1 Homework 1 AERE355 Fall 2015 Due 9/5(F) Name __________________________________________ NOTE: Answer (no work required) ; Solution (You need to show work used to arrive at the answer) Problem 1(20pts) In the altitude region 0 h 10km , we have the following atmospheric equations: T T0 h . P T P0 T0 T 0 T0 (1 go ) R go R (1.9*) . or (1.55) P RT (1.57) Write a Matlab code that will generate a table with columns h T P for the array of altitude values h 0 : 1000 : 10000 , give the table, and comment on how it compares to Table A.1 on p.395 in APPENDIX 1. Solution: Standard Atmosphere Table HG Comment: h T P 2 PROBLEM 2 (35pts) [Related to book Problem 1.2] An airplane’s altimeter reading is 5,000m. (a)(15pts) If the outside ambient temperature is -20oC and the plane’s true airspeed is 300m/s, find the plane’s indicated airspeed. Solution: (b)(5pts) Suppose that the altimeter reading fluctuates between roughly 4,990m and 5,010m, and that the mean reading is h 5,000 m . Assume that the fluctuation h has a normal distribution with 3m . Use the Matlab command ‘normpdf’ to arrive at a plot of the probability density function (pdf) for the altimeter reading, h. Solution: The Matlab code in the Appendix gives the plot below: Figure 1.2.1 Altimeter reading pdf. (c)(5pts) On p.17 we have equation (1.54): ln( P / P1 ) T h detailed steps to show that P Po o To g o T1 (h h1 ) . Beginning with this equation, carry out ln R T1 g o / R . Solution: (d)(5pts) To arrive at a theoretical expression for the pdf of P from that of h is beyond the scope of this course. For this reason, the pdf will be arrived at using simulations. Specifically, use the Matlab command ‘normrnd’ to generate N=10,000 simulations of h. Next, use these in the expression in (c) to obtain simulated measurements of P. Then: (i) use the command ‘hist’ to arrive at a plot of an estimate of the pdf of P, (ii) use the commands ‘mean’ and ‘std’ to estimate the mean and standard deviation of P, (iii) overlay a normal pdf model on your plot, and (iv) comment on whether you think the normal pdf model is accurate. NOTE: Recall that R 287 m2 /o K s 2 and .0065 o K / m . Solution: (i) & (iii): The code in the Appendix gave the plot below: 3 Figure 1.2.2 Plots of the histogram-based and normal pdfs for P (ii) The estimated mean and standard deviation are: (iv) COMMENT: R 1 g o P (e)(5pts) Show that the relation between density and pressure is: o Po Solution: (f)(5pts) EXTRA CREDIT Repeat part (d) for the density. Solution: (i) & (iii): The code in the Appendix gave the plot below: Figure 1.2.3 Plots of the histogram-based and normal pdfs for . (ii) The estimated mean and standard deviation are: (iv) COMMENT: . 4 (g)(5pts) EXTRA CREDIT Recall that VIAS VTAS 300 . Repeat part (e) for VIAS . Solution: (i) & (iii): The code in the Appendix gave the plot below: Figure 1.2.3 Plots of the histogram-based and normal pdfs for VIAS . (ii) The estimated mean and standard deviation are: (iv) COMMENT: 5 PROBLEM 3 (25pts) [Related to book problem 2.1] A given wing moment equation is: Cmcg 0.08 0.15C Lw w (a)(5pts) Recall from the discussion below Figure 2.5 on p.43 that the trim condition is defined as that condition such that Cmcg 0 . (i.e. the trim moment coefficient equals zero). Give the corresponding trim lift coefficient. Answer: (b)(5pts) The (scaled) wing center of gravity of the wing is hcg w point h N w xNw c x cg w c 0.3 . Use (2.6) on p.45 to find the wing neutral .Assume that the neutral point equals the aerodynamic center point. Solution: (c)(10pts) In (2.7) we see that C Lw C Lw C L w . Suppose that the wing lift equals zero when 0 w w iw 2o ( / 180o ) .0349rad , and it is at trim when w wtrim 5o ( / 180 o ) .0873 rad . Find C Lw0 and C Lw . Then plot CLw as a function of w over the range 0o w 10o . Solution: Figure 2.1 Plot of CLw versus α. (d)(5pts) For a wing-alone configuration as shown in Figure 2.7, explain why it is not statically stable. Explanation: 6 PROBLEM 4 (10pts) Consider a thin, symmetric airfoil. From Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by J. D. Anderson, we have the following the following: (i) hn = 1/4 . p.328 Fig. 4.27 (ii) CL ( ) 2 . p.325 eqn. (4.33) (iii) CmAC = 0. p.327 eqn. (4.41) Use the above results to obtain the expression for Cm ( ) . (a)(6pts) Use your results in (a) to obtain the expression for Cm ( ) . Solution: (b)(4pts) From your equation identify trim . If it does not exist, explain why. Answer: PROBLEM 5 (10pts) Proper understanding of notation is of utmost importance in this course. Give the definitions of the following sets of variables: (i) ( x, y, z) ; (ii) ( X ,Y , Z ) ; (iii) (u, v, w) ; (iv) ( L, M , N ) ; (v) (V , , ) . Answers: 7 Appendix Matlab Code