Part I. Catechism Review

Name: ___________________
Lesson 21: The Second Table of the Law (part 3)
Part I. Catechism Review
Questions 87-98, 108-116 in your catechism.
Put in the blank the letter of the correct definition for each term.
1. ____ Adultery
A. Having a person to share our lives
2. ____ Chastity
B. Having children
3. ____ Companionship
C. Avoiding sexual sins
4. ____ Desertion
D. Sexual relations between unmarried people
5. ____ Divorce
E. Sexual relations between two people of the same sex
6. ____ Fornication
F. The position you hold.
7. ____ Headship
G. Being the leader and making all decisions for the good of another.
8. ____ Homosexuality
H. Owning or controlling another.
9. ____ Living Together
A married person has sex with someone not their spouse
10. ____ Lust
Lifelong union of one man and one woman
11. ____ Malicious Desertion
K. When a spouse leaves a marriage without physically leaving
12. ____ Marriage
L. Willingly following the leader.
13. ____ Master
M. Being forced to obey a master.
14. ____ Pornography
N. Two people move in and do all the things married people do
15. ____ Procreation
without actually getting married
16. ____ Role
O. What you are worth
17. ____ Submission
P. Desire to have sexual relations with another person
18. ____ Slavery
Q. Pictures, movies, stories, etc. with a sexual content
19. ____ Value
R. When a spouse leaves a marriage
20. ____ Betrayal
S. Ending a marriage before death.
21. ____ Church Discipline
T. Breaking a trust or giving out private information
22. ____ Excommunication
U. Lying under oath
23. ____ Gossip
V. Public testimony that someone is not a believer anymore,
24. ____ Lying
because they refuse to repent
25. ____ Perjury
W. Saying bad things about someone, whether they’re true or false
26. ____ Reputation
X. Saying something that you know is not true or not completely true
27. ____ Slander
Y. Telling lies about someone to hurt their reputation
Z. The process of calling a sinning believer to repentance
AA.What people think about you
Going On To Maturity – Lesson 21 Review – page 1
Part II. Studying God’s Word
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
The Context: The congregation in Corinth had many problems. Paul wrote 1
Corinthians to guide the Christians there in dealing with these issues. In chapter 12, he
dealt with spiritual gifts. He reminded the congregation that they are one body. All their
gifts serve each other. In chapters 13 and 14, he deals with the two most important gifts
of all: love and prophecy (preaching). We will look at what Paul says about love. In the
Greek, he used a special word for love, agape. This is not romantic love. It’s not even
the kind of love that good friends or family members have for each other. This word
means Christian love. Paul will explain it to us.
1. Read 13:1 What is Paul’s point? What does it say to you and me?
2. Read 13:2. What does this say about a “good” pastor or teacher?
3. Read 13:3. How could a person give everything they have to the poor and still not
have love?
4. What does Paul mean by “surrender my body to the flames”?
5. Read 13:4-7. How many actions does Paul mention? How many feelings? How
many attitudes?
6. How does love relate to humility? To trust? To forgiveness?
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7. Paul is not talking about marriage, but what does this section say about two
Christians in a marriage?
8. What does God want you to do and to feel for the people around you?
9. Read 13:8-10. When will knowledge and preaching “pass away”? So why is love
10. Read 13:11. What is the point here? What attitude should we adopt?
11. Read 13:12. What is the difference between our love and understanding today and
our love and understanding in heaven?
12. Read 13:13. What three things are always a part of our Christian lives? Which is
13. How does all this make you feel?
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Part III. Discussion Questions
Read and answer the following questions.
1. Mary and Bob have a difficult marriage. Bob doesn’t make decisions for the benefit
of his wife. He’s selfish and immature. Mary’s sister tells her that she doesn’t have
to respect or obey a husband like that. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
2. Should women be allowed to vote in our congregations? Why or why not?
3. Tim knows that his friend Larry has been cheating on tests. What should he do
about it?
Part IV. Assignment
1. Review the following memory work:
Matthew 19:5,6
Psalm 127:3
Proverbs 19:5
Proverbs 22:1
Luke 6:37
The 6th and 8th Commandments, with What Does This Mean?
2. No new memory work.
3. Some day you will probably get married. Make a list of the qualities that you think a
good spouse should have and write them in order of importance (but the most
important one first). Now think about dating. How do those qualities apply to a
relationship before it gets so serious that you’re thinking about marriage? Write a
paragraph explaining your point of view.
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