Strategic Plan 2011-2015 - Disability Services Commission

Disability Services Commission
Strategic Plan
The Disability Services Commission’s fourth strategic plan sets the
directions for disability services in Western Australia from 2011 to 2015.
It leads with a vision that has inspired us during the past five years and
will continue to inspire during the life of this strategic plan and the new
long term plan for disability in Western Australia, Count Me In: Disability
Future Directions.
The vision signals the importance of people with disability, along with all
other citizens, having meaningful opportunities to participate in all
aspects of society and the range of decisions that shape their lives.
The strategic plan sets directions for the Commission’s work as it
responds to a range of national, state and community priorities, in
particular the following initiatives:
 the long term plan for disability in Western Australia, Count Me In:
Disability Future Directions and those priorities within Count Me
In that will be implemented over the coming five years
 the Western Australian Government’s strategic directions which
focus on strengthening citizen engagement and involvement of
community sector organisations
 the National Disability Agreement and the National Disability
Strategy which are closely aligned to Count Me In and will be
implemented during the course of this plan
 the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with
The future
The strategic plan also focuses on ways for the Commission to maintain
strong organisational capacity to achieve excellence in key areas of
strategic development, policy, funding and service delivery.
Extensive consultations undertaken with people with disability, their
families and carers, disability organisations, government agencies, local
governments and universities helped develop the national, state and
community initiatives.
The findings from these consultations were used to develop this
strategic plan and were complemented by a series of strategic planning
workshops and discussions with the Ministerial Advisory Council on
Disability, the Count Me In Advisory Group, the Commission’s Board
and Corporate Executive.
All state government agencies develop strategic plans consistent with
the priorities of government. The Commission’s fourth strategic plan is
aligned with the Disability Services Act (1993) and informs the
development of a business case, operational plans and annual progress
Our vision for the future is that:
All people live in welcoming communities that facilitate
citizenship, friendship, mutual support and a fair go for everyone.
In achieving this vision the rights of people with disability are
recognised, their families and carers are supported, their involvement in
all levels of decision-making is encouraged, and their life choices are
Our commitment
We will work to achieve this vision by:
 ensuring the strong and central involvement of people with
disability, their families and carers, in advising and leading
strategic developments
 providing strong leadership to champion the rights of people with
disability, their families and carers, and to work for them to
receive the supports and services they need
 actively engaging communities, disability sector organisations,
the private sector and all levels of government
 delivering supports and services that are accessible, of high
quality and responsive to the needs of people from Aboriginal and
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds
 ensuring our directions are guided by contemporary thinking and
evidence based practice
 being accountable for our performance and building a sustainable
Our strategic directions
People with disability, their families and carers
are at the centre of decision-making about
disability issues and services
We will:
 support people with disability, their families and carers to actively
participate in all levels of decision-making about disability in areas
that affect their lives
 create culturally responsive ways for people from Aboriginal and
from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds to be
involved in all levels of decision-making about disability in
Western Australia
 support people with disability, their families and carers to be
involved in decision-making in relation to the services they
 continue to develop strong, supportive partnerships with families
and carers
 use person-centred and family- centred approaches to assist
people to achieve their personal goals.
Communities are welcoming of people with
disability, their families and carers
We will:
 create a better understanding of what it is like living with a
disability, the contribution people with disability make to their
communities, and the challenges they face when participating in
community life
 deliver services in ways that create more opportunities for
community living, participation and contribution
 support community networks, advocacy groups, individuals,
families and carers to build inclusive communities
 promote well-planned and accessible communities
 pursue options for improving housing availability, access and
design to meet emerging needs.
There is increased availability and choice of
personalised supports and services
We will:
 promote choice and control for people with disability, their families
and carers through flexible support options
 create more responsive approaches for people living in rural and
remote areas
 ensure people with complex and high needs are well-supported
and have opportunities to engage in community life
 develop collaborative responses with the disability, community,
health and aged sectors to meet the needs of people with
disability who are ageing
 anticipate and respond to the needs of people with disability, their
families and carers through strategies which build on their
resilience and strengths.
There are integrated responses to disability
issues at national, state and local levels
We will:
 create contemporary responses to the needs of people with
disability, their families and carers
 identify and implement sustainable approaches to long-term care
and support
 work with other jurisdictions through the National Disability
Agreement to achieve excellent outcomes for Western
Australians with disability, their families and carers
 establish strong partnerships with key stakeholders to implement
the long term National Disability Strategy and Count Me In:
Disability Future Directions
 collaborate with citizens, community, the disability sector, the
private and academic sectors and all levels of government to
progress strategic initiatives.
Making this happen
The disability services sector fosters the best
blend of supports and services
We will:
 enhance the capacity of disability sector organisations to work in
partnership with community and mainstream organisations
 work collaboratively with disability sector organisations to provide
a contemporary range of quality services which deliver the best
possible outcomes for people with disability, their families and
 foster a skilled and sustainable workforce throughout the disability
 present the best information and advice to government about the
resources necessary to provide high quality supports and
 achieve strategic outcomes through the efficient and effective
management of resources.
The National Disability Strategy and the Count Me In: Disability Future
Directions long-term plan have been endorsed by the Western
Australian Government.
This five-year strategic plan is endorsed by the Commission’s Board
and Corporate Executive which are responsible for ensuring that the
plan is given the highest importance.
The strategic directions outlined here will guide development of annual
operational plans, a business case and specific initiatives undertaken by
the Commission.
The impact of these initiatives will be assessed annually taking into
account the views of people with disability, their families and carers. An
annual progress report will be made available.
Strategic planning
The direction of the Commission’s 2011 to 2015 strategic plan has been
informed by various state and national frameworks.
These include the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities, the National Disability Strategy, the National Disability
Agreement, the Disability Services Act and West Australian government
directions including the Count Me In: Disability Future Directions
The priorities of the Commission’s strategic plan will be incorporated
into the Commission’s work via business cases and operational plans
and will be detailed in the annual report.
Contact us:
Disability Services Commission
146–160 Colin Street
West Perth WA 6005
Telephone 9426 9200
Facsimile 9226 2306
TTY 9426 9315
Country 1800 998 214
Postal PO Box 441, West Perth WA 6872