7.0 Lake and Watershed Management Plan 7.1 Goals In this report Lake Carey has been studied as two separate, but linked water bodies. There is the larger, deeper, upper section referred to as the “lake”, and there is the smaller, shallower, lower section referred to as the “pond.” Both are highly eutrophic; the pond can be classified as hyper eutrophic. The goals of this management plan are to protect Lake Carey from further degradation, and to reduce the present eutrophic condition of Lake Carey to a mesotrophic condition, or, at the very least, a less eutrophic condition. These goals are quantified in Table 7.1 Lake Classification Total Phosphorus Chlorophyll a Blue-Green Algae Table 7.1 Quantitative Water Quality Goals for Lake Carey Present Condition Goal Eutrophic – Hypereutrophic Border line Eutrophic 0.044 mg/l – 0.072 mg/l 0.025 – 0.030 mg/l 6 – 43 ug/l 6 – 10 ug/l High, Dominant Low, Non-Dominant These goals can be realized by reducing the amount of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediments entering Lake Carey. Specifically, these goals can be achieved by implementing a program that consists of erosion and stormwater control, wastewater management, public education, and the adoption of ordinances to properly manage any future growth. Except for specific in-lake restoration measures, such as dredging or nutrient inactivation which are specific for the “lake” or “pond”, the recommended management plan applies to all of Lake Carey, both the “lake” and the “pond.” 7.2 Overview of Management Plan An effective management plan must include both in-lake management practices and watershed management practices. Due to the high amount of nutrients entering and present in Lake Carey, however, the emphasis of the management plan should initially be placed on watershed management, on reducing the nutrients and sediments entering Lake Carey. After the nutrient and sediment loads to the lake are reduced, the emphasis of the management plan may shift to inlake management measures. Dredging of the “pond”, however, should be investigated during the initial stages of the management plan since dredging of the unconsolidated sediments would remove a significant amount of nutrients, resulting in a lowering of the internal phosphorus loading. The lake and watershed management plan consists of the following elements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Watershed Management Wastewater Management In-Lake Management Public Education Water Quality Monitoring Each of these management plan elements are discussed in the following sections. 7.3 Watershed Management Managing the Lake Carey watershed is the key to reducing the excessive sediments entering Lake Carey. It is also important for reducing the nutrient loading to Lake Carey. As discussed in Section 4.0, Lake Carey has very high concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen; it also has large volumes of unconsolidated sediments (1.2 million cubic yards in the lake and 291,200 cubic yards in the pond). In-lake treatment measures such as phosphorus inactivation and aeration will not be effective until the nutrient and sediment loadings to Lake Carey are significantly reduced. The watershed management program should consist of the following: 1. Control of Existing Erosion and Stormwater Runoff, 2. Control of New Development and Related Erosion and Stormwater Runoff, and 3. Control of Erosion and Stormwater Runoff from Agricultural Activities Each of these management plan elements are discussed in the following sections: 7.3.1 Control of Existing Erosion and Stormwater Runoff The main source of the siltation of Lake Carey is soil erosion and stormwater runoff. Much of the siltation of the lake appears to have been caused by erosion and stormwater runoff during and after construction from existing residential and commercial buildings, roads, parking lots, driveways, unvegetated areas, and tree removal. Control of soil erosion and stormwater runoff from existing areas of the watershed can be accomplished by retrofitting existing problem areas, implementing homeowner practices, installing shoreline and streambank vegetated buffers, and mitigating erosion and stormwater runoff from existing dirt and gravel roads. Retrofitting Existing Problem Areas Section 5.0 – Watershed Evaluations identified a variety of erosion and stormwater runoff problems throughout the Lake Carey Watershed. The watershed problem areas identified in Section 5.0 should be corrected. These problem areas consist of roads, culverts, gullies, drainage ditches, driveways, and unvegetated lakeshore areas that contribute eroded soil and polluted stormwater to Lake Carey. The best method to control erosion and polluted stormwater runoff from these areas is specific to each site. In general, however, the basic stormwater management practices that are applicable to the Lake Carey watershed consist of the following: 1. Maximize the use of natural bioengineering methods that use vegetation and retention to slow down the stormwater runoff, retain the runoff, reduce soil erosion, and filter pollutants from the runoff, 2. Minimize the use of impervious surfaces and storm sewers to transport untreated, polluted runoff to Lake Carey, 3. Where storm sewers are used, direct the stormwater over vegetated areas, not directly to streams or Lake Carey, and 4. Vegetate areas along roadways and commercial establishments to reduce soil erosion. This report identifies many nonpoint source problem areas. Most of these are public areas around the watershed. There are, however, many private areas that have significant erosion and stormwater runoff problems. Many of the homes in the watershed are located on small, steepsloped, highly impervious lots. An important element of the management plan, therefore, should be to inform homeowners and commercial establishments about erosion and stormwater problems and provide information that will help them correct and retrofit problem areas on their home and commercial sites. Homeowner/Commercial Site Practices Homeowners and owners of commercial establishments should be encouraged to implement environmentally-friendly practices on their sites. The following practices should be encouraged: 1. Keep site disturbance to a minimum, especially avoid the removal of natural vegetation and the exposure of bare soil, 2. Seed and mulch any bare soil in the yard and especially near shoreline areas to prevent loss of soil during rain storms, 3. Leave naturally vegetated areas along the lake shore, streams, and road ditches, 4. Plant deep rooted woody, native vegetation along lake shores, streambeds and road ditches, 5. Minimize the use of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers on yards and gardens, 6. Stabilize steep slopes with ground cover, mulches or stone, 7. Create a “buffer zone” of natural vegetation between buildings and the water. Trees, grasses, and shrubs will stabilize shorelines. If ground has been disturbed, place an erosion barrier such as straw bales at the bottom of the slopes. This will retain sediments while ground cover is being reestablished, and 8. Do not cut down trees unless absolutely necessary. Trees provide many environmental benefits including soil stabilization, nutrient uptake, and evapotranspiration of stormwater. Most homeowners and owners of commercial establishments do not realize that they should be implementing these practices. Implementation of these practices can best be accomplished by including a description of these practices in fact sheets, newsletters and websites as part of the public education program recommended in Section 7.7. Shoreline and Streambank Vegetative Buffers Shoreline landscaping affects the condition of Lake Carey. The most common shoreline landscape around Lake Carey is a lawn planted with grass leading to the shoreline or a bulkhead. There are several problems with this type of landscaping. Grass lawns do not effectively filter nutrients, such as phosphorus, from stormwater runoff. In fact, the use of fertilizers on grass lawns increases the amount of nutrients entering Lake Carey. Vegetated buffers of native plant species should be encouraged for the shoreline of Lake Carey and for the tributary streams of Lake Carey. Vegetative buffers have the following advantages: 1. Emergent vegetation in the lakes, like bulrushes and cattails, reduce shoreline erosion caused by wind and boat traffic, 2. Natural vegetation along the shoreline serves as a filter that helps prevent sediment, nutrients, fertilizers and pesticides from entering the lake, 3. Vegetative buffers reduce the amount of fertilizers and herbicides needed on a shoreline property because the resulting lawn is smaller, and native plants in the buffer zone do not need fertilizers or herbicides, and 4. Unmowed wildflowers, grasses, and sedges along the shore create a biological barrier that will deter Canada geese. Streambank Stabilization Erosion is one of the major sources of nonpoint source pollution in watersheds. Certain nutrients as well as many other “pollutants” adhere to eroded soil particles and are transported to the streams and to Lake Carey. Several streams flowing into Lake Carey have eroded streambanks and lack adequate vegetation. It is likely that other areas of streambank erosion exist along the tributaries on private land that could not be inspected as part of this project. Restoration of eroded streambanks is a cost-effective way to significantly reduce sediment and nutrient loadings to Lake Carey. By using bioengineering (vegetative) or a combination of bioengineering and structural engineering streambank stabilization techniques, the erosion problem can be corrected while the stabilized streambank can serve as a vegetative buffer and, in many cases, a restored riparian corridor. Riparian buffers along the streams will reduce the quantities of sediments and nutrients that enter the streams via stormwater runoff. A variety of methods are designed to stabilize eroded streambanks and reduce continued erosion and sedimentation. Some methods reduce the amount and velocity of water in the stream, others involve relatively high cost structural controls such as rip-rap and gabions, and still others involve relatively low-cost controls such as willow twigs, grasses, shrubs, or wetland vegetation. Lower cost, bioengineering approaches should be used wherever practical to stabilize the severely eroded streambank areas noted on the nonpoint source problem area map. Where warranted, a structural stabilization element should be included in the overall project design to ensure long term stabilization and to provide adequate protection against high streamflows and high flow velocities. Gravel Roads There are three gravel roads on private property in the Lake Carey watershed that are located on very steep slopes. These roads contribute sediment and nutrients to Lake Carey due to transport of polluted stormwater to Lake Carey and the erosion of the roads. The solution for each road is similar. As shown in Figures 7.1 to 7.3, Roads 1 through 3 all need the same basic solution: 1. The roads should be paved to eliminate soil and gravel erosion from each road. 2. When the roads are paved, they should be sloped so that stormwater runoff drains to the sides of the roads and into vegetated areas where the stormwater will be slowed down, filtered, and infiltrated. 3. Bioretention-Swale Treatment Systems should be constructed on the lake side of each road as shown on Figures 7.1 to 7.3. A schematic of the Bioretention-Swale is shown in Figure 7.4. Stormwater from the paved roads will flow over the road and into the Bioretention-Swale System. The rock-lined forebay will remove the larger particulate matter before stormwater flows into the vegetated bioretention system where stormwater will be stored, filtered, and infiltrated. Treated stormwater will discharge from the Bioretention System into a grass swale which will further filter the stormwater before it reaches the lake. Road 1 has an existing storm culvert under the road. Stormwater runoff from the culvert should be directed to the Bioretention-Swale Treatment System. 7.3.2 Control of New Development and Related Erosion and Stormwater Runoff Much of the present siltation of Lake Carey occurred years ago when houses, roads, and other infrastructure were constructed prior to the restrictive erosion and sedimentation regulations and controls presently being enforced. If properly designed and inspected, present day erosion and sediment control plans should protect Lake Carey from excessive siltation. The best strategy, of course, is prevention; new construction within the lake’s watershed should be minimized. When new development is proposed, controlling soil erosion and stormwater runoff during construction and after construction is critical. If not properly controlled, they will be a significant source of additional nutrients and sediment to Lake Carey. In fact, uncontrolled construction activities produce one of the highest pollutant loads to any waterbody. Construction of individual homes does not always require an erosion and sedimentation plan and its review. The township ordinances should be amended to require the development and review of such plans for all earthmoving and building activities. The long-term erosion and stormwater runoff caused by new development is a matter of even greater concern. Unlike erosion from construction activities which only lasts during the construction period, erosion and stormwater runoff from post-construction development lasts forever. New development produces more impervious areas such as buildings, driveways, parking lots, and roads. Impervious surfaces cover soils that once infiltrated stormwater into the groundwater. Impervious surfaces, therefore, cause nonpoint source pollution in a variety of ways: 1. Impervious areas significantly increase the peak rate, velocity and volume of stormwater runoff. 2. Runoff from impervious areas washes pollutants such as nutrients, sediments, and bacteria into streams and lakes. 3. Runoffs from impervious areas have a higher temperature than pervious areas. The higher temperature can adversely affect the plant and animal life in streams and lakes, and 4. The larger volume and higher velocity of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces causes soil erosion, shoreline erosion, and streambank erosion. To address these serious threats to the future of Lake Carey, the landowners within the lake’s watershed should be encouraged to grant conservation easements, especially on properties with sensitive areas such as wetlands, streams, and lake shorelines. To minimize the adverse impacts of stormwater runoff from any new development, the townships should adopt the following new ordinances: riparian buffer, conservation and stormwater management. In addition, the existing Zoning Ordinance should be revised. Conservation Easements Conservation Easements help preserve open space, protect critical areas from development, and concentrate development in areas that are already disturbed. A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement that allows a landowner to limit the type or amount of development on their property while retaining private ownership of the land. The easement is signed by the landowner, who is the easement donor, and a land trust or conservancy, who is the party receiving the easement. The easement applies to all future owners of the land. By granting a conservation easement a landowner can assure that the property will be protected from unwanted development forever, while maintaining ownership of the land. An additional benefit of granting a conservation easement is that the donation of an easement may provide significant financial advantage to the donor. Residents of the Lake Carey watershed who own land within the watershed, especially in critical areas such as lake shorelines, wetlands, and riparian areas around streams, should be encouraged to develop conservation easements to protect the property against future development. The development pressure is extremely high in the watershed, but if protective measures are in place, the sensitive areas can be protected. The Lake Carey Cottages Association should continue to work with the Countryside Conservancy and North Branch Land Trust to offer workshops for watershed residents on conservation easements. Riparian Buffer Ordinance A riparian buffer ordinance should be adopted to require buffers along wetlands, streams, and lake and pond shorelines for all new construction projects. A buffer of approximately 75 feet should be sufficient to protect water quality along wetlands and streams. A 50-foot buffer is more realistic for lake and pond shorelines. The purpose of the riparian buffer would be to (1) eliminate major earthmoving activities close to the stream, and (2) to filter and infiltrate stormwater runoff before it reaches the water. Conservation Ordinance A conservation ordinance should be adopted to require developers to identify all environmentally sensitive areas on a site including wetlands, trees, waterbodies, slopes, and soils. An alternative to adopting a separate ordinance would be to include these provisions in the stormwater management ordinance. Stormwater Management Ordinance A stormwater management ordinance should be adopted by both townships to control nonpoint source pollution from future development. The stormwater management ordinance should incorporate the Part II NPDES requirements that the 2-year storm be managed for runoff volume and water quality. The stormwater ordinance should refer to the new Pennsylvania DEP Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual and require its use in all new development. The stormwater ordinance in conjunction with the DEP BMP Manual should require that low impact development concepts be incorporated into all new development plans. Low impact development is an innovative, ecosystem-based approach to land development and stormwater management. The general goals of low impact development are to reduce the amount of impervious area on a site and to infiltrate and treat stormwater runoff. Low impact development mimics the predevelopment hydrology and controls the peak flow, volume, and quality of stormwater runoff. It does this by minimizing the effective impervious area (the impervious area that produces stormwater runoff) and directing stormwater runoff onto vegetated areas that treat, infiltrate, and evaporate the runoff. The primary planning concepts of low impact development include the following: 1. Maintain-improve the site hydrology, 2. Control stormwater at the source, 3. Use a variety of small BMPs rather than one or more large detention basins, 4. Maximize the use of natural, non-structural control methods, 5. Minimize the use of storm sewers, and 6. Create a multifunctional environment that includes stormwater control and treatment, habitat for wildlife, and aesthetics. Case studies of low impact development around the country have shown that these developments reduce stormwater volume, protect water quality, provide greener developments, and are costeffective. Zoning Ordinance The existing zoning ordinance should be revised to incorporate the significant elements of the stormwater management ordinance and low impact development concepts. Specific areas of the zoning ordinance that may need revision include: 1. Housing density, 2. Setbacks and yard lines, 3. Road widths, 4. Cul-de-sac lengths, 5. Curb and gutter, and 6. Stormwater detention requirements. It is important that all of the municipal ordinances work together and do not conflict with each other. 7.3.3 Control of Erosion and Stormwater Runoff from Agriculture There are approximately 1793 acres of agricultural land in the Lake Carey watershed. This accounts for about 43 percent of the watershed. Agricultural land contributes approximately 38 percent of the annual phosphorus load to Lake Carey. According to the “Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) – Lake Carey, Wyoming County” report developed by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (2001), agricultural runoff in the watershed has been largely reduced through best management practices promoted by the Wyoming County Conservation District. The report indicates that the agricultural management practices have been recently implemented, but that no monitoring was performed to assess the effectiveness of the control measures. The Lake Carey Cottages Association should meet with the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) periodically to discuss the progress of implementing agricultural BMPs and whether or not the BMPs are operating properly. The NRCS and the Wyoming County Conservation District should continue to work with the farmers to ensure that agricultural best management practices are applied to all the agricultural land in the watershed. They should work with the farmers to ensure that all active farms have an up-to-date conservation plan and nutrient management plan that is being implemented. 7.4 Wastewater Management It is estimated that the phosphorus loading from septic systems and internal loading is 2196 pounds per year. This accounts for 46 percent of the annual loading. Although it is not possible to calculate a specific, separate loading for septic systems, it is probable that a significant amount of the 2196 lbs/year is being contributed by failing septic systems. As shown in Figure 7.5, a septic system needs several feet of dry soil to properly renovate or treat the septic tank effluent. If the seasonably high groundwater is at or above the level of the septic system drainfield, the septic tank effluent will not receive proper treatment and it will flow, untreated, into the groundwater and ultimately into Lake Carey. Figure 7.6 depicts the soils in the Lake Carey watershed that are suitable for conventional septic systems. As shown in Figure 7.6, all of the soils in the watershed have severe restrictions for conventional septic systems. This indicates that there is a high probability that all of the conventional septic systems in the Lake Carey watershed are failing and are polluting the groundwater and Lake Carey. Due to the high contribution of both phosphorus and nitrogen by septic systems, a wastewater management program should be implemented in the Lake Carey watershed, and this program should be a high priority. Figure 7.5 Conventional Septic System There are several wastewater management options that should be considered: 1. On-Site Wastewater System Solutions, 2. Decentralized Wastewater System Solutions 3. Centralized Wastewater System Solutions Each of these management options are discussed in the following sections. Figure 7.6 Suitability of Soils in the Lake Carey Watershed for Septic Systems 7.4.1 On-Site Wastewater System Solutions On-site solutions to failing septic systems usually include one or more of the following: 1. Implement a Septic System Management Program that requires regular pumping of the septic tank, 2. Repair failing septic systems, and 3. Replace failing septic systems. Septic System Management Program Regular pumping of the sludge in the septic system only works if the septic system is properly located, designed, and constructed. According to Figure 7.6, none of the soils in the watershed is suitable for a conventional septic system. Most of the septic systems in the watershed are conventional systems or sub par systems that do not meet present standards. These include 55 gallon drums, cesspools and undersized systems. The septic systems in the Lake Carey Watershed are failing because they never should have been constructed. The high seasonal groundwater in much of the area precludes the proper operation of the septic systems. Conventional septic systems would not be approved under present DEP regulations in most of the watershed. Therefore, a septic system management program is not a viable solution for most of the existing conventional septic systems. Repair Failing Septic Systems The septic systems are not broken; therefore, they cannot be repaired. As discussed above, the soils in the Lake Carey Watershed are not suitable for conventional septic systems. Therefore, repair of failing septic systems is not a viable solution. Replace Failing Septic Systems Figure 7.7 shows soils in the watershed that may be suitable for other types of on-side methods, such as drip irrigation, mound systems, and spray irrigation. It may be possible, therefore, in some cases to abandon the failing septic system and replace it with a nonconventional system. Soil testing consisting of a pit test and hydroconductivity test would have to be performed on each site to determine whether the site would be suitable for a non-conventional system. Figure 7.7 Suitability of Soil for Drip, Spray & Mound Treatment Systems Based On Groundwater Level and Slope Replacement of a failing septic system with a non-conventional system has several problems and limitations: 1. Availability of suitable soil, 2. Availability of space on the site, 3. Proximity to water supply, 4. Expense of replacement system, 5. Maintenance of replacement system, and 6. Lack of statutory authority. Many of the lots in the watershed are small; therefore, it is highly improbable that sufficient land with a suitable soil at a proper distance from a water supply well will be available for most homes. Some of these non-conventional systems are expensive to design and build. Some of them, especially spray irrigation, requires a significant amount of regular maintenance. A major drawback to replacement of failing septic systems is the lack of statutory authority by the townships and others to require that a septic system be replaced. A municipality or other agency would have to have clear proof that a specific system was failing and polluting a stream, lake or water supply. Replacement of failing septic system, therefore, is not a long-term, watershed-wide feasible solution to failing septic systems. 7.4.2 Decentralized Wastewater A decentralized wastewater system, also known as a community cluster system, is defined by EPA as “An onsite or cluster wastewater system that is used to treat and dispose of relatively small volumes of wastewater, generally from individual or groups of dwellings and businesses.” A comparison of a centralized vs. decentralized system is presented in Figure 7.8. The centralized wastewater system uses gravity or pressure sewers to transport all of the wastewater in the area to one location for treatment and disposal, usually to a stream. The decentralized wastewater system consists of a variety of clusters where wastewater from each cluster is transported to a smaller wastewater system for treatment and disposal. A decentralized wastewater system separates the service area into clusters, and the wastewater from each cluster is transported to and treated at a separate treatment facility. Instead of one centralized treatment facility, there are two or more smaller, decentralized wastewater treatment facilities. The cluster treatment system, being smaller due to the reduced cluster wastewater flow, may be an on-site system such as a mound, drip system, or spray irrigation system. It could also be a small package treatment plant that discharges to a stream. There are several advantages to a decentralized wastewater system: 1. Decentralized systems can be used to control growth, 2. Decentralized systems usually do not promote uncontrolled growth like centralized systems often do, 3. Decentralized systems often are less expensive to construct and operate. They often reduce the length of sewers needed and do not sewer unpopulated areas, 4. Decentralized systems, consisting of a series of smaller wastewater flows, have a greater potential for on-site disposal. Most centralized wastewater systems require a wastewater treatment plant with stream discharge because of the larger wastewater flows being treated, and 5. If on-site treatment and disposal is feasible, centralized systems, by using on-site soil disposal, provides better treatment, better meets EPA and DEP water quality antidegradation requirements, and recharges groundwater. There are, however, several disadvantages to decentralized wastewater systems. They usually require more up-front soils testing to locate suitable sites. They may also require slightly higher engineering design fees. Although system maintenance would probably be lower than a centralized system, it could be more complicated due to the multiple cluster systems. In their report entitled “Response to Congress on Use of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems”, EPA indicated concern about the gap between wastewater needs and available federalstate funding. The report indicated there is a need to identify and implement alternatives to costly centralized treatment and collection systems. The conclusion of the EPA report is that “adequately managed decentralized wastewater systems are a cost-effective and long-term option for meeting public health and water quality goals.” Community wastewater systems can consist of gravity sewers, high pressure sewers, or low pressure sewers. They can use grinder pumps or pump stations to transport wastewater to the treatment facilities. Grinder pumps are used to pump raw wastewater into a gravity sewer or pressure sewer. A pump station usually receives wastewater from gravity sewers and pumps the raw wastewater to the treatment facility through pressure sewers. An innovative alternative to grinder pumps and pump stations is the STEP system (Septic Tank Effluent Pump). In a STEP system, as shown in Figure 7.5, a small tank with a sump pump is attached to the outlet of the existing septic tank (the septic tank is disconnected from the existing drainfield). Septic tank effluent flows in the attached tank where the sump pump pumps it to a small diameter presser sewer. The pressure sewer transports the partially treated wastewater to the treatment facility. The STEP system has the following characteristics: 1. The existing septic tank is used to settle the raw wastewater. 2. Only the effluent from the septic tank is treated at the treatment facility. 3. Sludge must be removed from the septic tank every 2 to 3 years. STEP systems usually have construction costs that are significantly lower than conventional systems since they are inexpensive sump pumps and small diameter pressure sewers. The treatment/disposal system can be soil-based such as a mound, drip system, or spray irrigation. It also could be a small package treatment plant with a discharge to a stream. It could be a combination of the above. Decentralized wastewater systems should be investigated as part of a joint township Act 537 Wastewater Management Plan revision. 7.4.3 Centralized Wastewater System A centralized wastewater system consists of a centralized wastewater collection system that transports all of the wastewater from an area to a central wastewater treatment facility. Due to the normally high wastewater flows from a centralized sewer system, the treatment facility is usually a wastewater treatment plant with stream discharge. Like a decentralized system, a centralized system can consist of gravity, high pressure and low pressure sewers. It could consist of grinder pumps, STEP systems, or pump stations. Due to the larger size of a central wastewater treatment facility, more treatment system options would be available. Besides the conventional extended aeration treatment plant, other treatment options would include the sequential batch reactor (SBR), the oxidation ditch process, and the phased isolation ditch, an innovative combination of the SBR and oxidation ditch. There are several concerns associated with a centralized wastewater system: 1. The system construction costs could be higher than a community decentralized system primarily due to the larger collection system, 2. Finding a site suitable for spray irrigation or other form of soil disposal may not be possible given the poor soil conditions in the watershed, 3. Due to the latest DEP antidegradation policies and regulations, a stream discharge may not be economically feasible. The new antidegradation policies require that all sites capable of on-site disposal must use on-site disposal, even if a sanitary sewer runs adjacent to the property, 4. A centralized wastewater system would probably promote growth around Lake Carey and in other areas of the watershed. Revisions to the zoning ordinance may provide better growth management in some areas, however, in developed areas around the lake there are many approved lots that would be grandfathered into previous zoning regulations, and 5. A centralized system with stream discharge will reduce the existing groundwater recharge and lead to a lowering of the groundwater table. 7.4.4 Act 537 Plan Revision The present Act 537 Wastewater Management Plan should be revised to incorporate the evaluation of the following alternatives: 1. Community Decentralized Systems, 2. Centralized Systems, and 3. Combination Systems The Act 537 Wastewater Management Plan should look at all the options discussed above: cluster systems, different types of sewers, STEP systems, on-site disposal, (mound systems, drip irrigation systems, spray irrigation systems, etc.), centralized systems, and alternative treatment facilities. The Wastewater Management Plan should evaluate all aspects of the various systems including capital and operating costs, permitting requirements, impacts on streams and Lake Carey, and impacts on groundwater quality and level. 7.5 In-Lake Management In-lake management practices that should be considered include: 1. Lake Dredging 2. Lake Aeration 3. Phosphorus Inactivation These in-lake management practices are discussed in greater detail in the following sections. 7.5.1 Lake Dredging Lake The “lake” section of Lake Carey has a mean depth of 18.4 feet and a mean sediment depth of 4.1 feet. Although the lake has a significant accumulation of unconsolidated sediments (1.2 million cubic yards), dredging of the lake is not recommended because (1) there is sufficient water depth in the lake, and (2) dredging of 1.2 million cubic yards of sediment would be cost prohibitive. The cost for dredging all of the unconsolidated sediments in the lake would range from $10,000,000 to $30,000,000. There are some shallow areas along some of the shoreline. These areas should be spot dredged if they are a major problem for boating or other recreational activities. Spot dredging of select shallow areas of the lake, however, will have very little effect on improving water quality in the lake. Pond The “pond” section of Lake Carey has a mean depth of 3 feet and a mean sediment depth of 2.6 feet. Dredging of the pond would have several benefits. It would increase the water depth and capacity of the pond; it would remove a significant amount of nutrients; and, by removing the nutrients in the sediment, it would significantly reduce the internal loading of phosphorus to the pond. Based on historical dredging costs, costs for dredging of the 291,200 cubic yards of unconsolidated sediments would range from $2,500,000 to $9,000,000. These costs are based on projects that required formal public bidding. The dredging costs could be significantly lower if the lake was drawn down and a local contractor was used to excavate the sediments. Dredging costs vary based on a variety of factors, including: 1. The volume of unconsolidated sediment. The unit cost per cubic yard decreases as the sediment volume increased. 2. The chemical composition of the sediment. If the sediment contains toxic or hazardous chemicals in high concentrations, special disposal sites would be required, significantly increasing the cost of dredging. 3. The location of the sediment disposal site. Dredging costs increase as the distance to the sediment disposal site increases. 4. The physical characteristics of the sediment. If the sediment has characteristics of top soil, some contractors may dredge the lake for a significantly reduced price because he could use the sediment on construction projects. In one dredging project where the contractor wanted the sediment, the dredging cost was reduced to $2 per cubic yard. If the sediment is very mucky and consists of a lot of organic matter, contractors will usually not be interested in this kind of sediment, although it has a high nutrient content. Dredging of the pond should be further investigated via a Dredging Feasibility Study. The study should include an evaluation of dredging methods, sediment disposal locations, permitting requirements and project costs. 7.5.2 Lake Aeration Lake Dissolved oxygen depletion is a major problem in the lake. During the summer months low or depleted dissolved oxygen concentrations were observed. For example, in July 2004 the dissolved oxygen was totally depleted from a depth of 5 meters to the bottom. In August 2003 the dissolved oxygen was depleted from a depth of 4 meters to the bottom. Dissolved oxygen depletion adversely affects the lake by (1) significantly reducing the habitat for fish, most of which need about 5 mg/l of dissolved oxygen to survive, (2) eliminating the benthic macroinvertebrates (bottom aquatic insects), which are food for many fish, and (3) releasing dissolved orthophosphorus from the sediments under anoxic conditions. There are two types of lake aeration: total lake aeration and hypolimnetic aeration. Total lake aeration consists of installing aerator tubing in the bottom of the lake. Air is pumped through the tubing and enters the lake via small holes in the tubing. This type of aeration breaks up the thermocline and allows the nutrient-laden bottom waters mix with the top waters of the lake. Mixing of the nutrient-rich bottom waters with the surface waters would increase the eutrophication of the lake. Total lake aeration, therefore, is not recommended. The second type of lake aeration is hypolimnetic aeration. Hypolimnetic aeration consists of adding air or oxygen to only the hypolimnion (bottom water below the thermocline) of the lake. The purpose is to aerate only the bottom water where dissolved oxygen depletion occurs. Hypolimnetic aeration, unlike total lake aeration, does not destratify the lake. Hypolimnetic aeration should be investigated after a wastewater management system is installed and the lake does not respond sufficiently to the removal of nutrients from septic systems. Nutrients from septic systems and residential erosion should be controlled first. Lake monitoring should be performed to evaluate the improvement in water quality. If more input is required, hypolimnetic aeration should be further investigated. Pond Dissolved oxygen depletion does not occur in the pond due to the shallow condition. Aeration of the pond is therefore not recommended. 7.5.3 Phosphorus Inactivation Phosphorus inactivation is a lake restoration process that inactivates phosphorus so that it is not available for biological uptake by the phytoplankton. There are two general types of phosphorus inactivation: batch alum treatment and continuous alum treatment. Batch Alum Treatment Batch alum treatment consists of applying high doses of alum (aluminum sulfate) to the surface of a lake. The alum falls to bottom of the lake where it reacts with phosphorus to form an aluminum-phosphorus precipitate that effectively seals the bottom sediments. The purpose of batch alum treatment is to seal the sediments so that phosphorus is not released during anoxic conditions. Under the proper conditions, one alum treatment may last eight years or more. Batch alum treatment is appropriate for lakes with high internal phosphorus recycling and low external phosphorus loads. Since Lake Carey has a high external phosphorus load, batch alum treatment is not appropriate at this time. If, after septic system and stormwater runoff nutrient loads are reduced, the lake is still too eutrophic, then batch alum should be considered for both the lake and pond. Continuous Alum Treatment Continuous alum treatment consists of adding alum directly to the major tributary (or tributaries) of a lake on a continuous basis. The purpose of continuous alum treatment is to remove phosphorus from the water entering a lake. Alum is added to the stream in proportion to the flow. Alum jar tests were performed during this study to determine the dose needed to reduce the phosphorus concentration to a sufficient level. The results of the alum jar tests indicated that an alum dosage of about 68 mg/l was sufficient to reduce the phosphorus concentration to 0.008 mg/l. This indicates that continuous alum treatment would effectively reduce the phosphorus load entering Lake Carey from Meade Brook, the major tributary. Continuous alum treatment should be further evaluated after progress has been made on reducing the phosphorus loading from failing septic systems. If the lake is still too eutrophic, then continuous alum treatment may also be needed. 7.6 Public Education Public education is an important component of an effective management plan. The Lake Carey Cottages Association has been conducting a public education program for two years under a Growing Greener Grant. The current program includes a newsletter, distribution of PALM Notes, and summer public lectures. The program focuses on such topics as septic system management, riparian buffers, well water safety, and lake ecology. The Lake Carey public education program should be expanded to include coverage of the following topics: 1. Stormwater Impacts on Lake Carey, 2. Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development, 3. Wastewater Management Options, 4. Agricultural Best Management Practices, 5. Homeowner Practices, and 6. Lake and Watershed Management Plan The education program should consist of fact sheets, displays, workshops, and school programs. The audience for the public education program should include landowners and businesses in the watershed, lake users, elected and appointed municipal officials, developers, farmers, and school students. A website should be developed so that the management plan and educational information can be posted. Many of these activities can be funded by grants from the Growing Greener Program. 7.7 Water Quality Monitoring A modified water quality program should be continued. It should consist of lake and stream monitoring. Lake Carey should be monitored once per month from May through September. One station should be in the lake and one in the pond. A surface water sample should be collected from each lake station and analyzed for the following parameters: Total Phosphorus Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus Total Nitrogen Chlorophyll a Total Suspended Solids pH Phytoplankton In situ measurements should include Secchi Disk and a temperature-dissolved oxygen profile at each station. Quarterly dry and wet weather stream samples should be collected and analyzed for total suspended solids, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen. A formal baseline macrophyte survey should be conducted by a professional ecologist in order to document the macrophyte species present and determine whether any of those macrophytes are non-native, invasive species. If any invasive species are found, steps should be taken to eradicate them immediately. Members of the Lake Carey Cottages Association should receive training in the identification of the types of macrophytes found in Lake Carey as well as potential invasive species so that they can conduct annual macrophyte surveys at the lake and pond. If in the future the macrophyte populations become excessive, the Lake Carey Cottages Association should hire a macrophyte management company to address the problem. 8.0 Implementation of Lake and Watershed Management Plan 8.1 Watershed Management Implementation The two main priorities in watershed management for the Lake Carey watershed are managing the damaging consequences of development: wastewater and stormwater. Implementing a wastewater management program in the Lake Carey watershed should be a high priority. Because the soils in the Lake Carey watershed have severe restrictions for conventional septic systems, there is a high probability that all of the conventional septic systems in the Lake Carey watershed are failing and are polluting the groundwater and Lake Carey. Therefore, replacement or repair of the existing on-site wastewater systems is infeasible on a watershed scale. Wastewater alternatives such as decentralized or centralized wastewater systems should be evaluated as part of an Act 537 Plan revision for townships within the watershed. The watershed stormwater problem areas identified in Section 5.0 should be corrected. These problem areas consist of roads, culverts, gullies, drainage ditches, driveways, and unvegetated lakeshore areas that contribute eroded soil and polluted stormwater to Lake Carey. Restoration of eroding streambanks and installation or repair of drainage structures are highly successful ways to significantly reduce sediment and nutrient loadings to Lake Carey for a reasonable cost. A particularly low cost method for improving water quality in lakes and streams is to plant or maintain a one to two foot unmowed vegetative buffer strip along all lake shores and streambanks to ensure proper erosion control and to reduce the amount of nonpoint source pollution entering the waterways. The three problematic gravel roads in the Lake Carey watershed as noted in Section 7.3.1 should be paved. Runoff from these roads should be directed to bioretention systems rather than to storm sewers that discharge directly to Lake Carey. Agricultural lands contribute significant amounts of sediment and nutrients to Lake Carey; however, the Wyoming County Conservation District and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) have already implemented many agricultural BMPs in the watershed. These agricultural BMPs should be monitored to determine their effectiveness. Nutrient Management and Conservation Management Plans are a high priority and should be developed for all farms within the watershed. Riparian buffer zones on farmlands should be restored as necessary to create a shrub and forested riparian zone along the tributaries to Lake Carey. Farmer education and participation in the implementation of agricultural BMPs is desirable since this practice will promote stewardship in the BMP. BMPs must be implemented and maintained by the individual farmers in order to achieve the maximum benefit of the BMP. 8.2 Watershed Planning and Education Implementation The Lake Carey watershed is developing rapidly. In order to preserve open space and protect the water quality in Lake Carey, the townships in the watershed should update their zoning ordinances and adopt riparian buffer, conservation, and stormwater management ordinances in the near future. The existing public education program in the watershed should be expanded. Local citizens should be educated about watershed protection practices and homeowner practices that can help reduce nonpoint source pollution entering the lakes and streams. 8.3 In-Lake Management Implementation In-lake management practices that should be considered for the pond and lake at Lake Carey include: lake and pond dredging, lake aeration, and phosphorus inactivation (alum treatment). Dredging the pond would be more economically feasible than dredging the lake, and should be a priority. Hypolimnetic aeration is most applicable for the lake; the pond does not require aeration due to its shallow nature. Continuous alum treatment is more applicable at Lake Carey than batch alum treatment. All of these in-lake options would require feasibility studies to determine their effectiveness. In addition, a modified lake monitoring program should be continued in order to document any improvements after implementing the lake and watershed management plan. A baseline macrophyte survey should be performed to document the macrophyte distribution in the lake and to detect any invasive species. Annual macrophyte surveys should follow. 8.4 Implementation Schedule In-lake management alternatives such as phosphorus inactivation and hypolimnetic aeration are important management techniques for Lake Carey, but should not be used in lieu of watershed management practices. Until specific identified problems within the watershed are addressed, nutrients and sediments will continue to enter the lake system and water quality will be negatively impacted. In-lake alternatives should only be implemented after some or all of the watershed management recommendations are implemented for greatest efficacy. Implementation of the recommended management plan can be organized into short-term and long-term action plans, as follows: Short-Term Action Plan The short-term action plan should consist of the following: 1. Submit Growing Greener Application to: Control Existing Stormwater Problem Areas Expand Public Education Program Develop Municipal Ordinances 2. Implement Expanded Public Education Program 3. Perform 537 Wastewater Management Plan Revision and Evaluate: Decentralized Systems Centralized Systems Funding Sources 4. Encourage Easements and Develop or Revise Existing Ordinances: Conservation Easements Riparian Buffer Ordinance Conservation Ordinance Stormwater Management Ordinance Zoning Ordinance 5. Investigate the Feasibility of Dredging the Pond and/or Spot Dredging of the Pond and Lake 6. Evaluate Funding Opportunities Growing Greener Program Penn Vest Special Appropriations 7. Continue Modified Water Quality Monitoring Program Long-Term Action Plan The long-term action plan is designed to be performed after progress has been made on reducing the sediment and nutrient loadings from failing septic systems and watershed erosion and runoff. Some elements of the long-term action plan could be performed concurrently with the short-term action plan. The long-term action plan consists of the following: 1. Investigate the Feasibility of Installing a Hypolimnetic Aeration System in the Lake. 2. Investigate the Feasibility of Adding Alum to Meade Brook to reduce the phosphorus load to Lake Carey. 3. Implement Dredging of Pond and/or Lake Based on Feasibility Study 8.5 Funding Sources The two primary funding sources for implementing the recommended management plan are the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) Growing Greener Program and the EPA's 319 Nonpoint Source Program. The Growing Greener Program provides funding to perform watershed protection programs, implement best management practices, and develop public education programs. The 319 Nonpoint Source program is administered in Pennsylvania through the Growing Greener Program, and provides funds for watershed management projects and public education programs. Another funding source is the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) which helps to support the installation of conservation practices on farms through the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts (PACD). CREP is a federal program in which the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) partners with states to reduce sediment or nutrient runoff from agricultural land. The USDA provides 50 percent of the funds necessary to install conservation measures, such as filter strips, permanent vegetative cover or riparian buffers. Additional funds come from the Growing Greener program. Farmers in the Lake Carey watershed should be encouraged to apply for funding under the CREP program to implement BMPs on their land. 9.0 References Carlson, R. E. 1977. A trophic state index for lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:361-369. Chapra, S. C. 1975. Comment on ‘An Emperical Method of Estimating the Retention of Phosphorus in Lakes,’ by W.B. Kirchner and P.J. Dillon. Water Resources Res. 2(6):1033-1034. Cooke, G. Dennis, Eugene B. Welch, Spencer A. Peterson, Peter R. Newroth. 1993. Restoration and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs, Second Edition. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. Harper, H.H., J.L. Herr, and E.H. Livingston. 1998. Alum Treatment of Stormwater Runoff – An Innovative BMP for Urban Runoff Problems. pp. 205-211. Jones, C.W. and J. Taggart. 2001. Managing Lakes and Reservoirs. North American Lake Management Society and Terrene Institute in Cooperation with the Office of Water, Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, US EPA, Madison, WI. Jones, J. R., and R. W. Bachmann. 1976. Prediction of Phosphorus and Chlorophyll Levels in Lakes. J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 48(9):2176-2182. Kirchner, W. B., and P. J. Dillon. 1975. An Emperical Method of Estimating the Retention of Phosphorus in Lakes. Water Resources Res. 11(1)182-183. Larsen, D. P., and H. T. Mercier. 1976. Phosphorus Retention Capacity of Lakes. J. Fish.Res. Bd. Cann. 33(8):1742-1750. Novotny, Vladimer, Ph.D., P.E., and Gordon Chesters, Ph.D., D.Sc., 1981,Handbook of Nonpoint Pollution Sources and Management, Van Nonstrand Reinhold Company, New York, NY. Olem, H. and G. Flock, eds. 1990. Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual. 2nd edition. EPA 440/4-90-006. Prep. by N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc. for U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Washington, D.C. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 2003. Watershed Notebook for Subbasin 01B, Lackawaxen River, Harrisburg, PA. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 1999. Document I.D.: 391-2000-010, Implementation Guidance for Section 95.6 Management of Point Source Phosphorus Discharges to Lakes, Ponds, and Impoundments, Harrisburg, PA. Prairie, Y.T. 1989. Statistical Models for the Estimation of Net Phosphorus Sedimentation in Lakes. Journal Info Aquatic Sciences. v 51 n 3192. Reckhow, K. H., and M. N. Beaulac, and J. T. Simpson. 1980. Modeling phosphorus loading and lake response under uncertainty: A manual and compilation of export coefficients. Report No. EPA-440/5-80-011. Reckhow, K. H. 1977. Phosphorus Models for Lake Management. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University. Schueler, T. R. 1987. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs. Prepared for: Washington Metropolitan Water Resources Planning Board. Sunday Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. Lake Carey’s Almost Names, Retrieved from www.advsolutions.com/carey/lakecarey.htm. Susquehanna River Basin Commission, March 2, 2001. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Lake Carey, Wyoming County. Ulanoski, J. T., R. H. Shertzer, J. L. Barker, and R. T. Harman, 1981. Trophic Classification and Characteristics of Twenty-Six Publicly Owned Pennsylvania Lakes. Bureau of Water Quality Management, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Publication No. 61, 240 pages. United States Census Bureau, 2002. 2000 Census for Municipalities in Wayne County, PA. Retrieved from http://www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Soil Survey of Wayne County, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Clean Lakes Program Guidance Manual,” EPA-440/581-003, Washington, D.C. (1980). Vollenweider, R. A. 1969. Possibilities and Limits of Elementary Models Concerning the Budget of Substances in Lakes. Arch. Hydrobiol. 66(1):1-36. Walker, W. W., Jr. 1977. Some Analytical Method Applied to Lake Water Quality Problems. PhD. dissertation, Harvard University. Wetzel, R. G. 1975. Limnology. W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia. Wyoming County Historical Society, Lake Carey Facts. Retrieved from www.scrantontimestribute.com/stories/Tornado/27260.htm NCDC National Climatic Data Center, 2004. Wilkes Barre Scranton W, Luzurne County (NCDC 9705).