business, 2006, 41:2, 161-170
“Post-acquisition Management: A Phases Approach for Cross-border M&A's”, European
Management Journal, 2005, 23:1, 66-75
“PR vital in cross-border deals”, International Financial Law Review, Apr 2004, 227-229
“Spillover of corporate governance standards in cross-border mergers and acquisitions”, Journal of
Corporate Finance, 2008, 14:3, 200-223
“Strategic Perspectives on European Cross-border Acquisitions: A View from Top European
Executives”, European Management Journal, 1997, 15:4, 423-435
“The Acquisition Process as a Learning Process: Evidence from a Study of Critical Problems and
Solutions in Domestic and Cross-Border Deals”, Journal of World Business, 2001, 36:1, 11-31
“The contribution of intercultural management to the success of international mergers and
acquisitions: An analysis of the EADS group”, International Business Review, 2008, 17:1, 28-38
”The Desire to Acquire”, Filtration Industry Analyst, 2004, 9, 6-8
“The determinants and evaluation of merger success”, Business Horizons, 2005, 48:1, 37-46
“The Drivers of Success in Post-Merger Integration”, Organizational Dynamics, 2004, 33:2, 174189
“The Impact of Country Diversification on Wealth Effects in Cross-Border Mergers”, Financial
Review, 2000, 35:2, 37-58
“The Impact of Differences in National Cultures on Mergers and Acquisitions”, Management of
Organizations, 2005, 33, 197-213
“The Impact on UK Acquirers of Domestic, Cross-border, Public and Private Acquisitions” Journal
of Finance & Accounting, 2005, 32 (5) & (6), 815-870
“The performance of UK firms acquiring large cross-border and domestic takeover targets”,
Applied financial economics,2004,14:5,337-349
“The Process and Impact of Trust Mergers in the National Health Service: A Financial Perspective”,
Public Money & Management, 2003, 23:2, 103-112
“The Relevance of Target Accounting Quality to the Long-Term Success of Cross-Border Mergers”,
Journal of Finance & Accounting, 2007, 34 (1) & (2), 139-168
“The Role of Corporate Identity in Merger and Acquisition Activity” Journal of General
Management, 2000, 26:2, 17-31
“The role of culture in the merger and acquisition process”, Management decision, 2006,44:10,
“The role of human ressource management in cross-border mergers and acquisitions”, The
international journal of human resource management, 2004, 15:8, 1355-1370
“The secrets of successful mergers: dispatches from the front lines”, Journal of Business Strategy,
2004, 25:3, 10-14
“Transnational mergers and acquisitions: how to beat the odds of disaster”, Journal of Business
Strategy, 2007, 28:1, 53-56
“Using acquisitions to access multinational diversity: thinking beyond the domestic versus crossborder M&A comparison”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 2005, 14:2, 191-224
“When does cross-border acquisition of insurance firms lead to value creation?”, The Journal of
Risk Finance, 2006, 7:4, 402-414